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Among the pipers who captured the eyes and

hearts of the Scots were (from left) Barbara Mix-

son (Cedar Rapids). Jane Richter (Davenport)
and Joy Jarrard (Victor).

The Highlander Christmas Letter Dr. H. P. Nickolisen (1938-41) chosen to join the all-male group
614 Frances Building, Sioux City, in 1938. Having Bill teach Fran
Here is the Highlander Letter. Iowa, was a piper in the all-male and me the ‘Fling’ and ‘Sword
We’re sorry that it is so late Highlanders. This dentist — an Dance’ and to perrform at Daven­
this year, li seems we got involv- oral surgeon — has three child­ port, Kansas City, Ames, Omaha,
ed in a Rose Bowl Trip which ren: Beth age 10; Bill age 7; and ; and to see the great group change j
set our time schedule back con- j Bob 2 years old. and grow and travel and always j
siderably. to hold the greatest respect from I
The following is a condensation John H. Graham (1938-42) 705 all has been my privilege and I
of the letters we received. Most Clark Street, Iowa City, Iowa, j
delight. Like all the others, I’m
of the replies have been edited says: “ I have just one question proud to have been a Highlander
for the sake of avoiding repetition. to ask Bill, why did you have to and the first “ Lassie” . Jannes’
All of the letters received send save all these European trips, husband is owner and publisher
“ Greetings’ to all of the ex­ Rose Bowl, etc., until now? (I of the Fayette County Union in
members and to me which I ex- have a couple of pretty valid ans­ West Union, and Jannes says
pecially appreciate. The letters wers to that question!) Still, I’ll she is “ employed as homemak­
are arranged in chronological or­ never forget the New York Trip er, mother, and writes a column
der of the members’ participa­ of ’39. I am often reminded of my for the ‘Union’ ” . And who does
tion in the Highlanders. If there duties of ‘official baby sitter’ dur­ she ‘mother’? Sara age 13, Jane
was an error in the chronology, ing that trip whenever I see young 9, and Monte, age 5.
the writer failed to mention the Bill on the street today.” John has
dates, or my memory is as poor two daughters: Sandra 4, and Anne Frazier (Mrs. Richard T.
as ever. The dates in parentheses Susan 2. He is part owner of Trowbridge) (1939-40 ) 5320 North
following the names are the years Paris Cleaners, Iowa City, Iowa. Diversey Boulevard, Whitefish
during which the member was Russ Kiesele (1939-40) 1607 19th Bay 17, Wisconsin, is the wife of Jonne Shiley (Graettinger) led
active in the Highlanders. Street, Moline, Illinois, is Make- the advertising manager of the
the Scottish Highlanders through
Up Editor with the Moline Dis­ downtown business for the Mil­
Harold L. Hemingson (1934-38) patch, and he has one child, Jan waukee Journal and they have j ther performances in Great Brit­
903 Karen Avenue, Austin 5, Texas lVSs years of age. Rick who is 14, Edward 12, and *ain last summer. Jo left the
Anne Louise 10. Anne was another group just before its final per­
Harold was a snare and bass William R. Yates (1939-40) 8406 formance at Falkirk, Scotland, to
drummer with the S.U.I. Drum Copley Drive, Richmond, Virginia, dancer with the first Highlanders. fly home and assume new teach­
Corps, which later became the is an Attorney in Casualty Claims She writes: “ Hello Bill — Since
ing duties at Denver, Colo.
Scottish Highlanders. He is with (insurance) now. In 1947 through I last wrote seems all the Trow­
the Investors Diversified Services, 1952 he was an F. B. I. agent bridges have been doing is build­
C. David Cornell (1941-42 ) 695
Inc., selling securities and sav­ in New York and closely con­ ing and buying houses. We spent Colorado Avenue, Claremont, Cal­
ings plans. Because of a great nected to the Rosenberg spy case, 3 months at our new summer ifornia. Another one of our pipers
many sales he made during the but since January, 1953, has prac­ home at Lac Court Orielles near is Assistant to the Director of
past year, he was made a mem­ ticed law in Richmond, Virginia. Hayward, Wisconsin, then to a
ber of the President’s Club for This former piper, Bill, has two new home November 15th in j Industrial Relations, Convair-Po-
Sales. Congratulations! The Hem- sons — Bryan Ray 3 years old Whitefish Bay. I have taken |mona, a division of General Dyn­
amics Corporation, Pomona, Cal­
ingsons have three sons now: and David William, two months time though to listen to the ter- j ifornia; and hs is visiting lecturer
Kent, age 14; Don, age 11; and old. rific football Iowa was playing
David Lee born a year ago last this season and the Highlander in Speech at Claremont Men’s
Lassies sound even better. Your College, Claremont, California.
December 22nd. Again congratu­ Robert J. Parden (1939-41) Un­
David left fulltime teaching last
lations! iversity of Santa Clara, Santa scholarship fund is a wonderful June when he resigned from the
Clara, California, is Dean of En­ thing, too.”
Leon Karel (1936-42 ) 820 E. faculty at Pomona College to join
Line Street, Kirksville, Missouri. gineering at the University. He Laura Dempster (Mrs. Al Rice) the Convair Guided Missiles Di­
The Karels spent the past year has a new little daughter named (1939-43 ) 27180 Meadowbrook, De­ vision. He says: “ I originally join­
(1955-56) in Germany on a Full- Patricia. Congratulations, Robert! troit 39, Michigan. The Dempsters ed the Company to set up a train­
bright Research Grant. They tra­ Arthur R. Stevens (1939-40) Box have Laurie 8, Timothy 6, Leslie ing program in ‘Effective Com­
veled all over Spain, Austria, 725, Rd 2, Reading, Pennsylvania, Ann 4, and Michael 1 year. Laura munications’, but just (recently)
Italy, France, Germany, Den­ is with the American Casualty was a dancer and writes: “ Need was promoted to my present pos­
mark, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Company as Administrative Un­ any extra dancers, Bill? I’ve kept ition as Assistant to the Manager
and including England, ‘ ‘where derwriter — his main job is de­ in shape!” They went to the Rose of Industrial Relations. I’m still
we met the Highlanders living signing and composing insurance Bowl, and it was wonderful seeing j teaching one upper undergraduate
in the same block (in London)! forms and policies. He has a son them there. They, too, have mov- j speech course each semester at
We saw some noteworthy sights Allen Leslie age 6. He writes: ed into a large home, with enough Claremont Men’s College, Po­
in Bonny Scotland, too. Current­ “ Bill — I was in the group you room to accommodate any furth-1 mona’s sister institution in the
ly, we are saving up money to do had from Iowa City High School er expansion in the Rice family, Associated Colleges of Claremont,
it again sometime. Our oldest back in ‘Iron Men’ days. Then she tells us. i Of course, we haven’t recovered
daughter, Laura 11, is studying came the war — a year at Iowa Ifrom the success of the football
flute, and may be the first of the — then more Army — then anoth­ Before we move on the next j team, and since we live just 25
2nd generation to make the High­ er year at Iowa — never did keep group of alums who comprise the miles from Pasadena we expect
landers yet.” Leon is in his settled long enough to graduate. 1940’s and 1950’s, we must speak to see you and the Highlanders
eighth year as Associate Profes­ Doesn’t really make a great deal of a very dear Highlander who on New Year’s Day. (We did
sor of Music at Missouri State of difference in the insurance played tenor drums back in 1937 meet the Cornells, and it was
Teacher’s College, Kirksville, Mis­ business — if one obtains equiva­ — who lost his life in a car ac­ mighty fine to see them once
souri, teaching mostly music lent knowledge and maintains im­ cident the beginning of this year, again, too!) My family is grow­
theory, “ some woodwinds (but not munity from ulceis! (You do get 1957. He was Robert C. LaBarre ing up all too quickly. My daugh­
the pipes, yet) and handling grad­ shakey, though!) Note to gals (1937) of the Algona Insurance ter is busy between swimming
uate work.” The Karels have two — You’re doing fine — keep up Agency, Algona, Iowa, husband and horseback riding. My son
other children — David 12, and the tradition . . . P.S. I must be of Marion Schouten LaBarre, fa­ is anxious to start school next
Amy 5 years old. the only Iowan fan in these ther to Suzanne 15, Charlene 13 year.” (Ilis young son, Corwin
Dr. George F. Fieselmann (1936- parts!” and Brian Robert 7. He wrote: Bruce, is four years old).” A 1 -
39) 905 E. 4th Street, Spencer, “ Saw all of Iowa’s games at
Eugene F. Challed (1939-41) home and away with the excep­ though she is seven, Barbara
Iowa. George was a piper back claims that SUI is her school,
16214 East Pasada Drive, Whit­ tion of Purdue. Wish you could and both my wife, Ruth (Rein-
in the ’thirties at S. U. I., but tier, California, is a prescription
now he is the proud father of set up a reunion of the fellows inga) and I hope this may come
two children: John 11; and Jane pharmacist in the South Whit­ that used to be in the Highlanders true. If so, you’d better be pre­
tier Pharmacy, having moved
7. He is a physician and surgeon from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where for some home game next year.” pared for another Highlander, be­
in Spencer. Buster Hart (1940-43 )2281 Lilac cause one thing is definite — she
Robert S. Lee (1939-42 ) 219 Main, he owned his own drug store, Lane, White Bear Lake, Minne­ nas the lung capacity!
for six years, but is now “ enjoy­ Sidney C. Guthrie (1941-43)
Iowa City, Iowa, was another bag­ ing living a la Western mode sota. Buster is a partner of a
pipe player in the late ’thirties. working merely 44 hours a week law firm; Briggs, Gilbert, Mor­ Company H, 34th Infantry Regi­
He is Assistant Circulation Man­ for the ‘other guy’ for a change.” ton, Kyle and McCartney, W-2162 ment, APO 24, San Francisco,
ager of the Iowa City Press-Citi- The Challeds have two children First National Bank Building, St. California. This ex-snare drum­
zen. The Lees have one son, — Bill 9 years and Cindy 3. mer has been in Korea, and he
Paul, Minnesota. He was, with
David, who is now 8 years old. his brother, our baton twirler has sent pictures he has taken
Dr. F. Benjamin Merritt (1938- Richard C. Park (1941-42) Vic­ of the area within the last year
in the 1940’s. He writes: “ To old
41) 2315 Simpson Street, Dubuque, tor, Iowa, was a drummer back Highlanders (I use the word ad­ which explain it very well. How­
Iowa, says: “ Please spread the in the ’forties. He says that he visedly) everywhere I am sure ever here in his own words, are
word that male Highlanders did has nothing new to report, but that it is a continuing source of some comments about the land
exist!” This pediatrician has is still practicing law in Victor; pleasure and pride to see the way and the people: “ Generally, the
five children: Catherine 5, Ste­ and has “ enjoyed watching for you have maintained and expand­ land is primarily agricultural,
phen 4, William 3, Elizabeth 15 the traveling Highlanders’ on TV ed the prestige of our beloved
poor in minerals, forestry and
months, and Christopher 2 months. New Year’s Day.” After a report Scottish Highlander band.” water power. The cultural level of
Nyle W. Jones, Jr. (1938-41) from fourteen ‘male’ Highlanders the people is based upon a way of
1234 Faun Road, Graylyn Crest, of earlier days — we have to Kenneth L. Krabbenhoft (1941- life so different and so much more
Wilmington 3, Delaware. Nyle recognize some ladies who were 42) 27 Oakdale Building, Pleasant ancient than our own as to defy
is married to a former Iowa our dancers in those first days. Ridge, Michigan. Kenneth is a any comparison. To say that they
Citian, Gretchen Yetter, and they Jannes Savery (Mrs. Richard Radiologist with the Drs. L. Rey­ are primitive is not so, since the
have a son Rickey 4% years; W. Westerfield (1938 )119 Jeffer­ nolds and Associates at Harper method of radiant heat used in
Wendy Sue 2% years, and were son, West Union, Iowa, says: Hospital. He has a Kenneth, Jr., even the lowliest of shelters has
to have a third the end of Decem­ “ From a co-ed viewpoint, it aged 10, Douglas Harold 8, and just recently been adopted in our
ber. Nyle played tenor drums couldn’t have been more fun than Karen Ann 6. Remember him as own construction. They love beau­
with the S. U. I. Drum Corps, too. to be the first girl Highlander a bagpiper. ty, the ancient loras, the cus-
toms, the land. However, to the community projects and her two Marilyn Schrimper (Mrs. Robert in the Alumni News — it was
American eye, it is a land of m- children, Chuck 6, and Melvin 3. W. Roberts) (l943-45) 2031 Mea- excellent — bet more Highlanders
creaiuie turn and stencn, based Lloyd is night supervisor at Iowa dowbrook Drive S. E., Cedar would like to know about it and
sunpiy upon the tact mat tne City’s Proctor & Gamble Plant Rapids, Iowa, played the snare order one.” (See note at end of
mouein — mat is sanitation ana plus farming 220 acres, and he arums witn the mgnlanders. Her letter for information on Record­
a nign stanuard of living based was “ our county’s ‘outstanding nusoand is Plant engineer tor ing.)
upon mucn 01 tne matenai in farmer of the year’ ” , proudly Cryovac Company in Cedar Ra­
lne — is beyond, tar beyond, tne writes Margaret. pids. They nave Lynn 7%, Biliy Marsena Nelson (Mrs. J. Guil­
ford Gerlach) ( l 943-46) 1412 Went­
reach 01 tne average man. une Mildred Jean Cords (Mrs. •i'-h and Borry 2.
cannot call tne peopie unnappy — James L. Carlson (1942-44) 3640 Betty Silverberg (1943-45) 3400 worth Avenue, Caiumet City,
they wuik naiu, tney cue yuting, East Avenue, White Bear Lake, Randolph, Lincoln, Illinois. Our ex-snare drummer
but tne cnucuen (and mere are 10, Minnesota, tells us that her arummer, is still employed as says that her husband, Guil, is
many ol menu play just as mucn, husband is a special sales repres­ psciuatric caseworker at Lincoln Cnemicai Engineer, itesearcn De­
laugn just as mucn ana cry entative for Retail Credit partment, in the Standard Oil
Com­ CnUd Guidance Center. Company (Indiana), in Whiting,
just tne same as uu our own. b u t pany — an insurance investigat­ Jeanne Baker (Mrs. Leslie Mad­ Indiana. They have a little girl
— as 1 said Detore, tnere is no ing firm. They Jean Ann nearly ison; (1943-45) 2108 E. Jarvis, named Lynn Marie 3 years old.
comparison.' sianey, by tne way, 2 — “ but wait ’til the ’57 Christ­ Shorewood 11, Wisconsin. The
has a son ana uaugnier, sianey mas letter,” she says. Further in little ones are Kurt 3, and a lime We keep plenty busy mostiy with
tne ill, agea b, ana neauier ‘t. her note to us she says — “ All girl, Leslie, 18 months. home and lamny donigs, a n d
Sianey senior is a Captain. ex-Iowans are ’busting at the but­ writes tuitner: "o u r Big news we re sorry we couidn t get to
lowa City on Novemuer 3 for
June Clark (Mrs. Biame Asher, tons’ this week after Iowa’s win this year is a HOUSE. Moved Homecoming — or for that game
Jr.; ( l 941-42) Breezy Meadows, 7-0 over Minnesota (Nov. 10) and in Uie loth of October and plan witn onio State Novemuer 17.
