T W C W H: HE Estern Ontribution TO Orld Istory

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shall begin by speaking about our ancestors, since it is only right
and proper on such an occasion to pay them the honor of
recalling what they did.” Thus wrote Thucydides in his History of
the Peloponnesian War1 and so it is fitting to pay tribute to those whose
deeds contributed toward the creation and defense of our Western
Civilization. The deeds of our ancestors, which we have chosen to
commemorate today, include those of a military, cultural and scientific
In his book entitled The Birth of Europe, medieval historian Robert
Lopez posed the question: “What enabled Europe to emerge finally on
top?” His answer was “the absence of great invasions for a thousand
years.”2 Hence we begin our survey of Western contributions by paying
tribute to those who, throughout the history of the West, courageously
repulsed alien invading forces.
The first great battle for the survival of the West occurred nearly
2,500 years ago, in 480 B.C. in Greece. Herodotus, the first great
Western historian, describes this legendary battle in his History of the
Persian War. When the Persians invaded Greece, the Greeks realized
that they were outnumbered and needed time to reorganize their forces.
They sought to delay the approaching Persians at a narrow mountain
pass. The following selection describes a scenario not unlike that which
confronts us today: the fear and resignation of the many, the outright
treason of some, and the sacrifice of the few who fight valiantly against
insurmountable odds. Herodotus wrote:
[7.207] The Greek forces at Thermopylae, when the Persian army
drew near to the entrance of the pass, were seized with fear; and
a council was held to consider a retreat. It was the wish of the
Greeks generally that the army should fall back. But Leonidas, the
Spartan King, gave his voice for remaining where they were.
[7.210] Four whole days went by, and Xerxes, the Persian king,
expected that the Greeks would run away. When, however, he
found on the fifth day that they were not gone, thinking that their
firm stand was mere impudence and recklessness, he grew angry,

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and sent against them the Medes and Cissians, with orders to take
them alive and bring them into his presence. Then the Medes
rushed forward and charged the Greeks, but fell in vast numbers.
[7.212] During these assaults, it is said that Xerxes, who was
watching the battle, thrice leaped from the throne on which he sat,
in terror for his army. Next day the combat was renewed, but with
no better success on the part of the Persians.
[7.213] Now, as the Persian king was in great distress, and knew
not how he should deal with the emergency, Ephialtes, the son of
Eurydemus, a Greek, came to him and was admitted to a
conference. Hoping to receive a rich reward at the king’s hands, he
had come to tell him of a pathway which led across the mountain
to Thermopylae. By this disclosure he brought destruction on the
band of his fellow Greeks who had previously withstood the
[7.219] The news came that the Persians were marching round by
the hills: it was still night when these men arrived. Then the
Greeks held a council to consider what they should do, and here
opinions were divided: some were strong against quitting their
post, while others contended to the contrary. So when the council
had broken up, part of the troops departed and went their ways
homeward to their several states; part however resolved to
remain, and to stand by Leonidas to the last.
[7.223] The Persians under Xerxes began to draw near; and the
Greeks under Leonidas, as they now went forth determined to die,
advanced much further than on previous days.... Now they took
the battle beyond the wall, and carried slaughter among the
Persians, who fell in heaps.
[7.224] Leonidas himself fell fighting bravely, together with many
other famous Spartans, whose names I have taken care to learn on
account of their great worthiness, as indeed I have the names of all
the three hundred.
[7.225] Drawing back into the narrowest part of the pass, and
retreating even behind the wall, they posted themselves upon a hill,
where they stood all drawn up together in one close body.... The hill
whereof I speak is at the entrance of the pass, where the stone lion
now stands which was set up in honour of Leonidas. Here the Greeks
defended themselves to the last, such as still had swords using them,
and the others resisting with their hands and teeth; till the Persians,
who... now encircled them upon every side, overwhelmed and
buried the remnant... beneath showers of arrows.
This inspirational sacrifice of our ancient ancestors at Thermopylae
led to a Greek victory over the Persians and permitted Hellenic culture
to flourish. The seminal cultural and intellectual contribution of the

