Predicting Critical Thinking Skills of University Students Through Metacognitive Self-Regulation Skills and Chemistry Self-Efficacy
Predicting Critical Thinking Skills of University Students Through Metacognitive Self-Regulation Skills and Chemistry Self-Efficacy
Predicting Critical Thinking Skills of University Students Through Metacognitive Self-Regulation Skills and Chemistry Self-Efficacy
2013 Educational Consultancy and Research Center
This study aimed at examining the extent to which metacognitive self-regulation and chemistry
self-efficacy predicted critical thinking. Three hundred sixty-five university students participated
in the study. Data were collected using appropriate dimensions of Motivated Strategies for Le-
arning Questionnaire and College Chemistry Self-Efficacy Scale. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients
ranged from .77 to .88. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results indicated
that metacognitive self-regulation was found to be positively and significantly related to chemistry
self-efficacy for cognitive skills and chemistry self-efficacy for everyday applications. In addition,
there was a positive and significant relationship between chemistry self-efficacy for everyday app-
lications and critical thinking, whereas there was no significant relationship between chemistry
self-efficacy for cognitive skills and critical thinking. Overall, the tested model explained 68.5% of
critical thinking. Findings provide suggestions in order to enhance critical thinking in chemistry
Key Words
Critical Thinking, Metacognitive Self-Regulation, Self-Efficacy, Structural Equation Modeling, Chemistry Educa-
There is a continuous development in knowledge the most essential skills that individuals should
and changes in needs of a human being, which have to adapt to the changing world (Seferoğlu &
increases the importance of learning new skills Akbıyık, 2006). Critical thinking is also important
(Halpern, 1998). Nowadays, people have to make for students because it enhances meaningful learn-
decisions about both themselves and their soci- ing. Students can use critical thinking in various
ety. Thereby, critical thinking has become one of activities and problems (Dressel & Mayhew, 1954
as cited in Renaud & Murray, 2008; Schafersman,
1991). In the same vein, research findings indicate a
positive relationship between critical thinking and
a Esen UZUNTİRYAKİ-KONDAKÇI, Ph.D., is an academic achievement (Ip, Lee, Lee, Wootton, &
associate professor in the field of chemistry Chang, 2000; Phan, 2008). On the other hand, criti-
education. Her research interests are construc-
cal thinking is low even among university students
tivism, teacher education, affective variables,
(Halpern, 1998; Kuhn, 1999; Şengül & Üstündağ,
and self-regulatory learning. Correspondence:
Middle East Technical University, Department of 2009). Examining the factors which take role in de-
Secondary Science and Mathematics Education, veloping critical thinking, therefore, is important.
06800 Ankara/Turkey. E-mail: [email protected] The present study aimed to examine the extent to
Phone: +90 312 210 4067. which metacognitive self-regulation and chemistry
b Yeşim ÇAPA-AYDIN, Ph.D., Middle East Technical self-efficacy predict critical thinking. Chemistry
University, Department of Educational Sciences. requires higher-order thinking skills in addition to
Ankara/Turkey. content knowledge (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, 2008).
UZUNTİRYAKİ-KONDAKÇI, ÇAPA-AYDIN / Predicting Critical Thinking Skills of University Students through Metacognitive
Critical thinking is defined in various ways such as In the present study, we examined the extent to
reflective thinking used during decision-making which critical thinking is predicted by metacogni-
process (Ennis, 1985) or use of cognitive skills nec- tive self-regulation and chemistry self-efficacy by
essary to achieve a desirable outcome (Halpern, testing the following model:
1999). According to Paul (1996), critical thinking
is related to taking one’s own responsibility. Linn
(2000) states that critical thinking comprises of dif-
ferent skills as searching for source of knowledge,
testing validity of knowledge, questioning reliabil-
ity, and making evaluations to reach conclusions.
In the current study, based on Linn’s conceptualiza-
tion, critical thinking is defined as student’s using
prior knowledge to solve a problem and making
decisions and evaluations.
Figure 1.
Critical thinking has some essential characteristics: Model Used to Predict Critical Thinking via Metacognitive
Firstly, it is context-sensitive. Prerequisite knowl- Self-Regulation and Chemistry Self-Efficacy
edge, complexity of the event or content of the
knowledge influences people’s ability to draw cor-
rect conclusions (Norris, 1985). Secondly, critical Method
thinking can be developed through effective guid-
Research Design
ance (Facione, 2000). Thirdly, it is related to meta-
cognition (Kuhn, 1999). During critical thinking This study employed correlational design. The
process, students monitor their own thinking, as- purpose of correlational design is to examine the
sess whether they reach their goals, and evaluate degree of relationship among different variables
their efforts, use of time, and effectiveness of their (Karasar, 2000). In the current study, we investigat-
decisions (Halpern, 1998). All of these processes ed the relationship among metacognitive self-regu-
involve metacognitive skills as well as cognitive lation, chemistry self-efficacy, and critical thinking.
ones. Accordingly, this study considers metacog-
nitive self-regulation as a variable playing role in
critical thinking. Self-regulation is defined as mon- Participants
itoring behavior, comparing with a criterion, and Employing convenience sampling, a total of 365
make adjustments if necessary (Senemoğlu, 2004). students from three universities in Ankara who
Self-regulation is related to several variables such were taking general chemistry class participated in
as anxiety, learning strategies, and self-efficacy the study voluntarily. Of these students, 236 were
(Çapa Aydın, Uzuntiryaki, & Demirdöğen, 2011; female (64.7%), 129 were male (35.3%). Majority
Jain & Dowson, 2009). Self-efficacy is defined as of the students were freshman (96%), while others
people’s beliefs in their capability to perform a were senior students. More than half of the stu-
task successfully (Bandura, 1986). People with dents (n = 232, 63.6%) were in Faculty of Science
high self-efficacy in science tend to select science- and 36.4% (n = 133) were in Faculty of Education.
related activities or courses, show more effort to be
successful, and do not give up when they face with
obstacles (Bandura, 1997; Britner & Pajares, 2001). Data Collection Instruments
Therefore, efficacious students tend to be more
In an effort to collect data, “Critical Thinking” and
successful (Andrew, 1998; Lau & Roeser, 2002).
“Metacognitive Self-Regulation” dimensions of
Research studies indicated a positive significant re-
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire
lationship between self-efficacy and self-regulatory
and “Chemistry Self-Efficacy for Cognitive Skills”
strategies (������������������������������������
Çapa Aydın��������������������������
et al.; Ramdass & Zimmer-
and “Chemistry Self-Efficacy for Everyday Ap-
man, 2008; Schnoll & Zimmerman, 2001; Schunk
plications” dimensions of Chemistry Self-Efficacy
& Ertmer, 1999, 2005; Sungur, 2007; Zimmerman,
Scale were used.
2000). Self-efficacy is also related to critical think-
ing (Bandura, 1997). Students with high self-effi- Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire:
cacy are more likely to utilize critical thinking to This questionnaire was developed by Pintrich,
overcome a problem than students with low self- Smith, Garcia and McKeachie (1991) and adapted
efficacy (Phan, 2009). into Turkish by Sungur (2004). It consists of 15
UZUNTİRYAKİ-KONDAKÇI, ÇAPA-AYDIN / Predicting Critical Thinking Skills of University Students through Metacognitive
Table 2.
Standardized Direct, Indirect, and Total Effects
Predictors Criterion variables Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect
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