Pushover Analysis of RCC Framed Structur

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||02||Issue||11||Pages 3341-3363||November||ISSN 2348-9480 2015

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijetst/v2i11.06

Pushover Analysis of RCC Framed Structure

Smt. Thorat Sushma S.1, Prof. K. S. Upase2
Student M.E. Structures, M.S.Bidve Engg, College, Latur-413512,
Email: [email protected], Contact No. 09423524274
M.E. Structures, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engg., M.S. Bidve Engg. College, Latur-413512
Email: [email protected], Contact No.09422968873
From the effects of significant earthquakes (since the early 1980s) it is concluded that the seismic risks in urban areas are
increasing and are far from socio-economically acceptable levels. There is an urgent need to reverse this situation and it is
believed that one of the most effective ways of doing this is through: (1) the development of more reliable seismic standards and
code provisions than those currently available and (2) their stringent implementation for the complete engineering of new
engineering facilities. A performance-based design is aimed at controlling the structural damage based on precise estimations of
proper response parameters. This is possible if more accurate analyses are carried out, including all potential important factors
involved in the structural behavior.
With an emphasis on providing stakeholders, owner the information needed to make rational business or safety-related decisions,
design practice has moved toward predictive methods for assessing potential seismic performance and has led to the
development of performance based engineering methods for seismic design.

1. INTRODUCTION (fig 1.1). Sumatra earthquake of December 26, 2004,

1.1 General Kashmir earthquake of October 8, 2005, Nepal earthquakes
Earthquakes are one of the greatest natural hazards which in beside country & disasters due to earthquakes in the
can make a uncountable damage to our earth. Earthquake is current decades. Most of the causalities were due to collapse
unpredictable hazard and we need a tool which can help us of the buildings and or due to lack of rescue and relief to the
to come across with this hazard. Engineering can make a victims under the collapsed buildings .Earthquakes do not
tool for the constructions which can sustain in these kill people but poorly by unprotected designs of
Earthquakes. Performance based design is gaining a new constructions. These earthquakes have clearly shown us that
dimensions in the seismic design philosophy Where in the we need to have a comprehensive strategy for disaster
near field ground motion (usually acceleration) is to be managements which should include planning, design and
considered. Earthquake loads are to be carefully modeled so construction of earthquake resistance buildings through
as to be assess the real behavior of the structure with the strict compliance of Codal provisions for earthquake
clear understanding that damage is expected but it should be countermeasures. As of today, it is unfortunate that despite
regulated. In this Project , pushover analysis which is of having all the scientific know-how in the field of
iterative procedure shall be looked upon as an alternate for earthquake engineering and the Codal provisions for
the orthodox analysis procedures. This study focused on construction in seismic areas, developed and brought out by
pushover analysis of multistoried R.C building subjected the Bureau of Indian Standards, on account of ignorance or
them to monotonically increasing lateral forces with an fear of added cost we continue to find utter neglect of our
invariant height wise distribution until the preset engineers and builders. Common people are not savvy to
performance level is reached. The promise of performance- many aspects of earthquakes disaster and better building
based seismic engineering (PBSE) is to produce structures practices in seismic zones of the country.
with predictable seismic performance. Comprehensive
effort by professionals from several disciplines is required 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
to turn this promise into a reality. Earthquakes can create Earthquake engineering is most sensible engineering field in
serious damage to structures & the damage to structures the world. Performance based design approach is new
causes deaths, injuries, economic loss, and loss of functions. concept and lot of research is going on the validating this
The structures already built are unprotected to future approach. Number of scientist gone through this approach
earthquakes. Earthquake risk is associated with seismic and explained the varieties of approaches it properties and
hazard, vulnerability of buildings, exposure. Seismic hazard limitations. Some of them are discussed below.
quantifies the probable ground motion that can occur at site. Peter Fajfar et al (2000) [11] presented a relatively simple
Unpredictability of building is important is causing risk to nonlinear method for the seismic analysis of structures (the
life. India has witnessed Bhuj earthquake of Jan 26, 2001 N2 method). It combines the pushover analysis of a multi-

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degree-of-freedom (MDOF) model with the response motion duration and simplicity in a proposed multiple
spectrum analysis of an equivalent single-degree-of- performance objectives design are demonstrated.
freedom (SDOF) system. The method is formulated in the Andreas J. Kappos et al (2004)[1] proposed a performance-
acceleration- displacement format, which enables the visual based design procedure for realistic 3D reinforced concrete
interpretation of the procedure and of the relations between (R/C) buildings, which involves the use of advanced
the basic quantities controlling the seismic response. analytical tools. The proposed method was then applied to a
Inelastic spectra, rather than elastic spectra with equivalent regular multistory reinforced concrete 3D frame building
damping and period, were applied. This feature represents and was found to lead to better seismic performance than
the major difference with respect to the capacity spectrum the standard code (Euro code 8) procedure, and in addition
method. Moreover, demand quantities can be obtained led to a more economic design of transverse reinforcement
without iteration. Generally, the results of the N2 method in the members that develop very little inelastic behavior
are reasonably accurate, provided that the structure even for very strong earthquakes.
oscillates predominantly in the first mode. In the work, the The building was first designed to a standard code
method is described and discussed, and its basic derivatives procedure, and then redesigned to the proposed method.
are given. The similarities and differences between the Due to its high regularity, the building was designed using
proposed method and the FEMA 273 and ATC 40 nonlinear both versions of the method (based on either inelastic
static analysis procedures are discussed. Application of the dynamic or inelastic static analysis). In addition, several
method is illustrated by means of an example. alternative designs to the new method were carried out. All
J. B. Mander (2001)[10] reviewed from an historical designs were subsequently assessed for a number of
perspective past and current developments in earthquake performance objectives, using both local and global criteria.
engineered structures. Based on the present state-of-the A six-storey R/C, doubly symmetric structure (three 3 m
practice in New Zealand, and a world-view of the state-of- spans in y-direction, three spans of 6,4,6 m in x-direction)
the-art, he argued that in order to make progress towards the was selected as a test of the proposed procedure. The
building of seismic resilient communities, research and building was first designed to the provisions of the current
development activities should focus on performance-based Greek Seismic Code, which is very similar to Euro code 8
design which gives the engineer the ability to inform (CEN, 1995) [9] ductility class M‖ (medium), for a design
clients/owners of the expected degree of damage to enable a ground acceleration of 0.25g, assuming class A soil
better management of seismic risk. To achieve expected conditions (stiff deposits). Earthquake loading was
performance outcomes it will be necessary to supplement, combined with gravity loading G + 0.3 LL. The materials
current force-based design standards with displacement- used in the structure are C20/25 (characteristic cylinder
based design methodologies. strength of 20 MPa) concrete, and S400 steel (characteristic
Improved design methodologies alone will not lead to a yield strength of 400 MPa). Square column crosssections
significantly superior level of seismic resilient communities, (from 300 to 450 mm) were used, with reinforcement ratios
but rather lead to a superior standard of performance-based not exceeding about 2% (the minimum reinforcement ratio
engineered structures where the post-earthquake outcome for columns was 1%). Beam sections varied from 200×400
will be known with a certain degree of confidence. This to 300×650 (mm2).
paper gives two philosophical approaches that are referred
to as Control and Repairability of Damage (CARD), and
Damage Avoidance Design (DAD)
Qiang Xue, et al (2003)[14] presented a performance-based
seismic design procedure, which is directly associated with
pre-quantified performance criteria, by employing a
displacement-based approach. A lower bound of yielding
displacement of the structure to satisfy these performance
criteria was proposed. This approach is general and
applicable for any type of reduced response spectrum that
taking into account of the inelastic behavior provided the
spectrum reduction factor regarding each spectral region is
given. The procedure can be extended to fulfill multiple
performance objectives and to consider special effects such
as the near-fault and accumulative damage. In the presented Figure 2.1 - Required amount of steel in beams and
design procedure of the building, the k factor plays an columns for all designs
important role in controlling the design strength. The
simplicity and applicability of the proposed procedure is Both elastic and inelastic (dynamic and static) analyses of
demonstrated through numerical examples. The proposed the structure were carried out using SAP 2000 Nonlinear‖
design procedure, which starts from the pre-quantified (Computers and Structures, 2000), adopting a member-by-
performance objectives, is transparent and straightforward member modeling approach. Inelastic beam (and column)
to present the underlying concept of ―performance based members were modeled as elastic elements with inelastic
design‖. Non-linear time history analysis verified that this springs (plastic hinges) at their ends; the effective rigidity of
approach is applicable to control the target displacement to T-beams was taken equal to 40% the gross section rigidity
the performance acceptable limit. Its flexibility in (EIg), while for columns 80% of EIg was assumed. The
considering special effect such as near-fault or strong moment curvature characteristics of the plastic hinges were
estimated from section analysis using appropriate non-linear