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Greeks to world history was an objective, logical world-view as
embodied in the Aristotelean syllogism. As Revilo Oliver has noted:
The Occidental mind, which appears fully formed in the earliest
Greek philosophers and has not since changed, is the mind of
conceptual thought—of thought directed from the mind toward
an object. The Oriental mind... does not think conceptually; its
thought is never directed away from itself. The Oriental mind
cannot separate what it is thinking about from itself. The capacity
for objective thought is peculiar to the philosophical mind of the
West... [T]he unique civilization of the West [is] a unity—a single
continuity that runs, with fluctuations but no break, from the
ancient Greeks to ourselves.3
The objective Greek world-view was expressed in the cosmological
speculation of the pre-Socratic philosophers of the sixth and fifth
centuries B.C. Thales, who may have been the world’s first astronomer,
is reported to have predicted an eclipse that occurred in 585 B.C.4 His
speculation that water is the source of all things was made in such a way
that has led him to be considered “the first man in history to suggest that
there is an order in nature which the mind can comprehend.”5 Later, in
the fifth century, by abstract reasoning, Democritus anticipated some of
the basic concepts of contemporary atomic theory.
The philosophy of this era also contributed the notion of areté, which
is sometimes translated as virtue, but might better be described as a career-
specific drive for excellence and its fulfillment. It is from this ancient Greek
ideal that the modern exhortations of: “Be the best you can be” and “Reach
your highest potential” are derived. In Homeric literature the areté of the
warrior was bravery coupled with victory. The areté of the philosopher was
knowledge, and optimally abstract knowledge about the process of
obtaining knowledge itself or “contemplation.”
Greek philosophy was complemented by literature, sculpture and
architecture. The comedic and tragic works of the early Greek
dramatists from Euripides to Æschylus served as models for literature
throughout the history of the West and the surviving amphitheaters
serve as reminders of the active participation of the ancient Greek
populace in their local culture.
Greek sculpture followed the general cultural dictum of
Protagoras that “Man is the measure of all things.” It depicted ideal
human forms such as Myron’s Discus Thrower6 and Praxiteles’ Aphrodite
whose ethnic characteristics serve as a reminder of a more
homogeneous past. The inspiring architecture of the Acropolis, and
particularly the Parthenon, remains a standard for public buildings to
this day. The mathematical contributions of the Greeks go beyond the
Pythagorean theorem and include Euclidean geometry and the

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application of mathematics to physics and military technology by
Unfortunately for the ancient Greeks, Alexander the Great, who
died in 323 B.C., despite being an astute tactician, unwittingly became
the first apostle of multiculturalism and demonstrated the ethnocultural
dangers of empire-building. After conquering Persia, in an apparent
effort to consolidate his rule, Alexander married a Persian princess,
dressed as a Persian nobleman and encouraged his officers to marry
Persian women. Alexander “declared that all men were alike sons of
one Father and... he prayed that Macedonians and Persians might be
partners in the commonwealth and that the peoples of his world might
live in harmony and in unity of heart and mind.”7
Predictably, Alexander’s goal of imposing Hellenic civilization
upon his newly-conquered subjects was not accomplished. Instead,
many immigrants from the conquered Eastern territories made their
way to Greece with the result being cultural and genetic dissonance, as
well as religious syncretism and a condition of social confusion
sometimes referred to as anomie. These Eastern immigrants contributed
toward the de-Hellenization of Greece by importing their world-
rejecting escapist mystery cults which began to appeal to the native
Greek population due to the sociocultural stress they were
experiencing. The individual anxiety and depression associated with
anomie also contributed toward what has been described as a “failure
of nerve” which had political and military consequences as well.
Later, in the Hellenistic era, as Greece became immersed in the
cultural diversity of its Eastern subject peoples, Greek philosophy reflected
the Eastern orientation toward the interior life of the mystical and
supernatural. While Plato’s view of a separation between a transcendent
and immutable world of ideas and earthly world of corresponding inferior
forms may be a reflection of Middle Eastern dualism, in his Republic, Plato
defends the fundamental unit of Greek life, the polis or city-state. In his
famous allegory of the cave, Plato conveys his belief that the ruling class
should be drawn from those philosophers, who upon attaining knowledge,
leave behind the shadowy distortions of the cave but feel compelled to
return and risk their lives attempting to enlighten their countrymen who
languish in ignorance.
It might be noted that the model of the Greek city-states and the
medieval model of a conglomeration of local European ethnostates both
correspond closely to the optimal model for human evolution by
encouraging the development of a variety of competing population
groups within the boundaries of Europe. Ancient efforts at empire-
building and contemporary trends toward globalization thwart the
operation of this fundamental life process.

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Commenting on the impending end of human evolution in the
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, British geneticist Steve Jones,
one of the Encyclopedia’s three editors, has noted that a “pattern of
small, isolated and partially inbred populations has characterized
humanity for most of our evolutionary history.” However, “no longer
will the human species be made up of a network of small and isolated
populations, each evolving more or less independently. Instead future
generations of humanity will behave much more like a single genetic
unit.” Jones concludes:
Many geneticists believe that evolution is particularly rapid in
groups of small populations that exchange occasional migrants...
The rapidity of human evolution may be partly due to our tribal
structure, whose genetic effects were increased by repeated
bottlenecks experienced as human populations spread into new
parts of the world. Increased mobility means that this phase of
history is now at an end, and perhaps, that human evolution is
now almost over.8 [Emphasis added.]
The decrease in reproductive isolation resulting from increased
mobility may not be without dire consequences. Although an
immediate effect may be a reduction in genetic diseases, Jones aloofly
concedes, that apparently “this phase cannot last: sooner or later the
harmful genes will again reappear in double dose, so that future
generations may have to pay the price....”9
After the decline of Greece, Rome followed a similar pattern of
initial homogeneous cultural achievement followed by empire-building
and consequent alien immigration. In order to increase tax revenues,
aliens were granted citizenship with its attendant tax obligations. The
heterogenization of the Roman Empire contributed to social,
psychological and religious destabilization resulting in the increased
appeal of religious cults which offered an artificial, non-biological sense
of community in this world and the hope of salvation in the next. In a
study entitled, Enemies of the Roman Order, historian Ramsay MacMullen
has remarked that by the fourth century A.D.:
The civilization called Roman... yields to another, compounded of
heterogeneous elements formerly suppressed....[B]eliefs about the
supernatural, once illegal or contemptuously relegated to
ploughboys and servant girls, after the first century began to
infect even the educated, and were ultimately embodied as a
principal element in late antique philosophy.... In the end [the
fourth century A.D.].... [t]here was little “Roman” left in the
Roman empire. Rather, the “un-Roman” elements had come to
the fore, and now controlled the world in which they lived.10
As Rome grew weak, its enemies saw an opportunity to overrun
the West. In 452, Attila the Hun and his Asiatic hordes proceeded

