Rigid Pavement Design

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1 State/Location : Bihar
2 Type of Pavement
Road Type : N.H
Carriageway : 4-L divided
Lane width : 3.5 m
3 Traffic data
Design period : 30 years
Design Traffic in each direction : 3000 CVPD
Axle distribution:
a. Front single axle : 45%
b. Rear Single Axle : 15%
c. Rear tandem axle : 25%
d. Rear tridem axle : 15%
Commercial vehicles with spacing < 4.5m : 55%
(between the front axle & the first rear axle)
Traveling time distribution:
a. 6 AM to 6PM (Day Time) : 40%
b. 6PM to 6AM (Night Time ) : 60%
Average number of axles per commercial vehicle : 2.35
Table-I: Axle Load Spectrum
Single Axle Tandem Axle Tridem Axle
Axle Load Frequency Axle Load Frequency Axle Load Frequency
Class (kN) (%) Class (kN) (%) Class (kN) (%)
185-195 18.15 380 - 400 14.5 530-560 5.23
175-185 17.43 360 - 380 10.5 500-530 4.85
165-175 18.27 340 - 360 3.63 470-500 3.44
155-165 12.98 320 - 340 2.5 440-470 7.12
145-155 2.98 300 - 320 2.69 410-440 10.11
135-145 1.62 280 - 300 1.26 380-410 12.01
125-135 2.62 260 - 280 3.9 350-380 15.57
115-125 2.65 240 - 260 5.19 320-350 13.28
105-115 2.65 220 - 240 6.3 290-320 4.55
95-105 3.25 200 - 220 6.4 260-290 3.16
85-95 3.25 180 - 200 8.9 230-260 3.1
<85 14.15 < 180 34.23 < 230 17.58
100 100 100
Note: Front (steering) axle are not considered.
4 Effective CBR of compacted sub-grade 8%
B. Design Traffic for Fatigue Analysis
Design period 30 years
Annual rate of growth of commercial traffic 0.075
Design traffic in each direction in the year of completion of construction 3000 CVPD
Two way commercial traffic volume per day 6000 CVPD
Proportion of traffic in predominant direction 50%
Cumulative No of Commercial vehicles during design period (two-way), A 226444692 CVs
Average number of axles per commrecial vehicles, B 2.35
Cumulative No of Commercial Axles during design period (two-way), C=A*B 532145026 axles
Number of axles in predominant direction, D=0.5*C 266072513
Design Traffic after adjusting for lateral placement of axles ( 25% of predominant
direction of traffic for multi-lane highways), E 66518128

Night time design axle repetitions ( 12 hour) =0.6*E 39910877

Day time design axle repetitions ( 12 Hour) = 0.4*E 26607251
Day time six hour axle load repetitions 13303626
Hence Design number of axle load repetitions for BUC analysis 13303626
Night time Six hour axle load repetitions 19955439
% of commercial vehicles having the spacing between the front axle and the first
axle of the rear axle unit less than 4.5m 55%

Six hour night time design axle repetitions for TDC analysis 10975491

Axle load category wise, design axle load repetitions for Bottom up & Top down fatigue
cracking analysis :

Proportion Axle repetitions for Axle repetitions for

Axle Category
of axle BUC analysis TDC analysis

Front Single 45% 5986632 4938971

Rear Single 15% 1995544 1646324
Rear Tandem 25% 3325907 2743873
Rear Tridem 15% 1995544 1646324

B. Pavement composition & properties of materials :

Debonding layer (with
DLC Ploythene sheet of 125
Drainage Layer (GSB) micron)
Separation Layer

Modulus of subgrade reaction of subgrade 50.33 MPa/m

Thickness of Granular Subbase 150 mm
Thickness of Dry Lean Concrete subbase 150 mm
Effective modulus of subgrade reaction of foundation,k 285 MPa/m
Unit weight of Concrete, ϒ 24 kN/m^3
28-day Flexural strength of cement concrete 4.5 MPa
90-day Flexural strength of cement concrete 4.95 MPa
Elastic modulus of concrete, E 30000 MPa
Poisson's ratio of concrete, μ 0.15
Max. day-time Temperature differential in slab 16.8 ˚C
Night-time Temperature differential in slab 13.4 ˚C
5 Design option for concrete pavement
a. Shoulder (tied/untied) Tied concerte
b. widened outer lane does not arise
c. Transverse Joint (doweled/undoweled) Doweled
d. Spacing of transverse joint 4.50 m
e. Bonded / unbonded between concretre pavement & Sub-base unbonded
Slab Thcikness considering the safe criteria of Cumulative Fatigue Damage (CFD) for Bottom Up Cracking
(BUC) & Top Down Cracking (TDC) ( For safe pavement thcikness, CFD (BUC) + CFD (TDC) <=1)

CFD Values for different Trial Thickness

CFD for CFD for CFD for
Thicknes Remarks
0.270 2.713 1.849 4.562 Unsafe
0.280 0.986 0.749 1.735 Unsafe
0.285 0.540 0.450 0.990 Safe
0.290 0.287 0.259 0.546 Safe
0.300 0.056 0.064 0.120 Safe

