Quiz 5 Math Splbe 2016

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The document contains a math quiz for Master Plumbers with 30 multiple choice questions covering topics like algebra, geometry, trigonometry, economics, and probability.

A series of payments to extinguish a debt (principal and interest) at equal interval


MATH QUIZ 5 June 24, 2015

1. The value of (3 to 2.5 power) square is equal to: (Algebra – Equation)

a. 729 b. 140 c. 243 d. 81
[(3)2.5 ]² = 243

2. An 8 meters aluminum ladder is used in delivering plumbing fixtures to the second the foot of the
ladder be placed from the wall of the building?
a. 2 meters b. 2 ½ meters c. 3 meters d. 3 ½ meters
4:1 ; 4/1 = 8/X ; X = 2

3. The value of a property at the end of its economic life is called, (Econ - Elements)
a. Market Value b. Book Value c. Salvage Value d. Fair Value
Salvage value is the value of the property at the end of its economic life

4. A PLDT tower and a monument stand on a level plane. The angles of depression of the
top and bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the PLDT tower are 13° and 35°
respectively. The height of the tower is 50 m. Find the height of the monument. (Trigo –
Angle of Depression)
a. 33.51 m b. 47.3 m c. 7.58 m d. 30.57 m
let x = distance from tower to monument ;
y = height of the monument

tan 35° = 50/x ; x = 71.41m

tan 13° = (50-y)/71.41 ; 50 - y = 16.49 ;

y = 33.51m

5. Pedro has 50 coins, all in 5 cents and 10 cents amounting to P3.50. How many 10
centavo coins does he have? (Mixture Problem)
a. 12 b. 20 c. 10 d. 40
x + y = 50 ; x = 50 – y …eq.1 ; x (0.05) + y (0.1) = 3.5 …eq.2
Subst. (50 – y)(0.05) + 0.1y = 3.5
2.5 -0.05y + 0.1y = 3.5 ; 0.05y = 3.5 – 2.5 ; y = 1/0.05 = 20

6. The excess of income over expenses (Econ - Elements)

a. Discount b. Rate of Return c. profit d. Rate of Interest

7.The area of a triangle is given by the formula (Trigo - Area)

a. √s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) b. 0.5absinθ c. bh/2 d. all of these

8. One leg of a right triangle is 6 inches and the hypotenuse is 2 inches longer than the other
leg. Find the length of the hypotenuse. Trigonometry (Pythagorean):
a. 3 b. 8 c. 10 d. 9
by Pythagorean, c² = a² + b² ; Length of hypotenuse, c = x + 2
(x + 2)² = 6² + x² ; x² + 4x + 4 = 36 + x²
4x = 32 ; x = 8 ; Length of hypotenuse, c = 8 + 2 = 10


9. The set of all points in the plane whose distances from a fixed point, called the focus, and
a fixed line, called the directrix, are always equal
a. parabola b. Ellipse c. hyperbola d. semi-circle

10. Roll a pair of dice. What is the probability that the sum of two numbers is 11?
a. 1/36 b. 1/9 c. 1/18 d. 1/20
No of trials with a sum of 11 = 2 …(5 & 6 and 6 & 5);
Total No. of Trials = 6n = 6² = 36
Probability = (No.of Successful trials)/(total No.of trials) = 2/36 = 1/18

11. A review center for Master Plumber verified and

studied the Pre-Board scores of their students. They
have learned that 55 like Mathematics, 50 like Design/
Plumbing Code and 51 likes Practical Exam; 32 like both
Math & Design/Plumbing Code; 28 like both Math and
Practical Exam; 25 like both Design/ Plumbing Code and
Practical Exam, and only 10 like all three subjects. How
many Master Plumber reviewees attended the review?
a. 156 b. 61 c. 81 d. 95
No. of students = 10 + 18 + 15 + 22 +5 + 8 + 3
No. of students = 81

12. A line that connects two points on a circle

a. Sector b. Chord c. Arc d. Segment

13. The diameter of a sphere and the base of a cone are equal. What percentage of that
diameter must the cone’s height be so that both volumes are equal? (Geometry)
a. H/D = 200% b. H/D = 300% c. H/D = 400% d. none of the choices
4/3 π r³ = 1/3 π r² h ; 4/3 r = 1/3 h ; r = D/2
4/3 (D/2) = 1/3 h ; 2D/3 = 1/3 h
6/3 = h/D ; h/D = 2 or 200%

