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Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc.

China 24(2014) 611−618

Effect of heat treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of

sand-cast Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr magnesium alloy

Liang CAO1, Wen-cai LIU1,2, Zhong-quan LI3, Guo-hua WU1,2, Lü XIAO3, Shao-hua WANG4, Wen-jiang DING1,2
1. National Engineering Research Center of Light Alloy Net Forming,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;
2. Key State Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composite, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;
3. Shanghai Aviation Precision Machinery Research Institute, Shanghai 201600, China;
4. Science and Technology on Space Physics Laboratory, Beijing 100076, China
Received 8 April 2013; accepted 5 July 2013

Abstract: The microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture behavior of sand-cast Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr alloy (mass fraction,
%) under T6 condition (air cooling after solid solution and then aging heat treatment) were investigated. The optimum T6 heat
treatments for sand-cast Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr alloy are (525 °C, 12 h + 225 °C, 14 h) and (525 °C, 12 h + 250 °C, 12 h) according to
age hardening curve and mechanical properties, respectively. The ultimate tensile strength, yield strength and elongation of the
Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr alloy treated by the two optimum T6 processes are 339.9 MPa, 251.6 MPa, 1.5% and 359.6 MPa, 247.3 MPa,
2.7%, respectively. The tensile fracture mode of peak-aged Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr alloy is transgranular quasi-cleavage fracture.
Key words: Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr; magnesium alloy; heat treatment; fracture; microstructure; mechanical property

of the main strengthening phase up to 250 °C. Many

1 Introduction investigations related to the microstructure and
mechanical properties of the Mg−Gd−Y system have
Magnesium and its alloys are the lightest metal been reported [8−10]. ANYANWU et al [11] reported
structure materials in the current applications, and have that Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr alloy has excellent strength,
irreplaceable functions compared with aluminum and elongation and creep resistance in the peak-aging
steel such as high specific strength, high thermal condition, which is superior to WE54 and WE43.
conductivity, high static electricity shielding, high Therefore, it becomes a research focus in the area of rare
machining quality and very low density. The magnesium earth magnesium alloys.
alloys are widely used in aeronautics, automobile, Traditionally, water cooling is an effective way to
computer, communication and appliance industry, being inhibit growth of grains and improve alloy strength.
praised of the green engineering material in the 21st However, water cooling can lead to stress residue and
century. It has been demonstrated that rare earth metals stress concentration in alloys, which causes the lift of
(RE) are the most effective elements to improve the brittleness to some extent. Mg−RE alloys are attractive
strength properties of magnesium especially [1]. The in aerospace and aircraft industries for their low
strength of the Mg−RE alloys is achieved essentially via densities, high tensile strength and high creep resistance.
precipitation hardening, which is higher than that of As Mg−RE tools and structural components are
conventional Al and Mg alloys [2]. Among different becoming more and more complicated, a problem is
kinds of Mg−RE alloys [3−7], Mg−Gd−Y system is one recently found that cracks even fractures are sometimes
of the most promising candidates due to its rapid observed in sand-cast complicated structural components
age-hardening response and very good thermal stability when water cooling is taken after heat treatment, which

Foundation item: Project (51275295) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project (USCAST2012-15) supported by the Funded
Projects of SAST-SJTU Joint Research Centre of Advanced Aerospace Technology, China; Project (20120073120011) supported by the
Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China
Corresponding author: Wen-cai LIU; Tel: +86-21-54742630; E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(14)63102-2
612 Liang CAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 611−618
indicates that traditional water cooling process is not
suitable for sand-cast complicated structural components 3 Results and discussion
after heat treatment. Air cooling is verified to be an
effective cooling method to solve the crack problem 3.1 Microstructures
through practice. The microstructures and phase compositions of the
However, few systematical research reports on heat sand-cast and solution heat treated (T4: 525 °C, 12 h)
treatment process of air cooling and subsequent GW103K alloys by OM and XRD analyses are shown in
microstructures, mechanical properties and fracture Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the
behavior are found. The present study is aimed to microstructure of the sand-cast GW103K alloy consists
optimize heat treatment process, based on air cooling, of of equiaxed α-Mg matrix and network eutectic
sand-cast Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr (named as GW103K) compounds which distribute at grain boundaries. The
and investigate its corresponding microstructure, secondary phase is observed and little pseudo eutectic or
mechanical properties at room temperature and fracture dendrite is found in the alloy. The grains’ shapes of the
behavior by various analysis methods.

