1515 050 SPC 0009 - Pmi

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Santos Engineering Standard

Specification 1515-050-SPC-0009-0 Rev 1

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Santos Specification

Title: Positive Material Identification

Table of contents:

FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................... 2
1 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Structure ......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Application ...................................................................................................... 3
2 REFERENCES AND DEFINITIONS .......................................................................... 3
2.1 References ..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Definitions....................................................................................................... 3
3 PART 1 - PMI REQUIREMENTS PERFORMED BY SANTOS .................................. 4
3.1 Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................. 4
3.2 Santos PMI Levels .......................................................................................... 4
SUPPLIERS .............................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................. 5
4.2 Verification Methods ....................................................................................... 5
4.3 Verification Samples ....................................................................................... 6
4.4 PMI Acceptance Criteria ................................................................................. 9
4.5 PMI Identification .......................................................................................... 11
4.6 PMI Documentation ...................................................................................... 12
5 REVISION NOTES................................................................................................... 12
6 APPENDICES.......................................................................................................... 13

Custodian: Principal Engineer - Integrity

Approved By: Chief Facilities Engineer
Date: August 2014

Rev Date: Aug-2014 Issued by Facilities Engineering  Santos Ltd

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Santos Engineering Standard
Specification 1515-050-SPC-0009-0 Rev 1
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Application of this Santos Engineering Standard shall meet requirements of the

Santos Environment Health and Safety Management System – in particular, but not limited

EHSMS 02 - Legal and Other Obligations

EHSMS 06 - Training and Competency

EHSMS 09 - Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control

EHSMS 10 - Contractor and Supplier Management

EHSMS 11 - Operations Integrity

EHSMS 12 - Management of Change

EHSMS - Definitions & Acronyms

HSHS 06 - Electrical Safety

Santos Engineering Standards apply to all Santos facilities and are based on
Australian Regulations and Standards. When applied outside of Australia, Local Regulations,
Codes of Practice and Environmental Regulations shall take precedence.

The Santos Engineering Standards are generated, implemented and reviewed in accordance
with the Santos Engineering Management Standards (EMS).

Compliance with Regulations, Engineering Management Standards (1520-002-STN-0002

and 1520-002-STN-0004) and Engineering Standards is compulsory in accordance with
EHSMS 02 and EHSMS 11.2. The current Santos Engineering Standards shall apply unless
specifically stated within individual standards or when directed by the Custodian of the
relevant Standard. Regulations may superimpose retroactive provisions.

Use of this Santos Engineering Standard is MANDATORY. If any part of this Standard
appears inadequate, unsuitable or not cost effective, consult with the Custodian to agree a
suitable solution. This may result in a revision to the Standard.

Deviations from Santos Engineering Standards shall be approved in writing via the Santos
Engineering Standards Waiver process. Approval of waivers is vested in the Santos Chief
Facilities Engineer or his delegate.

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Specification 1515-050-SPC-0009-0 Rev 1
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1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Specification is to direct the performance of assurance activities that
ensure Positive Material Identification (PMI).

1.2 Structure
This Specification is structured in two parts to permit its application for internal Santos PMI
and for PMI actions performed by Suppliers:
 Part 1 - Santos PMI Actions
 Part 2 - Supplier PMI Actions.

1.3 Application
This Specification applies to all project and maintenance activities that result in a physical
change within the pressure envelope of pressure equipment that processes hydrocarbons or
hazardous fluids within Santos operated assets. It includes the activities of both Santos and
its Contractors and Suppliers and applies across materials destined for immediate use and
inventory. Types of materials covered are:
 Metal alloys
 Welding consumables and weldments
 Plastics and rubber components
 Structural composites
 Metallic gaskets.


2.1 References
American Petroleum Institute (API):
 API RP578 Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):

 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX.

Australian Standards:
 AS/NZS 3992:1998 Pressure equipment - Welding and brazing qualification
 AS 4037:1999 Pressure equipment - Examination and testing.
To view current individual Australian Standards click on this Santos link
Australian Standards.

Shell Global Solutions:

 BPG INSP -05-I Revision 1 Oct 2009 Best Practice Guide - Positive Material
Identification (PMI) for new and existing piping systems.

2.2 Definitions
Refer to Appendix A.

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Specification 1515-050-SPC-0009-0 Rev 1
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3.1 Roles and Responsibilities

The Santos project leader, project engineer, maintenance activity leader, or delegate, shall:
 Select the Santos PMI level based on the system risk in accordance with Santos
1515-050-WPR-0008 Work Practice for Positive Material Identification
 Ensure that the Supplier PMI requirements defined in Part 2 are correctly incorporated
in supply contracts/purchase orders
 Approve Supplier PMI Plan(s) and PMI procedures
 Accept PMI deliverables.

