OHSAS 18001-2007 Gap Analysis Checklist

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The gap analysis checklist is one of the first tools available from

the auditor’s toolbox. The self-assessment questions will help

you to identify gaps between your existing Health & Safety
Management System and the requirements of OHSAS

Gap Analysis
OHSAS 18001:2007 Self-assessment
Gap Analysis Checklist
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OHSAS 18001:2007 Self-assessment

Table of Contents
GUIDANCE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

ABOUT THIS CHECKLIST .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

SUMMARY OF KEY CHANGES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
Process Approach .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Context of the Organization ................................................................................................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Scope of the Quality Management System ................................................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Leadership ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Risks and Opportunities ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Products and Services ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Control of Externally Provided Products & Services .................................................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Documented Information ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Non-conforming Processes.................................................................................................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
HOW TO MAKE THE CHANGES ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
EXISTING ISO 9001:2008 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

CONTEXT OF THE ORGANISATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

LEADERSHIP ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
PLANNING ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
SUPPORT .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
OPERATION .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
IMPROVEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

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Gap Analysis Checklist
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OHSAS 18001:2007 Self-assessment

About this Checklist
This gap analysis checklist highlights the requirements contained in OHSAS 18001:2007, and is not intended to cover all of the requirements
from OHSAS 18001:2007 comprehensively. The unique knowledge obtained about the status your existing quality management system will be a key driver
of the subsequent implementation approach. Armed with this knowledge, it allows you to establish accurate budgets, timelines and expectations which are
proportional to the state of your current management system when directly compared to the requirements of the standards.

Your organization may already have in place an ISO 9001:2008 compliant quality management system or you might be running an uncertified system. If this is
the case, you will want to determine how closely your system conforms to the requirements ISO 9001:2015. The results of a gap analysis exercise will help to
determine the differences, or gaps, between your existing management system and the new requirements. Not only will this analysis template help you to
identify the gaps, it will also allow you to recommend how those gaps should be filled.

The gap analysis output provides a valuable baseline for the implementation process as a whole and for measuring progress. Try to understand each business
process in the context of each of the requirements by comparing different activities and processes with what the standard requires. At the end of this activity
you will have a list of activities and processes that comply and ones that do not comply. The latter list now becomes the target of your implementation plan.

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Gap Analysis Checklist
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OHSAS 18001:2007 Self-assessment

Self-assessment Checklist
General Requirements
Finding Implementation Plan (if No)
Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Has the organization established, documented,

implemented and maintained and continually
improved an H&S management system in
accordance with the requirements?
Has the organization determined how it will
fulfil these requirements?

Has the organization determined defined and

3 documented the scope of its H&S
management system?

Has the organization established an

appropriate health and safety policy?
Has the organization identified the health and
safety hazards arising from its past, existing or
5 planned activities, products and services, in
order to determine the health and safety risks
of significance?
Has the organization Identified applicable legal
6 requirements and other requirements to which
it subscribes?
Has the organization identified priorities and
7 set appropriate health and safety objectives
and targets?
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OHSAS 18001:2007 Self-assessment

Finding Implementation Plan (if No)

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Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Has the organization established a structure

8 and program(s) to implement the policy and
achieve objectives and meet targets?
Has the organization facilitated planning,
control, monitoring preventive and corrective
actions, auditing and review activities to ensure
both that the policy is complied with and that
the H&S management system remains
Is the organization capable of adapting to
changes in circumstances?

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Health & Safety Policy

Finding Implementation Plan (if No)
Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Is the health and safety policy documented

and authorized by top management?

Is the policy is appropriate to the nature and

12 the scale of the organization’s health and
safety risks?

Does the policy include a commitment to

continual improvement?
Does the policy include a commitment to
comply with applicable legislation and other
requirements to which the organization

15 Is the policy implemented?

Is the policy effectively communicated in the

16 organization and employees are aware of their
H&S obligations?

Is the policy made available to all interested


Is the policy periodically reviewed for


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Planning for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control

Finding Implementation Plan (if No)

Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Is a procedure for the identification of hazards

19 and assessment of risks established and is the
methodology defined?
Do risk assessment procedures cover routine-
20 non routine activities; personnel having access
to the workplace (visitors, subcontractors)?
Does the methodology provide for the
21 classification of risks and identification of those
that are to be eliminated or controlled?
Does the methodology provide input into the
determination of the facility requirements,
identification of training needs and
development of operational controls?
Do risk assessment results demonstrate that all
23 the activities and facilities were covered and
risks were evaluated?

