APG Centralized Management Guide

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EMC® Watch4net®

Version 6.2u1

Centralized Management Guide

P/N: 300-015-176
Rev : 41260
Copyright ©2011 - 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA.

Published May, 2013

EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is sub-
ject to change without notice.

The information in this publication is provided as is. EMC Corporation makes no representations or warranties
of any kind with respect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of mer-
chantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this
publication requires an applicable software license.

EMC2 , EMC, and the EMC logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporation in the United
States and other countries. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to EMC Online Support

Preface iii
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Where to get help v

1 Access 1

2 Quick Start 3
1 Register a Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Tree Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 License Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Module Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 Services and Modules Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6 Module Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7 Update and Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3 Remote Server Configuration 11

1 Remote Server Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2 Remote Server Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3 Remote Server Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Server Management 15
1 Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2 Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5 Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6 Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5 Module Installation 21
1 Package Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

6 Module Management 25
1 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3 Configuration File Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4 Log File Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5 Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

7 Task Management 33

8 Package Management 35
1 Package Upload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2 Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Rev : 41260

9 License Management 39
1 Licensing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2 License Upload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3 Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

10 Audit Logs 43

11 SolutionPacks 45

12 Central Configuration Repository 51

13 Data Enrichment 53

14 User Settings 59

15 WebApp Context Configuration 61

ii Centralized Management Guide


This guide provides information about configuring and using Centralized Manage-

Intended Audience
This guide is for anyone who will use the Centralized Management. Although most
of the options are explained in the interface, this document covers the major tasks of
setting up and using Centralized Management.

This guide assumes Centralized Management is installed and running on the web
server, and WebServiceGateway is installed and running on any servers that will be
managed by Centralized Management.
Preface Rev : 41260

iv Centralized Management Guide

Where to get help

EMC support, product, and licensing information can be obtained as follows:

P RODUCT INFORMATION - For documentation, release notes, software updates, or
information about EMC products, go to EMC Online Support at:
T ECHNICAL SUPPORT - Go to EMC Online Support and click Service Center. You
will see several options for contacting EMC Technical Support. Note that to open a
service request, you must have a valid support agreement. Contact your EMC sales
representative for details about obtaining a valid support agreement or with questions
about your account.
Where to get help Rev : 41260

vi Centralized Management Guide


The Centralized Management can be accessed only by APG global administrators.

To access the interface you can log on from the APGfrontend administration panel, or
go to this URL, replacing http with https and 58080 with the APG port if needed:

For logon credentials enter your APG user name and password.
Access Rev : 41260

2 Centralized Management Guide

Quick Start

This section provides a brief overview of the interface, and contains links to more
detailed descriptions.

1 Register a Server

The first time the interface is loaded it displays the Server Configuration panel. From
here you register the local and remote APG servers that will be managed by Central-
ized Management.

If you’re using a basic installation where all of the modules are on the same server,
you can check that the connection is successful on the top right corner of the Server
Configuration area and press Save. If a configuration does not appear or is incorrect,
enter the correct URL and credentials and validate the connection before saving.
Quick Start Rev : 41260

Figure 1: First Server Configuration

The first icon in the section header shows the current connection status. You can
mouse over it to see additional information.

Check the other settings, especially the Operating System to see that they are correct.
See Remote Server Configuration on page 11.

4 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Quick Start

2 Tree Navigation

After you register the first server, Centralized Management connects to it and recov-
ers information such as the server status, the modules installed on it, and provides
access to it through the navigation tree on the left.

Physical Overview has a list of the registered

servers and the modules installed on each. To
access a server, click its name.

Logical Overview shows the distribution of

the modules based on their categories.

Packages and Licenses give you access to

managing files on the Centralized Manage-
ment server, and synchronization options.

Audit Logs gives access to audit files on the

configured servers.

There are two types of icons for the modules in the tree. You will see for a module
that owns a service, and for others. This makes it easier to identify modules with
log files and service management tools.

You can resize the tree by dragging its right border, and hide it by double-clicking it.
The tree keeps the same size the next time you log in on the same computer.

Figure 2: Resizing the Tree

3 License Installation

Centralized Management enables you to keep all your APG licenses in one place and
automatically dispatch them to the proper servers.