3.2 Santos PMI Levels

Santos PMI actions shall be performed as defined by the PMI requirement levels defined
Table 1 Santos PMI Levels

PMI Requirement Level PMI Actions

1 No PMI required
2 PMI actions performed by Supplier, Santos checks documentation only.
3 Actions defined by Level 2, plus Santos performs spot checks of
materials (up to 100% of sample)
4 Actions defined by Level 3, plus Santos performs 100% check of
materials pre-construction
5 Actions defined by Level 4, plus Santos performs 100% check of
materials post construction as far as is reasonably practicable.

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Specification 1515-050-SPC-0009-0 Rev 1
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4.1 Roles and Responsibilities

The Principal shall:
 Establish in writing a material verification requirement in accordance with Part 1
defining the extent and type of PMI testing to be conducted during the construction of
new piping systems, retroactively on existing piping systems and during the
maintenance, repair or modification of existing piping systems.
The Contractor shall:
 Prepare a PMI execution program and/or plan that translates the Principal’s
requirements to defined actions to be performed by the Contractor and Suppliers.
 Conform with any hold points required by the Principal.
The Supplier shall:
 If there is no Contractor, prepare a PMI execution program and/or plan that translates
the Principal’s requirements to defined actions.
 Prepare lower level PMI plans, procedures, process specifications, checklists,
inspection sheets and reports.
 Submit to the Contractor:
o The manufacturer and model number of any XRF analyser or other analyser prior
to use.
o The name of any laboratory prior to despatch of samples.
o Names and technical qualifications of personnel that will be performing PMI.
 Obtain the approval of the Contractor prior to proceeding with PMI activities.
 Conform with any hold points required by the Principal or Contractor.
 Manufacture and/or supply materials that meet the Principal’s requirements.
 Perform and record material verification in accordance with this Part 2.
 Maintain records.

4.2 Verification Methods

Verification shall be performed by destructive or non-destructive methods appropriate to the
Note: Methods may include x-ray fluorescence composition analysis, fibre weight in
composites, solubility, melting point, physical properties of rubber, optical emission
spectrography and many others.
Equipment and processes used for verification shall be traceable to National Standards that
define methods for the conduct of the test and necessary calibration of the equipment.
Inspection hold points, if established by the Principal or Contractor, shall be:
 Just prior to surface preparation and painting;
 Used to verify that the correct materials, including deposited weld material, and colour
coding were used prior to the loss of material identity marking during surface
 Include a review of the PMI analysis reports and any spot checking by any party.

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4.3 Verification Samples

4.3.1 General
Samples taken for destructive testing shall be removed by the Supplier in the presence of the
Contractor’s representative unless this requirement is waived in writing by the Principal on a
case by case basis.
PMI is to be carried out at a time which ensures that proper materials are being used in the
fabrication of an identifiable assembly (e.g. a pipe length welded into a spool, or a nozzle
welded into a vessel, etc.).
All PMI records are to be traceable to a material source and heat number and the Supplier
shall demonstrate traceability at any time. The results shall be incorporated into fabrication
logs/manufacturer’s data records.

4.3.2 PMI Sampling Rates

PMI shall be performed as directed by the Principal or if not directed, in accordance with
Table 1 or Table 2, as applicable, after risk assessment using the Santos Risk Matrix or the
Shell BPG INSP-05-I PMI Risk Matrix as follows:
 Full sampling frequency - Santos Risk Levels Very High or High, or Shell Red
 Standard sampling frequency - Santos Risk Level Medium, or Shell Yellow Non-Destructive Testing
Where a lot is not traceable back to a heat number, mill certification or other positive means
of identification then that lot shall be subject to 100% examination regardless of quantity.
If any piece from a representative sample is found to be unacceptable, each piece of that lot
shall be examined.
When a lot is found to contain unacceptable pieces, 100% of the next two lots from the same
Supplier and/or Sub-Supplier shall be examined. If both lots are acceptable, or when two
successive lots are acceptable, the representative sampling frequency given in Paragraph
4.3.2 of this Specification may be resumed.
Materials with no alloy type identification (i.e., permanent marking) cannot be PMI tested on
a representative basis, rather, shall be tested 100%.
Where items are rejected after verification, all remaining pieces of the same item from a
particular Supplier shall be verified. Rejected items shall be returned to the original source of
supply at no cost to the Contractor or Principal. Destructive Testing
For destructive testing, one sample from each batch or heat of material shall be tested.
Where destructive sampling of unique items is economically prohibitive, the Supplier(s) shall
obtain the Contractor's permission to submit material test reports and non-destructive PMI
test results to the Contractor in lieu of destructive testing. In such cases the Contractor must
obtain written approval from the Principal before proceeding.