Spencer, Iowa. June has tnree now we can quietly go back to to ‘clean-up, fix-up, paint-up’ lor My husband’s an Ohio State man.
cimuien: Ann, ten years oia, being Minnesotans again until quite a wnne. we re an nappy to
you know, and I had a lot ol sat-
Nancy 8, ana i?ntz is b. lne Asner next year and that one big foot­ oe here, tnough. The sman ones isiaction that day, if omy on the
Motor Company (Uoage, Ply­ ball game weekend. Everything's Keep me jumping but tney re lots raaio (we neara those pipes be­
mouth, ana cnrysieri nas "a great and we hope it is with you ol lun — most ol the time! Heard tween halves). Im still working
manager since iny husoand s all, too!” uie Ohio state game — must say at my ligure skating and ice
death, ’ writes June. “ Keep on Lcdr. Wayne S. Mitter USN I d liKe to see that team — but dancing and take Lynn sometimes
doing the good worn. My giris (1942-43) USN Advanced Base most of all — the Highlanders now. She spends a lot of time
can hardly wait to go to Iowa Navy 913, FPO, New York. The were fine — the drums were very sprawnng but tninks it is a great
ana ue meinoers of tne Hignianu- Lieutenant-Commander is a navy line in tact.” The latter com­ joke Rignt now I m smelling ros­
ers. They wonaer what it was like civil engineer officer, and was ment from a former snare drum­ es along with all other S. U. Io-
wnen Mama went in tne oiaen presently with the U. S. Navy- mer, too. Jeanne s husband is in wans and . . . what a thrill it
days.’ ” Advance Base, Bremerhaven, the Personnel services Division ol would be, only I guess I’ll only
Dr. John R. Christenson (1941- Germany. “ I particularly enjoyed the Wisconsin Electric Power see it on TV myseil instead of
42 2002 Barbara Drive, Palo Bagpipes in Edinburgh and Pit­ Company. in person. Saw Illinois vs. UCLA
Alto, Calilornia. Dr. Christensen lochry, Scotland last summer,” Emma Lou Heston (Mrs. Lewis in 1946 in person and that Rose
is a Physician in the Ear, Nose writes Wayne. “ I was extremely B. Carter — Dr.) (1943-45) 305 W. Bowl is really tops.”
and Throat Palo Alto Clinic. He sorry not to be there at the same Adams Street, Fairfieid, Iowa.
hoped to see many ol ins old time you Highlanders were there. Emma Lou tells us that her hus­ Margaret Green (Mrs. Roger
fnenas at tne Rose Bowl — we The beautiful Scottish Highlands band is a dentist and she is a W. Grupp) (1943-45; 1946-47) 1220
hope you did, Jonn, ana glad to on nice sunny May days are housewife. Their children are N. Virginia, Mason City, Iowa.
know you continue to have an in­ wonderfully suited to the pipes — Christine, age 10, Jettrey 9, Sarah Roger works at Carl Grupp’s Food
terest in lootoail, having watcned and to golf.” These are pleasent 5. “ I have been so busy with Center, Mason City, as co-manag-
Stamord play this past yar, too. words coming from a former bag­ lamily chores, I haven’t kept in er. The Grupps have four child­
Wendell E. Jeffrey (1941-42) piper. He also asked about how toucn with the Highlanders, but ren: Margaret 8, Billy 7, Becky
Department of Psychology, Uni­ he might set a good recording my children are at an age now 5 and RicKy 4. “ Would love to
versity of California, Los Ange­ of piper music — especially of where I have a little spare time hear from any old iriends from
les, calilorma. Jen writes: the Iowa Highlanders. (See note lor things such as answering the Highlanders. Sorry I missed
move from Columbia to U. C. L.A. at end of letter regarding High­ questionaires. Hope to make it to Homecoming but — someaay!!.
is new and pieasent. Will, umor- landers Recording.) tne Homecoming Cofiee next Memories of being in the High­
tunateiy, be in New York for John Linkletter (1942-43 ) 3839 year.” landers are priceless, gals, so
the American Association tor Ad 34th Street, Des Moines 10, Iowa. Dorothy Magill (Mrs. Robert keep marching. Hope my girls
vancement of Science Meetings John played the pipes in the High­ M. Turnbull) (1943-45) 800 Plum can add their names to tne roster
wnen Iowa is in town for tn« landers, and now he is Managing Street, Atlantic, Iowa. Dorothy some day.”
Rose Bowl. An unfortunate com­ Editor of the Book Editorial writes: “ We have been living in
mitment.” Also, the Jelireys are Department of the Meredith Pub­ the United States this past year Eleanor Nissen (Mrs. Robert
in the process of buying a new lishing Company in Des Moines. while on furlough after a tive year Bell) (1943-47) 7986 White Oak
home — (a statement we under­ He has two children: Gayle 4, term in Egypt. (Dorothy’s hus­ Lane, Hammond, Indiana. Robert
stand, too.) and Scott one year old. is Assistant General Foreman in
band is Agi icuitural Missionary
Phyllis Nissen (Mrs. Niles Che- Lee Brau (1943) Mt Pleasent, located in Assiut, Egypt). My hus­ the Standard Oil Company, and
nault) (1941-45) 11th N. E., Mason Iowa, was another piper, who band returned to Egypt in Septem­ Eleanor says that he was tem­
now runs the Brau Pharmacy in porarily assigned along with two
City, Iowa. The Chenauits write ber but I could not go until our others as supervisors to start
they have Steve 10, Larry 7, Ron­ Mt. Pleasant, and has been mar­ baby was three months old. Octo­ up a new unit being built at Stand­
nie 5, and now a much awaited ried to ‘Mary Jean’ — only a ber 29th, I started from Omaha ard called the Low Pour Point,
baby girl, Jeanne Mane, who little more than a year. Congrat­ by air to return to Egypt with and this past summer she said
was nine months at the writing ulations! my three girls but was stopped
of this letter. Miles is Claims Rhea Hyink (Mrs. John L. John­ in New York by Israli invasion ne was assigned to the start up
Manager and Vice President of ston) (1943) 1415 Eastbrook Drive of Egypt. Now we are waiting of the MEK unit and “ it did
South Bend 16, Indiana, is marriec seem odd to see him go off to
Iowa Hardware Mutual Insurance until it is possible for us to go. work at midnight and come home
Company, and the home office is to a surgeon of the South Bene My husband is there waiting for at 8:00 a.m. asking jokingly if
in Mason City. They keep busy Osteopathic Hospital. They hav( us.” Their three daughters are supper was ready. Glad he isn’t
with their family and community one daughter, Cynthia Louis, 3M Ann 4, Carol 3, and Janet, the on shift work ail the time as are
activities. years old. Rhea writes: “ Do ap baby.
preciate your yearly letter anc many in this industrial area.” She
Gwen Buster & James L. Sla­ enjoy hearing so many fine things Dorothy Snook (Mrs. Delmar continues, “ Kathy (their 3 year
ter (Dr. and Mr. James L. Slater) about the Highlanders.” Van Horn, Jr.) (1943-46) RFD 4, old) scared us by falling out of
(1943-47; 1941-42) respectively) You! Jefferson, Iowa. Our ex-snare bed and having some serious sym­
2101 55th Avenue, Arcadia, Cali­ Jeanne Franklin (Mrs. John O drummer says that they still live ptoms of a fracture but it wasn’t,
fornia, were snare drummers with Bolin )(1943-44) 514 S. Russell on a farm and still farm the land, and we felt very lucky. I keep
the Highlanders. Jim is a doctor Champaign, Illinois says: “ Surely however the major part of her busy in my various organizations
practicing obstretics and gyneco­ did get a thrill seeing the High­ husband’s time and energy goes and playing bridge. Standard Oil
logy in Covina, California now. landers march in the Homecom­ into the Shriver-VanHorn Com­ had their annual Foreman Fellow­
Gwen writes: “ Jim flew over Io­ ing Parade. Sorry there wasn’t pany of which hs is a partner. ship Ladies Night at the Terrace
wa City last May en route to more time at the game as we The Company sells feed, fertilizer, C&ssino of the Morrison Hotel
Chicago where he took the orals would have preferred seeing the steel buildings, etc. Continuing — in Chicago this year. Dinner-en-
for his OB-GYN Boards (which Highlanders to seeing the Michi­ “ Last year this form came so terainment and dancing which is
he passed).” They have two gan band!” That’s loyalty, isn’t early, I misplaced it and never always an enjoyable evening for
children, Jimmy 9 and Robin 6. it? Jeanne and John have two did send it back. This year I’ll about 400 couples.” The Bells also
Gwen writes further of them — youngsters — Michael aged 6, do it immediately. We have adopt­ have Billy who is five years old
Robin is in the first grade and and Patricia Lee 15 months. John ed another son since I wrote to now.
fast becoming a book worm. is an insuraance adjuster and the Highlanders two years ago
Jimmy’s whole life is football. He Jeanne is teaching in the grades and a mighty welcome addition to Louise Maddy (Mrs. R. Wayne
plays end and is the smallest half days. the family he has been. Gary is Winter) (1944 ) 6178 Carr Street,
Arvada, Colorado. Dr. Winter is
kid on the team but sure tries Betty Pengrey (Mrs. Don Sul 5 years old, and Kent Michael
hard. My latest project is obed­ hoff) (1943-44) 4324 F Avenue IVz years old. We hope someday in private practice in Arvada as
ience training for the family N. E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, writes to find a little future Highlander a dentist. Louise and the doctor
hound. The struggle being, who that they are both busy people. but really feel terribly fortunate have two children — Barbara Jo
years, and Robert (Rob) 2
is going to be obedient, me or Betty is a supervisor for Wel­ to have the two boys. I have years old.
him . . . It will be good to hear come Wagon Babytime Calls in seen the Highlanders perform at
from everyone again this year.” Cedar Rapids and Marion, and all home games this fall and en­ Vera Greiner (Mrs. Kent Cas-
Gwen wrote her answer to the Don is sportswriter for the Cedar joyed them as always. As I am stevens) (1944-45) 148 Ann Street,
Highlanders Questionaire on the Rapids Gazette. They have two writing this we are looking for­
Clarendon Hills, Illinois. Vera
17th of November and she said — children, Wendy 6, in first grade, ward to seeing you perform in works as secretary to Arthur And­
“ Day of the Iowa-Ohio State and Greg 5, who goes to Kin­ the Rose Bowl on New Year’s erson & Company, and Kent is in
Game, and what a day that is — dergarten. Betty says: “ My child­ Day and are as thrilled about
the Aricraft Engine Division-Con-
Iowa beat Ohio State, will the ren watched the Highlanders on going as all of the girls and you,
Highlanders be coming to the TV and were quite amazed. They Bill, must be. I enjoyed reading troller’s Division of the Ford Mot­
Rose Bowl?” (Well, now we know could hardly believe their mother about your European trip this or Company.
that’s history, and an exciting could ever play a bagpipe.” summer and am proud that the Vera says: “ I always receive a
thrill when we see or hear the
episode in our story as you all Jerry McKinnon (1943) New Highlanders never bring anything Highlanders either on TV or in
know.) London, Iowa, a former piper, but good publicity to the Univer­
person. They made an excellent
John R. Berg (1942 )1210 W. operates the Primary Oil Com­ sity and to the State.” showing in the Rose Bowl activi­
11th, Cedar Falls, Iowa. An ex­ pany along with his two brothers Eileen Doerres (Mrs. (Dr.) ties.”
piper, John is a partner-manager — it is an independent oil bus­ John K. Williford) (1943-46), Lil-
of two drug stores in Cedar Falls. iness in New London, wich their lington, North Carolina. Our ex­ Janet Gutz (Mrs. John S. May)
He’s proud to report a son Jef­ father before his death had op­ snare drummer says: “ Still in (1945-47) 1008 Finkbine, Iowa
frey John, about a year old now. erated for 30 years. The McKin­ sunny (?) South. Looking after 3 City, Iowa. Janet writes: “ John
Margaret Ann Rivers (Mrs. nons have 3 children: Connie Ann children, and believe it or not, is still working on the Ph.D. in
John M. DeLong) (1942-44) 482 11, Gregory 6, and Jerry 4. “ Our enjoying it! We are so proud of Anatomy. He has a teaching grad­
Arboleda Street, Los Altos, Cal­ daughter is active in dancing, pia­ the Highlanders on Ed Sullivan's uate assistantship, and I’m help­
ifornia. John is purchasing agent no, voice and plays drum in our Show. They looked and sounded ing support the family as admin­
for mechanical contractor, J. B. band. Looking forward to her wonderful! for those few short istrative assistant to the Dean
Nettles Inc., San Francisco. Mar­ being a Highlander in about six minutes before those lousy com­ of the College of Nursing. This
garet Ann lists herself as a house­ years. Wish to start the boys on ics came on. We’re also proud of full time job plus our three,
wife, who cares for little John instruments as soon as they are Iowa’s football team — and since Kathleen 4Vfe, Margaret 3 and Ben
Milton DeLong Jr., now two ready. Connie and I won a local I’ll be watching the Dixie Gass 2, keep the pace at our house
years old. talent show, dancing two years ics I hope to be proud of the a fast one. The Highlanders look­
Margaret Burdick (Mrs. Lloyd ago — result danced on TV over basketball team. We want to hear ed wonderful during football sea­
Rinehart) (1942-44, North Liberty, WOC-TV. Surely enjoy the High­ about this year’s trip to Europe son — and the Rose Bowl! What
Iowa, is busy with church and lander Christmas Letter.” . . . I got the record advertised a year to be a member!”
artist’s town. We are very thrill­
Joan Carter (M rs. David D. ed. It’s the first time I’ve been New York Show, I had tickets ed with the arrival of our young
Ring) (1945-47 ) 747 Tiburan Blvd., in the Field House in 6 years. tor the Ed Sullivan Show the son, Kevin Scott, and wonder how
Tiburan, California. Debbie, 4, One old friend I met said, ‘I might night the Highlanders performed, we ever existed without him .”
D avid Jr., 2 and Diane 6 months have known this would smoke m e opening shot of the girls in
are what helps make up the little you out.’ True, true. We have aniform with the blue backdrop Jeanne Wing (Mrs. George S.
Ring family. “ D ave is attorney on fallen into a happily dull routine A'as absolutely breath-taking. Al- Wilson) (1946-48) 205 East Lake,
his own this year,” says Joan, raising a family and doing the >.er that I can’t be too autnentic Rockwell City, Iowa. “ It was such
“ previously he was witn Shell Oil proverbial community services. A. in description because m y vision iun seeing so many old cronies
Department in San Francisco. I ’m u.W., P.T.A., Bridge and Churct* «vas strangely blurred. Bill was at the Homecoming Coffee. That’s
a R. N. doing occasional general for m e — Y.M .C.A., Youth Work, absolutely resplendent and I only vvhat we are — about 10 years
duty. We saw the Hignianders on Church Council and B oy’s Basket- rtisn the whole program had beei. too old to make a European Trip
Ed Sullivan Show and w ere thrill­ oall for Jack. Believe me, the nothing but Highlanders ah and the Rose Bowl. That’s really
ed and so proud of you all.” years certainly add and enrich tnrough. It is a great looking anu vvonderful! Guess we had our
High­ sounding outfit and I ’m mighty jhare of trips and experiences,
Edithmerle Evans (M rs. Char­ one’s mem ories and the didn’t we? With Bill at the helm
les A. Merulla) (1945-47) 125 West- landers will always be among tne proud to have been a part if it. every jaunt — even a rehearsal
lawn Park, Iowa City, Iowa. ionuest of all.” Alice Lotridge (M rs. James E.
