Installation Guide For EDocument April 30 2018

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Installation Guide for eDocuments


1 Installation Guide for eDocument. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1 Installation of eDocument Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installation of TCI for eDocument Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Manual Installation of SAP Notes for eDocument Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Corrections and Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2 Installation of SAP ERP, option for e-document processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Installation of SAP Notes created after the release of the TCI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Manual Installation of AIF Notes for eDocument Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Setup and Customizing of AIF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
1.3 Setting up SAP Cloud Platform Integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.4 Country-Specific Installation Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Installation Guide for eDocuments

2 PUBLIC Content
1 Installation Guide for eDocument

The eDocument Full solution requires the installation and integration of the following applications:

● eDocument Framework in SAP ERP or in SAP S/4HANA

● SAP ERP, option for e-document processing
● SAP Cloud Platform Integration

This document guides you through the necessary steps to install and integrate the above mentioned applications.
Besides that, you will be guided through the list of enhancements and corrections that need to be installed in your
system. Finally, the last section tells what is necessary to know to install the country-specific scenarios.

1.1 Installation of eDocument Framework

SAP Basis Releases Required for eDocument Framework

The eDocument Framework uses proxies which require the following minimum SAP BASIS release and support

Table 1: SAP BASIS release and support packages

SAP BASIS Release Support Package

700 22

701 07

702 03

710 10

711 10

720 03

Releases above 720 Available for all SPs

For more information, see SAP Note 1397878 .

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eDocument Framework Availability and Installation

The eDocument Framework is automatically available in your system if you install the Support Package (SP) for
your release. SAP recommends you to install the lastest SP version available to get the latest updates and
corrections, as well as translations.

If you haven't installed the SP, you have the following options:

● Install the SAP Note transport-based correction instructions (TCI) that only contains correction requests
related to the eDocument Framework.

Available as of Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 (6.05) or higher releases.

The TCI is a new way to deliver ABAP correction instructions to customers in a flexible manner. A TCI bundles
a stack of correction instructions in one transport request that can be installed using the SNOTE transaction.
The TCI reduces the installation time because it requires no pre or post installation steps.

For information on the implications of installing the TCI, we recommend that prior to installing it, you read
carefully the PDF TCI_for_Customer.pdf in the attachment of SAP Note 2187425 .

● Manually install eDocument Framework SAP Notes

Related Information

Installation of TCI for eDocument Framework [page 4]

Manual Installation of SAP Notes for eDocument Framework [page 6]

1.1.1 Installation of TCI for eDocument Framework

As of release Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 (6.05), you can install an SAP Note Transport-Based
Correction Instructions (TCI) for the eDocument Framework. For lower releases, manually install the eDocument
Framework SAP notes . See Manual Installation of SAP Notes for eDocument Framework [page 6]

: Refer to the SAP Note 2408383 for more information how to roll back the installation of an TCI. .

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Installation Steps

Table 2: Installation Steps for TCI eDocument Framework

Step Substep Action

1. Check the prerequisites for preparing 1.1. Ensure that the following SAP BASIS Check if following notes are installed:
your system to install the TCI. Notes are installed in your system:
● 969846 NoteAss: Unable to
For more information, see SAP Note change the inheritance hierarchy
● 1484031 Additions to Note
● 1738132 Change to inheritance
results in deletion of method imple­
● 2045843 Redefinitions of inter­
face methods are not saved in DB

1. 2. If required by your system, update Use the SPAM transaction.

the SPAM tool version (at least 61 or

1.3. If required by your system, install the Install SAP note 1995550 according
Note Assistant Bootstrapping. to the description in the section 1.2 Ena­
bling Note Assistant for SAP Note
Transport-Based Correction Instruc­
tions in the TCI_for_Customer.pdf at­
tached to the of SAP Note 2187425 .

2. Install the TCI for eDocuments Install the TCI Note according to the de­ Install the TCI for eDocuments 2460919
scription in the section 1.3 Consumption .
of SAP Note Transport-Based Correc­
tion Instructions in the TCI_for_Cus­ Note
tomer.pdf attached to the of SAP Note
This is the latest version of the TCI for
eDocuments and the only difference
to the previous one is that the current
contains translations.

