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1. Starting your opinion o In my opinion 1. In my opinion, we should hire
o In my view Tom.
o From my point 2. I realized I wasn't ready.
of view 3. In my view you should try the
o I realize exam again.
o I imagine
o It seem to me RF:

2. Expressing partial o Up to a point 1. In almost all aspects of life, the

agreement o In a way application of this process will
o Almost bring improvements.
2. I agree with you up to a point.


3. Generalizing o Generally 1. Generally, Americans love

o Overall coffee.
o In general 2. I had many problems during
o On the whole my visit to the U.S. but overall,
o Basically I had a good time.
o I believe 3. I basically prefer being by


4. Qualifying o But 1. I'll help you as long as I live.

o However 2. You'll never know unless you
o Although try.
o Unless 3. Apart from a few minor
o Except mistakes, your composition
o Apart from was excellent.
o As long as

5. Emphasising o Above all 1. Right now, I am just trying to

o In particular encourage, especially children,
o Especially to pay more attention to math
o Significantly and science.
o Indeed 2. Both of these features were
o Notably notably absent in San
3. Men who are economically
dependent on their female
partners are significantly more
likely to cheat.

6. Sequencing o First 1. I arranged to meet my friend

o Second after lunch.
o Next 2. First of all we bought our
o Then tickets, and then we went
o After inside.
3. There were lots of adverts and
trailers, but the film started at


7. Highlighting o In particular 1. Parents kept their children at

o Especially home, especially in the
o Mainly summer, and certainly away
o Above all from public swimming areas.
o Particularly 2. Six months ago, they lost their
ability to move between
worlds, mainly because the
immortal world was destroyed.
8. Transition o Turning to 1. Mayer added that Byrne was
o With regard to back to work the following day,
o Concerned but made no reference to his
o With reference absence.
to 2. Her letters to her friend
Madame Calandrini contain
much interesting information
with regard to contemporary
3. Carmen avoided his hands,
turning to the closet.


9. Making what you say o On the contrary 1. In fact, you are quite right.
stronger o As a matter of 2. On the contrary, I've never said
fact such a thing.
o In fact 3. Indeed, it's true.
o Indeed.


10. Result o Hence 1. It was late. So, I decided to

o Therefor take a taxi home.
o Accordingly 2. His wife left him. As result, he
o So became very depressed.
o Then 3. He was sucha handsome man
o As result that she fell in love
o In consequence immediately.


11. Reason o Because 1. I don’t use trains because they

o Because of are too expensive.
o As 2. The show was cancelled
o Since because of the rain.
3. Since we are late, better we’d
get a taxi.


12. Give a choice o Or 1. Which do you preferred? Tea

o Either/Or or coffee.
o Neither/Nor 2. You either come with me or
stay here.
3. She can neither sing nor dance.

13. Giving examples o for instance 1. Advertising gives us

o another information that we need. For
instance/exampl instance,if you want to buy a
e to illustrate new appliances or a new car,
o a case in point, you can look for the best
o such as magazines, on television or
even on the radio.

2. How often do we hear

comments such asthese “ I
hate advertising” or “ there are
too much advertising in the

3. I’m glad my friends don’t mind

me sitting in front of their
screens every once in a while.
The response is often a
confession. For example, one
coworker said she can’t help
turning her TV on for
background noise when her
husband is out of town.

Colin S.Ward, Margot
F.Gramer ‘skills for success’
with IqONliNE: integrated
digital content

14. Adding information o in addition, 1. I have had many other people’s

o furthermore, Yorkshire puddings, but my
o moreover mother’s have always tasted
o besides better. Not only are hers
o also, homemade, but they also have
o Additionally a special taste that always
o And makes me think of her. In
o apart from this, addition, they make me
o other than this remember my British ancestry
o on top of this and my mother’s history.

2. It is very hot today, moreover,

there is a power outage.

3. Unlike you, I do not enjoy

eating salmon. Furthermore,
the high cost of salmon does
not fit in with our tiny food

Colin S.Ward, Margot
F.Gramer ‘skills for success’
with IqONliNE: integrated
digital content
15. Showing contrast o In contrast 1. Although social movement
o on (the) one certainly predate the 1960s,
hand we can note that the decade of
o on the other ‘permissiveness’ and social
hand movements.
o however,
o Nevertheless 2. It was at this period in history
o on the contrary that the term ‘new’ was added
o Yet to ‘social movements’, such
o Although was the surge of support for
o Though social and political causes.
o even though However, both social
o in spite of movements and social work
o But have continued to change and
o conversely, develop.
o whilst
3. That is, new social movements
addressed a broad range of
social and political concerns,
including women’s right and
the rise of feminism, anti-racist
struggles, disability older
people’s rights, gay liberation,
anti psychiatry and so on. What
united these diverse struggles
was the persuit of social justice
through attempts to challenge
oppression and the processes
of discrimination which give
rise to it.

