Cargo Tank RWP

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The document discusses recommended procedures for surface preparation and coating application of cargo tanks on chemical tankers to maximize coating performance. It outlines requirements for tank condition, steelwork preparation standards, and health and safety precautions during coating operations.

The document recommends two main universal standards for surface preparation - ISO 8501-1 Sa21/2 and Sa3. Sa21/2 is considered the best standard achievable, while Sa3 is difficult to achieve uniformly. It also provides comparative standards to other systems.

Precautions that should be taken include ensuring tanks are flame and spark-free, adequate ventilation, suitable breathing equipment, skin protection, protective clothing, rescue equipment, and only using coatings formulated for cargo tanks. Health and safety advice should be obtained.

Cargo Tank Coatings

Recommended Working Procedures
Successful in service performance of cargo tank coating systems
depends not only on the correct choice of coating but also on the
procedures adopted for surface preparation and paint application.
This document is designed to assist ship operators, shipyar ds and
contractors achieve the optimum preparation and application
standards so maximising the performance of cargo tank coatings.

Tank Condition - Pre Contract

Prior to the commencement of abrasive blasting, it is essential that
the tanks are clean, dry and in a condition suitable for the surface
preparation and application of tank coatings. The points listed below
briefly outline the minimum requirements:

Chemical cargo tanks can be complex structures.

Chemical tankers are sophisticated ships.

Newbuilding Maintenance and Repair

• All grease and oil must be removed from all surfaces. • Tanks must be cleaned and gas fr ee.

• All hot work in way of tanks must be complete. • Any blisters present must be burst and blister caps r emoved from
the surface.
• Heating coils (if to be fitted) should be installed and masked.
• Heavy scale must be removed from all surfaces.
• All cargo lines should be fitted and tested.
• Scale, debris and cargo residues must be removed from the tanks.
• Cargo suction strums (if fitted) should be r emoved in order to give
total access. • All grease and oil must be removed from all surfaces.

• After final tank testing, tanks must be fr esh water washed and • All hot work in way of tanks must be complete.
dried, especially if they have been in contact with seawater .
• Cargo suction strums (if fitted) should be r emoved in order to give
• Prior to contract commencement, steelwork must be pr epared in total access.
the manner described under “Steelwork Preparation”.
• All tanks must be fresh water washed.

• Any areas of steel renewal should be prepared in the manner

described under “Steelwork Preparation”.
Heating coils should be masked during
blasting and coating.
“Successful in service
performance of cargo tank
coating systems depends not
only on the correct choice of
coating but also on the
procedures adopted for surface
Steelwork Preparation preparation and paint application.”
In order to provide surfaces which will ensure optimum coating
performance, the following minimum steelwork preparation should
be carried out: Surface Preparation
Two main universal standards of surface preparation are normally
specified for cargo tank coatings – ISO Standar d ISO 8501-1 (1988) -

Item Problem/Solution Sa21/2 and Sa3.

Sharp Edges • Remove sharp edges with 3

1 2 However, in general, the following comments apply to these
grinder or disc sander. standards:

Sa21/2 – in practice, this is considered to be the best standard a skilled
blasting operative can consistently achieve.
Weld Spatter • Remove weld spatter
before blasting, by grinder,
chipping hammer etc.
Sa3 – the possibility of achieving a uniform standar d of Sa3

• For weld spatter observed throughout the tanks is remote and a more realistic achievement
after blasting: would be somewhere between Sa21/2 and Sa3.
a) Remove with chipping
hammer/scraper, etc.
Comparative Standards
b) Where weld spatter is
sharp, use disc sander ISO 8501-1: 1988 Japanese (JSRA) SSPC Standard
and grinder until obtuse. Standard on New Steel
c) Obtuse weld spatter -
Sa21/2 JA SH2 SSPC-SP10
no treatment required.

Plate Lamination • Plate laminations to In cases where the substrate is corroded or pitted, it may be
be removed by
necessary to fresh water wash affected areas after abrasive blasting,
grinder or disc sander.
then re-blast, in order to ensure removal of soluble corrosion products.

Undercut • Where the undercut is to a Compressed Air

depth exceeding 1mm and
a width less than the depth,
Air used for abrasive blasting must be clean, oil-fr ee and dry.
repair by welding or The pressure should be at least 7kg/cm 2 (100 p.s.i.) at the nozzle.
grinding may be necessary.

