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135 Years
Volume 136 Issue 10 Friday, May 18, 2018 90 cents plus tax

this week
Fighting A Stubborn Blaze

Quilts &
Crafts On

7 Photo by Don Burgess

Lions 40th M embers of the Minnedosa Fire Department were kept busy Tuesday
evening fighting a stubborn fire at a farmyard east of Minnedosa.
Jordan is thankful to the many others (neighbours, businesses, the Town,
etc.) who supplied water and heavy equipment to assist the firefighters

The call came in at approximately 4:40 Tuesday afternoon for an in their battle against the stubborn blaze. “We dumped about 27,000 gal-

out-of control grass fire along the bushline of the yard. With the dry con- lons of water on the fire,” said Dean. “We were there until about mid-
ditions and heavy winds of the day, the flames spread quickly consum- night so it was a long night.”
ing a number of older outbuildings and bales. Fortunately, firefighters At press time Wednesday, the exact cause of the fire is not known.
were able to save the house and garage and there were no injuries as a Fire Chief Jordan indicated it may have started as a result of the extreme-
result of the blaze. ly dry conditions combined with something hot on a lawnmower as the
In addition to the fire department’s water supply, Fire Chief Dean homeowner was mowing lawn that afternoon.

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2 Friday, May 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Lineup Additions To Rockin’ The Fields

The annual rock fes- together in 1974 spawning and folding chairs over-
tival, held at the site over- numerous hits and contin- looking the main stage
looking Lake Minnedosa ues to tour; Honeymoon and lake. An additional
is in the midst of prepa- Suite, formed in 1981 and two stages ensure that
rations for its 15th anni- the result was several suc- there is live music for fans
versary. Many RFM fans cessful albums and hits throughout the day and
have indicated what they that continue to be a staple evening. With hot show-
want, and as a result, this of air play today and Buck- ers, vendors, ice, camping,
year, organizers have an- cherry, a veteran L.A. hard water and septic service,
nounced that Canada’s rock band that has been garbage and recycling pick
Premiere Classic Rock blowing fans away with up, onsite security and first
Festival will focus on clas- their loud and over the top aid there are many ways
sic rock and that this year’s shows since 1995. for festival goers to stay
RFM will be bigger, louder Previously announced comfortable and have a
and better than ever! acts for RFM 2018 include August long weekend to
Last week, RFM an- Snake Oil, Kim Mitchell, remember.
nounced its latest addi- Trooper, Chilliwack, Three The festival is assisted
tions to its already amaz- Days Grace and Burton by a virtual army of vol-
ing lineup of headliners. Cummings. This is not the unteers, both on the Au-
Recent announcements end of announcements for gust long weekend and in
Tribune File photo
include Headpins, formed this year’s festival and fans the weeks leading up to
Even before the sun goes down, live music is always in the late 70’s and having can stay tuned for more the festival. Service clubs,
flowing at Rockin’ the Fields. had a string of hits they band announcements to businesses and individuals
continue to provide fans come! recognize the importance

F or the past 14 years,

Rockin’ the Fields of
Minnedosa has been the
tination for thousands of
fans - from Ontario to BC,
from Thompson to South
to meet with friends old
and new and enjoy some
of the best live music to be
with an energetic show of
pure classic rock; Helix, a
The RFM site, on the
east shore of Minnedosa
of the festival to the local
economy and are eager to
hard hitting Canadian rock Lake, features an amphi- support RFM as needed.
August long weekend des- Dakota - as they converge found. and metal band that got theatre with built in bench

Town Council Approves Applications For Bareland Condos

By DARRYL HOLYK Council also received a Brian Skatch from the corner of 6th Avenue and subdivision, the four new assist the Senior Election
written objection to the Tanner’s Crossing Plan- 5th Street N.W. The varia- units will be addressed as Officer with the upcoming

A ll members of coun-
cil were in attendance
for the May 8th meeting of
Financial plan from Her-
man Klassen. The public
hearing was open for ten
ning District appeared
before council to provide
information regarding a
tions were required in or-
der for the unites to com-
ply with the Town’s zoning
251, 253, 255 and 257 5th
Street N.W.
As 2018 is an election
Council accepted,
with regret, the resigna-
Minnedosa Town Council. minutes and closed at 6:40 variation order applica- bylaw so they could be sold year, Donna Dillabough tion of Dave Mansell as the
The meeting began p.m. The 2018 Financial tion. The application was as bareland condomini- was previously appointed Town’s Citizen Represen-
with the public hearing Plan was then given sec- applied for by Ken Kane ums. Seeing no objection Senior Election Officer. tative on the Minnedosa
regarding the 2018 Finan- ond and third reading. All Holdings to subdivide and to the application, Council Council appointed Rhon- and District Recreation
cial Plan. Minnedosa resi- members of Town Coun- vary the site and yard re- approved both the varia- da Prettie as the Assistant Commission board, effec-
dent, Robert Marks, was cil voted in favour of the quirements of the new four tion order and subdivision Senior Election Officer for tive May 3rd.
in attendance to ask some financial plan and it was unit housing complex re- applications regarding this the Minnedosa Municipal Members of Council,
questions for clarification. passed accordingly. cently constructed at the property. As a result of the Election at a rate of $18 per the CAO and ACAO were
hour and Stacy Andrews as authorized to attend the
the 2018 Revising Officer. Association of Manitoba
Council also autho- Municipalities Midwest
ROYAL CANADIAN Spring Vaccination rized compensation of
$215 to be paid to each of
District Meeting being
held in Neepawa on June

LEGION ATHLETIC Clinics the Voting Officials who 15th.

Presented by the
CAMP Minnedosa Veterinary Clinic
Legion Branch #138 wishes to announce that the Royal
Phone: 204-867-3917 DO I NEED A
Canadian Legion Athletic Camps will again be held at the
RaPid City

Saturday, May 26, 2018

R.M. of ClanwilliaM
International Peace Gardens from July 15th to August 11th,
Fire Hall Tuesday, June 5, 2018
2018. Sporting activities that will take place in this time 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. R.M. Shed by Hydro Station If you are installing a pool or hot tub,
period are volleyball, basketball, advanced track, track and 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
field, soccer, gymnastics, multi sport and judo. Each camp is constructing a deck,
of a one week duration and is open to all youth. foRRESt/R.M. of Elton an accessory building over 100 sq. ft.,
The cost for attending these camps is $545/week. which
Thursday, June 7, 2018 making structural repairs,
R.M. Implement Shed
is shared on a one-third basis by the participant, the local 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. erecting a garage
Legion branch and the Legion Ladies Auxiliary, making the or demolitions
Horses Welcome
family’s share only $182.00. then you probably do.
First-Come, First-Served
Posters relating to these camps will be posted in the
No Appointment Necessary
schools, post office and other local businesses. For more Contact
information log onto the website or Tanner’s Crossing Planning District
phone 1-204-305-0991. This camp is world-class and is a
wonderful growing experience for any youth. The food is
excellent too! located on the second floor of the
(10-2) 10-2 Minnedosa Civic Centre. (10-2)
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, May 18, 2018 3

CDC Reports Successful 2017 And Plans For 2018

By Hillary Miller ing partners,” she said. able to provide two local once again be at the Pavil- the challenges in business The evening’s guest
Each year, the CDC entrepreneurs with busi- ion this summer, since it and saw two guest speak- speaker was Karly McRae.

T he Minnedosa Com-
munity Development
Corporation held its An-
undertakes the ‘What’s the
Big Idea’ contest, and 2017
was no different. “The
ness loans of $5,000 each
to assist them in opening
businesses in Minnedosa.
was very successful in that
location in 2017. In 2018,
the CDC hopes to partner
ers from the community.
The CDC also takes an ac-
tive role in the Chamber of
She is the owner and man-
aging partner of the Lake-
house Boutique Hotel and
nual General Meeting on CDC works really hard to Parrott noted that with the Minnedosa Rec- Commerce, and they are the Arrowhead Family Re-
Thursday, May 10th. promote business in the while 2017 saw the clo- reation Commission to of- currently exploring ways sort in Wasagaming. She
Chantelle Parrott, the community, as well as sup- sure of two businesses on fer kayak rentals at the Pa- to better improve commu- is also the co-founder of
Economic Development port our existing business Main street, it also saw vilion with the Minnedosa nications with Chamber the Clear Lake Destina-
Officer for the CDC was owners with anything that 12 businesses opening in Kayak Club. Parrott hopes members in the future. tion Marketing Organiza-
pleased to see some mem- may come up, or any chal- and around Minnedosa, this will attract more traf- The Tourism Commit- tion. McRae spoke about
bers of the community lenges that may come up”, as well as six businesses fic through the Pavilion, tee has a partnership with building a brand for your
show up to the meeting said Parrott. In 2017, near- that either expanded, con- which she hopes will affect Tourism Manitoba, and community, company or
to hear about some of the ly $10,000 was given away structed a new building the hours they are able to 2017 saw a number of ad- Chamber. She focused on
initiatives of the past year to new entrepreneurs in or relocated to a differ- stay open. vertisements for Minnedo- community branding. As
and plans for the upcom- partnership with Neepawa ent location. “There was In 2017, the CDC sa on the Tourism Mani- a business owner in Clear
ing year. and Carberry. In 2018, this definitely a lot of action in made gains in their social toba website. For 2018, Lake, she has had a lot
Parrott gave her report competition will be held business over the last year media platforms, and 2018 following the travel blog- of success in rebranding
on the financials for the in Minnedosa again, and in Minnedosa, and around should see continued im- ger who came to the Skate Clear Lake as a four-sea-
CDC, noting that last year Parrott hopes to see new the region,” she said. provement there. Going the Lake/Rock the Lake sons destination and has
there was a fiscal surplus, business owners benefit With regards to the hand-in-hand with a new Weekend, a lot of exposure given a lot of exposure to
but that the 2018 year will from that event. This com- Minnedosa Tourism Com- website, Parrott is excited was given to Minnedosa the tourism opportunities
run a deficit budget, in part petition in 2017 was nomi- mittee, Parrott said they to be working towards through the travel blogs that exist there. McRae
due to some of the larger nated for the Economic have been working over the getting a new brand for and websites, which will was a great addition to the
initiatives that are being Development Project of past year to plan some dif- Minnedosa. Many Mani- hopefully spread the word CDC AGM, and it was truly
undertaken this year. She the Year award through the ferent projects in the com- toba communities are to the masses about trav- beneficial for community
noted that the year ended Economic Developers’ As- munity. These plans in- working towards rebrand- elling to Minnedosa. The members to hear what she
with a reasonable surplus. sociation of Manitoba. clude refinishing the water ing, and Minnedosa will Minnedosa Museum and had to say on community
“That will be helpful this The CDC also saw the fountain on Main St., some not be left behind. Heritage Village placed branding.
year because of the decline Business Builder Loan upgrades at the beach, In December of 2017, second in the “Must See
in population in the Town Program in action in 2017, and installing visitor in- the CDC hosted a Women Ums” contest out of 32
of Minnedosa in the 2016 through their partnership formation boxes around in Business evening, which museums, which granted
census, we did receive less with Minnedosa Credit the community. The visi- allowed female entrepre- the Heritage Village a pro-
funding through the fund- Union. In 2017, they were tor information centre will neurs to meet and discuss motional video as a prize.

