Hand Book On Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

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(April 2007)


In association with



Page No







EVALUATION 3.1 – 3.37











13.1 – 13.18





Earthquakes are one of nature’s greatest hazards to life on this planet. The impact of this
phenomenon is sudden with little or no warning to make preparations against damages and
collapse of buildings/structures. The hazard to life in case of earthquake is almost entirely
associated with man made structures such as buildings, dams, bridges etc.

Prevention of disasters caused by earthquake has become increasingly important in recent

years. Disaster prevention includes the reduction of seismic risk through retrofitting existing
buildings in order to meet seismic safety requirements. The planning of alterations to existing
buildings differs from new planning through an important condition; the existing construction
must be taken as the basis for all planning and building actions. The new structure can be built
sufficiently earthquake resistant by adoption proper design methodology and construction quality
control. But the existing old structures which have mostly been planned without considering this
important aspect, pose enormous seismic risk, in particular to human life and historical

India is one of the most earthquake prone countries in the world and has experienced
several major/moderate earthquakes during the last 15 years. About 50-60 % of the total area of
the country is vulnerable to seismic activity of varying intensities. The earthquakes at Latur
(1993), Jabalpur (1997), Chamoli (1999) and Bhuj (2001) had exposed the vulnerability of
buildings in India. The codes of practice on earthquake resistant design (IS 4326:1993),
earthquake resistance of earthen buildings (IS 13827:1993), earthquake resistance of low strength
masonry buildings (IS 13828:1993), ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures (IS
13920:1993) and seismic strengthening of buildings (IS 13935) were published almost
simultaneously to meet the urgency of seismic design of buildings. IS 1893 code of practice for
earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings was first prepared in 1962 and
subsequently revised in 1966, 1970, 1975, 1984 and the fifth revision was published recently in
2002. Part 1 and other parts of this code are under revision.

Many existing buildings do not meet the seismic strength requirement. The need for
seismic retrofitting in existing building can arise due to any of the following reasons: (1) building
not designed to code (2) subsequent updating of code and design practice (3) subsequent
upgrading of seismic zone (4) deterioration of strength and aging (5) modification of existing
structure (6) change in use of the building, etc. In India, almost 85% of total buildings are non-
engineered buildings made up of earthen walls, stone walls, brick masonry walls, etc. These

buildings are more vulnerable, and in the event of a major earthquake, there is likely to be
substantial loss of lives and property.

This Handbook has been envisaged to address this serious and widespread problem of
seismic vulnerability of buildings. The Handbook covers the seismic retrofitting of both
engineered and non-engineered buildings.

For evaluation of the vulnerability of any building, some rapid visual methods and
preliminary evaluation are to be carried out first. On the basis of this study, one can arrive at a
conclusion as to whether the building is safe or needs further detailed evaluation to assess its
adequacy. This Handbook is intended to be user-friendly, catering to not only the practising
engineer but also to a common man who can broadly understand and note the absence or presence
of seismic-resistant features in the building and also the possibilities of seismic retrofit. The
owner of the building will also appreciate when he or she needs to consult a structural consultant
for detailed evaluation and retrofit measures that need technical know-how.

Seismic retrofit is primarily applied to achieve public safety, with various levels of
structure and material survivability determined by economic considerations. In recent years, an
increased urgency has been felt to strengthen the deficient buildings, as part of pro-active disaster
mitigation, and to work out the modifications that may be made to an existing structure to
improve the structural performance during an earthquake. However, it is not intended by CPWD
and India Building Congress to prepare this Handbook as guidelines for comprehensive “how-to”
manual for full-fledged retrofitting of structures, as that is best to be done by engineering
specialists. There are some tasks, such as enhancing the integrity of a masonry building that can
be taken up by the initiative of the home-owners. In other cases, such as multiple level houses,
buildings built upon poor foundations, and those built upon questionable soil conditions, a
specialized and licensed expert should be consulted. When retrofitting an existing building or
designing and constructing a new, custom-built structure, one should be cautions about possible
transfer of forces to unmodified portions. The guidelines given in this Handbook are more to give
a general sense of safe/unsafe nature of the existing building/structure so that owners can take
further measures to prevent loss of life and property.

This Handbook gives adequate details for academicians, professionals, builders and
owners to take a few major and positive steps to ensure that structures can be made adequately
safe/ductile to save loss of life and property in case of earthquakes.

Although, there are a number of publications available on the subject of seismic

strengthening outside India, such as FEMA and ASCE, these are not directly suitable in the

Indian context. Considering this in mind, the Central Public Works Department (CPWD), which
is a leading Government Organization engaged in construction and maintenance of building
throughout the length and breath of the country and the Indian Building Congress (IBC)
conceived the idea of preparing a comprehensive Handbook on ‘Seismic Retrofitting of
Buildings’ covering various topics related to seismic retrofit. CPWD is pleased to associate the
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, in this endeavour and the whole project is funded by

It is the sincere desire of CPWD and also of IBC that this Handbook, which covers all
features of assessment of the need and methods of retrofitting of existing structures, will be of
immense use to the student community, academicians, consultants, practicing professional
engineers/scientists involved in planning, design, execution, inspection and supervision for proper
retrofitting of buildings, and also lastly the owners. We, as professionals, believe that a
Handbook is only a guide and it is the expert who will have to take final decision about the actual
extent of work to be done, but an attempt has been made to cover all aspects. Feedback from all
after perusal and using this Handbook will be highly appreciated by Central PWD and IIT Madras
for its future updation. As professionals, we feel all documents have to be dynamic.

Amarnath Chakrabarti
Director General (Works),
Central Public Works Department,
Government of India.



Editors Dr Devdas Menon, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr Amlan K Sengupta, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.


Chapter 0 Dr Devdas Menon, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr Amlan K Sengupta, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 1 Dr Devdas Menon, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr Amlan K Sengupta, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 2 Dr S R Satish Kumar, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr Amlan K Sengupta, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 3 Dr Amlan K Sengupta, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 4 Dr Ravindra Gettu, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr Manu Santhanam, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 5 Dr A R Santhakumar, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 6 Dr A R Santhakumar, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr B Sivarama Sarma, Larson & Toubro Ltd, Chennai.

Chapter 7 Dr M S Mathews, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Arun Menon, Doctoral Student, University di Pavia, Italy.

Chapter 8 Dr A Meher Prasad, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 9 Dr Amlan K Sengupta, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 10 Dr V Kalyanaraman, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr S R Satish Kumar, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 11 Dr A Boominathan, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr S R Gandhi, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 12 Dr A R Santhakumar, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr S R Gandhi, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 13 Dr P Alagusundaramoorthy, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 14 Dr S K Deb, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Guwahati.

Chapter 15 Dr K N Satyanarayana, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Chapter 16 Dr Amlan K Sengupta, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.

Dr A R Santhakumar, Dept of Civil Engg, IIT Madras.


Dr C V R Murty Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur.

Dr Ravi Sinha Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay.

Dr Yogendra Singh Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee.

Dr C Natarajan Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli.

Dr Durgesh C Rai Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur.

Mr M M Kanade Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi.

Dr Alok Goyal Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay.

Dr Alok Madan Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi.

Dr L M Gupta Department of Applied Mechanics, VNIT Nagpur.

Dr G V Ramana Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi.

Dr S P Das Gupta Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.

Dr Abhijit Mukherjee Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay.

Dr R S Jangid Department of Civil Engineering IIT Bombay.

Mr Aravind Jaiswal E O N Designers Pvt Ltd, Secanderabad.

How to make your building earthquake-safe

How does an earthquake occur?

Crust The inside of our earth consists of many layers (crust, mantle, Earthquake waves Building

inner and outer cores). Formed by complex processes over

countless years, they continue to be active. Once in a while, the
disturbances below the earth get transmitted to the surface, causing
Earth earthquakes.

The waves generated in the soil during an earthquake travel long distances in many directions in a very short time, shaking
the ground. The buildings that cannot resist this ground shaking can collapse, causing disaster and loss of human life.
Earthquakes are natural occurrences
Earthquake hazard in India

Based on historical occurrences, regions in India are classified into low, moderate, severe
and very severe earthquake-prone zones (refer seismic zone map of India). More than half of
the country’s population lives in moderate to very severe regions, where high-magnitude
earthquakes can occur.

The extent of damage to a building during an earthquake depends not only on the magnitude
of the earthquake, but also on the soil, building configuration, quality of design and Zone II
Zone III
Zone IV
construction. In developed countries, because of better awareness and regulation of design Zone V

and construction practices, the buildings survive earthquakes and damage and loss of life is
less. India should also achieve this standard.
Earthquakes do not kill; unsafe buildings do!
Is your building safe?

Consult a competent engineer if you have doubts about your building. Get it assessed and, if found deficient, get it
suitably retrofitted. Information given here will give you some idea on what makes a building unsafe and how it can be
retrofitted. Note that mere patchwork is not structural retrofit, and this will be exposed by an earthquake.

Also, if you are planning to invest in a new building, make sure that the builder provides the required earthquake resistant
features. Use the information given here to ask the builder pointed questions.
Prevention is better than cure!

Importance of building configuration

The building configuration should be simple and regular in plan (as you see from
top) and elevation (as you see from the front or side). Otherwise, the building
becomes highly vulnerable.
Good configuration is more important than fancy looks!
Masonry Buildings Do’s and Don’ts

Deficiencies Correct Design / Remedial Measures

• Absence of plinth, sill, lintel and roof bands causes • Provide reinforced concrete bands at plinth, sill, lintel
collapse of the walls. and roof levels.
connection Truss-wall
Gable band connection

Roof band
Lintel band

Floor-wall Sill band

band Cross wall
Plinth band
Peripheral wall
• Absence of vertical steel bars at corners and around
openings causes extensive ‘X’ type cracking. • Provide vertical steel bars at corners of wall
segments and between openings to improve
seismic resistance.


Vertical steel bars anchored

in foundation and roof
• Absence of intersecting cross walls can cause long
walls to collapse. • Provide adequate cross walls, with proper
connection at the junctions.

• Corners of walls collapse due to high stresses and lack • Provide collar bands (wooden or RC) at the corners of
of integrity. the walls at lintel level.
Concrete Buildings Do’s and Don’ts

Deficiencies Correct Design / Remedial Measures

• Inadequate frames (consisting of beams, columns and • Framed buildings should be specially designed to
footing with proper joints) in both directions. resist earthquake loads as per the code.
• Poor detailing of reinforcing bars, especially at joints. • Provide detailing of reinforcing bars as per the code.

Close spacing
of lateral ties
near the joints

Lapping of bars
at the central
part of the
Bending of
bars at the

• A ground storey without walls (for car parking) can • Ensure adequate strength of ground floor columns or
cave in. provide walls or braces in the ground storey.

New brick

New tie beam

• Weak beams and columns without proper reinforcing Foundation

bars and stirrups; bar lapping at floor levels. • Proper strengthen the footing, columns and beams.

continuous Masonry wall
Anchoring by
through the

Bars anchored Existing

to the footing beam
• Staircases are often the first footing

to collapse, blocking escape • Stair slabs

from the building. connected to
inclined beams
framing into
columns provide
integrity to
survive the
Other Issues Correct Design / Remedial Measures

• Tilting or overturning of the building due to liquefaction • Consolidation by injection, by providing pile
(quick sand like) of sandy soil. foundations.

Building rests on
pile foundation

• Increased vibrations in soft soils (site amplification).

• Collapse of parapet walls and projections. • Retrofit building for higher forces
• Collapse of frames with partially infilled masonry walls • Anchoring the projections to the adjoining strong body.
or with short columns. • Separate such infill walls from column or strengthen
• Improperly fitted ceilings, light fittings and heavy and columns
tall furniture. • Fasten such items firmly to the structure.

Key questions to ask to the builder before buying a house

• Is the configuration of the building simple and regular?

• What special features have been provided for seismic resistance in a one- or two-storeyed house?
¾ Plinth bands? Sill bands? Lintel bands? Gable and roof bands?
• Are large overhanging projections (balconies) avoided? If not, have they been specially designed as per code?
• For a building with more than two storeys, whether the structure was designed for earthquake resistance as per the
prevailing codes and proof-checked for compliance with National Building Code of India?
• If the building has ground storey without walls, have the columns been specially designed as per the code?
• For a concrete building in seismic zones III and above, have the special detailing requirements been incorporated?
• Have the stair slabs been integrally connected to the frames to prevent their possible collapse?
• Was a proper soil study conducted for the site?
• Were the potentials for soil liquefaction / slope failure properly assessed?

Additional questions to ask before buying an old house

• Is there any sign of deterioration, such as cracks, corrosion stains, tilting of walls?
• Have additional storeys been added after initial construction?
• Has any major repair work been carried out recently?
• If any of the above is true or the quality of construction appears to be poor, consult an expert.

References: 1. Handbook of Seismic Retrofit (2007) 2. National Building Code of India (2005)
3. Earthquake Tips (2005)
Issued in public interest by:
Central Public Works Department Indian Institute of Technology - Madras
Nirman Bhavan Chennai – 600 036
New Delhi – 110 011

This introductory chapter gives a simple overview of the main aspects of the Handbook on
Seismic Retrofit of Buildings, and is meant especially for the lay reader — the common man who
is not expected to have a background in the design of buildings.

Is your building safe against earthquakes? This is a question that everybody should be
concerned about. Many earthquakes have taken place recently in India and its neighbourhood
[e.g., Uttarkashi (1991), Latur (1993), Jabalpur (1997), Bhuj (2001), Sumatra (2004), Kashmir
(2005)], and these have proved to be disastrous. A large number of buildings have collapsed and
countless lives have been lost.

There is usually a huge public outcry after every seismic disaster. But public memory is
short-lived, and people tend to forget, until another major tremor occurs to wake them up. When
will that quake happen in our neighbourhood? Nobody can predict this. But when it comes one
day, unexpectedly, it could destroy our buildings and take our lives. Can we do something to
save our lives and protect our buildings? Yes!

Because earthquakes do not kill; unsafe buildings do.

0-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

This introductory chapter provides basic education on earthquake safety of buildings.

Find out how safe your existing building against earthquakes, by getting it assessed for seismic
safety. Understand the risk involved and the necessary action to be taken. If the building is
unsafe and the strengthening of the building is financially viable, get it done. It is an insurance
worth having. The strengthening of a building for earthquakes is referred to as seismic
retrofitting. The material in this chapter will give you some ideas on what may make your
building unsafe to earthquakes and how it could be retrofitted.

Also, if you are planning to invest in a new building, the information given in this chapter
will enable you to identify and demand the desirable earthquake resistant features in the building.
You will know what questions to pose to your builder. You will realize the importance of getting
multi-storeyed buildings (such as apartment blocks) proof-checked and certified for compliance
with the prevailing design standards, so as to make sure that your investment and life are
reasonably safe.

Prevention is better than cure.


0.2.1 Why Does the Earth Quake?

An earthquake is a natural phenomenon associated with violent shaking of the ground. To

understand why the earth quakes, it is necessary to know something about the interior of the earth.
The earth is not the simple solid sphere it appears to be on the surface. It is made up of several
layers (crust, mantle, outer core, inner core), some of which are far from solid (Figure 0.1). The
outermost layer (soil and rock), called the crust of the earth (thickness ~5 to 40 km), is supported
on a layer called the mantle (thickness ~2900 km), which is fluid in nature, and which in turn is
supported on a core. The outer portion of the core (thickness ~2200 km) is made of a very hot
and dense liquid, while the inner core (radius ~1290 km) is solid and metallic.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-3



Outer core
Inner core


Figure 0.1 The earth and its interior (Ref. 0.16)

The differences in temperature and pressure across the interior of the earth results in
continuous dynamic activity, although this cannot be easily sensed from the surface where we
live. The activity makes its presence felt periodically at different locations on the surface crust
through various types of disruptions (volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis).

The crust is fractured into many pieces, called tectonic plates, which tend to move
continually on the mantle (which is a hot fluid that sets up ‘convection’ currents). The various
plates move in different directions and at different speeds. When two adjoining plates collide
against each other, they often end up forming mountains on the earth’s surface over a period.
Continued movement will cause these mountains to increase in height, as in the case of the
Himalayas. Other types of relative motions at the plate boundaries are also possible, causing

Owing to the frictions generated at the plate boundaries, the free relative movement
between plates is prevented and a large amount of energy (called strain energy) gets built up in
local regions of the earth’s rocky crust. The resulting high stress eventually exceeds the strength
of the rock along weak regions (called faults). Such local failures result in a sudden release of a
tremendous amount of the stored energy, and this manifests in the form of a series of sudden and
violent movements in a very short time (often less than a minute). The earth quakes!
0-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Quaking implies vibrations (to-and-fro movements). This happens because the release of
the large strain energy generates seismic waves (such as ‘body waves’ and ‘surface waves’) in all
directions, reflecting and refracting, as they travel across various strata (Figure 0.2). The shaking
(or quaking) is usually most severe at the surface of the earth near the epicentre, where we and
our buildings are located.

Surface waves Structure


Geological strata

Figure 0.2 Movement of waves during an earthquake (Ref. 0.16)

0.2.2 When and Where Does the Earth Quake?

When and where exactly does the release of the built-up energy take place? If only we had some
fore-warning about this, we could do much to save lives, if not buildings. Unfortunately, this
cannot be predicted scientifically, as of now.

The exact timing of this natural phenomenon is something that eludes the scientist, unlike
other natural events like eclipses, whose occurrence can be predicted with pin-point accuracy. In
the case of the earthquake, we have no idea when and where the next one will occur. When, for
example, will the next major earthquake hit an urban centre like Delhi (or Mumbai)? It could
happen today, or after a month, or a year, or several decades later. We must be prepared for the
worst, especially in view of the fact that the last big quake to hit Delhi happened long, long ago.

Historical records reveal the tendency of earthquakes to revisit regions after an interval of
time (called return period), which is variable (random). That is why there is concern when
several decades (or, sometimes, a century or more) have elapsed since the last big quake has hit a
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-5

particular region. Conversely, once a major earthquake has occurred at a particular place
(sometimes followed immediately by a series of low-magnitude tremors), there is less danger of
another major earthquake (of similar intensity) occurring at the same location in the immediate
future. For this to occur, the strain energy has to build up again over many more years.

We know, from historical records that some regions of the earth are more vulnerable to
earthquakes than others. This is the basis of seismic zonation. However, with the passage of
time, the earth can throw up new surprises (such as dormant faults becoming active). For
example, the Deccan plateau of the Indian sub-continent was considered to be relatively
earthquake-free, until the occurrence of the Latur earthquake in 1994. We need to keep
monitoring and updating the various zones and their relative seismic intensities.

The latest seismic zones in India and codified in the Indian Standard (IS:1893 - 2002,
published by the Bureau of Indian Standards) are as given in the map in Figure 0.3. The higher
the zone, the more vulnerable is that region to a severe earthquake.
0-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Zone II
Zone III
Zone IV
Zone V

Figure 0.3 Seismic zones in India (IS:1893 - 2002)

0.2.3 Size of the Earthquake

A typical earthquake lasts for less than a minute, but can destroy a city built over a period of
centuries. The time is too short for people to escape from most buildings. Therefore, the only
way to ensure survival is by ensuring that buildings do not collapse during earthquakes, even
though some damage may be unavoidable. The extent of damage depends not only on the
structure but also on the size of the earthquake.

The size of the earthquake is best described by its magnitude, as measured at the
epicentre of the quake. As illustrated in Figure 0.4, the epicentre is the location on the surface of
the earth, exactly above a point called focus (at a focal depth, which could extend up to about 70
km), from which the seismic waves are generated.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-7

distance Place of

Plane of Focal depth



Figure 0.4 Basic terminology of earthquake (Ref. 0.16)

With the help of seismograms, it is possible to locate the epicentre and arrive at a
numerical measure of the strain energy released. It is convenient to express this energy released
on a relative scale. The commonly used scale for this purpose is the Richter scale. For example,
an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3 (close to the 2001 Bhuj earthquake), is expressed as M8.3.
Every unit increase in magnitude implies an increase of about 31 times higher the energy. Thus,
the energy released during the M8.3 earthquake is 31 times that of an M7.3 earthquake, and (31)2
times (close to 1000 times) the energy of an M6.3 earthquake. The energy release of such an
earthquake works out to roughly 1000 times the energy released by the atom bomb dropped at
Hiroshima in 1945!

Buildings located on the surface of the earth get affected by the earthquake, depending on
various factors, including how close they are with respect to the epicentre (epicentral distance is
shown in Figure 0.4). The magnitude of an earthquake does not give an indication of the size of
the earthquake as experienced at different locations in the neighbourhood, having different
epicentral distances. For this, the appropriate measure is intensity, which is a qualitative
description of the effects of the earthquake at a particular location, as evidenced by observed
damage and human reactions at that location. The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale, ranging
from I to XII, is commonly used to measure intensity. The Indian standard (IS: 1893) refers to
the “MSK 64” intensity scale with 12 categories; 1) Not noticeable, 2) Scarcely noticeable, 3)
Weak, partially observed, 4) Largely observed, 5) Awakening, 6) Frightening, 7) Damage of
building, 8) Destruction of building, 9) General damage, 10) General destruction, 11) Destruction,
12) Landscape changing.
0-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

0.2.4 Damage Caused by an Earthquake

The extent of damage depends not only on the size of an earthquake (either in terms of magnitude
or intensity), but also on the type of construction practice followed in a particular region or
country. For example, an earthquake in Tokyo or Los Angeles may result in damage of only a
few buildings because strict construction regulations are adopted, but the same earthquake may be
catastrophic in Mumbai or Delhi, in terms of buildings damaged and lives lost, because the
building design and construction practice are not adequately regulated.

Let us not forget: earthquakes do not kill; unsafe buildings do.

Our efforts should be directed to mitigating this potential disaster, by ensuring that
buildings have the desired seismic resistance, to the extent possible. Seismic retrofit of existing
buildings is probably the surest way to mitigate the disaster.

0.2.5 Do’s and Dont’s During an Earthquake

The earthquake, when it occurs, catches human beings by surprise. Sometimes, the earthquake
announces its imminent arrival with a rumbling noise. It makes its presence felt by shaking,
which may be mild or violent, but not lasting for more than a minute. In those precious moments,
we must try to remain calm and take appropriate action. What action to take depends on whether
we are located indoors or outdoors. The following are some simple and practical suggestions to

If indoors, and if we suspect that the building is structurally weak, our safety lies in
making an exit from the building by the shortest and fastest route. Do not use the lift. On the
other hand, if the building is structurally safe, remaining indoor is the best option. Do not try to
exit the building during the shaking. Avoid doorways, as doors may slam and cause injuries. For
safety, drop to the floor, get underneath a sturdy cot or table and hold on to its base (Figure 0.5).
Keep away from possible falling objects. If the tremor is violent, then after the shaking is over, it
is wise to exit the building, in view of possible after-shocks and damage to the structure.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-9

Drop Cover Hold

Figure 0.5 Safety measures while indoors

If outdoors, move to an open area, away from buildings and objects that could possibly
fall (such as hanging sign boards and overhead power lines). If driving, pull over to the side of
the road and park at a safe place, not blocking the road.


0.3.1 Effect of Mass and Height

The earthquake as well as wind load acting on the buildings are termed as ‘lateral loads’ since
their effect is felt mainly in the horizontal direction. This is in contrast to the weights of the
building (and occupants), which act vertically down due to gravity. Forces due to earthquake,
called seismic forces, are induced in a building because of the heavy masses present at various
floor levels. Such forces are called inertial forces, is calculated by the products of the masses and
their respective accelerations. If there is no mass, there is no inertial force. Accelerations
generated by the seismic waves in the ground get transmitted through the vibrating structure to
the masses at various levels, thereby generating the so-called horizontal seismic forces. The
building behaves like a vertical cantilever, and swings horizontally almost like an inverted
pendulum, with masses at higher levels swinging more (Figure 0.6). Hence, the generated
seismic forces are higher at the higher floor levels. Because of the cantilever action of the
building (fixed to the ground and free at the top), the forces accumulate from top to bottom. The
total horizontal force acting on the ground storey columns is a sum of the forces (seismic loads)
acting at all the levels above. This is termed as the base shear and it leads to highest stresses in
the lowermost columns.
0-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Inertial force


Figure 0.6 Seismic forces generated by masses vibrating

Heavier buildings attract larger seismic forces. On the other hand, lighter buildings are
affected less. This was an important lesson learned from the great Assam earthquake of 1897
(magnitude M8.1), which destroyed almost all buildings (up to 3 storeys) built in British India.
Following this disaster, constructions were limited to single and double storeyed “Assam type”
dwellings with light roofing (Figure 0.7) as ideal earthquake-resistant construction in North-East
India, which falls under the highest seismic zone (zone V) in the country.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-11

Figure 0.7 “Assam type” low-rise and light building

Over the years, these basic lessons have been forgotten, and numerous high-rise buildings
have mushroomed, especially in recent times in the urban centres of the country. Many of these
buildings are seismically deficient. Figure 0.8 shows an old building in Guwahati, originally 4-
storeyed, to which three additional storeys were added recently ⎯ an example of a potential man-
made disaster, waiting to happen, in a highly congested area. To avert such disasters, local
building authorities must strictly ensure that all new constructions should comply with design
standards. Existing buildings that are highly unsafe must be declared unfit for occupation (and, if
located in congested areas, must be demolished), unless they are retrofitted appropriately.
0-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 0.8 A 4-storeyed old building (in zone V) extended to 7-storey!

0.3.2 Effect of Stiffness

Buildings are expected to behave elastically under service loads. Elasticity is that property by
which a body or a structure, displaced by a load, regains its original shape upon unloading. It is
by virtue of this property, that buildings that are pushed horizontally by wind or mild earthquake
loads, return to the original vertical configuration after the wind or the tremor has passed (Figure
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-13


Before quake During quake After quake

Figure 0.9 Elastic behaviour of a building (Ref. 0.16)

How much the building deflects under a given load is measured by a property called
stiffness, which may be defined as the force required to cause unit deflection. The stiffness
required to resist lateral forces is termed as lateral stiffness. The stiffer the building, the less it
will deflect (‘drift’, as indicated in Figure 0.6 and 0.9)

Should our buildings be relatively stiff or flexible?

Certainly, it is desirable for the building to behave elastically under lateral loads,
including forces under low earthquake levels that are likely to occur occasionally during the life
of the building. But, it would be highly uneconomical to design ordinary buildings to behave
elastically under high level earthquakes, which are rarely expected to occur during the design
lifetime of the building. Because of the limitation of resources, the design standards allow us to
take some risk of damage in the event of a rare severe earthquake. What we need to ensure is that
the building, although likely to be severely damaged in the event of the rare earthquake, does not
collapse, so that lives are not lost. How do structural engineers achieve this? They allow the
building to behave inelastically (that is, the building does not regain its original shape after the
earthquake) at such high load levels and thus dissipate energy. The building’s original stiffness
gets degraded, and it becomes flexible.

Of course, there must be adequate stiffness in buildings. This can be achieved by

providing adequate lateral load resisting systems (such as masonry walls with bands in small
buildings, frames, braces or shear walls in large buildings). Otherwise, they will get severely
damaged and may even collapse under low level earthquakes. In the case of exceptionally
important buildings (such as nuclear reactors), it is even desirable to have sufficient stiffness to
0-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

ensure elastic behaviour even under rare earthquakes. They must survive at all cost, and that too
without damage.

The mass and lateral stiffness of the building contribute to another important structural
property, called the natural period of vibration. It is the time taken by the building to undergo a
cycle of to-and-fro movement (like a pendulum). Buildings with high stiffness and low mass
have low time period, whereas buildings with low stiffness and high mass have high natural
period. The value of this natural period also governs the magnitude of seismic force that the
building will attract. This is similar to the effect of resonance in a vibrating system. The
conventional buildings of a few storeys, common in urban areas, have low natural period and
hence attract higher seismic forces as a fraction of their weight.

0.3.3 Effect of Ductility

The ability of a structure to deform with damage, without breaking suddenly (without warning), is
termed as ductility. With ductility, a building can continue to resist seismic forces without
collapsing. There is a story of a proud tree teasing a blade of grass for not being able to stand
erect in the wind. But, when a very severe storm came, it was the tree which fell down and the
blade of grass survived (Figure 0.10).
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-15

Figure 0.10 Blade of grass survives, but the tree does not!

This is because the blade of grass was able to undergo very large deformation without
breaking down, unlike the big tree which snapped suddenly at its base, when its strength was

In a similar way, buildings too can exhibit either ductile or brittle (non-ductile)
behaviour, depending on the structural material, design and detailing. Generally, conventional
masonry buildings exhibit brittle behaviour (Figure 0.11a), when provided with earthquake
resistant features. On the other hand, well-designed buildings made with reinforced concrete or
structural steel can exhibit ductile behaviour (Figure 0.11b). Concrete is made of stone chips,
sand, cement and water. When steel bars are placed in the concrete to strengthen it for tension, it
is termed as reinforced concrete. Otherwise the concrete is termed as plain concrete.

Masonry buildings, although brittle, can be designed and detailed to have earthquake resistant features, as
described in the Section 0.4.
0-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Before quake During quake After quake

Before quake During quake After quake

Figure 0.11 Behaviour of brittle and ductile buildings under a major earthquake (Ref. 0.16)

Materials like brick, stone and plain concrete are relatively brittle. When bricks or stones
are used in masonry wall construction without adequate bond, they can fall apart suddenly, even
if the walls are relatively thick. This indeed is how the failure of many buildings occurred during
the Latur earthquake (Figure 0.12). Many such buildings have weak mud mortar and absence of
bond stones.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-17

Figure 0.12 Collapse of brittle and poorly bonded stone masonry walls
(Latur earthquake, 1993) (Ref: www.nicee.org)

Ordinary buildings are commonly classified as either load bearing or framed structures.
Most low-rise buildings are load bearing buildings made of masonry walls, which resist both
gravity (vertical) loads and lateral loads due to wind and earthquake. As the building height
increases, and in high seismic zones, lateral loads tend to govern the design. In such cases, it is
structurally efficient and economical to adopt framed buildings. In such buildings, it is the
framework (skeleton) of the building, comprising beams, columns and footings, made usually of
reinforced concrete, which mainly resist both vertical and lateral loads. The walls in the framed
buildings are treated as non-structural elements (cladding and partitions), whose locations may be
shifted without affecting the structural stability. In high-rise buildings, reinforced concrete shear
walls are often introduced to enhance the lateral load resisting capacity.

Unlike brick and stone, materials like steel and reinforced concrete (if properly designed
and detailed) possess considerable ductility. Ductility is required at locations of very high stress,
such as the beam-column joint (Figure 0.13). The horizontal bars in the beam should be anchored
well in the joint and the vertical ties spaced closely near the joint. The vertical bars and the
closely spaced horizontal ties in the column should be continuous throughout the joint. These
important details are often overlooked in reinforced concrete construction, whereby the desired
ductility is not achieved.
0-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Close spacing of
Bars of beam ties near a joint
properly anchored
at joint

Bars of column
continuous at joint

Figure 0.13 Ductile detailing of reinforcing bars at a beam-column joint

If the structural components (walls, beams, columns etc.) in a building can “hang on”
through ductile behaviour, without breaking down during the brief period of the major
earthquake, the building will not collapse, even though it may get damaged. Such ductile
buildings attract lesser load with increasing deformation (since stiffness gets reduced) than the
buildings which remain stiff (like the tree in our story). Also, a significant amount of the input
energy due to the earthquake in the building gets dissipated through the yielding (deformation
without increase in stress) of the ductile materials (Figure 0.14a). Otherwise, the entire input
energy needs to be stored as elastic strain energy (Figure 0.14b). The strain energy and the
dissipated energy are shown by the shaded areas in the base shear versus drift graphs. However,
as the drift is generally much less in the latter type of buildings, the total seismic force to be
resisted by such a building is very high to handle the same input energy. This is not practical for
ordinary buildings, because it calls for very large member sizes and will be prohibitively
expensive. If the desired ductility can be provided in the building, the design seismic force
(Vinelastic in Figure 0.14a) can be much lower (up to 20%) than the corresponding force in an
elastic building (Velastic in Figure 0.14b).
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-19

Total seismic force =

Base shear

Base shear Base shear


Vinelastic energy
Strain energy

Drift Drift
Strain energy
(a) Ductile (b) Brittle

Figure 0.14 Reduction in design seismic force (base shear) in ductile buildings

Sadly, most of the existing buildings in our country seem to lack adequate ductility –
even the so called “engineered” buildings, primarily due to lack of attention paid to seismic
design and detailing.

0.3.4 Effect of Strength and Integrity

Every structural component has strength, which is the magnitude of the maximum internal force
(such as axial force or bending moment) it can resist under a certain type of loading. When this
strength is exceeded by the applied load, the material fails (or collapses). The strength depends
0-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

not only on the type of material (for example, steel is stronger than brick), but also on other
factors, such as the size of the cross-section (for example, a 230 mm thick brick wall is twice as
strong as a 115 mm thick wall). However, the thicker wall will attract higher earthquake force.

As mentioned earlier, the load attracted by a structural component during an earthquake

depends on the mass and lateral stiffness of the building. If the building is not designed to
“yield”, and behave in a ductile manner, it will be required to resist higher load during an
earthquake to prevent a sudden failure (refer Figure 0.14). A structural component should be
designed to have a strength that is not less than the maximum internal force, associated with the
overall seismic load on the building, and the associated ductility.

If the strength is not adequate, the building component will fail. The failure of the
vertical components in a building (such as load bearing walls, columns or footings) is more
critical than that of the horizontal components (such as beams and slabs), because the former type
of failure is likely to trigger a possible collapse of the entire building. The failure of a beam may
cause only a local distress; but the failure of a ground storey column or a footing can trigger
overall building (global) collapse. In the recent Gujarat earthquake, many multi-storeyed
buildings collapsed because of the failure of the columns in the ground storey (Figure 0.15).

Figure 0.15 Collapse of the ground storey of a building

(Bhuj earthquake, 2001) (Ref: www.nicee.org)
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-21

Thus, an important principle adopted in the seismic resistant design of framed buildings is this:

Soil must be stronger than foundations;

foundations must be stronger than columns;
columns must be stronger than beams.

To ensure that forces are safely transmitted from beams to columns, from columns to
foundations, and from foundation to soil, the connections at the beam-column joints, column-
foundation joints and foundation-soil interface should have the required strength (and ductility).
This requirement is part of ensuring the integrity of the building. Retaining the stiffness in the
building is the other aspect of integrity. Consider, for example, a single room, bounded by four
masonry walls and covered by a roof slab. If the connections between the walls and between the
slab and the walls are not effective, the building has limited strength and stiffness to resist seismic
forces, and can collapse even under a minor earthquake shaking. Indeed, this is precisely what
happened to a large number of dwelling units during the Latur earthquake (Figure 0.16).

Figure 0.16 Poor integrity in a masonry building

(Latur earthquake, 1993) (Ref: www.nicee.org)

In a masonry building, if reinforced concrete bands are provided in walls at plinth, lintel
and roof (for pitched roofs) levels and the wall-to-wall connections provide good bond (that is, do
0-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

not “open out”), the walls will act together like a box. This will enable the building to resist even
a major earthquake effectively (Figure 0.17).

Figure 0.17 A masonry building with lintel band after 1993 Killari Earthquake:
good integral action (Ref: www.nicee.org)

The more the number of lateral load-resisting systems in a building, the less is the
potential for global collapse. This is because when one of them fails, the loads get redistributed,
and other systems take an increasing share of the load. This potential for having multiple load
paths in a building is called redundancy and it makes the building as a whole stronger.

0.3.5 Effect of Layout and Configuration

Providing earthquake resistance to buildings is primarily the responsibility of civil engineers. But
architects also have a major role to play. Some architectural features, relating to overall size and
shape, are unfavourable and invite potential seismic disaster. It is desirable that the client also
knows something of these features, if the building is located in a high seismic zone. Prevention is
always better than cure. In such situations, safety is preferable to fancy looks. Otherwise,
structural design has to be done carefully and competently. In general, if the basic architectural
features favouring good seismic resistance are adopted, the cost of making the building
earthquake proof is less and even an incompetent engineer cannot do much damage.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-23

The, building should have a simple geometrical shape in plan, such as rectangular or
circular. All rectangular shapes are not uniformly good. If the building is too long (in one
direction) or too large in plan, it is likely to be damaged during earthquakes. Buildings with large
cut-outs in the walls, floors and roofs are undesirable, as this affects their integrity. Similarly,
buildings which have ‘L’, ‘U’, ‘V’, ‘Y’ or ‘H’ shapes in plan are also undesirable, inviting severe
stresses at the interior corners called re-entrant corners (Figure 0.18). Each wing of the building
tends to vibrate separately in the event of an earthquake, causing serious problems at the common
core region, leading to potential collapse (Figure 0.19).

Figure 0.18 Buildings with plans that lead to large earthquake damage
0-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 0.19 Collapse of an “L” shaped building (Macedonia earthquake, 1963)

Buildings with asymmetry in plan are bound to twist under an earthquake, inviting further
damaging effects. A general rule of thumb is to make the building as simple, solid and symmetric
in plan as possible. If complex geometries are absolutely required, then it is desirable to break up
the building plan into separate simple rectangular segments with proper separation joints, so that
they behave as individual units under an earthquake (Figure 0.20).

Figure 0.20 Building with separation joint between its two distinct “wings”
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-25

Buildings should not only be simple in plan but also in elevation. The walls and columns
should continue uninterrupted from top to bottom, to ensure transmission of forces to the
supporting ground through the shortest and simplest path. If there is any discontinuity in this path
of load transmission, there is a danger of potential damage to the building in the event of an
earthquake. Hence, hanging or floating columns (columns which begin in an upper storey from a
beam) and discontinuity of walls in the ground or other storey (open ground storey) should be
avoided (Figure 0.21). Figure 0.22 shows a residential multi-storeyed building with open ground
storey for car parking.

Hanging or floating columns Discontinuity of walls

Figure 0.21 Buildings with discontinuities in columns or walls (Ref. 0.16)

0-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 0.22 Building with open ground storey (Ref: www.nicee.org)

In the 2001 Gujarat earthquake, many buildings with open ground storey collapsed and
the parked cars were flattened (Figure 0.15). This is because the sudden change in stiffness at the
ground storey induces extreme high stresses in the ground storey columns, which were not
accounted for in the design.

Buildings with vertical setbacks (either plaza type buildings, as shown in Figure 0.23 or
with cantilever projection at the top) or many overhanging projections (Figure 0.24) perform
poorly in terms of seismic resistance. In fact, all overhanging projections including balconies
should be avoided, as these are the first elements to collapse in the event of an earthquake (Figure
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-27

Figure 0.23 A building with vertical setbacks (plaza type building)

Figure 0.24 A building with overhanging projections

0-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 0.25 Collapse of overhanging projections (Bhuj earthquake, 2001)

(Ref: www.nicee.org)

Special attention should be given to the planning of the staircases, as these vital escape
routes are at times the first ones to attract damage in a major earthquake. To ensure their survival,
the slabs should ideally be supported on inclined beams (stringer beams) which connect integrally
with the main frame in the building (Figure 0.26). This provision is usually neglected by
architects. Since structural safety is paramount, the clients should insist on this provision.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-29

Figure 0.26 Stairs with stringer beams connected to the building frame

Two buildings or two structurally isolated sections of a single building should not be too
close to each other, as there is a danger of possible collision against each other (Figure 0.27).
This effect is called pounding and is usually not considered in design. The effect is more severe
for tall buildings. It is recommended that a calculated gap subject to a minimum value be
maintained between the buildings to avoid pounding. Otherwise, there can be serious damage to
both the buildings or building sections, even if they are designed adequately individually.
0-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 0.27 Closely spaced buildings can be subjected to pounding

0.3.6 Effect of Soil

The accelerations that occur in the rock layer of the crust during an earthquake get transmitted to
the building through the soil over the rock layer. When the soil is relatively soft, the accelerations
tend to get magnified, resulting in the structure attracting higher seismic loads. This must be
taken into account during structural design. Knowledge of the soil strata is also essential for
designing the foundations of the building.

Buildings located in loose granular soils (sands), in the presence of subsoil water, have
another serious and potential danger that can occur during an earthquake. The soil can behave
like quicksand through a phenomenon called liquefaction. This happens because of a sudden
increase in pore water pressure on account of seismic shear waves, causing the water-sand
mixture to flow upwards and practically convert the soil behaviour to that of a liquid. Buildings
located in such soils may sink or go afloat, and tilt significantly and collapse (Figure 0.28).
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-31

Figure 0.28 Buildings tilted due to liquefaction of soil (Nigata earthquake, Japan, 1964)


0.4.1 Basic Components

The basic components of masonry buildings are foundations (spread wall footings), walls, floor
slabs and roofs.

The walls and footings are mainly made of bricks or stones, laid in horizontal courses,
with mortar filling up the gaps and providing the required bond between the units. The mortar is
usually made with sand, mixed with cement, lime and/or mud, and water. Modern buildings are
usually built using cement mortar, while traditional building have been built using lime mortar or
mud mortar. Mud mortar, which continues to be used in low-cost construction, is relatively weak
and unsafe.

The floor and roof slabs in modern buildings are made in reinforced concrete. In
traditional buildings, these have been made using other materials such as timber, Madras terrace,
jack arch, tin sheets, thatch and tiles.
0-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

0.4.2 Transmission of Gravity Loads

The main load on such structures is the self-weight (“dead load”) due to gravity and the weight
due to human occupancy as well as furniture and storage (“live load”). Under these gravity loads
which act vertically downwards, the slabs undergo bending and transmit the forces through the
walls to the foundation below. This structural action induces compression in bricks and stones.
The forces are eventually transmitted to the soil below through bearing. As the soil bearing
capacity is low compared to the compressive strength of masonry, the width of the wall footing is
increased (in steps), to provide for larger bearing width, and hence lesser bearing stresses, at the
level of contact with soil (Figure 0.29).

Wall footing Reinforced concrete foundation

Figure 0.29 Increased width of footing under walls and columns

0.4.3 Transmission of Seismic Loads

The buildings also have to resist lateral loads induced by wind and earthquake. As discussed
earlier, seismic loads are generated due to the various masses in the building undergoing
accelerations. Eventually, these seismic loads are transmitted to the soil below (Figure 0.30), as
in the case of gravity loads, but with a major difference.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-33

Inertia force

Floor slab



Figure 0.30 Seismic forces transmitted to the soil through walls and footings (Ref. 0.16)

The floor slabs tend to move rigidly in the horizontal plane, transmitting their inertial
forces to the vertical masonry walls, inducing overturning moment and shear forces in these
walls. The overturning moment causes one part of the wall (roughly one-half) to undergo tension
and the other part to undergo compression. This tension can exceed the compression induced due
to the dead loads. As masonry is weak in tension, this can cause cracking (Figure 0.31).
0-34 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


Compression Tension
(strong) (weak)

Figure 0.31 A masonry wall under compression and tension

The same wall, which is subject to bending in its own plane, is simultaneously subject to
shear. The combined effect of this is to cause the rectangular wall to take the shape of a
parallelogram, in which one diagonal gets contracted (compressed) and the other gets extended
(stretched). Cracking is likely to occur in a direction perpendicular to the diagonal tension
(Figure 0.32). As the seismic loads are reversible, this cracking occurs along both diagonals.
Such diagonal ‘X-cracks’ are characteristic tell-tale signs left behind by an earthquake (Figure
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-35

Inertial load from roof Inertial load from roof


Ground acceleration Ground acceleration

Figure 0.32 Formation of diagonal cracks in a masonry wall due to earthquake

Figure 0.33 Extensive diagonal cracks in masonry walls (Ref: www.nicee.org)

0-36 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

0.4.4 Need for Cross Walls

A wall is subjected to seismic forces not only in its own plane but also perpendicular to the
surface of the wall (out of plane). The bending and shear resistances of a wall increase with
increase in the wall thickness and with increase in compression due to gravity load. However,
unless the wall is extremely thick and well bonded, it will lack the stiffness and the strength to
resist the forces acting perpendicular to it (Figure 0.34). Such thin long walls will easily collapse
under an earthquake, unless they are braced by cross walls. A “cross wall” resists the horizontal
forces acting in its own plane. The longer the cross wall, the stronger and stiffer it is to resist
such forces. In summary, a masonry wall has good resistance to seismic forces acting in the
direction of the wall, but it is not effective in resisting loads acting perpendicular to its plane and
requires the assistance of cross walls for this purpose.

Fortunately, the total seismic force acting on the building is distributed to the various wall
components in proportion to their lateral stiffness along any given direction. Thus, it is the cross
walls that bear the brunt of the earthquake loading in any direction. However, this is possible
only if they are adequate in number and well bonded to the perpendicular walls and the floor/roof
slabs. Therefore, there must be enough number of walls, which should neither be too thin nor
with too many openings, and reasonably closely spaced, in two perpendicular directions, and tied
together properly, for a masonry building to have the desired seismic resistance.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-37

Figure 0.34 Cross walls protect a long wall from failing

0.4.5 Need for Horizontal Bands and Vertical Bars

In order to ensure integral action of the masonry walls in the load bearing construction, horizontal
bands (preferably made of reinforced concrete) at the plinth, sill and lintel levels are provided.
The absence of such bands, combined with poor bonding of walls at corner junctions, is a primary
cause for collapse of many masonry buildings during an earthquake (Figure 0.35).
0-38 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 0.35 Lack of integrity due to absence of bands (Ref: www.nicee.org)

Also, roof and gable bands are required in the case of sloped roofs, along with truss-wall
connections, to provide integral action between the roofs and walls. The complete set of
horizontal bands and connections required for such buildings is illustrated in Figure 0.36.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-39

connection Truss-wall
Gable band

Roof band
Lintel band

Sill band

Cross wall
Plinth band
Peripheral wall

Figure 0.36 Bands at plinth, sill, lintel, roof and gable levels and other connections
(Ref. 0.16)

The steel bars in the plinth, lintel and sill bands provide the desired tensile resistance to
horizontal load by tying up elements together and strengthen the corner around doors and window
openings, during bending in the horizontal plane. It is also desirable to have steel bars in the
vertical direction at the edges of all walls segments. These bars provide the required tensile
resistance due to in-plane bending in the wall segments (called wall piers) adjoining the door and
window openings. The vertical steel bars should be anchored to the foundation and the roof
bands. These details are illustrated in Figure 0.37. The horizontal bands build integrally in the
building (making the walls act together) and hence reduce the tendency to collapse out of plane
(Figure 0.38).
0-40 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

of pier

Vertical steel bars anchored in Earthquake motion

foundation and roof

Figure 0.37 Provision of horizontal and vertical bars during earthquake (Ref. 0.16)


Direction of
earthquake shaking

Figure 0.38 possible out-of-plane collapse of unconnected walls during an earthquake

(Ref. 0.16)
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-41

In the absence of the above earthquake-resistance features in a masonry building, seismic

vulnerability is indicated. Based on an assessment of this vulnerability, various retrofit means are
possible, as described in the Section 0.6.


0.5.1 Framed Buildings

As the building height increases, it attracts more and more lateral forces due to wind and
earthquake. Conventional load-bearing walls become unviable in such buildings, as the masonry
wall thickness required in the lower storeys is large. The provision of thick masonry walls is not
only expensive, it also reduces the carpet area in the rooms, and increases the mass, thereby
attracting higher seismic forces. In such situations, frames (a skeleton of beams, columns and
foundation) are better suited than load-bearing walls as the structural system. In very high
seismic zones (such as Zone V), it may be desirable to go for a framed construction even in single
or two-storeyed buildings. In lower seismic zones (such as Zones II and III), load-bearing walls
can be used up to two or three storeys, but they should be provided with the earthquake resistant-
features as described in Section 4.

Framed construction in India is done commonly using reinforced concrete (rather than
structural steel). In reinforced concrete, concrete which is strong in compression and weak and
brittle in tension, is reinforced with steel bars, giving the composite material tensile strength and
ductility. In beams and columns, which together make up a frame, transverse ties (with hooks)
around the main reinforcement are also provided, to enhance strength in shear and ductility.

In typical multi-storeyed building construction, the frames along with the floor slabs, are
constructed first. Walls made of bricks or other masonry units are introduced later. The main
purpose of these walls, called infill walls, is to provide for enclosed spaces. The exterior walls
also provide resistance to wind pressure. All infill walls contribute to increasing the lateral
stiffness of the frames. However, they are liable to undergo diagonal cracks under a severe
earthquake; this cracking is beneficial in dissipating some of the input energy due to the action of
the earthquake on the building. However such infill walls, unless designed and constructed
properly in the frame, may fail under seismic loads acting normal to the wall.

The seismic forces, acting effectively at the centres of mass of each floor of the building,
cause the building to deflect laterally. Although the frame in a building is three-dimensional, it is
only the parallel frames aligned in one direction that contribute to resisting lateral loads acting in
that direction. Hence, it is important to ensure that there are adequate frames in the two
0-42 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

perpendicular directions of a multi-storeyed building, more-or-less symmetrically distributed (to

avoid twisting of the building). The horizontal floor slabs (made of reinforced concrete), being
integrally connected with the frames, ensure that all the frames in any one direction effectively
participate in resisting the seismic load in that direction. Similarly, the beams and columns in the
frame should be properly tied together (Figure 0.13).

0.5.2 Buildings with Shear Walls

To enhance the lateral load resisting capacity, shear walls made of reinforced concrete are also
provided, extending from the foundation level to the top. These shear walls contribute
significantly to the lateral stiffness and the strength of the building. Reinforced concrete walls are
far more superior in their performance compared to masonry walls because of their ability to
resist large tensile forces without cracking significantly. In view of this, tall buildings with shear
walls are preferred in high seismic zone regions. They act in combination with the frames in
resisting lateral loads, but they attract much of the total seismic force by virtue of their higher
stiffness. They should be provided in both directions and should be located close to the perimeter
of the building, more-or-less symmetrically in plan, in order to avoid twisting of the building
(Figure 0.39).

Figure 0.39 Reinforced concrete building with frames and shear walls (Ref. 0.16)
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-43

0.5.3 Failure of RC Framed Buildings

Many low-rise and medium-rise framed buildings have been constructed in the recent past,
without proper attention paid in their design for wind or earthquake loads. This serious
shortcoming in structural design and detailing has been exposed by the recent earthquakes in
various parts of the country. And, there is now an increasing awareness about the need to design
explicitly for seismic loads, in conformity with the prevailing codes of practices.

As mentioned earlier, foundations have to be stronger than the columns and the columns
need to be stronger than the beams to avoid the global collapse of the building. Usually, the main
cause of failures is the failure of the columns, particularly in the lower storeys. Columns and
beams have to be adequately reinforced and detailed to prevent shear or bending failure.
Buildings with open ground storey are particularly unsafe, as the stresses in the ground floor
columns are very severe (Figure 0.15).

0.5.4 Failure of RC Columns

Columns in RC framed buildings may fail under an earthquake, either in shear or in bending.
Shear failures occur mainly because the column sizes provided are inadequate to resist the seismic
loads and also because of inadequate lateral ties provided. Bending (flexural) failures occur
because of inadequate amount of steel bars provided vertically in the columns, particularly near
the beam-column joints or column-foundation junctions, and may also occur due to poor quality
of concrete.

A typical shear failure in a column, accompanied by wide diagonal cracks in both

directions, is shown in Figure 0.40.
0-44 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

shaking left


Figure 0.40 A typical shear failure in a column

The column shear failure, with diagonal cracking, can occur at any location along the
height of the column. Figure 0.41 shows how devastating such a failure can be, accompanied by
loss of concrete and buckling of reinforcement.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-45

Figure 0.41 Shear failure in a reinforced concrete column (Ref: www.nicee.org)

Bending failure may occur either due to premature crushing of concrete in compression
(which is undesirable, as shown in Figure 0.42a), or due to yielding of steel, accompanied by
tensile cracking of concrete. A typical bending failure caused by yielding of bars on the tension
faces near the top and bottom joints of the column, is shown in Figure 0.42. Usually, cracks will
appear symmetrically on both sides because of the reversible cyclic nature of earthquake.
0-46 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


concrete Cracks

(a) Crushing of (b) Yielding of steel

concrete (undesirable) (desirable)

Figure 0.42 A typical bending failure in a column

0.5.5 Importance of Adequate Size, Reinforcement and Detailing of RC Columns

In order to avoid shear and bending failures, the columns should have adequate size and
reinforcement, with proper detailing and closely spaced ties. The common practice of providing
only 230 mm thick columns (no more than the thickness of a brick wall) is unsuitable for seismic
resistance, especially in shear. The minimum size recommended is 400mm in one direction and
about 600 mm in the perpendicular direction. Long and narrow columns (length greater than 2.5
times the width) should be avoided.

There is an Indian Standard Code of practice (IS: 13920 - 1993), which gives clear
recommendations on how the reinforcements in beams and columns need to be tied with
transverse steel ties, closely spaced, in order to provide ductility (Figure 0.13). Such detailing
should be strictly followed in earthquake-resistant framed constructions, especially when they are
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-47

designed for reduced seismic forces based on the assumed ductile behaviour (Figure 0.14). In
particular, it is necessary to provide ties inside the column at the beam-column joint for ductility.
Also, splicing of the vertical bars should be avoided at the floor levels, and should ideally be at
the column mid-height location.

0.5.6 Design and Detailing of RC Beams

Beams may also fail either in shear or in bending. Shear failure is undesirable, as it limits the
load resisting capacity and prevents the yielding of the longitudinal steel (ductile behaviour).
Shear failures occur mainly because of inadequate lateral ties provided. Bending or flexural
failures occur because of inadequate amount of horizontal steel bars, or inadequate anchorage of
the bars, particularly at the bottom near the beam-column joints, or poor quality of concrete. A
typical flexural failure in a beam and the failure of the supporting column are shown in Figure

Figure 0.43 Failures in beam and column (Andaman earthquake, 2004)

Reinforced concrete beams should be carefully designed, with adequate reinforcement at

top and bottom (to resist bending action) and stirrups (to resist shear action) that are closely
0-48 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

spaced near the supports and provided with proper hooks. The horizontal bars should be well
anchored into the columns; otherwise, they will slip leading to failure. Under gravity loads,
typically, the beams sag in the middle (requiring steel bars at the bottom) and hog near the
column supports (requiring steel bars at the top). Under an earthquake, this hogging action
increases at one end, but decreases and sometimes reverses to sagging at the other end. This
possibility of reversal of stresses at the supports of beams must be accounted for in design and

Since the failure of a beam is less catastrophic than the failure of a column, the design
should be such so as to have the supporting column stronger than the beam. Otherwise, in frames
where the beams are strong and the columns weak, failure of the columns can lead to collapse of
the storeys one over the other (pancaking effect), as shown in Figure 0.44.

Figure 0.44 ‘Pancaking’ failure due to failure in columns (Bhuj earthquake, 2001)
(Ref: www.nicee.org)

0.5.7 Integration of Shear Walls and Staircases

Reinforced concrete shear walls, commonly provided around lift cores, are usually very strong
and stiff. However, unless these shear walls are integrally connected to the rest of the building
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-49

through proper framing, they will not serve the desired purpose. Figure 0.45 illustrates such a
situation where the lift core alone is found to survive with relatively little damage, but the rest of
the building separated out due to lack of integrity and collapsed. Staircases should be well
framed and integrated to the rest of the building, in view of their extreme importance during an
earthquake (Figure 0.26), and preferably be located symmetrically in a building.

Figure 0.45 Lack of integrity between lift core and rest of the building (Bhuj earthquake, 2001)
(Ref: www.nicee.org)

0.5.8 Columns with Unequal Heights in a Storey

When columns with unequal heights are provided in a storey, such as in the ground storey of a
building located on a sloping site (Figure 0.46), then the shorter columns being stiffer attract more
horizontal forces and are liable to fail in shear, unless they are specially designed for these effects.
0-50 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Short column

Tall column
Sloped ground

Figure 0.47 “Short column” effect due to sloping site (Ref. 0.16)

This “short column” effect is also encountered when the effective height of some
columns in a particular storey is reduced on account of provision of an intermediate (mezzanine)
floor (Figure 0.47). This can also happen when masonry infill walls are provided with openings
adjoining columns at some locations (Figure 0.48). This effect is often not anticipated in design,
and can result in a column shear failure. It is best to avoid such construction practices.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-51

Short column Regular


Partial height wall Mezzanine Short column column

Figure 0.48 “Short column” effect due to openings in masonry infill walls or mezzanine floor
(Ref. 0.16)

0.5.9 Torsional Effects

In the case of buildings with irregularities in plan and elevation, the resultant line of action of the
seismic force is likely to be eccentric to that of the resisting force (i.e., the centre of mass is
eccentric to the centre of rigidity). In such cases, the building will not only sway to-and-fro
sideways, but also twist in plan. This twisting action introduces torsional effects, that must be
specially accounted for in the structural analysis and design.

As mentioned earlier, it is best to avoid such problem, by proper planning of the layout
and configuration of the building. Otherwise, it is extremely important that such buildings should
be designed for the additional torsional effects. Often this is neglected in practise, and this makes
such buildings vulnerable.

0.5.10 Connections in Pre-cast Concrete Buildings

Pre-cast concrete buildings are suitable for rapid and economic construction of buildings in a
mass scale. All the main components (columns, beams, slabs and wall panels) are factory-made
and installed at site, with in-situ concreting done only at the beam-column and roof-wall panel
junctions. Sometimes bolts and other fastening devices are used to provide connections.
0-52 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

In pre-cast concrete buildings, special attention should be given to the design and
detailing of joints inter-connecting the various components. When the building undergoes severe
shaking during an earthquake, all these connections will be put to test. If they fail, the building
will simply fall apart (Figure 0.49).

Figure 0.49 Lack of integrity in pre-cast construction (Bhuj earthquake, 2001)

(Ref: www.nicee.org)


The descriptions and glimpses provided by pictures of destruction of ordinary buildings shown in
the previous sections should serve as a wake-up call to pose this important question:

How earthquake-safe is your building?

If we do not address this question, and take appropriate action to retrofit, if necessary, we
have only ourselves to blame, if things go wrong, when the next earthquake hits our region. We
may face two different situations:
1. Safety of an existing building in which we live;
2. Safety of a new building that we are planning to invest in.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-53

These are discussed in the sections to follow. But before that, we need to understand that
no building can ever be 100 percent safe against earthquake loading, and get built economically.
There is always some risk of failure involved. Based on past experience and understanding of the
structural behaviour of buildings, certain “acceptable” levels of risk in structural design have been

0.6.1 How Much Risk is “Acceptable”?

The risk involved depends on the “level” of the earthquake. The seismic zone and site
characteristics will govern the prescribed maximum level of the earthquake. But the chance of
such an extreme earthquake occurring during the life of the building can be very low. There are
lower levels of earthquake that are more likely to occur.

Figure 0.50 illustrates an approximate relationship between expected damage and the
earthquake level for ordinary buildings as per standard practice recommended in design codes.
We should expect the building to experience no damage when it is subject to tremors that have a
good chance of occurring during the “service life” of the building. The term, serviceability
earthquake, is sometimes used to refer to an earthquake level that has only a 50% chance of being
exceeded during a period of 50 years. For earthquake levels that are rare (with lower probability
of occurrence), we can accept the risk of some damage. In an extreme event, called maximum
considered earthquake (MCE), which has only a 2% chance of being exceeded in 50 years, we
could even expect very serious damage to the building, but not complete collapse, so that lives are
not lost. We must be prepared to expect some nominal damage to the building at earthquake
levels slightly higher than the serviceability earthquake and increasingly more serious damage at
levels approaching MCE.

Of course, we can have our buildings designed for “no damage” even at MCE, but this
would be prohibitively expensive! We contemplate doing this only in the case of lifeline
buildings or major structures such as hospitals and nuclear reactors.
0-54 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Likely collapse
Serious damage but no collapse
Expected damage to building

Partial damage

No damage Chance of earthquake level

being exceeded (%)
50 90% 98%
“Serviceability “Maximum considered
earthquake” earthquake”

Figure 0.50 Relationship between expected damage to building and earthquake level for
ordinary buildings designed to accepted standards

0.6.2 Assessment of Existing Buildings

Existing buildings may not comply with requirements of the prevailing standards due to various
reasons. The condition of the buildings may also have deteriorated (cracking, corrosion, etc.)
over the years, in the absence of repair and maintenance. The buildings may not have been
designed specifically to resist earthquake loads. Even if designed, the seismic resistance provided
may not measure up to the current code requirements (which are periodically upgraded). For
example, many old buildings in Chennai, classified as Zone II until 2002, are likely to be found to
be deficient after the recent upgradation to Zone III.

It is possible today to have our building assessed properly to see whether or not they meet
the acceptable seismic risk, and if they do not, to have the buildings retrofitted to the level
required. The Handbook for Seismic Retrofit provides the necessary resources to facilitate not
only risk assessment (in terms of code compliance), but also various methods of retrofit in order
to minimise the risk of failure.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-55

There are several steps involved in the evaluation of the seismic resistance of an existing
building. First, a quick assessment can be carried out by a procedure called rapid visual
screening. This procedure helps the inspectors to identify and inventory the vulnerable buildings.
When a building is identified as vulnerable by rapid visual screening, relevant data is acquired by
filling up the data collection forms. Next, the preliminary evaluation is conducted. It involves a
set of initial calculations to identify the potential weaknesses in the building. If this preliminary
evaluation indicates the need, a more detailed structural evaluation is carried out by a structural
engineer to quantify the extent of inadequacy, with respect to the prescribed standards (design
codes). For detailed structural evaluation, it is necessary to have an assessment of the existing
condition (condition assessment), including all aspects of observed deterioration of the building.

After the evaluation, a decision has to be taken on whether or not to retrofit. Some
guidelines are given in the following sections on the desired level of retrofit and the various
options of retrofit (retrofit strategies). The decision to retrofit and selection of a retrofit scheme
(combination of retrofit strategies), of course, will be governed by the importance of the building,
estimated cost of retrofit, disruption to the use of building and available technology. If the cost is
affordable and the other considerations are viable, then it would be wise to implement the retrofit
scheme immediately. If the existing building is found to be very unsafe, and the cost of retrofit is
prohibitively high, retrofit may not be a viable option. Of course, continued occupancy of the
building should not be encouraged. In the interest of safety to human lives, such buildings should
be abandoned, if not demolished and rebuilt.

0.6.3 Making New Buildings Earthquake-Safe

We have no excuse when it comes to new buildings that we plan to invest in. We simply must
ensure that they are properly designed and constructed, meeting the prevailing seismic code
requirements. How do we ensure this? We must demand this of the builder. Indeed, this is our
legal right as consumers, and the responsibility of the builder. Builders usually give all kinds of
assurances about safety, as do advertisements for some building materials, such as bricks and
cements that are claimed to be “earthquake-proof”. The reality is that materials by themselves
cannot be safe against earthquakes; they get damaged when their strength is exceeded, and the
building may collapse when this happens, if not properly designed, detailed and built.

In this introductory chapter, many suggestions have been given regarding architectural
layout and structural design and detailing for earthquake resistance. The users will do well to
verify that these features have been incorporated in the building. If not, they must not hesitate to
ask the builder pointed questions on these aspects. It is always desirable to have proper
documentation of drawings and design calculations, and the builder must be asked to furnish
these. In the case of multi-storeyed buildings, it is also desirable to have the structural design
0-56 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

proof-checked by a competent third party for code compliance. Finally, abundant care must be
taken at the time of construction to ensure that the detailing is implemented as indicated in the
drawings, that the materials used are of good quality, and that all the construction activities are
carried out under competent supervision.


0.7.1 To Retrofit or Not?

The purpose of seismic retrofit is to enhance the structural capacities (strength, stiffness, ductility,
stability and integrity), so that the performance of the building can be raised to the desired level to
withstand the design earthquake. A decision on whether or not to retrofit an unsafe building
depends on many factors. Lifeline buildings, such as hospitals must necessarily be retrofitted, in
view of their extreme importance. Otherwise, they may meet the tragic fate of the Bhuj District
Hospital complex (Figure 0.51).

Figure 0.51 Ruins of the Bhuj District Hospital (Bhuj earthquake, 2001) (Ref: www.nicee.org)

It is likely that many ordinary buildings will be found seismically unsafe. Retrofitting all
such buildings is a major task that many building corporations and government have to grapple
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-57

with. The financial implication of such a mammoth task can be mind boggling. Who will bear
the cost?

Usually, in the case of private buildings, the owners of the building will have to bear the
cost of seismic retrofit. This cost must be weighed against the cost of not retrofitting. What is the
risk involved? Studies have shown that the risk of collapse of an existing building whose strength
is less than that of a new building (designed to current standard) can be correlated to that of the
new building.

As illustrated in Figure 0.52, if the seismic strength of an existing building (or structural
component) is only 33% of that required by the current standard for a new building, the risk
involved is as high as about 20 times that of the new building. If the strength is two-thirds that
required by the current standard, the risk reduces to three times the standard risk: this level of risk
is generally considered as the limit of acceptable risk. Hence, it is recommended that seismic
retrofit be necessarily undertaken when the strength of an existing building (in term of the total
seismic load that it can resist without collapsing) drops below about 70% of the capacity required
by the current standard.

If it is not viable to carry out seismic retrofit for financial reasons or other considerations,
then we must accept and live with the risk involved (Figure 0.52). When the risk is too high
(more than 10 times the standard risk), building authorities should prohibit human occupancy of
the building in the interest of public safety. The building should be demolished and reconstructed
when financial resources become available.
0-58 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

20 × SR
Risk of collapse

10 × SR Retrofit recommended

3 × SR

SR Standard risk
33% 50% 67% 100%

Existing strength as a fraction of capacity required by current

standard for a new building (%)

Figure 0.52 Seismic load capacity versus risk of building collapse

0.7.2 Extent of Seismic Retrofit

As discussed earlier, the strength of an old building cannot be reasonably expected to be the same
as that of a new building designed to current standards. It is recommended that seismic retrofit be
taken up if the seismic load resisting capacity of the building is less than about 70 percent of that
required by the current standard.

But should the aim of retrofit be to raise this capacity to 100 percent (that is, equal to that
required by the current standard)?

The answer to this question depends on the importance of the building. For lifeline
buildings such as fire stations, hospitals, power stations, telephone exchanges, television stations,
radio stations, railway stations, stations for rapid transit system, air ports; important service and
community buildings such as schools, cinema halls, multiplexes, marriage and other assembly
halls, the capacity should be raised to 100 percent. For other buildings, it can be decided based
on the expected remaining usable life (RUL) of a building, expressed in terms of the original
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-59

design life (ODL) of the building. As indicated in Figure 0.53, if the building is relatively old and
has lived more than 50 percent of its design life, it should be retrofitted to resist at least 70 percent
of the total design seismic load as per the current standards. This minimum level of retrofit
should be raised to at least 77, 84, 89 and 95 percents of the total design seismic load if the
remaining usable life is 60, 70, 80 and 90 percents of the original design life, respectively.

The expected design life of any building depends on its type and quality of construction
and can vary from about 10 years for some types of non-engineered construction to about 100
years for high quality engineered construction. For a typical reinforced concrete building, the
design life may be taken as 50 to 60 years.

89% 95%
Percentage of total seismic load

(as per current standard)


50 60 70 80 90 100
Remaining usable life
Original design life

Figure 0.53 Design seismic load as a function of remaining usable life

0.7.3 Local versus Global Retrofit

In order to provide increased lateral stiffness and strength to the building as a whole, global
retrofit strategies have to be planned, wherever required. This is done in order to ensure that a
0-60 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

total collapse of the building does not occur, even if some structural components in the building
may get damaged.

In order to avoid failure of the components, and also thereby enhance the overall
performance of the structure, local retrofit strategies also need to be planned.

More than one combination of local and global retrofit strategies is possible, having
different cost implications. The structural engineer must work out an appropriate, practically
viable and economical solution. The Handbook of Seismic Retrofit provides specific guidelines
on these local and global retrofit strategies, as applicable to non-engineered buildings, masonry
buildings, historical and heritage structures, reinforced concrete buildings and steel buildings.

Some of the important strategies relevant to non-engineered buildings, masonry buildings

and reinforced concrete buildings are highlighted in the following two sections.


0.8.1 Strengthening of Walls, Floors and Roofs

The seismic resistance of the walls of small buildings such as dwelling units can be enhanced by
providing containment reinforcement as shown in Figure 0.51. Horizontal, vertical and cross bars
are inserted in grooves which are subsequently covered by mortar. Perpendicular walls can be
stitched to enhance the integrity. Figure 0.52 shows the stitching by steel bars inserted at an angle
of 45°. The drilled holes are subsequently filled with cement grout. An arch can be relieved of
the compressive stress by inserting steel beams above it, as shown in Figure 0.53.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-61


Vertical bar

Cross bar

Elevation Vertical section

Figure 0.51 Containment reinforcement for strengthening wall

0-62 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


t ≥2t
1. Transverse wall
2. Longitudinal wall
3. 10 mm diameter bars in 20 mm holes filled with cement grout

Figure 0.52 Connecting perpendicular walls with inclined bars

Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-63

Section A-A

Figure 0.53 Stress relieving of arch by inserting steel beams

The connection of an intermediate wooden floor or roof with the wall can be strengthened
to enhance the integrity (Figure 0.54). A concrete overlay with mesh reinforcement is cast on the
wooden floor. The overlay is extended as a skirting on the wall, where the mesh is anchored.
Nails are provided to attach the mesh with the wooden floor. An alternative strategy of
strengthening the connection is shown in Figure 0.55. Steel flats are nailed on the existing rafters
and anchored to the wall.
0-64 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings



4 1 5


2 7

1. Existing wooden planks 5. Steel anchors grouted in drilled holes

2. Existing wooden rafters 6. Nails
3. New concrete topping 7. Existing wall
4. Steel mesh reinforcement

Figure 0.54 Strengthening of wooden floor

Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-65



Plan (concrete topping not shown)

5 4

Section A - A

1. Existing wall 5. New concrete topping

2. Existing wooden planks 6. Steel flats
3. Existing wooden rafters 7. Anchor plates
4. Nails

Figure 0.55 Strengthening of wooden floor (alternate)

0-66 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

0.8.2 Techniques for Global Strengthening

The layout and configuration of a masonry building can be improved by introducing joints
between perpendicular blocks, similar to that shown in Figure 0.20. The span of long walls can
be reduced by introducing cross walls or buttresses. Figure 0.56 shows the improvement of a
“barrack” type of building with sufficient cross walls. For huts, the lateral strength can be
significantly improved by providing cross braces (Figure 0.57).

For integrity of the building, the provision of bands at plinth, lintel or roof levels is
illustrated in Figure 0.36. The requirement of vertical steel bars at the corners of the building and
adjacent to the openings is shown in Figure 0.37. Similar provisions can be introduced in an
existing building by the “splint and bandage strengthening technique”. Strips of steel mesh are
attached to the exterior surfaces of the walls and subsequently covered by mortar (Figure 0.58).
The vertical and horizontal strips are termed as splints and bandages, respectively. There should
be continuity of the horizontal strips at the corners.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-67

a) A typical building with no cross walls

b) Building with cross walls introduced

Figure 0.56 Introduction of cross walls

0-68 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 0.57 Introduction of braces in a hut

Figure 0.58 Splint and bandage strengthening technique

Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-69


The retrofit strategies can be grouped under global and local strategies. A global retrofit strategy
targets the seismic resistance of the building. A local retrofit strategy targets the seismic
resistance of a member, without significantly affecting the overall resistance of the building. It
may be necessary to combine both local and global retrofit strategies under a feasible and
economical retrofit scheme.

0.9.1 Global Retrofit Strategies

When a building is severely deficient under the design seismic forces, the first step of seismic
retrofit is to strengthen and stiffen the structure by providing additional lateral load resisting
elements. Additions of infill walls, shear walls or braces are grouped under global retrofit
strategies. A reduction of an irregularity or of the mass of a building can also be considered
under global retrofit strategies.

Addition of infill walls in the ground storey is a viable option to retrofit buildings with
open ground storeys. In absence of plinth beam, the new foundation of the infill wall should be
tied to the existing footings of the adjacent columns (Figure 0.59). Else, a plinth beam can be
introduced to support the wall.

Shear walls can be introduced in buildings with frames or in buildings with flat slabs or
flat plates. In the latter type of buildings, since there are no conventional frames, the lateral
strength and stiffness can be substantially inadequate. A new shear wall should be provided with
an adequate foundation. The reinforcing bars of the wall should be properly anchored to the
bounding frame (Figure 0.60).

Steel braces can be inserted in a frame to provide lateral stiffness, strength, ductility,
energy dissipation, or any combination of these (Figure 0.61). The braces can be added at the
exterior frames with least disruption of the building use. For an open ground storey, the braces
can be placed in appropriate bays to retain the functional use. The connection between the braces
and the existing frame is an important consideration. One technique of installing braces is to
provide a steel frame within the designated bay. Else, the braces can be connected directly to the
frame with plates and bolts.
0-70 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Existing frame

Pack with mortar

New brick wall

Dowels in existing footing

New tie beam

Figure 0.59 Addition of a masonry infill wall

Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-71

New shear wall

Dowels in
existing frame


Wall footing tied to tied to existing footing

Figure 0.60 Addition of a shear wall

0-72 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

New tie beam

Figure 0.61 Addition of steel braces

0.9.2 Local Retrofit Strategies

Local retrofit strategies refer to retrofitting of columns, beams, joints, slabs, walls and
foundations. The local retrofit strategies fall under three types: concrete jacketing, steel jacketing
(or use of steel plates) and fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) sheet wrapping.

Concrete jacketing involves addition of a layer of concrete, longitudinal bars and closely
spaced ties (Figure 0.62 and 0.63). The jacket increases both the flexural strength and shear
strength of the column or beam.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-73

Bars continuous
through the floor

Bars anchored
to the footing

Enlarged footing


Figure 0.62 Concrete jacketing of a column

0-74 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Masonry wall

Anchoring by nuts

Existing beam

(a) (b)

Weld Anchoring
by epoxy

Core of existing beam

(c) (d)

Figure 0.63 Concrete jacketing of beams

Steel jacketing of column refers to encasing the column with steel plates and filling the
gap with non-shrink grout. The jacket is effective to remedy inadequate shear strength and
provide confinement to the column. Since the plates cannot be anchored to the foundation and
made continuous through the floor slab, steel jacketing is not used for enhancement of flexural
strength. As a temporary measure after an earthquake, a steel jacket can be placed before an
engineered scheme is implemented. Different types of steel jacketing are illustrated in Figure

Steel sheets are used in beams to enhance their flexural or shear strengths. The
enhancement of flexural strength is possible for the sagging behaviour at the central region of a
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-75

beam. A steel sheet is bonded or bolted at the bottom face of the beam. This is considered for
strengthening a beam for gravity loads. For seismic load, the shear strength can be enhanced by
bonding or bolting sheets on the side faces near the two ends of the beam (Figure 0.65).

Non-shrink grout

Anchor bolt or Steel plate

Through bolt

Retrofitted section


(a) Full height jacket (b) Jacket with batten plates (c) Jacket at top and bottom

Figure 0.64 Steel jacketing of columns

0-76 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Existing beam
Steel sheet

Section A-A


Figure 0.65 Use of steel sheets in beams

Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets are used in a similar manner to steel plates or
sheets. The shear strength of a column can be enhanced by wrapping FRP sheets around it. The
wrapping also enhances the behaviour under flexure due to the confinement of the concrete. The
confinement refers to the enclosing of concrete which has a beneficial effect in terms of increase
in compressive strength and ductility. For a beam, the sheets cannot be wrapped all around if
there is a slab. Nevertheless, the shear strength can be increased by bonding sheets at the sides.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-77


Some of the key points identified in this write-up are summarised below:
• Earthquakes do not kill; unsafe buildings do.
• Earthquakes are natural phenomena. But when and where exactly the next earthquake will
occur cannot be predicted by modern science.
• The Indian sub-continent has been divided into four seismic zones (zones II, III, IV and V),
zone V being the most hazardous.
• If a building has been properly designed and constructed in accordance to the prevailing
codes of practice, it is expected to survive the expected design earthquake.
• Most buildings (including the so-called “engineered” buildings) in India, however, are
vulnerable, as revealed by the devastating earthquakes of the recent past.
• Get your building assessed for its seismic vulnerability.
• If the building is found unsafe, get it suitably retrofitted. Prevention is better than cure.
• In the case of an old building, the retrofit should be carried out so that the building has at least
70 percent of the seismic resistance capacity required of a new building as per the prevailing
design code.
• If you are planning to invest in a new building, make sure that the builder provides the
required seismic resistance. Use the information in this introductory chapter to ask pointed
questions. In the case of multi-storeyed buildings, get the design proof-checked by a competent
structural engineer to ensure that the design is code compliant.
• Ensure that the building architecture is simple in plan and elevation, with good seismic
resistance features, especially if the building is located in a high seismic zone. Safety is more
important than fancy looks. Avoid overhanging projections and any kind of irregularity in plan or
elevation. Ensure that the staircases are well framed and will not collapse during the earthquake.
• Heavier buildings attract larger seismic forces. Low-rise buildings with light-weight
materials are best suited in high seismic zone areas.
• Buildings must have adequate lateral stiffness, strength and integrity to remain elastic and
undamaged, with low drift, during nominal (“serviceability”) earthquakes.
• Under more severe and rarer earthquake levels, some damage is to be expected in ordinary
buildings (other than lifeline buildings); otherwise the building would not be financially viable.
However, the building must have sufficient ductility to withstand even the severe earthquake,
without collapsing. It is possible to ensure this reasonably through proper design, detailing and
• In framed buildings, foundations must be stronger than columns, and columns stronger than
beams. Local distress is preferred to global collapse.
0-78 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

• Masonry walls that are long and thick act like shear walls, with good stiffness and strength, to
resist lateral seismic forces that act along their length. However, they are weak against loads that
act in a direction perpendicular to their length. To prevent possible collapse, adequate cross walls
need to be provided, with proper bonding at the junctions. This can also be done as part of a
seismic retrofit scheme.
• Masonry walls in load-bearing construction should be provided with reinforced concrete
bands at plinth, sill, lintel and roof levels. It is also desirable to provide vertical steel bars at the
edges of wall piers, ensuring that these are well anchored to the foundation and roof bands.
Provision of vertical and horizontal reinforcement can also be part of a seismic retrofit scheme.
• The floor and roof slabs in a load-bearing construction need to be integrally connected to the
supporting walls for effective transfer of forces. This can also be taken up as part of seismic
• In reinforced concrete (RC) framed buildings, columns should have adequate cross-sectional
size and reinforcement (both vertical bars and closely spaced lateral ties) for adequate strength (in
shear and bending) and ductility. The common practice of providing only 230 mm thick columns
is unsuitable for providing seismic resistance, especially in shear. Weak columns in existing
buildings can be strengthened by various ways, such as jacketing (using RC, steel or FRP).
• The ground floor columns in buildings with open ground storey (for car parking) are
particularly vulnerable under an earthquake, unless they have been properly designed for the
additional stresses. There are many options of seismic retrofit, both global (providing walls and
braces) and local (column jacketing) possible.
• RC beams also should have adequate reinforcement bars at top and bottom, which are well
anchored at the beam-column joints. Closely spaced stirrups are also required, with proper hooks.
Various options of seismic retrofit involving jacketing with RC, steel and FRP are possible.
• RC shear walls, often provided around lift cores, should be well integrated to the rest of the
building; otherwise proper connections should be introduced through seismic retrofit.

This introductory chapter will have served its purpose if it has sensitised the reader, the
common man, on the vital importance of making his buildings safe against earthquakes. More
detailed technical information is provided in the Handbook of Seismic Retrofit of Buildings.
Making Buildings Safe Against Earthquakes 0-79


3. IS 1893: 2002, “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
4. IS 4326: 1993, “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
5. IS 13827: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthen Buildings”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
6. IS 13828: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low-Strength Masonary
Buildings”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
7. IS 13920: 1993, “Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to
Seismic Forces”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
8. IS 13935 (Draft version, 2005), Seismic Evaluation, Repair and Strengthening of
Masonry Buildings – Guidelines, Bureau of Indian Standards.
9. “An Earthquake Preparedness Guide”, National Disaster Management Division, Ministry
of Home Affairs, Government of India.
10. “Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Buildings”, (2002), Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee. Project sponsored by The Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd.
11. “Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Non-engineered Construction”, (2004), Published
by the International Association for Earthquake Engineering and National Information
Centre of Earthquake Engineering.
12. “IITK-GSDMA Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Buildings”,
(2005), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Project sponsored by the Gujarat State
Disaster Mitigation Authority.
13. “Manual for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Multi-storeyed RC Buildings”, (2005),
Indian Institute of Technology Madras and Structural Engineering Research Centre,
Chennai. Project sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Government of
14. “Technologies for Retrofitting of Existing Buildings and Structures to make them
Earthquake Resistant”, (2006), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Project
sponsored by Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council.
15. Baker, L., “Earthquake”, “Chamoli Earthquake Handbook”, Published by Centre of
Science and Technology For Rural Development. Project sponsored by Department of
Science and Technology, Government of India.
0-80 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

16. Basu, P. C., (2002), “Seismic Upgradation of Buildings: An Overview”, The Indian
Concrete Journal, The Associated Cement Companies Ltd., August, pp. 461-475.
17. Jain, S. K., (2001), “Seismic Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings”,
Repair and Rehabilitation, Compilation from The Indian Concrete Journal, The
Associated Cement Companies Ltd., pp. 45 – 51.
18. Murty, C. V. R., (2005), “Earthquake Tips”, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
Project sponsored by Building Material and Technology Promotion Council.
19. Seth, A., (2002), “Seismic Retrofitting by Conventional Methods”, The Indian Concrete
Journal, The Associated Cement Companies Ltd., August, pp. 489-495.

Damages caused by recent earthquakes have exposed the vulnerability of buildings in India.
Many of the non-engineered and semi-engineered constructions lack the basic features required
for seismic resistance. Many of the so-called ‘engineered’ constructions, such as multi-storeyed
apartments, are not adequately designed, detailed and constructed to provide the desired
resistance against seismic forces. This may be attributed largely to a lack of awareness of seismic
resistant design and code requirements. In recent years, particularly after the devastating Gujarat
earthquake in 2001, there has been a concerted effort nation-wide to provide for increased
awareness, in education and practice, with regard to seismic resistant design of buildings.