3. Check the support package level Check your Support Package level and ● Install SAP Note 2446129
apply the notes accordingly.
● If your system is on SAP_APPL 617
Support Package 1 you install SAP
Note 1870289

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Next Step

There has been enhacements and corrections to the eDocument Framework after the release of the TCI. For a list
of notes that have to be manually installed after the TCI, refer to the section Corrections and Enhancements [page

1.1.2 Manual Installation of SAP Notes for eDocument


You install the eDocument Framwork notes manually in the following cases:

● You haven't installed the latest Support Package for your release and therefore you system does not contain
the latest updates or correction required by the eDocument framework.
● Your system is in a release lower than Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 (605) and therefore there is no
TCI for eDocument Framework available.

Installation Steps

Table 3: Installation steps for manual installation of notes for eDocument Framework

Step Action

1. Ensure that the following SAP BASIS Notes are installed in Check if the following notes are installed:
your system:
● 969846 NoteAss: Unable to change the inheritance hi­
● 1484031 Additions to Note 969846
● 1738132 Change to inheritance results in deletion of
method implementation
● 2045843 Redefinitions of interface methods are not
saved in DB table SEOREDEF

2. Relevant for S/4HANA Releases only Not all SAP Notes listed in the step 3 below may be relevant
for your release. Check which notes you need to install from
the list below depending on your release:

● S4CORE 100: Start with SAP Note 2212967 eDocument

Reference: Sequence Number.
● S4CORE 101: Start with SAP Note 2376336 eDocument
Framework: Prerequisite Objects for Note 2327646.
● S4CORE 102 and higher releases: all of the SAP Notes
listed in step 3 are already contained in your release.

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Step Action

3. Manually install all eDocument Framework relevant SAP Install the notes using the SNOTE transaction.
1. 2001019 eDocument: Enhancement-point in function
2. 2005304 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
Some of the notes have both pre and post installation Note 1995867
steps. Make sure that you refer to the respective PDFs at­
3. 1995867 eDocument Framework
tached to each note and carry out the required steps.
4. 2021860 eDocument Framework (II)
5. 2040583 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
Note Note 2040567
The list of SAP Notes that follows comprises all necessary 6. 2040567 eDocument Framework (III)
notes to complete the installation of the eDocument 7. 2072539 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
Framework. It does not contain every and each correction Note 2061166
notes that exist for the eDocument Framework. To ensure 8. 2061166 eDocument Framework (IV)
that your system is in the last stand, we recommend that
9. 2084098 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
you periodically check for new correction notes for the
Note 2079957
eDocument component.
10. 2079957 eDocument Framework (V)
11. 2110692 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
Note 2120281
12. 2120281 eDocument Framework (VI)
13. 2148206 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
Note 2122429
14. 2122429 eDocument Framework (VII)
15. 2170178 eDocument: Logical Port dependent on Com­
pany Code
16. 2212967 eDocument Reference: Sequence Number
17. 2232087 eDocument: Key Fields are not Consecutive
18. 2217515 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
Note 2153215
19. 2153215 eDocument Framework (8)
20. 2227484 eDocument Framework: Layout selection in
21. 2230746 eDocument Prerequisite for Note 2224680
22. 2224680 eDocument: Source Type "Invoice Verifica-
23. 2243028 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
Note 2239055
24. 2239055 eDocument: Cross-Country eDocuments
25. 2262900 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
Note 2256720
26. 2256720 eDocument Framework (9)
27. 2318400 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for
Note 2235496
28. 2235496 eDocument Framework (10)

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Step Action

29. 2376336 eDocument Framework: Prerequisite Objects

for Note 2327646
30. 2327646 eDocument Framework (11)
31. 2436816 eDocument Framework Corrections
32. 2362125 eDocument Cockpit: Prerequisite Objects for
Note 2293306
33. 2293306 eDocument Cockpit
34. 2380011 eDocument Framework: Syntax Error in
35. 2452406 Missing GUI Status (CUAD) Objects of the
eDocument Cockpit for SAP_APPL 6.00
36. 2391309 eDocument Inbound Message Handler: Pre­
requisites for SAP Note 2280985
37. 2280985 eDocument Inbound Message Handler
38. 2325723 eDocument Framework: Calculate Days for
39. 2403666 eDocument Framework: Prerequisite Ob­
jects for Note 2386606
40. 2386606 eDocument Framework (12)

Next Step

The list of notes in Step 3 in the table above correspond exactly to the objects delivered with the TCI. After the
release of the TCI, there has been enhacements and corrections to the eDocument Framework. To ensure that
your system is updated, you are required to manually install some additional notes for eDocument Framework.
Refer to the section Corrections and Enhancements [page 8].

