LCAO MO Theory Illustrated by Its Application To H2
LCAO MO Theory Illustrated by Its Application To H2
LCAO MO Theory Illustrated by Its Application To H2
and J6zsef Kelemen
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, 78712
1I LCAO MO Theory Illustrated
by Its Application to H,
'x, X, X6 lxg
The superscript denotes the electron occupying the
spin orbital in question.
The final approximation is to write the orbitals $, Each of these configurations is represented by a Slater
as linear combinations of basis set functions $, (eqn. determinant (eqn. (12))
(1)) which are usually taken to be SCF AO's of the in-
dividual atoms. The coefficients a,< are normally
found by solving a set of simultaneous algebraic equa-
tions (Roothaan equations). I n the case of Hz, the
problem is simplified by the presence of a plane of
symmetry bisecting theline joining the nuclei; the MO's
and $2 mnst be symmetric, or antisymmetric, for re-
flection in this plane.
Electronic Wave Functions of H2
We will use a minimum basis set, i.e., a set of AO's
corresponding to the naive conventional picture of
inner and valence shell AO's; in HZ this corresponds
t o the 1s AO's of two atoms, given by
The shorthand notation, e.g., ll+B1ll is self-explana-
tory; here the overbar denotes p spin, lack of it a spin.
where r* and rs are the distances of the electrons from Four of the determinants ('XI, 3xa2axs,'xs) can, as
their respective nuclei, measured in atomic units (a.u.) indicated, be factored into products of a space part and
a spin part; these are all eigenfnnctions of the opera-
tors S. (representing the component of spin momentum
where a. is the radius of the smallest Bohr orbit for along the z axis) and S Z (representing the square of
hydrogen. I n this system of units, which we will use the total spin) and so can serve as representation of HZ
henceforth, the mass of the electron and the electronic (for details see reference ( I c ) ) . Thus
charge are taken to be unity. S2('x,) = Sy'x,) = S*('x,) = S,('xs) = 0 (30)
From symmetry (see above), the only MO's that can
be constmcted from $1 and $2 are
+ +,(-&)+Id7 (twc-center nuclear attraction
integral, VtzB) (53)
Expanding Jl1likewise in terms of AO's and the exchange integral K12is given by
= +
4(1 Sd'
[(11,11) + (22,22) + (11,22) +
(22,ll) + (11,12) + (11,21) + (22,12) + Singly excited singlet state, lx6
(22,211 + (12,ll) + (21,ll) + (12,22) +
(21,22) + (12,121 + (21,121 +(lZ,Zl) + (21,Zl)I (61)
Doubly excited state, 'xe
+ Hr,A,a
( H I , - Em)Am1 = 0 (83)