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The key takeaways are that people have control over their internal world and destiny through their decisions, beliefs, and how they choose to think and act.

The text states that it is one's decisions, not conditions, that determine one's destiny.

The text states that one's identity defines their life and view of themselves, so by creating a new and more powerful identity one can change for the better and impact future actions.


Ho w t o Ta k e I m m e d i a t e Co n t r o l o f You r M e n t a l ,
Em o t i o n a l , Ph y si ca l & Fi n a n ci a l De st i n y

By applying the fundamental principles of self mastery, any person can take control of their life and harness the forces that shape destiny.

Self mastery holds the key to the quality of life. In particular, the nurture and development of a powerful belief system is vitally important. When a
far-reaching belief system is established and regularly strengthened, a person’s life must follow the direction and ultimate destiny of that belief system.

You can literally have and achieve anything you want in life and create your own destiny by developing an appropriate underlying belief system, and
then by using that system to influence everything you say, do and think.

1. Dreams of Destiny 14. Ultimate Influence: Your Master System
Many people know what they should be doing to be a success in life, If a person wants to change anything about their life, they must either
but few people actually follow through and do what is required. change how they feel or how they act. Of the two options, changing
2. Decisions: The Pathway To Power how you feel about events in your life is potentially more powerful
It is your decisions and not your conditions that determine your destiny. because changing how you feel automatically changes how you act.
The key is not what you know but what you commit to do. 15. Life Values: Your Personal Compass
3. The Force That Shapes Your Life You can literally change your life’s direction simply by realigning your
Whatever you link pain to and pleasure to shapes every aspect of your values to more accurately reflect your ultimate destination.
life. Every person has the ability to change these associations at will, 16. Rules
therefore changing actions and ultimately destinies. Most people live by a self imposed set of rules - a set of conditions
4. Belief Systems: Power To Create Or Destroy which, if achieved, gives them permission to feel good and if not,
It is not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what gives permission to feel some pain. In reality, however, these types
those events mean. of rules are totally self-imposed. Therefore, to spend more time
feeling good, develop a new set of personal rules which are
5. Can Change Happen In An Instant?
achievable on a consistent basis, independent of the actions of
Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC) is a process which associates
anyone else.
incredible and intense pleasure with whatever you wish to embrace
and unbearable and immediate pain with whatever you wish to shun. 17. References
The fabric from which a person’s core beliefs and values are selected
6. How To Change Anything In Your Life
are their references - their personal experiences or the personal
Use Neuro-Associative Conditioning. experiences of other people they may hear about, read about or see
7. How To Get What You Really Want in the media. The greater the number and quality of references a
In the final analysis, your life’s greatest desires are intimately linked person has available, the more effectively they can make meaningful
to the way you want to feel. All you really want from life is to change choices for their own lives.
the way that you feel most of the time.
18. Identity
8. Questions Are The Answer Your identity are the beliefs you use to define your own individuality
Thinking is the process of asking and answering questions. Therefore, - what makes you unique. Your identity has a direct influence on how
to think and act differently, you need to ask different questions. you choose to use your capabilities and also how you may choose to
9. The Vocabulary of Ultimate Success interact with others.
By changing your habitual vocabulary, you can actually modify how A person’s identity defines their life and their view of themselves.
you think, feel and experience. Therefore, identity is a key to any person’s future actions. To change
for the better, simply create a new and more powerful identity for
10. The Power of Life Metaphors
Choose carefully all metaphors, as they will influence everything. yourself, and then go out and live up to that identity you have chosen.

11. The 10 Emotions of Power Part 3 - A LESSON IN DESTINY

Emotions are simply a signal to feel one way or another. Make certain you live life to the fullest while here. Experience
12. The Magnificent Obsession everything, and have fun. Enjoy the process as well as the destination
Every person can create their own compelling and magnificent future. you’re heading for. Combine the spontaneity of youth with the wisdom
13. The Ten-Day Mental Challenge of experience and keep growing and learning and loving. Live each
Refuse to dwell on any unhelpful thoughts for 10 consecutive days. day as if it is the most important day of your entire life, because in
reality, it is.
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Part 1 - UNLEASH YOUR POWER Key Thoughts

