Larin vs. Executive Secretary
Larin vs. Executive Secretary
Larin vs. Executive Secretary
The RTC, on 09 September 2000, ordered the NTA to appoint petitioners in the
[G.R. No. 152845. August 5, 2003] new OSSP to positions similar or comparable to their respective former
assignments. A motion for reconsideration filed by the NTA was denied by the trial
DRIANITA BAGAOISAN vs. NATIONAL TOBACCO ADMINISTRATION court in its order of 28 February 2001. Thereupon, the NTA filed an appeal with the
Court of Appeals, raising the following issues:
I. Whether or not respondents submitted evidence as proof that petitioners,
President Joseph Estrada issued on 30 September 1998 Executive Order No. individually, were not the best qualified and most deserving among
29, entitled Mandating the Streamlining of the National Tobacco Administration (NTA), the incumbent applicant-employees.
a government agency under the Department of Agriculture. The order was followed by
another issuance, on 27 October 1998, by President Estrada of Executive Order No.
36, amending Executive Order No. 29, insofar as the new staffing pattern was II. Whether or not incumbent permanent employees, including herein
concerned, by increasing from four hundred (400) to not exceeding seven hundred petitioners, automatically enjoy a preferential right and the right of
fifty (750) the positions affected thereby. In compliance therewith, the NTA prepared first refusal to appointments/reappointments in the new
and adopted a new Organization Structure and Staffing Pattern (OSSP) which, on 29 Organization Structure And Staffing Pattern (OSSP) of respondent
October 1998, was submitted to the Office of the President. NTA.
On 11 November 1998, the rank and file employees of NTA Batac, among III. Whether or not respondent NTA in implementing the mandated
whom included herein petitioners, filed a letter-appeal with the Civil Service reorganization pursuant to E.O. No. 29, as amended by E.O. No.
Commission and sought its assistance in recalling the OSSP. On 04 December 1998, 36, strictly adhere to the implementing rules on reorganization,
the OSSP was approved by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
particularly RA 6656 and of the Civil Service Commission Rules on 1. The Court of Appeals decision upholding the reorganization of the National
Government Reorganization. Tobacco Administration sets a dangerous precedent in that:
IV. Whether or not the validity of E.O. Nos. 29 and 36 can be put in issue a) A mere Executive Order issued by the Office of the President and procured by a
in the instant case/appeal.[2] government functionary would have the effect of a blanket authority to reorganize a
bureau, office or agency attached to the various executive departments;
On 20 February 2002, the appellate court rendered a decision reversing and setting
aside the assailed orders of the trial court. b) The President of the Philippines would have the plenary power to reorganize the
entire government Bureaucracy through the issuance of an Executive Order, an
Petitioners went to this Court to assail the decision of the Court of Appeals, administrative issuance without the benefit of due deliberation, debate and discussion
contending that - of members of both chambers of the Congress of the Philippines;
I. The Court of Appeals erred in making a finding that went beyond the c) The right to security of tenure to a career position created by law or statute would
issues of the case and which are contrary to those of the trial court be defeated by the mere adoption of an Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern
and that it overlooked certain relevant facts not disputed by the issued pursuant to an Executive Order which is not a law and could thus not abolish
parties and which, if properly considered, would justify a different an office created by law;
2. The case law on abolition of an office would be disregarded, ignored and
II. The Court of Appeals erred in upholding Executive Order Nos. 29 and abandoned if the Court of Appeals decision subject matter of this Petition would
36 of the Office of the President which are mere administrative remain undisturbed and untouched. In other words, previous doctrines and
issuances which do not have the force and effect of a law to precedents of this Highest Court would in effect be reversed and/or modified with the
warrant abolition of positions and/or effecting total reorganization; Court of Appeals judgment, should it remain unchallenged.