— was an experience and fun,”
“ Chuck is a senior m edical stu­ M argery McDonald (Mrs. Char­ Dunley) (1945-48 ) 3947 Mosley
are the friendly comments from
dent at SUI. We plan to finish les W. M cKinley) (1944-48) Bui. Drive, Columbus, Georgia. Tn<.
Jeanne. The Wilsons have Ricky
the college education in time for Run Road, Brownsville, Pennsy­ Dunlevys have two children, Ed­
o, Nancy 4; and a Labrador dog,
the loth wedding anniversary — lvania. The M cKinley’s f o u r ward James 5, and Samuel Wil­- Hildegarde, age 1! (Their Greet-
June 23, 1947,” writes Edithmerle. children are Lane 7 years, Laura, liam 3. Jim is an army officer —
aigs card this year was a very
“ I surely did enjoy the Highland­ o, Leslie 2, and Margy Lynn vJaptam. He is company com ­
fine picture of the fam ily, how­
ers Coflee during Homecoming ten months. Margery says that mander of a weapons company in
ever, I didn’t find Hildegarde!)
this year. A wonderiul institution tney’ ve decided to make ‘girls .ne 3rd Infantry Division. “ Jim
to continue through tne years. their specialty. Charles is Busin­ spent the summer in the hospital Nedra McNabney (M rs. Bob
W e’ll miss SUI, especially aitei ess Manager of the Brownsville recovering from a knee opera­ Sautter) (1946-48) 519 3rd Ave. N.,
all this time — but it will be nice Telegraph. (And if it wasn’t for tion,’ ’writes Alice, “ he graduat­ Mt. Vernon, Iowa Neda writes:
to linally get settled.” the generous offer and work oi ed from the Advanced Infantry We have enjoyed another pleas­
this Highlander’s Hubby your course in June and we feel very ant year in Mt. Vernon. Close
Joan Nissen (M rs. Robert Christmas Letter would not be mcky to be stationed here again enough to Iowa City to see some
Kriedeman) (1945-48) 619 7th Ave­ as legible as it is. Give him a . . . Y o u looked wonderful on the of the grand games. Even made
nue, Coralville, Iowa. Joan and oig “ thank you” for his part in Ed Sullivan Show.” the trip up to Minnesota for that
Bob have three children — Beth printing this when you read it!; Marthabelle Cooley (Mrs. El- thriller. Expected to see the High­
Ann 6, LuAnn Jane 3, and “ our M argery writes: “ vVe certaimy wyn Pickart) (1945-49) 241 Hills- landers there. At least, we can
greatest news is toe arrival ot missed seeing the Highlanders in borough Drive, Lakeland, Florida. watch you on TV. Bob is a small
our baby boy — Curt Paul — and action this year but it was a Marthabelle writes: “ My hus- town doctor. We have Paula 6,
we re so thrilled »vith him. He matter of a Homecoming air­ oand is still with the American and Robbie born in March, 1953.”
caused m e to miss the H om ecom ­ plane fare or a new sola so we
Agricultural Chemical Company Virginia Anderson (M rs. John
ing Coflee hour but hope there settled for the latter. We should at Pierce, Fla. He has been Ford) (1946-49) 2930 Bay
will be another next year. Was a be in our new home by Christmas Street,
there 3% years now and likes Wayzata, Minnesota. Virginia tells
wonderful idea. Congratulations or shortly theralter. Plenty of nis work a lot. My news is about us that, “ John is on a sort of half­
on a successful European Trip. room for company now so you’re the same as last year — witn one
You all were te in fic on E d Sul­ all welcom e.” way leave-of-absence from PiUs-
exception — Anne Elise was bury. (His is Public Relations
livan.” Bob is back in accounting born October 6, 1956, and of
Lois Price (Mrs. Dean E . Dun­ Director, Pillsbury Mills Co.)
— working for M aplecresi Tur­ course we are very happy par­
can; (1945-46) 709 W. 3rd Street S. for 9 months while he’s doing
key Farm s in Wellman — and ents. Even though we had been
they still have their gun m ach­ Newton, Iowa. The Duncans have expecting a boy — we now can some work on his Ph.D. thesis at
four children, too — Mark 8*6, the University of Minnesota. He
ine business and have hired a
Bruce 7, Deborah 3, and Dennis look forward to having a future works half days at Phillsbury and
servicem an to work for them .”
5& months. “ My husband is Highlander! She is a pretty baby half day? at the University . . .
Pat White (1944-45 ) 372 Camp manager of the United Food Mar­ and of course she is the ‘apple John and I and the three girls —
White, Oregon. Pat is Chief, ket in Newton which keeps him of her D ad’s eyes’ , even though Cindy 6, Gail 3%, and Mimi 2,
Physio - Therapy Department, busy and I’m busy with a big her arrival interrupted his usual flew East this summer for a visit
Camp White, Oregon, and is an house and four children.” Lois Saturday morning golf.” with John’s Fam ily in Connecti­
ex-snare drum mer. She writes: says that they watched the Iowa- Sally Ann Quist (Mrs. Paul W. cut.”
“ Spent a grand sum m er playing Ohio State game on TV and Kamman, Jr.) (1945-49) 1204 Har­
Dorothy J. Achenbach (Mrs.
hostess to old friends, som e from were thrilled along with every­ vard Terrace, Evanston, Illinois.
SUI, and som e from graduate one else about the Rose Donald D. Swanson) (1946-50) 16-
Bowl Paul is employed as an art direct­
06 North Street, Boulder, Color­
school in Georgia . . at our cabin Trip. “ What a memorable trip or for Cummmgham and Walsh,
in the mountains near Camp it will be . . . on top of ado. Dorothy writes: “ We’ve re­
your Inc., advertising agency. The cently moved to Boulder from
White. They all admitted to sore European Trip last summer, it Kammans have two children, Los Angeles — our only regret is
muscles after sessions with the will make a most memorable Lynn age 3, and Trent one year
six foot cross cut saw (but of year for the members of not being able to see Iowa in the
the oid.
course, I DIDN’T ). In between Highlanders. I was glad to Rose Bowl. We are thrilled with
see Bobbie Ginter (M rs. Jack Hus­ Boulder — it’s so much smaller
work times we hiked, swam, the Highlanders and get to talk ton) (1945-49) 10881 Barranca and it’s location is ideal. We’ve
fished, and had a great time to Bill again when they were in Drive, Cupertino, California. pledged to take up skiing. I got
playing with the chipmonks, who Newton for the National Field “ Jack and brother-in-law, Bill to see the Ohio-State - Iowa gam e
comprise a considerable part of D ays P arade.” Russell, still own and operate a and thought the Highlanders were
the population up there . . . Can M aridee Hill (Mrs. George J. m en’s store in Los Altos, Cali­ wonderful — that slow marching
hardly wait for the word about Hegstrom ) (1945-47 ) 3603 Oakland, fornia. The store was expanded
and slow stepping of the dancers
the Foreign Trip, bet you had Am es, Iowa. “ George is a spec­ this year — Business is Good.”
is SO impressive. Don is a de­
a grand (if hectic) time over ialist in internal medicine with Bobbie continues: “ The birth of
signer in the Engineering Depart­
there.” the M cFarland Clinic. Moved into our daughter, Maridee, January ment of Beech Aircraft . . .
Barbara Coffman) (M rs. Max our new home last June 29th — 26, 1956, was the biggest event in Little Steven is 3% and Bobby is
Boustead) (1944-45) Woodbine, Io­ wonderful to have the extra room our lives this year. She’s a fatty, one year old.”
wa. Barbara does some substitute — much needed.” There are three good natured, and looks like Jack.
Margaret Barnes (Mrs. K. K.
teaching in the Woodbine high children — George III (Trey) 7, Both Ja ck ’s fam ily and mine have
Brinkm eyer) (1946-50) 233 Derby­
school, and her husband still M orley (a girl) 4, and Erick 3. been out this year, so we did not
shire Rd., Waterloo, Iowa. “ Brink”
farm s. They have two boys — Bill M aridee is thrilled to have a go back to Iowa for a visit.” It is Sales Manager for Waterloo
9, and Jon 8. namesake. “ Bobbie Ginter Hus­ was good seeing Bobbie, and all Corrugated Company. They have
M argaret Taylor) (M rs. William ton’s little doll is named Maridee. the other Highlanders while in three children — all daughters,
H. Welch) (1945) 1430 East Bates I ’m glad someone else likes the California at the Rose Bowl. Lyn age 4, Janet 2, and the baby,
Avenue, Englewood, Colorado. name besides m e,” she writes, Quite a few ex-Highlanders are Gail, as Margaret says in her
The Welch’ s have a little son, “ Hope Maridee and Morley can out west now.) note: “ We have a new stocking
Kendall Jay, about one year old dance the ‘Jig’ and ‘Hornpipe’ to­ Norma Lou Haegg (Mrs. Don­ to hang in our fireplace, daugh­
— and M argaret writes: “ Little gether as Bobbie and I did.” ald Pollock) (1945-49) 142 New­ ter No. 3. She just made it for
Kendall is m y year’ s accom ­ Joanna Hurst (M rs. George port, Denver, Colorado. Norma Christmas and our older girls
plishment. Much fun. Still m odel­ Neshiem) (1945-48) 413 Mono Lou, an ex-piper, says that her think the new baby is a wonder­
ling and enjoying it. Member of Place, Colorado Springs, Color­ husband is a land man for Mon­ ful present. Seems as though we
D enver alum group. Our french ado, Joanna says: “ George is santo Chemical Company, Lion can only produce future Scottish
poodle graduated from school and employed by Free Press newspap­ Oil Division, and this means that Highlanders.”
is showing well. I ’m an active er as pressman. Your item — he leases land on which they Jane Pauls (Mrs. Earl Young-
Tri Delt alum here in Denver. where are you em ployed’ etc., plan to drill for oil. “ Sally, born
strom) (1946-50) 704 S. 14th Ave­
Very proud of m y alma mater tickled me. I certainly am — at last Christmas in Billings, Mon­ nue West, Newton, Iowa. Our ex­
and hope the Highlanders go to 413 Mono Place as the mother of tana, is our biggest news this piper’s Earl is employed at the
the Rose B ow l!” William H. is 4 active little gals who are all past year. Then in February we Jasper County Savings Bank and
trial attorney for Internal R ev ­ potential Highlanders. (Khristine moved back to Denver and plan
is now in the Real Estate Loan
enue Service. Ann W2 , Elizabeth Jean 3%, Les­ to stay here for a while.” Department. “ This has been a
Lucile Schoenfield (M rs. Stan lie Jo 2). Marta joined the clan M argaret McCaslin (M rs. Dick busy year for the Youngstroms,”
Lichtenstein) (1944-45 ) 2421 Mon- in August, so I can now furnish Hemingway) (1945-49) Waverly, continues Jane, “ as just before
tair Avenue, Long Beach 15, Cal­ one girl for each instrument. Had Iowa. M argaret says that she Thanksgiving we moved into our
ifornia. Stan is floor manager and all of the clippings of your sum­ thought the Homecoming Coffee a new house. Since we did all the
promotion director of the new m er trip which appeared in the marvelous idea — “ but I was painting inside and out and made
Penny store in Long Beach which Des Moines Register forwarded to delayed by a Law, coffee and the all the curtains, the house has
is the largest in Southern Cali­ m e and was thrilled to read each rain that morning, so by the occupied all of our time since
fornia. Little Suzanne, 4%, is en­ news account of your activities. time we arrived not a soul was to last spring, but now that w e’ re
rolled in Penrod’s nursery school, Makes one proud to be a former be seen .. . We w ere born ten ‘in’ we think it was worth it. I
and is particularly happy during m em ber. Just one question: years too soon — no Europe or was so glad the Highlanders were
the music hour, Lucile says: “ We Where to now, Bill? If you say Rose Bowl . . . D ick is a lawyer able to com e to Newton to the
enjoy the Highlander Christmas RUSSIA, I doubt if I’d even be in Waverly. We have a little girl, National Field Days, and our
letter each year and certainly surprised!! Did you know that Hollis, 3.” Holly, 3% years old, was awe­
look forward to its com ing.” (Saw they have a ‘Kiltie Band' here at Marilyn Guenther (Mrs. F. A. struck, and was in the front row
Lucile and sister at the Iowa Fort Carson? Even if they are Rummel, Jr.) (1946-47) Britt, Io­ when the girls performed. She in­
Picnic at Los Angeles — both as an All Male organization, ‘I’ve wa. Marilyn writes that her hus­ formed us she’s going to be a
young looking as ever — Bill A.) got to admit they are great. band is Executive Vice-President Highlander some day and I hope
Helen Huber (M rs. Jack Eberle) Really, they add to the local of the First State Bank in Britt, she can be.”
