Surgical Audit and Peer Review Guide 2014

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Department of Professional Standards

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
College of Surgeons' Gardens
250-290 Spring Street,
East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia

Phone: +61 3 9249 1200

Fax: +61 3 9276 7432
Email: [email protected]

First edition 2002

Second edition 2005
Third edition 2008
Fourth edition 2013


RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 1

2.1. Surgical Audit Definitions 4
2.2. Surgical Audit and Continuing Professional Development 5
2.3. Audit or Clinical Review? 7
2.4. Audit or Research? 7
2.5. Assessing Performance 8
2.6 The Surgical Audit Cycle 9
2.7. Determine Scope 10
2.8. Select Standards 11
2.9. The Minimum Data Set, Expanded Data Set and Trainee
Logbook Data Set 17
2.10. Present and Interpret Results with Peer Review 18
2.11. Make Changes and Monitor Progress 22

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 2

Surgical audit and peer review are important strategies in maintaining
standards in surgical care at the clinical level. In February 2001, the Royal
Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) Professional Development and
Standards Board (PDSB) elected to establish a Surgical Audit Task Force, to
develop models of best practice for surgical audit.
In 2006 the task force became a committee reporting to Professional
Standards, reflecting the need for continued monitoring and review of
standards for surgical audit and peer review. The committee provided
resources and tools to improve and support audit activities conducted by
individual Fellows, specialty groups, hospitals and the wider Fellowship. It
also approved various audits submitted for assessment by surgeons, special
interest groups and specialty societies.
This Surgical Audit and Peer Review Guide was another step forward in the
process of upholding the College’s vision to set and maintain the highest
standards of surgical care. It is for the guidance of individual surgeons and
hospital surgical units. This standard should encourage administrations to
provide adequate resources for these important activities.
In recent years the number of audits submitted for approval has declined and
so in 2013, the Surgical Audit Committee functions were assumed by the
Professional Standards Committee. Former members of the Surgical Audit
Committee have undertaken this review of the 4th edition of the Surgical
Audit and Peer Review Guide.

Prof David Watters OBE FRACS

Chair, Professional Development and Standards Board

Mr G Campbell FRACS
Chair, Professional Standards Committee

Dr A J Green FRACS
Chair, Surgical Audit Committee

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 3

Surgical audit is a systematic, critical analysis of the quality of surgical care
that is reviewed by peers against explicit criteria or recognised standards,
and then used to further inform and improve surgical practice with the
ultimate goal of improving the quality of care for patients. The purpose of
audit is to examine whether what you think is happening really is, and
whether current performance meets existing standards.
A surgical audit involves:
• collection and measurement of clinical activities and outcomes
• analysis and comparison using standards, performance indicators an
outcome parameters and
• a peer review process with a feedback mechanism to redress problems.
The key feature of audit is that it involves reviewing actual surgical
performance, including outcomes. This clinical experience and that of your
team is compared with accepted standards of what that performance should
be. As such, it should be a stimulus and source of material for learning and
quality improvement.
The aims of audit are:
• to identify ways of improving and maintaining the quality of care for
• to assist in the continuing education of surgeons;
• to help make the most of resources available for the provision of surgical
2.1. Surgical Audit Definitions
Surgical audit may take the form of a personal surgical audit (total/
practice/ selected) or a group/hospital/specialty audit (focused or
Total Practice or Workload Audit: This is an audit that covers all the
surgical operations performed. Self-audit with comparisons to published
outcomes can be useful.
While total practice audit is a goal, it is recognised that in some
circumstances it is unrealistic. A total practice audit enables you to
identify patterns and trends in your practice by observing changes in
throughput (caseload), procedures performed and outcomes. One
period needs to be compared with another and needs to be long

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 4

enough to accrue sufficient cases. A useful general tip is to start small,
then gradually increase the scope of your audit.
Selected Audit from Surgical Practice: This is an audit that covers
all patients who undergo a selected procedure, or an audit that covers
all procedures conducted within a selected time-frame.
A Clinical Unit Audit: This is an audit conducted by a clinical unit in
which a small number of individual surgeons may participate.
Group or Specialty Audit: This is an audit conducted by or under the
auspices of a group or Specialty Society e.g. ANZSVS Bi-National
Audit, BreastSurgANZ, Australasian Vascular Audit (AVA), Bi-National
Colorectal Audit, Breast Implant Registry, Australian and New Zealand
Gastric and Oesophageal Surgical Association (ANZGOSA) Audit,
Carpal Tunnel Audit for Hand Surgeons, New Zealand Joint Registry.
A Focused Audit: A focused audit collects data on the process or
outcome indicators such as those recommended by departments of
health which may influence it: e.g. what is the wound infection rate after
large bowel surgery – emergency/elective procedure, type of surgery,
antibiotic prophylaxis blood loss, etc.
2.2. Surgical Audit and Continuing Professional Development
As surgical audit is a critical review of a personal, team or hospital’s
clinical work, it may be regarded as a cornerstone of professional
development. Only by looking objectively at our own practice of surgery
will we be able to compare our current performance and derive
information which may help us consider how to improve what we do for
the benefit of our patients. Audit can help identify the difference
between what surgeons think they are doing and what they actually do.
It facilitates self-referencing and reflective learning.
Surgical audit is an educational exercise that is thoroughly grounded in
everyday practice. Research shows that audit and feedback is an
effective educational strategy and helps participants analyse their
performance and plan effective responses to improve their
performance . All surgical trainees collect data for their logbooks and
are involved in unit audits.

Thomson M, Oxman A, Davis D, Haynes R, Freemantle N, & Harvey E (2000) Audit and
feedback to improve health professional practice and health care outcomes (Cochrane
Review). In: The Cochrane Library, issue 3, part 2. Oxford: Update Software, 1997.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 5

A small expansion of the logbook data to include outcomes becomes
the basis of a lifelong practice of audit. The RACS morbidity and
logbook tool (MALT) which is recommended or mandated by some
training boards, complies with these principles and contains the data
sets and reports outlined later in this guide.
Group surgical audit also has been shown to improve the quality of
surgery and reduce complications from surgery.
Participation in Surgical Audit – an annual requirement
As part of the College’s Continuing Professional Development program
(CPD), all surgeons who conduct operative procedures in hospitals, day
surgery units or private rooms are required to participate in a surgical
audit each year, and to submit such an audit for peer review .
The audit activity chosen can be a personal surgical, a unit/group audit.
total practice or workload or an audit approved by the Professional
Standards Committee of the Professional Development and Standards
Board (PDSB). The audit must be submitted for peer review.
Mortality Audits
Lothian Surgical Audit
Aitken, Nixon & Ruckley 3 demonstrated that audit and its associated
peer review do lead to changes and improvements in surgical practice.
In order to achieve the outcomes the audit cycle should concentrate on
areas of clinical importance, continue over time and involve a cycle of
analysis, reflection, dissemination and education. Changes in practice
4 5
will be gradual but over time will occur.
The Lothian model was then introduced to Western Australia and has
since been expanded to include other States and Territories and
negotiations with New Zealand health authorities are in progress.

RACS (2013) Continuing Professional Development Information Manual
Aitken R, Nixon S & Ruckley C 1997 Lothian Surgical Audit: a 15-year experience of
improvement in surgical practice through regional computerised audit The Lancet 350
The Western Australian Audit of Surgical Mortality – a 30% reduction in deaths over ten
years: Aitken R, Azzam D, Itotoh F, Neo A: Medical Journal of Australia 2013; 199 (8): 539-
The causes and effects of delay to diagnosis: outcomes from surgical mortality data: North
J, Blackford F, Wall D, Ware, R, Rey-Conde, T, Allen J: British Journal of Surgery 2013;
Volume 100, Issue 3

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 6

This program is called the Australian and New Zealand Audit of
Surgical Mortality (ANZASM)