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Westward as far as Chalôns in central Gaul. Fortunately, the Roman
general Aetius and the Visigothic leader Theodoric put aside their
historic rivalry and united to face Atilla. Unfortunately, then as well as
today, there were those of the West who allied themselves with the
enemy. At the battle of Chalôns it was the Ostrogoths. Nevertheless,
the combined Roman and Visigothic forces succeeded in repelling the
In the beginning of the eighth century the integrity of the West was
once again threatened. The Moors, led by Abd-er-Rahman had crossed
the Pyrenees and fought their way north toward the city of Tours. But
on October 10, 732 at the Battle of Tours their fortune changed.
According to the medieval Chronicle of St. Denis:
The Muslims planned to go to Tours to destroy the Church of St.
Martin, the city, and the whole country. Then came against them
the glorious Prince Charles, at the head of his whole force.... [H]e
fought as fiercely as the hungry wolf falls upon the stag. By the
grace of Our Lord, he wrought a great slaughter upon the enemies
of the Christian faith, so that—as history bears witness—he slew
in that battle 300,000 men, including their king by the name Abd-
er-Rahman. Then was [Charles] first called “Martel,” for as a
hammer of iron, of steel, and of every other metal,... he dashed and
smote in the battle all of his enemies. And what was the greatest
marvel of all, he lost in that battle only 1500 men.12
Early Christianity had found fertile ground for its message of
individual salvation among the alienated, heterogeneous, urban
inhabitants of the declining Roman Empire. Later, in the Early Middle
Ages when Christian missionaries sought to convert the Germanic and
Celtic peoples, it became apparent that for Christianity to be accepted
by a more cohesive, homogeneous, pastoral-warrior society, it needed
to appeal to the different concerns of that society. Hence, Early
Medieval Christianity appealed to matters of group survival such as
victory in battle, healthy families, and abundant crops and livestock.
Germanic Christianity addressed these pre-Christian folk-religious
concerns through local patron saints and clergy and their holy relics. In
an apparent attempt to convert the Saxons who had been persecuted by
Charlemagne, an adaptation of the New Testament known as the
Heliand was composed in Old Saxon. It portrayed Christ and his
apostles as a Germanic warrior-band. Eventually a Middle Eastern
salvation religion was transformed into a European folk religion and
Christianity became more closely identified with Europe, especially
with the emergence of the notion of “Christendom.”
Early Medieval Christianity provided a spiritual impetus and a
source of solidarity that are likely to have contributed toward European

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victories over invading forces. The bond between religious and
temporal spheres increased under Charles Martel’s Carolingian
descendants. They tended to view Christianity as the religion of a
Roman Empire which they admired and sought to reconstruct. The
application of religious fervor toward Western military exploits is
perhaps nowhere better illustrated than in a twelfth-century treatise of
St. Bernard of Clairveaux entitled, In Praise of the New Knighthood.
Written as an exhortation to the Knights Templar and other Crusaders,
it distinguishes between fighting for “empty glory” or “earthly
possessions” and fighting to assert Euro-Christian dominance in the
Holy Land where Euro-Christian pilgrims and shrines had been
Recalling the existing medieval nexus between European self-
identity and Christendom the following words of St. Bernard may be
interpreted as a religious rationalization, if not an encouragement to
assertively defend Western interests. Bernard writes:
The knights of Christ may safely fight the battles of their Lord,
fearing neither sin if they smite the enemy, nor danger at their own
death; since to inflict death or to die for Christ is no sin, but rather,
an abundant claim to glory.... The knight of Christ, I say, may
strike with confidence and die yet more confidently, for he serves
Christ when he strikes, and serves himself when he falls.13
The religious themes of medieval art and literature appear to have
been complemented by the subliminal appeal of the racial features of the
subjects portrayed. Persons of European descent, regardless of their
religious orientation, are likely to find representations of religious
figures appealing. The many excellent Madonnas painted during this
period may also indicate a racially healthy celebration of fertility.
The Renaissance artists and sculptors, including Leonardo da Vinci,
Michelangelo and Raphael, resurrected the Classical ideal of the human
form and created works of incomparable beauty. The subject matter of art
and sculpture began to once again include the Classical deities, royalty, and
other members of the secular elite. In the Romantic period, positive
portrayals of the common folk, as well as idealized and legendary
depictions of the heritages of the European nations became popular in art
and literature. The literature of this period likewise drew upon the West’s
Classical heritage as well as European legends and history, as is evidenced
by William Shakespeare’s choice of subjects for his plays exemplified by
Julius Caesar, Hamlet, and Henry IV.
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, southeastern
Europe became the target of Muslim aggression. Turks and Tartars
plundered the countryside, taking captives and holding them for
ransom, or worse, selling them as slaves. In 1682, Poland and Austria