III. The Court of Appeals erred in holding that petitioners removal from the 3. Section 4 of Executive Order No. 245 dated July 24, 1987 (Annex D, Petition),
service is in accordance with law; issued by the Revolutionary government of former President Corazon Aquino, and the
law creating NTA, which provides that the governing body of NTA is the Board of
IV. The Court of Appeals erred in holding that respondent NTA was not Directors, would be rendered meaningless, ineffective and a dead letter law because
guilty of bad faith in the termination of the services of petitioners; the challenged NTA reorganization which was erroneously upheld by the Court of
(and) Appeals was adopted and implemented by then NTA Administrator Antonio de
Guzman without the corresponding authority from the Board of Directors as mandated
V. The Court of Appeals erred in ignoring case law/jurisprudence in the therein. In brief, the reorganization is an ultra vires act of the NTA Administrator.
abolition of an office.[3]
4. The challenged Executive Order No. 29 issued by former President Joseph Estrada
In its resolution of 10 July 2002, the Court required the NTA to file its comment on the but unsigned by then Executive Secretary Ronaldo Zamora would in effect be
petition. On 18 November 2002, after the NTA had filed its comment of 23 September erroneously upheld and given legal effect as to supersede, amend and/or modify
2002, the Court issued its resolution denying the petition for failure of petitioners to Executive Order No. 245, a law issued during the Freedom Constitution of President
sufficiently show any reversible error on the part of the appellate court in its Corazon Aquino. In brief, a mere executive order would amend, supersede and/or
challenged decision so as to warrant the exercise by this Court of its discretionary render ineffective a law or statute.[5]
appellate jurisdiction. A motion for reconsideration filed by petitioners was denied in
the Courts resolution of 20 January 2002. In order to allow the parties a full opportunity to ventilate their views on the
matter, the Court ultimately resolved to hear the parties in oral argument. Essentially,
On 21 February 2003, petitioners submitted a Motion to Admit Petition For En the core question raised by them is whether or not the President, through the
Banc Resolution of the case allegedly to address a basic question, i.e., the legal and issuance of an executive order, can validly carry out the reorganization of the NTA.
constitutional issue on whether the NTA may be reorganized by an executive fiat, not
by legislative action.[4] In their Petition for an En Banc Resolution petitioners would Notwithstanding the apparent procedural lapse on the part of petitioner to
have it that - implead the Office of the President as party respondent pursuant to Section 7, Rule 3,
of the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure, [6] this Court resolved to rule on the
merits of the petition.
Buklod ng Kawaning EIIB vs. Zamora[7] ruled that the President, based on ``Sec. 62. Unauthorized organizational changes. Unless otherwise created by law or
existing laws, had the authority to carry out a reorganization in any branch or agency directed by the President of the Philippines, no organizational unit or changes in key
of the executive department. In said case, Buklod ng Kawaning EIIB challenged the positions in any department or agency shall be authorized in their respective
issuance, and sought the nullification, of Executive Order No. 191 (Deactivation of the organization structures and be funded from appropriations by this Act.
Economic Intelligence and Investigation Bureau) and Executive Order No. 223
(Supplementary Executive Order No. 191 on the Deactivation of the Economic `The foregoing provision evidently shows that the President is authorized to effect
Intelligence and Investigation Bureau and for Other Matters) on the ground that they organizational changes including the creation of offices in the department or agency
were issued by the President with grave abuse of discretion and in violation of their concerned.
constitutional right to security of tenure. The Court explained:
`x xx xxx
The general rule has always been that the power to abolish a public office is lodged
with the legislature. This proceeds from the legal precept that the power to create
includes the power to destroy. A public office is either created by the Constitution, by `Another legal basis of E.O. No. 132 is Section 20, Book III of E.O. No. 292 which
statute, or by authority of law. Thus, except where the office was created by the states:
Constitution itself, it may be abolished by the same legislature that brought it into
existence. ``Sec. 20. Residual Powers. Unless Congress provides otherwise, the President shall
exercise such other powers and functions vested in the President which are provided
The exception, however, is that as far as bureaus, agencies or offices in the executive for under the laws and which are not specifically enumerated above or which are not
department are concerned, the Presidents power of control may justify him to delegated by the President in accordance with law.
inactivate the functions of a particular office, or certain laws may grant him the broad
authority to carry out reorganization measures. The case in point is Larin v. Executive `This provision speaks of such other powers vested in the President under the
Secretary [280 SCRA 713]. In this case, it was argued that there is no law which law. What law then gives him the power to reorganize? It is Presidential Decree No.