Manual Welds • For welding beads with Abrasives used for blasting should be clean, dry and fr ee
surface irregularities and from dirt, oil, grease, organic or water soluble matter. Consult
sharp edges, remove by
disc sander or grinder. International Paint for recommendations on suitable abrasive material.

Surface Profile
Gas Cut Surface • For surfaces and edges of
The surface profile required will depend upon the type of coating to
excessive irregularity, remove
by disc sander or grinder. be applied. Measurement on site should be by pr ofile gauge or
other instrument agreed by all parties prior to commencing surface
Scaffolding (Staging)
Type Cargo Lines
Staging should be designed to allow thor ough cleaning and acceptable The internal areas of cargo pipe lines should be coated, if r equired,
substrate access. International Paint recommend that staging should prior to fitting on the vessel. The exter nal areas of cargo pipe lines
be the ‘turn over’ type, when local safety r egulations permit. Tubular should be blasted and coated at the same time as the lowermost

scaffolding should not mask surfaces to be coated. Wher e contact with 2 metres (6.5 feet) of the tank.

surfaces is necessary, spade ends should be used. Heating Coils

Tubular scaffolding should be plugged or capped prior to abrasive Heating coils left in position during cargo tank blasting and coating
should be masked with suitable material. After blasting, the masking
blasting to prevent ingress of grit and dirt (which may be
should be removed and the coils cleaned (in or der to avoid
subsequently dislodged, leading to coating contamination).
contamination caused by grit falling onto the fr eshly applied paint on
Layout the tank surfaces).
Staging should afford easy and safe access to all surfaces to be
Coils should then be rewrapped prior to the start of tank coating
coated, but should be at least 150mm to 300mm (6" to 12") fr om
application. Whenever possible, heating coil brackets should be of
vertical surfaces to be coated.
stainless steel.
Distance between staging levels should not exceed two metr es
(6.5 feet) and the staging layout should be such that ventilation is
The bulk of spent abrasive and dust must be r emoved prior to the
not restricted. initial blasting inspection.

Care should be taken when removing scaffolding in order to minimise Following acceptance of the preparation standard, all remaining
damage to a freshly applied coating. All coating damages should be traces of abrasive and dust should be r emoved from all areas using
repaired in accordance with the recommendations of the International industrial vacuum cleaners fitted with brushes, or by other suitable
Paint Representative on site. methods agreed by the International Paint Representative on site.


There are many different procedures for gritblasting and applying coatings in a cargo tank. The following four procedures represent the most
commonly used and accepted. Other procedures may be acceptable but should be discussed and agr eed with International Paint prior to implementation.

A Advantages
Unrestricted access for bottom blasting
Easier cleaning of upper area after bottom blasting
No overblast/ricochet damage on fully coated upper ar ea
Blast 1st coat Scaffold Blast Fully coat Destage Fully coat Long overcoating time for primer or first coat r equired
bottom bottom upper area upper area & repair bottom Overlap requires careful preparation
area area area
Careful cleaning of bottom required

B Advantages
No holding primer required
No potential overcoating problems
Overblast/ricochet damage on fully coated upper ar ea
Scaffold Blast Fully coat Destage Blast Fully coat Overlap requires careful preparation
upper area upper area & repair bottom bottom Cleaning of uppers after bottom blasting can be dif ficult without staging
area area

C Advantages
Continuous blasting avoids overblast/ricochet damage on coated ar eas
Easier cleaning
Restricted access for bottom blasting
Scaffold Blast total 1st coat Fully coat Destage Fully coat Long overcoating time for primer or first coat r equired
area total area upper area & repair bottom Scaffold contact points on bottom need car eful preparation
Overlap requires careful preparation
High levels of dehumidification required

D Advantages
Continuous blasting avoids overblast/ricochet damage on coated ar eas
Easier cleaning
Possible dry spray on bottom when coating upper ar ea
Scaffold Blast total Fully coat Destage Scaffold contact points on bottom need car eful preparation
area total area & repair Bottoms likely to be damaged whilst destaging
When preparing surfaces by other means, all traces of debris should
also be removed by appropriate methods.
“For optimum performance of
Before application of the coating, the amount of r esidual salt on the cargo tank coatings, close
prepared steel surface should be measured by the Bresle patch
method (ISO 8502-6: 1995) or similar. If the salt contamination level is control of dry film thickness
above the maximum that is permissible for the particular pr oduct
being used,† further fresh water washing, blasting and cleaning will be
is essential.”