1.1.3 Corrections and Enhancements

This section lists the SAP Notes with corrections or enhancements to the eDocument Framework done after the
TCI has been released. You install the following notes either if you have installed the TCI or have installed all
eDocument Framework notes one by one, as mentioned in section Manual Installation of SAP Notes for
eDocument Framework [page 6].

The list of SAP Notes that follows comprises all necessary notes to complete the installation of the eDocument
Framework. It does not contain every and each correction notes that exist for the eDocument Framework. To
ensure that your system is in the last stand, we recommend that you periodically check for new correction notes
for the eDocument component.

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8 PUBLIC Installation Guide for eDocument
Table 4: Installation Steps for Corrections and Enhancements

Step Substep Action

1.Install additional notes with corrections Some notes may have pre and post im­ The following notes have been released
and enhancements plementation steps. Make sure you have after the TCI for eDocuments has been
completed all the steps and activated released. Therefore you need to install
the objects in your system. them manually.

● 2380011 eDocument Frame­

work: Syntax Error in Class
● 2436816 eDocument Framework
Corrections (Relevant for 6.00 EHP
5 (605) release only)
● 2432451 eDocument Frame­
work: Technical Change for the 'De­
fine Partner Connector' BAdI
● 2446369 eDocument Frame­
work: Prerequisite Objects for SAP
Note 2427168
● 2427168 eDocument Framework
● 2470556 eDocument: Correction
for Framework (13)
● 2486646 eDocument Cockpit:
● 2451093 eDocument Inbound
Message Handler: Corrections - Pre­
requisites Objects for Note 2433061
● 2433061 eDocument Inbound
Message Handler: Corrections
● 2472173 - Data in View
T003EDOCV cannot be displayed
nor maintained
● 2476857 eDocument Framework
- Utility Class Improvements
● 2488465 eDocument: Extend In­
bound Message Handler with Fac­
tory Class Addition
● 2491153 eDocument Cockpit:
eDocument List not Displayed when
Country is Different in Company
● 2492455 eDocument Cockpit:
Dump occurs during Selection when
Restricting the Source Document

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Step Substep Action

● 2495239 eDocument Frame­

work: Switch to Contingency for
Payment Documents
● 2499656 eDocument Inbound
Message Handler: Corrections 2
● 2511787 eDocument Cockpit:
● 2498609 - eDocument: Wrong
Implementations called for eDocu­
ment Partner Connector BAdI
● 2512844 Display of an eDocu­
ment List shows Message that does
not apply
● 2512844 Display of an eDocu­
ment List shows Message that does
not apply
● 2512867 eDocument Cockpit:
wrong selection for source criteria /
dump when details for process are
● 2451852 : eDocument Frame­
work: Prerequisite Objects for SAP
Note 2415553
● 2415553 : eDocument Frame­
work (14)
● 2524597 - GUI Status Repair for
● 2524566 - GUI Status Repair for
● 2513004 - GUI Status Repair for
● 2533939 eDocument Cockpit:
Create New Variant from the Menu
● 2547425 eDocument Frame­
work: Prerequisite Objects for SAP
Note 2534304
● 2534304 eDocument Frame­
work (15)

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Step Substep Action

● 2550791 eDocument Frame­

work: Prerequisites for PDF Enable­
● 2546016 eDocument: Prerequi­
site Objects for SAP Note 2537304
● 2537304 eDocument Cockpit:
Performance Enhancements
● 2502211 eDocument: Format of
Columns in Cockpit according to
Currency and Quantity
● 2583335 eDocument Frame­
work: Prerequisite Objects for SAP
Note 2561564
● 2561564 eDocument Framework
● 2589248 eDocument Frame­
work: Archiving Improvement
● 2550216 eDocument Framework
● 2601568 eDocument Frame­
work: Prerequisite Objects for SAP
Note 2550216
● 2636499 eDocument: Prerequi­
site for SAP Note 2623088
● 2623088 - eDocument Frame­
work (18)

1.2 Installation of SAP ERP, option for e-document


The SAP ERP, option for e-document processing add-on requires an extra license. For more information, see SAP
Note 2378414 .