Minnedosa Town Wide

May 19th “Rain or Shine”
139 – 2nd St. Bilcowski 183 - 7th Ave. Pinuta
211 – 3rd St. Boyd 332 – 4th Ave. Johnson
216 – 2nd St. Zdrill 196 - 8th Ave. Graham
201 – 3rd Ave. Harvey 149 – 3rd Ave. Burgess
111 – 3rd St. Gregorash 113 – 3rd Ave. Erven
105 – 6th Ave. Schnell 169 – 8th Ave. Harrison SOUTHEAST
571 - 6th Ave. (across from Pioneer elevator) #5 – 39 – 4th Ave. Kingdon 123 – 9th Ave. Nelson/Jacobsen
361 – 2nd Ave. Lewis 249 - 1st St. Phillips
NORTHEAST 377 – 1st Ave. Hislop 113 2nd Ave. McLaughlin
682 – 3rd St. Magnusson 245 – 6th Ave. Michaluk 175 – 1st St. Smith
542 – 4th St. Jordan/Biglieni 115 – 5th Ave. Gainsforth 58 – 1st Ave. Cathcart
Lot 10 Bison Hills Brugger 256 – 2nd Ave. Johnson #4 – 23 – 1st Ave. Laming
341 – 4th St. Ruff 176 – 8th Ave. Street 301 – 1st St. McLaughlin
435 – 4th St. Pippus/Vint 179 3rd Ave. Kowalick 126 – 4th St. Friesen
330 – 4th St. Mendrikis 24 1st Ave. Multi Prairie Oasis 329 – 1st St. Pinette
425 3rd St. Orr 185 – 7th Ave. MacDonald 345 - 2nd St. Robertson
520 – 3rd St. Parrott/Rapsky 901 9th Ave. Kingdon
162 – 6th Ave. Richards 197 - 8th Ave. Peckover MAIN STREET
141 - 5th Ave. Multi Family 172 7th Ave. Multi Family 48 Main St. S. Minnedosa United Church
197 – 2nd St. Macey 161 – 8th Ave. Chambers 48 Main St. S. Mdsa Horticultural Society
117 – 6th Ave. Smith 38 – 3rd Ave. Harvey 71 Main St. S. Inspire Studio
596 – 3rd St. Burgess 160 – 1st Ave. Johnson 31 Main St. S 50+ Centre
70 - 2nd Ave. Kingdon 239 – 6th Ave. Farr
238 – 6th Ave. Vaughan
SOUTHWEST Poplar Park Mens Shed
32 – 1st Ave. Fehr

Sponsored by Minnedosa Chamber of Commerce Retail Committee

4 Friday, May 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around Are You the Man or Woman For the Job?


2018 is a municipal election year in Manitoba. The

men and women who will form our province’s munici-
and time again the frustration our local council has
faced due to hold-ups from other sources which are
out of their control.
To be a successful member of a municipal council
By Darryl Holyk pal governments and school boards will be elected by or school board, first and foremost, you should have
voters on Wednesday, October 24th. the best interest of your community as your top pri-
The registration and campaign period for can- ority. Whether or not you personally feel a project or
Fountain Revamp… didates running for head of council, such as Mayors decision is worthwhile, you have to be able to look at
The Minnedosa Tourism Committee has been in and Reeves opened on May 1st and will continue until the big picture – how does this affect your community
discussions with the local Men’s Shed and are planning September 18th. For candidates running for the posi- and its future, not just your own personal agenda and
a much-needed revamp of the Main Street fountain. The tion of Councillor, the registration, campaign period personal feelings. You have to be able to work as part
fountain, located at the south side of the Main Street and will open June 30th and continue to September 18th. of a team. It is good to have your own strong person-
3rd Avenue south intersection, is dedicated in memory There are many reasons someone may be consid- al opinion but you are only one vote at the table and
of Minnedosa resident and our first female mayor, Joyce ering running for a position in local politics. It is not a there will be times you may be outvoted on a decision.
Stevenson and has been in need of some beautification decision that should be made in a spilt second – there Things are not always going to sway in your favour and
for a number of years. Looking forward to this local land- needs to be a lot of deep thought and consideration you simply cannot please everyone, no matter how
mark being brought back to its former glory this year dur- before becoming a candidate. Being an elected official hard you try.
ing our Town’s 135th anniversary. in local politics is no easy task – it is a big commitment, Being elected to council or the school board will
it can be time consuming and it takes a lot of guts and be a four-year term of mixed emotions and experi-
Sports Dinner speaker… dedication.
I have never run for a position on council, nor do
ences. It is not going to be easy and you will never
please everyone no matter how hard you try. You will
In case you missed the Rec Commissions ad in last
I ever plan to, but from attending regular Town Coun- face frustrations, disappointments and let downs. At
week’s Tribune, the keynote speaker for this fall’s annual
cil meetings since 2001, I have earned the respect of some point during your four-year term you will most
Sports Dinner will be Kaitlyn Lawes. A well known Ca-
the men and women who sit around our council table, likely be on the receiving end of some nasty and at
nadian curler, Lawes has played third with the Jennifer
working for our community. I have witnessed first- times, downright rude comments from upset ratepay-
Jones rink since the 2010-11 curling season. Curling since
hand the tough job they have, the challenges they face ers. At times, these may come from long-time friends
the age of four, Kaitlyn has achieved numerous awards,
and the often-overlooked dedication and hard work and neighbours which obviously cannot be easy to
titles and accolades, some of which include two Winter
they put in for the betterment and continuation of our take. But, don’t let the negative side of the job scare
Olympics Gold Medals, a World Championship and nu-
community. They do this with very little thanks and you away from putting your name forward because
merous Canadian curling titles and Gold Medals, just to
sadly the “sidewalk and coffeeshop superintendents” with the bad, there will be good. As an elected official
name a few! This year’s 21st annual Sports Dinner will be
seem to be constantly bickering and complaining you will meet new people, make new friends and col-
held October 21st.
about what their local government is or is not doing. leagues, be involved in decisions and projects for your
We all know that “Joe” or “Joanne Public” who al- community that you will be proud of. You will expe-
New Corporal… ways seems to have the answers to everything. Every
community has these individuals and it’s not always
rience moments of great satisfaction, celebrate suc-
cesses and be left with positive memories for the rest
Minnedosa RCMP detachment is scheduled to wel-
come a new Corporal, Grant Campbell, later this month. a bad thing. It can certainly make for some interest- of your life.
We hope to introduce you to him in a future edition of The ing and colourful debates and conversations. They are There is a lot to consider before putting your name
Tribune. continually complaining to their friends and neigh- forward to run in the upcoming election and the de-
bours about what the current council is doing and how cision should be made after a great deal of thought,
they have the answers to fix the community’s problems weighing all pros and cons. You cannot go into politics
Just In Time… more efficiently and more financially responsible than with a high and mighty attitude thinking you are going
Minnedosa’s official visitors guide, The Minnedo- the current council. Will these individuals step up to to be that hero that will fix all the community’s prob-
sa Beachcomber, is here just in time for the May long the plate, put their name on the ballet and “put their lems, lower taxes and make everything that is wrong,
weekend. The Beachcomber is available at various loca- money where their mouth is?” If elected, they will right. That is easier said then done!
tions around the community as well as being distributed learn that making a decision or moving a project for- When nominations close, I hope we have a full
through Travel Manitoba. A digital edition of this year’s ward is not just as simple as agreeing to it around the slate of honest, hard-working, dedicated men and
tourist guide can be found at www.minnedosatribune. local council table. There are rules, regulations and women who have put their personal feelings aside
com If you would like some Beachcombers to distribute at mandates from other levels of government that mu- and have chosen to enter the local politics race with
your business or event please contact The Tribune at 204- nicipal councils and school boards have to follow and one main goal – what is best for our community and its
867-3816, [email protected] or just drop by obey. I can tell you first hand from attending council residents, not only now, for the next four years but for
during our regular business hours (9 a.m. to 12 noon and meetings over the past 17 years, I have witnessed time the years and decades ahead.
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.)

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883.
Published Friday of each week from the premises of publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
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Audited twice a year by Canadian Media Circulation Audit call or in person.
Phone: (204) 867-3816 All contents copyright 2018
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, May 18, 2018 5

Waves of Hope Fashion Show


Ye O l d
T he 2018 Waves of

Hope Fashion Show
was held in Brandon on
Wednesday, May 9th at the
UCT Room of the Keystone
Centre. This was the 16th
annual Waves of Hope
Fashion Show.
Both the afternoon
showing and the evening 1888 – The longest passenger train that ever came into
showing were full of guests Minnedosa arrived on Tuesday evening. It had on board,
who were eager to support approximately 250 immigrants, nearly all of whom were
the fight against breast destined for Langenburg and the Church colony.
cancer. The shows fea-
tured clothing from many
local clothiers, and the
1908 – A number of Minnedosans were having a good
time last Friday night when the irate wife of one of them
models all sported them
disturbed the harmony of the occasion by smashing the
with enthusiasm as they
window of the room in which they were enjoying them-
made their way down the
The emcee for the
shows was Amber Van- Photo by Hillary Miller 1918 – The bright yellow faces of the dandelion are
dale, who kept the crowds already seen dotting the road side and adorning lawns.
engaged throughout, and fashion shows. Taggart, Kathy Cameron, Toews, Shane Wilton and Very soon they will be sending their pretty little aero-
pointed out what each of Harrington feels the Lynda Gionnotti, Pam Har- Travis Tannis. planes aloft, to float wherever they list and drop their
the models was wearing. event is important be- rigan, Sandy Robinson and Harrington could not seed bombs where they can do the most damage.
According to Diane cause, while the dragon Doreen Lipscomb. Models say at this time how much
Harrington, one of the boat team is based out who are not members of was raised by the event, 1938 – Saturday night parking is proving a headache to
primary organizers for of Brandon, its members Waves of Hope included but with both shows be- Town Council. The streets are over crowded and there is
the Waves of Hope Fash- come from many of the Brenna Kelland, Leanna ing quite full, she remains a shortage of parking spots available.
ion Show, many of the or- smaller communities that Nemaka, Jenn McBeth, optimistic. Next year will
ganizers have received a make up Westman. “It is Tyler Yurchuk, Langley be the 20th anniversary for
great deal of positive feed- 1958 – The Cardale Active Acorn Clothing Club held
a reminder of how breast Blaine, Sarah Vickers, the Dragon Boat team, and their achievement day with approximately 100 people in
back about the event. She cancer affects a lot of Emma Gerrard, Dana Mc- Harrington expects the
noted that the number of attendance. The day included a fashion parade, demon-
people, and just because Callum, Kane Doran, Isa- fashion show to be quite strations, ribbons and lunch.
volunteers and models you have had breast can- belle Merry, Sarah Peto, the celebration.
was about the same as in cer, you can still do a lot of Carter Yurchuk, Hannah
previous years, and this in- things,” she said. 1968 – Some expense highlight’s from the Town bud-
cluded members and fam- The Waves of Hope get: Public Works Department - $28,000, Police - $18,500,
ily members. models who are current Fire Department - $5,000, Health Unit - $5,000, Armoury
The group modeled members and worked the - $1,500, Town Promotion - $1,000 and Office Adminis-
clothing from It’s Time in catwalk included Annette tration - $14,000.
Neepawa, Poor Michaels Beatty, April Toews, Betty
in Onanole as well as The
Green Spot, Eclipse, Cin-
Stewart, Bev Roman Car- 1978 – Some prices from the grand opening menu of
men McPhee, Darlene Yur- Minnedosa Chicken Delight: Deluxe Dinner includ-
namon Tree, Sport Check, chuk, Joyce Johnson, Edna
THE TOWN OF MINNEDOSA ing four pieces chicken, fries coleslaw and rolls - $3.45,
Northern Reflections and Verheist, Evelyn Clegg, Pizza: small - $2.45, medium $3.95, large $5.75, 10 ounce
Source for Sports all from Gaileen Kingdon, Gloria May Long Weekend soft drink - 45 cents.
Brandon. Harrington was Hill, Helen Lewandoski, DOG & CAT OWNERS
delighted to see the com- Jody Parsonage, Joyce Mc- RECYCLING AND GARBAGE COLLECTION
munity involvement in the All dogs and cats within the Town of Minnedosa 1998 – A draft proposal has been submitted to the
Manitoba Municipal Board regarding the formation of a
*** TOmust BE be licensed
OUT BY annually.
8:00 A.M. ***
A certificate of vaccination for rabies must be joint planning district between the Town of Minnedosa
MAY 21STbefore NO a license is issued
GARBAGE COLLECTION and the R.M.’s of Minto and Odanah.
2014 Dog & Cat licenses are available at the
TUESDAY, MAY 22ND Town Office NORTH END Garbage
Collection and Recycling
Owners of unlicensed Dogs & Cats, Dogs & Cats
2008 – Jacki Nylen has been honoured with a Physical
Education Teaching Excellence Award from the Cana-
running atMAY
WEDNESDAY, large, as well SOUTH
23RD as nuisance
EASTand vicious dian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recre-
animals are subject to Garbage
various Collection
penalties and
charges. A copy of animal control by-law 2478 is ation and Dance. Nylen has been inspiring students and
FRIDAY, at the Town Office
examination by teaching Physical Education at TCS for over 30 years.
Garbage Collection and
any person during regular hours.
Large Retirement Farm Auction For Dorothy Moller South End Recycling
Saturday, June 2nd, 2018 – 10 A.M.
Plumas, Manitoba The Town of Minnedosa
Contact: Joe (204) 476-0226
Directions: From Plumas (GWB Auto Sales), 2 miles west on
Ê To The Editor
We Welcome Letters Rubber or
Hwy 265, 4 miles north on Rd 72W, 1 mile west on gravel road.
Watch for signs.

