Peterhouse School Department of Mathematics 2013/14 Igcse Scheme of Work

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Text: Extended Mathematics for Cambridge IGCSE - David Raynor (New Edition)
Syllabus Topic Week Work to be covered (Objectives) Reference text
B Block Lent Term
8,9. Estimation & Limits of 1 Rounding numbers to a given number of significant figures or decimal places 9
Accuracy Stating or finding upper and lower bounds of quantities 10-12
Estimating results of calculations by rounding numbers to 1 s.f. 12
6. Standard Form 2 Expressing given numbers in standard form (+ve and –ve indices) 13
Calculations in standard form 14
10, 15. Ratio and 3, 4 Sharing in given ratio; Equating ratios 15-16
Proportion/Money Solving problems pertaining to direct and inverse proportion 17
Converting to foreign currency 18
Finding distances and areas on maps and on the ground 19-21
4. Vulgar and decimal fractions 4, 5 Changing between fractions and percentages; calculating percentages 22-24
and percentages percentage increase/decrease 25
Simple Interest; Compound Interest 26
10. Ratio, Proportion, Rate 6 Converting between speed units; Average speed 29-32
12. Calculator 6 The four operations; Powers, roots and reciprocals 34
3. Directed numbers 7 The four operations with directed numbers 44-46
20. Algebraic representation and 8 Substitution in formulae 46-50
21. Algebraic manipulation 9 Collecting like terms and removing brackets 51
Multiplying and squaring brackets 51-52
24. Solutions of equations and 10 Solving simple, bracketed and fractional equations 53-57
inequalities Formulating and solving equations 58-61
Solving a pair of simultaneous equation by substitution and by elimination 63,65
Solving word problems resulting in simultaneous equations 66-67
21. Algebraic manipulation 11 Direct factorisation, grouping 68-69
Three term expressions, difference of two squares 69-71
24. Solutions of equations and 11, 12 Solving by factorisation, formula and completing the square (not in text) 71-74
inequalities Solving word problems resulting in quadratic equations 76-77
Syllabus Topic Week Work to be covered (Objectives) Reference text
B Block Trinity Term
32. Trigonometry 1-3 Solving right-angled triangles using Pythagoras’ Theorem 120-121
Finding sides of right-angled triangles using the three ratios 184-187
Finding unknown angles 188-189
Solving bearing and 3-D problems relating to right-angled triangles 191-196
31. Mensuration 4 Areas of trapezium, triangle and kite 83
Sine formulae for areas of triangle and parallelogram 85-86
5 Perimeter and area of shapes containing circular arcs; shaded areas; cutting 88-91
out discs
5,6 Finding arc length and area of sector/segment 93-96
31. Mensuration 7, 8 Calculating the volume of a prism, sphere, cone and composites 98-104
Finding surface areas of cylinders, spheres and cones 105-107
29. Angle Properties 9 Sum of angles on a straight line 115
Sum of angles at a point
Sum of angles in a triangle/quadrilateral
Sum of interior/exterior angles of any polygon 117-118
Angles related to parallel lines 119
28. Symmetry 10 Line symmetry and rotational symmetry 123-124
26. Geometrical terms and 10 Finding lengths in similar triangles and rectangles 125-126
relationships Areas of similar shapes 129
Volumes of similar objects 132

Syllabus Topic Week Work to be covered (Objectives) Reference text

B Block Michaelmas Term
29. Angle properties 1,2 Using the four circle theorems:
Angle at the centre is double angle at the circumference 135-136
Angles in the same segment 135-136
Angles in cyclic quadrilaterals 137-138
Angle in the semi-circle 138
Tangents to circles and angle in the alternate segment 139-141
27. Geometrical constructions 3,4 Constructing perpendicular bisector, angle bisector, 45°, 60°, 90° angles 142-143
30. Locus Construction of the four loci:
Points equidistant from a given point 144-145
Points equidistant from a given line
Points equidistant from two given points
Points equidistant from two intersecting straight lines
26. Geometrical terms and 4 Drawing, identifying and finding lengths of sides of nets 145-146
21. Algebraic manipulation 5 Expressing fractions in lowest terms by factorising 154
Expressing as a single fraction 155
20. Algebraic representation and 6,7 Change of subject:
formulae - Only one term with the required letter 156-157
- Two terms with required letter 160-161
- Expressions with square roots and squares 159-161
10. Ratio, Proportion, Rate 7,8 Direct Variation 163-164
Inverse Variation 165-167
23. Indices 9 The three rules of indices 168
Negative indices and roots 168-169
Bracketed expressions 169
Solving index equations 170
24. Solutions of equations and 10 Comparing quantities 170-171
inequalities Solving linear inequalities for a range/set of values 171-172
Graphing inequalities in two variables 173
32. Trigonometry 11-12 Using the two forms of the sine rule to solve triangles 199-201
Using the two forms of the cosine rule to solve triangles 203-204
Bearing questions involving sine and cosine rules 204-205

Syllabus Topic Week Work to be covered (Objectives) Reference text

A Block Lent Term
18. Graphs of functions 1 Drawing linear graphs 212
Calculating gradient from coordinates 214
Sketching curves using information from y = mx + c 215
2 Finding the equation of a straight line given two points or point and gradient 216
Plotting parabolas 218
3 Plotting other non-linear curves 219
Using graphs to solve equations 226
17. Graphs in practical 4 Drawing and interpreting distance-time graphs 230
situations Calculating distance and acceleration from speed-time graphs 232
Sketching speed-time graphs 234
1. Number, set notation and 5, 6 Set and set-builder notation; complement of a set 242
language Union and intersection 244
Logical problems 247
35. Vectors in two dimensions 7, 8 Adding vectors and multiplying by scalar 251
Expressing vectors in terms of given bases 253
Operations with column vectors; parallel vectors 257
Finding the modulus of a vector 260
Vector geometry 262
22. Functions 9 Using flow diagrams to represent functions 265
Composite of functions 268
Using flow diagrams to find the inverse function 269
25. Linear Programming 10 Obtaining required area from given equations 175
Finding values to minimise/maximise given equation
Syllabus Topic Week Work to be covered (Objectives) Reference text
A Block Trinity Term
36. Matrices 1 Order of a matrix; Operations with matrices
Finding the inverse of a matrix
37. Transformations 2 Reflection in given mirror line; Finding equation of mirror line 279-280
Rotation about a given centre; describing rotations 282-284
3 Translation 285
Enlargement using a given centre and scale; describing enlargements 287
4 Combined and repeated transformations 291
Using matrices to transform 293-297
5 Use base vectors to describe transformations 298
Stretch and shear 299
33. Statistics 6 Using bar and pie charts to display data 309
Drawing histograms 312
7 Averages: Mean, median and mode in grouped and raw data 316
Drawing scatter graphs and lines of best fit 322
8 Drawing cumulative frequency curve and finding quartiles and IQR 325
34. Probability 9 - 11 Simple probability: equally likely outcomes 329
Finding probabilities of independent and exclusive events 332
Evaluating probabilities using tree diagrams 333

Syllabus Topic Week Work to be covered (Objectives) Reference text

A Block Trinity Term
1. Number, set notation and 1-2 Continuing number sequences 5-6; 352
language Finding nth term or term number

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