This add-on has a limited runtime usage right for the Application Interface Framework (AIF) which is used to map
the transactional data to the required XML format.

Note if you already have AIF installed in your system: Please ensure that you have installed the minimum
required release AIF 701 Support Package 04 or higher. For downloading AIF see SAP Software Download Center. If
you are installing AIF for the first time, follow the instructions below.

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Installation Steps

Table 5: Installation steps for SAP ERP, option for e-document processing add-on

Step Action

1. Download the AIF Download the AIF solution from the SAP Software Download
Center in the Support Portal :
The detailed steps for the download and installation are de­
scribed in the note 2071823 .

2. Install the AIF Install the following AIF notes:

1. 2071823 ABAP Add-On AIF 702: Installation, upgrade,

2. 2071952 ABAP add-on AIFX 702: Installation, upgrade,

The SAP Note 2071952 is valid only as of SAP_Basis
731. Its installation is optional because it basically con­
tains additional features (for example Web UI) that are
not mandatory for eDocuments.

3. Install the latest AIF Support Package Some tables needed for the eDocument solution are only avai­
lalbe as of AIF SP01. Ensure that you have all necessary ob­
jects for eDocuments by installing the latest SP for AIF.

1. Go to the SAP Software Download Center in the Support


2. Select Support Packages & Patches Access

Downloads and enter AIF 702 in the search field to find

the latest available SP for this release.

Next Steps

After installing the SAP ERP, option for e-document processing add-on as described above, proceed as follows:

● If you have installed the TCI for eDocument Framework you first install SAP notes that have been created after
the TCI has been released. Proceed with Installation of SAP Notes created after the release of the TCI [page
● If you have installed the eDocument Framework by manually installing the notes, proceed with Manual
Installation of AIF Notes for eDocument Framework [page 13]

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12 PUBLIC Installation Guide for eDocument
1.2.1 Installation of SAP Notes created after the release of the

Some SAP Notes have been created after the TCI has been released. Therefore, if you have installed the TCI, you
need to manually install the additional notes.

Table 6: Installation of SAP Notes Created after the release of the TCI

Step Action

Install SAP Note 1. 2429263 eDocument AIF Enhancements for Inde­

pendent Applications
2. 2537196 eDocument: AIF Interface Connector En­
3. 2587421 eDocument: Adjustments in Mapping based
on Framework (17)

Table 7: Additional Steps for SAP S/4HANA only

Step Substep Action

1. Install notes that are relevant for SAP none 1. 2260807 eDocument: Prerequi­
S/4HANA only sites for SAP Note 2421589
2. 2421589 eDocument: Changes

Next Step

After installing the above mentioned note, proceed with the setting up and configuring AIF for eDocument. For
more information, see Setup and Customizing of AIF [page 15]

1.2.2 Manual Installation of AIF Notes for eDocument


This section is only relevant if you haven't installed the TCI for eDocuments in your system. In this case, you
have to manually install the following Application Interface Framework (AIF) notes relevant for eDocuments:

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Installation Steps

Table 8: Installation Steps for integrating AIF and eDocument

Step Action

Install SAP Notes Use SNOTE transaction to install the following notes:

1. 2008183 eDocument: Implementation of AIF

2. 2061244 eDocument: Additional Functionality for Full
Some of the notes have both pre and pos installation steps.
Make sure that you refer to the respective PDFs attached to
each note and carry out the required steps. 3. 2084705 eDocument : AIF Prerequisites for Note
4. 2049259 eDocument: AIF Mapping
5. 2090651 eDocument: AIF interface connector in­
6. 2110694 eDocument : AIF Prerequisites for Note
7. 2092483 eDocument: AIF related changes dependent
on Framework (VI)
8. 2153165 eDocument: AIF Enhancements
9. 2186689 AIF Implementation Corrections
10. 2279627 Inbound Message Handler
11. 2429263 eDocument AIF Enhancements for Inde­
pendent Applications
12. 2537196 eDocument: AIF Interface Connector En­