Tractors*trucks* antique cars*trailers*farm/antique farm

Letters to the Editor can be sent to
[email protected] or Box 930, Self-inking
Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0

equip.*ag. parts*truck parts*engines*livestock equip.*tools/shop The Minnedosa

equip.*assorted tires*antiques*household*misc. Views expressed in Letters to the Editor are Since 1883

-too much to list!

those of the writer and
See website for full list/photos are not necesarily the views of
The Tribune, its owner or staff.
John Lamport 204-841-4136/ Tim Dowler 204-803-6915 204-867-3816
6 Friday, May 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Jets White Out Party in Minnedosa Tonight

By Hillary Miller mum capacity is 500, but happy to sponsor services ing the event will split the Party last Friday, the turn- are huge jets fans, so she
she says if even half of that to the venue to help facili- proceeds evenly. “We are around has been quick has since converted to a

T he Minnedosa Beach
Enhancement Com-
mittee and Fun Fest Com-
number shows up, “that
would be amazing!”
In order to show the
tate this as we cheer on the
Winnipeg Jets. Westman
is proud to support local
just hoping to raise some
money for two great groups
in town and have some
but, “we are very happy
with the support and ex-
citement that we are see-
Winnipeg Jets fan. The
hope is that those who at-
tend will go “all out” for the
mittee have rallied and game, the group has part- events in the communities fun”, said Erin Woodcock, ing in town!” said Lisa White Out, “it will be a fun
decided to put on a White nered with Westman Com- we serve.” another of the organizers. Buchanan, another of the atmosphere for sure this
Out party in celebration of munications Group, who Admission for the The two groups are over- organizers. Friday. We are encourag-
the Winnipeg Jets’ success has come on board as a event is by donation, and whelmed with the amount Powell noted that, ing everyone to show up in
to date in the 2018 NHL sponsor. Westman Com- there will be a bar and a of support that they have having grown up in B.C., white for the event,” Powell
Stanley Cup Playoffs. munications group will be Snack Shop available to received from sponsors. she had always been a said.
The celebration will hooking the arena up to a those who attend. The bar Having only come up with Vancouver Canucks fan,
occur tonight, Friday, May live cable feed, which will will serve coolers and beer, the idea for the Whiteout but her family members
18th, at the Minnedosa be projected on a large and the Snack Shop will be
Arena. Doors open at 6 screen that is being rented. selling popcorn, cookies,
p.m. All ages are welcome
to attend, and fans are en-
couraged to wear white
According to Courtney
Baxter, a Manager of Mar-
keting at Westman Com-
chips, pop and water. To
add greater excitement to
the event, organizers will
Volunteers Make Erickson
According to Krista
Powell from the organiz-
munication Group, “events
such as the Minnedosa
Whiteout viewing party
be offering a 50/50 draw,
and may also try to arrange
some mini stick hockey
Fundraising Drive a Success
ing group, they hope to see bring people and commu- games between periods.
SUBMITTED with neighbours. This ef- these funds to connect
the arena full. The maxi- nities together, and we are The two groups host-
fort is only possible if vol- newly diagnosed cancer

T he Erickson and Dis-

trict April fundraiser
unteers come forward to
patients with a trained vol-
unteer for compassion, en-
TRIBUNE DEADLINE for the Canadian Cancer
Society was a great suc-
Donations received
make a difference support-
couragement and support,
as well as providing funds
cess, reports Mary Nichols, ing those with cancer here for research.
Tuesday at 12 Noon co-ordinator for the drive. in our community. Do- If you would like to
Over $5,000 was raised in nations provide comfort volunteer in the Erickson
and around Erickson. Nu- and information to fami- area, please contact Mary
merous volunteers put in lies and rides to and from at the Services to Seniors
many hours visiting local treatment. The Canadian office in Erickson at 204-
PUBLIC NOTICE residents and connecting Cancer Society also uses 636-7895.
Fire Pits / Open Air Fires
“ACCEPTABLE FIRE PIT” means an outdoor receptacle that meets the following
• a minimum of 3.7 metres (12 feet) clearance measured from the nearest fireplace
edge is maintained from buildings, property lines, or other combustible material
• the fireplace is constructed of materials that are heat and flame resistant On the date and at the time and location shown below, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held to receive
representations from any persons who wish to make them in respect of the following matter:
• the fireplace is equipped with a secured chimney that is not more than 2.5 metres
(8 feet) in height when measured from the base of the burning area being a NEW DEVELOPMENT PLAN BY-LAW for the
• the fireplace chimney is equipped with a regulation screen no larger than 1.25 cm MID WEST PLANNING DISTRICT

(0.5 inches) and constructed of expanded metal (or equivalent non-combustible HEARING LOCATION: MINIOTA COMMUNITY CENTRE HALL
materials) and is designed to contain and reduce the hazards of airborne sparks; if MINIOTA, MANITOBA
no chimney is used the same regulation screen is required DATE & TIME: WEDNESDAY JUNE 6, 2018 at 7:00 P.M.
• the base of the fire burning area is not less than 0.3 metres (12 inches) above the
surrounding grade; GENERAL INTENT:
The general intent of the Mid West Planning District Development Plan By-law No. 2-2018 is to
• the base of the fire burning appliance shall be placed upon a non-combustible establish policies and land use designations for future land use and development in the

surface such as earth, concrete, metal or other non-combustible materials

municipalities which are members of the Mid West Planning District. This new development plan
reflects changes to municipal and planning district boundaries which are a consequence of
• outdoor solid fuel appliances shall be located on a flat, level and non-combustible municipal amalgamation which took effect on January 1, 2015. Mid-West Planning District
Development Plan By-law No. 2-2018 sets out provisions dealing with the following:
base clear of overhangs such as roofs, tree branches and utility wires  Agricultural land use and development, including a livestock operations policy that identifies
• burning receptacles shall be separated from grass and other vegetation by a general standards for the siting and setback of livestock operations from other land uses.

distance of at least 40 cm (16 inches) by means of earth, sand, gravel or other
Development and growth of the district’s urban centers and the unincorporated communities
within the district.
non-combustible medium 

Rural residential and seasonal recreation development.
Natural resource issues (ground water, surface water, wildlife, etc.).
 Mineral resources including gravel pits.
Cut, seasoned wood, charcoal, or commercially approved fire logs may be burned  Issues related to transportation and infrastructure (water supply, sewage disposal, etc.).
in an open fire. Rubbish, garden refuse, lawn clippings or leaves, manure, AREA AFFECTED BY BY-LAW NO. 2-2018:
livestock or animal carcasses, and any material classified as a dangerous good, or All lands within the Mid West Planning District, including all land in the Rural Municipalities of Ellice-
Archie, Hamiota, Oakview, and Prairie View.
any material which, when burned, will generate black smoke or an offensive odour
Mid-West Planning District Member Municipalities
is strictly prohibited.
Fires may not be left unsupervised at any time and the person lighting the fire is
responsible for any damages that might result from the lighting of the fire.
Fires shall not be set in windy conditions conducive to creating a running fore or a
nuisance to another person.
If smoke from a fire causes an unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of
another person’s property, the fire shall be extinguished immediately.
Fires shall be contained to a reasonable size so that the fire, or any embers, sparks or
smoke emanating from them does not endanger any person or property or cause any
objectionable effect on nearby property. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:

The Fire Chief, his designate or RCMP may direct that a fire in a fire pit be extinguished,
Wayne Poppel, Development Officer
Mid-West Planning District
or may extinguish a fire that in his opinion is a nuisance or a threat to public safety. Box 96
Miniota, Manitoba ROM 1M0
Office: Phone (204) 567-3699 E-Mail: [email protected]
To view the entire Open Air Fires By-Law 2514, visit
A copy of the proposed Development Plan is available for inspection in the municipal office of each
TOWN OF MINNEDOSA member municipality of the Mid-West Planning District during normal office hours Monday to
Friday. Copies may be made and/or extracts taken there from, upon request.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, May 18, 2018 7

Three Students Place In Regional Poster Contest

(Grades 3 to 5), Silas level – the International will be on display at the
Stahl’s poster was awarded competition. Those awards Minnedosa Regional Li-
second place in the com- will be announced in the brary. They will be placed
petition. In the middle fall. on the walls in rotation, so
level (Grades 6 to 8), the Aside from the two the public is encouraged to
first-place prize was pre- posters that were sent visit the library more than
sented to Darian Stahl and away for further judging, once in order to see all of
in the upper level (Grades all of the other safety post- this year’s creative poster
9 to 12), Renee Stahl also ers that were created by the entries.
received first place. The students in the community
three winners were each
presented with a certificate Have a news tip
and cash prize. The two re- or story idea?
gional first place posters,
belonging to Darian and Let us know!
Renee, will be forwarded 204-867-3816
[email protected]
to be judged at the next