empowers the President to reorganize the BIR. In decreeing otherwise, this Court 1772 which amended Presidential Decree No. 1416. These decrees expressly grant
sustained the following legal basis, thus: the President of the Philippines the continuing authority to reorganize the national
government, which includes the power to group, consolidate bureaus and agencies,
`Initially, it is argued that there is no law yet which empowers the President to issue to abolish offices, to transfer functions, to create and classify functions, services and
E.O. No. 132 or to reorganize the BIR. activities and to standardize salaries and materials. The validity of these two decrees
are unquestionable. The 1987 Constitution clearly provides that `all laws, decrees,
executive orders, proclamations, letter of instructions and other executive issuances
`We do not agree. not inconsistent with this Constitution shall remain operative until amended, repealed
or revoked. So far, there is yet no law amending or repealing said decrees.
`x xx xxx
Now, let us take a look at the assailed executive order.
`Section 48 of R.A. 7645 provides that:
In the whereas clause of E.O. No. 191, former President Estrada anchored his
``Sec. 48. Scaling Down and Phase Out of Activities of Agencies Within the Executive authority to deactivate EIIB on Section 77 of Republic Act 8745 (FY 1999 General
Branch. The heads of departments, bureaus and offices and agencies are hereby Appropriations Act), a provision similar to Section 62 of R.A. 7645 quoted in Larin,
directed to identify their respective activities which are no longer essential in the thus:
delivery of public services and which may be scaled down, phased out or
abolished, subject to civil service rules and regulations. x xx. Actual scaling down, `Sec. 77. Organized Changes. Unless otherwise provided by law or directed by the
phasing out or abolition of the activities shall be effected pursuant to Circulars or President of the Philippines, no changes in key positions or organizational units in any
Orders issued for the purpose by the Office of the President. department or agency shall be authorized in their respective organizational structures
and funded from appropriations provided by this Act.
`Said provision clearly mentions the acts of `scaling down, phasing out and
abolition of offices only and does not cover the creation of offices or transfer of We adhere to the x xx ruling in Larin that this provision recognizes the authority of the
functions. Nevertheless, the act of creating and decentralizing is included in the President to effect organizational changes in the department or agency under the
subsequent provision of Section 62 which provides that: executive structure. Such a ruling further finds support in Section 78 of Republic Act
No. 8760. Under this law, the heads of departments, bureaus, offices and agencies
and other entities in the Executive Branch are directed (a) to conduct a Firstly, the number of positions in the new staffing pattern did not increase. Rather, it
comprehensive review of this respective mandates, missions, objectives, functions, decreased from 1,125 positions to 750. It is thus natural that ones position may be
programs, projects, activities and systems and procedures; (b) identify activities which lost through the removal or abolition of an office.
are no longer essential in the delivery of public services and which may be scaled
down, phased-out or abolished; and (c) adopt measures that will result in the Secondly, the petitioners failed to specifically show which offices were abolished and
streamlined organization and improved overall performance of their respective the new ones that were created performing substantially the same functions.
agencies. Section 78 ends up with the mandate that the actual streamlining and
productivity improvement in agency organization and operation shall be effected
pursuant to Circulars or Orders issued for the purpose by the Office of the Thirdly, the petitioners likewise failed to prove that less qualified employees were
President. The law has spoken clearly. We are left only with the duty to sustain. appointed to the positions to which they applied.
But of course, the list of legal basis authorizing the President to reorganize any x xx xxx xxx.
department or agency in the executive branch does not have to end here. We must
not lose sight of the very source of the power that which constitutes an express grant Fourthly, the preference stated in Section 4 of R.A. 6656, only means that old
of power. Under Section 31, Book III of Executive Order No. 292 (otherwise known as employees should be considered first, but it does not necessarily follow that they
the Administrative Code of 1987), the President, subject to the policy in the Executive should then automatically be appointed. This is because the law does not preclude
Office and in order to achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency, shall have the the infusion of new blood, younger dynamism, or necessary talents into the
continuing authority to reorganize the administrative structure of the Office of the government service, provided that the acts of the appointing power are bonafide for
President. For this purpose, he may transfer the functions of other Departments or the best interest of the public service and the person chosen has the needed
Agencies to the Office of the President. In Canonizado vs. Aguirre [323 SCRA 312], qualifications.[9]
we ruled that reorganization involves the reduction of personnel, consolidation of
offices, or abolition thereof by reason of economy or redundancy of functions. It takes These findings of the appellate court are basically factual which this Court must
place when there is an alteration of the existing structure of government offices or respect and be held bound.