Australian and New Zealand Audit of Surgical Mortality

ANZASM is a bi-national initiative of the College to establish a network
of regional audits of surgical mortality throughout Australia and New
Zealand. These audits provide a peer review assessment for each
death occurring during a surgical admission.
Participation in ANZASM is a requirement of the College’s CPD
program. Surgeons who have had a death of a patient under their care
are required to participate in an ANZASM (where there is an audit
available) by returning a completed case record form for review to
Some surgeons do not have the opportunity to participate in ANZASM,
either because their hospital does not participate or because they live
and work overseas. In such cases, we advise that surgeons should
follow the principle of reviewing all mortalities of cases under their care,
submitting such reviews to peer opinion. However, evidence that the
surgeon has done this is not currently required if requested to verify
one’s CPD.
2.3. Audit or Clinical Review?
Surgical audit is a comparison against recognised standards of current
surgical practice in order to improve the quality of care to patients. Data
is collected with defined criteria. Comparisons are undertaken and
recommendations for change made and followed up.
A clinical review involves a detailed presentation of one or more cases
often with certain objectives and around a specific theme. The
objectives may be educational and may focus on how we could have
managed this case better (e.g. the clinicopathological case
presentation). Some such cases may be reviewed during an audit
meeting because they are unusual or because of what can be learned
from the decision making or complications. However, reviewing one or
two cases should be seen as one aspect of audit but not audit in itself.
2.4. Audit or Research?
Audit has similarities with research, but there are also many
differences. Unlike research, audit does not necessarily extend the
knowledge base of surgery but by critically analysing surgical practice,
audit aims to improve the quality of care.
Because the primary purpose of an audit of surgical practice is not to
promote scientific enquiry, the requirements and constraints of research

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 7

do not necessarily apply. However, it can on occasion provide impetus
for a related research project. Audit is about review of surgical
performance with a view to improving quality of care within a team or
Audit databases may be used to prove or disprove research
hypotheses. This is called an ad hoc audit in the Clinician’s Toolkit.
The more data in the data base the more feasible it is to do this. It is
therefore worth retaining audit data but care must be taken in
preserving privacy in building larger databases particularly if more than
one hospital is involved. Local and other Ethics Committees may need
to be consulted (e.g. RACS Ethics Committee).

2.5. Assessing Performance

Although surgical audit data can be used to assess performance it is
important to realise that the audit is only one aspect of assessment. It
should be recognised that most surgeons perform well and that surgical
audit helps to provide evidence of surgical achievements. Specific
aspects of performance can be examined by defining outcomes and
agreeing a target, though the process of defining and the agreeing may
be a challenge for any group of surgeons.
Performance may not just relate to surgical outcomes (audit of
outcome). It may also describe access to surgery, throughput or
efficiency (audit of structure), or when assessing the process of care
the use of investigations, or rates of referring cases for expert opinion
(audit of process) e.g. the number/ percentage of patients with breast
cancer being referred to an oncologist or discussed at a
multidisciplinary meeting.
Most hospitals expect to be notified of what surgical audit data is being
contributed to specialist of multi-centre databases. Normally data for
surgical audit is regarded as low risk in terms of any ethical
considerations that is providing it is de-identified so that patient, hospital
and surgeon confidentiality are maintained.

Clinicians Toolkit

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 8

2.6. The Surgical Audit Cycle
Surgical audit activities are based on a five-step cycle:
Step 1: Determine scope:
A thoughtful decision about which area(s) of surgical practice to
Step 2: Select standards:
A clear description of what is good practice in this area against
which the results of the audit will be compared.
Step 3: Collect data:
The collection of relevant data.
Step 4: Present and interpret results including peer review:
Comparison of results to standards and/or those of peers,
discussion with peers, decision about what changes may lead to
improvement e.g. learning new skills, changes in practice,
systems etc.
Step 5: Make changes and monitor progress:
Alteration or confirmation of practice in accord with the results of
analysis and consultation with peers, then checking that
improvement has occurred.

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2.7. Determine Scope
The scope (or topic) chosen for audit should be clearly defined. Failure
to clearly define this may result in insufficient or inappropriate data
being collected. You can only report indicators if there is a sufficient
volume of cases to give a meaningful numerator or denominator.
Common areas in the scope of an audit include:
• 30 day mortality;
• length of hospital stay;
• unplanned readmission or re-operation rates;
• positive and negative outcomes;
• operation-specific complications;
• process of care, such as pre-operative care;
• time on waiting list;
• numbers waiting for outpatient appointment;
• use of investigations;
• justification of management; and
• patient satisfaction.
In general, outcomes should be simple, well defined, easily
measurable, relevant and have a valid relationship to performance.7
It has been traditional for audits to focus on adverse events, e.g. death
and complications, reflecting an underlying assumption that adverse
events are a consequence of poor quality of clinical care. A review of
adverse events should aim to identify system errors to enable
improvements in patient care.
Audit of the outcome of a disease process for surgical intervention may
require a measure of the quality of life, activities of daily living or
objective assessment of the symptoms the operation was intended to

Audit should recognise what is done well and the achievements of a

surgeon/unit/service. Comparing 6-12 month time periods may allow
improvement to be demonstrated as a result of changes in practice

Van Rij, A. (1996) Continuing Education & Surgical Performance, The Bulletin 16 (3):pp. 5-8

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2.8. Select Standards
Decide what the standards of good practice are for the selected topic/
practice area. Decide what information you need and what is irrelevant.
You may want to use one or more methods to do this:
• use evidence-based research and guidelines;
• adapt existing local guidelines for local relevance;
• use an accessible library for evidence about effective practice and
develop new guidelines; and/or
• look to your specialty group to define standards.
Clearly describe any existing standards or the process you will use to
develop your standards. When reviewing existing standards or
developing your own, remember to consider whether the standards are
measurable, specific and realistic:
Will you be able to collect information that can be compared with the
standards? Are you as clear as possible about what constitutes good
practice in your chosen area? Can you foresee any reason that you
cannot achieve these standards?
You may decide to use ideal standards, e.g. 100% compliance with
national or RACS guidelines or from a literature review. Alternatively,
you may use minimum standards - the very least you think acceptable,
based on current practice and consensus or personal standards; or
somewhere in between which seems the best you can imagine given
the constraints of practice.
For the purposes of self-education and change, the most useful
standards are those relevant to the particular circumstances in which
you are working.
Key Performance Indicators
A clinical indicator is a measure of the clinical management and / or
outcome of care. It must be relevant to the type of practice, supported
by evidence and easily measurable if they are to be effective tools in
the pursuit of quality improvement.
A well-designed indicator should 'screen', 'flag' or 'draw attention' to a
specific clinical issue. Usually rate based, indicators identify the rate of
occurrence of an event. Indicators do not provide definitive answers;
rather they are designed to indicate potential problems that might need

Australian Medical Association Position Statement Clinical Indicators 2012

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 11

addressing, usually demonstrated by statistical outliers or variations
within data results. They are used to assess, compare and determine
the potential to improve care. Indicators are therefore, tools to assist in
assessing whether or not a standard in patient care is being met.
The best indicators are those that rely on independent, unbiased
collection, but represent true, reliable data that clinicians have
confidence in, and are willing to reflect on. The indicators may not just
be the process or outcome ones listed above but also be targeted at
times, hospital initiated postponements are all structural measures of
access or efficiency.
Some examples of Clinical Indicators are:

BreastSurgANZ Quality Audit

(formerly known as the National Breast Cancer Audit)
Scope: early and locally advanced breast cancer.

* KPI 4 is currently being reassessed for appropriateness and

may be modified by the Steering Committee

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 12

Scope: oesophago-gastric cancer or gastrointestinal
stromal tumour (GIST)

Outcome Indicators
Number and percentage
Individual Fellow rate compared to audit aggregate

Intraoperative complications
Postoperative complications
Blood transfusion
Return to theatre
In-hospital death
Readmission within 30 days
30-day mortality

Length of Stay:
Mean and Range expressed as ‘days’.
Individual Fellow result compared to audit aggregate.