Photo by Hillary Miller
(l-r) Silas Stahl, Darian Stahl, renee Stahl and Donna Shorrock. The building and land known as:
THE SLY 565 fEET pErp of THE nLY 1110 fEET pErp of THE wLY 520
By Hillary Miller awards were presented at Students gathered fEET pErp of THE nw 1/4 of SEcTion 22-14-19 wpm.
Odanah Colony School, in the classroom to see Exc: aLL minES and minEraLS in dEEd 186817nLTo
F ollowing the
nouncement of win-

ners in the local level of

south of Minnedosa, on
Monday, May 14th. The
awards were announced
who the lucky winners of
the regional poster con-
test would be. Entries are
in certificate of Title no. 2477460/5 will be sold at an auction on wednesday, the 27th day of
June, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. at Burgess Law office, 51 main Street South, minnedosa, manitoba.
the annual UCT Safety by Minnedosa UCT mem- judged on originality, ar- The Vendor is informed that there is situate on the property an 856 square foot home on
Poster contest a few weeks bers Donna Shorrock and tistic ability and neatness.
ago, the second round of Wilma Shewfelt. In the lower level main floor with a eat in kitchen, 4 piece bath and 2 bedrooms on main floor. There is a
bedroom and laundry room in the basement. The Vendor is informed that the said
dwelling is approximately 57 years old and is a one-storey, wood frame construction, wood
sash single pane storm windows. The home has not had electricity for the past 2 years
18053GM4 and is likely needing to be demolished. There are older sheds on the property that in all

Your crops. Your coverage. likely hood need to be torn down. The subject home is located in a private setting on 6.74
acres set well back from the gravel municipal road which is located on the west side of the
site. The site is fully landscaped. The quality of landscaping is considered fair however the
Your best choice for hail insurance site is not well maintained. The site has an appealing appearance but would benefit from
care and maintenance. The site has a private setting with mature trees and bush lining the
perimeter of the site. There is a septic system however it is not determined if it would meet
current sewer ejection specifications.

Insure your crops with flexible, competitive Apply today

hail insurance coverage from the Manitoba Contact your MASC
Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC). insurance office early to
MASC representatives are ready to ensure you have coverage
customize an affordable hail insurance for the entire hail season.
program for your farm business. The property is unoccupied and access to the public for viewing will be available upon
Apply online request.
MASC hail insurance provides: Visit or
contact your MASC TaxES and prior EncUmBrancES: Taxes are approximately $268.98 and are up to date until
• Competitive rates
december 31, 2017. There are no prior mortgages.
insurance office to register
• Convenience – apply online,
by phone, mail, fax or in person
for online services. rESErVE Bid: The reserve bid will be announced at the commencement of the auction sale.
• Automatic adjustment of your TErmS: Twenty (20%) of the purchase price in cash or certified cheque and the balance
Individual Productivity Index (IPI) according to auction sale conditions which are posted at Standard auction rooms.
• Accidental fire coverage further information may be obtained from:
for all insured crops Burgess Law office
• Coverage on vegetables, forages, Lending and Insurance 51 main Street South
Building a strong rural Manitoba minnedosa, mB. r0J 1E0
forage seed and hemp grain to
AgriInsurance participants attention: John w. Burgess, Q.c.
Telephone: 1-204-867-2935
8 Friday, May 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Banquet Held To Celebrate Lions Four Decades

By HILLARY MILLER cess. They also worked
together at the end of the

T he Minnedosa Lion’s
Club celebrated its
40th anniversary on Satur-
evening to clean up the
There were door prizes
day, May 12th with a ban- that were given out to a few
quet dinner at the United of those in attendance.
Church Hall. The evening At the celebration,
started with a reception greetings were given by
which was followed by Mayor Ray Orr on behalf
dinner and a night of fun of the Town of Minnedosa,
for all in attendance. The and by District Governor
event wrapped up at about Helmut Neufeld on behalf
10 p.m. of the Lion’s International
There were about Club from the 5M13 Dis-
100 people who attended trict. Past International
the celebration, many of Governor Ben Ward spoke
whom were members of briefly as well.
the local Lion’s Club, both Additionally, Charter
past and present. The din- Lion’s Club members, Er- Photo by Hillary Miller
ner was catered by Heath- nie Sydor and Terry Dre-
er Brazeau, who served a bit, spoke about their ex-
Present Minnedosa Lions Club members. Back row (L-R):Michael Kingdon, Barrie Brooking,
wonderful roast beef din- periences being involved Gord Kingdon, Laci Mailman, Lorna Hislop, Harvey Wedgewood, Warren Pearson and Jack Douglas.
ner. with the Lions, and shared Middle row (L-R): Garry MacDowall, Catherine Gijsbers, Alf Iverson, Wanda Kingdon,
At the door and the some of their memories. Kayla Graham, Jim Cooper, Lisa Buchanan and Richard Lemoing.
bar, current Lion’s Club According to the current Seated (L-R): Donna Illerbrun, Ken Gill and Gareth Boys.
members were volunteer- Lion’s Club President,
ing their time in order to Donna Illerbrun, everyone and about the evening
help make the event a suc- she spoke to at the evening enjoyed themselves im-
In addition to hear-
ing some of the stories
Community Newspapers from Sydor and Drebit,
John Cullen and Friends
Have Reach provided ample entertain-
ment for the crowd. The
The Minnedosa Tribune reaches far beyond the Lion’s Club has been in
boundaries of our community. Minnedosa since 1978,
and looks forward to a
When you advertise with The Tribune prosperous future in town.
your ad reaches subscribers in these
Manitoba communities:
If your label reads
Sandy Lake
It’s time to renew Photo by Hillary Miller
Bethany Melita Shoal Lake your subscription! Minnedosa Lions Club Charter Members (L-R): Dale McFadden,
Brandon Minitonas Souris 204-867-3816 Ernie Sydor, John Mendrikis, Cal Frost, Terry Drebit and Jim Burgess.
Brookdale Minnedosa Ste Rose
Carberry Morden Starbuck
Cardale Mountain Steinbach

Hope Springs
Carman Road Stonewall
Clanwilliam Neepawa Stoney
Dauphin Newdale Mountain
Oak Bank
Oak River
Swan River
Elphinstone Oakburn Virden Country Farm FASHION SHOW
Erickson Olha Winnipeg & Fundraiser
Franklin Onanole GREENHOUSES
Opposite the dam at Minnedosa Beach Hwy #262 N.
Gladstone Pilot Mound Did You Know? JOIN US FOR A FUN THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2018
Great Falls Polonia Doors open 6:00 pm
Hamiota Portage la have a number SUPPORT CANCER Fashion Show 7:00 pm
High Bluff Prairie of subscribers PATIENTS & SURVIVORS Yellowhead Centre, Neepawa
Rapid City
across Canada
and the United
Lac du Bonnet Rivers States. Wide Selection of Flowers, LIVE AUCTION, RAINBOW AUCTION
Lake Audy Rossburn & DOOR PRIZES!
Vegetables, Perennials Toonie Game! - Pleae bring your Toonies!
and Hanging Baskets
Well worth a visit and you’ll
enjoy a touch of spring!

Open 7 days a week Additional Sponsors:

9:30 a.m.- 8:30 p.m. - Beyond the Garden Gate, Neepawa

Phone 867-3317 - Clarke’s of Gladstone Flowers & Gifts
- Flowers on Main, Minnedosa
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, May 18, 2018 9

Craft Club Show And Tell Newdale News

By RavEn’S GlEn WI Hat back each spring, as crackers, cheese and sau-
they’re here to help with sage by Sharon at the hotel

A large crowd attended

the local Craft Club
members Quilt Show on
seeding. They have a wed-
ding coming up in August
when their son, Darren, is
Sunday morning. What a
very nice gesture that was
most definitely appreci-
May 12th in the communi- getting married. ated.
ty hall. The project for this Nice to see seeding in Friends and relatives
year was to make a new full swing with most of the of Liz Dmytar of Calgary,
quilt or complete a quilt wet spots dried enough AB wish her a very happy
that has been “resting” in a to get through them. birthday for May 19th. We
drawer somewhere. What Shouldn’t be too many hope she is keeping well!
an awesome display of tal- stuck this year! The geese Hard to believe many
ent as these ladies show- are already sitting on their folks (except farmers) will
cased their quilts, along nests but several large be opening cabins and
with other items they had flocks of snow geese were heading to the lake for the
completed, like Christmas just heading north the last May long weekend. But
plates, pictures, birdhous- few days. there’s still ice on Clear
es and knitted items. Sev- Dan Jardine of Brook- Lake!
eral quilts had the squares dale was the lay minister
completed and just need-
ed the binding put on, then
last Sunday. The Mother’s
attending seemed to have
Bridge Club
quilted, which will wait
until after the busy spring
gotten away from the old
tradition of donning a Results
season passes. Five door new hat for Mothers Day,
prizes were drawn for with though no one seems to May 10th
Photo submitted the winners being: An- mind the ending of that
gel Ryland, Donna Hogg, tradition! 1st - Jean Garbolinsky/
Newdale Craft Club member, Linda Baker poses in front of her Cheryl Orr
Mona Moyer, Melanie The Leisure Inn host-
display of projects during Saturday’s Show and Tell. Dalke and Tammy Baker. ed a Mother’s Day Smorg 2nd – Tie - Lois Phillips/
Cookies and coffee were of turkey and all the trim- Carol Lonsdale and
SUBMITTED works and requiring fin- coming out to the show served by the members. mings last Sunday with WilfTaylor/M elH arvey
ishing touches! and tell, others came from It’s always nice to a capacity crowd attend- 3rd - Jim /Lynn Burgess
welcome Rod and Barb ing. The Church “Moth- 4th - Norman Peterson/
T he Newdale Craft Club
held its annual show
at the Newdale Commu-
In addition to the
beautiful quilts, there was
a large variety of unique
nearby communities such
as Strathclair and Sandy
Lake. Some travelled a fur-
Pederson from Medicine ers” were treated to coffee, Nancy McLennahan

nity Hall on Saturday, May craft projects that the 13 ther distance coming from
12th. Both sides of the hall club exhibitors had cre- Brandon and Winnipeg. 18053MC0
were lined with quilts that ated during the season. Newdale Craft Club
club members worked on This year’s show saw members will take a break
throughout the winter. In great attendance with peo- for the summer and recon-
total, there were 22 unique ple coming from near and vene for a new season of
and colourful quilts on far. In addition to Newdale crafting and friendship in
display, some still in the friends and neighbours the fall.