units therein, including the lines of control, authority and responsibility between
them. The EIIB is a bureau attached to the Department of Finance. It falls under the It is important to emphasize that the questioned Executive Orders No. 29
Office of the President. Hence, it is subject to the Presidents continuing authority to and No. 36 have not abolished the National Tobacco Administration but merely
reorganize. mandated its reorganization through the streamlining or reduction of its
personnel. Article VII, Section 17,[10] of the Constitution, expressly grants the
It having been duly established that the President has the authority to carry out President control of all executive departments, bureaus, agencies and offices which
reorganization in any branch or agency of the executive department, what is then left may justify an executive action to inactivate the functions of a particular office or to
for us to resolve is whether or not the reorganization is valid. In this jurisdiction, carry out reorganization measures under a broad authority of law. [11] Section 78 of the
reorganizations have been regarded as valid provided they are pursued in good General Provisions of Republic Act No. 8522 (General Appropriations Act of FY 1998)
faith. Reorganization is carried out in `good faith if it is for the purpose of economy or has decreed that the President may direct changes in the organization and key
to make bureaucracy more efficient. Pertinently, Republic Act No. 6656 provides for positions in any department, bureau or agency pursuant to Article VI, Section 25, [12] of
the circumstances which may be considered as evidence of bad faith in the removal the Constitution, which grants to the Executive Department the authority to
of civil service employees made as a result of reorganization, to wit: (a) where there is recommend the budget necessary for its operation. Evidently, this grant of power
a significant increase in the number of positions in the new staffing pattern of the includes the authority to evaluate each and every government agency, including the
department or agency concerned; (b) where an office is abolished and another determination of the most economical and efficient staffing pattern, under the
performing substantially the same functions is created; (c) where incumbents are Executive Department.
replaced by those less qualified in terms of status of appointment, performance and
In the recent case of Rosa Ligaya C. Domingo, et al. vs. Hon. Ronaldo D.
merit; (d) where there is a classification of offices in the department or agency
Zamora, in his capacity as the Executive Secretary, et al.,[13] this Court has had
concerned and the reclassified offices perform substantially the same functions as the
occasion to also delve on the Presidents power to reorganize the Office of the
original offices, and (e) where the removal violates the order of separation.[8]
President under Section 31(2) and (3) of Executive Order No. 292 and the power to
reorganize the Office of the President Proper. The Court has there observed:
The Court of Appeals, in its now assailed decision, has found no evidence of
bad faith on the part of the NTA; thus -
x xx. Under Section 31(1) of EO 292, the President can reorganize the Office of the
President Proper by abolishing, consolidating or merging units, or by transferring
In the case at bar, we find no evidence that the respondents committed bad faith in functions from one unit to another. In contrast, under Section 31(2) and (3) of EO 292,
issuing the notices of non-appointment to the petitioners. the Presidents power to reorganize offices outside the Office of the
President Proper but still within the Office of the President is limited to merely which appeals from a Division of the Court may be taken. A Division of the Court is
transferring functions or agencies from the Office of the President to Departments or the Supreme Court as fully and veritably as the Court En Banc itself and a decision of
Agencies, and vice versa. its Division is as authoritative and final as a decision of the Court En Banc. Referrals
of cases from a Division to the Court En Banc do not take place as just a matter of
The provisions of Section 31, Book III, Chapter 10, of Executive Order No. 292 routine but only on such specified grounds as the Court in its discretion may allow. [16]
(Administrative Code of 1987), above-referred to, reads thusly: WHEREFORE, the Motion to Admit Petition for En Banc resolution and the
Petition for an En Banc Resolution are DENIED for lack of merit. Let entry of
SEC. 31. Continuing Authority of the President to Reorganize his Office. The judgment be made in due course. No costs.