4.3.3 Sample Preparation and Handling

Dye check cleaner (or similar) is to be used for cleaning of tools and sample surfaces prior to
obtaining samples for destructive testing.
Test locations for non-destructive PMI testing shall be ground or otherwise prepared to the
proper surface finish as specified by the analyser devise manufacturer.

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The Supplier shall ensure that all materials are segregated and stored in separate identified
locations to prevent the mix-up of materials of different alloy specifications or alloy material
with carbon steel. Non-ferro-magnetic materials shall be segregated at all times from ferro-
magnetic materials.

4.3.4 Extent of Verification by Usage - Alloy Materials

PMI shall be conducted on metallic alloy materials based on the uses shown in
Table 2 Levels of PMI for Alloy Materials below.

Table 2 Levels of PMI for Alloy Materials

Material Usage Full PMI Standard PMI

(Santos Risk Levels Very (Santos Risk Level
High, High or Shell BPG Medium or Shell BPG
INSP-05-I Red) INSP-05-I Yellow)
Pipe including fittings 100% 10% (1)
Valves (7) 100% 10% (1)
Expansion Joints and Sp Items 100% 10% (1)
Heat Exchangers, Boilers, Fired Heaters
Heater Tubes 100% 10% (1)
Heat Exchanger Tubes 5% 5% (2)
Tubesheets 100% 10% (4)
Fittings 100% 10% (1)
Expansion Joints 10% (4)
Channels 100% 10% (4)
Pipe 100% 10% (1)
Furnace Tube Hangers 100% 10% (1)
Furnace Tube Supports 100% 10% (1)
Cladding 100% 10% (4)
Pressure Retaining Components of Pressure
Shells and Heads 100% 10% (4)
Nozzles, Fittings and Flanges 100% 10% (1)
Cladding 100% 10% (4)
Pressure Retaining Components of
Pump and Compressor Casings 100% 100%

Control Valve (8) 100% 5%
Inline Instruments (11) 100% 5% (1)

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Material Usage Full PMI Standard PMI

(Santos Risk Levels Very (Santos Risk Level
High, High or Shell BPG Medium or Shell BPG
INSP-05-I Red) INSP-05-I Yellow)
Bulk Materials and Gaskets
Fasteners 5% (3) 5% (3)
Gaskets (metallic) 100% 10% (1)
Welds (Pressure Equipment) (5) 100% 5% (9,10)
Weld repairs (5) 100% 5% (9,10)
Welds (Piping)(6) 100% 5% (7)
Weld Overlay 100% 5% (7,9,10)
Pressure Relieving Equipment
Bellows 100% 100%
Body 100% 100%
Hood 100% 100%
Rupture Disc 100% 100%

1. 10% of all the components shall be examined. Components to be examined shall be selected by
the Principal or Contractor. If any given component has fewer than 10 items but more than 5, one
shall be examined. If 5 or less, all items shall be examined.
2. 5% representative sample of the total number of tubes from each heat, lot and material
specification of tubes.
3. 5% of bolts supplied in bulk or 2 bolts per box, and per heat and lot, whichever is the greater, shall
be examined. If lot size is less than 5, all are to be examined. Bolts to be examined shall be
randomly selected by the Principal or Contractor.
4. One examination per heat of material.
5. One spot on every cap pass of every pressure retaining weld.
6. This classification does not include carbon steel pipelines designed to AS 2885.
7. One spot on one cap pass per weld process specification per spool of piping shall be examined in
accordance with Table 2.
8. Valve body and hood only. However PMI testing of non-standard trim upgrades using high alloy
material such as alloy 400 trim is recommended in the modification workshop.
9. One analysis per WPS shall be taken at the base filler material and/or overlaid weld on each major
longitudinal and circumferential weld seam. For nozzles lined with alloy weld metal overlay, one
analysis per nozzle is required. For sleeve lined nozzles, one analysis for the flange face overlay
and of the shell tie-in overlay is required. One analysis is also required for the alloy weld overlay
covering a base metal weld and joining the cladding of clad plates. In cases of inaccessibility, a
test sample may be welded for analysis. A test sample shall be welded for each welding process
and for each heat and lot of filler materials.
One analysis is required on each fabricated head. The analysis shall meet the same composition
limits as the corresponding base plate and clad materials except that carbon maximum of 0.045%
is acceptable in a deposit joining L grade austenitic stainless steel cladding.
For alloy air cooler header boxes, one analysis for each welding process used for long seams, end
plates and nozzles is required.
10. Analysis of the base filler metal and/or alloy weld overlay shall be made at a location determined
by the Principal or Contractor’s inspector. If overlay has been applied for corrosion protection, the
analysis shall be performed at half the minimum specified thickness as qualified in the welding
process specifications. If the function of the overlay is to ensure product purity only, the sample
shall be taken at the surface. Chemical composition at the designated depth shall meet the
minimum composition requirements for the weld overlay alloy applied.