Business Cards
We print business cards
in all styles and quantities. Colour Cards
Stop in today prices starting at
or call us 250 500 1000
for details. $45.00 $70.00 $110.00
The Minnedosa Tribune
Minnedosa, MB ● 204-867-3816

Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune

MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816
Local Trading Area: $43.11 NAME:
(Minnedosa, Bethany, Clanwilliam,
Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin,

Mountain Road and Neepawa)

Other Manitoba
locations: $50.31
Other Canadian
locations: $56.01
Online subscriptions $35 at POSTAL CODE:
10 Friday, May 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

What If You Could Be Your Own Fairy And Make Your Dreams Come True?
By SHERRILU POLLON college or university was will achieve. “Many people then you will never achieve camp, you get the picture. future. It is what drives
out of the question. All I limit themselves to what the things you want. Then there’s checking them every day to be the

G raduation is right
around the corner
and this always gives me
knew was there were tons
of opportunities and I just
had to pick one. As I men-
they think they can do. You
can go as far as your mind
lets you. What you believe,
Now, those of you who
are raising children or have
an impact on any child’s
out online, what the job
is all about, what educa-
tion is required for what-
best they can be. Having
a vision is the difference
between people who cre-
an excited feeling in the pit tioned, there was no inter- you can achieve. –Mary life here is a starting point. ever they are interested in ate amazing lives versus
of my stomach. Another net so that made checking Kay Ash” Throughout his- Start encouraging these once the child is starting people who drift through
group of kids spreading out those interesting op- tory, humans have made children to dream and to high school and maybe life with no direction.
their wings, going out into portunities a little harder the once “impossible”, dream big! When your ten- even sooner. The main One thing you don’t
the world to fulfill their and at the time, I lived in possible – from electricity, year-old says they want to thing is don’t discourage want to do, is place a limit-
dreams. a small town and knew I to airplane flight, to cell be the next Prime Minister, any dream your child has. ing belief in their head of,
This got me think- wanted to see the world phones, to open heart sur- an astronaut, a writer, an These dreams may change “that would be impossi-
ing about when I gradu- outside my town. gery – impossible dreams actor or whatever, encour- as they get older and that’s ble”, or “maybe you should
ated. Well…we won’t say If this sounds at all fa- have become day-to-day age them by investigating okay. Just always be your think of something that’s
how long ago that was but miliar, I have some ideas conveniences of the mod- with them what it would child’s biggest cheerlead- a little more attainable”.
suffice it to say there defi- to help put some perspec- ern world. And…, you say take to become whatever er. Kids come up against Many times, parents have
nitely was no internet or tive on how to first figure how does this happen? their dream is at the time. enough limiting beliefs as dreams and aspirations
cell phones. I remember out what the heck your big By dreaming! Someone The investigation pro- they grow up, they don’t for their children but…,
vividly being so excited I dream is, and how to be thought of an idea, be- cess could involve visiting need the people that are are these really the dreams
could barely stand it. There your own fairy and make lieved in that idea, and whatever place of employ- closest to them not believ- of the child. I have talked
was this big beautiful your own dreams come took action to make it ment the child is express- ing in them. Giving them with many young people
world out there waiting for true. Yes indeed, you have happen. This is an inside ing an interest in, going to age appropriate oppor- graduating over the years
me to go out and do some- the power to do that! You job – too often, we limit visit your local MP if your tunities to explore their and it’s sad to hear many of
thing amazing. However, have the power to create ourselves by thoughts of child expresses an inter- dreams gives them a vision them saying, “I really have
there was one tiny issue at an extraordinary life and self-doubt, choosing to est in politics, encouraging for their life. Their vision no idea of what I want to be
the time and that was I re- live a life of your dreams. believe it’s impossible for them to try out for parts is where they want to go – or do.”
ally didn’t know what the If you read my last ar- us to achieve great things, in plays if acting is an in- what they want to create. Here is my
heck I really wanted to do ticle I talked about “Belief as others have. The fact terest, maybe attending a It is this sense of purpose challenge to you:
with my life. Money was in Systems”. What you be- is, those thoughts destroy space camp or astronomy that lures them into their Make it a practise
short supply so the limit- lieve is possible for you has your chances of success. If when your children are

ing belief in my mind was a huge impact on what you you limit what is possible, young to talk about what
their dreams are. Maybe,
on a Sunday morning
while relaxing in bed be-


fore breakfast, or in the
18051AA5 evening while putting
them to bed have some
r. Lauren Galbraith of Calgary has returned home
conversations about the
The results of the latest Totum Research Study on Media Usage in Villages after spending 10 days with Neil and Roberta Gal-
following: Do you want
(population 1,000-5,000) shows that people living in communities like those braith and brothers and relatives. Lauren is then mov-
served by this newspaper are more likely to be inspired to take action by an ad in a lot of friends? - Do you
ing to Kelowna, BC where she will be doing her two-year
a printed community newspaper than any form of online ad. want to make high grades
Residency as a Rural Family Physician. Congratulations
in school? - Do you want
Lauren and Good Luck in your new career.
to make the baseball team,
Get well wishes to Doreen Trott and hope you will be
basketball team, chess
home soon.
Respondents Who Said Print Ads in Local Community Newspapers Inspire Marlin Firby along with five other bowlers bowled in
team, or soccer team? -
Do you want to earn extra
Action (In-Person Store Visit, Website Visit, Purchase Etc.) by Sector a tournament recently at Carmen. The team came home
money? - Do you want to
with first place in the men’s division.
play a musical instrument,
On Saturday, Donna Hogg and Zelda Firby attended
60.0% act, or learn how to sing? -
58.0% the Newdale Craft and Quilt show. The ladies of the group
Do you want to be healthy
had some nice work on display.
and have a strong body? -
Do you want to be happy
45.0% and what makes you hap-
py? - Do you want to spend
37.3% more time with mom and
dad and what things would
30.0% 30.0% you like to do? etc.
26.0% 25.3% When you grow up, do
22.0% you think it would be fun
to work as a teacher, doc-
15.0% tor, veterinarian, a dancer,
a baseball player, busi-
ness owner, an inventor,
the Prime Minister, and
0.0% the list goes on. Do you
own home, own a boat or a
plane or a sports car? Do

you want to get married,
have children, own a pet?
The discussions are end-
less. Just get them talking
and dreaming out loud.
This life is all about figur-
ing what you want and
* Totum Research Inc. March 2018 Study on How Geography
making it happen! Life is a
Impacts Media Access, Usage and Engagement in Rural beautiful journey enjoy the
Communities Across Saskatchewan and Manitoba. trip.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, May 18, 2018 11


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Minnedosa Community
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. TRUCK and EQUIP- Child Care Cooperative will
MENT      2003 Freightliner be holding our Annual Gen-
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Argosy cabover, 550 Cat eral Meeting on Wednesday,
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, 6NZ engine, new safety. 244 May 23rd at 7:00 p.m. AGM
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 in. wheelbase. Enclosed will take place in Tanner’s
BY FAX 204-867-5171 Merritt headache rack can Crossing School. Classroom
be included. Transport 1272 sq. ft. 4 bedroom,
1&1/2 bath for sale at 32-1st location is to be determined,
BY E-MAIL [email protected] grade 16 ft chains $50, please watch for signs when
tarp straps $10, ratchet Avenue South West in Minne-
dosa.  AC/CV, gas furnace, you arrive. Child Care will
boomers $25, tarps, vari- be provided in the Nursery
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to ous tools and truck sup- water softener, finished base-
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa ment, plenty of oak cabinets School Classroom. (9-2)x
plies. Phone 204-867-3501. 
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any & storage, 3 storage sheds and
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be attached insulated garage.  Minnedosa Legion “Tal-
If you need affordable, CHARLOTTE EVELYN ent Showcase” featuring mu-
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third Very close to schools and born April 27th, 2018
quality, Manitoba made cab- sic of the Barn Dance Era on
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear downtown. $276,900.00. 8lb 5 in. 22 inches long.
inets, prompt service with Friday June 1st at 7:00. p.m. 
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in Check out the kijiji or ebran- Very proud parents are
free design, and professional Open Mic spots available af-
any advertisement which is published. don ad for more info. Call 204- Brandon and Kerri Mansell.
installation try Fehr’s Cabinet ter 9:00. Rosin up the Bow and
867-5708. (10-5) x Proud grandparents are
Warehouse. We have province
RATES wide service and more. Phone BRIDAL Barry and Colleen Cook and
then Heel Toe and Away We
Go! (10-2) x
Dave and Cathy Mansell.
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each. 204-746-2223 or Email of-
[email protected]
SHOWER Great grandparents are TELUS MANITOBA MO-
Repeat ads - Half Price. Waine and Caroline Mansell,
Please join us for a bridal TORCYCLE RIDE FOR DAD.
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & Looking for a gift that Ann Cook, Lois Campbell, Fighting Prostate Cancer Sat-
shower honouring Jennifer
bolding, and centering). keeps giving all year round? Warner Buck and urday, May 26th 10:00 a.m.
Lochhead on Saturday, May
Give someone a one-year gift Vivian Mitchell. Official Start Polo Park Shop-
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, & 19th from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at
subscription to Western Can- x ping Centre. Register online:
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture. the MCCC (Minnedosa Com-
ada’s Oldest Weekly Newspa- munity Conference Centre)
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. per, The Minnedosa Tribune. Please feel free to join and HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 Call 204-867-3816 or email Have an upcoming
support them at their wed-
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 class@minnedosatribune. event? Wanting good attend-
ding social at MCCC also on
com for rates and more de- ance? Let our readers know
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. May 19th, 2018. It’s going to
tails. by placing a simple Com-
be a fun and busy day! Wish-
ing Event ad in The Tribune.
Deadlines Parts and full trailer re-
ing you both years of Love,
Health and Happiness. Please
Word ads starting at $9.00 plus
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later pair, trailer safeties and Au- tax for the first 40 words. Call
Drink Responsibly. (9-2) x
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Friday’s topac Trailer Repair. Sales, 204-867-3816 or email your ad
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE Leasing and Financing of flat- to class@minnedosatribune.
insertion. deck, dumpbox, cargo, goose- Please accept this as com.
neck and utility trailers and your invitation to honor Heidi
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for Kornik, bride to be of Kevin Newdale Horticul-
truck beds. Kaldeck Truck and
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor Hislop, at her bridal shower tural Society’s Plant Sale on
Trailer, Hwy #1 MacGregor,
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of on Sunday, May 27th, 2018 Wednesday, May 23rd from
MB. 1-888-685-3127.
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone. from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at Inspire 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. $3.00 admit-
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit Studio.  The bride is registered tance in the Newdale Hall
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. FOR RENT at Home Hardware and In- Please join us to help basement. x
spire Studio. Arthur Bayes celebrate his
Two bedroom apartment 98th Birthday at Victoria Basswood Women’s In-
AUCTIONS FOR SALE for rent. References required. IN MEMORIAM Landing Retirement Resi- stitute is celebrating their
Available immediately. Call dence on 4th floor of 10 Vic- 100th anniversary at the Bass-
204-210-0081. (7-4) toria Avenue East in Bran- wood Hall on Sunday, June
PROVINCE-WIDE CLAS- In Loving Memory of don from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. on 3rd at 1:30 p.m. Formal pro-
PROPERTY Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018. No gram is at 2:45 p.m. All are in-
over 400,000 readers weekly. February 1921 –
FOR SALE gifts please, just the honour of vited. (10-3) x
Call this newspaper NOW 204- May 2012 your presence. x
867-3816 or email classified@ and Ice Cream Social fund- for details. Prairie Lake Lodge, Lake DEBBIE BETTERIDGE raiser for Calvary Church
of the Prairies, Russell, MB December 1953 – May 2017
COMING EVENTS JUSt Youth. Friday, May 25,
BATTERIES FOR EVERY- has a good selection of titled from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Cal-
THING. Automotive, farm, lake and golf course lots. Gone but not Forgotten. A Reminder! St. Marks vary Church, 52-2nd St SW,
construction, ATV, marine, Spring specials on several Anglican Church Annual Minnedosa. Ice Cream Cones,
motorcycle, golf carts, phones, lots. Rebuilt boat launch. Less Lovingly remembered Pickerel Fish Fry. Sunday, Sundaes, Banana Splits, Silent
tools, radios, computers etc. building restrictions. Gerald and sadly missed by May 27th in Minnedosa from Auction, Door Prizes. Every-
Reconditioned, obsolete and 204-773-0380, David 204-773- All Their Family. 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Cost is only one welcome! Tickets avail-
hard-to-find batteries. SOLAR 6819, [email protected]. x $15.00 per person. Take out able at the door. (10-2) x
equipment. The Battery Man. and delivery available. Eleva-
Winnipeg. 1.877.775.8271 tor access. (10-2) x
12 Friday, May 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune


Saturday, May 26th, at

7:00 p.m. and Sunday, May
27th at 10:30 a.m. Minne-
Rolling River School Division
dosa Covenant Church
will host Canadas Double invites applications for
Rolling River School Division is located in
Portion, a family 5-piece
Gospel Band,  with par-
INTAKE WORKER & CASE AIDE WORKER southwestern Manitoba, Canada in close proximity to
ents Duncan and Debbie Ebb & Flow First Nation Riding Mountain National Park and Brandon.
Hemmerling and 8 of their
10 children. They have  re- 1.0 Term TEACHER required
ceived  numerous nom- WRCFS is a mandated First Nations Child and Family Services Agency responsible to provide a full range of services, Elton Collegiate
inations and awards  in including statutory services, voluntary services and prevention services to the children and families of its nine First Nations, Grade 9-12 - Physical Education
their  36th years of min- residing on and off reserve. The purpose of the programs of WRCFS is to sustain, support, and enhance family and community (other subjects as assigned)
istry. This is your invita- life. The agency’s mission is to work with our First Nations people to protect Aboriginal children, in keeping with our core values. For more details and application information, please visit our website at
tion, please join us! Potluck Intake Worker select Employment then Teaching Positions.
Lunch after Sunday’s per- Reporting to the Community Based Team Supervisor and working as part of the Agency’s team, you will be responsible for
formance. (10-2) x the following: to ensure a working knowledge of CFS legislation, regulations, standards and WRCFS policy and procedures; to Thank you to all applicants for their interest in
operate within the mandate, understanding the role as a mandated worker to provide services to enable and empower families
and to protect children; Complete the Structured Decision Making (SDM) as required; Provide intake services using the Intake Rolling River School Division.
BUSINESS Only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
Module(IM); provide direct service; Placement; to ensure there is development of relevant community resources of an ongoing
OPPORTUNITY nature and networks effectively with the existing resources; ensure culturally appropriate services; Makes referrals to appropriate
resources based on family assessment; Completes necessary administrative duties; Provides recognition and support to local CFS
committees where established; ensures own professional development; actively promotes WRCFS in a positive manner; assists
in the provision of emergency on call services; works as part of the WRCFS delivery team. Knowledge of and appreciation for
CENTERS. World’s First Ojibway culture and aspirations are essential. The ability to speak Ojibway will be considered a definite asset; Demonstrated • Must be able to stay on feet for long periods of time
Countertop Vending Ma- ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; must have demonstrated ability to work as part of a team and
chine. Selling Top Brand within a multi-disciplinary approach and have good organizational skills. Applicant must be able to respond to completing
• Pays great attention to details
M&M’s and Skittles. Protected deadlines in a fast paced environment. Computer training and or knowledge of Microsoft Office and familiarity with the
Territories-Financing-Train- Structured Decision Making Assessment Tools, Intake & CFSIS is essential Staff housing available, if needed
ing. CALL NOW 1-866-668- Case Aide
6629. WEBSITE www.sweets- Reporting to the Community Based Team Supervisor the worker will be responsible to work as part of a team in delivering a full For more information or to apply,please contact range of child & family services utilizing a community based model of service delivery, with emphasis on prevention and resource Barb Kelly:
services as a frontline approach. Duties will include; providing prevention/intervention assistance for the CFS case specific and FE
program areas; provision of frontline voluntary child and family services, including intake and referral; planning, developing and [email protected] or 204.848.8509
implementation of community based prevention programs related to CFS needs of the community; assist in delivery of statutory
services as required; assist in delivery of treatment support programs; to work with the community based team in developing
health based cleaning system and promoting programs supports as required; arranging and supervising family visits in conjunction with CFS workers;
A great janitorial business providing transportation for clients. Minimum Grade 12 high school education or an acceptable equivalent combination of
opportunity! education & training, Must have working knowledge of the CFS Act, Must have commitment to First Nation CFS and community 1.866.355.4676 | 204.848.2802
based planning, Knowledge and appreciation for First Nations culture and aspirations are essential, must be able to communicate PO Box 40, 3 Mooswa Dr E,
• Low initial investment
effectively, orally & in writing, must have the ability to make decisions and work effectively with others in a team process, ability Onanole, MB R0J1N0
• Brand recognition (8-9)
to speak the Ojibway language would be a definite asset, must have computer training and/or knowledge of Microsoft office.
• Professional business
and technical training Salary: Commensurate with experience and training and according to Provincial pay scale.
• Guaranteed cleaning WRCFS offers a supportive, progressive and innovative work environment, competitive salaries, a great benefits package,
and training opportunities. The successful applicant must provide WRCFS with a current Criminal Record check that includes
• Complete supplies and a Vulnerable Sector Search, Child Abuse Registry check, Prior Contact check and Driver’s Abstract prior to commencement of
equipment package employment. Travel is required. A valid driver’s license and access to means of reliable transportation for work is a condition of
• Financing available employment.
TION! In-demand career! Em-
regardless of your credit Please submit your resumes with a covering letter to: ployers have work-at-home
Be your own boss today! Rita Baptiste, BSW, RSW positions available. Get on- Heavy duty
Ph: (204)430-6510 West Region Child and Family Services, Inc. line training you need from an mechanic required
or (204) 615-9841 P.O. Box 280 employer-trusted program. Tools required and experience is
E: [email protected] Erickson, MB an asset. We offer competitive
Visit: or
R0J 0P0 wages, benefits, pension and 1-855-768-3362 to start train-
Fax: (204) 622-5248 apprenticeship for heavy duty
ing for your work-at-home ca- equipment or trailer technician.
Hip or knee DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS: Wednesday, May 30th, 2018 reer today!
Contact us or submit resume to:
replacement? We thank all who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
P: 204.571.1531
Problems walking or E: [email protected]
getting dressed? The Minnedosa Regional EF MOON is a second gen- F: 204.726.4910
Canadian Government Library is accepting applica- eration Heavy Construction Online application@
may owe you a:
tions for the position of Sum- Company founded in 1962 and
located in Portage La Prairie
$2,500 mer Reading Coordinator. Manitoba.
Yearly Credit Please drop off resumes at the We are currently seeking expe-
$20,000 Library until May 26th, 2018. rienced, goal oriented individu-
als for immediate employment
Lump Sum Refund Call 204-867-2585 for more
in a number of areas:
information. (9-2) x Supervisors, skilled labor-
The Disability Credit
ers, sewer & water person-
Service. Lowest rate in the
industry. Looking for a full time cook to FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES nel, excavator, dozer, grader,
rock truck, loader and packer
be working at RD’s On Main operators.
For reliable expert
in Minnedosa. The right ap-
service CALL WE ARE LOOKING FOR 1 OR 2 FULL OR PART-TIME We offer competitive wages,
comprehensive benefits plan,
plicant will be paid $17.50 per
204-453-5372 hour. The applicant must have ENERGETIC, TEAM ORIENTED EMPLOYEES Safety training and a hostile
free work environment.
two year’s experience in cook- WHO CAN JOIN US. Requirements are: minimum
ing and should be an expert in class 5 driver’s license, posi-
VERY GOOD WAGES, FULL TRANING WILL BE PROVIDED. tive work attitude, able to work
continental cooking. Please well with others or alone,
35 lines drop off resume in person at SEND RESUME TO [email protected] safety oriented, work exten-
9 Main St. N. or via email rd- 204-963-8865 sive summer hours including
some weekends, work away
[email protected]. (48- (10-4) from home, pass a drug and
25) x alcohol test.
If you are interested in joining
a well-established and grow-
ing company with room for
advancement, please visit
us at 1200 Lorne Ave. E. in
Portage La Prairie, MB to fill
out an application, apply online
at, or email a
resume to [email protected]
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, May 18, 2018 13

TENDER Sauces for Topping Your Pasta
By CHEF DEZ also be utilized in the same sauce. It is exactly what the
manner by removing it from name states it to be - but-