President, subject to the policy in the Executive Office and in order to achieve
simplicity, economy and efficiency, shall have continuing authority to reorganize the SO ORDERED.
administrative structure of the Office of the President. For this purpose, he may take
any of the following actions:
(1) Restructure the internal organization of the Office of the President Proper, 258 SCRA 134
including the immediate Offices, the Presidential Special Assistants/Advisers System Status and Characteristics
and the Common Staff Support System, by abolishing, consolidating or merging units Creation, Reorganization, and Abolition of Administrative Agencies
thereof or transferring functions from one unit to another; FACTS:
Petitioner Isabelo Crisostomo was President of the Philippine College of Commerce
(PCC), havingbeen appointed to that position by the President of the Philippines on
(2) Transfer any function under the Office of the President to any other Department or
July 17, 1974. During his incumbencyas president of the PCC, two administrative
Agency as well as transfer functions to the Office of the President from other
cases were filed against petitioner, which were filed with the
Departments and Agencies; and
Office of the President, and were subsequently referred to the Office of
the Solicitor General forinvestigation.
(3) Transfer any agency under the Office of the President to any other department or On October 22, 1976, petitioner was preventively suspended from office pursuant to
agency as well as transfer agencies to the Office of the President from other R.A. No. 3019, asamended. In his place Dr. Pablo T. Mateo, Jr. was designated as
departments and agencies. officer-in-charge on November 10, 1976,and then as Acting President on May 13,
The first sentence of the law is an express grant to the President of a continuing On April 1, 1978, P.D. No. 1341 was issued by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos,
authority to reorganize the administrative structure of the Office of the CONVERTING THE
President. The succeeding numbered paragraphs are not in the nature PHILIPPINE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE INTO A POLYTECHNIC
of provisos that unduly limit the aim and scope of the grant to the President of the UNIVERSITY, DEFINING ITS OBJECTIVES,
power to reorganize but are to be viewed in consonance therewith. Section 31(1) of ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS, AND EXPANDING ITS
Executive Order No. 292 specifically refers to the Presidents power to restructure the CURRICULAR OFFERINGS.
internal organization of the Office of the President Proper, by abolishing, consolidating Mateo continued as the head of the new University. On April 3, 1979, he was
or merging units hereof or transferring functions from one unit to another, while appointed Acting Presidentand on March 28, 1980, as President for a term of six
Section 31(2) and (3) concern executive offices outside the Office of the (6)years.
President Proper allowing the President to transfer any function under the Office of On July 11, 1980, the Circuit Criminal Court of Manila rendered judgment acquitting
the President to any other Department or Agency and vice-versa, and the transfer of petitioner of thecharges against him. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 13, R.A.
any agency under the Office of the President to any other department or agency No. 3019, as amended, otherwise
and vice-versa.[14] known as The Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, and under which the accused has
been suspended bythis Court in an Order dated October 22, 1976, said accused was
In the present instance, involving neither an abolition nor transfer of offices, the ordered reinstated to the position of
assailed action is a mere reorganization under the general provisions of the law President of the Philippine College of Commerce, now known as the
consisting mainly of streamlining the NTA in the interest of simplicity, economy and Polytechnic University of the Philippines, from which he has been suspended. By
efficiency. It is an act well within the authority of President motivated and carried out, virtue of said reinstatement, he is entitled to receivethe salaries and other benefits
according to the findings of the appellate court, in good faith, a factual assessment which he failed to receive during suspension, unless in the meantimeadministrative
that this Court could only but accept.[15] proceedings have been filed against him. The bail bonds filed by the accused for
hisprovisional liberty in these cases are hereby cancelled and released.
In passing, relative to petitioners Motion for an En Banc Resolution of the Case, On February 12, 1992, petitioner filed with the Regional Trial Court a motion for
it may be well to remind counsel, that the Court En Banc is not an appellate tribunal to execution of the judgment,particularly the part ordering his reinstatement to the
position of president of the PUP and the payment ofhis salaries and other benefits As petitioner correctly points out, when the purpose is to abolish a department or an
during the period of suspension. office or anorganization and to replace it with another one, the lawmaking authority
The motion was granted and a partial writ of execution was issued by the trial court on says so.
