Broidy Nader Correspondence Redacted2

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1. This is the plea and cooperation agreement between the Attorney General of the
State of New York ("the Attorney General") and defendant Elliott B. Broidy ("Broidy").
This memorandum of agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Broidy and the
Attorney General. There are no promises, agreements, or conditions, express or implied,
other than those set forth in this document. No modification, deletion, or addition to this
agreement will be valid or binding on either party unless put into .writing and signed by
both parties.

2. Broidy agrees to prosecution by means of a Superior Court Information. On a

date determined by the Attorney General, Broidy shall surrender upon a felony complaint
and appear to be arraigned in New York County Criminal Court where he shall waive his
right to a grand jury proceeding, and his right to prosecution by means of indictment.

3. Broidy will ap~~re the Court where New York County Superior Court
Information Number ~/2009 ("the SCI") is pending and request that the Court
approve this Agreement. This Agreement will become effective only upon the Court's
approval. Upon the Court's approval, Broidy will plead guilty as set forth in paragraph 4
below. At the time of the plea, Broidy will waive all defenses and all rights of appeal,
and shall sign a waiver of appeal form as provided by the Attorney General.

4. Broidy will plead guilty under the SCI to one count of rewarding official
misconduct in the second degree, in violation of Penal Law §200.20, a class E felony, in
full satisfaction of the SCI and the conduct set forth in the allocution, which is attached in
Exhibit A. At the time of the plea, Broidy shall allocute under oath as set forth in Exhibit

5. Broidy consents to any and all adjournments of his sentencing and any other
proceedings under the SCI as may be requested by the Attorney General for the purpose
of continuing Broidy's cooperation pursuant to this Agreement. If necessary to facilitate
Broidy's cooperation, the plea described in paragraphs 3 and 4 above may be postponed
or the entry of the plea may be postponed, and Broidy consents to all such

6. Broidy agrees to pay $18 million in stipulated forfeiture, which is the total amount
the Attorney General will seek to recover from Broidy directly. This stipulated forfeiture
shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of CPLR § 1349, as though the
Attorney General's Office had prevailed upon a forfeiture action. The payment shall be
paid according to the following schedule: $4 million shall be paid no later than June 30,
2010; $7 million shall be paid no later than June 30, 2011; and the remaining $7 million
shall be paid no later than three years from the date of this agreement. These payments
shall be made by wire transfer according to instructions to be provided by the Attorney
General. Broidy understands and agrees that failure to pay any part of this payment when
due shall be deemed a material breach of this agreement.

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7. Broidy shall not directly or indirectly solicit or receive investments from the State
of New York or any governmental entity within the State of New York, and for a period
of five years from the date of this agreement shall not directly or indirectly enter into any
contracts with the State of New York or any governmental entity within the State of New

8. Broidy's cooperation shall be as set forth in this paragraph. Failure to comply

with this paragraph in any respect shall be a violation of this Agreement.

a. Broidy shall fully, fairly, and truthfully disclose all information and
produce all records and other evidence in his possession, custody, or control which are
either (i) relevant to any criminal conduct whatsoever about which he has any knowledge
or information, whether such conduct has occurred before or after this Agreement has
become effective, and whether or not he is questioned about such conduct, or (ii) relevant
to any inquiry made by the Attorney General. Broidy shall provide such disclosures and
evidence to the Attorney General and to such investigators, inspectors, detectives, or staff
persons of government agencies or other organizations as the Attorney General may

b. Broidy shall fully, fairly, and truthfully testify before the grand jury, at
any trial, and at any other proceeding, at any date and time that the Attorney General may
direct. Whenever directed by the Attorney General to testify at any proceeding, Broidy
shall not assert any privilege against self-incrimination, and if directed to testify before a
grand jury, Broidy shall waive immunity pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law § 190.45.

c. Broidy shall actively participate in ongoing investigations by the Attorney

General. Active participation shall be as the Attorney General directs and only as the
Attorney General directs. Active participation may include, but is not limited to,
consenting to the release of records, repatriating money and assets, engaging in
transactions, attending meetings, making telephone calls, and recording, or consenting to
the recording of, transactions, meetings, and telephone calls.