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formed an alliance against a possible large-scale Turkish invasion. In
March of 1683, a Turkish army of over 140,000 soldiers started marching
northward and laid siege to Vienna. As the Turks were about to break
through the walls of Vienna, the Polish warrior-king, Jan Sobieski
arrived with 30,000 troops. On September 12, 1683 the Battle of Vienna
ensued, and according to the following contemporary account:
The battle . . . lasted fourteen or fifteen hours; the slaughter was
horrible, and the loss of the Turks inestimable, for they left upon
the field of battle, besides the dead and prisoners, all their cannon,
equipment, tents and infinite riches that they had been six years
gathering together throughout the whole Ottoman Empire. The
battle ended by the infantry in the trenches, and on the Isle of the
Danube, where the Turks had an artillery battery. The night was
spent in slaughter, and the unhappy remnant of the Turkish army
saved their lives by flight, having abandoned all to the victors. 14
The Age of Exploration actually began with the heroic expeditions
of our Viking ancestors to Iceland, Greenland and North America, or
Vinland, as they referred to it. The Vikings also contributed to the
development of trade routes throughout Europe and to the creation of
Russia. The accomplishments of Christopher Columbus have recently
come under criticism by contemporary opponents of the West. In 1992,
American Indian groups protested a parade in Denver to commemorate
the 500th anniversary of his discovery of America, which was promptly
canceled as a result. Public recognition of the contribution of Columbus’
sponsor, Queen Isabella of Spain, has fared even worse. She was denied
even the minimal recognition of a stamp being issued in her honor,
apparently due to her expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal in
1492, the same year not only of Columbus’ discovery, but also of the
Spanish victory over the Moors in Grenada and the subsequent Euro-
Christian re-conquest of the entire Iberian Peninsula.
More recent exploratory contributions of the West include the
Lewis and Clark Expedition and the exploration of the polar regions by
Roald Amundsen, Richard Byrd, Robert Peary and Sir Edward
Shackleton. Just before Shackleton’s ship, the Endurance reached
Antarctica in 1915, it became trapped in ice-flows and was eventually
destroyed by icebergs. Shackleton and a few off his men began a search
for help. After an 850-mile journey in a 20-foot craft through some of the
worst weather and seas on record, Shackleton reached a small outpost
of civilization from where he called for help. He then returned to the
men he had stranded. Remarkably, throughout the entire ordeal, not a
single man died.
Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Kepler developed the
mathematical and astronomical foundations of space exploration, which

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in this century was accelerated by the work of Robert Goddard, Werner

von Braun and Arthur Rudolph. Rudolph’s service to the United States
space program was rewarded by essentially being hounded out of the
country after the government, at the behest of a shrill minority of
ingrates, threatened to revoke his pension.
The most sublime contribution of the West has been its music. The
works of Handel, Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven and Brahms are
revered the world over. Special respect is due to those composers who
incorporated a national consciousness into their compositions,
including Richard Wagner, Franz Liszt, Edvard Grieg, Antonin Dvorak,
Sergei Rachmaninoff, Jan Sibelius, Giuseppe Verdi and John Philip
Sousa. From Rienzi and the Ring cycle, to Parsifal, Wagner captured the
Western ethos and developed what he termed Gesamtkunstwerke or
“total art productions” in which he not only composed the music, but
also wrote the lyrics, designed the stage sets and costumes, and
eventually built his own opera house. One of the greatest tragedies of
our time is the deliberate alienation of our youth from their classical
musical heritage.
In the field of medicine, from Hippocrates to Galen and from
William Harvey to Louis Pasteur, Marie Curie and Alexander Fleming,
who discovered the powerful antibiotic effect of penicillin, and Christian
Barnard, who performed the first heart transplant, Western medicine
has distinguished itself without parallel. One of the effects of the
accomplishments of Western medicine had been a global increase in
longevity and consequent population increase in so-called “under-
developed nations” at the same time that the population of European
nations is contracting. Similarly, the Western advances in transportation
to which Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers, and Charles Lindbergh
contributed, have inadvertently, all but obliterated the West’s
geographic isolation. As a result we must develop a heightened
awareness of alternate social isolating mechanisms, such as physical
appearance, if we wish to enhance our prospects for survival.
The authors of the great epic literature of the West, from Homer
and Virgil to the authors of Beowulf, the Norse sagas, the Song of Roland
and the Nibelungenlied have provided our People with inspiration for
future noble deeds. A modern epic that is now being re-enacted in
Australia’s recent confrontation with a boatload of refugees, is Jean
Raspail’s Camp of the Saints, which should be required reading for all
persons of European descent who labor under the pseudo-morality of
self-destruction. Friedrich Nietzsche also provides a critique of
misdirected altruism which he describes as the “morality of decadence.”
In his Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche wrote that:
[A] morality in which self-interest wilts away—remains a bad

