Elimination Reactions Mechanism Lecture Notes

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Dept. of Chemistry, Sri Sarada Niketan, Kanavaipudur.



An elimination reaction is a type of organic reaction in which two substituents are removed
from a molecule in either a one or two-step mechanism. There are four types of elimination
reactions. They are:


In an α-elimination, both groups are lost from the same atom to give a carbene or a nitrene.


When two groups are lost from adjacent atoms so that a new double or triple bond is
formed, and the reaction is called β-elimination.


In a γ-elimination, the two groups are lost from α and γ positions, and a three-membered
ring is formed:

Extrusion reactions

Another type of elimination involves the removal of a fragment from within a chain or ring.
Such reactions are called extrusion reactions.

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E2 Mechanism

In the E2 mechanism (elimination, bimolecular), the two groups depart

simultaneously, with the proton being pulled off by a base. As in the case of the SN2 mechanism,
the leaving group may be positive or neutral and the base may be negatively charged or neutral.


A. The mechanism take place in one step and kinetically is second order.
B. When the leaving group (H in this case) is replaced by deuterium (D), there is an isotope
effect from 3 to 8 consistent with the breaking of this bond in rate-determining step.
C. E2 mechanism is stereospecific:
a) The five atoms involved in the transition state must be in one plane. There are two
ways for this to happen.

b) The H and X may be trans to one another (1) with a dihedral angle of 1800, or they
may be cis (2) with a dihedral angle of 00.
c) Conformation 1 is called anti-periplanar, and this type of elimination, in which H
and X depart in opposite directions, is called anti-elimination.
d) Conformation 2 is called syn-periplanar, and this type of elimination, in which H
and X depart in the same direction, is called syn-elimination.
e) In the absence of special effects, anti-elimination is usually greatly favored over
syn-elimination. Because, the staggered conformation (1) requires less energy to
reach the transition state, but the eclipsed conformation (2) requires more energy to
reach the transition state.

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Examples of anti-elimination

1. Elimination of HBr from meso-1,2-dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane gives cis-2-

bromostilbene, while the (+) or (-) isomer give the trans alkene.

2. Elimination of Br2 in the reaction of 2,3-dibromobutane with iodide ion. In this case, the
meso compound give the trans alkene and the dl pair the cis.

Stereochemistry of E2 eliminations in cyclohexane ring systems

a) Elimination of HX in a six-membered ring proceeds best when the H and X are trans to
each other.
b) Adjacent trans groups on a six-membered ring can be diaxial or diequatorial and the
molecule is generally free to adopt either conformation.

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c) Anti-periplanarity of the leaving groups requires that they be diaxial, even if this is the
conformation of higher energy. It is best explained in the elimination of HCl from menthyl
and neomenthyl chlorides.

d) Menthyl chloride has two chair conformations (1 & 2). Compound 2, in which the three
substituents are all equatorial, is the more stable.
e) The more stable chair conformation of neomenthyl chloride is 3, in which the chlorine is
axial; there are axial hydrogens on both C-2 and C-4. Hence, neomenthyl chloride gives
rapid E2 elimination and the alkene product is predominantly 5 in accord with Zaitsev’s
f) However, for menthyl chloride, elimination is much slower, and the product is entirely the
anti-Zaitsev (4). It is slow because, the unfavorable conformation 1 has to be achieved
before elimination can take place, and the product is 4, because only on this side is there is
an axial hydrogen.

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Example of syn-elimination

The deuterated norbornyl bromide gave 94 % of the product containing no deuterium.

In this case the exo Br group cannot achieve a dihedral angle of 180 0 with the endo
β-hydrogen because of the rigid structure of the molecule. The dihedral angle here is ~1200. These
leaving groups prefer syn-elimination with a dihedral angle of ~00.

E1 Mechanism

The E1 mechanism is a two-step process. The first step involves the ionization of the
substrate to give a carbocation. It is a slow and rate-determining step. The second step involves
the rapid lose of a β proton to a base, usually the solvent.

This mechanism normally takes place without an added base. In a pure E1 reaction (without
ion pairs etc.), the product should be completely nonstereospecific, since the carbocation is free to
adopt its most stable conformation before giving up the proton.


A. The mechanism take place in two steps and kinetically is first order. Because the solvent
is not appeared in the rate equation. This can be easily checked by adding a small amount
of the conjugate base of the solvent. The addition of the base does not increase the rate of
the reaction. Even the addition of powerful base does not enter into the rate-determining
step, and therefore the solvent also cannot enter into it.
B. If the reaction is performed on two molecules that differ only in the leaving group, the rates
should obviously be different, since they depend on the ionizing ability of the molecule.

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Consider the molecules tert-butylchloride (t-BuCl) and tert-butyldimethylsulfonium ion (t-


Once the carbocation is formed, if the solvent and the temperature are the same, the
elimination and substitution reactions take place and the ratio of elimination to substitution should
be the same, within 1%.