d. Upon request by the Attorney General at any time, Broidy shall provide
accurate and complete written disclosure of his financial condition, including disclosure
of all assets, liabilities, sources of income, and expenses. The Attorney General may
direct that such disclosure be sworn to and made on a form provided by the Attorney
General. Broidy's obligation shall include but not be limited to: (i) the disclosure of any
and all interests, direct or indirect, in any and all real or personal property, whether
tangible or intangible, including all interests in property held by or in the names of other
persons or entities, wherever located; (ii) taking all steps necessary to obtain disclosure of
financial information from other persons if requested by the Attorney General; and (iii)
providing any and all supplemental financial disclosure requested by the Attorney
General, including but not limited to providing documents and other tangible items.

e. Broidy shall commit no further crimes.

f. Broidy shall not knowingly make any statement or commit any act that
might compromise the safety or identity of any investigator or the confidentiality of any
investigation, provided that Broidy must make such statemcnt or do such act if rcquired
by law. If Broidy becomes aware that such statement or act may be required by law, he
must immediately, and prior to making such statement or doing such act, notify the
Attorney General.

g. Broidy shall meet whenever requested by the Attorney General, with the
Assistant Attorneys General or investigators, inspectors, detectives, or staff persons of
government agencies or other organizations, as the Attorney General may direct.

9. If Broidy fulJy complies with this Agreement, as determined solely by the

Attorney General:

a. The Attorney General wilJ inform the Court of the nature and extent of
Broidy's criminal conduct and the nature, extent, and value of his cooperation. At the
time of sentcncing, the Attorney General will make a sentcncing recommendation to the

b. Broidy understands that the Court has the authority to impose any la\Vful
sentence, including a sentence of incarceration, pursuant to his guilty plea. The
maximum pennissible sentence for rewarding official misconduct in the second degree is
imprisonment for a tenn of 1 1/3 - 4 years, plus applicable monetary sanctions such as a
fine, restitution, and reparation.

10. If Broidy violates this Agreement in any respect, as determined solely by the
Attorney General:

a. If Broidy has not yet pleaded guilty pursuant to paragraph 4 abovc, the
Attorney General may prosecute Broidy pursuant to the SCI and by a separate accusatory
instrument. The Attorney General may charge Broidy with additional crimes of which
the Attorney General has knowledge, provided that any crime charged would not have
been time-barred if charged on or before the date of this agreement. As to any such
prosecution, Broidy consents to any consolidation of his SCI or indictment with another
related indictment.

b. If Broidy has pleaded guilty pursuant to paragraph 4 above, the Attorney

General may request at any time that the Court order entry of the guilty plea and impose
sentence based on Broidy's guilty plea. The Attorney General may request the maximum
sentence authorized by law as set forth in paragraph 9 above.

c. In any prosecution, the Attorney General may offer, in the Attorney

General's case-in-chief, in any defense case, or in rebuttal, any statement or testimony
Broidy has made or given, and any property Broidy has produced, whether before or after
the date of this Agreement, and Broidy waives all Constitutional, statutory, and other
legal claims that any such statcment, testimony, evidence, or leads derived therefrom

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should be suppressed. In any sentencing proceeding, the Attorney General will inform
the Court of the nature and extent of Broidy's criminal conduct and breach of this
Agreement, and may offer any statement or testimony Broidy has made or given, and any
property Broidy has produced, in the course of his cooperation with the Attorney
General, whether before or after the date of this Agreement.

d. The Attorney General may request, if necessary, that the plea be entered
and sentence be imposed in Broidy's absence. Broidy understands that the Court may so
enter the plea and impose sentence.

e. Broidy understands that the Court has the authority to impose any lawful

11. The Attorney General shall not be deemed, by any act, statement, or omission, to
have waived any violation of this Agreement unless such waiver is put into writing and
signed by both parties.

12. This agreement supersedes any prior agreement between the parties. Nothing in
this agreement shall bar the prosecution of Broidy for the crimes of perjury or contempt
should Broidy fail to testify truthfully in any grand jury proceeding, pre- or post-trial
hearing, trial or other proceeding.

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13. This Agreement is limited to the New York State Attorney General and cannot
bind other government agencies.

