Impact of Jact

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To verify theories of forces generated by impact of the jet on different shapes of vane.


At the end of this experiment, students are able to:
• Describe the deflection of the jet generates forces on the vane.
• Identify the relationship between force and rate of momentum flow in the jet.
• Measure the force generated by a jet of water striking a plate.

A jet of water is produced when water is fed to a vertical pipe terminating in a tapered nozzle.
The jet will impinge on a vane, of different shapes. Vanes usually used are flat plate, inclined
plate, curved plate and hemispherical cup. Equation used to determine the force of jet impact
(Fy) is given as:

Fy = Q ( Vy1 - Vy2 cos ) , Vy1 = initial velocity Vy2 = final velocity

(after impingement)

where, V 

1. Flat plate

Figure 3.1: Flat plate

Q  Q
Fy  Q  0  
A  A
2. 120 curved plate

 Q  1 Q 
Fy  ρQ     
 A  2 A 

ρQ 2 ρQ 2 3ρQ 2
Fy   
A 2A 2A

Figure 3.2: 120o curved plate

1 1Q
where, from analysis, velocity after impingement Vy 2   V  
2 2A

3. Hemispherical cup

 Q  Q   2ρQ 2 Q
Fy  ρQ       where, velocity after impingement Vy 2  
 A  A  A A

Figure 3.3: Hemispherical cup


1. Hydraulic bench
2. Jet impact apparatus
3. Stop watch
4. Vernier caliper
Name Image
Hydraulic bench

Jet impact apparatus

Stop watch
Vernier caliper

Diameter of nozzle = 10 mm
Gravity acceleration, g = 9.81 ms– 2

From analysis, slope of the graph as in theory is given by:

Flat plate =

120 curved plate =

Hemispherical cup =

Figure 4.1: Equipments used

Figure 4.2: Jet impact apparatus

Figure 4.3: Jet Impact Apparatus


1. First, take off the top plate and the transparent cylinder. Then, measure the diameter of
the nozzle. Assemble the flat plate to the lever that carries a jockey weight.

2. Assemble the top plate and cylinder to the apparatus. Connect the supply pipe from the
hydraulic bench to the inlet pipe of the apparatus.

Figure 5.1: Arrangement of apparatus

3. The apparatus is first levelled and the lever is set to a balanced position (as indicated by a
tally supported from it) by placing the jockey weight at its zero position, and then
adjusting the knurled nut above the spring.

Figure 5.2: Jockey weight restrained by a light spring

4. Any force generated by impact of the jet on the vane is measured by moving the jockey
weight along the lever until the tally shows that it has been restored to its original
balanced position.
5. Nominal weight is place on the lever first (it is suggested that initial weight and
incremental weight = 20g). Water is then admitted through the bench supply valve.

6. The force on the vane will displace the lever, which is then restored to its balanced
position by sliding the jockey weight along the lever. Then, cover the opening at the base
of the hydraulic bench.

Figure 5.3: Move the jockey weight along the lever

7. Record the volume of water and time to determine the flow rate. Also, record the
weight on the lever.

Figure 5.4: Determining flow rate

8. Repeat the procedure (step 1 to 7) for 120o curved plate and hemispherical cup.
a) Flat plate

Mass of jockey Volume of Flow rate Q

Time t (s) Q2
weight m (g) water V (l) (l/s)
20 5 34.32 0.146 0.0213
40 5 27.22 0.184 0.0339
60 5 21.60 0.231 0.0534
80 5 14.60 0.342 0.1170

b) 1200 curved plate

Mass of jockey Volume of Flow rate Q

Time t (s) Q2
weight m (g) water V (l) (l/s)
20 5 48.40 0.103 0.0106
40 5 41.33 0.121 0.0146
60 5 35.44 0.141 0.0199
80 5 28.54 0.175 0.0306

c) Hemispherical cup

Mass of jockey Volume of Flow rate Q

Time t (s) Q2
weight m (g) water V (l) (l/s)
20 5 47.98 0.104 0.0108
40 5 39.11 0.128 0.0163
60 5 33.89 0.148 0.0219
80 5 27.32 0.183 0.0335
2. Plot the graph of mass of jockey weight m versus Q2 for flat plate, 120o inclined plate and
hemispherical cup and find the slope of the graphs.

Mass of jockey weight m (g) vs Q2



Mass of jockey weight m (g)


Flat Plate
120 curved plate
15 Hemispherical cup

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12

1. For every plate, record and calculate Q and Q2 and plot graphs of mass of jockey weight
m versus Q2. Theoretically, slope of the graphs is given as:

a. Flat plate
𝜌 1000 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3
= = 1.3x106 kg.s2/m6
𝑔𝐴 (9.81 𝑚𝑠−2)(78.5𝑚𝑚2)

b. 120o inclined plate

3𝜌 3(1000 )
= = 1.95x106 kg.s2/m6
2𝑔𝐴 2(9.81𝑚𝑠−2)(78.5𝑚𝑚2)

c. Hemispherical cup
2𝜌 2(1000𝑚3)
= = 2.60x106 kg.s2/m6
𝑔𝐴 (9.81𝑚𝑠−2)(78.5𝑚𝑚2)

2. Compare the value between the slope at the graph and the theory value
a. Flat plate



0.08 − 0.01 𝐾𝑔
(11.0 − 1.0)10 𝑚6 /𝑠 2

= 7.0x105 kg.s2/m6
b. 120o inclined plate



0.08 − 0.04 𝐾𝑔
(3.06 − 1.99)10 𝑚6 /𝑠 2

= 3.74x106 kg.s2/m6

c. Hemispherical cup



0.08 − 0.04 𝐾𝑔
(3.35 − 1.63)10 𝑚6 /𝑠 2

= 2.33x106 kg.s2/m6
Theory Experiments
1.3x106 kg.s2/m6 7.0x105 kg.s2/m6

1.95x106 kg.s2/m6 3.74x106 kg.s2/m6

2.60x106 kg.s2/m6 2.33x106 kg.s2/m6

3. From the result, comment on the graphs slope and theoretical value.
From the obtained data, the calculation is done to find the gradient of graph. After the
calculation is done, the gradient in graph is compared with the gradient theory. The results
of these comparisons found that it have differences in the theory and experiment. This may
be due to several factors that led to experiments carried out imperfectly. The factors is due to
the weakness of the laboratory tools. This is because these tools may be poorly maintained.
In addition, the reading error by the person who took the reading. This is because human
beings can not escape from making mistakes.

4. Give a conclusion for this test.

We can conclude that the experiment was successful carried out even though there is
difference in theoretical value and experiment valve. There are some error that take place
during conducting this experiment which may give effect to the result. They have several
factor that had influenced the result of the experiment. The factor is when velocity is high,
the flow rate of the water will getting higher. Beside, when the weight of load is high, the
distance between theflat plates, 120 curved plate and hemispherical plate will be getting
closer and thus the rate of the waterflow will be increases.

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