1. Dreams of Destiny ‘‘It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.’’
---- Anthony Robbins
Main Idea
Many people know what they should be doing to be a success ‘‘Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are
in life, but in reality few people actually follow through and do the creatures of men. Nothing can resist the human will that will
what they know is required. stake even its existence on its stated purpose.’’
---- Benjamin Disraeli
Supporting Ideas
To create a lasting improvement in the quality of your life, you 3. The Force That Shapes Your Life
must master: Main Idea
1. Your emotions Whatever you link pain to and pleasure to shapes every aspect
Changing the emotions you feel in any situation will alter your of your life. Every person has the ability to change these
actions. By mastering your emotions and consciously associations at will, therefore changing actions and ultimately
creating the emotion you require, you control your actions. destinies.
2. Your physical state Supporting Ideas
Controlling your physical health generates energy and Human beings always act rationally to avoid pain and gain
enthusiasm in every other area of your life. pleasure. Every person will consciously or unconsciously act to
3. Personal and professional relationships do whatever they consider brings pleasure, and to avoid
Sharing success with other people amplifies the rewards and whatever action brings pain.
generates a sense of contribution. You can use this to your advantage by amplifying the pain or
4. Finances pleasure links. In other words, mentally exaggerate the pleasure
A financial destiny of abundance is achievable creating that will come from doing something positive or the pain that will
peace of mind and anticipation for future possibilities. come from some negative action. The more vivid and intensive
5. Time these links the more influence they will have over your decisions.
A mastery of time allows you to squeeze the maximum By making intense emotional links to whatever you choose, you
possible achievement in the direction of your dreams out of can instantly change your behaviour. In fact, by linking
every hour, every day - without going crazy. sufficiently intense pain to the behaviours you want to stop, and
Key Thoughts by keeping those links fresh and vibrant, you won’t even want to
consider those behaviours any longer.
‘‘Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that
Note, the driving force is not actual pleasure or actual pain, but
would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces
a belief that one action will lead to future pleasure while another
that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action.’’
will lead to future pain that influences actions.
---- Orison Swett Marden
Key Thoughts
‘‘A consistent man believes in destiny, a capricious man in
chance.’’ ‘‘If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due
---- Benjamin Disraeli to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have
the power to revoke at any moment.’’
2. Decisions: The Pathway to Power ---- Marcus Aurelius
Main Idea
‘‘The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure
It is your decisions and not your conditions that determine your instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that,
destiny. The power of decision shapes your experience of life. you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.’’
The key is not what you know but what you commit to do. ---- Anthony Robbins
Supporting Ideas
4. Belief Systems: Power To Create or Destroy
To direct your life, you must exert control over the consistent
Main Idea
daily decisions that are made. Decisions are the father of actions,
which in turn lead directly to results. Therefore, to achieve the It is not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as
required results, look closely at all decisions which have been to what those events mean.
made. External conditions have little if any influence on a Supporting Ideas
person’s ultimate lifetime or career achievements. The meaning we attach to any event has a great influence of who
Most people are so busy making excuses that they never take we now are and where we will be headed tomorrow. Beliefs are
the time to sit down and set a baseline minimum standard for the key to how different people view the same event.
what they will accept out of life. The interesting and exciting Generally speaking, most beliefs are based on past experiences
principle is that any person can do almost anything they want - of painful or pleasurable results. They are personal
if they make a decision to commit to that course starting right interpretations of the results that can be garnered from any
here and now. particular course of action. Once accepted, they exert incredible
Making a decision isn’t just wishful thinking. It literally means to power over our future actions.
cut off every other possibility and to focus solely on the one The brain cannot distinguish between something that is vividly
outcome to which you are totally and unequivocally dedicated. imagined and something that is physically experienced. That
That’s why what you focus on is so important: because whether means that you can literally accomplish anything by developing
you acknowledge it or not, you literally become what you focus the absolute sense of certainty that powerful beliefs provide. All
on most of the time. personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs. To
Awaken The Giant Within - Page 3 -