Dated: New York, New York

December 1, 2009

Elliott B. Broidy
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• Ralph C. errara, Esq. PI C oJ ~

Attorney for Elliott B. Broidy
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Ellen Nach igall Biben
Special Deputy Attorney General
For Public Integrity

Justice of the New York State Supreme Court

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From in or about November 2002 through in or about November 2009, I, acting in

concert with high-ranking officials at the Office of the New York State Comptroller,
including David Loglisci, the former head of alternative investments and chief investment
officer of the New York State Common Retirement Fund, knowingly conferred and
offered and agreed to confer benefits upon public servants for having violated their duties
as public servants.

In seeking investments from the New York State Common Retirement Fund, I
made payments for the benefit of high-ranking officials at the Office of the New York
State Comptroller, who had influence and decision-making authority over investment
decisions. I made these payments upon the agreement and understanding that the Office
of the New York State Comptroller officials would exercise their judgment and discretion
in favor of Markstone Capital Partners, and in violation of their fiduciary and other duties
as public officials. Further, I concealed the fact and circumstances of these payments
from investment staff and others at the Office of the New York State Comptroller, aside
from those individuals who were complicit with me. In connection with this
arrangement, the New York State Common Retirement Fund made investments with
Markstone Capital Partners of approximately $250,000,000.

Pursuant to my agreement and understanding with Office of the New York State
Comptroller officials, I made the following illicit payments, among others:

i. In or about January 2003, I entered into a sham consulting

agreement pursuant to which I paid or caused to be paid in excess of$380,000 to a
consultant over a period of more than two years. At my direction, Markstone Capital
Partners failed to comply with its obligation to disclose these as payments in connection
with the New York State Common Retirement Fund investment in Markstone.

ii. At the direction of a certain high-ranking Office of the New York

State Comptroller official, between in or about October 2003 and in or about October
2005, I paid in excess of $130,000 to two friends of thc official. In order to disguise
certain of these payments, I entered into a sham loan agreement with one of the official's
friends, which purported to govern the payments. However, I never intended to, nor did I
seek repayment of any of these payments, whether covered by the loan agreement or

Ill. On at least five occasions, between in or about April 2003 and in

or about June 2006, I traveled to Israel, and on one occasion to Italy, with high-ranking
officials of the Office of the Ncw York Statc Comptroller. In connection with these trips,
I paid at least $75,000 in travel expenses incurred by Office ofthe New York State
Comptroller officials, as well as the expenses of one ofticial's adult children. To conceal
these payments, I financed some of the expenses through charitable organizations, and
thereby caused false invoices to be submitted to Office ofthe New York State

Page 60f7
iv. On or about June 16, 2003 and on or about August 18, 2004, I contributed
$300,000 to a movie, "Chooch," in which David Loglisci's brother had a tinancial
interest, in order to curry favor with David Loglisci with respect to the Markstone
investment. In order to conceal my involvement in financing the movie, I made these
contributions through a third-party nominee, by asking him to write checks for the benefit
of "Chooch". I reimbursed the third-party nominee.

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Summary of White House Meetings October6, 2017

I arrived at 3:45pm for a scheduled 4pm with President Trump . Shortly after arrival I w as greeted by Av i,
Executive Assistant to Jared Kushner. Avi asked me to jo in Jared Kushner in his of fice . We excha nged
pleasantr ies and spent 15 mins discussing numerous matters.

Jared was clearly aware of my meeting with President Trump and was keenly interested in gaini ng
visibility of th e subject matters. He asked my thoug hts of his efforts in the Middle East and I was
generally complimentary but pessim istic of the near- t erm peace bet ween the Palesti nians and Israelis.

I provided favorable remar ks on the summit held in Riyadh in May due to his efforts. Jared asked me
about my thoughts about Qatar. I to ld him they were a te levision station wit h a country. They possess
fev,1qualit ies and remain a financial supporter of terrorist organizat ions. I highlighted that Qatar has
strengthened its rela tionsh ip with Iran and contin ues t o dest abilize Libya and Syria.

Jared offered no immediate comment but asked what th e adm inist ratio n should do about the dispute
with Qatar and its neighbors . I told him we should do nothi ng and allow the disagreement to run it s
course. We cannot accept their ro le as sponsors of terror.

