TESOL Midterm Assignment

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TESOL Mid-term Assignment


Topic: Itsy Bitsy Spider Listening Task

Time duration: 45 minutes

Objective: By the end of this lesson the students will understand and follow simple, concrete
commands in groups as well as individually with visual prompts such as blackboard writings,
colourful worksheets and picture cards.

Age: Young learners

Level: Beginner

Warmer: 5 minutes
I would start the class with the most popular warmer that is used in classrooms. The Simon Says

To do this I will make the students stand in their respective places. Then I will start the activity by
standing in front of the class.

 I will perform an action and say ‘Simon says’. The children will copy what I do.
 I will repeat the process using different actions, first slowly and then increasing the pace of
the activity. As for example: Simon says, “Clap your hands”, “touch your nose”, “bend your
legs” etc.
 In cases where I do an activity and do not say ‘Simon says’ whoever performs the action is
out and must sit down.
 I will continue this for 5 minutes and then whoever keeps performing up to that time will be
rewarded with a clap from the entire class.

This activity will warm up the students and is an ideal game to start a class to impart listening skills.

Context setting or pre listening: 7 minutes


To set the context I will use a colouring activity.

 I will hand over worksheets to the students with picture outline of 8 forms of travel.
 I will then move around the classroom instructing the students to colour the different pictures
with the colour I tell them to use.
Eg: Colour the car orange.
Colour the train brown.
 At the end I will ask them to circle the form of travel they like best and to label the picture.

This activity will give the students the idea that I am expecting them to listen to my instructions
properly and follow them. So the context of the class is set.

The worksheet which the students will use as well as the instruction sheet to be used by the teacher
are included as separate attachments.
Actual content or While listening: 18 – 20 minutes

Favourite Insect

I would start this activity by making a chart on the blackboard with seven vertical columns each
naming an insect. I would then make the students stand in two rows. One student from each row has
to take turns to run to the blackboard and write his/her name on the column which has his/her
favourite insect name. Once all the students finish writing their name in their respective sections, I
would ask them if they have seen a spider and if they like it or not. This will set up the tone of the
class before I start discussing the Itsy Bitsy Spider rhyme with the students.

I have included a sample of how I would chart out the list of Favourite Insects on the blackboard as a
separate attachment.

Itsy Bitsy Spider

I would first write the Itsy Bitsy Spider rhyme on the blackboard and make it fancy by drawing a few
related images around the rhyme.

All the students would sing the rhyme repeating sentences after me. After repeating the rhyme twice, I
would start the rhyme and stop mid-sentence and the students would be required to complete singing
the rhyme.

After four to five repetitions, I would hand over a workbook to the students with fill up the gaps. The
students will have to insert the correct word in the blanks. In this activity I would keep the number of
gaps to two or three words only. The fill up the blanks worksheet is included in the email as a
separate attachment.

Post listening: 10 minutes

I would make the students sit in three to four different groups and hand them a pack of cards with
pictures of the words used in the rhyme along with their meaning. I will give them about 2 minutes to
go through the cards and discuss and share their views on the pictures with their groupmates.

Next, I will also provide them a chart board in which they will have to stick each card in the flow of
the rhyme. This activity will help them know the meanings of the words in the rhyme.

I will reward the group which can come up first with the sequencing with a huge applaud from the
entire class. In case a group is unable to complete the task on time, I would ask the groups which have
already completed to help out the other groups.

A sample of the cards with pictures and their words is included as a separate attachment.
Also, a sample of the chartboard layout in which the students will stick the picture cards is also

Conclusion: Through this lesson plan I will be able to engage the students in the class to listen to
what is being taught as well as build collaboration and participation among the students to learn and
solve problems individually and in groups.
B. Consider any 3 of the following situations and discuss how you might handle them.

1. One or more students are not participating or engaged in the lesson.

If there are just one or two students disengaged in the lesson, then I will check if there is any
external issue disrupting the students or there is a problem with his/her cognitive skills. However, if
the majority of students are disengaged then I need to conduct a formative assessment of my
teaching approach to see where the problem lies and to improve the quality of instruction.

I will try to engage my learners by:

 Informing them early on in class what I am going to teach and the usefulness of the lesson
 Using a combination of different teaching methods and strategies
 Connecting teaching to real life situation of the students using realistic examples and case
 Asking the students questions or their opinions about the topic so that they can contribute
to the learning process
 Dividing the students into groups so that they can learn from each other through discussions
 Handing them worksheets with fill up the gaps, handouts with information which they can
refer to during the lecture.

2. You have assigned a task, and some of the students have already completed it, but others are
still working.

For the students who have already completed their assignments, I will ask them to hand over their
work and assist me in completing the activity in the classroom by collecting worksheet or workbook
etc. This will keep them busy so that they won’t go around disturbing other children in the class.

This will take care of the discipline issue and also boost the student’s self-confidence and in turn will
also nurture a sense of responsibility in the students.

When the other students who finish late sees that the ones who finish their task early gets to help
the teachers with the activities of the class, they will try to complete their own work early the next
time so that they get similar opportunities.

3. A group of students come into the classroom after the lesson has begun.

I will ask the students the reason for their being late for class. And until their reasons are genuine I
will inform them that next time they are supposed to manage their schedule to be on time for the
class. I will instruct them to take their seats silently without disturbing others.

I will also inform them that their late arrival disrupts the chain of thoughts that are being discussed
in the classroom and also diverts the students’ attention.

To prevent late comers, I will try to keep important things at the beginning of the class such as a
small quiz which carries points, or assigning an assignment at the onset of the class so that the
students know they can’t miss these important activities.

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