To recover the archive that contains your licenses, see page 39.

The License File Import tool uses some features that are available in the version 4.3
of the License Manager module, so make sure that version 4.3 or later is installed.

Centralized Management Guide 5

Quick Start Rev : 41260

4 Module Management

You can manage modules from the Server page. The Server page gives you an
overview of the server status and its modules, services and licenses.

Figure 3: Server Page

The area at the top of the page contains real-time charts displaying the server health.
You can configure the charts in the Server settings (see Health Values on page 13) or
User settings (see User Settings on page 59).

From the tabs you can access your currently available services, installed modules, in-
stalled licenses and scheduled tasks. Tasks requires a specific module to be installed
and started before it becomes available. For details about each page see Server Man-
agement on page 15.

5 Services and Modules Tabs

The Services panel displays the state of services and the estimated time for startup
or shutdown.

On Windows systems, some services such as MySQL may not display these times.

The Modules panel displays the installed modules and their services. It also highlights
the ones that have updates.

6 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Quick Start

Figure 4: Modules Panel

You can click any line to see details about a module. The module information is dis-
played in a new page. You can quickly move between modules to start their services
and check their logs.

Figure 5: Additional Tabs

6 Module Installation

You install new modules through the server’s Modules panel.

Centralized Management Guide 7

Quick Start Rev : 41260

Figure 6: Module Install Access

1. First select the packages you want to install.

The packages available for the server are displayed, based on its architecture as
defined in its Operating System configuration on page 13. They are grouped by cate-
gory, and you can select one or more categories.

Figure 7: Module Selection

2. Select the categories for the modules you want to install and their corresponding
packages and click Launch.

8 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Quick Start

Figure 8: Module Installation

The list on the left shows the installation progress. The module in green has already
been processed. The one with the star is the current one.

The installation process is the same as the one from the command line interface.
There are multiple ways to answer a question. You can:

• enter the full choice in the input field and press Enter

• enter the highlighted character using the same case and press Enter

• click an answer in the list

You must answer a question within 5 minutes or the installation of the module will be
cancelled. You can install the module at a later time.

Warnings and errors are displayed in the panel, with additional details in the log files
of the Webservice Gateway on the remote server.

7 Update and Removal

You must update or remove a module from the module. You can remove a module by
clicking Uninstall. When an update is available, a notification appears.

Centralized Management Guide 9

Quick Start Rev : 41260

Figure 9: Module Management

10 Centralized Management Guide

Remote Server Configuration

This section describes how to register remote servers in Centralized Management. To

configure a remote server, on the top menu click Configuration.

Figure 10: Servers Configuration Access

The configured servers are displayed with their connection state. You can click a sec-
tion name to display or hide its settings.

To register additional servers click the corresponding button and enter the details
about the server. Some settings are not mandatory, but may be required depend-
ing on the remote server configuration for Centralized Management to successfully
connect to the remote server.

1 Remote Server Identification

Server HostName, Server Alias and Server Description identify the remote server
throughout the interface. It is important to set them properly as they impact the server

Server HostName links the server to a device in the APGdatabase. So in order to

get historical data for the device, we recommend you use the same name as the one
used by APG, which is the server hostname. You can confirm this by looking at APG
Health reports in the frontend. Server HostName is also used as the server display
name if you do not create an alias.
Remote Server Configuration Rev : 41260

Figure 11: Servers Configuration

Server Alias customizes the server display name in Centralized Management with-
out any other impact. If you do not create a Server Alias, the hostname is used.

Server Description is displayed on the Centralized Management home page in the

Physical Overview under each server name. It can be left blank or used to describe a
server role.

2 Remote Server Connection

Remote connection is handled by the Gateway URL, Username, Password and SSL
Validation settings. After you configure these settings, you can click the connection
check icon in the server section header (see figure First Server Configuration page 4),
to perform a check.

12 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Remote Server Configuration

Gateway URL contains the URL that points to the remote WebService Gateway.
The default configuration is: https://server.name.or.ip:48443/. The WebService
Gateway service must be running on the remote server for this to be working.

Username is the one from the Gateway credentials. It’s configured at its level, and
described in its own documentation. Default value is admin.