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constitutive laws for concrete and steel (Penelis and In US, building performance levels are divided into
Kappos, 1997) [27]; member strength and ductility were structural performance levels (SP-1 to SP6) and
estimated on the basis of the nonlinear section analysis nonstructural performance levels (NP-A to NP-E), and then
results. a combination of structural and nonstructural performance
Vipul Prakash (2004) [9] gives the prospects for levels is set as the performance objective to be met at a
Performance Based Engineering (PBE) in India. He lists the given level of earthquake. These combinations can be
pre-requisites that made the emergence of PBE possible in approximately mapped to the damage grades specified in
California, compares the situation in India and discusses the EMS-98 as follows:
tasks and difficulties for implementing PBE in India. IS 1893- 2002 specifies two levels of earthquakes –
In India, the criteria for earthquake resistant design of Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) and Design Basis
structures are given in IS 1893, published by the Bureau of Earthquake (DBE). In Clause 6.1.3, it states the
Indian Standards (BIS). IS 1893-2002 reduced the number performance objective as follows: ―The design approach
of seismic zones to four by merging zone I with zone II and adopted in this standard is to ensure that structures possess
adopted a modified CIS64 scale for seismic zoning and at least a minimum strength to withstand minor earthquakes
dropped references to the MMI scale. The mapping of zones (< DBE), which occur frequently, without damage; resist
to intensities in IS 1893-2002 is given in Table 2.1. moderate earthquake (DBE) without significant structural
damage though some nonstructural damage may occur; and
Table 2.1 - Mapping Seismic Zones to Intensities in IS aims that structures withstand a major earthquake (MCE)
1893-2002 without collapse.
In IS 189320 02
Seismic Zone Mapped to a Modified CIS-
II VI and below
V IX and above

Table 2.2 Comparison of Damage Grades as per EMS-98 and Building Performance Levels
Damage Grade as per EMS-98 Approximate Building Performance Combination in PBE

Grade 1 SP-1 (immediate occupancy)

(no structural damage, slight nonstructural damage) + NP-A (operational)
= 1-A (operational)
Grade 2 SP-1 (immediate occupancy)
(slight structural damage, moderate nonstructural + NP-B (immediate occupancy)
damage) = 1-B (immediate occupancy)
Grade 3 SP-3 (life safety) + NP-C (life safety)
(moderate structural damage, heavy on structural damage) = 3-C (life safety)

Grade 4 SP-5 (structural stability) +

(heavy structural damage, very heavy nonstructural damage) NP-E (not considered)
= 5-E (structural stability)
Grade 5 SP-6 (not considered) + NP-E (not considered)
(very heavy structural damage) = 6-E (not considered)

In PBE, merely stating a performance objective is not requirements. This paper presents an effective computer-
sufficient; it has to be followed up by analyses or a based technique that incorporates pushover analysis
methodology for ensuring that the stated performance together with numerical optimization procedures to
objectives will indeed be met by the evaluated structures. automate the pushover drift performance design. Steel
PBE thus requires much tighter language and cross- reinforcement, as compared with concrete materials,
referencing to be used in the specifications. appears to be the more cost-effective material that can be
X.-K. Zou et al (2005)[19] present an effective computer- effectively used to control drift beyond the occurrence of
based technique that incorporates pushover analysis first yielding and to provide the required ductility of RC
together with numerical optimization procedures to building frameworks.
automate the pushover drift performance design of In this study, steel reinforcement ratios are taken as design
reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. Performance-based variables during the design optimization process. Using the
design using nonlinear pushover analysis, is a highly principle of virtual work, the nonlinear inelastic seismic
iterative process needed to meet designer-specified and code drift responses generated by the pushover analysis can be

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explicitly expressed in terms of element design variables. proposed code is described. Transparent seismic design
An optimality criteria technique is presented in this paper objectives for buildings of different use groups have been
for solving the explicit performance-based seismic design established qualitatively and interpreted quantitatively as
optimization problem for RC buildings. Two building frame performance criteria including drift limits. Site feasibility
examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and requirements, conceptual design scopes and basic rules have
practicality of the proposed optimal design method. been proposed. Performance objective-oriented procedures
The design optimization procedure for limiting for preliminary design and seismic performance evaluation
performance-based seismic drifts of an RC building have been presented. Suggestions on seismic performance
structure is listed as follows: criteria and the evaluation of existing buildings have been
1. Establish an initial design with optimal member made. In order to provide clear, easy to follow guidelines,
dimensions, which can be obtained from the elastic comparisons and case studies have also been conducted.
seismic design optimization by minimizing the The performance-based seismic design code introduces a
concrete cost of an RC structure subjected to a transparent platform in which the owners and designers can
minor earthquake loading using the elastic exchange their views on the expected seismic performance
response spectrum analysis method. of the buildings under different levels of earthquakes. For
2. Determine the design spectra, corresponding to buildings of different seismic use groups, specific
different earthquake demand levels, which will be performance goals are established without employing an
used in the nonlinear pushover analysis. importance factor. Performance levels are quantified
3. Conduct a static virtual load analysis to obtain the through parameters associated with structural strength,
member internal forces that will be used in stiffness and ductility. Conceptual design rules with focuses
formulating inelastic drift responses by employing on redundancy and uniform continuity of strength, stiffness
the principle of virtual work. and ductility are specified. A performance objective-
4. On the basis of the optimal member size, determine oriented preliminary design procedure is presented with
the minimum and maximum size bounds of the consideration of flexibility. Preliminary checks on the
steel reinforcement ratios, pi and pi’, in accordance interstory drift limit may help in finding the stiffness
with the strength-based code requirements. deficiencies earlier in the preliminary design stage and save
R. K . Goel and A. K. Chopra(2006) [5] presented an some computational effort, particularly for steel structures.
improved Direct Displacemnt Based Design Procedure for The differences between seismic performance assessments
Performance-Based seismic design of structures. Direct of new buildings and those of existing buildings are pointed
displacement-based design requires a simplified procedure out. In engineering practice, member size standards and
to estimate the seismic deformation of an inelastic SDF construction convenience are usually considered. A
system, representing the first (elastic) mode of vibration of structure designed in this way usually has a lower ductility
the structure. This step is usually accomplished by analysis capacity than that specified in the code because structural
of an ―equivalent‖ linear system using elastic design ductility is not uniformly distributed. However, the
spectra. In their work, an equally simple procedure is structural strength and stiffness are usually higher than the
developed that is based on the well-known concepts of demand. Therefore, the prescribed performance objective is
inelastic design spectra. This procedure provides: (1) usually satisfied.
accurate values of displacement and ductility demands, and According to the case study, if the same column size has
(2) a structural design that satisfies the design criteria for been adopted for the first several floors, a higher
allowable plastic rotation. In contrast, the existing procedure reinforcement ratio assigned to the first 2 stories is helpful
using elastic design spectra for equivalent linear systems is for uniform distribution of system ductility. Adopting the
shown to underestimate significantly the displacement and performance criteria in the draft code, direct displacement-
ductility demands. based design procedures have been applied successfully for
In this work, it is demonstrated that the deformation and moment resisting frames without iteration. The performance
ductility factor that are estimated in designing the structure criteria associated with stiffness or displacement as
by this procedure are much smaller than the deformation suggested in the draft code should not be used either as
and ductility demands determined by nonlinear analysis of optimized design criteria or in a direct displacement-based
the system using inelastic design spectra. Furthermore, it design procedure for structural systems other than moment
has been shown that the plastic rotation demand on resisting frames.
structures designed by this procedure may exceed the In this draft code, the design of nonstructural components is
acceptable value of the plastic rotation. done to accommodate either acceleration or displacement.
Qiang Xue, Chia-Wei Wu et al (2007)[15] summarized the No specific criterion regarding economic loss is provided.
development of the seismic design draft code for buildings The nonstructural damage is limited by the structural drift
in Taiwan using performance-based seismic design limit.
methodology and case studied following the guidelines in
the paper. They presented the design of a reinforced
concrete building by using the draft code.
In their study first, the current seismic design code
provisions are examined according to the theoretical basis
of PBSD to identify which methodologies of PBSD need to
be incorporated into the current seismic design code. Then,
a PBSD flowchart is presented. Finally, a draft of the