There is now a greater awareness and insistence on adherence to design code

requirements, with regard to new buildings, especially those constructed by major organisations
in the public and private sectors. It is hoped that this healthy practice becomes mandatory and
adopted by all builders. Mechanisms need to be evolved by local approving bodies (corporations,
municipalities, development authorities) to ensure that the buildings conform to the National
Building Code. In particular, the structural design has to be proof-checked by a competent third
party for code compliance. Ordinary people, investing their life savings in buildings such as
1-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

apartment complexes, should also insist on this, in their own interest. All this is possible with
buildings to be built in the future.

But, what is to be done about existing buildings? Many of these will be found to lack
compliance with the current codes of practice, especially in terms of earthquake resistance. This
is partly attributable to the increased seismic demand and up-gradation of some seismic zones in
the country, as reflected in the recently revised code of practice for seismic analysis (IS 1893
Part 1: 2002). Even ‘engineered’ buildings built in the past are likely to lack the seismic strength
and detailing requirements of the current design codes, such as IS 1893: 2002, IS 4326: 1993, IS
800 (Draft) and IS 13920: 1993, because they were built prior to the implementation of these

Thus, many of the existing buildings, whether ‘engineered’ or ‘non-engineered’, old or

recent, may be vulnerable. The degree of seismic vulnerability (risk of failure) can be ascertained
only after a proper structural evaluation is undertaken. Based on this assessment, proposals can
be worked out to retrofit the vulnerable buildings. The retrofit is required in order to avert
potential disaster in the event of an earthquake. Seismic retrofit can be done in various ways and
to various levels, depending on several factors. The aim, generally, is to ensure that building
collapse does not occur in the event of the design earthquake, and not necessarily to achieve
complete compliance with the prevailing codes. Of course, cost of retrofit is a major
consideration in arriving at a decision.

This Handbook is an effort to compile the available information on seismic retrofit of

buildings. The Handbook begins with a primer on seismic retrofit of buildings (Chapter 0),
written in a simple style, and addressed to the lay reader, giving a broad overview of fundamental
aspects. The subsequent chapters deal in detail with issues related to seismic evaluation,
condition assessment and retrofit of a wide range of buildings, such as non-engineered buildings,
masonry buildings, historical and heritage structure, reinforced concrete buildings and steel
buildings. The various steps of seismic retrofit related with the engineering of the building are

The coverage of the Handbook includes structural, material, geotechnical and quality
control aspects. An overview of each chapter is provided for quick perusal. Recent advances in
the material and technology for seismic retrofit are included. A few case studies are provided as
guidelines for undertaking seismic retrofit projects. The Handbook is intended for practising
engineers in public sector and private organizations, educators, decision making officials,
professionals in non-governmental organisations and students. Emphasis is laid on the
fundamental concepts and principles related to seismic retrofit.
Introduction and Terminology 1-3

Seismic retrofit of an existing building will generally involve intervention that affects the
use and functionality of the building during the retrofit operations. The process of convincing the
tenants or users on the need for seismic retrofit, decision making, as well as financing the
consultancy and construction are difficult as compared to new construction. Hence, the steps,
goals and objectives of seismic retrofit have to clear before a project is undertaken. This chapter
provides an overview of these aspects.


On a priority basis, seismic evaluation and retrofit are undertaken for the life-line buildings, such
as hospitals, police stations, fire stations, telephone exchanges, broad casting stations, television
stations, railway stations, bus stations, airports (including control towers), major administrative
buildings, relief co-ordination centres and other buildings for emergency operations. The next set
of important buildings includes schools, educational institutions, places of worship, stadia,
auditoria, shopping complexes and any other place of mass congregation. High rise multi-
storeyed buildings, major industrial and commercial buildings, historical and heritage buildings
are also among the important buildings.

Seismic vulnerability of an existing building is indicated under the following situations.

1. The building may not have been designed and detailed to resist seismic forces.
2. The building may have been designed for seismic forces, but before the publication of the
current seismic codes. The lateral strength of the building does not satisfy the seismic
forces as per the revised seismic zones or the increased design base shear. The detailing
does not satisfy the requirements of the current codes to ensure ductility and integral
action of the components.
3. The construction is apparently of poor quality.
4. The condition of the building has visibly deteriorated with time.
5. There have been additions or modifications or change of use of the building, which has
increased the vulnerability. For example, additional storeys have been built.
6. The soil has a high liquefaction potential.
Especially under such situations, and specifically, in the case of life-line and other
important buildings, there is a clear need for a structural assessment of the existing buildings for
their adequacy to withstand the design seismic loads.
1-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

In this context, the changes in the seismic design code IS 1893 are noteworthy. There has
been a significant increase in the magnitude of design base shear (which is a measure of the total
lateral load on a building). Figure 1.1 illustrates this by providing a comparison of typical values
of seismic coefficient (ratio of base shear to seismic weight) for the five different seismic zones in
the earlier 1984 version and the revised 2002 version of IS 1893. In this illustration, the building
considered is an ordinary framed building (with about 5 storeys) located in ‘medium’ soil. It is
apparent that there is a substantial increase in the seismic coefficient for each zone. The
minimum seismic zone in the country is now Zone II (as against Zone I earlier). Many areas have
been upgraded to higher seismic zones (Zone II to Zone III, for example).




Zone I
Zone II 1984
Zone III
Zone IV
Zone V

Figure 1.1 Variations of seismic coefficient in different zones

Before the methodology of seismic retrofit is introduced, it is necessary to understand the

special attributes of seismic design of a building, as compared to the usual design for gravity


The design of buildings for seismic loads is special, when compared with the design for gravity
loads (dead loads and live loads). Gravity loads are relatively constant, in terms of their
magnitude and direction (always vertical) and are treated as ‘static’ loads. In contrast, seismic
loads are predominantly lateral, reversible (the forces change direction), dynamic (the forces vary
with time) and of very short duration. The seismic loads are more uncertain than the conventional
Introduction and Terminology 1-5

gravity loads in terms of magnitude, variation with time and instance of occurrence. The
variations of the forces with time affect the resistance of the building. The maximum magnitudes
of the internal forces and their locations in the structural members are different from those due to
gravity loads. Moreover, some features of the building essential to resist seismic loads are not
considered in the conventional design for gravity loads. These special features are referred to as
the attributes for seismic design.

IS 1893: 2002 lists the following attributes for seismic design of a building.
1. Simple and regular configuration
2. Lateral strength
3. Lateral stiffness
4. Ductility
5. Stability
In addition, integral action of the various members is essential.

1.3.1 Simple and Regular Configuration

In a building with a simple and regular configuration, the internal forces are more uniformly
generated and the seismic loads are transmitted to the ground efficiently. The behaviour of such a
building under seismic loads can be studied by the conventional methods of analysis. On the
other hand, some building configurations that are satisfactory to resist gravity loads do not
perform well under seismic loads. These configurations are termed as irregular configurations.
For a building with an irregular configuration, there are concentrations of internal forces in some
members which lead to damage. The conventional methods of analysis may not be suitable,
depending upon the type and extent of irregularity. IS 1893: 2002 and IS 4326: 1993 list the
different types of irregular configuration. These aspects are further explained in Chapter 2.

1.3.2 Lateral Strength

The ‘lateral strength’ is the capacity of a building to resist horizontal loads. A building should
have adequate lateral strength to resist seismic loads. This is the primary requirement in a seismic
design. A building may be adequate to resist static gravity loads, but may not be adequate to
resist dynamic seismic loads. This leads to collapse of the building and injury to or death of the
occupants. Of primary concern is the total lateral force resisting capability (lateral strength) of
the building, which behaves essentially like a vertical cantilever subject to lateral loads acting on
the masses at different levels. This lateral strength must not fall short of the total seismic load
demand at any level in the building. The demand is largest at the base of the building, where
there must be adequately strong lateral load resisting elements (walls, columns), and below, at the
1-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

foundations also, the footings or piles must have the required strength to resist the horizontal base
shear. Even in non-engineered buildings, these essential requirements of lateral load resisting
elements with adequate strength have to be satisfied.

1.3.3 Lateral Stiffness

The second important aspect of design of a building is its lateral stiffness. Under gravity loads,
the vertical deflection of a floor should not be excessive. Similarly, for moderate values of
seismic loads, the lateral deflection of a building should not be excessive. The resistance of a
building to lateral deflection is termed as lateral stiffness. If the lateral stiffness is not adequate,
there will be a relatively large deflection in the event of the moderate earthquake, as a result of
which the members may not be able to resist the simultaneous action of gravity and seismic loads
satisfactorily. For a building with non-structural members like infill walls, facades, cladding,
utility ducts, etc., there is likely to be heavy damage and injury or death, even if the lateral
strength is adequate. The overall stiffness of a building is generally measured by the ratio of the
relative lateral displacement of the roof (with respect to the base) to the height of the building.
The stiffness of each storey is measured by the ratio of the inter-storey drift (relative lateral
displacement of the upper floor with respect to the lower floor) to the height of the storey.

1.3.4 Ductility

Designing a building to withstand a severe earthquake such that there will be no significant
damage or residual deformation, although desirable, will turn out to be an extremely costly
proposition. As the probability of occurrence of such an extreme earthquake during the design
life of a building is generally low, and resources are limited, seismic design codes world-wide
allow for damage and residual deformations in buildings if such an event were to occur. This has
the advantage of substantially reducing the design seismic loads, as compared to elastic design, by
allowing the input energy to be dissipated through cracking and yielding (which are irreversible
phenomena), rather than through elastic strain energy. The internal forces built up in the various
members result in inelastic deformations, and the design and detailing must facilitate this, so that
the members ‘hang on’ and remain intact (although damaged) during the extreme earthquake.
The ability to sustain these internal forces through large deformations, without breaking, is
termed as ductility.

In a properly designed building, if the members have this property of ductility, then the
overall behaviour of the building will also be ductile. Otherwise, in the absence of ductility, the
behaviour will be brittle, and the structure is likely to collapse without undergoing significant
deformations. Non-engineered buildings typically exhibit such brittle behaviour, whereas well-
designed framed buildings exhibit ductile behaviour. This is illustrated in Figure 1.2, which
Introduction and Terminology 1-7

shows typical (static) base shear versus roof displacement curves for these two cases. The area
under each curve is a measure of the total energy absorbed. Clearly, the property of ductility
greatly enhances the ability of the structure to withstand larger input energy. In the absence of
ductility, if the building is to survive, the input energy has to be absorbed as elastic strain energy,
requiring the initial straight line portion of the graphs in Figure 1.2 to extend upwards, implying
the need for a much higher design seismic load.

1.3.5 Stability

An earthquake induces vibrations in a building in all directions. The building must retain stability
under these conditions. The action of lateral seismic loads on a building is to push the building
horizontally and cause it to bend. In some cases, the building may also twist about its base.
There must be adequate fixity at the base (foundation) to prevent translations and rotations,
causing instability. In particular, there should be sufficient margin of safety against the
possibilities of instability due to overturning or sliding.

1.3.6 Integral Action

The various structural components of the building should be properly inter-connected in order to
generate ‘unity’ and ‘integral action’ or ‘integrity’ in the behaviour. For example, the floors and
roof in a load-bearing masonry building need to be properly connected to the supporting masonry
walls or pillars so that they act integrally and facilitate transmission of forces to the foundations.
Similarly, the cross-walls in a building need to be inter-connected through proper joints at the
corners and with horizontal bands or ties to ensure combined action. In a framed building, the
slabs need to be properly connected to the frames to mobilise the lateral load resisting capacity of
the frames. The beams and columns are to be properly connected at the joints to mobilise the
frame action.
1-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings



(a) Brittle behaviour (b) Ductile behaviour

Figure 1.2 Typical base shear (V) versus roof displacement (∆) curves


It is important to distinguish, at the very outset, between the terms retrofit and its counterparts,
repair and rehabilitation of a building. All three terms refer to modifications carried out on a
building, but in different contexts. While ‘repair’ is a generic term that is loosely used to describe
such interventions, strictly, it is used to refer to minor interventions that are non-structural in
nature. On the other hand, both ‘retrofit’ and ‘rehabilitation’ refer to structural interventions
aimed at strengthening the building. The difference between these two terms is simply this:
retrofit is undertaken before the occurrence of the earthquake (as a preventive measure) in an
undamaged building, while rehabilitation is done in a building that is already damaged (either due
to a disaster such as earthquake or due to some serious deterioration such as excessive corrosion).
The implications of retrofit and rehabilitation, in terms of the typical base shear versus roof
displacement curves for a building, are as depicted in Figure 1.3. For adequate strengthening of
existing buildings against earthquakes, it is seismic retrofit that is required.
Introduction and Terminology 1-9

Retrofit and rehabilitation may involve addition of new structural elements or change in
the structural system. But repair is restricted to the as-built system.

V ∆

After retrofit

Base shear (V)
After rehabilitation

Roof displacement (∆)

Figure 1.3 Expected base shear versus roof displacement curves

1.4.1 Repair

Repair refers to the actions that improve the functionality of components in a building that have
been rendered defective, deteriorated or damaged due to some cause. The purpose of repair is to
rectify the observed defects and bring the building to its original architectural shape and its
intended purpose. Repairs are generally non-structural in nature, and if carried out on structural
members (such as patching of structural cracks caused by tension), are unlikely to enhance
structural strength significantly. In fact, a repaired building may be deceptive in that it will
appear good and give the occupants a false sense of safety; it does not guarantee structural safety,
particularly against earthquakes.

Repair works typically involve actions such as patching cracks and falling plaster, fixing
doors, windows, broken glass panes, setting right wiring and other electrical installations, fixing
plumbing services (water pipes and sewage lines) and other services such as gas lines,
refurbishing non-structural walls and partition walls, re-affixing roof tiles and false ceilings,
repairs to flooring, drainage, architectural finishes, tiles, etc.
1-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1.4.2 Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation refers to structural interventions that improve the strength of the components in a
building that are either deteriorated or damaged. The rehabilitation is intended to regain the
original strength of these structural members. For example, in the event of a fire in a building,
rehabilitation works are undertaken to replace or strengthen the damaged structural members.
Such intervention cannot provide more than the original strength of the building, and is
appropriate if this original strength provides an adequate level of safety. The term restoration is
sometimes interchangeably used with rehabilitation. However, in this Handbook, for clarity, the
term ‘restoration’ will be used only for historical structures.

Some of the common rehabilitation actions include removal and rebuilding of

deteriorated walls, grouting of cracks in the structural members, guniting damaged concrete
surfaces, treatment against corrosion, providing additional steel reinforcement to restore tensile
strength affected by corrosion, underpinning of foundations, etc. Sometimes, the scope of the
term rehabilitation includes repair of services and architectural finishes.

1.4.3 Retrofit

Retrofit specifically aims to enhance the structural capacities (strength, stiffness, ductility,
stability and integrity) of a building that is found to be deficient or vulnerable. In the specific
context of enhancing the resistance of a vulnerable building to earthquakes, the term seismic
retrofit is used. Sometimes, the terms ‘seismic rehabilitation’, ‘seismic upgradation’ and ‘seismic
strengthening’ are used in lieu of ‘seismic retrofit’. The building need not be deteriorated or
damaged. The retrofit is intended to mitigate the effect of a future earthquake.

Seismic retrofit can effectively raise the performance of a building against earthquakes to a
desired level, and even to satisfy the requirements of an upgraded seismic design code. To what
extent the retrofit has to be carried out is an important decision that also has cost implications. In
the case of old buildings, it is generally not necessary to raise the structural capacities (attributes
for seismic design) to the level expected of a new building as per the current code of practice.
Some recommendations on this are given in the following sections.


The goals of seismic retrofit refer to the actions to be taken with reference to the attributes for
seismic design, in qualitative terms. They can be summarised as follows (IS 13935: 1993).
1. To increase the lateral strength and stiffness of the building.
Introduction and Terminology 1-11

2. To increase the ductility in the behaviour of the building. This aims to avoid the brittle
modes of failure.
3. To increase the integral action and continuity of the members in a building.
4. To eliminate or reduce the effects of irregularities.
5. To enhance redundancy in the lateral load resisting system. This aims to eliminate the
possibility of progressive collapse.
6. To ensure adequate stability against overturning and sliding.


The objectives of seismic retrofit are quantitative expressions to achieve the goals of retrofit. Of
course for a non-engineered building, the objective may not be quantifiable. The implicit
objective is to provide adequate lateral strength by strategies that have been tested or proved to be
effective in past earthquakes. The retrofitted building should not collapse during a severe

For an ‘engineered building’, the objectives are based on measurement of relevant

quantities. The objectives need to be defined before designing for retrofit. Traditionally, the
members of a building are designed based on the internal forces (demand) calculated from a
linear elastic analysis of the building subjected to the design base shear. A member is designed to
have a resistance (capacity) equal to or greater than the demand. This satisfies the requirement of
strength against both vertical and lateral loads. The building should not collapse during a severe
earthquake. To satisfy the requirement of stiffness, the drift in a storey is limited to a certain
value. To achieve ductility and integral action, the detailing of reinforcing bars in concrete
buildings and the connections in steel buildings are to be done properly. The objectives of
retrofit, based on the traditional seismic design method, are referred to as the conventional

For seismic retrofit of buildings, a new approach based on quantifying the ‘performance’
of a building is gaining popularity. The decision to retrofit and the selection of retrofit strategies
for an existing building are open-ended tasks, as compared to seismic design of a new building.
The performance based approach aids the decision making and selection of retrofit strategies.
1-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1.6.1 Conventional Objectives

Demand-to-capacity ratio for a member

Based on the traditional design method, a member of a building is considered to be
adequate if the design capacity of the member for an internal force (such as bending moment or
shear force) is not less than the demand (including appropriate load and material safety factors).
The internal forces are first calculated for the gravity loads by structural analysis. Next, the
internal forces are calculated for lateral loads, such as seismic loads and wind loads. The values
of an internal force in a member due to gravity loads and lateral loads are combined, assuming
linear elastic behaviour, based on certain load combinations. The design value of the internal
force (demand) is the highest numerical value obtained after the combinations. The capacity is
calculated from an analysis of the member properties. After the calculation of the demand and
capacity of a member for an internal force, the demand-to-capacity ratio (DCR) is computed as

Demand for an internal force

Capacity for an internal force (1.1)

If this ratio exceeds 1.0, it implies that the member strength is deficient, with reference to
the code requirement for a new building. High values of DCR indicate high risk of failure. The
checking of DCR for each member and each mode of failure provides an assessment of the
overall strength of the building and the risk of failure in the event of the design earthquake. In a
limit states method of analysis, the checking of DCR satisfies the limit state of collapse under
factored loads. When values of DCR less than unity are encountered, seismic retrofit can be
employed to raise the DCR values suitably in order to reduce the risk of failure.

It may be noted that the DCR can also be computed without introducing the material
safety factors for member strength, to arrive at a more realistic assessment of the actual strength
of the building. The values of DCR thus computed will be higher than the corresponding values
computed with partial safety factors. The decision regarding seismic retrofit can also be based on
this approach.

The storey drift ratio is the ratio of the inter-storey drift, ∆s, (relative lateral displacement
of the upper floor of a storey with respect to the lower floor) to the height of the storey, hs. As
mentioned earlier, in addition to the lateral strength, the lateral stiffness of the building also
should be adequate. This check is aimed at satisfying the limit state of serviceability under
Introduction and Terminology 1-13

unfactored lateral loads (with load factor equal to 1.0). The drifts of the storeys can be calculated
from the structural analysis of the building. The recommended limit of the storey drift ratio is
0.004 (Clause 7.11.1, IS 1893: 2002).

∆s (1.2)
≤ 0.004
If this limit is not satisfied in an existing building, then there is a clear risk of violating
the serviceability limit state. This risk can be reduced by suitably providing seismic retrofit
measures to enhance the lateral stiffness and thereby reduce the storey drift ratio.

The calculation of lateral displacement is also used to check the possibility of pounding.
When the gaps between two adjacent buildings or two adjacent blocks of the same building are
not sufficient, the buildings may come in contact during vibration due to the ground motion. This
is known as pounding, and it leads to transfer of force from one building to the other. In a
conventional analysis, the pounding forces are not considered. Hence, it is recommended to have
sufficient gap between two adjacent buildings or two adjacent blocks of the same building
(Clause 7.11.3, IS 1893: 2002). This gap is called seismic joint and is larger than the traditional
expansion joint. The required gap increases with height of the building.

Role of Linear Elastic Analysis

The calculations for conventional objectives of seismic retrofit can be performed by
linear elastic methods of analysis. The equivalent static analysis based on application of static
lateral loads at the floor levels, is the simplest to undertake. Since the equivalent static analysis
deals with application of static forces, it is called a static method. On the contrary, the response
spectrum method is based on dynamic characteristics, such as mode shapes. It is called a dynamic
method and is recommended for certain types of buildings (Section 7.8, IS 1893: 2002). In both
the equivalent static analysis and response spectrum method, the load and deformation of a
member are considered to be proportional. Hence, both these methods are linear elastic methods
of analysis. These methods have the following deficiencies.
1. The results from the linear elastic methods do not reflect the inelastic deformation
capability or ductility of the members or of the building.
2. The sequence of yielding of sections and subsequent redistribution of loads in the
building are not available from either of these methods.

Since the design for seismic forces is based on the accepted criteria that the members can
undergo nonlinear inelastic deformation with increasing internal force, a nonlinear inelastic
1-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

method of analysis is preferred. Moreover, the design for all types of buildings cannot target the
same level of seismic loads. To address these requirements, a performance based approach is
recommended whenever the necessary tools for the analysis are available.

1.6.2 Performance Based Approach

The traditional approach to seismic design of a building is a ‘force based’ analysis and design.
The performance based approach is an alternative to that approach, which is based on quantifying
the inelastic deformations of the members and the building as a whole, under the seismic loads.
The deformations or strains are considered to be better measures than stresses or forces to assess
damage. To quantify inelastic deformations, a performance based approach requires a nonlinear
lateral load versus deformation analysis. Pushover analysis and nonlinear time history analysis
are the static and dynamic methods of nonlinear analysis, respectively. The performance based
approach gives the designer more choices of ‘performance’ of the building, as compared to the
demand-to-capacity ratio and drift as mentioned under conventional objectives.

The performance of a building is measured by the state of damage under a certain level of
earthquake. The state of damage is expressed as a ‘performance level’. For the building as a
whole, the performance level is quantified by the inelastic drift of the roof. For a member, the
performance level is quantified by its deformation. The objective of seismic retrofit constitutes of
targeting a performance level of the building and the members under a certain level of earthquake.

Building Performance Levels

The performance levels are discrete damage states identified from a continuous spectrum
of possible damage states. A building performance level is a combination of the performance
levels of the structure and the non-structural components. The structural performance levels are
Immediate Occupancy (IO), Life Safety (LS) and Collapse Prevention (CP). The three levels are
based on the behaviour of the lateral load resisting systems under increasing base shear.
Figure 1.4 shows the three levels in a base shear versus roof displacement curve for a building
with adequate ductility. Detailed attributes of the performance levels are given in FEMA 356.
Introduction and Terminology 1-15

1 3

1 2 3

Figure 1.4 Performance levels in a base shear (V) versus roof displacement (∆) curve

Similar to the structural performance levels, the member performance levels are discrete
damage states in the load versus deformation behaviour of each member. The member
performance levels are also Immediate Occupancy (IO), Life Safety (LS) and Collapse Prevention
(CP). For the beams and columns of a lateral load resisting frame, the following curves relating
the loads and deformations are necessary.

1. Moment versus rotation

2. Shear force versus shear deformation.

For a column, the moment versus rotation curve is calculated in presence of the axial load. For
each member, the respective curve is assigned at each end where the deformation is largest.

For steel members, the moment versus rotation curves are available from the section
properties. For reinforced concrete (RC) members, the moment versus rotation curves are
1-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

calculated based on conventional analysis of sections (Park and Paulay, 1975). The shear force
versus shear deformation behaviour is difficult to analyse. Since in beams and columns, the shear
deformation is negligible as compared to flexural deformation, a complicated analysis is not
warranted. A linear elastic behaviour up to the shear capacity and stiffness corresponding to the
shear modulus of the material, can be assumed.

The performance levels are selected based on the limits on the deformation. Figure 1.5a
shows a typical moment versus rotation curve for an RC beam. In Figure 1.5b, the behaviour is
idealized to a piecewise linear curve and it is shown along with the performance levels. The
discontinuity at cracking is ignored and the moment capacity is limited to the moment at yielding
of reinforcing bars (My). In absence of reliable modelling of the post-peak (beyond ultimate)
behaviour, a non-zero residual moment capacity of 20% of My is considered for numerical
stability Typical load versus deformation curves for the members and the corresponding
performance levels are provided in ATC-40.

Yielding Ultimate IO LS CP

Cracking 0.2 My

Rotation Rotation

(a) Typical curve (b) Idealised curve

with performance levels

Figure 1.5 Typical moment versus rotation curves of a beam

Introduction and Terminology 1-17

Seismic Hazard Levels

In a performance based analysis, seismic hazard level (or earthquake hazard level or
simply, earthquake level) refers to the level of ground motion. The earthquake level can be
described by two types of methods. First, in the deterministic method, the engineering
characteristics of the shaking at a site due to an earthquake are represented through zone factor
and response spectra or ground motion time histories. The second type of method in describing
the earthquake level is the probabilistic method. A probability of exceedance of an earthquake
level in a specified period is used to define the earthquake levels. The serviceability earthquake,
design basis earthquake (DBE) and the maximum considered earthquake (MCE) correspond to
50%, 10% and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years, respectively (FEMA 356).

1.6.3 Performance Based Objectives

An objective of a performance based approach relates a target building performance level under a
selected earthquake level. The selection of the two levels is based on recommended guidelines
for the type of building, economic considerations and engineering judgment. For retrofit of
ordinary buildings, a minimum performance of Collapse Prevention under MCE can be selected.
For important buildings, a dual level performance objective that targets Life Safety under DBE
and Collapse Prevention under MCE can be selected. The aim of such an objective is to have a
low risk of life threatening injury during a moderate earthquake (as defined by DBE) and to check
the collapse of the vertical load resisting system during a severe earthquake (as defined by MCE).
To check Life Safety under DBE, performance of the non-structural components also needs to be
investigated. For life-line buildings, enhanced performance can be targeted. A detailed
discussion is provided in FEMA 356.

Role of Pushover Analysis

It was mentioned that a performance based approach requires a nonlinear lateral load
versus deformation analysis. The pushover analysis is a static method of nonlinear analysis. The
pushover analysis is an elegant method to observe the successive damage states of a building,
both in the existing condition and under a proposed retrofit scheme. It addresses the deficiencies
of an elastic analysis by the following features.
1. The analysis considers the inelastic deformation and ductility of the members.
2. The sequence of yielding of sections (formation of hinges) in members and subsequent
redistribution of loads in the building are considered.

Of course there are deficiencies of push over analysis as compared to the more rigorous non-
linear time history analysis. To perform a pushover analysis, reasonably accurate nonlinear load
versus deformation curves for the members are required. The results from a pushover analysis
1-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

will be erroneous if the load versus deformation curves are not properly calculated, or if the
quality of construction is poor. Moreover, the pushover analysis gives only an envelop
representation of the base shear versus roof displacement behaviour of a building. The actual
performance of a building may significantly differ from the calculated performance, since the
load versus deformation curves are not accurate and the earthquake levels used in the analysis are
statistical estimates. A closer simulation of the actual behaviour under an earthquake requires a
nonlinear time history analysis with appropriate hysteretic model for the load versus deformation
behaviour of each member.

1.6.4 Guidelines for Level of Retrofit based on Conventional Objectives

Most engineers, unfamiliar with the performance based approach (which requires nonlinear
analysis), will prefer to operate with the conventional objectives of satisfying strength and
stiffness requirements. Decisions have to be made on whether or not to retrofit, and to what
extent retrofit needs to be carried out when the conventional objectives are not satisfied. There
are no explicit statements on this in the present codes of practice, and the decision is generally left
to the judgement of the engineer.

It is well recognised that an old existing building cannot be expected to perform as well
as a new one, especially if its original design pre-dates the requirements of the current seismic
code. A guideline to reduce the design base shear is provided in the draft code “Seismic
Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings – Guidelines”. The
reduction of the base shear is based on the remaining useable life of an existing building. The
reduction factor (U) is given as follows.
0 .5
⎛T ⎞
U = ⎜⎜ rem ⎟⎟ (1.3)
⎝ Tdes ⎠
≥ 0 .7

Trem = remaining useable life of the building (in years)
Tdes = design life of the building (in years).
The above factor is expressed in a graphical form with respect to Trem in Figure 1.6. It is to be
noted that engineering judgement is required to determine Trem and Tdes. The calculation of base
shear is explained in the chapter of Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit.
Introduction and Terminology 1-19



0.5 1.0 Trem/Tdes

Figure 1.5 Useable life factor versus remaining useable life of a building

Of course reducing the base shear has an associated risk of failure. The demand-to-
capacity ratio (DCR, Eqn. 1.1) is a simple measure of the deficiency at the member level, in
relation to the expected capacity of a new member designed as per the current code. The DCR
calculated based on the base shear as per the current code and the material safety factors can be
used to determine the risk. If the value of DCR equal to unity is used as a reference point, then
for every value of DCR greater than unity, there is an associated risk of failure that can be
expressed as a factor, called risk factor. Figure 1.7 illustrates the relationship between DCR and
risk factor (NZSEE Study, 2002). The risk factor increases almost exponentially with increase in
DCR. For example, a DCR of 1.5 corresponds to a risk factor of 3.0. This implies that a
structural member having demand 1.5 times the capacity (as per the current code requirement for
new buildings) will have an associated seismic risk (probability of failure under a design
earthquake) that is 3 times the accepted level of risk (set by the code for a new building).
Similarly, a DCR of 3.0 is associated with a risk which is as high as 20 times the accepted
standard. It is recommended that for seismic retrofit of ordinary buildings, the target DCR can
exceed 1.0 but the risk factor should be limited to 3.0. In other words, the DCR should not be
greater than 1.5. For retrofit of heritage or important buildings, the DCR should be limited to 1.0.
1-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Risk factor

risk of

Recommended maximum risk level for

seismic retrofit of existing buildings
Current design standard (new building)
1.0 1.5 3.0 DCR

Figure 1.7 Relationship between DCR and risk factor


A retrofit programme for a building refers to the complete process of retrofitting. For a
systematic approach, it is necessary to be aware of the steps of a retrofit programme before
undertaking the retrofit project. The implementation of each step requires a certain time schedule
and finance. All the listed steps may not be applicable for all projects. Similarly, there may be
detailed sub-divisions of one step for a particular project.

The suggested steps of a retrofit programme are explained with reference to the material
in the Handbook. The steps are as follows (Basu, 2002, FEMA 356).

i) Reviewing initial considerations

The initial considerations relate to the type of structure, the seismic zone location of the
structure, occupancy, economic considerations, historic status, local jurisdiction, social and
administrative issues.
Introduction and Terminology 1-21

Given the requirement of vulnerability reduction for many buildings within a jurisdiction,
the “Rapid Visual Screening” procedure is undertaken to identify the buildings which are
expected to be more vulnerable under an earthquake. If the project targets one major building, the
screening phase is skipped.

ii) Selection of the objective of retrofit

The objective of retrofit gives a quantitative target to achieve through retrofit. The
objective can be drawn from the conventional objectives or performance based objectives, as per
the guidelines given in Section 1.6.

iii) Obtaining information of the building

The construction documents, including the architectural and structural drawings, are to be
collected from the archives. The collection of relevant data is explained in the chapter on Rapid
Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation. For a proper evaluation, the
actual condition of the building is to be assessed. The “Condition Assessment” describes the
process of assessing the actual condition of the building in relation to its use.

iv) Seismic evaluation

The seismic evaluation identifies the deficiencies of a building. Broadly, the evaluation
can be performed in the following phases.

a) Preliminary Evaluation
For an engineered building, the preliminary evaluation involves a set of initial
calculations and identifies areas of potential weaknesses in the building.

b) Detailed Evaluation
The detailed evaluation refers to the structural analysis of the building. The method of
analysis is to be finalised at this stage. The methods of structural analysis are briefly described in
the chapter on Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit.

v) Decision to repair, retrofit or demolish

Based on the importance, target life, extent of deficiency of the building, the economic
viability, the availability of the materials and technical resources, the expected life after retrofit, a
decision is to be taken whether to repair, retrofit or demolish the building. The various stake-
holders are responsible to take the decision. The action can be either one of the following.
1-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

a) The safety of the building is adequate. The building needs some repair and regular
maintenance, ensuring adequate performance during a future earthquake.
b) The safety of the building is inadequate and hence, retrofit is necessary. The proposed
retrofit scheme should be feasible and economically viable. The required retrofit is to be
c) The safety of the building is grossly inadequate and the building is in imminent danger of
collapse in the event of an earthquake. But the retrofit scheme is not economically viable
or feasible. The building is to be declared unfit for use and demolished.

If the life-line and other important buildings are unsafe, either retrofitting or demolishing
and rebuilding should be undertaken. For other types of building, intervention for preventing
collapse during an earthquake should be undertaken. The options of intervention are discussed in
the chapters to follow on different types of buildings.

vi) Selection and design of retrofit strategies

A ‘retrofit strategy’ or ‘retrofit technique’ refers to any option of increasing the strength,
stiffness and/or ductility of the members or of the whole building. For a building, several retrofit
strategies may be selected under a ‘retrofit scheme’. The selection of retrofit strategies depends
on the available technical expertise and inconvenience during the intervention. The retrofit
strategies can be grouped under global and local strategies. A global retrofit strategy targets the
seismic resistance of the building. A local retrofit strategy targets the seismic resistance of a
member, without significantly affecting the overall resistance of the building.

The knowledge of the individual retrofit strategies is essential in the selection and design
of the retrofit strategies. The design and the detailing should address the transfer of load and the
compatibility of deformation among the existing members, modified members and the new
members as per the assumptions in the analysis. Each retrofit strategy should consistently and
reliably achieve the intended goals. The retrofit scheme should be cost effective. The retrofit
strategies suitable for each type of building are covered in the subsequent chapters of the

vii) Verification of the retrofit scheme

In the case of non-engineered buildings, the proposed retrofit schemes should ideally be
verified by experiments for their effectiveness. In the case of an engineered building, it should be
ensured through structural analysis of the retrofitted building that the selected retrofit scheme
satisfies the identified objective of retrofit. Alteration of the load path, redistribution of the
member forces and the changes in the failure modes after retrofitting, need to be studied. The
Introduction and Terminology 1-23

increase in strength at the cost of a ductile failure mode changing to a brittle mode, is not
desirable. The retrofit scheme should be viable in terms of cost and execution. If the retrofit
scheme is acceptable, then the construction documents are prepared. Else, the retrofit scheme has
to be redesigned or the objective of retrofit has to be reselected.

viii) Construction
The effectiveness of the retrofit scheme greatly depends on the quality of construction.
Hence, the construction as per the suggested details and specifications is imperative. The aspects
of quality assurance and control are briefly covered in the chapter under the same title.

ix) Maintenance and monitoring

Although maintenance and monitoring of a retrofitted building are beyond the scope of a
retrofit project, these two long-term activities should be undertaken. The maintenance of
retrofitted buildings is necessary to achieve the performance during a future earthquake.
Monitoring the performance of retrofitted buildings during an earthquake, wherever possible, is
essential to detect any defect or deficiency in the retrofit strategies. This will lead to refinement
of the design guidelines and specifications for future retrofit projects.

The steps of a retrofit programme are shown as a flow chart in Figure 1.8.
1-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Reviewing initial considerations

Selection of the objective of retrofit

• Conventional objectives
• Performance based objectives

Obtaining information of the building

• Data collection
• Condition assessment

Seismic evaluation
• Preliminary evaluation Decision to retrofit
• Detailed evaluation No
adequate or,
Building to be
Yes demolished

Selection and design of retrofit strategies

• Global retrofit strategies
• Local retrofit strategies

No Verification of retrofit scheme


• Quality assurance and control

Maintenance and monitoring

Figure 1.8 Flow chart of a retrofit programme

Introduction and Terminology 1-25


The words listed are categorised according to the context of usage. The General category lists the
words which need proper engineering definition as per the parlance of earthquake engineering.
Some of the words are used with different connotations in different countries, thus creating
confusion among the professionals. Here, the words are defined based on the usage in the
Handbook. In the categories of Earthquake and Geotechnical, a few words from seismology, soil
mechanics and geology are selected. A familiarity with these words helps in understanding the
aspects of earthquakes that are relevant in seismic design.

The words listed in the category of Building are necessary for analysing and
understanding the behaviour of buildings / structures under seismic loads. Since a working
knowledge of the materials is essential, the commonly used terms are listed in the category of
Materials. The next three categories of Masonry Buildings, Reinforced Concrete Buildings and
Steel Buildings list the materials, structural members and types of members that commonly exist
in the three types of buildings

1.8.1 General

Acceptance criteria: The limiting values of quantities such as strength demand, inelastic
deformation of a member or drift of a building that are used to determine the acceptability of the
member or building.

Action: The internal axial force, moment, shear or torsion generated in a member due to the
external loads.

Anchor: It is an object by which a component is attached to a medium such as concrete.

Base isolation system: The collection of units which are horizontally flexible and vertically stiff.
It supports the weight of a building but reduces the transfer of ground motion.

Base shear: The summation of the lateral forces acting at the various levels of a building due to a
base motion. It is equal to the shear acting at the lowest storey of the building.

Bonding agent: It is a medium capable of forming strong and tough adhesive between two
Boundary element (member/component): An element at the edge or opening of a shear wall or
horizontal diaphragm that provides tensile and/or compressive strength.
1-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Box system: A bearing wall structure without a space frame. The horizontal forces due to
earthquake are resisted by the walls acting as shear walls.

Braced frame: It is a vertical lateral-load-resisting element consisting of columns (vertical),

beams (horizontal) and braces (diagonal). A connection of a brace is not designed to resist

Buttress: A wall-type structure built perpendicular to a wall or in the plane of a frame for support
against lateral forces such as earthquake, wind, earth pressure or hydrostatic pressure.

Capacity: The permissible strength or deformation of a member or of the building calculated

from the section and material properties.

Capacity (based) design: It is a type of design that targets a preferred type of failure of the
building or of a component of the building by suitably adjusting the capacities to avoid other
types of failure.

Centre-of-mass: The point at a floor of a building where the mass of the floor and tributary
portions of the adjacent storeys can be considered to be lumped for the purpose of analysis.

Centre-of-rigidity (centre-of-stiffness): The point at a floor of a building such that when the
horizontal force along a direction acts at that point, there is only translation of the level.

Chord reinforcement: Additional reinforcement provided at the edge of the slab or the beam
supporting the slab perpendicular to the direction of seismic forces, for carrying the tension
generated due to the diaphragm action of the slab.

Collector (drag strut / diaphragm strut): A member that transfers lateral forces from the
diaphragm of the structure to vertical elements of the lateral-load-resisting system.

Compact section: A steel cross-section which can develop plastic moment but has inadequate
plastic rotation capacity needed for formation of a plastic collapse mechanism of the member or
structure. The width-to-thickness ratios of the plates are limited.

Component (member): An element of a building such as slab, beam, column, shear wall,
footing, infill wall, stair slab, water tank is termed as a component. A component is classified as
a structural component if it participates in resisting loads. Else, the component is classified as a
non-structural component.
Introduction and Terminology 1-27

Composite beam: It consists of a steel beam and part of a concrete floor that are integrally
connected to deflect as a single unit under loads.

Condition assessment: The process of gathering information and evaluating the current condition
of a structure or a member in relation to its use.

Concentric bracing: It is a type of bracing in a frame where the axis of a brace meets the beam-
column joint at the point of intersection of the axes of the beam and column.

Concrete jacketing: A method in which a concrete column or beam is covered with concrete and
reinforcing bars in order to strengthen the member.

Coupling beam: A component that ties or couples adjacent shear walls acting in the same plane.

Coupled shear walls: Two or more shear walls acting in the same plane that are connected
adequately by beams.

Damping: It refers to the forces that resist the vibration of a structure and are related to the
velocity of the structure.

Degrees-of-freedom: The number of variables required to specify a response parameter (for

example deformation) of a structure completely is called the degrees-of-freedom.

Demand: The value of force or deformation in a member or of the building calculated from
structural analysis.

Diaphragm: A floor or roof system that interconnects the lateral-load-resisting systems such as
frames or walls and transmits the lateral forces to them. A diaphragm is classified as rigid or
flexible depending upon its in-plane deformability.

Diaphragm chord: A component provided to resist tension or compression at the edges of a


Differential settlement: The ratio of difference in vertical settlement between two adjacent
columns or between two adjacent parts of the same structure, to the horizontal distance between
the columns/parts.
1-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Drag reinforcement: Additional reinforcement provided at the edge of the slab or the beam
supporting the slab parallel to the direction of seismic forces, for transferring the forces from the
slab diaphragm to vertical elements of the lateral-load-resisting system.

Drift: The relative horizontal displacement between two levels of a building due to lateral loads
such as from an earthquake. The displacement between two adjacent floors is termed as inter-
storey drift.

Ductility: The ability of a structure or a component of the structure to deform under the load
beyond the elastic range without significant loss of strength.

Durability: It is the ability to resist weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion or any other
form of deterioration.

Dynamic analysis: It is a type of analysis in which the inertia forces and damping forces due to
motion, the spring forces due to deformation of a structure and the applied forces are considered.

Eccentric bracing: It is a type of bracing in a frame where the axis of a brace does not meet the
point of intersection of the axes of the beam and column but meets the beam away from the beam-
column joint.

Energy dissipation device: It is an element designed to dissipate energy in a stable manner

during repeated cycles of earthquake.

Epicentre: It is the point on the earth’s surface directly above the hypocentre. The epicentre is
described by the location of the point of fault rupture on the map in terms of latitude and

Epoxy resin: It is a polymeric agent capable of forming strong, tough, corrosion and chemical
resistant adhesive between two components.

Equivalent static method: This method is based on “equivalent” static (independent of time)
applied forces on a structure and the spring forces due to its deformation. The inertia forces and
damping forces due to motion of the structure are not explicitly considered.

Fault: Plane or zone along which earth materials on opposite sides move differentially in
response to tectonic forces.
Introduction and Terminology 1-29

Ferrocement: It is made of cement mortar reinforced with closely spaced layers of small
diameter wire mesh.

Fibre reinforced concrete: It is made by adding fibrous materials (usually steel or glass) to fresh
concrete, which improves the crack resisting properties.

Fibre reinforced polymer composite: It consists of a matrix of resin reinforced with fibres
(glass, carbon or aramid).

Geotextile: It is a synthetic fabric used to protect the soil from erosion and to reinforce the soil at
a slope for stability.

Gravity load resisting system: The frames, walls and foundation that resist the vertical loads
from the roof and floor slabs in a building.

Ground Motion: It is the movement of the ground on which a building is supported. It is

characterised by acceleration, velocity and displacement.

Grout: It is a mixture of water, cement and optional materials like sand, water-reducing
admixtures, expansion agent and pozzolans. The desired properties are fluidity and minimum
segregation during pumping, and strength and durability after hardening.

Horizontal seismic coefficient: It is the ratio of the base shear to the weight of a building. It
includes the zone factor, importance factor, response reduction factor and the spectral

Hypocentre: The point on a fault where rupture initiates is referred to as the ‘focus’ or
hypocentre of an earthquake. The hypocentre is described by the depth of the point and its
location on the map in terms of latitude and longitude.

Infill wall: A wall made of masonry or concrete and placed within a frame of a building. An
infill wall is considered to be integral if the wall is connected to the frame by dowel bars or shear
connectors. Else, it is considered to be non-integral.

Intensity: The intensity of an earthquake is a measure of the damage caused by an earthquake at a

particular location. One way of measurement is the Modified Mercalli intensity scale.
1-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Knowledge factor: A factor to represent the uncertainty of the available information about the
structural configuration or present condition of the materials or components of an existing

Landslide: The lateral and downward movement of unstable soil/rock mass due to combination
of gravity, earthquake, seepage or superimposed loading.

Lateral-load-resisting system: The collection of frames, shear walls, bearing walls, and inter-
connecting horizontal diaphragms in a building that provides resistance to lateral loads such as
due to an earthquake. The frames and walls are termed as vertical lateral-load-resisting elements.

Lateral spreading: The lateral flow of the soil mass within the ground due to inadequate bearing
capacity or excessive settlement.

Lateral torsional buckling: It is the lateral deflection and twisting of a section due to the
buckling of the compression flange of the section under loads.

Linear analysis: It is a type of analysis where the deformation in a member is considered to be

proportional to the internal force.

Lintel band: A reinforced concrete or reinforced brick runner provided in the walls at the lintel
level to tie them together and to impart horizontal bending strength in them.

Liquefaction: A phenomenon in which loose saturated soil loses the shear strength and behaves
like a liquid. The earthquake (or other cyclic) loading reduces the soil volume and develops pore
water pressure. This reduces the effective stress to zero and the soil is not able to support a

Load bearing wall: A wall that provides vertical support for a floor or roof.

Load path: A course along which the seismic inertia forces are transferred from the
superstructure to the foundation and finally to the ground.

Magnitude: The magnitude of an earthquake is a measure of the amount of energy released

during an earthquake. One way of measurement is the Richter scale.

Mass: It is a measure of the amount of quantity at a particular level of a structure. The inertia
forces are proportional to the masses during the vibration of the structure.
Introduction and Terminology 1-31

Micro-concrete: It is a type of concrete made of small aggregates for placement in thin sections.

Mitigation: Any action taken that has the potential to reduce the consequences of a future

Mode shape: It is the deflection configuration when a structure vibrates under a natural

Moment resisting frame: It is a vertical lateral-load-resisting element consisting of columns

(vertical) and beams (horizontal). A beam-column connection is designed to resist moment.

Natural frequency: It is equal to the number of cycles of vibration in one second when the
structure vibrates without any external force.

Near source effect: It is the amplification of ground motion due to constructive interference of
the earthquake waves in a strike slip fault.

Non-buckling brace (unbonded brace): It is a type of brace consisting of an inner core and an
outer sleeve that overcomes the problem of buckling and low energy dissipation of regular braces.

Non-compact section: A steel section that has width-to-thickness ratios of the plates exceeding
the limiting values for compactness.

Non-destructive test: The test of a component of a building which does not cause any damage.

Non-engineered buildings: The buildings which are not formally designed but built using
traditional techniques.

Nonlinear analysis: It is a type of analysis where beyond a certain level of force, the deformation
in a member is not proportional to the internal force.

Ordinary moment resisting frame: A moment resisting frame that does not have the ductile
detailing for resisting seismic forces.

Overturning: It is the effect when the moment produced at the base of a building due to the
lateral forces is larger than the resistance provided by the foundation’s uplift resistance and
building weight.
1-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

P-∆ effect: It is the generation of additional moment in a column due to the lateral deformation of
the column or due to the relative horizontal displacement between two the two ends of the

Performance based analysis: It is a type of analysis which is based on quantifying the

deformations of the members and the building as a whole under the seismic forces.

Plan irregularity: It is a deficiency of a building that can be detected by observation and simple
calculations based on the plan of the building.

Plate tectonics: The movements of the earth crust (top layer) due to the flows of the mantle (layer
beneath the crust). The crust consists of pieces which are termed as plates.

Plinth band: A reinforced concrete or reinforced brick runner provided in the walls at the plinth
level to tie them together and to impart horizontal bending strength in them.

Polymer modified concrete: It is made by incorporating a polymer latex with fresh concrete,
which improves the tensile properties of concrete.

Pounding: The action of two adjacent buildings coming in to contact during earthquake
excitation because they are too close together and/or exhibit different dynamic drift

Precast member: A concrete member that is cast away from it final position.

Prestressed member: A concrete member in which internal compressive stress is introduced in

the concrete to counteract the tensile stress generated due to the service loads.
Primary component: A component that is part of a building’s lateral load resisting system.

Pushover analysis: It is a type of nonlinear static analysis where the magnitudes of the lateral
loads are incrementally increased, maintaining a predefined distribution pattern along the height
of the building, until a collapse mechanism develops.

Rapid visual screening: It is a form of survey to identify the buildings which are expected to be
more vulnerable under an earthquake. It is used to prioritise the buildings in a jurisdiction for
further evaluation and retrofit for seismic forces.
Introduction and Terminology 1-33

Redundancy: The attribute of a building with alternative load paths by which the lateral forces
are resisted. This allows the building to remain stable following the failure of any single

Refurbishment: Actions that improve or change the functionality of a building or its component.
Refurbishment involves architectural modification without intervention of structural members.
Refurbishment is also referred to as remodelling.

Rehabilitation: Actions that improve the strength of a structure or a member. The structure or
member is either deteriorated or damaged due to reasons stated under ‘Repair’. Rehabilitation
includes repair. The action is intended to regain the original strength of the structure or member.

Reinforced masonry: A masonry wall with adequate vertical and horizontal reinforcement.

Repair: Actions that improve the functionality of a member of a structure. The member is either
defective, deteriorated or damaged due to any reason such as earthquake, cyclone, flood, fire,
explosion, vehicle collision, corrosion, cracking, insect infestation etc. The action may not be
intended to regain the original strength of the member completely.

Response spectrum: It is a plot of the maximum value of a quantity (usually the acceleration)
defining the movement of the mass of a single degree of freedom (single mass) system subjected
to a base motion, with respect to the natural period of the system.

Response spectrum analysis: It is a type of linear analysis where the values of spectral
acceleration corresponding to the natural frequencies of a structure are combined based on certain
factors to get the total base shear.

Restoration: Actions that improve the strength and appearance of a structure. The term is used
mostly for historical structures. Restoration may include repair for a deteriorated or damaged

Retrofit: Actions that improve the strength and other attributes of the integrity of a structure or a
member with respect to seismic forces. The structure or member need not be deteriorated or
damaged. Retrofit may include repair or rehabilitation. The action is intended to mitigate the
effect of a future earthquake.

Retrofit programme: The complete process of retrofitting a structure. It includes collection of

data, seismic evaluation, decision to retrofit, selection of retrofit strategies and construction.
1-34 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Retrofit scheme: A combination of retrofit strategies for improving the strength and other
attributes of resistance of a structure to seismic forces.

Retrofit strategy (technique): A technical option for improving the strength and other attributes
of resistance of a structure or a member to seismic forces.

Roof band: A reinforced concrete or reinforced brick runner provided in the walls at the roof
level to tie them together and to impart horizontal bending strength in them.

Rubble masonry: A masonry wall made of undressed blocks and mortar.

Secondary component: A component that is not part of a building’s lateral load resisting system.
It may or may not actually resist some lateral loads.

Seismic assessment (evaluation): The process of gathering information and evaluating the
current condition of a structure or a member for resistance to seismic forces.

Seismic band: A reinforced concrete, reinforced brick or wooden runner provided horizontally in
the walls to tie them together and to impart horizontal bending strength in them.

Seismic belt: A cast-in-place ferro-cement plating installed on an existing masonry wall in lieu of
seismic bands or vertical reinforcing bars.

Seismic strengthening: Actions that improve the strength and other attributes of the integrity of
a structure or a member with respect to seismic forces. Both rehabilitation and retrofit as defined
here involve seismic strengthening.

Seismic upgradation: Actions that improve the strength and other attributes of seismic
resistance of a structure or a member to meet the requirements of the current versions of the codes
on seismic analysis and design.

Seismic waves: It is the mode of transmission of the strain energy released during an earthquake.
The seismic waves are classified in to primary (P) waves, secondary (S) waves, Love waves and
Rayleigh waves.

Seismic zone: It is an area where the maximum intensity of ground motion during an earthquake
is expected to be of similar value. A zone factor is assigned to each zone which is an estimate of
the peak ground acceleration.
Introduction and Terminology 1-35

Settlement: The vertical downward movement of the structure due to elastic compression or
consolidation of the soil layers under the foundation.

Shear wall: It is a wall in a building designed to resist lateral force in its own plane. If the
building frame is properly connected to the shear wall, the drift of the building and the forces in
the members of the frame reduce.

Short column: A column with reduced height due to surrounding parapet, infill wall etc. The
reduced height is less than five times the dimension of the column in the direction of parapet /
infill wall or 50% of the height of the typical columns at that storey.

Shotcrete: It is a method in which compressed air forces mortar or concrete through a nozzle to
be sprayed on a surface, such as wall, at high velocity.

Site amplification: The increase of the ground motion at the foundation level as compared to the
motion at the level of the underlying rock.

Site specific response spectrum: A response spectrum which considers the soil conditions and
geology of a certain location.

Soil-structure interaction: It is the inter-dependent behavior of the foundation of a structure and

the supporting soil. The stresses and deformation cannot be solved by static equilibrium
equations. A detailed analysis is required considering the rigidity of the foundation and modulus
of sub-grade reaction of soil.

Special moment resisting frame: A moment resisting frame that has the ductile detailing for
resisting seismic forces.

Spectral acceleration: It is the value of the acceleration from the response spectrum
corresponding to a natural period of a structure.

Static analysis: It is a type of analysis in which only the spring forces due to deformation of a
structure and constant values (time-independant) of the applied forces are considered.

Stiffness: The resistance to deformation under load. The deformation can be deflection under
vertical loads, rotation under moment, drift under lateral loads, etc.

Storey shear: The summation of the lateral forces acting at the various levels of a building above
the storey under investigation due to a base motion.
1-36 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Strength: The maximum axial force, moment, shear force or torsion that can be resisted by a
member of the building.

Subsidence: The vertical downward movement at the ground level due to soil liquefaction or
lowering of ground water table with or without a structure supported on it.

Tectonic plates: These are the major parts of the earth’s outermost crust (also called lithosphere).
The earthquakes are attributed to the movement of these parts.

Time history analysis: It is a type of analysis in which the time-wise variations of the inertia
forces and damping forces due to motion, the spring forces due to deformation of a structure and
the applied forces are considered.

Time period: It is the time taken by a single oscillation of a system under free vibration, that is
without any external excitation.

Tsunamis: It is earthquake generated waves due to instantaneous rise in seabed. The waves
travel with very high velocity. The wave height increases significantly as the waves reach the
shallow depth zone along the coast.

Unreinforced masonry: A masonry wall without any vertical or horizontal reinforcement.

Vertical irregularity: It is a deficiency of a building that can be detected by observation and

simple calculations based on the elevation of the building.

Weight: It is a measure of the downward force at a particular level of a structure or on the whole
structure due to gravity.

Wing wall: A wall type structure built adjacent to a column in a frame for support against seismic


Seismic resistant design of new buildings and seismic retrofit of existing buildings are essential to
reduce the vulnerability of the buildings during an earthquake. The present Handbook compiles
the available information on seismic retrofit of buildings. This chapter introduces the attributes of
seismic design and explains the goals, objectives and steps of seismic retrofit. A retrofit can be
undertaken based on the conventional force based analysis and design. The objectives in this
Introduction and Terminology 1-37

approach are to satisfy the strength of the members and stiffness of the building. Else, a
performance based approach can be adopted when the expertise and tools are available. The
objectives in this approach are to satisfy a building performance level under a selected earthquake
level. The pushover analysis is suitable for a performance based approach of seismic retrofit.
Guidelines are suggested to select the level of seismic retrofit of existing buildings so that the risk
of failure involved is acceptable. Definitions of various technical terms used in the Handbook are
also provided in this chapter.


The Handbook is organised in to various chapters to present the subject of seismic retrofit of
buildings in a systematic format. The basic concepts of seismic retrofit are elucidated in Chapter
0. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the vulnerability aspects of buildings that are relevant in
seismic design. The rapid visual screening, data collection and preliminary evaluation are
compiled in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 introduces the available techniques of assessing the condition
of an existing building. The retrofit of non-engineered buildings and masonry buildings are
covered in Chapters 5 and 6, respectively. The material on historical and heritage structures is
placed in Chapter 7. The methods of structural analysis of engineered buildings are presented in
Chapter 8. Chapters 9 and 10 cover the retrofit of reinforced concrete buildings and steel
buildings, respectively. The geotechnical aspects of seismic hazards are explained in Chapter 11.
Chapter 12 covers the retrofit of foundations. The use of composite materials in seismic retrofit is
discussed in Chapter 13. Chapter 14 presents the advanced technology of energy dissipation and
base isolation devices. The quality assurance and quality control aspects of construction are
briefly introduced in Chapter 15. The case studies in Chapter 16 illustrate the steps and strategies
of seismic retrofit through practical examples.


1. ATC 40 (1996), “Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings: Vol. 1”,
Applied Technology Council, USA.
2. FEMA 356 (2000), “Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Buildings”, American Society of Civil Engineers, USA.
3. IS 800 (Draft), “Indian Standard Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel”,
Bureau of Indian Standards.
4. IS 1893: 2002, “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Part 1: General
Provisions and Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards.
1-38 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

5. IS 4326: 1993, “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings – Code of

Practice”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
6. IS 13920: 1993, “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced
Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
7. IS 13935: 1993, “Indian Standard for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings –
Guidelines”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
8. Basu, P. C. (2002), “Seismic Upgradation of Buildings: An Overview”, The Indian
Concrete Journal, The Associated Cement Companies Ltd., August, pp. 461-475.
9. Park, R. and Paulay, T. (1975), “Reinforced Concrete Structures”, John Wiley & Sons.
10. NZSEE Study (2002), “Assessment and Improvement of the Structural Performance of
Buildings in Earthquake”, New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering.

The subject of earthquake engineering has received a major emphasis in recent years, and
especially in the wake of the 2001 earthquake in Gujarat. It is now well realized that earthquake
loads need to be considered explicitly in the design of structures. In this chapter, the causes and
effects of earthquakes are described briefly. The characterisation of earthquakes and the design
considerations are explained. Comments on good engineering practice are also given. Finally, the
provisions in the Indian seismic codes are mentioned.

Earthquakes cause the ground to shake violently, thereby triggering landslides, creating
tsunamis and floods, and causing the ground to heave and crack, resulting in large-scale
destruction to life and property. The study of why and where of earthquakes comes under
geology. The study of the characteristics of the earthquake ground motion and its effects on
engineered structures are the subjects of earthquake engineering. In particular, the effect of
earthquakes on structures and the design of structures to withstand earthquakes with low damage
is the subject of earthquake resistant structural design. The secondary effects on structures, due to
floods and landslides are generally outside its scope. However, local site effects such as ground
2-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

subsidence, liquefaction and site amplification are studied under geotechnical earthquake


Earthquakes are natural phenomena, which cause the ground to shake. The earth’s interior is very
hot and in a molten state. As the lava comes to the surface, it cools and new land is formed. The
lands so formed have to continuously keep drifting to allow new material to surface. According to
the theory of plate tectonics, the entire surface of the earth can be considered to be made of
several plates, constantly on the move. These plates periodically brush against each other or
collide at their boundaries, giving rise to earthquakes. Therefore, regions close to the plate
boundary are highly seismic and regions farther from the boundaries exhibit less seismicity.
Earthquakes may also be caused by other actions such as underground explosions.

The Indian sub-continent, which forms part of the Indo-Australian plate, is pushing
against the Eurasian plate along the Himalayan belt. Therefore, the Himalayan belt is highly
seismic whereas peninsular India, which is not traversed by any plate boundary, is relatively less
seismic. Earthquakes became frequent after the construction of Koyna dam and this is regarded as
a classic case of man-made seismicity. However, the occurrence of the Latur earthquake of 1993,
in what was previously considered to be the most stable region on the earth indicates that no
region is entirely safe from devastating earthquakes.

Earthquakes usually originate at major cracks or fissures in the ground, called faults. The
gradual movements of the plates generate strains at the faults, which are very irregular and when
the strain energy becomes large enough to overcome the frictional forces, relative slip takes place,
leading to a release of the energy in the form of earthquake waves.

The recent earthquake in Kutch, Gujarat on 26 Jan 2001 has exposed the weaknesses in
the Indian construction industry. An important thing to remember is that, as of today, earthquakes
cannot be predicted by any means scientific or otherwise.

Earthquake load differs from other loads in many respects, which makes it more difficult
to design for it. Some of the characteristics of earthquake loading are as follows
1. Earthquake loading is uncertain with respect to its amplitude, duration, and frequency
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-3

2. Earthquake loading is predominantly lateral and can cause severe damage unless special
provisions are made to resist them.
3. Earthquake loading is cyclic and induces reversal of stresses.
4. Earthquake loading is dynamic and produces different degree of response in different

These characteristics make seismic analysis and design extremely difficult and time-
consuming and so simplified procedures are often used in practice.


2.3.1 Magnitude and Intensity

The intensity is a qualitative description of the effects of the earthquake at a particular location, as
evidenced by observed damage and human reactions at that location. Different scale have been
developed for the measurement of intensities, as described below. The MSK scale is described in
detail in IS 1893 (2002).
1. Rossi-Forrel scale (1880) -- 1 to 10
2. Modified Mercalli intensity (MMI) -- 1 to 12
3. Japanese Meteorological agency -- 1 to 7
4. MSK Scale -- 1 to 12

Earthquake magnitude is a quantitative measure of the size of the earthquake. Ritcher

Magnitude is the most commonly used magnitude scale.

2.3.2 The Response Spectrum

The response spectrum is a plot of the maximum response (usually the acceleration Sa) of single-
degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems as a function of their natural period T. For design purposes,
the smoothed average of a number of elastic response spectrums corresponding to various
possible earthquakes at a particular site, known as the smoothed elastic design response spectrum
(SEDRS), is used. The SEDRS is further simplified so that it can be represented by a set of
equations corresponding to different period ranges. SEDRS is usually specified for different soil
conditions (IS 1983 -2002).
2-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Most structures, such as multi-storeyed buildings, are multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF)

systems whose response can be approximated by considering only the first few natural modes.
This fact is used to great advantage in modal spectral analysis, where the first few natural
vibration mode shapes are calculated as a first step. Each mode can then be considered to
represent the vibration shape of an SDOF with a corresponding natural period and so its
maximum response can be directly determined from the response spectrum. The total response of
the structure can then be calculated as a combination of these individual responses. A variety of
ways are available to combine the individual responses considering the fact that these maximum
responses occur at different instants of time. When the natural periods are sufficiently apart, the
most common way of combining the maximum responses is by taking the square root of the sum
of the squares (SRSS) method (Clough and Penzien 1993).


The key for good seismic design is simplicity in plan and elevation. Structures, which have more
than one axis of symmetry and have uniform distribution of strength and stiffness are said to be
regular structures. Structures, which do not satisfy one or more of the above requirements, are
said to be irregular. The IS 1893 (2002) code defines several types of irregularities. Irregular
structures exhibit special problems during earthquakes and should be avoided as far as possible.

Masonry and infill (non-structural) walls should be reinforced by vertical and horizontal
reinforcing bands to avoid their failure under a severe earthquake. It should be noted that wood is
not ductile and needs to be reinforced with steel to withstand severe earthquakes. Also other non-
structural elements should be carefully designed so that they do not cause injury to people.

Reinforced Concrete elements should be detailed as per IS 13920-1993 which requires

extra stirrups at potential hinging locations and extra anchorage lengths. It should be remembered
that steel structures perform better than RC structures and should be adopted for all important
buildings such as schools, multi-storied buildings and hospitals. Pre-cast elements should be tied
securely so that they don’t get dislodged during the earthquake.

Projecting elements such as porches, sun-shades, water tanks, balconies and parapet walls
cause serious injuries to people and so should be designed to withstand earthquake loading
without developing instability.
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-5

Some of the common irregularities and their effects along with possible retrofitting
strategies are described below.

1. Asymmetric plan/Asymmetric structural action

Building plan with one or no axis of symmetry or building with asymmetric structural
action (Figure 2.1).


Figure 2.1 Asymmetric plan building

• Earthquake induced inertia force acts at centre of mass, CM.

• Building resistance acts at the centre of stiffness, CS.
• Resulting couple twist the building.

Affect all types of buildings such as masonry, reinforced concrete with or without shear
walls and steel buildings (Figure 2.2).
2-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings



Asymmetric plans as shown in (a), (b) and (c)

Open front shop as in (d)
Partial area built in any storey as in (e)


Figure 2.2 Asymmetric structural action

Retrofitting strategy: reduce asymmetry to bring CM near CS.

2. Reentrant corners
Building plans with re-entrant corners (Figure 2.3).
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-7

Figure 2.3 Buildings with re-entrant corners

• Re-entrant corners tend to open and close during vibration.

• Opening leads to cracking and closing leads to crushing at reentrant corners.

Affect all types of buildings such as given in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 Buildings affecting due to re-entrant corners

2-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Retrofitting strategy: Cut plan into separate wings (Ref IS:4326)

3. Open to sky, Ducts /atriums

Building with large open to sky ducts and/or staircases placed between floor areas (Figure


Figure 2.5 Building plans with open to sky ducts and staircases placed between floor areas

• Cutting of floor diaphragms for light, ventilation, staircases and lifts disturbs force
transfer between floor areas.
• Affect multi-storeyed building with reinforced concrete slabs over floor areas.
Retrofitting strategy: Install horizontal steel bracings in ducts and separate the staircase.
(Ref: IS - 4326)

4. Staggered column buildings

Buildings with columns not in line and/or oriented in different directions. Buildings with
230mm columns (Figure 2.6)
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-9


Figure 2.6 Buildings with staggered columns and 230 mm columns

• Inadequate frame action to resist seismic loads in either direction.

• 230mm columns are too weak and flexible for buildings over 2-storeys.
• Affect reinforced concrete framed buildings
Retrofitting strategy: Provide reinforced concrete shear walls over entire height.

5. Stilt floor buildings

Buildings with full or partial area of ground floor having stilts to facilitate parking or
other activity, like shops with rolling shutters (Figure 2.7).
2-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 2.7 Buildings with full or partial area of ground floor having stilts

• Absence of walls reduces stiffness of ground storey making it “soft”

• The soft storey gets damaged during earthquake and the building tends to sit due to
crushing of columns.
• Affect reinforced concrete buildings with strong masonry walls in upper floors.
Retrofitting strategy: Stiffen the ground storey by RC shear walls or steel bracings.
6. Plaza type buildings
Buildings with large built-up areas in lower storeys and a tower rising above as in hotels
shopping mall cum office buildings (Figure 2.8).
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-

Figure 2.8 Plaza type buildings

• Sudden reduction in stiffness causes damage at the base of tower.

• Affect all types of buildings including modern reinforced concrete buildings and
older/historic masonry buildings.
Retrofitting strategies: Provide steel bracing and/or reduce tower height.

7. Clustered buildings
Buildings close to one another as in city business areas and sometimes having common
walls (Figure 2.9).
2-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 2.9 Closely spaced buildings

• Building hit or pound each other during earthquakes due to insufficient space for
• Affect all types of buildings.
Retrofitting strategy: Increasing gap by demolishing or provide bridge bearings in

8. Non-ductile buildings
Reinforced buildings not detailed as per IS: 13920 (Figure 2.10) and masonry buildings
without reinforcement bands.
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-

• Member b/D > 0.3, b > 200 l

• Hoop spacing < d/4, 8φ, 100 mm
elsewhere < d/2
• Anchorage Ld+10 φ
• %p < 2.5
• Column stirrups @ 75 c/c over lo
• Hoop legs < 300 mm else cross ties 2d
• Confining stirrups in footing

Figure 2.10 Ductile Detailing of RC

• Buildings disintegrate due to inadequate integral action.

• Affect reinforced concrete and masonry buildings.
Retrofitting strategy: Provide extra frames and tie all elements together.

9. Buildings with projecting elements.

Buildings with large projections like canopies, balconies, sunshades, parapets, and water
tanks in the roofs (Figure 2.11).
2-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 2.11 Buildings with large projections and elevated water tanks

• Horizontal projecting elements generally develop stability problems and tend to

• Vertically projecting elements experience amplified excitations and so develop stability
• Affect all types of buildings except light weight sheetings.
Retrofitting strategy: Reduce projections or reduce their weight. Alternatively they may
be braced or anchored to main elements.
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-

2.4.1 Seismic Design Philosophy

Severe earthquakes have an extremely low probability of occurrence during the life of a structure.
If a structure has to resist such earthquakes elastically, it would require an expensive lateral load
resisting system, which is unwarranted. On the other hand, if the structure loses its aesthetics or
functionality quite often due to minor tremors and needs repairs, it will be a very unfavourable
design. The usual strategy is:

‘to ensure elastic behaviour under a design basis earthquake which has a return
period equal to the life of the structure and prevent collapse under the maximum
credible earthquake’.

For example, if the expected life of the structure is fifty years, then it is designed to
remain elastic under an earthquake, which is likely to occur at least once in fifty years. Thus, no
major repair will be necessary as a consequence of such earthquakes during the life of the
structure. However, structures are designed to prevent collapse and loss of life under the most
severe earthquake. The reason for adopting such a strategy is that it is extremely expensive to
design structures to respond elastically under severe earthquakes, which may not occur during
their expected life. Thus, it is well worth the risk to let them get damaged beyond repair in case
the severe earthquake occurs, the chances of which are low.
The important properties of structures, which contribute to their elastic resistance under moderate
earthquakes, are its yield strength and elastic stiffness. During a severe earthquake, the structure
is likely to undergo inelastic deformations and has to rely on its ductility to avoid collapse.
Ductility is the property, which allows the structure to undergo large plastic deformations without
significant loss of strength or stiffness.

In addition to strength requirements at the ultimate load, structures are also designed to
have adequate stiffness in the lateral direction under service loads. This is usually ensured, by
limiting the relative displacement between successive floors, known as the storey drift. For
buildings, a maximum allowable storey drift of 0.004 times the storey height is normally used
under moderate earthquakes.

Although all of the above mentioned concepts are important for ensuring the safety of
structures during a severe earthquake, one should keep in mind the great uncertainty associated
with the seismic behaviour of structures. Past earthquakes have demonstrated that simplicity is the
key to avoid unforeseen effects and so attention given at the planning stage itself can go a long
way in ensuring safety and economy in seismic design.
2-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

2.4.2 Analysis and Design for Earthquake Loads

Structures are usually designed for gravity loads and checked for earthquake loading. In
conformity with the design philosophy, this check consists of two steps − the first ensures elastic
response under moderate earthquakes and the second ensures that collapse is precluded under a
severe earthquake. Due to the uncertainties associated in predicting the inelastic response, the
second check may be dispensed with, by providing adequate ductility and energy dissipation
capacity. In this section, the various methods of performing these checks are described.

The important factors, which influence earthquake resistant design are, the geographical
location of the structure, the site soil and foundation condition, the importance of the structure,
the dynamic characteristics of the structure such as the natural periods and the properties of the
structure such as strength, stiffness, ductility, and energy dissipation capacity. These factors are
considered directly or indirectly in all the methods of analysis.

The response spectrum method has the advantage that, it can account for irregularities as
well as higher mode contributions and gives more accurate results. Therefore, this is the most
widely used method in seismic analysis. The method proposed by the Indian code is explained in
the following sections.


There are several codes giving details on design, detailing and construction of earthquake
resistant structures. The code IS 1893-2002, given guidelines for calculating the design seismic
loads on buildings. IS 13920 – 1993 gives guidelines for detailing reinforced concrete buildings
for ductile performance. Similar details for steel structures are given in the revised IS 800 -2005.
Guidelines for earthquake resistant construction are given in IS 4326 – 1993. There are also
separate codes for mud masonry (IS13827-1993) and stone masonry constructions (IS13828-

2.5.1 General Design Requirements

The IS 1893 code gives guidelines to classify buildings as regular or irregular based on simple
calculations. If a building is regular, a simplified method of analysis can be adopted. The
following types of irregularities are defined in the code:
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-

Plan Irregularities
1. Torsion Irregularity: To be considered when floor diaphragms are rigid in their own plan
in relation to the vertical structural elements that resist the lateral forces. Torsional
irregularity to be considered to exist when the maximum storey drift, computed with
design eccentricity, at one end of the structures transverse to an axis is more than 1.2
times the average of the storey drifts at the two ends of the structure.
2. Re-entrant Corners: Plan configurations of a structure and its lateral force resisting
system contain re-entrant corners, where both projections of the structure beyond the re-
entrant corner are greater than 15 percent of its plan dimension in the given direction.
3. Diaphragm Discontinuity: Diaphragms with abrupt discontinuities or variations in
stiffness, including those having cut-out or open areas greater than 50 percent of the gross
enclosed diaphragm area, or changes in effective diaphragm stiffness of more than 50
percent from one storey to the next.
4. Out-of-plane offsets: Discontinuities in a lateral force resistance path, such as out-of-
plane offsets of vertical elements.
5. Non-parallel systems: The vertical elements resisting the lateral force are not parallel to
or symmetric about the major orthogonal axes or the lateral force resisting element.

Vertical Irregularities

1. a) Stiffness Irregularity – Soft Storey: A soft storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is
less than 70 percent of that in the storey above or less than 80 percent of the average
lateral stiffness of the three storeys above
1. b) Stiffness Irregularity – Extreme Soft Storey: A extreme soft storey is one in which the
lateral stiffness is less than 60 percent of that in the storey above or less than 70 percent
of the average stiffness of the three storeys above. For example, buildings on STILTS
will fall under this category.
2. Mass Irregularity: Mass irregularity shall be considered to exist where the seismic weight
of any storey is more than 200 percent of that of its adjacent storeys. The irregularity
need not be considered in case of roofs.
3. Vertical Geometric Irregularity: Vertical geometric irregularity shall be considered to
exist where the horizontal dimension of the lateral force resisting system in any storey is
more than 150 percent of that in its adjacent storey.
2-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

4. In-Plane Discontinuity in Vertical Elements Resisting Lateral Force: A in-plane offset of

the lateral force resisting elements greater than the length of those elements.
5. Discontinuity in Capacity – Weak Storey: A weak storey is one in which the storey lateral
strength is less than 80 percent of that in the storey above. The storey lateral strength is
the total strength of all seismic force resisting elements sharing the storey shear in the
considered direction.

2.5.2 Calculation of Earthquake Loads

The horizontal seismic coefficient Ah takes into account the location of the structure by means of
a zone factor Z, the importance of the structure by means of a factor I and the ductility by means
of a factor R. It also considers the flexibility of the structure-foundation system by means of an
acceleration ratio Sa/g , which is a function of the natural time period T. This last ratio is given in
the form of a graph known as the response spectrum. The horizontal seismic coefficient Ah is
given by
Z I Sa
An =

Z = Zone factor corresponding to the seismic zone obtained from a map (Table 2.2)
I = Importance factor
R = Response reduction factor.

Table 2.2 Zone factor, Z

Seismic Zone II III IV V

Seismic Intensity Low Moderate Severe Very Severe
Z 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.36

For important service and community buildings, such as hospitals, schools; monumental
structures; emergency buildings like telephone exchange, television stations, radio stations,
railway stations, fire station buildings; large community halls like cinemas, assembly halls and
subway stations, power stations, the importance factor may be taken as 1.5 but for most buildings
it may be taken as 1.0.

The response reduction factor R is also specified for various buildings depending on the
type of detailing adopted. For example, if a building is detailed as per ductile detailing provisions
given in IS 13920, then the R factor is 5, else it is 3.
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-

The natural time period T is very important and should be calculated correctly. For single
storey structures, it may be taken as T = 2π√(k/m) where k is the lateral (horizontal) stiffness
of the supporting structure and m is the mass of the roof usually taken as the sum of the roof dead
load plus 50% of the live load divided by the acceleration due to gravity.
Fundamental natural period(sec) of MR frame buildings without infills (solid walls),
Ta = 0.075 h0.75 for RC buildings
Ta = 0.085 h0.75 for steel buildings
where, h= height of building in m.
And, for frames with infills,
Ta = 0.09h/√d
d= base dimension of the building at the plinth level in m

Finally, the acceleration ratio Sa/g can be obtained from the graph corresponding to Ta
and the soil type as shown in Figure 2.12. In this figure, medium soil corresponds to stiff clay or
sand and soft soil corresponds to loose clay and loamy soils.
The base shear is then given by
Vb=Ah W

The base shear calculated above is then distributed along the height of the building using
the formula,
Wi hi2
Qi = VB n
∑ Wi hi

i =1

Qi is the lateral force at the top of floor i,
Wi is the total of dead and appropriate amount of live load at the top of floor i,
hi is the height measured from the base of the building to the top of floor i,
n is the number of storeys.
2-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

3 Medium
Spectral Acceleration Coeff Sa/g




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time Period T (sec)

Figure 2.12 Response spectrum for 5% damping

According to IS 1893 code, the load combinations to be checked are as follows:

1. 1.5 (DL + IL)
2. 1.2 (DL + IL + EL)
3. 1.5 (DL + EL)
4. 0.9 DL + 1.5 EL

2.5.3 Capacity Design and Detailing

With reference to framed structures, it has been found that some collapse mechanisms ensure
larger energy dissipation capacities compared to some other collapse mechanisms. The technique
of ensuring a preferred collapse mechanism by suitably adjusting the capacities of the members is
called Capacity Design. In practice, due to the difficulties associated with inelastic analysis and
design, no attempt is made to calculate the actual capacities in relation to seismic demand and it is
only ensured that the members and joints of the structure have adequate ductility and energy
dissipation capacities and the structure as a whole will fail in a preferred collapse mechanism.
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design 2-

The type of collapse mechanism developed largely dictates the overall ductility and
energy dissipation capacity of the frame and so capacity design is invariably carried out. In
capacity design, the type of collapse mechanism required is pre-decided and attempts are made to
make sure that no other mechanism develops. In multi-story frames, the strong column-weak
beam mechanism is preferred since this mechanism requires the formation of many plastic hinges
and also the plastic rotation capacity required at the hinges is less (Figure 2.13). The term plastic
rotation capacity is used in place of ductility when talking about the moment-rotation curve
instead of the usual force-deformation curve (this is explained in the chapter on plastic analysis).

(a) Desired (b) Undesired

Figure 2.13 Desired and Undesired Collapse Mechanisms in Capacity Design


The characteristics of earthquake loads were described. The dual strategy of ensuring elastic
response under moderate earthquakes and preventing collapse under a severe earthquake was
explained. The properties of the structure, particularly ductility and hysteretic energy dissipation
capacity, which aid in resisting earthquake loads, were pointed out. The architectural
considerations, which can simplify the design process and assure good seismic performance, were

The elastic and inelastic response prediction methods such as seismic coefficient,
response spectrum and time-history analysis were explained. The background concepts on which
most codal provisions are based were also explained. Guidelines to improve the seismic
behaviour of steel structures were given at the material, member and structure levels. In
particular, the hysteretic behaviour and collapse modes of bracing members and flexural members
with various cross-sections were described in detail. The behaviour of lateral load resisting
systems such as bracings and moment resistant frames was described. The concept of capacity
2-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

design, which aims at maximising the energy dissipation capacity of moment resisting frames by
choosing an appropriate collapse mechanism, was explained. Finally, an overview of special
devices and systems, which can be used to control the response and thus reduce the design forces
for members, was given.


1. IS 1893: 2002, “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
2. IS 4326: 1993, “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
3. IS 13827: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthen Buildings”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
4. IS 13828: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low-Strength Masonary
Buildings”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
5. IS 13920: 1993, “Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to
Seismic Forces”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
6. Bolt, B. A. (1988), “Earthquakes”, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York
7. Clough, R. W. and Penzien, J. (1975), “Dynamics of Structures”, McGraw-Hill, New
8. Naeim F. (1996), “The Seismic Design Handbook”, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
9. Green, N. B. (1978), “Earthquake Resistant Building Design & Construction”, Van
Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.
10. Key, D. E. (1988), “Earthquake Design Practice for Buildings”, Thomas Telford, London.

The initial step in a seismic retrofit programme can be Rapid Visual Screening (RVS). When
there are several buildings within a jurisdiction, the RVS is a form of survey to identify the
buildings which are expected to be more vulnerable under an earthquake and need further seismic
evaluation. The RVS for masonry buildings is given in IS 13935, Seismic Evaluation, Repair and
Strengthening of Masonry Buildings – Guidelines (Draft version, 2005). For low-rise masonry
buildings, further evaluation may not be possible due to lack of resources or trained professionals.
For such buildings, there are recommendations for simple retrofit schemes. The RVS procedures
for reinforced concrete and steel buildings are presently at a draft stage, yet to be published (Arya,
2003). In this chapter, the general methodology of RVS is explained.

To facilitate seismic evaluation of a building, it is necessary to collect relevant data of the

building, as much as possible and systematically. This step in a retrofit programme is referred to
as Data Collection. Data sheets for systematic data collection are provided for ready reference.
The proposed tables in the data sheets are adopted from the Model Town and Country Planning
Legislation, Zoning Regulations, Development Control, Building Regulation/Byelaws for Natural
Hazards Zones of India (Draft version, 2004).
3-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

For an engineered building identified for seismic evaluation, the preliminary evaluation
first involves a set of initial calculations to identify areas of potential weaknesses in the building.
These calculations are called configuration-related or strength-related checks. The preliminary
evaluation also checks the compliance with the provisions of the seismic design and detailing
codes. This is conveniently done by completing a check-list. It is recommended to perform a
preliminary evaluation before undertaking a detailed evaluation. The methodology from ASCE
31-03 (2003) is presented in a simplified form.


As the name suggests, the Rapid Visual Screening involves a quick assessment
of a building based on visual inspection alone. It is a kind of statistical guideline
to the inspectors to identify and inventory the vulnerable buildings.

The Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) procedures are simple enough to be used by an inspector with
proper training. The steps of RVS are planning for the survey, execution of the survey and
interpretation of the results.

The main uses of RVS are as follows.

1. To identify if a particular building requires further evaluation for its seismic vulnerability.
2. To assess the seismic damageability (probability of damage) of the building and seismic
retrofit needs.
3. To identify simplified retrofit schemes for the buildings for which further evaluation is
not considered necessary or not found to be feasible.

Since the RVS is based on visual inspection, the results may occasionally vary from that
of a detailed analysis. For example, a building found to be vulnerable by RVS may perform
better under the detailed analysis.