Does the process link to operational control


Are results of hazard identification and risk

25 assessments considered while setting health
and safety objectives?

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Legal and other Requirements

Finding Implementation Plan (if No)

Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Is a procedure established for identifying and

accessing legal requirements?

Are requirements other than legal

requirements identified?

Is the information concerning applicable

28 legislation and other requirements kept up-to-
Is relevant information on legal and other
29 requirements is communicated to employees
and other interested parties?

Objectives, Targets and Programme(s)

Finding Implementation Plan (if No)

Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Are documented health and safety objectives

established for each relevant function?

Are the results of hazard identification and risk

31 assessments are considered while setting
health and safety objectives? (see 4.3.1.)

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Finding Implementation Plan (if No)

Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Are H&S objectives established and they

32 consistent with the commitment to continual
Are programmes for achieving health and
33 safety objectives are established and reviewed
at regular and planned intervals?

Are responsibilities, means and timeframe for

achieving objectives are documented?

Are health and safety management

35 programmes are amended to address
changing circumstances?

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Finding Implementation Plan (if No)
Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual
Has the organisation determined and provided
the resources needed for the establishment,
implementation, maintenance and continual
improvement of the QMS (including people,
environmental and infrastructure
If monitoring or measuring is used for
evidence of conformity of products and
services to specified requirements, has the
organisation determined the resources needed
to ensure valid and reliable monitoring and
measuring of results?
Has the organisation determined the
knowledge necessary for the operation of its
20 processes and achievement of conformity of
products and services and implemented a
lessons learnt process?
Has the organisation ensured that those
persons who can affect the performance of the
QMS are competent on the basis of
appropriate education, training, or experience
or taken action to ensure that those persons
can acquire the necessary competence?

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Finding Implementation Plan (if No)

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Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Has the documented information required by

the standard and necessary for the effective
implementation and operation of the QMS
been established?

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Finding Implementation Plan (if No)
Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Is there a defined process for the provision of

23 products and services that meet requirements
defined by the customer?

When changes are planned are they carried

24 out in a controlled way and actions taken to
mitigate any adverse effects?

Are any outsourced processes managed and


Is there a defined process for reviewing and

communicating with customers in relation to
information relating to products and services,
enquiries, contracts or order handling?

Is this review conducted prior to the

27 organisation’s commitment to supply products
and services?

If you design and develop products or services,

are these processes established and
implemented in line with the requirements of
the standard?

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OHSAS 18001:2007 Self-assessment

Finding Implementation Plan (if No)

Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Do you ensure that externally provided

29 processes, products, and services conform to
specified requirements?

Do you have criteria for the evaluation,

30 selection, monitoring of performance and re-
evaluation of external providers?

Is the provision of products and services

carried out in controlled conditions which
the availability of documented information
that defines the characteristics of the products
and services;
the availability of documented information
that defines the activities to be performed and
the results to be achieved?
monitoring and measurement activities at
appropriate stages to verify that criteria for
control of processes and process outputs, and
acceptance criteria for products and services,
have been met?
the people carrying out the tasks are

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OHSAS 18001:2007 Self-assessment

Finding Implementation Plan (if No)

Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Do you have effective methods of ensuring

traceability during the operation process?

Where property belonging to customers or

external providers is used in the provision of
the product or service, is this controlled
If there is a requirement for post-delivery
activities associated with the products and
34 services such as warranty, maintenance
services, recycling or final disposal, are these
defined and managed?

Are any nonconforming process outputs

35 managed so as to prevent their unintended

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Performance Evaluation
Finding Implementation Plan (if No)
Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Has the organisation determined what needs

to be monitored and measured and the
methods for monitoring, measurement,
analysis and evaluation, to ensure valid results?

Has it established when the results from

37 monitoring and measurement shall be
analyzed and evaluated?

Have methods of monitoring customer

38 perceptions of the provision of products and
services been established?

Has it determined the need or opportunities

39 for improvements within the QMS and how
these will be fed into management reviews?

Has the organisation established a process for

an internal audit of the QMS?

Has an approach to perform management

reviews been established and implemented?

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Finding Implementation Plan (if No)
Ref Gap Analysis Question
Yes No ISO Clause Process Owner Action Needed Date Planned Date Actual

Has the organisation determined and selected

opportunities for improvement and
42 implemented the necessary actions to meet
customer requirements and enhance customer

Does the organisation operate appropriate

43 processes for managing nonconformities and
the related corrective actions?

Has the organisation decided on how it will

address the requirement to continually
improve the suitability, adequacy, and
effectiveness of the QMS?

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