(1944-46) 1116 Iowa Avenue, Mus­ parades and are used to wel­ and they have two children — Mary Rae Reimers (M rs. Syl­
catine, Iowa. Jack is with the com e all visiting dignitaries to Ellen 7 years old, and Ardell, who van F . Christofferson) (1946-50)
Bell Telephone Company. They the F ort.” is four. 1338 South Raleigh, Denver 19
have three youngsters — Phillip Barbara Henderson (Mrs. Ger­ Patrice Van Liew (M rs. Edwin Colorado. The little ones in this
7, Richy 4 and Susan 3. This ald Edward Korn) (1945-48) 67-93 Scott Williams) (1946-47) 405A household are Greg Robert 2te,
ex-Drum M ajor writes: “ As I Fleet Street, Forest Hills 75, Pirce Street, Sausalito, California. and Kathy Sue about 4 months.
write this the scent of roses New York. “ Jerry is a senior Captain Williams is Battery Com Mary Rae says: “ My husband is
pervades the air heavily and I ’ve editor on Collier’ s and I, if you'll mander of Btry 13, 752nd AAA foreman for a carpenter crew in
decided I was born just ten years pardon the levity, am a nurse, Missile Bn, at Ft. Barry, Cali­ Denver. Was so thrilled to see
too soon! The status is just about chauffeur, cook, scrubwoman, fornia. “ We have m oved from you, Bill, and all the Highlanders
quo here. Children growing and teacher, psychiatrist, sociologist San Francisco to Sausalito, just on the Ed Sullivan Show.
thriving and active. Can’t under­ and slave. We have Ellen Mary across the Golden Gate Bridge I imagine your European Trip
stand why I didn’t get one quiet and M argaret Hallam going on 7, from S. F., to be within twenty was wonderful . . .” And this is
one out of three! . . . Forgot to Susan Elisa going on 5. By a minutes of E d’s Battery at Ft. her comment along side the
mention last year that we saw fluke, since New Yorkers are Barry,” explains Patrice. “ Saus­ question “ Do you have two bucks
the Scots Guards and were thrill­ rarely considered for tickets to a alito is a darling little resort and for the Highlander Scholarship
Fund?” — “ Yes. SO glad I can good trip and good luck at the he Iowa Adjustment Company. Iowa. Kay writes that Donald
be a part of the Highlanders yet ivose Bowl, and " I know they win i ’m just a housewife- Usually 1 las an Abstract Office — Buch­
— even if it’s only a small don­ do a terrific job and I ’ll be watch­ ,ave very little news to write anan County Title & Loan Com­
ation.” ing witn great pride.” (We know ju t this year is quite an exciting pany, and repeats what several
mat that was tne case for many jne for us. We are expecting ou. iave already said: “ We certain-
Janne Tyler (Mrs. James Pat­ jt our Alums who were unabie u, first baby in June, so that’s the .y enjoyed the Homecoming Cof­
ten) (1946-50) 1317 Avenue E. Bil­ ae present at the Rose Bowl, .nain topic of conversation foi iee hour — movies and all — a
lings, Montana. Janne tells us and we did appreciate tnese goou ju r household. Nadine Nieman splendid idea. Hope we have a
that Jim resigned from Montana wishes, from Marilyn and all the Jole is back in Manchester so 1 .epeat in ’57! The girls are doing
R. R. Commission to go into pri­ rest of you. Thamss!) nave someone to talk over the a wonderful job again this year.
vate practice (law ), and “ we just M arjorie Campbell (M rs. Wal- lighlanders with. I’d love hearing 1 especially enjoyed their per­
completed our m ove back to Bil­ ker Larson) ( 1947-50) 1519 81st rom some of you g a ls !” form ances at tne Colfax Plowing
lings — no easy task with three street, West Des Moines, Iowa,
Lois Martin (Mrs. Kenton M. Meet — Ike must have been
small children — and one over­ Marjorie lost ner Uxghlanuei Klein) (1947-50)) 724 44th Street, greatly im pressed!” The Risks
sized airedale. Happy to be back i^uestionaire, but that didn t stop Des Moines, Iowa. ln e Kenton s aave two sons — Billy 5% and
here; seems closer to Iowa. Once uer u om sending Uie necessaiy
nave 2 children — Kenton, Jr. John V h years of age-
again this fall was able to heai juorm ation. We enjoyed youi age 4, and Ward, age 18 month*,, Gretchen Swanson (M rs. Kurt
the Highlanders via NBC with iciter. one writes: "W e have iventon, Sr. is a fo r d Johnson) (1947) 27 Hickory Road,
glowing compliments paid us by jiie child, DeDuie Jo, 4 Brokei
years West Orange, New Jersey. Our
the announcer. They sounded as oid. Wait is a resident pediatri­ witn seavey and Florsheim Brok­ ax-piper from Jersey now, says
good as the football team sound­ cian at Blank M emorial Hospital, erage Company. “ What fun the
ed and Man! that was good! My u es Moines, witn Dr. Lee rorrest Homecoming coffee .Party was, cnat her husband is Plant Engin-
regards to a ll!” and 1 hope it will becom e an an­ je r with Swift & Company, Har­
Hill. He loves it — enjoys wont­ nual tradition. As aiways me nign- rison, New Jersey.
Bonnie Wanamaker (Mrs. Rich­ ing witn chndren — anu nis hours u£iits oi lootbaii season are me Faye Jensen (M rs. Ray Wal-
ard Kent Moeller) (1946-50) 331 S. really aren't bad. We got out ot
nigiiiaiioer peiiom iances, aiiu der) (1948-49) 303 East Brayton
Lucas Street, Iowa City, Iowa. uie Air r orce tne end ui June — we re entering every itose Bowi ltd., Mt. Morris, Illinois. Barbara,
Bonnie says that she is a clean­ aiter ‘one last tlnig’ of trips n i p Content we can lind hoping 4, Debra 3, Dan 2, and Johnny 1
ing lady, cook, carpenter, painter, ■seeing tne south wime we were tnat we can be in Cahlorma to are m em bers of the Waider house*
mother, and wife, and that her so close to so many interesting
oee the next perform ance,” — nold. Their Daddy is a teacher of
husband, “ we call him Kent,” is places. Went to Wasumgton, D.C. and we hope tney c a m e !!!
a freshman in the SUI School idiit January lor tour days — to uioiogy and General Science in
of Medicine. She continues: “ Af­ Korktown, Jamestown and Gladys Neison (M rs. Willard me High School as well as var­
ter our college graduation, my guna .beach, Virginia, in Febru­ Gisel) ( 1947-51) Ventura, Iowa- sity football coach and Jr. Var­
husband spent 4 years in the ary — and finally to Gladys says that her Bill is in sity basketball coach in Morris-
Navy as a jet fighter pilot. Dur­ neach, Florida, tor live days, only partnership with his Dad ill their ‘ ‘ We’re still remodeling the house
ing this time, he decided his real 400 miles from where we were Hardware store. “ We have one oi we bought last fall. I’m even get­
desire in life was to be a doctor, stationed in i\orth Carolina, wnere those children (Steven \lk years ting handy with the ham m er and
saw, Dut spend most ol m y time
so we are now back in school. we met seme good friends from oid) wno is always into, under, on
We bought a very old, rundown Medicai £>cnooi (at Iow a). Wait top of, or hanging trom every- Keeping uie children out oi me
house here in Iowa City, have started his residency the first oi uung in the house so there’s way so K ay can proceed with
repaired it so that is now live­ ju iy here in Ues Moines — and never a dull moment. Our big­ iewer oustacies. iNote — We have
able, and we rent rooms to 5 we looked at houses almost every gest project of the year was the anomer addition to our fam ily —
male students. Thats’ about it . .” day lor a montn! f inally found addition of two new room s to our jonnny, one year in January.”
Her comment about the Scholar­ a nice, 3 bedroom rancnstyle, witn house, a fam ily room and a bed­ Betsy Woods (M rs. Frank Gib­
ship contribution is this: “ Would attached garage, lull basement, room — mostly a ‘do-it-yourseif son) (1948-50) 2520 60th, Des
like to do much m ore for the patio — brand new — the end ot project and it’s taken a long Moines, Iowa. Betsy says that
Highlanders. I am very proud to July, so are quite pleased with time.” sne wouid love to hear irom any
have been a m em ber!” They our new home. Lots ol SUI peo­ Jean Sahs (Mrs. Richard E. old Highlander she knew in
have a little daughter, Rebecca ple here in the city, too — so al­ Tupper) (1947-51) 720 W. 12th liHtf-oo. n ieir son Martin j , is in
Kuehl, 3. most seems like home (at Iowa Street S-, Newton, Iowa. “ We are Kindergarten, and tnere is Peter
Jane B. Walker (1947-4 8 ) 2040 City, that is) Enjoyed the Cottee both employed by the Maytag aiso. lu e y attend tne Civic Head­
Jefferson Street, San Francisco, at the Union Homecoming — it Company,” writes Jean. “ Dick as ing c iu o — and Frank is Account­
California. Jane is legal secretary was wonderiul seeing old High­ Assistant Sales Promotion Mana­ ant with the Ues Monies Casualty
in the Law Offices of Jesse H. lander friends — and you, Bill, ger and I as head Home Econo­ Company.
Steinhart. This ex-piper says: haven’t changed a bit since '50. mist in the Research and Develop­ Marilyn Smith (M rs. Charles E.
“ The same job, sam e address. What's your secret?” (Thanks lor ment Department- The Highland­ Dodd) (1948-51) 504 N. 5th St.,
Looking forward to going down the compliment, M arjorie!) ers looked and sounded wonder­ Marshalltown, Iowa. The D odds
to Smogtown for the Rose Bowl Pat Morehead (Mrs. David J. ful when they perform ed in the have two children — Thomas
game. Actually cried when ‘We’ Bullock) (1947-50) 202 Crombie |Parade here in Newton during jLynn 116, and a new daughter,
beat Minnesota and Ohio State. Place, Atlantic, Iowa. Pat says: the National Field Days. I es­ Em ily Jeanne born Christmas
I was so thrilled. Spoke with Don­ Our only change m the past year pecially enjoyed the dancing and Day, 1956. Marilyn writes: “ We
na Krabbenhoft this fall when I has been one of employment, j ‘DonKey Serenade’ after ihe Par­ concluded this year in a big way
was in Iowa and heard a little IDave is now a salesman for ade! We attended all the Iowa — We nave a new daughter . . .
about your last trip abroad — O’Bryan Brothers, Chicago, Lor­ football games this fall and — was Then January 2nd we signed
Why! oh Why! was I born I raine Lingerie. iNever tnougnt h e’d j sorry to have missed the Home­ the contract tor our new house —
tooooo soon! When I watched! leave the retail end, but this is one coming Coffee and to have to not new actually, but new to us.
‘Little Ken Ploen’ on TV I really ot those oppoi tumtues one doesn t j miss seeing lots of Highlander It’s an older nouse with lots of
felt m y age.” pass up. No change in residence. |friends.” room — 4 bedrooms — and we
Virginia N. Wheeler (Mrs. Jim Would be hard to tear us away | Melanie Ann Snider (1947-51) are looking forward to spreading
Spellman) (1947-49 ) 406 Leland, from Atlantic, we like it so well. 1330 Josephine Apt. No. 10, Den­ out- Please note our new address.”
Bloomington, Indiana. The Spell­ Since he travels Iowa territory, ver, Colorado. Melanie says: “ I’m Marlys Halverson (Mrs. Ken­
mans have three children — Bar­ he sees lots of SUI’ers. We re now doing Speech Therapy work neth Fink) (1948-51) West Union,
bie 7, Jimmy 6, and Davey 3. counting our pennies trying to in the Englewood Public Schools Iowa. Marlys says that her hus­
“ Jim is still with State Farm add up to carfare to Pasadena— — a suburb of Denver — loving band is manager of Big Gain
Life Insurance Company and is know the Highlanders will be every minute of living in Color­ Products, manufacturer of live­
associate actuary in charge of the highlight plus an Iowa v ic­ ado — especially those spent in stock feeds. She says that “ it
the Actuarial Department. Not tory. ou r two are growing up — skiing down the slopes of the seems I never have anything in­
much news this year. We keep Susan is 5 and Cynthia is 2Vi, Rockies.” teresting to write. I wish I could
improving the house, getting new and keeping us busy. Think tne Betty Kirby (Mrs. James L. have com e to your ‘get to-geiher
furniture, etc. Acquired a beagle Homecoming Cofiee is a good Wiegard) (1947-51) 117 C l a r k the morning of Homecoming, but
pup this summer. Also bought a idea . . Street, Niagara, Wisconsin. Betty I was in the hospital with our
farm :just to be able to say its Martha Jane F ry (Mrs. George tells us that Jim is now Safety new little girl, Michele. By the
ours to hunt and fish on). Have B. Garrison) (1947-50) 714 7th Director for Kimberly Clark P a­ way, I wanted to name her Heath­
two children in school now, and Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. Martha per Mill, and adds: “ This year I er. The first I ever heard the
you’d think I’d have m ore time, Jane writes: “ f ollowing m y hus­ am a full time housewife, after name w as Bill’ s little girl, and I
but I don’t. Spent Homecoming band’s graduation from the Okla­ 5 years of teaching, and am always liked it. But I named our
weekend in the hospital, but hope homa ocnooi ot Medicine, Okla­ enjoying every minute of it. I boy Gregory, 3 years old now,
everything's o.k. now. Jim had a homa City, Okla., we moved had a wonderful trip to Europe so I let Ken name our girl. The
nice promotion this fall that w e’re to Iowa City in July and pian this summer and was in the Lon­ name is Michele, but we call her
all proud of . . . We’ll all be to be here approximately three don area the same time as the Shelly. I played golf with Shirley
watching the Rose Bowl g a m e!” years. It s good to back in Iowa! Highlanders, but didn’t have the Stevens this summer, sne cam e
Frances Artley (Mrs. Philip While living in Oklahoma City opportunity to see them. Saw to our invitational tournament
Levine) (1947-49) 124 Riverside I worked as receptionist for a pictures of the group in the and then I went to theirs. I cer­
Park, Iowa City, Iowa. Frances pediatrician. Immediately prior papers there several times and tainly enjoyed seeing an old High­
says that Phil is teaching (full to m y marriage 1 spent a year know they were a great success.” lander friend.”
tim e' in the English Department traveling in Canada with the Edith Slavata (M rs. Arnold Eloise Petersen (1948-51) 305
at SUI. “ That delightful Greeks market research department of Fransen) (1947-51) 319 Court St. West 45th Street, New York, N.Y.
and the Bible Core Course. I Proctor & Gamble Company — I Place. Iowa City, Iowa. Edith’s Eloise wrote that she temporarily
am employed (full time) by Mark am now secretary to tne Plant husband is Assistant Principal st is em ployed in New York City,
(5 years) and John Paul (1 year) Superintendent of Proctor & Gam­ Iowa City Junior High School. but is probably permanently
Levine,” says Frances. “ Sorry I ble M ig. Co., here in Iowa City, Edith says: “ Hi! to all the High­ working by now. She said: “ I ’m
missed writing last year—but en­ while m y husband is interning and landers- Each year I keep think­ sorry I missed seeing you High­
joyed hearing the other Highland­ has his residency in anestnesia ing I won’t have anything new to landers in Germany. I was un­
ers are doing well. In case you at University Hospital.” report, but this year it’s about able to leave Berlin at the time.
don’t hear from m y sister (Mrs June Schmidt (Mrs. Robert Arnie’ s job . . . He’s joined the I am looking forward to your ac­
Jerry Moelier) (M argaret Art­ Roth) (1347-50 1413 F r a n klin administrative staff now. We count of the Trip. Most of all
ley) she is still in Oreleans, Street, Iowa City, Iowa. June’s love teaching and Iowa City, I’ll be seeing you on New Y ear’s
F rance.” husband, Bob, is teaching part needless to say. Our children Day — what a treat. I can’ t be­
Pat Hodgen (M rs. Jay R . Stor­ time at SUI and working for an (Susie 4, Jim 2%) are High­ lieve Iowa U. will be in the Rose
ey) (1947-49) 722 W. 12th Street M. A. degree in Acctounting. Our landers thru and thru, and get Bowl. A wonderful two years for
S., Newton, Iowa. The Storeys ex-snare drummer has two sons: so excited when they see or hear the Highlanders. I returned from
have little Douglas, who is almost David 4’/2 and Danny 2 years old. them. Think Jimmy ? biggest dis­ Europe in October and becam e
three. Jay is in the Wage and B. J. Miller (Mrs. Robert Pen­appointment will be that he can’t engaged in November. The wed­
Salary Administration section of rose) (1947-50) 2604 Am elia Street, be a Highlander. We saw several ding date will be in June and I
Industrial Relations, Maytag Com­ Burlington, Iowa. B. J. writes: hours of colored slides of last certainly am excited. This crazy
pany, and Pat adds: “ Jay be­ Bob and I are still in Burlington summer’s European trip and they city of New York is quite a
cam e a full fledged booster of and loving it. W e’ve had a were just beautiful. It was so change from Berlin.”
the Highlanders after seeing them wonderful year — including a good to see some old faces at Sally Finkbine (1948-52) Storm
perform here at National Field week’s summer vacation at Iowa’s the Coffee Hour at Homecoming Lake, Iowa. Sally writes: “ I’m
Days. He never before had seen Spirit Lake and good seats for and just wish m ore old m em bers kept unbelieveably busy here in
the dances at a close range so he all the Hawkeye Home games. could have been there. B. J. Mil­ Storm Lake substitute teaching;
could appreciate the many intri­ I’m still teaching — have 34 ler, Jan Gutz, Beth Wilson, Jean­ teaching Sunday School, and
cacies.” first graders — but it’s much ne Wing, Wanda Krabbenhoft and doing hospital volunteer w ork.”