March 6, 1992. On But the reinstatement of petitioner to the position of president of the PUP could not be
March 26, 1992, however, President Corazon C. Aquino appointed Dr. Jaime Gellor ordered by the trialcourt because on June 10, 1978, P.D. No. 1437 had been
as acting president ofthe PUP, following the expiration of the term of office of Dr. promulgated fixing the term of office of presidents
NemesioPrudente, who had succeeded Dr. of state universities and colleges at six (6) years, renewable for another term of six (6)
Mateo. Petitioner was one of the five nominees considered by the President of the years, andauthorizing the President of the Philippines to terminate the
Philippines for theposition. terms of incumbents who were notreappointed.
The sheriff stated that he had executed the writ by installing petitioner as President of RATIO:
the PUP, although When the purpose is to abolish a department or an office or an organization and to
Dr. Gellor did not vacate the office as he wanted to consult with the President of the replace it withanother one, the lawmaking authority says so. What took place was a
Philippines first. Thisled to a contempt citation against Dr. Gellor. Petitioner assumed change in academic status of theeducational institution, not in its corporate life. Hence
the office of president of the PUP. the change in its name, the expansion of itscurricular offerings, and the changes in its
On May 18, 1992, therefore, the People of the Philippines filed a petition for certiorari structure and organization.
and prohibition,assailing the orders and the writs of execution issued by the trial court. ---
It also asked for a temporaryrestraining order. On June 25, 1992, the Court of
Appeals issued a temporary restraining order, enjoiningpetitioner to cease and desist [G.R. No. 142283. February 6, 2003]
from acting as president of the PUP pursuant to the reinstatement orders ofthe trial ROSA LIGAYA C. DOMINGO vs. HON. RONALDO D. ZAMORA, in his capacity as
court. the Executive Secretary
On July 15, 1992, the Seventh Division of the Court of Appeals rendered a decision to
set aside the ordersand writ of reinstatement issued by the trial court. The payment of This is a petition for certiorari and prohibition[1] with prayer for temporary
salaries and benefits to petitioneraccruing after the conversion of the PCC to the PUP restraining order seeking to nullify Executive Order No. 81 and Memoranda Nos.
was disallowed. Recovery of salaries and benefits waslimited to those accruing from 01592 and 01594.[2] The assailed executive order transferred the sports development
the time of petitioner’s suspension until the conversion of the PCC to the programs and activities of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS
PUP. The case was remanded to the trial court for a determination of the amounts for brevity) to the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC for brevity). The questioned
due and payable topetitioner. memoranda (DECS Memoranda for brevity), on the other hand, reassigned all Bureau
Hence this petition. Petitioner argues that P.D. No. 1341, which converted the PCC of Physical Education and School Sports (BPESS for brevity) personnel named in the
into the PUP, did notabolish the PCC. He contends that if the law had intended the DECS Memoranda to various offices within the DECS.
PCC to lose its existence, it would havespecified that the PCC was being "abolished"
rather than "converted" and that if the PUP was intended tobe a new institution, the
law would have said it was being "created." Petitioner claims that the PUP ismerely a
continuation of the existence of the PCC, and, hence, he could be reinstated to his The Facts
former positionas president.
Whether or not the conversion of the PCC into PUP abolished the PCC On March 5, 1999, former President Joseph E. Estrada issued Executive Order
RULING: No. 81[3] (EO 81 for brevity) entitled Transferring the Sports Programs and Activities
No. In part the contention is well taken, but, as will presently be explained, of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports to the Philippine Sports
reinstatement is nolonger possible because of the promulgation of P.D. No. 1437 by Commission and Defining the Role of DECS in School-Based Sports.
the President of the Philippines on June
10, 1978. EO 81 provided thus:
P.D. No. 1341 did not abolish, but only changed, the former Philippine College of
Commerce into what isnow the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, in the same Section 1. Transferring the Sports Program and Activities to the PSC. All the
way that earlier in 1952, R.A. No. 778 had converted what was then the Philippine functions, programs and activities of DECS related to sports development as provided
School of Commerce into the Philippine College of Commerce. for in Sec. 16 of EO 117 (s. 1987) are hereby transferred to PSC.