4. Raj did not perform well in the

exam. Nevertheless, he got a
distinction in English

Colin S.Ward, Margot
F.Gramer ‘skills for success’
with IqONliNE: integrated
digital content

16. Giving Sequence o Now 1. How can you make small talk
o Next lead to a new friendship, job or
o Then promotion? First, find common
o first (of all) ground. Select something
o (in the) second around you that you share with
(place) the other person. At a job
o Third interview, look around the
o apart from that, room for common interest.
o earlier, Perhaps the interviewer has a
o later photo of his children on his
o Finally desk.
o last (but not
least) 2. Next, keep the conversation
o lastly, going. Compliment the other
o Meanwhile person to make him or her feel
o before, after comfortable, and ask questions
(that) to show interest.
o When
o while, 3. Third,maintain eye contact.
o simultaneously, When you look people in the
o at the same eye, they feel you appreciate
time what they are saying.
Maintaining eye contact is
important. It makes you appear
honest and builds trust.
Without trust, a relationship
cannot develop.

4. Finally, when children receive

new pairs of shoes, it makes
them feel better about
themselves. In many cases, this
is may be the first pair of shoes
that the child has never owned.

Colin S.Ward, Margot
F.Gramer ‘skills for success’
with IqONliNE: integrated
digital content

17. Place o There 1. Put your coat down over there.

o Here 2. It was the first time they made
o Beyond love any place outside their
o Nearby bedroom, and it was way
o Next to beyond exciting.
o At that point 3. Two uniformed officers nearby
o Opposite to turned their heads.
o On the other
side RF:
o In the front http://sentence.yourdictionar
o In the back
18. To elaborate o Additionally 1. The guarantee for this activity
o As an may be as an illustratedby a
illustration single fact. The combined
o As well as building operations, in 1908, of
o Being that San Francisco, Seattle,
o Equally Portland, Los Angeles, Spokane
important and Salt Lake City exceeded the
o For instance combined building operations
o Incidentally of Philadelphia, Pittsburg,
o Indeed Kansas City, Boston, Baltimore
o In fact and Cincinnati during the same
o In other words year.
o In particular 2. In fact, now she felt nothing.
o Likewise 3. I tried to demonstrate the
o Notably panic I felt.
o Specifically
o To demonstrate RF:
19. Reformulation o In other words 1. During the course of this work
o Put more simply attention must also be
o That is to say directed, as occasion arises, to
o Rather such other bacteria,
o In simple terms pathogenic or saprophytic, as
are allied to the particular
organisms under observation,
or so resemble them as to
become possible sources of
error, by working them
through on parallel lines. In
other wordsthe various
bacteria should be studied in
2. No, if one of us has to get
snowed in up here, I'd rather it
was me

20. E Exemplification o For example 1. I can play quite a few musical
o For instance instruments, for example, the
o To illustrate flute, the guitar, and the piano.
o Such as 2. I can play quite a few musical
o Namely instruments, for instance, the
flute, the guitar, and the piano.
3. Car companies such as Toyota
and Ford manufacture their
automobiles in many different
countries around the world.

21. Expressing Certainty o Certainly 1. Of course they will be.
o Doubtless 2. Our trip was definitely a
o Definitely success.
o Undoubtedly 3. She certainly didn't feel any
o No doubt different.
o Of course

22. Shows a series of o First 1. First we closed the window

events o Then shutters. Then, we went down
o After that to the basement and wait
o Later there. Eventually, the storm
o In the end passed over us and we were
o Eventually able to go back into the house.
Later, we went outside and
opened the window shutters.
2. She woke later and looked at
the clock.
3. About thirty minutes later it
would return and leave the
way it had come
4. Tom eventually calmed down.

23. Shows stages in a o First 1. First, put the potatoes in
process o Then boiling water. Then, slice the
o Next potatoes
o After that 2. Check back next week.
o finally 3. I ate a burger then went to

24. To show similarities o Likewise 1. Romeo falls into a deep
o Also depression. Similarly, Juliet
o Similarly despairs over the reality of her
o In the same way and Romeo’s separation.
o Equally 2. The DNA of a human being
consists of over 3 billion
building blocks whose
sequences form genes, much in
the same waythat letters spell
a word.
3. You've gone so far as to
eliminate some of the enemies
who likewise stumbled across

25. Cause and effect o Because 1. We had to wait, because it was
o So raining
o Accordingly 2. Accordingly I copied the story
o Thus and sent it to him for his
o Consequently birthday
o hence 3. During the accident, Jim’s
o Therefore broke his leg, and hence will
o as not be able to play in the
football game at school.

