Article Regulatory 2015 Best Practice Paper Visual Inspection Vs 1.0

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Good Practice Paper

Visual Inspection of
Medicinal Products
for Parenteral Use

Version 1.0
(September 2014)

Version 1.0 1 (16)


This ECA Good Practice Paper was developed by the Steering Committee oft he
ECA Visual Inspection Working Group


 Dr Tobias Posset (Roche Diagnostics)

 Dr Helmut Gaus (Boehringer Ingelheim)
 Dr Martin Dearden
 Dr Robert Eicher (Concept Heidelberg)


 Klaus Feuerhelm (GMP Inspector, Germany)

 Dr Bernd Renger (Immediate Past Chair of the European QP Association;
Bernd Renger Consulting)

Non-liability: While every effort has been made to assure the accuracy oft he
content, Concept Heidelberg or the ECA Foundation cannot be held liable for
any errors or omissions

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1. Scope

This paper aims to highlight best practice for carrying out visual
inspection of medicinal products for parenteral use in the
pharmaceutical industry. It should be seen as additional to and
complimentary with the different Pharmacopoeias. Visual inspection of
medicinal products for parenteral use should detect any readily
identifiable visible container defect and ensure constant quality of the
product in terms of absence of particular matter and/or turbidity, correct
or uniform appearance of a lyo cake.

Deviations from the herein proposed procedures and figures are possible
any time. But sticking to the proposed procedures and figures may lead
to safer inspection processes and less discussions in GMP inspections, as
the described approach has shown its suitability during many years of
industrial operation and GMP inspections.

2. Manual inspection

2.1 Workplace
The premises where the manual visual inspection takes place
should be suitable for carrying out this operation. Besides the
common GMP requirements for manufacturing or quality control
areas, of substantial importance for suitable inspections conditions

The intensity of the illumination at the inspection point should
have at least 2000 lux. For Blow-Fill-Seal Products an illumination
of 10.000 lux is recommended. The total uncertainty of the lux-
meter should be considered. The color reproduction n, using the
CRI index, should have an RA value > 90% and not less then 80%.

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Illumination should be regularly qualified and part of the
maintenance programme. An appropriate interval for checking the
illumination is 6 months. It is recommended that a technical
measurement be used to determine the light intensity on a
prefixed point, which should be very close to the inspection point
of the operator.

The ambient illumination must not interfere with the illumination

of the workplace and should be turned down during inspection, if
possible. Reflecting surfaces should be avoided.

Ambient conditions:
The ambient conditions are of enormous importance for carrying
out this operation. Temperature should be ambient and should not
exceed 25 °C in the summer if not otherwise justified. The relative
humidity and air velocity should be controlled and ensure
comfortable working conditions. The noise level should therefore
be below 55dB.

2.2 Personnel
Personnel involved in the visual inspection should regularly
undergo an eye test. The optometrist should focus on the ability to
discriminate small differences in uniform structures, e.g.
open/closed circles.

Personnel carrying out the visual inspection must be qualified,

comprising initial qualification and periodic requalification.

Initial qualification should follow a predefined schedule, starting

with the introduction of the new employees to training kits. These
training kits should contain all kind of defects and must be updated
constantly with new evolving defects out of production. These

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training kits should be specific for the dosage form. Following the
training via training sets there should be a side to side training with
an experienced operator. The new employee should have the
chance to ask questions and the experienced operator does
perform in parallel a 100 % inspection of the inspected species of
the new operator.

Following the initial side by side training the initial qualification

should be performed with a qualification set. This set should focus
on critical and major defects and also contain a limited number of
minor defects.

The number specimen to be inspected should represent the

number of objects which are inspected in the duration from one
eye break to the other eye break.

Acceptance criteria for the qualification should be predefined. In

the initial qualification all critical defects and a predefined level for
major defects should be found.

Routine requalification must be performed at least every 12

months. After a second failure the operator must undergo a
repeated eye test and a subsequent new qualification with the
training kit and a subsequent new qualification via a qualification

It is recommended to do the Requalification under worst case

conditions, which is at the end of a shift instead of at the start of a
working day.

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2.3 Operation
Each object should be inspected for at least 5 seconds against a
white background and an additional 5 seconds against a black
background. Times may be shorter when using a semi-automatic
system. The objects should be slightly twisted or slowly rotated
whereby formation of air bubbles will be avoided.