Safe Slab thickness of 300mm considered to permit retexuring and grinding to rectify the faulting during the
service life
Table-2 (IRC:58-2015) Table-4 (IRC:58-2015)
k-value of k-value of
CBR(%) of k-value of
Subgrade DLC (150)
Subgrade Subgrade
(Mpa/m) (Mpa/m)
7 48 48 277
10 55 55 300
8 50.33 50.33 285
Fatigue Damage Analysis :
k = 285 MPa/m
ϒ = 24 kN/m^3
E = 30000 MPa
μ = 0.15
Fcr/90 = 4.95 MPa
+∆T (For BUC Analysis) = 16.8 ˚C
-∆T (For TDC Analysis) = 13.4 ˚C
Trial Slab Thickness, h = 0.29 m
Radius of relative stiffness, I =
Load Transfer Efficiency Factor for TDC analysis,β 0.66
A. Bottom-up Cracking Fatigue Analysis for Day-time (6 hour) traffic and Positive Temperature Differential
Axle Load Spectrum Data Fatigue Damage Analysis for Bottom up Craking (BUC)
Single Axle Tandem Axle Rear Tridem Axle Rear Single axles Rear Tandem Axles

Mid-point Mid-point Mid-point Expected Flexural Allowable Fatigue Expected Allowable

Flexural Fatigue
Axle Load of Axle Frequency Axle Load of Axle Frequency Axle Load of Axle Frequency repetitions Stress repetions Damage repetitions Stress repetions
Stress 'S' Stress Damage
Class (kN) load 'P' (%) Class (kN) load 'P' (%) Class (kN) load 'P' (%) ni Ratio (SR) Ni (n i / N i) ni Ratio ( SR) Ni
Mpa Mpa (ni/Ni)
kN kN kN

185-195 190 18.15 380 - 400 390 14.5 530-560 545 5.23 362191 2.450 0.495 979960 0.370 482257 2.069 0.418 infinite 0.000
175-185 180 17.43 360 - 380 370 10.5 500-530 515 4.85 347823 2.372 0.479 2575774 0.135 349220 1.999 0.404 infinite 0.000
165-175 170 18.27 340 - 360 350 3.63 470-500 485 3.44 364586 2.294 0.463 10220031 0.036 120730 1.928 0.39 infinite 0.000
155-165 160 12.98 320 - 340 330 2.5 440-470 455 7.12 259022 2.216 0.448 infinite 0.000 83148 1.858 0.375 infinite 0.000
145-155 150 2.98 300 - 320 310 2.69 410-440 425 10.11 59467 2.138 0.432 infinite 0.000 89467 1.788 0.361 infinite 0.000
135-145 140 1.62 280 - 300 290 1.26 380-410 395 12.01 32328 2.060 0.416 infinite 0.000 41906 1.717 0.347 infinite 0.000
125-135 130 2.62 260 - 280 270 3.9 350-380 365 15.57 52283 1.982 0.4 infinite 0.000 129710 1.647 0.333 infinite 0.000
115-125 120 2.65 240 - 260 250 5.19 320-350 335 13.28 52882 1.904 0.385 infinite 0.000 172615 1.577 0.319 infinite 0.000
105-115 110 2.65 220 - 240 230 6.3 290-320 305 4.55 52882 1.826 0.369 infinite 0.000 209532 1.507 0.304 infinite 0.000
95-105 100 3.25 200 - 220 210 6.4 260-290 275 3.16 64855 1.748 0.353 infinite 0.000 212858 1.436 0.29 infinite 0.000
85-95 90 3.25 180 - 200 190 8.9 230-260 245 3.1 64855 1.670 0.337 infinite 0.000 296006 1.366 0.276 infinite 0.000
<85 80 14.15 < 180 170 34.23 < 230 215 17.58 282369 1.592 0.322 infinite 0.000 1138458 1.296 0.262 infinite 0.000
100 100 100 1995543.0 CFD (BUC) for single axles = 0.540 3325907 CFD (BUC) for Tandem axles= 0.000

Cumulative Fatigue Damage Values for Different Trial Thickness

CFD for BUC Case CFD for TDC Case
Slab Due to Due to Due to CFD for
Thicknes Due to Due to BUC + Remarks
Rear Rear Rear
'm' Tandem Total CFD Tandem Total CFD TDC
Single Single Tridem
axles axles
axles axles axles
0.270 2.713 0.000 2.713 0.709 1.033 0.107 1.849 4.562 Unsafe
0.280 0.986 0.000 0.986 0.274 0.440 0.035 0.749 1.735 Unsafe
0.285 0.540 0.000 0.540 0.155 0.277 0.018 0.450 0.990 Safe
0.290 0.287 0.000 0.287 0.087 0.163 0.009 0.259 0.546 Safe
0.300 0.056 0.000 0.056 0.016 0.047 0.001 0.064 0.120 Safe
Radius of relative stiffness For BUC For TDC
I=(Eh^3/(12k(1-μ^2))^0.25 Single Axle - Pavement with tied concrete shoulders For all Axle - Pavement with tied concrete shoulders
For k > 150 MPa/m
S=0.042 + 3.26 (ϒh2/kl2) + 1.62 Ph/(Kl4) + 0.0522∆T S= - 0.219 + 1.686βPh/kl4) + 168.48h2/(kl2) + 0.1089∆T