Marilyn Anderson (Mrs. Gerald fun — every day an experience I sure talked about a lot of you Glen Glendinning (M rs. Andrzej
Evans) (1947-49) 2921 31st Street, in living.” anyway. I’m sure the coast will Korbonski) (1948-51) 410 Riverside
R ock Island, Illinois. Marilyn’s Shirlee Stevens (M rs. Norris again think the SUI Scottish High­ Drive, New Y ork 25, N. Y . Glen
husband is employed with the S. Gould) (1947-50) 160 Liberty landers are pretty special on New says: “ Andrei is an economist
Texas Oil Company. They have St., Manchester, Iowa. Shirlee Y ear’s Day. A full year of good working for Columbia University
a little daughter, Nancy Lynn, writes: “ Norris is a lawyer in wishes to everyone.” and m e editorial work with Car­
around 18 months now. They the firm of Gilkey, Gould and Kay Klotzbach (Mrs. Donald L. negie endowment for Internation­
both wished the Highlanders a Charlton. He is also president of Risk) (1947-49), Independence, al P ea ce . . . H. M. Royal Scots
Guards never m arched with great­ Joan McKinney (M rs. S. Ferris) permanent office of United Air last June from Iowa State College
er glory than you folks did that (1949-51) 410 N. Tenth, Center­ Lines helping to hire all the new and is now a practicing veterin­
day when I watched you tread in ville, Iowa. “ Shortie” wrote a stewardesses. The Maulis’ have arian. Anne is 2% and N. A. Ill
triumph home after that great nice long letter to us. She is still oeen living in Burlingame since Dude) is l l/z. Dinny tells us that
Iowa-Ohio State gam e! Strange to legal secretary to Valentine & -ast June- — “ It’s a small world. We’re liv­
say, when I told m y friends 1 went Greenlead in Centerville. She M ary E 1i z a b e t h Leinfelder ing just one block from Helen
all the way out tnere just to set said: “ A bunch of us were over Mrs. Edward E . Byrnes) (1950- Roseberry McDonald and this
you m arch — nobody would be­ to some friends’ house one night 53) 3519 R exford Drive, South summer had callers — Jeanne
lieve m e! (Though whether 1 last summer, and this fellow had Bend, Indiana. Tne Byrnes’ wiu. Peterson Charlton and Sally
could have enjoyed it without some swords that he acquired uieii' little son, Steven Kent, wno Finkbine. So have had several
the warmth of Nancy Tolford’s irom military school. Out they was born on L aoor Day, have jpportunities to talk over ‘ High­
coat I ’ll never know, thank good­ :am e and requested me to do moved into a new bouse in a woou lander good tim es’ — also occas­
n e ss!)” a sword dance for them. Well, I <;d development, and are “ tnriu- ionally see Ann Spinharney Eis-
Wanda Krabbenhoft (1948-52) did it and found I really hadn’t ed to pieces. We certainly die. cheid . . . Saw the Micigan game.
1039 Kirkwood Court, Iowa City lost m y touch. ‘ Glen’ would prob­ enjoy getting back lor uie Higi. A tall good looking redheaded boy
Iowa. This ex-piper writes: “ I am ably have a fit if she could have idnuers reunion at Homecoming carried the drum dance platform
once again enrolled at S. U. 1 seen me. Would certainly like to and seeing so many tamiuar anc. jut. That can’t be one of the
see her again. Never will forget friendly taces.” Euward is em­ tittle Adamson boys we used to
hoping to obtain m y M aster’ s de­
the night I was initiated and did ployed at ivawneer Aircraft n. sing to in the bus, can it?” (Yes,
gree m August- I certainly envj
a take-off on her. Will be so iNues, Michigan. a could be, Dinny.)
the group this year — Europe
and California — really hard u anxious to get the Christmas let­ Sandy Sechier (Mrs. Kent Bart-
ter and see where everyone I ges) (1950-53) Downers Juanita Bethke (Mrs. Clyde
take!! Oh, to be young ag ain !” Grove,
knew has drifted to . . . You can Connell) (1949-53) 1201 W. Hope
Joan Christine McLaren (Mrs Illinois. Sandy tells us tnat “ Kent Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
tell the girls for m e to take ad­
Laird Franklin Fryer) (1949-50) uas a physical therapy oin ce n. Juanita writes: “ Our big news
vantage of every little minute
607 Parkway Drive, Wheaton aown town Chicago and I'm stn. this year is our little girl who
they are in Highlanders. It’s an trying to correct speech in tut
Illinois. Joan’s husband is with honor believe me to be able to was born January 7, lao6 — Col-
Sears, Roebuck & Company. Thej jJ. u . Schools; Bui, we took a ieen, a feminine replica of her
say, ‘I was a Highlander.’ When
have three children: Lisa Chris­ trip last summer a little like tht father in looks and good nature.
you’re away from it you’d give
tine 4, Laird Sterling 3, and Les­ one you and your fam ily took in 1 m becoming more domestic
lie Ann one year old. Her sister,
your eye teeth to be able to get
back. It’ s sure in m y blood and
19d 3 and it was glorious. We each year, though not without ef­
Judi McLaren, mailed this ques- visited 16 western states (for the fort. Clyde changed jobs this fall,
it’ s there to s t a y !!” There are
tionaire for her sister, Joan, and first time) and got to Bamif anti out is still in the selling field —
two little Ferris boys — Stephen
sent a little note along with it, Lake Louise. We did some cam p­ a sales training position with W.C.
5, and Michael 3 years old.
plus contributions to the Scholar­ ing but tne cold nights finallj Brady Printing Company . . . You
ship Fund. (Thanks, girls!) Arjes Sundquist (Mrs. Daniel forced us indoors. We’re givmb looked terrific on color TV New
M. Youngblade) (1950-51) 108 S. up our wanderings for the time Year’s D a y !!”
J oan Durr (M rs. Robert E. Linn Street, Iowa City, Iowa. Ar­ being though as we expect our
Fulton) (1949-51) 1708 Jersey jes is teaching first grade, and first child round the end of June Janie Woodburn (Mrs. Marvin
Ridge, Davenport, Iowa. Joan Dan is in M edical School at SUI. . . . Many compliments on the R. Moles) (1949-53) 406 E. 13th
and Bob have Linda 3% years Arjes s a y s ; “ I’ve seen movies fine ‘news letter’ last year . . . ” Street N., Newton, Iowa. Janie
old and Bobby 15 months; Bob and slides that several Highland­ writes: “ My husband is associat­
is employed by Cruciole Stee. Barbara Burdick (M rs. John
ers took during your last trip. ed with the Newton clinic — a
Company of Am erica as a D is­ Evans) (1950-53) 514 Seventh
Many good reports, and it brought group of general practioners. In
trict Sales representative. Joan Avenue, Coralville, Iowa. “ My
back many (and few ) wonderful August M arv was discharged
adds: “ Life has been going tim es.” husband is a resident physiciai.
in Internal Medicine at SUI Hos­ from the Air Force, hence our
mostly on schedule this year. Evelyn Eileen Leib (M rs. John pitals for 3 years. I am m ove from F. E. Warren A.F.B.
We’ ve been kept busy going to doing
M cFaul) (1950-51) 6518 Del Playa private nursing at SUI at the in Cheyenne, Wyo., to Newton,
the six home gam es plus the Drive, Galeta, California. “ We present time. We returned Iowa, where Marv entered pri­
Purdue gam e at Lafayette. Great are very happily situated here in lowa City last July after a year vate practice. It seems difficult
fun and the Highlanders looked Galeta, which is 7 miles from in Cleveland, Ohio, where to believe that schooling, interne­
fine! Enjoyed the morning cof­ John
Santa Barbara, and where the took his interneship at Cleveland ship, and service are finally com ­
fee for Homecoming. I’ll be add­ newest campus of the University City Hospital. While in Cleveland pleted! We moved into our new
ing an unexpected third to our of California is located. John­ 1 was an instructor in Obstretrics home about the middle of August
fam ily next May so that should ny is going to school (U. C. — I at Cleveland City Hospital School and have been busy putting in a
keep m e hopping for a few Santa Barbara College) and I of Nursing. We lost a baby lawn, buying furniture, and other­
months. this
am working as secretary of the October, so am only doing private wise getting settled.”
Beverly Ainsworth (M rs. Eu­ Mathematics Department on the duty nursing at present. I was Harriet Sutton (Mrs. John Ed­
gene J. Kadlec) (1949-52 ) 309-25th campus here . . . W e’ve had no real thrilled last year to be able ward Bullock, Jr.) (1949-53) 801
Avenue S. W., Cedar Rapids, winter at all yet this year and to see the Highlanders on TV East Bannister Road, Kansas
Iowa. “ Our favorite form of en­ we are wearing cotton dresses. during football season and even City 14, Missouri. Bullocks have a
tertainment for the past \Vi Temparatures range from 70-85 m ore thrilled to see them this year and a half old John Edward
years is square dancing. This degrees here most every day. last fall at the stadium. I follow­ Bullock, III. They tell us that—
sport is quite popular in C. R. This is the most beautiful and ed your European trip this stun “ Jack is a pharmaceutical rep­
and is sponsored by the Play­ comfortable place on earth. We mer and only wished I had been resentative for Ames Company,
ground Recreation Commission pity you Iowans. Johnny is due there. Keep up the good w ork-!” Inc., a subsidiary of Miles Labor­
who teaches the correct square to receive his B. A. degree next Jody Palm er (M rs. ‘Bud’ Sitz) atories of Elkhart, Indiana . . .
dancing methods. Say, Jane W. year. (He is a G. I. student) but (1950-53) 1-D Cunningham St., We were indeed thrilled at Iowa
Miles, how about a ‘w ord’ from plans to go on for a Ph. D. are Westover, A. F. B., Massachu­ being chosen the Big Ten repres­
y ou ??? My husband is affiliated ours, so we have many years of setts. “ My husband is in the Aii entative for the Rose Bowl gam e
with the Studebaker-Packard Ag­ ‘campus life’ ahead for us, but Force. Only 7 months to go on New Y ear’s Day. Now you
ency, and I am a housewife and we love it.” We must not forget though, and w e’ll be back ii. will have an even greater clim ax
mother in our new hom e to Susan there is Bonnie Ann around 20 Iowa City where he completes to your summer tour of Europe
Jo 2% years.” months now, too. 2 m ore years in an Orthopedic by attending and participating in
Lorraine Perley (Mrs. Richard Sherry Reichardt (M rs. Clyde Surgery residency- The Highland­ this outstanding football classic.
C. Vail) (1949-52) 1945 B Avenue G. Gardner, Jr.) (1950-51) 413 ers looked and sounded terrific Wish we could attend . . . but
N. E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lor­ Ronalds Street, Iowa City, Iowa. last summer on the Ed Sullivar. we’ll be watching with pride the
raine’s husband is methods en­ Clyde is an assistant manager of Show.” The Sitz’ have Stephen — Hawks and the Highlanders per­
gineer at Collins Radio Corpora­ the local A & P Store. The Gard­ about a year old now. form. Just recently we had the
tion. “ We spent almost 2 years ners have Susan 3, Jeanne 2 and Ramona (Mitzi) Albright (1951, pleasure of seeing ‘Cinerama,
in Palm Beach. Florida, courtesy Patti 1 year old. More prospec­ 150 Graystone Terrace, San Fran­ Part I ’ — the sequence devoted
of the U. S. Air F orce, having tive Highlanders! cisco, California. “ Mitzi is work to Edinburgh showing the castle
recently returned to a rather Helen Roseberry (Mrs. Bill M c­ ing at the University of California and the famous Tattoo really
chilly Iowa. Sure hope our blood Donald) (1950-52) 614 W a l n u r , Hospital, and is hostess for Trans brought back fond memories of
thickens pretty soon,” writes L or­ Cherokee, Iowa. “ I feel I have to World Airlines. Her plans for a our trip in ’52. Hope you, too, can
raine. give a quick summary as I’ve vacation in Europe for 1957 sounc see this marvelous spectacular
Nan Hunt (Mrs. Rex J. R y ­ been one of those guilty people j exciting. and relive the wonderful thrill
den) (1949-52) temporary address who failed to reply before. Afrer of seeing the famous Scottish
Dorothy Smith (Mrs. R obert
is at 101 Central Park, Iowa we were married (following m y Cantrell) (1951-52) 1104 Finkbine Pipe Bands perform as they did
City, Iowa, but her permanent graduation in 1953) we remained Park, Iowa City, Iowa. Dorothy for us.”
address is to be 3515 Soda Ave­ in Iowa City for 2 years until Bill informs us that her Bob is in
nue, Des Moines, Iowa — as Nan was graduated from law school. school under the G. I. Bill, and be Mary Lou Mortensen (Mrs. Joe
says that her little Jane will be During this period I worked as a has one year left- They have Halbach) (1949-53) 1235 Grantly,
a Baltimore, Maryland. They have
2 years old the end of February, social worker with the county wel­ little girl named Pam ela Lynn
and she is expecting another fare office. Bill completed his \Vz years old- The Cantrells spent one child, Joey, born August 13,
Ryden the first part of February law in 1955 at which time we one year in Germany 1956. Joe works in the Industrial
together, relations Department for Kaiser
(w as another girl) they are living moved to Cherokee (which is a 1954-55.
in the m arried student housing, wonderful town, Dinny Wise) and Aluminum and Chemical Corpor­
Elaine Hyndman (M rs. A. Uch- ation. “ This is really a busy
and R ex is in Law School at where he is practicing law. Our
torff) (1951-52) 1905 Muscatine Christmas season for us,” says
SUI but graduate in June, 1957 son, Robert Bruce, was born in
— hence the m ove to Des Moines. October, 1955, w e’re expecting our Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. Elaine Mary Lou, “ as w e’re moving
has a little 4 year old daughter. right after Christmas to a new
second in January, ’57 . . . Will
Jacky Malloy (M rs. Curtis Mer­ Kathleen Louise; Elaine is a grad­ home. We’ve just got to have our
add this news — We now have
rill) (1949-52) 6334 Rowan Lane, 2 sons, Tom, who was born De­ uate student in Speech Pathology T. V. working right for THE
Bellaire, Texas. Jacky writes: and Audiology at S. U. I. game . . . — can’t say you
cem ber 3rd . . . 6 weeks ahead
“ Curt sells shavemasters for of schedule, but he is doing well” 1952 Foreign Trip Members looked good on the Sullivan Show,
Sunbeam — the best electric ap­ only because our T. V. was out
Barbara Clark (Mrs. Robert R.