Intubation Mean
Initial post-operative ICU Stay Mean
Post-operative hospital stay Mean

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Rural Procedural Audit
• Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
• Colorectal surgery
• Inguinal herniorrhaphy (Adult)
• Breast cancer surgery
• Thyroidectomy
RPA Indicators:
• Number and percentage
• Individual Fellow rate
• Fellow comparison to audit aggregate

Biliary tract indicators
Bile leak requiring intervention
Bile duct injury
Unplanned ERCP post-operative
Colorectal Cancer Indicators
Unplanned reoperation
Anastomotic leak
Hernia Indicators
Postoperative Haematoma
Referral to pain clinic
Hernia recurrence
Thyroid indicators
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy
Postoperative hypocalcaemia Ca <2.0mmol/l

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Adverse Events
An adverse event is defined as unintentional harm arising from an episode of
healthcare and not due to the disease process itself. Major adverse events,
such as bile duct injury, anastomotic leakage, and unplanned re-operations
should also be included and presented for peer review. However there will
be many minor adverse events such as pneumonia or UTI that should be
presented but would not normally require discussion at an audit meeting.
An adverse event is not the same as a complication and although some
complications are adverse events, not all are. It is the concept of
“unintentional harm” that differentiates a complication from an adverse event.
Some complications are merely unavoidable aspects of treatment, at least at
a certain rate of occurrence. Complications are graded according to the
Clavien-Dindo system.
Adverse outcomes may be to some extent predictable but at a certain
accepted rate which should be within agreed standards. They may arise as a
result of technical error, patient comorbidity, progression of pathology, or
reflect an accepted complication rate for a particular condition or operation.
The various adverse outcomes that might be reported would include some of
those listed below.
An alternative is to use some form of Limited Adverse Occurrence Screening
based on identifying and reviewing cases that suffer from one or more of the
Adverse Events listed below.
Some of the adverse events listed are already reportable or monitored in a
number of hospitals.
• Adverse events worth considering are:
• Death in a surgical patient
• Unplanned readmission within 28 days
• Unplanned readmission to ICU from ward
• Unplanned reoperation
• Unplanned blood transfusion
• Transfer for more complex care
• Complication (Grade 3 or 4)

Dindo D, Demartines N, Clavien P. Classification of surgical complications. A new proposal
with evaluation in a cohort of 6336 patients and results of a survey. Ann Surg. 2004, 240:

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 15

• Complication prolonging anticipated hospital stay by more than 7 days
• Inadvertent perforation of a viscus
• Serious drug reaction or interaction
• Medication error
• Cardiac or respiratory arrest
• Medical Emergency Team (MET) call
• Fall
• Pressure Sore
• Reportable infection
• Booked for theatre and cancelled on day of surgery

In many hospitals some of the above listed adverse events are already
reported and there should be no need to recollect the data. The challenge for
those responsible for preparing an audit is to ensure that reportable adverse
events such as nosocomial infections, falls, pressure sores and medication
errors are known to the surgical team and where appropriate discussed.
Complications should be graded according to the Clavien-Dindo
classification. The first three editions of this surgical audit guide combined
Grades 3 & 4 below so had only a four level classification system. In recent
years the Clavien-Dindo classification has become widely accepted and has
replaced the previous level system.
Grade 1: Any deviation from the normal postoperative course without the
need for pharmacological treatment, surgical, radiological or
endoscopic interventions. For example, problems that did not
prolong admission and had little impact on the patient’s well-being,
such as a mild wound infection, urinary tract infection, atelectasis,
unexplained pyrexia
Grade 2: Requiring pharmacological treatment, including blood transfusion
or TPN.
Grade 3: Complication which necessitates intervention, surgical,
endoscopic or radiological

Dindo D, Demartines N, Clavien P. Classification of surgical complications. A new
proposal with evaluation in a cohort of 6336 patients and results of a survey, p. 18

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 16

3a not requiring general anaesthesia
3b requiring general anaesthesia

Grade 4: Life threatening complications involving ICU management

4a Single organ dysfunction, including dialysis.
4b Multiorgan dysfunction

Grade 5: Death

The suffix ‘d ‘ can be added to the grade of complication, representing

disability, if the data you require and that it is complete. Will you collect/ input
the data yourself or review it before entry? It is wise to consider the accuracy
of data – who has the final say in, for example, an accurate diagnosis or
grade of complication?
Can the data required be collected at least in part by downloading from a
hospital information system? Can you rely on the accuracy of downloaded
data? - this will depend on who was responsible for entering it.
Before going on, pause to think how the data will look, how you will compare
it to any standards and how you will analyse the results of this comparison.
• Is the data to be collected relevant to the objective(s) of the surgical
• Do you need to modify, expand or limit the objective(s)?
• Will the data you collect adequately assess how well the standards have
been met?
• Do you need to modify the standards?
• Do you need to modify the data collection methods?

2.9. The Minimum Data Set, Expanded Data Set and Trainee
Logbook Data Set
To give guidance in collecting the data that are essential for effective
surgical audit, the Surgical Audit Committee developed recommended
data sets which allow some consistency of data and easier comparison
of outcomes. The Minimum Data Set, which is the bare minimum of
information, is particularly suited for large volume low risk procedures.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 17

The Minimum Data Set is described in Appendix 1
For more effective audit, additional data is important. A further list of
fields has been recommended as the Expanded Data Set. Additional
recommended data requirements for specialty groups will be developed
in conjunction with the specialty groups and their specific audits. There
are also fields within this recommended data set which will be
particularly relevant for trainees.
The Expanded Data Set is described in Appendix 2
The Extra Trainee Dataset fields are described in Appendix 3
There is often a need for extra fields for individual specialties. The
fields added usually add to the grading of severity of disease (eg
staging), or operative findings. Specialty data sets include those
developed for Vascular, Cardiothoracic, Colorectal, Breast and Gastro
and Oesophageal but there are many approved specialty audits (see
Appendix 5). It is ideal if specialty data sets are kept to 12 extra fields or

2.10. Present and Interpret Results with Peer Review

Audit is about continuously improving by learning from experience and
making changes, not just collecting data. It is the changes you can
produce rather than the data collection itself, which are ultimately the
most rewarding.
The results of your audit should be presented at a clinical meeting that
is designed to discuss clinical outcomes. This constitutes the peer
review of the audit and is an integral part of performing a surgical audit.

Peer Review
Peer review is a learning exercise. Whilst rights, responsibilities,
apportionment of blame, punishment, compensation and access to
justice can be valid processes, they should not be confused or interfere
with the processes of education, risk management and quality
assurance. Peer review is not an opportunity to blame or brag.
Peer review involves an evaluation of one’s work by one’s peers. Peers
are other surgeons with comparable training and experience. It can
often also be helpful to include other non-surgical members of the team
in the review group e.g. surgical trainee or senior nursing staff. The
review should be conducted in an atmosphere of confidentiality, of trust
and teamwork, and be seen as an evolving process.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 18

One form of peer review takes place through morbidity and mortality
meetings, providing the participants include the presenter’s peers.
However, this type of peer review can be unstructured and informal. If
morbidity and mortality meetings are used for audit peer review, they
should be formally constituted and documented as described below.
Grand rounds as the name suggests are hardly confidential peer review
- but cases should be presented as an educational exercise. They are
good opportunities to learn from one or more cases but do not replace
formal surgical audit meetings.
A peer review meeting should allow a frank, non-confrontational
discussion between colleagues. This discussion should focus on
perceived problems and successes, resulting in a practical plan for
positive change if needed.
Confidentiality of the information used for and resulting from the audit is
essential, both from the point of view of the rights of patients and of the
individual surgeon. It should reassure those surgeons present that the
discussion is confidential professional peer review.
An outcome of peer review may be a well-planned educational
workshop (or a grand round to educate a wider audience), that takes
account of the results of the audit. This can be highly effective in this
step of the audit cycle. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that
feedback of audit data without subsequent relevant education does
not change performance.
As a general guide, there are three types of surgical practice for the
purposes of peer review:
Surgeons working together with other specialists in a unit, a
hospital or other group. A unit should review the work of all its
surgeons at least once every six months. Some units may choose to do
this on a more regular basis but this would be determined by individual
Surgeons working as an individual, or head a single specialist
team in a hospital with other specialists also providing surgery in
the same institution but where there is no grouping of specialists
into a unit. Peer review involves other surgeons from the same or
similar craft group and should take place for each surgeon or surgical
team at least once every six months.

Aberg, T Svenmarker, S Hohner, P Hentschel, J (1997) Routine registration of deviations
from the norm in cardiac surgery: a potent clinical research tool and quality assurance
measure. [Journal Article] European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. 11(1):10-2, 13-6

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 19

Surgeons solely responsible for a hospital or region who have no
surgical peers of the same grade in their institution. Such surgeons
may need to organise peer review by an occasional visit to or from
regionally based colleagues or by teleconference if meeting together is
not practicable. A registrar is not a peer of a consultant; however
registrars should contribute to audit meetings.
Rural and isolated surgeons, and those working in small hospitals
should establish geographic or specialty based links with other
surgeons to facilitate peer review. Other options that can be considered
are teleconferences, and on-line chat groups or discussion forums.
It is also possible to organise an anonymous comparison of
performance outcomes of surgeons in a region, country or specialty.
However, there are issues associated with the approach, which need to
be considered — namely differences of case-mix, co-morbidity and type
and size of practice. The College’s Department of Professional
Standards can facilitate peer review for an individual or group whom
otherwise would find it difficult.
It can often be valuable to combine all surgical specialties or
incorporate other clinical colleagues to add interest. The issue of
whether a surgical audit is presented to other hospital doctors or senior
nursing staff is a local matter. Also the requirement for individual units
or surgeons in a hospital to report on surgical audit activities to their
hospital management or quality units is also regarded as a local matter.
It is expected however, that most hospitals would want to receive a
regular summary of surgical audit from each unit and surgeon.