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sign under all circumstances. This is true of individuals; it is
particularly true of nations. The best is lacking when self-interest
begins to be lacking. Instinctively to choose what is harmful for
oneself, to feel attracted by “disinterested” motives, that is
virtually the formula of decadence.
No discussion of morality, religion and science would be complete
without acknowledging Raymond Cattell’s important works, A New
Morality from Science: Beyondism (Pergamon, 1972), and Beyondism:
Religion from Science (Praeger, 1987) Cattell’s accomplishments in
personality assessment, psychometric testing, and other fields resulted
in his being nominated for a life-time achievement award by the
American Psychological Foundation. However, two interlopers’
protestations which were graciously amplified by a New York Times
report, succeeded in postponing the award until an investigation could
be made into Cattell’s personal beliefs on race. In the meantime, Cattell
withdrew his name from consideration for the award and died.15
Most advances in communication from Gutenberg’s printing press
to the telegraph and television were Western contributions. From
Samuel Morse, Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi to Thomas Edison,
Alexander Graham Bell and Philo Farnsworth came great inventions
with the potential to enlighten and fortify our People. Yet this potential
was never realized. Instead these inventions were hijacked by Mayer,
Thalberg, Warner, and Cohn et al who sought to utilize our media for
their financial gain, or worse, to manipulate our opinions and behavior.
Philo Farnsworth was a fourteen year-old Mormon farm boy in
Idaho when he first conceived the design of the television. He later not
only invented the cathode-ray tubes used for the first television, but also
the first simple electron microscope. During the 1960s he worked on a
nuclear fusion process to produce clean energy. At the time of his death
in 1971 he held more than 300 U.S. and foreign patents, but to this day
Farnsworth’s contributions are virtually unknown.
When Radio Corporation of America’s president, David Sarnoff,
learned of Farnsworth’s independent progress, he sent a spy to observe
Farnsworth’s research so that RCA could register patents for the new
invention before Farnsworth. Even though after a protracted legal
battle, Farnsworth won the patent rights, television production was
halted during the war years, and by the war’s end the patents began to
expire. Depressed, Farnsworth retired to Maine where he began to
drink heavily, suffered a nervous breakdown and received shock
therapy. Finally, his home burned to the ground. Meanwhile Sarnoff
basked in glory, promoting himself and the spy he had sent to steal
Farnsworth’s research, as the “father of television.”
Before his death in 1971, Farnsworth noted with dismay the

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direction which television had taken. His son Kent recalls that his
father “felt he had created kind of a monster, a way for people to
waste a lot of their lives.” The elder Farnsworth’s advice to his son
regarding television was: “There’s nothing on it worthwhile, and
we’re not going to watch it in this household, and I don’t want it in
your intellectual diet.”16
Two other virtually unknown Western inventors whose
contributions have shaped the modern world were Jack Kilby and
Robert Noyce who developed the microchip. They found a way to
mass-produce entire networks of miniature electronic components on a
single crystal or “chip.” Kilby used chips made of germanium and while
Noyce used chips made of silicon, hence the name for that area of
California farmland that has become known as “Silicon Valley.” Kilby,
a former associate of William Shockley, founded Fairchild
Semiconductor Corporation in 1957, while Noyce founded INTEL in
1968. Robert Noyce died in 1990, while Jack Kilby was finally awarded
the Nobel Prize in Physics last year for “basic work on information and
communication technology.”
Ten years ago, a new communications medium was introduced in
the West. From 1991 to 1995 the number of World Wide Web users
jumped from 600,000 to 40 million. Today it stands at over 500 million.
The man responsible for creating the World Wide Web from the pre-
existing less user-friendly basic Internet structure was Tim Berners-Lee.
He created the Hyper-Text Mark-up Language, which is used to post
text and graphics to a website, and the protocol language used to
communicate between users and websites, as well as a web-browser
prototype. Unlike so many others who hopped on the dot-com
bandwagon to make a quick fortune, Berners-Lee has been content to
work quietly behind the scenes from M.I.T. directing a non-profit
consortium that seeks to maintain Internet software compatibility and
hence ensure open access to the World Wide Web. Let us be ever
vigilant against those who seek to restrict freedom of expression via this
new and vital medium.
During the first half of the twentieth century, some Western poets
exhibited a concern for the preservation of our cultural and genetic
heritage. Ezra Pound was tortured by U.S. troops for his radio
broadcasts advocating peace during the West’s fratricidal Second World
War. Pound was a mentor of T. S. Eliot, and helped Eliot edit The
Wasteland, a critique of Western decadence. Eliot described some
conditions for an optimal society:
The population should be homogeneous.... What is still more
important is unity of religious background; and reasons of race
and culture combine to make any large number of free-thinking