pliances m ade — he keeps telling Jeanne Peterson (M rs. Arnold of whack, but you sounded ter­
Jowett) (1950-52 ) 4723 W. 87
m e. We’re now of the landed rific. Even Joe said so and he
gentry of Houston, Texas. W e’ve Place, Oaklawn, Illinois, is the Charlton) (1947-52 address, right does not pass out compliments for
home of Susan Lynn 2 years old, now, Indianapolis, Indiana. “ After
just been here since January nothing. I received from mother
but we love our house, weather, Robert Clark 3 months, and the all these years,” says Jeanne, the picture of Tony Cordaro (Des
husband of our ex-piper, Bob. He “ The Arm y decided Am ie is ‘fit’ , Moines Register photographers
and just all of the great state of
Texas! Summers are a bit warm is employed as an inside sales­ so w e’re on the m ove again. Right getting the new hat and my
man for the Joseph T. Ryerson & now he is learning how to be a discerning eyes noticed immediat­
— we evacuated to Iowa the last
Son Company, Chicago, 111. Bar­ secretary to some Colonel. By
ely that the Drum M ajor had a
one. No m ore kids to report —
Patrick is 3 years old, and C. J. bara says that the first part of the way, anybody want a Hein? new doublet. It is surely nice
is 2 years — so our m ove is the year was spent without many Variety dog by the name of ‘Al­ looking.” (This comment is per­
about all I have to offer. I ’m news events — “ However, in July fred? Arnie is a ‘Main-iac,’ but fectly legitimate, of course, for
sure proud of the Highlanders, — a son was added to our fam ily we’re making an Iowan out ot
it com es from a form er Drum
and all these Southerners are to the joy of all. Susi keeps us him.” M ajor!) She continues about the
all busy with her constant chat­ Jean Slavata (M rs. Michael L.
duly im pressed. Glad I don’t young man — “ who is a real
have pipes around as I fear I ’d ter and mischievous nature.” Costa) (1949-52 ) 331 S. Johnson
character and presidential timber
Their last two weeks of Novem­ Street, Iowa City, Iowa, is em ­ if ever I saw it. After all his
not be up to par! I think the
Christmas letter is just wonder­ ber were to be spent vacation­ ployed as secretary in the Depart­ grandfather was considered so by
ing in Florida. ment of Accounting, College of
ful Congratulations to all on the the Highlanders in ’52. There is
Commerce, and her S. U. I. hus­ ‘No Slack’ with this Halbach eith­
fine football team. E very Satur­ Barbara Beals (Mrs. Donald
band is employed at Veteran’s er. He really keeps me jumping
day afternoon we had to sweat it Maulis) (1950-52) 1129 Rinette
Hospital. and is as fat as a butterball —
out til all the Texas scores were Avenue, Apt- 2, Burlingame, Cal­
over and they’d get to the Big ifornia. Don is with the San Fran- Dinny Wise (Mrs. Nate P. looks like the old man (signed)
Ten scores — such a deal — but :isco Peat Warwick & Mitchelle Phipps) (1949-52 ) 734 Walnut, The Loch Ness Monster (The In­
it was worth it.” CPA Firm , and Barbara is in the Cherokee, Iowa. Nate graduated verness Monster, anyway).”
Mary Sahs (1949-53 ) 3432 North Mary Mauer (M rs. John E. (Marge and Ben, w e’ll be anxious burgh, its about the first time
Salem, Indianapolis 8, Indiana. Dana; ( 1950-53) 6240 Loughbor­ to know whether you got your we’ve seen anyone from Iowa
Mary wrote that she guessed she ough, St. Louis 9, Missouri. “ i Debora Anne, or Martin Scott’ — over here. Plan on being in Ger­
raduated a few years too soon, am teaching 7th and 8th grades iet us know the good news.) many until 1958, so anyone com ­
g ut that she certainly kept hei ai the St. ijouis P uolic
eyes glued to the TV set to catch jystem , nothing glorified
scnuo. Jane Anundsen( Mrs. Jim Bul- ing over in the next couple
about lard) (1951-53) 9135 Mettetal, D e­ years and looking for a place to
a glimpse of the ‘swishing kilt’ at it, but it has its moments. It s troit, Michigan, or Harper Hospit­ stay, call us up. We are about

the Rose Bowl, and she asks il .jeen so long ana a lot nas Happen­ al, Detroit, Michigan. Bruce James 6 miles from Kaiserslautern, Ger­
each trip to Europe gets easier?? ed. We saw Juanita Betake con ...uliard is a new addition to uie many, and 20 miles from Sarrbru-
She knows we had a wonderful .ieil and Clyde this summ er anu Bullard family. His Daddy is an kin, Germany. Home address is
time. Mary is an Occupationa. were miroauced to their aaugute. uiteme at Harper Hospital, ano .iam stein Housing Area Bldg.
Therapist in the Psychiatric Sec­ and naturally in discussing old nas been accepted for a pedia­ 318, Apt. A-6, Landstuhl, Ger-
tion of the V. A. Hospital in Ind .i lends sne orougnt out me Hign- trics residency next year at Cnno- nany. Use military address for
ianapolis still. .ander Letter, so I've decided this ren’s Hospital, and if he doesn’t writing as it only requires a
Beverly Ann Bartels (Mrs. year 1 11 man in m y cuntnuuUoii .■ave to go into the armed services, regular 6 cent airmail stamp from
James D. Treneman) (1949-53) jO I, too, can hear from everyone. they wiU stay on at least one the U. S. A .” Reed adds a note,
4722 E. Fillman, Fresno, Califor­ -•iy husoana is working as a man .tiore year in Detroit. too: “ Sure enjoyed seeing you
nia. Next year address will be jiactu rer’s representative for Marilyn M eyer (M rs. Ronald E. folks in Scotland and learning all
1550 Alta Place, Dubuque, Iowa. je n e ia i Time corporation and i Harken) ( 1951-53) 1222 Story, the news. Bet you had a great
My husband is interning at Fres­ am treking off to school each day Boone, Iowa. Marilyn says that time at the Rose Bowl and both
no County General hospital. nuking iorw aid to vacations auu aer husband was aiscnarged truin of us wish we could have been
We have one little blonde, uoudays. We spent last year in the Air Force in March (last) and Jiere.”
blue-eyed daughter, Ann Caroiyn aie land of me sun — Arizona, Dui is now attending Iowa State. Sht Sally Sackett (Mrs. Harry Eick)
10 months old, who I hope we the climate wasn’t healthy for us works at the Boone County Hos­ (1951-54) 449 Parkway Drive, Lex­
will bring to Iowa to school some and we nappny consider ourselves pital on the general staff. ington, Kentucky. Harry is an as­
day. And Hello, Bill, and all the Aiidwesterners again. Although
Aleda Lundquist (Mrs. Arlyn sistant Professor of Chemistry at
Highlanders, old and new. I fol­ we dion t make any of the games Moeller) ( 1951-53) 1117 Mackin the University of Kentucky. Car-
lowed your trip with great in­ this year, we are avid tans ano Road, Flint 3, Michigan. Dr. j1 Anne 17% months at Christmas
terest and certainly wished I .ouowea the Hawks via radio, T v , Moeller is an interne at Hurley time, John David 4% months
could have been along again. and newspapers. That’s all for
Hospial in Flint. Aleda has Mark Christmas are the reasons for
Well, this will probably be the aiis year, iviuzie.” oteven, 14 months, to care tor, al­ Sally’ s Greetings from “ the E id t
busiest and most ‘broke’ year of Gwenn Scales (M rs. Ben Chaik- so take care of another child 3 Diaper Service — Automatically
our lives — I hope — After Jim ’s en) ( l 950-54) 1121 N. Los R o bles, days a week, and has been teach­ washed — Kentucky sunshine
internship we plan to go to the Pasadena, California. Gwen was ing a Foods course one night a Dried — Folded by Hand — Light
Air Force before we finally settle very very generous in offering to week at Flint’s Adult Education Diapers Extra. Sne continues:
down.” open her nome to all and any Program. “ We’re still loyal Iowa 'We are enjoying Lexington and
Marilyn McMullen (Mrs. Ed Highlanders who would like to tans . . . We thought the Highland­ U. K. so much — constantly on
Diekmann) (1949-53) 131 Hugo com e to stay with her on the ers did a marvelous job on TV at the ‘g o’ , following the Wildcats
St., No. 9, San Francisco 22, Cal­ rtose Bowl irip. Of course, we tne Indiana Game. Our lives are (tho’ w e’re still Hawks at heart),
ifornia. “ M ickie” says that she were scheduled to stay at the Oc­ busy ones — I hardly ever see attending the wonderful concert
guesses “ things have followed the cidental CoUege dormitories, but my husband — he’s at the hospiai series, appearing at numerous
natural course of events. Last Gwen said: “ This is an invitation so much. Our son, Mark, missed university functions, etc. This
year I told you about our m ar­ tor the Adamsons or any of the nis Daddy, too, though he’s much bluegrass country’ is truly beau­
riage and honeymoon and this girls to stay with us. We have to busy getting into mischief to tiful and we are living in a
year Debbie is the focal point a swell apt. — 5 rooms, can sieep worry much about it. Mark will lovely location next to a golf
of m y letter. She is such a good b adults, have huge living room have a new playmate next March course. Never a dull moment
baby — except when she cries with fireplace, 2 divans and a mon­ to keep him bush. We’re happily with two teenie ones and rookie
and then I'm sure sh ell have ster of a piano (90 years old), the awaiting the arrival of a new professor in the household!”
lungs to be a piper! But she’s room still looks empty . . . We brother or sister. We’ve followed Ruth Ashton (M rs. Ronald H.
a husky little gal so maybe she’ll lived in Berkeley for 6 months your second European Tour with Johnson) (1951-55) 7 Riverview
be a drummer like her M om.” Ed whUe Ben studied for State Boards much interest — thanks to clip­ Place, Davenport, Iowa. Our ex­
is a civil engineer with William (He is bacteriologist, biochemist, pings from Iowa and Darla Moel- drum mer writes: “ Ron is assist­
B. Gilbert. State Dept, of Pubuc Health — Ce­ ler s (sister-in-iaw) letters. We ant m anager of Sporting Goods —
dars of Lebanon Hospital R e­ know what a wonderful time you Sears, here in Davenport, and I
Arlene Allan (Mrs. George
search in a heart-lung apparatus), had, and m y only hope is that no am Red Cross Chairman of Water
Greenway) (1949-53) 2126 21st Ave­
men moved to L. A. County in one got as seasick as I did on Safety for Scott County and Swim­
nue, Rock Island, Illinois. George
late in September. The weather the first crossing on the Arosa ming Instructor at Lend-A-Hand;
is with IBM, and Arlene says,
is terrific — we had fresh cam- K ulm !! ” and Michael James is 6 months
“ We’re awaiting the stork’s arri­
llias on the table for Thanksviging Jane Walker (M rs. Samuel O. old.”
val in M arch.”
from the garden . . . M. Sue is Christensen) (1951-54) 2550 Miles Donna M amersly (Mrs. Jim
Nancy Sweitzer (Mrs. Robert 14 months, she reallys is cute.”
M. Gunn) (1950-52) Apartment 604, Street, Augusta, Georgia. This ex­ Carlson) (1951-55 ) 3500 East 42nd
Eunice Achenbach (M rs. E ver­ piper and dancer’ s doctor husband Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
700 Bittersweet Place, Chicago,
ett H. Eide) ( 1950-54) care of is serving in the U. S. Arm y as Donna’s husband is in his second
13, Illinois. Nancy says, “ I’m still
Earl L. Achenbach, Lisbon, Iowa. a dentist at Fort Gordon, Augusta, year as a Civil Engineering stu­
at Sears and Bob is practicing
“ Ev is still in the Air F orce. He Georgia. They have a son, John dent at the University of Minne­
law with the firm of MacLeish,
is with the ferrying command Robert, who is 13 months now. sota; and she is still working at
Spray, Price & Underwood. We
at Kelley A. F. B., San Antonio. Kay McNamara (1951-53) Ana- Pillsbury Mills as secretary to
returned a few weeks ago from a
Ferrys all kinds of jet aircraft all mosa, Iowa. Kay is Elementary the Manager of the Organiza­
honeymoon in Bermuda and New
over the U. S. and world . . . We’ll Music Supervisor in the Marion, tion Department. She adds: “ Jim
York. At present our apartment
oe stationed here for a couple of Iowa Public Schools, Marion, Io­ and I have been going to all the
looks like a miniature warehouse
years. E v’ s job isn’t the most de­ wa. She said that the biggest Minnesota football games as stu­
filled with boxes, floating tissue
sirable. He’s gone from 10 days thrill she could imagine would be dents. Believe me, it’s painful to
paper, etc., but w e’re gradually
to 2 months at a time on these to see the Highlanders in the be an Iowa rooter in the midst of
getting the debris cleared out and
jobs. I manage to keep busy, with Rose Bowl, and that she wouldn’t 20,000 Minnesota rooters . . . What
will welcom e any of you who
a tiny baby, though. Linda Kay miss it. Good for Kay! a full year this is for you, and
would honors us with a visit —
was born November 15, 1956. We Jane Noble (Mrs. George T. Con­ best to all the mem bers of the
Bill, you’ll notice that I married
think she’s an angel and wonder ger) (1951-54) 108 Central Park, ‘Iowa Ladies Pipe Band.’ ”
a Scotsman, so I now have an
how we got along without her be­ Iowa City, Iowa. Dr. Conger is Joyce O’Conner (1951-54) 2315
authentic tartan to call m y ow n !”
fore,” is the word from Eunice. senior resident in Obstretrics-Gyn- East Street, Davenport, Iowa.
Marianne Cook — Mrs. Don E. Jane Condon (1950-54 ) 427 South ecology at SUI Hospital. Jan says: Joyce says that she missed seeing
Shannon) (1950-53) 1304 Morrison Dodge Street, Iowa City, Iowa. “ We moved to a barracks facing us at the Highlanders Reunion at
Drive, Erie, Pennsylvania. Mari­ Jane says: “ I am now employed the practice field and stadium just
Homecoming because her m ail
anne writes: “ Don is a pharma­ by the Iowa Society for Crippled to have ringside seat for all the
didn’t reach her promptly, she
cist with Brown Jones Drug. Mov­ Children and Adults in Des Moines Highlander practices. Now we found out about the party via
ed into new home (split level) lo­ as an Occupational Therapist. I know what the Quad, boys go the grapevine, and by the time
cated at Lake Shore Golf Club will be married February 23, 1957, through on Saturday mornings! she found the location of the
Residential Area. We just love it to Robert Jansen, and low a grad­ That’ s real loyalty. We have Ann , room in the new Union, “ every-
and if you don’t play golf when uate who is teaching in Savanah, 14 months, and Susan 6 weeks —
|body was gone and the end of
you live here, you just don’t live. Illinois. We will be living in Sav­ and with the arrival of the sec­
film in progress. You and your
Hope the Highlanders enjoyed annah!” W e'll be the first to con­ ond girl, w e’ll soon have a com ­ lucky Highlanders — getting to go
their trip to Europe as much as gratulate you and Robert, Jane, on plete RANK 10 for you by 1976.” to California and Europe all in
we did. Anyone see Mr. Anderson your m arriage!!) Jayne Stewart (Mrs. Richard L. one year. Some time you must
or Mr. Sutherland?” (See com ­ Janet Suiter (M rs. R. S. Rost) Freeman) (1951-54) 129 Hamilton tell m e at what Aztec Indian
ments at end of letter, Marianne.) (1950-54) Box 145, Beaver, Oregon. Drive, Snyder 21, New York. The temple you worship . . . I promise
Sharon Brown (Mrs. Chuck Both Janet and her husband are Freemans have Patricia Lynn a brief history of m y happenings
Toland) (1950-53 ) 204 Riverside teaching in an elementary school. who is 13 months and “ adorable.” next year. To quote a dear friend
Park, Iowa City, Iowa. “ Chuck is They thought their letter would The Daddy works for the Chas S. of ours, M arcia Raffensberger —
enrolled in pre-medicine at SUI. be too late for the Christmas Freeman Company as salesman, ‘Have you heard about m y trip?’ ”
Hopes to begin as a freshman in newsletter, but you see it wasn't, and manufacturer’s representa­ Dorothy Means (Mr. Walter B.