14. Find the volume generated by revolving a rectangle of sides ‘a’ and ‘b’ about the side ‘a’.
a. π ba² b. π ab²/ 2 c. π ba²/ 2 d. π ab²
Volume = Revolved Area generated x side ‘a’ (formed a cylinder of radius b)
Volume = π b² x a = π ab²

15. The mass of a substance per unit volume is(Physics – Elements)

a. Density c. Specific Weight
b. Specific Gravity d. Force per Unit
Density - of a substance is its mass per unit volume.
Specific Gravity - is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference
Specific Weight - (also known as the unit weight) is the weight per unit volume of a material.


16. Find the standard size of an electric motor in HP required to drive the centrifugal pump
when delivering 1000 GPM of water at a total head of 20 meters and the pump efficiency is
assumed to be 70%. (Fluid Mechanics - Pumps)
a. 30 Hp b. 15 Hp c. 25 Hp d. 23 Hp
BHp = (Q x TDH x Sp Gr.)/ (3960 x pump efficiency)
BHp = (1000 x (20*3.28) x 1) / (3960 x 0.70)
BHp = 23.66 or Ans. Standard Size motor = 25 Hp

17. If a Plumbing Plan scaled as 1: 50, then 20 cm x 40cm cistern plan is equal to____ cubic
mts in actual? Assume 2.00 mts actual depth of the cistern.
a. 800 cu mts b. 1600 cu. mts c. 400 cu mts d. 2400 cu mts
1 0.2 𝑥 0.4
= ; Area, x = 200 m² ; Volume = 200 m² x 2m = 400 m³
50² 𝑋

1 0.2 1 0.4
OR = ; X = 10m ; = ; Y = 20m ; Volume = 10m x 20m x 2m depth = 400m
50 𝑋 50 𝑌

18. The ratio of the specific weight of the substance to the specific weight of water is
a. Specific Weight c. Force per Unit Volume
b. Specific Gravity d. Density
(Physics – Elements)
Specific Weight - (also known as the unit weight) is the weight per unit volume of a material.
Specific gravity - is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference
Density - of a substance is its mass per unit volume.

19. You have a bag of marbles. There are 3 red marbles, 2 green marbles, 7 yellow marbles,
and 3 blue marbles. What is the probability of drawing a yellow or red marble? (Probability)
a. 10/15 b. 0.667 c. 2/3 d. a, b and c
Probability = (Favorable Outcomes)/(Possible Outcomes)
Probability = (3+7)/15 = 10/15 = 2/3 = 0.667 (a, b, c are all correct answers)

20. The equivalent of 5 lit/sec in GPM is _______ (Conversion)

a. 10.59 b. 0.33 c. 635.66 d. 79.25
5 li/ sec x 60 sec/ min x 1gal/3.7854 li = 79.25 GPM

21. Ten to the 15th power is the value of the prefix

a. Exa b. Deka c. Peta d. Femto

22. A reliable form of meter used extensively in measuring the water flow in pipes under
pressure (Fluid Mech – Elements)
a. Weir b. Nozzle c. Orifice d. Venturi Meter
Weir – is a barrier across a river designed to alter its flow characteristics. In most cases,
weirs take the form of obstructions smaller than most conventional dams, pooling water
behind them while also allowing it to flow steadily over their tops. Weirs are commonly used


to alter the flow of rivers to prevent flooding, measure discharge, and help render rivers

Nozzle – is often a pipe or tube of varying cross sectional area, and it can be used to direct
or modify the flow of a fluid (liquid or gas). Nozzles are frequently used to control the rate of
flow, speed, direction, mass, shape, and/or the pressure of the stream that emerges from

Orifice – plate is a device used for measuring flow rate, for reducing pressure or for
restricting flow (in the latter two cases it is often called a restriction plate).