The post inspection recovery time for the employees carrying out
the Visual Inspection is of essential importance. The maximum
time for continuous inspection activity between break periods and
the total maximum inspection time for a shift/workday must be

A good practice is 20 minutes of inspection, followed by a break of

at least 5 minutes for a total maximum duration of not longer than
4 hours. Uninterrupted inspection activity should not exceed 40

3. Automated inspection

3.1 Qualification / Validation

The central element of qualification/validation of a fully
automated inspection system should be the verification that the
automated system is at least as good as human inspector (without
magnification) with regards to failure detection rates. Qualification
and validation can be done consecutively or combined. The
performance qualification can be rated as validation if it is carried
out product-specific. Bracketing is possible. In this case it has to be
carried out using product specific qualification sets. During
machine qualification the inspection of a qualification set should
be repeated at least 10 times. The detection rate should be
compared to the results of a qualified manual inspection and

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should be at least as good as manual inspection. It is worth
mentioning that an automated inspection machine is not capable
of removing certain categories of cosmetic defects.

3.2 Routine Operation

During routine operation the performance of the automated
system should be demonstrated to be within the acceptable range
of the pre-defined (during PQ) defect detection limits, before and
after the inspection process by using a test set containing the
range of defects that has been used in Qualification. An abridged
or reduced function set may also be used.

3.3 Requalification
Requalification of an automated inspection system should be
ideally carried out annually, or every two years at the latest. This
must be done by evaluation of the changes and deviations that
occurred during the period of operation. This review must include
a statistical trend analysis of the performance data obtained during
routine inspection and system suitability determinations using the
function sets before and after every machine use.

3.4 Revalidation
An automated visual inspection machine should be seen
as a critical system. Therefore a periodic revalidation
should be carried out, e.g. ever 3-5 years. Revalidation (as
validation) is product specific. Bracketing approaches for
the revalidation are possible.

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Different approaches may be used:

3.4.1 Revalidation can be done by repeating the verification human

inspection versus the inspection results from the machine, for
example by manual re-inspection of an automatically inspected
batch. The acceptance criteria are the same as in the initial

3.4.2 Revalidation can be done by continuous revalidation:

Revalidation can also be done using the AQL results. The AQL is
a manual inspection of a representative batch quantity
performed for every inspected batch (man-machine
comparison). Within this a repeated verification of human
inspection versus the automated inspection machine is
performed on batch level. The acceptance criteria herein are
the acceptance criteria of the manual inspected AQL and ends
up in a batch to batch revalidation of a product.

Independent from the approach used, the result and its evaluation
should be documented in a revalidation report.

4. Defect Classes

There should be at least two product-specific defect classes defined.

Defining more defect classes may be appropriate, e.g.:

Critical defects: may cause a lack of sterility, container integrity or cause

harm to patients

Major defects: may alter the content or the function of the product

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Further defect classes can be:
Minor defects: Defects that do not affect patient health or product

If a company performs additional visual inspection for culturally sensitive

cosmetic defects it is recommended not to include them into the GMP
defect classification.

5. Evaluation of defect classes and trending

5.1 Manual, semi-automated and Fully automated (non-inline)

Based on the trend analysis of the production process a limit for
each defect class should be defined. There should be limits for
individual defects and for the sum of all defects within a defect
class. Yields should also be monitored.

Limits should be defined on process history (overall max reject

rate, rate per defect / particle category) and should reference the
process capability index (CpK) for the process step.

Typical limits for individual defects are

Critical defects: 0.5 % to 1 % *
Major defects: 1 % to 3 %
Minor defects 3 % to 5 %
There should be a limit for the sum of defects.
There could additionally also be a limit for the sum of defects.

*There are critical defects (e.g. turbidity) with an acceptance limit

of 0.

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The measures to be taken for batches, exceeding these limits are
to be predefined. For example: batches exceeding one fold of the
limit should be investigated (Initiate a failure investigation).
Batches exceeding two fold of the limit should be additionally 100
% re-inspected. Re-inspection should be performed independent
whether a manual, semi-automatic or automatic visual inspection
has been performed, but not more than 3 times.

Re-inspection of rejected containers is not recommended and

must not be performed without judgment done within in an

“Grey Channel” for fully automated inspection systems: The usage
of a “grey eject channel” in automated inspection may be useful
for containers for which the inspection result is not clear. On a
technical point of view a grey channel is also meaningful due to
e.g. machine stops, when it is uncertain whether a vial has been
fully inspected or not.