ColinS.Ward, Margot F.Gramer
‘skills for success’ with
IqONliNE: integrated digital

26. Comparison o Similarly 1. The Japanese politicians and

o likewise, corporations are enthusiastic
o whereas about nuclear power, even
o but, though Japan is the only
o on the other country ever to have
hand experienced the horrors of a
o except nuclear holocaust. The
o by comparison, Japanese people, on the other
when compared hand, are very allergic to
to anything nuclear, particularly
o Equally after they experienced several
o in the same way very dangerous nuclear
accidents in the last several
years in their own nuclear

2. They won't even be together

except weekends.

Colin S.Ward, Margot
F.Gramer ‘skills for success’
with IqONliNE: integrated
digital content

27. To show time o at once, 1. The bell rang and the students
o immediately left immediately.
o meanwhile 2. While I was driving home, I saw
o at length a terrible accident
o in the meantime 3. He went out after he had
o at the same finished work.
time, in the end
o When
o Then RF:
o while Colin S.Ward, Margot
o before that F.Gramer ‘skills for success’
o after with IqONliNE: integrated
o As well as digital content
28. Emphasize a point o Again 1. A: Did she pass her driving
o Indeed test?
o To repeat B: Yes, she did.In fact, she’s
o Truly now taking an advanced driving
o In fact test.
o For this reason 2. He likes to have things his own
o For this mind way. Indeed, he can be very
3. She truly wanted to help him.

29. To connect first o To begin with  First, playing competitive
paragraph to second o In the first place soccer keeps children in good
o Firstly shape.
o The first reason  The first reason is that we
might too busy to help.
 One of the main reasons,
people volunteers overseas is
to give back to those in need.
Colin S. Ward. 2015. Skills for
success. Oxford: United Kingdom.

30. To connect second o Additionally 1. Second, being competitive

paragraph to third o Another reason soccer player teaches children
why the importance of teamwork.
o Secondly 2. Next, keep the conversations
o Next going.
o Pursing this 3. Additionally, I like to see
further commercials that my sense
o Also responds to, in particular my
sense of taste.
Colin S. Ward. 2015. Skills for
success. Oxford: United Kingdom.

31. To connect the third o Lastly 1. Lastly, competitive soccer is

paragraph to four o Yet another one of the best ways for
paragraph reason children to learn about
o In the same way discipline.
o Thirdly 2. Thirdly, we cannot explain how
o One last reason these three elements work
why together.
3. One last reason why they are
very special because she only
serve them in on holidays.
Colin S. Ward. 2015. Skills for
success. Oxford: United Kingdom.

32. To connect the body o In conclusion 1. In conclusion, Mycoskie saw a

to conclusion o To sum it all up need and established a
o To summarize company that is giving as much
o In the final as it’s getting profit.
analysis 2. Overall, the decision not to
o Finally help is very complex.
o To wrap it all up 3. Finally, when you see them
o Therefor again, be positive and act
Colin S. Ward. 2015. Skills for
success. Oxford: United Kingdom.

33. Giving examples o Such as 1. I can play quite a few musical

o That is instruments, such as the flute,
o To illustrate the guitar, and the piano.
o For the 2. My father loves going to
examples restaurants which serve exotic
foods. For example, last week
he went to a restaurant which
serves deep-fried rattlesnake.
3. There have been many leaders
in history who have tried to
rule the entire world, for
instance, Julius Caesar and
Alexander the Great.


34. To move to another o Then 1. First you fry up the meatballs

idea o After that and set them aside. Then you
o Subsequently chop up some onions and
o A rang down celery and cook them on low
o A peg down the heat for about 15 minutes.
ladder After that, you add the
o Two pegs down tomatoes and garlic.
ladder 2. A third son, Aepytus, contrived
to escape, and, subsequently
returning to Messenia, put
Polyphontes to death and
recovered his father's kingdom


35. To Clarify o To put in 1. He does not feel good, in other

another way words, he is ill.
o To rephrase it 2. There are many ways to
o In another way improve English. To illustrate
of saying my point, you can simply listen
o In other word to the VOA news.
o For instance 3. Vitamin C is found in colorful
o that is vegetables. For instance, bell
o to illustrate the peppers have a lot of vitamin C.



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