Password is the one from the Gateway credentials. It’s configured at its level, and
described in its own documentation. Default value is changeme.

On an already configured server, Password field is never displayed again. There is no

need to fill it before saving: if left blank, it won’t be removed, but rather left untouched.
The only means to empty a saved password is to empty the username as well.

SSL Validation can be checked in order to validate the SSL certification before
instantiating communication. When using a self-signed certificate, it should be left
unchecked. When using a certificate recognized by a certificate authority, it should be

3 Remote Server Setup

The next options allow you to further configure the server in the Centralized Manage-
ment. They are not mandatory, except for the Operating System.

Operating System will be used to select the packages to send and use on this
server. Be sure to set it to the correct value, as setting it to a wrong value causes
invalid or corrupted installations.

Health Values configures the type of data that will be recovered and displayed for
this server. Real-time data is collected through the APG Self-Monitoring Collector
which provides real-time access to the server metrics. Historical data is retrieved from
the usual APG database(s) and is also based on the metrics collected by that col-
lector. Databases are defined in the web application context file. See the section on
page 61. The physical overview displays historical data if it is enabled. The per-server
view displays real-time data if it is enabled, and if not it falls back to historical data. If
it is disabled, charts are hidden.

Report in APG can be used as a shortcut to access a report in the APGfrontend.

Enter the targeted URL and this creates a link to it in the global physical overview. For
example, http://apg.server.name.or.ip:58080/APG/#0-4-52664238.

Centralized Management Guide 13

Remote Server Configuration Rev : 41260

14 Centralized Management Guide

Server Management

1 Charts

The charts on the top of the page can be configured to display a combination of
historical data and real-time data, or historical data only or can be hidden. There are
two levels of configuration for this: on a server basis (see Health Values page 13, or
per-user (see Chart Refresh page 60).

Figure 12: Server Charts

2 Tabs

Each of the initial tabs cover a specific aspect of the server management. This section
discusses the way dynamic tabs are added to the navigation bar.

The Services, Modules and Tasks tabs create dynamic tabs based on the contents of
their tables. Each line of the tables describes an item that you can click to see more
details about.
Server Management Rev : 41260

Figure 13: Adding Tabs

Clicking a line opens a new tab or moves the focus to it if it is already open.
A module never generates two tabs, even if you open it from the Services panel and
the Modules panel.

3 Services
The services panel displays the modules that have a service configuration, including
modules whose service entry has been removed.

The table displays the module information, its current service status, and an estimate
of its last status change. The status column can have multiple values depending on
both the service properties, and its current state.

• started: the service is currently running

• stopped: the service has been stopped

• not installed: the service has been removed and is not available anymore

• unknown: the current status cannot be determined. This is usually caused by

a service that requires administrative privileges to run, such as the Collector
Manager when you use the ICMP Collector on Unix.

Figure 14: Services Panel

16 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Server Management

Services that require administrative privileges cannot be managed through Central-

ized Management.

Every time the services panel is displayed, is automatically refreshed. You can man-
ually reload the Services panel by clicking Refresh on the top of the panel.

Figure 15: Reloading Services Panel

You can drill down to the Service page through the icon on the left of the module
name. This does not open another tab but replaces the current page with the new
module details.

Figure 16: Moving to Service Page

4 Modules

The Modules panel displays a list of the installed modules and their services, and the
ones that have updates.

Centralized Management Guide 17

Server Management Rev : 41260

Figure 17: Modules Panel

To install a module see Module Installation on page 21.

5 Licenses

To see the Licenses panel you must have License Manager installed on the remote
server with version 4.3 or later.

This panel contains the same level of information as the global licenses management
(see section License Management on page 39), with the server host ID and licenses
status, but only for one server. It displays the licenses that are currently installed on
the server, and not the ones in the local repository.

18 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Server Management

Figure 18: Licenses Panel

Refer to this panel when you are requesting licenses for the first time, as it displays
the server host ID required to generate them. Click it to select it and copy and paste

6 Tasks
To see the Tasks panel you must have have a Task Scheduler running on the remote
server. It provides a summary of configured tasks and details about their execution

Figure 19: Tasks Panel

Mouse over the status icon to see details about the status of tasks. This example
shows the pending task is configured to be launched when the first one finishes, which
explains why it is not running yet.

