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Subject: ​Math- Algebra 2​ Grade: ​9-12​ Lesson Topic: ​Chapter 12 Project- Prob/Stats Review
Candidate’s Name: ​Lauren Gilster ​ ID #: ​023860325
Site Supervisor: ​Noah Endermann​ NU Supervisor: ​Kathy McLaren
Date: ​4/20/17

1. ​Introduction​: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus
learner, create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations).

Anticipatory Set: Rationale:

Top 10 Funniest Skittles Commercials
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWgmk7 A video has the power to capture the attention
58G-0​ (5:52) of the students.

Activate Prior Knowledge: Reviewing prior knowledge and reflecting on

Today is the 2nd day of our Chapter 12 previous class activities is a great way to
project. Yesterday, we reviewed frequency activate prior knowledge. On Monday, the
tables and probability distribution through the students reviewed frequency tables,
use of Skittles. Today, we will be reviewing probability distribution, and Box and Whisker
Box and Whisker Plots. ​Yesterday, we Plots through a worksheet. They were handed
collected data for each group. We recorded back that worksheet yesterday, so they can
how many reds, oranges, yellows, greens, and reference back to that.
purples each group received in their dixie cup.
Today, we will organize that data into a list of
numbers in ascending order. Once we have
created the list, we will take that information
and create a Box and Whisker Plot for the

Represent data with plots on the real number
line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots).
2. ​Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s)​: (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)

Students will review the concept of Box and Rationale:

Whisker Plots. They will demonstrate this
through their recordings of the previous day. Activities encourage teamwork and
collaboration. This lesson is also beneficial
Teacher will measure mastery of this outcome because it is a review period of chapter 12.
through observations made throughout the
lesson, participation in the lesson, and by
completing the chapter 12 project packet.

3. ​Pre-assessment Activity​: (Determine students’ abilities to achieve the Learner Outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )

Earlier in the week, the students completed a Rationale:

worksheet that helped them review and
prepare for the Chapter 12 Project. They Discussions are one way a teacher can
turned it in on Tuesday and their prior pre-assess the knowledge of the students.
knowledge was assessed. Pre-assessment has already taken place
through the completion of the worksheet from
During introduction, note the engagement of earlier this week, so there is no
students. Ask Questions throughout pre-assessment on paper.
introduction to ensure they have the necessary
prior knowledge. Cold call on students for
this information.

4. ​Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies​: (Based on the pre-assessments,

modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special
needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)

ELL: Rationale:
Use spanish words and phrases along with the
English interpretation to explain concepts. For ELL students, using Spanish words and
Phrases that may be useful are “cuántos rojos phrases, along with their English translations,
tienes?” or “cuántos tienes totales?” Speak will help students develop their technical
slowly and clearly. vocabulary.
Special Needs: For students with special needs, allowing
Allow students with special needs more time more time will be beneficial to students who
to participate in the activity. Use hand signals may get stuck on or frustrated with a certain
and repetition when explaining directions. concept.
Speak slowly and take time while explaining.
High achieving students need to be
Highly Achieving: challenged. In order to develop their fluency
Place high achieving students with low in mathematical terminology, explaining
achieving students in order to develop oral concepts to their peers will help reinforce
communication and description of concepts. correct math terms and definitions.

Low Achieving: Low achieving students may need more time

Go through directions slowly and thoroughly. to work through problems. By pairing them
Continuously check for understanding with high achieving students, they are
throughout lesson. Place low achieving receiving necessary help that the teacher can
students with high achieving students in order not supply to each and every low achieving
to assist the needs of the low achieving student.
students. High achieving students should be
explaining concepts to low achieving

5. ​Resources​: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill

-TV Monitor Rationale:

-Skittles Packet
-Skittles (not needed on 2nd day) These are all necessary tools in order to
-Posters deliver this lesson.

6. ​Learning Activities​: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model, Demonstrate, Check for

Explain what a Box and Whisker Plot is and Rationale:

what is needed to construct one.
The students may need to see an example
Model and demonstrate how to construct a before they are able to demonstrate their
Box and Whisker Plot with 10 numbers: knowledge through group work or individual
5 6 7 7 10 14 16 17 18 20 work.
Check for Understanding: Verbal communication of concepts is an
As the teacher is explaining, modeling, and excellent way to check for understanding.
demonstrating a Box and Whisker Plot, he or The ability to process and communicate their
she will be asking the students for input learnings demonstrates their knowledge.

7. ​Learning Activities​: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)

The students will be working in groups. They Rationale:

will use their data from yesterday to make a
list of data, then construct a Box and Whisker By working in pairs, the students are held
Plot based on the list. The teacher will walk responsible for contributing. With the
them through creating a Box and Whisker assistance of the teacher, the students can ask
Plot for the color red for guided practice. questions in order to clarify the material
before they move on to individual work.
Check for Understanding:
The students will turn in their worksheets for Completion of worksheet with minimal errors
a grade. The teacher will also be walking will demonstrate understanding.
around to make sure the students are
understanding through visual checks.

8. ​Independent Practice​: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note:
Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough to
work on their own.)

Similar to above, the students will create a Rationale:

Box and Whisker Plot four more times for
each color of skittle (orange, yellow, green, Completion of worksheet with minimal errors
purple). This will be done on their Skittles will demonstrate understanding.
Worksheet that they were given at the
beginning of the period.

Check for Understanding:

The students will turn in their worksheets for
a grade. The teacher will also be walking
around to make sure the students are
understanding through visual checks.
9. ​Assessment and Evaluation​: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students’
learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students.)

The teacher will evaluate the students’ Rationale:

learning through the completion of the
Skittles Packet, through their active Assessment is vital to the learning and
participation, and also through their teaching process. Without demonstration of
demonstration of knowledge on the poster. adequate knowledge, students are not held
accountable for their work.
Students will be assessed on their numerical ELL, Special Needs, and Low achieving
findings. ELL students who complete the students will be held to a lower standard
packet with minimal errors will have during the grading process. If the students
demonstrated their knowledge. Participation demonstrates that they know what a Box and
will also be a demonstration of their Whisker Plot is and what it looks like, they
knowledge. will have demonstrated their knowledge. It
will be acceptable if these students do not
Special Needs: have all of the (exact) numerical answers.
Students will be assessed on their numerical
findings. Students with special needs, who High achieving students will have to
complete the packet with minimal errors, will demonstrate their knowledge by making few
have demonstrated their knowledge. to no errors in their work.
Participation will also be a demonstration of
their knowledge.

Highly Achieving:
High achieving students will be assessed
based on their numerical findings. Their
knowledge will also be evaluated through
their verbal explanations of the material to
their partner.

Low Achieving:
Students will be assessed on their numerical
findings. Students with special needs, who
complete the packet with minimal errors, will
have demonstrated their knowledge.
Participation will also be a demonstration of
their knowledge.
10. ​Closure​: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)

The students will reflect on what they have Rationale:

learned through a discussion at the end of the
period. They will also be reflecting on their Discussions are a good method of reflection.
learning while they are putting their partner It is important to make sure that all students
work on the poster. are participating in the discussion.

11. ​Lesson Reflection/Assessment​: (Collect student learning data to determine: What went
well? What needs to be changed? Were the learning outcomes met? What activities will you add,
change, modify in the future? What can be done to follow up on the learning from this lesson?
Who needs additional help? Who needs enrichment or higher level work?)

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