change a belief, mentally associate large and massive amounts 6. How To Change Anything In Your Life
of pain with an old belief, and equally large amounts of pleasure Main Idea
with the new belief.
The six steps of NAC are:
The Japanese use kaizen - meaning constant improvement - as
1. Analyze exactly what you want from life and what has
an essential business principle. It means that companies look
prevented you from achieving it until now. You’ll achieve
for a small way to improve their products every single day.
whatever you focus on most intensely. If you keep focusing
The english equivalent of kaizen may be: CANI, which stands on what you don’t want, you are programming yourself to
for Constant And Never-ending Improvement. The principle is achieve more of that.
the same. It is a commitment reinforced by action to gradually
2. Create motivation to change immediately and urgently. Find
but steadily continue to improve.
a way to link intense and massive pleasure to making the
CANI is a positive approach. There is no need to maintain the change AND exceptionally powerful pain to any feeling of
quality of life, because you will already be hard at work trying to procrastination. Both the level of pain and pleasure must
improve it. CANI generates true security which comes from a present compelling reasons to make a change in habits.
constant, consistent effort in knowing that every single day, you
are a better person than you were the day before. 3. Interrupt the normal pattern of your thoughts. Most people
think about their favourite subject the same way again and
In the final analysis, nothing in life has any meaning except the again, rehashing old feelings over and over. Break free.
meaning you consciously or subconsciously give it. Therefore, Picture a different ending, using humour and exaggeration.
the biggest changes are made internally, regardless of your That helps you remember the old situation in an entirely
particular external circumstances. different light.
Key Thoughts 4. Come up with an attractive new method to produce the same
‘‘Under all that we think, lives all we believe, like the ultimate veil benefits you derived from your old habits. Find an immensely
of our spirits.’’ pleasurable alternative to replace the current addiction.
---- Antonio Machado 5. Condition yourself. Visualize your alternative course of
action with emotional intensity. Use repetition and emotion
‘‘Only in man’s imagination does every truth find an effective and
to reinforce the positive benefits of the alternative. Take a
undeniable existence. Imagination, not invention, is the supreme
strong positive approach, stressing the benefits. Develop
master of art, as of life.’’
ways to reward new patterns of behaviour immediately. A
---- Joseph Conrad
pattern that is reinforced becomes a habit.
5. Can Change Happen In An Instant? 6. Test your programming. Visualize a situation which caused
Main Idea frustration in the past. If you’ve followed the steps correctly,
Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC) is a process which you should now feel differently about it. If not, go through
associates incredible and intense pleasure with whatever you steps 1 to 5 again.
wish to embrace and unbearable and immediate pain with Key Thoughts
whatever you wish to shun.
‘‘The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread, but every
Supporting Ideas time we repeat the act we strengthen the strand, add it to another
Most people work under the assumption that changing the habits filament, until it becomes a great cable and binds us irrevocably,
of a lifetime for new and better habits takes a long time. In reality, thought and act.’’
however, habits can be changed immediately and permanently ---- Orison Swett Marden
- if proper conditioning takes place. NAC is the process by which
‘‘Good and evil, reward and punishment, are the only motives to
immediate change can occur.
a rational creature: these are the spur and reigns whereby all
Your brain automatically seeks whatever provides pleasure and mankind are set on work, and guided.’’
shuns whatever produces pain. This is your key to total control ---- John Locke
over your life. By assigning sufficient amounts of pleasure to the
behaviour you require, you can create an overwhelming impulse 7. How To Get What You Really Want
to act that way which will totally overwhelm any contradictory Main Idea
feelings. Deep down, what is it you most crave from life? In the final
Key Thoughts analysis, your life’s greatest desires are intimately linked to the
way you want to feel. All you really want from life is to change
‘‘It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it
the way that you feel most of the time.
---- Rene Descartes Supporting Ideas
There is a direct link between what a person wants to achieve in
‘‘Things do not change; we change.’’
life and what they want to feel. Material possessions and
---- Henry David Thoreau
personal relationships are simply a means to an end - a way to
achieve optimal emotional states.
This is an important fact. Behaviour is the direct result of your
current emotional state rather than a result of external factors.
Therefore, by changing your emotional state, you can change
your behaviour patterns.
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The two ways to change emotional states are: For example:

