Cebu City Ordinance No
Cebu City Ordinance No
Cebu City Ordinance No
Series 1980
Full Title:
WHEREAS, under PD No. 189, dated May 11, 1973, which created the Ministry of Tourism and
the Philippine Tourism Authority, it is the declared policy of the government to make the tourist
industry a positive instrument towards accelerated national development through which more
people from other lands may visit and better appreciate the Philippines and through which the
Filipinos themselves may learn more about the natural beauty, history and culture of their
country and thus develop greater pride in and commitment to the nation.
WHEREAS, Cebu is one of the priority areas for tourism development under LOI No. 75, dated
May 22, 1973 and directs the local officials concerned to extend assistance and cooperation to
the Ministry of Tourism, particularly in facilitating the entry and agress as well as the hospitable
reception, mobility and safety of tourists.
WHEREAS, although the implementation of the government policies and programs on tourism is
principally lodged with the Philippine Tourism Authority created under PD No. 189, dated May
11, 1973, as amended by PD No. 564, dated October 2, 1974, there is need for the City of Cebu
to have its own instrumentality to attend to matters pertaining to tourism, in collaboration with
the Ministry of Tourism, the Philippine Tourism Authority, and other agencies or entities
concerned with tourism.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Cebu that;
SECTION 1. Declaration of Policy.-It is hereby declared to be the policy of the City of Cebu to
actively pursue the programs and projects of the Ministry of Tourism and the Philippine Tourism
Authority and to initiate its own program of promoting, encouraging, and developing Tourism as
means of projecting Cebu Culture, history, traditions and natural beauty, and as instrument of
accelerating and development of the City of Cebu.
SECTION 2. Creation of Cebu City Tourism Commission.-To carry out the above policies,
there is hereby created the Cebu City Tourism Commission, hereinafter called the Commission,
which shall be under the Office of the City Mayor.
SECTION 3. General Purposes.- The Commission shall have the following general purposes:
(a) To act as the implementing arm of the City government in the achievement of policies
and program for the development, promotion and supervision of tourism, in collaboration
with the Ministry of Tourism, the Philippine Tourism Authority and other agencies,
persons, or entities concerned with tourism; and
(b) To promote the development of areas with potential tourism value, otherwise known
as “tourists zones”.
(a) To undertake studies on natural tourism resources and potentialities of the City
of Cebu;
(b) To formulate a tourism development plan for the City of Cebu in collaboration with
the Ministry of Tourism and the Philippine Tourism Authority;
(d) In coordination with the City Planning Board and Department of Planning and
Development, as well as other appropriate agencies, to formulate and implement zoning
regulations within a tourist zone;
(e) In coordination with the Ministry of Tourism, to arrange for the preservation and/or
restoration of city monuments, historical landmarks, and other tourist attractions;
(f) To recommend to the City Mayor to engage or retain and pay for the services of any
professional of technical assistance from the private or government sector;
(g) To undertake fund raising campaigns such as cultural and benefit shows, etc. and to
accept donations from any and all sources for city tourism development; and
(h) To do any and all acts necessary, convenient or expedient to carry out the purposes
for which the commission is created and which are not violative to any law.
SECTION 5. Composition.- The Cebu City Tourism Commission shall be composed of a
Chairman and four (4) members who shall be appointed by the City Mayor. The Administrative
Officer whose position is hereinafter provided, shall be an ex-officio member. He shall be
appointed by the City Mayor upon the recommendation of the Chairman.
SECTION 6. Term of Office.- The term of office of the Chairman and the Commissioners shall
be six years unless his services may be sooner terminated at the pleasure of the appointing
power. However, out of the first set of five Commissioners, one shall hold office for a term of six
years, two for a term of four years, and the last two for a term of two years. A successor to a
member whose term has expired shall be appointed for the full term of six years from the
expiration of the term of his predecessor.
SECTION 8. Per Diems.- Unless otherwise fixed by the City Mayor, the Chairman and the
Commissioners shall receive for every meeting attended a per diem of not more than ONE
HUNDRED (P100.00) PESOS; Provided, that such per diem shall not exceed SIX HUNDRED
(P600.00) PESOS per month for each Commissioner.
SECTION 9. Quorum and Effect of Vacancies.- The presence of three members of the
Commission, including the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman and the ex-officio member, shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the Commission. Vacancies in the
Commission, as long as there shall be Three members in the office, shall not impair the powers
of the Commission.
SECTION 10. Meetings.- The Commission shall meet as frequently as necessary to discharge its
duties and responsibilities properly, but shall meet regularly at least twice a month. The
Commission shall be convoked by the Chairman on his own initiative or upon the written request
of a majority vote of the Commissioners constituting a quorum shall be sufficient for the
adoption of any rule, resolution, decision, or any act of the commission.
SECTION 11. Administrative Officer.- The management of the business affairs of the
Commission shall be entrusted to a full time executive to be known as the Administrative
SECTION 12. Powers and Duties of the Administrative Officer.- The Administrative Officer
shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) To execute the policies, rules, and regulations promulgated by the Commission;
(b) To direct, manage, and supervise the ordinary affairs of the Commission including the
administrative supervision of personnel;
(d) To submit an annual report within thirty days after the close of each calendar year;
(e) To perform such other functions, duties and powers as may from time to time be
assigned to him by the Chairman of the Commission; and
(f) To submit a bi-monthly report to the Chairman, Committee on Public Information and
Tourism of the Sangguniang Panlungsod.
SECTION 13. Applicability of the Civil Service Law, Rules and Regulations.- The
Administrative Officer and all other employees of the Commission shall be subject to the Civil
Service Laws, Rules and Regulations.
SECTION 14. Separability Clause.- The provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be
separable, and in the event that any one or more of such provisions are held unconstitutional,
they shall not effect the validity of the other provisions.
SECTION 15. Repealing Clause.- Executive Order No. 81 of the City Mayor, dated March 12,
1980, is hereby declared superseded by this Ordinance, and the functions, powers, duties and
officials of the Cebu City Tourism Committee, are hereby transferred to and shall continue to be
vested in and assumed by the Cebu City Tourism Commission. The Office for the Promotion of
Tourism under the Office of the City Mayor is hereby abolished. However, officials and
employees therein shall henceforth be under the Cebu City Tourism Commission. All other
ordinances, resolutions, executive orders and administrative orders or parts thereof that are
inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SECTION 16. Appropriation.- There shall be appropriated a sum of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY
THOUSAND (P150,000.00) PESOS for the creation and maintenance of the Commission.
SECTION 17. EFFECTIVITY.- This Ordinance shall take effect upon its approval.