Examples for the Grey Channel:

1. Air bubbles: Air-bubbles might be the reason for an unclear
inspection result. Camera systems cannot distinguish between
particulate matter and air-bubbles. Therefore re-inspection of
containers from the grey channel using a holding time of the
product vials in order to reduce the air-bubbles is allowed but
should not be performed more than once.
2. Other defects in the grey channel: On a technical point of view
some small defects (e.g. small scratches) should be re-inspected
manually if the camera system is not feasible for the defect
detection. The feasibility is shown during the validation.

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Objects in the grey channel should only be re-inspected one time.
Trending is done over the whole batch after the objects have been
classified as good or defects.

5.2 Automated inspection: In-line

An in-line fully automated inspection system needs trend analysis
of the production process. Due to the in-line process and the fact
that camera systems cannot trend defect categories a trending
system has to be established on the technical level e.g. side-wall
defect, crimping-defect, shoulder defect etc. Limits of these
cameras have to be established on a historical process basis and
need to be evaluated. This gives a reference to the process
capability index (CpK) for the process step.

The measures to be taken during the batch production exceeding

these limits are to be predefined and should lead to actions during
the batch production process. Herein a re-inspection of the batch
is not needed due to the immediate corrective action.

Re-inspection of rejected containers is not recommended and

must not be performed without judgment done within in an

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6. Batch release

For the release decision two criteria need to be evaluated:

1. Trending analysis of the 100% batch inspection
(see section 5) and
2. The AQL manual inspection.

The results of the 100% visual inspection, done as part of the

manufacturing process, should be available in an easily readable format
to the Qualified Person, responsible for the release decision.

In addition to listing the defects found in the Visual Inspection process

the batch documentation must contain a listing of the type of defect
found (fiber, turbidity, crack, etc.) as well as a classification of the defect
such as critical, major or minor. Acceptance criteria must be pre-defined
for these defect classes as well as for a sum of all defects found during
the 100% inspection process (see above).

For the AQL manual inspection a randomized sampling of the 100%

inspected batch should be performed according to a pre-determined AQL
procedure. AQL manual inspection can be carried out by production or
the quality unit.

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For release of the batch, the minimum AQL should be

Critical: 0
Major: AQL 0.65 or 1
Minor: AQL 4 to 6.5

If an AQL limit is exceeded, the whole batch may be re-inspected 100%

followed by a second AQL manual inspection. This process can be
repeated, but 3 times in maximum. It is recommended to have tighter
AQL limits for the repeated AQL testing. The number of AQL manual
inspection steps should be evident in the batch documentation, the
Qualified Person uses for the release decision.

AQL manual inspection can be carried out in a separate area, without

constraint in time for the personnel doing the visual inspection.

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7. Definitions

Acceptable Quality Limit, using ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 or ISO 2859-1,
general inspection level II

The Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a unit of measure that
defines how well colors are rendered by different illumination
conditions in comparison to an ideal or natural light source. The
Ra value uses only the first eight from the 14 test colors of the
DIN 6169. Light sources have different Ra values, e.g. a white
LED 80-95; fluorescent lamps 50-90.

Function set:
A function test kit (system suitability test kit) used before and
after the inspection of each batch to demonstrate the
functionality of the fully automated inspection system. It may
contain an abridged set of more crude defects such as big
particles, cracked or empty containers.

A particle in this context means a readily visible particle with a
diameter or span of 150 µm or bigger. Smaller, for example
colored particles may be visible down to a size of 50 µm or
smaller. These particles have also to be counted to the visible

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Qualification set:
A set of product specific containers with real product, with 10-20% but
less than 30% of the containers containing randomly distributed defects.
All known defects should be contained in the test set. New defects
should be added to the test set after they have been identified. Units of
tests sets for the manual inspection containing a defect should be
invisibly marked or encoded. Obvious and clear readable numbers or
letters should not be used. The sets should be cleaned after usage and
routinely checked for defects at least every 6 months. There should be a
logbook for each test set.

Training set:
A test set used for the training of the operators of the manual
inspection, to teach the possible defects. Similar to the
qualification set but contains only containers with defects.

Visual Inspection:
The process of sorting unacceptable units from acceptable units
by human visual inspectors and/or through qualified

Fully automated visual inspection:

The process of sorting unacceptable units from acceptable units by
equipment (camera system). Detection and handling of units to be
inspected is performed by equipment.

Fully automated (non-inline) visual inspection:

The process of sorting unacceptable units from acceptable units
by equipment (camera system) after the batch production has
been finished.

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In-line fully automated visual inspection:
The process of sorting unacceptable units from acceptable units
by equipment (camera system) parallel or at the same time of
the batch production.

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