The RVS as proposed in the Indian codes is based on the classification of damage for the
varied types of buildings under earthquakes of different intensities. These concepts are
summarised in Annex D of IS 1893: 2002. There are three important aspects of the RVS
procedure. First, the buildings of one group (say masonry buildings) are classified into different
types based on the vulnerability under seismic forces. Second, the states of damage of the same
group of buildings are classified into grades. Third, a table provides an estimate of the
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-3

distribution of damage for each type of building in a particular seismic zone. Based on these
three aspects, data sheets have been developed for the collection of the required information and
the interpretation of the results. These aspects are discussed for masonry, reinforced concrete and
steel buildings.

3.2.1 Masonry Buildings

The RVS procedure for masonry buildings is included in IS 13935, Seismic Evaluation, Repair
and Strengthening of Masonry Buildings – Guidelines (Draft version, 2005). The masonry
buildings with load bearing walls are classified into the following seven types: A, A+, B, B+, C,
C+ and D. Out of the buildings under the same alphabet type, those under a ‘+’ type have some
better features. A brief description of each type is given below. Expanded descriptions are
available in Table A-1 of IS 13935.

1. A: The walls are made of rubble masonry (field stone) with mud mortar.
2. A+: The walls are made of un-burnt blocks or bricks with mud mortar.
3. B: The walls are made of semi-dressed rubble masonry, bricks or concrete blocks with
mud mortar or weak lime mortar.
4. B+: The walls are same as in Type B, but strengthened with vertical or horizontal wood
members, or, if lime mortar is used for the walls in Type B.
5. C: The walls are made of dressed stone masonry or concrete blocks or burnt bricks with
lime or cement mortar. The walls are connected by reinforced concrete slab or horizontal
bracing or seismic band.
6. C+: The walls are same as in Type C with additional seismic band at lintel level.
7. D: The walls are same as in Type C with additional seismic band at lintel level and
vertical reinforcement. Else, the walls are made of confined masonry with horizontal and
vertical reinforcement.

The states of damage of masonry buildings are classified into five grades. The
connotation of each grade is given below briefly. The detailed descriptions are available in Table
A-2 of IS 13935. The damages in structural and non-structural elements are referred to as
structural damage and non-structural damage, respectively.
1. Grade 1 (Negligible to slight damage): There is no structural damage, but the building
may have slight non-structural damage, such as fine cracks in the plaster over the walls.
3-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

2. Grade 2 (Moderate damage): There is slight structural damage such as cracks in walls
and thin cracks in slabs. There is moderate non-structural damage such as fall of plaster
from the walls and damage to parapets and sun-shades.
3. Grade 3 (Substantial to heavy damage): This refers to moderate structural damage along
with heavy non-structural damage. There are large cracks in walls and piers. The roof
tiles get detached and there is failure of the partition walls.
4. Grade 4 (Very heavy damage): There is heavy structural damage like failure of walls and
partial failure of roofs.
5. Grade 5 (Destruction): This implies very heavy structural damage like collapse of the

Table A-3 of IS 13935 provides an estimate of the distribution of damage for each type of
masonry building in the different seismic zones. The information in the table is represented in the
form of bar graphs in Table 3.1. The shading of a bar represents a grade of damage. The height
of a bar represents the percentage of the buildings of the particular type expected to be damaged
under an earthquake of the intensity specific for the seismic zone. The seismic zones are as per
IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002.

Table 3.1 Damageability of masonry buildings

Building type Zone II Zone III Zone IV Zone V

A, A+

B, B+

C, C+

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

5 to 15 percent (few) 50 percent (many) 75 percent (most)

Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-5

It can be observed that for a particular type of masonry building, the estimated damage
increases in a higher seismic zone. Also, within a specific seismic zone, the damage is higher for
a more vulnerable building type.

There are four data sheets for the four seismic zones. The information to be filled up is
grouped under the following sections.
1. Building data
2. Occupancy
3. Special hazard
4. Falling hazard
5. Probable damageability
6. Recommended action.

Figure 3.1 shows a data sheet schematically.

3-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings
Seismic Zone V
Building Name
Other Identifiers
Photograph No. of Storeys Year Built
Total Covered Area; all floors (sq. m)
Ground Coverage (sq. m)
Soil Type Foundation Type
Roof Type Floor Type
Structural Components
Wall Type: BB Earthen UCR CCB
Sketch Plan with Length and Breadth
Thickness of Wall Slab Thickness
Mortar Type: Mud Lime Cement
Vertical R/F Bars: Corners T-junctions
Seismic Bands: Plinth Lintel Eaves


HAZARDS HAZARDS 1) A, A+ or B, B+: evaluate in
Important buildings: 1.High water detail for need of reconstruction
Hospitals, schools; table and or possible retrofitting to achieve
emergency buildings; if sandy soil, 1.Chimneys type C+ or D.
large community halls; liquefiable site 2) C: evaluate in detail for need
power stations, indicated. for retrofitting to achieve type C+
VIP residences. 2.Parapets or D.
2. Land slide 3) Wood: evaluate in detail for
Any building having prone site retrofitting.
more than 100 occupants 3.Cladding 4) If any Special Hazard found,
may be treated as important 3. Severe vertical re-evaluate for possible
irregularity prevention/retrofitting.
5) If any of the falling hazard is
Ordinary buildings: 4. Severe plan 4.Others present, either remove it or
Other buildings having irregularity strengthen against falling.
occupants < 100
Surveyor’s signature
Probable damageability in few/many buildings Date:
Building type Masonry Building
A / A+ B / B+ C / C+ D Executive Engineers’s
Damageability signature:
in Zone V G5 / G4 G5 / G4 G4 / G3 G3 Date of survey:
Figure 3.1 Data sheet for rapid visual screening of masonry buildings
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-7

The required information under each section is briefly explained below.

1. Building data

The building data covers overall information of the building. It consists of the name, use,
and address of the building, number of storeys, year in which the building was completed, total
covered area, ground coverage, soil type, foundation type, structural components, roof type, floor
type, thickness of slabs, wall type, thickness of wall, mortar type, presence of vertical reinforcing
bars and seismic bands.

2. Occupancy

The information on occupancy is required to categorise the building as either ‘important’

or ‘ordinary’. For the important buildings, the data sheet for a zone higher than the zone in which
the building is located (except for Zone V) should be selected.

3. Special hazard

The presence of high water table in sandy soil, susceptibility to landslide, occurrence of
vertical or plan irregularity are noted under this section.

4. Falling hazard

The falling hazard includes chimneys, parapets, sunshades, cladding and any other object
susceptible to cause damage or injury.

5. Probable damageability

In this section, the building type is identified and the corresponding damageability is
encircled. A table is provided which is an abridged form of Table A-3, IS 13935 (Table 3.1 given
earlier). The information provides an estimate of the distribution of damage for the identified
type of building in the particular seismic zone.

6. Recommended action

Based on the type of building, some actions are recommended. These include further
seismic evaluation and retrofitting.
3-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

3.2.2 Reinforced Concrete and Steel Buildings

The RVS procedures for reinforced concrete and steel buildings are in the draft stage, yet to be
published (Arya, 2003). The proposed RVS procedure for reinforced concrete (RC) and steel
buildings is similar to that of masonry buildings. The buildings are classified into the following
six types: C, C+, D, E, E+ and F. A brief description of each type is given below.

1. C: Any building which is not properly designed for wind or earthquake forces.
2. C+: A building similar to those in Type C, but has moment resisting frames.
3. D: A moment resisting framed building which is designed for earthquake forces, but does
not have the special detailing for earthquake resistance.
4. E: A moment resisting framed building which is designed for earthquake forces and
provided with the special detailing for earthquake resistance.
5. E+: An RC building similar to Type E, but in addition has well designed infill walls. A
steel building similar to those in Type E with well designed braces.
6. F: An RC building similar to Type E, but additionally with well designed shear walls. A
steel building similar to those in Type E with well designed and detailed braces. A
building with base isolation is also classified in this type.

A building which has severe vertical irregularity such as soft / weak storey, or has
floating columns or in which the plinth beams are absent, is not covered in the above
classification. Such a building needs further seismic evaluation.

The states of damage of RC buildings are classified into the following five grades.
1. Grade 1 (Negligible to slight damage): There is no structural damage, but the building
may have slight non-structural damage, such as fine cracks in the plaster over frame
members or in the infill walls.
2. Grade 2 (Moderate damage): There is slight structural damage such as cracks in
columns, beams or structural walls. There is moderate non-structural damage such as
cracks in the infill walls and fall of plaster or mortar from the walls.
3. Grade 3 (Substantial to heavy damage): This refers to moderate structural damage along
with heavy non-structural damage. There are cracks in columns, beams, beam-column
joints and joints of coupled walls. There may be buckling of reinforcing bars.
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-9

4. Grade 4 (Very heavy damage): There is heavy structural damage like large cracks,
crushing of concrete and failure of rebar in the frame members. There can be collapse of
a few columns or of a single upper floor.
5. Grade 5 (Destruction): This implies very heavy structural damage like collapse of the
ground storey.

Table 3.2 provides an estimate of the distribution of the damage for each type of building
in the different seismic zones. Similar to Table 3.1, the shading of a bar represents a grade of
damage and the height of a bar represents the percentage of the buildings of a particular type
expected to be damaged.

Table 3.2 Damageability of RC / steel buildings

Building type Zone II Zone III Zone IV Zone V



Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

5 to 15 percent (few) 50 percent (many) 75 percent (most)

It can be observed that for a particular type of building, the estimated damage increases in
a higher seismic zone. Within a specific seismic zone, the damage is higher for a more vulnerable
building type. The proposed RVS data sheets are similar to that for masonry buildings (Figure
3.2). The required information is collected and the damageability is identified. Based on the type
of building, some actions are recommended.
3-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Rapid Visual Screening of Indian Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards

Seismic Zone V
Building Name:

Other Identifiers:
Elevation to Scale No. Stories:
Year Built:
Total Floor Area (Sq.m)


Plan to Scale


Max. Number of High W T (Within 8m)

Persons Liquefiable (if sandy
Resi: Ordinary / Important 0-10 11-50 soil) Site. Chimney, Parapets,
School, Health, Assembly, Cladding other
Office, Commercial, Historic, 51-103 >100 Land Slide Prone Site
Emergency Service, Residents: Severe Vertical
Induatrial. Floating: Irregularity

Building Masonry Building R C or Steel Frame Building URM Wood

Type Infill
A /A+ B / B+ C / C+ D C / C+ D E / E+ F
Grade in G5 / G4 G5 / G4 G4 / G3 G3 G4 / G3 G3 G2 / G1 G1 G4 G4
Zone V
Note: +sign indicates higher strength hence somewhat lower damage expected as stated. Also average damage
in one building type in the area may be lower by one grade point than the probable maximum indicated.
Surveyor will identify the Building Type, encircle it, also the corresponding damage grade.
Recommended Action:
1) A, A+ or B, B+: evaluate in detail for need of Surveyor’s signature
reconstruction or possible retrofitting to achieve type C or D. Name:
2) C, C+: evaluate in detail for need for retrofitting to achieve Date:
type D
3) URM infill: evaluate for need of reconstruction or possible
retrofitting to level D
4) Wood: evaluate in detail for Retrofitting
5) In Case of Special Hazard, evaluate for possible
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-11

3.2.3 Rapid Visual Screening as per FEMA 154 and 155

Applied Technology Council, USA, proposed an RVS procedure in the publications FEMA 154
and FEMA 155. The procedure uses a scoring system which is based on a probabilistic hazard
analysis. In the data collection form, for a particular type of building, the scoring system consists
of a basic structural hazard (BSH) score and a set of score modifiers. The BSH score is the
probability of collapse of a low-rise regular building for a certain ground motion. For the
building under study, the BSH score is modified by the score modifiers to arrive at a final score.
The score modifiers account for the irregularities and other features of the specific building. The
final score is an estimate of the probability of collapse of the building. It is compared with a cut-
off score and a decision on the need for a detailed analysis is undertaken.


In order to facilitate seismic evaluation, it is necessary to collect relevant data of a

building as much as possible through drawings, enquiry, design calculations, soil
report (if available), inspection reports, reports of previous investigation, previous
repair works, any complaints by the occupants etc. A site visit is essential for data

The data of the building includes the plan, necessary elevations, the basic architectural features,
material properties and their deterioration and other helpful information. In order to have a
systematic data collection, the following tables are provided.1 Each of the following tables has
three columns. The left column gives the description of the information to be collected. The
middle column is to be filled up during the data collection. The right column gives options for
filling up the middle column or reference to the relevant clause numbers from the codes. The first
table (Table 3.3) covers the generic information of an existing building and the parameters
required for seismic analysis. The second table (Table 3.4) checks the compliance of a load
bearing masonry building with the essential provisions of IS 4326: 1993. The third table (Table
3.5) checks the compliance of an RC framed building with the provisions of IS 456: 2000 and IS
13920: 1993. The fourth table (Table 3.6) checks the compliance of a steel building with the
provisions of IS 800 (Draft). It may not be possible to fill up the information from the original
design if the drawings are not available.

The tables were adopted from the Model Town and Country Planning Legislation, Zoning Regulations,
Development Control, Building Regulation/Byelaws for Natural Hazards Zones of India (Draft version,
2004). The original tables are part of structural design basis report which should accompany the building
development permission. They are modified to be used for data collection.
3-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 3.3 Building survey data sheet: General data

S. No. Description Information Notes

Building Description
1 Address of the building
• Name of the building
• Plot number
• Locality / Township
• District
• State
2 Name and type of owner / tenant Private / government
3 Name of builder
4 Name of architect
5 Name of engineer
6 Use of building Residential / office /
commercial / industrial
7 Year of construction and subsequent
remodelling, if any
8 Plan size (approximate)
9 Building height
10 Number of storeys above ground level
11 Number of basements below ground
12 Type of structure
• Load bearing wall
• RC frame
• RC frame and shear wall
• Steel frame
13 Open ground storey Yes / No
14 Roof-top water tank, heavy machinery Yes / No
or any other type of large mass
15 Architectural features
16 Expansion / Separation joints
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-13

17 Photograph / sketch Attach with sheet

1 Visited building site Yes / No
2 Structural drawings available Yes / No
3 Architectural drawings available Yes / No
4 Geotechnical report available Yes / No
5 Construction specifications available Yes / No
6 Designer contacted Yes / No
Exposure condition
1 Environment Hot / temperate / cold
Dry / wet / humid
Industrial / coastal etc.
2 Deterioration noticed
Geotechnical and geological
1 Type of soil Soft / medium / hard
IS 1893:2002, Table 1
2 Type of foundation Isolated / combine
footing / pile / raft
3 Design safe bearing capacity IS 1904: 1986
4 Footings on sloping ground Yes / No
5 Seismic zone IS 1893: 2002,
Figure 1
6 History of past earthquakes
7 Presence of liquefaction-susceptible, Yes / No
saturated, loose granular soil at
foundation level
8 Building situated close to slope Yes / No
3-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

susceptible to fail under earthquake

9 Building situated close to known Yes / No
surface fault
Variables for analysis
1 Dead loads (unit weights)
• Masonry
IS 875: 1987 (Part 1)
• Concrete
• Steel
• Other materials
2 Imposed (live) loads
• Floor loads
IS 875: 1987 (Part 2)
• Roof loads
3 Wind loads IS 875: 1987 (Part 3)
4 Snow loads IS 875: 1987 (Part 4)
5 Safe bearing capacity IS 1904: 1986
6 Importance factor, I IS 1893: 2002, Table 6
7 Seismic zone factor, Z IS 1893: 2002, Table 2
8 Response reduction factor, R IS 1893: 2002, Table 7
9 Fundamental natural period, T IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.6
10 Horizontal seismic coefficient (Ah) IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 6.4
11 Seismic design lateral force
12 Any other assumed data
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-15

Table 3.4 Building survey data sheet: Building Data (Load bearing masonry buildings)

S. No. Description Information Notes

1 Building category IS 4326: 1993, Section 7
Read with IS 1893: 2002
Ordinary B C D E
Important C D E F
2 Type of wall masonry
3 Type and mix of mortar IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.1.2
4 Size and position of the openings IS 4326: 1993, Table 4,
• Minimum distance (b5) Figure 7.
• Ratio (b1+b2+b3)/l1 or (b6+b7)/l2
• Minimum pier width between
consecutive openings (b4)
• Vertical distance (h3)
• Ratio of wall height-to-thickness
• Ratio of wall length between cross
wall to thickness
5 Horizontal seismic band Yes / No
• At plinth level IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.6
• At window sill level
• At lintel level IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.2
• At ceiling level IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.3
• At eave level of sloping roof
• At top of gable walls IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.4
• At top of ridge walls
6 Vertical reinforcing bar Yes / No
• At corners and T-junction of wall IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.8
• At jambs of doors and window IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.9
7 Integration of prefab roofing/flooring Yes / No IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 9.1.4
elements through reinforced concrete screed
8 Horizontal bracing in pitched truss Yes / No
• In horizontal plane at the level of
• In the slopes of pitched roofs
3-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 3.5 Building survey data sheet: Building Data (RC framed buildings)

S. No. Description Information Notes

1 Type of building IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.1
• Regular frames
• Regular frames with shear wall
• Irregular frames
• Irregular frames with shear wall
• Open ground storey
2 Horizontal floor system
• Beams and slabs
• Waffle slab
• Ribbed floor
• Flat slab with drops
• Flat plate without drops
3 System of interconnecting foundations IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.12.1
• Plinth beams
• Tie beams
4 Grades of concrete used in different parts of
5 Method of analysis
6 Computer software used
7 Base shear IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.5.3
a) Based on approximate fundamental
b) Based on dynamic analysis
c) Ratio of a)-to-b)
8 Distribution of seismic forces along the IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.7.1
height of building
9 Torsion included IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.9

10 The columns of soft ground storey specially IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.10
11 Clear minimum cover provided in IS 456: 2000, Cl. 26.4
• Footing
• Column
• Beams
• Slabs
• Walls
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-17

12 Ductile detailing of RC frame

• Type of reinforcement used IS 456: 2000, Cl. 5.6

• Minimum dimension of beams IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.1

• Minimum percentage of
reinforcement of beams at any IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.2.1
cross section
• Spacing of transverse
reinforcement at any section of IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.3.5
• Spacing of transverse
reinforcement in 2d length of beam
near the ends
• Ratio of shear capacity to flexural
capacity of beams IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.3.3
• Beam bar splices location and
IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.2.6
spacing of hoops in the splice

• Minimum dimension of columns

IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 7.1
• Maximum percentage of
IS 456: 2000, Cl. 26.5.3
reinforcement in column
• Confining stirrups near ends of IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 7.4,
columns and in beam-column Section 8
− Diameter
− Spacing
• Column bar splices location and IS 13920, Cl. 7.2.1
spacing of hoops in the splice
• Ratio of shear capacity of columns IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 7.3.4
to flexural capacity of supported
3-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 3.6 Building survey data sheet: Building Data (Steel buildings)

S. No. Description Information Notes

1 Adopted method of design IS 800 (Draft), Cl. 4.2.1
• Simple
• Semi rigid
• Rigid
2 Design based on IS 800 (Draft), Cl. 4.4
• Elastic analysis
and Cl. 4.5
• Plastic analysis
3 Floor construction
• Composite
• Non-composite
• Boarded
4 Roof construction
• Composite
• Non-composite
• Metal
• Any other
5 Horizontal force resisting system IS 800 (Draft),
• Moment Frames Section 12
• Braced frames
• Frames and shear walls
6 Slenderness ratios maintained IS 800 (Draft), Cl. 3.8.1
7 Structural members
• Encased in concrete
• Not encased
8 Structural connections IS 800 (Draft),
• Rivets Section 10
• High strength friction grip bolts
• Black bolts
• Welding field
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-19


The purpose of the preliminary evaluation is to identify the areas of seismic

deficiencies in an engineered building before a detailed evaluation is undertaken.

In the preliminary evaluation, first some calculations are done to study the seismic vulnerability
of the building. The checks to be investigated are classified into two groups: configuration-
related and strength-related. The checks presented below are based on the draft document
Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Next, a check
list of evaluation statements is to be completed. The evaluation statements express desirable
attributes, which if non-compliant, suggest that further investigation is required. In this chapter,
the methodology from ASCE 31-03 (2003) is presented in a simplified form.

3.4.1 Configuration-related checks

The configuration-related checks examine the structural integrity of a building. The checks are
briefly explained.
1. Load path: Is there a complete load path for the seismic forces?
2. Geometry: Is there more than 50% change in the horizontal dimension of the lateral force
resisting system within storeys?
3. Weak storey: Is there a weak storey?
4. Soft storey: Is there a soft storey?
5. Vertical discontinuity: Is there a vertical discontinuity in the lateral load resisting system?
6. Mass: Is there a change in mass more than 100% between storeys?
7. Torsion: Is the estimated distance between the centre-of-mass and centre-of-rigidity
greater than 30% of the building dimension?
8. Adjacent buildings: Is the clear distance between two buildings sufficient?
9. Short columns: Are there short columns due to partial infill walls, parapets?
10. Redundancy: Is there sufficient number of frames in each principal direction?
11. Deterioration of concrete: Is there visible deterioration of the concrete or reinforcing
12. Mezzanine / loft / sub-floor: Are these components braced or anchored to the primary
lateral load resisting system?

3.4.2 Strength-related Checks

3-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The strength-related checks are simple calculations of quantities that reflect the demands in the
primary members due to the seismic forces. The calculations are based on the base shear (VB) and
the distribution of the base shear to the floor levels of a building. The calculations of VB and Qi,
the design lateral force at floor I, are explained in Chapter 2, Introduction to Seismic Analysis and

Shear Stress in Reinforced Concrete Frame Columns

The average shear stress in the columns (assuming that nearly all the columns in the
frame have similar stiffness) is given as follows.
⎛ nc ⎞ ⎛ Vj ⎞
vavg = ⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟ (3.1)
⎜n −n
⎝ c f ⎠ ⎝ Ac ⎠
nc = total number of columns,
nf = total number of frames in the direction of loading,
Ac = total cross-sectional area of columns in the storey under consideration,
Vj = storey shear at level j.
If vavg exceeds 0.1√fck, it reflects large seismic demand. The characteristic strength of concrete is
represented as fck (in N/mm2).

Shear Stress in Shear Walls or Un-reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls

The average shear stress can be approximately calculated as follows.
vavg = (3.2)
Vj = storey shear,
Aw = total horizontal cross sectional area of all walls in the direction of loading.
If vavg exceeds 0.1√fck for a shear wall or 0.2 N/mm2 for a masonry wall, it reflects large seismic

Axial Stress in Columns

The approximate axial force in columns subjected to overturning is given by the
following equation.
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-21

3 ⎛ VB ⎞⎛ H ⎞
P= ⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟ (3.3)
4 ⎜⎝ n f ⎠⎝ L ⎠
H = height of the building from the base,
L = total length of the building
nf = total number of frames in the direction of loading.
If the axial stress calculated from P exceeds 0.25 fck, it reflects large seismic demand.

Axial Stress in Braces

The approximate average axial stress in the braces of a braced frame is given by the
following equation.
⎛ V j ⎞⎛ Lbr ⎞
f javg = ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ (3.4)
⎝ sNbr ⎠⎝ Abr ⎠

Abr = average area of a diagonal brace

Lbr = average length of the braces
Nbr = number of braces in tension and compression if the braces are designed for
compression; number of braces in tension if the braces are designed for tension
s = average span length of braced spans
Vj = storey shear at level j.

3.4.3 Evaluation Statements

The evaluation statements express desirable attributes, which if non-compliant, suggest that
further investigation is required. The evaluation statements should be marked “compliant” (C),
“non-compliant” (NC) or “not applicable” (NA). Any statement marked NC needs further

The evaluation statements are presented under the following tables.2

The evaluation statements in ASCE 31-03 are presented for two performance levels, life safety and
immediate occupancy and three levels of seismicity, low, moderate and high. In this chapter the evaluation
statements are presented without any reference to the performance levels or levels of seismicity. The
presented statements are for life safety performance level under any level of seismicity. Some checks are
3-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1. Building system: In this category, attributes related to the building as a whole are listed.
2. Vertical irregularities: Each attribute refers to an absence of a vertical irregularity.
3. Plan irregularities: Each attribute refers to an absence of a plan irregularity. The
irregularities are defined as per IS 1893: 2002. They are explained in Chapter 2,
Introduction to Seismic Analysis and Design.
4. Lateral load resisting system: The buildings are grouped based on the following types of
lateral load resisting system.
a. Load bearing un-reinforced masonry walls
b. RC moment resisting frames and masonry infill walls
c. RC shear walls
d. Steel braced frames
e. Steel moment resisting frames.

5. Geologic site hazards: The attributes are related to the geologic conditions that affect the
performance of a building under seismic forces.
6. Foundations: The attributes related to the foundation are grouped in this category.
7. Non-structural components: The components of a building which are not designed to
carry any vertical load from the members of the building or any lateral load are termed as
non-structural components. With the advancement of building technology, the number
and diversity of non-structural components are increasing. The dislodging and falling of
non-structural components during an earthquake may cause injury or death and heavy
damage to the building. Hence, in the recent years greater emphasis is laid on the proper
placement and anchorage of the non-structural components. The evaluation statements
are presented for several types of components that are present in existing buildings or are
being observed in current Indian construction.

made similar to the provisions in the following documents: a) IS 800 (Draft), b) IS 1905: 1987, c) IS 13920:
1993, d) Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings.
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-23

Table 3.7 Building system

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
Load path: The building shall contain one complete load path for seismic force
effects from any horizontal direction that serves to transfer the inertial forces
from the masses to the foundation.
Adjacent buildings: An adjacent building shall not be located next to the
building being evaluated closer than 4 percent of the height of the shorter
Mezzanines: Interior mezzanine levels shall be braced independently from the
main structure, or shall be anchored to the lateral-force-resisting elements of
the main structure.
Deterioration of concrete: There shall be no visible deterioration of concrete or
reinforcing steel in any of the vertical- or lateral-force-resisting elements.
Masonry units: There shall be no visible deterioration of masonry units.
Masonry joints: The mortar shall not be easily scrapped away from the joints
by hand with a metal tool and there shall be no areas of eroded mortar.
Cracks in infill walls: All existing diagonal cracks in the infilled walls that
extends throughout a panel shall be less than 3 mm wide.
Cracks in boundary columns: All existing diagonal cracks in the columns that
encase masonry infills shall be less than 3 mm wide.
Post-tensioning anchors (in buildings with post-tensioned members): There
shall be no evidence of corrosion or spalling in the vicinity of post-tensioning
or end fittings. Coil anchors shall not have been used.
Concrete wall cracks (in buildings with shear walls): All existing diagonal
cracks in the walls shall be less than 3 mm wide, shall not be concentrated in
one location and shall not form an X-pattern.
Deterioration of steel (for steel frames): There shall be no visible rusting,
corrosion, cracking or other deterioration in any of the steel elements or
connections in the vertical- or lateral-load resisting systems.
3-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 3.8 Vertical irregularities

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
No weak storey: The lateral strength of a storey shall not be less than 80
percent of that in the storey above.
No soft storey: The lateral stiffness of a storey shall not be less than 70 percent
of that in the storey above or less than 80 percent of the average lateral
stiffness of the three storeys above.
No mass irregularity: There shall be no storey with seismic weight more than
200 percent of that of its adjacent storeys. The irregularity need not be
considered in case of roofs.
No vertical geometric irregularity: There shall be no storey with the horizontal
dimension of the lateral-force-resisting system more than 150 percent of that
in its adjacent storey.
No vertical discontinuities: All vertical elements in the lateral-load-resisting
system shall be continuous to the foundation.

Table 3.9 Plan irregularities

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
No Torsion irregularity: The distance between the storey centre of rigidity and
the storey centre of mass shall be less than 30 percent of the building
dimension at right angles to the direction of loading considered.
No diaphragm discontinuity: The diaphragms shall not be composed of split-
level floors and shall not have expansion joints.
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-25

The plan irregularities of re-entrant corner, out-of-plane offset and non-parallel systems need not
be checked under evaluation statements. The centre of mass and centre of rigidity can be
approximately evaluated as follows. The rigorous calculation of these quantities is provided in
Chapter 8, Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit.

Centre of Mass
The centre of mass (CM) can be approximately located based on the centroid of the floor above
the storey. The floor is divided into component rectangles and a suitable reference axis is
selected for this purpose. The coordinates of the CM (CMx and CMY) are calculated by the
following expressions.
∑ m j xj
CMx = (3.4a)
∑ mj

∑ mjyj
CMy = (3.4b)
∑ mj
mj = mass of jth floor segment
xj = distance measured from Y axis to the centre of jth segment
yj = distance measured from X axis to the centre of jth segment.
The summation is for all the floor segments.

Centre of Rigidity

The centre of rigidity (CR) for each storey can be calculated based on the moments of the
stiffness of the columns or walls of the storey about the reference axes. The coordinates of the
CR (CRx and CRY) are calculated by the following expressions.
∑ kj xj
CRx = (3.5a)
∑ kj

∑ kj yj
CRy = (3.5b)
∑ kj
kj = stiffness of jth column or wall
xj = distance measured from Y axis to the centre of jth column or wall
yj = distance measured from X axis to the centre of jth column or wall.
3-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 3.10 Load bearing un-reinforced masonry walls

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
Lateral load resisting system
Redundancy: The number of lines of walls in each principal direction shall be
greater than or equal to 2.
Shear stress check: The shear stress in the walls calculated using the Strength-
related Check procedure shall be less than 0.2 N/mm2.
Proportions: The effective height-to-thickness ratio of the walls in a storey shall
be less than the following.
Building with number Walls with cement Walls with lime
of storeys mortar mortar
Not exceeding 2 27 20
Exceeding 2 27 13

Masonry lay-up: Filled collar joints of multi-wythe masonry walls shall have
negligible voids.
Diaphragm openings at walls: Diaphragm openings immediately adjacent to the
walls shall be less than 25 percent of the wall length.
Diaphragm openings at exterior walls: Diaphragm openings immediately
adjacent to exterior walls shall not be greater than 2400 mm.
Beam, girder and truss supports: Beams, girders and trusses supported by
unreinforced masonry walls or pilasters shall have independent secondary
columns for support of vertical loads.
Wall anchorage: Exterior walls that are dependent on the diaphragm for lateral
support shall be anchored for out-of-plane forces at each diaphragm level with
steel anchors, reinforcing dowels or straps that are developed into the diaphragm.
Transfer to walls: Diaphragms shall be connected for transfer of loads to the
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-27

Table 3.11 RC moment resisting frames with masonry infill walls

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
Lateral load resisting system
Redundancy: The number of lines of moment frames in each principal direction
shall be greater than or equal to 2. The number of bays of moment frames in
each line shall be greater than or equal to 2.
Shear stress check: The average shear stress in the columns calculated using the
Strength-related Check procedure shall be less than 0.1√fck. The characteristic
strength of concrete is represented as fck (in N/mm2).
Axial stress check: The axial stress in the columns due to overturning forces
calculated using the Strength-related Check procedure shall be less than 0.25 fck.
Flat slab frames: The lateral-force-resisting system shall not be a frame
consisting of columns and a flat slab/plate without beams.
Prestressed frame elements: The lateral-load-resisting frames shall not include
any prestressed or post-tensioned elements, where the average prestress exceeds
the lesser of 4.8 N/mm2 or 0.13 fck at potential hinge locations.
Captive columns: There shall be no columns at a level with height/depth ratios
less than 50 percent of the nominal height/depth ratio of the typical columns at
that level.
No shear failures: The ultimate shear capacity (VuR) of a frame column shall be
greater than the shear demand which occurs when the column attains the
probable moment capacity (Mpr). i.e., VuR ≥ 2Mpr/h. Here, h is the height of the
storey. Consider Mpr = 1.4 MuR, where MuR is the ultimate moment capacity
(including material safety factor) in absence of axial load.
Strong column – weak beam: The sum of the moment capacities of the columns
shall be 10 percent greater than that of the beams at a beam-column joint.
Column bar splices: All column bar splices shall be tension splices and provided
only in the central half of the member length and hoops provided at spacing not
exceeding 150 mm centre to centre.
Column tie spacing: The columns shall have ties spaced at or less than B/2
throughout their length and at or less than B/4 or 100 mm at all potential plastic
hinge locations. Here, B is the least lateral dimension of the column.
Beam bars: At least two longitudinal top and two longitudinal bottom bars shall
extend continuously throughout the length of each frame beam. At least 25
percent of the longitudinal bars provided at the joints for either positive or
negative moment shall be continuous throughout the length of the members. The
bars shall be properly anchored at an exterior joint.
3-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Beam bar splices: The lap splices for the longitudinal reinforcement shall not be
located within 2d from the joint face and within L/4 from the location of potential
plastic hinges. Here, d is the effective depth and L is the length of the beam.
Stirrup spacing: All beams shall have stirrups spaced at or less than d/2
throughout their length. At potential hinge location, stirrups shall be spaced at or
less than the minimum of 8db or d/4. Here, db is the diameter of the smallest
longitudinal bar.
Bent-up bars: Bent-up longitudinal steel shall not be used for shear
Joint reinforcing: Column ties shall be extended at their typical spacing through
the beam-column joints. For an interior joint, which has beams framing from all
sides and the width of each beam is at least ¾ times the corresponding width of
the column, the number of ties may be reduced to half.
Deflection compatibility: Secondary components shall have the shear capacity to
develop the flexural strength of the elements.
Flat slabs: Flat slabs/plates not part of lateral-force-resisting system shall have
continuous bottom bars through the beam-column joints.
Wall connections: The masonry infill shall be in full contact with the bounding
Column connection: All column reinforcement shall be dowelled into the
Uplift at pile caps: Pile caps shall have top reinforcement and piles shall be
anchored to the pile caps.
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-29

Table 3.12 RC shear walls

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
Lateral load resisting system
Complete frames: Steel or concrete frames classified as secondary components
shall form a complete vertical-load-carrying system.
Redundancy: The number of lines of shear walls in each principal direction shall
be greater than or equal to 2.
Shear stress check: The shear stress in the shear walls calculated using the
Strength-related Check procedure shall be less than 0.7 N/mm2 or 0.15√fck.
Reinforcing steel: The area of reinforcing steel for concrete walls shall be greater
than 0.0025 times the gross area of the wall along both the longitudinal and
transverse axes and the maximum spacing of bars shall not exceed lw/5, 3tw and
450 mm. Here, lw and tw are the horizontal length and thickness of the wall,
Deflection compatibility: Secondary components shall have the shear capacity to
develop the flexural strength of the components.
Flat slabs: Flat slabs/plates not part of lateral-force-resisting system shall have
continuous bottom bars through the beam-column joints.
Coupling beams: The stirrups shall be spaced at or less than 100 mm and shall be
anchored into the core with 135° hooks.
Diaphragm openings at shear walls: Diaphragm openings immediately adjacent
to the shear walls shall be less than 25 percent of the wall length.
Wall connection: Wall reinforcement shall be dowelled into the foundation.
Transfer to shear walls: Diaphragms shall be reinforced and connected for
transfer of loads to the shear walls.
Uplift at pile caps: Pile caps shall have top reinforcement and piles shall be
anchored to the pile caps.
3-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 3.13 Steel braced frames

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
Lateral load resisting system
Redundancy: The number of lines of braced frames in each principal direction
shall be greater than or equal to 2. The number of braced bays in each line shall
be greater than 2.
Axial stress check for columns: The axial stress in the columns due to
overturning forces calculated using the Strength-related Check procedure shall be
less than 0.3 fy. The characteristic strength of steel is represented as fy.
Axial stress check for braces: The axial stress in the braces calculated using the
Strength-related Check procedure shall be less than 0.5 fy.
Compact members: All frame elements shall meet the requirements of IS 800
Slenderness of braces: All braces required to carry compression shall have the
slenderness ratio less than 120.
Connection strength: All the brace connections shall develop the yield capacity
of the braces.
K-bracing: The bracing system shall not include K-braced bays.
Openings at braced frames: Diaphragm openings immediately adjacent to the
braced frames shall extend less than 25 percent of the frame length.
Transfer to frames: Diaphragms shall be connected for transfer of loads to the
Column connection: The columns in lateral load resisting frames shall be
anchored to the foundation.
Uplift at pile caps: Pile caps shall have top reinforcement and piles shall be
anchored to the pile caps.
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-31

Table 3.14 Steel moment resisting frames

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
Lateral load resisting system
Redundancy: The number of lines of moment frames in each principal direction
shall be greater than or equal to 2. The number of bays of moment frames in
each line shall be greater than or equal to 2.
Interfering wall: All infill walls placed in moment frames shall be isolated from
structural elements.
Drift check: The drift ratio calculated using the Strength-related Check procedure
shall be less than 0.025.
Axial stress check: The axial stress in the columns due to overturning forces
calculated using the Strength-related Check procedure shall be less than 0.3 fy.
The characteristic strength of steel is represented as fy.
Moment-resisting connections: All moment connections shall be able to develop
the strength of the adjoining members or panel zones.
Panel zones: All panel zones shall have the shear capacity to resist the shear
demand required to develop 0.8 times the sum of the flexural strengths of the
beams framing in at the face of the column.
Column splices: All column splice details located in moment-resisting frames
shall include connection of both flanges and the web.
Strong column / weak beam: The percentage of strong column / weak beam joints
in each storey of each line of frames shall be greater than 50 percent.
Compact members: All frame elements shall meet the requirements of IS 800
Transfer to frames: Diaphragms shall be connected for transfer of loads to the
Column connection: The columns in lateral load resisting frames shall be
anchored to the foundation.
Uplift at pile caps: Pile caps shall have top reinforcement and piles shall be
anchored to the pile caps.
3-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 3.15 Geologic site hazards

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
Liquefaction: Liquefaction-susceptible, saturated, loose granular soils that
could jeopardise the building’s seismic performance shall not exist in the
foundation soils at depths within 15 m under the building.
Slope failure: The building site shall be sufficiently remote from potential
earthquake induced slope failures or rockfalls to be unaffected by such failures
or shall be capable of accommodating any predicted movements without
Surface fault rupture: Surface fault rupture and surface displacement at the
building site is not anticipated.

Table 3.16 Foundations

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
Foundation performance: There shall be no evidence of excessive foundation
movement such as settlement or heave that would affect the integrity or
strength of the structure.
Overturning: The ratio of the effective horizontal dimension, at the foundation
level of the lateral load resisting system, to the building height (base/height)
shall be greater than 0.6 Sa/g, where Sa is the spectral acceleration.
Ties between foundation elements: The foundation shall have ties adequate to
resist seismic forces where footings, piles, piers are not restrained by beams,
slabs, or soils classified as Type I (as per IS 1893: 2002).
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-33

Table 3.17 Non-structural components

Evaluation Statements C / NC / NA
Unreinforced masonry: Unreinforced masonry partitions shall be braced at a
spacing equal to or less than 3 m.
Ceiling systems
Support: The integrated suspended ceiling system shall not be used to laterally
support the tops of gypsum board or masonry partitions.
Integrated ceilings: Integrated suspended ceilings at exits and corridors or
weighing more than 0.1 kN/m2 shall be laterally restrained with a minimum of
four diagonal wires or rigid members attached to the structure above at a
spacing equal to or less than 3.5 m.
Suspended lath and plaster: Ceilings consisting of suspended lath and plaster
or gypsum board shall be attached to resist seismic forces for every 1 m2 of
Light fixtures
Emergency lighting: Emergency lighting shall be anchored or braced to prevent
falling during an earthquake.
Independent support: Light fixtures in suspended grid ceilings shall be
supported independently of the ceiling suspension system by a minimum of
two wires at diagonally opposite corners of the fixtures.
Cladding and glazing
Cladding anchors: Cladding components weighing more than 0.5 kN/m2 shall
be mechanically anchored to the exterior wall framing at a spacing equal to or
less than 1 m.
Glazing: Glazing in curtain walls and individual panes over 1.5 m2 in area
located up to a height of 3 m above an exterior walking surface, shall have
safety glazing. Such glazing located over 3 m above an exterior walking
surface shall be laminated annealed or laminated heat-strengthened safety glass
or other glazing system that will remain in the frame when glass is cracked.
Deterioration: There shall be no evidence of deterioration, damage or corrosion
in any of the connection elements.
Cladding isolation: For moment frame buildings of steel or concrete, panel
connections shall be detailed to accommodate a storey drift ratio of 0.02.
Multi storey panels: For multi storey panels attached at each floor level, panel
connections shall be detailed to accommodate a storey drift ratio of 0.02.
3-34 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Bearing connections: Where bearing connections are required, there shall be a

minimum of two bearing connections for each wall panel.
Inserts: Where inserts are used in concrete connections, the inserts shall be
anchored to reinforcing steel or other positive anchorage.
Parapets, cornices, ornamentations and appendages
Un-reinforced masonry parapets: There shall be no laterally unsupported
masonry parapets or cornices with height-to-thickness ratios greater than 1.5.
Concrete parapets: Concrete parapets with height-to-thickness ratio greater
than 2.5 shall have vertical reinforcement.
Canopies: Canopies located at building exits shall be anchored to the structural
framing at a spacing of 2 m or less.
Appendages: Cornices, parapets, signs and other appendages that extend above
the highest point of anchorage to the structure or cantilever from exterior wall
faces and other exterior wall ornamentations shall be reinforced and anchored
to the structural system at a spacing equal to or less than 3 m.
Masonry chimneys
Un-reinforced masonry chimneys: No un-reinforced masonry chimneys shall
extend above the roof surface more than twice the least dimension of the
Anchorage: Masonry chimneys shall be anchored at each floor level and the
Un-reinforced masonry walls: Walls around stair enclosures shall not consist of
unbraced un-reinforced masonry with a height-to-thickness ration greater than
Stair details: In moment frame structures, the connection between the stairs
and the structure shall not rely on shallow anchors in concrete. Alternatively
the stair details shall be capable of accommodating the drift calculated using
the Strength-related Check procedure without including tension in the anchors.
Building contents and furnishing
Tall narrow contents: Contents over 1.25 m in height with a height-to-depth or
height-to-width ratio greater than 3-to-1 shall be anchored to the floor slab or
the adjacent structural walls.
Mechanical and electrical equipment
Emergency power: Equipment used as a part of an emergency power system
shall be mounted to maintain continued operation after an earthquake.
Hazardous material equipment: Any equipment containing hazardous material
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-35

shall not have damaged supply lines or unbraced isolation supports.

Deterioration: There shall be no evidence of deterioration, damage, or
corrosion in any of the anchorage or supports of mechanical or electrical
Attached equipment: Equipment going over 9 kg that is attached to ceilings,
walls or other supports 1.25 m above the floor shall be braced
Vibration isolators: Equipment mounted on vibration isolators shall be
quipped with restraints or snubbers.
Fire suppression piping: Fire suppression piping shall be anchored and braced.
Flexible couplings: Fluid, gas and fire suppression piping shall have flexible
Stair and smoke ducts: Stair pressurisation and smoke control ducts shall be
braced and shall have flexible connection seismic joints.
Hazardous material storage and distribution
Toxic substances: Toxic and hazardous substances stored in breakable
containers shall be restrained from falling by latched doors, shelf lips, wires or
other methods.
3-36 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


The Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) is a form of statistical guideline to identify the buildings from
a stock which are more vulnerable under seismic forces. This chapter explains the methodology
of RVS for masonry, reinforced concrete (RC) and steel buildings.

A systematic data collection provides the relevant data for the evaluation of a building.
Data sheets are provided for generic building information and information specific to masonry,
RC and steel buildings.

The preliminary evaluation gives an insight about the attributes of the building related to
its seismic performance. First, some configuration-related and strength-related checks are
presented. Next a set of evaluation statements are provided for the building system, irregularities,
different types of lateral load resisting systems, geologic site hazards, foundations and non-
structural components.


1. ASCE 31-03 (2003), “Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings”, American Society of

Civil Engineers, USA.
2. FEMA 154 (2002), “Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards:
A Handbook”, Applied Technology Council, USA.
3. FEMA 155 (2002), “Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards:
Supporting Documentation”, Applied Technology Council, USA.
4. FEMA 178 (1992), “NEHRP Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of Existing
Buildings”, Building Seismic Safety Council, USA.
5. FEMA 310 (1998), “Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of Buildings − A
Prestandard”, American Society of Civil Engineers, USA.
6. IS 456: 2000, “Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice”, Bureau of Indian
7. IS 800 (Draft), “Indian Standard Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel”,
Bureau of Indian Standards.
8. IS 875: 1987, “Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than earthquake) for Buildings
and Structures”, Part 1: Dead Loads – Unit Weights of Building Materials and Stored
Materials, Part 2: Imposed Loads, Part 3: Wind Loads, Bureau of Indian Standards.
Rapid Visual Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation 3-37

9. IS 1893: 2002, “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Part 1: General
Provisions and Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards.
10. IS 1904: 1986, “Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Foundations in Soils:
General Requirements”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
11. IS 1905: 1987, “Code of Practice for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry”, Bureau
of Indian Standards.
12. IS 4326: 1993, “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings – Code of
Practice”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
13. IS 13920: 1993, “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced
Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
14. IS 13935 (Draft version, 2005), Seismic Evaluation, Repair and Strengthening of
Masonry Buildings – Guidelines, Bureau of Indian Standards.
15. Model Town and Country Planning Legislation, Zoning Regulations, Development
Control, Building Regulation/Byelaws for Natural Hazards Zones of India (Draft version,
2004), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
16. Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings (Draft
version, 2006), Bureau of Indian Standards.
17. Arya, A. S. (2003), “Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings in Various Seismic Zones in
India”, Submitted under National Disaster Risk Management Programme, an initiative by
Government of India and United Nations Development Programme.

This chapter describes the process of determining the suitability of an existing building for further
use with the intended purpose. This chapter follows closely the chapter on Condition Survey and
Non-Destructive Evaluation of a previous publication (Handbook on Repair and Rehabilitation of
RCC Buildings, 2002).

First, the basic properties and causes of deterioration of masonry, concrete, steel and
timber buildings are briefly discussed. Next, the technique of visual inspection is explained. An
initial visual inspection of the structure can reveal useful information about areas that need closer
look. The visual inspection helps to plan a strategy to investigate the structure further, using more
detailed techniques.

A number of tests are available to study the condition of the material in a structure. The
tests are grouped as follows.
a) Non-destructive tests: The material is tested without causing any damage to the structure.
b) Intrusive tests: A sample of the material is removed for evaluation. Adequate repair is
necessary to compensate for the removal of the sample.
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-2

c) Destructive load tests: The structure is tested to failure to gather information for similar
type of buildings.

The non-destructive tests range in sophistication from simple ones such as striking the
surface of the material with a hammer, to techniques where ultrasonic signals travelling through
the material are analyzed by instruments. The tests are briefly explained, with the reference of the
corresponding standards for detailed information. Under the intrusive tests, testing of cores from
masonry or concrete buildings and testing of steel coupons are covered. The destructive load tests
are project specific and hence, are outside the scope of this chapter.


Condition assessment describes the process of assessing the actual condition of a

structure in relation to the requirement. The assessment indicates whether the
structure is satisfactory, or, whether repair and rehabilitation are necessary.

The actual performance or condition of a building evolves with time as depicted in Figure 4.1.
The condition of any building typically deteriorates with age. Moreover if there is a design
defect, then the performance is expected to fall below the requirement of previous standards. Any
rehabilitation in the past may have boosted the performance. But with the implementation of new
codes, the required performance is even higher. Condition assessment is necessary before retrofit
is undertaken to assess the actual condition of the structure in relation to the current requirement.
After an appropriate retrofit scheme is implemented, the structural performance improves. The
performance is expected to meet the requirement throughout the remaining life of the building.
4-3 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Past rehabilitation
New design minimum
Performance / Condition

Previous design minimum

Design defect
Actual condition?

Current Total expected life


Figure 4.1 Evolution of actual performance or condition of a building

Condition assessment includes the following steps:

1. Initial inspection and appraisal.
2. Review of documents.
3. Detailed investigation.
4. Reporting and recommendations.

The steps are briefly discussed below.

Initial inspection and appraisal

A visual inspection helps to plan a strategy to investigate the structure further, using more
sophisticated techniques.

Review of documents
The collection of data and documents is explained in the chapter on Rapid Visual
Screening, Data Collection and Preliminary Evaluation. In case the records are not available, an
attempt can be made to retrieve some information based on interviews with those who were
involved in the design and construction of the building or familiar with contemporary methods
and the owners/residents.
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-4

Detailed investigation
This includes the following:
1. Obtaining the properties of the structural materials used in the building.
2. Determining the type and disposition of reinforcement in reinforced concrete members.
3. Locating deteriorated material and other defects, and identifying their causes.

As there are many causes for the deterioration of structures, it may be difficult to identify
precisely the cause that has led to the deterioration. Moreover, several types of damage, whether
they are load related, environment related, or earthquake related, lead to similar signs of
deterioration, such as cracking, scaling, de-lamination, discolouration, etc. The areas of
deterioration should be investigated closely.

Reporting and recommendations

After completion of detailed investigation, a report should be prepared and suitable
recommendations should be given. Recommendations include whether to go for repair or
rehabilitation of the structural members.

Once the condition assessment is complete, the building can be analysed. The methods of
analysis are covered in the chapter on Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit.


In this section, the basic properties apart from the member sizes, that are required in the analysis
and assessment of a building, are discussed.

4.3.1 Masonry Buildings

The unit weight, crushing strength and the elastic modulus of the masonry units and the type of
mortar are required in the structural analysis of a masonry building. In absence of records, since
the types of bricks or blocks vary widely, historical information can only be of limited use. Core
specimens can be extracted from the building and tested for the properties. Non-destructive
techniques can also be used to complement the data obtained from the intrusive tests.

4.3.2 Concrete Buildings

The unit weight, compressive strength and the elastic modulus of concrete and the yield stress of
the reinforcing bars (rebar) are required in the structural analysis of a reinforced concrete
4-5 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

building. In absence of records, the period of the construction can give an idea of the type of
concrete and reinforcement that have been used in the building. Non-destructive tests can be used
to estimate the compressive strength of the concrete. In addition, cores can be extracted to
determine the actual strength and the elastic modulus. For rebar, a minimum of three samples can
be extracted for testing.

4.3.3 Steel Buildings

The yield stress and ultimate tensile strength of the steel members and the type of connections are
required in the analysis of a steel building. In absence of records, the period of the construction
can give an idea of the type of steel that have been used in the building. Samples can be removed
from the structure under unloaded condition and tested in the laboratory. If a connector, such as a
bolt or rivet, is removed, a comparable connector should be reinstalled. Any destructive testing of
a welded connection should be repaired immediately.

4.3.4 Timber Buildings

The type of wood needs to be identified for estimating the unit weight, elastic modulus and the
allowable stresses under bending, shear, tension and compression. In absence of records, the type
of wood can often be identified by visual inspection. Thereafter, the corresponding tabulated
properties can be used. Care should be taken to check the condition of the wood and the moisture


The most important step for proper condition assessment of a building is the
identification of any existing damage and the possible causes of the damage.

In this section, the primary causes of deterioration of the different types of buildings are

4.4.1 Masonry Buildings

In masonry buildings, the mortar joint is a weak link, and most of the failures take place through
these joints. In general, the mortar shall not be easily scraped away with a metal tool or eroded.
Sometimes, sudden and more disastrous failure can occur by cracking through the masonry units,
as shown in Figure 4.2. Masonry buildings are also damaged by spalling, staining, moisture
ingress, differential settlement of foundation, shrinkage (due to drying) or expansion / contraction
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-6

(due to temperature variation). These are further described in the chapter on Retrofit of Masonry

Figure 4.2 Vertical cracks in a brick masonry building

4.4.2 Concrete Buildings

Deterioration of concrete is a complex phenomenon because more than one mechanism occurs
simultaneously. Hence, it is necessary to have an understanding of the basic underlying causes of
damage in concrete and their manifestation. Table 4.1 presents the common distress mechanisms
in concrete.
4-7 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 4.1 Causes of deterioration of concrete

Symptoms Causes

1 Rust staining, cracks run in straight parallel lines Corrosion of reinforcing bars: Exposure to
at uniform intervals as per the reinforcement normal atmospheric conditions, cyclic wetting and
position, spalling of concrete cover. drying.

2 Cracks mostly on the surface (shallow in depth, Plastic shrinkage: Caused by surface tension
20-50 mm), parallel to each other, 1 to 2 m apart, forces, environmental effects of temperature
vary in length from 50mm - 3m. (concrete and ambient), high wind velocity and
low relative humidity.

3 Fine cracks, shallow in depth and absence of any Drying shrinkage: The restraint to shrinkage
indication of movement, typically orthogonal or causes tensile stresses that lead to cracking. For
blocky. example in a footing on a rough base, or in new
concrete placed over existing concrete.

4 Cracks are regularly spaced, extend to full depth Thermal effects: Induced by exothermal reaction
and perpendicular to the larger dimension of in mass concrete. If the change in volume is
concrete. restrained during cooling, tensile stresses can
cause cracking.

5 Spalling and scaling of the surface, exposing the Freeze-thaw deterioration: Alternate cycles of
aggregates which are not cracked; cracks parallel freezing and thawing, use of de-icing chemicals.
to the surface and gaps around the aggregates.

6 Surface dissolution of cement paste exposing the Acid attack: Acid in smoke, exhaust gases or
aggregates. rain.

7 Rough surface, presence of sand grains (resembles Aggressive water attack: Causes serious effects
a coarse sand paper). in hydraulic and marine structures, results in
washing away of aggregate particles because of
leaching of cement paste
8 Map or pattern cracking, general appearance of Alkali-carbonate reaction: Chemical reactions
swelling of concrete. between alkali in cement with certain dolomitic
aggregates, expansion due to de-dolomitisation
and subsequent crystallization of brucite.
9 Map or pattern cracking, expands freely, silica gel Alkali-silica reaction: Chemical reaction between
leaches from cracks, paste depleted of calcium alkali ions (Na+ and K+) in cement with silica in
hydroxide. aggregates.
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-8

10 Map and pattern cracking, general disintegration Sulphate attack: Formation of gypsum,
of concrete. thaumasite and ettringite which have higher
volumes than the reactants.

11 Single or multiple long diagonal cracks (usually Structural damage: Induced by improper
larger than 3mm in width), accompanying construction and maintenance throughout the life
misalignment and displacements. of the structure.

12 Honey-comb, bug holes (small holes less than Construction errors: Improper mix design,
about 3mm in diameter), cracking in concrete consolidation, curing etc., inadequate expansion
leading to cold joints. joints, incorrect position of reinforcement.

13 Surface is generally smooth with localized Erosion: Rolling and grinding of debris
depressions, long shallow grooves, spalling along (abrasion), sub-atmospheric pressure, turbulent
monolith joints (abrasion). Severely pitted and flow and impact energy (cavitation).
extremely rough surface (cavitation)

14 Cracking or spalling of concrete, complete Design errors: Abrupt changes in capacity,

deterioration of the structure. insufficient reinforcement, inadequate provision
for deflection and drainage.
15 Crushing of concrete, complete collapse of Accidental loading: Generates stresses higher
structure. than strength of concrete, resulting in localized or
complete failure of the structure.

The dominant cause for deterioration of concrete is the corrosion of steel reinforcing bars.
Figure 4.3 presents a schematic depiction of the process of corrosion of reinforcing steel. Figures
4.4 to 4.6 depict structural members that have suffered varying degrees of deterioration due to

In the highly alkaline environment of concrete, the reinforcing steel is protected

from corrosion by a thin oxide film on its surface. Due to several reasons, the
film may get disrupted, initiating the process of corrosion. The product of the
reactions is iron oxide, or ‘rust’, which is six to seven times the original volume
of steel. This leads to an expansive stress on the surrounding concrete, causing it
to crack, and subsequently delaminate (the cover peels off as a layer). The
moisture can carry some of the rust in solution and show up on the concrete
surface as a dark coloured stain.
4-9 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Cathode Process Anode Process

O2 + 2H2O + 4e− → 4OH− Fe → Fe++ + 2e−
O2 O2

Moist concrete as
Fe++ Fe++ an electrolyte

Surface film
Cathode Steel

e− e− e−
Current flow

Figure 4.3 Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete

Figure 4.4 Cracking in a beam from corrosion of steel due to water seepage
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-10

Figure 4.5 Severe corrosion damage to underside of a beam

Figure 4.6 Delamination in a slab from corrosion of steel due to water seepage
4-11 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

4.4.3 Steel Buildings

Compared to concrete, steel being a more homogeneous material is relatively easy to understand.
Problems in steel buildings mainly arise due to corrosion, failure of joints and unexpected loading
(impact, fire, etc.). Corrosion damage to steel results in the failure of the cladding or cover, and a
severe loss in the integrity of the structure. Welds, rivets and other joints in steel construction are
beset with their own corrosion problems. The joints can fail due to other reasons such as stress
concentration, pre-existing damage etc. The earthquakes in Northridge, USA (in 1994) and in
Kobe, Japan (in 1995) exposed the vulnerability of welds in the beam-column joints of steel
moment-frame buildings. Therefore, the welds and the conditions of the joints should be checked
during condition assessment. The following photos show some typical deterioration of steel

Figure 4. 7 Pitting corrosion of steel

Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-12

Figure 4. 8 Stress corrosion of bolts

Figure 4.9 Crevice corrosion between concrete and steel

4-13 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

4.4.4 Timber Buildings

Presence of defects in wood can lead to mechanically induced damage. The following schematic
diagram depicts typical defects in wooden members. Apart from mechanically induced damage,
wood can be severely affected by weathering, fungus, insects and marine borers, if not properly
seasoned and protected.

Face knot

Edge knot (e) Bowing

(a) Knots

(f) Crooking
(b) Shakes

(c) Wanes Surface check (g) Cupping

End splits
(d) Checks and splits (h) Twisting

Figure 4.10 Defects in wood

Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-14


Visual inspection is the initial non-destructive test. It forms the basis of the
subsequent inspections. A detailed visual inspection makes it possible to narrow
down the critical areas in a structure that need further investigation using
sophisticated techniques. The trained eye of an inspector can often reveal
information that is sometimes difficult to pick up using hi-tech instruments.

4.5.1 Accessories

Visual inspections may be performed directly or indirectly (when photographs, radiographs or

videos of the damaged areas are analyzed at a later stage). The direct inspection can be aided by a
number of tools:
• Magnifying lenses
• Binoculars / telescopes
• Boroscopes
• Camera
• Ruler, measuring tape, hand held microscope for measuring crack width
• Light hammer, chipping / scraping tools
• Flash light
• Compass
• Markers
• Pad and clip board.

4.5.2 Items of Inspection

The items of inspection are listed based on the type of buildings.

• Quality of bricks / masonry units, mortar
• Cracking and differential movement
4-15 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

• Pattern, location, and orientation of cracks
• Scaling, spalling, staining, disintegration of the surface, honey-combing
• Exposed reinforcement and corrosion

• Corrosion
• Stress concentration (evident from cracks in the paint)
• Crippling or buckling of webs or flanges
• Bowing, misalignment, deformation, twisting
• Cracks in welds or missing welds
• Missing bolts / rivets

• Defects in wood
• Insect damage
• Decay
• Cracking

Other general defects that can be identified by visual inspection are as follows.
• Water seepage as evident from surface dampness, or leakage through joints or cracks.
• Movements as evident from deflection, heaving or differential settlement.
• Miscellaneous: Blistering membranes and coatings, pounding of water, discolouration.

4.5.3 Limitations of Visual Inspection

• Can only detect surface defects; a clean surface is usually necessary.

• Low reliability.
• Good lighting is necessary.
• Subjective; quality will vary with the inspector.
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-16


Visual inspection can reveal the areas in the building that require further investigation. For
example, areas in concrete where rust stains are observed need to be checked for the extent of
corrosion, in order to assess the residual strength. In steel structures also, the extent of corrosion
can be checked using appropriate techniques.

The overall plan for detailed investigation may be drawn up based on the total area of the
building, as well as on the extent of damage. For example, a building with occasional complaints
of water seepage would demand lesser priority compared to a building that has just been gutted by
fire or damaged by an earthquake. The plan should first cover those areas that are structurally
vulnerable and are liable to compromise the integrity of the building. Next, the suitable type of
tests should be identified.

There are three types of tests: (a) non-destructive, (b) intrusive and c) destructive
load tests. Non-destructive tests do not cause any damage to the material or
structure upon completion of the test. Intrusive tests cause minor damage which
can be repaired. In a destructive load test, the structure is tested to failure to
gather information for similar type of buildings.

Before chalking out the plan, an inventory of the equipment available for testing, whether
non-destructive or intrusive, should be prepared. The type of test to be carried out and the extent
of the investigation (that is, whether only specific areas are to be selected or the entire structure
needs investigation) should be properly detailed. The limitations and scope of the tests must be
well understood. The following sections briefly explain the non-destructive and intrusive tests.
Further information is available from the corresponding referred standards.


The following sub-sections describe the commonly used non-destructive tests.

4.7.1 Basic Tests

First, some basic tests are mentioned, which are to follow visual inspection.
4-17 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Key test
Scraping by a key or a sharp knife will enable to identify porous portion of mortar at the
bed joints of a masonry wall. The weak portions of mortar can be identified and suitable further
investigation at these locations can be carried out.

Spray test
Spraying the surface of a concrete or masonry member with water will show up cracks
because they are more visible when wet.

Push test
A weak portion of a wall can be identified by pushing it. The weak portion will be
revealed due to its flexibility. This test is suitable for thin walls.

4.7.2 Rebound Hammer and Penetration Techniques

• Rebound hammers measure the elastic rebound from the surface of concrete. The rebound
value indicated by the hammer is related empirically to the compressive strength of
concrete. Rebound hammers are able to provide a quick estimate of the quality of
concrete. The common type of rebound hammers are the Schmidt hammers (Figure
4.11). They are available in two varieties: regular and pendulum-type. The pendulum
type hammer is applicable to lower strength concrete, such as lightweight concrete, and to
weak masonry blocks. Adequate care must be taken for preparation of the surface.
Figure 4.12 depicts the use of a Schmidt rebound hammer to assess the quality of
concrete in a slab. The manufacturer typically specifies the approximate correlation
between the compressive strength of the concrete and the rebound number obtained from
the tests. The procedure of the test is given in IS 13311: 1992, Part 2.
• Penetration techniques, such as the Windsor probe method, work on the principle of
resistance to penetration of a probe that is shot into the concrete with a definite amount of
energy. The depth of penetration of the hardened steel alloy probe is empirically related
to the compressive strength of the concrete. The procedure of the test is given in ASTM

Both the tests described above are able to assess only the surface condition of concrete.
Hence, an estimation of the compressive strength of the interior concrete may not be possible by
these tests. Also, these tests may not give reliable data near edges and corners. However, a quick
indication of the damaged areas can be obtained. Good calibration and training is necessary to
produce reliable results from these tests.
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-18

Figure 4.11 Equipment for rebound hammer test

Figure 4.12 Use of Schmidt rebound hammer in a slab of building damaged by fire
4-19 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

4.7.3 Thermal Methods

The detection of heat flow through a body can indicate the presence of flaws or defects (ASTM
C1046-95). In the infrared thermography technique, heat is passed through the material, and an
infrared detector detects the heat patterns emanating from the body. As shown in the following
schematic diagram, when a defect is present in the body, it would show up as a hot spot when
heat is flowing inward, and as a cold spot when the heat is flowing outward.

The limitations of this technique are that its accuracy is somewhat limited to the near-
surface areas, and the application necessitates the presence of clement weather. Also, the surface
conditions might have a bearing on the result.

Cold spot

Hot spot

Inward flow of heat Outward flow of heat

Figure 4.13 Heat flow through damaged concrete

4.7.4 Radiography

In radiography, X-rays or neutrons are passed through the structural element, and the resultant
image is captured on a film. This film is then studied to find the location of defects (ASTM E748-
02). The transmittance of X-rays or neutrons depends on the density of the material. Defective
areas will show a larger transmittance. Radiography can be used to obtain a 360° image
reconstruction, with techniques such as computerized axial tomography scan. Internal flaws are
easy to detect using radiography.
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-20

One major limitation of using radiography is the hazard associated with the testing. They
can be used effectively only if the source can be placed out of contact with the operator. Another
limitation is the high costs of the equipment.

4.7.5 Electromagnetic Techniques

In concrete, electromagnetic techniques are typically used to detect the depth of rebar (in other
words, concrete cover over rebar). As shown in the following figure, this can be done by
magnetic reluctance or electromagnetic current (eddy current) (ASTM E 1004-02).

Flux Flux

AC Meter
AC Meter
Flux increased

(a) Magnetic reluctance

Reading changed



Magnetic field due
Eddy current to Eddy current

Probe Application

(b) Eddy current

Figure 4.14 Determination of concrete cover using electromagnetic techniques

4-21 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

In the magnetic reluctance method, the presence of rebar increases the electromagnetic
flux in the U-magnet and this is detected by the meter. In the Eddy current technique, the
magnetic field in a coil (which is a part of the Eddy current probe) induces Eddy currents in the
rebar. This Eddy current generates a magnetic field of its own that interferes with the main
magnetic field. The change in inductance of the coil is then measured using the meter. Such
probes are commonly used for rebar locating devices such as the Pachometer. A schematic
diagram of the use of a Pachometer is shown in the following figure.

Sensing device

Reinforcing steel

Figure 4.15 Use of a Pachometer for detecting rebar in concrete

Another electromagnetic technique called the magnetic particle method can also be used
for conductive metallic elements. In the technique, a magnetic field is applied using a coil to the
test piece. Magnetic particles (such as iron filings) are then sprinkled upon the test piece. These
particles line up along surface cracks that are perpendicular to the orientation of the applied
magnetic field. This makes visual detection of the surface cracks possible. One obvious limitation
of these techniques is that they are limited to surface defects.

The RADAR technique makes use of the change in the speed of electromagnetic waves
travelling through a medium based upon the dielectric properties of the medium. This is mostly
used in bridge decks and pavements.

4.7.6 Stress Wave Propagation Methods

Stress wave propagation methods constitute the most reliable techniques for qualification of
damage in concrete structures. These methods involve the propagation of stress waves through
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-22

concrete. The stress waves are created either by pulses generated using ultrasonic transducers, or
by impact.

The different techniques of generating the stress waves are described next.
(i) Sounding
A qualitative evaluation of concrete can be easily obtained by just sounding it (that is,
tapping it) with a hammer. When the hammer is struck on good concrete or masonry, a ringing
sound is created. However, on areas where delaminations or cracks occur, the striking of the
hammer produces a drum-like sound. The limitation of this method is that it cannot detect defects
that exist deep in the member. Also, defects lying under overlays are also difficult to detect.

In the case of steel members, the joints can be tested using a hammer. Tapping with a
hammer can give information on the tightness of the rivets and bolts, and also whether there is
any movement. Excessive movement under repeated loading may cause fatigue damage.

Chain drag is another way of finding out delaminated parts and voids. Compared to
sounding with a hammer, chain drag can cover more area in a given time and has the potential to
be mechanized. In this method, the operator passes a heavy chain on the surface of the concrete.
The quality of sound generated is picked up using microphones and characterized. The following
figure shows a schematic diagram of the use of sounding and chain drag methods. The areas
identified as ‘defective’ in the sounding technique could be marked using paint for further

Chain drag Testing large area

Hollow sounding

Marking paint

(a) (b)

Figure 4.16 Use of (a) hammer and (b) chain drag

4-23 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

(ii) Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV)

The procedure of this test is given in IS 13311: 1992, Part 1. In the UPV method, the
velocity of a pulse travelling through concrete is measured and correlated to its stiffness. The
velocity of the pulse increases with the stiffness of the concrete, but decreases with increasing
density. As shown in the following figure, the test can be conducted in three transmission modes:
direct, semi-direct, and indirect. The direct mode, or the through-transmission mode, is the most
reliable, but needs access to both sides of the member. Adequate calibration is necessary to use
the semi-direct and the indirect modes. Although an overall assessment of the quality of concrete
can be obtained, it may be difficult to point out the exact location of a defect by the UPV test.


Semi direct


Figure 4.17 Various transmission modes for ultrasonic pulse velocity test
(T: Transducer, R: Receiver)
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-24

Figure 4.18 Equipment for ultrasonic pulse velocity test

IS 13311: 1992 (Part I) gives a guideline for the analysis of data from UPV test. This
guideline is presented in the following table.

Table 4.2 Velocity criterion for grading of concrete quality (IS 13311: 1992, Part I)

S. Pulse velocity obtained in direct transmission mode Condition of concrete

No. (km/sec)

1 > 4.5 Excellent

2 3.5 – 4.5 Good
3 3.0 – 3.5 Medium
4 < 3.0 Doubtful*
* Either quality is poor or more tests necessary
4-25 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

(iii) Impact Echo / Pulse Echo Method

In the impact echo method, the impacting device such as a hammer is struck on the
concrete surface. The sound waves that reflect off defects or other features are picked up by a
receiving transducer, and conveyed to a signal processor. The waveform is analyzed at the signal
processor. From this analysis, the amplitude and travel time of the waves can be evaluated. A
schematic diagram of the system is shown in Figure 4.19. Also shown in the same figure is a
diagram of the pulse-echo system. In this system, the pulses are generated by a pulsing transducer
(IS 3664: 1981). The same transducer can then act as a receiver, or an alternate receiver may be
provided. The signal is again relayed to a signal processor.

Some limitations of this technique are that defects lying under other defects are not easy
to detect. Also, reflections from sides, edges, and corners can confuse the data. A sufficient
difference in acoustic impedance between the two media is necessary to obtain good information.

Wave form analyser

Impact device

Impact echo Pulse echo

Figure 4.19 Schematic diagrams of the impact-echo and pulse-echo methods

(T: transducer, R: receiver)

Measurement of corrosion of reinforcing bars

A simple method to measure the likelihood of corrosion in a reinforcing steel bar inside
concrete is the half cell potential test. In this method, the electrostatic potential of the bar is
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-26

measured with respect to a reference electrode. Depending on the potential values, the likelihood
of corrosion of the bar is judged. After the likelihood of corrosion has been detected by the half-
cell potential test (ASTM C876-91), more sophisticated techniques such as potentio-dynamic
polarization or electrical impedance spectroscopy can be used to get a measure of the actual
corrosion currents in the system. These tests can suggest the extent of corrosion present in the
structure, and then an appropriate remedial mechanism can be formulated.


The necessity for intrusive tests should be brought out by visual inspection. In general, these tests
may be needed when non-destructive tests are limited in their accuracy. For example, when the
structural element is covered by cladding or protective material, some intrusive exploratory work
is required. Intrusive tests cause some damage to the structural member, that needs to be repaired.

4.8.1 Core Tests

In order to ascertain the compressive strength of concrete or masonry, a cylindrical core is usually
removed from the structural member. Proper care should be taken to ensure that the core removal
process does not induce any extra damage to the member. IS 1199: 1959 gives the procedure of
obtaining cores from hardened concrete. The core holes should be filled with concrete or grout
immediately after the drilling. Thus, core sampling needs the use of good equipment and skilled
manpower. Cores can be both along the horizontal and vertical directions. Before removing the
core, the location of reinforcing bars inside the concrete should be clearly mapped. If the removed
core consists of bars, then the results are affected. In any case, the relevant standards (ASTM
C42-04) and recommendations should be followed closely, with regard to the interpretation of test
results. Correction factors should be used for the presence of bars inside the core and for different
height-to-diameter ratios of the core.

A concrete core can be tested as per the procedure of IS 516: 1959. Compared to non-
destructive tests for determination of the in-place compressive strength, core tests yield a much
more reliable result. In general, cores removed from a concrete structure give lower strength
compared to the cylinder specimens cast along with the structure and cured under laboratory
conditions. According to American Concrete Institute, if at least 3 cores are removed from a
representative part of concrete and none of them shows strength less than 75% of the
characteristic strength (also, average not less than 85% of characteristic strength), then the
concrete is in sound condition.
4-27 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

For masonry buildings, samples taken along the horizontal and vertical directions tend to
give different compressive strengths. Also, the elastic modulus measured along a masonry unit
and across a mortar joint may be different. The following figure shows the set up for testing a
core sample from a masonry building.

Figure 4.20 Testing of a core sample from a masonry building

Apart from the determination of compressive strength and elastic modulus, core samples
may be used to further study the material proportions and microstructure. For concrete, the
cement content and water-to-cement ratio can be determined using standard investigative
chemical techniques. The microstructure can be studied for the presence of excess voids (Figure
4.21), or to monitor changes due to durability problems.
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-28

Figure 4.21 Petrographic examination of concrete using thin sections

(Source: Kosmatka, S. H. and Panarese, W. C., 1988, “Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures”,
Portland Cement Association)

A few other tests commonly performed on cores include the following.

• Determination of depth of carbonation
The carbonation test is easy to perform. Phenolphthalein solution is sprayed immediately
on the outer surface of the extracted core. The depth of carbonation is measured as the
depth over which the concrete does not develop any pink colouration. If it turns pink then
the concrete is uncarbonated.
• Determination of sulphates, chlorides and pH
Sulphates are determined using the test method in IS 4032: 1985, while chlorides may be
determined using one of a number of tests available. The pH is measured using a pH meter as per
IS 2720: 1987.

4.8.2 In-situ Shear Test

The in-situ shear test is used to find the actual shear strength of the mortar joint in a masonry
wall. First, the mortar joints around one or two masonry units are removed. Next, a small jack is
inserted in the wall and the in-situ shear test on mortar joint is carried out (Figure 4.22). While
4-29 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

interpreting the results, the redistribution of vertical load due to the intervention should be
accounted for. The procedure of the test is given in ASTM C1531-03.

Dial gauge
Calibrated jack

Test unit
Vertical head
joint removed

Figure 4.22 In-situ shear test

4.8.3 Flatjack Test

The flatjack test is used to find the in-situ compressive stress in a masonry wall. Flat jacks are
inserted into horizontal slots cut in a wall (Figure 4.23). The pressure required to bring back the
deformation across the opening is used to arrive at the in-situ compressive stress in the wall. The
procedure of the test is given in ASTM C1196-04. The flatjack can also be used to measure
deformability properties of masonry (ASTM C1197-04) and shear strength of mortar joints
(ASTM C1531-03).
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-30

Gauge points

Figure 4.23 Flatjack test

4.8.4 In-situ Permeability Test

In-situ permeability can be assessed by introducing water into the cavities. The procedure of the
test is given in IS 11216: 1985.

4.8.5 Tests of Masonry Prisms

Individual masonry units such as bricks, grout, mortar can be cut from walls and tested for their
properties. For mortar, mini cubes can be made and tested. It is important to correct the results of
such tests for size effects. Masonry prisms removed from a building provide most reliable
properties. Such prisms (one unit wide and 2 to 5 units long) can be used for axial compression
test, bond wrench test or other types of flexure test (ASTM E518-03).

4.8.6 Coupon Tests

Coupons from reinforcing bars in a concrete building or members of steel buildings can be tested
for the yield stress and ultimate tensile strength. IS 1608: 1995 provides the procedure for
making and testing coupons from steel sheets, bars, rolled sections and tubes. The corrosion rate
can be determined by testing the loss of weight per unit time.
4-31 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


In this chapter, first, the basic properties and causes of deterioration of masonry, concrete, steel
and timber are briefly discussed. Next, under visual inspection, the accessories and items of
inspection are explained. The detailed investigation techniques are presented under two sections.
The non-destructive tests cover rebound hammer and penetration techniques, thermal methods,
radiography, electromagnetic techniques, sounding, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, impact echo /
pulse echo methods and measurement of corrosion. The intrusive tests cover the core tests for
concrete and coupon tests for steel. The corresponding standards for the tests are mentioned.


1. ASTM C42-04 (2004), “Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores
and Sawed Beams of Concrete,” American Society for Testing and Materials, USA.
2. ASTM C803-03 (2003), “Standard Test Method for Penetration Resistance of Hardened
Concrete,” American Society for Testing and Materials, USA.
3. ASTM C876-91 (1999), “Standard Test Method for Half-Cell Potentials of Uncoated
Reinforcing Steel in Concrete,” American Society for Testing and Materials, USA.
4. ASTM C1046-95 (2001), “Standard Practice for In-situ Measurement of Heat Flux and
Temperature on Building Envelope Components”, American Society for Testing and
Materials, USA.
5. ASTM C1196-04 (2004), “Standard Test Method for In-situ Compressive Stress within
Solid Unit Masonry Estimated Using Flatjack Measurements”, American Society for
Testing and Materials, USA.
6. ASTM C1197-04 (2004), “Standard Test Method for In-situ Measurement of Masonry
Deformability Properties Using the Flatjack Method”, American Society for Testing
and Materials, USA.
7. ASTM C1531-03 (2003), “Standard Test Methods for In-situ Measurement of Masonry
Mortar Joint Shear Strength Index”, American Society for Testing and Materials,
8. ASTM E518-03 (2003), “Standard Test Methods for Flexural Bond Strength of
Masonry”, American Society for Testing and Materials, USA.
9. ASTM E748-02 (2002), “Standard Practices for Thermal Neutron Radiography of
Materials”, American Society for Testing and Materials, USA.
Condition Assessment of Buildings 4-32

10. ASTM E1004-02 (2002), “Standard Practice for Determining Electrical Conductivity
using the Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Method”, American Society for Testing and
Materials, USA.
11. IS 516: 1959, “Methods of Tests for Strength of Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
12. IS 1199: 1959, “Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Concrete”, Bureau of Indian
13. IS 1608: 1995, “Mechanical Testing of Metals – Tensile Testing”, Bureau of Indian
14. IS 2720: 1987, “Method of Test for Soils”, Part 26: Determination of pH Value, Bureau
of Indian Standards.
15. IS 3664: 1981, “Code of Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse Echo Testing by Contact and
Immersion Methods”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
16. IS 4032: 1985, “Method of Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement”, Bureau of Indian
17. IS 11216: 1985, “Code of Practice for Permeability Test for Masonry During and After
Construction”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
18. IS 13311: 1992, “Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete – Methods of Test”, Part 1:
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Part 2: Rebound hammer, Bureau of Indian Standards.
19. Handbook on Repair and Rehabilitation of RCC Buildings (2002), Central Public Works

Non-engineered buildings are those, which are not formally designed, but built using traditional
techniques. They are made of mud/brick/stone/concrete walls, wooden/bamboo/casuarina posts
and thatch/tile/wooden/concrete roofs. Recent earthquakes and cyclones have revealed their
vulnerability to lateral loads. Hence, it is necessary to retrofit the buildings to mitigate the
disaster possible in such events. This chapter describes only seismic retrofit for the buildings
with heavy roof, although some provisions are applicable for cyclone resistance. There is
information on the preferred seismic resistant features of non-engineered buildings. The features
aim to enhance the integrity of the buildings. The horizontal bands and vertical reinforcement at
key locations, proper size and location of the openings and features in typical buildings are

The available repair materials and techniques are included in this chapter, although they
are applicable for semi-engineered and engineered buildings as well. The advanced repair
materials such as shotcrete, epoxy resin, epoxy mortar, quick setting cement mortar, micro-
concrete, fibre-reinforced concrete, ferro-cement and a few others are covered to provide some
ready information.

The strengthening techniques are broadly grouped as member level and global
techniques. Under the member level techniques, the strengthening of roofs, upstairs floors, walls
5-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

and pillars are described. The strengthening of foundations is separately covered in Chapter 12.
Under the global techniques, the introduction of joints, walls, pilasters, buttresses and braces,
improvements of the frame and splint and bandage strengthening technique are covered. Several
connection details are also provided.


Many buildings are constructed in the traditional manner without formal design by qualified
engineers or architects. The materials include field stone, brick, concrete blocks, rammed earth,
wood posts, thatch, tiles, concrete, etc. If blocks are used to make the walls, they are attached
together with mud, lime or cement mortar. Sometimes, combination of mortars is also used.
Such buildings are built using combination of load bearing walls, piers in masonry, columns in
reinforced concrete, steel or wooden posts. The safety of these buildings against earthquakes is of
great concern, as huge losses of lives have occurred in such buildings during past earthquakes
(Latur, 1993, Kashmir, 2005).

During the survey after the earthquakes, it has been observed that the main reasons for the
damage to these buildings are the use of non-engineered construction methods without adequate
earthquake resistant features, and the poor quality of workmanship. Hence, Bureau of Indian
Standard has published the following codes of practice for earthquake safety of non-engineered
and semi-engineered buildings. It is essential that these codes are followed in letter and spirit for
the development of sustainable disaster free habitat.

1. IS 4326: 1993, “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings – Code of

2. IS 13827: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthen Buildings – Guidelines”.
3. IS 13828: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low strength Masonry Buildings –


Based on the material, non-engineered buildings can be broadly classified as follows (Guidelines
for Earthquake Resistant Non-engineered Construction, 2004).
Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-3

1. Buildings in brick and other masonry units

2. Stone buildings
3. Wooden buildings
4. Earthen buildings
5. Non-engineered reinforced concrete buildings.

IS 4326: 1993 gives the basic requirements for seismic resistance of buildings with one or
two storeys. Some of these requirements are explained along with the seismic vulnerability
aspects in Chapter 2. In this section, a few requirements are highlighted.

The different parts of a building should be tied together so that the building
acts as one unit under seismic forces. The essential features for resisting seismic
forces are as follows.
• The building should be tied to its foundation.
• Horizontal bands of reinforcement are to be provided at the plinth level
(plinth band), sill level (sill band), lintel level (lintel band) and roof level
(roof band). Vertical reinforcing bars are to be provided at the corners of
the building, junctions of walls and around the openings in walls.
• There should be horizontal bracing (bracing in plan) at the roof level for
sloping roofs.
• The openings should be small and centrally located in the walls.

