Concrete Sleeper Specification, Manufacturing & Testing

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• For Ordinary & Special Sleepers: IRS T-39

(Sixth Revision Mar 2021)

• For Turnout Sleepers : IRS T-45

(Fourth Revision Mar 2021)
Main Raw Materials
•(This is special type of cement exclusively manufactured
for production of PSC sleepers)
Cement shall be OPC 53-S conforming to
IS:269-2015 (as amended upto date).
Special Grade Cement 53-S
Source should be approved by RDSO.
Cement content:
350- 450 Kg/cum
• B) Aggregates:
• a) Fine Aggregates
• b) Coarse Aggregates

• The aggregates shall conform to IS: 383.

• Source should be approved by RDSO
Fine Aggregate
• Natural river sand or crushed stone sand
confirming to IS 383
Coarse Aggregates
• The Nominal maximum size of aggregates
limited to 20mm. Where wire spacing
permits, aggregates upto 25mm may be
• CA-I: 20mm
• CA- II: 10mm

• The aggregates shall have maximum 30%

abrasion and maximum 30% impact value
suitable for wearing surfaces when tested
in accordance with IS:2386 (Part-IV).
• The combined flakiness and elongation
index should not exceed 40% when tested
in accordance with IS: 2386 (Part-I).
• C) Water:
• Water to be used in making and for curing
concrete shall conform to IS: 456.
• Use of Sea water is prohibited.
• Admixtures:
• Super Plasticizer conforming to IS: 9103
may be used with the prior approval of
HTS wires
• High tensile steel in the form of plain wire
or strand shall conform to IS: 1785 Part-I
and IS: 6006 respectively.
Strands 3ply(i.e 3x3) or 7 ply (i.e.3x7)
• It shall be procured only from BIS
approved manufacturers.
• It should be Inspected by Railway Official.
SGCI Inserts
• SGCI inserts shall conform to IRS
Specification No.T-46-1996 as amended up-
• Procured only from RDSO approved
• Each consignment of SGCI inserts shall be
accompanied by a test certificate from
inspecting agency for inspection conducted
prior to dispatch of consignment from
supplier’s premises.
Concrete Design Parameters
• Concrete mix shall be designed as per
guidelines in IS:10262-2009 (or latest
version) and complying design parameters
as per para 3.6.2 of IRS T-39.
Strength of Concrete
• i) Minimum release strength after Steam
curing -
• 40 N/ (For Mix M-55 & M-60)

• ii) 15 days characteristic strength after

water curing
• 55 N/ (For Mix M-55)
• 60 N/ (For Mix M-60)
Manufacturing of Sleepers
• Prestressed Concreter Sleepers
• Two Methods
1)Long Line
2)Stress Bench Method
Manufacturing Flow Diagram
(Stress/Short Bench Method)
Cleaning & Oiling of Moulds:

• Moulds shall be of steel with minimum

plate thickness of 10 mm in Rail seat area
as well as for end plates. For other
locations minimum plate thickness is to be
6 to 8 mm. Moulds shall be of rigid
construction so as to prevent any in-
service distortions.
• Moulds should be cleaned by wire brush
and apply oil on the mould surface.
Cleaning of Moulds
Insertion of HTS Wire
• Insert the wires in moulds one by one from
one end of bench to other end.
Placing of Inserts
• Inserts to be provided in proper position,
every insert is to be checked in Go/No –
go gauge before fixing in moulds. Grease
to be provided to every inserts and fixed
with PIN in the eye of inserts so that it
should not be loosed/ shifted during
vibration / compaction.
Prestressing of Wires
• The prestressing wire shall be stretched
either individually or collectively by an
approved method. The tensioning force
shall be as shown on the sleeper drawing.
• It is generally 70% to 75% of breaking
load. In no case stretching force exceed
75% of the specified UTS of wires.
Checking of Elongation
Bench Ready for Concreting
Bench Ready for Concreting
Filling Concrete in Moulds
• Batching of different ingredients shall be
done by weight only. A automatic weigh
batcher shall be used for weighing
aggregates and cement.
• Modern high speed mixer shall be used for
mixing concrete.
• Concrete shall be thoroughly mixed and
placed in moulds in layers.
Bottom Vibrators
Compaction of Concrete
• Concrete should be compacted by
means of vibrators of at least 9000 +/-
4% revolutions/minute. The vibrator
should normally be fixed at the bottom
of the mould, at least at two different
locations for a sleeper. 
Steam Curing
• After placing and compaction process the
sleepers shall be immediately transferred
to the steam curing section.
• The benches are put in stream curing
• Pre-steaming period shall not be less than
the initial setting time of cement.
Steam Curing Cycle

