M.A.R.T.I.N.E.Z. v. CA
M.A.R.T.I.N.E.Z. v. CA
M.A.R.T.I.N.E.Z. v. CA
Because Potenciano Garcia was prevented by the then The ruling that a purchaser of a registered property cannot
municipal president of Lubao, Pedro Beltran, from go beyond the record to make inquiries as to the legality
restoring the dikes constructed on the contested property, of the title of the registered owner, but may rely on the
Garcia filed a civil case with the Court of First Instance registry to determine if there is no lien or encumbrances
against Beltran to restrain the latter in his official capacity over the same, cannot be availed of as against the law
from molesting him in the possession of said second and the accepted principle that rivers are parts of the
parcel, and on even date, applied for a writ of preliminary public domain for public use and not capable of private
injunction, which was issued against said municipal appropriation or acquisition by prescription.
president. The Court declared permanent the preliminary