The roof band is required when the roof is sloping and the roof is made of flexible
material, such as tiles on purlins and rafters. The roof band is not necessary when the roof is
made of flat concrete slabs. For better seismic resistance, openings should be located away from
the inside of a corner by a certain distance. The width of the pier between two openings should
not be less than a minimum value. The total length of openings should not exceed a certain
percentage of the span of a wall (distance between consecutive cross walls). The features for
seismic resistance as per IS 4326: 1993, IS 13827: 1993 and IS 13828: 1993, are shown in
Figures 5.1 to 5.4. The specific limits are available in the codes.
5-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

L1 t L2 t


b1 b2 b3 b6 b7
b5 b4
2 h2 2 h2 2
1 1
b4 b4 b4 b5

Figure 5.1 Features of openings

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-5


10 9

8 4
1. Sheeting or cemented tiles as roof material 6. Length of wall max. 10 times the thickness
2. Horizontal reinforcement or collar beam 7. Buttress in long walls
3. Good bond and alternated vertical joint for 8. Small door and window openings
adobe blocks 9. Opening 1.2 m from corner
4. Proper junction of walls 10. Height of walls max. 8 times the thickness
5. Foundation plinth (300 mm min). 11. Damp proof at plinth level

Figure 5.2 Features in an earthen building

5-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1 2

8 10


Footing on firm soil Footing on soft soil

1. Light roof 6. Stable foundation
2. Light gable wall (matting or boarding) 7. Good mortar preferably non-clay
3. Rain protection overhang about 500 mm 8. Floor level
4. Stable plaster 9. Ground level
5. Plinth height for flood protection 10. Water proof layer

Figure 5.3 Details in an earthen building

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-7

Roof band (only for sloping roofs

and under flexible roofs)

Lintel band
Vertical steel
Sill band

Figure 5.4 Features in a masonry building


The interventions to enhance the seismic performance of a building can be broadly grouped under
the categories of repair, rehabilitation and retrofit. These terms have been explained in Chapter 1.
The traditional materials used for repair are mud, lime, cement, sand, brick, stone and steel.
Wood, bamboo, casuarina posts are often used for supports and braces. Cement or lime is
combined with sand and water to prepare the mortar. Various types of cement with properties
such as shrinkage compensation, low heat evolution and sulphate resistance are preferred for
specific repair applications. Steel is used in the form of bolts, threaded rods, angles, channels and
prestressing strands. A brief summary of a few advanced materials are given below.
5-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

5.4.1 Epoxy Resins

Epoxy resins are used for the following purposes.

1. To bond plastic concrete to a hardened concrete surface

2. To bond two rigid materials
3. For patch work
4. For applying a coating over concrete surface to give colour, resistance to penetration of
water and chemicals and resistance to abrasion.

Epoxy resins are excellent binding agents. The low viscosity resins can be injected into
small cracks. The higher viscosity resins are used as coating and for filling larger openings or

5.4.2 Epoxy Mortar

The epoxy mortar is made using epoxy resin and sand. It has high compressive strength, high
tensile strength and low modulus of elasticity. Epoxy resin can be added as a second binder in
cement mortar. Here, the polymer particles join and form chain link reinforcement, increasing the
tensile and flexural strengths of the cement mortar. There is greater plasticity and reduction in
shrinkage stress.

5.4.3 Quick Setting Cement Mortars

These are patented mortars generally having two components and are sold in a pre-packed state.
They may be classified as follows.
• Unmodified cementitious
• Polyester or epoxy resin based
• Polymer modified
• Cement/pozzolanic modified

Cementitious mortars such as gypsum cement mortar have limited use for structural
purposes and are intended for architectural hand/trowel applications. The use of various types of
mortars is given in Table 5.1.
Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-9

Table 5.1 Applications of mortars

S. Type of mortar Properties

1. Minor surface defect Polymer modified • Gives a fair surface.
cementitous mortar • Good water proofing.
• Resists acids and gases.
2. Surface cavities and Highly adhesive, • Water proof and anti-
honey-combed concrete thixotropic mortar carbonation finish.
• Good resistance to
3. Powdery surface A two component surface • Binds powdery surface.
stabilizer • Evens out absorption
4. Non-structural cracks Non-shrinking polymer • Easily applied elastic
filler compound.
• Eases at low temperatures.
5. Minor voids of approxi- Rapid curing polymer • High strength.
mate size 100 mm × 100 modified cementitious • Can be compacted in
mm × 50 mm mortar layers.
6. Major voids of approxi- Heavy duty thixotropic • Can be applied up to 100
mate size 200 mm × 200 fiber reinforced polymer mm thick without sag.
mm × 150 mm modified cementitious • Easy to mould.
Other uses
7. Surface protection Resin rich water based • Highly resistant to
co-polymer diffusion.
• Self cleaning.
8. Surface barrier Water based co-polymer • Resistant to fungal attack.
9. Bonding agent Polymer modified • High penetration into
cementitious surface porous concrete creating
impregnant enhanced adhesion.
10. Protection of steel Two component system • High penetration.
reinforcement of cementitious powder • React chemically to
and polymer generate passivity of steel.
5-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

5.4.4 Shotcrete

Shotcrete is a method in which compressed air forces mortar or concrete through a

nozzle to be sprayed on a surface of building component such as a wall, at a high
velocity. The materials used in shotcrete are generally same as those used for
conventional concrete. The reinforcement provided is welded wire fabric or
deformed bars tacked on the existing surface.

Shotcrete is applied using either wet or dry process. The wet mix consists of cement and
aggregate premixed with water and the pump pushes the mixture through the hose and a nozzle.
Compressed air is used at the nozzle to increase the velocity of application. In the dry mix
process, compressed air propels premixed mortar and damp aggregate, and at the nozzle end,
water is added through a separate hose. The dry mix and water are projected on to the surface
through a second hose. In most cases, shotcrete can be applied in a single application for the
required thickness. It is a versatile technique as it can also be applied to curved or irregular
surfaces. Its strength after application and its good physical characteristics make it ideal for
strengthening weak members.

5.4.5 Micro-concrete

Based on hydraulic binders, these ready-made formulations are tailored to produce concrete
which is flowable and free of shrinkage. They are applied in complicated locations and in thin
sections such as concrete jackets.

5.4.6 Fibre-reinforced Concrete

Fibre-reinforced concrete has better tensile strength as compared to conventional concrete. They
also have improved ductility (energy absorption capacity) and durability. They are being
increasingly used for structural strengthening.

5.4.7 Fibre-reinforced Polymers

The fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are made up of a polymer matrix and fibres. The
fibres can be of glass, carbon or aramid. They possess high strength-to-weight ratios, high fatigue
strength, high wear resistance, vibration absorption capacity, dimensional stability, high thermal
and chemical stability and corrosion resistance. They are manufactured in long lengths by the
pultrusion process. FRP wraps can be used to strengthen structural members. The details of the
use of FRP are given in Chapter 13.
Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-11

5.4.8 Ferro-cement

Ferro-cement is constructed of cement mortar reinforced with closely spaced layers of small
diameter wire mesh. The mesh may be made of steel or other suitable material. The mortar
should be compatible with the opening size and weight of the mesh. The mortar may contain
discontinuous fibres. The technique of ferro-cement overlay is explained in Chapter 6, Retrofit of
Masonry Buildings. The use of ferro-cement can be economical even for non-engineered


The applicability of repair techniques varies depending on the problems to be addressed. The
associated techniques are presented under the specific problems.

5.5.1 Small Cracks

Cracks reduce the strength of load bearing members especially when they are not reinforced, as in
masonry or plain concrete. Hence, they should be marked carefully and the critical ones repaired.
Cracks that are small in width (≤ 0.75 mm) can be effectively repaired by pressure injection of
epoxy (IS 13935: 1993).

The surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of loose materials. Injection ports are placed along
the length of the cracks on both sides, at intervals approximately equal to the thickness of the
member (Figure 5.5). Low viscosity epoxy resin is injected into the ports sequentially, beginning
at the port at the lowest level and moving upwards one by one. The resin is pushed through the
packer till it is seen flowing from the other end or from a port higher than where it is injected.
The port is closed at this juncture and the packer is moved to the next higher port.

Larger cracks will require larger packer spacing depending on thickness of the member.
Vacuum injection has a typical fill level of 95 percent and can fill cracks as small as 0.025 mm.
A similar technique can be applied to strengthen weak walls (Figure 5.6).
5-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Grout ports

Cracks sealed
after cleaning

Injection packer

Drilled hole

Injection system

Figure 5.5 Grout or epoxy injection in cracks

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-13

Injection holes


A Injection
Brick or block Section A - A

Figure 5.6 Grout or epoxy injection in weak walls

5.5.2 Large Cracks and Crushed Material

For cracks with width larger than 6 mm or in regions were brickwork or concrete is crushed, the
following procedure is suitable.

1. Loose material in the crack is removed and any of the repair mortar mentioned in Section
5.4 is filled.
2. If necessary, the crack is dressed to have a V grove.
3. At wide cracks, fillers like flat stone chips can be used.
4. To prevent widening of the cracks, they can be stitched (Figure 5.7)

The stitching consists of drilling small holes of diameter 6 to 10 mm on both sides of the
crack, cleaning the holes, filling up these with epoxy mortar and anchoring the legs of stitching
dogs (U-shaped steel bars of diameter 3 to 6 mm with short legs). The stitching dogs can have
variable length and orientation. The spacing of the reinforcement should be reduced at the ends
of the crack. Stitching will not close the crack, but it prevents further propagation and widening of
the crack. The stitching will stiffen the area near the vicinity of the crack.
5-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Holes drilled in concrete

Stitching dogs

Figure 5.7 Repair by stitching the cracks

5.5.3 Damaged Reinforcement

After an earthquake, the reinforcement in a reinforced concrete element can be severely damaged,
showing signs of either buckling or elongation due to yielding. The element can be repaired by
attaching new bars with the old bars by either lap or butt welding. Additional stirrups are added
at the locations of damage and then covered with concrete to provide confinement of the existing

5.5.4 Decayed Wooden Members

Decayed areas of timber usually occur at the bottom chord members of trusses because they are
subjected to tensile forces, which tend to pull the joint apart. Surgery is performed on decayed
areas by sawing and gouging out material. Reinforcement in the form of steel bar; carbon fiber or
glass fiber is inserted into predrilled holes filled with resin grout. The area is then shuttered and
filled with resin and allowed to cure (Figure 5.8)
Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-15

Decayed area refilled

with resin compound

Reinforcing rods or FRP


Figure 5.8 Repair of a defective timber joint

If a member is cracked, split or rotted right through, it can be repaired by filling the void
with epoxy resin and reinforcing bars in two planes from opposite surfaces as shown in Figure
5.9a. Alternatively, FRP strips can be bonded on the surface with a timber laminate rendering the
repair work invisible (Figure 5.9b).
5-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Section A-A
(a) Repair using epoxy resin and bars

B Section B-B

(b) Repair using FRP strips

Figure 5.9 Repair of a fractured timber member

The problem of decaying ends of timber members such as stringers and joists can be
addressed using steel bars in conjunction with epoxy resin. The decayed section is cut off and
replaced with a new preformed section, with protruding epoxy bonded reinforcing bars. The bars
are placed in a slot cut in the good timber adjacent to the cut end. Epoxy mortar is then poured
into the slot to attach the bars to the timber (Figure 5.10).
Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-17

Decayed end Cut line

Temporary support

Slot cut into sound


Epoxy resin poured into slot Plan

Steel bars bonded into

predrilled holes in new Steel bars grouted into slot
section in existing section

Section A-A Section B-B

Figure 5.10 Replacement of the decayed end of a timber member


The roof should effectively distribute the lateral load generated due to earthquake, to the walls. In
other words, the roof should act as a horizontal diaphragm. There are varieties of roofs in non-
engineered buildings. The most common types of roofs are considered here.
5-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

5.6.1 Timber Truss Roofs

A timber roof truss usually supports tiles which are brittle and tend to get dislodged. The tiles can
be replaced with galvanised iron corrugated sheets. A secondary (false) ceiling of brittle material
is hazardous. Ductile material like bamboo matting or light foam type material can be used to
replace brittle false ceiling. Anchors of roof trusses to supporting walls should be improved and
the roof truss thrust on the walls should be minimized or eliminated. This can be achieved by
providing new bracing as shown in Figure 5.11 (IS 13935: 1993).

1 2 4
Details at A
1. Existing gable wall (tympanum) 4. New planks for ties
2. Steel strips bolted to new ties (4) and wall (1) 5. Roof covering
3. New planks for diagonal bracing 6. Existing roof rafters

Figure 5.11 New bracing in a timber truss roof

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-19

5.6.2 Terrace Roofs

Where the roof consists of prefabricated units or channels, integration of individual units is a
must. The units can be integrated by a cast-in-situ reinforced concrete topping and a band. The
technique is similar to that shown in Figure 5.15. The detail can also be adopted for Madras
terrace roof, which is discussed in Chapter 6.

5.6.3 Roofs of Light Weight Sheets

Although roofs made of asbestos or galvanized iron / aluminium sheets do not cause heavy
damage to the building because of their light weight, there is damage in the roofs during
earthquakes. This can be reduced by close spacing of the hold down bolts, which connect the
sheets to the purlins.

5.6.4 Thatched Roofs

Thatch made from leaves of palm and coconut trees is widely used as roofing material in rural
areas. Thatched roof are blown off during cyclones, damaged during earthquakes and are also
vulnerable to fire. The performance of the thatched roof can be significantly improved by holding
it down using ropes in a diagonal fashion. Periodical fire retardant spray will ensure fire safety.
This is a must if loss of life due to fire is to be avoided.


Like the roof, an upstairs floor in a two-storeyed building also acts as a horizontal diaphragm.
Strengthening of the floor involves two issues. First, the lateral load will generate in-plane forces
in the floor. For this, the integrity of the floor has to be improved by providing braces and ties at
the periphery. Second, the connections between the walls and the floor have to be improved, so
that the seismic forces can be transferred from the floor to the walls. These issues are described
for floors made of wooden planks or prefabricated units.

5.7.1 Wooden Floors

Strengthening of a wooden floor can be achieved by nailing planks perpendicular to the existing
planks or by providing a thin reinforced concrete topping over the floor. For the connection with
the wall, a grid of reinforcement is nailed to the planks and inserted into the wall with steel
anchors, as shown in the following figure.
5-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

3 1 1

New wooden planks New concrete topping

5 6

2 8

Section for floor with new concrete topping

1. Existing planks 5. Steel mesh reinforcement
2. Existing beams 6. Steel anchors grouted in drilled holes
3. New planks 7. Nails to fix mesh
4. New concrete topping 8. Existing wall

Figure 5.12 Strengthening of wooden floor

It is essential to have a proper connection between the floor and the wall. Two techniques are
shown in Figures 5.13 and 5.14, for the existing beams of the floor perpendicular and parallel to
the walls, respectively. The connection consists of steel flats nailed to the beams. The holes
drilled in the walls to anchor the flats should be filled with grout.
Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-21


(concrete topping not shown)

5 4

Section A - A

1. Existing wall 5. New concrete topping

2. Existing planks 6. Steel flats
3. Existing beam 7. Anchor plates
4. Nails

Figure 5.13 Connection of floor to wall (beams perpendicular to wall)

5-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

4 3



(concrete topping not shown)

3 Section A–A 1

1. Existing wall 4. Nails

2. Existing planks 5. New concrete topping
3. Existing beam 6. Steel flats

Figure 5.14 Connection of floor to wall (beams parallel to wall)

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-23

5.7.2 Floors of Prefabricated Units

Figure 5.18 shows the details for strengthening a floor made of prefabricated units or channels (IS
13935: 1993). The units are integrated with a reinforced concrete topping. A reinforced concrete
band with keys is provided at the junction of the floor and the wall. The keys can be spaced at an
interval of 3m.
5-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Details at B

1 New bars

Reinforcement details
for keys (isometric view)
B 5


Section A-A

1. Existing wall 4. Existing prefabricated unit

2. Existing floor 5. Reinforced concrete band
3. New slab topping with reinforcement 6. Keys connecting floor to existing wall

Figure 5.15 Strengthening of floor made of prefabricated units

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-25


The walls support the roof and upstairs floor, as well as provide resistance to lateral load. The
walls can be strengthened by the following methods.
a) Grouting
b) Containment reinforcement
c) Use of ferro-cement
d) Use of fibre reinforced polymer.

The method of grouting is discussed under repair techniques. The method of using
containment reinforcement is described next. The other methods are covered in Chapter 6.

Containment Reinforcement
In this method, first grooves are made in the mortar joints. Next, horizontal, vertical and
cross bars are inserted in the grooves which are subsequently covered by mortar.


Vertical bar

Cross bar

Elevation Vertical section

Figure 5.16 Containment reinforcement

Corners and T-junctions in perpendicular walls can be connected by effective ‘stitching’

of the walls. In this method, first, holes are drilled in an inclined pattern. Next, steel bars are
placed in the holes. Subsequently, grout is injected to form the bond between the bars and the
wall, as well as to provide protection against corrosion of the bars. Generally, 8 to 10 mm
5-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

diameter bars of Grade Fe 415 are used for stitching. In multi-leaf walls, the inner filling can be
strengthened by injection of grout. A collar band can be provided at the junction of two
perpendicular walls at the lintel level to enhance the structural integrity (Figure 5.18). In many
buildings, the partition walls are the first ones to collapse during an earthquake. To avoid failure,
such a wall should be integrated by stitching with the two walls at its ends.

1 ~45°

t ≥2t
1. Longitudinal wall
2. Transverse wall
3. Bars in holes filled with grout

Figure 5.17 Connection of two existing perpendicular walls

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-27

Figure 5.18 Collar band at the junction of walls at lintel level


In a barrack type of building, pillars made of bricks are placed along the corridor. These pillars
support the roof trusses. In absence of any reinforcement, the pillars are weak under lateral
forces, leading to failures (Figure 5.19). Such pillars can be strengthened by concrete jacketing,
as shown in Figure 5.20. The additional stirrups can be inserted from the top of the pillars after
lifting the truss by a temporary support. Else, each stirrup has to be made of two pieces as shown
under column jacketing in Chapter 9, Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings. The trusses
should be properly anchored to the pillars.
5-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 5.19 Collapse of a truss resting on pillars

New longitudinal
bars Existing column
Added section
New tie bars

Figure 5.20 Strengthening of pillars by concrete jacketing


Global strengthening aims to improve the lateral load resistance of the building as a whole. This
will relieve overloaded members and ensure better seismic behaviour.

5.10.1 Introduction of Joints

The buildings having large aspect ratio (length-to-breadth ratio) or projections in plan, behave
badly during earthquakes. Such buildings can be separated into blocks with a crumple section in
between them (IS 4326: 1993). New walls are inserted and tied with the existing walls to avoid
Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-29

long length of walls and to reduce the distance between centre of mass and centre of rigidity for
each block (Figure 5.21).

Figure 5.21 Separation of blocks by introducing joints

5.10.2 Introduction of Walls

Long walls are vulnerable to out-of-plane collapse. For a wall of thickness t and cross wall
spacing a, the ratio a/t should not exceed 40. To ensure this cross walls can be added as indicated
in Figure 5.22. The spaces can be utilised appropriately without significantly altering the
functionality of the building. This type of intervention is possible in long barrack type buildings
used for schools, dormitories or other purpose. The junction between the new wall and the old
wall will be a T-junction. Figure 5.23 and Figure 5.24 show the typical details to be adopted for
tying the new and old walls. Some details of the tying reinforcement are given in IS 13935: 1993.
5-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

a) A typical building with no cross walls

b) Building with cross walls introduced

Figure 5.22 Introduction of cross walls

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-31

2 4


4 A

2 1
Section X-X

Tying Bar A

1- Existing wall
2- New wall
3- Door opening
4- Reinforcement in new wall (example of truss system shown)

Figure 5.23 Connection of a new brick wall with an existing brick wall
5-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings



1- Existing wall
2- New wall
3- Concrete column
4- Tying bars, every fourth course

Figure 5.24 Connection of a new brick wall with an existing stone wall

5.10.3 Introduction of Pilasters or Buttresses

In the case of longitudinal walls of the barrack type buildings, pilasters or buttress walls
added externally will enhance lateral load resistance (Figure 5.25). The buttresses need to be
integrated with the existing wall by key stones (IS 13935: 1993).
Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-33

A (a) Plan


1 3
(b) Section A - A (c) Detail B

1 Existing wall 2 Buttress or pilaster

3 Key stones 4 Foundation

Figure 5.25 Strengthening of long walls by buttresses

5.10.4 Improvement of the Frame

Most of the non-engineered constructions do not have adequate lateral load resistance. The rural
hut made with casuarina and bamboo posts is a typical example. Two modes of collapse of the
frame are shown in Figure 5.26. Figure 5.27 shows how the introduction of braces in the
periphery stabilizes the frame. Provision of doors can be accommodated by providing braces on
either side as shown in the second sketch of the same figure. There can be cross braces or knee
braces in the vertical planes of the walls or in the horizontal plane at the top of the walls, as
shown in Figure 5.28.

Instead of using ropes for tying the rafters and braces, metal straps and mild steel wires of
suitable gauge will make the system behave better. The connection details are shown in Figure
5-34 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

5.29. The vertical post should be properly anchored with cross sticks tied firmly below ground,
as shown in Figure 5.30. This provides good anchorage for the post. The portion of the post
below ground level should be protected by tar coat.


2 2



2 2

1. Earthquake force
2. Failure of joints
3. Collapsed frame

Figure 5.26 Collapse modes of a typical hut

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-35

Figure 5.27 Introduction of braces in a hut

5-36 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Knee brace

Knee brace
(vertical, transverse)
Knee brace

Cross braces


Figure 5.28 Introduction of braces

Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-37

Wire tie

Nailing steel flats

(more than two nails)

Figure 5.29 Connection details

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) Remove bark completely

(b) Apply heat at the bottom so that there is a layer of carbon
(c) Apply tar for portions being embedded in soil, including cross sticks
(d) Tie two sticks on either side of trunk

Figure 5.30 Improvement of wooden posts

5-38 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

5.10.5 Splint and Bandage Strengthening Technique

To economise in the retrofit cost while targeting to enhance the integrity of the building, ferro-
cement with galvanised welded steel wire mesh can be added on the exterior of the walls in the
form of vertical splints adjacent to openings and horizontal bandages over the openings, as shown
in Figure 5.31.

Figure 5.31 Splint and bandage strengthening technique


This chapter summarises the various methods of retrofitting non-engineered buildings. First, the
preferred seismic resistant features of such buildings are explained. Next, a brief description of
various repair materials and techniques is provided. The strengthening methods for roofs,
upstairs floors, walls and pillars are described. The techniques for global strengthening cover the
introduction of joints, walls, pilasters, buttresses and braces, improvements of the frame and
splint and bandage strengthening technique.
Retrofit of Non-Engineered Buildings 5-39

The techniques covered in this chapter are intended to provide various options for
retrofitting non-engineered buildings. However, given the wide variety of non-engineered
buildings, differences in the detailing for each technique are expected to be based on the local
condition and availability of materials, skills and funds. Hence, importance should always be
placed on the detailing while designing the most appropriate repair and retrofit scheme for a


1. IS 4326: 1993, “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings – Code of

Practice”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
e) IS 13935: 1993, “Indian Standard for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings –
Guidelines”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
f) IS 13827: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthen Buildings – Guidelines”,
Bureau of Indian Standards.
g) IS 13828: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low strength Masonry Buildings –
Guidelines”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
h) “Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Non-engineered Construction”, (2004), Published
by the International Association for Earthquake Engineering and National Information
Centre of Earthquake Engineering.
i) “Guidelines for Reconstruction of the Houses affected by Tsunami in Tamil Nadu”,
(2005), Published by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
j) Madhava Rao, A. H. and Ramachandra Murthy, D.S. (1999), “Appropriate Technologies
for Low Cost Housing”, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
k) “Technologies for Retrofitting of Existing Buildings and Structures to make them
Earthquake Resistant”, (2003), sponsored by TIFAC, Department of Earthquake
Engineering, IIT Roorkee.

Masonry buildings refer to those with load bearing walls made of fired clay bricks, stone blocks
or concrete masonry units. The buildings that are covered in this chapter are expected to be
adequately designed for gravity loads. The buildings which are informally constructed in the
traditional manner are covered in Chapter 5, Retrofit of Non-engineered Buildings. The masonry
buildings are vulnerable to seismic loads because of their relatively high mass and lack of
ductility. This chapter deals with the methods of strengthening of masonry buildings. The
information on the available codes of practice is provided.

Any building first requires an evaluation of the existing condition. The chapter provides
the procedure of seismic analysis specific to masonry buildings. The method of piers, the model
for the analysis and the essential equations are explained.

The common defects observed in masonry buildings and the deficiencies in resisting
seismic forces are listed. It is essential to diagnose the deficiencies in a building before
undertaking retrofit. Also, the highlighting of deficiencies is expected to create awareness for
future construction. Next, the repair and retrofit techniques are presented. Some of the repair
materials and techniques covered in Chapter 5 are also applicable for masonry buildings. These
are not repeated in this chapter. The retrofit techniques are grouped under strengthening of
members and global techniques. The strengthening of members cover roofs, floors, walls and
6-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

pillars. The global retrofit techniques cover introduction of frames and braces and strengthening
by post-tensioning. The importance of maintenance after undertaking retrofit cannot be
overemphasised. Hence, the primary actions for maintenance are highlighted. Finally, a case of
implementation of retrofit is illustrated.


Many masonry buildings made of fired clay bricks, stone blocks or concrete masonry units, fall
under the category of non-engineered buildings, which are informally constructed in the
traditional manner without formal design by qualified engineers or architects. The strengthening
of such masonry buildings is covered in Chapter 5, Retrofit of Non-engineered Buildings. Some
buildings can be considered to be semi-engineered. Although they were designed for gravity
loads, their resistance to seismic forces was ignored. These buildings require strengthening for
seismic forces. The engineered buildings which were designed for seismic forces may also
require strengthening. This chapter covers the retrofit of semi-engineered and engineered
masonry buildings. Emphasis is placed on the analysis for seismic forces.

The existing masonry buildings are mostly un-reinforced, that is, they do not have
embedded reinforcing bars. The vulnerability of un-reinforced masonry to seismic forces arises
due to its very low tensile and shear strengths, lack of ductility and energy absorbing capacity.
The following publications of the Bureau of Indian Standards provide the basic guidelines for the
design of masonry buildings and incorporation of seismic resistant features.

1. IS 1905: 1987, “Code of Practice for Structural Use of Un-reinforced Masonry”

2. IS 4326: 1993, “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings – Code of
3. IS 13828: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength Masonry Buildings
– Guidelines”
4. IS 13935: 1993, “Indian Standard for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings –
While undertaking retrofit, it is important to comply with the stipulations of the above codes. The
interventions during retrofit can also improve the architectural appearance, acoustics, thermal
insulation and fire resistance.
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-3


The seismic analysis of a masonry building can be done based on the method of piers or based on
the more sophisticated finite element analysis. Here, only the method of piers is explained. The
reader may refer to specialised literature for advanced modelling and assessment of masonry

In a pier analysis, the building model constitutes of vertical wall piers resisting
the seismic forces along a direction, predominantly by shear. For the wall piers,
only the resistance to in-plane lateral loads is considered. Any resistance to out-
of-plane lateral loads is neglected. The portions of the walls above the doors,
windows and arch openings are neglected.

In a pier analysis, the roofs and floor slabs made of concrete or concrete over wooden
rafters can be assumed to act as rigid diaphragms, which mobilise the wall piers (subsequently
referred to as walls) to act together like parallel springs. The seismic forces get distributed as per
the lateral stiffness of each wall. The walls can be considered rotationally fixed at the
diaphragms. The roofs and floors made of wooden planks can be assumed to act as flexible
diaphragms. In this case the walls act independently like individual springs. The seismic forces
get distributed as per the tributary area of each wall. The walls can be considered to be
rotationally free (pinned) at the diaphragms.

The end condition at the bottom of a ground storey wall depends on the type of
foundation. If there is no spread wall foundation or if the spread foundation does not have any
dowels, such as in an un-reinforced masonry building, the bottom of the wall can be assumed to
be pinned. If there are dowels between the foundation and the wall, such as in reinforced
masonry buildings, the bottom can be assumed to be fixed. Figure 6.1 shows a schematic
representation of the model for pier analysis along a direction.
6-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


Figure 6.1 Model for a pier analysis

In the analysis, first the seismic weight of the building is calculated from the dead loads
and live loads at the roof and upstairs floors. Next, the base shear and its distribution along the
height are determined. The storey shears are calculated from the applied lateral forces. The
effect of torsion in a floor is evaluated based on the eccentricity of the centre of mass with respect
to the centre of rigidity. These are explained in Chapter 8, Structural Analysis for Seismic
Retrofit. Finally, the stresses in each wall is determined and compared with the allowable values.

6.3.1 Calculation of Stiffness of a Wall Pier

Due to an in-plane lateral load, a wall deflects as a result of both bending deformation and shear
deformation. The total deformation (δ) due to a unit load is given as follows.

For a wall fixed at one end and free at the other end

⎛ H 3 ⎞ ⎛ 1 .2 H ⎞
δ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ (6.1)
⎝ 3EI ⎠ ⎝ GA ⎠
For a wall fixed at both the ends

⎛ H 3 ⎞ ⎛ 1. 2 H ⎞
δ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ (6.2)
⎝ 12 EI ⎠ ⎝ GA ⎠
A = cross-sectional area of the wall
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-5

E = elastic modulus for the wall

G = shear modulus for the wall
= E/2(1 + ν)
H = height of the wall
I = moment of inertia of the wall
ν = Poisson’s ratio for the wall.

The expression of lateral stiffness (k) is the inverse of the deflection.

6.3.2 Calculation of Stresses in a Wall Pier

The axial compressive stress (fa) in the jth wall can be determined from the load (Nj) from the
tributary areas of the roof and supported floors. The bending and shear stresses are determined
from the moment (Mj) and shear force (Vj), respectively. The moment is related to the shear force
based on the fixity conditions at the top and bottom. For a wall fixed at both the ends, Mj =
VjH/2, where, H is the height of the wall.

The shear force in a wall (Vj) in a storey consists of two components. One is due to the
storey shear and the other is due to the storey torsion. The storey shear is the sum of the lateral
loads acting on all the floors above. The storey torsion is the sum of the torques acting on all the
floors above. The torque in a floor is the product of the lateral load and eccentricity of the design
centre of mass and centre of rigidity. The shear force (VDj) in the jth wall of the ith storey due to
storey shear is given as follows.
V Dj = Vi n (6.3)

Vi = storey shear in the ith storey
kj = stiffness of the jth wall
n = number of walls along the direction of the shear.

The shear force (VTj) in the jth wall of the ith storey due to storey torsion is given by the
following equation.
k j rj
VTj = Ti n (6.4)
∑ k j r j2
j =1
6-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Ti = storey torsion in the ith storey
rj = radial distance of the jth wall measured from the centre of rigidity.

6.3.3 Calculation of Allowable Stresses

The allowable stresses of the walls are calculated as per IS 1905: 1987. First, the basic
compressive stress for masonry (fbc) is evaluated considering the crushing strength of bricks and
the type of mortar (Table 8). Next, the stress is modified by the reduction factor for slenderness
(ks) (Clause, the area reduction factor for small wall (ka) (Clause and the shape
modification factor (kp) (Clause Thus, the allowable stress under direct compression is
given as Fa = ks ka kpfbc. The allowable compressive stress under bending can be taken as Fb =
1.25 Fa.

When both direct compressive stress (fa) and flexural compressive stress (fb) act, the
following interaction formula must be satisfied.

fa f (6.5)
+ b ≤ 1 .0
Fa Fb

Finally, the shear demand-to-capacity ratio for a wall can be calculated from the shear
stress acting (demand) and the allowable shear stress (capacity). The ratio should be less than
1.0. As per IS 1905: 1987, the allowable shear stress is the least of a) 0.5 MPa, b) 0.1+0.2 fa and
c) 0.125 √fm. Here, fa is the direct compressive stress in the wall and fm is the crushing strength of
the bricks.


6.4.1 General Defects

The typical problems that are frequently encountered due to the deterioration of existing masonry
buildings are as follows.
1. Cracking
2. Spalling
3. Staining
4. Moisture ingress
5. Deterioration of mortar and loose components
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-7

6. Corrosion
7. Differential settlement of the foundation
8. Blistering of coating
9. Design and construction defects.

Most of these defects are due to improper construction, lack of quality control during
construction, over-emphasis on reducing cost at the expense of durability and safety, and lack of
maintenance. Many of the problems listed above occur even in relatively new buildings, which
require repair within 5 years after construction. Of late, even buildings which have survived for
long periods have shown problems because of changes in the environment, such as industrial and
traffic pollution. A few of the above problems are elaborated here.

Cracking is the most common visually detectable distress encountered in a building,
needing repair or retrofit. The cracking may be minor such as those due to restraint to shrinkage.
Else, the cracking may be major due to any one of the following causes.
a) Over-loading
b) Differential settlement of the foundation
c) Thermal movement
d) Load transfer from beams and columns in a framed building
e) Vibration
f) Corrosion of reinforcing bars in a reinforced masonry building.

Cracks of smaller width are of aesthetic concern and hence, need cosmetic treatment.
Cracks of width greater than 1 to 2 mm signify structural problems. Proper location of expansion
joints can avoid cracks due to thermal movement. It is necessary to classify whether a crack is
active or dormant. Active cracks propagate and hence, separate inspections of the same crack can
reveal if the crack is active or dormant. The cracks may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal or
stepped depending upon the cause and the relative strength of the masonry units and the mortar.
Figure 6.2 shows examples of cracks witnessed in masonry buildings.
6-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 6.2a Horizontal crack

Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-9

Figure 6.2b Vertical crack

The delamination of surface of brick or mortar or plaster is called spalling. Spalling can
occur due to internal stresses or due to external actions. Concentrated eccentric load causes
highly stressed narrow compression zone which encourages spalling. Spalling also occurs due to
freeze-thaw effect of entrapped water, chemical effect, efflorescence and repeated wetting and
drying in coastal areas (Figure 6.3). Observation of the location of spall gives an indication of the
6-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 6.3 Deterioration of brick masonry due to spalling

Staining of masonry walls is caused by absorption of water containing salts and
subsequent efflorescence. Efflorescence is defined as the deposition of water soluble salts on the
surface after evaporation of the water. For efflorescence to occur, there should be a source of
water and water soluble salts. The efflorescence can disrupt the wall because of internal
crystallization of salts.
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-11

In reinforced masonry walls, rust staining may occur due to absorption of water. Because
of increase in volume due to the formation of rust, spalling and cracking occur. If unattended, it
can lead to faster corrosion of the steel bars and deterioration of the wall. Thus, to check
corrosion and efflorescence staining, the problem of absorption of water has to be addressed.

Moisture ingress
The moisture ingress depends on several factors such as the porosity of the bricks, the
mortar joints, the pointing, cracks in the wall and the plastering. Water seepage causes wetness
and encourages the growth of mould, fungi and vegetation. It can degrade the quality of the wall.
Penetration of rain water and its pathways can be detected through visual observation of wet areas
and patches following rainy days.

Differential settlement of the foundation

If parts of the ground are made of fill or are susceptible to consolidation or swelling,
differential settlement of the wall foundation can cause cracks. The cracks tend to widen with

Construction defects
The following problems are primarily due to deficient construction and defective
1. Use of poor quality bricks
2. Use of poor construction procedure, such as not soaking the bricks before construction
3. Defective bond and flashing
4. Use of incorrect wall thickness
5. Out-of-plumb wall
6. Defective and misaligned joints of walls
7. Lack of movement joints for expansion and contraction
8. Plugged weep holes.

Most of these defects can be detected by visual inspection.

6.4.2 Deficiencies in Seismic Resistance

A typical small masonry building is a box system with multiple openings of doors and windows.
A rigid roof slab transfers the seismic load to the various walls. The deformation and typical
6-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

damage to the walls due to the load are shown in Fig. 6.4. The behaviour depends on how the
walls are interconnected and anchored with each other and with the roof. The walls perpendicular
to the load are subjected to out-of-plane bending, causing vertical cracks at the middle. The walls
in the direction of the load develop diagonal cracks due to shear forces. The cracks form X-
patterns due to the reversible nature of the seismic load.

Out of plane

Seismic action

Figure 6.4 Deformation and damages to walls in box type building

The deficiencies of masonry buildings for resisting seismic load are listed below.
1. Absence of horizontal bands of reinforcement at different levels such as plinth band, sill
band, lintel band and roof band.
2. Non-existent or improper connections between walls, roof and floor.
3. Large openings resulting in reduced wall stiffness or storey stiffness.
4. Out-of-plane failure of walls due to lack of cross walls.
5. Roof slabs at different levels or large opening in the roof slab (the opening may be
covered by jack arch roof), leading to poor diaphragm action. There is absence of
reinforcement around the openings and the edges of the slabs.
6. Plan asymmetry and eccentric mass from water tanks causing torsion.
7. Re-entrant corners in U-, L- and T-shaped buildings, without adequate reinforcement in
the slab at the corners.
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-13

8. Inadequate anchorage of parapet walls and sunshades.

9. Inadequate gap between buildings or across expansion joints, which can lead to pounding.
10. Inadequate foundation.

The above deficiencies lead to inadequate lateral strength, stiffness and structural integrity.


If the stress demand exceeds the capacity of the walls, retrofit is required. The retrofit includes
repair of existing defects and increasing the lateral strength, stiffness and structural integrity.
Some of the repair materials and techniques explained in Chapter 5, Retrofit of Non-engineered
Buildings, are also applicable for masonry buildings. The retrofit techniques can be broadly
classified as local (those for improving the strength of a member) and global (those for improving
the performance of the building). The repair and local retrofit techniques specific to masonry
buildings are first described.

6.5.1 Repointing

For repointing, first the wall should be made wet and all loose debris cleared. The joints that are
to be repointed should be raked to a depth of 2 times the joint height. Next, fresh mortar should
be placed by trowels. The mortar should be non-shrinking type. The repointed portion should be
cured properly.

6.5.2 Grout Injection

Grout can be injected to strengthen the walls. The method is covered in Chapter 5. The
strengthening is useful for historical buildings. The grout mixture should be chosen based on the
following requirements.
1. High water retention
2. Minimum or no shrinkage, preferable to have slight expansion.
3. Highly flowable without any segregation
4. High tensile strength
5. Good bond with the existing masonry.
6-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

After grout injection, the improvement in properties may be assessed using non-
destructive tests. Small cores can be made through the thickness of a wall and the flow of grout
can be assessed.

6.5.3 Grout Filling

Selected cells in a hollow block masonry wall can be filled with grout. Filling the voids with
grout will increase the compressive strength and make the wall more impermeable to water
penetration. The inside of the cavity should be pre-wetted, then drained prior to grouting.

6.5.4 Crack Stitching

It is possible to introduce internal ties in a masonry wall by drilling a hole, placing a bar and
finally grouting the hole. A similar ‘pinning technique’ can be used for stitching cracks in the
walls and strengthening the arches (Figure 6.5).

Plug Crack

Stainless steel
helical bar


a) Crack stitching
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-15

Arch barrel Steeel pins


b) Strengthening a masonry arch

Figure 6.5 Pinning technique


Strengthening of roofs and floors involves two issues. First, the integrity of the slab has to be
improved by providing adequate thickness or braces for the in-plane shear capacity. Second, the
connection between the slab and the walls has to be improved so that the seismic load can be
transferred to the walls. The strengthening of two typical types of roof is elaborated.

6.6.1 Madras Terrace Slab

Madras terrace slab exists in old masonry buildings as roof or upstairs floors. It is generally
constructed of wooden joists spanning between the walls. Small size bricks are laid across the
joists in a brick-on-edge fashion and are then topped with a layer of lime or cement mortar. Brick
jelly concrete and topping (tiles or floor finish) are laid subsequently. In order to improve the
diaphragm action, the pinning technique can be adopted as shown in Figure 6.6. The steel bars
(pins) ensure integration of the walls with the roof (or floor) for the transfer of seismic load.
6-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Brick jelly Topping



Small bricks in
lime mortar Steel bar

Wooden joist

a) Joists parallel to wall

Brick jelly Topping



Small bricks in
lime mortar Steel bar
Wooden joist

b) Joist perpendicular to wall

Figure 6.6 Pinning technique for Madras terrace slab

Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-17

6.6.2 Jack Arch Roof

Jack arch roofs are common in old masonry buildings for spanning larger distance between walls.
Tie rods can be provided between the springing of the arches (Figure 6.7). This will relieve the
walls from the thrust of the arches and the load transferred to the walls will be vertical.

Figure 6.7 Strengthening of jack arch roof by ties


The walls support the roof and upstairs floor, as well as provide resistance to lateral load. The
walls can be strengthened by the following methods.

(a) Grouting
(b) External reinforcement
(c) Use of steel plates
(d) Use of fibre reinforced polymer
(e) Internal reinforcement.

The method of grouting is discussed under repair techniques and in Chapter 5. The other
four methods are described next. Besides these, the anchoring of the walls and reinforcing the
openings are also presented.

6.7.1 External Reinforcement

An external reinforcement overlay is an effective strengthening technique for existing masonry

walls. The overlay can be done by one of the following methods.
6-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1. Ferro-cement with wire mesh

2. Reinforcement mat with shotcrete

In ferro-cement strengthening, first the plaster is removed and mesh reinforcement

(welded wire fabric with a mesh size of 50 mm × 50 mm) is placed on one or both sides of the
wall (Figure 6.8). The mesh reinforcement is tied in place by steel wires at 500 mm to 700 mm
interval and the holes are grouted. Finally, a 25 to 40 mm thick layer of micro-concrete or plaster
is applied on the reinforcement. The sandwiched wall is expected to behave better during an
earthquake (IS 13935: 1993).


1 Wire mesh on front face
2 Wire mesh on back face
3 Clamps
4 Ferro-cement plaster

Figure 6.8 Strengthening of wall with ferro-cement

For substantial strengthening, a reinforcement mat can be attached to the wall with
dowels. The vertical bars are anchored in the foundation. The reinforcement can be designed for
adequate in-plane shear capacity and out-of-plane bending capacity of the wall. Shotcrete can be
applied over the reinforcement mat. The method of shotcrete is briefly explained in Chapter 5.
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-19

2 1

1 Rebar on front face
2 Rebar on back face
3 Clamps
4 Cement plaster

Figure 6.9 Strengthening of wall with reinforcement mat

6.7.2 Use of Steel Plates

Steel plates or angles can be used to strengthen masonry walls. A typical strengthening strategy
is shown in Figure 6. 10.
6-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 6.10 Strengthening of wall with steel plates

6.7.3 Use of Fibre Reinforced Polymer

Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are tailor-made, flexible, easy to apply and can be
made architecturally pleasing. Hence, they can be extensively used in retrofit. Three types of
strengthening techniques namely, surface mounting of FRP bars, surface mounting of FRP strips
and overlay of FRP wraps, can be applied to enhance the out-of-plane bending strength of a wall.

Surface mounting of FRP bars

In this technique grooves are cut through mortar bed joints horizontally and vertically if
needed, about 25 mm deep. The grooves are half filled with epoxy adhesive. Small diameter
(about 6 mm) FRP bars are inserted and covered with another layer of adhesive (Figure 6.11).
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-21

FRP bar

Epoxy grout
or paste

Elevation Section

Figure 6.11 Surface mounting of FRP bars

Surface mounting of FRP strips

FRP strips are applied to walls vertically or diagonally to improve their out-of-plane
bending capacities. The diagonal strip application enhances the in-plane shear capacity by acting
similar to a tension chord of a diagonal brace.

Overlay of FRP wraps

This technique involves applying a layer of epoxy to the surface of the wall, impregnating
the FRP wrap with epoxy, placing the overlay on the wall surface, and finally finishing with
another layer of epoxy. The bond is a key factor that determines the success of an FRP overlay.
An undesirable mode of failure is peeling off due to insufficient anchorage. Figure 6.12 shows a
typical anchorage for an FRP wrap by embedded FRP bars.
6-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

FRP wrap

FRP bar

Elevation Section

Figure 6.12 Anchoring of FRP wrap using FRP bars

6.7.4 Internal Reinforcement

Reinforcing bars can be placed inside a masonry wall to maintain its exterior appearance. A hole
is drilled from the top of the wall up to the foundation. For hollow block masonry units, the
drilling can be aligned with the space in the units. Reinforcing bars are placed and the hole is
grouted. The grout covers the voids around the hole. The reinforcement can be designed for
adequate in-plane shear capacity and out-of-plane bending capacity of the wall.
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-23

Grouted core


(a) Elevation (b) Section

(c) Detail at top of wall

Figure 6.13 Strengthening of wall with internal reinforcement

6-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

6.7.5 Anchoring the Walls

Anchoring a wall to the roof, floors and other walls enhances the box action. The various types of
wall connections in a multi-storeyed masonry building are shown in Figure 6.14. To ensure the
lateral support of the wall at the top, the anchorage to the roof is essential. The schemes shown
under strengthening of Madras terrace slab provides anchorage to the walls. A few other schemes
of anchorage are shown here.

The anchors can be external or internal. Internal anchors can be used in situations were
external anchors are not acceptable for either aesthetic or functional reasons. Figure 6.15 shows
the use of external anchors such as steel angles. Parapet walls collapse during earthquake if they
are not anchored properly. For a partition wall that is not designed for load bearing, a gap is to be
maintained above the wall and slotted angles can be provided for anchorage.

Floor to
interior wall
Interior wall to
exterior wall
Interior wall to
interior wall

Exterior wall Floor to

to exterior wall exterior wall

Figure 6.14 Various wall connections in a multi-storeyed masonry building

Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-25


Figure 6.15 Anchoring of walls.

The internal anchoring can be done by dowel bars at the corners and junctions of the
walls. An example of stitching two existing perpendicular walls is shown in Chapter 5. Else,
dowels can be inserted at regular intervals of 500 mm and taken into the walls to sufficient length
so as to develop the full bond strength (Figure 6.16).
6-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Vertical bars Anchor tie

Ø = 12 mm Ø = 8 mm


Anchor tie

Notch for holes
vertical bars
(b) Horizontal section
at T-junction
Vertical bars
Ø = 12 mm 300



(a) Vertical section

Anchor tie
Ø = 8 mm

(c)Horizontal section at
corner junction

Figure 6.16 Insertion of dowel bars at corners and T-junctions (dimensions in mm)
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-27

6.7.6 Reinforcing the Openings

When the openings do not comply with the requirements of IS 4326: 1993, they can be either
closed or reinforcement bars can be provided in the jambs (Figure 6.17).

40d 40d



t - thickness of the wall

t1 - thickness of RC band
d - diameter of reinforcing bar

Figure 6.17 Strengthening masonry around window opening


In absence of any reinforcement, the masonry pillars are weak under lateral forces. Such pillars
can be strengthened by concrete jacketing, as shown in Chapter 5.


This technique involves insertion of a new structural member in order to relieve an either
overloaded or damaged component. A brick pillar or pier which is overloaded or damaged can be
relieved by constructing columns on either side of the damaged pier as shown in Figure 6.18a. A
weak brick arch can be relieved by a lintel consisting of steel beams, inserted just above the arch
(Figure 6.18b). The piers below the arch are relieved of the lateral thrust from the arch.
6-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Overloaded New columns


(a) Insertion of new columns

(b) Insertion of lintel Section I-I

Figure 6.18 Stress relieving by insertion of new members

Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-29


Global retrofit aims to improve the lateral load resistance of the building as a whole. Some of the
techniques are described in Chapter 5. Here, these are listed.
1. Introduction of joints
2. Introduction of walls
3. Introduction of pilasters or buttresses
4. Splint and bandage strengthening technique.

A few other techniques are explained.

6.10.1 Introduction of Frames and Braces

To relieve an overloaded masonry wall, a reinforced concrete frame may be inserted. Braces can
be introduced to increase the lateral load resistance of the building, as well as to reduce the hazard
due to out-of-plane collapse of a wall.

6.10.2 Strengthening by Post-tensioning

An unreinforced masonry wall develops tension due to bending or shear. Prestressing creates
compression in the wall which counteracts the tension. The prestressing is introduced in an
existing building by post-tensioning of external tendons. Horizontal tendons can be inserted in
pairs on opposite sides of a wall so that out-of-plane bending is not introduced (Figure 6.19).
6-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1 2


(a) Plan (b) Isometric view

1- Tendons for prestressing
2- Anchor plates

Figure 6.19 Post-tensioning by external tendons


Maintenance of masonry buildings is important for long term durability, even after retrofitting.
With deterioration, serviceability and safety problems manifest. Cleaning of stains from
efflorescence and carbonation is to be done as a part of regular maintenance. The stains can be
brushed and washed with water. The roof should be accessible for inspection and maintenance.
Any growth of vegetation and clogging of drainage spouts have to be cleared. To overcome the
problem of water seepage, coatings such as aluminium stearate and alkyl trioxy silane can be
applied. Condensation of water is a problem in bathrooms and toilets. To reduce the amount of
condensation, proper ventilation or exhaust fans can be installed at appropriate locations.


The following photos depict the retrofit of a factory building. The building had long and high
walls. Continuous horizontal bands and vertical columns were introduced to enhance the
structural integrity. Figure 6.20a shows the scaffolding during construction. Figure 6.20b shows
the building after the completion of the project.
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings 6-31

a) During construction

b) After completion

Figure 6.20 Retrofitting of a factory building

6-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


This chapter gives an overview of the repair and retrofit techniques for masonry buildings. The
procedure for evaluation of masonry buildings for seismic forces is provided. The building
deficiencies are highlighted to create awareness for future construction. The retrofit techniques
cover strengthening of individual members such as roofs, floors, walls and pillars, and global
techniques. The importance of maintenance is highlighted. Finally, a case of implementation of
retrofit is illustrated.

1. IS 1905: 1987, “Code of Practice for Structural Use of Un-reinforced Masonry” , Bureau
of Indian Standards.
2. IS 4326: 1993, “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings – Code of
Practice”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
3. IS 13828: 1993, “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength Masonry Buildings
– Guidelines”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
4. IS 13935: 1993, “Indian Standard for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings –
Guidelines”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
5. “Technologies for Retrofitting of Existing Buildings and Structures to make them
Earthquake Resistant”, (2006), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Project
sponsored by Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC).
6. Hamid, A. A. and Drysdale, R. G. (1993), “Masonry Structures: Behavior and Design”,
Prentice Hall.
7. Arya, A. S. (1992), “Masonry and Timber Structures Including Earthquake Resistant
Design”, Nem Chand & Bros.
8. Dayaratnam, P. (1987), “Brick and Reinforced Brick Structures”, Oxford & IBH
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
9. Tomazevic, M. (1999), “Earthquake-resistant Design of Masonry Buildings”, Imperial
College Press, UK.

A vast majority of historical buildings in India is constituted by stone and brick masonry
structures and hence, the emphasis of retrofitting techniques in this chapter is for such structures.
First, excerpts from the internationally endorsed principles and recommendations of heritage
conservation advocated by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) are
stated. Next, the techniques for condition assessment appropriate for masonry structures are
listed. The strengthening of components includes walls, arches, vaults, domes, towers and spires.
For structure level intervention, the reduction of forces by base isolation and energy dissipation,
the strengthening of soil and the foundation are briefly covered. The respective chapters for
further information are mentioned. Finally, there is a section on archaeological reconstruction.

The retrofit techniques detailed here are those which were successfully applied to
historical structures in European countries and relevant to the Indian scenario as well, where
masonry is the predominant building material.
7-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


The principle difference between a heritage structure and a regular structure is that
retrofitting techniques cannot be indiscriminately applied with the sole aim of
improving structural response to earthquakes. Judicious selection and application of
retrofitting techniques, respecting the authenticity and the heritage value of the
structure in its entirety is paramount. Use of new materials for repair must be dealt
very cautiously. The aim of the retrofit is to preserve the historical structure for
generations to come. In this context, it is appropriate to recall that even a powerful
material such as reinforced concrete has a rather short life.

7.2.1 Structural Restoration and Seismic Retrofit

Seismic retrofit of historical and heritage structures is part of the complex, multidisciplinary
science of conservation engineering. Structural assessment and remedial interventions on
structural systems of historical buildings requires special considerations to retain the architectural
integrity and historical authenticity.

Earthquakes pose a serious threat to the architectural heritage of the nation. Historical
structures are predominantly composed of unreinforced masonry which is far more vulnerable to
earthquakes than reinforced masonry, concrete or steel structures. Masonry displays complex,
non-linear mechanical behaviour characterised by low tensile strength and high stiffness.
Understanding the behaviour of masonry and subsequently prescribing remedial strategies for
historical structures is complicated by factors such as use of local materials and techniques of
construction, level of workmanship, age of the structure, weathering and alterations throughout its
history and effects of previous earthquakes.

The techniques reported in this chapter are with reference to two categories of buildings:
traditional buildings (residential clusters) within heritage areas of cities or towns and
monumental structures such as royal palaces, victory towers and religious structures notable for
their cultural, historical and architectural value.

7.2.2 Status of Monuments in India

The earthquake in Bhuj, Gujarat, on 26th January, 2001, brought down a number of monuments.
Prior to this, the earthquake in Bhuj in 1819 was responsible for the loss of many monuments. A
temple built in the 10th century at Kera, Kutch, is a classic example of the cumulative effects of
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-3

the earthquakes. The structure was damaged in the 1819 event. The monolithic kalasa∗ that once
crowned the spire sits today on the ground, covered in patina, where it had fallen two centuries
ago. The temple almost completely collapsed during the event of 2001.

Appreciable advances in research on structural retrofit techniques, numerical modelling

and prediction of structural response under seismic loads, advent of power tools and equipment
have barely impacted the restoration and retrofit of monuments in India. The present scenario of
restoration with semiskilled labourers using traditional tools and techniques for addressing serious
structural problems is not adequate for retrofit.

7.2.3 Basic Principles of Structural Restoration

Structures of architectural heritage present a number of challenges in restoration and

retrofit, which limit the application of modern codes and building standards.
Recommendations are desirable and necessary to ensure rational methods of
analysis and repair methods appropriate to the cultural context. They are intended
for those involved in conservation and restoration, but cannot in anyway replace
specific knowledge acquired from cultural and scientific texts (ICOMOS, 2003).

This sub-section enumerates the excerpts of a few important recommendations of the

International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).

ICOMOS, 1964
1. The restoration of monuments must have recourse to all the techniques which can
contribute to the safeguarding of the architectural heritage. (Article 2)
2. The intention in conserving and restoring monuments is to safeguard them no less as
works of art, than as historical evidence. (Article 3)
3. The aim of restoration is to preserve and reveal the aesthetic and historical value of the
monument and is based on the respect for original material and authentic documents.
(Article 9)
4. Where traditional techniques prove inadequate, the restoration of a monument can be
achieved by the use of any modern techniques of construction, the efficacy of which has
been shown by scientific data and proved by experience. (Article 10)

A traditional pot made of metal/stone generally found on the top of temple towers.
7-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

5. The valid contributions of all periods to the building of a monument must be respected,
since unity of style is not the aim of a restoration. When a building includes the
superimposed work of different periods, the revealing of the underlying state can only be
justified in exceptional circumstances. (Article 11)
6. Replacements of missing parts must integrate harmoniously with the whole, but at the
same time must be distinguishable from the original, so that the restoration does not
falsify the artistic or historical evidence. (Article 12)
7. In all works of preservation or restoration, there should always be precise documentation,
illustrated with drawings and photographs. Every stage of the work of clearing,
rearrangement and integration, as well as technical and formal features identified during
the course of the work, should be included. (Article 16)

ICOMOS, 2003
1. The removal of the inner structures maintaining only the façades does not fit the
conservation criteria. (Article1.3)
2. No action should be undertaken without having ascertained the achievable benefit and
harm to the architectural heritage, except in cases where urgent safeguard measures are
necessary to avoid the imminent collapse of the structures (for example, after seismic
damages). Those urgent measures, however, should not be irreversible. (Article1.7)
3. Therapy should address root causes rather than symptoms. (Article 3.1)
4. Safety evaluation and an understanding of the significance of the structure should be the
basis for conservation and reinforcement measures. (Article 3.3)
5. The choice between “traditional” and “innovative” techniques should be weighed up on a
case-by-case basis and preference given to those that are least invasive and most
compatible with heritage values. (Article 3.7)
6. At times the difficulty of evaluating the real safety levels and the possible benefits of
interventions may suggest “an observational method”, that is an incremental approach,
starting from a minimum level of intervention. (Article 3.8)
7. Where possible, any measures adopted should be “reversible” so that they can be
removed and replaced with more suitable measures when new knowledge is acquired.
Where they are not completely reversible, interventions should not limit further
interventions. (Article 3.9)
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-5

7.2.4 Degrees of Intervention

Strengthening of historical buildings is a difficult compromise between

requirements of structural theory and conservation principles. Intervention must be
“as much as necessary, but as little as possible” and reversible to give room for
better solutions in the future. Temporary interventions must be carried out to prevent
catastrophic collapse if such a situation exists. Temporary interventions can ensure
safety against collapse during the post-earthquake investigation (from aftershocks)
and before the final retrofit procedure is tested and arrived at.
For a monumental building, eight degrees of interventions in the ascending order of intrusion are
1. Prevention of deterioration
2. Preservation of existing state
3. Consolidation of the fabric
4. Restoration
5. Rehabilitation
6. Reproduction
7. Reconstruction
8. Translocation


7.3.1 Non-destructive Tests

Estimation of the expected strength of existing structural members requires the evaluation of the
strengths of various materials in place, the actual dimensions of the members, and an extensive
knowledge of the presence of cracks, cavities, open joints and other defects or discontinuities.
Intrusive testing may in most cases be prohibitive not only due to possible architectural damages,
but also due to risk of local collapse in critical regions of the structure that may trigger global
instability. Therefore, non-destructive tests come forth as appropriate tools. A few non-destructive
and partially intrusive techniques suitable for historical structures are listed. Brief descriptions of
some of these tests are given in Chapter 4, Condition Assessment of Buildings.
7-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1. Thermal method (infrared thermography)

2. RADAR technique
3. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test
4. Ambient vibration test
5. Endoscopy

7.3.2 Intrusive tests

Normally, in the case of heritage structures, intrusive testing procedures may not be permissible.
If indispensable and if permissible, the choice of the technique should guarantee minimal
intervention. On the other hand, fairly large specimens from debris of a structural collapse may
well be used to perform destructive tests. The different tests are listed.

1. Core test
2. In-situ shear test
3. Bond-wrench test
4. Test of masonry prisms

7.3.3 Numerical Techniques

Numerical modelling is important for understanding the behaviour of the structure. Constraints
for advanced modelling are the cost, the need for experienced engineers, the level of accuracy
required and the availability of input. The need for validation of the model and results against in-
situ observations is a key issue without which the results of a complex analysis may be rendered
useless. Non-linear analysis is the most powerful method, capable of tracing the complete
response from the elastic range, through cracking and crushing up to complete failure. Simplified
modelling such as limit analysis using kinematic methods could be a useful too. General
recommendations in the numerical modelling of historical structures are as follows.
1. It is better to model structural parts than complete structures.
2. Do not use full-structure three-dimensional modelling unless it is necessary.
3. Avoid using linear elastic calculations for historical structures.
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-7


Various techniques are available for strengthening different types of masonry walls. The type and
quality of the masonry material and the structural integrity of the building are the main criteria to
be considered when choosing the method of strengthening. Some of the methods are described in
Chapter 6, Retrofit of Masonry Buildings.

7.4.1 Repair of Cracks

The cracks can be repaired grout injection. In case of excessively damaged walls, in addition to
grout injection, the area around the cracks can be coated with a cement concrete coating
reinforced with a wire mesh (Figure 7.1). Table 7.1 provides recommendations for various crack

Table 7.1 Recommended repair procedures for various crack widths

Crack width Recommended procedure Remarks

Injection with epoxy It may be costly if the damaged area is
< 1.0 mm
Injection with cement grout that
0.3 to 3 mm
contains shrinkage reducing admixture.
Reconstruction of damaged area with Cracks may be sealed with mortar if
> 10 mm
new brick units. the wall thickness is relatively small.
7-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

0.3 m 0.3 m

Welded mesh fixed to

0.5 m wall with staples

Cracks repaired

Welded mesh (4 - 6 mm
diameter wires with
0.1m × 0.1m spacing)

Figure 7.1 Repair of heavily cracked masonry wall using welded mesh and staples

7.4.2 Repointing of Bed-joints

The resistance of a wall to lateral and vertical loads can be considerably improved by replacing
parts of the existing deteriorated mortar in bed-joints with mortar of better quality. This is
applicable where bed-joints are level, the mortar is of poor quality and the masonry units are

As shown in Figure 7.2, existing mortar up to one third of the walls thickness is removed
from the joints on one or both sides of the wall using clamps or electric chippers. To maintain
vertical stability of the wall, repointing is completed on one side and then the other side is
repointed. Once the existing mortar has been removed, the surface of the bed-joint is cleaned
thoroughly and moistened with a water jet. The procedure of repointing is repeated on the other
side of the wall once the fresh mortar has attained sufficient strength.
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-9

Mortar removed

Existing mortar

b/3 b/3 b/3 b/3 b/3 b/3

b b

(a) Removal of existing bed joint (b) Re-pointing with cement mortar

Figure 7.2 Section of wall strengthened by re-pointing of bed-joints

Placing steel bars along the bed-joints improves the ductility and energy dissipating
capacity of the wall. As shown in Figure 7.3, 6 mm bars are placed at 0.3 to 0.5 m interval along
the height of the wall, adequately anchored at the ends of the wall. The joints are then repointed
with cement mortar. Stainless steel bars, fibre reinforced plastic bars and other synthetic ropes
are alternative to steel bars.
7-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Steel rods placed in the

bed joints

Cement mortar

b/3 b/3 b/3

Figure 7.3 Re-pointing of bed joint with steel bars

7.4.3 Reinforced Concrete Jacketing

In the case of heavily damaged brick masonry walls, or where there is a need to strengthen the
entire wall, the application of external reinforcement and concrete on both sides of the wall is a
way of improving its lateral strength and energy dissipation capacity. The jacket can be in the
form of ferro-cement with wire mesh or reinforcement mat with shotcrete, as illustrated in
Chapter 6.

In case of stone masonry walls, plaster and loose stone pieces are removed first and all
the cracks are grouted and sealed. Next, 6 to 8 mm diameter bars are placed on either side of the
wall. At regular intervals stones are removed from the wall and a reinforcement cage is placed in
the void. The void is filled with concrete to create a shear connector (Figure 7.4). This ensures
efficient transfer of forces between the existing wall and the new concrete.
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-11

∼150 mm

∼400 mm
Shear connector

Reinforced concrete
∼150 mm
Existing wall

∼100 – 200 mm

Figure 7.4 Reinforced concrete jacketing with shear connector

7.4.4 Grout Injection

Stone, mixed stone and brick masonry are frequently characterised by two outer leaves of
masonry with an infill of smaller pieces of stone (Figure 7.5). Lime mortar, often of relatively
poor quality, is used as the bonding material. Due to poor methods of construction and agents of
weathering, many voids are formed within, drastically weakening their resistance to lateral loads.
7-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Grouting of interstitial
spaces with cement mortar
from bottom to top

Figure 7.5 Grouting of a masonry wall

Systematically filling the voids by cementitious grout injection is an efficient method of

strengthening. After hardening, the injected grout will bond the loose parts together into a solid
homogeneous structure. A cementitious mix (90% Portland cement and 10% pozzolans) is
injected into the wall through injection tubes and nozzles built into the joints between the stones,
uniformly over the entire wall surface at 0.5 to 1.0 m interval. The grouting should proceed from
the bottom to the top. The advantage of this intervention is that it is invisible.

Grout mixes have to be appropriately modified with hydrophobic (water repellent)

additives to prevent capillary activity of the hardened cement grout that can damage
frescos and surface decorations on historical masonry.

7.4.5 Prestressing

Prestressing can be introduced in an existing structure by post-tensioning. Tendons can be

inserted in the holes that are drilled through the central part of a wall at uniform spacing. After
prestressing a uniform compression is induced in the wall, thereby increasing its lateral load
resistance. The tendons can be removed from the wall in case a better solution for strengthening
is developed.
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-13

7.4.6 Wall Reconstruction

There may be cases where heavily damaged brick and stone masonry walls or parts of walls
cannot be repaired or strengthened. If the remaining structure is retainable, then careful
dismantling and reconstruction of the wall is the only option. During reconstruction, materials
compatible with the original masonry but of improved quality should be used. Special stitching
units should be incorporated at uniform interval to provide good connection between the new and
existing masonry.

In case of stone masonry, reconstruction becomes necessary where the wall has bulged
excessively or collapsed, as shown in Figure 7.6. Complete reconstruction can be avoided if one
of the layers is stable enough to be used as the formwork for reconstruction. Connecting stones
must be used at intervals of 1.0 m to bridge the two layers. After the reconstruction, grouting
should be carried out to ensure filling up of all the voids and to increase the homogeneity of the
7-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings



Bulge Rebuilt

Figure 7.6 Reconstruction of wall (Tomazevic, 1999)

7.4.7 Strengthening using Fibre Reinforced Polymer

The use of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) is non-invasive and reversible, a favourable feature for
historical buildings. Chapter 13 describes the properties of FRP and the basic calculations for
design. FRP sheets or bars can be used to strengthen masonry walls as illustrated in Chapter 6,
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings. Figure 7.7 illustrates the steps of using FRP strips on cracked
walls. In the case of masonry domes, FRP strips may be used as horizontal bands on the extrados
of the domes.
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-15

(a) Cracks (b) Plaster is removed

(c) FRP strips are fixed with (d) Plaster is applied on the FRP strips

Figure 7.9 Steps in repairing cracks in a masonry wall using FRP strips

7.4.8 Strengthening using Shape Memory Alloys

Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) are metal alloys (nickel–titanium) endowed with very unusual
thermo-mechanical properties due to reversible crystallographic phase transformation. The ability
to recover large deformations in loading-unloading cycles is known as the super-elastic
behaviour. SMAs are particularly suited for historical buildings. They may be used as wires or
strands in association with conventional steel strands, and as parts of devices capable of
increasing both in-plane and out-of-plane capacities of masonry walls.

Figure 7.10 shows a bracing system consisting of diagonal steel bars with a dissipating
device on top of each. A nickel–titanium wire is wound up on a pulley. One end of it is
connected to a steel anchor plate and the other end is connected to a diagonal steel bar. The
7-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

anchor plates on each side of the wall are bolted together securely. A steel beam at the base
provides anchorage for the steel bar. This system provides permanent compression on the wall.
It also satisfies the requirements of non-invasive nature and reversibility of intervention for
historic buildings.

Steel anchor plates

Pulley with SMA wire

wound on it

Diagonal bar

Steel beam

Figure 7.10 Bracing with shape memory alloy wires

7.4.9 Repair of Wall Corners and Intersections

The corners and intersections of walls are frequently damaged during earthquakes. They can be
strengthened by stone stitching or metal stitching (Figure 7.11). In case of stone stitching, new
stones diagonally connecting the intersecting walls are placed with sufficient bearing and
embedded in cement mortar, at intervals 500 to 750 mm. In case of metal stitching, steel strips
welded to anchor plates at their outer ends are placed at the intersection.
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-17

Stitching stones

(a) Stone stitching

Walls separation
Steel stitches

(b) Metal stitching

Figure 7.11 Repair of wall intersections using stone or metal stitching

7-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

7.4.10 Improving Connections of Secondary / Non-structural elements

Repair to secondary elements like cornices, parapets, merlons, sunshades, facing stone slabs, etc.,
primarily involves establishment of positive connections. Techniques such as insertion of pivots,
nails, dowels, clamps, stirrups, anchorages, etc. can be applied to establish the connections.
Grouting of the holes (to accommodate the connectors) will improve the effectiveness of the


Dry stone masonry offers very high strength in compression, but their joints provide limited shear
and tensile resistance as they depend purely on friction. A positive connection between the stone
blocks can be achieved using dowels, cramps or special tie bars or structural connections inserted
through specially prepared holes in the joints, without being visible from outside (Figure 7.12).

Figure 7.12 Connecting stone blocks with dowels (Croci, 1998)

Damage to arches is generally caused by lack of thrust at the springers. The thrust can be
achieved by steel ties or by large masonry masses like buttresses at the outside (Figure 7.13). The
ties can be post-tensioned for better effectiveness. A reinforced concrete jacket can be added on
the intrados of an arch. In corbelled arches, the shear forces between the blocks may be
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-19

exceeded, leading to slippage of the blocks and possible collapse of the system. The shear
resistance can be improved by tying each block to its neighbour with dowels or clamps.

Tie rod

(a) Use of tie rods

RC jacket

(b) RC Jacket on the intrados

7-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


(c) Counteracting buttresses

Figure 7.13 Strengthening of arches

In domes, external support rings can provide compression to enhance the integrity. In corbelled
dry block vaults, an inwards collapse can occur due to loosening of the blocks. Internal support
rings or bracing placed in the interior surface can counter the damage (Figure 7.14).

External support

a) Dome
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-21

Internal support

b) Corbelled dome

Figure 7.14 Strengthening of domes (Croci, 1998)


Towers and minarets have the problems similar to that of pillars and walls. Their form, height
and slenderness imply a lack of redundancy for redistribution of stresses and lack of energy
dissipation capacity. This results in concentration of stresses at the base and brittle failure.
Repair and strengthening of towers mainly consists of containment of lateral expansion.
Reinforcements and prestressed tendons may be required in horizontal and vertical directions.

An effective, short-term reversible intervention to stabilise old masonry towers would be

strengthening under dry construction with tie rods. As illustrated in Figure 7.15, steel diaphragms
are provided at the centre of the cross section to prevent inward movement of the walls of a
tower. The diaphragms also serve as anchorages for radially-arranged tie rods that protrude
through putlog holes in the walls. This prevents the walls from bulging outwards. Moderate post-
tensioning of the tie rods can be favourable. Vertical prestressing of towers may improve the
overall flexural capacity of towers, but it can drastically change (at times for the worse) the
dynamic behaviour of the tower.
7-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

a) Cross-section

b) Axonometric view

Figure 7.15 Strengthening of towers (Ballio, 1993)

Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-23


7.7.1 Reduction of Forces

If the structure can be ‘isolated’ either at the foundation level or at the ground floor level from the
portion below, then the forces in the members due to ground motion are reduced. The remedial
action consists of cutting the structure to create a joint and to allow relative movement of the
super- and sub-structures. This technique is referred to as base isolation.

Another method to reduce forces is the energy dissipation. Special devices that are
capable of following a particular hysteresis loop during each cycle of ground acceleration,
dissipate part of the energy imparted by the earthquake. Limiting the forces to the structure
reduces the risk of damage to the contents. This is particularly relevant for museum buildings and
buildings with heritage items. The techniques of base isolation and energy dissipation are
described in Chapter 14.

7.7.2 Reduction of Mass

A reduction of induced forces can be achieved by reducing mass, especially at upper levels.
Extreme situations may require some amount of demolition to reduce the loading.


As observations of earthquake damage indicate, existing foundations are rarely the reason for
inadequate seismic behaviour of historical masonry structures. Failures due to soil liquefaction
have to be addressed by adequate geotechnical measures. The methods of strengthening the soil
or foundation of historical buildings can be grouped into the following (Przewlocki et al., 2005).
1. Increasing the area of foundation, lowering the foundation level and strengthening the
existing foundation.
2. Inclusion of structural elements such as piles or micropiles, and underpinning.
3. Modifying the effective stress in the soil by drainage or consolidation.
4. Improving the subsoil by chemical or cement grouting, or electro-osmosis.
5. Replacing the entire sub-structure.
The geotechnical considerations are described in Chapter 11, Geotechnical Seismic Hazards. The
retrofit of foundations is covered in Chapter 12.
7-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


7.9.1 Principles

Archaeological reconstruction is a viable option for a heritage structure destroyed in a seismic

event. Archaeological principles give a basis for the reconstruction of structures that have been
destroyed by natural calamities (earthquakes, volcanoes, and storms), extensive weathering action
or even human activities (wars), from original salvaged materials.

Reconstruction depends on effective use of earlier architectural drawings, verbal

documentation, sketches, paintings and photo-documentation of the structure under consideration.
Reuse of salvaged building material to the maximum extent is imperative to retain authenticity.
Therefore, the process relies extensively on documentation of the remains of the structure and
their correlation with drawings. In case of missing components, new materials compatible in
structural behaviour and similar in appearance to the parent material should be used in the
reconstruction. Modern tools for documentation, structural analysis, communication (for example,
multimedia) and construction practices help the process of archaeological reconstruction.

7.9.2 Procedure of Rubble Clearance

The following is a course of action for archaeological clearance of rubble.

1. Determining and documenting the surroundings of the location where the object is found
with the clear reference. Classification of the place with clear orientation and designation
of the area of the find.
2. Evaluation of individual pieces found; determining whether they are worth recording.
3. Clear labelling of the objects found and recording all information pertaining to the find.
4. Description, illustration and graphical representation of the piece found. Decision on
storage or filing.
5. Documentation of all stages of work. Preparing drawings to map out the place where the
object is found in the ground plan and the sectional drawing.
6. Identification of the piece found based on all knowledge gained up to the present.
7. Archaeological evaluation of the knowledge gained towards reconstruction of the
structure. Preparation for reutilisation of parts/pieces for the new structure.
Retrofit of Historical and Heritage Buildings 7-25

The aim of reconstruction is to secure as much original material as possible for the
reconstruction work. The objective of clearing the rubble is to obtain information with regard to
the following points.
1. Original geometry and dimensions and architectural details.
2. Details of original construction and materials used.
3. Interior decoration (stucco, paintings, plastering, lining and finishing).
4. Technological problems involved in erecting the building.
5. Effectiveness and advisability of restoration measures.
6. Degree of destruction.

7.9.3 Procedure for Archiving Finds

An inventory of all the finds is to be drawn up to match the pieces wherever possible. A database
with electronic pictorial information of all the finds has to be created for future archaeological
work. The finds are then mapped on to specially prepared drawings of the latest state of the
façades and a number of ground plans, sections and photographs. Many of the objects found, can
provide valuable information as models and patterns for the reconstruction.

7.9.4 Criteria for Reconstruction

1. The structure has to be reconstructed with salvaged, reusable materials from the ruins
coupled with new materials that are compatible, using modern techniques of construction.
2. The reconstructed structure has to incorporate certain modifications taking into
consideration modern day requirements (electrical services, lifts, plumbing services, etc.).
3. Analytical and numerical investigations on the structural behaviour of the original
structure will help in incorporating anti-seismic strengthening measures in the new
4. Issue of weathering of materials must be confronted (for example, water-proofing).
5. Durability and precision can be ensured with the use of modern analytical and
construction tools and practices.
7-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


The chapter presents a wide coverage of retrofit techniques for vulnerable heritage structures. The
techniques include intervention at a component level and intervention at the structure level. At
component level intervention, strengthening of walls, arches, vaults, domes, towers and spires are
covered. For structure level intervention, the reduction of forces by base isolation and energy
dissipation, the strengthening of soil and the foundation are briefly covered. Besides the retrofit
techniques, there are excerpts from the recommendations advocated by the International Council
on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and sections on condition assessment and archaeological


1. Ballio, G. (1993), “Structural Preservation of the Fraccaro Tower, Pavia”, Structural

Engineering International, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 9 – 11.
2. Croci, G. (1998) “The Conservation and Structural Restoration of Architectural
Heritage”, Computational Mechanics Publications, UK, pp. 147 – 184.
3. ICOMOS (1964), “International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of
Monuments and Sites (Venice Charter)”, International Council on Monuments and Sites.
4. ICOMOS (2003), “ICOMOS Charter - Principles for the Analysis, Conservation and
Structural Restoration of Architectural Heritage”, International Council on Monuments
and Sites.
5. Przewlócki, J., Dardzinska, I. and Swinianski, J. (2005), “Review of Historical Buildings’
Foundations”, Geotechnique, 55, No. 5, pp. 363 – 372.
6. Tomazevic, M. (1999) “Earthquake Resistant Design of Masonry Buildings”, Imperial
College Press, UK, pp. 203 – 252.

There are two stages of analysis for a building. First, the structural analysis provides the demands
in the members of a building. Second, the member analysis provides the capacities of the
members. This chapter covers the structural analysis of buildings. The member analysis can be
as per the recommendations of the following codes published by the Bureau of Indian Standards.

1. Masonry: IS 1905: 1987, “Code of Practice for Structural Use of Un-reinforced Masonry”
2. Concrete: IS 456: 2000, “Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice”
3. Steel: IS 800 (Draft), “Indian Standard Code of Practice for General Construction in

Structural analysis is a part of the detailed evaluation of an existing building. The steps
involve developing a computational model of the building, applying the external forces,
calculating the internal forces in the members of the building, calculating the deformations of the
members and building, and finally interpreting the results. This chapter covers the analysis of
reinforced concrete or steel framed buildings. The analysis of masonry buildings is covered in
Chapter 6, Retrofit of Masonry Buildings.

The analysis can be linear or non-linear, elastic or inelastic, static or dynamic. The
equivalent static analysis is a linear elastic static method of analysis. The response spectra
8-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

method and the linear time history analysis are two types of linear elastic dynamic method of
analysis. The pushover analysis is a non-linear inelastic static method of analysis. Finally, the
non-linear time history analysis is a non-linear inelastic dynamic method of analysis. This
chapter explains the equivalent static analysis. The fundamentals of the response spectra method
and the pushover analysis are also elucidated.

The important aspects of developing an appropriate computational model of a building

are the modelling of the material properties, structural members, applied loads, and finally the
interpretation of the results. The ‘knowledge factor’ is used to account for the missing
information of the material properties of an existing building. Suggestions are provided for
assigning appropriate moment of inertia for the beam and column elements in a reinforced
concrete building, considering the effect of cracking. Presence of large cut-outs in a rigid slab
diaphragm should be considered while modelling the diaphragm action. The shear walls and core
walls can be modelled using column elements with suitable rigid links to the connected elements.
The infill walls can be modelled by the equivalent strut method to consider their stiffness in the
lateral load resistance of a building. Suggestions are provided for modelling the ends of the
bottom storey columns considering the rotational restraint offered by the foundation.

For the equivalent static analysis, the essential provisions of IS 1893: 2002, “Criteria for
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, are discussed. Simple methods of calculating the
centre of mass for a floor and the centre of rigidity for a storey are illustrated. For the response
spectrum method, the calculation of base shear is explained. The pushover analysis has become
popular in the recent years because of its capability of modelling the non-linear response of the
elements of a building and the visualisation of the damage states offered by the programs. The
essential features of the pushover analysis are discussed.


At present, the structural analysis is performed using a suitable computer analysis

program. The steps involve developing a computational model of the building,
applying the external forces, calculating the internal forces in the members of the
building, calculating the deformations of the members and building, and finally
interpreting the results.

Structural analysis is a part of the detailed evaluation of an existing building. A detailed

evaluation is decided based on the results of preliminary evaluation. Structural analysis can be
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-3

linear or non-linear, elastic or inelastic, static or dynamic. In a linear elastic analysis, the
deformation in a member is considered to be proportional to the internal force and recoverable
when the applied force is removed. In a non-linear inelastic analysis, the deformation in a
member need not be proportional to the internal force. There is plastic deformation (deformation
that cannot be recovered when the applied forces are removed) and energy absorption in a
member for higher levels of internal force. This type of non-linear behaviour is referred to as
material non-linearity. In addition, geometric non-linearity due to P-∆ effect can be incorporated.
The P-∆ effect refers to the increase in moment in the columns due to its lateral deflection or due
to the drift of a storey.

In a static analysis, the vibration mode shapes or the time-wise variation of the quantities
are not considered. In a dynamic analysis these are considered to a certain extent. The different
methods of analysis can be grouped as shown in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1 Methods of structural analysis

Linear elastic Non-linear inelastic

Static Equivalent static method Pushover analysis
Response spectra method,
Dynamic Non-linear time history analysis
Linear time history analysis

Because of the difficulties and uncertainties in a non-linear dynamic analysis, this is not
used in regular design practice. This chapter discusses the other types of analysis. The main
purpose of these analyses, from the perspective of seismic evaluation, is to check the adequacy of
the building components and ascertain code compliance.


Adequate information is required to develop a reliable computational model of an existing

building. The necessary documents include the following.
1. Architectural drawings
2. Structural drawings
3. Geotechnical report
4. Reports from data collection, preliminary evaluation and condition assessment.
8-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The components which are not part of the main structure of the building, can increase
the mass and can add to the lateral stiffness (for example infill walls) of the building.

The architectural drawings are necessary to know the location of infill walls, secondary
members and other non-structural components. If the drawings are not available then appropriate
sketches and measurements are to be made. A suitable grid (commonly an orthogonal X-Y grid)
is selected to identify the layout of the columns. The geotechnical report provides the soil profile
and information on safe bearing capacity. The reports from data collection and preliminary
evaluation (covered in Chapter 3) provide information on the variables to be used in subsequent
analysis. The report from condition assessment provides information of the actual condition of
the building and properties of the materials. These are more reliable than assuming certain values
for the properties of the materials. Chapter 4 describes the tests for condition assessment.

For a building to be analysed, the vertical and lateral load resisting systems are first
identified. The vertical load resisting system consists of slabs, beams, columns and footings.
The lateral load resisting system can be moment resisting frames, braced frames, shear walls or a
dual system comprising of both frames and shear walls. In general, a building should be
modelled and analysed as a three-dimensional assembly of the members that completely
represents the characteristics of the building such as distribution of the mass, strength, stiffness
and deformability. Such a model is referred to as a 3D model. A 3D model is required for
buildings with plan and vertical irregularities.

To reduce the time to build a model, the following simplifications can be done. The
secondary beams that are supported on primary beams (beams that are supported by columns)
need not be explicitly modelled. Only the loads from these beams are assigned on the primary
beams. The secondary beams can be analysed separately for gravity loads. When only a slice of
a building is modelled and analysed as a two-dimensional assembly of the members, it is referred
to as a 2D model. It is quicker and easier to develop a 2D model. But the suitability of a 2D
model is to be judged based on the type of building. A 2D model is adequate for a building where
the torsional effects are either sufficiently small to be ignored, or are indirectly accounted for.
The different aspects of developing a model are discussed next.