Medicine in the fall. After two and we are very glad you want to tive. “ We’re living in an upper Ingram) (1952-54) 13191/2 Elmwood
wonderful years in England we keep in touch. She says, “ We were flat looking at houses, but haven’t Drive, Columbus, Georgia. D oro­
have settled down again to going to in Iowa for Christmas, couldn’t found anything to suit m y cham thy gets us up to date by stating:
school here. I should say Chuck is make the Rose Bowl, surely en­ pagne taste and beer pocketbook “ My husband is a first Lt. in
going to school and I find myself joyed TV of it, however, everyone I'm going to the University of Corps of Engineers stationed at
busy just taking care of Constance nere in Oregon are quite put out Buffalo — working on m y Mas­ Ft. Benning, Ga.; we hope to
Lynn (2 years) and Cary Stuart at us ‘Iowans’ at the moment. ter’ s and practice teaching Speech. leave the Army in March or June
(2 months). About the only ex- Poor losers!” Lisa is their little I'm teaching parliamentary pro­ at the latest, and return to engin
Highlander I see is Arlene Allen 15 months old daughter. cedure — ugh! We joined the eering somewhere in the midwest.
Greenway. I know there are others Marge Anne Martin (M rs. Ben­ Community Theatre group, en­ All this traveling has been great
around here so why don’t we get jamin J. Ruehl) (1950-54) 1433 W. joying it very much. How I en­ experience but w e’re ready to
together some time? Does any­ 3th, Apt. 2061, Spokane, Washing­ vied you people in Europe; read settle down and live as civilians!
one ever hear from Marianna Ste­ ton. Ben is assistant manager of in the paper that certain Scottish Sure envy the current Highlanders
vens?” Crescent Department Store. The parties complained about females and their wonderful trips — Eur­
Ozzie Carlson (Mrs. John Bar store has increased to double the in male costumes — shades of ope, the Rose Bowl in the sam e
ton) (1950-53 ) 8142 Whitburn, St. size after the completion of the 1952. And wouldn’t you know, the year — W ow !”
Louis, Missouri. Ozzie writes that new building last fall. It keeps team would wait ’til ’56 to go to Marilyn Neuzil (M rs. G ary
her John is studying orthodontics Ben busy, Marge says, but she the Rose Bowl.” Winders) (1951-54) 103 N. Davis,
at St Louis University, and they continues to tell us, “ The most Carole Brainerd (Mrs. Reed Anamosa, Iowa. Our ex-snare
plan to be there for another year wonderful news in our family is th Hartsook) (1951-54 ) 80 F. Tactical drummer and tenor drum m er
and a half. They have Curtis, new addition which we are looking Control Sq. APO 65, N. Y. Add writes that Gary is a guard at
20 months, and are expecting ano forward to having the middle of -ess after the middle of 1958 will the Mens’ R eform atory in Ana-
ther baby the month of February. January. Our year has been full be 4812 Grand Avenue, Des Moines vosa.
She adds: “ Surely enjoyed the of plans for the new baby. Then 12, Iowa. “ Spending our second Jan Papke (Mrs. John Landess)
Highlander Coffee hour at Home­ we are watching eagerly the con­ year in Germany with the Air (1952-54 ) 552 — 11th Street, Im ­
coming. Hope I ’ll make it again struction of our new home which Force. Reed is a supply officer perial Beach, California. John is
this year. I guess the Barton name we hope will be finished in March. at Landstuhl Air Base while I’m a naval aviator stationed at
doesn’t change the Carlson luck — We will be doing much of the working right across the street at NAS North Island at Coronado,
have seen the last 3 Rose Bowl ‘finishing work’ ourselves but w e’ll Headquarters 12th Air Force. En- California, and Jan says that
games — then when Iowa and the liave lots of room for any of ioy the work very much which is she is not working now, and adds:
Highlanders go, w e’re in St. Louis you when you travel in this part in the Athletic branch of Special “ I enjoyed seeing the Highlanders
instead of California! Best of luck f the country . . . Best of every Services. Sure enjoyed seeing the and Bill at the All-Iowa P icnic,
to you all in 1957!” thing to all the Highlanders'” Highlanders last summer in Edin­ the Rose Bowl game and P a r a d e !”
Jan M eyer (M rs. Don Waldron) analysis for the Dow Chemical a month and I would certainly “ Men of Harlech” ; “ Wee Doch
(1952-54) Rancho Covered Wagon, Company. Sounds like an interest­ love to have anyone com e see and D orris” ; “ Charlie is My
R. D. No. 2, B ox 2901, Sacramen­ ing job for our ex-piper and us. “ Button” (really a Junior Darlin’ “ Turn Y e to M e” ; and
to, California. Our ex-snare drum­ dancer. Engelbeck) is 6 months as of “ I Pledge Allegiance.” — hope
m er writes: “ Since w e’ll be m ov­ December 4th and loads of fun — many oi you will be able to get
Lori Sharp (1953-56) Clarion,
ing around for the next three we love him! So anxious to get one of these records, and enjoy
years, send the next letters and Iowa. Lori works at the Mueller
my Highlander letter of this playing and listening to it as
other m ail in care of m e at 1213 Photography Studio in Clarion,
and is paying for her European year; the one from last year is much as we did in the making
North Shore Drive, Clear Lake, nearly worn out. Have used it so of it.
Iowa . . . Don is in the Air Force Trip with the Highlanders of last
summer in this way. She hopes much to see if there are any
studying to be a Bom badier.” scotties’ in the many places Now, some odds and ends about
They have one son, Scott, who is to go to State Teachers’ s College Highlanders ‘Old and New’ :
in March. She adds: “ I will com ­ we’ ve lived these past 11 months
one year old. (this was our oth m ove.) It’s real­ Barbara Bacon is living in Cal­
plete m y four years college, and ifornia.
Irene Livingston (M rs. Yaro M. am looking forward to teaching ly a grand way to make friends
Schnoebelen) (1952-55 ) 4524 N. in new places. Have otten thougnt Bonnie McKitrick was up to one
elementary art sometime in the of the football games this season
Woodruff, Shorewood, Wisconsin. future.” what fun it would be to get a
Irene and her husband are both cartoon memory book — every­ and looking great.
Dorothy Dow (1953-56) West- one send in the funny or fond Marcia R an ensberger is teach­
working — He is business analy­
st for Cutler-Hammer, Inc., and lawn, Iowa City, Iowa. “ I am in memories of trips taken, com ical, ing Art in a high school in Omaha.
Irene is Speech therapist for the graduate school at SUI,” writes situations, or happenings, and Wilma ( Wiliy) Waller was at
Dorothy, “ in the field of Physical special ‘characters as there one of the games this year and
Milwaukee Public Schools.
Therapy. The course is a full year always seemed to be one or two looks great.
M arty Porter (M rs. John W. in length with clinical training Barbara Wick was married this
Fow ler) (1952-55) 182 Highland, every year. I know the European
during the summer in the Univer­ trips have produced some wonder­ past summer.
Oskaloosa, Iowa. This ex-bass sity Hospitals. Ginny Y oder and Marydale Merrill is still doing
drum mer writes an interesting ful ‘embarrassing moments’ . I ’d
I are classmates, so we enjoy love to have one and maybe we graduate work, and is a dietitian
and complete story of her where­ our breaks and talk over High­ at the Low Commons here in
abouts since last we heard from could use the profits for the
lander news. Always, good luck.” Scholarship Fund or another wor­ Iowa City.
her: She was in Oskaloosa where Kitty Kelly is instructor here
Barbara E. Mixson (1953-56) thy cause. I know there are some
she was “ expecting a bundle of in Occupational Thereapy at the
2207 Grande Avenue, Cedar R a­ of us who would love to help get
joy on Christmas D ay” — and University.
John, in the Air F orce, stationed pids, Iowa. Bill Brauer and Bar­ it together — write letters, do art
bara were married at the First work, etc., What do you think? Martha Hale dropped in last
at Lowry A. F. B., Denver, was summer while visiting in Iowa
Presbyterian Church in Cedar I’m loaded with time! ”
to know of their next base where City. She’s just the same old
Rapids on Christmas Eve. “ We
they would be located, around the Virginia Coder (Mrs. Larry W. Marty.
will continue our studies at Iowa,
first of February. Marty adds: Pugh) (1953-56) 1722 E. 21st Street, LaVonne Mersch is on campus
“ (Jot to see the Highlanders for where Bill is a sophomore in
Medicine and I will graduate in Cheyenne, Wyoming. G in n y with her husband.
the first time this year at the writes: “ Larry is a Physical Dorothy R ankin: Saw her at the
Notre Dame gam e on TV. They June,” writes Barbara.
Therepist at De Paul Hospital and Iowa Picnic during the Rose Bowl
really looked great, and I ’m Sarah Ann Vernon (M rs. Ed­ I work at the Blue Cross and
ward Dean Springer) (1954-56) Trip complete with her ‘umpting’
speaking from the heart. I ’ve Blue Shield Building here . . . It girls and one boy.
never m issed any organization as R. R. 1, Iowa City, Iowa, care of sure is lovely country out here
Leonard Graham. Sara works at Mary Fagan was married this
I have the Highlanders. Mother and we like it very much. It’s not past summer.
sent m e all the articles on your Wayner’s Jewelry Store in Iowa half as ‘cowboyish’ as everyone
City. Judy Murtagh was married this
trip abroad and only wished I’d was trying to tell us. Believe it past January. Still going to school.
been there to go. Also Joey Frush, Jonne Shiley (1953-56) 1135 or not, the women out here do Susan Salie w’as married last
a m em ber now, wrote m e of the South Colorado Blvd., Denver 22, wear skirts!” fall, and is stationed with her
trip to Newton and of Ike signing Colorado. Our ex-piper and Drum Cynthia Barnhouse (Mrs. R og­ husband in Honolulu.
the drum. Oh, to have been the Major is teaching elementary phy­ er B. Coe) (1954-55) 127 Pearl, Carol Bartels was married this
bass drum m er for 2 m ore years sical education in a new elemen­ Denver, Colorado. The C oes past Decem ber.
If I ’d known Ike would be signing tary school, opened only last fall have a son, Mark David, 10 Agnes (Aggie) K err: 27 E. Mt.
it, I’d stayed in school. Serious­ in Denver. Jonne says: “ I teach months. Roger is employed by the Vernon Place. Baltimore 2, Mary­
ly, though, I wouldn’t trade this 3 first grades, 2 second grades, 2 United States Air Force in the land, is studing music in a Con­
m arried life for anything, but third grades, and one fourth Communications field. Cynthia servatory in Baltimore, but says
believe m e, to hear a bagpipe or grade. Have turned a ‘True Col- adds: “ Saw you all on the EM she is “ scheming and planning
see any Scottish trappings, really oradian’ as I have taken up ski­ Sullivan Show. Wish there had on buying a set of pipes — but
makes m e lonesome for you all ing in the mountains. Rather an been m ore . . .” they cost around $80 here . . .
and Iowa U. And wouldn’t you expensive pastime, but losts of Letters from the two Colonels are Please give m y best to everyone
know, as soon as we both left the fun,” concludes Jonne. always a w elcom e addition to I know in Highlanders and tell
state of California, the team would Nancy Page (M rs. William the Newsletter: them I ’d love to hear any ‘news’ .'’
go wild and win the Big Ten and Dean Ankrum) (1953-54) 1012 That’s about all that I can think
go to the Rose Bowl . . .Well, Colonel and Mrs. W. W. Jenna
North Calhoun, West Liberty, (1946-51) 830 Sistina Avenue, Cor­ of at the moment. As you have
I ’ll be glad to see the letter when Iowa. Nancy is teaching 7th grade probably guessed, most of this
it is finished. It’s so hard to keep al Gables 46, Florida, write us:
at West Liberty and Dean is a “ Maudie and I lead the quiet information is hearsay.
track of everyone and this way. senior in Accounting at SUI. Scholarship Fund:
you know' if someone is in the life down here. We saw the High­
Nan is another ex-piper who is landers on the Ed Sullivan Show We are certainly grateful to all
same town or city you are a loyal Highlander and wants of you people for contributing to
stationed in or living in.” prior to their departure for Eur­
them to know how well they per­ ope and got a tremendous charge the Highlanders Scholarship Fund.
Baila M ackey (M rs. Tom Col- formed this year in her estima­ out of it. Young Bill (their son) is Contributions were a fifty percent
glazier) (1952-55) Forest View tion. a Junior in the University of increase over last year, which is
Trailer Court, Iowa City, Iowa. Diane Odell (1953-54) 126 Mag­ Miami and is doing well. His a pretty good record. We are
Our ex-piper is a senior at SUI nolia, Muscatine, Iowa, while wife, Pat (Patricia Dolores Bar­ continuing our program of giving
and will graduate in June. Her teaching — 2915 Center Pt. Rd., on) is secretarying to beat all two “ fee” scholarships every
husband is taking graduate work Cedar Rapids, Iowa. “ I wish I get-out . . . Best to all of you semester. Our first semester 1956-
in accounting and working at could have gone with the gals on from all of us.” 57 scholarships went to Pat
the Men’s Store in Iowa City. their trip this sum m er,” writes Hafner, now on her eighth semes­
Baila tells us: “ For the past year Colonel and Mrs. George F.W. ter Highlander membership and
Diane. “ I was one of the unfor­ Dailey (1935-39) 3375 Highland
we have been living in Fort Knox, tunate ones who missed both our drum dancer for three of
Kentucky, as Tom was in the Drive, Carlsbad, California. It those years; and to Joy Jarrard,
trips. While the girls were on their
Army. He was discharged in Sept­ was surely great to see the Dail­ our pipe and tenor drummer for
way I was in M exico City having
em ber and we both entered school eys at the Ali-Iowa Picnic in Pas­ the past 3% years. We will award
a wonderful time spending all
here, m oving our trailer with us adena and to know that they two scholarships for the second
m y hard earned teaching money.
. . . After June w e’ll m ove where- enjoyed the Highlander’s per­ semester 1956-57.
Kay McNamara is teaching in
ever Tom finds a job and if I can formance there so much, and also
Marion, also (Diane is teaching
find one also. I ’ll teach high that they took the time and
Art in the Marion Schools) . . . LAST Y E A R ’S ACTIVITIES OF
school English.” energy to com e to see us in the
and it was a wonderful surprise THE HIGHLANDERS
Parade and Rose Bowl Game.
to see a familiar face to start a
1956 Foreign Trip Members They haven’t changed a bit, and The year 1956 is unquestionably
new job .”
of course, we wonder how they the most successful year the
Prudence Meder (1952-56) 4906 Bunny De Camp (1953-55) 150 can do it, when it’s been over
Garfield, Denver 6, Colorado. Bun­ Highlanders have ever had. In
Ingersoll, Apt. 7, Des Moines, tw’enty years that they first this year we traveled over 22,000
Iowa. This ex-piper is teaching ny is teaching French and Eng­ cam e to S. U. I! Best of every­
lish at Cheery Creek High School. miles, in 7 countries, 18 states,
2nd and 3rd grades in a combin­ thing to the Colonels and their which included performances on
ation room in Des Moines, and Recently she becam e engaged to Ladies!
