Comparative Superlative

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Name: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________________

Comparative and superlative adjectives

COMPARATIVE adjectives have long and short SUPERLATIVE adjectives have long and short
forms: forms:
- Short forms add “_______” and “_______”. - Short forms add “_______” and “_______”.
- Long forms add “_______” and “_______”. - Long forms add “___________”.

1. Arrange the words to form sentences.

f) birthday / day /exciting / is / the / most /in the
a) / than / intelligent / more / are / hippos
year / my
/ dolphins
g) person / my / is / the / sister / youngest / in
b) smaller / an / a / than / elephant / is /mouse
/ family / my
c) than / my / car / is / yours /better/
h) house / his /mine / is / than / bigger
d) is /colder / today / than /yerterday
i) My / car / expensive / is / the / most / the / in /
_______________________________________ shop / vehicle

e) the / Asia / is / continent / biggest / the / ________________________________________

world / in j) worse / she / than / thinks / Science / is / Maths

_______________________________________ ________________________________________

2. Complete the sentences.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

3. Write the correct form of the adjectives.

1. This is ___________________ building in the world. (big)

2. This is _________________________ here. (comfortable chair)

3. A whale is __________________ mammal in the world. (big)

4. He bought _________________________ in the shop. (expensive flowers)

5. New York is __________________ city in America. (big)

6. I think she's _________________________ of the group. (good singer)

7. Who is the __________________ woman on earth? (rich)

8. Non-smokers usually live __________________ smokers. (long)

9. He's __________________________ of the company. (careful driver)

10. Who's __________________________ in the class? (old student)

11. This flower is __________________ that one. (pretty)

12. It's __________________________ I've ever seen. (bad film)

13. My house is __________________ yours. (big)

14. She's ________________________ of all the students. (intelligent)

15. It's _______________ here than in London. (hot)

16. She's more imaginative than her brother. (imaginative)

17. He's _________________ than all the other students. (old)

18. Do you think Pat is ______________________Brian? (intelligent)

19. This school is ______________________ ours. (old)

20. The computer is ______________________ computer in the shop. (expensive)

4. Write the irregular for of the adjectives.

Adjectives Comparative Superlative

- good ………………………… …………………………
- bad ………………………… …………………………
- little. ………………………… …………………………

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