Hydration Research Poster

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Evaluation on Hydration Education Intervention of

Queens College Campus

Elizabeth Joa, Nelcy Mylonas, Kelsey Macaluso, Allyson Charny, MS, RDN, CDE, CDN| Queens College Dietetic Internship 2017-2018


• Collection of data and nutrition education took place at Queens College dining hall on
February 28th, 2018. A cross-sectional study using a survey method was used to
determine if education on hydration will impact their knowledge to make healthy behavior
choices that students and faculty can continue to improve as part of a healthy lifestyle12.
12 Inferential statistics was used to determine the outcome of the hypothesis in frequency
form to determine the percentage of students and changes they would make after the
Research Question: How Does Hydration intervention13. Statistical data analysis was evaluated with the use of Excel sheets, where
data from surveys was analyzed to determine objective outcomes measurements to see if
Education Change One’s Misconception of there were noticeable changes on hydration choices and improvement in answers, after
education was given14. Before the education was given a pre-test was administered to test
Hydration and Its Effects on Our Body? level of knowledge. The education proceeded which consisted of a fluid set up and food
set up. The drinks were labeled with the name of each drink, amount of fluid, and the
amount of sugar in each bottle. The portioned-out food was displayed on dishes with the
water contents set alongside it in a clear plastic cup. Each food was labeled with its’ food
name, amount of food, and amount of water in each portion of the food. After the
education was given a post test was administered to determine competency.
• One goal of the education was to provide accurate information on hydration so that it can make a positive
impact. As part of get FRUVED efforts to deliver nutrition education to school campuses and promote good
nutrition and healthy habits, adequate hydration is often overlooked.
How does hydration education change one’s Results • The most impactful information attained in the results can be seen in question 5 where participants were
misconception of hydration and its effects on our body? asked what types of foods contain the most water. In the pre-survey, we find that many participants did not
believe that the one serving of yogurt contained the most water content relative to the other options
available (Chart 1.1)
Many college students desire to live a healthy lifestyle,
• A total of 60 participants were part of the intervention. • After the education, participants knew that not only vegetables and fruits contain water, but also other foods
specifically in the area of diet and nutrition. Hydration • The most impactful information attained in the results can be seen in
besides produce
• The more fat or sugar in a product, the more molecules of water are needed to help break down the food
plays a large part in overall health. This research shows question 5 where participants were asked what types of foods contain ingested and therefore can dehydrate an individual.
the most water. In the pre-survey, we find that many participants did not
how a little education on hydration can make an impact believe that the one serving of yogurt contained the most water content
• If the participants knew that food and drinks contribute to hydration status, they may just be lacking in the
knowledge of what foods contain the most water to contribute to hydration.
and change one’s view on hydration. relative to the other options (Chart 1.1). After the education, many chose
yogurt to have the highest water content when compared to
pre-education survey (Chart 1.1 & 1.2). Many believed that the salad and
apple had the most water, but when compared on portion sizes shown
the highest water content came from the yogurt. • After the pre and post-surveys, participants were able to acknowledge
• When participants were asked where they think hydration comes from, the strong need for water in their diet. They also became more self
the pre and post- survey showed similar results in that the majority knew
Background that hydration comes from food and drinks we consume (Charts 2.1 &
aware of the foods and drinks they consumed that were either hydrating
them or dehydrating them.
2.2). Therefore, if the participants knew that food and drinks contribute to • Many participants were enlightened by the hydration information and
hydration status, they may just be lacking in the knowledge of what foods
contain the most water to contribute to hydration. expressed how some of the presented information were new for them.
• The most basic necessity of survival is staying hydrated. • Future research, education intervention and follow-up would need to be
implemented to further assess whether hydration education is impactful
Water can come from drinking beverages, but also from to promote healthy living.
eating foods such as tomatoes, melon, and even dairy and Chart 1.1 Pre-education survey question #5 Chart 1.2 Post-education survey question #5
meat products. Water aids in physical performance, References
concentration, maintaining bacteria level in the mouth,
maintaining skin, blood volume, blood pressure, kidney Water and Nutrition: Drinking Water. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/nutrition/index.html. Published October 5, 2016. Accessed November 1, 2017.

functions, gastrointestinal function, and keeps one from 2. Popkin B, D'Anci K, Rosenberg I. Water, Hydration and Health. US National Library of Medicine. 2011;68(8):439-458.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2908954/. Accessed November 1, 2017.
feeling lethargic and fatigued.2 3. Lewis J. About Body Water. Merck Manual.
http://www.merckmanuals.com/home/hormonal-and-metabolic-disorders/water-balance/about-body-water. Published 2017.
• Without the proper amount of water used to hydrate the Accessed November 1, 2017.

body, it would become a toxic and acidic environment Chart 2.1 Pre-education survey question #1 Chart 2.2 Pre-education survey question #1
4. Water and Human Metabolism. http://www.purewatergazette.net/waterandmetabolism.htm. Accessed November 1, 2017.
5. Dietary Reference Intakes: Electrolytes and Water.
leading to other metabolic problems that inhibits the http://www.nationalacademies.org/hmd/~/media/Files/Activity%20Files/Nutrition/DRI-Tables/9_Electrolytes_Water%20Summ
ary.pdf?la=en. Accessed November 1, 2017.
maintenance of homeostasis. 11. Survey. Data Collection Survey - ASQ.
http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/data-collection-analysis-tools/overview/survey.html. Accessed December 9, 2017.
• Water consumption depends on your gender, age, activity 12. Gary Thomas. How to do Your Research Project. Chippenham, Wiltshire: Sage Publications; 2009.
13. Publishing Nutrition Research: A Review of Sampling, Sample Size, Statistical Analysis, and Other Key Elements of
level and health status, whether being a healthy individual Manuscript Preparation, Part 2. Boushey, Carol J. et al. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , Volume 108 ,
Issue 4 , 679 - 688
or having an illness.3 14. Responsible conduct in Data Management. Data Analysis. ORI hhs.gov website.
https://ori.hhs.gov/education/products/n_illinois_u/datamanagement/datopic.html. Accessed on January 5th, 2018.
getFRUVED. http://fruved.com/who/. Accessed December 9, 2017.

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