Peer Review Meetings

The following are suggestions for the conduct of peer review meetings:
• All surgeons should be a member of an active peer review group of
no fewer than three surgeons.
• Choose a conducive setting e.g. privacy, coffee, minimal
interruptions and with data projection facilities.
• Rotate the role of Chair - it is most important to create equity and
avoid bias, real or apparent. An alternative is to appoint an
• independent chair such as a medical director or a recently retired
• Schedule meetings with sufficient notice to give relevant staff the
opportunity to attend.

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• A record of attendance at peer review meetings should be kept to
demonstrate satisfactory attendance.
• Peer review of an individual surgeon's work should occur not less
than six- monthly, and unit/department peer review should occur
• Peer review should include both individual cases and examination
of trends in practice over extended time periods. Outcome reviews
can also include comparative assessments, focused reviews of
specific problems or procedures, and follow up of recent changes.
• The Chair of the session should ensure all serious events are
considered for appropriate review.
• Efforts should be made to identify quality issues (particularly
system deficiencies) and appropriate actions to be taken. These
issues should be brought to the attention of the hospital medical
and administrative hierarchy and/ or the specialty group executive.
An example is available under ‘Chair’s Report Format’ (page 20).
• At the conclusion of the session, plans/ recommendations should
be made, recorded and passed on to relevant service directors/
managers. It is important to follow up all results. The final
outcomes column is to be completed at the next audit meeting. It
cannot be filled in when the issues are raised and actions are
• It is ideal if hospitals assist surgeons with the process of
conducting an audit.
• Surgical audit is a mandatory requirement for hospitals to maintain
accreditation with organisation such as the ACHS or International
Organisation for Standardization (ISO). At the very least, it is
recommended that the hospital provides the list of procedures to
assist with the audit and peer review process.
Suggested documentation for action on quality issues raised through
peer reviewed audit:

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 21

Chair’s Report Format
Date of meeting:
Meeting group name: (e.g. General Surgeons Audit Hospital XYZ)
Members present: A, B, C, D, E, F, G
The issues could be presented in tabular format as follows:

Issue Effect on patient Recommendation Action by Final outcome of

& Hospital whom report
and when

Morbidity and Mortality Meetings

It is a local matter as to whether audit review meetings are combined with
mortality and morbidity meetings, or whether they are conducted
At morbidity and mortality meetings, all de-identified morbidities and
mortalities should be listed. Only significant morbidities and selected
deaths where there are learning or quality issues at stake need to be
discussed. The Chair of the morbidity and mortality meeting or those to
whom he/she delegates the task would normally make the selection of
2.11. Make Changes and Monitor Progress
The next step is to implement any changes that are recommended.
Implementation involves not just making changes but ensuring that
everyone affected is educated/ informed as to what changes are being
made and why. The impact/ effects of the changes made then needs
follow up action. For example, did they achieve the desired outcome, and
have expectations been met? If you are not carrying out a continuous
total practice audit, you will need to make some decisions about how this
is monitored.
When is the best time to do this follow-up?
Remember that many changes may take some time to have a significant
effect, although some may be almost immediate. Make sure you allow
enough time to avoid disappointing negative results.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 22

How will you do the follow-up?
Do you need to repeat the full audit, or only those parts relevant to
changes you made? Is there some other information source that might
help you monitor your achievements?
Having thought through all these matters you are well on the way to
planning your surgical audit activity. Remember that you may still need to
do some fine-tuning as you go.


Promotion of a culture of audit
Some of your colleagues may regard surgical audit as unnecessary or
threatening, so it is essential that audit is undertaken in an atmosphere
that highlights educational aspects, is regarded as non-threatening or
‘safe’, and is carried out in a culture of ‘no-blame’. This atmosphere
enables open discussion of findings, and participants will be able to
discuss their feelings concerning audit reviews. Creating such an
environment depends on physical and social aspects and the culture of the
practice or hospital in which you work. The importance of assuring quality
outcomes through improved risk management is now accepted as a
necessary element of clinical practice.
Allocate time and resources
Audit should not be allowed to become a burden, as this will make
participation difficult. It should be considered as part of normal clinical
practice. Getting help with data collection is important. Resources should
be made available by your hospital, as clinical audit and peer review are
requirements for maintaining CPD and credentialing. Critical incident
monitoring is also a component of VMO contracts in some jurisdictions –
this may be a potential source of funds.
Oversee and verify data collection
It is important to collect the essential data only, and keep it simple. You
should allocate responsibility for who collects which data. The data should
be accurate and complete, with clinical details provided by clinicians.
Review the data regularly and frequently, and troubleshoot immediately.
Don’t forget to look for:
• the complication that didn’t occur;
• the death that was missed;
• the house surgeon’s diagnosis that was misconceived;

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 23

• the misinterpreted pathology report; and
• the reason for the misdiagnosis.
Productive peer review
Audit is only effective if we ‘close the feedback loop’ by following through on
findings and outcomes. Good follow up and implementation of change
requires the surgeons to work closely with management and putting in place
systems for quality improvement and risk management. Hospital
administrators may need reminding of the safety and risk management
aspects of recommendations arising from audit activities and morbidity and
mortality meetings.


Surgeons working in public hospitals — particularly teaching units — will
usually have help in data collection by clerical staff and registrars. Many will
have a comprehensive audit system which facilitates audit meetings. It is
then a matter of making time to attend those meetings and participate in the
In private hospitals, especially smaller ones and day surgeries the ability and
resources to collect relevant data and to analyse the audit data may at times
be a bit more difficult. Surgeons have a role to play in encouraging managers
and administrators in this.
Most hospitals already collect Clinical Indicators data for ACHS purposes
and this should be available from medical records/administration as a basis
for limited surgical audit.
Most if not all hospitals have electronic information systems which lend
themselves to the process of data collection. Working with the IT support
staff to meet the needs for surgical audit can be very useful. They may
assist in networking, data capture and interfacing with locally designed or
proprietary audit software packages.
There is a need for improved data exchange between surgeons and
hospitals. Improving the collection and use of hospital data is important to
enable surgeons to carry out effective audit. The work of gathering data is
greatly reduced if the surgeon’s audit database is linked to one generated by
the hospital information system. At the very least, patient identification
information dates and procedures can be input from the hospital system, and
in the case of private practice, by secretarial staff who are responsible for
billing. Surgeons need to be responsible for accurate recording of diagnosis,
procedures, complications and outcomes. This information is also invaluable
for the accuracy of the hospital record.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 24

It is worthwhile exploring the options within individual hospitals and Area
Health Services to see what is available or what can be developed to
facilitate audit and peer review. Clinical Risk, Quality Improvement and
Hospital Information (Medical Records) staff can be a source of help and
advice with data collection.
In the private practice sector, electronic data collection can be relatively
challenging. However, it is worth exploring the IT options. In private rooms,
simple databases can be set up (e.g. Microsoft Access, FileMaker Pro or
HanDBase) and secretarial assistance could be utilised to enter the data.
Surgeons may need help to set up these systems and learn how to run
queries and reports (see Appendix 4.).
It is also essential that those responsible for safety and quality are aware of
the audit and its findings. Without this, supporting audit documentation may
not be used in the event of a complaint or an inquiry.

Accreditation Standards for Surgical Audit and Peer Review in

In accrediting the practice of surgical audit and peer review in hospitals, the
accrediting body needs to look at the entire audit cycle, not just one part of it
(Fig 1 p 11). The accreditors need to assess
1. What aspects of care are being audited
2. What types of audit are being done – structure, process, outcome
3. How are they being presented for peer review, including conduct and
format of peer review meetings and their recording.
4. How are issues arising being managed at the surgeon and surgical unit
level, but also at the system level?
5. How are changes made to practice being assessed for their impact on
future practice?
In the future, it may be more important that accreditation supports local
reporting, reviewing and responding, rather than driving the submission of
reports based on a selection of clinical indicators to an external body, often
without any form of local surgical input as to their accuracy. However, the
advantage of external reporting is that benchmarks can be created which
enable comparison between institutions and services. Although these can
generally be determined by specialty consensus, the surgical literature is
subject to publication bias and therefore true and reasonable benchmarks
need to be determined from large sample sizes derived from involuntary and
independent audit without case-mix selection bias. The College has

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 25

developed a guide for accreditors ‘Surgical Audit- a Guide for Accreditors’,
Appendix 7.