2 Experimental

The material used in this study is an Mg−10Gd−

3Y−0.5Zr (mass fraction, %) alloy, produced by sand
mould casting. As the components of the study alloy are
accordance with the alloys used in engines and bodies of
missiles in aerospace projects, this study can guide
appliance in reality. According to the results by WANG
[12], HE et al [13,14] and DRITS et al [15] and
Mg−Gd−Y ternary phase diagram, the temperature of
solution heat treatment was determined to be 525 °C and
the time was 12 h. After solid solution, the specimens
were cooled to room temperature in the air.
Subsequently, specimens were isothermally aged at 225
°C and 250 °C respectively for different time in oil-bath
furnace. Aged specimens were taken Vickers hardness
testing, which used 49 N of load on the specimens for
20 s, to check the aging response.
Specimens for mechanical testing were machined
with the load axis parallel to cast direction (CD) of the
cast bars. Tensile properties of the tested alloys were
performed at the initial strain rate of 5×10–4 s–1 referred Fig. 2 OM images of sand-cast (a) and T4 treated (525 °C, 12 h)
to GB/T2008—2002 using cylindrical specimen (see (b) GW103K alloy
Fig. 1) with marked dimensions of 33 mm in gauge
length and 5 mm in diameter on Zwick/Roell Z020
tensile machine at room temperature. Microstructure of
the studied alloys was observed by an optical microscope
(OM). Phase compositions were scanned by X-ray
diffractometer. The fracture surface and profiles were
analyzed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM).

Fig. 1 Shape and size of cylindrical tensile specimen (unit: Fig. 3 XRD patterns of sand-cast (a) and T4 treated (b)
mm) GW103K alloy
Liang CAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 611−618 613
sand-cast alloy is polygons and their boundaries are very sand-cast alloy, which means that the amount of small
clear. The microstructure after solution treatment of cuboid-shaped phase is too little. Therefore, most of
(525 °C, 12 h) is shown in Fig. 2(b). Almost all the small cuboid-shaped phases are produced during solution
eutectic compounds have been dissolved into the matrix. heat treatment.
Gd and Y atoms dissolved into the magnesium matrix Figure 4 shows the microstructures of sand-cast T6
and formed supersaturated solid solution. Compared with treated (solution: 525 °C, 12 h) GW103K alloy. As seen
WANG’s result [12] of the T4 treated GW103K alloy from Figs. 4(a)−(c), no significant change in morphology
which was carried out water cooling after solution heat is observed in terms of grain size after aging heat
treatment, the microstructure in this work which used air treatment. Small granular black dots dispersively
cooling after solution appears to be more homogeneous distributed both in grains and at grain boundaries after
and there is less secondary phase retained. Moreover, aging 225 °C while they mostly segregated at grain
some unevenly distributed small granular black dots are boundaries after aging at 250 °C. Besides, some Zr cores
observed along grain boundaries and inside the grains. are also observed inner the grain of alloys aged at 250 °C.
These dots are cluster remnant secondary phase and The corresponding XRD analysis towards the T6 treated
small cuboid-shaped phase (γ phase). Based on the GW103K alloy is presented in Fig. 5. It can be seen that
results by WANG [12] and HE [14], small cuboid-shaped β′′ and β′ phases are detected. With the increase of aging
phase is a compound with high contents of rare earth time from under-aging to peak-aging period, the peaks of
elements and its size is 2−5 μm. It has face-centered β′′ phase gradually disappear and the peaks of β′ phase
cubic structure and the lattice constant is 5.6 Å. The appear. The precipitation sequence of GW103K is: α-Mg
corresponding XRD analysis results of the sand-cast and supersaturated solid solution (S.S.S.S.)→ metastable β"
solution treated GW103K alloy are shown in Fig. 3. It (D019)→metastable β' (cbco)→metastable β1 (fcc)→
can be seen that the sand-cast GW103K alloy contains stable β (fcc). The metastable β′ phase is regarded as the
two different phases: α-Mg phase and the eutectic phase main strengthening phase in Mg–Gd alloys [14]. The
consisting of Mg24(Gd,Y)5. Compared with the sand-cast diffraction peaks of small cuboid-shaped phase are
alloy, the peak of eutectic phase Mg24(Gd,Y)5 almost detected at the range of 28°−30° and 47°−49°, which are
disappears in the solution treated alloy. Meanwhile, the also detected in the XRD patterns of solution treated
peak of γ phase appears. According to XRD results, the GW103K alloy. This indicates that aging heat treatment
main composition of T4 treated GW103K alloy is α-Mg cannot eliminate the γ phase produced in the
and γ phase. There is no diffraction peak of γ phase in solution heat treatment, which accords with the results of