Centralized Management Guide 19

Server Management Rev : 41260

Figure 20: Task Status Information

You can click the task to show detailed information about the task and access its
configuration and log files, and management tools. These panels are covered by
section Task Management on page 33.

20 Centralized Management Guide

Module Installation

You install modules from the Modules panel from a server page by clicking the Install
button, or by using the SolutionPacks dialog from the top menu bar.

Figure 21: Module Installation Button

Figure 22: SolutionPacks Center Button

1 Package Selection

Packages are displayed in categories, which makes it easier to find a specific package.

1. Click a Collecting category to select packages.

Module Installation Rev : 41260

Figure 23: Category Selection

2. Select the packages you want to install.

Figure 24: Package selection

22 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Module Installation

To see a description of a module, mouse over a package name.

3. Click the Launch button. The Module Installation dialog box appears.

Figure 25: Module Installation Dialog

4. Specify an instance name. That field contains a default value but you can change
it. Click Launch.

Figure 26: Sample Question

Centralized Management Guide 23

Module Installation Rev : 41260

During the installation process, questions appear in the display.

You must answer each question within 5 minutes or the module installation process
will be interrupted which can cause an inconsistent state on the remote server for the

Installed modules are displayed with an updated status.

Figure 27: Successful Installation

If a module installation fails, click the Skip button to go to the next one.

24 Centralized Management Guide

Module Management

You can view module properties in these places:

• on the Server page, by clicking on service or module line or the drilldown icon
for a service or module

• the Physical branch, by clicking a server child node

• the Logical view, by clicking a module line or a logical child node

You can view:

• module properties described on page 25

• module documentation files, also described on page 25

• service status information and service commands on page 26)

• access to configuration files and their contents on page 26)

• tools for log files on page 29

1 Properties
This section describes basic module properties: module category, name and descrip-

The module current version is one of the most important properties when requesting
information or support for a module. It is independant from the main APG release
number. The path, relative to the main APG installation directory, gives a way to
quickly find the module location.

For each modules, a link is provided to its documentation. Click it to download and
display the file or right-click it to save the document to your computer.
Module Management Rev : 41260

2 Services
If the module has a service, status information is available in that section, along with
buttons to Start, Stop and Restart the service. If the buttons are not available for a
service, the service cannot be managed through Centralized Management.

• no button visible occurs on a service that needs to be running for Centralized

Management to access the server; as a consequence, it cannot be started,
stopped, or restarted. You must manually connect to the server using SSH or
a remote desktop to perform these operations, for example the Webservices
Gateway module.

• all buttons are grayed means the Centralized Management does not have
enough rights to perform operations on this service. This can apply to any ser-
vice that requires administration privileges, such as the Collector Manager when
running the ICMP Collector.

• only a restart button occurs when looking at the Tomcat server used to run
Centralized Management. The restart command is available, but if it were to fail,
you must manually connect to the server to fix the issue.

3 Configuration File Access

Configuration files of each module are listed. You can edit, upload or remove them.
Each module manages its own configuration files, even if the module is used within
another one. For example, a collector or filter configuration that is used in a collector
manager, is accessible only on the corresponding collector or filter page.

Figure 28: Access to Configuration Files

26 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Module Management

The table displays only the files that are identified by the module as configuration files.

You can click Upload a file to select a file from your computer and upload it to the
remote server’s conf directory. If the file is not detected as a configuration file, it does
not appear in the list.

Figure 29: Uploading Files

You can reload the contents of the table by clicking the Refresh icon at the top right
corner of the section. It is automatically triggered when a file is uploaded or edited.

Figure 30: Refreshing Contents

Schemas may be needed when editing a file, or to check the validity of a configuration.
You can display them by selecting the show schema files check box.

Figure 31: Displaying Configuration Schema

There are two ways to edit a configuration file. To directly edit a file, you can either
select its line (click the line itself or on the corresponding checkbox), and then click
the Edit button below the table (see figure 28 on page 26, or click on the pencil icon
inside the Filename cell.