Table 9: Additional Steps for SAP S/4HANA only

Step Substep Action

1. Install notes that are relevant for SAP none 1. 2260807 eDocument: Prerequi­
S/4HANA only sites for SAP Note 2421589
2. 2421589 eDocument: Changes

Next Steps

After installing the notes above mentioned, proceed with the setting up and configuring AIF for eDocument. For
more information, see Setup and Customizing of AIF [page 15]

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14 PUBLIC Installation Guide for eDocument
1.2.3 Setup and Customizing of AIF

After having installed either the eDocument TCI or the notes related to the eDocument Framework and Application
Integration Framework (AIF) as described in the previous chapters, you need to do settings and configure AIF for

Settings and Configuration Steps in AIF

There are different notes and steps for SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA systems. Please refer to the respective tables
below for the correct steps for your sytem:

Table 10: Settings and Configuration Steps in AIF relevant for for SAP ERP Systems

Step Action

1. Install SAP Notes Use SNOTE transaction to install the following notes:

1. 2027186 eDocument: AIF Setup

2. 2324010 eDocument: AIF Setup II
3. 2010697 eDocument: AIF Customizing

2. Set up and configure AIF For the notes mentioned in the step above, you do the settings
and Customizing steps described in the attached documents
in each note.

Table 11: Settings and Configuration Steps in AIF relevant for for SAP S/4HANA Systems

Step Action

1. Install SAP Notes Use SNOTE transaction to install the following notes:

1. 2523782 - eDocument: AIF Setup for SAP S/4HANA

2. 2360094 - eDocument: AIF Customizing for SAP S/

2. Set up and configure AIF For the notes mentioned in the step above, you do the settings
and Customizing steps described in the attached documents
in each note.

3. Install additional SAP Note in case of migration from SAP 2523749 eDocument Framework: Migration from SAP ERP

1.3 Setting up SAP Cloud Platform Integration

You use SAP Cloud Platform Integration to establish communication with the external system by using Web
services to send data from SAP ERP/SAP AIF and to receive data from the external systems. This application also

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formats the data to comply with the Web service parameters, signs the document digitally, and establishes a
secure connection using SSL.

Access SAP Cloud Platform Integration

Your company has to subscribe to the SAP Cloud Platform Integration to get an access to the system. Contact
your SAP Account Executive for more information.

Once you subscribe to SAP Cloud Platform Integration, you will be provided with an SDN account that enables you
to access the platform using this link SAP recommends you to read
through the Quick onboarding guide for SAP Cloud Platform integration to familiarize yourself with all SAP Cloud
Platform integration's features and capabilities.

Installation Steps

Table 12: Installation Steps for SAP Cloud Platform Integration

Step Action

1. Get SAP CP Integration Certificates Download the certificates from the link received in the provi­
sioning e-mail for your tenant from SAP Cloud Operations
Team. This email is sent to only one person in your company,
the main contact or account manager. If the subscription to
SAP Cloud Platform Integration has been done by a partner,
the email will be sent to the main contact at the partner com­

If you do not receive any mail, you have two alternatives:

● Contact your Account Executive and ask him/her to ac­

cess the Cloud Reporting Tool and check the Contact Per­
son IT in the sales order. Or,
● Open an incident against the LOD-HCI to request again
the access data. In this case, the access details will be
given to the person requesting the data and not the con­
tact person in the sales order

2. Configure SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP to support SSL Follow the steps described in this link

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Step Action

3. Set up the SAP Cloud Platform Integration for the eDocu­ You have to carry out different steps depending on which
ment Package. country and eDocument process you are implementing. There
are specific information for available direct in the eDocument
package in SAP Cloud Platform Integration. To access this
guides, follow the steps below:

1. Access SAP Cloud Platform Integration using the link .
2. Choose Integration.
3. Choose All.
4. Search for the integration package you are looking for. If
you do not know the exact name of the integration pack­
age, search for eDocument and a list of integration pack­
ages for the eDocument solution is displayed and you can
choose the one you are interested in.
5. Go to Documents and select the integration documenta­
tion from the available documents.

The document guides you through the settings you do in SAP

Cloud Platform Integration to enable the eDocument solution
for your country.

Additional Information

If you encounter any issues in setting up the SAP Cloud Platform Integration, please use the component
mentioned in the table below:

Table 13: Relevant BCP Components

BCP Component Description

LOD-HCI - HANA You use this component to solve issues related to the SAP
Cloud Platform Integration.