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Jews undesirable. There must be a proper balance between urban
and rural, industrial and agricultural development. And a spirit
of excessive tolerance is to be deprecated.17
A major contribution of the West has been its concern for the
protection of the global environment. In 1847, George Marsh, a
Vermont Congressman became the first public advocate of
environmental conservation when he called attention to the destructive
impact of deforestation and proposed a land management plan. In
1864, Marsh published an influential analysis of conservation issues
entitled Man and Nature. The naturalist writings of Henry David
Thoreau also contributed toward the public awareness of conservation
issues in America. Rachel Carson initiated the modern environmental
movement with the publication of Silent Spring in 1964. She astutely
observed that “Man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is
inevitably a war against himself.”18
Garrett Hardin has applied environmental ideals to the problem of
human over-population in his 1993 book Living Within Limits. Even
more perceptive is his 1999 book entitled The Ostrich Factor: Our
Population Myopia. The recent works of the “father of sociobiology,” E.
O. Wilson, on Biodiversity and Consilience are also important in this
regard. In Concilience, Wilson warns us:
Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission
natural selection, the force that made us.... Soon we must look
deep within ourselves and decide what we wish to become.19
Perhaps the greatest contributions of the West to world history
have been Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and Gregor Mendel’s
discovery of the fundamental laws of genetics as well as their eugenic
application. Francis Galton, Darwin’s cousin made such important
eugenic observations in his founding work, Hereditary Genius, that
Darwin himself included references to them in his Descent of Man. The
pioneers of the eugenics movement included Harvard geneticist
Charles Davenport, who founded the Carnegie Institute’s genetics and
evolution laboratories at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island.
Davenport convinced the widow of railroad magnate Edward Henry
Harriman to endow a Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor.
Harry Laughlin was the Superintendent of the Eugenics Record Office at
the Carnegie Institute from its inception in 1910 until 1921 and its
Director from 1921 until 1940.
One of the earliest American adherents of eugenics was Henry
Fairfield Osborn, the president from 1908 to 1933 of the American
Museum of Natural History and a respected paleontologist and
geologist who taught at both Princeton and Columbia Universities. He

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Winter 2001 / Russell 59
is credited with significantly expanding the staffing and funding of the
scientific department at the Museum. In 1921, Osborn hosted the
Second International Congress of Eugenics at the Museum. By that
time, eugenics had become a worldwide phenomenon and the
exhibition reflected that, with exhibits from twenty-two states and the
District of Columbia and 16 foreign countries, including Australia,
China, Cuba, India, Norway, and Peru. The Conference was attended
by future President Herbert Hoover and Charles Darwin’s son,
Leonard, who was the Chairman of the International Eugenics
Commission. In 1932, the Third International Eugenics Congress was
also held in New York at the American Museum of Natural History.
Mrs. Harriman was among the sponsors, as was Mrs. DuPont and Dr.
John Harvey Kellogg, the homeopathic physician and cereal company
executive, who also founded the Race Betterment Foundation.
In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure
of DNA. Commenting on the Human Genome Program, Watson has
stated: “We used to think our fate was in the stars. Now we know, in
large measure, our fate is in our genes.”20 William Shockley not only
received the Nobel Prize for his contribution to the development of the
transistor, but also led a one-man crusade against dysgenic American
policies. Despite threats on his life, Arthur Jensen persevered in
studying the relationship between IQ and race. In Canada, neither state-
sponsored censorship nor private harassment has deterred J. Philippe
Rushton’s inquiries into Race, Evolution and Behavior. The importance of
applying eugenic measures in the West becomes evident from Richard
Lynn’s recent work on Dysgenics and his just-released seminal work
Eugenics: A Reassessment.
Sociobiology has been applied to religion by Walter Burkert in his
interdisciplinary study entitled Creation of the Sacred: Tracks of Biology in
Early Religion (Harvard, 1996). In an earlier work, Burkert wrote
“Religious ritual is advantageous in the process of selection, if not for
the individual, then at least for the continuance of group identity.”21
Burkert’s view is echoed in the following paragraph from the Seattle
Times summary of the paper, “The Neural Basis of Religious
Experience” by V. S. Ramachandran, et al, at the University of California,
San Diego:
“It is not clear why such dedicated neural machinery . . . for
religion may have evolved,” the team reported yesterday at a
meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in New Orleans. One
possibility, the scientists said, was to encourage tribe loyalty or
reinforce kinship ties or the stability of a closely knit clan.22
While Judaism has functioned to sustain the Jewish People,