What took place was a change in academic status of the educational institution, not in
its corporate life. Section 2. Defining the Role of DECS in School-Based Sports. The DECS shall have
Hence the change in its name, the expansion of its curricular offerings, and the jurisdiction and function over the enhancement of Physical Education (P.E.)
changes in its structureand organization. curriculum and its application in whatever form inside schools.
Section 3. The Role of PSC. As the primary agency tasked to formulate policies and The Courts Ruling
oversee the national sports development program, the management and
implementation of all school-based sports competitions among schools at the district,
provincial, regional, national and international levels, in coordination with concerned We dismiss this petition for being moot and academic.
public and private entities shall be transferred to the PSC.
As manifested by both petitioners[4] and respondents,[5] the subsequent
enactment of RA 9155 has rendered the issues in the present case moot and
Pursuant to EO 81, former DECS Secretary Andrew B. Gonzales (Secretary academic. Since RA 9155 abolished the BPESS and transferred the DECS functions
Gonzales for brevity) issued Memorandum No. 01592 on January 10, relating to sports competition to the PSC, petitioners now admit that it is no longer
2000. Memorandum No. 01592 temporarily reassigned, in the exigency of the service, plausible to raise any ultra vires assumption by the PSC of the functions of the
all remaining BPESS Staff to other divisions or bureaus of the DECS effective March BPESS.[6] Moreover, since RA 9155 provides that BPESS personnel not transferred
15, 2000. to the PSC shall be retained by the DECS, petitioners now accept that the law
On January 21, 2000, Secretary Gonzales issued Memorandum No. 01594 explicitly protects and preserves[7] their right to security of tenure.
reassigning the BPESS staff named in the Memorandum to various offices within the Although the issue is already academic, its significance constrains the Court to
DECS effective March 15, 2000. Petitioners were among the BPESS personnel point out that Executive Order No. 292 (EO 292 for brevity), otherwise known as the
affected by Memorandum No. 01594. Dissatisfied with their reassignment, petitioners Administrative Code of 1987, expressly grants the President continuing authority to
filed the instant petition. reorganize the Office of the President. Section 31 of EO 292 provides:
In their Petition, petitioners argue that EO 81 is void and unconstitutional for
being an undue legislation by President Estrada. Petitioners maintain that the SEC. 31. Continuing Authority of the President to Reorganize his Office. The
Presidents issuance of EO 81 violated the principle of separation of President, subject to the policy in the Executive Office and in order to achieve
powers. Petitioners also challenge the DECS Memoranda for violating their right to simplicity, economy and efficiency, shall have continuing authority to reorganize
security of tenure. the administrative structure of the Office of the President. For this purpose, he
may take any of the following actions:
Petitioners seek to nullify EO 81 and the DECS Memoranda. Petitioners pray
that this Court prohibit the PSC from performing functions related to school sports
development. Petitioners further pray that, upon filing of the petition, this Court issue a (1) Restructure the internal organization of the Office of the President Proper,
temporary restraining order against respondents to desist from implementing EO 81. including the immediate Offices, the Presidential Special Assistants/Advisers System
and the Common Support System, by abolishing, consolidating or merging units
During the pendency of the case, Republic Act No. 9155 (RA 9155 for brevity), thereof or transferring functions from one unit to another;
otherwise known as the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, was enacted on
August 11, 2001. RA 9155 expressly abolished the BPESS and transferred the (2) Transfer any function under the Office of the President to any other Department or
functions, programs and activities of the DECS relating to sports competition to the Agency as well as transfer functions to the Office of the President from other
PSC. The pertinent provision thereof reads: Departments and Agencies; and
SEC. 9. Abolition of BPESS. All functions, programs and activities of the Department (3) Transfer any agency under the Office of the President to any other department or
of Education related to sports competition shall be transferred to the Philippine Sports agency as well as transfer agencies to the Office of the President from other
Commission (PSC). The Program for school sports and physical fitness shall remain Departments or Agencies. (Emphasis supplied.)
part of the basic education curriculum.