80 Constant Period
60 B D
c rea

s in
40 ea
cr g Demoulding

20 Pre Steaming

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Steam Cycle Chart
• Steam cycle: Generally
11-12 hrs for M55 & 13-15 hrs for M60
grade of concrete and Max temp. not
more than 600
Steam Chambers
• The chambers then covered with tarpaulin
or steel plates to avoid leakage of steam.
• The compressive strength of steam cubes
be checked after completion of cycle i.e.
40 N/mm2 is must otherwise duration is
increased by 1 or 2 Hrs.
Transfer of Prestress
• The benches/moulds removed from steam
chamber after desire cube strength for
demoulding of sleepers. Pre-stress to be
transfer to sleepers by cutting of wires.
Demoulding & Water Curing
• Sleepers to be demoulded from the
moulds and put in water curing tank. It
should be ensure that clean water is must
in water curing tank and also ensured that
sleeper must be completely submerge in
water for 14 days.
Testing and Dimension
• Then sleeper to be tested as per specified
procedure for moment of cracking at rail
seat and sleeper top and also checked the
dimension of sleeper as specified.
Stacking & Despatch
• Sleepers to be stacked and dispatch as
per requirement of zonal railway, sleeper
to be loaded in wagons/truck by sleeper
manufacturer as specify.
Inspecting Authority
• For inspection of concrete sleepers,
officials having competency certificate
issued after due test by RDSO/Chief Track
Engineer only shall be posted.
Inspection & Testing
• Compressive strength of concrete at
transfer (release) of prestress:
• These cubes shall be steam cured along
with sleepers in the same manner and
tested for transfer of prestress to concrete
(at least one cube for every steam
chamber but not less than a total of 3 in
any case).
Test for 15 day compressive
strength of concrete
• These cubes shall not be steamed but
shall be water cured for 14 days after de-
moulding. Two samples of (3cubes in each
sample) per lot shall be tested for 15 days
compressive strength of concrete.

• Test for 15 day modulus of rupture of

• The test for 15 day modulus of rupture of
concrete shall be carried out on concrete
beams of 10 x 10 x 50 cm size as specified
in IS:516. One specimen shall be tested
daily prior to the stabilization of production
technique, and once a week thereafter.

• If any value falls below 5.2 N/mm² for M55

and 5.5 N/mm² for M60, the mix design
shall be reviewed.
Tests for static bending strength
of sleepers
• 1) Moment of Resistance Test (MR)
• 2) Moment of Failure Test (MF)
Center Top
Center Bottom
( only prior to Stabilisation)
Rail Seat
Visual and Dimensional Check
• Critical Dimensions :
• These are toe gap, location of inserts,
distance between inserts at rail seat,
distance between outer most inserts and
slope at rail seat.
• General Dimensions:
• These are depth of sleeper at centre, rail
seat and end of sleeper; width of sleeper at
top and bottom; length of sleeper, camber
and wind at rail seat and position of high
tensile steel wires at ends.
Scale of check

• a) Prior to stabilization of production

technique :-
Scale of check per lot for critical dimension
is 100% and for general dimensions 10%
of sleepers produced.
• b) After stabilization of production
technique :-
Scale of check per lot for critical dimensions
is 10% and for general dimension 1%, but
the dimensions between outer inserts shall
be checked 100%.
Measurement of Electrical
• All sleepers shall be tested for electrical
resistance for their fitness for use in track
circuited area.

• All sleepers fit for use in track circuited

area shall bear the mark ‘FTC’ at the
center of the sleeper.
Electrical Circuit for Testing in Concrete sleeper
Stacking of Sleepers
• After the sleepers have been cured
checked both dimensionally and visually
they shall be stacked at convenient place in
lots. The stacking of sleepers shall be done
on levelled and consolidated ground, one
over another up to 25 layers.
• Each layer shall be separated by wooden/
concrete battens of 50mm x 50mm size of
suitable lengths to avoid any damage.
Loading and Despatch
• Only those sleepers which have been
passed, properly marked and accepted by
the Inspecting Officer shall be loaded for
Parameters of Wider Base