Centralized Management Guide 27

Module Management Rev : 41260

Figure 32: Editing Configuration

If Centralized Management does not detect the file type, you can manually specify it in
the toolbar (the second dropdown). The editing area enables you to edit configuration
files with the help of syntax highlighting. Other tools and features are available in the
toolbar, but some may not render or work properly in your browser. After you have
made your changes click Save and the file will be updated on the server.

There is currently no configuration validation at the moment, so the file will always
be saved, even if not valid. However, restarting the component that uses the file will
trigger and log an error about it.

You can select multiple files and click the global Edit button to open all files in one
editor, each in its own tab. You can then quickly switch between files to modify them.

Figure 33: Configuration Editiing

28 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Module Management

4 Log File Access

The Log Files area displays the files the module identifies as log files. Log files are
useful for following a module that has just been started, to check if everything went
fine recently, or look at the logs and stacktrace of a specific error.

Files are listed here in the order of the last modification, so usually the first one of
the table is the one you want to look at. The number of files is defined in the logging
configuration file, most of the times called logging.properties.

There are three ways to view log files: by clicking the icons in front of each log file-
name, or by using the file selection tool and the Download button to archive the logs
you select and display the resulting file.

Figure 34: Log Files

To view the contents of a log file, click the View icon (see figure 35 on page 29). This
opens a viewer or downloads the file if it is bigger than the size limit of 1 MB. The view
is not updated if the file contents change on the disk.

Figure 35: Viewing Log Files

To follow a log file that is being written to, click the Tail icon (see figure 36 on page

Centralized Management Guide 29

Module Management Rev : 41260

30). This opens a viewer and new lines are appended to the end of the file as they
are written to the log file.

Figure 36: Watching Log Files

If the viewed log is in a supported format (the default APG log formatter), in the log file
viewer some fields will be highlighted in different colors. For example, WARNING and
ERROR messages will be highlighted in orange and red.

Figure 37: Log File Dialog

5 Update

When new versions of a module are available, either by running the setup of a new
APG release, or uploading new packages to the central repository, a notification ap-
pears in the module page. At the top right corner of the module properties, the update
button is set to update to the latest version.

30 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Module Management

Figure 38: Module Update Button

If different versions are available, the button will have an additional option on its right
in order to select the version to update to. For example, if a module is version 1.0, and
versions 1.1 and 1.2 are available, all of these options appear in the list, ordered by
descending version.

Figure 39: Module Update Choices

6 Removal
You can remove a module that has been installed by mistake, or been moved to an-
other server by clicking the Uninstall button at the bottom of the Module page.

Centralized Management Guide 31

Module Management Rev : 41260

32 Centralized Management Guide

Task Management

You perform task management through the Server Management page. See Tasks
section on page 19 for the list of tasks. Click a task in the table to display its current
properties, status, and statistics. This gives an overview of the task use and its ex-
pected run time.

Figure 40: Task Properties

You can access the task configuration file, and the log files for each execution of the
task, which can help you discover why a task did not complete successfully. See
Configuration File Access page 26 and Log File Access page 29 for details about the
actions available for these files.
Task Management Rev : 41260

If a task is running, or has been launched using the on-demand Run Now button,
the run time is displayed with a progress estimate based on the average duration of
previous runs.

Figure 41: Task Running

You can cancel a pending task execution or interrupt it once started. There is no confir-
mation and the task is immediately cancelled. See the Task Scheduler documentation
for details about APG scheduling tools.

34 Centralized Management Guide

Package Management

This section explains how to manage packages using Centralized Management, and
how packages are used when installing or updating modules.

Figure 42: Packages Management

The Packages Listing displays the package names, versions and operating systems.
Operating system is important as it determines whether the package can be installed
Package Management Rev : 41260

on a server. See server Operating System configuration on page 13.

Mouse over the Status column to see where packages are installed. You can install a
package multiple times on a same server, so the installation count can be higher than
the number of servers shown in the tooltip.

1 Package Upload
Click the Upload button to upload a package to the Centralized Management package
repository, which is usually located at Tools/Module-Repository.

Figure 43: Packages Upload

You can either select the file to be uploaded or use the synchronization options.