Coatings Application
All products must be applied in line with detailed advice pr ovided by
International Paint on can (container) labels, Product (Technical) Data Dry Film Thickness
Sheets and Material Safety Data Sheets. For optimum performance of cargo tank coatings, close contr ol of
dry film thickness is essential. Over application may r esult in slow
The coating system must be applied in accor dance with the agreed
cure and solvent entrapment, whereas under application can lead to
specification. All coatings must be applied by airless spray , except for
reduced in service performance.
stripe coats where brush or roller is recommended.
Maxiumum and minimum dry film thicknesses, as detailed in the
Airless spray equipment must be in good working or der and be
application procedures for the particular product being used, must
capable of performing to the output r equirements defined in the
be strictly adhered to. Consult International Paint for details.
Product (Technical) Data Sheets.

Air Pressure
Available air pressure and capacity for spray equipment must be at
least 5.5kg/cm2 and 1.4m3/min (80 p.s.i. and 50 cfm).

Pump Ratios
It is recommended that airless spray pump ratios of 40:1 or gr eater
should be used.

Tip Size
Airless spray tips must be the size stipulated on the Pr oduct
(Technical) Data Sheet or as agreed with the International Paint
Representative on site. Tips must not be in a wor n condition.

Efficient mechanical stirrers or power agitators should be used to
ensure complete mixing of the coating befor e, and during application.
Dry film thickness measurement.

Dehumidification equipment, when needed, must be of adequate
capacity to maintain the environmental conditions required in the tank.
Additionally, in order to prevent condensation, the steel temperature
must always be at least 5°F (3°C) above the dew point.

Coatings may only be applied to surfaces which have been

maintained in a dry condition with the steel temperatur e at least 5°F
(3°C) above the dew point for mor e than one hour. The surfaces
must be visibly dry and clean at the time of application. This
condition must be maintained until the coating is cur ed.

Coating work must only be undertaken under acceptable

environmental conditions in the tank, as advised by the Inter national
Paint Representative on site.

Provision should be made for 24 hour surveillance of equipment. † Consult International Paint for details.
Stripe Coats
Key areas for stripe coat application.
Stripe coating is an essential part of good painting practice in cargo
tanks. Typical areas where stripe coats should be applied include:
• backs of stiffeners
• cut outs i.e. scallops, etc
• welds
• areas of difficult access (corners etc)
• ladders and hand rails
• areas of properly prepared pitting
In general, stripe coats should be applied by brush or r oller
depending on the items concer ned. In exceptional circumstances it
may be acceptable to apply a stripe coat to the backs of stif feners by
narrow-angle airless spray.

The use of spray applied stripe coats however, should be discussed Safety

and agreed with the International Paint Representative on site. The ventilation/extraction system must prevent the solvent vapour
concentration in the tank from exceeding 10% of the lower explosive
limit (or less than this if r equired by local regulations).

Ventilation/extraction at this level, or at least 5 complete air changes

per hour is required. Provision must be made for 24 hour surveillance
of ventilation/extraction equipment.

Ventilation/extraction should be maintained for at least 48 hours after

completion of coatings application, otherwise release of solvent from
the coatings during drying/curing may create an explosive atmosphere.

If heating is necessary to satisfy the painting or curing specification it

Inspection of stripe coats. should be by means of a heat exchange system, i.e. air admitted to
the tank should not pass directly through a combustion chamber.

Provision must be made for 24 hour surveillance of equipment.

Ventilation Layout
During coatings application, forced ventilation/extraction (via flexible
Lighting used during surface preparation and painting must be
trunking) should be in place and r emain operational for at least 48
electrically protected (Ex) so as not to ignite any solvent vapour .
hours after completion of the coating application.
The lighting should provide suitable illumination for all work and be
Coating solvents are generally heavier than air, and therefore the sufficiently powerful (mains supplied) at all times.
ventilation/extraction system and trunking must be capable of
Seawater Test
extending to the lower most parts of the tank. T runking should be
Following the appropriate curing period the tank should be
arranged so that continuous air movement occurs in all ar eas and
subjected to a seawater test to highlight pinholes, ar eas of
no dead spaces exist.
mechanical damage etc., which have not been identified by normal
Ventilation must be arranged so as not to r e-introduce abrasive dust visual inspection. This may be carried out either by:
and solvent vapour into the tanks.
a) Full seawater ballasting of the tank for at least 24 hours.
Equipment should be electrically safe; it should be designed so that
b) Seawater recirculation using the tank washing system for at
sparks or hot surfaces/bearings are not in contact with solvent laden
least 48 hours.
air. Fan motors must be outside the extraction airstr eam.
Following seawater testing, the tank should be thor oughly washed
down with fresh water, dried and any defective areas repaired in
accordance with the recommendations of the International Paint
Representative on site.
These procedures are recommended for the repair of damages either at the initial coating stage or during
cargo tank maintenance.