C. Many reactions carried out under first-order conditions on systems where E2 elimination
is anti proceed quite readily to give alkenes where a cis hydrogen must be removed, often
in preference to the removal of a trans hydrogen.
D. If carbocations are intermediates, we should expect rearrangements with suitable

E1CB Mechanism

In the E1 mechanism, X leaves first and then H. In the E2 mechanism, the two groups leave
at the same time. In E1CB mechanism, the H leaves first and then the X. This is a two-step process
called E1CB mechanism or carbanion mechanism, since the intermediate is carbanion.

The name E1CB comes from the fact that, the base used in this reaction is the conjugate
base of the substrate that is giving up the leaving group.

There are three cases in E1CB mechanism, they are:

Case 1: The carbanion returns to starting material faster than it forms product.

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Case 2: Step 1 is the slow step, and formation of product is faster than return of the carbanion to
starting material. In this case, step 1 is essentially irreversible.

Case 3: Step 1 is rapid, and the carbanion goes slowly to product. This case occurs only with the
most stable carbanions. Here too, step 1 is essentially irreversible.


A. The first step of the (E1CB)R (Case 1) mechanism involves a reversible exchange of protons
between the substrate and the base. In this case, if deuterium is present in the base,
recovered starting material should contain deuterium. This was found to be the case in the
treatment of Cl2C=CHCl with NaOD to give ClC≡CCl. When the reaction was stopped
before completion, there was deuterium in the recovered alkene.

A similar result was found for pentahaloethanes. These substrates are relatively
acidic. In both cases the electron-withdrawing halogens increase the acidity of the
hydrogen. In the case of trichloroethylene, there is an additional factor that a hydrogen on
sp2 carbon is more acidic than on an sp3 carbon. Thus, the E1CB mechanism is more likely
to be found in eliminations yielding triple bonds than in those giving double bonds.
B. Consider the reaction,

If the reaction is carried out in water containing acetohydroxamate buffers, a plot

of the rate against the buffer concentration is curved and the rate leveled off at high buffer
concentrations, indicating a change in rate-determining step. This rules out an E2
mechanism, which has only one step. When D2O was used instead of H2O as solvent, there
was an initial inverse solvent isotope effect of 7.7. i.e., the reaction takes place faster in
D2O than in H2O. This is compatible only with an E1CB mechanism in which the proton
transfer step is not entirely rate-determining. The isotope effect arises from a partitioning

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of the carbanion intermediate. This intermediate either can go to product or it can revert to
starting compound, which requires taking a proton from the solvent. In D2O, the latter
process is slower, because the O-D bond of D2O cleaves less easily than O-H bond of H2O,
this reduces the rate at which the carbanion returns to starting compound. Hence the
formation of product is increased.
C. The E1CB mechanism would most likely be found with substrates containing acidic
hydrogens and poor leaving groups. Compounds of the type, ZCH2CH2OPh, where, Z is
an electron-withdrawing group (e.g. NO2, SMe2+, ArSO2, CN, COOR) belong to this
category, because OPh is a very poor leaving group. Isotope effects, measured for
MeSOCD2CH2OPh and Me2S+CD2CH2OPh with NaOD in D2O are ~ 0.7. This is
compatible with an E1CB mechanism, but not with an E2 mechanism for which an isotope
effect of perhaps 5 might be expected.
D. E1CB mechanism has been found with the substrate (I), which when treated with methoxide
ion undergoes elimination and give (III), which is unstable under the reaction conditions
and rearranges as shown. In this case the kinetic and isotope-effect as well as spectral
detection confirms the existence of (II).

E. In many eliminations, to form C=O and C≡N bonds, the initial step is loss of a positive
group (normally a proton) from the oxygen or nitrogen. These may also be regarded as
E1CB processes.

Orientation of the double bond

With some substrates, a β-hydrogen is present on only one carbon and there is possibility of
only one product. For example, Ph-CH2-CH2-Br can give only Ph-CH=CH2. However, in many
cases, two or three olefinic products are possible. A secondary butyl compound can give either
1-butene or 2-butene. There are a number of rules that enable us to predict, which product will
predominantly form.

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1. No matter what the mechanism, a double bond does not go to a bridge head carbon unless
the ring sizes are large. For example, the compound (I) gives the product (II) but not (III).
Moreover, the compound (IV) does not undergo elimination.

2. No matter what the mechanism, if there is a double bond (C=C or C=O) or an aromatic
ring already in the molecule that can be in conjugation with the new double bond, the
conjugated product usually predominates, sometimes when the stereochemistry is
3. The formation of olefin is in accordance with Zaitsev’s rule. This rule states that the double
bond goes mainly towards the most highly substituted carbon. For example, a secondary
butyl compound gives more of 2-butene than 1-butene.

