Interaction Diagram Column - Rectangular - All Sides Equal-JunaidS47

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Interaction Diagram
JunaidS47 Structural Consultant Date : June 1, 2018

Civil Engineering Time : 8:04:20

Job. No. : 12/JS47/07/2011 Engineer : Junaidi

Lanang Project Package-1
Job. Title : Approved : Junaidi

Name Junaidi
Address Sidodadi X/83
City Surabaya
Telp / Hp +62813 578 30000
Job Address -
Lanang Project Package-1

Job Analysis Contents

1. Data Input ( Example )

2. Interaction Diagram of Column (Portrait Orientation)

3. Interaction Diagram of Column (Landscape Orientation)

4. Notation



: Input Data Cell
Project X - PROJECT JunaidS47
Design Element COLUMN DESIGN DATA JunaidS47
Engineer JUNAIDI Date : June 1, 2018

Revision Time : 8:04:20

■ General Data
Column ID : C-1
Column Type : Structural Unit Force : kN
Design Code : SNI 03-2847-2002 Unit Length : m

■ Specification Material Property Data

▪ Concrete Material Property Data
Concrete Strength ( f'c ) = 30.00 MPa
Weight per Unit Volume ( γc ) = 2400 kg/m3
Modulus of Elasticity ( E c
) = 25743 MPa
Ultimate Strain ( εcu ) = 0.003
Poisson Ratio (μ) = 0.30
Modulus of Shear (G) = 9901.14 MPa
Beta 1 ( β1 ) = 0.85

▪ Reinforcement Property Data

Reinforced Yield Stress ( fy ) = 400 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity ( Es ) = 200000 MPa

■ Section of Column
Type of Column : Rectangular
Width (b) = 500 mm Area of Section ( Ag ) = 250000 mm2
Height (h) = 500 mm Inertia of X-X ( Ix ) = 5208333333.3 mm4
Cover (c) = 40 mm Inertia of Y-Y ( Iy ) = 5208333333.3 mm4
Effective Height (d) = 437.5 mm

■ Reinforcement
Layout : Rectangular Pattern : All Sides Equal
Num of Bar : 4 × 10 = 40 Area of Bar ( Astot ) = 19634.95 mm2
Diameter (D) = 25 mm Reinforcement Ratio ( ρ ) = 0.0785
Hoops (Ø) = 10 mm

■ Factored Load ■ Strength Reduction Factor ( f )

Load Name Pu ( kN ) Mu ( kN-m ) phi (a) = 0.80
P1 255 500 phi (b) = 0.80
P2 505 450 phi (c) = 0.65
P3 755 440
P4 1005 550
P5 4050 300
P6 4300 175
P7 4550 225
P8 3500 550
P9 3750 200
P10 500 125
Project X - PROJECT JunaidS47
Engineer JUNAIDI Date : June 1, 2018

Revision Time : 8:04:20


Interaction Diagram ( Pn-Mn )


500 × 500 mm

Material Properties
f'c = 30 MPa
Ec = 25742.96 MPa
fc = 25.5 MPa
β1 = 0.850 MPa
fy = 400 MPa
Pn ( kN )

Es = 200000 MPa

Section Properties
Ag = 250000 mm2 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
b = 500 mm
h = 500 mm
Ii = 5.21E+09 mm4
Iy = 5.21E+09 mm4

n = 40
D = 25 mm
As = 19634.954 mm2
ρ = 7.854% mm4

Mn ( kN-m )

Column ID : C-1 Strength Reduction Factor ( f )

Column Type : Structural phi (a) = 0.80
Unit Force : kN phi (b) = 0.80
Unit Length : m phi (c) = 0.65
Design Code : SNI 03-2847-2002
Project X - PROJECT Engineer Date : June 1, 2018 JunaidS47
Design Element INTERACTION DIAGRAM COLUMN JUNAIDI Time : 8:04:20 Revision

200 Interaction Diagram ( Pn-Mn )

100 15000

-300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300



500 × 500 mm

Material Properties :
f'c = 30.00 MPa
Ec = 25743 MPa 5000
fc =
Pn ( kN )

25.5 MPa
β1 = 0.850 MPa 3,097
fy = 400 MPa
Es = 200000 MPa
Section Properties :
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Ag = 250000 mm2
b = 500 mm
h = 500 mm
Ix = 5208333333 mm4
Iy = 5208333333 mm4
Reinforcement :
D = 25 mm
As = 19634.95 mm2
sx = -10000
37.5 mm
Mn ( kN-m )

sy = 37.5 mm Mn ( kN-m )
Project X - PROJECT JunaidS47
Design Element COLUMN DESIGN DATA JunaidS47
Engineer JUNAIDI Date : June 1, 2018

Revision Time : 8:04:20

β1 = Beta 1
εcu = Ultimate Strain of Concrete
ϵs = Strain of Reinforcement Bar
γc = Weight per Unit Volume of Concrete
Ø = Diameter of Reinforcement Bar Hoops
ρ = Ration of Reinforcement Bar
μ = Poisson Ratio of Concrete
ab = Height of Block Stress Concrete in Balanced Condition
Ag = Area Section of Concrete Column
Astot = Area Section of Reinforcement Bar
Atul1 = Area of Reinforcement Bar For 1 (One) Nos
b = Widht of Section Column
c = Clear Cover of Concrete
cb = Height of Stress Diagram Concrete in Balanced Condition
d = Effectife Height of Concrete
D = Diameter of Reinforcement Bar
Ec = Modulus Elasticity of Concrete
Es = Modulus Elasticity of Reinforcement Bar
f'c = Specified Compressive Strength of Concrete at 28 Age Old.
fy = Yield Stress of Reinforcement Bar
G = Modulus Shear of Concrete
h = Height of Section Column
Ix = Moment Inertia of Section X-X Direction
Iy = Moment Inertia of Section Y-Y Direction
Mn = Nominal Moment Load Strenght of Concrete
Mu = Moment Load
n = Num of Reinforcement Bar
nbarx = Num Reinforcement Bar of X-Direction (Y-Y Direction)
nbary = Num Reinforcement Bar of X-Direction (Y-Y Direction)
phi (a) = Factor Reduction of Maximum Aksial Load
phi (b) = Factor Reduction for Tension Structure
phi (c) = Factor Reduction for Aksial Structure
Pn = Nominal Aksial Load Strenght of Concrete
Pn(max) = Maximum Nominal Aksial Load Strenght of Concrete
Pu = Aksial Load
sx = Distance for Reinforcement Bar X Direction
sy = Distance for Reinforcement Bar Y Direction

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