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explicitly evaluates how a building is likely to perform;
given the potential hazard it is likely to experience,
considering uncertainties inherent in the quantification of
potential hazard and uncertainties in assessment of the
actual building response. It is an iterative process that
begins with the selection of performance objectives,
followed by the development of a preliminary design, an
assessment as to whether or not the design meets the
performance objectives, and finally redesign
and reassessment, if required, until the desired performance
level is achieved. In this present study two R.C buildings,
one symmetrical and one unsymmetrical in plan (designed
Figure 2.2 - Performance Objectives according to IS 456:2000) are analysed using Pushover
Analysis and redesigning by changing the main
As shown in Fig. 2.2, three seismic hazard levels were reinforcement of various frame elements and again
considered and can be distinguished by return period, analyzing. The pushover analysis has been carried out using
probability of exceedance, or corresponding site intensity SAP2000, a product of Computers and Structures
scale. Performance of a building has been classified into 5 International. A total of 24 cases for a particular four storey
levels, Operational (OP), Immediate Occupancy (IO), building located in ZoneIV have been analyzed, changing
Damage Control (DC), Life Safety (LS) and Collapse reinforcement of different structural elements,
Prevention (CP).
Whittaker, Y. N. Huang et al (2007) [18] summarize the
next (second) generation tools and procedures for
3.1 Introduction
performance-based earthquake engineering in the United Force Based design is a traditional approach to Seismic
States. The methodology, which is described in detail in the Design of a Building. Using the Response Spectrum the
draft Guidelines for the Seismic Performance Assessment of design lateral forces on the Building are determined & the
Buildings, builds on the first generation deterministic members are designed to withstand these forces. In this
procedures, which were developed in the ATC-33 project in approach, there is no measure of the deformation capability
the mid 1990s and in ASCE Standard: ASCE/SEI 41-06 of a member or of the building. At best, an elastic drift is
Seismic computed under the design forces and checked against an
Nilesh M. Kashid (2011)[12] Says that, During the last few elastic drift limit. Alternatively, an inelastic drift is
decades, earthquake engineering has undergone significant estimated from the calculated elastic drift by multiplying the
development. Initially, structures were designed without later by a factor and checking the inelastic drift against an
considering seismic loading. Later, it was observed that the inelastic drift limit.
structures designed for some lateral loads like wind etc. In performance based analysis the deformations of the
performed significantly well than those designed for gravity members and the building as a whole are quantified under
loading only. Hence, the importance of considering the lateral forces of an earthquake of a certain level of
earthquake forces in the design process is realized and seismic hazard. The deformations or strains are better
seismic resistant design became a practice. Further with the quantities to assess damage than stresses or forces. A
advent of time history analysis and better understanding of performance based analysis requires a nonlinear lateral load
seismic response. The importance of ductility of structure is versus deformation curve as the deformations are expected
realized in resisting even higher seismic loads than the to go beyond the elastic curve. The performance based
designed loads. The design base shear force is reduced by analysis gives the analyst more choices of
introducing a response reduction factor to consider an “PERFORMANCE" of the building as compared to the
inelastic displacement capacity of ductile structure in limit states of collapse and serviceability in a design based
dissipating the energy. Further, with more understanding of on limit state method.
structural behaviour at micro-level or element level, the
3.2 Performance-Based Seismic Design Process
concept of “capacity design” was introduced and this forced Performance-based design is an iterative process that begins
to decide the required performance of the structure right at with the selection of performance objectives, followed by
the design stage itself. Today, the seismic design codes of the development of a preliminary design, an assessment as
various countries are being revised to decide performance to whether or not the design meets the performance
criteria of the buildings that will suit the existing design and objectives, and finally redesign and reassessment, if
construction practices in the respective countries. In this required, until the desired performance level is achieved.
paper, an attempt has been made to develop a possible
3.3 Select Performance Objectives
method of seismic analysis that can be incorporated in the The process begins with the selection of design criteria
existing Indian Seismic Code I.S.: 1893- 2002. For the stated in the form of one or more performance objectives.
purpose, some of the key features the existing methodology Performance objectives are statements of the acceptable risk
followed by Federal Emergency Management Agency of incurring different levels of damage and the
(FEMA) of United States of America is made use of. consequential losses that occur as a result of this damage, at
Sudhanshu Sood (2011) [16] mentioned his paper that, A a specified level of seismic hazard. Since losses can be
performance-based design is aimed at controlling the associated with structural damage, nonstructural damage, or
structural damage based on precise estimations of proper
response parameters. Performance-based seismic design

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both, performance objectives must be expressed considering not be economically practical to design for this performance
the potential performance of under severe levels of ground shaking, except for buildings
3.3.1 Performance Levels that house essential services.
Building performance is a combination of the performance Immediate Occupancy Level
of the structure, the nonstructural elements and systems and This Building Performance Level is a combination of the
the contents. Although structural and non – structural Structural and Nonstructural Immediate Occupancy levels.
performance may be affected by similar seismic response Buildings meeting this performance level are expected to
parameters, it may be convenient to consider the two sustain minimal or no damage to their structural elements
separately. This approach allows for selection of different and only minor damage to their nonstructural components.
performance levels for structural and non-structural While it would be safe to reoccupy a building meeting this
systems. A common practice in seismic performance level immediately following a major
rehabilitation might be to select life safety performance earthquake, nonstructural systems may not function due to
level for the structural system and a hazard mitigated either a lack of electrical power or internal damage to
approach involving anchoring heavy items for the non equipment. Therefore, although immediate reoccupancy of
structural components [FEMA 273:1997]. Although the building is possible, it may be necessary to perform
different performance levels may be selected for structural some cleanup and repair, and await the restoration of utility
and non-structural systems, in general the approach to service, before the building could function in a normal
evaluating acceptability is nonetheless the same. mode. The risk to life safety at this performance level is
The decision to include or exclude performance of the very low. Many building owners may wish to achieve this
building contents may be influenced by the significance of level of performance when the building is subjected to
the hazard passed by the contents or whether the structural moderate levels of earthquake ground motion. In addition,
engineer has control over how contents are introduced and some owners may desire such performance for very
used in a building. Except for specialized facilities or important buildings, under severe levels of earthquake
contents, the structural engineer’s responsibility normally ground shaking. This level provides most of the protection
does not include contents. obtained under the Operational Level, without the cost of
A wide range of performance can be targeted in building providing standby utilities and performing rigorous seismic
design, ranging from damage onset to collapse. Performance qualification of equipment performance.
terminology usually is selected so that owners, risk Life Safety Level
managers, or users without a structural engineering This Building Performance Level is a combination of the
background can readily understand it. As a result, the Structural and Nonstructural Life Safety levels. Buildings
terminology itself may be somewhat ambiguous in meeting this level may experience extensive damage to
engineering terms. Unambiguous definition of the structural and nonstructural components. Repairs may be
performance levels or states must accompany the required before reoccupancy of the building occurs, and
terminology. repair may be deemed economically impractical. The risk to
A series of performance definition has been selected for this life in buildings meeting this performance level is low.
document. The series ranges from what is being defined as Many building owners will desire to meet this performance
damage onset through collapse. These performance levels level for a severe level of ground shaking.
are presently roughly in order of increasing damage and
decreasing function, as illustrated in figure 3.2. The
performance levels are shown in the ranges likely for most
buildings. Precisely where the performance level falls for a
specific building will depend on the building configuration,
material and details. Precise definition, rather than ranges,
will be needed in the code implementation.
3.3.2 Building Performance Levels Operational Level
This Building Performance Level is a combination of the
Structural Immediate Occupancy Level and the
Nonstructural Operational Level. Buildings meeting this
performance level are expected to sustain minimal or no
damage to their structural and nonstructural components.
The building is suitable for its normal occupancy and use,
although possibly in a slightly impaired mode, with power,
water, and other
Figure 3.2: Capacity Curve
required utilities provided from emergency sources, and
possibly with some nonessential systems not functioning.
Buildings meeting this performance level pose an extremely
low risk to life safety. Under very low levels of earthquake
ground motion, most buildings should be able to meet or
exceed this performance level. Typically, however, it will