Fig. 4 Microstructures of T6 treated GW103K alloy under different aging conditions with various amplifications: (a, b) 225 °C, 14 h;
(c, d) 250 °C, 12 h
614 Liang CAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 611−618
hardness test results. Compared with the hardness of
as-cast GW103K alloy (HV85.4), the peak hardnesses at
two aging treatment temperatures increase by 41.6% and
29.9%, respectively, showing obvious aging hardening

3.3 Tensile properties

Figure 7 and Table 1 show tensile properties of
GW103K alloy at room temperature under different
aging conditions. Large improvement of the yield
strength (YS) and the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is
observed with increasing the aging time before reaching
the peak-aging state, which can be explained by
precipitation behavior. After peak-aging point, YS and
Fig. 5 XRD patterns of T6 treated GW103K alloy under UTS gradually decrease due to the decrease in amount of
different aging conditions: (a) 225 °C, 4 h; (b) 225 °C, 8 h; (c) strengthening phase β′ caused by over aging. Because of
225 °C, 14 h high content of heavy rare earth elements, elongation
(EL) of GW103K alloy is comparatively low. The
microstructure observation. Therefore, the microstructure maximum YS, UTS and EL of alloy are 251.6 MPa,
of peak-aging GW103K alloy mainly consists of α-Mg, γ 339.9 MPa and 1.5% aged at 225 °C for 14 h and 247.3
and β′. MPa, 359.6 MPa and 2.7% aged at 250 °C for 12 h.
Overall, the YS of the test alloy aged at 225 °C is better
3.2 Aging hardening than that aged at 250 °C, while UTS and EL are inferior.
Figure 6 shows the aging hardness curves of the Compared with the YS, UTS and EL of as-cast and
solution-treated (T4: 525 °C, 12 h) GW103K alloys. The solution-treated GW103K alloy of which are 182 MPa,
hardness of solution treated alloy is HV82.7. In the 220 MPa, 1.1% and 173 MPa, 230 MPa, 4.8%,
process of aging, the hardness increases with the increase
respectively, the strength of the T6-treated GW103K
of aging time before reaching the peak hardness.
alloy shows large improvement and the toughness of the
Continuing ageing leads to the coarsening of β′ phase
alloy increases little compared with as-cast alloy but
[16] and the formation of stable β phase [17], which
decreases compared with solution-treated alloy.
causes the hardness to decrease evidently. The hardness
Precipitation strengthening of the alloying elements Gd
of alloy aged at 225 °C is superior to that aged at 250 °C.
and Y is the main strengthening mechanism in GW103K
The alloy aged at 225 °C takes 14 h to reach the peak
alloy [1,18]. According to the former results of phase
hardness of HV120.9, which is HV10 higher than the
peak hardness of the alloy aged at 250 °C for 12 h. analysis and microstructure, the precipitates of the alloy
Therefore, the heat treatment condition of (525 °C, aged at 250 °C remain tinier and dispersively distribute
2 h + 225 °C, 14 h) is selected as the optimum heat at grain boundaries, which can enhance the strengthening
treatment of GW103K alloy according to Vickers effect of grain boundaries. The strong grain boundaries
become obstacles for dislocations to move so that the
strength of alloy is intensified, which contributes to the
higher intensity of alloy aged at 250 °C. Therefore, the
process of (525 °C, 12 h + 250 °C, 12 h) is regarded as
the optimized heat treatment condition according to
tensile properties, and the process of (525 °C, 12 h + 225
°C, 14 h) can be adopted in applications when YS of the
alloy is primarily required. Besides, in this work, the T6-
treated GW103K alloy shows higher EL in tensile test at
room temperature compared with that water cooled both
after solution and aging treatment according to
Refs. [12,14]. This indicates that the slower cooling
process of air cooling can reduce the stress concentration
and increase toughness of the GW103K alloy, which can
Fig. 6 Aging hardness curves of solution treated (525 °C, 12 h) explain that air cooling is an effective way to prevent
GW103K alloy at aging temperature of 225 °C and 250 °C crack from forming in complicated structural
Liang CAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 611−618 615
components. Comparatively, the strength of peak-aged and become obstacles for dislocations to move, which
GW103K alloy by water cooling method after heat can effectively enhance the strength of the alloy. Tensile
treatment is higher [14]. tests of solution-treated GW103K alloy by different
cooling ways were carried out (see Fig. 8). It is observed
that the mechanical properties of the alloy air cooled
after solution treatment is notably superior to the alloy
water cooled after solution treatment.