Educational opportunities
Educational opportunities that can arise from audit include:
• encouraging collaboration, modifying attitudes and approaches to
clinical problems;
• enhancing critical approaches and giving a rational basis to local
changes in clinical practice;
• encouraging learning about new technologies and procedures and
auditing their introduction to provide justification;
• indicating deficiencies in knowledge and skills, which leads to
development of educational activities to address these; and
• by developing required standards of care, giving guidance as to what is

Systemic improvement opportunities

Clear problems and deficiencies identified in ‘systems’ should lead hospital
authorities to redress the issues. Similarly individuals and teams can always
Medical indemnity insurance
It is now a clear requirement by medical indemnity organisations for
surgeons to understand and practice risk management so they should also
partake effectively in continuing professional development programs and be
certified as such. Surgical audit and peer review are essential components of
The following information should be retained about your surgical audit and
peer review activities in order to provide verification of audit activities if
• type and topic of audit;
• dates of audit;
• names of peer review groups or meeting to which audit results were

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 26

• names of surgeons and others present;
• outcome/ recommendations of the review;
• plans for follow up; and
• list the details of any RACS approved audits you were part of.


Manual systems
Audit can be conducted using manual, paper-based systems. Many
surgeons have succeeded with notebooks or card indexes, often with the
help of sticky labels. However, the flexibility, speed and power of electronic
data base management systems suggest that most future efforts will take
advantage of suitable electronic systems. Electronic systems ultimately
reduce duplication and facilitate data collection, verification and analysis.

Computer systems
A database management system is required. It may be written using
commercially available general-purpose programs or it may be custom built.
It is recommended that, where practicable, particularly for individuals in
private practice, data be used for multiple purposes such as billing, reporting
or clinical records, so that the system provides multiple benefits in addition to
surgical audit.
As manual data recording and entry can be tedious and prone to error, it is
recommended that advantage be taken where possible, of automated or
semi- automated entry, such as bar codes, scanners, down-loading from
other systems or use of look-up tables, etc.
Smartphones, iPads and tablets enable audit data capture on the move.
They offer the opportunity for data entry using touchpad, handwriting or voice
in addition to a computer keyboard, and will be able to share information
wirelessly through clouds, mobile phones and other wireless networks.
Whatever system is used, contemporaneous data backup is important for
when devices and drives fail.
Logbooks used by surgical trainees provide an opportunity to start a data
collection system as part of an ongoing process towards surgical audit.
There are a number of programs available, including Morbidity Audit and
Logbook Tool (MALT), that have been developed by the College. It will
enable all surgeons (as well as specific groups) to easily undertake a

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 27

process of total practice audit. The specific trainee fields recommended are
included in Appendix 3. Other fields may be recommended or required by the
Specialty Societies training boards. The reporting functions for Fellows are
being developed.


Confidentiality of the information used for and resulting from the audit
process is essential, both from the point of view of the rights of the individual
patient and of the surgeon. It is also important to reassure participating
surgeons and other team members that peer review discussions constitute
confidential professional peer review rather than a ‘witch hunt’.
Australia’s Privacy Act (1988) impacts on audit data. You should ensure that
the following principles are adhered to:
• that only necessary and accurate health information is kept;
• that you use patient information only with consent or that the information
is used only for the purposes for which it was intended (or which a
patient might reasonably expect); and
• that the information is securely stored at all times.
New Zealand Privacy Amendment Act (2013) and Health Information Privacy
Code (1994) and commentary (2008 edition) also define a number of
similar principles governing the collection, use, accuracy, storage and
disclosure of health information relating to individuals. Additionally, health
agencies are not permitted to assign a unique identifier to an individual
unless this is necessary for the efficient functioning of the agency.

Qualified Privilege
RACS considers that confidentiality is essential for effective surgical audit. All
audit information collected and discussions must remain strictly confidential.
One means of assuring confidentiality for audit is to obtain legal protection
under ‘qualified privilege’ schemes. The surgeon in charge of an audit and
peer review activity should ensure that the activity is registered under
appropriate Federal or State or Territory schemes and that there is

New Zealand Privacy Amendment Act

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 28

appropriate protection as a quality assurance activity. In some jurisdictions, it
is the ‘activity’ rather than the ‘meeting’ that requires qualified privilege
Once registered as a ‘qualified privilege’ scheme, information obtained
through the audit or peer review must be kept confidential and made
available only to those participating in the activity, as identified. Criminal
sanctions can apply for unauthorised breach. Records and documents
cannot be subject to subpoena or order by the courts or police.
Legal provision for qualified privilege exists at both State and Commonwealth
levels in Australia. Surgeons should make inquiries at the health service,
hospital or day surgery unit to which they are credentialed. If your
organisation does not have qualified privilege then you should encourage
them to apply for it (providing your group of surgeons is willing to live within
the restrictions on membership it can impose).
In New Zealand, an application can be made for recognition as a Quality
Assurance Activity under the New Zealand Health Practitioners Competence
Assurance Act 2003 under section 5.4 (PART 3 - Compliance, Fitness to
Practice and Quality Assurance) . This is often done through an application
by the local district health board.

Audit Compliance and Management of Outliers

Surgical audit and peer review is primarily an opportunity for self-education
and quality improvement. However, circumstances may arise in which
problems are identified which do not appear to be addressed adequately by
individual surgeons.
The RACS position paper Credentialing and Scope of Practice provides
advice and guidelines for dealing with these situations.
Fellows in New Zealand should be aware that under the Health Practitioners
Competence Assurance Act 2003 it is mandatory for any doctor who has
reason to believe a registered doctor is unfit to practice medicine because of
a mental or physical condition, to notify the Medical Council of New Zealand
(MCNZ). Such conditions include alcohol or drug dependence, other
psychiatric disorders, a temporary stress reaction, an infection with a
transmissible disease, declining competence due to age related loss of motor
skills or to the early stages of dementia, and certain illnesses and injuries.
From 1 July 2010 the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency
(AHPRA) released new mandatory reporting guidelines, noting that Section

Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, Public Act 2003 No 48 Date of
assent,18 September 2003

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 29

140 of the National Law requires that a registered health practitioner must
notify the Board if, in the course of practising their profession, they form a
reasonable belief that another registered health practitioner has behaved in a
way that constitutes ‘notifiable conduct’.
Notifiable conduct is defined as when a practitioner has:
1. practised the profession while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, or
2. engaged in sexual misconduct in connection with their profession, or
3. placed the public at risk of substantial harm in their practice because
they have an impairment, or
4. placed the public at risk of harm during their practice because of a
significant departure from professional standards.
Pathways to the Identification of the Underperformer
There are a number of ways in which underperformance comes to our
Single events may be reported through hospital complaints processes or in
morbidity and mortality meetings. Similarly trends may be observed
informally in a hospital or community, or they may be identified in structured
reviews. Such reviews are carried out as part of surgical audit by groups of
surgeons in units, departments or hospital-wide, or by specialty surgical
groups regionally or nationally. The impact of these observations and the
level of concern generated are influenced by the severity, frequency, type
and the context in which the events occur.
Under performance also comes to light through complaints to external bodies
including Review Boards, State and Territory Medical Boards, Health
Commissioner, Medical Council Disciplinary Committees, and through legal
actions. It is not intended to deal with these types of assessments of
performance although the principles given below should be relevant to them.

Confirmation of Possible Underperformance

It is important to ensure that the observation is justified. First appearances
can be deceiving. For any review of the event(s) it should be clear whose
responsibility this is:

Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) National Law

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 30

• Prior rules for this eventuality should be in place for the peer review
group should be known whether there is protected status of the
evaluation as a peer review activity.
• Legal obligation to report under performance as well as the
processes required within an institution needs to be clear.
• Anonymity of the individual should be maintained wherever and as
long as possible. Rules for when and by whom coded information
may be broken should be in place.
• Use of validated statistical analysis should be used to include case
mix consideration, or appropriate bench marking for example.
• Definition of outlier status should be predetermined where ever
• The person leading the evaluation should be an acknowledged
respected member of the peer group who should preferably have
been given this responsibility prior to this eventuality.
• The number of persons involved in an initial appraisal should be
• Where there is conflict of interest other peers should be used.
• Use of an independent assessor or advisor may be very helpful.