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Table 3.1 - Details of Performance level
Structural Performance Non Structural Performance
1. Negligible damage.
1. Very light damage 2. Power & other utilities are available.
Operational (O) 2. No permanent drift
3. Substantially original strength and stiffness

1. Light damage 1. Equipments & content secure but may not operate
2. No permanent drift due to mechanical/utility failure.
Immediate 3. Substantially original strength & stiffness
Occupancy (IO) Minor cracking
4. Elevators can be restarted
5. Fire protection operable
1. Moderate damage 1. Falling hazard mitigated but extensive systems
2. Some permanent drift Residual strength & damage.
Life Safety (LS) stiffness in all stories
3. Gravity elements function
4. Building may be beyond economical repair
1. Severe damage 1. Extensive damage.
2. Large permanent drifts
3. Little residual strength & stiffness
4. Gravity elements function Some exits
5. Building near collapse Collapse Prevention Level conventional building structure as well as the adult life of a
This Building Performance Level consists of the typical occupant or investor, and hence relates both to
Structural Collapse Prevention Level with no property risk and life risk.
consideration of nonstructural vulnerabilities. Buildings Some performance objectives aimed at providing enhanced
meeting this performance level may pose a significant performance such as continued occupancy will consider a
hazard to life safety resulting from failure of nonstructural seismic hazard defined, for example by 10% reliability of
components. However, because the building itself does design for life safety has considered a 10% probability of
not collapse, gross loss of life should be avoided. Many exceedance level in 50 years, or a return period of
buildings meeting this level will be complete economic approximately 475 years.
losses. Four levels of earthquake hazard are defined for the
3.4 Seismic Hazard performance objectives. EQ-I represents a frequent event
For any type of solution details estimation of problem is and is defined as the earthquake that has an 87% probability
assessed , so before design the seismic hazard is assessed . of being exceeded in a 50 year period (annual probability of
The most important seismic hazard to the majority of the exceedance of 4% or mean recurrence interval of
building is earthquake ground shaking. The hazard posed by approximately 25 years). EQ-II has a mean recurrence
shaking includes both the motions imparted to the isolated interval of 72 years, EQ-III has a recurrence interval
structure as well as the hazard from adjacent building due to between 250 and 800 years, and EQ-IV has a recurrence
pounding, shared elements, or falling debris. Other hazard interval between 800 and 2500 years.
that may be considered in special cases include ground 3.4.2 Combined Performance level and Seismic Hazard
failure (liquefaction and lateral spreading, land sliding, Level
differential settlement, or surface fault rupture); loading, Three standard performance objectives are defined as shown
flooding, or other water damage due tsunami; or collateral in Figure 3.3. Basic Safety Objective (BSO) is
hazard such as fire or hazardous chemical release. These recommended for PBSE of standard occupancy structures
mentioned hazard are not usually of direct interest in and requires level 1 performance in EQ-I, level 2
displacement based design, although in special cases the performances in EQ-II, level 3 performance in EQ-III and
effects of ground movement will be considered. level 4 performance in EQ-IV. Enhanced Objective 1 (EQI)
3.4.1 Seismic hazard levels: is a higher objective than BSO and requires level 1
Seismic hazard level should be selected considering the performance in EQ-II, level 2 performance in Reproduced
building function, its targeted performance, and its expected with permission of the copyright owner. Further
service life. Seismic hazard level can be stated in terms of reproduction prohibited without permission. EQ-III and
probability that those levels will be exceeded over an level 3 performance in EQ-IV. E02 is considered for safety
established time. A common reference time is 50 years, critical facilities and includes level 1 performance in the
which relates conveniently to both the service of a EQ-I, EQ-II and EQ-III and level 2 performance for EQ-IV.

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As seen from Figure (1.1) a performance objective is a 2. When critical zones of a structure enter into the
combination of a hazard level and the expected performance inelastic range, the force and deformation
under that hazard. The hazard level is determined by a distribution change significantly. This change is
probabilistic hazard analysis (PSHA) and expressed in terms not represented by a global reduction of forces.
of the annual frequency of exceedance or return period. The 3. The mechanism that will most likely perpetuate
SEAOC Blue Book and SEAOC Vision 2000 report (1995) collapse is unlikely to be that represented by the
define the performance levels in both qualitative and elastic action and deformation distribution.
quantitative terms. The quantitative levels are defined 4. The global and particularly the local distribution of
through limiting values of measurable response parameters, deformations in the inelastic range may bear no
such as story drifts and ductility demands. The DBD resemblance to those in the elastic range. The same
method presented here uses hazard estimates represented by applies to the values of deformations, not just the
Uniform Hazard Spectra given by codes, for example distribution.As a consequence of the above, the
NBCC 2005, and quantitative displacement, drift and reduced forces - amplified deformations linear
ductility measures to satisfy the desired performance elastic approach fails to fit within the principle of
objectives. failure mode control, which is part of performance
3.5 Push Over Analysis based assessment and design. This in turn has lead
Pushover Analysis is a nonlinear, static procedure in which to an increase in the use of inelastic analysis as a
the lateral loads' magnitude is incrementally increased, more realistic means of assessing the deformational
maintaining a predefined distribution pattern along the state in structures subjected to strong ground
height of the building. Weak links and failure modes of the motion.
buildings are found with the help of the increase in the The pushover analysis is a significant step forward by
magnitude of the loads. giving consideration to those inelastic response
characteristics that will distinguish between good and bad
performance in severe earthquakes. The non-linear static
pushover analysis is a partial and relatively simple
intermediate solution to the complex problem of predicting
force and deformation demands imposed on a structure and
its elements due to ground motion.
Here, the important terms are static and analysis. Static
implies that a static method is being employed to represent a
dynamic phenomenon; a representation that is adequate in
many cases but doomed to failure in some cases. Analysis
implies that a system solution has been created already and
the pushover is employed to evaluate the solution and
modify it as needed.
Figure 3.3 - Standard Performance Objectives (SEAOC The pushover is a part of an evaluation process and provides
Blue Book) estimates of demands imposed on structures and elements.
Hence, there is always a need of a method which is more
In Pushover analysis, a static horizontal force profile, rational and accurate and at the same time able to identify
usually proportional to the design force profiles specified seismic deficiencies correctly and that too in correct order
in the codes, is applied to the structure. The force profile is of vulnerability. Pushover analysis is able to satisfy these
then incremented in small steps and the structure is criteria satisfactorily and in a convenient way.
analyzed at each step. As the loads are increased, the 3.7 Description Of Pushover Analysis
building undergoes yielding at a few locations. Every time The non-linear static pushover procedure was originally
such yielding takes place, the structural properties are formulated and suggested by two agencies namely, federal
modified approximately to reflect the yielding. The emergency management agency (FEMA) and applied
analysis is continued till the structure collapses, or the technical council (ATC), under their seismic rehabilitation
building reaches certain level of lateral displacement. programs and guidelines. This is included in the
documents FEMA-273, FEMA-356 and ATC40.
3.6 Need For Pushover Analysis Introduction to FEMA-273. The primary purpose of
Conventionally, seismic assessment and design has relied on FEMA-273 document is to provide technically sound and
linear or equivalent linear (with reduced stiffness) analysis nationally acceptable guidelines for the seismic
of structural systems. In this approach, simple models are rehabilitation of buildings. The Guidelines for the Seismic
used for various components of the structure, which is Rehabilitation of Buildings are intended to serve as a ready
subjected to seismic forces evaluated from elastic or design tool for design professionals for carrying out the design
spectra, and reduced by force reduction (or behavior) and analysis of buildings, a reference document for
factors. The ensuing displacements are amplified to account building regulatory officials, and a foundation for the
for the reduction of applied forces. This procedure, though future development and implementation of building code
simple and easy to apply in the design office environment, provisions and standards.
suffers from the following shortcomings: 3.8 Capacity Spectrum Method
1. The force reduction factors recommended in codes One of the methods used to determine the performance
of practice are approximate and do not necessarily point is the Capacity Spectrum Method, also known as the
represent the specific structure under consideration.

