Form2 Mathematics

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Mary’s College

Form 2

Subject- Mathematics

Course Outline: 2014-2015


Proposed Unit Topic Modules

Date /Week Section
1-4 Number theory Definition of types of numbers
Relationship between different type of numbers
Identifying number patterns and sequences
Review working with integers
Commutative law
Associative law
Distributive law
Review order of operations (BOMDAS)
Mental work
Arithmetic: Place value
2 Rounding Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000
Rounding in context
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Revision of four rules : Decimals Emphasize the importance of ESTIMATE, CALCULATE and
Common sense rounding of numbers when calculating.
Estimation Knowing when a calculated answer is incorrect

Place value for decimals

Ordering decimals
Rounding to prescribed number places
Shopping bills, travel problems, etc.
Decimal and place value
Problems in context
2 Indices and Standard form
index notation Recap index notation
laws of indices For positive numbers multiplying and dividing am× an = amn ,
am÷ an=am/n
a0=1, (am)n= amn
Negative indices reciprocals a-m = 1/am
Fractional indices Unitary only a1/2, a1/3
Multiplying and dividing by powers of 10
Standard form Write numbers in standard form
Convert standard form to decimal numbers
Write numbers to prescribed significant figures
5-8 6 Fundamental Algebaric skills
Formulae Simple substitution of values in expressions ( no transposing
into subject of formulae
25 Linear Graphs and Equations
Coordinates Recap coordinates in all 4 quadrants
Plotting points (x, y)
Plotting points on straight line Pattern and relationship between x and y
By completing table of values
Plotting graph given the Equation of straight line trough the origin y= mx
Equation of a straight line General equation y = mx + c
Noting the significance of gradient m, and y intercept c
6 Equation and Formulae
Fundamental algebraic skills Converting worded problems into algebraic expressions
Substituting into formulae with brackets (BODMAS)
Solving simple linear equations
Linear Equations Unknown on one side
Unknown on both sides
Problems leading to linear equations
9-11 4 Construction Geometric vocabulary
Review drawing lines and angles accurately
Construct midpoint and perpendicular bisector of a line
Construct perpendicular from a point to a line
Construct perpendicular from a point on a line
Construct 90˚, 60˚, and 120˚
Bisecting an angle to get for example 45˚, 30˚ etc.

1-4 26 Review ALgebra

Base arithmetic
Binary numbers Recap base 10
Conversion form denary to binary
Conversion from binary to denary
Expressing denary numbers in other base
Other base numbers Conversion from denary to other base numbers
5-7 9 Vectors Definition quantity with magnitude and direction
Representation of a vector using column notation
8-11 10 Transformations
Shapes Concept of similarity and congruence of shapes
Translations expressed as column vector
Translations Line symmetry simple examples with mirror lines
Reflection in the line y = 0, x = 0
Reflections y=2, x = 3 etc.
y= x, y= -x
Equation of line of reflection for horizontal and vertical lines


1-4 6 Algebra ic Manipulations

Simplifying expression Collecting like terms
Multiplying brackets by a single term
Multiplying two brackets
Factorization Single term factorization
Linear equations Solving linear equations with unknown on both sides.
Linear equations with more than one operation
Solving problems in context
Multiplying algebraic fractions
Division of algebraic fractions
Algebraic Fractions Changing the subject of the formulae; simple examples and in

Using formulae
5-8 13 Transformations II
Enlargement Drawing enlarged shapes ( on square paper) without centre of

Enlargement with a positive integer scale factor form a given

centre of enlargement. Include fractional scale factors

Finding the centre of enlargement and scale factor

Rotational symmetry
Centre of rotation
90˚ and 180˚ rotation clockwise and anticlockwise
Finding the centre of rotation given its shape and

11 Rotations

6-9 24 Statistics
Discrete and quantitative data Frequency line graph, tables
Data presentation Mean , median, mode
Measures of Central tendency Interpretation and applicability of measures
12, 15 Area and Volume Review common names and properties of 2-D shapes
Review area of special shapes:
Square, rectangle, triangle, circle and compound shapes
Perimeter of special shapes: square, rectangle circle , triangle
and compound shapes

Review common names and properties of 3-D shapes: cube,

cuboid, cylinder, prism

Concept of volume and surface area of these shapes

17 Travel graphs

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