Guidelines for Managing an Outlier through Structured Audit

The College has developed guidelines for managing an outlier through
structured audit processes which provide a generic pathway for surgeons in
all specialties to use as a guide for managing outliers identified through the
use of a structured surgical audit. The guidelines were developed to ensure
that existing and future surgical audit programs have appropriate audit
design and processes.
Identifying an Outlier

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 31

Managing an Outlier

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 32

1. Standards and outlier processes agreed to prior to implementation. Audit
Monitoring/ Review Committee formed and agreed.
• Standards for the audit are to be developed at this stage.
• Application for qualified privilege and jurisdictional requirements
may need to be considered.
• The Audit Monitoring/ Review Committee will have a defined term of
office and may include:
• Specialty Society Training Chair
• Specialty Society CPD Chair
• 2 – 4 other peer members by agreement depending on the size of
the society/ group.
• Flexibility will be required for the membership of the Audit
Monitoring/ Review Committee, giving the differences in the
• The Chair signs a confidentiality agreement prior to commencement
of role.
2. Report on de-identified outlier is submitted to Audit Monitoring/ Review
• The report is to address reasons for no further review action/
• The report will feature de-identified information only
3. Audit/ Data Manager confirms identify of participant with Chair, Audit
Monitoring/Review Committee. Chair communicates with participant.
• Conflict of interest is considered.
• Chair advises participant of outlier status and the activation of the
assessment group.
• Participant is provided with information that determined outlier
• Participant is given the opportunity to prepare response to address
outlier status.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 33

4. The Assessment Group is activated and undertakes a Conflict of interest
is considered.
The assessment group (separate to Audit Monitoring/ Review
Committee) may consist of:
• Chair, Audit Monitoring/ Review Committee
• Chair/ representative from Regional Committee
• Chair/ representative from Specialty Society
• Nominated member(s) from Audit Monitoring/ Review Committee.
• The assessment group’s deliberations must be maintained in
confidence at all times. A de-identified response from participant is
considered as part of the review. Only the Chair is aware of audit
participant’s identity.
The assessment group may:
• proceed with a meeting involving the participant and his/ her
nominated representative after identification of and confirmation of
outlier. Confidentiality agreements are signed and identity revealed
prior to meeting.
• recommend changes to participant’s practice or retraining
• Recommendations and consequences of non-compliance/
underperformance communicated to participant following the
• Communication is issued by Chair of Audit Monitoring/ Review
• Recommendations need to be specific and to be achieved within a
defined time frame.
• Recommendations must state the need for a follow up review by the
assessment group and the date the review will take place.
5. Participant implements recommendations(s). Where retraining is
involved, Specialty Society/ College support will be arranged by Chair
and Executive Director Surgical Affairs (EDSA) advised of arrangement
and identity.
• The College’s Re-skilling and Re-entry Program policy should be
considered where retraining is involved.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 34

6. Review findings communicated to participant and second review date set.
• Communication is issued by Chair of Audit Monitoring/ Review
• Ongoing or further recommendations may be considered.
7. Assessment group may consider a range of options to progress.
Possible options include:
• meeting again with participant and his/ her nominated
• more retraining with a further review date
• a request to cease all practice while retraining is carried out
• a request to cease specific work area
8. Chair (through Specialty Society President where appropriate) notifies a
range of position holders and organisations.
These position holders and organisation are:
• RACS President
• Credentialling Committee of relevant hospitals
• Medical Board of Australia/ Medical Council of New Zealand
In addition, the President through Council may wish to consider further
sanctions/ actions.

Peer review meetings are limited in time. Discussion needs to focus on the
most important issues. This makes a formal audit report of a service, unit or
surgeon's work a valuable document to refer to the routine and mundane.
A pre-agreed structure and format of reports assists in their generation
regardless as to whether this is done by hand or automated from the
A minimum standard of reporting is expected for any surgical audit. It should
identify all the cases that were done for the area of interest. It should be able
to sub-classify the cases according to preagreed criteria within the minimum,
expanded, trainee or specialty datasets. For example, surgeon D wishes to
audit all cholecystectomies sub-classified by whether they were emergency
or elective admissions. The audit report should identify particular adverse

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 35

outcomes. A minimum for general surgery would be mortality, unplanned
reoperation and unplanned readmissions.
An audit report should include some basic mathematics (again by hand or
Aggregates: A count of different procedures, emergencies, electives,
unplanned reoperations etc
Calculations: Present complication rates for operations, sometimes sub-
classified by some method of risk stratification (staging, urgency or ASA/
Whenever a craft group can agree on the definition of an outcome and
classify the case into a Yes/No or successful/unsuccessful then such a
binary definition can be used to generate a Cumulative failure or CUSUM
chart. Providing there are agreed benchmarks/performance markers the plot
can be compared with what a group of surgeons think is acceptable or
unacceptable performance.
When considering a surgical audit program certain types of report should be
mandatory for approval and others may be advisable though difficult to
Binary Outcome: An outcome from a procedure or intervention that can be
Yes or No (it happened or it didn’t) or a success or failure. An example is
anastomotic leak after colorectal surgery – from the point of view of
anastomotic leak the outcome can be classed as success (no leak) or failure
(leak). Another example might be stroke after carotid endarterectomy – if
stroke classed as failure, otherwise success. A number of different binary
outcomes may be chosen to assess the outcome from one procedure i.e.
mortality, unplanned reoperation, unplanned readmission, wound infection
CUSUM stands for cumulative sum and involves a time plot of attempts
against an agreed binary target. It measures variation in small samples. It
allows for early detection of small aberrations, natural variations and
procedural performance trends.

Cumulative failure means that each failure is recorded as an upstroke on a

cumulative failure chart where the horizontal axis is number of attempts

Yap C, Colson M, Watters D (2007) Cumulative sum techniques for surgeons: a brief
review, ANZ J Surg. 2007 Jul;77(7):583-6.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 36

(procedures) and the vertical axis records failures; a success is recorded as
a horizontal line.
CUSUM and cumulative failure charts are visual and useful for feedback to
surgeons, units and services on performance.

Mandatory Reports
Search/ find/ sort by any of the minimum data fields (total, pre, post op, LOS)

Aggregate reports
Number of admissions
Number of operations, Sub classified by procedure, urgency, magnitude
Ability to list cases with/ without complications
Sub classified by grade 1 – 5

Advisable Reports
Binary recording of key performance indicators
At minimum, identify:
• Unplanned reoperations;
• Unplanned readmissions;
• Unplanned ICU admissions/ readmissions;
• Prolonged LOS (varies according to procedure);
• Unanticipated blood transfusion.
Other procedure specific Indicators
Calculation of key performance indicators from numerator/ denominator
Ability to generate CUSUM

Risk Adjustment Reports

Audit reports should be interpreted with appropriate risk adjustment. Where
possible, risk adjustment tools should be sought from the related craft group.
Risk adjustment factors to consider include:
• Operation urgency (emergency / elective);
• Age of patient;

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 37

• ASA;
• Patient co-morbidities;
• Stage of disease

Specialty specific risk adjustment tools are available, for example Fellows
16 17
performing cardiac surgery can use AUSScore and POSSUM can be
used within General Surgery. Ideally, risk adjustment tools should be based
on a small number of variables.
There are two major comorbidity scoring systems, based on papers from
Elixhauser and Charlson. Elixhauser is simpler in that it apportions a score
of 1 to every comorbidity from a list of 35, whereas Charlson’s group
created an index where some comorbidities were deemed more important
than others and so were allocated a score of 2 rather than 1. Generally, an
Elixhauser comorbidity count of 4 or more represents a significantly comorbid
patient in terms of risk.

Reid C, Bilah B, Diem D, Smith JA , Shardey GC. The AusScore – a validated model for
predicting outcome from isolated coronary bypass graft procedures in Australia. Heart,
Lung and Circulation 2007;16:S179.
POSSUM is a scoring system that correlates with outcome. It has been used in
General Surgery, particularly colorectal surgery. Portsmouth (P-POSSUM), Colorectal (CR-
POSSUM), vascular (V-POSSUM) and Eldery (E-POSSUM) versions are also available.
POSSUM was developed for surgical audit and has two components: an acute
physiology score and operative severity score. POSSUM scores can only be completed
after discharge and therefore it is an audit tool for risk adjustment but cannot be used for
individual patients during their care. (please see Further References).
Elixhauser A, Steiner C, Harris DR, Coffey RM. Comorbidity measures for use with
administrative data. Med Care 1998;36:8-27
Charlson ME, Pompei P, Ales KL, MacKenzie CR A new method of classifying prognostic
comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation. J Chronic Dis. 1987;40(5):