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Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectra method Standard demand response spectra contain a range of
(ADRS). The Capacity Spectrum method requires that both constant spectral acceleration and a second range of constant
the capacity curve and the demand curve be represented in spectral velocity; Sv. Spectral acceleration, Sa and
response spectral ordinates. displacement at period Ti are given by:
3.8.1 Capacity Spectrum, Demand Spectrum,
Performance Point
As graphically presented in Figure 3.6, the nonlinear static
analysis procedure requires determination of three primary
elements: capacity, demand and performance. The capacity
spectrum can be obtained through the pushover analysis, Saig = Sv
which is generally produced based on the first mode
response of the structure assuming that the fundamental
mode of vibration is the predominant response of the
structure. This pushover capacity curve approximates how a
structure behaves beyond the elastic limit under seismic
Sdi Sv
The capacity spectrum can be developed from the pushover
The demand spectrum curve is normally estimated by
curve by a point by point conversion to the first mode
reducing the standard elastic 5% damped design spectrum
spectral coordinates. Any point Vi (Base Shear), δi (Roof
by the spectral reduction method. The intersection of the
Displacement) on the capacity (pushover) curve is
pushover capacity and demand spectrum curves defines the
converted to the corresponding point Sai, Sdi on the
“performance point” as shown in Figure 3.6. At the
capacity spectrum using the equations:
performance point, the resulting responses of the building
should then be checked using certain acceptability criteria.
The responses can be checked against acceptability limits
on both global system levels (such as the lateral load Sai
stability and the inter-story drift) and local element levels
(such as the element strength and the sectional plastic
rotation). When the responses of a structure do not meet the
targeted performance level, the structure needs to be resized Sdi
and the design process repeated until a solution for the Where α1 and PF1, are the modal mass coefficients and
desired performance level is reached. In general, the participation factors for the first natural mode of the
determination of the satisfactory performance response that structure respectively. Φ1roof is the roof level amplitude of
fulfill both the system level response and element level the first mode.
response requires a highly iterative trialand-error design The modal participation factors and modal coefficient are
procedure even with the aid of today’s engineering calculated as:
computer software. PF

3.8.2 Conversion of Pushover curve to Capacity

Spectrum Curve
To convert a spectrum from the standard Sa (Spectra
Acceleration) vs T (Period) format found in the building
codes to ADRS format, it is necessary to determine the
value of Sdi (Spectral Displacement) for each point on the
curve, SaiTi This can be done with the equation:
Where w i is the weight at any level i.
As displacement increase, the period of the structure
lengthens. This is reflected directly in the capacity
Sdi = Saig
spectrum. Inelastic displacements increase damping and
reduce demand. The Capacity Spectrum Method reduces
the demand to find an intersection with the capacity
spectrum, where the displacement is consistent with the
implied damping. Figure 3.7 shows the conversion of
Pushover curve to capacity spectrum curve. The damping
that occurs when the structure is pushed into the inelastic
range can be viewed as a combination of viscous and
hysteretic damping. Hysteretic damping can be represented
as equivalent viscous damping. Thus, the total effective
damping can be estimated as:
βeff = λβ0 + 0.05
Fig 3.6 - Nonlinear Static analysis procedure Where β0 is the hysteretic damping and 0.05 is the assumed
5% viscous damping inherent in the structure. The λ-factor

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(called κ-factor in ATC-40) is a modification factor to
account for the extent to which the actual building
hysteresis is well represented by the bilinear representation
of the capacity spectrum (See Table SRv
3.7 & 3.8 and Figure 3.10). Both SRA and SRV must be greater than or equal to
The term βo can be calculated using: allowable values. The elastic response spectrum (5%
damped) is thus reduced to a response spectrum with
damping values greater than 5% critically damped (See
Figure 3.9). Determination of Performance Point
Where ED is the energy dissipated by damping and ESO is There are three procedures described in ATC-40 to find the
the maximum strain energy. The physical significance is performance point. The most transparent and most
explained in Fig. 3.8. convenient method for programming is
Procedure A, which uses a set of equations described in
Procedure B is also an iterative method to find the
performance point, which uses the assumption that the yield
point and the post yield slope of the bilinear representation,
remains constant. This is adequate for most cases; however,
in some cases this assumption may not be valid.
Procedure C is graphical method that is convenient for hand
as well as software analysis. SAP2000 uses this method for
the determination of performance point. To find the
performance point using Procedure C the following steps
are used:
First of all, the single demand spectrum (variable damping)
curve is constructed by doing the following for each point
Figure 3.8 - Derivation of Energy dissipated by Damping on the Pushover Curve:
1. Draw a radial line through a point on the Pushover
curve. This is a line of constant
Table 3.2 - Structural Behaviour Types period.

Shaking Essentially new Average Poor 2. Calculate the damping associated with the point on
Duration Building Existing Existing the curve, based on the area under the curve upto
Building Building that point.
3. Construct the demand spectrum, plotting it for the
Short Type A Type B Type C same damping level as associated with the point on the
pushover curve.
Long Type B Type C Type C
4. The intersection point for the radial line and
associated demand spectrum represents a point on the Single
Table 3.3 - Values for damping modification values, λ Demand Spectrum (Variable Damping Curve).
Structural Behaviour βo Λ 5. A number of arbitrary points are taken on the
Type Pushover curve and such points are obtained.
6. A curve is then drawn by joining through these
points. The intersection of this curve with the original
Type A ≤16.25 1 pushover curve gives the Performance Point of the Structure
as shown in fig. 3.10.
≥16.25 1.13 - 0.51 3.9 Important Terms
Type B ≤25 0.67 1. Displacement Ductility
The ability of a structure or member to undergo inelastic
≥25 0.845 - deformations beyond the initial yield deformation with no
0.446 decrease in the load resistance.
Type C Any 0.33

To account for the damping, the response spectrum is

reduced by reduction factors SRA and SRV which are given
by: μ=
Figure 3.10 Capacity Spectrum Procedure C to
Determine Performance Point 2. Inelastic displacement

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Expressed in terms of Inelastic Displacement demand Ratio 4. Response Reduction Factor:
(IDDR). IDDR represents the ratio of inelastic displacement
demand over the ultimate inelastic displacement capacity.

Allowable Limits:
FEMA – 356 has specified allowable limits for IDR, Plastic
rotations, and IDDR values.
Table 3.4 - Inter-storey drift ratio (IDR)
Figure 3.11 - Ductility and IDDR
Masonry Shear
0.005 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.009
wall system
Δy = yield deformation Others 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025
Δp = displacement at PP
Δm = = maximum displacement.
Table 3.5 - Plastic rotations (radian)

Structura IO LS CP
l System

Beams 0.00 0.0 0.02

5 2 5

Columns 0.00 0.0 0.02

5 1
3. Plastic Rotations Table 3.6 - Inelastic displacement demand (IDDR)
The sequence of plastic hinge formation and state of hinge
at various levels of building performance can be obtained Performance Level OP IO DC LS CP
from SAP output. This gives the information about the
weakest member
IDDR 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

This limit helps as a guide lines for the validation of model

results. The results within the limits given above should be
4.1 General
The main objective of performance based seismic design of
buildings is to avoid total catastrophic damage and to
restrict the structural damages caused to the performance
limit of the building. For this purpose Static pushover
analysis is used to evaluate the real strength of the structure
and it promises to be a useful and effective tool for
performance based design. 4.2 Description of structure
Figure 3.12 - Determination of Performance Point (FEMA) The building considered for analysis is a typical G + 11
storey R.C. building. The plan area of building is 15 x 15 m
with 3 m as height of each typical storey. It consists of 3
bays of 5m each in X-direction and 3 bays of 5m each in Y-

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Table 4.1 - Basic Parameters Considered For Analysis The Required codes are -
Table 4.4 - Codes Used For Analysis
Sr. No. Basic Parameters Considered Sr.
Codes Used
1 Grade of Concrete M20 1 R.C.C. design IS 456: 2000