Lt. Carl David Peterson of Tena- both the Atlantic and Pacific
she sends her “ Hello” to every­ That is all the letters — 182 of Coasts, perform ed before an es­
one! fly, New Jersey, who was grad­
them !! This is som e forty letters timated four million people not
uated from Williams College, Wil-
Virginia Y oder (1952-56) Prai­ over the number received last counting TV and Radio audiences.
liamstown, Massachuesetts, in
rie du Chien R d., Iowa City, year. All of the letter-writers sent Among the most important per­
1953, and is presently stationed at
Iowa. Ginny’s letter reported her Greetings and Best Wishes to formances, or trips are:
the new Air Force Academ y. She
com ing m arriage for Decem ber everyone — Highlanders every­ Foreign Tour
adds: “ Dave was pictured in
22, 1956, to Bob Watters of Tipton, where, and the Adamson family. To m e it is almost pointless,
newspapers anfd on the Ed Sulli­
Iowa, and after that they planned Thanks a lot! however, many have asked the
van Show modeling one of the
to live in a trailer in Iowa City Here is the word about the LP question, “ Was the 1956 Foreign
new academ y uniforms designed
— “ where w e will be for the next record: SONGS OF THE UNI­ lo u r better than the 1952 For­
by Cecil B. DeMille.” They plan­
2-3 years — actually depends, VERSITY OF IOWA, featuring eign T our?” From m y viewpoint,
ned a D ecem ber wedding. She,too,
though, on the draft board, for the Iowa Band, The Men’s Chor­ in managing the two trips, of
said how proud she was of the
duty to Uncle Sam looms in the us. The Scottish Highlanders. The course the 1956 Tour was m ore
Highlanders on the Sullivan Show,
very near future. I ’m in graduate advertisement reads: “ For the successful in terms of making
and that she is always with them
school now taking Physical Ther­ first time — a complete 30 minute arrangements for housing and
in spirit in all their adventures—
apy, and I ’ll be finished in Sep­ program that really captures the transportation, in giving the op­
and they are “ one of the outstand­
tem ber, 1957 .. . There’ s been Hawkeye spirit in music! An of­ portunity to the girls to extend
ing features in any perform ance.”
something on m y mind lately, ficial NEW recording of the new their sightseeing to include Swit­
did Prudie Meder ever make it Janet Brockschink (Mrs. Bert Iowa marches plus many of the zerland and Italy and m y know­
back to the U. S. from Edinburgh Hinrichs) (1953-56 ) 253 W. May old favorites. On a 10-inch, 33 ing something about the count­
(by air) with all of her silverware Avenue, Las Cruces, New Mexico. one-third LP vinylite record cus­ ries from experience gained dur­
in her purse, so her suitcases Jan says that Las Cruces is 20,- tom processed and pressed by ing the first rrip, when I felt on
wouldn’t be over w eight?” 000 population, 20 miles from the RCA-Victor . . . A complete pro­ that first trip, it was pretty much
Mexican border. Wonderful cli­ gram of Scottish Choral Numbers ’the blind leading the blind.’
Nan Borreson (1953-56 ) 932
mate — “ except for the desert by the World-Famous Highland­ We felt very happy about the
East College Street, Iowa City,
dust storms which are horrible. ers.” Write to the SUI Alumni Scottish cities where we had per­
Iowa, and Sheldon, Iowa. Nan
Married life is great! Bert is with Association, Alumni House, Iowa formed on the first trip asking
will graduate from SUI in 1957,
USAF, Radar Station, Las Cru­ City, Iowa, for the purchase of us to repeat performances on
and it’s nice to know she’s still ces, and I am Dental Hygienist
around. the record. Price is $3.95 (Plus the 1956 Trip. We renewed our
for Dr.O. L. Schaefer in Las 25 cents for packaging and m ail­ friendships namely with Tom
Ann Summerwill (1953-56) No. Cruces — I clean teeth and take ing). Make checks payable to: Sutherland and his wife, Ina.
5 St. Eugene Lane, Florissant, X-rays.” SUI Alumni Association. If you’d
Missouri. Ann writes that she is They are just the same and as
Anne Essex (M rs. Marshall like to know specifically what keenly interested in things Ameri­
teaching 8th and 9th grade Eng­
Engelbeck) (1953-56 ) 54 -62nd makes up the Highlanders’ SIDE can as ever. I feel badly that
lish in Riverview Gardens Junior
Place, Apt. G, Long Beach, Cali­ II of the recording: the traditional I must report that George Ander­
High School in Florissant.
fornia. Marsh is in the A. F. and bagpipe pieces — “ Charlie’s No son of Aberdeen passed away two
Shirley Curtis (1953-56) 409 Ash­ stationed at San Clemente Island Awa’ “ Scotland the Brave” ; weeks before we arrived. The oth­
man, Midland, Michigan. “ Cotton” SO miles off the California Coast. “ The 42nd” ; “ Auld Lang Syne” ; er mem bers of the Aberdeen
tells us that she is doing X-ray “ He only gets home one weekend the chorus sings — a “ Medley” ; Council — Nicholson, Black, Bob
Simpson, etc., are all in there, inburgh Tattoo. We w ere fortu­ and Knott’s Berry F arm — all We have quite a few small
very active, making our visit nate to be present the night that this as guests of the Oldsmobiie performances scheduled around
to Aberdeen a most enjoyable the Queen, and now Prince (Duke people. the State, and a few invitations
one. In Inverness we again saw of Edinburgh) attended the per­ The Tournament of Roses Par not yet confirmed for performan­
M alcolm Cameron and Allen formance. ade was really rough, and the ces in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and
Ross. In Dundee we saw Gorge We took off for a nine day tour girls took a physical beating. It Detroit, Michigan.
Grant and fam ily again. George of the Highlands, playing in Glas- was 5Yi miles long at a tempo Y es, we will probably make
is just as nervous as ever. In cow, Dundee, Iverness, Aberdeen, of 130. We wanted to play as another Foreign Trip in 1960, pro­
Glasgow we met again George and added one town on this trip much as possible, for the Parade viding the econom ic and political
Garside, Superintendent of the — Elgin — where we again met crowd was lined up 30 situation is relatively stable.
Parks Department. And in Edin­ some very nice people. We stay­ deep where there were no specta­ THE ADAMSON FAM ILY
burgh we again saw Alex Thain, ed in private homes in Elgin and tor stands. All during this Parade The Adamson tribe is still grow­
Parks Department in Edinburgh. Aberdeen. We returned to Edin­ route before these two million ing (in age, not num bers). Heat­
In London we again met our burgh the first of September, and people w e would no sooner stop her is 11 and in the fifth grade,
friend, Jim Layton, of the Parks attended the plays and theatres playing when they would holler and becom ing quite a virtuoso on
Department. We met many, of the Edinburgh Festival. We for m ore music. We couldn’t the violin. Johnny is a sophomore
many, m ore people who are the were rained out on our perfor­ blame them, but we were just too in high school and active in
epitomy of graciousness. mance for the Festival. We re­ exhausted to give out any more. wrestling and debate. Bill is a
turned to New York on Septem­ At the end of the Parade, we had fresliman at the University, being
Leaving Iowa City on July 12th ber 11th on the Queen Mary. a box lunch and were driven snowed under by Calculus, En­
after a full week of rehearsing The Trip was most successful immediately to the Rose Bowl it­ gineering drawing, Chemistry, etc.
in the hot sun we arrived in in terms of public relations and self — there we had a couple of Fran is just as sassy as ever. Me?
Washington, D. C., where the beneficial to the University and hours’ rest, and then did an eight I ’m just getting older, and m ore
Iowa Alumni Association, along the State of Iowa. The girls, as minute Pre-Game performance, bewildered.
with Representative Schwengel, usual were perfect ladies, and which unfortunately was not tele­ This has been quite a year for
took over. A special tour of the to maintain their reputation, not vised. At Half-Time we did ano­ the Adamson clan. All five of us
White House was arranged and one lost her passport, ticket or ther performance, for which that went with the Highlanders on the
we visited and met the British suitcase. The Europeans are still and the previous Pre-Game per­ Foreign Tour. What impressed
Ambassador at the British E m ­ very much impressed with tne form ance was so good that I Heather about the Tour was the
bassy. We performed on the American girl being able to have received m ore letters and ride on the Queens Mary and
grounds of the Washington Monu­ stand on her own two feet, able compliments for these than any Elizabeth, and buying dolls in
ment before a very large and to talk on almost any ubject we have ever done. The girls each country she visited. What
enthusiastic audience. After two without showing any prejudices. were really all out to make it im pressed Johnny was visiting his­
days in Washington, we left for They were also impressed with perfect — and they did! toric buildings he’s read about in
New York where we had quite the resourcefulness of the girls, We left L. A. on January 2nd, school. Bill consoled him self to
a time. First thing was Ed Sul­ and their ability to cope with al­ and perform ed in Phoenix, Ari­ being the potential escort for 72
livan’s which was an ex­ most any situation. In turn, our zona, on January 3rd. We arrived girls. Fran went on a shopping
perience we will never forget. A f­ girls found the Scots and the there in the middle of a rain — spree at the drop of a shilling,
ter a few other performances, in­ English most hospitable and the first one in several months. In and I kept hollering: “ Hurry up
cluding an appearance for the gracious people. spite of that, we had a pretty fair and stand in line and w a it!”
New York-Iowa Alumni arranged crowd. The next day we perform ­ Along with all the exciting, in­
by our old friend, Arlo Wilson, HIGHLANDER ed in Houston, Texas, when the teresting and busy activities of
we had a visit with Mayor Wag­ FOOTBALL SEASON weather was 85 degrees and the the Highlanders the Adamsons,
ner of New York City, and a humidity about 90! Here again,
Of course, the record of our as of February first, moved into
perform ance. We left on the the local Oldsmobiie people
Queen Mary July 19th, arriving football team was just perfect, their new hom e! We’ve a new
however, having six home games made us very welcom e. Our loot address — 1 Washington Place
at Cherboug on the 24th, going for these stops was that I was
and one out ot town to pertonn — in the east part of Iowa City.
directly to Paris. Late that same made an Admiral of the Nebraska
at made our football season It is a split-level, three bedroom
evening, we took off for Amster­ Navy at Omaha, an Honorary Cit­
schedule pretty rough. I must house, with two fireplaces, and a
dam — an overnight trip in izen of Arizona, and a Deputy
say, though, the girls were in recreation room, and study for
berths. ( ! ) After two days in Sheriff in Houston, Texas.
pretty good shape after their m e — where I can get off by
Amsterdam, we traveled to Col­ My apologies to those ex-High
extensive practicing for the F or­ myself and conjure up some
ogne, Germany, where it seems landers who undoubtedly went
eign Trip, and their perform ances m ore fancy activities for new
everyone bought lederhosen. out of their way to say ‘Hello’ to
on this Trip. Highlanders. Of course, there’s
After a steamship ride up the m e during our short stops in
NEWTON, IOWA. plenty of big and odd jobs around
Rhine to Koblenz we spent two Omaha, L. A., Phoenix, and Hous­
days in that interesting city, then We gave a com m and perfor­ to do yet, before we can consider
ton, for not being able to spend ourselves completely settled and
left for Paris. Fifty-two girls left mance for President Eisenhower,
even a few minutes with you all finished — nevertheless, you’re
us in Koblenz and took off for and he and Mamie signed our
Drum. for a visit! But you can realize w elcom e to com e see us, and w e’ll
about two dozen different side how crowded we were for time w elcom e your approval, too.
trips: generally in the direction ROSE BOWL TRIP and energy on these occasions. Well, this winds up the annual
of Italy, Switzerland, and south­ Here was another very pleasant The whole Rose Bowl picture Christmas Letter. Christmas ???
ern France, spending anywhere experience with the Oldsmobiie was a tremendous success for the I’ll be lucky if I get this off
from one to five days in those Division of the General Motors University and the State of Iowa.
countries, and later joining us before the Fourth of J u ly !!!
Company financing our trip. One Again, I ’m sorry I’m so late.
in Paris. Paris was a little eas­ COFFEE HOUR
hundred twenty m em oers of the It must be m y old age that is
ier to take this time, possibly Band and 80 mem bers of the The Homecoming Coffee party
because I knew what to expect, in the Iowa Memorial Union last slowing m e down, but I must con­
Highlanders left Iowa City on the clude with a
and that the econom ic situation 28th of Decem ber. We stopped in November 3, 1956, seemed to be
was a little better than it was well received. Many ex-Highland Thanks a million to all you nice
Omaha for a short period in people for being so considerate
in 1952. After about seven days some pretty cold weather, then ers were able to renew old friend
in Paris, we landed in London, ships, and talk over pleasant during the long rehearsal hours,
went on to Los Angeles. Arriving tedious bus trips, and hectic per­
playing for the Parks Department there on a Sunday morning, we times — past and present. It was
in an outdoor municipal Park such a success that we are m ak­ formances.
were m et by photographers, new­ Thanks a million for being per­
on two occasions. During this spaper people, etc., and then ing the Highlander Coffee Hour an
period, we traveled over night annual event: Tim e: 10:30 to fect ladies and gentlemen on
went to Occidental College, our these trips. Without your good
to Plymouth, England, and re­ housing quarters in California. 11:30 morning of every Home­
newed our acquaintances with coming Game; P lace: Private conduct, we wouldn’t have such
We participated in m any events a good reputation.
those nice people. One, I ’m sure and did so many things all at Dining Rooms, Iowa Memorial
you will remember is Mr. and Union. Thanks a million for the annual
once that most of us were pretty Christmas presents. I’ll never for­
Mrs. Marshall. We arrived in much in a daze during our stay FUTURE PLANS OF THE HIGH­
Edinburgh on August 21st, and get them and I will always cher­
in Los Angeles. We perform ed on LANDERS
were met by pipers of the Edin­ ish them. And most important of
the Bob Crosby Show, on the We have lots of invitations that all — Thanks a million for know­
burgh Police Band, which was lawn of the Am bassador Hotel, we have to screen very carefully.
reminiscent of the thrill the 1952 ing you! Y ou’re a wonderful
were taken to the Old Dixie The most important one which is bunch!
group received. We received the Restaurant for dinner, to the coming up this March 27th-30th, is
same amenities from the City of Iowa Picnic, and the Moulin the First National Curling Champ­ Sincerely,
Edinburgh that we did in 1952: Rouge, where we presented short ionship in Chicago at the Chicago
which included tickets tc the Ed­ Bill Adamson
perform ?’ ces; visited D ^r.cylind Stadium.

Office of the Scottish Highlanders

State University of lowa
lowa Memorial Union
lowa City, lowa

Karen Greenwood (Sidney) and Karen

Clause (Jefferson) were among the 31 drum­
mers who toured Europe last summer. Both
are seniors this year.

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