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 38

• Many surgeons have considerable experience in surgical audit. These
colleagues are a valuable resource as their experience can save others
from having to re-invent the wheel.
• The College’s Research, Audit and Academic Surgery Division has staff
experienced in setting up and running audits, and are always happy to
assist Fellows who are setting up their own audits.
• The RACS Library can assist with literature searches and searches on
audit topics and obtain copies of relevant journal articles. There are
many accessible on-line resources. Please contact
[email protected]
• A number of software companies have developed audit programs for
surgical use. These companies exhibit at College meetings and
advertise in the medical press.
• There is often existing expertise within hospitals that can be called upon
to assist in surgical audit.
• The New Zealand Ministry of Health has published a booklet 'Toward
Clinical Excellence', which gives a good overview of clinical audit and
peer review.
• The New South Wales Department of Health's 'Clinicians Toolkit is also
a useful resource.
• A PowerPoint and poster template for the ‘Fair Dinkum Audit’, providing
advice on audit presentation and reporting is available at or by
contacting the Department of Professional Standards.
• Specialty Societies and the Department of Professional Standards may
also be able to offer advice on surgical audit and peer review.
• Approved Audits - refer to Appendix 5.
• Templates for surgical audit presentations are available from
[email protected] or contact the Department of
Professional Standards.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 39


Aberg, T Svenmarker, S Hohner, P Hentschel, J (1997) Routine

registration of deviations from the norm in cardiac surgery: a potent
clinical research tool and quality assurance measure. [Journal Article]
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. 11(1):10-2, 13-6
Aitken R, Nixon S & Ruckley C 1997 Lothian Surgical Audit: a 15-year
experience of improvement in surgical practice through regional
computerised audit The Lancet 350 (9080):pp.800-804
Aitken R, Azzam D, Itotoh F, Neo A The Western Australian Audit of
Surgical Mortality – a 30% reduction in deaths over ten years:: Medical
Journal of Australia 2013; 199 (8): 539-542.

Australian Council of Healthcare Standards. Clinical Indicator Program:

Online Manual. [Cited 20 Sept. 2013]. Available from URL:
Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) National Law

Australian Medical Association. Clinical Indicators 2012. [Cited 20 Sept.

2013]. Available from URL:
Beiles C, Bourke B, Thomson I. Results from the Australasian Vascular
Surgical Audit: the inaugural year. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Mar; 82(3): pp.105-
Bowles T, Watters D. Time to CUSUM, simplified reporting of outcomes in
colorectal surgery. ANZ J Surg. 2007 Jul, 77(7): pp.587-91.
Charlson M, Pompei P, Ales K, MacKenie C. A new method of classifying
prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and
validation. J Chronic Dis. 1987, 40: pp.373-83.
Copeland G, Jones D, Walters M. POSSUM: a scoring system for
surgical audit. Br J Surg. 1991, 78 (March): pp.355-60.
Dindo D, Demartines N, Clavien P. Classification of surgical
complications. A new proposal with evaluation in a cohort of 6336
patients and results of a survey. Ann Surg. 2004, 240: pp.205-213.
Dinh D, Lee G, Billah B, Smith J, Shardey G, Reid C. Trends in coronary
artery bypass graft surgery in Victoria, 2001-2006: findings from the
Australasian Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons database project.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 40

Med J Aust. 2008, 188(4): pp.214-7.
Duthie HL, Kwong NK. Vagotomy or gastrectomy for gastric ulcer. Br Med
J. 1973 Oct 13;4(5884):79-81.

Elixhauser A, Steiner C, Harris D, Coffey R. Comorbidity measures for

use with administrative data. Med Care. 1998, 36: pp.8-27.
Eno, L & Spigelman, A. A Survey of Surgical Audit in Australia, Whither
Clinical Governance?. J Qual Practice. 2000, 20: pp.2-4

Gillies T, Ruckley C, Nixon S. Still missing the boat with fatal pulmonary
embolism. Br J Surg. 1996, 83(10): pp.1394-5.

Goligher JC, Pulvertaft CN, Irvin TT, Johnston D, Walder B, Hall RA,
Willson-Pepper J, Matheson TS. Five- to eight-year results of truncal
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Gorton, M, Guidelines on Procedural Fairness and Natural Justice for

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RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 43

Appendix 1: Minimum Data Set
1 Name or initials
2 ID or case record number (unique identifier information is
necessary only for linking patients’ admissions)
3 Age or Date of Birth for calculation of age
4 Sex male, female
5 Diagnosis the final diagnosis (e.g. duodenal ulcer, bladder cancer
plus stage)
6 Admission date for calculation of total length of stay, and pre-operative
and post-operative stays (there is a special category
for day case in ‘admission type’)
7 Discharge date if same as admission – day case could be assumed
8 Operation date if performed
9 Operation/procedure may be multiple or none
10 Operation category elective, urgent, emergency, unplanned return to
11 Complications/ These should be comprehensive and include specific
Discharge outcomes surgery related, e.g. haemorrhage; medical, e.g.
myocardial infarction; and system related; specific
performance indicators may also be included. There
should preferably be a sub-field that grades the
severity of the complication, eg:
Grade 1: Any deviation from the normal
postoperative course without the need for
pharmacological treatment, surgical, radiological or
endoscopic interventions. For example, problems that
did not prolong admission and had little impact on the
patient’s well-being, such as a mild wound infection,
urinary tract infection, atelectasis, unexplained pyrexia

Grade 2: Requiring pharmacological treatment,

including blood transfusion or TPN.
Grade 3: Complication which necessitates
intervention, either surgical, endoscopic or radiological.
3a not requiring general anaesthesia
3b requiring general anaesthesia
Grade 4: Life threatening complications involving ICU
4a single organ dysfunction, including dialysis.
4b Multiorgan dysfunction
Grade 5: Death – reason should be indicated,
including all other complications. (See also
suggestions at the end of Appendix 2
12 Surgeon(s) identifier that allows the individual surgeon, his/her assistant(s)
and the place (hospital) of practice to be identified.
These may be coded. This should include trainee
status for logbook purposes

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 44

Appendix 2: Expanded Data Set – for more effective audit

In addition to all data fields listed in the minimum dataset –

5 Admission type elective, emergency, day case, unplanned,

public/private, unplanned readmission within 28

10 Co-morbidities list relevant major co-morbidities (these determine

outcomes e.g. diabetes, smoking status, cardiac
status, significant medications e.g. warfarin)

11 Presenting problem the presenting problem(s) or reason for surgery/

procedure, e.g. bowel obstruction, P.H TCC bladder

12 Final diagnosis e.g. bleeding D.U, colon cancer

15 Operation complex, major, intermediate, minor

16 Surgeon/assistant identifier (may be coded for hospital data set) level of
(trainees) Assistance

17 Wound infection risk clean, clean/contaminated, contaminated, dirty, N/A

18 ASA grading a useful simple grading of patient health status which

reflects patient status

19 Type of anaesthetic sedation, local, regional, spinal, epidural, general

20 Prophylaxis e.g. antibiotics, DVT prevention

21 Pathological where applicable the stage of disease should be a

diagnosis sub-field

23 Admission outcome died, discharged home; transferred to another

service (rehabilitation, aged care, higher level of
care (e.g. refer to neurosurgical centre), or another
hospital (and ultimate outcome)

24 Follow up outcome one week/month follow up late complications,

positive outcomes. It is desirable to collect longer-
term follow up data, to include both good and bad
results. However, the challenges inherent in this are

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 45

Additional Data

It can also be useful to include a free content field to record qualitative information.
Free content fields may also assist imports from other databases.
These may be related to specific procedure or outcome in a specialty
• Agreed clinical indicators (e.g. bile duct injury in laparoscopic
• Late outcomes (e.g. I, 2, and 5 year cancer outcomes)
• Patient satisfaction.
These fields should be considered very carefully as data overload is a danger to
successful audit.

Modified Visick Grading 20 for reporting outcomes of a procedure:

1. Greatly improved in wellbeing as a result of procedure with no persisting
2. Some improvement in well-being with some persisting morbidity as a result of
disease or complications/loss of function
3. Similar state of wellbeing as a result of improvement as a result of procedure
being matched by complications and/or loss of function incurred
4. Worse than before procedure, as a result of procedure not achieving
improvement and/or complications/loss of function.