8.3.1 Material Properties

The basic material properties for the members required in a linear elastic analysis are the unit
weight, modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio and shear modulus. Depending on the type of
analysis and the material, other properties such as, yield stress and strain, ultimate (tensile or
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-5

compressive) strength and corresponding strain, shear strength, coefficient of thermal expansion,
creep coefficient, shrinkage strain, modulus of sub-grade reaction and modulus of compressibility
of soil may be required.

For evaluation of member capacities, precise values of the material strength and the
member dimensions are desirable. Chapter 4 on Condition Assessment of Buildings covers the
non-destructive and intrusive techniques for determining the strength of the materials. If the
values obtained from the design documents are used in absence of any testing, the values need to
be modified to account for the uncertainty regarding the present condition of the material. A
“knowledge factor” (mk) is used to account for this uncertainty. The proposed values of the
knowledge factor are shown in Table 8.21.

Table 8.2 Knowledge factors

No. Description of available information mk

1 Original construction documents, including material testing report 1.0

2 Documentation as in (1) but no material testing undertaken 0.9

3 Documentation as in (2) and minor deteriorations of original condition 0.8

4 Incomplete but usable original construction documents 0.7

Documentation as in (4) and limited inspection and material test results

5 0.6
with large variation.

6 Little knowledge about the details of components 0.5

The table is adopted from “IITK-GSDMA Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of
Buildings” (2005).
8-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

8.3.2 Modelling of Members

1. Beams and columns

In a computer analysis program, the beams and columns can be modelled by frame
elements. A frame element is a one-dimensional element that can carry bending moment, shear
force and axial force, with degrees-of-freedom at the ends. While modelling the beams and
columns, the properties to be assigned are the cross-sectional dimensions, the section properties
such as area, moment of inertia, reinforcement details (for reinforced concrete members) and the
types of material used. The plinth beams should also be modelled as frame elements.

The moment of inertia of a reinforced concrete (RC) section should be modelled properly
to account for the effect of cracking and the contribution of the slab acting as a flange (for
monolithic T- beam or inverted L- beam). The suggested effective moment of inertia (Ieff) for the
beams including the effect of cracking and flanges are listed in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3 Effective moment of inertia for beam sections

Beam Sections Ieff

Rectangular 0.5 Ig

T - section 0.7 Ig

Inverted L - section 0.6 Ig

Here, the moment of inertia of the gross section (Ig) should be calculated considering the
rectangular area only, as shown in Figure 8.1. In the case of columns, the reduction in stiffness
due to cracking is reduced by the presence of axial compression. The suggested moment of inertia
for column is Ieff ≡ 0.7 Ig.
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-7

T-beam Inverted L-beam

Figure 8.1 Rectangular area for the calculation of Ig (area shown shaded)

2. Beam-column Joints
The beam-column joints in a frame need not be modelled explicitly for most analysis.
The effect of the joints is considered by connecting the members appropriately. For a braced
frame, the connections are modelled as pinned. For a moment resisting frame, the connections
are modelled as rigid. End-offsets can be specified for the elements to obtain the moments and
shear forces at the beam and column faces (ends of clear length), rather than at the centre of the
joints (ends of total length) (Figure 8.2).

Total Length
Clear Length


End Offsets


Figure 8.2 Use of end offsets at beam-column joints

For eccentric beam-column joints (centre-lines of beams do not pass through the centre-
line of columns), the eccentricity of the centre lines should be modelled to consider the torsion in
the columns.
8-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Explicit modelling of a joint is required if the joint is weaker than the connected
members, and/or the flexibility of the joint results in a significant increase in the drift of the

3. Slabs
The structural actions of the slab are two-fold.
1. The slab transfers the gravity loads to the supporting beams.
2. The slab mobilises the lateral load resisting systems, such as the frames and shear walls.
This is referred to as the diaphragm action.

To simplify the model, the slabs need not be modelled explicitly by plate elements. A
plate element refers to a two-dimensional element that can carry bending moment, shear force and
twisting moment, with degrees-of-freedom at the corners. The transfer of gravity loads can be
modelled by assigning the loads from the tributary areas of the slabs on to the beams. For a two-
way slab, the triangular and trapezoidal tributary areas are considered for the beams along the
shorter and longer sides of the slab, respectively (Clause 24.5, IS 456: 2000).

Based on the diaphragm action, the slabs can be divided into two types: rigid diaphragm
and flexible diaphragm. A concrete slab or a metal deck with thick concrete topping has very
large stiffness for in-plane deformation. This type of diaphragm is termed as a rigid diaphragm
and it simultaneously mobilises all the lateral load resisting systems that are adequately attached
to it. The structural effect of a rigid diaphragm can be modelled by assigning ‘diaphragm action’
at the floor level. The provision of diaphragm action is a constraint that does not allow any
relative movement of the points in the diaphragm. The centre of mass (CM) is located on the
diaphragm for assigning the lateral force for the level. The calculations for locating the CM are
explained later. A wooden floor or a metal deck roof does not have sufficient stiffness to resist
in-plane deformation. This type of diaphragm is termed as a flexible diaphragm. Each lateral
load resisting system is considered to be mobilised only by the tributary area of the diaphragm
independently. In the model, the diaphragm action is not assigned. A centre of mass is located
for each lateral load resisting system. A fraction of the lateral force for the level, calculated based
on the tributary area, is assigned at each CM.

In case of large openings in a slab, the different portions of the slab may have differential
translations due to the reduced in-plane stiffness. In such a case, diaphragm action and lumped
mass should be assigned separately to the different portions of the slab. The connecting portions
of the slab (if any) can be modelled by two diagonally placed strut elements. A strut element is a
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-9

one-dimensional element that can carry only axial force. The properties of each strut element can
be taken as follows.
a. Thickness = thickness of the slab
b. Width = 3 × thickness of the slab
c. Elastic modulus = elastic modulus of the slab
d. Length = length of the diagonal of the slab.

The strut elements are connected by pin joints at the corners of the slab.

Figure 8.3 shows the plan of a residential apartment building. The four dwelling units are
split into two portions with the lift well and stair case in between. The RC slab at a floor level
should be modelled as two diaphragms.

Figure 8.3 Floor modelled as two rigid diaphragms

4. Shear Walls and Core Walls

Shear walls and core walls (walls of a building core) can be the primary lateral load
resisting system, if designed properly. They should be integrally connected to the floor slabs to
consider their structural action. They can be modelled using equivalent column elements. The
8-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

‘master’ node of the column element can be at the centre of gravity of the shear wall or core and it
should be connected to the ‘slave’ nodes of the adjacent beams by rigid links (Figure 8.4).

(a) Shear Wall

Master Rigid
Node Links

Slave Node

(b) Core Wall

Figure 8.4 Modelling of a shear wall and a core wall

5. Appendages
The effects of all significant appendages (for example, stairways, cantilever slabs, water
tanks) should be included in the model. The spandrel beams supporting the waist slab of a
stairway can be modelled as inclined frame elements. The load from the waist slab should be
assigned on the frame elements. For water tanks and cantilever slabs, the loads are to be assigned
on the respective supporting elements.

6. Infill Walls
The infill walls made of masonry and placed within a frame are not designed as load
bearing walls. But they add to the weight and lateral stiffness of the building. The weight of an
infill wall should be assigned as a uniform load on the supporting beam. The stiffness
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-11

contribution of an infill wall can be modelled using a simplified ‘equivalent strut’ approach. The
equivalent strut is a one dimensional member that can carry only compression. The width of the
strut can be 3 times the thickness of the wall or can be obtained from advanced analysis (FEMA
273, Smith and Carter, 1969, Saneinejad and Hobbs, 1995). The thickness and elastic modulus of
the strut are same as those of the wall. The bounding beams and columns are connected by rigid
joints, but the equivalent struts are connected by pin joints at the beam-column joints (Figure 8.5).

a) Infilled frame b) Deformed shape c) Equivalent compression strut


Figure 8.5 Modelling of infill walls

When the stiffness contribution of the infill walls is included by the equivalent strut
model, the natural period of the building is reduced and the base shear may increase. But, the
moments in the beams and columns may reduce due to the ‘truss’ action of the equivalent struts.
During an earthquake, the infill walls may fail due to out-of-plane bending. This will increase the
moments in the beams and columns. To calculate the demands in the beams and columns, two
extreme cases can be modelled. In the first model, the lateral stiffness due to the infill walls is
modelled by the equivalent struts. In the second model, the stiffness is ignored. However, the
weight of the infill walls on the supporting beams should be considered in both the models.

7. Column Ends at Foundation

The modelling of the ends of the columns at the foundation is important, and appropriate
boundary conditions need to be imposed. The ends can be modelled by considering the degree of
fixity provided by the foundation. Depending on the type of footing, the end condition may be
modelled as follows.
8-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

a. Isolated footing: A hinge is to be provided at the column end at the bottom of the
foundation. However, when it is founded on hard rock strata, the column end may be
modelled as fixed, with the level of fixity at the top of the footing. The definition of hard
rock is covered in Chapter 11, Geotechnical Seismic Hazards. If the columns are
connected by plinth beams, the later has to be modelled by frame elements.
b. Raft foundation: The column ends are to be modelled as fixed at the top of the raft.
c. Combined footing: Engineering judgement must be exercised in modelling the fixity
provided by the combined footings. If the footings are adequately restrained by tie beams,
the column ends can be modelled as fixed.
d. Single pile: Depending upon the type of soil, fixity of column is recommended at a depth
of five to ten times the diameter of pile, from the top of pile cap.
e. Multiple piles: Assume fixity of column at top of the pile cap.

8.3.3 Modelling of Loads

The minimum load cases to be considered are dead load, live load and earthquake load. The
values of dead load can be calculated from the unit weights as specified in IS 875: 1987, Part 1.
The dead loads are explicitly assigned for the slabs, infill walls and non-structural components.
For the members modelled as frame elements, the in-built option of the program to calculate the
self weights may be utilised. The live load intensities for the various areas of the building can be
obtained from IS 875: 1987, Part 2. The live loads are assigned on the beams supporting the
slabs. The earthquake loads are obtained based on the method of analysis. These are explained in
the subsequent sections. The earthquake loads are assigned along one of the X- or Y- directions
at a time.

8.3.4 Load Combinations

After the computational model is developed and the loads are assigned, the model is analysed for
the individual load cases. The internal forces in the members (such as bending moment, shear
force and axial force) for the individual load cases are combined as per the following load
combinations (IS 1893: 2002, Section 6.3).

COMB1 = 1.5 (DL + IL)

COMB2 = 1.2 (DL + IL + EL)
COMB3 = 1.2 (DL + IL − EL)
COMB4 = 1.5 (DL + EL) (8.1)
COMB5 = 1.5 (DL − EL)
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-13

COMB6 = 0.9DL + 1.5EL

COMB7 = 0.9DL − 1.5EL

Here, DL denotes the internal forces due to dead load, IL denotes the internal forces due
to live load, and EL denotes the internal forces due to earthquake load. The maximum value from
the above load combinations gives the demand for a particular internal force.

When the lateral load resisting systems are oriented along the X- and Y- directions, the
value of EL is due to earthquake along X- or Y- directions, one at a time. But when the lateral
load resisting systems are not oriented along the X- and Y- directions, the internal forces due to
earthquakes along the X- and Y- directions are combined. One method to combine them is with
the following weighting factors for the individual forces.

(a) 100% of the forces due to earthquake in X-direction and 30% of the forces due to
earthquake in Y-direction.
(b) 100% of the forces due to earthquake in Y-direction and 30% of the forces due to
earthquake in X-direction.
An alternative method to combine the forces due to earthquakes in the two directions is
the square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) rule.

EL = ELx 2 + ELy 2 (8.2)

Here, ELx denotes the internal forces due to earthquake along X-direction, Ely denotes the
internal forces due to earthquake along Y-direction. The vertical component of the ground
motion is considered only for special elements like cantilevers in seismic Zones IV and V.

8.3.5 Interpretation of Results

From the output, the following results are of primary interest.

1. The values and diagrams of the internal forces (axial force, bending moment and shear
force) in the columns and shear walls.
2. The values and diagrams of the internal forces (bending moment and shear force) in the
3. The values of the internal force (axial force) in the braces, equivalent struts for infill walls
and slab connecting two diaphragms.
4. The reactions at the columns at foundation.
5. The vertical deflections of beams and lateral drifts of storeys.
8-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

6. The natural periods and mode shapes of the model for response spectrum method of
7. The time-wise variations of the internal forces in the beams and columns for time history
The different types of analysis are explained in the following section.

The demand for an internal force is compared with the corresponding capacity. A
convenient way to study this is to check the demand-to-capacity ratio (DCR). The DCR should
be less than 1.0 for the members in the lateral load resisting systems. The lateral drift of a storey
is compared with the specified limit (IS 1893: 2002, Clause 7.11.1).


The equivalent static analysis is widely employed for single storey buildings, and
can be used for all regular buildings up to six storeys. The calculations are based
on applying horizontal forces statically. The results of this analysis can be very
inaccurate when applied to highly irregular buildings, unless the building is
capable of responding to the design earthquake in a nearly elastic manner.
Therefore, this analysis should not be used for highly irregular buildings.

The equivalent static analysis is also known as the “equivalent lateral force procedure” or
“seismic coefficient method”. The calculations are relatively simple and can be performed by
hand, although a number of computer programs are available to facilitate the analysis. In this
analysis, first the base shear along X- or Y- direction is calculated in terms of a spectral
acceleration coefficient, the weight of the building and a few other variables. Next, the base shear
is distributed at the various levels along the height of the building approximately based on the
first mode of vibration. The lateral force at a level is applied at the design centre of mass
location. Finally, the model is analysed for the applied forces. The essential features of the
analysis are elaborated here.

8.4.1 Calculation of Base Shear

The base shear (VB) is calculated as per Clause 7.5.3 of IS 1893: 2002.

VB = AhW (8.3)
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-15

W is the total seismic weight of the building. The seismic weight of each floor of the
building includes the dead load and fraction of the live load (as per Table 8 of IS 1893: 2002)
acting on the floor. The weight of the columns and walls (up to the tributary height) are to be
included. The tributary height is between the centre-line of the storey above and centre-line of the
storey below.

The horizontal seismic coefficient (Ah) is given as follows.

Z I Sa
Ah = (8.4)
2 R g

The variables are as follows.

Z = zone factor
I = importance factor
R = response reduction factor
Sa/g = spectral acceleration coefficient.
The value of Sa/g is determined from the response spectrum corresponding to an
approximate time period (Ta) which is given in seconds by the following equations.

For RC buildings,

Ta = 0.075 h 0.75 (8.5a)

For steel buildings,

T = 0.085 h 0.75

For frame buildings with masonry infill walls and other buildings,
Ta = (8.5c)

The height of the building measured from the base is represented as h (in metres). The
horizontal dimension of the building at the base along the direction of lateral forces is represented
as d (in metres).
8-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The response spectrum is a plot of the maximum response (displacement, velocity,

acceleration or any other quantity of interest) to a specified load function for single degree-of-
freedom systems of different time-periods. The abscissa of the spectrum is the natural period (or
frequency) of the system and the ordinate is the maximum response. The maximum response
depends on the damping and type of soil. Figure 8.6 shows the response spectrum for
acceleration for a 5 percent damped system. For other values of damping, factors recommended
in Table 3, IS 1893: 2002, can be used to modify the values of the ordinate.

Spectral acceleration coefficient (Sa/g)

Type III (Soft soil)
2.0 Type II (Medium soil)

Type I (Rock or hard soil)



0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Time period (s)

Figure 8.6 Response spectrum for acceleration for 5 percent damping

If the retrofitting of an existing building for the design base shear as per Equation 8.3 is
not warranted due to limited resources, the value can be reduced. A proposed model for the
reduction of the design base shear is based on the remaining useful life of the building (Draft
Indian Standard on Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete
Buildings – Guidelines). The modification factor for the reduction of the base shear is given as
0 .5
⎛T ⎞
U = ⎜⎜ rem ⎟⎟ (8.6)
⎝ Tdes ⎠
≥ 0 .7
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-17

Trem = remaining useful life of the building
Tdes = design useful life of the building.

8.4.2 Distribution of Base Shear

The base shear (VB) is distributed to the floor levels as per the expression of Clause 7.7.1 of IS
1893: 2002.
Wi hi2
Qi = V B n (8.7)
∑ W j h 2j
j =1

Qi = design lateral force at floor i
Wi = seismic weight of floor i
hi = height of floor i measured from the base (Figure 8.7)
n = number of floors, including roof.

The shear at a storey is the sum of the lateral forces acting at all the floors above the



W1 h2

Figure 8.7 Variables used in distribution of base shear

8-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

8.4.3 Effect of Torsion

The effect of horizontal torsion must be considered for buildings with rigid diaphragms. The
individual torsional moment at a given floor level is the product of the lateral force Qi and the
design eccentricity (edi) between the centre of mass (CM) of the floor and the centre of rigidity
(CR) of the vertical lateral load resisting elements in the storey below the floor.

The design eccentricity is considered to be a sum of two components. The first

component is based on the distance between the calculated CM and calculated CR. This
eccentricity is referred to as the static eccentricity. The second component considers an
accidental torsional moment, which is produced by an offset of the CM from the CR. To simplify
the modelling, the calculated CM is shifted to a ‘design’ CM based on the design eccentricity
from the CR. The total moment acting at a storey is sum of all the individual torsional moments
at the floors above the storey.

The calculations for locating the CM and CR and the design eccentricity are explained

1. Centre of mass of a floor

The CM is the point where the total mass of the floor level is assumed to be lumped. The
CM can be calculated by taking moments of the masses / weights of the different segments of the
floor and tributary portions of the columns and walls, about assumed reference axes. Else, it can
be calculated by taking moments of the axial forces (from gravity load analysis of that floor only)
in the columns.

CM x =
∑W x
i i
,CM y =
∑W y
i i (8.8)
∑W i ∑W i

CMx = coordinate of the centre of mass along X-direction
CMy = coordinate of the centre of mass along Y-direction
∑Wi = sum of the weights of all segments of the floor, columns and walls
∑W x i i = sum of the moments of weights about Y-axis
∑W y i i = sum of the moments of weights about X-axis.
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-19

2. Centre of rigidity of a storey

The CR is the point through which the resultant of the restoring forces in a storey acts
when the storey undergoes translation. The CR for each storey should be found out separately.
There are different procedures to calculate the CR. One of the procedures is explained below.
The columns of the storey are assumed to be fixed at the bottom. A unit force along the X-
direction and a unit moment about the Z- axis (vertical axis) are applied separately at a certain test
point in the top of the storey and the corresponding rotations are noted down. The distance of the
CR from the test point, along Y- direction, is calculated from the ratio of the two rotations.
Similarly the distance along X- direction is found out by applying a unit force along the Y-
direction and a unit moment.

Let the co-ordinates of the test point be (x, y). Let (θz)x, (θz)y and (θz)z be the rotations
about the Z-axis for the unit loads along X- and Y- directions and unit moment about Z-axis,
respectively. The co-ordinates of the CR are given as CRx,= x+x1, CRy = y+y1, where,
(θ z ) x (8.9a)
x1 = −
(θ z ) z
(θ z )x
y1 = (8.9b)
(θ z ) z

The static eccentricity of the CM with respect to the CR is given as follows.

esix = CM x − CRx (8.10a)

esiy = CM y − CRy (8.10b)

The design eccentricity of the CM (edix, ediy) is calculated considering a dynamic

amplification factor and an additional eccentricity of 5 percent of the dimension of the building
perpendicular to the direction of the seismic force. For either of X- or Y- directions,

edi =1.5esi -0.05bi (8.11a)

edi =esi -0.05bi (8.11b)

There can be four possible locations of the design CM. To reduce computation, only two
appropriate diagonal locations can be considered.
8-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

3. Lumped mass of a floor

The lumped mass of each floor is the total mass that is lumped at the design CM of the
respective floor. The total mass of a floor is obtained from the seismic weight of that floor
divided by the acceleration due to gravity. The magnitudes and locations of the lumped masses of
the floors are used to calculate the natural periods and mode shapes.

The equivalent static analysis can be used unless one or more of the following conditions
apply. In these cases the response spectrum method, described in the next section, should be
• For a regular building, if the building height exceeds 40 m in Zones IV and V or
exceeds 90 m in Zones II and III.
• For an irregular building, if the building height exceeds 12 m in Zones IV and V or
exceeds 40 m in Zones II and III.
• The ratio of the building’s horizontal dimensions at any storey to the corresponding
dimensions at an adjacent storey exceeds 1.4 (excluding penthouse).
• The building is found to have a severe torsional stiffness irregularity in any storey. A
severe torsional stiffness irregularity may be deemed to exist in a storey if the
diaphragm above the storey is rigid, and the results of the analysis indicate that the drift
along any side of the structure is more than 150 percent of the average storey drift.
• The building is found to have a severe vertical mass or stiffness irregularity. A severe
vertical mass or stiffness irregularity may be deemed to exist when the average drift in
any storey (except penthouses) exceeds that of the adjacent storeys by more than 150
• The building has a non-orthogonal lateral force-resisting system.

According to IS 1893: 2002, high rise and irregular buildings must be analysed by the
response spectrum method. However, this method can also be used for regular buildings.
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-21


The response spectrum method is suitable for irregular buildings. The calculations
are based on the likely maximum values of the response quantities from the
equations of motion. The method is applicable for all buildings, except those
incorporating supplemental energy dissipation devices and some types of base
isolation systems.

The response spectrum method is also known as the “modal analysis procedure” and can
be performed in accordance with the requirements of Clause 7.8.4, IS 1893: 2000. The method is
based on superposition of modes. Hence, free vibration modes are computed using eigenvalue
analysis. The maximum value of a quantity (say λk) termed as the modal response, is obtained for
each mode (say kth mode). The number of modes considered is based on a quantity termed as the
mass participation factor for each mode. Sufficient number of modes (r) to capture at least 90
percent of the total participating mass of the building (in each of the horizontal directions), should
be considered in the analysis. The modal responses from all the considered modes are then
combined together using either the square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) method or the
complete quadratic combination (CQC) method. The SRSS method is expressed as follows.

λ= ∑ (λ
k =1
k )2 (8.12)

If the building has very closely spaced time periods, then the CQC method is preferable.

The base shear for response spectrum method is calculated in the following manner. The
Sa/g value corresponding to each period is first calculated from the response spectrum (Figure
8.6). The base shear corresponding to each period is then calculated using Equations 8.3 and 8.4.
Each base shear is multiplied with the corresponding mass participation factor and then combined
as per the selected mode combination method, to get the total base shear for the building. The
subsequent calculations for the distribution of base shear and the analysis are similar to the
equivalent static method.
8-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

If the base shear calculated from the response spectrum analysis (VB ) is less than
the design base shear (VB ) calculated from Equation 8.3, then as per Clause 7.8.2,
IS 1893: 2002, all the response quantities (member forces, displacements, storey
shears and base reactions) from the response spectrum analysis have to be scaled
up by the factor VB / VB .


In time history analysis, the equations of motion representing the response of a

building to ground motion are solved. From the solution, the variations of axial
force, bending moment and shear force in a member can be noted. The maximum
value of an internal force is selected for subsequent calculation of the demand
under load combinations.

The equations of motion can be compactly written as follows.

Mu  (t ) + Cu (t ) + Ku(t ) = I x ugx (t ) + I y ugy (t ) + I z ugz (t ) (8.13)

Here, M is the diagonal mass matrix, C is the proportional damping matrix, K is the stiffness
 , u and u are the relative (with respect to the ground) acceleration, velocity and
matrix, u
displacement vectors, respectively, Ix, Iy, and Iz are the unit acceleration loads and ugx , ugy and
ugz are the three components of ground acceleration. The time-wise variation can be the same as
a recorded earthquake or can be generated based on the geologic conditions of the building site.
The equations of motion can be solved by numerical techniques (Clough and Penzien, 1993).
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-23


A building subjected to earthquake is expected to show inelastic behaviour, that is,

the deformation in a member does not remain proportional to the internal force. A
non-linear analysis accounts for the inelastic response. The calculated internal
forces are better estimates than the values obtained from a linear analysis. A non-
linear analysis also accounts for the redistribution of forces that occur in a
structure as parts of it undergo inelastic response.

In order to determine whether a building may be analyzed with sufficient accuracy by the
linear procedures, it is necessary to examine the results to determine the magnitude and
distribution of the inelastic demand on the various members of the lateral load resisting systems.
The magnitude of the inelastic demand is indicated by the demand-to-capacity ratio (DCR) for
each internal force (such as axial force, bending moment and shear force) of each member. If all
the DCRs for a member are less than or equal to 1.0, then the member is expected to respond
elastically to the earthquake ground shaking of design intensity. If one or more of the computed
DCRs for a member is greater than 1.0, then the member is expected to respond inelastically to
the ground shaking. The largest DCR calculated for a given member identifies the critical action
for the member, that is, the action in which the member will first yield or fail. This DCR is termed
as the critical component DCR. If the DCRs computed for all the actions of all the members
(such as beams, columns, walls and braces) are less than 2.0, then linear analysis procedures are
applicable, regardless of regularity.

If some computed DCRs exceed 2.0, then linear methods should not be used if any one of
the following applies.
• There is an in-plane discontinuity in any member of the lateral load resisting system
• There is an out-of-plane discontinuity in any member
• There is a weak storey in any direction of the building.
• There is a torsional irregularity in any storey.
The irregularities are explained in Chapter 2.
8-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


Pushover analysis is a form of non-linear analysis, where the magnitudes of the

lateral loads are incrementally increased, maintaining a pre-defined distribution
pattern along the height of the building, until a collapse mechanism develops in
the building. With the increase in the loads, non-linear responses of the members
are modelled.

The pushover analysis can determine the lateral load versus deformation behaviour of a building
corresponding to the incremental load. Programs supporting pushover analysis provide elegant
visualisation of the damage state for each load step and the redistribution of the internal forces in
the members. At each step, the base shear (total lateral force) and the roof displacement can be
plotted to generate the pushover curve (Figure 8.8). It gives an idea of the lateral strength and the
maximum inelastic drift the building can sustain. For regular buildings, it can also give a rough
estimate of the lateral stiffness of the building.

Roof displacement (∆)

Base shear (V)

Base shear
Roof displacement (∆)

a) Building model b) Pushover curve

Figure 8.8 Pushover analysis

Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-25

8.8.1 Capacity Spectrum, Demand Spectrum and Performance Point

Instead of plotting the base shear versus roof displacement, the base acceleration can be plotted
with respect to the roof displacement (Figure 8.9). This curve is called the capacity spectrum.
Simultaneously, the acceleration and displacement spectral values as calculated from the
corresponding response spectrum for a certain damping (say 5 percent initially), are plotted as the
ordinate and abscissa, respectively. The representation of the two curves in one graph is termed
as the Acceleration versus Displacement Response Spectrum (ADRS) format. With increasing
non-linear deformation of the components, the equivalent damping and the natural period
increase. The spectral values of the acceleration and displacement can be modified from the 5
percent damping curve by multiplying a factor corresponding to the effective damping (Table 3,
IS 1893: 2002). Thus, the instantaneous spectral acceleration and displacement point (demand
point) shifts to a different response spectrum for higher damping. The locus of the demand points
in the ADRS plot is referred to as the demand spectrum. The demand spectrum considers the
inelastic deformation of the building.

The performance point is the point where the capacity spectrum crosses the demand
spectrum. If the performance point exists and the damage state at this point is acceptable, then
the building is considered to be adequate for the design earthquake.

It must be emphasised that the pushover analysis is approximate in nature and is based on
a statically applied load. It estimates an envelope curve for the behaviour under the actual
dynamic load. Moreover, the analysis cannot predict accurately the higher mode responses of a
flexible building. Therefore, it must be used with caution while interpreting the actual behaviour
under seismic load.
8-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Corresponds to
initial natural

5% Damping (Initial)
Spectral acceleration

10% Damping
Performance point

15% Damping

Capacity spectrum

Demand spectrum

Spectral displacement

Figure 8.9 Demand and capacity spectra

8.8.2 Procedure for Pushover Analysis

A pushover analysis involves the application of increasing lateral forces or displacements to a

computational model of a building. The analysis can be executed in two ways, force-controlled
or displacement-controlled. In a force-controlled push, the forces are increased monotonically
until either the total force reaches a target value or, the building has a collapse mechanism. In a
displacement-controlled push, the displacements are increased monotonically until either the
displacement of a pre-defined control node in the building model reaches a target value or, the
building has a collapse mechanism. For convenience, the control node can be taken at the design
centre of mass of the roof of the building. The target displacement is intended to represent the
maximum displacement likely to be experienced during the earthquake. The essential
requirements of pushover analysis are explained next.
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-27

i) Distribution of Lateral Loads

The pushover analysis requires the distribution of lateral loads, which are applied
incrementally. Frequently, an inverted triangular distribution or the distribution same as the first
mode shape is used. The load distribution pattern given in IS 1893: 2002 can be used for low- to
mid-rise buildings (Equation 8.7 with the value of VB varying). The importance of the load
distribution increases for tall buildings, whose earthquake response is not dominated by a single
mode shape. For such buildings, the load distribution based on the first mode shape may seriously
under-estimate the loads on the intermediate floor levels.

The pushover analysis should be first carried out along the vertical direction followed by
the analysis along two orthogonal horizontal directions separately. Therefore, there are three
pushover cases for evaluating a building.
1. The gravity push, which is carried out to apply the gravity loads.
2. The lateral push in X-direction, starting at the end of gravity push.
3. The lateral push in Y-direction, starting at the end of gravity push.

Initially, the gravity loads are increased in a force-controlled manner till the total load
reaches the target value. The target value can be the same as the design gravity load for a linear
analysis. Next, the lateral loads are applied in the X- or Y- direction, in a displacement-controlled
manner. The direction of monitoring of the behaviour is same as the direction of lateral load.

ii) Load versus Deformation Behaviour of Elements

As the forces or displacements are increased, some elements may undergo inelastic
deformation. Thus, it is necessary to model the non-linear load versus deformation behaviour of
an element under each of the internal force (bending moment, shear force or axial force). The
non-linear behaviour is modelled by assigning appropriate load versus deformation property at a
location of the element. These properties are referred to as hinge properties. The beam, column
and shear wall elements should have moment versus rotation and shear force versus shear
deformation hinge properties. For column and shear wall elements, the moment versus rotation
property should be calculated for the level of axial load available from the conventional gravity
load analysis. The brace and equivalent strut elements have to be modelled with axial load versus
axial deformation hinge properties.
8-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

A typical moment versus rotation curve for a beam element and the corresponding
idealised curve are shown in Figure 8.10. The second curve is a piece-wise linear curve defined
by the following five points2.

1. Point ‘A’ corresponds to the unloaded condition.

2. Point ‘B’ corresponds to the onset of yielding.
3. Point ‘C’ corresponds to the ultimate moment of resistance (MuR).
4. Point ‘D’ corresponds to the drop in strength beyond C. In the absence of the modelling
of the descending branch of a load versus deformation curve, the drop is considered to be
vertical. For the computational stability, it is recommended to specify a non-zero residual
strength, say 20 percent of the ultimate strength.
5. Point ‘E’ corresponds to the maximum deformation capacity with the residual strength.
To maintain computational stability, a high value of deformation capacity can be


Moment Moment

0.2 MuR D E

Rotation Rotation

Figure 8.10 (a) Typical moment versus rotation curve for a beam element, (b) Idealised curve

The load versus deformation hinge property is assigned with performance levels in a performance based
analysis. Recommendations for the performance levels are given in ATC 40 and FEMA 356.
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-29

8.8.3 Target Displacement

In the displacement controlled lateral push, the target displacement δt for a building with rigid
diaphragms at each floor level can be estimated using a procedure that accounts for the likely
non-linear response of the building. The target displacement is given by the following equation
(FEMA 356).
⎛T ⎞
δ t = C0C1C2C3 S a ⎜ e ⎟ (8.16)
⎝ 2π ⎠
Te = effective fundamental period of the building (in seconds) in the direction under
= Ti √(Ki/K0)
Ti = elastic fundamental period in the direction under consideration
Ki = elastic lateral stiffness of the building in the direction under consideration
Ke = effective lateral stiffness of the building determined from the base shear versus roof
displacement curve (Figure 8.11)
C0 = modification factor to relate the spectral displacement of an equivalent single degree of
freedom system to the roof displacement. Suggested values are given in Table 8.4.
C1 = modification factor to relate the expected maximum inelastic displacement to the
displacement calculated for linear elastic response.
= 1.0 for Te ≥ Ts
= [1.0 + (R – 1) Ts/Te]/R for Te < Ts
but need not exceed 1.5 for Te < 0.10 second.
Ts = the period of the response spectrum associated with the transition from the acceleration
governed segment of the spectrum (where the acceleration response is constant) to the
velocity governed segment of the spectrum (where the acceleration response starts
R = ratio of elastic strength demand to calculated yield strength
= Sa . (W/Vy). (1/ C0)
Sa = spectral acceleration, at the effective fundamental period and damping ratio of the
building in the direction under consideration.
W = seismic weight of the building
Vy = yield strength calculated using pushover analysis, where the non-linear base shear
versus roof displacement curve of the building is replaced by a bilinear curve
(Figure 8.11).
C2 = modification factor to represent the effect of the shape of the hysteresis loop on the
maximum displacement response. Suggested values for C2 are given in Table 8.5.
8-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

C3 = modification factor to represent increased displacement due to the P-∆ effects.

For buildings with positive post-yield stiffness, C3 = 1.0.
For buildings with negative post-yield stiffness, C3 = 1.0 + [|α|(R – 1)1.5/Te].
α = ratio of post-yield stiffness to elastic stiffness (Figure 8.11).

Table 8.4 Values for modification factor C0

Number of Modification
Stories Factor C0
1 1
2 1.2
3 1.3
5 1.4
10+ 1.5

Table 8.5 Values for modification factor C2

Performance Level T = 0.1 second T ≥ Ts

1.0 1.0
Life Safety 1.3 1.1
Collapse Prevention 1.5 1.2

The performance levels are explained in FEMA 356.

To estimate Ke, the capacity curve of the base shear versus the roof displacement is
replaced with a bilinear curve as indicated in Figure 8.11. Ke is taken as the secant stiffness
calculated at a base shear force equal to 60 percent of the yield strength (Vy).
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit 8-31


Base shear



δy δt
Roof displacement

Figure 8.11 Calculation of effective stiffness Ke

For a building with flexible diaphragms at each floor level, a target displacement shall be
estimated for each line of lateral load resisting system. The target displacement for an individual
line of lateral load resisting system is given by Equation 8.16. The fundamental period of each
lateral load resisting system is calculated based on the mass assigned at each level as per the
tributary area.


The different methods of analysing a building for seismic forces are first explained. Next, the
section on computational model covers the important aspects related with material properties,
structural elements, applied loads and interpretation of the results. The equivalent static analysis
is explained along with the calculation of base shear, distribution of the base shear and the effect
of torsion. The fundamentals of the response spectrum method and the pushover analysis are


1. ATC 40 (1996), “Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings: Vol. 1”,
Applied Technology Council, USA.
8-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

2. FEMA 273 (1997), “NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings”,
Applied Technology Council, USA.
3. FEMA 356 (2000), “Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Buildings”, American Society of Civil Engineers, USA.
4. IITK-GSDMA Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Buildings (2005),
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Project sponsored by the Gujrat State Disaster
Mitigation Authority.
5. IS 456: 2000, “Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice”, Bureau of Indian
6. IS 800 (Draft), “Indian Standard Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel”,
Bureau of Indian Standards.
7. IS 875: 1987, “Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than earthquake) for Buildings
and Structures”, Part 1: Dead Loads – Unit Weights of Building Materials and Stored
Materials, Part 2: Imposed Loads, Bureau of Indian Standards.
8. IS 1893: 2002, “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Part 1: General
Provisions and Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards.
9. IS 1905: 1987, “Code of Practice for Structural Use of Un-reinforced Masonry”, Bureau
of Indian Standards.
10. Draft Indian Standard on Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced
Concrete Buildings – Guidelines, Bureau of Indian Standards.
11. Agarwal, P. and Shrikhande, M. (2005), “Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
12. Chopra, A. K. (2004), “Dynamics of Structures”, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
13. Clough, R. and Penzien J. (1993), “Dynamics of Structures”, Second Edition, McGraw-
Hill, Inc.
14. Saneinejad, A. and Hobbs, B. (1995), “Inelastic Design of Infilled Frames”, Journal of
Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 121, No. 4, pp. 634 –
15. Smith, S. B. and Carter, C. (1969), “A Method of Analysis for Infilled Frames”,
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 44, pp. 31 – 48.

Reinforced concrete (RC) buildings include residential, dormitory, institutional, office,

commercial and industrial buildings. The multi-storeyed buildings have moment resisting frames
consisting of a framework of RC beams and columns. The frames are intended to carry vertical
gravity loads as well as resist the lateral earthquake forces. Some buildings have shear walls or
braces in addition to frames. Recent buildings have flat slabs / flat plates on column system to
carry the vertical loads. In the seismic regions, these buildings should be augmented with shear
walls or braces to carry the lateral loads.

The performance of a frame under lateral loads generates from the flexural action of
beams and columns and the flexural rigidity of the beam-column joints. There should be
adequate number of well laid out frames in the two orthogonal directions in order to generate the
lateral stiffness and strength of a building. Some existing building configurations that are
adequate for resisting gravity loads, are not suitable for resisting earthquake forces. In this
chapter, first the common deficiencies observed in existing RC buildings for resisting earthquake
forces are identified. It is essential to identify the deficiencies in a building before undertaking
retrofit. Identification of the deficiencies is also expected to create awareness for future
9-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

For convenience, the deficiencies can be broadly classified as global deficiencies and
local deficiencies. Global deficiencies refer to the deficiencies which are observed in the building
as a whole. These deficiencies are subjective in nature. But for the purpose of evaluation, IS
1893: 2002 (Part 1) provides quantitative or qualitative definitions for some of the deficiencies.

Local deficiencies refer to the deficiencies in individual members. Each beam and
column in a frame should have not only the required strength, but also sufficient deformation
capacity. A slab should be properly connected to the frames. The deficiencies can be detected by
checking the capacities and studying the detailing of reinforcement in the slabs, beams, columns
and joints as shown in the as-built drawings. The capacities can be compared with the force
demands calculated from a building analysis. The detailing of reinforcement in the drawings can
be compared with the requirements of the code IS 13920: 1993.

When a building has deficiencies that have not been accounted for in the structural
design, it needs retrofit. The different retrofit strategies can be grouped under global retrofit
strategies or local retrofit strategies. A global retrofit strategy targets the performance of the
building as a whole under lateral loads. Addition of new walls, frames or braces, reduction of any
irregularity or mass of the building are grouped under global retrofit strategies. These improve
the lateral strength and stiffness of the building. If a building is significantly deficient in resisting
seismic forces, a global retrofit strategy should first be investigated. A local retrofit strategy
targets the strength and ductility of a member, without significantly affecting the lateral strength
or stiffness of the building. Repeated use of a local retrofit strategy can improve the ductility in
the base shear versus roof displacement behaviour of the building. The local retrofit strategies
include concrete jacketing or attaching steel plates or wrapping polymer sheets to a column or a
beam. Each type of these strategies is described in this chapter. Finally some general remarks on
retrofit of RC buildings are provided.


This section lists some common deficiencies observed in multi-storeyed RC buildings in India.
The observations were made from the buildings which were damaged or collapsed due to the
earthquake at Bhuj, Gujarat, in 2001 (Murty et al., 2002). A few other observations were made in
a project on evaluation and retrofit of RC buildings.
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-3

9.2.1 Global Deficiencies

Global deficiencies are the attributes that degrade the lateral load resisting
mechanism of a building subjected to an earthquake. Some of the deficiencies are
caused by ‘irregularities’ in the structural configuration (IS 1893: 2002). The
irregularities are broadly classified as plan irregularities and vertical irregularities.
The plan irregularities can be detected by observation and simple calculations
based on the plan of a building. Similarly, the vertical irregularities can be
detected from the elevation of a building.

The irregularities result in an irregular load path, leading to structural damage and failure.
The effects of irregularities may not be detected by the conventional equivalent static analysis.
The irregularities are discussed in Chapter 2 in detail. In the present chapter, the instances of the
irregularities in existing buildings are highlighted.

Plan Irregularities
1. Torsional irregularity: This is due to a plan configuration that leads to twisting of the
building and increased forces especially in the columns located at the corners of the
building. Torsional irregularity is caused by plan asymmetry and/or eccentricity between
the centre of mass of the floors and the centre of rigidity of the frames. It is commonly
observed in buildings with overhead water tanks, roof-top swimming pools and heavy
auxiliary equipments.
2. Re-entrant corners: A re-entrant corner in the floor plan refers to the corner which points
inwards. Re-entrant corners cause stress concentration in the slabs. Figure 8.3 shows the
plan of an existing residential building with several re-entrant corners.
3. Diaphragm discontinuity: A rigid floor slab acts as a horizontal diaphragm that mobilises
the frames and shear walls to resist the lateral load, with each undergoing the same
displacement at the floor level. A diaphragm discontinuity refers to a large cut-out in a
floor slab which generates stress concentration in the corners of the cut-out. In many
residential buildings there are multiple dwelling units on a given level. To provide
windows on different faces, to maintain privacy of each unit and to provide lift- and stair-
wells, often large cut-outs are provided in the floor slabs. This leads to diaphragm
discontinuity (Figure 8.3). When the dwelling units on two sides of a building are
staggered in elevation, the diaphragm action is reduced.
9-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

4. Out-of-plane offsets: When the lateral load resisting elements are discontinued or
interrupted above the foundation within their own plane, the resulting irregularity is
referred to as out-of-plane offset. An example is when the columns along the perimeter
of a building are discontinued at the ground storey (Figure 9.1). These columns are
supported on cantilever overhang beams and are termed as floating columns. The offset
in load path is from the perimeter frame in the upper storeys to the outer columns in the
ground storey. This type of frame may be adequate for gravity loads, but perform poorly
when subjected to earthquakes. Instances of such building frames occur where there is a
limitation for moving space along the periphery of the building at the ground level.
5. Non-parallel systems: If the frames or shear walls are not laid out in mutually
perpendicular directions or if the columns axes are inclined (in plan) to the orthogonal
directions of the building, the lateral load resistance of the building is diminished. This
deficiency may occur in buildings with non-rectangular grid plans, such as curved
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-5

Figure 9.1 Typical building elevation and plan showing plan and vertical irregularities
(Murty et al., 2002)
Vertical Irregularities
1. Stiffness irregularity: This arises when there is substantial reduction in lateral stiffness in
any storey with respect to that in the upper storey. The storey with reduced stiffness is
referred to as soft storey. The wall panels within a frame (infill walls) affect the stiffness
of a storey. In the recent years, to facilitate parking of vehicles, infill walls are omitted in
the ground storey (Figure 9.1). This type of open ground storey may lead to a soft storey.
Irrespective of the number of storeys, one side of the columns is 230 mm (if not both) to
flush them with the walls in the upper storeys. Such buildings are commonly referred to
be on stilts. If the ground storey is used as shops, infill walls are not placed in the front
9-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

side to have open front or glazing. Absence of adequate plinth beams or tie beams leads
to long columns and differential lateral movement of the isolated footings.
2. Mass irregularity: When there is substantial difference in mass between two storeys, it is
designated as mass irregularity. Although mass irregularity is not commonly observed, it
may exist in a particular floor due to heavy equipment, for example.
3. Vertical geometric irregularity: If a part of a building continues above the rest, such as a
set-back tower, the forces in the members near the base of the tower tend to be high.
Instances of this irregularity are observed in institutional buildings with a plaza type
4. In-plane discontinuity: When the lateral load resisting system is shifted within its plane
in a certain storey, the irregularity is referred to as in-plane discontinuity. A floating
column is an example of in-plane discontinuity for the frame in the elevation (Figure 9.1).
A column in the upper storeys that is interrupted at the first floor and supported on a
transfer beam, is another example. For a strong transfer beam, the supporting columns
may be weak. Such type of beam-column joints is undesirable for seismic resistance.
The failure of a column before the formation of hinges in the supported beams is
disastrous. Hence, the strong-column–weak-beam concept is strongly advocated in
seismic design.
5. Strength irregularity: This arises when there is substantial reduction in lateral strength in
any storey with respect to that in the upper storey. The storey with reduced strength is
referred to as weak storey. An open ground storey with 230 mm columns may lead to a
weak storey, resulting in an undesirable sway mechanism under seismic load. The sway
mechanism refers to the movement of the top storeys like a single block with large
deformation of the ground storey columns. The building swings back and forth like an
inverted pendulum during an earthquake. In the process the columns in the ground storey
get severely damaged.

9.2.2 Local Deficiencies

Local deficiencies arise due to improper design, faulty detailing, poor construction
and poor quality of materials. These lead to the failure of individual members of
the building such as flexural and shear failures of beams, columns and shear walls,
crushing or diagonal cracking of masonry walls and failure of beam-column joints
or slab-beam or slab-column connections.
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-7

Local deficiencies can be minimised by following the ductile detailing requirements specified by
IS 13920: 1993. The basic principles and guidelines are explained with the aid of Figure 9.2.

For Columns
1. The splicing of longitudinal bars should be at the central half of the column.
2. There should be sufficient transverse reinforcement in the form of closed hoops near the
joints and at the location of splices of longitudinal bars. The amount of hoops near a joint
should be such that the supported beams generate their flexural capacities before the
column fails in shear.
3. The hoops should be continued throughout the joint and in to the footing.

For Beams
1. There should be minimum flexural capacities both for sagging and hogging throughout
the length of the beam across a frame. There should be at least two longitudinal bars at
the top and two bars at the bottom which are continuous throughout the length and
interior joints.
2. There should be proper anchorage of the longitudinal bars at the exterior joints. A joint
in which there is a beam only on one side in the plane of the frame is termed as an
exterior joint.
3. There should be sufficient transverse reinforcement in the form of closed hoops near the
joints and at the location of splices of longitudinal bars. The amount of hoops near a joint
should be such that the beam generates its flexural capacity with yielding of the
reinforcing bars (rebar) before it fails in shear. The yielding of the rebar under reversed
cyclic loading increases the rotation near a joint, resulting in the formation of a plastic
hinge. The ductile behaviour leads to the absorption and dissipation of internal energy.

The commonly observed local deficiencies in the members are summarised next.
9-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Atleast two bars Bars continuous at

throughout interior joints

Bars properly
anchored at
exterior joints

Close spacing of 135°

stirrups near a joint

Min 300 mm
Close spacing Splicing of bars at
of stirrups at central half of column
region of

Column stirrups
continued into Column stirrups
the footing Adequate plinth continued
beam acting as tie through joint

Footing reinforcement not shown for clarity

Figure 9.2 Elevation of a frame showing detailing for seismic forces

Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-9

1. As mentioned before that one side of the columns in the primary lateral load resisting
frames is 230 mm (if not both) to flush them with the walls in the upper storeys. The
flexural and shear strengths of such a column in the lower storeys of multi-storeyed
buildings may not be adequate. Columns with large aspect ratio (length to width ratio)
can be inadequate under biaxial moments. Since earthquake ground motion can occur in
any direction, the columns which are part of orthogonal frames should be designed for
biaxial moments.
2. The ties are widely spaced. A tie gets warped (the sides are not in a plane) and the ends
are not bent by 135º with adequate length inserted within the core of the section. As a
result the longitudinal bars tend to buckle and the confinement of concrete is poor. This
leads to failure of the column before the formation of hinges in the supported beams.
3. Faulty splicing of rebar is also detrimental to the formation of hinges. The location of
splice in a column just above the floor level with inadequate splice length is
4. Short and stiff (captive) columns due to infill walls of partial height or columns next to
openings attract larger shear which leads to their failure.

Beams and Beam-column Joints

1. The positive flexural strength and shear strength of beams in the primary lateral load
resisting frames at the plinth level or first floor level tend to be inadequate. This is
aggravated by the inadequate anchorage of the longitudinal rebar at the joints. In an
exterior joint, the bars (especially the bottom bars) may not have adequate hooks. In an
interior joint, the bottom bars may be discontinuous. Under moment reversal, the
discontinuous bottom bars may pull-out leading to loss of flexural strength of the beam.
2. The rotation capacity of a beam near the joint (potential hinge location) may be
inadequate due to lack of confining reinforcement. This may lead to a sudden shear
failure before a hinge is formed.
3. Inadequate confinement of reinforcement in a joint leads to undesirable shear
deformation of the joint.
The observed deficiencies are schematically shown in Figure 9.3.
9-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Splicing of bars just

above floor level,
Bent-up bars for without stagger and
resisting shear closely spaced ties

No ties in
Bottom bars are
Short and discontinuous
stiff column

230 mm

Widely spaced
ties Warped

Column stirrups
are not continued
into footing

Figure 9.3 Elevation of a typical frame showing local deficiencies

Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-11

Slabs and Slab-column Connections

The following deficiencies affect the diaphragm action of the floor slabs.
1. When a floor slab acts as a diaphragm, additional reinforcement is required at the edges.
The reinforcement at the edges perpendicular to the direction of lateral force is termed as
chord reinforcement. If the slab is not supported on edge beams, for example in a flat
slab, the requirement of chord reinforcement cannot be neglected.
2. The lack of adequate shear reinforcement at the slab-column connections in a flat slab
lead to failure of the slab.

Structural Walls
If a wall is not designed adequately, the contribution of the wall in the lateral load
resistance of a building is not utilised. The deficiencies that affect the performance of the wall are
1. Lack of adequate boundary members to resist the axial forces due to in-plane bending of
a wall.
2. Inadequate reinforcement at the slab-wall or beam-wall connections. This reduces the
integrity of the wall with the building frame.

The isolated footings are not properly designed for the seismic forces. The plinth beams or tie
beams may be absent which makes the footings vulnerable to lateral spread.

Unreinforced Masonry Walls

1. Due to lack of out-of-plane bending capacity, the falling of masonry blocks from infill
walls and parapets at large height can be hazardous. The potential of the walls to resist
in-plane lateral loads is not materialised if there is failure due to out-of-plane bending.

Precast Members
1. Lack of tie reinforcement in precast members can lead to dislocation of the members and
collapse of the building.
9-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

9.2.3 Miscellaneous Deficiencies

Deficiencies in Analysis and Design

Inadequate tools for proper analysis lead to deficiencies in analysis and design. Some of
the common deficiencies are listed.
1. A building is designed only for gravity loads. There is no analysis for seismic loads.

2. Neglecting the effect of infill walls.

Frames with brittle infills, such as unreinforced masonry, behave similar to braced frames
with the infills acting as diagonal compression ‘struts’. When the infill walls are neglected in
the analysis of a building, a longer time period is estimated by the analysis, thus resulting in
lower calculated seismic forces. This concern is addressed in Clause 7.10.3, IS 1893: 2002,
which recommends a more stringent formulation for calculating the time period of masonry
infilled frames. The stiffness of an infill wall influences the location of centre of rigidity of
the lateral load resisting system in a storey. If infill walls are present only on one side,
neglecting the infill walls in the analysis may lead to overlooking a torsional irregularity.

3. Inadequate geotechnical data

The foundations are designed without adequate information of the type of soil, bearing
capacity and locations of fill and fault. In the absence of data on faults, amplification effects
due to interference of the earthquake waves are neglected.

4. Neglecting the P-∆ effect

For a building on soft soil especially, the loss of stiffness during an earthquake leads to an
increase in the displacement response. The increased displacement leads to higher
eccentricity of the vertical loads, causing additional moment in the columns (P-∆ effect). If
the P-∆ effect is not accounted for in the analysis, the member design forces are likely to be

Deficient Construction Practices

1. Volume batching of concrete, that may lead to increased water content.
2. Additional dosage of water to increase slump, resulting in higher water-to-cement ratio.
3. Inadequate compaction and curing of concrete, leading to honey-combed and weaker
4. Inadequate cover leading to rebar corrosion.
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-13

5. Poor quality control in the constituents of concrete.

6. Use of re-rolled steel, having inadequate strength and ductility.
The deficiencies in construction practices lead to deviations from design assumptions and

Lack of Integral Action due to Poor Design

The building performance is degraded due to the absence of tying of the lateral load
resisting members. For example, the beams are not framed into the elevator core walls (Fig. 9.4)
and spandrel beams between perimeter columns are missing. If the beams are eccentric to column
lines with large offsets, then unaccounted torsion is introduced in the columns and beam-column


Figure 9.4 A building plan showing lack of integral action

Deficient Staircase
If the stair-case slab is simply supported longitudinally, a collapse of the slab closes the
escape route for the residents.

Pounding of Buildings
Another poor design concept arises from inadequate gap between adjacent buildings or
seismic joints between the segments of a building. When the provided gap is not adequate, the
9-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

buildings or segments of a building will collide or “pound” against each other as they respond to
the earthquake excitation in out-of-phase motion. This phenomenon transfers forces to the
buildings which are unaccounted for in the design.

Lack of Maintenance and Unaccounted Addition or Alteration of the Buildings

Lack of maintenance and unscrupulous addition or alteration without any seismic analysis
and design check, can lead to high seismic vulnerability or even collapse, possibly under gravity


A retrofit strategy is a technical option for improving the strength and other
attributes of resistance of a building or a member to seismic forces. The retrofit
strategies can be classified under global and local strategies. A global retrofit
strategy targets the performance of the entire building under lateral loads. A local
retrofit strategy targets the seismic resistance of a member, without significantly
affecting the overall resistance of the building.

The grouping of the retrofit strategies into local and global are generally not be mutually
exclusive. For example, when a local retrofit strategy is used repeatedly it affects the global
seismic resistance of the building. It may be necessary to combine both local and global retrofit
strategies under a feasible and economical retrofit scheme.

9.3.1 Global Retrofit Strategies

When a building is found to be severely deficient for the design seismic forces, the first step in
seismic retrofit is to strengthen and stiffen the structure by providing additional lateral load
resisting elements. Additions of infill walls, shear walls or braces are grouped under global
retrofit strategies. A reduction of an irregularity or of the mass of a building can also be
considered to be global retrofit strategies. The analysis of a building with a trial retrofit strategy
should incorporate the modelling of the additional stiffening members.

Addition of Infill Walls

The lateral stiffness of a storey increases with infill walls. Addition of infill walls in the
ground storey is a viable option to retrofit buildings with open ground storeys (Fig. 9.5). Due to
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-15

the ‘strut action’ of the infilled walls, the flexural and shear forces and the ductility demand on
the ground storey columns are substantially reduced. Of course, infill walls do not increase the
ductility of the overall response of the building.

Existing frame

Pack with mortar

New brick wall

Dowels in existing footing

New tie beam

Figure 9.5 Addition of a masonry infill wall

Addition of Shear Walls or Wing Walls or Buttress Walls

Shear walls, wing walls or buttress are added to increase lateral strength and stiffness of a
building. The shear walls are effective in buildings with flat slabs or flat plates. Usually the
shear walls are placed within bounding columns (Fig. 9.6a), whereas wing walls are placed
adjacent to columns (Fig. 9.6b). The buttress walls are placed on the exterior sides of an existing
frame (Fig. 9.6c). The critical design issues involved in the addition of such a wall are as follows.
a) To integrate the wall to the building for transferring of lateral forces.
b) To design the foundations for the new wall.
9-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The disadvantage is that if only one or two walls are introduced, the increase in lateral
resistance is concentrated near the new walls. Hence, it is preferred to have distributed and
symmetrically placed walls. The shift of the centre of rigidity should not be detrimental. For a
buttress wall, the new foundation should be adequate to resist the overturning moment due to the
lateral seismic forces without rocking or uplift. The stabilising moment is only due to the self-
weight of the wall. This can be low as compared to the overturning moment.

New shear wall

Dowels in
existing frame


Wall footing tied to

existing footing
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-17

New wing

New tie beam

9-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

New buttress

Figure 9.6 a) Addition of a shear wall (Courtesy: FEMA 172), b) Addition of wing walls,
c) Addition of buttress walls
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-19

Addition of Steel Braces

A steel bracing system can be inserted in a frame to provide lateral stiffness, strength,
ductility, hysteretic energy dissipation, or any combination of these (Fig. 9.7). The braces are
effective for relatively more flexible frames, such as those without infill walls. The braces can be
added at the exterior frames with least disruption of the building use. For an open ground storey,
the braces can be placed in appropriate bays while maintaining the functional use. Passive energy
dissipation devices may be incorporated in the braces to enhance the seismic absorption. The
types of bracing, analysis and design of braces are covered in Chapter 10. The connection
between the braces and the existing frames is an important consideration of this strategy. One
technique of installing braces is to provide a steel frame within the designated RC frame. The
steel frame is attached to the RC frame by installing headed anchors in the later (FIB Bulletin 24,
2003). Else, the braces can be connected directly to the RC frame. Here, since the braces are
connected to the frames at the beam-column joints, the forces resisted by the braces are
transferred to the joints in the form of axial forces, both in compression and tension. While the
addition of compressive forces may be tolerated, the resulting tensile forces are of concern.
9-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

New tie beam

Figure 9.7 Addition of steel braces

A few types of connections are shown in Figure 9.8.

Type I (Figure 9.8a): The force in brace is transferred to the frame through the gusset
plate, end plates and anchor inserts.

Type II (Figure 9.8b): This type of connection is similar to Type I, except for the method
of anchoring the end plates at the joint. An end plate is connected using through bolts which are
anchored at the opposite face to a bearing plate. In this type, the widths of end plate and bearing
plate are equal to or less than the width of beam or column.
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-21

Type III (Figure 9.8c): This type of connection is similar to Type II, except for the
location of bolts. In this type, the end plate and bearing plate project beyond the width of the
beam and column. Since the bolts are out side the members, drilling of holes through the
members is avoided.

Gusset plate

End plate


(a) Connection by anchor bolts (b) Connection by through bolts

(c) Connection by bolts placed outside the members

Figure 9.8 Types of connection of braces to an RC frame

9-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Addition of Frames
A new frame can be introduced to increase the lateral strength and stiffness of a building.
Similar to a new wall, integrating a new frame to the building and providing foundations are
critical design issues.

Reduction of Irregularities
The plan and vertical irregularities are common causes of undesirable performance of a
building under an earthquake. Reduction of the irregularities may be sufficient to reduce force
and deformation demands in the members to acceptable levels. Addition of infill walls, shear
walls or braces can alleviate the deficiency of soft and/or weak storeys. Discontinuous
components of the lateral load resisting system such as floating columns can be extended up to
the foundation. In this case, the supporting cantilever beams have to be checked for the sagging
moment. The infill walls of partial height can be extended to reduce the vulnerability of short and
stiff (captive) columns.

Torsional irregularities can be corrected by the addition of frames or shear walls to

balance the distribution of stiffness and mass. An eccentric mass due to an overhead water tank
can be relocated. Seismic joints can be introduced to transform a single irregular building into
multiple regular structures. Although partial demolition can have impact on the appearance and
utility of the building, it can be an effective measure to reduce irregularity.

Reduction of Mass
A reduction in mass of the building results in reduction of the lateral forces. Hence, this
option can be considered instead of structural strengthening. The mass can be reduced through
demolition of unaccounted additional storeys, replacement of heavy cladding or removal of heavy
storage and equipment loads, or change in the use of the building.

Energy Dissipation Devices and Base Isolation

Most energy dissipation devices not only supplement damping, but also provide
additional lateral stiffness to a building. Base isolation devices reduce the structural force
entering a building by elongating the time period of the structure and thus decreasing the base
shear force. These devices are described in Chapter 14.

A comparative evaluation of the different global retrofit strategies is provided in Table

Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-23

Table 9.1 Comparative evaluation of the global retrofit strategies

Retrofit strategy Merits Demerits Comments

Addition of infill • Increases lateral • May have premature • Low cost
walls stiffness of a storey failure due to crushing
of corners or • Low disruption
• Can support vertical dislodging
load if adjacent • Easy to implement
column fails • Does not increase

• Increases weight
Addition of shear • Increases lateral • May increase design • Needs integration of
walls, wing walls and strength and stiffness base shear the walls to the
buttress walls of the building building
substantially • Increase in lateral
resistance is • High disruption
• May increase concentrated near the based on location,
ductility walls involves drilling of
holes in the existing
• Needs adequate members
Addition of braces • Increases lateral • Connection of • Passive energy
strength and stiffness braces to an existing dissipation devices
of a storey frame can be difficult can be incorporated to
substantially increase damping /
stiffness or both
• Increases ductility
Addition of frames • Increases lateral • Needs adequate • Needs integration of
strength and stiffness foundation the frames to the
of the building building

• May increase

9.3.2 Local Retrofit Strategies

Local retrofit strategies pertain to retrofitting of columns, beams, joints, slabs, walls and
foundations. The local retrofit strategies are categorised according to the retrofitted elements.
The retrofitting of foundations is separately covered in Chapter 12. The analysis of a building
with a trial local retrofit strategy should incorporate the modelling of the retrofitted elements.
9-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The local retrofit strategies fall under three different types: concrete jacketing, steel
jacketing (or use of steel plates) and fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) sheet wrapping. In this
chapter the first two types are discussed. Chapter 13 is exclusively devoted for the retrofit using
FRP. Out of the first two types, each one has its merits and demerits. Table 9.2 at the end of the
section provides a comparative evaluation of the strategies with general statements. It may be
noted that deviations are expected in individual retrofit projects.

Column Retrofitting
The retrofitting of deficient columns is essential to avoid collapse of a storey. Hence, it is
more important than the retrofitting of beams. The columns are retrofitted to increase their
flexural and shear strengths, to increase the deformation capacity near the beam-column joints
and to strengthen the regions of faulty splicing of longitudinal bars. The columns in an open
ground storey or next to openings should be prioritised for retrofitting. The retrofitting strategy is
based on the “strong column weak beam” principle of seismic design. During retrofitting, it is
preferred to relieve the columns of the existing gravity loads as much as possible, by propping the
supported beams. The individual retrofit strategies are described next.

1. Concrete Jacketing
Concrete jacketing involves addition of a layer of concrete, longitudinal bars and closely
spaced ties. The jacket increases both the flexural strength and shear strength of the column.
Increase in ductility has been observed (Rodriguez and Park, 1994). If the thickness of the jacket
is small there is no appreciable increase in stiffness. Circular jackets of ferro-cement have been
found to be effective in enhancing the ductility. The disadvantage of concrete jacketing is the
increase in the size of the column. The placement of ties at the beam-column joints is difficult, if
not impossible (Stoppenhagen et al., 1995). Drilling holes in the existing beams damages the
concrete, especially if the concrete is of poor quality. Although there are disadvantages, the use
of concrete jacket is relatively cheap. It is important to note that with the increase in flexural
capacity, the shear demand (based on flexural capacity) also increases. The additional ties are
provided to meet the shear demand.

There are several techniques of providing a concrete jacket (Figure 9.9). A technique is
selected based on the dimensions and required increase in the strength of the existing column,
available space of placing the longitudinal bars. To increase the flexural strength, the additional
longitudinal bars need to be anchored to the foundation and should be continuous through the
floor slab. Usually the required bars are placed at the corners so as to avoid intercepting the
beams which are framing in to the column. In addition, longitudinal bars may be placed along the
sides of the column which are not continuous through the floor (Figure 9.9a). These bars provide
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-25

lateral restraint to the new ties. A tie cannot be made of a single bar due to the obstruction in
placement. It can be constructed of two bars properly anchored to the new longitudinal bars. It is
preferred to have 135° hooks with adequate extension at the ends of the bars. An alternative
arrangement to the drilling of holes near the joint, by confining the joint with steel angles has
been tried by researchers. For an interior joint if there are beams framing in all the four sides,
then the confining action of the beams is dependable.

Bars for increase

in flexural strength
of column

Bars for lateral

Dowels staggered
restraint to ties
at opposite faces

Retrofitted section Retrofitted section

Additional ties

Dowel bar

Additional ties
(a) (b)
9-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


Retrofitted section

Additional ties Section A - A

Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-27

Bars continuous
through the floor

Retrofitted section

Bars anchored
to the footing

Enlarged footing

Additional ties

Figure 9.9 Techniques for concrete jacketing of columns

Since the thickness of the jacket is small, casting micro-concrete or the use of shotcrete
are preferred to conventional concrete. To ensure the composite action of the existing and the
new concrete, the options for preparing the surface of the existing concrete are hacking by chisel,
roughening by wire buff or using bonding chemicals. Slant shear tests have shown that the
preparation of the surface is adequate to develop the bond between the existing and new concrete.
Inserting dowels in the existing column at a spacing of 300 to 500 mm enhances the composite
action (Figure 9.9b). The dowels are attached by epoxy pumped in to the drilled holes. The
length of insertion depends on the type of epoxy and the strength of the existing concrete. The
later can be estimated through non-destructive or intrusive tests as described in Chapter 4. Based
on the information of the epoxy from the manufacturer’s catalogue and the evaluated concrete
strength, the length of insertion is determined. Of course drilling holes damages the existing
column. Moreover, it has been observed that the presence of dowels increases the disintegration
9-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

of the concrete jacket during the formation of a plastic hinge under dynamic loads. If the jacket is
all around the existing column, then the dowels can be avoided. The shrinkage of the new
concrete generates friction with the existing concrete. If the jacket is only partially around the
existing column, the existing bars can be exposed at locations. The new bars can be welded to the
existing bars using Z- or U- shaped bent bars (Figure 9.9c). Of course it has been observed that
welding of two different grades of steel increases corrosion.

The minimum specifications for the concrete jacket are as follows (Draft Code).
a) The strengths of the new materials must be equal to or greater than those of the
existing column. The compressive strength of concrete in the jacket should be at least 5 MPa
greater than that of the existing concrete.
b) For columns where extra longitudinal bars are not required for additional flexural
capacity, a minimum of 12 mm diameter bars in the four corners and ties of 8 mm diameter
should be provided.
c) The minimum thickness of the jacket should be 100 mm.
d) The minimum diameter of the ties should be 8 mm and should not be less than ⅓ of the
diameter of the longitudinal bars. The angle of bent of the end of the ties should be 135º.
e) The centre-to-centre spacing of the ties should not exceed 200 mm. Preferably, the
spacing should not exceed the thickness of the jacket. Close to the beam-column joints, for a
height of ¼ the clear height of the column, the spacing should not exceed 100 mm.

A simplified analysis for the flexural strength of a retrofitted column can be done by the
traditional method of interaction curves (SP 16: 1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to
IS 456: 1978, published by the Bureau of Indian Standards) assuming a composite section. The
publication of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (FIB Bulletin 24, 2003)
recommends such an analysis. Even if the grade of concrete in the jacket is higher, it can be
considered to be same as that of the existing section. Such an analysis assumes that there is
perfect bond between the new and old concrete. The yield moment and the ultimate flexural
capacity can be conservatively limited to 90% of the calculated values. The increase in shear
capacity can be calculated based on the amount of additional ties. For the requirement of
confinement, only the additional ties are to be considered.

2. Steel Jacketing
Steel jacketing refers to encasing the column with steel plates and filling the gap with
non-shrink grout. The jacket is effective to remedy inadequate shear strength and provide passive
confinement to the column. Lateral confining pressure is induced in the concrete as it expands
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-29

laterally. Since the plates cannot be anchored to the foundation and made continuous through the
floor slab, steel jacketing is not used for enhancement of flexural strength. Also, the steel jacket
is not designed to carry any axial load. If the shear capacity needs to be enhanced, the jacket is
provided throughout the height of the column. A gap of about 25 to 50 mm is provided at the
ends of the jacket so that the jacket does not carry any axial load. For enhancing the confinement
of concrete and deformation capacity in the potential plastic hinge regions, the jacket is provided
at the top and bottom of the column. Of course there is no significant increase in the stiffness of a
jacketed column. Steel jacketing is also used to strengthen the region of faulty splicing of
longitudinal bars. As a temporary measure after an earthquake, a steel jacket can be placed before
an engineered scheme is implemented.

Circular jackets are more effective than rectangular jackets. A jacket is made up of two
pieces of semi-circular steel plates which are welded at the site. A circular jacket can be
considered equivalent to continuous hoop reinforcement. Of course circular jackets may not be
suitable for columns in a building since the columns are mostly rectangular in cross-section. In a
rectangular jacket, steel plates are welded to corner angles. Anchor bolts or through bolts may
increase confinement but it involves drilling into the existing concrete. A simpler form of
strengthening is to weld batten plates to the corner angles. This form is referred to as steel profile
jacketing as opposed to the encasement provided by continuous plates. Figure 9.10 shows the
different techniques of providing a steel jacket. The steel plates need protection against corrosion
and fire.

The shear strength of the jacket (Vj) can be calculated by considering the jacket to act as a
series of independent square ties of thickness and spacing tsj, where tsj is the thickness of the
plates (Aboutaha et al., 1999). For rectangular columns,

f sj d sj (9.1)
Vj =Asj

Here, Asj is the total area of the assumed square tie, Asj = 2tsj2, fsj is the allowable stress of
the jacket, dsj is the depth of the jacket (can be equated to the transverse depth of the column) and
ssj is the spacing between the square ties, ssj = tsj. The allowable stress of the jacket can be
assumed to be half of its ‘yield’ stress. The required thickness tsj can be calculated from the
required value of Vj.
9-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Non-shrink grout

Anchor bolt or Steel plate

Through bolt

Retrofitted section


(a) Full height jacket (b) Jacket with batten plates (c) Jacket at top and bottom

Figure 9.10 Techniques for steel jacketing of columns

Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-31

3. Fibre Reinforced Polymer Sheet Wrapping

Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) has desirable physical properties like high tensile
strength to weight ratio and corrosion resistance. FRP sheets are thin, light and flexible enough to
be inserted behind pipes and other service ducts, thus facilitating installation. In retrofitting a
column with FRP sheets, there is increase in ductility due to confinement without noticeable
increase in the size. The main drawbacks of FRP are the high cost, brittle behaviour and
inadequate fire resistance. The details of retrofitting using FRP sheets are covered in Chapter 13.

Beam Retrofitting
The beams are retrofitted to increase their positive flexural strength, shear strength and
the deformation capacity near the beam-column joints. The lack of adequate bottom bars and
their anchorage at the joints needs to be addressed. Usually the negative flexural capacity is not
enhanced since the retrofitting should not make the beams stronger than the supporting columns.
Of course the strengthening of beams may involve the retrofitting of the supporting columns. The
individual retrofit strategies are described next.

1. Concrete Jacketing
Concrete is added to increase the flexural and shear strengths of a beam. The
strengthening involves the placement of longitudinal bars and closely spaced stirrups. There are
disadvantages in this traditional retrofit strategy. First, the drilling of holes in the existing
concrete can weaken the section if the width is small and the concrete is not of good quality.
Second, the new concrete requires proper bonding to the existing concrete. In the soffit of a
beam, the bleed water from the new concrete creates a weak cement paste at the interface. If the
new concrete is not placed all around, restrained shrinkage at the interface induces tensile stress in
the new concrete. Third, addition of concrete increases the size and weight of the beam.

Instead of conventional concrete, fibre reinforced concrete can be used for retrofit. In
addition to strength, this leads to the increase of energy absorption capacity. It is important to
note that with the increase in flexural capacity, the shear demand (based on flexural capacity) also
increases. Additional stirrups need to be provided to meet the shear demand.

There are a few options for concrete jacketing (Figure 9.11). The difficulty lies in
anchoring the new bars. A technique is selected based on the deficiency and the available space
for placing the bars. The techniques given in IS 13935: 1993 involves drilling holes in the
existing beam. But drilling holes for the stirrups at closing spacing damages the beam, especially
if the concrete is of poor quality. The additional longitudinal bars should be continuous through
9-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

the beam-column joints. The bars are placed at the corners so as to avoid intercepting the
transverse beams. Additional longitudinal bars may be placed at the sides for checking
temperature and shrinkage cracks. These bars need not be continuous through the joints.

If the beam supports a masonry wall, then closed stirrups may not be possible. In such a
situation the ends of U-stirrups may be threaded and anchored by nuts at the top surface of the
slab (Figure 9.11a). If there is no wall above the beam or the beam supports a removable partition
wall, a pair of U-stirrups can be welded to form a closed stirrup (Figure 9.11b). In the technique
shown in Figure 9.11c, the cover concrete is removed and the new stirrups are welded to the
existing stirrups. The technique shown in Figure 9.11d may be adequate for strengthening for
gravity loads. But unless the slab is thick, the stirrups will not be properly anchored to sustain the
dynamic seismic forces.

Masonry wall

Anchoring by nuts

Existing beam

(a) (b)

Weld Anchoring
by epoxy

Core of existing beam

(c) (d)

Figure 9.11 Techniques for concrete jacketing of beams

Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-33

Similar to concrete jacketing of columns, the use of micro-concrete or shotcrete is preferred to

conventional concrete. The surface of the existing concrete is to be prepared to ensure the
composite action of the existing and the new concrete.

A simplified analysis for the flexural strength of a retrofitted section can be performed by
the traditional method of beam analysis. Even if the grade of concrete in the jacket is higher, it
can be considered to be same as that of the existing section. Such an analysis assumes a perfect
bond between the new and existing concrete. For a rigorous analysis considering different grades
of concrete, a layered approach is required.

2. Bonding Steel Plates

The technique of bonding mild steel plates to beams is used to improve their flexural and
shear strengths. The addition of steel plate is rapid to apply, does not reduce the storey clear
height significantly and can be applied while the building is in use. The plates are attached to the
tension face of a beam to increase the flexural strength, whereas they are attached to the side face
of a beam to increase the shear strength.

The plates can be attached by adhesives or bolts. The plates attached by adhesives are
prone to premature debonding and hence, the beam tends to have a brittle failure. A beam with
plates attached by bolts tends to have a ductile failure. But the use of bolts involves drilling in the
existing concrete, which may weaken the section if the width is less or if the concrete is not of
good quality. Any exposed steel plate is prone to corrosion and fire. Hence, adequate protection
is required for beams retrofitted with steel plates.

The analysis for flexural strength of beams with plates bonded to the tension face is based
on satisfying the equilibrium and compatibility equations and the constitutive relationships. It
models the adhesive failure due to the stress concentration at the location of plate cut-off. The
essential features of the model are as follows.

1. The steel plate is assumed to act integrally with the concrete beam and conventional beam
theory is used to determine the flexural capacity.
2. The normal and shear stresses at the interface of concrete and the plate at the location of
plate cut-off are calculated to check the failure of the adhesive.
9-34 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

0.0035 0.447 fck

xu C

dp D

dc st
tp bp pt

Strains Stresses Forces

Figure 9.12 Strain and stress diagrams and internal forces of a tension-face
plated beam

The strain and stress diagrams and internal forces at the ultimate limit state for a tension-face
plated beam of rectangular cross-section are shown in Figure 9.12.

The depth of neutral axis (xu) can be found out from the equilibrium equation as follows.
f st Ast + f pt bp t p
xu = (9.2)
0.36 f ck b

The ultimate moment capacity (MuR) of the plated section is given by the following expression.

M uR = 0.36 f ck b xu ( d - 0.416 xu ) + f pt bp d p ( d c + t 2 ) (9.3)

b, D, d - width, overall depth and effective depth of the original section
bp, tp, dp - width, thickness and effective depth of the steel plate
fck - characteristic cube strength of concrete (MPa)
fst, fpt - stresses in internal rebar and external plate, respectively, corresponding to the
respective strains. These can be calculated from the compatibility equations and the
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-35

constitutive relationships for steel of the rebar and plate. For an under-reinforced section,
fst = fy/1.15 = 0.87 fy, where fy, is the yield stress of the rebar. If the plate thickness is such
that it is found to yield before the concrete crushes then fst = fyp/1.1 = 0.9 fyp, where fyp is the
yield stress of the plate. The material safety factor for rolled steel plates is 1.1 as per IS
800 (Draft), “Indian Standard Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel”.

Since retrofitting is required mostly near the beam-column joints, the equations for a
rectangular section are applicable. Of course a similar set of equations can be derived for a
flanged section when the span region of a beam requires strengthening. The width of the plate
(bp) is limited to the width of the beam (b). The thickness of the plate (tp) is limited such that the
section does not become over-reinforced. The adhesive failure is checked by the following

τ 0 + σ 0 tan 28D ≤ call (9.4)

Here, τ0 and σ0 are the shear and normal stresses, respectively, at the interface of concrete
and the plate at the location of plate cut-off. The allowable coefficient of cohesion for the
adhesive is denoted as call. The expressions of τ0 and σ0 are based on the shear force at the
location of plate cut-off, elastic modulus of the plate and the elastic and shear moduli of the
adhesive (Ziraba et al., 1994).

The beams strengthened by plates bonded to the side face are subjected to the following
modes of failure: fracture of bolts, buckling of plates and splitting of concrete. Barnes et al.
(2001) derived expressions for the enhancement of shear capacity of such beams.

3. FRP Wrapping
Like steel plates, FRP laminates are attached to beams to increase their flexural and shear
strengths. The details of retrofitting using FRP sheets are covered in Chapter 13.

Beam-Column Joint Retrofitting

The retrofitting of a beam-column joint aims to increase its shear capacity and effective
confinement. Since access to a joint is not readily available, retrofitting a joint is difficult. The
strengthening is carried out along with that for the adjacent columns and beams. The retrofitting
should aim at the following improvements.
a) To prevent the pullout of any discontinuous bottom bars in the beams.
b) To reduce the deterioration of the joint under cyclic loading.
9-36 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The methods of retrofit that have been investigated are as follows.

1. Concrete Jacketing
A joint can be strengthened by placing ties through drilled holes in the adjacent beams
(Stoppenhagen et al., 1995). To avoid drilling holes in the beams, a steel cage can be fabricated
around the additional vertical bars in the column to provide confinement (Alcocer and Jirsa,
1993). A simpler option is a concrete fillet at the joint to shift the potential hinge region of the
beam away from the column face.

2. Steel Jacketing
If space is available, steel jacketing can be used to enhance the performance of joints
(Ghobarah et al., 1997). A simpler option is to attach plates in the form of brackets at the soffits
of the beams.

3. FRP Wrapping
In the use of FRP sheets to strengthen the joints, the considerations are number of layers,
orientation and anchorage of the FRP sheets and the preparation of surface of the existing

Wall Retrofitting
A concrete shear wall can be retrofitted by adding new concrete with adequate boundary
members (Seth, 2002). The new concrete can be added by shotcrete. For the composite action,
dowels need to be provided between the existing and new concrete (Figure 9.13). The foundation
of the wall is to be sufficiently strengthened to resist the overturning moment without rocking or

Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-37

New concrete wall

Existing concrete wall

(a) Horizontal section

Details of
attachment of
a cross-tie

Existing footing

Enlarged footing

(b) Vertical section

Figure 9.13 Strengthening a wall using concrete

9-38 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

A cross-tie connecting the layers of reinforcement on the two faces of the new wall
should be hooked as shown in Figure 9.13. It should pass through diagonally opposite quadrants
formed by the vertical and horizontal bars

For the masonry infill walls, whose failure can cause injury, additional concrete with wire
mesh or FRP sheets can be used to strengthen for out-of-plane bending. Steel braces fitted to the
RC frame have been used to check the out-of-plane bending of walls. Steel strips bolted to the
walls have been investigated.
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-39

Table 9.2 Comparative evaluation of the local retrofit strategies

Retrofit strategy Merits Demerits Comments

Concrete jacketing • Increases flexural • Size of member • Low cost
and shear strengths increases
and ductility of the • High disruption
member • Anchoring of bars
for flexural strength; • Experience of
• Easy to analyse involves drilling of traditional RC
holes in the existing construction is
• Compatible with concrete adequate
original substrate
• Needs preparation of
the surface of existing
Steel jacketing of • Increases shear • Cannot be used for • Can be used as a
columns strength and ductility increasing the flexural temporary measure
strength after an earthquake
• Minimal increase in
size • Needs protection • Cost can be high
against corrosion and
fire • Low disruption

• Needs skilled labour

Bonding steel plates • Increases either • Use of bolts involves • More suitable for
to beams flexural or shear drilling in the existing strengthening against
strengths concrete gravity loads

• Minimal increase in • Needs protection • Cost can be high

size against corrosion and
fire • Low disruption

• Needs skilled labour

Fibre Reinforced • Increases ductility • Needs protection • Cost can be high
Polymer wrapping against fire
• May increase • Low disruption
flexural or shear
strengths • Needs skilled labour

• Minimal increase in

• Rapid installation
9-40 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


1) Importance of condition assessment and seismic evaluation

Before undertaking seismic retrofit, it is essential to determine the condition and diagnose
the deficiencies in a building. Condition assessment helps to determine the actual condition of the
building as opposed to the information available from the construction documents. Seismic
evaluation helps to identify the deficiencies of the building with respect to resistance to seismic
forces. Based on the condition and deficiencies, repair and retrofit strategies are selected.

Considering the cost of retrofit, it is imperative to have seismic evaluations of a building

both for the existing and retrofitted conditions to justify the selected retrofit strategies. When a
new member is added to an existing building under a global retrofit strategy, the load transfer and
the compatibility of deformation between the new and the existing elements are crucial. The load
transfer should be judged from the analyses of the building. The compatibility of deformation
should be ensured by proper detailing of the connections of the existing and new members.

2) Selection of a retrofit strategy

When a building is severely deficient for the design seismic forces, it is preferred to select
a global retrofit strategy to strengthen and stiffen the structure. Next, if deficiencies still exist in
the members, local retrofit strategies are to be selected. Beyond this recommendation it is not
prudent to prescribe a retrofit strategy as a generic application. Each retrofit strategy has merits
and demerits depending upon the project. A retrofit strategy is to be selected after careful
considerations of the cost and constructability. Proper design of a retrofit strategy is essential.
The failure mode in a member after retrofitting should not become brittle. A global retrofit
strategy that involves a shift in either of the centre of mass or centre of rigidity, should be
checked for torsional irregularity. Any alteration of the load path has to be carefully detected and
any overstressed member has to be identified. Additional demand on the foundation has to be
accounted for.