Class 1 O/O’s &

Company Drivers!
I n previous columns I
have suggested on sev-
eral occasions that one
the casings and cooking the
same as ground meat. Ital-
ian sausage (mild or hot,
ter that has been browned.
Take a hot pan and place
a handful of cold butter
We offer competitive
TOWN OF MINNEDOSA should try their hand at depending on your tastes) cubes into it. Stir, or lift the
miles and pay package.
making fresh pasta instead is wonderful for this. pan and swirl the melting
New Class 1 drivers
The Town of Minnedosa is accepting tenders for:
welcome! Terminals in of always relying on pur-             A béchamel (white butter, until the butter foam
Blumenort and Brandon. RFQ 2018-02 chasing it dry from a bag or sauce) is a very simple has just started to brown
Contact us!
5th Ave SW & 2nd Ave NW, box. Congratulations to you sauce. Don’t let the fancy and then toss with your
[email protected] Water Service Line Replacement if you took my advice and French culinary name scare favorite pasta. Your favorite
General information: tried your hand at this won- you - it’s just milk thickened fresh delicate herb (basil,
CLASS 1 derful culinary skill. For with flour and butter. A little oregano, sage, etc.) can also
The supply and installation of water service lines from
TRUCK DRIVER those of you that did, and seasoning (salt, pepper, and be added at the time of the
TO RUN CANADA the water main to the curb stop (including curb stop for those of you that never a pinch of ground nutmeg) cold butter for an incredible
- Paid pick, drops, replacement) of 4 service lines along 5th Ave. S.W. as well as will, I want to give you some and you have an incredible infusion of herbal essential
layovers and stat pay
- Multi drop runs 5 service lines along 2nd Ave. N.W. ideas for sauces to compli- sauce that can be a blank oils. Although we have all
- Cell usage ment your pasta, be it from canvas for your favorite been taught never to add
- Benefit package Contractor responsible for any required utility locates and
- Dedicated truck fresh or dry. cheeses to be melted in or butter to a hot pan for fear
- Sign on bonus
associated costs, including soft exposure if required. Work must be             The most common tossed with bits of grilled that it will burn, the trick is
- Quarterly and annual completed by June 29th, 2018 is the classic tomato sauce. chicken. Add garlic and par- to stop the cooking process
- Reset at home Any inquiry concerning the content of this Request for Although Chefs will consid- mesan and you will basic- of the “browning” butter
- Weekend home time er it sacrilege to any pasta, a ally have alfredo sauce. before it hits the “burning”
- Paid training Quotation should be directed to Kevin Marcino at 204-867-0037 or
number of people still buy             Oils infused with fla- stage. Use salted butter to
- Referral program [email protected]. canned or jarred premade vors and seasonings can be more complimentary in
Contact Derek @
204-793-7465 Tender package available for pick up at the Town Office on Friday, tomato sauces to don their be the base of a tasty light taste and less seasoning you
Centennial May 18th, 2018. pasta. Some will at least pasta coating. Heating ol- will have to do afterwards.
Transport & Leasing Ltd. get creative by adding ex- ive oil over medium to low             These are merely sug-
Sealed Tenders marked tra ingredients like onions heat and letting ingredients gestions as it would be lit-
“5th ST SW WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT” or garlic, but nothing can like crushed garlic, chillies, erally impossible to cover
CARD OF THANKS will be accepted at the Town of Minnedosa’s Civic Centre, take the place of good rustic herbs, etc. infuse their way every single type of pasta
103 Main Street South, Box 426 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 homemade batch of tomato into transforming a ordin- sauce idea here. What I
Thank you to everyone until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 1st, 2018. sauce. This does not have to ary oil into a savoury en- want this column to be is
for making the evening spe- be the style that simmers for hancement. These types of an invitation for you to blow
Fax: (204) 867-2686 Email: [email protected]
cial for Judy Carr and Hea- hours on end either. Many sauces are perfect for less some dust off your cook-
ther Currie. Thank you to Any or all of the quotations may not be necessarily accepted. great homemade pasta filling side dishes or during book collection or search
the United Church, R.D.’s on (10-2)
sauces can start out with hot weather when a heavily recipes from the internet.
Main and MCCC. a little help from canned thickened sauce is not de- Pasta is probably my favor-
diced tomatoes and some sired. ite thing to eat, but I realize
Sorry for the late re- tomato paste and be done             A batch of seasoned with most people that eat-
ponse. Thank you to everyone
in record time. Reduce it simmered vegetables can ing is not the problem; it’s
who came out, supported and
down even further at the also be transformed into a the cooking part that feels
put on the social in honour of
me. I’m happy to announce end (by simmering some of smooth sauce bursting with like a chore sometimes.
I am cancer free! Thank you TOWN OF MINNEDOSA the water content out) and flavors with the help of a Find a way to make it fun.
again. Danna. x replenish with some whip- blender, food processor, or When I was younger, one
ping cream and you now hand immersion blender. thing I always insisted on
I would like to thank my The Town of Minnedosa is accepting tenders for: have a rosé sauce for those We actually do one with when cooking pasta was to
coworkers, family and friends RFQ 2018-01 special occasions when cal- ground lamb where it is listen to Pavarotti while do-
for making my retirement orie counting is not on your simmered with a number of ing so. I still do on occasion,
such a special occasion; from
5th St SW, Water Main Replacement
priority list. vegetables and herbs with but now it is not only Pava-
the luncheons, the nights General information:                       Any ground meat some red wine. A few good rotti, but also Andrea Bocel-
out and the lovely retirement (beef, pork, chicken, turkey, pulses in a blender, at the li, Josh Groban and others...
party. Thank you to everyone The supply and install material for connection to existing lamb, etc.) cooked up at the end of the cook time, alter and always with a glass of
who was involved with put- C900 along 5th Ave SW. Works to include directional boring beginning of the process it into an amazing pasta wine. Happy Cooking..
ting it together and to all who
attended. I have truly enjoyed of 80m of C900 water main. Utility located to be arranged by will magically transform sauce.
working with an amazing contractor, contractor responsible for any soft expose costs. this rustic tomato or rosé             One of the quickest
group of staff. I will miss my sauce into a hearty meat pasta sauces you will ever
Work must be completed by June 29, 2018 sauce. Sausage meat can make is a browned-butter
work family but I look for-
ward to a new life in retire- Tender package available for pick up at the Town Office on
ment. Thanks again. Heather Friday, May 18th, 2018.
Currie. x
Any inquiry concerning the content of this Request for PROPERTIES FOR SALE
I would like to thank all
who sent cards and flowers. A Quotation should be directed to Kevin Marcino at 204-867-
special thank you to Nathan 0037 or [email protected]. Prairie Mountain Ph: 204-867-4657
and Elgin and the Clanwil- Gwen Usick Fax: 204-867-2150
liam ladies who served coffee Sealed Tenders marked Independently Owned
and Operated Broker Realtor
[email protected]
and dainties after the memo- “5th ST SW WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT”
rial. Special thanks to family will be accepted at the Town of Minnedosa’s Civic Centre, TIN
lIs PR
for all the support and help. W W
103 Main Street South, Box 426 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 NE NE
Jan Holm. x
until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 1st, 2018.
Fax: (204) 867-2686 Email: [email protected] MINNEDOsA
upcoming event? Space galore in this immaculate well
maintained 3 bedroom 2 bath home. This
Located on a large corner lot, this 1 3/4
storey home is one of the original homes
All dressed up, all it needs is a family! This immaculate
2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath home has been extensively Immaculate 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath

Let people Any or all of the quotations may not be necessarily accepted. beautiful home has seen numerous recent
upgrades that include HE gas furnace with
built in Minnedosa. This 3 bedroom 2 bath
home features 9 foot ceilings, refurbished
renovated from head to toe in 2017 & features updated
kitchen with all new soft close cabinets, countertops,
backsplash, island has new Bosch dishwasher,
home located on 15 1/2 town lots on
the edge of town features solid oak
kitchen cabinets built in dishwasher,
central air, HWT ‘15, shingles ‘12, most original hardwood & laminate floors, R50 1/2” laminate flooring, mirror closet doors & closet
windows ‘16, doors, 4 piece bath, flooring, insulation in attic providing low utility organizers, sky light in main bath, mostly LED lighting vinyl & wood floors, air exchanger, wall
throughout house. Downstairs you will find a 3rd A/C/heat unit, updated 4 piece bath, 48
know through ceilings, walls, basement, living room
addition, electrical, plumbing and more.
costs, all newer windows throughout in
2012, water line from curb in 2016 & most
bedroom, den, full bath, storage room. New HE gas
furnace, hydro costs average $90/mo, new plumbing sqft deck, sunroom addition off master,
The Classifieds! Outside you will find the perfect workshop
with wood stove, furnace & sitting area
making the perfect man cave get away!
plumbing replaced. There is a large stone
porch on the back and a verandah on the
throughout, water lines, HWT ‘17, HRV ‘17 & mudroom
leading to new attached single car garage constructed
of 2x6 walls, R20 insulation, GDO & remote. Outside
shingles, gas fireplace, 214 sqft deck
leading to the back yard. Basement
front. Comes with fridge, stove, dishwasher is all decked up too with deck, railing, vinyl siding & has wet bar & new laminate vinyl
& antique cupboard in upstairs hallway. 1 1/2” insulation, shingles, windows, landscaped flooring in family room. Most windows
Dryer and water softener are located in retaining wall, eaves, flower bed & shed. Drainage
ADVERTISE FOR has also been upgraded with french ditch, weeping 2009. Outside is 2 sheds, garden,
the dry basement. Outside you will find a tile & buried lines. There are many more upgrades, single garage, carport, double garage
12’x20’ single car garage and a single car additional list available.
shelter. The move is yours! with infloor heat.
AS LOW AS $9.00 Mls#1803853 $292,700
MLS #1812397 $219,900 MLS #1806243 $106,900 MLS #1804051 $224,900 $282,700
[email protected] Take a tour on or our website www.remax-prairie
14 Friday, May 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune


“Living in your
Proud Supporter Rick Taylor 867-7551

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- Lakefront lot ready
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- Extensive renovations - 3+1 bedroom, 2 ½ bath
and upgrades - 50’ frontage
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- Plenty of room for parking
Book this spot
- Appliances included detached garage
$63,900 MLS #1800557 $124,900 MLS #1711745 $214,900 MLS #1811539
Call 204-867 3816


SEMI WITH LOW BED &[email protected]
339 - 4TH AVE. S.W. 242 - 5TH AVE. S.W. 113 - 3RD AVE. S.W.
- 1,076 sq. ft. 3 bedroom - 1,480 sq. ft. bungalow
- 1,040 sq. ft. bungalow bungalow
- 2 + 1 bedrooms, 2 baths
- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths - wood burning fireplace, deck - Single detached garage and Bill Hopkins 2.indd 1 4/30/2018 1:04:53 PM
- Numerous updates and newly with hot tub many updates
finished garage - Many updates and newly $189,900 MLS #1809107
$258,900 MLS #1800559 fenced yard
$279,900 MLS #1808983
Considering listing your Property? BILL HOPKINS5” AND 6” continuous
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Call me today for great service at great rates! [email protected]
Siding Roofing
Soffit Fascia


Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam
Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation
Fire Retardent Coating

PRAIRIE REDI-MIX ELECTRICAL Electrician 204-867-3738

Minnedosa - 867-3853
R eady Mix Conc rete 204-868-5211 Email: [email protected]
Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
George Allard, FCGA* Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
Gateway Street All at Competitive
Onanole, MB
Open prices Enterprises Ltd.
8:30 -6:00 Refridgeration
Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
9-515 4th Ave. 116 Main Street
Air Conditioning,
Heating & Electrical Custom
Shoal Lake, MB
Minnedosa 30 Years Fertilizer Minnedosa
Ex perience!! Floating Credit Union
Dauphin Office -
15 1st Ave. S.W.
204 867-5550 ● Roofing ● Decks
Bus : 867-3950
Call today to book your
Phone: 204-638-3005
● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing spring floating needs!
Fax: 204-638-5817
● Renovations ● Repairs Fa x: 867-2340
Darvin - 204-868-5869 Main line
*Denotes Professional Corporation AUTO [email protected]
Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-6350
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544 Brad Ross
CatharineÊ Terry McLenehan
Van Veen 204-867-6363
MÊ GijsbersÊ
Chartered Professional
CL Carpentry Ltd. Susan Glasgow
Jon Kowal
Accountant Inc. AC Full-service construction

MinnedosaÊ Debbie Strelczik

Ê 213Ê Ê 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê
company specializing in 204-867-6360

T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê Residential, Commercial Dan Quesnel
Email:Ê Ê [email protected]Ê
M&M and Farm building. GRAIN 204-867-6359
Donna Dowsett
AUTO BODY HAULING 204-867-6361
BDO Canada, LLP All Auto Body Repairs
Leo or Cherry van Veen Candice Brown
Office: 204 – 826 2292 204-867-6362
Chartered Accountants Ph: 867-2083
and Advisors 5 Main St. North
[email protected] Brian Horner Alayna McTavish
Farm, Business & Individual Grain & Fertilizer Kim Robinson

Call Gregg Hauling

Professional Services: 204-867-6352
Joanne Clarke
~ Tax
Book this spot
~ Accounting Gaylene Johnson
~ Farm Programs $5.52/week 204-867-6357
Sarah Campbell, CGA Fax
39 Main Street South Call 204-867 3816 204-867-6391
Minnedosa 867-2957
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, May 18, 2018 15