Tandem Axle - Pavement with tied concrete shoulders

For k > 150 MPa/m

S= - 0.210 + 3.88(ϒh2/kl2) + 0.73P.h / (Kl4) + 0.0506∆T

Fatigue Damage Analysis for Bottom up Craking (BUC) Rear Tridem Axles (Stress computed for 33% of axle
Rear Tandem Axles (Stress computed for 50% of axle
Rear Single Axles load)

Expected Flex Allowable Fatigue Expected Flex Allowable Fatigue Expected Flex Allowable Fatigue
Stress Stress Stress
Repetition Stress Repetition Damage Repetition Stress Repetition Damage Repetition Stress Repetition Damage
Ratio (SR) Ratio (SR) Ratio (SR)
s (ni) MPa s (Ni) (ni/Ni) s (ni) MPa s (Ni) (ni/Ni) s (ni) MPa s (Ni) (ni/Ni)

298808 2.363 0.477 2973744 0.100 397862 2.390 0.483 1966925 0.202 86103 2.319 0.468 6222972 0.014
286954 2.310 0.467 6832054 0.042 288107 2.337 0.472 4390003 0.066 79847 2.265 0.458 18347242 0.004
300783 2.256 0.456 23960414 0.013 99603 2.283 0.461 12755899 0.008 56634 2.212 0.447 infinite 0.000
213693 2.203 0.445 infinite 0.000 68597 2.229 0.450 62790761 0.001 117218 2.158 0.436 infinite 0.000
49060 2.149 0.434 infinite 0.000 73810 2.176 0.440 infinite 0.000 166443 2.104 0.425 infinite 0.000
26670 2.096 0.423 infinite 0.000 34573 2.122 0.429 infinite 0.000 197724 2.051 0.414 infinite 0.000
43134 2.042 0.413 infinite 0.000 107011 2.069 0.418 infinite 0.000 256333 1.997 0.404 infinite 0.000
43628 1.988 0.402 infinite 0.000 142407 2.015 0.407 infinite 0.000 218632 1.944 0.393 infinite 0.000
43628 1.935 0.391 infinite 0.000 172864 1.962 0.396 infinite 0.000 74908 1.890 0.382 infinite 0.000
53506 1.881 0.38 infinite 0.000 175608 1.908 0.385 infinite 0.000 52024 1.837 0.371 infinite 0.000
53506 1.828 0.369 infinite 0.000 244205 1.854 0.375 infinite 0.000 51036 1.783 0.360 infinite 0.000
232955 1.774 0.358 infinite 0.000 939228 1.801 0.364 infinite 0.000 289424 1.729 0.349 infinite 0.000
1646325 CFD (TDC) for single axles = 0.155 2743875 CFD (TDC) for Tandem axles= 0.277 1646326 CFD (TDC) for Tridem axles= 0.018
1 Type of Road Four lane divided carriageway
2 annual rainfall 1500 mm/year
3 width of carriageway 7m
4 paved shoulder 1.5 m
5 unpaved 1m
6 transverse joint spacing 4.5 m
7 longitudinal gradient 3%
8 camber 2.50%
9 embankment side slope 2:01
10 PQC 300 mm
11 DLC 150 mm
12 Thickness of drainage layer 150 mm
13 Drainage layer will be provided below DLC layer for full width of embankment
1 Combined thickness of DLC+PQC = 450 mm
2 Depth at which drainage layer is available 450 mm
3 Width of the drainage layer 10.4 m

Longitudinal Slope 3%

Direction of flow of water

Camber 2.50%


AB = 10.4 m
AC = 12.48 m
AD = 16.25 m
Drop of elevation along AC = 0.3744 m
Drop of elevation along CD = 0.26 m
Drop of elevation along AD = 0.6344 m
Gradient along AD = 0.03904

Crack infiltration rate = 0.223 m3/day/m

Number of longitudinal joint = 3
Width of pavement subjected to infiltration = 9.5 m
length of transverse cracks or joints = 8.5 m
Spacing of transverse joint = 4.5 m
rate filtration through uncracked pavement = 0
rate of infiltration of water into pavement = 0.115 m3/day/m
Amount of infiltrated water per metre width flowing along the
path AD of the drainage layer = 1.86875 m3/day/m
Q= KIA m3/day/m
KA = 47.87 m3/day
With drainage layer of 0.15m A = 0.15 sqm
Required coefficient of permeability = 319 m/day

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