3) Quality of construction
Retrofit aims at overcoming the deficiencies of an existing building. The quality of
construction for a successful retrofit scheme cannot be overemphasized. Any sort of patch work
will be a wasted effort.
Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings 9-41


1. ATC 40 (1996), “Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings: Vol. 1”,
Applied Technology Council, USA.
2. FEMA 172 (1992) , “NEHRP Handbook of Techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Existing Buildings”, Building Seismic Safety Council, USA.
3. FIB Bulletin 24 (2003), “Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete
Buildings”, International Federation for Structural Concrete, Switzerland.
4. Draft Code, “Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete
Buildings – Guidelines”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
5. IS 1893: 2002, “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Part 1: General
Provisions and Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards.
6. IS 13920: 1993, “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced
Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
7. IS 13935: 1993, “Indian Standard for Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings –
Guidelines”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
8. Aboutaha, R. S., Englehart, M. D., Jirsa, J. O. and Kreger, M. E. (1999), “Rehabilitation
of Shear Critical Concrete Columns by Use of Rectangular Steel Jackets”, ACI Structural
Journal, American Concrete Institute, January-February, Vol. 96, No. 1, pp. 68 – 78.
9. Alcocer, S. M. and Jirsa, J. O. (1993), “Strength of Reinforced Concrete Frame
Connections Rehabilitated by Jacketing”, ACI Structural Journal, American Concrete
Institute, May-June, Vol. 90, No. 3, pp. 249 – 261.
10. Barnes, R. A, Baglin, P. S., Mays, G. C. and Subedi, N. K. (2001), “External Steel Plate
Systems for the Shear Strengthening of RC Beams”, Engineering Structures, Elsevier
Publications, Vol. 23, pp. 1162 – 1176.
11. Basu, P. C. (2002), “Seismic Upgradation of Buildings: An Overview”, The Indian
Concrete Journal, The Associated Cement Companies Ltd., August, pp. 461-475.
12. Ghobarah, A., Aziz, T. S. and Biddah, A. (1997), “Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete
Frame Connections Using Corrugated Steel Jacketing”, ACI Structural Journal, American
Concrete Institute, May-June, Vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 283-294.
13. Jain, S. K. (2001), “Seismic Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings”,
Repair and Rehabilitation, Compilation from The Indian Concrete Journal, The
Associated Cement Companies Ltd., pp. 45 – 51.
9-42 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

14. Murty, C. V. R., Goel, R. K. and Goyal, A. (2002), “Reinforced Concrete Structures”,
Earthquake Spectra, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, USA, July, Supplement
A to Vol. 18, pp. 145-185.
15. Rodriguez M and Park.R (1994), “Seismic Load Test on Reinforced Concrete Columns
Strengthened by Jacketing”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 91, No.2, April – March, pp.150
– 159.
16. Seth, A. (2002), “Seismic Retrofitting by Conventional Methods”, The Indian Concrete
Journal, The Associated Cement Companies Ltd., August, pp. 489-495.
17. Stoppenhagen, D. R., Jirsa, J. O. and Wyllie, Jr., L. A. (1995), “Seismic Repair and
Strengthening of a Severely Damaged Concrete Frame”, ACI Structural Journal,
American Concrete Institute, March – April, Vol. 92, No. 2, pp. 177-187.
18. Ziraba, Y. N., Baluch, M. H., Basunbul, I. A., Sharif, A. M., Azad, A. K. and Al-
Sulaimani, G. J. (1994), “Guidelines toward the Design of RC Beams with External
plates”, ACI Structural Journal, American Concrete Institute, Nov.–Dec., Vol. 91, No. 6,

Structural steel as a construction material is used extensively in single storey structures for
industrial, storage, shopping and exhibition buildings. Structural steel enables large column free
space in such single storey buildings. Structural steel is also used in tall multi-storeyed structures
for residential, office and commercial buildings, although this is not very common in Indian
construction practice. This chapter provides a brief description of the different types of structural
systems used in single storey and multi-storeyed steel buildings.

The common deficiencies encountered in single storey buildings are the inadequate
diaphragm action of the roofs, flexural and shear deficiencies of the columns, inadequate braces
and poor detailing at the joints. For multi-storeyed buildings, besides the previous deficiencies,
there can be plan or vertical irregularities. The retrofit strategies include strengthening individual
members and joints, providing adequate braces and reducing irregularities. The retrofit strategies
are explained separately for the single storey and multi-storeyed steel buildings. Brief
descriptions of non-buckling braces and plate shear walls are also presented.
10-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


This chapter deals with buildings that derive their main structural strength to resist lateral
loads from structural steel members and systems. This does not include reinforced concrete (RC)
buildings wherein the steel reinforcement bars provide strength and ductility, because concrete is
weak in tension and relatively brittle. In India, structural steel is extensively used in single storey
structures, such as industrial buildings, shopping malls, exhibition centres and storages structures.
Its use in multi-storeyed building has been very minimal, in spite of its many advantages in
structures subjected to seismic loads. Only recently, a few multi-storeyed buildings such as
airport terminals are being constructed using structural steel. The structural steel used may
consist of hot rolled steel, cold rolled steel or sections fabricated from steel plates. For the
purpose of fabrication of sections and erection of the structural systems, bolting or welding are
used. The use of riveting in modern construction is rare.

The design lateral loads of conventional single storey steel buildings are often
governed by wind loads and not seismic load. Hence, when properly detailed,
such buildings are rarely vulnerable to failure due to earthquake loads. Statistics
indicate that the number of fatalities during earthquake due to failure of all types
of steel buildings is significantly less compared to the other types of buildings.
This stands as a testimony to the better performance of steel structures under
seismic loads, compared to structures made of other materials.

Recent experiences in different countries have exposed the vulnerability of the

connections in moment resisting frame systems for multi-storeyed steel buildings.
Recommendations are available for retrofit of such vulnerable connections.

The use of structural steel in the design and retrofit of buildings subjected to earthquake
is often economical and efficient, because of the following reasons.

• Structural steel members have higher strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios

and hence, the buildings attract less base shear under an earthquake.
• Structural steel members and systems exhibit ductile behaviour beyond elastic limit and
hence, dissipate considerable energy before failure during an earthquake. The structural
steel buildings are particularly effective under performance based design.
• Better quality control exercised in the production of the material, as well as fabrication
and erection of the systems, ensures properties closer to the theoretical predictions.
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-3

• Structural steel can be used to retrofit existing deficient RC and steel buildings, obtaining
the desired increase in strength, stiffness and ductility without increasing the dead weight
appreciably. This is covered in Chapter 9, Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings.
• Dry nature of the retrofit using steel and minimal site work make retrofit using steel less
intrusive in the functional requirements of the building, during retrofit.
• It is easy to design, plan and execute retrofit using steel because of ease of attachment of
steel elements to existing members. Hence, retrofit using steel is usually amenable to fast
track work.

In this chapter, first the single storey building systems, their deficiencies in resisting
seismic loads and suggestions for retrofit are presented. Subsequently, multi-storeyed structural
systems, their deficiencies and methods of retrofit are presented. In each case, the behaviour and
design of the different types of structural system are discussed briefly, before reviewing the
possible deficiencies and methods of retrofit.

The following Indian and international codes of practice give recommendations for
evaluation, design and detailing of steel buildings to resist earthquake loads, which would be
useful references for retrofit projects.

• IS 800 (Draft), “Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel”

• FEMA 172, “NEHRP Handbook of Techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing
• ASCE 31-03, “Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings”
• ANSI/AISC 341-05, “Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings”
10-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


Some typical single storey buildings made of structural steel is shown in Figure 10.1. Typically,
the members of the structural systems in such buildings perform the function of transfer of gravity
load alone, lateral load alone or combination of gravity load and lateral load. The different
structural systems and their behaviour under lateral loads are discussed in this section.
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-5

Figure 10.1 Typical single storey steel buildings

10-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

10.3.1 Gravity Load Resisting Systems

Usually purlins support the roof cladding and transfer gravity loads to the main structural
members, which may be truss or rafter members of moment resisting frames. These, in turn,
transfer the loads through columns to foundations. The columns may be RC or steel members. If
the building is serviced by an electric overhead travelling crane, the gantry girder of the crane is
also supported by such columns. In the case of buildings with light crane or no crane load, the
steel columns may be members with a solid web such as I-sections. They may be laced or
battened built-up columns in the case of buildings with heavy crane load or buildings with tall
head room. Stepped built-up columns may be used to support the gantry and roof truss at
different levels.

When the cladding material is light, frequently wind uplift (suction) force on the roof
causes reversal of stresses in the gravity load system. This has to be accounted for, particularly
with regard to instability of bottom chords of the trusses and bottom flanges of the rafters.

10.3.2 Lateral Load Resisting Systems

The lateral loads on a single storey industrial building are due to wind, earthquake
or crane surge. When the cladding is light and does not support any heavy
equipment, usually the wind load governs the design of the lateral load resisting
system. However, if the cladding consists of masonry walls and RC roof slabs,
earthquake load can be the governing lateral load, especially in high seismic

The lateral loads may be resisted by any one or combination of the following structural
• Cantilever column system
• Moment resisting frame system
• Braced frame system
• Stressed skin system
A brief description of each of the system follows.

a) Cantilever Column System

Columns, acting as vertical cantilevers, fixed at the base and tied at the top by the gravity
load carrying system of the roof, can resist the lateral loads (Figure 10.2). The foundations of
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-7

such columns should be designed for the base moment of the cantilever, in addition to the vertical

To reduce the bending moment at the base of a cantilever column, instead of providing a
moment connection, frequently a knee brace is provided at the junction of the rafter and column.

Knee bracings

Figure 10.2 Cantilever column system

10-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 10.3 Moment resisting frame systems

b) Moment Resisting Frame System

The frames consist of columns (stanchions) and rafters that are connected at the eaves and
crown for resisting moments. The members may be made of solid web I-sections in the case of
smaller spans (Figure 10.3a) or may be latticed in the case of longer spans (Figure 10.3e). In
order to increase the flexural strength at the regions of maximum moment, often the sections are
tapered (Figures 10.3b, c, d). The frames with solid I-section exhibit good ductility, as long as the
junctions between the rafters and columns are properly detailed.

c) Braced Frame System

This is the most common and probably the most economical way of achieving lateral load
resistance in single storey steel buildings (Figure 10.4). The roof system consists of horizontal
braces (usually X-type) either at the rafter level or tie level or both the levels of the trusses. The
braces act as a horizontal truss to transfer the lateral load to the vertical bracing system in the
perimeter walls. The perimeter columns in such buildings can be modelled as simply supported at
the top and simply supported or fixed at the foundation. In the later case the columns behave as
propped cantilevers.
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-9

Tie level
horizontal braces

Column acting as
Vertical braces propped cantilever
in walls

Figure 10.4 Braced frame system

d) Stressed Skin System

If the cladding of a single storey building consists of profiled metal decking properly
attached to each other and the supporting members with adequate fasteners, then the cladding
together with the supporting members can behave as a diaphragm to transfer in-plane shear, in
addition to transferring loads normal to their plane. Such type of construction is referred to as
stressed skin system (Figure 10.5). Instead of wall claddings, masonry infill between columns
may be used to transfer the horizontal forces. The roof diaphragm along with the braces in the
walls can be used without relying on the diaphragm action of the wall claddings. Since the
diaphragm action of the claddings is usually flexible, this has to be accounted for while
calculating the natural period of the structure.
10-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 12.5 Stressed skin system

10.3.3 Recommendations for Seismic Analysis

As was mentioned already, single storey steel buildings are rarely vulnerable to earthquake forces
because of their light cladding. The buildings can be evaluated for seismic loads as per IS 1893:
2002, using either the equivalent static method or the response spectrum method. These methods
are explained in Chapter 8, Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit.

Of course, the recommendation for calculating the time period based on the height (T =
0.085 h ) tends to under-estimate the period and over-estimate the seismic forces for single
storey steel buildings. This is due to the neglect of the flexibility of the roof diaphragms and the
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-11

walls in these buildings, which also have large lateral dimension compared to the height. The
period can be more realistically evaluated by the following methods.
• Modelling the diaphragms as flexible to obtain longer periods for the structure.
• Utilizing the energy dissipation capacity of flexible diaphragms (instead of treating the
diaphragms to remain elastic) at the lateral load capacity of the vertical bracing system.

In place of tedious and time consuming models, the following formula can be used to arrive at the
period of single storey steel buildings with light cladding more accurately (Lamarche et al.,

T = 0.01L0.75 (10.1)

where, L is the largest plan dimension of the building. Once the time period is more accurately
ascertained, the analysis procedures can be used to calculate the design forces in the members.



The possible structural deficiencies in single storey steel buildings for resisting seismic forces and
the retrofit strategies for the same are reviewed in this section. Many of these strategies may be
used to retrofit against wind loads. While evaluating any steel structure for retrofit, it is necessary
to evaluate the current condition. This is covered in Chapter 3, Rapid Visual Screening, Data
Collection and Preliminary Evaluation and Chapter 4, Condition Assessment of Buildings.

10.4.1 Cantilever Column System

Frequently the cantilever columns are mistakenly designed as propped cantilever

columns, when there is no adequate bracing at the top to provide the lateral
support. Such columns are inadequate to resist the moment due to lateral loads.

When the columns are not adequately designed to resist the moment due to lateral loads, one of
the following methods can be used to retrofit the columns.
10-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

• Provide a horizontal bracing system at the tie level of the roof and attach it to the
columns. The braces will provide a prop at the top of the columns and reduce the
bending moment due to lateral load (Figure 10.4).
• If the flexural strength of the column is inadequate due to the low lateral buckling
strength, additional lateral supports can be provided to the critical flange (usually the
inner flange which is not connected to the sheeting rails / girts) by providing lateral
diagonal supports emanating from the girts (Figure 10.6a).
• If the support is not adequate to prevent lateral buckling, or if the inadequacy of flexural
strength is governed by material failure, then additional plates may be welded or bolted to
the flanges of the columns (Figure 10.6b).

Girt a) Addition of Cantilever

lateral supports column

Additional plates

b) Addition of flange plates

Figure 10.6 Strengthening of cantilever columns shown in plan

• The bending moment in a cantilever column can be reduced by creating a moment

connection between the structural system of the roof (trusses / rafters) and the column by
providing a knee brace (Figure 10.2). With this the column behaves as a member
restrained partially against rotation at the top and bottom and hence, experiences reduced
moment as compared to the cantilever column. In this method, in addition to designing
the knee brace and its connection, the existing structural system of the roof should be
checked for the additional forces due to the knee brace.
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-13

Further, the foundation/footing supporting a column may be inadequate to carry the

moment. In such a case, if one of the above methods reduces the moment at the base of the
column, then the foundation may be adequate. Otherwise the foundation may have to be
strengthened by under-pinning, as discussed in Chapter 12, Retrofit of Foundations.

10.4.2 Moment Resisting Frame System

The moment resisting frames rely on the formation of plastic hinges at the maximum moment
section to dissipate energy during an earthquake. In multi-storeyed buildings, it is desirable that
such hinges form in the beams and not in the columns (strong column weak beam concept) to
avoid instability. In a single storey building this restriction need not be imposed. However, the
premature failure in the connections due to poor ductility of the welds should be avoided. It may
be noted that the web in the column at the joint is subjected to excessive shear due to the local
moment transfer from the beam (Figure 10.7a). In order to overcome the inadequacy of the web,
extension plates in line with the flanges along with either a diagonal stiffener or doubler plate
may be welded (Figure 10.7b).

To reduce the stresses in the welds connecting the beam to the column (to avoid their
brittle fracture), a haunch can be added at these locations with ductile weld detail (Figure 10.7c).
Alternatively, reducing the capacity of the beam adjacent to the junction with a transition notch
will force the hinging at the reduced section in the beam, away from the joint (Figure 10.7d).
This is known as the dog bone connection and has been effectively used in multi-storeyed

A self-centering post-tensioned (PT) moment resisting connection can be introduced to

increase the energy dissipation capacity of the joint. This involves introducing PT rods in the
joint at the level of neutral axis of the beam and energy dissipation devices away from the neutral
axis (Figure 10.3e). Introduction of buckling restrained braces (Section 10.6.1) as the knee
bracing is another way to improve the energy dissipation.
10-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


Extension plate Haunch
(a) plates
(b) (c)

Flange Notch

Post-tensioned rod
Energy dissipating stubs

Figure 10.7 Moment resisting frame joint retrofit

10.4.3 Braced Frame System

Braced frame buildings may be vulnerable to failure during earthquake either due to the
inadequate strength or ductility of the members or its connections, as explained below.

• In X-bracing, one of the diagonal members is under compression at any time. Hence,
these members may undergo buckling under compression and yielding under tension
alternatively. The plastic hinge formed under buckling cannot dissipate much energy and
the member may fail within a few cycles at such locations. This problem may be
overcome by providing buckling restrained braces (Section 10.6.1). Alternatively, very
slender braces which undergo only elastic buckling in compression and do not yield in
tension may be used. In this case only the member under tension can be considered to be
effective at any given time. In order to decrease the forces in the inadequately designed
braces, the cladding can be mobilised as a stressed skin system to resist part of the lateral
• Due to large rotation at the connection during buckling, the end connections of the braces
may fail prematurely. Figure 10.8 shows the failure of a bracing system in an aircraft
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-15

hangar due to poor detailing of the end connection. The end connections may be modified
to have adequate strength and ductility as per the design provisions of IS 800 (Draft).
Very often the end connection fails before the brace.

The strength of the gusset plate in a bolted connection may be evaluated by the modified
Whitmore–Thornton method (Yam and Cheng, 2002). In this method, first the tensile strength is
obtained by calculating the yield strength of a segment of the plate of effective width bw (Figure
12.9, θ = 30°). Next, the compressive strength is evaluated based on the calculations of another
segment of the plate defined by θ = 45°. The corresponding width of the segment is beff and the
effective length is 0.65 times the largest of the lengths L1, L2, L3 as shown in the figure. Further,
in order to ensure ductility under cyclic loading, the flexural capacity of the gusset plate for out-
of-plane bending is made equal to or larger than the out-of-plane bending capacity of the brace.

Figure 10.8 Failure of the end connections of braces (circled)

10-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Outermost bolt
Innermost bolt

b w/2

b w/2 effective
L1 width (b w)

Figure 10.9 Analysis of a gusset plate

• In a V- or inverted V- bracing (Chevron type) system, the member under compression

buckles beyond a certain load, whereas the member under tension continues to carry
additional load. This causes an unbalanced transverse load on the horizontal beam, which
is not normally designed for it. In order to overcome the problem, either the beam may
be adequately strengthened for the transverse load. Alternatively, the bracing system may
be converted to two-storeyed X-bracing system, by reversing the orientation of V at every
alternate storey.

10.4.4 Stressed Skin System

The lateral load resistance of the stressed skin system may be inadequate due to too large spacing
of the perimeter fasteners. This can be improved by providing additional fasteners at closer
spacing, so that the full capacity of the cladding is mobilized. If the lateral load resistance is still
inadequate, a parallel bracing system can be introduced.

10.4.5 Miscellaneous Deficiencies

A low-rise building may have excessive mass either due to heavy cladding or due to addition of
storeys. Reduction in heavy cladding weight by replacing with light cladding, replacement of
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-17

heavy interior partitions with light ones or with braces, removal of heavy storage and equipment
loading from the roof and demolition of unaccounted storeys can considerably reduce the seismic

Some buildings suffer from the eccentricities between the centres of rigidity and the
centres of mass of the floors which causes torsion. Additional braces can be provided at
appropriate locations to minimize the eccentricities. If the torsion is due to irregular
configuration of the building, the plan shape may be sub divided into a number of regular
independent shapes with adequate seismic joints in between them to prevent pounding under
seismic loads.


Multi-storeyed steel buildings are uncommon in India, even though they are very effective in
resisting seismic loads. Therefore, the material presented in this section is based on the
experiences from other countries. The different types of load resisting systems used in multi-
storeyed buildings are initially reviewed.

10.5.1 Gravity Load Resisting System

The gravity load resisting system usually consists of either RC slabs or composite steel decks
supported by solid web or open web steel joists. Often, shear studs are welded to the top flange
of the joists and girders to create the composite action between the concrete and the steel deck.
The main girders support and transfer the load from the joists to the columns.

10.5.2 Lateral Load Resisting System

Moment resisting frames, braced frames, shear walls or lift / stair core walls are the lateral load
resisting systems in multi-storeyed buildings. These may be used individually or in combination
to resist the lateral loads. IS 1893: 2002 in conjunction with IS 800 (Draft), can be used to design
and detail these structural systems. The behaviour of each system under seismic loads, as well as
recommendations for its design, is briefly discussed.

a) Moment Resisting Frames

The moment resisting frames (MRF) are fairly flexible and consequently attract lesser
inertia forces due to earthquake. But due to their lower stiffness, they may exhibit greater drift
10-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

under seismic loads. Frequently, masonry infill walls are used in the frames. The stiffening
effect of the infill walls should be considered in the analysis and design of such frames.

The frames should be designed based on the concept of strong columns and weak
beams, so that the plastic hinges are formed in the beams before they can form in
the columns. Else, the weakening of the columns may lead to premature
instability and overall failure of the structure.

For the lateral load resistance, the beam-column joints in the frames are designed to
transfer moment using either rigid or semi-rigid connections. To ensure the formation of the
plastic hinge away from the beam-column joint, the widths of the flanges of the beam can be
reduced to create a dog bone connection (Figure 10.7d).

The recent earthquakes have revealed inadequate performance of the frames due to brittle
fracture of the welds. Recommendations are given in IS 800 (Draft) for the seismic detailing of
two types of frames, ordinary MRF and special MRF.

b) Braced Frames
Frames may be braced concentrically or eccentrically. The concentric bracing increases
the lateral stiffness of the frame, thus increasing the seismic forces. Of course there is a reduction
of the lateral drift. Concentrically braced frames (CBF) may be of different types as shown in
Figure 10.10. In X-bracing, at least one of the braces in each floor is under tension and hence it is
preferred to the diagonal bracing. The diagonal bracing should be provided in pairs of frames,
with the diagonals in the two frames inclined in opposite directions. In case of V- or inverted V-
(Chevron type) bracing, the horizontal beam may experience an unbalanced transverse force due
to the buckling of the brace under compression. Hence, it is should be adequately designed for the
same. IS 800 (Draft) covers the design and detailing of ordinary CBFs and special CBFs.

While the braces decrease the bending moments and shear forces in the columns and
beams, they increase the axial forces in the columns. Any foundation uplift due to the tension in
the column under lateral loads should be avoided by ensuring adequate compression due to
gravity loads. The concentric braces usually have lower energy dissipation capacity, especially
under the compression range of the cyclic loading.
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-19

(i) Diagonal braces (ii) X-braces (iii) Chevron braces

Figure 10.10 Types of concentric braced frames

To reduce the lateral stiffness of the structure and improve the energy dissipation capacity,
eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) have been used (Figure 10.11). Due to the eccentric
connection of the braces to the beams, the lateral stiffness also depends on the flexural stiffness of
the beams. The vertical component of the force of a brace causes a concentrated transverse load
on a beam. Under this load, plastic hinge is formed in the stub length of the beam. The stub
beam is designed to have adequate ductility and thus dissipate energy. Of course, the stub beam
should be designed to avoid the formation of a shear hinge. Although EBFs attract lesser base
shear compared to CBFs, they under go larger lateral drift.

(i) Diagonal braces (ii) Split braces (iii) V braces

Figure 10.11 Types of eccentric braced frames (EBFs)

10-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


The deficiencies in multi-storeyed buildings can be in the configuration or in the capacities of

individual members. The deficiencies in the configuration are referred to as irregularities. The
definitions of plan and vertical irregularities are given in IS 1893: 2002. These are explained in
Chapter 2.

The retrofit strategies for reinforced concrete multi-storeyed buildings are discussed in
Chapter 9. Some of them are applicable for steel buildings also. These are not covered in this
chapter. Only the special strategies related with steel buildings are mentioned.

10.6.1 Non-Buckling Braces

Conventional braces tend to buckle under the compression cycle of the seismic load, thus
dissipating little energy under compression. This causes pinching of the hysteresis loop and
failure of the braces within a few cycles, due to the formation of plastic hinge close to middle.
The use of non-buckling braces bypasses this problem. These braces are also known as buckling
restrained braces or unbonded braces.

The non-buckling brace is an innovative, patented concept (Indian patent No. 155036,
dated 30.4.81 and United States patent No. 5175972, dated 5.1.93), which overcomes the problem
of buckling and low energy dissipation of regular braces. In this type of braces, the requirements
of adequate strength to resist compression and adequate rigidity to avoid buckling, have been
assigned separately to a core and a sleeve. First, a suitable section (made of flats or angles) is
selected for the core. The core is non-prismatic, that is the cross-section is not constant
throughout the length (Figure 10.12). The projection of the core beyond the sleeve should have
larger area such that the core does not yield or buckle in that region. By appropriately flaring of
the area of the core, the desired strength and stiffness of the brace can be obtained independently.
The sleeve is in the form of a cylinder. The space between the core and the sleeve is filled with
inert filler such as cement mortar. The bond between the core and the grout is eliminated to
ensure that no part of axial force is transferred to the sleeve.
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-21

A Grout

A Core

a) Longitudinal section b) Section A-A

Figure 10.12 A non-buckling brace

In the frames with non-buckling braces, the structure is expected to remain elastic under
the design seismic loads and all the yielding (seismic damage) is expected to occur in the non-
buckling braces. This is an effective and economical way of achieving a structure with adequate
lateral stiffness under moderate seismic loads and large energy dissipation under extreme seismic
loads (Kalyanaraman et. al. 1998a, 1998b). Careful proportioning of the areas of the cores of the
braces at different storeys can enable dissipation of energy and control inter-storey drift. The
connection between the core and the gusset plate may be made using slip resistant (friction grip)
bolts. The gusset plates can be designed as discussed in Section 10.4.3.

Since the compressive strength of the core is slightly larger than the tensile strength for
the same level of plastic deformation, the V- and inverted V- type of bracing configuration
generates an unbalanced transverse force on the horizontal beam. The horizontal beam should be
adequately designed for the transverse force or the two configurations should be combined to
achieve an X-configuration over two storeys.

Guidelines for the calculations of non-buckling braces are given for the following
methods of analysis.
• Equivalent static analysis (linear static analysis)
• Response spectrum method (linear dynamic analysis)
• Push over analysis (non-linear static analysis).
These methods are explained in Chapter 8, Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit.
10-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

a) Equivalent static analysis

The steps follow the provisions of IS 1893: 2002.
• Calculate the seismic weight and approximate time periods of the building (Clause 7.6).
• Calculate the design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah (Clause 6.4.2) assuming an R value
of 4.5, and calculate the base shear VB.
• Distribute the lateral forces to all the levels (Clause 7.7.1).
• Calculate the shear demand in the ith storey as the sum of the lateral forces acting at all
the floors above the storey. If the demand exceeds the capacity of the existing braces,
then the additional braces are to be designed for the shear difference, say VDi.
• Calculate the axial force in the non-buckling braces (Fbr) as follows.
⎛ V ⎞⎛ L ⎞
Fbr = ⎜⎜ Di ⎟⎟⎜ br ⎟ (10.2)
⎝ N br ⎠⎝ s ⎠
Lbr = average length of the braces
Nbr = number of additional braces in the storey
s = average span (horizontal projected length) of a brace.

The above procedure is based on hand calculations. The individual forces can also be
found out by a computational model. The development of a model is discussed in Chapter 8. The
required areas for the core and sleeve of a brace are calculated corresponding to the design force.
The strength and stiffness of the braces can be altered by the parameters defining the non-
prismatic core, to obtain the desired level of storey drifts.

b) Response spectrum method

The design steps are as follows.
• Choose trial sections for the braces as per the equivalent static analysis discussed above.
• Define the response spectrum (Figure 2 of IS 1893: 2002).
• Perform the analysis using a modal superposition method.
• Check the braces for the design forces. Repeat the steps until the sections are adequate.
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-23

c) Pushover analysis
In this method, the energy dissipation concept of non-buckling braces can be properly
utilised to develop a damage controlled design. The steps can be divided into two stages.
i. Analysis of the existing building
ii. Analysis and design of the retrofit scheme.

i. Analysis of the existing building

• Develop the computational model and the assign the lateral force distribution.
• Define and assign the load versus deformation hinge properties for the elements.
• Perform the pushover analysis.

ii. Analysis and design of the retrofit scheme

• Choose appropriate locations for the braces. The braces should reduce the torsion of the
building. For regular buildings, it is better to provide braces symmetrically to avoid
shifting the centre of stiffness.
• Choose trial sections for the braces. Define and assign appropriate load versus
deformation hinge properties for the braces.
o It is possible to design the areas of the cores in such a way that all the braces in a
storey start yielding at the same step of the pushover analysis.
• Perform the pushover analysis for the building model with the retrofit scheme. At the
performance point, the roof displacement and inter-storey drifts for the building should be
under the permissible limits. Repeat the steps if necessary.
• Wherever the V- type or the inverted V- type braces are used, check the horizontal beams
to which the braces are attached, for the unbalanced transverse forces. Check the
columns and foundations for the design forces.

10.6.2 Plate Shear Walls

Plate shear walls may be used to resist the lateral forces and dissipate energy (Berman and
Bruneau, 2003). This consists of a steel plate attached to beams at the top and bottom and
columns at the two sides (Figure 10.13). The beams and columns are referred to as the boundary
elements. The boundary elements, particularly the columns can be designed to remain elastic till
the plate yields.
10-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Boundary elements
Plate under shear

Figure 10.13 Plate shear wall

The design shear strength of a plate shear wall is evaluated as follows.

V = 0.42 fy tp Lcf sin2α (10.3)

fy = yield strength of the plate
tp = thickness of the plate.

The value of α is given by the following equation.

tpL (10.4)
2 Av
tan α =

⎡1 h3 ⎤
H t p h⎢ + ⎥
⎣ Ah 360 I v L ⎦

Ah = area of a beam
Av = area of a column
H = height of the plate
Retrofit of Steel Buildings 10-25

Iv = moment of inertia of a column about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the plate
L = length of the plate.

The aspect ratio of the panel should satisfy 0.8 < L/H ≤ 2.5.


Steel structures can perform without degradation even under severe coastal condition provided
they are protected properly against direct exposure of steel to alternate wetting and atmospheric
oxygen. Steel structures require maintenance to ensure that the corrosion protection measures are
in place all the time. The protection measures involve exposed surface preparation and
application of coatings, which can serve as long as 25 years without any further treatment (IS 800
(Draft)). However, claddings in the buildings may leak and consequently allow salt laden
moisture to come into direct contact with steel, thus causing corrosion. Once steel starts
corroding, simply covering the corroded area with coatings is not adequate. It is necessary to
remove the oxides of steel and prepare the surface adequately before applying the necessary
coatings. When corrosion is prevented by such maintenance measures, steel structures can have a
long life.


First, the structural systems of steel buildings are explained. Next, two types of steel buildings
are described: single storey industrial sheds and multi-storeyed buildings. For each type, the
lateral load resisting systems are reviewed. The possible deficiencies in resisting seismic loads
and the retrofit strategies are discussed. The design of non-buckling braces and plate shear walls
are explained.


1. ANSI/AISC 341-05 (2005), “Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings”,

American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.
2. ASCE 31-03 (2003), “Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings”, American Society of
Civil Engineers, USA.
3. FEMA 172 (1992), “NEHRP Handbook of Techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Existing Buildings”, Building Seismic Safety Council, USA.
10-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

4. IS 800 (Draft), “Indian Standard Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel”,
Bureau of Indian Standards.
5. IS 1893: 2002, “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Part 1: General
Provisions and Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards.
6. Berman, J. and Bruneau, M. (2003), “Plastic Analysis and Design of Steel Plate Shear
Walls”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.
129, No. 11, pp. 1448 – 1456.
7. Kalyanaraman V., Sridhara B. N. and Ramachandran B., (1998a) “A Sleeved Bracing
System for Earthquake Resistant Design of Tall Buildings”, Proceedings of the 11th
Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, University of Roorkee, pp 713 – 720.
8. Kalyanaraman, V., Sridhara, B. N., Thairani, V., (1998b), “Core Loaded Earthquake
Resistant Bracing System”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 46, No. 1-3,
pp 215.
9. Lamarche C. P., Proulx J., Paultre, P. (2004), “An Experimental Investigation of the
Dynamic Characteristics of Low Rise Steel Structures”, Fifth Specialty Conference of the
Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Saskatchwan, Canada.
10. Yam M. C. H. and Cheng J. J. R. (2002), “Behavior and Design of Gusset Plate
Connections in Compression”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 58, pp.

The geotechnical seismic hazards include ground cracks, heave, liquefaction, failure of slopes and
tsunami. In order to evaluate the hazard at a particular site, it is necessary to undertake a site
characterisation. The site characterisation is presented in three sub-topics: study of seismicity,
subsurface investigation and dynamic soil properties. The study of seismicity identifies the
sources of ground motion, evaluates their potential for strong ground shaking. The faults near a
site are identified. For subsurface investigation, the common field tests are explained. Among
dynamic soil properties, the shear modulus is explained. Based on the site characterisation,
classification of a site and a site-specific response analysis are undertaken.

During an earthquake, the cyclic stresses in the soil due to the propagation of shear waves
from the bed rock, cause an increase in the pore water pressure. The soil loses its shear strength
and acts similar to a viscous liquid. This phenomenon is termed as the liquefaction of soil. The
liquefaction potential at a site is commonly expressed in terms of a factor of safety. The methods
of evaluating the liquefaction potential based on the standard penetration tests and the cone
penetration tests are briefly explained.
11-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The unfavourable soil conditions can be mitigated by certain measures. The ground
improvement techniques are divided into four categories: densification, reinforcement,
grouting/mixing and drainage techniques. Among these techniques, densification is probably the
most commonly used technique. The strengthening of slopes includes the use of geo-grids, rock
anchors, gabions and stone columns. These techniques are explained with illustrations.


A proper understanding of geotechnical earthquake engineering principles is necessary for

rational seismic resistant design and retrofit of buildings. Past earthquakes have shown that the
effects of strong ground shaking are diverse. During the 1999 Turkey earthquake, a building
collapsed due to liquefaction of the ground with little or no damage to the structure itself. In
contrast, during the 1999 Taiwan earthquake, a building was heavily damaged due to the intense
shaking of a portion of the building.

This chapter discusses the types of hazards, characterisation of sites based on local
effects, response of site during earthquakes, evaluation of liquefaction potential and mitigation of
the hazard.


The hazards associated with ground displacements are the development of ground cracks and
faults, ground heave, liquefaction-induced sinking of foundations and lateral spread of soil,
failure of slopes, failure of retaining walls and generation of tsunami. Each of the hazards is
briefly discussed.
1. Ground cracks range from small fissures to long and deep faults. The cracks can transect
roads, railway tracks, dams, etc., and can cause widespread damage in buildings.
Important infrastructure facilities such as power cables, telephone and high speed data
cables, water, sewage, gas and oil pipelines can also be damaged.
2. Ground heave refers to the uplift of the soil along a fault line. Figure 11.1 shows the
condition of a sprinting track after the 1999 Taiwan earthquake.
3. Liquefaction is the temporary loss of the strength of the soil and subsequent fluidization
during ground shaking. The reduction in bearing capacity during liquefaction can lead to
the sinking of building foundations causing varying degrees of damage to the
superstructure. The phenomenon is further discussed subsequently.
Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-3

4. Slopes of soil and rock can fail during an earthquake, particularly those that are
marginally stable before the earthquake.
5. Tsunami refers to the waves generated when the fault of an earthquake is located at the
sea-bed and there is an upward displacement of the sea-bed.

Figure 11.1 Ground heave during Chi Chi earthquake in Taiwan, 1999
11-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


One of the important steps in the evaluation of geotechnical seismic hazard is site
characterization. The information is used to develop site specific response
spectrum and to select methods to mitigate the hazards. The scope of the
investigation depends on the seismicity of the area, soil conditions at the site and
the proposed/existing structure. The investigation involves acquisition, synthesis
and interpretation of information about the fault lines, local soil conditions,
potential of large-scale liquefaction, mudflows, subsidence and landslides.

11.4.1 Study of Seismicity

The objective of a seismicity study is to quantify the level and characteristics of ground motion at
a site. The study involves detailed examination of available geological data and past seismic
activities (epicentre, magnitude and intensity database) to establish patterns and to locate possible
sources of earthquakes and their associated mechanisms. Subsequently, typical ground motion
time histories called synthetic/scenario earthquakes, are developed. The process by which the
parameters of the ground motion time histories are established is termed as the seismic hazard
analysis. A seismic hazard analysis involves the following steps.

i. Identification of the sources capable of generating strong ground motion at the site
ii. Evaluation of the potential of each source, which is referred to as seismic source
iii. Evaluation of the intensity of the design ground motion at the site.

The data on past seismic activities in India can be obtained from Geological Survey of
India and Indian Meteorological Department. The study of seismicity is used in seismic micro-
zonation. The later refers to the identification of faults and local soil conditions in a certain area.
The information is used in the seismic design of buildings and seismic hazard assessment.

11.4.2 Subsurface Investigation

Subsurface investigation is an important step to identify all relevant information about the local
soil conditions. Exploration can be conducted up to the depths recommended in the following
table or to bedrock / hard soil layer encountered within these depths.
Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-5

Table 11.1 Typical values of depths of exploration

Objectives Tall buildings or structures Less important buildings

with deep excavated
Determination of properties 50 m 20 m
for dynamic response of soil
Assessment of liquefaction 15 m 10 m
Detection of faults 50 m 30 m

The thickness and properties of soil layers are obtained through sampling and testing in a
laboratory or by field tests. The common soil parameters include water content, specific gravity,
grain size analysis, Atterberg limits and the compressive strength. In addition to these
parameters, the stiffness and shear wave velocity need to be determined. The following field tests
are conducted to determine the in-situ properties of soil.
1. Standard penetration test
2. Seismic cross-hole test
3. Seismic up-hole (down-hole) test
4. Spectral analysis of surface waves test

Standard penetration test

The standard penetration test (SPT) consists of driving a standard sampler through a
specified depth in a borehole. The driving is achieved by dropping a standard mass through a
certain height on the sampler. The number of blows (N) to drive the sampler is recorded. The
procedure of the test is given in IS 2131: 1981. The value of N is a measure of stiffness of the

Seismic cross-hole test

The seismic cross-hole test determines the velocities of compression wave (P-wave) and
shear wave (S-wave) of soil at a certain depth. The test involves the generation of stress waves at
a certain borehole and detecting the waves by a receiver in another borehole. The durations of
travel of the waves between the boreholes are recorded. Details of the test is given in ASTM
D4428-00. The calculated shear wave velocity (vs) is used to determine the shear modulus of the
11-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

soil layer. Figure 11.2 shows the wave velocity profiles at the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor
(PFBR) site in Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.

Wave velocity (m/s)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000








shear wave velocity compression wave velocity

Figure 11.2 Shear wave and compression wave velocity profiles at the PFBR site,

Seismic up-hole (down-hole) test

The seismic up-hole or down-hole tests are similar to the cross-hole test. But only one
borehole is required to perform these tests. In the up-hole method, the receiver is placed at the
surface, and the shear waves are generated at different depths within the borehole. On the
contrary, in the down-hole method, the excitation is applied at the surface and one or more
receivers are placed at different depths within the borehole (Figure 11.3).
Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-7


source Geophone

a) Cross-hole b) Up-hole c) Down-hole

Figure 11.3 Schematic diagrams of cross-hole, up-hole and down-hole tests

Spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) test

Spectral analysis of surface waves test is a recently developed test, that does not require
boreholes. The test uses two receivers that are spread out along a line at the surface and the
source of energy is a hammer or tamper also at the surface. The output of both the receivers is
used to develop the shear wave velocity profile of the soil. The details of the test and other tests
are provided by Bowles (2001) and Ansal (2004).

11.4.3 Dynamic Soil Properties

The behaviour of soils under dynamic load plays a crucial role in the determination of ground
displacements. The soil properties required in a dynamic analysis are the shear modulus,
Poisson’s ratio, unit weight and damping. Here, only the shear modulus is explained.

Dynamic Shear Modulus

The dynamic shear modulus (G) can be determined in the laboratory by the resonant
column test. For in-situ evaluation, the shear wave velocity (vs) obtained from the tests
mentioned earlier can be used. The equation relating the two quantities is as follows.

G = ρ vs2 (11.1)
11-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Here, ρ is the density of soil. In absence of field tests, empirical relationships can be used to
calculate the value of G (Bowles, 2001). Table 11.2 provides the typical ranges of G for several
generic soil types.

Table 11.2 Typical values of dynamic shear modulus of soil

Type of soil G (kPa)

Soft clays 2,750 – 13,750
Firm clays 6,900 – 34,500
Silty sands 27,600 – 138,000
Dense sands and Gravel 69,000 – 345,000


The soil profile at a site can have a profound effect on the ground motion. The
local soil conditions affect the intensity, frequency content, and duration of the
motion at the ground surface or at level of the foundation. The motion at the
bedrock can be amplified several times due to the local soil profile.

11.5.1 Types of Site Effect

The site effects on the ground motion include the following.

1. The response of shallow sediments (local response effect)
2. The effect of deep sediments (basin response effect)
3. The effect of irregular surface topography (topographic effect)

Among the three site effects, the local response effect is first considered in practice. For
major projects and critical facilities, and for deep deposits of soft clay or other special soils, the
other two effects should also be studied.
Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-9

11.5.2 Site classification

The classification of sites based on the local soil conditions is used in the modelling of site effects
in the seismic design of buildings. As per ASCE 7-02, the site classification is based on the
average shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m of the soil ( vs ). The average shear wave velocity
for the layers is determined from the equation given below.

∑d i
vs = i =1
n (11.2)
i =1 si

di = thickness of layer i (m)
n = number of distinct layers of soil in the upper 30 m
vsi = shear wave velocity in layer i (m/s).

The six site classes as per ASCE 7-02 are reproduced in Table 11.3.

Table 11.3 Site classification

Site class Nomenclature v s in m/s

A Hard Rock >1500
B Rock 760 to 1500
C Very dense soil and soft rock 370 to 760
D Stiff Soil 180 to 370
E Soil <180
F The sites requiring specific evaluation are classified here.

Based on the site class, the response spectrum is modified with coefficients.

11.5.3 Site-Specific Response Analysis

The methods of analysis of a building for seismic forces are traditionally based on a design
response spectrum. The methods and the design response spectrum are explained in Chapter 8,
Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit. But for important structures it is preferred to do the
11-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

analysis based on a site-specific response spectrum. A site-specific response spectrum is

developed based on the seismicity at the site, the soil conditions and soil attenuation relationships.

The site-specific response spectrum requires the information of the magnitude of

earthquake and the acceleration of the bed rock expected at the site. These quantities are
evaluated from a seismic hazard analysis. Next, for evaluating the effect of local soil conditions
on the ground motion several methods are now available. Most of these methods are based on the
assumption that the main response in a soil deposit is caused by the upward propagation of shear
waves from the underlying rock formation through the horizontal soil layers (Figure 11.4).
Methods based on this one-dimensional wave propagation theory have given results in fair
agreement with field observations for a number of cases.

The computer program SHAKE (developed at the Earthquake Engineering Research

Center, University of California Berkeley, USA) is based on the one-dimensional wave
propagation theory. If the ground motions are known or specified at Point A, and the properties
of the soil layers are provided, the SHAKE program can be used to compute the motion at the
base of the soil column (Point A/). The program can then find the motion at any other point (say
Point B), which is the top of another soil column. There are some other programs catered to
specific analyses.

Recorded ground
motion Modified ground

Soil layers

Soil layers

A/ B/
Base rock motion Modified base
rock motion

Figure 11.4 Schematic representation of computing the effect of local soil conditions
Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-11


11.6.1 General

During an earthquake, the stresses induced in saturated granular soil due to the
propagation of shear waves cause reduction of the volume of soil and an increase
in the pore water pressure. In certain cases, the pore water pressure exceeds the
existing effective overburden pressure and hence, the soil loses its shear strength
and acts similar to a viscous liquid. This phenomenon is termed as the
liquefaction of soil. In a built environment, it leads to failure of the foundation of
buildings, tilting of retaining walls, damage of the service pipelines, fracture of
pavements, etc.

The increase in pore water pressure leads to upward flow of water to the ground surface, where it
can emerge in the form of sand boils or mud spouts.

11.6.2 Factors Affecting Liquefaction

The three primary factors controlling liquefaction are as follows.

1. Characteristics of ground motion: The character of ground motion (amplitude and

frequency content) controls the development of shear strains that cause liquefaction. Even
for the same acceleration, higher magnitude earthquakes are more damaging because of
the higher number of cycles of strain.
2. Type of soil: The soils which are susceptible to liquefaction are clay free deposits of sand
and silt. The potential for liquefaction depends on the looseness of the soil, amount of
clay (cementing material), the particle size gradation and the restriction to drainage.
Well-graded soils are generally less susceptible to liquefaction than poorly graded soils.
Soils with rounded particle shapes densify more easily and hence, are less susceptible to
liquefaction than angular grained soils.
3. In-situ stress condition of the soil: A granular soil is susceptible to liquefaction when it is
saturated in water. This occurs in low lying areas near rivers, lakes or oceans, where the
ground water level is high, say within 10 m of the ground surface.
11-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

11.6.3 Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential

Because of difficulties in analytically modeling soil conditions at liquefiable sites, the use of
empirical methods is popular in conventional engineering practice. Two approaches are used to
estimate the liquefaction potential, one based on standard penetration tests (SPT) and the other
based on the cone penetration tests (CPT). The data from these tests provide a measure of the
resistance to liquefaction in a certain layer of soil, which is termed as the cyclic resistance ratio
(CRR). A cyclic stress ratio (CSR) is evaluated as the measure of stress during an earthquake on
the layer under consideration. The ratio of CRR to CSR gives a factor of safety, which is a
measure of the liquefaction potential of the soil layer.

Method based on Standard Penetration Test

The basic procedure of this method is as follows.
1. The standard penetration test count (N) is evaluated by field test as per IS 2131: 1981.
2. The count N is corrected to normalise for an effective overburden pressure of 100 kPa
and to 60 percent of the energy input by the equipment. The corrected blow count is
represented as (N1)60.
3. The CRR is estimated from (N1)60 using a correlation chart.
4. The factor of safety against liquefaction is defined as the ratio of CRR to CSR.
Table 11.4 can be used to have a qualitative estimate of the liquefaction potential from values of
Table 11.4 Liquefaction potential based on corrected SPT count

Values of (N1)60 Liquefaction potential

0 to 20 High
20 to 30 Intermediate
Greater than 30 Insignificant

Method based on Cone Penetration Test

The basic procedure of this method is similar to that based on SPT.
1. The cone penetration resistance (qc) is evaluated by field test as per IS 4968: 1976 (Part
Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-13

2. The value of resistance is corrected to normalise for an effective overburden pressure of

100 kPa and also based on content of fine particles. The corrected resistance is
represented as qc1.
3. The CRR is estimated from qc1 using a correlation chart.
4. The factor of safety against liquefaction is defined as the ratio of CRR to CSR.

Further details of the methods are provided by Kramer (1996). A liquefaction analysis
would typically not be needed for those sites having peak ground acceleration less than 0.10g or
magnitude of earthquake less than 5.


11.7.1 General

For a new construction the liquefaction potential can be mitigated by avoiding construction at
susceptible soils or designing the foundation appropriately. For an existing building, the
liquefaction potential can be mitigated by ground improvement techniques. These techniques aim
to densify and hence increase the strength and stiffness of the soil, and/or improve the drainage
characteristics. The selection of a technique depends on the site and available equipment. This
section briefly describes the available options.

11.7.2 Densification Techniques

Densification is one of the most effective methods of improvement of soil

characteristics for mitigation of seismic hazards. Of course for an existing
building, densification is limited in application. Although the amplitude of ground
displacement may decrease after improvement, the acceleration may be greater as
compared to that in the existing condition.

The methods of densification include vibro-flotation, dynamic compaction, blasting and

compaction grouting.

(a) Vibro-flotation
The vibro-flotation technique uses a probe that is vibrated through soil layers in a grid
pattern to densify the soil. In addition a vertical borehole may be drilled, which is filled with
11-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

compacted gravel or crushed rock to dissipate the pore water pressure during an earthquake.
(Figure 11.5). The vertical columns should be closely spaced for effective dissipation of pore
water pressure.

Hopper for stones

Vibrator Stone tube

Vertical stone

Figure 11.5 Vibro-flotation technique

(b) Dynamic compaction.

Dynamic compaction is performed by repeatedly dropping a heavy weight (10 to 20 tons
through a height of 15 to 20 m) in a grid pattern on the ground surface (Figure 11.6). The impact
causes local liquefaction followed by drainage of the water and densification of the soil. This
method is effective to densify granular soil up to a depth of 9 to 12 m. The process requires
filling of the craters formed by the impact and re-leveling of the ground surface.
Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-15

Figure 11.6 Dynamic compaction technique

Most contractors prefer to use any one method because they have experience with it and
have invested in the equipment. Each method works best in certain soils and poorly in others.
Therefore, the method to be used in a certain situation has to be carefully chosen.

(c) Blasting
Blasting is used to densify loose granular soils. This technique is suitable for loose sand
with less than 20 percent silt and 5 percent clay. It involves the detonation of multiple explosive
charges vertically spaced 3 to 6 m apart in drilled boreholes. After detonation, gas and water are
expelled which leads to the densification of the soil. The technique is not applicable near existing
structures. Figure 11.7 shows a schematic representation of this method.
11-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 11.7 Soil densification by blasting

(d) Compaction Grouting

Compaction grouting is most suitable for existing buildings. It involves injection of low
slump (less than 75 mm) mortar-type grout into soils at high pressures (3 to 4 MPa). The soil is
displaced and densified by the formation of a bulb of the grout (Figure 11.8). Compaction
grouting has been used in inclined position and up to depths of 30 m.

Figure 11.8 Compaction grouting technique

Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-17

For an existing building, holes are required to be drilled along the perimeter of the
foundation, both outside as well as within the building area. Depending on the permeability of
the soil and capacity of the grout equipment, the lateral spread of the grout into the soil shall be
established by field trials. This will decide the centre to centre distance to be adopted between the
grout holes. A typical arrangement of grouting pattern is shown in Figure 11.9. If the size of the
footing is large compared to the lateral spread of grout, it may become necessary to drill the holes
through the footing itself or to use inclined drilling to ensure that the entire zone below the
foundation is improved.

There are no theoretical relationships to estimate the shear strength achieved after
grouting based on the spacing of grout holes and grout pressure. It is therefore important to
establish the same by field trials. The approximate depth of treatment is usually twice the width
of the footing below the foundation level. The plan area to be treated shall cover a distance of
half the width of foundation beyond the edge of the foundation.
11-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Outside building

Inside building

Plan showing spacing of grout

holes and spread of grout

Floor slab


Section showing depth of grout holes

Figure 11.9 Typical arrangement of grout holes

Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-19

11.7.3 Reinforcement Techniques

In some cases, it is possible to improve the strength and stiffness of an existing soil deposit by
installing discrete inclusions that reinforce the soil. These inclusions may consist of structural
members of steel, concrete, or timber or geo-materials such as densified gravel.

(a) Stone columns

Columns of gravel installed in soil are known as stone columns. They are commonly
used for improvement of liquefiable soil deposits. Stone columns are constructed by introducing
gravel during the process of vibro-floatation. Three different mechanisms are involved in the
improvement of the soil deposits. First, the stone columns improve the deposit by virtue of their
high density, strength and stiffness. Second, they provide closely spaced drainage spaces that
inhibit the development of high pore water pressure during an earthquake. Third, the process of
installation densifies and increases the lateral stresses in the surrounding soil.

Penetration Compaction and withdrawal

Figure 11.10 Sand compaction pile

(b) Compaction piles

Compaction piles are usually prestressed concrete or timber piles that are driven into
loose sand or gravel deposit in a grid pattern. Compaction piles improve the soil deposit by the
following mechanisms. First, the flexural strength of the piles provides resistance to soil
movement. Second, the vibrations and displacements produced during their installation densify
and increase the lateral stresses in the soil surrounding the piles. Relative densities up to 75 to 80
percent are usually achieved in the zones between the piles.
11-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

11.7.4 Grouting and Mixing Techniques

The engineering characteristics of many soil deposits can be improved by injecting or mixing
cementitious materials into the soil. These materials strengthen the contacts between soil grains
and fill the void space between the grains. The techniques are expensive but can often be
accomplished with minimal settlement or vibration.

The grouting techniques involve the injection of cementitious materials into the
voids and fractures in the soil. The particle structure of the majority of the soil
remains intact. On the contrary, mixing techniques introduce cementitious
materials by physically mixing them with the soil, thus completely disturbing the
particle structure of the soil.

(a) Grouting
Permeation grouting involves the injection of low viscosity liquid grout into the voids of
the soil. Particulate grouts include aqueous suspensions of cement, fly ash, bentonite, microfine
cement or combination of them. Chemical grouts include silica and lignin gels, or phenolic and
acrylic resins. The suitability of the grouts is determined based on the grain size of the soil. The
presence of fines can significantly reduce the effectiveness of permeation grouting.

In intrusion grouting, grout of higher viscosity is injected under pressure to cause

controlled fracturing of the soil. The improvement results from the increased stiffness and
strength of the soil mass after hardening of the grout.

(b) Mixing
The cementitious material is mixed with the soil using hollow stem auger and paddle
arrangement. The strength of the soil-cement mixture depends on the type of grout, type of soil
and degree of mixing. After the mixing there is a uniform column of soil-cement.

11.7.5 Drainage techniques

The build up of pore water pressure during an earthquake can be mitigated by providing drainage
channels. This can be achieved by installing columns of stone, gravel or any synthetic material.
Unacceptable movements of slopes, embankments, retaining structures and foundations can be
eliminated or reduced by lowering the ground water table.
Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-21

11.7.6 Preservation of Moisture

Lightly loaded structures founded on conventional shallow strip footing over highly plastic clays
can be strengthened by moisture preservation techniques. Under drought conditions, deficiency
in moisture causes shrinkage of the soil, leading to possible tilting of the external walls. The
intervention in such cases may be undertaken in the following four stages.
i. Environmental control
ii. Soil stabilization
iii. Moisture preservation
iv. Underpinning.

Here, the moisture preservation method is briefly described. The data regarding anticipated
moisture deficiency below ground level is shown in Figure 11.11 (a). The proposed moisture
preservation scheme is shown in Figure 11.11 (b). The scheme uses geo-fabric encapsulated
brick bat filled peripheral drains. This is to achieve periodic self-saturation with rain water
discharge from the roof. The scheme ensures preservation of moisture up to 3 to 4 m depth. The
encapsulation of brick bat material with geo-fabric prevents clogging and makes the drain work
with maximum efficiency. The peripheral drains are located as close as possible to the edge of
wall and are spaced at 1.5 to 2m.
11-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Tall trees

Bush and hedge plants

Bare ground

0.3 m 1

1 to 1.2 m 2

2 to 2.5 m 3

1 2 3 4
Zones of moisture deficiency caused by 3 to 4 m
evaporation and evapo-transpiration.

Figure 11.11 a Anticipated depth of moisture deficiency

Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-23

Rain water

Sand fill Platform in concrete with

brick wall

Brick bats 3.0 to 4.0 m

Geo fabric
Depth of saturation

Figure 11.11 b Moisture preservation scheme


In several cases, earthquake induced land slides result in damage to the houses and other
constructed facilities with loss of lives. The highways get blocked by the debris of the collapsed
soil, resulting in hardship during relief operations. It is therefore very important to check the
stability of slopes close to the important roads and structures. The slope stability analysis should
consider appropriate earthquake forces. If the factor of safety is less than one, the slope needs to
be suitably strengthened. The following are different ways of improving the unstable slopes
(Figure 11.12).
11-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

i. Change the geometry of the slope by one of the following ways.

a. Provide flatter slope
b. Provide berms at suitable locations
c. Deposition of soil or stones at the toe of the slope to increase the stabilizing moment
ii. Provide internal drain pipes to lower the phreatic line
iii. Provide protection with geo-grid anchored into the slope.
iv. Provide horizontal support using stone filled gabions
v. Provide prestressed rock anchors through the unstable mass which will increase the
normal stress on the failure plane (IS 14448: 1997).
vi. Provide suitable ground improvement technique such as stone columns to prevent deep
seated base failure.

Original Original Original

Revised Stone or
Revised sand bag

(i) Flatter slope (ii) Berms (iii) Sand bags or stones

(a) Changing the geometry of the slope

drain pipes Revised Geogrid
phreatic line
phreatic line
(b) Internal drains (c) Geogrids
Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards 11-25

with stones Probable Prestressed
failure surface anchors
Sand + gravel

(d) Gabions (e) Prestressed rock anchors

Stone columns

Soft clay

Hard strata
(f) Stone columns

Figure 11.12 Strengthening of unstable slopes


In this chapter first the types of geotechnical hazards are explained. The site characterisation
explains the study of seismicity, subsurface investigation and dynamic properties of soils. The
common field tests such as standard penetration test, seismic cross-hole, up-hole and down-hole
tests and spectral analysis of surface waves test are briefly discussed.

Under the modelling of site effects, the types of site effect, site classification and site-
specific response spectrum are explained. Next, the phenomenon of liquefaction, the factors and
the evaluation of liquefaction potential are elucidated. Finally, the ground improvement
techniques and strengthening of slopes are illustrated.
11-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


1. ASCE 7-02 (2002), “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures”,
American Society of Civil Engineers.
2. ASTM D4428-00 (2000). “Standard Test Methods for Cross-hole Seismic Testing”,
American Society for Testing and Materials, USA.
3. IS 2131: 1981, “Indian Standard Method for Standard Penetration Test for Soils”, Bureau
of Indian Standards.
4. IS 4968: 1976, “Indian Standard Method for Subsurface Sounding for Soils, Part 3: Static
Cone Penetration Test”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
5. IS 14448: 1997, “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Reinforcement of Rock Slopes
with Plane Wedge Failure”, Bureau of Indian Standards.
6. Ansal, A. (2004). “Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and
Microzonation”, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
7. Boominathan, A. (2002). “Seismic Site Characterization for Nuclear Structures and
Power Plants”, Current Science, Vol. 87, No. 10, 1388–1397.
8. Bowles, J. E. (2001), “Foundation Analysis and Design”, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill,
9. Dowrick, D. J. (2003). “Earthquake Risk Reduction”, John Wiley and Sons.
10. Kramer, S. L., (1996). “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”, Pearson Education Pvt.
11. Moseley, M.P, and Kirsch, K, (2004). “Ground Improvement”, 2nd edition, Spon Press.
12. Port and Harbour Research Institute (1997), “Handbook on Liquefaction Remediation of
Reclaimed Land”, A. A. Balkema.

The loads from a building get transmitted to the soil through the foundation. A seismic retrofit of
a building includes strengthening of inadequate foundations or supplementing with new
foundation. This chapter covers the important aspects of deficiencies of foundation, analysis and
assessment of foundation, the types of intervention to strengthen the foundation and the methods
of execution. The types of intervention include strengthening rubble masonry foundation,
enlarging the area of reinforced concrete footing, underpinning the foundation, drilling micro-
piles, strengthening of piles and base plates. The descriptions are supported with schematic
sketches for clarity.

The methods of execution briefly describe the types of shoring, temporary supports and
underpinning. The methods of improvement of the ground are separately covered in the chapter
on Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards.


All buildings have to be supported on adequate foundations. The foundations transmit the loads
to the soil underneath. Hence, the safety of the buildings depends critically on the foundations. A
builder has options for the material and construction of the building, such as masonry, timber,
concrete or steel. However, in many cases, there is little choice with regard to the site of the
building. The site may have unsatisfactory soil condition. In a few cases, the soil condition may
12-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

be improved by ground improvement techniques. But in most cases, for economy, the prevailing
soil condition is adopted with a suitable foundation.

Soil has a wide range of characteristics depending on the nature of formation. The
soil that forms at the location of the parent rock (residual soil) is different from that
forming at a different location (transported soil). Even at a given site, the soils taken
from two locations from the same stratum, can show widely varying properties. The
properties are also affected considerably by environmental changes and vibrations
during an earthquake. Therefore, it is important to investigate the site before
choosing a suitable foundation for a new building or retrofitting the foundation for
an existing building.

Some types of clay which are very hard when dry, lose their bearing capacity when wet.
In India, vast areas have black cotton soil which contains expansive clay mineral. The later is
responsible for excessive swelling and shrinkage. In the coastal areas, sandy soil with high water
table is susceptible to liquefaction. The chapter on Mitigation of Geotechnical Seismic Hazards
briefly covers site investigation, liquefaction and measures for ground improvement.

12.2.1 Types of Foundation

The foundations of structures can broadly be grouped as either shallow or deep. The essential
features of these two types of foundation are discussed.

Shallow Foundations

• Column or wall footings and rafts are classified as shallow foundations. A shallow
foundation transmits the loads from the structure to a soil stratum at a relatively small
depth from the ground surface.
• The location and the depth at which a shallow foundation is placed should have adequate
bearing capacity. The foundation should not be affected by volume changes of the soil
caused by weathering, expulsion of soil from beneath or due to the foundations of
adjoining structures.
• The settlement, especially any differential settlement, tends to cause damages to the
structure. Hence, both the settlement and differential settlement should be within limits.
Retrofit of Foundations 12-3

The above requirements of location, adequate bearing capacity and permissible

settlement, should be satisfied individually for each footing.

Deep Foundations
• Piles and well foundations are classified as deep foundations. In piles, the load from the
structure is supported by frictional resistance around the piles and/or by end bearing when
the piles rest on rock or a hard stratum.
• Unlike a shallow foundation constructed after excavating the soil up to the foundation
bed, in-situ construction of a deep foundation makes it impossible to visually inspect the
• For buildings on expansive clay such as black cotton soil, under-reamed piles are most
suitable. A pile with a bulb at the bottom is taken to a suitable depth where seasonal
moisture variation is less.


It is essential to diagnose the deficiencies in the foundation before undertaking retrofit. Also, the
highlighting of deficiencies is expected to create awareness for future construction. The causes of
deficiencies are listed.

1. The foundation may not have adequate strength as per the requirements of the current
seismic code IS 1893: 2002. Based on the increased seismic forces, the forces on the
foundation will increase. Very often, old buildings are found to have been designed for
gravity loads only.
2. The foundation can deteriorate due to the ground water and/or soil containing aggressive
chemicals. Industrial pollutants such as sulphates and chlorides are responsible for
deterioration of concrete. In such situations, chemical analyses of the soil and water must
be undertaken.
3. On many occasions, settlement of the soil causes damage to the building.


In a retrofit project, the condition of the foundation can be a determining factor as to whether a
building can be retrofitted. It is necessary to check the foundation for the following.
12-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1. Adequacy of soil strata against resistance to liquefaction.

2. Stability of the area, particularly for buildings on retained earth or on hill slopes.
3. Maximum bearing pressure on the foundation including under the design earthquake.
4. Structural adequacy of the foundation elements such as footing slabs, pile caps, piles, etc.

The condition assessment of buildings is covered in Chapter 4. Here, some information is

provided pertinent to foundations. The condition assessment includes some of the following
depending upon the nature of building.
• Investigation of construction records and archives for soil conditions.
• Fresh soil investigation including sampling and testing. Measurements of groundwater
level and pore water pressure.
• Survey of the foundation and foundation walls. If required, a few typical footings may be
exposed. The survey examines any deterioration of the material.
• Report of settlement, formation of cracks and tilting of the walls and vertical/horizontal
alignment of the foundation.


12.5.1 Analysis of the Building

In the analysis of a building, traditionally the soil-structure interaction is neglected. The bottom
of the ground storey walls or columns are considered to be fixed or pinned depending upon the
type of foundation. Recommendations on the modelling of the base conditions are given in
Chapter 8, Structural Analysis for Seismic Retrofit. Once the forces at the base are obtained from
the analysis, the foundation can be analysed separately.

For a refined analysis for important buildings, the soil-structure interaction can be
incorporated. The interaction refers to the effect of the soil deformation on the
forces in the building.

The following approaches are usually adopted for modelling the soil-foundation system.

(a) Shallow foundations: The soil beneath the shallow foundations can be modelled using spring
supports (referred to as Winkler’s spring supports) with stiffness calculated based on the modulus
Retrofit of Foundations 12-5

of subgrade reaction (simply, subgrade modulus). Typical ranges of subgrade modulus are
provided by Bowles (2001).

(b) Pile foundations: A pile group can be modelled as a column. The following concepts are
used in the model.
• Depth of fixity: The piles are assumed to be fixed at certain depth below the pile cap.
The depth of fixity depends on the stiffness of the soil (represented by the subgrade
modulus) and the fixity condition of the piles at the pile cap. IS 2911 provides
recommendation for the depth of fixity.
• Soil springs: Soil springs are assumed at the interface of each pile and the soil. The
stiffness of a spring is derived form the subgrade modulus.

The forces on the foundation are subsequently obtained from the analysis of the building model.

12.5.2 Analysis of the Foundation

(a) Shallow foundations: The foundation may be considered to be either rigid or flexible
depending on the relative stiffness of the foundation with respect to the soil. For a rigid
foundation, the soil pressure is linear and the computations of the bending moment and shear
force in the footing slab or raft are simpler. For a flexible foundation, the analysis is done using
Winkler’s spring supports. Although the analysis needs more effort, the bending moment is
usually less compared to that obtained from the analysis based on rigid foundation.

(b) Pile foundations: In the case of a pile group, the forces on individual piles can be evaluated
using the finite element method. In this method, a pile is modelled using beam elements and the
pile cap is modelled as a thick plate. The forces from the column are applied on top of the pile
cap. From the analysis, a pile is checked for the maximum compression force, uplift force,
bending moment and shear force.


If the existing foundation does not meet the demand, retrofitting needs to be carried out. It is of
course difficult to carry out the operation while the building is in service.
12-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The following difficulties are to be envisaged during retrofitting of foundations.

1. Evacuation of the entire area or part of the area in phases.

2. Breaking the ground floor slab inside the building and paved areas outside
the building.
3. Restricted movement during intervention due to temporary supports.
4. Restricted headroom for mobilizing large construction equipments such as
piling rig.
5. Noise / vibrations in the building.

In spite of the above difficulties, retrofitting has to be carried out in view of the safety of
the building for future use. To improve the inadequate bearing capacity, reduce excessive
settlement or potential for liquefaction, the zone below the existing foundation can be improved
by injection of grout or chemical into the ground. This is described in Chapter 11, Mitigation of
Geotechnical Seismic Hazards. The following interventions are related with the foundation alone.

12.6.1 Strengthening Rubble Masonry Foundation

The method of underpinning can be used only if the masonry has sufficient strength for
intervention. For underpinning, both sides of the wall are excavated. The material underneath the
foundation is removed in segments (say, for about a length of 1.5 m). Reinforcing bars are
introduced below the wall and concrete is cast. A layer of expansive mortar can be provided
between the masonry and the new concrete (Figure 12.1).
Retrofit of Foundations 12-7

Expansive mortar

Reinforcing bars to
be bent in to the next

Figure 12.1 Underpinning of rubble masonry foundation

A masonry foundation can be strengthened by additional reinforcement and concrete

(Figure 12.2). First, both sides of the wall are exposed by excavating the soil. Holes are drilled at
intervals of 0.5 to 1.0 m. Reinforcing bars are placed in the holes. After cleaning all loose
material, the surface of the wall is covered with concrete. Instead of conventional concrete,
shotcrete can be applied. The bars must be protected from corrosion by a concrete cover of 40
mm. The wall can be strenghtened by grout injection as described in Chapters 5 and 6.

Steel ties

Figure 12.2 Strengthening of rubble masonry foundation by reinforcement

Another method of strengthening is to provide reinforced concrete (RC) beams on either

side of the wall. The beams can be tied at regular intervals (Figure 12.3). If necessary, the beams
can also be supported on piles.
12-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Reinforced concrete

Tying rods

Figure 12.3 Strengthening of rubble masonry foundation by beams

12.6.2 Enlarging the Area of Footing

In some cases, the foundation can be strengthened by enlarging the size of the RC footing
(Figure 12.4). The footing can be a wall footing or a column footing. The following procedure
can be adopted.

i. Excavate around the foundation up to the bottom of the plain concrete (PC) levelling
course over the required width.
ii. Expose the cover of the footing along the vertical face and top surface.
iii. Drill horizontally along the perimeter to attach dowel bars.
iv. Cast additional PC levelling course for the extended area of the footing.
v. Attach dowel bars with epoxy grout into the holes drilled.
vi. Apply a suitable polymer bonding agent over the exposed surface of the footing.
vii. Arrange the rebar for the additional area as per the design.
viii. Cast the additional concrete against formwork with proper compaction.
ix. Remove the formwork after initial set.
x. Cure the foundation by covering the concrete with wet gunny hags. Do not flood the area
with water, as this may weaken the founding strata.
xi. Strengthen the column, if required, by external jacketing.
Retrofit of Foundations 12-9

xii. Backfill the foundation with selected cohesionless soil in layers, well compacted up to the
ground level.
xiii. Complete the plinth filling and flooring or paving.
Along with the footing, the column can be strengthened by concrete jacket. This is
covered in Chapter 9, Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings.


Plain concrete Additional

layer concrete

Dowel bar

Figure 12.4 Increasing the area of footing

12.6.3 Drilling Micro-piles (Root Piles)

Micro-piles are small diameter (100 to 200 mm) piles that can be drilled through the existing
foundations, either vertical or inclined. A schematic sketch of these piles is shown in Figure 12.5.
The piles extend much beyond the foundation level and transfer the loads to the deeper level over
a wider width. After a hole is drilled, it is grouted with cement slurry and reinforcement bars
(rebar) are inserted before the initial setting of the grout.
12-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Raking direction

Strip footing

1.5 m (typical)






Figure 12.5 Strengthening by micro-piles

Retrofit of Foundations 12-11

12.6.4 Underpinning with Piles

When the strata below the foundation are found to be very weak and increasing the area of a
footing is not sufficient, it becomes necessary to underpin the foundation. This is achieved by
transferring the load of the existing structure to a deeper level after installing additional piles.
The piles are connected to the existing footing. The procedure is separately explained for
foundations for masonry walls and RC columns.

(a) Continuous Strip Foundation under Masonry Walls

Figure 12.6 shows that the piles can be provided in pairs at intervals. If the wall is close
to the property line, the pile cap can be provided form one side as shown in Figure 12.7. In this
case, the external pile may be subjected to tension and hence, should be designed accordingly.

In absence of existing RC footing, it is necessary to introduce a longitudinal plinth beam

to transfer the concentrated reactions from the pile caps uniformly over the length of the wall.
Introduction of the plinth beam is complicated and needs careful planning. After temporarily
shoring the roof, intermediate floor and wall, 50 percent of the width of the wall over the height
of the designed plinth beam is removed in alternate stretches of about 3m length each. The plinth
beam is cast in such a way that the stirrup can be extended when the other half of the wall is
removed. A schematic sketch of the procedure is shown in the case study at the end of the
12-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Existing wall

Pile cap
Existing footing

Existing wall
Existing footing
Pile cap



Figure 12.6 Arrangement of piles for strip foundation

Retrofit of Foundations 12-13

Pile cap

Existing wall



Existing wall

Pile cap footing


Figure 12.7 Alternative arrangement of piles for strip foundation

Depending on the rigidity of the plinth beam, needle beams are cast under the plinth beam
with centre-to-centre spacing of 2 to 4 m. Each needle beam has a length equal to the width of
the strip footing plus 1 m. The needle beams are supported on pile foundation. Based on the
load, the piles can be small under-reamed piles. The following construction sequence can be
12-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

i. Prop the roof, intermediate floor and walls.

ii. Excavate the floor inside the building and the ground outside the building up to the
bottom of the proposed plinth beam.
iii. Break the wall over the required height of the plinth beam and for half the thickness of
the wall.
iv. Introduce the reinforcement cage.
v. Cast half of the plinth beam, preferably with self-compacting concrete. Use steel
formwork (preferably) along the plinth wall and compact the concrete adequately.
vi. Within 3 to 7 days, remove the other half of the wall. Extend the reinforcement from the
previous cage, provide additional longitudinal reinforcement as required, and cast the
remaining half of the plinth beam.
vii. At the selected locations for needle beams, excavate both inside and outside of the
building to the required dimensions. The depth of the trench should be up to bottom of
the needle beam plus 50 mm for the PC levelling course.
viii. Construct the pile foundation for each end of the needle beam. The cut-off level of these
piles should be 50mm above the PC level.
ix. Break the wall directly below the plinth beam for the required cross-sectional area of the
needle beam.
x. After completion of the piles, provide PC over the required area for receiving the needle
xi. Arrange the reinforcement of the needle beams integrating with the reinforcement of the
xii. Provide formwork for the vertical faces of the needle beams.
xiii. Cast the needle beams to a level such that top surfaces are in contact with the bottom of
the plinth beam.
xiv. Cure the needle beams and plinth beams.
xv. Backfill the excavation on both sides of the wall with well compacted cohesionless soil.
xvi. Complete the flooring and paving.

(b) Foundation for Reinforced Concrete Building

In the case of a reinforced concrete framed structure supported on individual footings, the
number and size of additional piles required under a column is calculated based on the analysis of
the structure. The additional piles are symmetrically placed around the edge of the existing
foundation to ensure effective transfer of load. After construction of the piles, the size of the
footing is increased both in plan and in thickness with additional reinforcement. Dowel bars are
Retrofit of Foundations 12-15

provided between the existing and new concrete. A schematic sketch of the arrangement is
shown in Figure 12.8.

Pile cap

Existing column

Piles Existing footing


Plain concrete
layer Dowel bar


Figure 12.8 Underpinning of reinforced concrete footing with piles

The following steps can to be adopted for construction.

i. Prop the portion of the building around the column.

12-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

ii. Expose the existing footing or pile cap up to the PC level. The excavated area should be
adequate to accommodate the additional piles and the pile cap.
iii. Chip-off the cover of the footing/pile cap along the vertical face and top surface.
iv. Drill the holes through the vertical face to provide necessary dowel bars.
v. Construct piles at required locations. The cut-off level of the piles should be 50mm
above the PC level.
vi. Extend the PC course over the required area of the additional pile cap.
vii. Insert dowel bars in the holes drilled and bond them with epoxy.
viii. Provide additional reinforcement for the footing as required.
ix. Erect formwork.
x. Cast the concrete and compact the same.
xi. Remove the formwork after 24 hours and cure the concrete surface.
xii. Backfill the foundation with well compacted cohesionless soils.
xiii. Complete the flooring.

12.6.5 Strengthening of Piles

For buildings on piles, the piles may be inadequate to resist the design lateral loads calculated as
per the current seismic code. Also, the piles may be deficient just below the pile-cap, where
deterioration and damage to piles are common. The strengthening of piles can be as follows.
i. Dig down in segments to expose the piles to a level where the defects are visible (Figure
12.9 a).
ii. Expose the cover to an extent such that the damages and corrosion are removed. Provide
a base cap at the bottom level to ensure continuity of the additional reinforcement for the
piles (Figure 12.9 b).
iii. Provide additional reinforcement and concrete jacket around the piles based on the forces
from the analysis of the building (Figure 12.9c).
iv. Backfill the foundation with well compacted cohesionless soils (Figure 12.9d).
v. Complete the flooring.
Retrofit of Foundations 12-17

removed Existing
from the column


New pile cap

(a) (b)

Casting Back fill


(c) (d)

Figure 12.9 Strengthening of piles

12.6.6 Strengthening of Base Plates

Base plates and anchor bolts designed for gravity loads can fail under tension due to lateral loads
(Figure 12.10). The strengthening involves increase in the size of the base plate and anchoring it
to the new foundation (Figure 12.11). The new foundation can consist of piles and a pile cap. If
there is an existing pile foundation, it can be strengthened as described in the earlier section.

Additional anchor bolts are installed in the new concrete. These anchor bolts are bolted
to strap-ons to keep the old and new plates together. Since the lever arm between the new bolts is
more, the lateral load resistance of the base plate significantly improves. Figure 12.12 shows a
retrofitted tower foundation with a strap-on.
12-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 12.10 Damage in a base plate

Retrofit of Foundations 12-19

New pile



New base plate

Figure 12.11 Anchoring base plate on to new pile cap

12-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 12.12 Retrofitted tower foundation with strap-on anchor


Before any underpinning operation, the foundation should be preferably relieved of the load.
Shoring is employed to temporarily support the structure against possible settlement or even

Both shoring and underpinning require specialised expertise. Hence, these should be
undertaken by firms with knowledgeable and experienced persons. A great deal of
shoring work can be minimised by carefully studying the inherent strength and
redistribution capabilities of the structure. Since a reinforced concrete framed
building can redistribute the vertical loads, they do not need extensive shoring. On
the other hand, buildings with load bearing walls need extensive shoring.

When the load bearing walls are in good condition, they can be secured by temporary
horizontal ties and vertical braces. The ties are generally installed at all the floor levels including
the roof.
Retrofit of Foundations 12-21

12.7.1 Shoring

The shoring depends on the specific project and type of underpinning envisaged. However, a few
common techniques of shoring are discussed below.

(a) Raking Shore

Raking shores are used to support external walls from going out-of-plumb during the
underpinning operation. A typical raking shore for a three-storey building is shown in
Figure 12.13. It should be ensured that the soil underneath the timber supporting system does not
settle. Otherwise a larger area for the timber base should be considered.



Wall plate

support system
Cleat Floor slab

Timber Sole plate

support system

Figure 12.13 Typical arrangement for raking shores

(b) Flying Shore

The wall of one building can be supported by the wall of the adjacent building by
providing ‘flying’ shores (Figure 12.14). The distance between the two buildings should be small
12-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

for effective shoring. Flying shores cannot support the weight of the wall. However, they
prevent bulging and out-of-plane movement of the wall.

Cleat Wall plate

Floor slab



Figure 12.14 Typical arrangement for flying shores

(c) Dead Shores

Dead shores are vertical struts that relieve the load on the foundation by providing
alternate load path to the ground. Dead shores enable to clear the area for underpinning
operations. The needle beams are passed through holes cut in the wall. They transfer the
superimposed load to temporary foundations (Figure 12.15).
Retrofit of Foundations 12-23

Fine packing


Needle beam


Figure 12.15 Typical arrangement for dead shores

12.7.2 Other Supporting Schemes

A column in a framed building can be supported by needle beams (Figures 12.16 a and b). The
loads can be transferred to the needle beams through a steel collar by wedge action or channel
embedded in the column. The needle beams are supported away from the area to be excavated.
12-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Steel collar

Wedging system
Support to needle
beam clear of Needle beam
excavation area

Excavation for

Figure 12.16a Supporting a column by collar and needle beams

Retrofit of Foundations 12-25


Chase cut and



Needle beam

Footing relieved
for repair

Excavation for

Figure 12.16b Supporting a column by needle beams

Instead of the above schemes, the first floor beams can be supported on all the four sides
and the column can be left hanging as shown in Figure 12.17. Once the column load is removed,
the excavation for underpinning can commence.
12-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Floor beam


Existing base

Excavation for

Figure 12.17 Supporting floor beams by dead shores

12.7.3 Methods of Underpinning

Once underpinning is selected as the retrofit strategy, the method of underpinning and temporary
support should be worked out. The methods of underpinning are described here.

a) Underpinning Continuous Strip Foundation

Generally, a masonry wall can be unsupported over a length of 1 to 1.5 m (Figure 12.18).
Figure 12.19 shows the sequence of the pits for underpinning. The segments are numbered 1 to 6
based on the sequence. The work can simultaneously proceed on segments having the same
number. After the excavation, concrete is placed in the pit up to a depth of 50 to100 mm from the
Retrofit of Foundations 12-27

underside of the existing foundation. Any gap between the new concrete and the existing
foundation can be filled with expanding mortar. Horizontal reinforcing bars of short lengths can
be provided longitudinally between the segments. Polymeric agents, provided between adjacent
segments, improve the bond. After the last pit is completed, it is worthwhile to undertake
pressure grouting to fill up any void in between the segments.



base for jack

Figure 12.18 Method of supporting the wall

Pits for underpinning

1 4 2 5 3 6 1 4

Existing strip foundation

Figure 12.19 Sequence of pits for underpinning strip foundation

12-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

(b) Underpinning with Piers or Pile Groups

Pier or pile group foundation (including well foundation) may be a desirable method of
underpinning at deep excavation sites. First, the load on the existing foundation is relieved by
inserting needle beams as explained in the previous section. Next, additional beams are provided
to transfer the load from the existing foundation to the piers or pile groups. The beams can be
inserted in one of the following ways.

1. Support the wall for the full length between the piers (Figure 12.20a).
2. Insert the beams into openings made in the foundation and supporting them on piers
(Figure 12.20b).
3. Insert precast concrete blocks into the openings made in the foundation and make it
continuous between the piers (Figure 12.20c).
After connecting the piers to the inserted beams, the needle beams can be carefully
removed to transfer the load to the piers.

Existing wall

Existing footing

New concrete

Steel beams

Underpinning piles
Retrofit of Foundations 12-29

Existing wall

Existing footing
New concrete

Steel beams

Underpinning piles

12-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Existing wall

Existing footing

New concrete

Chased cut

Underpinning piles


Figure 12.18 Underpinning with pier / piles and beams


A laboratory building of a Polytechnic College had undergone excessive settlement, with tilt and
wide cracks in the walls due to inadequacy of the foundation. The structure was considered to be
unsafe and alternative arrangement was made to run the laboratory classes. The site had 4 to 6m
thick filled-up soil, which was of very low shear strength and high compressibility. The
foundation was strengthened by introducing a new plinth beam and under-reamed piles. After
strengthening, the building has been in operation without any sign of further settlement or cracks.
Figure 12.19 shows elevations of the existing and strengthened foundations. Figure 12.20 shows
the sequence of underpinning.
Retrofit of Foundations 12-31

Concrete footing

Layer of plain concrete

Sand filling

(a) Existing footing

Pile cap

Layer of plain

Under-reamed piles

(b) Strengthened footing (c) Reinforcement for

piles and pile cap

Figure 12.19 Foundation before and after underpinning

12-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


(a) Stage I: Pile casted (b) Stage II: Half beam casted

Shuttering plate

(c) Stage III: Full beam casted

Figure 12.20 Sequence of underpinning operation


This chapter covers the important aspects of deficiencies of foundation, analysis and assessment
of foundation, the types of intervention to strengthen the foundation and the methods of
execution. The types of intervention include strengthening rubble masonry foundation, enlarging
the area of reinforced concrete footing, underpinning the foundation, drilling micro-piles,
Retrofit of Foundations 12-33

strengthening of piles and base plates. The methods of execution briefly describe the types of
shoring, temporary supports and underpinning.


