SHS DLL Week 1 Research

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School Dueñas General Comprehensive H.

S Grade Level 11
D 11 Teacher Cynthia Balcena Learning Area Practical Research I
Teaching Dates and Time June12-16, 2017 Quarter 1st
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for
I. OBJECTIVES developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance a n d j o y
inlearning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner demonstrates understanding of:
1.the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and 1.the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, 1.the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, 1.the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses,
A. Content Standards kinds of quantitative research. and kinds of quantitative research. and kinds of quantitative research. and kinds of quantitative research.
2. the importance of quantitative research across 2. the importance of quantitative research 2. the importance of quantitative research 2. the importance of quantitative research
fields across fields across fields across fields
A. Content Standards 3. the nature of variables 3. the nature of variables 3. the nature of variables 3. the nature of variables
The learner is able to: The learner is able to: The learner is able to: The learner is able to:
decide on suitable quantitative decide on suitable quantitative research in decide on suitable quantitative research in decide on suitable quantitative research in
B. Performance Standards research in different areas of interest different areas of interest different areas of interest different areas of interest

C. Learning Competencies The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner:
/ Objectives Describes characteristics, strengths, Describes characteristics, strengths, Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses Describes
and kinds of
characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and kinds
Write the LC code for each weaknesses and kinds of quantitative research weaknesses and kinds of quantitative quantitative research of quantitative research

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
II. CONTENT Nature of Inquiry and Research Nature of Inquiry and Research Nature of Inquiry and Research Nature of Inquiry and Research

A. References
1. Teacher’sGuide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
Practical Research 2 by Esther L. Baraceros Practical Research 2 by Esther L. Baraceros Practical Research 2 by Esther L. Baraceros Practical Research 2 by Esther L. Baraceros
Research Methids and Thesis Writing by Calmorin Research Methids and Thesis Writing by Research Methids and Thesis Writing by Research Methids and Thesis Writing by
B. Other Learning Resources Research Guide by Dr. Biton Calmorin Calmorin Calmorin
Research Guide by Dr. Biton Research Guide by Dr. Biton Research Guide by Dr. Biton
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Orient students about Subject description, Review students about the use and
contents and requirements as well as For each of the skills, give For each of the skills, give importance of scientific method.
the Grading System. yourself a grade on a scale of yourself a grade on a
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the 1(low) to 10 (high). scale of 1(low) to 10 Differentiate quantitative and qualitative
new lesson Which skills do you consider (high). research.
yourself to be best at? Which skills do you consider
yourself to be best at?
What is research? What is research? Vocabulary practice:
B. Establishing a purpose 1. Searching for a theory, for testing 5. Searching for a theory, for testing
for the lesson theory for problem solving theory for problem solving
Have a dialog with your partner. Use
newly learned words in your
2. It means a problem was identified 6. It means a problem was identified conversation.
and it needs solution or and it needs solution or
improvement improvement Image Intensifier:

3. A systematic controlled, empirical, 7. A systematic controlled, empirical, Refer to reference pp. 8-9.
and critical investigation of and critical investigation of
hypothetical propositions about the hypothetical propositions about the
presumed relations among natural presumed relations among natural
phenomenon (Kerlinger, 1973) phenomenon (Kerlinger, 1973)

4. Systematic collection and 8. Systematic collection and

interpretation of data to illuminate, interpretation of data to illuminate,
describe or explain new facts and describe or explain new facts and
relationships (Treece, 2002) relationships (Treece, 2002)
1. Concept Discovery:
C. Presenting
Why conduct research?(Importance of Why conduct research?(Importance of
examples/ instances
research in daily life) research in daily life) What do you think? Does your choice
of the new lesson
2. Efficiency and Effectiveness in the 6. Efficiency and Effectiveness in the between Set A and B align itself to
profession profession the content of the following
3. Worth and Value of Research to 7. Worth and Value of Research to selection or run counter to the text?
Education/Profession and to Education/Profession and to
Society/Life Society/Life Give the definition of the Quantitative
4. Identifying, Implementing and 8. Identifying, Implementing and Research.
Evaluating Effective Decisions and Evaluating Effective Decisions and
actions in Life actions in Life
5. Research, has the Potential for 9. Research, has the Potential for
providing Quality life. It is concerned providing Quality life. It is
with the following tasks: concerned with the following tasks:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1. Concept Discovery: Concept Discovery: Enumerate the characteristics of

quantitative research, its classification and
D. Discussing new concepts What else do you know about Inquiry and What else do you know about Inquiry and importance.
and practicing new skills Research? Research?
#1 Expand what you know about them by Expand what you know about them by
reading the text on the reference pp. 3-4. reading the text on the reference pp. 3-4.

Discuss the Methods of Research: Discuss the Methods of Research:
Having obtained much knowledge
E. Discussing new concepts Scientific Method and Science Investigatory Scientific Method and Science Investigatory quantitative and qualitative research,
and practicing new skills #2
Project Project students will compare and contrast
the two based on some standards or

Concept Elaboration pls refer to the Concept Elaboration pls refer to the Concept Explanation:
F. Developing mastery reference book pp. 5-6. reference book pp. 5-6.
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Refer to pp. 10-11.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

G. Finding practical 1.
applications of concepts and Pls refer to p. 11.
skills in daily living
Concept Elaboration. In a group of three,
formulate quantitative questions out of the
given qualitative questions.
H. Making generalizations and What is Research? What is Research?
abstractions about the Why Research important? Why Research important?
lesson Why man’s problem demands research? Why man’s problem demands

I. Evaluating learning Concept Elaboration pls refer to the Concept Elaboration pls refer to the
reference book pp. 5-6. reference book pp. 5-6. Concept-Learning Assessment

Write a short essay about things you

learned the most and the least through
the topics dealt with in this lesson. Give
your essay an interesting title.

J. Additional activities for Concept Transformation: Examine the set up Concept Transformation: Examine the set Concept Transformation
application or of your family, your school, organization you up of your family, your school,
remediation are a member in. Which aspect of each organization you are a member in. Which Ponder on the headlines of big newspaper
group do you want to know more through aspect of each group do you want to know in town or on some TV programs; then, try
inquiry or research? more through inquiry or research? asking quantitative questions about them.

V. REMARKS Critical reading will be discussed for two days.

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No.of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who have caught up
with the
D. No.of lesson.who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help
G. What me solve?
innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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