Principles of Resonance Caitlin Strong
Principles of Resonance Caitlin Strong
Principles of Resonance Caitlin Strong
Caitlin Strong
Katie Bobenich
Jacqui Bispels
Jade Hensinger
In this lab, we used the principle of resonance to observe the wavelength of sound
waves. When a vibrating tuning fork with the same natural frequency as a length of pipe
is held above the air column, the fork will push the air column at just the right frequency
to make it vibrate. This is called resonance. The sound waves from the column of air will
become much louder than the sound from the tuning fork. For a tube closed at one end,
resonance occurs when the length of the tube is approximately one-fourth the length of
the sound waves. This information will allow us to calculate the velocity of the waves.
The changing frequencies of the tuning forks do not change the speed of the sound, but
it does change the wavelength of the waves produced. As the frequency increases the
wavelength of the wave decreases, meaning that frequency and wavelength have and
inverse relationship.
Shown above is the set up of the resonance apparatus used to perform this lab. If the
cup is moved upwards, the water inside the graduated cylinder will increase as the
water leaves the cup. If the opposite is done (if the cup is moved downwards), water
from the cylinder will enter the cup.
To begin the lab, the diameter of the inside of the graduated cylinder must be measured
in centimeters. This measurement will allow us to determine the wavelength of the
sound waves we hear. Next, we measured the temperature of the air in degrees
Celsius. The temperature will help us determine the speed of sound, which will aid in
error analysis. We were given three tuning forks and were asked to record the length of
the air column where the sound was the loudest, or resonated the best, for each
frequency. This measurement then allowed us to determine the corrected length of the
air column (which we had to calculate to correct for the small amount of air just outside
the tube that vibrates with the air column in the tube), the wavelength of the wave in
meters and the speed at which the wave was travelling in meters per second.
Graph 3.1: Speed of Sound at 22.2˚C
In this graph, each point represents one of the three trials and the slope, 359.08m/s is
the average speed of sound at 22.2˚C.
In this lab, we are using the principle of resonance to determine the wavelength
of sound waves. If a tuning fork vibrates over an air column at the same natural
frequency as the length of the air column, it will cause the air column to vibrate. This is
resonance. The sound waves from the column of air will become much louder than the
sound from the tuning fork. For a tube closed at one end, resonance occurs when the
length of the tube is approximately one-fourth the length of the sound waves. This
information will allow us to calculate the velocity of the waves.
There were other lengths at which the sound resonated within the tube. These
lengths represent octaves.
Orbital resonance occurs when two orbiting bodies exert a regular, periodic
gravitational influence on each other. Orbital resonances greatly enhance the mutual
gravitational influence of the bodies. In most cases the bodies will have an unstable
interaction, in which the bodies exchange momentum and change orbits until the
resonance no longer exists.