LOD-HCI-PI-OPS You use this component to solve issues related to service re­

LOD-HCI-PI* You use this component to solve issues related to technical


* LOD-HCI-PI may not be selected, please choose the most

appropriate sub-component.

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1.4 Country-Specific Installation Steps

Describes the required steps needed to install eDocuments for different countries.

The section above lead you through the steps to install the features which are common to all eDocument solutions
for any country.

The countries solution differ from another and therefore you need to install different SAP notes for each country
and scenarios existing in those countries.

The table below lists the countries and scenarios and their respective overview SAP Notes where you find the list of
notes you need to install.

Table 14: eDocument country solution overview: SAP Notes

Country Scenarios Overview SAP Note Avaliable for* BCP Components

Chile ● DTE 2030855 ● SAP ERP, 600 and CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-CL

● Incoming invoices higher releases
● Summaries ● SAP S/4HANA

Colombia ● Colombia eInovice 2330040 ● Enhancement CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-CO

● Colombia eInvoice Package 5, SAP
Contingency ERP 600 and
● Colombia Incom­ higher releases
ing eInvoice ● SAP S/4HANA

Croatia eInvoicing** 2240513 ● SAP ERP, 600 and CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-HR

higher releases

Czech Republic Cash Invoice Registra­ 2350181 ● SAP ERP, 600 and CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-CZ
tion** higher releases

France eInvoicing** 2382462 ● Enhancement CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-FR

Package 5, SAP
ERP 600 and
higher releases

Hungary Transport Registration 2227052 ● SAP ERP, 600 and CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-HU

(EKAER) higher releases

Invoice Registration 2637574 ● SAP ERP, 600 and

higher releases

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Country Scenarios Overview SAP Note Avaliable for* BCP Components

Italy Fattura 2001016 ● SAP ERP, 600 and CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-IT

higher releases

Mexico ePayment SAP ERP:2526771 Enhancement Package CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-MX

5, SAP ERP 600
S/4HANA: 2565791

Peru Electronic Invoice 2031947 - eDocu­ ● SAP ERP, 600 and CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-PE
ment Peru - eInvoicing higher releases

● Witholding Tax 2328775 ● SAP ERP, 600 and

● Tax Collection higher releases

Slovenia Cash Invoice Registra­ 2042895 ● SAP ERP, 600 and CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-SI
tion** higher releases

Spain eInvoice - Public Entites 2070409 ● SAP ERP, 600 and CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-ES
higher releases

VAT Register (SII) 2448460 ● SAP ERP, 600 and ● XX-CSC-ES-FI (SII
higher releases specific incidents)
● SAP S/4HANA (SII product func­
Cloud tional and com­
mercial queries)
(FI-CA related inci­
ES (external sys­
tems related inci­

Taiwan Outgoing Invoices 2530233 ● Enhancement CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-TW

Package 7, SAP
ERP 600 and
higher releases

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Country Scenarios Overview SAP Note Avaliable for* BCP Components

Turkey ● eInvoice (Fatura) 2214845 ● SAP ERP, 600 and CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-TR

● Consumer invoice higher releases
● Incoming invoice ● SAP S/4HANA

*For detailed information on which support package a country/feature for a country has been first time relased,
refer to validity on the corresponding SAP notes.

**For this country we only offer eDocument Basic solution or Basic Enablement.

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20 PUBLIC Installation Guide for eDocument
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information

Coding Samples
Any software coding and/or code lines / strings ("Code") included in this documentation are only examples and are not intended to be used in a productive system
environment. The Code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules of certain coding. SAP does not warrant the correctness and
completeness of the Code given herein, and SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages caused by the usage of the Code, unless damages were caused by SAP
intentionally or by SAP's gross negligence.

The information contained in the SAP documentation represents SAP's current view of accessibility criteria as of the date of publication; it is in no way intended to be a
binding guideline on how to ensure accessibility of software products. SAP in particular disclaims any liability in relation to this document. This disclaimer, however, does not
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Gender-Neutral Language
As far as possible, SAP documentation is gender neutral. Depending on the context, the reader is addressed directly with "you", or a gender-neutral noun (such as "sales
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