2 Grade of Steel Fe415 2 Earthquake resistant design of IS1893:2002

3 Floor to Floor Height 3m

4 Plinth Height above GL 0.55m

5 Depth of Foundation Below GL 0.65m

6 Parapet Height 1.5m

7 External Wall Thickness 0.23m

8 Internal Wall Thickness 0.15m

9 Live Load on Floor 3 KN/m²

10 Live Load on Roof 1.5 KN/m² Figure 4.1 – Plan

11 Floor Finishes 1 KN/m²

12 Roof Treatment 1.5 KN/m²

13 Density Of Concrete 25 KN/m³

14 Density Of Masonry Wall 20 KN/m³

The sectional properties of various elements obtained based

on gravity analysis and used as initial sizes for further
analysis are presented as below -
Table 4.2 - Initial Member Sizes Considered For Analysis
Sr. Sizes in
Member Dimensions
No. mm
A Columns at 500 X 500
B Beams at each floor level 300 X 300
C Thickness of Slab at each floor 150
The considered earthquake parameters used for analysis are
as follows -
Table 4.3 - Earthquake Parameters
Considered For Analysis
Figure 4.2 – Elevation
Sr. No. Earthquake Parameters
4.3 Step By Step Procedure
1 Soil Type Hard
A. Click the File Menu > New Model
2 Importance Factor 1 command or the New Model button. The form
3 Time Period Program Calculated shown in Fig will display. Verify that the default
units are set to KN, m, C.
4 Seismic Zone III B. The New Model form allows for the quick
5 Building Frame Type SMRF generation of numerous model types using
parametric generation techniques. However, in this
6 Seismic Zone Factor 0.16 project the model will started using only the grid
generation. When laying out the grid, it is

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important that geometry defined accurately A. Click the Define menu > Materials command, the
represents the major geometrical aspects of the Define Material form (Fig.4.6) will display. Highlight a
model so, it is advisable to spend time carefully 4000Psi in the Materials display list Then Click the
planning the number and spacing of the grid lines. Modify/Show Material button, the form shown in Fig. 8 will
Select the Grid Only button and then form shown display.
in Fig will display. B. In Material Name and display color edit box, type
C. The Quick Grid Lines form (Fig.4.4) is M20 and in Material Type select concrete from drop down
used to specify the grids and spacing in the X, Y list.
and Z directions. Set the number of grids lines to 4 C. Set Weight per unit Volume as 25. Set Modulus of
in the X and Y direction, and to 13 in the Z Elasticity to 22360679.774
directions. Type 5, 5, 3 into X, Y, Z directions
spacing edit boxes respectively. The values
specified in the First Grid Line Location area as per IS 456). Set Poisson's Ratio to 0.2. Set Specified
locate the origin of the grids lines; make sure that Concrete Compressive Strength to 20000 and then click
these values are all set to zero for this tutorial. OK button.
Click the OK button to continue. D. Highlight an A992fy50 in the Materials display list
Then Click on Modify/Show Material button, the
form shown in Fig.4.6 will display.
E. In Material Name and display color edit
box, type Fe415 and in Material Type select rebar
from drop down list.
F. Set Minimum yield stress (Fy), Minimum
tensile stress (Fu), Expected yield stress, (Fye) and
Expected tensile stress (Fue) to 415000, 498000,
518750 and 622500. Click OK buttons on Material
Property Data form and Add materials form to exit
all forms.
Figure 4.4 - Quick Grid Line Form

Figure 4.5 - SAP2000 Windows

Step 2 - Begin a New Model

Use the Define menu > Materials command to add, modify,
or delete a material property definition. The material
property definitions are then used in defining the structural
objects (frame sections, cable sections, tendon sections, area
sections, and solid properties.)

Figure 4.7 - Material Property Data Concrete

Figure 4.8 - Material Property Data Rebar
Figure 4.6 - Define Material Form

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Step 2 - Define Frame Section D. Click the Concrete Reinforcement button,
Defining a frame section makes the section available for Reinforcement Data form (Fig 4.12) will appear.
assignment to selected objects. The Define menu > Frame  In Rebar Material Area, Select Fe 415 from list as a
Sections command can be used to (a) Import sections from Rebar Material of longitudinal Bars and
predefined databases, (b) Define frame section properties on confinement bars (Ties).
the basis of their dimensions, (c) review and modify section  In Design Type Area, Select Column (P-M2-M3
properties and (d) Delete section properties. Design) Option.
 In configuration of reinforcement area, select
 In Longitudinal Bars - Rectangular Configuration
Area, Type 0.05 in Cover to for confinement bars
edit box.
 In Confinement Bars Area, Select 10d from drop
down list as confinement
Bar Size; Type 0.2 in Longitudinal Spacing of
Confinement Bars edit box and Type 2 in
Number of Confinement Bars in 3-dir and 2-dir.
 In set Check / Design Area, select Reinforcement
to be designed.
 Click OK buttons on Reinforcement Data form and
Figure 4.9 - Frame Properties Form
A. Click the Define Menu > Section rectangular section form. E. Click the Add New
Properties > Frame Sections command, which will Property button, which will display from shown in
display the frame properties form (Fig 4.9) Fig 4.10
B. Click the Add New Property button,
which will display form shown in Fig.4.10.
C. in Frame Section Property Type select
Concrete from drop down list and click the
rectangular button, which will display from shown
in Fig 4.11 In Section Name Area, Type C-
 In Depth and Width edit box, Type 0.5 and 0.5

Figure 4.12 - Reinforcement Data Form for Column

Figure 4.10 - Add Frame Section Property

Figure 4.13 - Reinforcement Data Form for Beam

F. Make sure that in Frame section Property Type,
Concrete is selected and click the Rectangular
Figure 4.11 - Rectangular Section button, which will display from shown in Fig 4.11.
 In Section Name Area, Type B-300x300.

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 In Depth and width edit box Type 0.3 and 0.3
G. Click the Concrete Reinforcement button,
Reinforcement data form (Fig 4.12) will appear.
 In Rebar Material Area, Select Fe415 from list as a
rebar material of Longitudinal Bars and
Confinement Bars.
 In Design Type Area, Select Beam (M3 Design
only) option, which will display reinforcement data
form (Fig 4.13) for beam.
 In Concrete Cover to Rebar Centre Area, Type 0.04
top and bottom edit box.
 Click the OK buttons on reinforcement data form, Figure 4.16 - Replication of assigned columns to Y and Z
rectangular section form and frame properties Directions
form. D. Now again Select the Then select the DRAW
Step 4 - Add Frame Objects FRAME or Cable option from left hand side tool
In this step, Frame Objects with the associated column and bar which will give the properties of the objects
beam sections list are drawn using the grids and snap- to which have to be draw (Fig 4.17). Now we will
options and generated using Edit menu Command select property of beam by changing section to
A. Draw Frame Objects XZ. Made sure that B300x300.
the X-Z plane @ Y=0 view is active. Then select
the DRAW FRAME or Cable option from left hand
side tool bar which will give the properties of the
objects which have to be draw (Fig 4.14).
Confirm the properties given in earlier stage are updated
.Here we will select first C- 500 X 500 property first.

Figure 4.17 - Properties of Object Table of Beam

E. Select the Column Properties which was given in
earlier step and draw the nodes of beams of FF as
Shown in Fig 4.18.

Figure 4.14 - Properties of Object Table of Column

B. Select the Column Properties which was given in

earlier step and draw the nodes
C. Replicate the assigned columns in Y direction as
well as Z directions using
Replicate command of Edit Menu as shown in Fig. 4.16

F. Replicate the assigned Beams in Y direction as

well as Z directions using Replicate command of
Edit Menu as shown in Figure 4.19. Similar
procedure adopted for assigning beam in XY
direction and then replicate it along Z direction and
it will give the all nodes as per plan selected.
G. After completion of assignment of frame objects,
check the all objects are assigned appropriately. The Model
will have now beams and columns allotted as per Fig.
H. After assignment of objects column bases should
be restrained. In this Step, supports for the frame
are defined. Make sure X-Y plane @ Z=0 view is
active, And that the program is in select mode.
 Select the Support Nodes i.e. nodes at Z=0