1. Emotion is created by motion. If you wish to feel a particular Morning Questions:
emotion, start physically acting as if you already felt that way Dwell on the aspects of your life you are passionately enjoying,
and before you are aware of it you will actually feel the way your achievements, whatever you are proud of and the areas to
you are acting. which you are totally and irrevocably committed to at the present
2. Whatever you choose to focus on becomes your perception time.
of reality. Therefore, if you focus on things that haven’t Evening Questions:
happened yet and feel good about them in advance, you Focus on what has been learnt that day, what you have
create a fertile environment for those things to actually contributed and positive experiences you’ve enjoyed with other
happen. You literally become whatever you choose to focus people.
on. Key Thoughts
Make a list of those activities that give the greatest amount of
‘‘Some men see things as they are, and say, ‘Why?’ I dream of
personal pleasure and develop meaningful ways to focus on
things that never were, and say, ‘Why not?’’’
those activities most of the time. Develop a plan for generating
personal pleasure on a minute-by-minute basis. Don’t allow ---- George Bernard Shaw
pleasure to crop up unexpectedly - plan your entire day around ‘‘The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiousity has its
it and gear everything you do in that general direction. own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he
Key Thoughts contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous
structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend
‘‘Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiousity.’’
with what happens to him.’’ ---- Albert Einstein
---- Aldous Huxley
‘‘Every great and commanding moment in the annals of the world
8. Questions Are The Answer is the triumph of some enthusiasm.’’
Main Idea ---- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thinking is the process of asking and answering questions. 9. The Vocabulary of Ultimate Success
Therefore, to think and act differently from how you’ve acted in
Main Idea
the past, you need to ask different questions.
Words have an ability to create emotions which can then be
Supporting Ideas
transformed into actions which ultimately shape our destiny. This
The same event can happen to different people and they will is due to the fact that beliefs can be formed and changed by
each feel differently. That is, the meaning a person attaches to words. Specifically, the words you habitually chose and use
any event is derived solely from feelings - which in turn are based affect not only how you communicate with yourself but also what
exclusively on questions the person asks of themselves (and the you actually experience.
questions they fail to ask).
By changing your habitual vocabulary, you can actually modify
In essence, the better the question the better the answer. how you think, feel and experience. Specifically, by altering the
Questions have a direct and dramatic effect on a person’s focus words you use to speak of and think about any situation, you can
- you control your focus by asking questions which are positive consistently and deliberately change your emotional state and
and creative rather than questions which dwell on the negative. your life experience.
It is the questions you ask (and the hard questions you fail to
Supporting Ideas
ask) that ultimately shape your destiny.
By consciously selecting the words you use in conversation and
Questions accomplish three specific objectives:
thought, you can change your life and shape your destiny. You
1. They change what you are focused on mentally, and can choose between deliberately using words that are
therefore impact directly on how you feel. empowering or words that are counterproductive.
2. Questions allow you to choose something positive to think To put this into practice:
about at the expense of wasting time dwelling on negatives.
1. Pay close attention to the words you habitually use to
3. Questions, positively framed, often open up new avenues to describe your negative emotions. For example, ‘‘angry’’,
previously untapped resources you have available. ‘‘confused’’ or ‘‘depressed’’.
When faced with a new business challenge, you should 2. Develop a list of creative alternatives for those words (like
systematically work through these questions: ‘‘disenchanted’’, ‘‘curious’’ or ‘‘on the way to turning it
1. What is exciting about this new challenge? around’’). These alternatives should ideally make you laugh
2. What should be changed to create the perfect situation? or at least feel less intense.
3. What action am I willing to take to more closely align reality Examples:
with my perfect ideal? Don’t feel like a failure but like a learner. Instead
of feeling rejected, feel misunderstood. Rather
4. What price am I willing to pay? That is, what am I willing to
than being overwhelmed, feel maximized. Don’t
stop doing to create my ideal situation?
feel stupid, feel unresourceful.
5. What can I do to enjoy the process while I am working Instead of feeling irritated, feel stimulate.
towards my ideal? Don’t say: I hate, instead say: I prefer
Because questions can strongly affect mental focus, you should Rather than being frustrated, be challenged or fascinated.
develop a morning and evening personal question session which Don’t feel humiliated, only surprised or uncomfortable.
will enable you to focus on positive aspects of your life. Instead of feeling hurt, allow yourself to be bothered.
When you’re tempted to say insulted, use misinterpreted.
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Transform feeling fearful into feeling curious. Supporting Ideas