Fig. 7 Tensile properties of solution-treated GW103K alloys

after different aging treatment conditions at room temperature

Table 1 Tensile properties of solid-solution and aging treated

GW103K alloy Fig. 8 Tensile properties of solution-treated GW103K alloys
Aging YS/MPa UTS/MPa EL/% after different cooling methods at room temperature
condition Mean STD Mean STD Mean STD
3.4 Fractography
a 225 °C, 4 h 236.4 3.9 333.4 1.5 1.9 0
Figure 9 shows the fracture surfaces of the tensile
b 225 °C, 8 h 246.2 3.2 335.5 16.0 1.5 0.2
specimens in different conditions. The whole fracture
c 225 °C, 10 h 247.4 3.2 328.8 3.6 1.4 0.2 surface inclines to the loading axis and is close to the
d 225 °C, 12 h 247.6 1.9 337.0 6.5 1.5 0.1 plane with the maximum shear force. It is observed that
e 225 °C, 14 h 251.6 7.1 339.9 5.4 1.5 0.1 there are some cleavage planes and evident tearing ridges
on the fracture surfaces of specimens peak-aged at
f 225 °C, 64 h 239.5 2.1 308.4 17.3 1.3 0.2
225 °C for 14 h. A few dimples and microporosities are
g 250 °C, 4 h 236.9 5.2 326.1 3.3 1.9 0.6
observed as well. Comparatively, less cleavage planes
h 250 °C, 8 h 236.3 8.9 343.2 7.2 3.0 1.0 are shown on the fracture surfaces of specimens
i 250 °C, 10 h 242.8 3.5 350.9 6.6 2.3 0.5 peak-aged at 250 °C for 12 h. The fracture surface is
j 250 °C, 12 h 247.3 2.9 359.6 10.1 2.7 0.7 mainly composed of many dispersed and tiny dimples.
Therefore, the fracture mode of peak-aging alloys are
k 250 °C, 14 h 245.1 3.7 346.9 6.0 2.2 0.7
transgranular quasi-cleavage fractures and mixture of
l 250°C, 64 h 222.5 3.5 317.2 9.3 2.2 0.1
brittle fracture and ductile fracture, and the toughness of
STD refers to the standard deviation from the mean value.
GW103K alloy aged at 250 °C is superior to that aged at
225 °C, which is in accordance with the tensile test
Some secondary phases of solution-treated
results. Some small cuboid particles, which are γ
GW103K alloy are observed. By contrast, no such
particles, are observed in the dimples. Some broken γ
phenomenon of existing secondary phase in solution-
particles can also be observed, which indicates that the γ
treated GW103K alloy water cooled after heat treatment
phase particles do not have significant strengthening
is described towards T4 treated Mg−Gd−Y alloys using effects, but the elastic strain energy of these particles
water cooling after heat treatment [12,19]. Therefore, it releases and dimples form during tensile process. Figure
is believed that the secondary phase precipitates in the 10 shows the comparison of the fracture surface of
process of air cooling. Due to its slow cooling rate, air specimens under-aged at 225 °C for 4 h and peak-aged at
cooling process acts as function of a short period of 225 °C for 14 h. It is obvious that the fracture surface of
aging. Referred to Ref. [17], β′ forms during a very short under-aged alloy is composed of massive cleavage
time of aging. As precipitation strengthening is reported planes and grain boundaries, which indicates that the
to be the main strengthening mechanism in Mg−Gd−Y fracture mode is typical transgranular cleavage
alloys, the secondary phases like β′ and β′′ precipitate fracture while less cleavage planes, grain boundaries
616 Liang CAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 611−618