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Step 5 - Define Load Pattern
The loads used in this problem consist of Dead, Dead Wall,
Dead Slab, Dead FF (Floor finish), Dead RT (Roof
treatment), Live and Live Roof loads acting in the gravity
A. Click the Define menu > Load Patterns
command to bring up the Define Load Patterns
form (Fig. 4.24). Note there is a single default load
case defined, which is a Dead Load case with self-
weight (DEAD). Note that the self-weight
multiplier is set to 1 for the default case. This
indicates that this load pattern will Load Patterns
and Load Cases exist, and they may be different.
Figure 4.21 - Joint Restraints Form However, the program automatically creates a
 Click the Assign Menu > Joint > Restraints corresponding Load case when a load pattern is
command to bring up the Joint Restraints form (Fig defined, and the load cases are available for review
4.21). at the time the analysis is run.
 Click the Fixed Support button to assign restraints
in the Translation and rotation in 1, 2 and 3
directions. Click Ok to accept changes.
A. Now we have to assign the slab as an AREA object
occurring in the model in the form of shell. Click the
Define> Section properties > Area Sections. Area section
form will arrive. Select the shell section type and click on
add new section. The shell section form will arrive (Fig
4.22). Fill the appropriate information and assumptions and
click on OK.
Figure 4.24 - Define Load Pattern Form
B. Click in the edit Load Pattern Name column. Type
the name of the new load pattern, DEAD Wall.
Select a type of Load from the drop down list; in
this case, select Super Dead. Make sure that the
self-weight multiplier is set to zero. Click the Add
New Load Pattern button to add the Dead Wall
load to the load list. C. Repeat item B, to add Dead
Slab, Dead FF, Dead RT load cases.
D. Type the name of the new load pattern, LIVE.
Select LIVE, a Type of load from the drop-down
list. Make sure that the Self Weight Multiplier is
Figure 4.22 - Shell Section Data Form set to zero. Click the Add New Load Pattern button
J. Now made sure that X-Y plane @ Y=3 view is to add the Live load to the load list.
active. Select Draw Rectangular Option from left E. Type the name of the new load pattern,
hand side tool bar and assigned the slab area to the LIVE ROOF. Select ROOF LIVE, a Type of load
model. After assigning the all slabs @ Y=3, select from the drop-down list. Make sure that the Self
them and replicate along Z direction. Then the Weight Multiplier is set to zero. Click the Add
model will have all its object (Fig. 4.23). New Load Pattern button to add the Live load to
the load list.
F. The Define Loads form should now
appear as shown in Fig 4.25. Click the Ok button in
that form to accept the newly defined static load

Figure 4.23 - Object Filled Model

Figure 4.25 - Define Load Pattern

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Step 5 - Assign Loads
A. In this step, the Dead Load and Live Load will be
applied to the model. The Dead floor finish, Live load first
act on slab and then transferred to the beam by Trapezoidal-
Triangle rule. So these Loads Assigned to Slabs. The Dead
Wall Load Directly transferred to the beams so this load
should be applied to beams only.
B. First we will apply gravity loads to the slab i.e.
Dead load, Dead FF and then will apply the Live loads. For
application of dead load first select all the slabs by clicking
on select menu > Properties > Area Section. Select the area
section of slab. All Slabs automatically get selected.
Figure 4.28 Frame Distributed Loads

Step 6 - Assign Rigid Diaphragm

Make sure that X-Y Plane @ Z= 3 view is active and that
the program is in the select mode.
A. Select all nodes at Z=3, 6, 9 up to 36 level.
B. Click the Assign Menu > Joint > Constraints
command. This brings up the Assign / Define Constraint
form (Fig 4.29).

Figure 4.26 - Area Gravity Loads

A. For assigning the dead load click on Assign menu

> Area Loads > Gravity load. The software automatically
calculate the dead load. Select Add to Existing load tab as
Figure 4.29 - Assign / Define Constraints Form
shown in Fig.4.26 And click on OK.
B. For assigning external gravity load like dead load
C. In the Choose Constraint Type to Add Area, click
select all slabs and click on Assign menu > Area Loads >
the drop down list and select Diaphragm.
Uniform shell to frame and assign the loads as per Fig.4.27
and select Add to existing load tab and click on Ok. Similar
procedure adopted for live load.

Figure 4.30 - Assign / Define Plate Constraints Form

D. Click the Add New Constraints button, which will

display Diaphragm Constraint form (Fig 4.30).
Figure 4.27 - Area Uniform Loads to Frames Form E. Type Floor Diaphragm in the Constraint name edit
C. Dead Load of wall directly acts upon the beams so F. Verify that Z axis option is selected in the
this dead load should assigned to beams only. So, Constraint Axis area.
calculate the wall load the select all the beams and G. Check assign a different diaphragm constraints to
select Assign menu> Frame Loads > Distributed. each different selected Z level box.
Fill the frame distributed form as per Fig.4.28. H. Click the OK buttons on the Diaphragm Constraint
And select add to existing load tab. and click on and the Assign / Define Constraints forms to exist all forms.
OK. Step 7 Assign Earthquake Load Case
Click the Define Menu > Load Cases command, which will
display the Define load cases form.
A. Click the Add New Load case Button, which will
display Define Load case data form.( Fig 4.41)

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B. In Load Case Name Area, type EQ-X D. Click OK button on the Define Mass Source form
C. In Load Case Type Area, Select Earthquake from to accept mass sources.
drop down list. E. Click the File menu > SAVE command or save
D. In Modal Combination Area, Select CQC option. button to save the model.
Step 9 Run Analysis
In this step, the Analysis will be run.
A. Click the Analyze menu > Run Analysis command
or the Run Analysis button, to bring up the set Load Cases
to Run form ( Fig.4.33).

Figure 4.31 - Load Case Data- Response Spectrum Form

E. In Load applied area,
 In Load type area, select Accel from drop down
 In Load Name Area, select U1 from drop down list.
 In Function area select IS1893 II from drop down Figure 4.33 - Set Analysis Cases to Run Form
list. B. Click the Run now button on the set load cases to
 In scale factor edit box type 0.3. run form, which will display SAP Analysis
 Click the Add button. Monitors. The program will create the analysis
C. Click OK button on the Load Case Data- Quake model from your object based SAP 2000 model.
form to accept the EQ-X analysis case. The information may be accessed at a later time by
D. Click the Add new load case button on the Define going to File Menu > Show Input/ Output Text
Load Case form. Files command and selecting the file with .LOG
E. In Load Case Name Area, Type EQ-Y. extension.
F. Repeat Item D-E. C. When the analysis is finished, the message
G. Click OK button. “ANALYSIS COMPLETE" will display. Close the analysis
window. The program automatically displays a deformed
Step 8 Define Mass Source
A. Click the Define menu > Mass source command, which shape view of the model, and the model is locked. The
will display the Define mass source form ( Fig.4.32) model is locked when LOCK/ UNLOCK model button
depressed. Locking the model prevents any changes to the
model that would invalidate the analysis results.
Step 10 Define Load Combinations
A. Click the Define Menu > Combination command,
which will display the Define Response Combinations form.
B. Click the Add New Combo button, which will
display the Response
Combination Data form ( Fig 4.34)
 Type 1.5 (DL+LL) in the Response Combination
Name edit box.
 Select Linear Add from the Combination type drop
down list if it is not already selected.
Figure 4.32 - Mass Source Data
Form B. In Mass Definition Area,
Select from loads option.
C. In Define Mass Multiplier for loads area.
 In Load area, select dead from drop down list.
 Type 1 in Multiplier edit box.
 Click the Add button to add mass source.
 Repeat Item 1-3 for DEAD WALL, DEAD FF and
DEAD RT load.
 In Load area, Select LIVE from drop down list.
 Type 0.25 (as live load ≤ 3 KN/m2) in Multiplier
Figure 4.34 - Response Combination Data form
edit box.

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IJETST- Vol.||02||Issue||11||Pages 3341-3363||November||ISSN 2348-9480 2015
 Select dead in the Case Name from drop down list and select table 6-8 as shown in fig 4.36. And click
(if it is not already selected) and type 1.5 in the on OK.
Scale Factor edit Box (If it is not already there) and D. The all frame members are assigned with hinges
click the Add button. should be checked. It will appear on the screen
 Select DEAD wall in the case Name from drop with hinge number and property. It will appear as
down list and click Add button. Fig. 4.37.
 Select DEAD FF in the Case Name from drop
down list and click the Add button.
 Select DEAD RT in the Case Name from drop
down list and click the Add button.
 Select Live in the Case Name from drop down list
and click the Add button.
 Click Ok button on Response Combination Data
form to accept Combination.
A. Similar procedure adopted to add all load
combinations given below:-
 1.2( DL+LL+EQX) Figure 4.36 - Auto Hinge Assignment Data form for
 1.2(DL+LL-EQX) Columns
 1.2 (DL+LL+/- EQY)
 1.5 (DL +/- EQX)
 1.5(DL +/- EQY)
 0.9DL+/-1.5 EQX
 0.9DL+/- 1.5 EQY
Step 11 - Push over Analysis
In this step we carry out the Static nonlinear push over
A. For carrying out we have to assign hinges to
column and beams. Select all the beams with nodes first.
Select Assign > Frame > Hinges will give the Frame Hinge
Assignment Data Form. First select hinge property as Auto
and keep relative distance 0 first and will get auto Hinge
assignment data form. (fig 4.35) Select TABLE FORM
FEMA 356 for auto hinge type and select Table 67 Figure 4.37 - Frame with Hinges
(Concrete beams flexural) it will automatically select M3
degree of freedom and click on OK. E. Now we have to set the model for push over
analysis case. For setting out push over case first
we have modify the DEAD load as a nonlinear.
Select Define > Load pattern > Dead Load >
Modify case. Load case data form as per Fig 4.38
will appear change the analysis type from linear to
nonlinear and click on OK.