Finally, I told Jared that I hoped the administrat ion w ould examine this closely and not allow t his
unacceptable behav ior to continue. I asked Jared if he knew that Qatar was paying Cory Lew ando ws ki
$500,000 per month t o repre sent their efforts. Jared wa s shocked and repea ted it back to me . Jared
offered no further comments t o my remarks.

Avi came in and announced that President Trump was ready to see me.

At 4:03pm I entered the Oval Office to be greeted by President Trump and the White Hou se Chief of
Staff, General Kelly. We exchanged pleasantries and I exp lained the purpose of my v isit. General Kelly
departed afte r pleasant ries.

I to ld Preside ntT rump t hat I recently returned from the Un it ed Arab Emirates on behalf of my company
w ith my team of executives. We met with MBZ, his exe cutive team, and his senior military leade rs. We
w ere there to discuss providing Train, Advise, and Assist support to his military . I exp lained that MBZ
had explained the details wit h Secretary Mattis and sought and received his endorsement. I explained
th is plan was inspired by his speech in Riyadh against v iolent Islam ic Extremism. I we nt on to explain
this exciting and transformational plan to develop a Regional Counterterrorism Task Force. The Task
Force would consist of two brigades comprised of Mus lim soldiers recruite d from Arab and Islamic

I explained that our team w as fed by Genera l Stan McCh rystal. PresidentT rump int er rupted me t o say
th at he has offered Gen. McChrystal a position in his admi nistrati on. President Trump thinks high ly of
Gen. McChrystal and he seemed disappo inted that he w as not a member of his team.

I named the oth er members of the team highlighting LTG Sacolick and RADM Losey, w ho w ere kno w n by
members of the adm inistration.

I exp lained that th e Task Force wo uld focus on providing support to defeat t he Taliban and ISISin
Afghan istan which wo uld be an amazing win forthe administration. Especially as a fully funded and I
unprecedented commitment from the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I
restated that my company will be involved in the development and employment of this Regional CT Task

I stressd to President Trump that the timing of this proposal was superb since the adm inistr ation is in
the process of dece rtifyingthe agreement with Iran.

PresidentTrump was extremely enthusiastic upo n hearing the details and asked me about the next step.
I suggested the next step was to sit down with MBZ. I offered that MBZis available t o come to the US
and preferred a quiet meeting in New York or New Jersey .

PresidentTrump asked about the dispute with Qat ar and I offered the same response that th ey w ere a
television station with a country. I said Qatar was doing nothing positive and we should stay out of t he
dispute. His potential efforts to mediate cou ld end in a damning way and be a source of
embarrassment. We should stay the course until a we see a change of behavior by Qatar.

President Trump and I spoke for several minutes about politics and fund-ra ising efforts for the mid-term
elections as well as the state of affairs at the RNC.

PresidentTrump asked his assistant, Madeline, to have the Nat ional Security Adviso r, LTGMcMaster, t o
join the meeting. Before he arrived, PresidentTrump asked me about the job Rex w as doing. I
responded that he was performing poorly and should be relieved but only at a good time, politically. A
few minutes later, the NSA McMaster and Secretary Tillerson arr ived. I exchanged pleasantries with all
and departed with NSA McMaster.

NSA McMastertook me to his office and we were jo ined by his Middle Eastern team including Senior
Director Michael Bell and Former Kabul Chief of Station, Mike Berry . We entered into a deta iled
conversation about the plan and the NSA was extreme ly interested about the impact on the region.
There was much enthusiasm and the team wi ll draft a posrtion for the President to pursue this proposa l
for the Regional CT Task Force.

During the conversation, we discussed the decertrfication of Iran. NSA McMaster was clearly support ing
this effort. He mentioned that the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense were again st it. We
discussed the Congressional support of the decertif ication effort as well as the concerns of NATO.

I restated with National Security Advisor {NSA) McMaster, that MBZ preferred an info rmal setting to
meet with President Trump. He indicated that protocol dictates that Heads of State were to be ho sted
at th e Wh it e House, but he promised to revisit this issue next week .

After departing NSA McMaster and his team, I met with White House pe rsonnel to discuss Presidential

I departed the Wh ite House at 6:05pm.

Elliott Broidy

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