Fig. 9 Typical SEM images showing fracture surfaces of specimens under different conditions: (a) Peak-aging at 225 °C;
(b) Magnified view of central region in (a); (c) Peak-aging at 250 °C; (d) Magnified view of central region in (c)

Fig. 10 Typical SEM images showing fracture surfaces under different conditions: (a) Under-aging at 225 °C; (b) Peak-aging at
225 °C

comparatively and some dimples in the fracture of conditions. The specimens show the secondary crack
peak-aged alloy show that the fracture mode is morphologies. Apparent transgranular secondary cracks
transgranular quasi-cleavage fracture. This indicates that from both microstructures of alloys aged at 225 °C and
the toughness of sand-cast GW103K alloy improves with 250 °C are observed, which indicates that fracture mode
the progress of aging heat treatment, which is consistent of T6 treated GW103K alloy is mainly transgranular
with results in Refs. [12,14,20]. fracture. Inside some grains, a large number of fine twins
Figure 11 shows the microstructures of fracture are observed. Twinning is an especially important
surface of GW103K alloy under different aging deformation mechanism for HCP magnesium alloys, in
Liang CAO, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 611−618 617

Fig. 11 Optical micrographs showing fracture surface of age-treated GW103K alloy under different aging conditions: (a) Peak-aging
at 225 °C; (b) Magnified view of boxed region in (a); (c) Peak-aging at 250 °C; (d) Magnified view of boxed region in (c)

which five independent slip systems necessary for treatment.

arbitrary shape change are not easily activated at room 4) The fracture modes for the under-aged and
temperature [21]. The secondary crack has a close peak-aged Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr alloys are typical
relation with twinning. The microcracks may initiate and transgranular cleavage fracture and transgranular
spread along the twins to form the transgranular cracks. quasi-cleavage fracture, respectively.

4 Conclusions References

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热处理对砂型铸造 Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr 镁合金

曹 樑 1,刘文才 1,2,李中权 3,吴国华 1,2,肖 旅 3,王少华 4,丁文江 1,2

1. 上海交通大学 轻合金精密成型国家工程研究中心,上海 200240;

2. 上海交通大学 金属基复合材料国家重点实验室,上海 200240;
3. 上海航天精密机械研究所,上海 201600;
4. 空间物理重点实验室,北京 100076

摘 要:采用金相分析、SEM、硬度试验和拉伸试验等方法分析和测试砂型铸造 Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr 镁合金在

T6 态 (固 溶 后空 冷 然 后时 效 ) 下 的 显微 组织 和 室 温力 学性 能 , 讨论 该合 金 的 断裂 机理 。 结 果表 明, 砂 铸
Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr 合金在 225 °C 和 250 °C 时效下的最优 T6 热处理工艺分别为(525 °C,12 h+225 °C,14 h)和
(525 °C,12 h+250 °C,12 h)。峰时效下 T6 态 Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr 合金主要由 α-Mg+γ+β′相组成,2 种峰时效热
处理工艺下合金的抗拉强度、屈服强度和伸长率分别为 339.9 MPa、251.6 MPa、1.5%及 359.6 MPa、247.3 MPa、
2.7%。在不同热处理工艺下 Mg–10Gd–3Y–0.5Zr 合金断裂的类型不同,峰时效态合金的断裂方式为穿晶准解理断
(Edited by Xiang-qun LI)

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