Never be lonely, only temporarily on your own. To master your emotions and be in a consistent position to
3. Make a conscious and deliberate attempt to use your new generate positive emotions:
word choice whenever the situation arises in which you 1. Whenever you feel strong emotions, take a step back and
would automatically have used your old word. In a short ask yourself what are you really feeling. The simple act of
period of time, you’ll actually begin to feel and act differently clarifying your feelings will often lower the emotional intensity
as your thoughts start following the new and preferred of negative feelings.
2. Acknowledge to yourself that emotions are useful signals.
4. Develop an effective way to reinforce your transformation. Therefore, feel appreciative that your signal system is
For example, perhaps you can have a friend in on the operating normally. This act will also strengthen your
scheme, and have them remind you. balance.
5. Be aware that your new word choice can either intensify 3. Quiz yourself on why you feel that way. Are the grounds for
positive emotions or lower negative feelings. Select new those emotions rational or totally unrealistic. Look for
words that are fun to use, imaginative and effective. reasons you may be feeling that way.
Key Thoughts 4. Visualize occasions in the past when you have felt the same
‘‘A powerful agent is the right word. Whenever we come upon way and have successfully used that emotion to spur you on
one of those intensely right words the resulting effect is physical to some achievement or another.
as well as spiritual, and electrically prompt.’’ 5. Build your own personal self-confidence that you can handle
---- Mark Twain this emotion today and in the future.
‘‘Words form the thread on which we string our experiences.’’ 6. Get enthusiastic and get into action. Take a direct action
---- Aldous Huxley which proves you’re moving ahead.
The 10 positive emotions of power are:
10. The Power of Life Metaphors
1. Love and warmth
Main Idea 2. Appreciation and gratitude
Metaphors can either stimulate or limit experience of life. When 3. Curiousity
a metaphor is adopted, you automatically adopt the advantages 4. Excitement and passion
and the limitations of the metaphor when thinking about the new 5. Determination
area. Therefore, choose metaphors carefully. 6. Flexibility
Supporting Ideas 7. Confidence
A metaphor is used whenever one principle is explained by 8. Cheerfulness
comparing it to something else. Familiarity with the metaphor 9. Vitality
allows us to gain an insight into the new principle. 10. Contribution
Metaphors are the primary way of learning. They provide a way The key task is to find ways to regularly and consistently cultivate
to visualize something unfamiliar in terms of similar attributes to the 10 emotions of power.
something familiar. Metaphors provide a frame of reference for
new knowledge. 12. The Magnificent Obsession
By consciously and deliberately taking control of the metaphors Main Idea
you use, you can influence and shape your experience of life’s Every person has the power to create a compelling and
peaks and troughs. Metaphors are extremely persuasive, and magnificent future for themselves by setting and then achieving
by simply changing your underlying metaphor, you can make a powerful and highly motivational goals. In fact, the achievement
noticeable difference to the way you act and feel. Make a of vivid and dynamic goals is at the foundation of all success.
consistent effort to adopt powerful and positive metaphors and
Supporting Ideas
notice the change in your life.
Goals must be:
Key Thoughts
1. Envisaged with clarity and in specific detail.
‘‘The metaphor is perhaps one of man’s most fruitful
2. Immediately followed through on with the development of a
potentialities. Its efficacy verges on magic, and it seems a tool
plan and consistent action towards achievement.
for creation which God forgot inside one of his creatures when
He made him.’’ 3. Vividly imagined and emotionally enjoyed at least twice a day
---- Jose Ortega Y Gasset to keep you motivated and on the right track.
And remember that in the final analysis, achieving the goal is
‘‘All perception of truth is the detection of an analogy.’’
important but the quality of life you experience along the way is
---- Henry David Thoreau
far more important.
11. The Ten Emotions of Power Key Thoughts
Main Idea ‘‘We are what and where we are because we have first imagined
Some people feel like they are at the mercy of their emotions. it.’’
Yet, in reality, each person creates their own emotions, and they ---- Donald Curtis
should be viewed as an important resource and a call to take
action. From this perspective, emotions are a signal (or even ‘‘Nothing happens unless first a dream.’’
subconscious permission) to feel one way or another. ---- Carl Sandburg
Awaken The Giant Within - Page 6 -