Goligher JC, Pulvertaft CN, Irvin TT, Johnston D, Walder B, Hall RA, Willson-Pepper J,
Matheson TS. Five- to eight-year results of truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty for duodenal
ulcer. Br Med J. 1972 Jan 1;1(5791):7-13.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 46

Appendix 3: Extra Trainee Dataset Fields

The College’s Morbidity Audit and Logbook Tool (MALT) has been designed with
the primary aim of enriching the education and training experiences for a trainee
• Promoting communication between the trainee, supervisor and training board
through the ability to generate summary and individual reports
• Enabling the system to be portable, web-based which includes mobile and
handheld devices that are web enabled
• Ensuring validity/consistency in data collection
• Increasing data collection opportunities for specialty areas
• Progression towards the establishment of an effective audit process for

Operation group Defined by Training Board

(Defined by Training Board)

Procedure May be defined differently from operation


Supervisor (Surgeon ID) Unique identification number

Supervision Level S1: Surgeon Mentor Scrubbed S2:

Surgeon Mentor in Theatre S3: Surgeon
Mentor Available A1: Assisting Surgeon
Mentor A2: Assisting Surgeon Registrar

Co morbidities Pre op/ Post op management diagnosis.

Recognised diagnosis list

Complications Recognised complication list

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 47

Appendix 4: Available Audit Systems

The following are examples of established systems are available to individual

surgeons and groups to facilitate effective surgical audit.

Otago Clinical Audit

Otago Clinical Audit is a web platform software. The audit is designed for a wide
range of organisations -from single surgeon practices through to multi-site
government health organisations. It covers a wide range of surgical specialties
and as well as facilitating the peer review process, Otago clinical audit can answer
enquiries from clinical management, determining surgical workloads, monitoring
the training of registrars and evaluating the overall performance of a surgical
Phone: +64 3 474 7646
Email: [email protected]

Rural Procedural Audit

The Rural Procedural Audit (RPA) provides support for rural centres and individual
rural-based clinicians from the participating colleges to collect and analyse audit
data on designated procedures using an electronic data collection tool.
Individualised data reports will provide a basis for comparison of acceptable
procedural outcomes in rural/remote locations. This audit has been incorporated
into the Morbidity Audit and Logbook Tool (MALT).
Contact: Rural Procedural Audit
Phone: +61 8 8219 0938
Email: [email protected]

Filemaker Pro Surgical Audit

CORDis is a clinical information system written in Filemaker Pro which supports
trainee logbooks and surgical audit, and which can be linked to the ‘whole
hospital’ information system. It produces discharge summaries, operation notes,
clinical letters and audit reports which include the minimum and expanded data
sets. It was used at the Geelong Hospital from 2001-2012. There is a stand-alone
trainee logbook which can be downloaded. An upgraded Filemaker Pro program
on which CORDis was originally based is available for free download Note: David
Watters facilitated the rewriting of his Filemaker Pro system using the same
template which is made available through the Rural Procedural Audit (see above).
Contact: Professor David Watters:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +61 3 4215 0000

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 48

Morbidity Audit Logbook Tool (MALT)
The Morbidity Audit and Logbook Tool (MALT) allows for the capture of surgical
training and assessment experience as well as the ability for surgical audit.

MALT is currently available to SET trainees and Fellows subspecialising in the

following specialties:

• Cardiothoracic Surgery (mandatory for all SET levels)

• Gastric and Oesophageal Surgery (mandatory for ANZGOSA Fellows sub-
• General Surgery (mandatory for Australian SET1)
• Hepatic, Pancreatic and Biliary Surgery (mandatory for ANZHPBA Fellows
• Neurosurgery (optional for all SET levels)
• Orthopaedic Surgery (New Zealand) (mandatory for SET 1, optional SET 2-6)
• Paediatric Surgery (mandatory for SET 1-5)
• Urology (optional for SET 1-2)

Contact the MALT Team

Telephone: +61 8 8219 0900
Email: [email protected]

Further information on audit systems is available at:

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 49

Appendix 5: Approved Audits
The following are examples of audit activities that have been approved by the
College’s PDSB and are available for Fellows to participate in, where relevant and
appropriate. Please check the College website for up to date contact details
Australian and New Zealand Gastric and Oesophageal Surgery Association
Oesophago-gastric cancer or gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST)
Chair: Sarah Thompson FRACS
Contact: Katherine Economides
Telephone: +61 8 8219 0900
Email: [email protected]

ANZSVS Bi-National Audit

Australasian Vascular Audit
Chairman: Mr G Fell FRACS
Telephone: is 03 9459 6144
Email: [email protected]

BreastSurgANZ Quality Audit

(formerly the National Breast Cancer Audit)
Clinical Director: David Walters FRACS
Contact: Katherine Economides
Telephone: +61 8 8219 0900
Email: [email protected]

BiNational Colorectal Cancer Audit

Managed by the Colorectal Cancer Audit Committee
Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Phone: +61 8 8353 8013
Email: [email protected]

The New Zealand Joint Registry

Contacts: Prof A G Rothwell FRACS (Supervisor), Toni Hobbs (Co-ordinator)
Telephone: +64 3 3641 581
Email: [email protected]
or [email protected]

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 50

New Zealand Vascular Audit
Managed by the Audit Committee of the Vascular Society of New Zealand
Contact: Mr Ian Thomson, FRACS
Telephone: +64 3 4740 999
Email: [email protected]

Rural Procedural Audit

Chair: Professor David Watters FRACS
Contact: RACS Project Officer
Telephone: +61 8 8219 0900
Email: [email protected]
or [email protected]

The Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons’
Database Program.
(formerly The Victoria Cardiac Surgery Database Audit)
Contact: Mr Gil Shardey, FRACS
Email: [email protected]

To review the latest audits approved in the CPD Program, visit

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 51

Appendix 6: Approval of Audit Activities and Programs
Fellows, specialty groups and area health services may wish to apply for audit
activities (focused or generic) to be approved and recognised in the College's
Continuing Professional Development Program. In addition, commercial
organisations may seek approval from the College to ensure that their software
program(s) contains the College's Minimum Data Set for surgical audit.
The following approval application forms are available at
Generic Audit Activities (i.e. hospital morbidity and mortality audits, clinical unit
Focused Audits (i.e. specialty group audits, regionally based mortality audits,
audits which look at one particular issue and the factors which influence it)
Audit Programs (i.e. audit software programs)
The Department of Professional Standards requires a completed application form
and a copy of your audit (or a password to access an online audit) to enable a
review of an audit activity/ program.
The surgical applications are reviewed against the following standards:
Minimum Data Set – mandatory (including search/ find/ sort of these data fields)
Expanded Data Set – advisable
Trainee Data Set – advisable (where appropriate)
Advice on the ease of use is given, however approval relates to the audit activity
or program meeting the minimum standards.
The Professional Standards Committee reviews audits/ programs and
recommendation are endorsed by the PDSB in February, June and October each
year. Approved audit activities are added to the College website:

For further information regarding the audit approval application process, please
contact the Department of Professional Standards:
Phone: +61 3 9429 1200
Fax: +61 3 9276 7432
Email: [email protected]

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 52

Appendix 7: Surgical Audit - A Guide for Accreditors
All surgeons should be involved in the audit process. This includes VMO
surgeons, even if they operate as an outreach service.
The data collection must be robust, and needs to be facilitated by the hospital.
Usually this requires dedicated software. It is especially important to collect data
on surgical complications. Data entry needs to be overseen or facilitated by an
appropriate staff member.
The data collected needs to be clinically relevant. For all patients it is appropriate
to record deaths, serious complications, unplanned readmissions, unplanned ICU
admissions and unplanned returns to theatre. Additional information should be
collected relating to specific specialties or procedures. (e.g. visual outcomes after
cataract surgery, bile leaks after cholecystectomy) Assistance with selection of
appropriate audit topics is available from RACS and the Surgical Specialist
Societies. The exact topics audited may vary from time to time, and from hospital
to hospital.
Where possible, audit should focus on outcomes. However measures of process
are sometimes all that is feasible.
Data should be risk adjusted. This could involve collection of ASA score,
elective/emergency status, pathological stage, or more complex systems.
Assistance should be available for statistical interpretation if required.
There are a range of external audits to which individual surgeons or hospitals can
contribute. These usually incorporate appropriate benchmarking, which can be
highly beneficial. Otherwise hospital data can be benchmarked by comparison
with published data, or by collaboration with similar institutions.
All hospitals should contribute to Australian & New Zealand Audit of Surgical
Mortality (ANZASM) if available in their jurisdiction.
Audit information must be presented at an appropriate Surgical Audit meeting. All
surgeons should attend the meeting. Minutes should be kept. There must be the
opportunity for a full, open discussion of any issues. Recommendations for
improvement should be made. The chair of the meeting should summarise any
conclusions and pass them to the hospital’s appropriate quality committee. The
decisions of the quality committee should be fed back to the surgical audit meeting
to complete the feedback cycle. There should be ongoing monitoring of the effects
of any improvements introduced.

RACS - The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 53

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