The procedure recommended will depend upon the type and extent of r epair involved.
Inspection of cargo tank following full
Major Repairs
coating refurbishment.
Where major repairs are required, work should be carried out in accor dance with all the previous
sections of these working procedures.

Minor Repairs
These are repairs to areas damaged, either at the initial coating stage, (e.g. by destaging) or during
the in service period (e.g. cargo-induced damages, subsequent corr osion etc).
The principle requirements are:
• Fresh water wash to remove all salt contamination and any r emaining cargo residues.
• Degrease according to SSPC-SP1 solvent cleaning to r emove oil, dirt etc.
• The area to be repaired must be dry.
• Remove any corrosion by means of either:
- vacuum blasting
- mechanical cleaning i.e. disc sander or grinder.
• Abrade coated area immediately surrounding repair to provide a key for subsequent paint overlap adhesion.
• Apply the paint system in accordance with the agreed specification. If small areas are involved and application is by brush (or roller), several coats
may be required to achieve the correct dry film thickness.
• All products must be applied in line with detailed advice pr ovided by International Paint on can (container) labels, Pr oduct (Technical) Data Sheets
and Material Safety Data Sheets.
• Consult International Paint for details on minimum cur e times prior to cargo loading/service entry following coating r epairs.

Health and Safety

Most cargo tank coatings contain volatile, flammable organic solvents which can form explosive mixtur es with air. Additionally, cargo tank coating
operations require the use of suitable personal pr otection equipment to protect against potential health hazards. Appropriate precautions must be
taken whilst carrying out surface preparation and applying coatings in the confines of a ship’ s cargo tank.
Detailed attention must be given to the following points:
• Danger of explosion or fire. (Ensure that the tanks and surrounding areas are flame and spark-free.)
• Provision of adequate ventilation/extraction.
• Provision of suitable breathing equipment for workers.
• Prevention of skin irritation.
• Protection of skin, eyes, ears etc.
• Ensure that suitable protective clothing and equipment is available and wor n.
• Rescue equipment e.g. independent air supply (air cylinder) to be available for use in emergencies.
• Use only coatings that have been specifically formulated for use in cargo tanks.

Consult International Paint for detailed Health and Safety advice.

Cargo tank: Completed newbuilding application.

November 2004

International Paint Ltd is part of Akzo Nobel, the Netherlands based company serving customers thr oughout the world
with healthcare products, coatings and chemicals. Consolidated sales for 2003 totalled EUR 13 billion.
Akzo Nobel currently employs approximately 64,300 people in more than 80 countries.

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Cuba Kuwait Portugal United Arab Emirates
Cyprus Latvia Qatar United Kingdom
Denmark Lithuania Republic of Ireland Uruguay
Ecuador Luxembourg Romania Venezuela
Egypt Malaysia Russia Vietnam
Estonia Malta Saudi Arabia Western Samoa
Fiji Mexico Singapore Yemen
Finland Netherlands Slovenia

Important Notes:
All representations and statements concerning the product(s) in this brochure are accurate to the best of our knowledge. Statem ents made in this
brochure are advisory only and are not intended to be specific r ecommendations or warranties of any product, combination of products or fitness for any
particular purpose. To the extent permitted by law, we do not accept any liability to any person for any loss or damage (dir ect or indirect) that may arise
from any use of or reliance on any of the methods or information contained in this br ochure for any purpose.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all products supplied and technical advice or r ecommendations given are subject to the Conditions of Sale of our
supplying company. Any warranties, if given, are contained in those standard Conditions of Sale and are the only ones made with respect to any
products we sell to you or advice or r ecommendations we give to you.
For each of our products the relevant Product Data Sheet, Material Safety Data Sheet and package labelling comprise an integral information system
about the product in question. Copies of our Pr oduct Data Sheets and Material Safety Data Sheets ar e available on request or from our website:

, International and all products mentioned in this brochure are trademarks of or are licensed to Akzo Nobel.
© Akzo Nobel, 2004

International Paint Ltd, Stoneygate Lane, Felling, Gateshead NE10 0JY.

Tel: +44 (0)191 402 2775 Fax: +44 (0)191 401 2320

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