‘‘There is nothing like dream to create the future. Utopia today, Part 2 - TAKING CONTROL - THE MASTER SYSTEM
flesh and blood tomorrow.’’
---- Victor Hugo 14. Ultimate Influence: Your Master System
Main Idea
13. The Ten-Day Mental Challenge
If a person wants to change anything about their life, they must
Main Idea
either change how they feel or how they act. Of the two options,
The challenge: Take full control of your thoughts and refuse to changing how you feel about events in your life is potentially
dwell on any unhelpful thoughts or emotions for 10 consecutive much more powerful because changing how you feel will
days. automatically change how you act.
Supporting Ideas Supporting Ideas
Your habitual pattern of thought has bought you to your present There are five elements affecting how a person feels:
level of achievements. Therefore, to move onwards to a new
1. The mental and emotional state you’re in whenever you
level of personal and professional success, you must create new
make an evaluation of your inner feelings.
and more powerful patterns by:
2. The questions that are asked as part of the evaluation
1. For the next 10 consecutive days, refuse to dwell on any
process can have a strong influence on the answers given.
unhelpful feelings or thoughts.
3. Your value system influences how you feel. You will always
2. Whenever you start feeling negative about anything, ask
feel good when you’re moving towards a positive value.
yourself: What’s good about this? What’s not perfect yet?
4. Your underlying beliefs determine expectations and provide
3. Whenever you see a challenge, focus on possible solutions
a foundation from which you make other evaluations.
rather than on the problem itself.
5. Reference experiences serve to refine and enhance values
4. If you catch yourself indulging in negative thoughts for a long
and beliefs, and encourage us to ask different questions and
period, wait until the following morning and start again. The
move off into new directions.
goal is to go 10 consecutive days with only upbeat thoughts
and emotions. A shift in any one of these five elements will have a powerful
effect on the way that you think, feel and behave in a number of
Key Thoughts
areas simultaneously. This can be a powerful force in shaping
‘‘Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.’’ your ultimate destiny.
---- Nathaniel Emmons
‘‘We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.’’ Key Thoughts
---- John Dryden
‘‘Men are wise in proportion, not to their experience, but to their
capacity for experience.’’
---- George Bernard Shaw
15. Life Values: Your Personal Compass
Main Idea
You can literally change your life’s direction simply by realigning
your values to more accurately reflect your ultimate destination.
Supporting Ideas
A persons values which he holds nearest and dearest guides his
every decision, and therefore, holds the key to his ultimate
destiny and life’s achievements.
In one sense, all decisions a person makes in their life can be
viewed as a clarification of their values. The only time a person
has a hard time making a decision is when they are unclear on
what they value the most out of the alternatives. Values
effectively act as a magnet, pulling us towards those values we
hold high and repelling us from those values we dislike and want
to avoid at all costs.
The key to long-term happiness is to live by your own high ideals,
by the strongest possible effect of our positive value system.
Many people spend more time worrying about what they want to
own, when in reality who they are has a much more powerful
influence on how they spend their lives and ultimately what they
own. Values are the compass that will guide every person to their
ultimate destiny.
To take positive and firm control over your values, try the
following exercises:
1. Sit down and write out a list of the tope ten values you
currently hold, in order of importance. Do this by writing on a
piece of paper your answer to the question: What’s most
important to me in life?
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2. Examine your list carefully and thoughtfully. Have you In setting up your own rules:
unconsciously set up any conflicts? For example, do you 1. Design your rules so you are in control and the outside world
have two values on your list which are completely opposite has very little effect on how you feel.
but are very close in your order of priorities? That will set up
2. Set up your rule system so it is extremely easy to feel good,
huge conflicts, and you should re configure your priorities to
and exceptionally hard to feel bad. Give your rule system a
avoid any such conflicts.
positive bias.
3. Next, write down your answer to this question: What do my
3. Make the trigger points under your rules events that you have
values need to be in order to achieve the true destiny I desire
control over.
and deserve? Put down the values, in order, that a person
would need to have to be able to achieve the destiny you 4. Avoid conflicting rules vigorously. Link high levels of pain with
have in mind. any old style disempowering rules, and replace them with
positive rules which have intense levels of pleasure attached.
4. Now develop a new list of values which you can work towards
embracing with your life’s actions. The new list will generally 5. Take the time to communicate and explain your rules system
be a combination of your present values and additional to those closest to you. Ask them to help you live by those
values which are required to successfully achieve your empowering rules which generate pleasure.
ultimate goal. Key Thoughts
Incidentally, values can be of two kinds - those you wish to ‘‘Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody
embrace and move towards and those you wish to avoid and else expects of you.’’
move away from. You can repeat the same exercises given ---- Henry Ward Beecher
above to develop a list of values which you wish to totally avoid
in your life as well.
Key Thoughts 17. References
Main Idea
‘‘Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who
dared to believe that something inside of them was superior to The fabric from which a person’s core beliefs and values are
circumstance.’’ selected are their references - their personal experiences or the
---- Bruce Barton personal experiences of other people they may hear about, read
about or see in the media. The greater the number and quality
‘‘We are what we repeatedly do.’’ of references a person has available, the more effectively they
---- Aristotle can make meaningful choices for their own lives.
‘‘Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, Supporting Ideas
because your character is what you really are, while your To expand the quality of your life, make a conscious and
reputation is merely what others think think you are.’’ consistent effort to expand the references available for you to
---- John Wooden choose from. There are an inexhaustible supply of references in
books, for example.
16. Rules
The way someone chooses to use their references determines
Main Idea
how they feel, because whether something is good or bad is all
Most people live by a self imposed set of rules - a set of based entirely on the frame of reference to which it is compared.
conditions which, if achieved, gives them permission to feel good The key is to learn from the past, but not to live in it. A person
and if not, gives permission to feel some pain. In reality, however, doesn’t drive a car by looking in the rear view mirror, but uses
these types of rules are totally self-imposed. Therefore, to spend the mirror when necessary.
more time feeling good, develop a new set of personal rules
To enrich your life, expand your references. Pursue ideas and
which are achievable on a consistent basis, independent of the
experiences that wouldn’t be a part of your life unless you make
actions of anyone else.
a rational and conscious effort to seek new experiences. read
Supporting Ideas about experiences other people have had, and go out and add
Many people live by their self imposed and totally arbitrary rules them to your own life. By enhancing and improving your
without even realizing they are doing so. Even worse, most references, you can enrich your life.
people have more rules for things that make them feel bad than Key Thoughts
they do for events that make them feel good, effectively loading
the dice against themselves. ‘‘The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go
beyond them into the impossible.’’
Many people’s internal rule systems are a collection of snatches
---- Arthur C. Clarke
of common wisdom picked up in a variety of different settings. A
more positive and rational approach is to take firm and positive ‘‘Man’s mind, stretched to a new idea never goes back to its
control over your own internal rule system, with the objective of original dimensions.’’
creating a number of empowering rules which will make you feel ---- Oliver Wendell Holmes
good and a very limited number of disempowering rules which
specify when you feel bad. And, the positive rules must be ‘‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’’
centred over things that you do have control over rather than ---- Albert Einstein
random life events. ‘‘The knowledge of the world is only to be acquired in the world,
and not in a closet.’’
---- Lord Chesterfield
‘‘We lift ourselves by our thought, we climb upon our vision of
Awaken The Giant Within - Page 8 -