2 Synchronization
Synchronization has these options: packages can be retrieved, cleaned up remotely,
or discarded from the repository. Most packages can be selected together in a single
synchronization action.

Figure 44: Package synchronization

Retrieve the latest packages connects to each server and fetches the latest ver-
sion of their packages. This is the easiest way to install new packages as it runs the
APG installer and then runs the synchronization.

Retrieve all the packages retrieves every available package from the servers, not
just the latest ones. This is useful if you need a version that is not the most recent

36 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Package Management

Remove remote packages performs a cleanup on the remote servers. For each
server, every package that is not installed on it is removed from its repository to free
the disk space on the server.

Remove old versions from repository performs a cleanup on the Centralized Man-
agement package repository and keeps the most recent version of each package,as
well as all the versions that are currently installed on the remote servers.

Figure 45: Package synchronization result

A summary is displayed for each server with the count of globally added or removed
packages and the file size. On the central repository, adding 2 packages and removing
5 results in a count of -3.

Centralized Management Guide 37

Package Management Rev : 41260

38 Centralized Management Guide

License Management

This section explains how licenses can be managed using Centralized Management
and how it facilitates their installation.

1 Licensing System

Starting with APG 6.0, licenses are linked to a host. To generate a license you require
a license key. You can recover your license keys from the Licenses Management page
but this requires that you have at least one available license, or from the the Server
Licenses panel see page 18, which is available for each registered server.

Click the host ID and copy it. A manual APG installation, on which the License Man-
ager or Centralized Management are installed does not require a license. So it can
be installed, and then used to know the host ID of the server before requesting the

The host ID is a unique identifier generated by APG. It does not come from the com-
mand hostid. You can use the License Manager executable, manage-license, in the
APGbin directory to generate the host ID of the server.

The first time this page loads it is empty, but after you upload some licenses, it lists all
the available licenses, ordered by their host ID.

There is one section per host ID, with the license count and matched server. A mes-
sage appears if a set of licenses does not match the registered server. Each line has
a status icon that shows the current license status.

Licenses are stored on the Centralized Management server, under Tools, License-
Repository, which contains one directory per server host ID with the associated li-
censes. We recommend you do not manage licenses manually from this repository,
but instead manage them from Centralized Management.
License Management Rev : 41260

Figure 46: Licenses listing

2 License Upload

Centralized Management can perform the automatic dispatch of licenses, which makes
it easy to install licenses on multiple servers. To add new licenses click Upload. You
can upload .lic files or .zip archives.

Figure 47: License Upload

40 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 License Management

Figure 48: License upload result

A message appears to confirm the licenses are installed.

3 Synchronization
License synchronization is also available. This is useful when licenses have been
installed or removed while the server was not reachable or unregistered. Synchro-
nization is done based on the Centralized Management license repository. It does not
recover licenses that are already installed.

Figure 49: License Synchronization

Uninstall licenses uninstalls and removes licenses that are not available in the Cen-
tralized Management license repository. You cannot recover these licenses except if
you have stored the license files elsewhere.

Install new licenses searches the licenses in the Centralized Management reposi-
tory and makes sure they are properly installed on every remote server that is reach-
able. This is the most commonly used synchronization option.

Centralized Management Guide 41

License Management Rev : 41260

42 Centralized Management Guide

Audit Logs

The Audit Files page connects to the registered servers and recovers the available
audit log files. They are listed in order of the last modification time, and you can view
them individually or download them as an archive.

Figure 50: Audit Logs

Audit Logs Rev : 41260

44 Centralized Management Guide


The SolutionPacks are the easiest way to install and configure all that is needed for
a specific collect and reporting. To install a new SolutionPacks, click on the Solution-
Packs Center button in the top menu bar.

Figure 51: SolutionPacks Center Button

SolutionPacks Rev : 41260

This will lead to all the available SolutionPacks in your installation.

Figure 52: SolutionPacks Center Button

46 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 SolutionPacks

Each SolutionPack has its own details page explaining their benefits and expected
content. Choosing a SolutionPack to install will lead to the servers selection options if
all the required licenses are available.