Venturi Meter - are flow measurement instruments which use a converging section of pipe to
give an increase in the flow velocity and a corresponding pressure drop from which the
flowrate can be deduced

23. The length of the sides of a triangle are 20cm, 30cm, and 40cm. What is the perimeter of
the triangle formed by joining the midpoints of the sides of this triangle? (Trigo - Perimeter)
a. 30 cm b. 45 cm c. 60 cm d. 55 m
The perimeter of the triangle formed by joining the midpoints of the 20cm, 30cm, and 40cm
sides of the triangle is equal to 1/2 of the perimeter of the original triangle 20+30+40 = 90/2
or The formed triangle will have its sides1/2 of the length of parallel sides of the original
triangles, 10+15+20 …P = 45

24. Find the side of an equilateral triangle whose area is 50.

a. 10.747 b. 8.2815 c. 12.1250 d. 9.5260
(Trigonometry - Area)
Area of Equilateral Triangle A=x² (√(3/4))
50 / (√(3/4)) = x² ; x² = 50/ 0.433 = 115.47 ; x = √115.47
x = 10.746 Ans.

25. Of what quadrant is Ɵ , if tan Ɵ is positive and cos Ɵ is negative?

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

26. A tree is broken over by a windstorm. The tree was 45 meters and the top of the tree is
15 meters from the foot of the tree. What is the height of the standing part of the tree?
a. 25m b. 10m c. 30m d. 20m


Height of tree is 45m. If the top of the broken tree is 15m from the foot of the tree, that means
the tree broke at 30m from the foot of the tree. Therefore, the standing part of the tree is
30m… (45-15 = 15+15) ; Ans. 30m

27. The angle of a sector is 30 degrees and the radius is 15 cm. What is the area of the
sector? (Geometry - Area)
a. 56 cm² b. 59 cm² c. 36 cm² d. 64 cm²
Radius, R=15cm ; Angle of Sector, φ = 12cm ; Area, As = (φ x π x R²) / 360
As = (30 x π x 15²) / 360 ; Ans. As = 58.9 cm²

28. What is an amortization? (Economics – Elements/ Definitions)

a. A series of payments to extinguish a debt (principal and interest) at equal interval
b. A lump sum at the end of the year
c. The present worth of a future amount
d. A series of uniform amounts over a period of time
Amortization is any method of paying debt, the principal and interest included, usually by a
series of equal payments at periodic intervals of time

29. If (2x+7) is a factor of 2x4 + x3 -19x² - x - C ; Find value of C (Algebraic Equation)

a. 64 b. 46 c. 82 d. 28
x = -7/2 or -3.5, subst.
2(-3.5)4 + (-3.5)3 - 19(-3.5)² - (-3.5) = C ; C = 28

30. What is the volume of the sphere whose surface area is 108 m².? (Geometry)
a. 110.50 m³ b. 105.50 m³ c. 115.00 m³ d. 155.10 m³
SA = 4πr² ; 108 = 4πr² ; r² = 108/4π ; r = 2.9316
v = 4/3 πr³ ; v = 4/3 π (2.9316)³ ; v = 105.5 m³


MATH QUIZ 5 ANSWER KEY June 24, 2015


Algebra – Elements
Algebra – Equation 1. C 16. C
Algebra – Logarithm
Algebra – Quadratic 2. A 17. C
Combination 3. C 18. B
Econ – Elements 4. A 19. D
Econ – Simple Interest
Econ – Compound Interest 5. B 20. D
Econ – Annuity
Flow Rate
6. C 21. C
Fraction Problem 7. D 22. D
Geometry – Elements
Geometry - Areas 8. C 23. B
Geometry - Volumes
Geometry – Inscribe/ Circu 9. A 24. A
Permutation 10. C 25. C
Physics – Elements
Probability 11. C 26. C
Progression - Arithmetic
Progression - Geometric 12. B 27. B
Progression - Harmonic
Properties of Multiplication 13. A 28. A
Pumps 14. D 29. D
Rounding Off
Significant Figures 15. A 30. B
System of Number –
Trigo – Angle
Trigo – Elements
Trigo – Heron's
Trigo – Pythagorean
Trigo - Law of Sines
Trigo - Law of Cosines
Trigo - Law of Tangents
Trigo - Quadrant
Trigo – Soh Cah Toa
Trigo – Angle of Elevation
Trigo – Angle of Depression
Venn Diagram
Worded Problem – Number
Worded Problem – Digit
Worded Problem – Mixture
Worded Problem – Clock


Worded Problem - Age
Worded Problem – Work
Worded Problem – Motion


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