WAHOSKI G ORD K E L LY Lakeside St. Alphonsus
Septic Service
Drivers Licenses, Autopac MECHANICAL LTD. Plumbing & Heating Catholic Church
General Insurance Gas Fitting 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. • Lawn Mowing & Trimming
PLUMBING Potable water Minnedosa,MB
MB 867-3831
Cheri McTavish – Broker ph: 867-2084 Minnedosa, 867-3831 • Dandelion Spraying -
867-3946 HEATING cell: 867-0346 delivery. Licensed Pesticide Applicator
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Book your portable • Fertilizer Application
GAS FITTING toilets. • Licensed Arborist Service
LEGAL AIR CONDITIONING SELF-HELP Erle Jury & Family • Hedge Trimming
• Yard Clean Up
204-867-3121 867-2416
Alexander or A.D.A.M. Cory Johnston ▪ Minnedosa
204-476-5185 Cell: 867-7558
Jackson Anxiety Disorders People Helping People (204)Ê 476-4705Ê
Law Office - Committed to Caring -
B-116 MainSt.St
of Manitoba RAINKE'S
RAINKIES Phone (204) 857-6100
Minnedosa, MB Support Group Sewage Service Fax (204) 857-8389 Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
867-3981 Plumbing & Heating JIM BEAUMONT
[email protected]
Meetings are held at Ventilation/Air quality Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of 476-2483
Ty Burton the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Owner/Operator
Air Conditioning

Burgess Law
204-868-5358 For more info call:
Debbie Fisch
Cell: 476-6591 Kitchen Equipment
Commercial Gas Fitter
Office (204) 725-8550 Dennis: 476-2766 Commercial & Residential
service specialist
51 Main Street S
ALCOHOLICS 23 Hour Service Walk-ins
Kent Brown
Minnedosa 75 Main Street South
867-2935 Plumbing & Heating
ANONYMOUS 1-204-724-7465 1-204-867-7346
If you like to drink and can
Summit Septic Haircuts, Hot Shaves,
[email protected] • Construction •
That's your business
If you want to stop and can't ServiceS Beard Trims & Hair Tattoos LEONA’S
204-867-5458 That's our business. Minnedosa and surrounding areas Studio Of Image
Frank r. Ford and Darwin
SIMS & COMPA N Y [email protected]
P.O. Box 36 Matthews’ Family Hair Care
L a w O ffi c e PLUMBING & HEATING
Russ Huyghe
or 867-3966 penny Ford TV AND APPLIANCE •Eminence Facials
Alanon - 210-0433 & Product
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. 204-868-6376 Alateen - 867-5121 Owner/Operator SALES AND SERVICE • Pedicures & LCN Nails
7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h CONSTRUCTION 867-3401 Minnedosa 204-210-0158 Your Shaw Direct,
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717 Cody Huyghe LG, Samsung, Bell • Spray Tanning
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays Cells
204-210-0502 Danby Dealer • Piercing
OFFICE MANAGER Drug Problem? 204-868-0851 or 204-868-0863 Computer Sales and Service
• Eyelash Extensions
204-868-6886 Narcotics
email: [email protected] Systems, Monitors &
67 Main St.
Anonymous can help Minnedosa, MB
Waterpals Phone 867-3164
BURTON PAINTING REAL ESTATE Meetings every Potable Water Delivery E-mail: [email protected] TAC
Tuesday & Minnedosa and area Ventures Inc.
Myrna Alexander
Cell: 868-5503
Cell: 868-5503
Saturday at 7 p.m. No Job is too small!!! Lake Audy Meats Waste
at Calvary Temple, Also now Paying Cash on Farm Raised Animals Management &
221 Hamilton Street, Scrap Metal Pick up!! Lorne or Ian Arnold Contracting
Neepawa, MB 204-868-5674 (204)476-0002
Book this spot Cells: 204-867-7380
Garbage Removal
Bin Rentals
Construction Demolition
$5.52/week TRADING SERVICES or 204-848-0660 Renovating
Household clean up
Josh McKay - Sales Rep Estate clean ups
Call 204-867 3816 PETER HARRISON 204-210-0740
Phone/Text We now offer Transformative
[email protected]
Call us today for your carpet 142 Main Street North
867-5551 & upholstery cleaning needs. House/Business
Minnedosa, MB

MLA Gently Used Furniture Cleaning Services 204-596-5111

Clothing & Misc. Items THE
- Residential
Donations LEAN
MACHINE - Commercial Book
Estate Sales
Pick-up & Deliveries
AND DETAILING Home: 867-3272 This
Cell: 210-0818 Spot
[email protected] for
Toll Free 844.877.7767 Book this spot ● 204-848-0097
204-848-0400 only
[email protected] $5.52/week ● 204-848-0400 $11.07 per
#7 � 515 4th Avenue Call 204-867 3816 [email protected]
Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB week!
16 Friday, May 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Removing Scratches From Flooring and Sinks

ing repair kit. Depending and clean the shade. An- Dear Hilda, not penetrating; they are

Solutions and on the colour of the floor-

ing, you may also be able
other option is to wrap
packing tape around your
Begin by making sure
that the cream cheese is
just on the surface (from
pots and pans etc.). Look
Substitutions to hide scratches with a
colour-matched perma-
hand and press each area
of the lampshade with
at room temperature. Beat
the cream cheese by itself
forward to anything you
can suggest as they are
By nent marker. If this is not tape. A lint roller is also until smooth. After mixing only two years old. Nick
REENA NERBAS the case, consider replac-
ing the floor plank in order
very effective. Baby wipes
are handy for removing
the ingredients together;
strain the mixture through Dear Nick,
for the floor to look nice marks from lampshades. a sieve to ensure that there Even if the scratches
again. Fortunately, this is Some lampshades may are no lumps. If you still are not deep, they are
Dear Reena, just been washed. Marsha achievable if you can co- be cleaned in the bathtub, notice lumps, put the mix- still scratches and using
My light-coloured lour-match your floor. spray the shade with the ture into the food proces- a cleaner such as baking
laminate flooring has a lot Dear Marsha, showerhead and a bit of sor until smooth. soda or vinegar will not
of surface scratches, in a Laminate flooring Dear Reena, shampoo. erase the damage. You
high traffic area.  Is there looks like wood because What is the easiest way Dear Reena, will need to purchase a
any way to touch up these it is a photographic image to remove dust and pet Dear Reena, I enjoy reading your porcelain repair kit from
scratches so that they of wood; it is then covered hair off lampshades? I baked a cheesecake helpful tips. How would your local hardware store.
aren’t so noticeable rather by a clear protective fin- Marilyn and it looked and smelled you suggest getting surface With the color match ep-
than replacing the floor- ish. Repair scratches with great. However, when I “scratches” out of lovely, oxy mixed according to the
ing?  You can really see a wax crayon designed to Dear Marilyn, removed it from the oven white porcelain kitchen directions and a sponge,
these scratches when the cover small imperfections The easiest way to and ate a piece; it was sinks? I have tried; baking you will likely end up with
sun shines directly on the in laminate flooring or clean lampshades is to lumpy. How can I prevent soda, Magic Eraser, bleach great results.
area and the floors have purchase a laminate floor- press the dust attachment this in the future? Hilda and vinegar but nothing
onto the vacuum nozzle works. The “scratches” are

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $10 minimum order)
MAY 18TH - MAY 24TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

Kraft dressing asstd .............................................................. 475ml ............. $2.50
PC™ baby brussel sprouts/broccoli florets/edamame ........500g ............. $2.99
Heinz ketchup upside down/squeeze .......................... 750ml/1lt ............. $3.99 PC™ frozen fruit asstd ............................................................400g ............. $4.49
Palm dish soap asstd ............................................................ 828ml ............. $2.29 PC™ ice cream shop flavours asstd .................................... 946ml ............. $3.79
Miracle Whip asstd .......................... 650-890ml ...... $3.49 PC™ cream first chocolate/vanilla ice cream ....................... 1.5lt ............. $5.99
PC™ crispy rice cereal/Frosted Flakes .......................... 640-680g ............. $3.79 Ristorante pizza asstd ........................320-390g ...... $3.99
PC™ Corn Flakes .....................................680g ...... $3.49 Casa Di Mama pizza asstd .............................................. 395-410g ............. $3.99
MM/Five Alive/Fruitopia/Nestea frozen asstd .................. 295ml ..........3/$2.00
PC™ pancake mix buttermilk complete ...................905g/750ml ............. $2.79
PC™ dipp granola bars asstd ........................................... 156-172 ............. $1.99 Chapmans frozen yogurt asstd .................................................. 2lt ............. $3.99

PC™ Great Canadian single pod............................................12ea ............. $7.99
PC™ crackers crisp thin vegetables .......................................225g ............. $1.79
Tostitos asstd .................................................................... 205-295g ..........2/$6.00
PC™ BM beans red kidney .................................................. 540ml ..........4/$5.00
PC™ salad dressings asstd .................................................. 475ml ..........2/$4.00
PC™ croutons asstd ................................................................140g ..........2/$4.00 NN™ bacon .............................................................................500g ............. $4.39
PC™ splendido olive oil extra virgin......................................... 1lt ............. $9.49 Seaquest™ crab flakes ............................................................454g ............. $4.99
PC™ decadent cookies asstd .....................300g ...... $2.99 PC™ smokies-cheddar, original ..............................................1kg ............. $8.99
PC™ beef burgers asstd .......................................................1.36kg ........... $12.99
PC™ canned pop 12 packs asstd .................................. 12x355ml ............. $2.99
PC™ kettle chips .....................................................................220g ............. $1.99 PC™ chicken wing with sauce - honey garlic, mild..............907g ........... $13.99
PC™ cranberry cocktails asstd/red grapefruit.................... 1.89lt ............. $2.79 ML top dogs weiners ...............................................................450g ............. $3.99
Perrier water asstd ............................................................... 750-1lt ..........2/$3.00 Beef striploin steaks .......................................... $9.49/lb
Kellogg Rice Krispie squares asstd.....176-200g .. 2/$5.00 Inside round roast .................................................................................... $4.99/lb
Lays potato chips asstd ................................................... 240-255g ..........3/$8.00 Chicken drumsticks ........................................ $1.99/lkb

Ocean Spray cranberry cocktails sstd .................................. 1.89lt ............. $3.79
Motts Clamato asstd .............................................................. 1.89lt ............. $3.79
NN™ shredded mozzarella ....................................................900g ........... $10.99
Tropicana orange, pineapple mango grapefruit juice1.75lt ...... $3.99
Liberte yogurt ..........................................................................500g ............. $3.79

FM buttertarts raisin or pecans ..............................................510g ............. $4.99
Wonder bread white or whole wheat .....................................570g ............. $2.50
Wonder Rolls hamburger or hot dog buns ........... 12s ...... $2.99


GH peppers - red, orange, yellow ............................................................ $2.49/lb

Red grapes ................................................................................................. $2.49/lb
Roma tomatoes ................................................. $0.99/lb
PC Potatoes mini gems mixed, red, yellow............................960g ............. $2.99
Navel oranges ............................................ 3lb ...... $4.99
Bartlett pears ............................................................................................. $1.99/lb
OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821

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