Figure 53: SolutionPacks Center Button

Centralized Management Guide 47

SolutionPacks Rev : 41260

In this page, you’ll be prompted to select an installation name that must be unique
on each selected servers. Each components can be distruted among all the available
servers and/or if needed, be installed multiple time on the same server with a different
instance name. A server may be disable for the following reasons:

• Instance already used: If the component is already installed with the same in-
stance name, the server won’t be selectable.

• Missing licences: Some servers may not be up to date in term of installed li-
censes. If a server is missing a needed license for a specific component, it
won’t be selectable.
• Server unreachable: If there’s a communication problem between the Central-
ized Management and a specific server, it won’t be selectable.

Figure 54: SolutionPacks Center Button

Once all the desired components are distributed on the right server, the next steps will
be a series of questions per component in order to configure them correctly.

48 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 SolutionPacks

All the installed SolutionPacks are available in the SolutionPacks node of the browsing

Figure 55: SolutionPacks Center Button

Each known SolutionPack will have its own entry in the top table while the unknown
installed components will be displayed on the bottom table. Selecting a SolutionPack
will lead to the page describing all the installed components and their location. For
each component, it’s possible to do the following:

• Remove: Uninstalling the component and all its configuration.

• Reconfigure: Change the running configuration of the component by modifying
the answers to the installation questions.
• Update: Update the component to the latest version (will only be available if
there’s a newer version of the component in the repository).

Centralized Management Guide 49

SolutionPacks Rev : 41260

Figure 56: SolutionPacks Center Button

Figure 57: SolutionPacks Center Button

50 Centralized Management Guide

Central Configuration Repository

The Central Configuration Repository provides a simple way to edit configuration el-
ements that are shared between several SolutionPacks and SolutionPackBlocks. For
instance, the same Event Database could be used for the SMARTS Events as well as
VMware Events.

Figure 58: Central Configuration Repository

The main page of the Central Configuration Repository contains all the editable con-
figuration elements across the registered servers. Each element is described by its
name, its parameters and the SolutionPacks referencing it. Clicking on an item of the
list opens the edition page of this particular element.

As the list size quickly increases with the installation of new SolutionPacks, it is rec-
ommended to use the search field to easily retrieve a specific configuration element.

In the figure above, a SMARTS Broker configuration is selected. Its name is Broker,
its parameters are an IP address and a port and it is referenced by two SolutionPacks.
Central Configuration Repository Rev : 41260

An other SMARTS Broker also appears, but with an other IP address.

Figure 59: Edition of a configuration element

The top of the edition page contains the element’s parameters while the bottom con-
tains the list of SolutionPackBlocks referencing this element.

Modifying a configuration element requires the following steps:

• Enter new parameters for the element.

• Select the SolutionPackBlocks that will be updated with the new parameters.
The SolutionPackBlocks that are not selected will keep the previous configura-
• Click on the Apply button.

52 Centralized Management Guide

Data Enrichment

The data enrichment page allows the user to quickly add some tagging on data
coming from a collector-manager or an event-processing-manager.
To be able to tag some data the collector manager and/or the event-processing-
manager must be running, and they must contain at least one property tagging filter
(for the collector manager) and one event property tagger (for the event processing

Figure 60: Data Enrichment page

Here is a definition of each possible status of the tagging.

• Running: Everything is fine, module is running.

• Module is not running: The module is not running.

• Server not reachable: The target server might be down.

Data Enrichment Rev : 41260

• WS not Supported: The module is running but we cannot get a response from
the webservice. Maybe the module is too old and doesn’t support the web ser-

• Unknown: Any other errors.

To access the data enrichment page, you can

select the data enrichment root node from the
tree, or select data enrichment node located
under the physical node.

If the data enrichment page is selected under

the physical node, then only tagging related to
that host is displayed. Otherwise all the tag-
ging, for all hosts, will be displayed.

Register a new module allows the user to add a new property tagging filter or a new
event property tagger to the list of tagging.

Figure 61: Registering a new module

After opening the Register a new module page, the user must select a server,
then a category and finally the list of property tagging filter and event property tagger

54 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Data Enrichment

to register.

To be able to register a module, the target collector manager and/or event processing
manager must be running.