3-bromo-2,3-dimethylpentane gives more 2,3-dimethyl-2-pentene than either 3,4-

dimethyl-2-pentene or 2-ethyl-3-methyl-1-butene.

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Thus, Zaitsev’s rule predicts that the olefin predominantly formed will be the one with the
largest possible number of alkyl groups on the C=C carbons.

For E1 elimination, Zaitsev’s rule governs the orientation of whether the leaving group is
neutral or positive, as already mentioned, the leaving group is not present when the choice of
direction is made. This statement does not hold for E2 eliminations. For example, the E1
elimination of Me2CHCHMeSMe2+ give 91% of the Zaitsev product and 9% of the other.

Zaitsev’s rule breaks down in cases where non-Zaitsev product is more stable for steric

4. Zaitsev Vs Hofmann
For the anti E2 mechanism a trans β proton is necessary; if this is available in only
one direction, that is the way the double bond will form. If trans β hydrogens are available
on two or three carbons, two types of behavior are found, depending on substrate structure
and the nature of the leaving group. Some compounds follow Zaitsev’s rule and give

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predominant formation of the most highly substituted alkene, but others follow Hofmann’s
rule, i.e. the double bond goes mainly toward the least highly substituted carbon.
In most cases, compounds containing uncharged nucleofuges (those that come off
as negative ions) follow Zaitsev’s rule. However, elimination from charged nucleofuges,
for example, NR3+, SR2+ (those that come off as neutral molecules) follow Hofmann’s rule.
According to Hughes and Ingold, the Hofmann orientation is caused by the fact that
the acidity of the β hydrogen is decreased by the presence of electron-donating alkyl
groups. For example, under E2 conditions, Me2CHCHMeSMe2+ gives more of Hofmann

According to Bunnett, the presence of a positively charged leaving group in a

substrate causes the mechanism to shift toward the E1CB, where there is more C-H bond
breaking in the rate-determining step and where, acidity is more important. The positive
leaving groups exert a strong electron-withdrawing effect, and increases the acidity
compared with the substrates having neutral leaving groups. If neutral leaving group is
present in a substrate, normally E1mechanism takes place, where C-X bond breaking is
more important.
According to H.C.Brown, steric effects play a vital role in the orientation of the
double bond. In general, charged groups are usually larger than neutral ones. A -CH3 group
is more open to attack than a -CH2R group and a -CHR2 group is still less easily attacked.
Since neutral groups are smaller, they do not block the attack of hydrogen as much. Brown
showed that Hofmann elimination increases with the size of the leaving group. Thus, the
percentage of 1-ene obtained from CH3CH2CH2CHXCH3 was as follows:

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The percentage of Hofmann elimination increased, when increasing the basicity of

the base. This increase in base strength moves an E2 reaction closer to the E1CB.
5. Only a few investigations on the orientation of syn E2 eliminations have been carried out,
but these show that Hofmann orientation is greatly favored over Zaitsev.
6. In the E1CB mechanism the question of orientation rarely arises because the mechanism is
generally found only where there is an electron-withdrawing group in the β position.

Dehydration (Dehydration of alcohols): Hydro-hydroxy elimination

❖ Dehydration of alcohols can be accomplished in several ways. Both H2SO4 and H3PO4 are
common reagents, but in many cases, these leads to rearranged products and to ether
formation. If the alcohol can be evaporated, vapor-phase elimination over Al2O3 is an
excellent method since side reactions are greatly reduced.

❖ Besides Al2O3 other metallic oxides (e.g. Cr2O3, TiO2, WO3) have also been used.
❖ The presence of an electron-withdrawing group usually facilitates elimination of water in
the dehydration reaction.
❖ Another method to avoid the side reactions during the dehydration of alcohols involve the
conversion of the alcohol in to the corresponding ester and the pyrolysis of that ester forms
the dehydrated product. The dehydration of alcohols follows Zaitsev’s rule.


When proton acids catalyze the dehydration, the mechanism is E1. In that, the first step
involves conversion of ROH to ROH2+ and the second step involves the cleavage of ROH2+
into R+ and H2O. With some acids, the second step involves conversion of the alcohol to an
inorganic ester and ionization of the ester gives the dehydrated product.

The mechanism with Al2O3 and other solid catalysts has been studied extensively, but is
poorly understood.

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In addition, carboxylic acids can be dehydrated by pyrolysis and the product will be a

Dehydrohalogenation (Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides): Hydro-halo elimination

❖ The elimination of HX from an alkyl halide is a very general reaction and can be
accomplished with chlorides, fluorides, bromides, and iodides. Hot alcoholic KOH is the
most frequently used base in the dehydrohalogenation. Besides, the strong bases like OR-,
NH2- and the weak bases like amines were also used in the dehydrohalogenation reactions.