1. IS 1893: 2002, “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures”, Bureau of Indian
2. IS 2911, “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Pile
Foundations”, Parts 1 to 4, Bureau of Indian Standards.
3. Bowles, J.E. (2001), “Foundation Analysis and Design”, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
4. Tomlinson, M.J. (1981), “Foundation Design and Construction”, Pitman Books Ltd.
5. Santhakumar, A.R. (2006), “Concrete Technology”, Oxford IBH Publication, New Delhi.

Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) is a composite material consisting of polymeric resin reinforced
with high strength fibres. The composite material is available in the form of sheets (or fabrics),
pre-formed shapes and bars. In this chapter, the application of sheets is highlighted. The FRP
sheets are thin, light and flexible enough to be inserted behind pipes, electrical and mechanical
ducts, thus facilitating installation. The chapter highlights the advantages of using FRP, the
constituent materials, the types of FRP composites and the technique of bonding the laminates on
a substrate.

For strengthening of masonry walls, sketches of the configurations of the FRP laminates
are provided. The procedures for analysis of a retrofitted wall for out-of-plane bending and in-
plane shear are elucidated. The use of FRP in retrofitting reinforced concrete beams is explained
under strengthening for flexure and shear. The use of FRP in increasing the shear strength and
13-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

confinement of concrete in a column are briefly covered. Equations relevant in the analysis of a
retrofitted section are provided.


The fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are useful for repair, rehabilitation
and retrofit of structures for the following reasons.
• The FRP sheets are light and flexible, which facilitates installation. It does
not need drilling of concrete or masonry. There is less disruption during
• The curing time is less. This leads to reduced down time to the users of a
• The sheets are thin and hence there is marginal increase in the size of a
retrofitted member.
• The sheets have high strength-to-weight ratio and superior creep
• The material is chemically inert and has resistance against electro-chemical
• There is good fatigue strength, which is suitable for fluctuating loads.

The fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are used in the repair of buildings, water
tanks, bridges, marine structures etc. This chapter covers the use of FRP in the repair and retrofit
of masonry and reinforced concrete buildings.

Even though the materials used in FRP are relatively expensive as compared to the
traditional strengthening materials such as concrete and steel, the labour, equipment and
construction costs are often lower. Strengthening by FRP can be used in areas with limited
access, where traditional techniques such as concrete and steel jacketing would be impractical.

13.2.1 Constituent Materials

FRP consists of primarily two components, polymeric resin and high strength non-metallic fibres.
The resin acts as the matrix (the bulk component) and the fibres as the reinforcement. There can
also be additives and fillers. Resins such as epoxy and polyesters have been used in different
Retrofit Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites 13-3

techniques of repair and retrofit. The availability of high strength resins has increased the use of
FRP. The resins must have the following characteristics.
1. Compatibility and adhesion with the substrate, such as concrete or masonry
2. Compatibility and viscous enough for adhesion with the fibres
3. Not too viscous to retain the filling ability so that voids are not present
4. Development of appropriate mechanical properties for the composite.
5. Resistance to environmental effects, like moisture, salt water, temperature and other
chemicals normally associated with corrosion

Typical values of the properties of epoxy resin are provided in the following table.
However, a particular resin has to be tested before application.

Table 13.1 Typical values of the properties of epoxy resin

Specific gravity 1.2 to 1.3

Tensile strength 55 to 130 N/mm2
Tensile modulus of elasticity 2800 to 4200 N/mm2
Flexural strength 125 N/mm2
Flexural modulus 2000 to 4200 N/mm2
Impact strength 0.1 to 1.0 J/m of notch
Poisson’s ratio 0.2 to 0.33

The fibres can be of glass, carbon or aramid. Among them, glass and carbon fibres are
common. The glass and carbon fibres are made into fabric form like unidirectional cloth (Figure
13.1) and woven roving mat (Figure 13.2). Glass fibres have lower stiffness and cost as
compared to carbon fibres. They are suitable in low cost seismic retrofit applications. Typical
values of the properties of glass fibre are given in Table 13.2.

Table 13.2 Typical values of the properties of glass fibre

Density 0.9 kg/m3

Tensile strength 1700 N/mm2
Tensile modulus of elasticity 75,000 N/mm2
13-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The fibres in the sheet or fabric can be oriented as follows.

i. Unidirectional fibre sheets, where the fibres run predominantly in one direction
ii. Multidirectional fibre sheets or fabrics, where the fibres are oriented in at least two

The final composites are elastic up to failure and do not exhibit plasticity. The ultimate
strain is high which is desirable in seismic retrofit applications. The axial stress versus strain
curves of concrete cylinders wrapped with several layers of FRP laminates show increased
strength and ductility due to confinement (Mukherjee and Joshi, 2002).

(a) Carbon fibres (b) Glass fibres

Figure 13.1 Unidirectional cloth

Retrofit Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites 13-5

(a) Carbon fibres (b) Glass fibres

Figure 13.2 Woven roving mat

13.2.2 Types of FRP Composites based on Installation

The FRP composites can be categorized based on how they are delivered to the site and installed.
Dry lay-up FRP composites
In this method, first the substrate is coated with resin. Next, the dry FRP sheets are
bonded on the substrate and a fresh coating of resin may be applied. The composite is
subsequently cured.

Wet lay-up FRP composites

First, the FRP sheets are saturated with resin and then bonded on the substrate. It is then
cured as per the specifications.

Pre-impregnated FRP composites

These consist of fibre sheets that are pre-impregnated (pre-preg) with a saturating resin
off-site in the supplier’s facility. The pre-preg composites are bonded to the substrate with or
without additional resin application, depending upon the specific system requirements. The fibre
tow varieties are wound or mechanically applied on the surface. The composites are subsequently
cured. The pre-preg composites are widely used in aero-space, automobile and ship building
13-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Pre-cured FRP composites

These consist of a wide variety of shapes manufactured off-site in the supplier’s facility
and shipped to the site. They are bonded to the substrate with resin. Pultruded and pre-cured
FRP sheets are frequently used for repair and retrofit. The pultruded sheets are manufactured by
the pultrusion process. In this process, the fibres are pulled through a bath of resin and passed
through pre-forming fixtures.

13.2.3 Selection of FRP Composites

For a particular project, the suitability of using FRP composites for seismic retrofit should be
assessed prior to selecting the product. To assess the suitability of FRP, the designer should
evaluate the existing building for lateral strength, identify the deficiencies and their causes, and
determine the condition of the substrate. A thorough field investigation of the dimensions of the
members, compressive strength and soundness of the concrete or masonry, location, size and
cause of cracks, spalling of plaster or concrete cover, location and extent of corrosion of
reinforcing bars etc., should be undertaken. The topics are covered under preliminary evaluation,
condition assessment and seismic analysis in Chapters 3, 4 and 8, respectively.

13.2.4 Installation of FRP Composites

The concrete or masonry surfaces to which the FRP laminates are to be applied should be freshly
exposed and loose unsound materials have to be removed. Surface preparation can be done using
sand or water blasting techniques. All dust, dirt, oil, curing compound, existing coatings and any
other matter that could interfere with the bond of the FRP composites to the substrate should be
removed. Bug holes and other small surface voids should be completely filled with putty
materials. The surface of application should be smooth and convex.

The following points are important.

• Concavity in the surface should be eliminated. A stretched FRP sheet will
lose contact with the surface around depressions.
• Sharp edges and corners should be avoided. The corners should be rounded to
a minimum radius of 25 mm. The sheets are susceptible to tearing at these
locations due to stress concentration.
• Since the installation procedure depends on the product, the instructions
attached with the product should be followed carefully.

The typical lay-up of an FRP composite on the substrate is shown in Figure 13.3.
Retrofit Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites 13-7

Figure 13.3 Typical lay-up of FRP composite (extruded view)

The FRP systems are commonly installed using dry fibre fabrics/sheets and a saturating
resin. The saturating resin is applied uniformly to the whole prepared surface. The fibres should
be gently pressed into the uncured saturating resin in a manner recommended by the composite
manufacturer. Entrapped air between layers should be released or rolled out before the resin sets.
Sufficient resin should be applied to achieve full saturation of the fibres. Successive layers of
resin should be placed before the complete curing of the previous layer. The sequence of steps
for installation of FRP sheets on a concrete substrate are shown in Figures 13.4 (a) to (d). After
the resin is completely cured, a top coating is provided.

Machine applied systems utilize pre-impregnated (pre-preg) tows or dry fibre tows. The
pre-preg tows are impregnated with saturating resin off site and delivered to the work site as
spools. The dry fibres are impregnated at the job site during the winding process. The wrapping
machines are used for automated wrapping on existing concrete columns.

Pre-cured systems like shells of FRP composites, strips, and open grid forms are typically
installed with an adhesive. The adhesive should be applied uniformly to the prepared surface and
at a rate recommended by the FRP manufacturer to ensure full bonding of the laminate. The
13-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

laminate surface should be cleaned and prepared in accordance with the manufacturer’s

(a) Primer and putty application (b) Levelling with putty

(c) Laying of FRP sheet on surface (d) Removal of entrapped air

coated with resin

Figure 13.4 Installation of FRP sheet on concrete substrate


The failure of masonry load bearing walls and the infill walls in framed buildings during
earthquakes is due to the low tensile and shear resistance of the walls. For masonry load bearing
walls, the modes of failure under in-plane forces are sliding shear cracking along a bed joint,
diagonal cracking through several bed joints and flexural crushing (for tall walls). The walls can
also fail due to out-of-plane bending. The different failure modes of masonry infill walls are local
Retrofit Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites 13-9

crushing at the corners and shear cracking along the bed joints. These are shown in Figure 13.5.
For slender infill walls, there can be diagonal compression failure due to the effect of buckling.

Figure 13.5 Failure modes of masonry infill walls

Retrofitting existing masonry walls using FRP composites is a cost effective means to
prevent the loss of life and damage to property during a future earthquake. The possible schemes
of layout of FRP wraps are shown in Figure 13.6.
13-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 13.6 Configurations of FRP laminates for retrofitting of masonry walls

13.3.1 Strengthening for In-plane Shear

The shear strength of a masonry wall (VuR) is calculated by superposing the strengths of
unreinforced masonry (Vm) and the vertical FRP laminates (Vf). The detailed aspects of bond
characteristics, anchoring and stress concentration effects are neglected in the design provisions.
A simple procedure for the design for strengthening a masonry wall is given below.

VuR = Vm + Vf (13.1)

The shear strength of masonry is calculated from the permissible shear stress. As per IS 1905:
1987, the permissible shear stress (fs) is the least of a) 0.5 MPa, b) 0.1+0.2 fd and c) 0.125 √fm.
Here, fd is the direct compressive stress in the wall segment and fm is the crushing strength of the

Vm = fs b t (13.2)

b = width of the wall
Retrofit Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites 13-11

t = thickness of the wall.

The shear contribution of the FRP laminate is calculated as follows.

Vf = Ef εfe Afv (13.3)

Afv = area of vertical FRP laminate.
εfe = effective usuable strain in the FRP laminate
= 0.5 εfu CE.
The effective usable strain in FRP can be taken as a factor of the half of the ultimate tensile strain
(εfu). CE is an environmental reduction factor.

13.3.2 Strengthening for Out-of-plane Bending

FRP laminates are bonded to masonry walls to check the failure due to out-of-plane bending.
They also reduce the crack width and the lateral deflection of the walls. The design guidelines
ensure compression failure by designing over-reinforced sections. This mode of failure gives
warning due to plastic deformation of the masonry. Based on the working stress method for a
cracked section, the strain and stress diagrams across a horizontal section of a wall are shown in
Figure 13.7. The thickness and width of the masonry wall are represented as t and b, respectively.
The width b can be taken as 1 m. Af is the area of FRP laminate.

b εm fm
C = ½ fm kt b

Af εf T= Af ff
Cross-section Strain diagram Stress diagram Forces

Figure 13.7 Analysis of a wall section bonded with FRP laminate

13-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

In the strain diagram, εm and εf are the extreme compressive strain in masonry and tensile
strain in the FRP, respectively. The strain εf is limited to the effective usuable value εfe. In the
stress diagram, the compressive stress at the extreme compressive fibre can be determined as fm =
εm × Em, where the modulus Em is estimated from the characteristic compressive strength of the
masonry f m/ . For clay masonry, Em= 700 f m/ and for concrete masonry, Em= 900 f m/ . The value
of fm should be limited to the permissible compressive stress calculated from f m/ (IS 1905: 1987,
Clause 5.4.1). The tensile stress in the FRP laminate is calculated as ff = εf × Ef.

The depth of neutral axis ‘kt’ can be estimated from the equilibrium of internal forces as follows.

½ fm kt b = Af ff (13.4)

When the FRP reinforcement ratio ρf is defined as Af/bt, the coefficient ‘k’ can be obtained in
terms of ρf by the following equation.
k = (m ρ )
+ 2 (m ρ f )− mρ f

Here, the modular ratio m = Ef / Em .

The flexural capacity of the retrofitted section is calculated as follows.

⎛ k ⎞
M uR = ρ f b f f t 2 ⎜1 − ⎟ (13.6)
⎝ 3 ⎠


The flexural capacity of a concrete beam can be increased by bonding unidirectional cloth FRP
fabrics/sheets to the tension face, with the fibres oriented along the span of the member. The
shear capacity of a beam can be enhanced by bonding fabrics at angles ± 45º to the side faces.
The capacities can be increased up to about 40 percent.

13.4.1 Strengthening for Flexural Capacity

The flexural capacity of a concrete beam strengthened with FRP laminate is calculated based on
the equilibrium of forces, compatibility of strains and the constitutive relationships. Based on the
limit states method of analysis of IS 456: 2000, Figure 13.8 shows the ultimate limit state of a
singly reinforced rectangular section with the strain and stress diagrams across the depth and the
internal forces. It is assumed that the beam is propped during strengthening, so that under
Retrofit Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites 13-13

ultimate load the full section is effective. The section should remain under-reinforced, that is the
steel should yield before the crushing of the concrete.
0.0035 0.447 f ck 0.42 xu

C = 0.36 f ck xu b

εs 0.87f y 0.87f yAs

εf ff Af f f

Cross-section Strain diagram Stress diagram Forces

Figure 13.8 Analysis of a beam section bonded with FRP laminate

The ultimate flexural capacity of a member must exceed the flexural demand (Equation.
13.7). The demand under factored loads is obtained from the analysis of the building.

MuR ≥ Mu (13.7)

The ultimate flexural capacity is calculated using Equation. 13.8.

M uR = 0.87 f y As (d − 0.42 xu ) + ψ f A f f fe (h − 0.42 xu ) (13.8)

The notations of the variables are as follows.

Af = area of the FRP composite
As = area of the steel reinforcement
b = breadth of beam
C = compression in concrete
d = effective depth of the steel reinforcement
ff = stress in the FRP composite
fy = yield stress of the steel reinforcement
h = depth of the beam
Mu = ultimate moment demand
MuR = ultimate moment capacity (resistance)
xu = depth of the neutral axis
εs = strain at the level of steel reinforcement
εf = strain at the level of FRP composite
13-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

A reduction factor ψf = 0.85 is recommended for the strength from the FRP. The depth
of the neutral axis (xu) and the stress levels in the steel and FRP reinforcement can be obtained
using force equilibrium and strain compatibility conditions. The yielding of steel under tension
followed by the crushing of concrete under compression is the desired failure mode. Based on
this, the thickness of FRP fabric should be calculated.

13.4.2 Strengthening for Shear

The ultimate shear strength of a concrete member strengthened with FRP composite (VuR) must
exceed the shear demand (Vu) as shown by Equation. 13.9.
VuR ≥ Vu (13.9)

The shear capacity of a concrete member strengthened by FRP composite can be

determined by adding the contribution of the FRP reinforcing (Vf) to the contributions from the
reinforcing steel (Vs) and the concrete (Vc). As before, a reduction factor ψf is applied to the
contribution of the FRP composite.

VuR = Vc + V s + ψ f V f (13.10)

The reduction factor, ψf, should be selected based on the known characteristics of the
application, but should not exceed 0.85. Typical schemes of layout of FRP wraps for
strengthening for shear are shown in Figure 13.9.


wf wf
sf sf

a) b)

Figure 13.9 Strengthening for shear using FRP composites

Retrofit Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites 13-15

The contribution of shear strength provided to a member by the FRP should be based on
the fibre orientation and an assumed crack pattern. The shear strength provided by the FRP
reinforcement is the force resulting from the tensile stress in the FRP along the assumed crack
pattern. For discrete strips of FRP and cracking inclined at 45º, the shear strength is calculated
using Equations 13.11 to 13.13.

A fv f f (sin α + cos α )d f
Vf = (13.11)
A fv = 2nt f w f (13.12)

f f = ε fe E f (13.13)

Afv = total vertical area of the FRP wrap
df = effective depth of the FRP wrap
Ef = elastic modulus of FRP
ff = stress in the FRP wrap
n = number of wraps
sf = spacing of the FRP wrap
wf = width of the FRP wrap
α = inclination of the FRP wrap with respect to the beam axis
εfe = effective usuable strain in the FRP wrap.

For continuous FRP sheet, the expression of Vf is modified based on the length of the sheet
intercepted by an inclined crack.


The failure of a column may be due to a single or a combination of the following deficiencies.
1. Inadequate shear capacity
2. Inadequate confinement of column core
3. Inadequate splicing of rebar
4. Inadequate capacity for sustaining combined load effects such as biaxial bending.
13-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The first three inadequacies can be improved by FRP wrapping. For increasing the shear
strength or the confinement of concrete or the clamping force at a splice location, the fibre should
be oriented horizontally perpendicular to the axis of a column. The wrapping of a column not
only increases the strength of the concrete by confinement but also improves the ductility (energy
absorption capacity) that is an essential requirement for resisting seismic forces. The increase in
thickness of the wrapping improves the strength and ductility, but they are limited by the ultimate
strain of the FRP. A typical wrapping of columns using FRP composite is shown in Figure 13.10.

Figure 13.10 Wrapping of column using FRP composites

Retrofit Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites 13-17

13.5.1 Strengthening for Shear

The shear failure is the most prevalent failure mode in columns under seismic forces. Assuming
45º cracking, the thickness of the FRP jacket (tj) for shear retrofit can be determined using the
following equation.

Vu − (Vc + Vs )
tj = (13.14)
2ε fe E j ⋅ D

D = the column dimension in the direction of loading
Ej = elastic modulus of composite
Vu = shear demand based on the flexural capacity in the potential hinge locations
Vc, = shear capacity of concrete (IS 456: 2000, Clause 40.2)
Vs = shear capacity from steel ties
εfe = effective usuable strain in the FRP wrap.

13.5.2 Strengthening for Confinement

The thickness of the FRP wrap can be calculated based on the capacity of the confined concrete.
For non-circular columns, the confinement is not as effective as a circular column. There are
empirical expressions for thickness of the FRP wrap for different column cross-sections.


A beam-column joint is a critical element in a reinforced concrete frame. A joint should maintain
its integrity and must be designed stronger than the members framing into it. Quite often, the
detailing at the joint is not taken care of. The weakness at the joints is due to the lack of
confinement in absence of ties and the lack of adequate anchorage of the longitudinal bars of the
beams. The joints which are suitable for retrofitting, such as those in exposed frames in industrial
buildings, water tanks, bridges and other structures, can be strengthened using FRP composites.
The wrapping of the FRP laminates enhances the confinement of the joint. Typical schemes of
bonding the FRP laminates is shown in the following figure (Mukherjee and Joshi, 2002)
13-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


This chapter explains the retrofitting of masonry and concrete buildings using fibre reinforced
polymer (FRP) composites. Brief descriptions on the constituent materials of FRP, the types and
installation of FRP composite are provided. Guidelines for calculating the thickness of the FRP
laminates for strengthening masonry walls, reinforced concrete beams and columns are given.


1. ACI 440R-96, “Report on Fibre Reinforced Plastic Reinforcement for Concrete Structures”,
American Concrete Institute.
2. IS 456: 2000, “Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice”, Bureau of Indian
3. IS 1905: 1987, “Code of Practice for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry”, Bureau of
Indian Standards.
4. Mukherjee, A. and Joshi, M. V. (2002), “Seismic Retrofitting Techniques using Fibre
Composites”, The Indian Concrete Journal, The Associated Cement Companies Ltd., August,
Vol. 76, No. 8, pp. 496 – 502.
5. Mukherjee, A., Kalyani, A. R. and Joshi, M. V. (2004), “Upgradation of RCC Frames with
FRC − I, Design of Elements”, The Indian Concrete Journal, The Associated Cement
Companies Ltd., October, Vol. 78, No. 10, pp. 15 – 19.
6. Mukherjee, A., Kalyani, A. R. and Joshi, M. V. (2004), “Upgradation of RCC Frames with
FRC − II, Design of Structures”, The Indian Concrete Journal, The Associated Cement
Companies Ltd., October, Vol. 78, No. 10, pp. 22 – 25.

Conventional seismic design practice permits the reduction of forces for design below the elastic
level on the premise that inelastic action in a suitably designed structure will provide that
structure with significant energy dissipation potential and enable it to survive a severe earthquake
without collapse. This inelastic action is typically intended to occur in specially detailed critical
regions of the structure, usually in the beams near or adjacent to the beam-column joints. Inelastic
behavior in these regions, while capable of dissipating substantial energy, also often results in
significant damage to the structural member, and although the regions may be well detailed, their
hysteretic behavior will degrade with repeated inelastic cycling. The interstory drifts required to
achieve significant hysteretic energy dissipation in critical regions are generally large and usually
result in substantial damage to non-structural elements such as in-fill walls, partitions, doorways,
and ceilings. As a response to the shortcomings, in recent years, considerable attention has been
paid to research and development of structural control devices, with particular emphasis on
reduction of seismic response of buildings and bridges. In this field, serious efforts have been
undertaken to transform the structural control concept into a workable technology, and many such
devices have been installed in a wide variety of structures throughout the world. By and large,
structural control devices can be grouped into four broad areas:
14-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1. Base isolation
2. Passive energy dissipation
3. Active control, and
4. Semiactive control
In this chapter, an overview of various base isolation systems and passive energy
dissipation devices that have been proposed and developed for reduction of seismic response of
buildings is presented. However, active control devices and semi-active control devices are not
discussed because it is unlikely that these devices would be used for seismic retrofitting of
buildings in our country in near future.

14.1.1 Fundamentals of Passive Control Systems

Base Isolation
The principle of seismic isolation is to introduce flexibility at the base of a structure in the
horizontal plane, while at the same time introducing damping elements to restrict the amplitude of
the motion caused by the earthquake. The concept of isolating structures from the damaging
effects of earthquakes is not new. However, a new impetus was given to the concept of seismic
isolation by the successful development of mechanical-energy dissipaters and elastomers with
high damping properties. Mechanical energy dissipation devices, when used in combination with
a flexible base isolation device, can control the response of the structure by limiting
displacements and forces, thereby significantly improving seismic performance.

Energy Dissipating Devices

The role of a passive energy dissipation device is to increase the hysteretic damping in
the structure. The basic energy relationship of the structure is represented in the following

EI = EK + ES + Eξ + EH

EI = earthquake input energy

EK = kinetic energy in structure
ES = strain energy in structure
Eξ = viscous damping energy
EH = hysteretic damping energy
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-3

The role of this equation in the design process has been developed by a number of
researchers. The goal is to increase EH so that, for a given EI, the elastic strain energy ES in the
structure is minimized. This means that the structure will undergo smaller deformations for a
given level of input energy than if it did not include energy dissipaters. Alternatively, increasing
EH permits ES to be reduced for a higher level of EI.

Tuned Systems
Tuned systems are supplemental devices attached to structures to reduce vibrations due
to wind, earthquakes, or other dynamic loading conditions. Because the natural frequencies of
these devices are equal or close to those of the structures to which they are attached, they are
called tuned systems.


The objective of seismic isolation systems is to decouple the building structure from the
damaging components of the earthquake input motion, i.e., to prevent the superstructure of the
building from absorbing the earthquake energy. The entire superstructure must be supported on
discrete isolators whose dynamic characteristics are chosen to uncouple the ground motion. Some
isolators are also designed to add substantial damping. Displacement and yielding are
concentrated at the level of the isolation devices, and the superstructure behaves very much like a
rigid body.

14.2.1 Important Base Isolation Systems

Some of the commonly used isolation systems are laminated rubber (or elastomeric) bearings and
sliding isolation systems. Laminated rubber bearings are used with passive dampers for control of
excessive base displacement. Laminated rubber bearings with inherent energy dissipation
capacities have also been developed. Lead rubber bearings and high damping rubber bearings are
examples of this category of isolation system. Sliding bearings mainly utilizes Teflon-stainless
steel, flat or spherical, interface. Sometimes, separate elements are provided for recentering of the
isolated system. Two of such systems are Friction Pendulum System (FPS) and TASS system.
Performance of base isolated buildings in different parts of the world during earthquakes in the
recent past established that the base isolation technology is a viable alternative to conventional
earthquake resistant design of medium-rise buildings. Four important base isolation systems
(Naeim and Kelly, 1999) are shown in Figure 14.1.
14-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 14.1 Important Base Isolation Systems: (a) laminated rubber bearing, (b) Lead rubber
bearing, (c) FPS System and (d) TASS System

14.2.2 Suitability of Base Isolation Systems

Earthquake protection of structures using base isolation technique is generally suitable if

following conditions are fulfilled:

- The subsoil does not produce a predominance of long period ground motion.
- The structure is fairly squat with sufficiently high column load.
- The site permits horizontal displacements at the base of the order of 200 mm or more.
- Lateral loads due to wind are less than approximately 10% of the weight of the structure.
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-5

14.2.3 Design Parameters for Seismic Isolation Bearing

As per UBC 1997 / FEMA 356 (2000), a minimum level for design displacements and forces is to
be obtained from static analysis for all seismic isolation designs. The static analysis is also useful
both for preliminary design of isolation system and the structure. Dynamic analysis may be used
in all cases and must be used if the requirements mentioned for adequacy of static analysis are not

Minimum design displacements

Four distinct displacements calculated using simple formulas and used for static analysis.
These values also serve as the UBC 1997 / FEMA 356, 2000 permitted lower bound values for
dynamic analysis results. These are:

- DD : the design displacement, being the displacement at centre of rigidity of isolation

system at design basis earthquake (DBE);
- DM: the design displacement, being the displacement at centre of rigidity of isolation
system at maximum considered earthquake (MCE);
- DTD: the total design displacement, being the displacement of a bearing at a corner of the
building and includes the component of the torsional displacement in the direction of DD
- DTM: same as DTD but calculated for MCE.

DD and DM are given as:

( g / 4π 2 ) S D1TD
DD = (14.1)

( g / 4π 2 ) S M 1TM
DM = (14.2)

where g is the acceleration due to gravity, SD1 and SM1 are spectral coefficients, TD and TM are
isolated periods, and β D and β M are damping coefficients corresponding to the DBE and MCE
level responses, respectively.

Effective isolated system periods

The effective isolated periods TD and TM corresponding to the DBE and MCE level
response are:
14-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

TD = 2π (14.3)
K D ,min g

TM = 2π (14.4)
K M ,min g

where W = the weight of the building

g = acceleration due to gravity
KDmin = minimum effective horizontal stiffness of the isolation system at the design
displacement (DBE).
KMmin = minimum effective horizontal stiffness of the isolation system at the maximum
displacement (MCE).

The values of KDmin and KMmin are not known during preliminary design phase and hence
the design process will begin with an assumed value, which is obtained from previous tests on
similar components. After moulding of prototype bearing, the actual values of KDmin , KDmax ,
KMmin and KMmax will be obtained from the results of shear test on bearings. KDmax and KMmax are
maximum effective stiffness at displacement corresponding to DBE and MCE, respectively.

The total design displacements, DTD and DTM are given as:

⎛ 12e ⎞
DTD = DD ⎜1 + y 2 ⎟ (14.5)
⎝ b +d2 ⎠

⎛ 12e ⎞
DTM = DM ⎜1 + y 2 ⎟ (14.6)
⎝ b +d2 ⎠

where b and d are plan dimensions at the isolation plane, e is the actual eccentricity plus 5%
accidental eccentricity, and y is the distance to a corner perpendicular to the direction of seismic

Design forces
The superstructure and elements below the isolation interface are designed for forces
based on DBE design displacement, DD. The isolation system, the foundation and structural
elements below the isolation system must be designated to withstand the following minimum
lateral seismic force:

Vb = KDmax DD (14.7)
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-7

If other displacements rather than DD generate larger forces, then those forces should be
used in design rather than the force obtained from Eq.2.7.
The structure above the isolation plane should withstand a minimum shear force, Vs, as if
it is fixed base where:

K D max DD
Vs = (14.8)

In IBC2000, RI is defined as
1.0 ≤ RI = 3/8 R ≤ 2.0 (14.9)

where R is reduction factor defined in the code for superstructure.

14.2.4 Testing Requirements for Isolation Systems

The UBC 1997 code requires that at least two full-sized specimens of specimens of each type of
isolator be tested. The tests required are a specified sequence of horizontal cycles under
DL + 0.5LL from small horizontal displacements up to DTM . In addition, tests are also carried
out for the maximum vertical load 1.2DL + 0.5LL + Emax and for the minimum load 0.8DL – Emin
where Emax and Emin are the maximum downward and upward load on the isolator that can be
generated by an earthquake.

14.2.5 Typical Set-up for Shear Test of Isolation Systems

Aiken et al. (1989) carried out extensive testing of high damping laminated rubber bearings
(LRB) using a typical set-up for shear test shown in Figure 14.2. On the basis of the test results, a
number of comparisons have been made for bearings with different characteristics. The influences
of axial load and shear strain on bearing characteristics, e.g., shear stiffness, vertical stiffness, and
damping behaviour have been investigated. Figure 14.3 shows a typical force-displacement
hysteresis loop of high damping LRB obtained during shear test. The shear tests demonstrated
that the LRBs possess stable stiffness and damping properties.
14-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 14.2 Typical set up for Shear Test of Laminated Rubber Bearing (Aiken et al., 1989)

Figure 14.3 A typical force-displacement hysteresis loop of laminated rubber bearing

(Aiken et al., 1989)
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-9

14.2.6 Details of Connections

Base isolation systems are placed at the interface of superstructure and substructure. A typical
connection detail of a laminated rubber bearing with superstructure and substructure is shown in
Figure 14.4.

Figure 14.4 Connection Details

14.2.7 Example on Finalisation of Design Parameters as per UBC 1997 / FEMA 356

The steps involved are explained with sample calculations for design parameters of seismic
isolation bearings for the proposed three storeyed reinforced concrete base isolated building at IIT
Guwahati. The project is sponsored by BRNS, GOI.

1. Seismic Zone Factor: Z = 0.36
Near Source factors: Na = 1; Nv = 1
14-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

2. For Z.Nv = 0.36 × 1 = 0.36, maximum capable earthquake response coefficient

MM = 1.50

3. For Z = 0.36 and soil type SD , seismic coefficients CVD = 0.6, CAD = 0.4

4. For MMZ Nv = 1.5 × 0.36 × 1 =0.54 and MMZ Na = 0.54, seismic coefficients
(MM is MCE response coefficient)
CVM = 0.864, CAM = 0.594

5. RI = 2.0

6. For 20 % damping ratio, damping coefficients βD = βM = 1.5

7. TD and TM are assumed as 1.8 sec and 2.1 sec respectively corresponding to DBE & MCE

8. TD = 2π
K D ,min g

where, W is the weight of the building in kN

K D ,min is minimum design stiffness of the bearing
g is the acceleration due to gravity in m/s2

K D ,min = 1422.52 kN/m for TD = 1.8 sec

K D ,min = 1045.11 kN/m for TM = 2.1 sec

Assuming a +10 % variation about mean stiffness value

K D ,max = 1738.64 kN/m

K M ,max = 1277.36 kN/m

9. Displacement in bearing corresponding to DBE and MCE

( g / 4π 2 )CVDTD = 0.18 m
DD =

( g / 4π 2 )CVM TM
DM = = 0.30 m
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-11

10. DTD = DD ⎛⎜1 + y

12e ⎞
⎟ = 0.22 m
⎝ b +d2 ⎠

⎛ 12e ⎞
DTM = DM ⎜1 + y 2 ⎟ = 0.34 m
⎝ b +d2 ⎠

Details of design procedure / criteria of various base isolation systems are presented in FEMA
356, 2000.


14.3.1 Friction Dampers

A variety of friction devices has been proposed and developed for energy dissipation in buildings.
Most of these devices generate rectangular hysteresis loops. Figure 14.5 indicates that the
behaviour of friction dampers is similar to that of Coulomb friction. Generally, these devices have
good performance characteristics, and their behaviour is relatively less affected by the load
frequency, number of load cycles, or variations in temperature. Furthermore, these devices have
high resistance to fatigue. The devices differ in their mechanical complexity and in the materials
used for the sliding surfaces. An example of friction dampers proposed by Pall and Marsh (1982)
is a device that can be located at the intersection of cross bracings in frames as shown in Figure
14.6. When loaded, the tension brace induces slippage at friction joint. Consequently, the four
links force the compression brace to slip. In this manner, energy is dissipated in both braces even
though they are designed to prevent slippage under normal service loads. Effectiveness of these
devices in providing a substantial increase in energy dissipation capacity and reducing inter-story
drifts in comparison to moment resisting frames without such devices has been witnessed in
several practical implementation. Filiatrault and Cherry (1990) have developed a design method
to estimate the optimum slip load distribution for the Pall friction dampers.
14-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 14.5 Hysteresis loops for Sumitomo friction dampers (Aiken et al. 1992)

Sumitomo Metal Industries of Japan introduced another device that utilizes friction to
dissipate energy. The device was originally used as shock absorbers in railway cars and recently
its application was extended to structures. Figure 14.7 shows the construction of a typical
Sumitomo friction damper. The device consists of copper pads impregnated with graphite in
contact with steel casing of the device. The load on the contact surface is developed by a series of
wedges, which act under the compressive force of the Belleville washer springs (cup springs).
The graphite serves as a lubricant between the contact surfaces and ensures a stable coefficient of
friction and silent operation. The dampers can be placed parallel to the floor beams with one end
attached to the floor beam above and the other end connected to a stiff chevron brace arrangement
attached to the floor beam below as shown in Figure 14.8. Similar to Pall friction dampers,
reductions in displacements were observed using the Sumitomo friction damping devices. The
reductions, however, depend on the input ground motion because friction dampers are not
activated by small excitations. These dampers have been used for seismic protection of few
buildings in Japan. There are many other types of friction dampers developed in different parts of
the world. Slotted Bolt Connection proposed by Fitzgerald et al. (1989) and Energy Dissipating
Restraint (EDR) developed by Richter et al. (1990) are two more important dampers in the
category of friction dampers.
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-13

Figure 14.6 Pall friction damper (Pall and marsh, 1982)

Figure 14.7 Sumitomo friction damper (Aiken et al. 1992)

14-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 14.8 Installation details of Sumitomo friction dampers in the experimental frame
(Aiken et al. 1992)

14.3.2 Metallic Dampers

This type of energy dissipation devices utilizes the hysteretic behaviour of metals in the inelastic
range. The resisting force of the dampers, therefore, depends on the nonlinear stress-strain
characteristics of the material. Different devices that utilize flexure, shear, or extensional
deformation in the plastic range have been developed. The advantages of this type of dampers are
their stable behaviour, long-term reliability, and good resistance to environmental and thermal
conditions. Moreover, metallic dampers are capable of providing buildings with increased
stiffness, strength, and energy dissipation capacity. The following describes several types of
metallic dampers.

Yielding Steel Dampers

The yield properties of mild steel have long been recognized and used to improve the
seismic performance of buildings. The eccentrically-braced frame represents a widely accepted
concept where energy dissipation can be concentrated primarily at shear links. These links
represent part of the structural system, which is likely to suffer damage in severe earthquakes.
The ability of braced frames to dissipate energy over extended periods is questionable because the
repeated buckling and yielding of the braces may cause degradation of their stiffness and strength.

Figure 14.9 shows an energy dissipater fabricated from round steel bars for cross-braced
buildings by Tyler (1995). In this device, the compression brace disconnects from the rectangular
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-15

steel frame to prevent buckling and pinched hysteretic behaviour. Energy is dissipated by inelastic
deformation of the rectangular steel frame in the diagonal direction of the tension brace. This
device has been used in New Zealand and a variation of this device has been used for seismic
response control of a 29 storeyed building in Italy.

Figure 14.9 Yielding steel bracing system (Tyler, 1985)

Another device, referred to as added damping and stiffness (ADAS) consisting of

multiple X-shaped steel plates (Figure 14.10) was introduced by Bechtel Power Corporation. By
using rigid boundary members, the plates deform in double curvature, and yielding takes place
over the entire plate surface. The device can sustain repeated inelastic deformation by avoiding
concentrations of yielding and premature failure. Extensive experimental studies have been
carried out to investigate the behaviour of ADAS elements in dissipating energy (Whittaker et al.
1991). The tests showed stable hysteretic behaviour without any sign of pinching or stiffness
degradation for displacements up to 13.6 times yield displacements of the device (Figure 14.11).
It has been observed that the inter-storey drifts in the frame have reduced by 30 to 70 percent with
the addition of the ADAS elements. The ratios of base shears in the structures with ADAS
elements to those without ADAS elements, however, ranged from 0.6 to 1.25. The ADAS
elements yield in a predetermined manner and relieve the frame from excessive ductility
14-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


Figure 14.10 ADAS elements and installation Figure 14.11 Hysteresis loop(Whittaker et.al.1991)

Triangular plate energy dissipaters were developed in New Zealand and used as damping
elements in several base isolated applications. Later, they were used in buildings in the form of
Triangular ADAS (T-ADAS) elements (Tsai and Hong, 1992). Typical hysteresis loops for the T-
ADAS elements are shown in Figure 14.12. Large numbers of similar dampers based on yielding
of steel have developed in New Zealand and Japan.

Figure 14.12 Hysteresis loops for T-ADAS devices (Tsai and Hong, 1992)

Friction and yielding devices share the following characteristics: they are force limited,
highly nonlinear, and their response is velocity independent. Scholl (1993) has suggested a
procedure for their design, which considers a SDOF frame with stiffness k S and a damping
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-17

device with stiffness k d attached to a brace with stiffness k b . The combined stiffness of the
device and the brace k bd is equal to k (1 + k k ) . The stiffness ratio SR is defined as the ratio
b b d
of the combined stiffness of the device and brace to that of the structure; thus,

k bd kb k S
SR = = (14.10)
k S 1 + kb k d
and the force ratio FR is defined as the ratio of the force in the damper to the elastic force
in the structure at the maximum displacement. It should be noted that for friction dampers, there
is no initial flexibility; i.e., k d = ∞ and thus, SR = k b k S . Scholl has shown that the equivalent
damping ratio ξ of the device should take the form:

2 FR ⎛ SR − FR ⎞
ξ= ⎜ ⎟ (14.11)
π ⎝ SR + FR 2 ⎠
The effect of the parameters SR and FR on the damping ratio is presented in Figure 14.13.
For the design of the dampers, the following limitations should be imposed on the stiffnesses of
the different components: 1) the ratio k b k d should be kept as large as possible to maximize the
energy dissipated by the dampers. A value of k b k d ≥ 2 has been found to be practical for
design; 2) according to Figure 14.13, increasing SR results in a higher damping ratio. Therefore,
the largest feasible value of SR is desirable. For practical applications, it is difficult to achieve SR
values of 3 or 4. The results of several nonlinear computer simulations indicate that SR ≥ 2 is a
recommended value for design.

Figure 14.13 Equivalent damping ratio for friction and yielding devices (Scholl, 1993)
14-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Based on the analysis and limitations outlined above, the design of friction and yielding
dampers may proceed as follows: 1) perform a dynamic or a response spectrum analysis for the
structure without dampers to determine the target damping ratio ξ for which the building
response remains elastic; 2) determine the stiffnesses of the braces and those of the dampers (for
yielding devices only) from Eq. (14.10) and the limitations mentioned above; 3) estimate the
value of FR from Figure 14.13 or from Eq. (14.11) using the target damping ratio ξ ; 4) compute
the yield load for yielding devices or the slip load for friction devices based on the computed FR;
and 5) perform a nonlinear response analysis after selecting the parameters to ensure the safety
and stability of all components.

The above discussion indicates that the yielding steel dampers may be effective as
passive energy dissipation devices in reducing the response of structures to earthquake loading.
The post-yield deformation range of the devices is a major concern, which should be addressed to
insure that the device can sustain a sufficient number of cycles of deformation without premature
fatigue. Another concern is the stable hysteretic behavior of the dampers under repeated inelastic

Lead Extrusion Devices

Another type of damper which utilizes the hysteretic energy dissipation properties of
metals is the lead extrusion damper (LED). The process of extrusion consists of forcing a material
through a hole or an orifice, thereby altering its shape. The extrusion of lead was identified as an
effective means of energy dissipation. LEDs were first suggested by Robinson as a passive energy
dissipation device for base isolated structures in New Zealand. Two devices introduced by
Robinson are shown in Figure 14.14 (Robinson and Cousins, 1987). The first device (Figure
14.14a) consists of a thick-walled tube and a co-axial shaft with a piston. There is a constriction
on the tube between the piston heads and the space between the piston heads is filled with lead.
The lead is separated from the tube by a thin layer of lubricant kept in place by hydraulic seals
around the piston heads. The central shaft extends beyond one end of the tube. When external
excitation is applied, the piston moves along the tube and the lead is forced to extrude back and
forth through the orifice formed by the constriction of the tube. The second device (Figure
14.14b) is similar to the first except that the extrusion orifice is formed by a bulge on the central
shaft rather than by a constriction in the tube. The shaft is supported by bearings, which also serve
to hold the lead in place. As the shaft moves, the lead must extrude through the orifice formed by
the bulge and tube. Similar to most friction devices, the hysteretic behavior of LEDs is essentially
rectangular (Figure 14.15). Examples of the application of LEDs in New Zealand include a
ten-story base-isolated cross-braced concrete building with sleeved piles and LED damping
elements used as a police station in Wellington, and several seismically isolated bridges.
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-19

Lead extrusion devices have the following advantages: 1) their load deformation
relationship is stable and unaffected by the number of loading cycles; 2) they are insensitive to
environmental conditions and aging effects; and 3) they have a long life and do not have to be
replaced or repaired after an earthquake since the lead in the damper returns to its undeformed
state after excitation.

Figure 14.14 Longitudinal section of lead extrusion dampers: (a) constricted-tube type and (b)
buldges-shaft type (Skinner et al., 1993)

Figure 14.15 Hysteresis loops of LEDs (Robinson and Cousins, 1987)

14-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Shape Memory Alloys

In contrast with most materials such as steel, which experience intergranular dislocation
when loaded, shape memory alloys (SMA) undergo a reversible phase transformation as they
deform and therefore have the ability to yield repeatedly without sustaining any permanent
deformation. The yielding mechanism is such that the applied load induces a crystal phase
transformation, which is reversed when the load is removed (Figure 14.16). The figure shows that
at low stresses, the material behaves elastically. At high stresses, phase transformation takes
place; thereby reducing the modulus of elasticity. During unloading, the material undergoes a
reverse transformation at a stress lower than that for loading. Once the reverse phase
transformation is complete, the material behaves elastically again. This behavior can be utilized in
devices, which have self-centering capabilities and undergo repeated hysteretic cycles. SMA
devices are relatively insensitive to temperature changes and can sustain large loads, which make
them suitable for base isolation systems. Some members of the SMA family exhibit excellent
fatigue resistance. Among the SMA family, Nitinol (nickel-titanium) has corrosion resistance
superior to other corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel. Shape memory alloys,
however, are extremely expensive.

Figure 14.16 Superelastic behaviour of shape memory alloys (Aiken et al., 1992)

SMA devices have been tested under earthquake loadings. Aiken et al. (1992) tested a
three story steel frame with Nitinol tension devices as part of a cross-bracing system. Results of
this study reveal that SMAs are effective in reducing the seismic response of the structures.
Typical hysteresis loop is shown in Figure 14.17. Whittaker et al. (1995) suggested upgrading an
existing 3-story non-ductile reinforced concrete building using SMA dampers to meet the current
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-21

seismic code criteria. Analytical studies indicated that the use of SMA dampers in the bracing
system significantly reduces the seismic response of the building.

Figure 14.17 NiTi hysteresis loops (Aiken et al., 1992)

14.3.3 Viscoelastic Dampers

Viscoelastic (VE) dampers have been used as energy dissipation devices in structures where the
damper undergoes shear deformations. As their name implies, viscoelastic materials exhibit
combined features of elastic solid and viscous liquid when deformed, i.e., they return to their
original shape after each cycle of deformation and dissipate a certain amount of energy as heat.
These dampers, made of bonded viscoelastic layers (acrylic polymers), have been developed by
3M company and used to control wind-induced vibrations in buildings. The 3M dampers are
known to have a stable behavior with good aging properties and resistance to environmental
pollutants. The extension of VE shear dampers to seismic applications is more recent. For seismic
applications, more effective use of VE materials is required since larger damping ratios than those
for wind are usually required.
14-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 14.18 Viscoelastic damper and installation ((Aiken and Kelly, 1990)

A typical VE shear damper consists of viscoelastic layers bonded to steel plates (Figure
14.18). When mounted to a structure, shear deformations and consequently energy dissipations
take place when relative motions occur between the center plate and the outer steel flanges. To
understand their behavior under a sinusoidal load with a frequency ω , the shear stress τ (t ) can be
expressed in terms of the peak shear strain γ 0 and peak shear stress τ 0 as (Zhang et al., 1989)

() ()
τ (t ) = γ 0 [G ′ ω sin ωt + G ′′ ω cos ωt (14.12)

() ()
where G ′ ω = τ 0 cos δ γ 0 , G ′′ ω = τ 0 sin δ γ 0 and δ is the lag (phase) angle between the shear
stress and shear strain. Equation (14.12) can be written as
() ()
τ (t ) = G ′ ω γ (t ) ± G ′′ ω γ 02 − γ (t ) (14.13)
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-23

which defines an elliptical stress-strain relationship similar to that shown in Figure 14.19. The
area of the ellipse indicates the energy dissipated by the viscoelastic material per unit volume and
per cycle of oscillation. From Eq (14.13), it can be seen that the in-phase term G ′ ω represents
the elastic stiffness component, and the out-of-phase term G ′′ ω the damping component.
Rewriting Eq (14.13) as

τ (t ) = G ′ ω γ (t ) +
( )γ (t )
G ′′ ω •
and comparing it with the equation of a single-degree-of-freedom system, the equivalent damping
ratio of the VE material is obtained as

G ′′ ω ⎛ ω

⎞ G ′′ ω
() ()
ω ⎜⎝ 2G ′ ω ⎟ 2G ′ ω

() ()
Accordingly, G ′ ω is defined as the shear storage modulus and G ′′ ω is the shear loss modulus.
The loss factor η is given as

G ′′ ω
= tan δ
G′ ω

The loss factor is used as a measure of energy dissipation capacity of the VE damper.

Figure 14.19 Eliptical force-displacement loops for VE dampers under cyclic loading

For a VE damper with a total shear area A and thickness h, the force-displacement relationship
from equation (14.14) is given as
14-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

() ()

F (t ) = k ′ ω x(t ) + c ′ ω x(t ) (14.17)

() () () ()
where k ′ ω = AG ′ ω / h and c ′ ω = AG ′′ ω / ωh . Equation (14.17) indicates that unlike friction
or yielding dampers, the VE dampers behave partly as an elastic material, which stores energy,
and partly as a viscous material, which dissipates energy.
The shear storage and shear loss moduli are generally functions of the excitation
frequency, shear strain, ambient temperature, and material temperature. The dependence of the
VE dampers on these parameters has been studied analytically and experimentally. For the
material temperature, one is interested in the temperature rise within the material over the loading
history. Field observations and laboratory experiments have shown that, for wind and seismic
excitations, the temperature increase in VE dampers is usually less than 10 D C , and this has a
minor effect on the performance of the dampers. For VE dampers undergoing moderate strains
(less than 20%), the shear storage and shear loss moduli depend on the excitation frequency and
the ambient temperature. In general, as the excitation frequency increases, G ′ ω and G ′′ ω ()
become larger. It was also found that VE materials soften and the effectiveness of the dampers
decreases as ambient temperature increases. The loss factor η, however, remains relatively
insensitive to moderate changes in frequencies and temperatures.
Several shake table tests of large-scale steel frame and reinforced concrete models with
added VE dampers have been carried out by different investigators. In each study, VE dampers
were found to significantly improve the response of the frame and reduce inter-story drifts and
story shears. The experimental results, together with analytical models, have led to the
development of design procedures for structures with supplemental VE dampers.
A design procedure for VE dampers has been outlined by Zhang and Soong (1992) and
Chang et al.(1993) as follows
1. Analyze the structure without the dampers to determine the force demand/capacity ratios
for the structural members;
2. Determine the target damping ratio ξ for which the building response remains elastic;
3. Using the modified strain energy method determine the added stiffness for the case of
horizontal dampers k d = 2ξk s / (η − 2ξ ) where k s is the story stiffness without added
dampers. If the dampers are located in the diagonal braces with an angle θ with the floor,
the required stiffness is obtained by dividing k by cos 2θ ;

4. Compute the required damper area A = k ′h / G ′ where h is determined such that the
shear strain in the VE damper is lower than the ultimate value;
5. Determine the number, size, and location of the dampers;
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-25

6. Check the strength of structural members that are part of the damper bay assembly using
a damper force of 1.2 times the maximum;
7. Perform a response spectrum analysis to determine the demand/capacity ratios of the
structural members. If the ratios are greater than one, include more dampers;
8. Check interstory drifts to ensure that they are within the allowable limits; and
9. Perform a non-linear dynamic analysis of the damped structure. Check overall structural
stability and strains in the dampers.

14.3.4 Viscous Dampers

Dampers, which utilize the viscous properties of fluids, have been developed and used in
structural applications. A viscous-damping (VD) wall system was developed by Sumitomo
Construction Company, Japan. The device consists of an outer steel casing attached to the lower
floor and filled with a highly viscous fluid. An inner moving steel plate hanging from the upper
floor is contained within the steel casing, Figure 14.20. The viscous damping force is induced by
the relative velocity between the two floors. Earthquake simulator tests of a full scale 4-story steel
frame with and without VD walls indicate response reductions of 66 to 80 percent with the walls.
A 4-story reinforced concrete building with VD walls was constructed in 1987 in Tsukuba, Japan
and has since been monitored for earthquake response. Reductions in acceleration responses
between 33 to 75 percent were observed when using the VD walls. The 170 VD walls installed in
the 78 m high SUT steel building in Shizouka City, Japan, provided 20 to 35 percent damping for
the building and reduced the response up to 70 to 80 percent (Miyazaki and Mitsusaka, 1992).

Figure 14.20 Viscous damping wall and hysteresis loops (Miyazaki and Mitsusaka, 1992)
14-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Fluid viscous dampers which operate on the principle of fluid flow through orifices have
been used for many years in automotive, aerospace, and defense industries. They are beginning to
emerge in structural applications. These dampers possess linear viscous behavior and are
relatively insensitive to temperature changes. Experimental and analytical studies of buildings and
bridges with fluid dampers manufactured by Taylor Devices, Inc. have been carried out by
Constantinou and Symans (1992). The Taylor device, which is filled with silicone oil, consists of
a stainless steel piston with a bronze orifice head and an accumulator, Figure 14.21. The flow
through the orifice is compensated by a passive bi-metallic thermostat that allows the operation of
the device over a temperature range of 40 D C to 70 D C. . The force in the damper is generated by a
pressure differential across the piston head. The fluid volume is reduced by the product of travel
distance and piston rod area. Since the fluid is compressible, the reduction in volume causes a
restoring force, which is prevented by the accumulator.

Figure 14.21 Construction of fluid viscous damper (Constantinou and Symans, 1992)

The force P in the fluid damper may be expressed as

α u
P = C u (14.18)

where u is the velocity of the piston rod, C is a damping constant, and α is a coefficient
ranging from 0.5 to 2.0. An α = 0.5 is effective in attenuating high velocity pulses similar to
those encountered in the near fault earthquake excitations. An α = 2.0, achieved with cylindrical
orifices, is unacceptable in applications involving high velocity excitations. An α = 1 results in
dampers with linear viscous behavior which is desirable in applications of seismic energy
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-27

dissipation. Damping forces with α less than 2.0 require specially shaped orifices to alter the
flow characteristics with the fluid speed.

The suitability of fluid dampers for seismic applications was studied by Constantinou and
Symans (1992). Fluid dampers with an orifice coefficient α = 1 were tested over the temperature
range 0 D C to 50 D C . Reducing the temperature from 24 D C to 0 D C increased the damping
coefficient by 44% whereas increasing it from 24 D C to 50 D C decreased the damping coefficient
by 25%. The change in damping properties over a wide temperature range indicates that, unlike
VE dampers, fluid dampers are less sensitive to temperature changes and show stable behavior
over a wide temperature range. Shake table tests of structures with fluid dampers have shown
reductions in story drifts of 30% to 70%, which are comparable to those achieved by other energy
dissipating systems such as friction, metallic and VE dampers. The use of fluid dampers,
however, reduced the story and base shears by 40% to 70% because of their pure viscous
behavior while other passive systems were not as effective in reducing base shears. Another
desirable feature of fluid dampers is that the damping force is out-of-phase with the displacement.
If dampers are included in a structure in such a way that they have an inclined force; for example,
along a diagonal brace, the horizontal component of the damper force is out-of-phase with the
displacement and therefore, the peak induced column moments are less than those when the peak
damper force occurs at peak displacement. On the other hand, fluid dampers have the following
disadvantages: a) maintaining seals over a long time; and b) small motions in the structure may
cause seals to wear and fluid to leak out.

14.3.5 Retrofit Design using Dampers

A simplified design procedure (SDP) has been developed by Lee et al. (2005) for seismic
response control and / or retrofitting of frame buildings with visco-elastic or elastomeric
structural dampers. The SDP uses elastic-static analysis and is applicable to structural dampers. In
SDP visco-elastic / high damping materials are idealized as linear visco-elastic material although
behaviour of these materials are actually nonlinear. This simplified analysis method involving
suitable practical design implementation, have been validated by comparing the computed
responses with that obtained from nonlinear dynamic time history analysis.

Simplified Design Procedure

The SDP for multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) frame systems with VE or high-damping
elastomeric dampers uses elastic-static analysis results to determine damper properties so that the
damped frame satisfies specified seismic performance objectives, and has the following steps:
14-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Step (1): Establish target seismic performance and associated design criteria. Seismic
performance levels, such as operational or immediate occupancy under the design basis
earthquake (DBE) are often the objective of using dampers. To achieve the target performance
level, detailed design criteria, such as storey drift limits and limits on the internal forces of
members under the DBE, are established in Step (1).

Step (2): Idealize nonlinear damping material as linear VE material. In general, VE or

elastomeric damping materials have frequency, temperature, and strain amplitude-dependent
behaviour. To keep the SDP simple, these non-linear damping materials are idealized as a linear
VE material. Constant elastic shear modulus G' and loss shear modulus G′′ = η G′, where η d is
the loss factor define the linear VE model. Usually, G ′ and η d are estimated from harmonic
loading test results using two criteria: (1) the maximum stress and strain are similar and (2) the
hysteresis loop area is similar. The tests are conducted at constant frequency, temperature, and
strain amplitude, and G ′ and η d are tabulated as a function of these parameters. For the SDP, the
value of G ′ at the first-mode natural frequency of the damped frame, the design temperature, and
the expected strain amplitude is used in the linear VE model. The dependence of η d on these
parameters is typically small, and using the minimum value of η d over a frequency range near the
first-mode natural frequency and within a design temperature range will provide sufficiently
accurate and conservative results. Figure 14.22 compares the experimental UHDNR hysteresis
loops for 50% strain amplitude at 20 D C and 0.5 Hz with the equivalent linear VE hysteresis loop.
The agreement between loops is acceptable for the SDP. The validity of using this idealization in
the SDP will be demonstrated later in the paper.

Step (3): Select design temperature range. Since damping materials have temperature dependent
behaviour, upper and lower bound ambient temperatures are selected to define the design
temperature range.

Step (4): Select appropriate a (ratio of the brace stiffness per storey in the global direction to the
storey stiffness without dampers and braces) value, one or more β (ratio of the damper stiffness
per storey in the global direction to the storey stiffness without dampers and braces) values, and
damper locations. The stiffness ratios α and β are often used to represent VE or elastomeric
dampers in a preliminary design process. When the actual damper material properties are
frequency dependent, the damper stiffness and the period of the damped structure, which are
unknown in preliminary design, are coupled. Using the stiffness ratio β , instead of the actual
damper stiffness based on the shear modulus and damper geometry (area and thickness), makes
the design procedure nearly insensitive to the frequency dependence of the material. After
selecting a β value (as discussed later), the damper geometry is determined at the end of the
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-29

SDP. A range of β values from 0.5 to 5 is recommended. A value of α between 10 and 30,
which results in stiff braces to maximize the damper energy dissipation, is recommended.

Step (5): Perform elastic-static analysis. With a range of β values defined in Step (4), a series of
elastic-static analyses are performed using the elastic-static analysis procedure (ESAP) discussed

Step (6): Compare structural response obtained in Step (5) with design criteria from Step (1).

Step (7): Select minimum β that satisfies design criteria and provides target seismic

Step (8): Determine structural response at low-end temperature of design temperature range and
compare structural response with design criteria. Given the typical temperature dependent
behaviour of VE and high-damping elastomeric materials, the minimum β selected in Step (7) is
assumed to represent the damper stiffness at the high-end temperature of the design temperature
range where the damping material is most flexible. When the temperature decreases, the damped
system behavior changes due to increased damper stiffness, so the structural response at the
low-end temperature is investigated. The value of β low ( β at the low-end temperature) can be
obtained from the value of β high ( β at the high-end temperature from Step (7)) by solving
iteratively the following equation:

G ′(low - end temperature, ω low ( β low ))

β low = β high (14.19)
G ′(high − end temperature, ω high ( β high ))

where G ′ (temperature, ω ) is the elastic shear modulus of the damping material as a function of
temperature and frequency, ω low ( β low ) is the damper frequency at the low-end temperature as a
function of β low , and ω high ( β high ) is the damper frequency at the high-end temperature as a
function of β high . To apply Equation (14.19), we assume that ω low ( β low ) and ω high ( β high ) are the
first-mode natural frequencies of the damped system at the low-end and high-end temperatures,
respectively. When β low is determined & structural response at the low-end temperature is
obtained from Step (5) results and compared with the design criteria as in Step (6).

Step (9): Calculate damper area and thickness. The individual damper area, ( Ad )i at each storey i
equals (( K de ) i × t d ) G ′ (high-end temperature, ω high ( β high )), where ( K de ) i is the individual damper
stiffness in the local direction and equals β high ( K 0 ) i ni cos 2 (φ d ) i , i is the storey number, (φ d )i is
the angle between the damper local direction and the global horizontal direction, ni is the number
14-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

of dampers at storey i, (K 0 )i is the storey stiffness of the frame system without dampers and
braces, and td is the thickness of the damper.

Elastic-static Analysis Procedure for Damped MDOF Frame Systems

Figure 19.23(a) shows a typical frame system with dampers and braces. The damper is
connected with a brace in series, hereafter referred to as the damper-brace component. The
analytical model for the ESAP uses elastic beam-column elements for the beams and columns of
the frame system, and elastic truss elements for the damper-brace component. Figure 14.23(b)
shows two models for the damper-brace component. The first is the linear VE damper-brace
model, which has a complex (elastic and loss) stiffness K d∗ +b . The second is the simplified
elastic-viscous damper-brace model with an elastic stiffness K d′ +b , sim which is used in the ESAP,
and a dashpot coefficient C d′ + b , sim . In the linear VE damper-brace mode K d∗ +b
equals K d′ +b (1 + iη d +b ) , where K d′ +b is the elastic stiffness of the damper-brace component and
η d +b is the loss factor, as follows:

1 ηd η d2
K d′ +b = η d +b = µ = 1+ (14.20)
(1 K b ) + (1 µK d′ ) µ (1 + (K d′ / K b )) 1 + (K b K d′ )

K d′ is the elastic stiffness of the damper in the global direction, η d is the damper loss factor, and
K b is the brace stiffness in the global direction. K d′ +b in Eq. (3.12) is a function of µ , which is a
function of η d , and therefore K d′ +b is not purely elastic. A purely elastic stiffness for the
damper-brace component, based on the simplified elastic-viscous model of Figure 14.23(b),
K d′ +b , sim is obtained by setting µ equal to 1, whereby

K d′ + b , sim = (14.21)
(1 K b ) + (1 K d′ )

The important differences between the results from the linear VE damper-brace model and the
simplified elastic-viscous damper-brace model are corrected in Step (7) of the ESAP. The ESAP
includes the following steps:

Step (1): Estimate first-mode deflected shape of damped frame system, u by analysing the frame
under a pattern of equivalent lateral forces, P .

Step (2): Estimate first-mode period, T1 , using Rayleigh's method.

Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-31

Step (3): Estimate first-mode damping ratio, ξ eq . The lateral force energy (LFE) method is used,
( )( )
and therefore the equivalent damping ratio, ξ eq , equals (η d 2) P Td u d P T u
. P d is the vector of
forces in the dampers and u d is the vector of damper deformations. Each damper
deformation, u d , is separated from the damper-brace component deformation, u d +b , and
equals (K b (K d′ + K b ))u d +b . P is the vector of equivalent lateral forces and u is the vector of
corresponding floor lateral displacements, simulating the first-mode shape. The inherent damping
of the undamped frame can be added to ξ eq .

Step (4): Determine seismic coefficient from design spectrum. Tile seismic coefficient C S , is a
function of the first-mode period T1 , from Step (2), a response modification R, and other factors.
The damping ratio from Step (3) is higher than that of the design spectrum (5% damping); thus,
C S , obtained from the design spectrum is divided by a damping reduction factor, such as BS and
B1 , from FEMA 356, 2000.

Step (5): Compute equivalent lateral forces. The equivalent lateral forces (ELF) are calculated as
Mu( Γ. C S BS or B l ).g ) where M is the mass matrix, u is the vector of the first-mode floor lateral
displacements, Γ is the participation factor, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Step (6): Perform static analysis under ELF to estimate displacements, internal forces, and
deformations of damped frame system.

Step (7): Correct calculated response considering simplifications of analytical model. The
simplified elastic-viscous model of the damper-brace component has only an elastic stiffness. As
shown in Figure 14.22, the maximum stress for a linear VE model is the product of the magnitude
of the complex modulus G ∗ and the maximum strain. The hysteresis loop of the linear VE
damper-brace model is similar to that shown in Figure 14.22, so the elastic damper force from the
simplified elastic-viscous model (Figure 14.23(b)) underestimates the actual damper force. The
magnitude of the complex stiffness K d∗ +b of the linear VE damper-brace model equals

K d′ + b 1 + η d2+ b . The damper forces from the elastic-static analysis should be amplified by AF x
MF to account for the differences between K d∗+b and K d′ +b , sim , where AF is an amplification

factor and MF is a modification factor. AF accounts for the difference between K d∗ +b and K d′ +b ,
and equals 1 + η d2+b . MF accounts for the difference between K d′ +b and K d′ + b , sim , and equals
µ (α + β ) (α + µβ ) . The column axial forces in the bays of the frame with the dampers are
amplified by the same factors because they are in equilibrium with the damper forces. Member
14-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

forces more closely related to lateral drift than to damper forces, such as the moment and shear in
the beams and columns, are not amplified.

Steps (1) to (7) of the ESAP are repeated for each β value selected in Step (4) of the
SDP. Note that Steps (1) and (2) of the ESAP could be replaced by an eigenvalue analysis, and
Steps (4) to (6) of the ESAP could be replaced by a response spectrum analysis. However, the
ESAP as presented above, uses only static analysis based on the widely used equivalent lateral
force procedure. As a result, the ESAP is quite simple and easily applied in practice. The main
advantage of the SDP and ESAP is that they verify seismic performance by comparing design
criteria at both the global and member levels, without requiring an nonlinear dynamic time history
analysi. The SDP and ESAP are illustrated below using the retrofit of a non-ductile reinforced
concrete frame building as in example.

Retrofit Design of Non-ductile RC Frame Building

A retrofit design for a prototype non-ductile RC frame building with elastomeric dampers
is used to illustrate the SDP. The three-storey, five-bay by five-bay non-ductile RC frame
building (Figure 14.24(a) and (b)) is assumed to be built in the U.S. in the 1960s, before seismic
loads were adequately considered in design. The target seismic performance of the RC frame
building retrofit with elastomeric dampers is operational under the DBE. Therefore, the following
retrofit design criteria are imposed. (1) the columns in the frame building should remain elastic
when the building is subjected to the DBE, and (2) the storey drifts under the DBE are limited to
0.4%. Attention is focused on the columns rather than the beams to prevent a storey failure
mechanism. The 0.4% drift limit is determined from inelastic analyses, where extensive inelastic
behaviour in the first storey columns occurs after 0.4% drift. Figure 14.24(c) shows the damper
and brace configuration in the damped RC frame building. An MDOF frame model was
developed for the building. From symmetry of the building, only three frames are included in the
model, as shown in Figure 14.24(c). Three dampers are located in each storey of one of the
interior frames, referred to as the interior damped frame. The flexural stiffness and strength of the
beams and columns were evaluated from moment-curvature analysis results. The SAP-2000
computer program was used for the ESAP.
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-33

Figure 14.22 Ultra-high-damping natural rubber and equivalent linear VE hysteresis loops

Figure 14.23 Structure with dampers and model for damper-brace component: (a) typical
damper and brace configuration; and (b) models for damper-brace component
14-34 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 14.24 Prototype non-ductile RC frame building and analytical: (a) elevation view; (b)
plan view (c) damper configuration and analytical model


This category of passive devices includes tuned mass dampers (TMD) and tuned liquid dampers
(TLD). Tuned devices are relatively easy to implement in new buildings and in the retrofit of
existing ones. They do not require an external power source to operate and do not interfere with
vertical and horizontal load paths. Tuned systems may also be combined with active control
mechanisms to function as hybrid systems, with the passive device serving as the back-up in case
of failure of the active device. The following is a brief discussion of each device.

14.4.1 Tuned Mass Dampers

A typical tuned mass damper (TMD) consists of a mass, which moves relative to the structures
and is attached to it by a spring and a viscous damper in parallel (Figure 14.25). When the
structure vibrates, it excites the TMD and the kinetic energy is transferred from the structures to
the TMD and is absorbed by the damping component of the device. The mass of the TMD usually
experiences large displacements (stroke lengths).
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-35

A tuned mass damper is characterized by its mass, tuning and damping ratios. The mass
ratio is defined as the TMD mass to that of the structure and the tuning ratio is defined as the ratio
of the fundamental frequency of the TMD to that of structure. The optimum tuning and damping
ratios that result in the maximum absorbed energy have been studied by several investigators.
TMDs have been found effective in reducing response of structures to wind and harmonic loads
and have been installed in several buildings. For seismic applications, there has not been a general
agreement about the effectiveness of TMDs in reducing the response. Sadek et al. (1996) have
studied the optimum parameters of tuned mass dampers for maximum reductions in response to
earthquakes. For a given mass ratio, they determined the tuning and damping ratios of the TMDs
that would result in approximately equal damping in the first two modes of vibrations. They
found that that the equal damping ratios in the first two modes are greater than the average of the
damping ratios of the lightly damped structure and the heavily damped TMD insuring that the
fundamental modes of vibrations are more heavily damped. Sadek et al. (1996) used the method
to select the parameters of TMDS for several SDOF and MDOF structures subjected to a number
of earthquake excitations. The results indicate that using the optimum parameters reduces the
displacement and acceleration responses significantly. They also showed that in order for TMDs
to be effective, large mass ratios must be used, especially for structures with higher damping
ratios. Thus, large mass of TMDs necessitates larger spaces to achieve the required damping
effect. Further, performance of TMDs depends on frequency content of the earthquake ground

14.4.2 Tuned Liquid Dampers

Tuned Liquid Dampers (TLD), which have been used extensively in space satellites and marine
vessels, are being implemented in structures for vibration control. TLDs (Figure 14.26) consist of
rigid tanks filled with shallow liquid, where the sloshing motion absorbs the energy and dissipates
it through viscous action of the liquid, wave breaking, and auxiliary damping appurtenances such
as nets or floating beads. The principle of absorbing the kinetic energy of the structure is similar
to TMDs where the fluid functions as the moving mass and the restoring force is generated by
gravity. TLDs have several advantages over TMDs such as reducing the motion in two directions
simultaneously and not requiring large stroke lengths. On the other hand, the relatively small
mass of water or other fluids compared to the large mass TMDs (usually steel, concrete, or lead)
to achieve the same damping effect.

According to Sun et al. (1989), the natural frequency of TLDs can be computed from

πg ⎛ πh ⎞
ω= tanh ⎜ ⎟ (14.22)
2a ⎝ 2a ⎠
14-36 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

where g, 2a, and h are acceleration of gravity, tank length, and liquid height, respectively. The
natural frequencies of TLDs are therefore easily adjusted by the dimensions of the tank. The
governing equations of motion for a structure equipped with a TLD as well as their solutions can
be found in Sun and Fujino (1994). TLDs are effective in reducing the response of structures to
harmonic and wind excitations (Fujino et al., 1992). An example of the application of TLDs is the
149.4m high Shin Yokohama Prince Hotel in Japan with 30 TLD units attached to the top floor to
suppress wind-induced vibrations. Shaking table tests of TLDs were carried out at Kyoto
University to investigate their performance for seismic applications. A TLD was attached to the
top floor of a 3-story steel frame and the frame was subjected to the NS component of the El
Centro accelerogram from the 1940 Imperial Valley Earthquake scaled to a peak ground
acceleration of 0.25 m s 2 . The results indicate that the TLD somewhat reduced the first mode
response only, but it was not effective in reducing the total response.

Figure 14.25 A building with a tuned mass damper Figure 14.26 A building with

a tuned column damper


In this era of technological revolution, the world of seismic engineering is in need of creative
thinking and advanced technology beyond conventional solutions. Seismic base isolation and
energy dissipating devices are suitable technologies for earthquake resistant design / seismic
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-37

retrofitting of a variety of buildings that have the requisite dynamic characteristics. Passive
control technologies have matured in recent years to highly dependable and reliable level.
Academic research on the subject is well advanced, and practical application are now being
introduced throughout the world.


1. UBC (1997), “Earthquake Regulations for Seismic Isolated Structures,” Uniform

Building Code, Appendix, Chapter –16, Whittier, CA.
2. FEMA 356 (2000), “Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Buildings”, American Society of Civil Engineers, USA.
3. Aiken, I.D., Kelly J.M. and Tajrican F.F., ''Mechnics of low shape factor elastomeric
seismic isolation bearings,'' Report No. UCB/EERC-89/13, University of California at
Berkeley, 1989.
4. Aiken, I. D. and Kelly, J. M., (1990), "Earthquake simulator testing and analytical studies
of two energy-absorbing systems for multistory structures," Report No.
UCB/EERC-90-03, EERC, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
5. Aiken, I. D., Nims, D. K., and Kelly, J. M., (1992), "Comparative study of four passive
energy dissipation systems," Bull. N.Z Nat. Soc. for earthquake Engrg., Vol. 25(3), pp.
6. Chang, K. C., Lai, M. L., Soong, T. T., Hao, D. D., and Yeh, Y. C., (1993), "Seismic
behavior and design guidelines for steel frame structures with added viscoelastic
dampers," NCEER 93-0009, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research,
Buffalo, NY.
7. Constantinou, M. C. and Symans, M. D., (1992a), 'Experimental and analytical
investigation of seismic response of structures with supplemental fluid viscous dampers,
NCEER 92-0032, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo, NY.
8. Filiatrault, A. and Cherry, S., (1990), “A simplified design procedure for friction damped
structures,” Proc. 4th U.S. Nat. Conf. Earthquake Engrg., palm Springs, CA., Vo.3,
9. Fitzgerald, T. F., Anagnos, T., Goodson, M., and Zsutty, T., (1989), "Slotted bolted
connections in aseismic design of concentrically braced connections," Earthquake
Spectra, Vol. 5(2), pp. 383-391.
14-38 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

10. Fujino, Y., Sun, L. M., Pacheco, B. M., and Chaiseri, P., (1992), "Tuned liquid damper
(TT-D) for suppressing horizontal motion of structures," J. Engrg. Mech., ASCE, Vol.
118(10), pp. 2017-2030.
11. Kelly, J.M., ''Shake table tests of long period isolation system for nuclear facilities at soft
soil sites,'' Report No. UCB/EERC-91/03, University of California at Berkeley, 1991.
12. Lee, K., Fan, C., Sause, R., and Ricles, J. (2005), “Simplified design procedure for frame
buildings with viscoelastic or elastomeric structural dampers,” Earthquake Engng Struct.
Dyn., Vol.34, pp.1271-1284.
13. Miyazaki, M. and Mitsusaka, Y., (1992), "Design of a building with 20% or greater
damping,”Proc., 10th World Conf. on Earthquake Engrg., Madrid, Spain, pp. 4143.
14. Naeim, F. and Kelly, J.M.(1999), Design of Seismic Isolated Structures, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.

15. Pall, A. S. and Marsh, C., (1982), "Response of friction damped braced frames," J. Struct.
Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 108(6), pp. 1313-1323.
16. Richter, P. J., Nims, D. K., Kelly, J. M., and Kallenbach, R. M., (1990), "Me EDR energy
dissipating restraint, a new device for mitigation of seismic effects," Proc., SEAOC 59th
Annual Convention, Lake Tohoe.
17. Robinson, W. H. and Cousins, W. J., (1987), "Recent developments in lead dampers for
base isolation," Pacific Conf. on earthquake Engrg., Vol. 2, N.Z.
18. Sadek, F., Mohraz, B., Taylor, A. W., and Chung, R. M., (1996), "A method of
estimating the parameters of tuned mass dampers for seismic applications," Report
NIS77R 5806, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
19. Scholl, R. E., (1993), "Design criteria for yielding and friction energy dissipators," Proc.
ATC- 17-1 Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation, and Active
Control, Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, CA., Vol. 2, pp. 485495.
20. Skinner, R. I., Robinson, W. H., and MeVerry, G. H., (1993), "An introduction to seismic
isolation," John Wiley and Sons, NY.
21. Sun, L. M., Fujino, Y., Pacheco, B. M., and Isobe, M., (1989), "Nonlinear waves and
dynamic pressure in rectangular TLD - Simulation and experimental verification," J.
Struct. Engrg. / Earthquake Engrg., Vol. 6(2), pp. 251-262.
22. Sun, L. M. and Fujino, Y., (1994), "A semi-analytical model for tuned liquid damper
(TLD) with wave breaking," J. Fluids and Structures, Vol. 8, pp. 471-488.
Base Isolation and Energy Dissipation 14-39

23. Tsai, K. C. and Hong, C. P., (1992), "Steel triangular plate energy absorber for
earthquake-resistant buildings," Proc., 1st World Congress on Constructional Steel
Design, Mexico,
24. Tyler, R. G., (1985), "Further notes on a steel energy absorbing element for braced
frameworks," Bull. N.Z Nat. Soc. for earthquake Engrg., Vol. 18(3), pp. 270-279.
25. Whittaker, A. S., Bertero, V. V., Thompson, C. L., and Alonso, L. J., (1991), "Seismic
testing of steel plate energy dissipation devices," Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 7(4), pp.
26. Whittaker, A.S., Krumme, R., Sweeney, S., and Hayes, J.R.,(1995), “Structural control of
buildings response using shape memory alloys,” Report No. 95/22, USACERL, US Army
Construction Engineering Research Laboratories.
27. Zhang, R. H., Soong, T. T., and Mahmoodi, p., (1989), "Seismic response of steel frame
structures with added viscoelastic dampers," Earthquake Engrg. Struct. Dyn., Vol. 18, pp.
28. Zhang, R. H. and Soong, T. T., (1992), "Seismic design of viscoelastic dampers for
structural applications," J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 118(5), pp. 1375-1392.

The quality requirements on buildings repair and retrofitting projects are often not given the same
attention as for new projects. Since many of these projects are of smaller scope and performed by
contractor organizations that are small in size, formal systems of QA/QC are not followed and
implemented leading to poor quality.

The primary objective of this chapter to discuss the steps to be taken to ensure that retrofit
of structures are conducted in a manner that confirms to contractual and regulatory requirements.
Conformance of contractor’s work to the requirements is verified on the basis of objective
evidence of quality. The process control procedures and systems outlined herein describe how the
quality assurance and control program is designed to ensure that all quality and regulatory
requirements are recognized and that a consistent and uniform control of these requirements is
adequately established and maintained. The success of the QA program depends on through
understanding of its aims and its full implementation by all the parties involved in the repair and
retrofit process.

The quality concepts have considerably changed during the last decades. These are
discussed along the definitions of various terms used. The organizational setup required and
Quality Assurance and Control 15-2

function involved in achieving a quality product are then discussed. The quality requirements for
the works are conveyed by the designer to the contractor through specifications and drawings.
The correct type of specification has to be used in order to ensure that quality product is delivered
in the most economical way. The various types of specifications are discussed. The typical
quality control plan for the retrofitting of a column is then discussed.

Documentation constitutes a very important component of any quality plan. It is found

that the documentation process is very weak in many projects in India. The various types of
documents and document control are discussed. A few model documents for QC purpose are

In order to achieve quality repair and retrofit work, temporary structures including
scaffolding and formwork need to be properly designed and erected. The issues related to
scaffolding, formwork and shoring are discussed. The safety of workers involved in the repair
and retrofitting works is very important to improve quality and productivity in these projects. The
safety issues and protection and life saving equipment are discussed.


Project quality management includes the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy
the needs for which it was undertaken. It includes “all activities of overall management function
that determine the quality policy, objectives, and responsibilities and implements them by means
such as quality planning, quality assurance, quality control, and quality improvement, within the
quality system” (PMBOK 2000).

15.2.1 Definition of Quality

Quality can be defined in terms of conformance to the agreed requirements of the customer and a
product or service free of deficiencies. In the building construction industry, quality can be
defined as meeting the requirements of the owner, designer, constructor, and regulatory agencies.
In terms of function, a high quality-building project can be described by such terms as ease in
understanding drawings, level of agreement in drawings and specifications, economics of
construction, ease of operation, ease of maintenance, and energy efficiency (Arditi and Gunaydin
15-3 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

15.2.2 Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance (QA) is all planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate
confidence that a structure, system, or component will perform satisfactorily and conform to
project requirements. QA manager and staff are responsible for developing this program and for
monitoring the activities within the QA program.

15.2.3 Quality Control

Quality control (QC) in construction typically involves ensuring compliance with minimum
standards of material and workmanship in order to ensure the performance of the facility
according to the design. These minimum standards are contained in the specifications. QC
activities should encompass all phases of the project including design and construction.

15.2.4 Quality Audit

Quality Audit is defined as a systematic and independent examination to determine whether

quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether there
arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives (Calder 1997).

15.2.5 Total Quality Management

High quality of product and service and their associated customer satisfaction are key to survival
for any enterprise. The nature of the current competition generally demands from any corporation
the following four types of ability characteristics:

1. To understand what the customer wants and provide it, immediately on demand, at lowest
2. To provide products and services of high quality and reliability consistently.
3. To keep up with the pace of change, technological as well as political and social.
4. To be one step ahead of the customer’s needs; that is, to predict what the customer will
want one year or ten years from now.

The attainment of those abilities requires an organised approach to management – an

approach of managing for total quality, of managing for effectiveness and competitiveness,
involving each and every activity and person at all levels of organisation. Total Quality
Quality Assurance and Control 15-4

Management (TQM) is a culture advocating total commitment to customer satisfaction through

continuous improvement and innovation in all aspects of the business.

15.2.6 Elements of Quality

Quality Characteristics
The elemental building blocks out of which “quality” is constructed are the quality
characteristics A physical or chemical property, a dimension, a temperature or any other
requirement used to define the nature of a product or a service is a quality characteristics. For
each quality characteristic there is sequence of activities to achieve it. A designer specifies the
requirements of the characteristics. The construction engineer specifies the process to be used to
achieve the design specification requirements. The construction craftsmen and workers execute
the work to make the construction facility per the design. The product / facility created are
examined/tested to judge conformance to the design specifications.

Quality of Design
It is important- that the design professional identify for the owner those tasks which are
necessary to assure quality, and to insist that these be included in the project's design phase costs.
While it is a truism that additional rupees spent to assure quality during the design will reduce the
cost of quality control measures during and after construction, the design professional should
make this clear to the owner early rather than later. Owners, particularly inexperienced ones,
expect quality in the completed project, but are unaware of the effort required to deliver quality
both in the design phase and the construction that follows. The design professional must be aware
of the probability of loss of quality in accelerated projects, fast-track, informal procedures,
rejection of recommendations by professionals, budget cutting at midstream, and other
management actions on the part of the owner. All too often, the design professional hopes for the
best and accepts these impositions upon the design team's ability to perform and incorporate
quality. It is the design professional's responsibility to point out the probable implications of such

To establish a formal, design-related QA program other than that associated with the
organization's standard office procedures, the first step is to designate a QA manager with
authority to develop the QA program and QC activities for the office. One advantage of
establishing a formal QA program is in the actual procedures development. The following
procedures will assist in performing the work in an organized fashion (O’Brien 1989).

1. Review the project procedures manual. This document, prepared under direction of the project
manager, describes requirements for activities related to performance on the project.
15-5 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

2. Review the written project program. This is also referred to as the basis for design or criteria
and is prepared by each design discipline. It describes the owner's requirements, design
parameters, codes, standards, materials, and design concepts. Design concepts include the basic
solution of the system to meet the owner's requirements, constructability, and suitability of
materials and systems.