Remove allows the user to remove one or multiple tagging. First, the user must select
the tagging(s) to be removed, and then press the Remove button.

Figure 62: Removing a module

To access the tagging, the user must either click on the tagging from the list of the
data enrichment page, or directly select the node from the tree. Then the following
page will be displayed.

Figure 63: Data enrichment tagging page

New tagging will create a new tagging.

Save will save all the changes made to all the tagging.

Delete (small trashcan on the right) will completely remove the selected tagging.

Centralized Management Guide 55

Data Enrichment Rev : 41260

If the property tagging filter or event property tagger configuration contains some ac-
cessors, it will not be possible to use the GUI to modify the data.

To make some change on a tagging, simply expand the tagging by clicking on it.

Figure 64: Data enrichment tagging detail

To modify a value, you must click on it. A textbox will appear and the user will be able
to modify the value, pressing the Enter key will commit the change. The modified
value will then be in blue italic. Example:

The user can also press the TAB key which has the same impact, except that after
the commit the focus will move on the next cell.

56 Centralized Management Guide

Rev : 41260 Data Enrichment

If you see a value in red italic, it means that the value was not correctly written in the
property tagging filter or event property tagger data file. You cannot modify that value,
but you can delete the row.

When clicking on a key value, a list of special values can be selected. The @EMPTY
and @NULL options are there to differentiate between an empty and a null value. The
@DEFAULT option represent the default-symbol attribute of the property tagging filter
or event property tagger configuration, see the documentation of those modules for
more information on that attribute.

The @NULL option is only available if the null-symbol attribute is present in the prop-
erty tagging filter or in the event property tagger configuration.

For creating and deleting rows, you must click on the small icon at the left of the
row, and then the following contextual menu will be displayed.

• Insert before will create a new row on top

of the selected one.
• Insert after will create a new row below
the selected one.

• Delete will delete the selected row.

To add a new key or property, you must click on the appropriate button, either Add
new key or Add new property, then the following windows will be displayed.

Centralized Management Guide 57

Data Enrichment Rev : 41260

• New column is the name of the new key.

• after determines the position of the column.

• Default value will write the input value for all

existing rows.
• Type is the type of column. Possible values
– String: a normal string column
– Regex: Java regular expression
– Wildcard: can replace a character with
( ? ) and multiple characters with ( * ),
escape character is ( )
– Range: a range of numbers, example:
[5;20] any number between 5 and 20
• Delete after use mean that the column will be
deleted after the enrichment has been done.

• New column is the name of the new property.

• after determines the position of the column.
• Default value will write the input value for all
existing rows.

To remove a key or property, you must click on the icon (small trashcan) beside the
column name.

It is possible to import or export data in CSV or excel format. To execute these

tasks, just click on the corresponding button. When importing, if the imported file
contains more columns than the configuration, they will be stripped.

58 Centralized Management Guide

User Settings

This section describes the settings available for each user in Centralized Manage-
ment. To access the user settings, on the top right of the menu bar click User Settings.

Figure 65: User Settings Access

User Settings Rev : 41260

Figure 66: User Settings

Language defines the language used for the interface. The lanaguage you choose
here determines the language used for APG, so if you change the language here, it
also changes in APG.

Chart Refresh controls the refresh rate of the real-time charts shown on the server

• default uses the default settings of an automatic refresh with a period of 10


• automatically specify the refresh rate in seconds. A value of 0 in that field

disables auto-refresh.
• never disables real-time charting and uses historical charts, if enabled for the

60 Centralized Management Guide

WebApp Context Configuration

This configuration file, located in the Tomcat conf/Catalina/localhost directory, is

available after you deploy and run the application on the server. This file contains the
definition of the master table with the users, and the APG timeseries databases.

The timeseries databases are used to retrieve and display historical health data for
the registered servers. Check that the configured sources fit your installation, or the
charts will be empty.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Context reloadable="false">

<!-- Gives access to the users, profiles, roles and rights. -->
<ResourceLink name="jdbc/master" global="jdbc/master" type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

<!-- Gives access to the timeseries database. -->

<ResourceLink name="jdbc/APG-DB" global="jdbc/APG-DB" type="javax.sql.DataSource" />


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