❖ Tertiary halides undergo elimination most easily. Elimination of chlorides, bromides, and
iodides follow Zaitsev’s rule, except for a few cases where steric effects are important.
Elimination of fluorides follow Hofmann’s rule.
❖ The dehydrohalogenation is the most important way to introduce a triple bond into a
molecule. Alkyne formation can be accomplished with substrates of the following types:

❖ If NaNH2 is used as a base, 1-alkynes predominate, because this base is strong enough to
form the salt of the alkyne, shifting any equilibrium between 1- and 2-alkynes. When the
base is OH- or OR- the thermodynamically more stable internal alkynes predominate.


❖ Dehydrohalogenation is generally carried out in solution, with a base, and the mechanism
is usually E2.

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❖ Dehydrohalogenation can be accomplished by pyrolysis of the halide, in which the

mechanism is Ei (Elimination internal / intramolecular) and in some cases free-radical
mechanism is found.
❖ Dehydrohalogenation of acyl halides afford ketenes. The reaction is carried out with
tertiary amines or with NaH and a crown ether.

Mechanism of Pyrolytic Eliminations

Several types of compounds undergo elimination on heating, with no other reagent present.
Reactions of this type are often run in the gas phase. Unlike other eliminations, pyrolytic
eliminations take place without the presence of base and solvents. Two types of mechanisms have
been found in pyrolytic eliminations.

Mechanism 1

❖ It involves a cyclic transition state. The transition state may be four, five, or six-membered.
In this mechanism, the two groups leave at the same time, and the mechanism is E i. The
elimination must be syn and, for the four- and five-membered transition states, the four or
five atoms making up the ring must be coplanar.
❖ As in the E2 mechanism, it is not necessary that the C-H and C-X bond be equally broken
in the transition state. In pyrolytic eliminations, the C-X bond is broken earlier than the
C-H bond but the extent of bond breaking is virtually identical for the two bonds.

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A. Kinetically it is a first order reaction, hence only one molecule of the substrate is involved
in the reaction.
B. Free-radical inhibitors do not slow the reactions, so no free-radical mechanism is involved.
C. It follows exclusive syn elimination. Because,
- an erythro isomer gives a trans alkene, and a threo isomer gives a cis alkene.
- the reaction takes place only when a cis β hydrogen is available
- if, in a cyclic compound, a cis hydrogen is available on only one side, the
elimination goes in that direction.
D. The 14C isotope effects for the Cope elimination show that the C-H bond and C-N bonds
have been extensively broken in the transition state.
E. Some of these reactions have been shown to exhibit negative entropies of activation,
indicating that the molecules are more restricted in the geometry of transition state than
they are in the starting compound.

Mechanism 2

❖ It involves free radicals. Initiation occurs by pyrolytic hemolytic cleavage. The remaining
steps may vary, and a few are given:

❖ Free-radical mechanisms are mostly found in pyrolysis of polyhalides and of primary

monohalides, although they also have been postulated in pyrolysis of certain carboxylic

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Chegaev reaction

❖ The Chugaev reaction involves the elimination of water from alcohols to produce alkenes.
The intermediate is a xanthate. At about 200 0C, the alkene is formed by an intramolecular
elimination. In a 6-membered cyclic transition state the hydrogen atom is removed from
the carbon atom β to the xanthate oxygen in a syn-elimination. The side product
decomposes to carbonyl sulfide (COS) and methanethiol.
❖ Xanthates undergo elimination from 120 to 200 0C, while esters require 400 to 500 0C and
amine oxides react between 80 to 160 0C. Since, the temperatures required with xanthates
are lower than with ordinary esters, which is advantageous because possible isomerization
of the resulting alkene is minimized. The mechanism is Ei.
❖ 13
C and 34
S isotopic studies shows that, the sulphur in the C=S involves in the six-
membered ring transition state.

Cope elimination (Cleavage of amine oxides): Hydro-(dialkyloxidoammonio)-elimination

❖ Cleavage of amine oxides to produce an alkene and a hydroxylamine is called the Cope
reaction or Cope elimination. The reaction is usually performed with a mixture of amine
and oxidizing agent without isolation of the amine oxide.
❖ Because of the mild conditions, side reactions are few, and the alkene do not usually
rearrange. The reaction is thus very useful for the preparation of many alkenes.
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❖ Rates of the reaction increase with increasing size of α and β-substituents. The reaction can
be carried out at room temperature in dry dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) or tetrahydro furan
❖ The Cope elimination is a stereoselective syn process, and involves five-membered Ei

❖ All evidences indicate that the transition state must be planar. Because of the
stereoselectivity of this reaction and the lack of rearrangement of the products, it is useful
for the formation of trans-cycloalkenes.

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