Beginning Classical Tibetan Language Syllabus 2018

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Beginning Classical Tibetan Language Summer Intensive

June 13 to August 10, 2018

Includes 8 weeks of classes plus 4 days of Orientation

The Centre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute is pleased to offer a summer of
intensive Classical Tibetan language training. Classes are held Mondays through Fridays, and
although the course is quite intensive, weekends are generally left for students to explore the
Kathmandu Valley and mingle with the local Tibetan community of Boudhanath. Also, several
times throughout the program, the Centre for Buddhist Studies will arrange guided tours of
major cultural sites of the Valley. Instructors at the program are faculty from the Centre for
Buddhist Studies.

The Academic Program

This summer intensive is offered for beginning students with no prior study of Classical Tibetan.
The program is designed to facilitate the rapid acquisition of basic Classical Tibetan vocabulary
and grammar. Beginning with the alphabet, pronunciation, basic words and sentence structure,
the eight-week program will ground students in the workings of the Classical Tibetan language,
providing them with a basic command of the language and the necessary foundation for further

In addition to satisfactory grades, students must maintain an attendance rate of 80% throughout
the course in order to pass. The level of intensity of the program is high and students are
expected to invest considerable time and effort in order to meet class requirements and
academic expectations. That said, any student who successfully completes this course will
arrive at a comfortable facility with the Classical Tibetan language. Students who complete the
course receive academic credit at the Centre for Buddhist Studies for Classical Tibetan I and
Classical Tibetan II (6 credits total).

This course covers two full semesters of material and therefore earns six credits. Students
spend four hours each day in class and the expected work time outside of class ranges between
two and four hours per day depending on student interest and ability.

Additional Features and Services

● Orientation program with introduction to Nepal
● All classes are held in a traditional monastic setting near the Boudhanath Stupa
● Opportunities to meet and receive teachings from resident Buddhist teachers
● Cultural visits to ancient sites of the Kathmandu Valley
● Efficient medical referral system
● Access to the full facilities of the CBS campus including wireless Internet access at
selected campus locations, assistance from our full-time Student Services Coordinator,
and on-site library facilities.

● Good links to local trekking, rafting and sight-seeing companies

Price includes tuition, lunch at the Institute’s restaurant on school days, and tours.

Admission Criteria
This program has a maximum intake of 15 students and all applications are subject to approval
by the Centre for Buddhist Studies.

To apply for the program, fill in the application form found at the registration page of this

Course Description
Introduction to the Grammar of Classical Tibetan
Students will be introduced to the key features of Classical Tibetan grammar during the first four
weeks of the course. Students will be required to memorize vocabulary and grammatical
structures, as well as doing written homework assignments, and will be quizzed regularly on the
material covered in class. During the second half of the course, students will begin reading
Tibetan texts together in class, using what they've learned about grammar and developing their
vocabularies. This course is taught by a western instructor.

Daily Practicum
Students work in groups to translate sentences and sections of texts, with instructors available
for questions and consultation. Please note: The alphabet and syllable construction will be
taught during orientation. A basic ability to read and write the Tibetan alphabet will therefore be
assumed from the first day of class. Students in this course therefore MUST attend the

Course Materials
The primary textbook used for the Beginning Classical Tibetan Summer Intensive is the
Classical Tibetan Grammar Manual by Benjamin Collet-Cassart. The text will be available at the
CBS office.

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