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60 Vol. 1, No. 2 The Occidental Quarterly
contemporary Western Christianity has, on the contrary, deliberately
dissociated itself from its European ethnocultural heritage, and has
focused on “universal social justice.” There is now afoot a conscious effort
to de-Europeanize and to re-Judaize Christianity, through scriptural
revision, internal treachery and external pressure. One possible strategy to
counter these efforts is to encourage a re-Europeanization of Christianity
into a European folk religion. Such a strategy might be bolstered by the
argument that Euro-Christians should only accept the folk-affirming form
of Christianity accepted by our ancestors and not accept the specious “bait
and switch” arguments of liberal Christians who try to indoctrinate us with
universalist propaganda. Thought-provoking discussions of past, present,
and future religious and ethnocultural encounters may be found in Samuel
Huntington’s timely Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
(Simon & Schuster, 1996), and Matthew Connelly and Paul Kennedy’s
December 1994 Atlantic Monthly article “Must it be the Rest Against the
West?” The study of the rise and fall of civilizations has captivated many
Western minds, from the racial speculations of Arthur de Gobineau,
Houston Stewart Chamberlain, and Madison Grant to the organic model of
Oswald Spengler and the challenge-response model of Arnold Toynbee.
More recent works on this perplexing subject have been written by Francis
Parker Yockey, Carroll Quigley, Lawrence Brown, James Burnham,
William Gayley Simpson, and Elmer Pendell, who, in his excellent inquiry
into Why Civilizations Self-Destruct observed that:
In our own civilization we see a lessening of the struggle for
survival. Welfare does away with natural selection. Nothing in
our present environment can serve as an adequate substitute for
the harsh means evolution adopted to prevent the weaker
elements of civilizations from playing a major part in the
formation of subsequent generations. Compassion, unfortunately,
is the enemy of biological progress.23
Pendell therefore proposed a marriage law that would limit the
number of children permitted in a family based upon the intelligence of
the parents.
Due to the relaxation of selective pressures as a civilization matures, in
most instances the genetic quality of the founders of a civilization is greater
than the quality of those who inhabit it during its decline. One may be led
to wonder that since the net result of a few hundred years of civilization,
without some form of eugenic mechanism, is usually the undoing of
millennia of genetic evolution, whether it might be better for a formal
civilization never to emerge, hence preserving and perhaps increasing the
genetic quality of a more rural, more independent population, within
which selective pressures could operate more freely.

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In addition to his work on I.Q., Rushton’s Genetic Similarity Theory
provides a biological basis for understanding the enduring preference of
genetically similar individuals for each other. It also provides insights
for resolving many of the ethnic conflicts which exist in the world
today.24 Kevin MacDonald’s work on religion, and particularly
Judaism, as a group evolutionary strategy, is essential for a thorough
understanding of our current predicament.25
While liberals and universalists constantly yammer about “bringing
us all together”, and how “diversity is our strength,” it may be
suggested that the biological function of human language and culture is
just the opposite, that is, to keep discrete groups apart. In my own view,
culture in humans is analogous to instinct in other species. Species with
more complex brains tend to rely less on instinct and more on learned
behavior, which in humans, includes culture. For culture in human
societies to accomplish that which instinct accomplishes in non-human
societies, it must establish a sense of group identity so that the
individual knows whom to act altruistically toward and whom to mate
with. In short, among humans, culture functions sociobiologically as an
isolating mechanism.
The organized anti-Western media of today seem to scour the
gutters of the ghetto for the most vile filth imaginable and then serve it
up to our children as “their culture.” Perhaps Konrad Lorenz’s animal
behavior research might provide us with some clues as to how MTV has
succeeded in contriving the acceptance, if not preference of white
adolescents for “rap music” and its attendant so-called “hip-hop
culture” of fashion and language. Lorenz gained some popularity for
his theories of imprinting when he acted as a substitute for a mother
goose soon after her eggs had hatched. Since goslings imprint upon the
first moving object they see after they are born as if it were their mother,
the little goslings began following Lorenz.
The time during which imprinting occurs is called the “critical period”
or “sensitive period.”26 This initial form of imprinting shortly after birth is
known as “filial imprinting.” Among humans, it is believed that there is a
period of linguistic imprinting during which a baby imprints upon a
particular language. There is another form of imprinting that is believed to
take place during sexual maturation. This “sexual imprinting” is a process
by which animals identify what traits suitable mates should possess.27
Females are usually more deeply influenced by sexual imprinting.
Animals tend to imprint upon the traits of their parents and siblings, since
they have the most social contact with them.
It has been demonstrated that finches raised by foster parents of a
different species of finch will later exhibit a lifelong sexual attraction
toward the alien species. One wonders how a child’s sexual imprinting