18. Identity Key Thoughts

Main Idea ‘‘If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally
Your identity are the beliefs you use to define your own astound ourselves.’’
individuality - what makes you unique. Your identity has a direct ---- Thomas Edison
influence on how you choose to use your capabilities and also
‘‘Nothing great will ever be achieved without great men, and men
how you may choose to interact with others.
are great only if they are determined to be so.’’
A person’s identity defines their life and their view of themselves. ---- Charles De Gaulle
Therefore, identity is a key to any person’s future actions. To
change for the better, simply create a new and more powerful ‘‘When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two
identity for yourself, and then go out and live up to that identity characters - one represents danger, and the other represents
you have chosen. opportunity.’’
---- John F. Kennedy

Supporting Ideas
Most people consider their identities have been moulded
exclusively;y by their experiences. Yet, two people can go
through the same experience and come away with totally
different memories. Clearly, the interpretation of a person’s
experiences are much more influential to the formation of an
identity than the actual experience itself.
Therefore, before you start to mould a more powerful identity for
yourself, take a moment to take stock of where you currently are:
1. If you were to look in a dictionary under your name, what
would the entry say? Write down a dictionary entry for your
life to the present time.
2. If you were to create an ID card that described you to
strangers you meet, what would you include on the ID card
and what would you leave off?
These exercises should illustrate that your identity is simply what
you have chosen to identify yourself with in the last. That means
that to create a new and empowering identity, you simply need
to choose different items with which to become closely
The steps to inventing a more powerful identity are:
1. Make a list of all the elements of a dynamic and exciting
identity you would like to have. Let your imagination run wild
and develop a pencil sketch of the ideal identity - from your
perspective alone.
2. Take another look at your first list and add some excitement
and enthusiasm. Add the characteristics of people you really
admire. Breath some dynamic ideas into your list of identity
qualities, and write down your expanded list.
3. Develop an action plan. How would a person with that type
of identity live? Who would they associate with, and how
would their friends reinforce their identity. How would that
person dress, act and live? How would they treat events that
occur in their business and personal lives. Be detailed, be
specific, and write down your thoughts as you go along.
4. Commit yourself to living your new and improved identity by
projecting your new personality to everyone you come into
contact with. Read your description often, and join that elite
group who do rather than just talk about it.
More people are prisoners of their past than care to admit it. In
reality, however, people can expand and improve - even you.
Therefore, forget the past and focus on the quality of your life in
the present. Lay the groundwork for an even better life in the
future by embracing rather than avoiding change. Make a
conscious and rational effort to develop a more powerful and
more dynamic identity for yourself.
Awaken The Giant Within - Page 9 -