Figure 4.35 - Auto Hinge Assignment Data form for Beams

B. After assigning one hinge to the beams assign other
hinge property same as auto but change the relative
distance to 1 and similar procedure as above should
be adopted. Then we will get the Frame hinge Figure 4.38 - Load Case Data- Nonlinear Static Form
assignment form as fig F. For adding push over case select Define menu >
4.35. Click on Ok. The hinges will get assigned to the Load case pattern > Add new case. Write "PUSH"
beams. as Load Case Name and modify the form as per fig
C. Now for assigning the hinges to the column select 4.39.
all columns with nodes and similar procedure as
per "hinges assigned to beams" is adopted. Here
while selecting auto hinge type select FEMA 356

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Figure 4.42 - Set Load Cases to Run Form

Figure 4.39 - Load Case Data for Push over Case L. After Completion of analysis select Display >
Show Static Pushover Curve and check the various
G. While setting other parameters from fig 4.39, for parameters. To change the user parameters click on
load application select modify tab and change the modify tab and change the user coefficients Ca and
load application control for static nonlinear Cv as per fig 4.43. And click on Ok. The modified
analysis as Fig 4.40. ATC 40 capacity curve is referred to get the

Figure 4.40 - Load Application Control for Nonlinear Static
H. For setting of Results saved of other parameters
click on Modify / Show tab and change the
parameters as per fig 4.41. And click on OK
Figure 4.43 - Parameters for FEMA 440 Equivalent

4.4 Results
We get results from the Static push over curve in terms of
Ductility ratio, and performance point which helps to
evaluate the Response reduction factor for both immediate
occupancy level and life safety level.
A. For Immediate Occupancy Level:-
Formulation of Response reduction factor:-
 Ductility factor:-
Using equation for ductility factor, derived by Miranda and
Figure 4.41 - Results Saved for Nonlinear Static Load Cases
J. After addition of Push Load case the model should
be analyzed for the static push over analysis. Select
Analyze > Run Analysis, "Set load cases to run
analysis" window will obtain. Run only Dead load
case and push over load case as per Fig 4.42. And
click on the Run Now. Where, Φ for medium soil is given by:-

For Immediate Occupancy Level, we have

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IJETST- Vol.||02||Issue||11||Pages 3341-3363||November||ISSN 2348-9480 2015
= 2.210 sec. and µ = 1.148 (from Fig 4.44)
Thus, Ø = 1.042
Rµ = {[(1.148-1) / 1.042] + 1}
= 1.270

Figure 4.45 – Determination of Performance Point

for LS Over strength factor:-
Over strength factor (Rs) = V0 / VD
VO = Maximum Base Shear corresponding to performance
Figure 4.44 – Determination of Performance Point For IO VD = Design Base Shear Therefore,
 Over strength factor:- Rs = (1478.885/ 520.596) = 2.840
Over strength factor (Rs) = V0 / VD Therefore, the Over strength factor (Rs) of structure for LS
Where, level is 2.84.
VO = Maximum Base Shear corresponding to performance Redundancy factor:-
point The redundancy factor depends upon the number of lines of
VD = Design Base Shear Therefore, vertical seismic framing.
Rs = (1072.855 / 520.596) = 2.060 Values to be considered are defined in ATC-19 as shown
Therefore, the Over strength factor (Rs) of structure below:
for IO level is 2.060. Table No.4.6 - Redundancy Factor Table
 Redundancy factor:- from ATC-19 for LS
The redundancy factor depends upon the number Sr. Lines of Vertical Drift redundancy
of lines of vertical seismic framing. No. Seismic Framing Factor
Values to be considered are defined in ATC-19 as 1 2 0.71
shown below:
Table No.4.5 – Redundancy Factor Table from ATC-19 for 2 3 0.86
IO 3 ≥4 1.00
Sr. Lines of Vertical Drift redundancy
No. Seismic Framing Factor Thus, the Response reduction factor is given by:
1 2 0.71 R = Rs X Rµ X RR

2 3 0.86 = 2.840 X 1.970 X

3 ≥4 1.00 1.0
= 5.596
Thus, the Response reduction factor is given by: C. Hinge Results
R = Rs X Rµ X RR Hinges are the points in the structure or frame which help us
to analyze the structural behavior. Their rotation amount
= 2.060 X 1.270 X helps us verify the results. Figure 4.45 and 4.46 helps to get
1.0 hinges behavior and their rotation. The color combination
= 2.61 shown below the Fig 4.46 indicates the performance of
B. For Life Safety:- hinges in given push case.
Formulation of Response reduction factor:-
 Ductility factor:-
Using equation for ductility factor, derived by Miranda and
Where, Φ for medium soil is given by: -
For Life Safety Level, we have
T. = 2.592 sec. and µ =
Thus, Ø = 0.660
Rµ = {[(1.644-1)/ 0.660] + 1}
= 1.970
Figure 4.4.6 – Hinge result

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IJETST- Vol.||02||Issue||11||Pages 3341-3363||November||ISSN 2348-9480 2015
base-shear 1072 KN, it depicted non-linearity in its
behavior. Increase in deflection has been observed
to be more with load increments at base-shear of
1072 KN showing the elasto-plastic behavior.
2. The joints of the structure have displayed rapid
degradation and the inter storey deflections have
increased rapidly in non- linear zone. Severe
damages have occurred at joints at lower floors
whereas moderate damages have been observed in
the first and second floors. Minor damage has been
observed at roof level.
3. The frame has shown variety of failures like beam-
column joint failure, flexural failures and shear
failures. Prominent failures are joint failures.
Flexural failures have been seen in beams due to X-
Figure 4.4.7 – Building Behavior in Push Over Case directional loading.
4. It has been observed that the top storey experienced
All above results are mentioned in below table – Table 4.7 – major damages in this case opposite to the case of
Results for IO and LS frame.
5. Micro cracks have been observed to appear even
Immediate Life Safety when the frame is in its elastic zone. The cracks
Occupancy have been found increasing with the increase in
Parameter X Y X Y deflections.
Directi Directi Directi Directi 5.3 Recommendations
on on on on The literature review and analysis procedure utilized in this
1072.85 1072.85 1478.88 1478.88 thesis has provided useful insight for future application of
Base Shear 5 kN 5 kN 5 kN 5 kN SAP2000 for analysis. It helps in comparing the results with
experimental results data and study the difference between
Time 2.210 2.210 2.592 2.592 them. This study helped in understanding the basic approach
Period sec sec. sec. sec. of design and performance based seismic approach.
IDR 0.69 0.69 0.243 0.243 Modeling the RCC frame in SAP2000 software gives good
and efficient results which can be included in future
IDR 1 1 0.25 0.25 research.
allowable 4. Future Scope
Ductility Ratio 1.148 1.148 1.644 1.644 In the present study, frame used is symmetrical and square.
IDDR 0.1 0.2 0.55 0.55 The frame can be unsymmetrical and of irregular shapes. It
has been studied under monotonic loads. The frame can be
IDDR 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.6 studied under cyclic-loading to monitor the variation in
allowable loaddeflection curves at given time history. The relationship
0.0041 between torsion moment and deflection of building in
Plastic 0.0041 0.00561 0.00561
rad. seismic event can be derived.
Rotation () rad rad. rad.
As this approach of seismic design is still in research, there
allowable 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.02 are various parameters like allowable deflection of top floor,
rad. rad. rad. rad. soil strata interaction are in current research and this
Response approach can be modified according to it.
Reduction Fa 2.61 5.596
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1. The frame behaved linearly elastic up to a base D.C.
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