FDP Brochure 2018

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Registration Form


“Strengthening the Skills of Professionals”
25th June 2018 to 29th June 2018 “Strengthening the Skills of Professionals”
1. Name (In capital) : __________________________________________________________
2. Designa on: _______________________________________________________________ 25th June 2018 to 29th June 2018
3. Organiza on/Ins tušon______________________________________________________
4. Qualifica on: ______________________________________________________________ Sponsored by
5. Area of Research:___________________________________________________________
6. Experience (in Years): Teaching: _________; Industry: __________; Research: _________
7. Mobile: _______________________________
8. E-mail:____________________________________________________________________
9. Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________
10. Payment Mode/Reference No. : Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
Declaration Lucknow, Uar Pradesh
The above informa on provided is true to the best of my knowledge. If selected, I agree to
Organized by
abide by the rules and regula ons of the course and shall a end the course for the en re dura
on. I also undertake the responsibility to inform the Coordinator in case, I am unable to a
end the course.

Date: Signature of applicant

Head of the Ins tušon/Organiza on with seal

Organizing Team
Dr. (Col) A Garg KIET School of Management
Dr. Manoj Kumar Goel
Director Admin
Dr. K R Chaurvedi Dr. Ranchay Bhateja Dr. Mani Tyagi (A Technical Campus approved by AICTE &
HOD, Associate Prof., Associate Prof., Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical Univ., Lucknow)
KIET School of Management KIET School of Management KIET School of Management Accredited by NAAC with Grade 'A' (5 yrs)
Delhi - Meerut Highway (NH-58)
9711869278 9319111513 81715490944 Muradnagar, Ghaziabad
PIN - 201206, Uttar-Pradesh, India.
About the KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad Program Duration, Important Deadlines And Fees

KIET was established in 1998 with the Intake of 198 students. The Ins tute has more than 5000 The program dura on, fees and registra on deadlines for the cer-fica on op on is given below. The
students on its rolls in 2017-18 : a substan al growth in 19 years to meet the need of quality candidates need to submit the registraon form fully filled and duly approved by Director/Head of the
technical educa on in U.P. We have pioneered technological, pharmaceuucal and management educa Ins tute on or before the given last date. No. of Seats is limited to 50.
on by o ering Bachelor and Master programs in these fields. Most of the department are accredited Program Dura on Program Fee Last Date for Submission of Applica on
by NBA. Also, KIET is accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade. KIET has been maintaining
25th June- 29th June 2018 FREE 15 June 2018
excellent results over the last several years and has been consistently rated as one of the best Ins
tušon of AKTU (formerly UPTU)
Resource Persons
KIET School of Management was established in the year 2004 which o ers Master in Business
Administra on (MBA) program. This two year full me course, a liated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Dr. Sanjiv Mittal Dr. Maitreyee Dutta
Technical University, Lucknow. The department is accredited by NBA. The training is imparted Professor & Dean-Guru Gobind Singh Professor & Head
with specializa on in Human Resource, Marke ng Management, Finance, Informaon Indraprastha University NITTTR, Chandigarh
Technology and Interna onal Business. Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhameja Dr. Urvashi Bhatia

Professor & Dean- Academics Cer-fied trainer from U.K-based

Relevance and Interna onal A airs, Cambridge University and Manipal City
NITTTR, Chandigarh
Faculty Development Program aims to strengthen teaching and research skills in the contemporary
Dr. Santosh Rangnekar Mr. Rajesh Kashyap
and emerging areas of management and technical educa on, to expose parcipants to recent
developments in teaching and research methods including ICT based teaching. Professor, IIT Roorkee Founder Nityavasu Learning’s,
New Delhi
This program also aims to develop the skill for lecture prepara on, execuon and ramifica on of Prof. A Suryanarayana
knowledge areas crea ng an excellent engagement model with the students inside and outside the Former Dean, Osmania University
classroom. It also uncovers case based and live examples methods of teaching and help the
parcipants in developing the skills in preparing live cases to be used for their classes.
Highlights of Session

Ø Leadership& ins tušon building: Role of teachers.

For Whom Ø Spirituality & Happiness
Ø Art of mo va ng students for learning.
The FDP is designed for teachers and researchers working in schools, universi es, colleges and Ø Teaching Pedagogy- Modern Teaching Pedagogical Methods.
professional ins tutes. Individuals teaching in sta training colleges, training centres of industrial Ø Reconnecvng class room teaching with lab/field assignments & cases.
organiza ons, and sta training ins tutes of central and state governments which teach management, Ø Guidelines for enhancing educa on through online portals like MOOCS NPTEL.SWAYAM etc.
technical and allied subjects are also welcome to apply. It is especially suited for educators seeking Ø Developing research a tude among teachers.
to strengthen their understanding of as well as gain exposure to advanced topics, learn and Ø 21st Century out come base learning.
experiment with e ec ve pedagogical techniques, and gain familiarity with essen al aspects of Ø Mock Sessions.
carrying out research studies. Ø Presenta on of parcipants.

Certification Accomodations
Accommoda on within the campus is available in the Ins tute Guest Houses on actual payment
Candidates can apply for admission and get the cer-ficate of parcipa on in Module of the Faculty
basis. KIET Ghaziabad is located in a well-connected area and has mulµple hotels available in the
Development Program. Award of the cer-ficate is subject to the parcipant mee ng the necessary a near vicinity. Par cipants are requested to contact in advance if they wish to avail boarding and
endance requirements and sa sfactory performance in the FDP . lodging facili]es within the campus.

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