3. Standard office procedures should be established to clearly define work to be checked, to

identify the originator and the checker, and to determine approval requirements. In a formal QA
program, a discipline check should be made of design calculations, drawings, specifications,
probable construction cost estimates, and reports. Checking should be performed by qualified
individuals not directly involved in design or supervision of the work.

4. Many projects contain drawings .or other documents with input from several disciplines.
Procedures should be established for checking the composite document by each discipline.

5. An integrated design review requires an overall review of documents that have been prepared
by various disciplines and will be issued as a single construction package. The purpose of the
review is to provide coordination of the work performed by various disciplines and avoid
conflicts in the documents.

Finally, the following may be performed before releasing the documents.

• Review by project manager

• Review by project design professional
• Final acceptance by the owner.

Quality of Construction
With the attention to conformance as the measure of quality during the construction
process, the specification of quality requirements in the design and contract documentation
becomes extremely important. Quality requirements should be clear and verifiable, so that all
parties in the project can understand the requirements for conformance. Quality control in
construction typically involves ensuring compliance with minimum standards of material and
workmanship in order to ensure the performance of the facility according to the design. These
minimum standards are contained in the specifications.

For the purpose of ensuring compliance, random samples and statistical methods are
commonly used as the basis for accepting or rejecting work completed and batches of materials.
Quality Assurance and Control 15-6

Rejection of a batch is based on non-conformance or violation of the relevant design


An implicit assumption in these traditional quality control practices is the notion of an

acceptable quality level which is an allowable fraction of defective items. Materials obtained from
suppliers or work performed by an organization is inspected and passed as acceptable if the
estimated defective percentage is within the acceptable quality level. Problems with materials or
goods are corrected after delivery of the product.

15.2.6 ISO 9000

The best known formal certification for quality improvement is the International Organization for
Standardization's ISO 9000 standard. ISO 9000 emphasizes good documentation, quality goals
and a series of cycles of planning, implementation and review.

This International Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system

where an organisation:

a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products that meet customer and
applicable regulatory requirements, and
b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system,
including processes for the continual improvement of the system and the assurance of
conformity to customer and applicable regulatory requirements.
All requirements of this standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all
organisations, regardless of type, size and product provided.

This International Standard promoted the adoption of a process approach when

developing, implementing and improving effectiveness of a quality management system, to
enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. The application of a system of
processes within an organisation, together with the identification and interaction of these
processes, and their management can be referred to as the ‘process approach’. An advantage of
the process approach is the ongoing control that it provides over the linkage between the
individual processes within the system of processes, as well as over their combination and
15-7 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

When used within the quality management system, such an approach emphasizes the
importance of

a) understanding and meeting requirements,

b) the need to consider the processes in terms of added value,
c) obtaining results of processes performance and effectiveness, and
d) continual improvement of processes based on objective measurement.

The model of the process based quality management system shown in Figure 15.1
illustrates the process linkages. This shows that customer play a significant role in defining
requirements as inputs. Monitoring of customer satisfaction requires the evaluation of information
relating to customer perception as to whether the organisation has met customer requirements.

The methodology is also known as ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ (PDCA). The PDCA can be

briefly described as follows:

• Plan: establish the objective and necessary to deliver result in accordance with customer
requirements and the organization’s policies.
• Do: implement the processes.
• Check: monitor and measure processes and product against policies, objectives and
requirements foe the product and report the results.
• Act: take actions to continually improve process performance.
Quality Assurance and Control 15-8

Figure 15.1 Model of a process based quality management system (IS/ISO 9001)


Quality assurance is the activity of providing the evidence needed to establish confidence, among
all concerned, that the quality function is being effectively performed. Quality assurance provides
protection against quality problems through early warnings of trouble ahead.

15.3.1 QA Plans

The quality assurance plan serves a number of purposes, and it must be designed so as to serve
these functions:

1. Proof that policies and procedures have been thought out. “Before you can write it down
you must first think it out”
15-9 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

2. A reference base as to policies and procedures as well as the whys and wherefores behind
them. Those who use the plan will do a better job if they understand the reason behind
their acts. The manual provides these reasons.
3. A textbook for training. The widest training use is for inspection and quality control
personnel whose day to day work is guided by the QA plan. However, the training
extends also to production supervisors, engineering personnel and others.
4. A precedent for future decisions. The plan includes a good deal of codification of
agreements. Many quality standards appear in the plan, and these govern the cases often
encountered in the past.
5. An aid to continuity of operations despite employee turnover. In the absence of a manual,
a personnel change results in a change of practice - sometimes drastic. The plan helps to
stabilize practice and to conduct operations based on “laws, not men”.
6. A reference base against which current practice can be audited.

The QA plan should address following elements:

a) Scope of the quality plan

b) Management responsibility
c) Quality system
d) Contract review
e) Design control
f) Document and data control
g) Purchasing
h) Control of customer supplied product
i) Product identification and traceability
j) Process control
k) Inspection and testing
l) Control of non conforming product
m) Corrective and preventive action
n) Control of quality records
o) Quality audits
p) Training
Quality Assurance and Control 15-10

q) Servicing
r) Statistical technique

15.3.2 Field Administration

The basic building block of the organisation is the operation (also called “function,” “task,”
“work element,” etc.). An operation is an identifiable type of activity such as assemble, transport
or concreting. These operations in the context of quality management are referred as “quality
management work elements”. These work elements are carried out by various departments in the
organisation. The following list includes those principal work elements which have usually been
assigned to such departments (Juran 1988):

1. Broad administration of the quality function

a) Draft quality policies.

b) Develop major quality objectives.
c) Develop plans for meeting quality objectives.
d) Develop the plans for meeting quality objectives.
e) Develop the organisation structure for carrying out the plans.
f) Conduct quality audits; prepare and issue summarized reports on quality.

2. Start up of new project

a) Study customer needs for quality oriented parameters.

b) Conduct design reviews for various quality oriented purposes: maintainability, etc.
c) Establish test programs to evaluate materials, processes, and products.
d) Conduct inspections and tests of trial production.
e) Estimate quality costs for processes and designs.

3. Supplier quality relations

a) Prepare supply relations manual: policies, methods, and procedures.

b) Prepare the plan for conducting supplier quality surveys.
c) Conduct surveys of prospective suppliers to judge quality capability.
d) Conduct inspection and supplier consignments.

4. Construction Procedure

a) Evaluate quality capability of processes.

b) Design plans for process control and control process surveillance.
c) Analyze out of control conditions; follow up to secure corrective action.
15-11 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

d) Design methods for evaluating quality performance of construction process output.

5. Inspection and Test:

a) Design the inspection and task plan.

b) Prepare supplementary standards and criteria as needed, standardize test procedures.
c) Prepare inspection manuals, systems and procedures.
d) Prepare inspection job specifications; recruit, select and train inspectors.
e) Conduct inspections and tests in accordance with plan.
f) Investigate causes of common defects, report findings, follow up for corrective action.
g) Initiate action to dispose of nonconforming product.
h) Prepare and report summaries of results of inspection in appropriate ways: by product, by
component, by process, by department responsible, etc.

6. Customer Relations

a) Analyze customer quality complaints, recommend corrective action.

b) Evaluate customer experience with facility performance.
c) Identify customer needs for quality oriented assistance; develop responsive plans.

7. Training

a) Analyze costs of poor quality, identify major opportunities for improvements.

b) Stimulate companywide approaches for quality improvement.
c) Design and conduct training courses in various quality oriented skills and tools.

15.3.3 Field and laboratory testing

The contract plans and specifications should be checked for any testing requirements, sampling
frequency, acceptance criteria and tolerances. Easy checklist should be developed to assist the
construction inspectors in assessing conformance to all testing requirements and to ensure proper
record keeping. Following are the steps required to develop QC procedures for testing and

a) Study the plans and specifications to identify all testing and inspection requirements for
the project.
b) Assemble relevant contract documents needed to determine standards to be met for each
test or inspection.
c) Develop any necessary checklists and train inspection staff.
Quality Assurance and Control 15-12

d) Monitor for compliance to specified standards to be met according to the plans and
specifications for the following: field tests & inspection, laboratory tests, receiving
inspections and final testing & inspection.
e) Record results of required tests, inspections and observations in a timely manner on
standard forms.
Steps required for maintenance of testing equipment:

a) Establish a calibration and maintenance program for all testing equipment used at work
site under the control of field staff. The program may include specific contractual
requirements, national standards, or manufacturer’s recommendations
b) Document actions taken to calibrate and maintain testing equipment used and controlled
by the work site inspection staff.


15.4.1 Specification Requirements

Specifications of work quality are an important feature of any new construction or retrofit
designs. Specifications of required quality of components represent part of the necessary
documentation to describe a facility. Typically, this documentation includes any special
provisions of the facility design as well as references to generally accepted specifications to be
used during construction. Construction specifications normally consist of a series of instructions
or prohibitions for specific operations.

Well-written specifications are essential for the efficient construction of a successful

project. Well-written specifications inform the contractor of the work to be performed, the
conditions and restrictions on performance of the work, the expected quality of the work, and the
manner in which the work will be measured for payment.

Well-written specifications:
• are clear, concise, and technically correct.
• do not use ambiguous words that could lead to misinterpretation.
• are written using simple words in short, easy to understand sentences.
• use technically correct terms, not slang or “field” words.
• avoid conflicting requirements.
• do not repeat requirements stated elsewhere in the contract
15-13 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

• state construction requirements sequentially.

• avoid the use of awkward phrases such as “and/or”,

15.4.2 Types of Specifications

Specifications are of following types:

1. Method only specification
2. End result only
3. Method and end result

Method Only Specification

A Method Specification spells out exactly the equipment, methods, materials, and
techniques a contractor will be required to use. The Contractor or Producer is directed to combine
specified materials in definite proportions and use specific types of equipment and methods in
order to place the materials or product in a prescribed way.

The primary disadvantages of method specifications include:

• The Agency controls each step of the Contractor's operation.

• The Contractor may not be allowed to use the most economical or innovative procedures
and equipment to produce the product sought.
• Materials Acceptance is based on inspection for "substantial conformance".
• Decisions based on test results of individual Field Samples can increase disputes and
confrontation between the Contractor and Agency.
• Contractor payment is not linked to product quality or long-term performance.

End Result Only Specification

This type of specifications stipulates only required end result. It does not specify the
method for achieving the end results. It shows that the owner is interested solely in the end result.
Contractor is permitted to select his own methods which may be substantially less expensive and
more effective.

Method and End Result Specification

This type of specifications specifies method to be used and stipulates the end results to be
achieved. For most type of the projects this is not a satisfactory specification. It does not permit a
Quality Assurance and Control 15-14

constructor to make use of methods which he has found to be economical and effective. If the
specified method could not achieve end result, the contractor should not be held responsible.


Quality assurance plan need to be developed for various retrofit works including earthwork,
masonry, concrete, steel construction. Typical flow diagram for QC of column repair using FRP
composites is shown in Figure 15.2 for illustration purpose.

As can be seen from the diagram, the quality control activities include materials control,
construction control, documentation, and adjustment of the procedures based on information
collected and confidence gained on the level of quality. Similar flow diagrams can be developed
for retrofitting activities.
15-15 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 15.2 Flow Diagram for Quality Control for Column Repair
Quality Assurance and Control 15-16


Documentation enables communication of intent and consistency of action. Its use contributes to:

a) Achievement of conformity to customer requirements and quality improvement,

b) provision of appropriate training,
c) repeatability and traceability,
d) provision of objective evidence, and
e) evaluation of effectiveness and continuing suitability of the quality management system.

Generation of documentation should not be an end in itself but should be a value adding
activity used for control and improvement.

15.6.1 Documentation Types

The following types of documents are used in quality management systems:

a) documents that provide consistent information, both internally and externally, about the
organization’s quality management system; such documents are referred to as quality
b) documents that describe how the quality management system is applied to a specific
product, project or contract; such documents are referred to as quality plans;
c) documents stating requirements; such documents are referred to as specifications;
d) documents stating recommendations or suggestions; such documents are referred to as
e) documents that provide information about how to perform activities and processes
consistently; such documents can include documented procedures, work instructions and
f) documents that provide objective evidence of activities preformed or results achieved;
such documents are referred to as records.

Each organisation determines the extent of documentation required and the media to be
used. This depends on factors as the type of organisation, the complexity and interaction of
processes, customer requirements, the applicable regulatory requirements, the demonstrated
ability personnel, and extent to which it is necessary to demonstrate fulfillment of quality
management system requirements.
15-17 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

15.6.2 Document Control

Documents required by the quality management system shall be controlled. A documented

procedure shall be established to define controls needed:

a) to approve documents for adequacy prior to issue,

b) to review an update as necessary and re approve documents,
c) to ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified,
d) to ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use,
e) to ensure that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled,
f) to ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable and
g) to prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable identification
to them if they are retained for any purpose.
Records are the special type of document and shall be established & maintained to
provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the quality
management system. Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. A
documented procedure shall be established to define the controls needed for the identification,
storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records.

15.6.3 Model Documents

Typical model documents used in quality management system for retrofitting works are shown
below in Tables 15.1 to 15.4.

Table 15.1 Equipment and Instrumentation Report

Equipment/ Procedure Frequency Acceptance Corrective Person Reference

Instrument of Criteria Action Responsible No
Calibration (CA) for CA
Quality Assurance and Control 15-18

Table 15.2 QA Management Reports

Type of Report Frequency Projected Persons Report

(Daily, Weekly, Delivery Dates Responsible for Recipients
Monthly) Report

Table 15.3 Special Personnel Training and Certification Report

Specialized Training Training Date Personnel Location of

Training – Provider Receiving Records and
Course Title or Training Certificates
15-19 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 15.4 Removal of Concrete and Restoration of Section

Project No: Project Name:

Description Yes No Not

1. Have the perimeters of existing spalls been identified?
2. Are the limits of concrete removal for each have been
identified in the plans?
If yes, did the contractor remove any concrete beyond the
identified areas?
Did the contractor obtain the engineers approval to
remove concrete beyond the identified areas?
3. Have cracks within solid concrete greater than
specified standards been epoxy injected?
4. After removal of defective areas, did the contractor
inspect and clean the substrate from dust, grease, curing
5. Has all exposed steel has been clean prior to concrete
6. Did the contractor used approved materials and method
of application including manufacturers technical


Temporary structures, including scaffolding, personnel protection systems, work platforms,

trestles, temporary support systems for existing infrastructure, and lifting, rigging, and material
handling systems are critical elements of the overall construction plan.

The temporary structures used on a specific project are determined via a careful
evaluation of the project scope of work and existing site conditions. Each project presents its own
unique set of constraints and opportunities.

15.7.1 Scaffolding

As per the definition given in IS 4014 Part I (1967), a scaffold is a structure used in construction,
maintenance, repair and demolition work and enables person to obtain access to and egress from
and to perform work, or which enables material to be taken to any place where such a work is
being performed. Also scaffolding is defined as a support structure placed on the exterior of a
Quality Assurance and Control 15-20

building that is being constructed or renovated in order to provide easy worker access to
otherwise out-of-reach points It most often consists of a framework of interlocked metal or
wooden tubes, holding upright long boards which support the actual workers.

A scaffold's frame is categorized into three major components: standards, ledgers, and
transoms. Standards or upright tubes provide the actual vertical mass of the structure. Supports
are secured at the bottom of the scaffolding by a firm base plate, which locks the tube in by means
of a shank, and are further supported by periodic attachments to the wall of the structure itself.

Ledgers are long horizontal tubes which run in the same direction as the building's face
and are laid in pairs to define the edges of the work surface. These derive additional support from
the transoms, shorter tubes which extend from each ledger at a ninety degree angle to form a grid
and provide the lateral support needed to hold up the work boards.

Transoms adjacent to the standards are known as main transoms, while those in between
the main transoms are referred to as intermediate transoms. The boards themselves are made of
seasoned wood. IS 2750 and IS 4014 Part I deals with specification of steel scaffoldings and steel
tubular scaffoldings respectively. IS 4014 Part II deals with the safety regulations for steel tubular

15.7.2 Formwork

Formwork is the surface, supports and framing used to define the shape of concrete until the
concrete is self supporting. Formwork consists of the forms on which the concrete is poured, the
supports to withstand the loads imposed by the forms and the concrete and any bracing added to
ensure stability. All materials and equipment used in formwork construction must be fit for the
intended purpose and meet design specifications.

When specifying the design of the formwork system, a designer of formwork must allow
for all loads that can be expected to be applied during construction, including loads applied by
(Formwork Code of Practice, 2006):

• the formwork deck, supporting members and formwork frames;

• any false decks that may be provided;
• concrete pouring techniques (eg. pump);
15-21 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

• the concrete pour which includes both the weight of the concrete and dynamic factors
applied. The concrete pour rate and pour sequence must be specified;
• workers on the formwork deck and false decks;
• stacked materials;
• crane lifted materials on both the complete and incomplete formwork deck;
• An allowance for wind loading is particularly important for vertical forms; and
• environmental loads including forces due to water flowing around the formwork.

The practice of formwork design should cover important elements such as design
verification and documentation, documentation control, work program, mock up, and training of
formwork installation.

15.7.3 Shoring

Excavating is recognized as one of the most hazardous construction operations. Shoring system
means a structure such as a metal hydraulic, mechanical or timber shoring system that supports
the sides of an excavation and which is designed to prevent cave-ins. Shoring is the provision of a
support system for trench faces used to prevent movement of soil, underground utilities,
`roadways, and foundations. Shoring or shielding is used when the location or depth of the cut
makes sloping back to the maximum allowable slope impractical. Shoring systems consist of
posts, wales, struts, and sheeting.


With an ever increasing awareness of construction jobsite safety and the cost of workmen’s
compensation claims, owners, contractors, and architect/engineers are realizing the benefits of
planning construction work early in the life of a project, and supporting that plan with a dedicated
project constructability program and an engineered approach to project execution. The
construction engineers assigned to the project play critical roles in the implementation of these

In all repair and retrofit works the safety of the workers should be given utmost
importance. Safety and good health of workers results in productivity and quality which leads to
greater workmen motivation.
Quality Assurance and Control 15-22

15.8.1 Safety Training

The overall aims and objectives of Health and Safety Training induction include:

1. To ensure that safety requirements are appreciated by all the employees of the company
2. To enable a person to identify the hazard that he or his co-workers are exposed to and
then control them.
3. To enable a person to seek positive improvements in his own health and safety through

Construction involves various activities and each activity is different. A worker working on
scaffolding should be trained to work on it, similarly a person working at height should have gone
through a fall protection training program so that he knows how to protect himself or rather avoid
such an incidence.

15.8.2 Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment

Hazards exist in every workplace in many different forms: sharp edges, falling objects, flying
sparks, chemicals, noise and a myriad of other potentially dangerous situations. Controlling a
hazard at its source is the best way to protect workers. Building a barrier between the hazard and
the employees is an engineering control; changing the way in which workers perform their work
is a work practice control. When engineering, work practice and administrative controls are not
feasible or do not provide sufficient protection, employers must provide personal protective
equipment (PPE) to their employees and ensure its use. Personal protective equipment, commonly
referred to as "PPE", is equipment worn to minimize exposure to a variety of hazards. Examples
of PPE include such items as gloves, foot and eye protection, protective hearing devices
(earplugs, muffs), hard hats, respirators and full body suits. A good guiding principle is to select
PPE that will provide a level of protection greater than the minimum required to protect
employees from hazards.

Eye and Face Protection

Workers can be exposed to a large number of hazards from flying particles, molten metal,
liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors, potentially infected material
or potentially harmful light radiation that poses danger to their eyes and face. Many occupational
eye injuries occur because workers are not wearing any eye protection while others result from
wearing improper or poorly fitting eye protection.
15-23 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Selecting the most suitable eye and face protection for employees should take into
consideration the following elements:

a. Ability to protect against specific workplace hazards.

b. Should fit properly and be reasonably comfortable to wear.
c. Should provide unrestricted vision and movement
d. Should be durable and cleanable.
e. Should allow unrestricted functioning of any other required PPE.

Some of the most common types of eye and face protection includes Safety spectacles, goggles,
welding shields and face shields.

Head Protection
Protecting employees from potential head injuries is a key element of any safety program.
A head injury can impair an employee for life or it can be fatal. Wearing a safety helmet or hard
hat is one of the easiest ways to protect an employee’s head from injury. Hard hats can protect
employees from impact and penetration hazards as well as from electrical shock and burn

Foot and Leg Protection

Situations in which an employee should wear foot and/or leg protection include:

a. When heavy objects such as barrels or tools might roll onto or fall on the employee’s feet
b. Working with sharp objects such as nails or spikes that could pierce the soles or uppers of
ordinary shoes
c. Exposure to molten metal that might splash on feet or legs
d. Working on or around hot, wet or slippery surfaces
e. Working when electrical hazards are present.

Foot and leg protection choices includes leggings, metatarsal guards, toe guards, combination foot
and shin guards and safety shoes
Quality Assurance and Control 15-24

Hand and Arm Protection

Potential hazards include skin absorption of harmful substances, chemical or thermal
burns, electrical dangers, bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures, fractures and amputations. Protective
equipment includes gloves, finger guards and arm coverings or elbow-length gloves.

Hearing Protection
Employee exposure to excessive noise depends upon a number of factors, including:
a. The loudness of the noise as measured in decibels (dB).
b. The duration of each employee’s exposure to the noise.
c. Whether employees move between work areas with different noise levels.
d. Whether noise is generated from one or multiple sources.

Generally, the louder the noise, the shorter the exposure time before hearing protection is
required. For instance, employees may be exposed to a noise level of 90 dB for 8 hours per day
(unless they experience a Standard Threshold Shift) before hearing protection is required. On the
other hand, if the noise level reaches 115 dB hearing protection is required if the anticipated
exposure exceeds 15 minutes. Some types of hearing protection includes single-use earplugs, pre-
formed or molded earplugs and earmuffs

15.8.3 Hand and Power Tools

Hand and power tools are extensively used in repair and restoration works. These tools help us to
easily perform tasks that otherwise would be difficult or impossible. However, these simple tools
can be hazardous and have the potential for causing severe injuries when used or maintained
improperly. Special attention toward hand and power tool safety is necessary in order to reduce or
eliminate these hazards.

15.8.4 Demolition

Demolition work involves many of the hazards associated with construction. However,
demolition incurs additional hazards due to unknown factors such as: deviations from the
structure's design introduced during construction, approved or unapproved modifications that
altered the original design, materials hidden within structural members, and unknown strengths or
weaknesses of construction materials. To counter these unknowns, all personnel involved in a
demolition project must be fully aware of these types of hazards and the safety precautions to take
to control the hazards. The ANSI A10.6-1990 standard for demolition operations defines
"demolition" as the dismantling, razing, or wrecking of any fixed building or structure or any part
15-25 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

thereof. In looking at safety in relation to demolition sites and all workplace safety matters, the
three think safe steps are to be remembered which are:

1. Spot the hazard

2. Assess the risk
3. Make the changes

The demolition sequence is usually in reverse order to construction.

• Are emergency procedures in place?
• Is first aid available on site?
• Is fall protection in place?
• Is there a management plan and procedures for hazardous substances?
• Is there direct supervision by a competent person?
• Is debris cleared at regular intervals?
• Is access/egress to work areas clear?
• Are exclusion zones marked and is unauthorized entry prohibited?
• Are floors not overloaded with debris and equipment; and are floors back-propped?
• Is there engineering support for induced collapse, back-propping of floors, pre-stressed
concrete members and damaged buildings/structures?


1. IS 4014 (Part 1): 1967, “Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding Part 1 Definitions
and materials”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
2. IS 4014 (Part 2): 1967, “Code of Practice for Steel Tubular Scaffolding - Part II : Safety
Regulations for Scaffolding”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
3. IS/ISO 10005: 1995, “Quality Management - Guidelines for Quality Plans”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi.
4. IS/ISO 9001: 2000, “Quality Management Systems – Requirements”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
5. IS/ISO 9000: 2000, “Quality Management Systems - Fundamental and Vocabulary”,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
Quality Assurance and Control 15-26

6. IS 2750: 1964, “Specification for Steel Scaffoldings”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
7. SP 53: 1992, Hand operated hand tools - Safety code for the use, care and protection,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
8. Arditi, D., and Gunaydin, H. M. (1999). ‘‘Perceptions of process quality in building
projects’’, Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 15(2), 43–53.
9. Chris Hendrickson (2003). Project management for construction – fundamental concepts
for owners, engineers, architects and builders, Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie
Mellon University, USA. http://www.ce.cmu.edu/pmbook/ accessed on 10 May, 2006.
10. Calder, Doug A.J.(1997). “Construction quality auditing”, Journal of Management in
Engineering, ASCE, 13(6), 26 – 28.
11. “Formwork Code of Practice”, 2006, Department of Industrial Relations, Queensland
Government, Australia
12. Juran, J. M., ed. (1988), Juran’s quality control handbook, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New
13. Logothetis, N. (2004), Managing for Total Quality: From Deming to Taguchi & SPC,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
14. O’Brien, J. J. (1989), Construction inspection handbook, 3rd Ed., Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.
15. PMBOK (2000), Project management body of knowledge, Project Management Institute,
Pennsylvania, USA.

Two case studies are provided in this chapter. The first case study is an example of a multi-
storeyed reinforced concrete (RC) building. The material is presented under the following topics:
rapid visual screening, data collection, preliminary evaluation, detailed evaluation and retrofit.
The second case study is an example of a heritage masonry building. The material of this case
study is in abeyance.


The building is a single storeyed load bearing masonry building. It is one of several such
bungalow type residential buildings built in Delhi by the British government during the early part
of the 20th century. At present these buildings are considered as heritage buildings and
accommodate members of the parliament or senior government officials and their families. The
building under study was evaluated for seismic resistance as required by IS 1893: 2002, and based
on the provisions of IS 1905: 1987.
16-2 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


The rapid visual screening (RVS) procedure as per Chapter 3 is presented for illustration. The
survey identifies the building as Type C and the recommended action is to evaluate in detail for
the need for retrofitting to achieve Type C+ or D.
Retrofit Case Studies 16-3

Seismic Zone IV Important Building

Building Name
Use: Residential
Address: No. 4, Kamaraj Lane, New Delhi
Other Identifiers
No. of Storeys: 1 Year Built: 1920s
Total Covered Area; all floors (sq. m): 310.8
Ground Coverage (sq. m): 310.8
Soil Type: Sandy clay Floor Type: Type II
Foundation Type: wall strip
Roof Type: Jack arch
Structural Components
Wall Type: BB Earthen UCR CCB
Thickness of Wall: 345mm Slab Thickness
Mortar Type: Mud Lime Cement
10.80 m
Vertical R/F Bars: Corners T-junctions
21.37 m Seismic Bands: Plinth Lintel Eaves


HAZARDS HAZARDS 1) A, A+ or B, B+: evaluate in
Important buildings: 1.High water detail for need of reconstruction
Hospitals, schools; table and or possible retrofitting to achieve
emergency buildings; if sandy soil, 1.Chimneys type C+ or D.
large community halls; liquefiable site 2) C: evaluate in detail for need
power stations, indicated. for retrofitting to achieve type C+
VIP residences. 2.Parapets or D.
2. Land slide 3) Wood: evaluate in detail for
Any building having prone site retrofitting.
more than 100 occupants 3.Cladding 4) If any Special Hazard found,
may be treated as important 3. Severe vertical re-evaluate for possible
irregularity prevention/retrofitting.
5) If any of the falling hazard is
Ordinary buildings: 4. Severe plan 4.Others √ present, either remove it or
Other buildings having irregularity strengthen against falling.
occupants < 100
Surveyor’s signature
Probable damageability in few/many buildings Date:
Building type Masonry Building
A / A+ B / B+ C / C+ D Executive Engineers’s
Damageability signature:
in Zone IV G5 / G4 G5 / G4 G4 / G3 G3 Date of survey:

Figure 16.1 Rapid visual screening data sheet for masonry building(Zone IV, important building)
16-4 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


The building is considered as a heritage building. The building is a load bearing masonry
structure. The walls are made of unreinforced burnt-clay brick masonry. The plinth level of the
building is at 0.45 m above the ground level. Since the building was built prior to the
development of seismic-resistant design guidelines, there are no beams or bands at the plinth,
lintel or roof levels. The roof is made of lime concrete and is in the form of jack arches in
between steel joists. The spaces above the arches are filled to have a flat roof. The roof is split
into two levels. The two levels are at 3m and 5m height from the base of the building.

Figure 16.2 shows the site plan. Two photographs, detailed plan and two elevations are
given in Figures 16.3, 16.4 and 16.5, respectively. Figure 16.6 shows a sectional elevation.
Figure 16.7 shows typical cross-sections of the foundations of the walls.
Retrofit Case Studies 16-5

Figure 16.2 Site plan

16-6 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

a) Front view

b) Rear view

Figure 16.3 Photographs of the building

Retrofit Case Studies 16-7

Figure 16.4 Plan of the building

16-8 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

a) Front

b) Rear

c) Elevation along Section 3-3

Figure 16.5 Elevations of the building

Retrofit Case Studies 16-9




(a) Outer wall of verandah
(Dimensions are in meter)


0.150 0.980

(a) Main wall inside (Dimensions are in meter)

Figure 16.6 Cross-sections of foundation

16-10 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The data collection as per the procedure in Chapter 3 is shown in the following tables.
Some of the information of the building was not available.

Table 16.1 Building survey data sheet: General data

S. No. Description Information Notes

Building Description
1 Address of the building
• Name of the building … There is no specific
• Plot number 4, Kamaraj name for the building
• Locality / Township Lane,
• District
• State New Delhi
2 Name and type of owner / tenant Government Private / government
3 Name of builder … Not known
4 Name of architect … Not known
5 Name of engineer … Not known
6 Use of building Residential Residential / office /
commercial / industrial
7 Year of construction and subsequent In 1920s Subsequently
weathering course laid
remodelling, if any
with water proofing.
8 Plan size (approximate) 21.4m × 18.1m
9 Building height 5m
10 Number of storeys above ground level 1
11 Number of basements below ground 0
12 Type of structure Load bearing
• Load bearing wall wall
• RC frame
• RC frame and shear wall
• Steel frame
13 Open ground storey Yes / No

14 Roof-top water tank, heavy machinery Yes / No Water tank.

or any other type of large mass
Retrofit Case Studies 16-11

15 Architectural features Sun-shades

windows and
slab at
16 Expansion / Separation joints No
17 Photograph / sketch Attached Attach with sheet
1 Visited building site Yes / No
2 Structural drawings available Yes / No
3 Architectural drawings available Yes / No
4 Geotechnical report available Yes / No
5 Construction specifications available Yes / No
6 Designer contacted Yes / No
Exposure condition
1 Environment Hot in Hot / temperate / cold
Dry / wet / humid
Dry, cold in
winter Industrial / coastal etc.
2 Deterioration noticed Aging and
Geotechnical and geological data
1 Type of soil Medium Soft / medium / hard
(assumed) rock
IS 1893:2002, Table 1
2 Type of foundation Wall strip Isolated / combine
footing / pile / raft
3 Seismic zone IV IS 1893: 2002,
Figure 1
4 History of past earthquakes
16-12 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Variables for analysis

1 Dead loads (unit weights)
• Masonry 10 kN/m3
IS 875: 1987 (Part 1)
• Concrete 25 kN/m3
• Steel
• Other materials
2 Imposed (live) loads
• Floor loads 2.0 kN/m2
IS 875: 1987 (Part 2)
• Roof loads 1.5 kN/m2
3 Wind loads Not IS 875: 1987 (Part 3)
4 Snow loads Not IS 875: 1987 (Part 4)
5 Safe bearing capacity Not available IS 1904: 1986
6 Importance factor, I 1.5 IS 1893: 2002, Table 6
7 Seismic zone factor, Z 0.24 IS 1893: 2002, Table 2
8 Response reduction factor, R 1.5 IS 1893: 2002, Table 7
9 Fundamental natural period, T ∼0.1s for IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.6
10 Horizontal seismic coefficient (Ah) 0.2 IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 6.4
11 Seismic design lateral force 1343 kN IS 1893: 2002, Cl.
12 Any other assumed data
Retrofit Case Studies 16-13

Table 16.2 Building survey data sheet: Building Data (load bearing masonry buildings)

S. No. Description Information Notes

1 Building category E IS 4326: 1993, Section 7
Read with IS 1893: 2002
Ordinary B C D E
Important C D E F
2 Type of wall masonry Burnt-clay Age of brick not known,
bricks but more than 40 years.
3 Type and mix of mortar Lime IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.1.2
4 Size and position of the openings IS 4326: 1993, Table 4,
• Minimum distance (b5) Figure 7.
• Ratio (b1+b2+b3)/l1 or (b6+b7)/l2
• Minimum pier width between
consecutive openings (b4)
• Vertical distance (h3)
• Ratio of wall height-to-thickness
• Ratio of wall length between cross
wall to thickness
5 Horizontal seismic band Yes / No
• At plinth level IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.6
• At window sill level
• At lintel level IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.2
• At ceiling level IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.3
• At eave level of sloping roof
• At top of gable walls IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.4
• At top of ridge walls
6 Vertical reinforcing bar Yes / No
• At corners and T-junction of wall IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.8
• At jambs of doors and window IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 8.4.9
7 Integration of prefab roofing/flooring Yes / No IS 4326: 1993, Cl. 9.1.4
elements through reinforced concrete screed
8 Horizontal bracing in pitched truss Yes / No
• In horizontal plane at the level of
• In the slopes of pitched roofs
16-14 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

The thickness of the walls of the main portion of the building is 350 mm and that at the
periphery is 230 mm. There are no visible cracks in the walls or roof. The roof weight got
increased due to weather proofing. The weather proofing has been done along with drainage. The
openings above the fire place have been closed. The following weaknesses of the building are

Weakness 1: The building is more than 50 years old.

Weakness 2: The building does not have continuous lintel or plinth beams.

Weakness 3: The roof is made with jack arches and hence, does not have suitable diaphragm
action. Moreover, the roof is split into two levels leading to diaphragm discontinuity.

Weakness 4: The cantilever sunshade slabs over the exterior doors and windows do not have
proper anchorages.


The preliminary evaluation was done as per the procedure in Chapter 3.

16.5.1 Strength-related Checks

Using the expression Ta = 0.09 h/√d (Section 7.6, IS 1893: 2002), the fundamental period of the
building was calculated for both the X- and Y- directions as follows. The value of height (h) was
taken up to the upper roof level.

Table 16.3 Calculation of time periods

h (m) 5 5
d (m) 21.37 18.15
T (s) 0.097 0.106

The spectral acceleration coefficient (Sa/g) corresponding to each of the periods is 2.5.
This is available from the response spectrum for Type II soil (Figure 2, IS 1893: 2002). For a
building in Zone IV, Z = 0.24 (Table 2, IS 1893: 2002). For an unreinforced load bearing
Retrofit Case Studies 16-15

masonry building, R = 1.5 (Table 7, IS 1893: 2002). Although it is an important building, since it
does not accommodate large number of people I is taken as 1.0 (Table 6, IS 1893: 2002).

ZI ⎛ S a ⎞ 0.24 × 1.0 × 2.5

∴ Horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah = ⎜ ⎟= = 0.2
2 R ⎜⎝ g ⎟⎠ 2 × 1.5
∴ Design seismic base shear, VB = Ah×W = 0.2 × 6716 kN ≅ 1343 kN.

The value of W = 6716 kN is calculated based on the unit weights as explained later
under Subsection Equivalent Static Analysis. Considering the age and the remaining life span of
the building, an age factor of 0.6 is selected. Also, to consider the uncertainties of the material
properties, a knowledge factor of 0.6 is applied. Thus, the final base shear is VB × (age factor /
knowledge factor) = 1343 kN.

Since there is only one storey, the full base shear is assumed to act in that storey.
However, since the roof is split into two levels, namely at 3m and 5m, the base shear is
distributed to the two levels as per Clause 7.7.1, IS 1893: 2002 (Table 16.4).

Table 16.4 Distribution of base shear over the height of the building

Seismic Weight, Wi Height, hi Lateral Force, Qi

Roof level
(kN) (m) (kN)

1 4898.1 3 661.3
2 1817.6 5 681.7
Total 1343.0

Shear Stress in Masonry Walls

The average shear stress is approximately calculated as vavg = Vj/Aw = 1343 kN/20m2
= 0.07N/mm2

16.5.2 Evaluation Statements

The evaluation statements under the relevant categories are presented together in Table 16.5.
16-16 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 16.5 Evaluation statements

Building system C / NC / NA

Load path: C

Adjacent buildings: C

Mezzanines: C

Deterioration of concrete: C

Masonry units: –

Masonry joints: –

Cracks in infill walls: C

Cracks in boundary columns: C

Post-tensioning anchors: NA

Concrete wall cracks: NA

Deterioration of steel: C

Vertical irregularities

No weak storey: NC

No soft storey: NC

No mass irregularity: C

No vertical geometric irregularity: C

No vertical discontinuities: C

Plan irregularities

No Torsion irregularity: C

No diaphragm discontinuity: C

Load bearing un-reinforced masonry walls

Lateral load resisting system

Retrofit Case Studies 16-17

Redundancy: C

Shear stress check:

Proportions: NC

Masonry lay-up: NA


Diaphragm openings at walls:

Diaphragm openings at exterior walls:

Beam, girder and truss supports: NA


Wall anchorage: NC

Transfer to walls: NC

Geologic site hazards

Liquefaction –

Slope failure NA

Surface fault rupture –


Foundation performance: C

Overturning: C

Ties between foundation elements: C


The detailed evaluation based on a linear analysis is done as per the procedure in Chapter 8. A
few aspects of the computational model are first discussed.
16-18 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

16.6.1 Modelling of Walls

In order to model the wall segments as piers, the layout of the walls was identified based on grid
lines as shown in Figure 16.7. The gravity load from the roof is distributed to the walls based on
the tributary load distribution method which is conventional to most load bearing wall buildings.

The lateral stiffness of each wall segment is computed considering both bending and
shear deformations, as explained in Chapter 6. The stiffness of a wall segment assumed to be
fixed both at the top and bottom is given as follows.
k= 3
H 1.2 H
( )+( )
12 EI GA
( )3 + 3( )
In the above expression, the cross-sectional area of a segment A = Lt, the shear modulus
G = E/2(1 + ν), the moment of inertia I = tL3/12, H, L and t are the height, length and thickness of
the segment, respectively, and ν is the Poisson’s ratio taken as 0.2. The modulus of elasticity E is
estimated to be 5500 MPa.

16.6.2 Modelling of Roofs

The roofs are not modelled explicitly. A roof made of jack arches on steel beams and filler
material above the arches is assumed to be a rigid diaphragm. However, it is necessary to check
the diaphragm forces to be within the limits.
Retrofit Case Studies 16-19

Figure 16.7 Plan showing grid lines

16.6.3 Equivalent Static Analysis

Dead Load Data

The average thickness of the jack arch roof and the unit weight are assumed as 200 mm and 25
kN/m3, respectively.
∴ Dead load of roof = 5 kN/m2.

For the walls with thickness 230 mm, the thickness including plaster is considered to be
250 mm. Assuming unit weight of bricks as 20 kN/m3, the unit weight of 230 mm thick wall = 5

For the wall with thickness 460 mm, the thickness including plaster is considered to be
500 mm. ∴ Unit weight of 460 mm thick wall = 10 kN/m2
16-20 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Live Load Data

Live load on roof = 1.0 kN/ m2 (only for gravity load combinations).

Wind load is not considered.

Calculation of Seismic Weight

Total dead load at 5m level 1550.95 kN

Total dead load at 3m level 871.38 kN
Total wall load along north-south direction 2127.95 kN
Total wall load along east-west direction 2165.41 kN
Total = 6715.69 kN

Calculation of Base Shear

The total seismic weight of the building includes the weights of the slabs at two levels of
roof and upper half of the walls. The weight of lower half of the walls is excluded. Live load on
the roof is not considered. The calculations for the fundamental time period (Ta), the spectral
acceleration coefficient (Sa/g), the horizontal seismic coefficient (Ah), the design seismic base
shear (VB) and the equivalent static force in each level (Qi) are illustrated in the section of
Preliminary Evaluation. Each force acts at the design centre of mass of the respective level.

Centres of Mass and Rigidity

The centre of mass (CM) and the centre of rigidity (CR) are calculated based on the
procedure given in Chapter 3. A wall segment in a particular direction is assumed to resist
horizontal load in its own plane. Any resistance to out-of-plane horizontal load is neglected. The
wall segments are assumed to be fixed both at the top and bottom.

The value of the eccentricity for the design centre of mass (for each level) is calculated as
per Clause 7.9.2, IS 1893: 2002. The torsion at each level is calculated as the product of the static
force and the design eccentricity at that level.

Load Combinations

Three probable load combinations are considered. Each combination is associated with a
potential failure mode.
Retrofit Case Studies 16-21

Table 16.6 Load combinations

Load Load Resultant action Remarks

case combination Axial force Moment Shear
1 DL + LL P1 = PD + PL - - Result in large axial
2 0.75(DL + P2 = M2 = V2 = 0.75VE Result in large axial
LL+ EL) 0.75(PD + PL + PE) 0.75 ME and bending force
for lateral force
3 0.75(0.9 DL - P3 = M3 = V3 = 0.75 ME Result in low axial
EL) 0.75(0.9 PD - PE) 0.75 ME load which causes
low moment

Calculation of Allowable Compressive and Tensile Stresses

The allowable stresses of the walls are calculated as per IS 1905: 1987. Considering the
crushing strength of brick to be 35 MPa and the type of mortar as H1, the basic compressive
stress for masonry (fbc) = 2.5 N/mm2 (Table 8). The stress is modified by the reduction factor for
slenderness (ks) (Clause and the area reduction factor for small wall (ka) (Clause
The shape modification factor (Clause is taken as 1.

Thus, allowable stress under direct compression (Fa) = ks ka fbc.

Allowable compressive stress under bending (Fb) = 1.25 Fa.

Allowable tensile stress under bending (Ft) = 0.07 MPa

When both direct compressive stress (fa) and flexural compressive stress (fb) act, the
following interaction formula must be satisfied.
f a fb
+ ≤ 1 .0

The allowable stresses under direct compression and under flexure for typical wall
segments are tabulated below.
16-22 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 16.7 Allowable stresses

Wall Slenderness ks ka Fa(MPa) Fb (MPa) Ft (MPa)

segment ratio
1 9.13 0.92 1.00 2.30 2.88 -0.07
2 5.22 1.00 1.00 2.50 3.13 -0.07
3 5.22 1.00 1.00 2.50 3.13 2.50
4 9.13 0.92 1.00 2.30 2.88 -0.07

Check for Shear Stresses

The shear force in each wall segment is calculated as the sum of the direct shear due to
the lateral load (VD) and the shear due to torsion (VT), as explained in Chapter 6. The total shear
stress is compared with the permissible shear stress (fs). As per IS 1905: 1987, fs is the least of a)
0.5 MPa, b) 0.1+0.2 fd and c) 0.125 √fm. Here, fd is the direct compressive stress in the wall
segment and fm is the crushing strength of the bricks.

16.6.4 Evaluation Results

Check for Stresses

For each load case, the demand-to-capacity ratio (the stress demand divided by the
allowable stress) for each wall segment is computed. Typical results are tabulated.

Load Case 1: (DL + LL)

The stresses under axial force for typical wall segments are compared with the allowable
values under direct compression.

Table 16.8 Demand-to-capacity ratios for Load Case 1

Wall segment P1(kN) fa1(MPa) DCR = (fa1/Fa)

1 130.3 0.51 0.22
2 187.8 0.74 0.30
3 371.7 0.56 0.22
4 229.9 0.56 0.24
Retrofit Case Studies 16-23

Load Case 2: 0.75(DL + LL + EL)

In this case, the compressive stresses in a wall segment due to both axial force and
bending are first compared with the respective allowable values. Next, the combined action is
checked using the interaction formula.

Table 16.9 Demand-to-capacity ratios for Load Case 2

Wall P2 fa2 (fa2/Fa) M2 fb2 (fb2/Fb) (fa2/Fa) +

segment (kN) (MPa) (kN-m) (MPa) (fb2/Fb)
1 313.9 1.26 0.55 33.2 0.70 0.24 0.79
2 264.4 1.06 0.42 52.2 1.13 0.36 0.78
3 309.7 0.46 0.19 187.2 0.58 0.19 0.38
4 418.4 1.17 0.51 85.9 0.67 0.23 0.74

Load Case 3: 0.75(0.9DL – EL)

In this case, first the compressive or tensile stress in a wall segment due to axial force is
compared with the respective allowable values. Next, the tensile stress due to bending is
combined with the stress due to axial force. The resultant stress is compared with the allowable
Table 16.10 Demand-to-capacity ratios for Load Case 3

Wall P3 fa3 (fa3/Fa) M3 fb3 f3 = (f3/Ft)

segment (kN) (MPa) (kN-m) (MPa) fa3- fb3
1 -151.1 -0.60 8.57 33.2 0.70 1.30 18.57
2 -29.8 -0.12 1.71 52.2 1.13 1.25 17.86
3 154.8 1.23 0.09 187.2 0.58 0.35 5.00
4 -194.1 -0.47 6.71 85.9 0.67 1.16 16.57

16.6.5 Observations

The observations from the detailed evaluation are summarised.

a) Load Case 3 generates the critical the demand-to-capacity.
b) In each of the wall segment, the demand-to-capacity ratio exceeds 1.0.
c) The building needs to be retrofitted.
16-24 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings


The building is a five storey residential building located in Zone V. The ground storey of the
building is an open ground storey to accommodate car parking. Thus the deficiency due to open
ground storey is highlighted. Two retrofit schemes are illustrated. In the first scheme, shear
walls are placed at suitable locations throughout the height of the building. The second scheme
involves addition of infill walls in the open ground storey and concrete jacketing of the ground
storey columns.


The rapid visual screening (RVS) was done as per the procedure in Chapter 3. The RVS data
sheet is shown in Figure. 16.8. The results indicate the requirement of a detailed analysis.
Rapid Visual Screening of Indian Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards Retrofit Case Studies 16-25
Seismic Zone V
Building Name: –
Use: Residential
Address: –

Other Identifiers:
Elevation to Scale No. Stories: 5
Year Built: 1999
Total Floor Area (Sq.m): 351.5


Plan to Scale


Important buildings Max. Number of High W T (Within 8m)

School, Health, Assembly, Persons Liquefiable (if sandy
Office, Commercial, Historic, 0-10 11-50 soil) Site. Chimney, Parapets,
Emergency Service, Cladding other
Industrial. 51-100 >100 Land Slide Prone Site
Residents: ~ 50 Severe Vertical
Ordinary buildings Floating: Irregularity

Building Masonry Building R C or Steel Frame Building URM Wood

Type Infill
A /A+ B / B+ C / C+ D C / C+ D E / E+ F
Grade in G5 / G4 G5 / G4 G4 / G3 G3 G4 / G3 G3 G2 / G1 G1 G4 G4
Zone V
Note: +sign indicates higher strength hence somewhat lower damage expected as stated. Also average damage
in one building type in the area may be lower by one grade point than the probable maximum indicated.
Surveyor will identify the Building Type, encircle it, also the corresponding damage grade.
Recommended Action:
1) A, A+ or B, B+: evaluate in detail for need of Surveyor’s signature –
reconstruction or possible retrofitting to achieve type C or D. Name: –
2) C, C+: evaluate in detail for need for retrofitting to achieve Date: –
type D
3) URM infill: evaluate for need of reconstruction or possible
retrofitting to level D
4) Wood: evaluate in detail for Retrofitting
5) In Case of Special Hazard, evaluate for possible
16-26 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Figure 16.8 Rapid Visual Screening data sheet


The building is a RC framed structure. There are infill walls in all the storeys, except the ground
storey. In the ground storey there are three infill walls only around the stair case. The wall
thickness is 120 mm for both the exterior and interior infill walls. The floor plan is same up to
fourth floor while at the roof level few beams are absent. The concrete floor slab is 150 mm thick
at every level. The foundation system is pile foundation with groups of 4 or 6 under reamed piles.
Each pile is of 300 mm diameter, reinforced with 6 longitudinal bars of 12 mm diameter and 6
mm diameter links at 175 mm centre-to-centre. The piles are more than 11m deep below the
ground level. During the site visit no deterioration of the concrete or rusting of the steel bars or
visible cracks was observed.

The beam layouts and designations for the first four floors and the roof are shown in
Figures 16.9 and 16.10, respectively. Figure 16.11 shows the column layout and designations.
Some of the columns have same sections. The size and reinforcement details for the beams and
column sections (at the faces of the joints) are given in Tables 16.11 and 16.12, respectively.
Figure 16.12 and Table 16.13 show the reinforcement details and the designated columns for the
different column sections, respectively.
Retrofit Case Studies 16-27

nB1 nB1 nB1



nB5 nB15 nB5 nB5 nB5




Y nB9 nB5 nB9




nB8 nB8





nB12 nB12

Figure 16.9 Floor framing plan showing beam locations and designations

(Prefix ‘n’ represents floor number)




5B5 5B5




5B9 5B9

5B8 5B6 5B8






5B12 5B12 5B1

Figure 16.10 Roof framing plan showing beam locations and designations
16-28 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

nC25 nC27 nC28

nC24 nC26
nC22 nC23

nC20 nC18 nC19 nC21

nC15 nC16
nC14 nC17

nC12 nC13

nC8 nC9 nC6 nC7 nC10 nC11

nC1 nC2 nC3 nC4 nC5

Figure 16.11 Floor framing plan showing column locations and designations

(Prefix ‘n’ represents storey below)

Retrofit Case Studies 16-29

Table 16.11 Details of beam sections at column faces

Size Longitudinal Reinforcement Transverse Reinforcement

(mm × mm) Top Bottom (spacing in mm)
nB1 150 × 500 2-#20 2-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB2 300 × 500 6-#20, 1-#16 4-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB3 200 × 450 6-#20 4-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB4 250 × 500 4-#20, 2-#16 4-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB5 250 × 500 4-#16 2-#16 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB6 150 × 500 2-#16 2-#16 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB7 300 × 500 6-#20 3-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB8 250 × 500 4-#20, 2-#16 3-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB9 250 × 500 2-#16 3-#16 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB10 150 × 500 3-#16 4-#16 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB11 250 × 450 6-#20 2-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB12 250 × 500 4-#20 2-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB13 250 × 500 7-#20 3-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB14 300 × 500 6-#20 4-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB15 300 × 500 4-#20, 2-#12 4-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB16 300 × 500 4-#20, 2-#16 3-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB17 200 × 450 4-#20, 2-#12 4-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB18 250 × 500 4-#20, 2-#12 3-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
nB19 300 × 500 4-#20, 2-#12 3-#20 2-#8 @ 75 c/c
Prefix ‘n’ in a beam number represents the floor number. The rebar designation is as per
SP 34: 1987, Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing. 2-#20 represents 2 numbers
of 20 mm diameter deformed bars.

Table 16.12 Details of column sections at the beam faces

Size Longitudinal
Column Section Reinforcement
(mm × mm) Reinforcement
(spacing in mm)
C1 400 × 450 8-#20 #6 @ 100 c/c
C2 400 × 450 6-#20, 2-#16 #6 @ 100 c/c
C3 400 × 450 4-#20, 4-#16 #6 @ 100 c/c
C4 400 × 500 8-#20 #6 @ 100 c/c
C5 400 × 500 6-#20, 2-#16 #6 @ 100 c/c
C6 400 × 500 4-#20, 4-#16 #6 @ 100 c/c
C7 400 × 450 10-#20 #6 @ 100 c/c
16-30 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

C8 400 × 450 8-#20, 2-#16 #6 @ 100 c/c

C9 400 × 500 10-#20, 2-#16 #6 @ 100 c/c
C10 400 × 500 10-#20 #6 @ 100 c/c
C11 400 × 500 8-#20, 2-#16 #6 @ 100 c/c
Retrofit Case Studies 16-31

400 mm 400 mm 400 mm

450 mm

450 mm
450 mm

2-#16 4-#16
C1 C2 C3

400 mm 400 mm 400 mm

500 mm
500 mm

500 mm

2-#16 4-#16
C4 C5 C6

400 mm 400 mm 400 mm

500 mm
450 mm

450 mm

C7 C8 2-#16
400 mm 400 mm
500 mm

500 mm

C10 C11

Figure 16.12 Reinforcement details of the columns at the beam faces

(The diameter of a bar is 20 mm if not mentioned)
16-32 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 16.13 Designated columns for the different column sections

Section Column Number

C1 1C1, 1C5, 1C20, 1C26, 2C1, 2C5, 2C20, 2C26, 3C1, 3C5, 3C20, 3C26

C2 4C1, 4C5, 4C20, 4C26, 5C2, 5C3, 5C4, 5C21, 5C22, 5C23, 5C24, 5C25

C3 5C1, 5C5, 5C20, 5C26

1C6, 1C11, 1C12, 1C17, 1C27, 1C28, 2C6, 2C11, 2C12, 2C17, 2C27, 2C28,
3C6, 3C11, 3C12, 3C17, 3C27, 3C28, 5C7, 5C8, 5C9, 5C10, 5C13, 5C16
C5 4C6, 4C11, 4C12, 4C14, 4C15, 4C17, 4C27, 4C28, 5C14, 5C15

C6 5C6, 5C11, 5C12, 5C17, 5C27, 5C28

1C2, 1C3, 1C4, 1C21, 1C22, 1C23, 1C24, 1C25, 2C2, 2C3, 2C4, 2C21, 2C22,
2C23, 2C24, 2C25, 3C2, 3C3, 3C4, 3C21, 3C22, 3C23, 3C24, 3C25
C8 4C2, 4C3, 4C4, 4C21, 4C22, 4C23, 4C24, 4C25

C9 1C14, 1C15, 1C18, 1C19, 2C14, 2C15, 2C18, 2C19, 3C14, 3C15, 3C18, 3C19
1C7, 1C8, 1C9, 1C10, 1C13, 1C16, 2C7, 2C8, 2C9, 2C10, 2C13, 2C16, 3C7,
3C8, 3C9, 3C10, 3C13, 3C16, 4C18, 4C19
C11 4C7, 4C8, 4C9, 4C10, 4C13, 4C16, 5C18, 5C19

The data collection as per the procedure in Chapter 3 is shown in the following tables. Some
information of the building is not disclosed.

Table 16.14 Building survey data sheet: General data

S. No. Description Information Notes

Building Description
1 Address of the building
• Name of the building …
• Plot number …
• Locality / Township …
• District …
• State …
2 Name and type of owner / tenant Private Private / government
3 Name of builder …
Retrofit Case Studies 16-33

4 Name of architect …
5 Name of engineer …
6 Use of building Residential Residential / office /
commercial / industrial
7 Year of construction and subsequent 1999
remodelling, if any
8 Plan size (approximate) 25.2m × 13.9m
9 Building height 15.7 m
10 Number of storeys above ground level 5
11 Number of basements below ground 0
12 Type of structure RC frame
• Load bearing wall
• RC frame
• RC frame and shear wall
• Steel frame
13 Open ground storey Yes / No
14 Roof-top water tank, heavy machinery Yes / No
or any other type of large mass
15 Architectural features
16 Expansion / Separation joints No
17 Photograph / sketch Attach with sheet
1 Visited building site Yes / No
2 Structural drawings available Yes / No
3 Architectural drawings available Yes / No
4 Geotechnical report available Yes / No
5 Construction specifications available Yes / No
6 Designer contacted Yes / No
Exposure condition
16-34 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1 Environment Hot Hot / temperate / cold

Wet Dry / wet / humid
Industrial / coastal etc.
2 Deterioration noticed No
Geotechnical and geological data
1 Type of soil Medium Soft / medium / hard
(assumed) rock
IS 1893:2002, Table 1
2 Type of foundation Pile Isolated / combine
footing / pile / raft
3 Seismic zone V IS 1893: 2002,
Figure 1
4 History of past earthquakes Major
in 1897 and
Variables for analysis
1 Dead loads (unit weights)
• Masonry 10 kN/m3
IS 875: 1987 (Part 1)
• Concrete 25 kN/m3
• Steel
• Other materials
2 Imposed (live) loads
• Floor loads 2.0 kN/m2
IS 875: 1987 (Part 2)
• Roof loads 1.5 kN/m2
3 Wind loads Not IS 875: 1987 (Part 3)
4 Snow loads Not IS 875: 1987 (Part 4)
5 Safe bearing capacity Not available IS 1904: 1986
6 Importance factor, I 1.0 IS 1893: 2002, Table 6
7 Seismic zone factor, Z 0.36 IS 1893: 2002, Table 2
8 Response reduction factor, R 3.0 IS 1893: 2002, Table 7
Retrofit Case Studies 16-35

9 Fundamental natural period, T 0.28 seconds IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.6

along X
0.36 seconds
along Y
10 Horizontal seismic coefficient (Ah) 0.15 for both IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 6.4
X and Y
11 Seismic design lateral force 2878 kN
12 Any other assumed data

Table 16.15 Building survey data sheet: Building Data (moment resisting frame)

S. No. Description Information Notes

1 Type of building IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.1
• Regular frames Regular
• Regular frames with shear wall frames with
• Irregular frames open
• Irregular frames with shear wall ground
• Open ground storey storey
2 Horizontal floor system
• Beams and slabs Beams and
• Waffle slab slabs
• Ribbed floor
• Flat slab with drops
• Flat plate without drops
3 System of interconnecting foundations No inter- IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.12.1
• Plinth beams connection
• Tie beams
4 Grades of concrete used in different parts M15
of building
5 Method of analysis –
6 Computer software used –
7 Base shear IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.5.3
a) Based on approximate fundamental 2878 kN
b) Based on dynamic analysis 1768 kN
c) Ratio of a)-to-b) 1.63
8 Distribution of seismic forces along the Parabolic IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.7.1
height of building
16-36 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

9 Torsion included – IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.9

10 The columns of soft ground storey – IS 1893: 2002, Cl. 7.10

specially designed
11 Clear minimum cover provided in Not IS 456: 2000, Cl. 26.4
• Footing available
• Column
• Beams
• Slabs
• Walls
12 Ductile detailing of RC frame
• Type of reinforcement used Fe 415 IS 456: 2000, Cl. 5.6

• Minimum dimension of beams 150 mm × IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.1

150 mm
• Minimum percentage of IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.2.1
reinforcement of beams at any 1.072
cross section
• Spacing of transverse IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.3.5
reinforcement at any section of 100 mm c/c
• Spacing of transverse
reinforcement in 2d length of 75 mm c/c
beam near the ends
• Ratio of shear capacity to flexural IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.3.3
capacity of beams
• Beam bar splices location and Not IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 6.2.6
spacing of hoops in the splice available
• Minimum dimension of columns 400 mm ×
450 mm IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 7.1
IS 456: 2000, Cl. 26.5.3
• Maximum percentage of
reinforcement in column IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 7.4,
• Confining stirrups near ends of Section 8
columns and in beam-column
6 mm
− Diameter
100 mm
− Spacing IS 13920, Cl. 7.2.1
• Column bar splices location and Not
spacing of hoops in the splice available IS 13920: 1993, Cl. 7.3.4
• Ratio of shear capacity of columns
to flexural capacity of supported
Retrofit Case Studies 16-37


The preliminary evaluation was done as per the procedure in Chapter 3.

16.10.1 Quick Checks

Using the expression Ta = 0.09 h/√d (Section 7.6, IS 1893: 2002), the fundamental periods of the
building are 0.28 s and 0.36 s for the X- and Y- directions, respectively. The spectral acceleration
coefficient (Sa/g) corresponding to each of the periods is 2.5. This is available from the response
spectrum for Type II soil (Figure 2, IS 1893: 2002). For a building in Zone V, Z = 0.36 (Table 2,
IS 1893: 2002). For an ordinary moment resisting frame, R = 3 (Table 7, IS 1893: 2002). For
residential building, I = 1.0 (Table 6, IS 1893: 2002).

ZIS a 0.36 × 1.0 × 2.5

∴ Horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah = = = 0.15 .
2 Rg 2×3

∴ Design seismic base shear, VB = Ah×W = 0.15×19190 kN ≅ 2878 kN.

The value of W = 19190 kN is calculated from the building plan.

The base shear VB is distributed to the floor levels as per the following expression (Clause 7.7.1,
IS 1893: 2002).
Wi hi2
Qi = V B n

∑W h
j =1

Table 16.16 shows the distribution of the base shear over the height of the building.
16-38 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Table 16.16 Distribution of base shear over the height of the building

Seismic Weight, Wi Height, hi Lateral Force, Qi

Floor No.
(kN) (m) (kN)

1 4250 3 65
2 4110 6 251
3 4110 9 564
4 4110 12 1003
5 2610 15 995
Total 2878

Shear Stress in Columns

The lateral load resisting frames along X- and Y-directions were identified. Tables 16.17a and b
show the average shear stresses in the columns at each storey along X- and Y- directions,

Table 16.17a Average shear stress in columns along X-direction

Storey nf nc Ac (m2) V j (kN) vavg (MPa)

G 9 24 4.6 2878 1.00
1 9 24 4.6 2813 0.98
2 9 24 4.6 2562 0.89
3 9 24 4.6 1998 0.69
4 9 24 4.6 995 0.35

Table 16.17b Average shear stress in column along Y-direction

Storey nf nc Ac (m2) V j (kN) vavg (MPa)

G 8 18 3.48 2878 1.49
1 8 18 3.48 2813 1.46
2 8 18 3.48 2562 1.33
3 8 18 3.48 1998 1.03
4 8 18 3.48 995 0.51
Retrofit Case Studies 16-39

Axial Stress in Columns

The average axial stress (favg) in the ground storey columns is calculated from the approximate
axial force and a representative cross-sectional area of the columns. The calculated values for the
lateral load acting in either direction are given in Table 16.18.

Table 16.18 Axial stress in columns

VB (kN) nf h (m) L (m) P (kN) favg (MPa)

X-direction. 2878 9 15 5.92 506.4 2.8

Y-direction. 2878 8 15 3.60 936.8 4.7

Storey Drift

The values of the storey drift ratio for X- and Y- directions are shown in Tables 16.19a and b,
respectively. Since the columns in the ground storey are supported on piles, they are assumed to
be fixed at the bottom.
Table 16.19a Frame Drift Ratio along X-direction

Storey Storey Height (m) Vc (kN) Drift Ratio

G 3 200 0.016
1 3 196 0.016
2 3 178 0.014
3 3 138 0.011
4 3 70 0.006

Table 16.19b Frame Drift Ratio along Y-direction

Storey Storey Height (m) Vc (kN) Drift Ratio

G 3 298 0.022
1 3 292 0.021
2 3 266 0.019
3 3 206 0.015
4 3 102 0.007
16-40 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Strong column – Weak beam

In the strong direction of the columns (about major axis)

∑ Moment capacities of the columns = 484 kNm
1.2 ∑ Moment capacities of the beams = 536 kNm.

In the weak direction of the columns (about minor axis)

∑ Moment capacities of the columns = 328 kNm
1.2 ∑ Moment capacities of the beams = 408 kNm.

16.10.2 Evaluation Statements

The evaluation statements under the relevant categories are presented together in Table 16.20. A
number of statements are non-compliant because of the presence of open ground storey and
absence of reinforcement detailing in the design drawings. Some of the statements are left blank
because of insufficient data.

Table 16.20 Evaluation statements

Building system C / NC / NA

Load path: C

Adjacent buildings: C

Mezzanines: C

Deterioration of concrete: C

Masonry units: –

Masonry joints: –

Cracks in infill walls: C

Cracks in boundary columns: C

Post-tensioning anchors: NA
Retrofit Case Studies 16-41

Concrete wall cracks: NA

Deterioration of steel: C

Vertical irregularities

No weak storey: NC

No soft storey: NC

No mass irregularity: C

No vertical geometric irregularity: C

No vertical discontinuities: C

Plan irregularities

No Torsion irregularity: C

No diaphragm discontinuity: C

RC Moment resisting frames

Lateral load resisting system

Redundancy: C

Shear stress check: vavg > (Larger of 0.7 or 0.15√15 = 0.7 N/mm2) NC

Axial stress check: favg > (0.24 × 15 = 3.6 M/mm2) NC

Flat slab frames: NA

Prestressed frame elements: NA

Captive columns: C
No shear failures: For a typical column, say 1C1, VuR = 250 kN, MuR =
236 kNm, h = 3 m. ∴VuR > 2 × 1.4 MuR /h
Strong column-weak beam: NC

Column bar splices: NC

Column tie spacing: C

16-42 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Beam bars: C

Beam bar splices: NC

Stirrup spacing: C

Bent-up bars: C

Joint reinforcing: NC
Deflection compatibility: Members are not identified as secondary
Flat slabs: NA

Wall connections: NC

Proportions of wall: NC


Column connection: C

Uplift at pile caps: C

Geologic site hazards

Liquefaction –

Slope failure NA

Surface fault rupture –


Foundation performance: −

Overturning: C

Ties between foundation elements: NC

Retrofit Case Studies 16-43


The detailed evaluation based on the linear analysis was done as per the procedure in Chapter 8.
A few aspects of the computational model are first discussed.

16.11.1 Material Properties

It was not possible to conduct a condition assessment of the building. Hence, the material
properties were taken from the design drawings. The material properties are given in Table

Table 16.21 Materials properties

Characteristic Strength Modulus of Elasticity

(MPa) (MPa)
Concrete (M 15) 15.0 19365.0

Reinforcing Steel (Fe 415) 415.0 2 × 105

Brick infill 1237.5

16.11.2 Modelling of Members

Figure 16.13 shows the 3D model of the building. Some of the modelling issues are mentioned.

Infill Walls
Two models were developed to consider the infill walls. In the first model (designated as
‘with infill stiffness’), the infill walls were modelled as equivalent struts. Their masses were
distributed on the respective supporting beams. This represents the case when no infill wall fails
due to out-of-plane bending. The increase in stiffness of the building can lead to an increase in
base shear and hence, forces in the beams and columns. In the second model (designated as
‘without infill stiffness’), the stiffness due to the infill walls was neglected but their masses were
included. Thus, there was no equivalent strut in any storey. This represents the case when all the
infill walls fail under out-of-plane bending. The absence of the equivalent struts can lead to
increased moments and shears in the beams and columns.
16-44 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

There is a lift core made up of RC walls. Since it is not integrally connected either to the frames,
it was ignored in the model.

Figure 16.13 3D computer model of the building (with infill stiffness)

Column Ends at Foundation

The foundation system for the building is a pile foundation with groups of 4 or 6 piles. In
the model, fixity was considered at the top of the pile caps. The effect of soil-structure interaction
was ignored in the analyses. In the superstructure the beams are having eccentric connection at
the columns. This was neglected in the model.
16-46 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Centres of Mass and Rigidity

The centre of mass (CM), the centre of rigidity (CR) and the static eccentricity in each
direction (esi) for each floor of the building were calculated for each model. The locations of CM
and CR are with respect to the origin shown in Figure 16.24. The values of the eccentricities for
the design centres of mass (for each floor) were calculated as per Clause 7.9.2, IS 1893: 2002. To
reduce computation, for each floor only two of the four design centres of mass were considered
for analysis. CM1 represents the design centre of mass at the maximum distance from CR. CM2
represents the design centre of mass diagonally opposite to CM1. The calculated values are
shown in the following tables.

Table 16.24 Calculations for CM and CR (with infill stiffness)

Seismic Lumped CM CR esi

Floor weight mass (m) (m) (m)
(kN) (Ton) X Y X Y X Y

5 2610 266 12.40 6.77 12.54 7.13 0.14 0.36

4 4110 419 12.56 7.14 12.53 7.26 0.03 0.12

3 4110 419 12.56 7.14 12.53 7.26 0.03 0.12

2 4110 419 12.56 7.14 12.53 7.26 0.03 0.12

1 4250 433 12.56 7.14 12.59 7.44 0.03 0.30

Table 16.25 Calculations for design centres of mass (with infill stiffness)

edi 1 edi 2 CM1 CM2

Floor (m) (m) (m) (m)

5 – 1.12 – 0.34 1.47 1.24 11.42 6.79 14.01 8.37

4 – 1.23 – 0.58 1.30 0.88 11.30 6.68 13.83 8.14
3 – 1.23 – 0.58 1.30 0.88 11.30 6.68 13.83 8.14
2 – 1.23 – 0.58 1.30 0.88 11.30 6.68 13.83 8.14
1 – 1.23 – 0.40 1.30 1.15 11.36 7.04 13.89 8.59
16-46 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Centres of Mass and Rigidity

The centre of mass (CM), the centre of rigidity (CR) and the static eccentricity in each
direction (esi) for each floor of the building were calculated for each model. The locations of CM
and CR are with respect to the origin shown in Figure 16.24. The values of the eccentricities for
the design centres of mass (for each floor) were calculated as per Clause 7.9.2, IS 1893: 2002. To
reduce computation, for each floor only two of the four design centres of mass were considered
for analysis. CM1 represents the design centre of mass at the maximum distance from CR. CM2
represents the design centre of mass diagonally opposite to CM1. The calculated values are
shown in the following tables.

Table 16.24 Calculations for CM and CR (with infill stiffness)

Seismic Lumped CM CR esi

Floor weight mass (m) (m) (m)
(kN) (Ton) X Y X Y X Y

5 2610 266 12.40 6.77 12.54 7.13 0.14 0.36

4 4110 419 12.56 7.14 12.53 7.26 0.03 0.12

3 4110 419 12.56 7.14 12.53 7.26 0.03 0.12

2 4110 419 12.56 7.14 12.53 7.26 0.03 0.12

1 4250 433 12.56 7.14 12.59 7.44 0.03 0.30

Table 16.25 Calculations for design centres of mass (with infill stiffness)

edi 1 edi 2 CM1 CM2

Floor (m) (m) (m) (m)

5 – 1.12 – 0.34 1.47 1.24 11.42 6.79 14.01 8.37

4 – 1.23 – 0.58 1.30 0.88 11.30 6.68 13.83 8.14
3 – 1.23 – 0.58 1.30 0.88 11.30 6.68 13.83 8.14
2 – 1.23 – 0.58 1.30 0.88 11.30 6.68 13.83 8.14
1 – 1.23 – 0.40 1.30 1.15 11.36 7.04 13.89 8.59
Retrofit Case Studies 16-47

Table 16.26 Calculations for CM and CR (without infill stiffness)

Seismic Lumped CM CR esi

Floor weight mass (m) (m) (m)
(kN) (Ton) X Y X Y X Y
5 2610 266 12.40 6.77 12.51 7.42 -0.11 -0.65
4 4110 419 12.56 7.14 12.51 7.54 0.05 -0.40
3 4110 419 12.56 7.14 12.51 7.54 0.05 -0.40
2 4110 419 12.56 7.14 12.51 7.54 0.05 -0.40
1 4250 433 12.56 7.14 12.59 7.44 -0.03 -0.30

Table 16.27 Calculations for design centres of mass (without infill stiffness)

edi 1 edi 2 CM1 CM2

Floor (m) (m) (m) (m)
5 – 1.15 – 0.05 1.42 1.67 11.36 7.37 13.93 9.09
4 – 1.21 – 0.30 1.33 1.30 11.30 7.24 13.84 8.84
3 – 1.21 – 0.30 1.33 1.30 11.30 7.24 13.84 8.84
2 – 1.21 – 0.30 1.33 1.30 11.30 7.24 13.84 8.84
1 – 1.23 – 0.40 1.30 1.15 11.36 7.04 13.89 8.59

The selected design centres of mass for each floor are shown in the following figure.
16-48 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings



Figure 16.14 Locations of design centres of mass

16.11.4 Evaluation Results

From the equivalent static analysis, the values of the Demand-to-Capacity Ratios (DCRs) for a
few ground floor beams and columns are given in Tables 16.28 and 16.29, respectively. The
results show that a number of elements do not satisfy the requirement of DCR ≤ 1.0 for flexure.
However, the DCR for shear is always less than 1.0 for both beams and columns.

Table 16.28 Demand-to-Capacity Ratios (DCRs) in beams

With infill stiffness Without infill stiffness

DCR in Flexure DCR in Shear DCR in Flexure DCR in Shear
1B1 0.95 0.62 1.4 0.6
1B2 1.12 0.76 0.3 0.3
1B3 1.22 0.65 1.5 0.9
1B4 1.00 0.75 1.1 0.5
1B5 1.39 0.89 1.5 0.9
1B6 0.79 0.21 1.5 0.9
1B7 0.79 0.20 1.1 0.5
1B8 1.33 0.81 1.5 0.9
Retrofit Case Studies 16-49

1B9 1.01 0.70 0.3 0.3

1B10 2.52 1.46 1.4 0.6
1B11 0.17 0.22 1.5 0.7
1B12 0.53 0.34 1.7 0.8
1B13 0.76 0.65 1.4 0.6
1B14 0.88 0.48 1.2 0.5
1B15 1.16 0.92 1.2 0.5

Table 16.29 Demand-to-Capacity Ratios (DCRs) in columns

With infill stiffness Without infill stiffness

Columns DCR in DCR in Shear DCR in DCR in Shear
Flexure V2 V3 Flexure V2 V3
1C1 1.40 0.41 0.55 1.1 0.4 0.1
1C2 1.78 0.65 0.34 1.4 0.6 0.2
1C3 1.72 0.60 0.74 1.3 0.3 0.9
1C4 1.67 0.56 0.40 1.5 0.4 0.1
1C5 2.18 0.60 0.79 1.2 0.2 0.8
1C6 1.58 0.47 0.73 1.2 0.4 0.7
1C7 1.81 0.66 0.69 1.5 0.4 0.7
1C8 1.80 0.71 0.70 1.4 0.6 0.5
1C9 1.60 0.50 0.74 1.4 0.2 0.8
1C10 1.40 0.47 0.80 1.4 0.4 0.1
1C11 2.10 0.63 1.04 1.9 0.2 0.7
1C12 1.72 0.49 0.65 1.4 0.3 0.9
1C13 1.87 0.66 0.88 1.6 0.6 0.6
1C14 1.56 0.65 0.84 1.5 0.4 0.9
1C15 1.63 0.68 0.86 1.4 0.5 0.2
1C16 1.64 0.55 1.04 1.1 0.1 0.2
1C17 1.93 0.62 0.90 1.5 0.4 0.7
1C18 1.58 0.59 0.74 1.3 0.2 0.1
16-50 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

1C19 1.77 0.69 0.84 1.4 0.5 0.9

1C20 1.63 0.52 0.52 1.4 0.6 0.2
1C21 1.70 0.61 0.46 1.2 0.3 0.1
1C22 1.97 0.70 0.50 1.3 0.4 0.2
1C23 1.97 0.69 0.60 1.3 0.2 0.5
1C24 1.79 0.71 0.60 1.4 0.4 0.7
1C25 1.71 0.63 0.63 1.5 0.3 0.5
1C26 2.02 0.57 0.80 1.0 0.6 0.7

The storey drifts for the models are shown in the following two figures. The values
satisfy the limit of 0.4% (Clause 7.11.1, IS 1893: 2002).


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Storey Drift (%)

Figure 16.15 Storey drift under design seismic lateral force (with infill stiffness)
Retrofit Case Studies 16-51


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Storey Drift (%)

Figure 16.16 Storey drift under design seismic lateral force (without infill stiffness)

16.11.5 Pushover Analysis

The results of pushover analysis are briefly demonstrated. The pushover curves for the building
with and without infill stiffness in Y-direction are shown in the following figure. Similar curves
can be obtained for the pushover in X-direction.
16-52 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Without infill stiffness With infill stiffness


Base Shear (kN)



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Roof Displacement (m)

Figure 16.17 Pushover curves along Y-direction

The pushover analyses in either direction failed to give a performance point for both the models,
with and without infill stiffness.

16.11.6 Observations

The observations from the detailed evaluation are summarised.

a) The equivalent static analysis results show that a number of beams and columns are
deficient in flexure.
b) However, all the beam and column sections have adequate shear capacity.
c) The building complies with the drift requirement of IS 1893: 2002.
d) The pushover analyses in either direction failed to give a performance point before the
The building needs to be retrofitted.
Retrofit Case Studies 16-53


16.12.1 Retrofit Scheme 1

Two retrofit schemes are illustrated. In the first scheme, 230 mm thick shear walls are placed at a
few locations throughout the height of the building. This is a global retrofit strategy. The
following figure shows the locations of the new walls. This will cause least intervention in the
functional requirement of car parking.


Figure 16.18 Locations of shear walls

16.12.2 Evaluation Results

The model for the existing building (model with infill stiffness) was modified to incorporate the
retrofit scheme. From the equivalent static analysis, the values of the Demand-to-Capacity Ratios
(DCRs) for a few ground floor beams and columns are given in Tables 16.30 and 16.31,
respectively, along with the corresponding values for the existing building. The results show that
the values of DCR have reduced for the retrofitted building. However, a few members do not
16-54 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

satisfy the requirement of DCR ≤ 1.0 for flexure. These members need strengthening such as by
concrete jacketing.

Table 16.30 Demand-to-Capacity Ratios (DCRs) in beams

Retrofitted Existing
DCR in Flexure DCR in Shear DCR in Flexure DCR in Shear
1B1 0.98 0.40 0.95 0.62
1B2 0.63 0.61 1.12 0.76
1B3 0.62 0.71 1.22 0.65
1B4 0.51 0.53 1.00 0.75
1B5 0.77 0.60 1.39 0.89
1B6 0.71 0.18 0.79 0.21
1B7 0.72 0.18 0.79 0.20
1B8 0.68 0.69 1.33 0.81
1B9 0.48 0.56 1.01 0.70
1B10 1.67 0.84 2.52 1.46
1B11 0.14 0.17 0.17 0.22
1B12 0.43 0.33 0.53 0.34
1B13 0.71 0.65 0.76 0.65
1B14 0.60 0.48 0.88 0.48
1B15 0.96 0.76 1.16 0.92

Table 16.31 Demand-to-Capacity Ratios (DCRs) in columns

Retrofitted Existing
Columns DCR in DCR in Shear DCR in DCR in Shear
Flexure V2 V3 Flexure V2 V3
1C1 0.92 0.39 0.49 1.40 0.41 0.55
1C2 0.94 0.61 0.31 1.78 0.65 0.34
1C3 0.94 0.56 0.69 1.72 0.60 0.74
1C4 0.94 0.53 0.37 1.67 0.56 0.40
Retrofit Case Studies 16-55

1C5 1.01 0.57 0.73 2.18 0.60 0.79

1C6 0.87 0.44 0.65 1.58 0.47 0.73
1C7 0.84 0.63 0.62 1.81 0.66 0.69
1C8 1.02 0.67 0.64 1.80 0.71 0.70
1C9 1.03 0.46 0.68 1.60 0.50 0.74
1C10 0.95 0.44 0.75 1.40 0.47 0.80
1C11 0.99 0.60 0.96 2.10 0.63 1.04
1C12 0.74 0.46 0.58 1.72 0.49 0.65
1C13 0.79 0.63 0.79 1.87 0.66 0.88
1C14 1.19 0.61 0.75 1.56 0.65 0.84
1C15 1.47 0.64 0.77 1.63 0.68 0.86
1C16 0.79 0.51 0.95 1.64 0.55 1.04
1C17 0.75 0.59 0.83 1.93 0.62 0.90
1C18 0.80 0.55 0.66 1.58 0.59 0.74
1C19 0.83 0.64 0.76 1.77 0.69 0.84
1C20 0.57 0.49 0.47 1.63 0.52 0.52
1C21 0.77 0.56 0.41 1.70 0.61 0.46
1C22 0.98 0.65 0.44 1.97 0.70 0.50
1C23 1.07 0.64 0.55 1.97 0.69 0.60
1C24 1.02 0.66 0.55 1.79 0.71 0.60
1C25 0.76 0.59 0.58 1.71 0.63 0.63
1C26 0.83 0.53 0.73 2.02 0.57 0.80

16.12.3 Retrofit Scheme 2

This retrofit scheme consists of global and local retrofit strategies. For the global strategy, full
brick walls (230 mm) are continued in the ground storey at a few symmetrical locations of the
building. The following figure shows the locations of the new walls. For the local strategy, all
the ground storey columns were strengthened by concrete jacketing. The detailing for the
jacketing can be as per the recommendations of the chapter on Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete
16-56 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

Infill walls

Figure 16.19 Locations of infill walls and column jacketing in ground storey

16.12.4 Evaluation Results

By the equivalent static analysis it is observed that the DCR values for the members of the
retrofitted building do not reduce substantially. Hence, this scheme cannot be justified by the
equivalent static analysis. However, the pushover analysis shows encouraging results. The
pushover curves in Y-directions for the existing and retrofitted buildings are shown in the
following figure. The scheme increases the lateral strength of the building substantially. The
change in lateral stiffness is marginal. The ductility of the overall behaviour has increased. The
pushover analyses in both the directions gave performance points. The building experiences a
drift of about 1.0% at the performance point, which is acceptable. Thus, the retrofit scheme is
acceptable based on the pushover analysis.
Retrofit Case Studies 16-57

Existing Retrofitted


Base Shear (kN)



0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20
Roof Displacement (m)

Figure 16.20 Comparison of pushover curves along Y-direction


The seismic evaluation and retrofit of a multi-storeyed RC building is illustrated. The seismic
evaluation includes rapid visual screening, data collection, preliminary evaluation and the detailed
evaluation. It was not possible to conduct a condition assessment of the building. The structural
model for the detailed evaluation is explained. The equivalent static analysis results show that a
number of beams and columns are deficient in flexure. The pushover analyses in either direction
failed to give a performance point before the collapse. So the building needs to be retrofitted.

Two retrofit schemes are illustrated. In the first scheme, shear walls are placed at suitable
locations throughout the height of the building. This scheme can be justified by the equivalent
static analysis. The second scheme involves addition of infill walls in the open ground storey and
concrete jacketing of the ground storey columns. This scheme gives a satisfactory performance
16-58 Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings

based on the pushover analysis. The second scheme is expected to be economical and to cause
less disruption as compared to the first scheme.

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