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62 Vol. 1, No. 2 The Occidental Quarterly
mechanism is affected by forcible racial integration and near continual
exposure to media stimuli promoting interracial contact.
The most serious implication of human sexual imprinting for our
genetic future is that it would establish the destructiveness of school
integration, especially in the middle and high-school years. One can
only wonder to what degree the advocates of school integration, such as
former NAACP attorney Jack Greenberg, were conscious of this
scientific concept. It also compounds the culpability of media moguls
who deliberately popularize miscegenation in films directed toward
adolescents and pre-adolescents. In the midst of this onslaught against
our youth, parents need to be reminded that they have a natural
obligation, as essential as providing food and shelter, to instill in their
children an acceptance of appropriate ethnic boundaries for
socialization and for marriage.
The sociobiological warfare that our youth is subjected to is likely to be
even more diabolical since it appears to deliberately exploit a biological
theory of sexual imprinting at the critical period of sexual maturity. Movies
like this past year’s spate of miscegenationist titles, Save the Last Dance,
Crazy / Beautiful and O, a parody of Othello, appear deliberately designed
to exploit the critical period of sexual imprinting in their target audiences of
white pre-adolescent girls and adolescent young women.
The current of misdirected altruism that permeates contemporary
Western society is dangerous when it is divorced from biological reality.
It would be better to ignorantly adhere to the laws of human evolution,
as do most primitive peoples, than to understand these laws and yet
deliberately disobey them. It would be most tragic if the people who
discovered the theory of evolution were to perish due to a failure of will
to apply it to their own destiny.
It is our duty to maintain and advance the Western continuum that
originated in ancient Greece and earlier. To falter at this critical juncture is
to allow our people to approach extinction. The greatest achievement of
the West will be our extrication from our current dilemma. If we succeed
in our efforts, the chroniclers of this age will celebrate our valiant struggle
in the epic literature of the future – if we fail, there will be no such literature
and our beleaguered descendants will mock us in our graves.


James C. Russell, Ph.D., is the author of The Germanization of Early

Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious
Transformation (Oxford University Press, 1994)

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Winter 2001 / Russell 63


1. Rex Warner ii. trans. Thucydides: the Peloponnesian War 4, (London: Bodley Head,
1954), p. 116.
2. Robert S. Lopez, The Birth of Europe (New York: M. Evans and Co., 1967), pp. 120-21.
3. Revilo P. Oliver, America’s Decline: The Education of a Conservative (London:
Londinium Press, 1987), pp. 216-17.
4. Greek Philosophy: Thales to Aristotle Reginald E. Allen, ed. & intro. (New York: Free
Press, 1967), p. 1.
5. Ibid., p. 2.
6. Detailed photographs of this marvelous work are available at: http://www.phil.uni-
diskobol.html .
7. W. W. Tarn, Alexander the Great (1948; reprint, Boston: Beacon Press, 1956), p. 147.
8. Steve Jones, et al, Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press)
9. Ibid.
10. Ramsay MacMulllen, Enemies of the Roman Order (New Haven, Conn.: Yale
University Press, 1981), pp. viii-ix.
11. The Gothic historian Jordanes describes the battle in Chapter 38 of his History of the
Goths, which is translated in William Stearns Davis, ed., Readings in Ancient History:
Illustrative Extracts from the Sources, 2 Vols. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1912-13), Vol. II:
Rome and the West, pp. 322-25.
12. William Stearns Davis, ed., Readings in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts from the
Sources, 2 vols. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1912-13), vol. II: Rome and the West, pp. 362-
13. Bernard of Clairveaux, Liber ad milites Templi: De laude novae militae, trans. Conrad
Greenia in The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux, Vol. 7, Cistercian Fathers Series: 19,
(Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1977).
14. The Secret History of the Reign of John Sobieski, The III of that Name, King of Poland,
containing a particular account of the siege of Vienna. . . . trans. François-Paulin
Dalairac (London: Rhodes, Bennet, Bell, Leigh & Midwinter, 1700), pp. 355-364.
15. An excellent detailed account of this outrage may be found in Glayde Whitney,
“Raymond B. Cattell and The Fourth Inquisition” Mankind Quarterly , vol. 38, no. 1 &
2, Fall/Winter 1997, pp. 99-124.
16. Neil Postman, “Philo Farnsworth” in Time: 100 Scientists http://www.time.com/
17. T. S. Eliot, After Strange Gods: A Primer in Modern Heresy (London: Faber, 1934), p.
18. Rachel Carson, in a CBS television interview in 1963: http://www.sover.net/
19. E. O. Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (New York: Knopf, 1998), p. ?.
20. James D. Watson, quoted by Leon Jaroff in Time 20 March 1989.
21. Walter Burkert, Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and
Myth (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983).

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64 Vol. 1, No. 2 The Occidental Quarterly
22. Seattle Times, Oct. 29, 1997.
23. Elmer Pendell, Why Civilizations Self-Destruct (Cape Canaveral, Florida: Howard
Allen), p. 126.
24. J. Philippe Rushton, “Genetic Similarity Theory and the Roots of Ethnic Conflict”
Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 23:4 (Winter 1998): 477-86.
25. Kevin MacDonald, A People that Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary
Strategy (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1994); Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an
Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (1998); The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary
Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements
26. John Archer, Ethology and Human Development (Hemel Hempstead, UK: Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1992).
27. Todd, P.M., and Miller, G.F. “Parental guidance suggested: How parental
imprinting evolves through sexual selection as an adaptive learning mechanism”
Adaptive Behavior, 2(1), 5-47. See also David T Lykken and Auke Tellegen, “Is Human
Mating Adventitious or the Result of Lawful Choice? A Twin Study of Mate Selection”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1993: vol. 65. no. I, 56-68.

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