Part 3 - A LESSON IN DESTINY Key Thoughts

Main Idea ‘‘Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we
are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of
Make certain you live life to the fullest while here. Experience
every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now. There
everything, and have fun. Enjoy the process as well as the
are only so many tomorrows.’’
destination you’re heading for. Combine the spontaneity of youth
---- Michael Landon
with the wisdom of experience and keep growing and learning
and loving. Live each day as if it is the most important day of your ‘‘Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the
entire life, because in reality, it is. tide and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love.
Supporting Ideas Then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will
have discovered fire.’’
The small decisions that a person makes day in and day out
---- Teilhard de Chardin
creates their ultimate destiny. Therefore, if a person controls how
they think, feel and act, they control their own destiny regardless ‘‘You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for
of the external physical conditions they may be in. someone who will never be able to repay you.’’
The one thing every person has control over is their own internal ---- John Wooden
world. Everyone can decide what things mean and what to do ‘‘It was involuntary; they sank my boat.’’
about anything. The only limits to the impact you can make on ---- John F. Kennedy, when asked how he’d become a hero
the world are set by your own imagination and commitment.
‘‘If I had my life to live over again, I’d dare to make more mistakes
Surmounting difficulties is the crucible, the refiner’s fire, that
next time. I’d relax. I’d limber up. I’d be sillier than I’ve been this
forms character and moulds personality. Everyone has the
trip. I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more
potential to become a hero by courageously choosing to
chances. I would take more trips. I would climb more mountains
contribute even in the most trying circumstances. Heroes defy
and swim more rivers. I would eat more ice cream and less
adversity by doing what they believe is right in spite of any
beans. I would, perhaps, have more actual troubles but fewer
external conditions.
imaginary ones. You see, I’m one of those people who was
Being a hero doesn’t necessarily take an epic effort. Even the sensible and sane, hour after hour, day after day.
small things can be meaningful. For example, what you choose Oh, I’ve had my moments. If I had to do it over again, I’d have
to buy can send a strong signal to consumer companies. If you more of them. In fact, I’d try to have nothing else - just moments,
choose not to purchase a product which is energy inefficient and one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each
instead purchase products which are environmentally sound, day. I’ve been one of those persons who never goes anywhere
you literally cause the companies to improve their products and without a thermometer, a hot-water bottle, a raincoat and a
look for alternatives. Consumer power is in your hands with parachute. If I could do it again, I’d travel lighter than I have.
every decision you make in the supermarket and in shops. If I had to live my life over, I would start barefoot earlier in the
Life is most enjoyable and most rewarding when it is played "full spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more
out" rather than half-heartedly. You’ve got to be willing to feel dances, I would ride more merry-go-rounds, I would pick more
stupid and look silly at times when you’re trying things that are daisies.’’
new and might not work out. And if they don’t work out, you’ve ---- Nadine Stair
got to be willing to roll with the punches and move on to
something new. Otherwise, you can never discover the limits of
what you are really capable of achieving.
The opportunity to contribute to society is not an obligation - it’s
an opportunity to give something back and to make the world a
little bit better because you contributed. Therefore, you should
seek out small acts of public service which you can give without
any publicity. Ideally, your public service should be focused on
a small group, so you can have the opportunity to reach out and
help someone else. That’s the surest way to grow a noble and
powerful personality.
It is important to strive for balance in your life rather than
perfection. Some people are afraid to give anything back to the
broader community because they think it would take over their
entire lives. In reality, however, life is a balance between giving
and receiving, taking care of your own interests and taking time
to contribute to the well-being of others.

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