• Suitability: These sleepers are

advantageous in semi-high speed and
heavy axle loads.
• RT 8527 – for 25t axle load & suitable for
136RE/60kg rail sections.
• Rt 8746- for 25t axle load & suitable for
60/52kg rail sections.
• 1) Increased width and weight providing
higher frame resistance against buckling,
chances of reducing de-stressing temperature
with likely reduction in rail/weld failures
• 2) Increased rail seat area resulting in higher
rubber pad life.
• 3) Reduced ballast pressure leading to
reduction in ballast pulverization, deep
screening cycle & enhanced drainage.
S. Sleeper type Length Sectional Dimensions Mid Span Max.Static
N Axle Load
Depth Bottom Top Depth Bottom Top
Width Width Width Width

1 Existing BG 2750 210 250 150 180 220 150 22.1 t &
(RT2496) & 25T 24.5t
Sleeper (RT-

2 Wider sleeper 2750 230 280 210 200 230 180 24.5t
Design of Rail Seat Assembly
for Wider sleeper RT 8527
• Rail seat assembly- Drg no- T-8529
• ERCMK V – RT 5919
• GFN 66 Liner- RT-6938 & 6939 (with 60kg
UIC rail & RT-6937(with 136RE Rail)
• Metal Liners - RT-8616(GS) & 8617(NGS)
(with 60kg UIC rail. & RT-8618(with 136RE
• 10mm thick CGRSP- RT-8528(wider rubber
Various Types of PSC Sleepers

1 T-2495 PSC Sleeper for 52 kg Rail designed for 22.9 t Axle load
2 Ordinary PSC T-2496 PSC Sleeper for 60kg / 52 kg Rail designed for 22.9 t Axle load
T-8527 PSC Sleeper for 60kg /136 RE Rail designed for 25.0 t Axle load
T- 8746 PSC Sleeper for 60kg /52 kg Rail designed for 25.0 t Axle load
4 RT-4183-4186 PSC Sleeper for Curve with Check Rail for 60Kg Rail
5 Slack Gauge RT-8621-8624 PSC Sleeper for Curve with Check Rail for 136RE / 60 Kg rail for 25T
Sleeper Axle load
6 RT-5738 –5740 PSC Sleeper for Curve with Check Rail for 52Kg Rail
7 Guard rail & RT-4088-4097 PSC Sleeper for Bridge and approach
8 Bridge PSC Sleeper for Bridge and approach for 25T axle load
9 RT-4148/4148A PSC sleeper for LC for 60/52 kg running rail & 52 kg check rail
Sleeper for LC
10 RT-8671 (25t) PSC sleeper for LC for 25T axle load
11 Sleeper for RT-4149 PSC sleeper for SEJ
12 SEJ PSC sleeper for SEJ (with 300 mm max: gap) 60kg (UIC) rail on bridge
13 RT- 4865 Sleeper Set for 1 in 8 ½ Fan shaped layout
Sleeper for
14 RT- 4218 Sleeper Set for 1 in 12 Fan shaped layout
15 RT- 6068 Sleeper Set for Derailing switch
16 Shallow Depth (RT-4852) PSC shallow sleeper (160 mm) deep
17 Sleeper RT-8326 PSC shallow sleeper with Guard Rail
18 Sleeper for RT-6420-6440 PSC Sleeper for Re-Railing Ramp On 52 Kg Running Rail
19 Re-Railing RT-8265-8291 PSC Sleeper for Re-Railing Ramp On 60 Kg Running Rail
Bridge Approach Sleepers
Curve Sleepers
L-Xing Sleeper
• Concrete sleeper has been designed for the
maximum bending moment under rail seat
which is close to anchor zone of pre-stress. Any
damage to anchor zone may lead to reduction in
pre-stress as well as eccentricity of pre-stress.
The concrete sleepers therefore should be
handled carefully preferably by mechanical
• In case of manual unloading of concrete
sleepers become unavoidable, adequate care
must be taken to ensure that the ends are not
damaged to safe guard anchor zone located
towards sleeper ends.
• Always do the work of sleeper unloading in
traffic block.
• While handling these sleepers by mechanical
means it shall be ensured that sleepers are not
damaged and develop cracks exposing HTS
wire and thus may result into their corrosion.
• While unloading the concrete sleepers should
be placed perpendicular to the length of BFR .
• In unavoidable situation, if concrete sleeper is
required to be unloaded manually, it should be
done with great precautions to ensure that
sleepers are not damaged while unloading the
sleeper from wagon.
• All the PSC sleepers are tested for electrical
resistance at the time of manufacture, and
sleepers are marked by paint with “FTC” to
indicate Fit for Track Circuiting and “NFTC”
to indicate not fit for track Circuited location.
This shall be noted while using the sleepers
at site. On PSC sleepers track, availability of
insulated liners upto a minimum level of 97%
shall be ensured.

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