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11. Includes venturis (external portion only), level bridles, Coriolis meter, magnetic level, displacer and
other instruments installed in-line pressure retaining service. Only the accessible welds are to be
tested in the field. Insertion type instruments such as thermowells, annubars, capacitance probes,
FCI flow meters are exempt because of the low stress level and standard stainless construction.
Insertion type instruments of alloys higher than stainless require PMI. Excludes items that are not
pressure retaining or not in-line instruments (downstream of the primary block valve) such as
pressure transmitters.
12. Bi-metallic joints. The Principal or Contractor shall be contacted prior to performing PMI on any
dissimilar / bimetallic joints.

4.3.5 Extent of Verification by Usage - Non-metallic Materials

PMI shall be conducted on non-metallic materials based on the uses shown in
Table 3 Levels of PMI for Non-metallic Materials below.
Note: Whilst non-metallic materials are rarely used to contain high temperature and high
pressure process fluids the Santos risk level can be elevated due to economic factors.

Table 3 Levels of PMI for Non-metallic Materials

Material Type and Usage Full PMI Standard PMI

(Santos Risk Levels Very (Santos Risk Level Medium
High, High or Shell BPG or Shell BPG INSP-05-I
INSP-05-I Red) Yellow)
Epoxy/polymer vessel liners Sample coupon per batch (1) Sample coupon per batch (1)
Structural composites (2) 10% 1 item per batch
Engineered plastics (3,4) 10% 1 item per batch
O-rings and seals (4) 1% NA
Geomembranes, liners (3,4,5) Sample per batch Sample of initial batch
Plastic pipes (3,4) 1% 1 item per batch

1. Test to be chosen based on the reason the liner has been applied. Eg, corrosion resistance.
2. Consider resin burn off techniques for establishing the fibre volume in a composite.
3. Consider tensile tests.
4. Consider compositional tests.
5. Consider tear tests.

4.4 PMI Acceptance Criteria

When quantitative PMI analysis is performed material compositions shall lie within the
tolerances for the minimum/maximum amounts of alloying and contaminating elements
specified by the design or purchase specification. If the PMI test results fall outside of the
acceptable ranges, the item will be rejected. Where the design or purchase specification is
not available the values in Table 4 Alloy Material PMI Tolerances shall be used.

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Table 4 Alloy Material PMI Tolerances if Not Specified in Design Documentation

Acceptable Measured Range (%)

Alloy Ni Cr Mo Others Destructive
304 8.0 - 11.0 18.0 - 20.0 No
304 8.0 - 11.0 18.0 - 20.0 (1) (2) (3) No
(Special (C only) Use Arc-Met
Chemistry) 930 or 900 for C
316 10.0 - 14.0 16.0 - 18.0 2.0 -3.0 No
316 10.0 - 14.0 16.0 - 18.0 2.0 - 3.0 (1) (2) (3) No
(Special (C only) Use Arc-Met 930
Chemistry) or 900 for C
317 11.0 - 15.0 18.0 - 20.0 3.0 - 4.0 (1) No
321 9.0 -13.0 17.0 - 20.0 (C and Ti) No
(4) Use Arc-Met
930 or 900 for C
347 9.0 - 13.0 17.0 - 20.0 (Cb/Nb) No
347H 9.0 - 13.0 17.0 - 20.0 (C, Cb/Nb) No
(5) Use Arc-Met
930 or 900 for C
1¼ Cr - ½ Mo - 1.50 0.44 - 0.65 No
2¼ Cr - 1 Mo 1.90 - 2.60 0.87 - 1.13 No
1¼ Cr - ½ Mo - 1.50 0.44 - 0.65 Si; 0.50 - Yes (P and Sn )
(Special 0.80 (6)
Chemistry) 1.90 - 2.60 0.87 - 1.13 Si; 0.50
2¼ Cr -1 Mo Max Yes (P and
(Special 4.0 - 6.0 0.45 - 0.65 Sn)(14)
Chemistry) 8.0 - 10.0 0.90 - 1.10 No
5Cr 11.5 - 13.5 No
9Cr 4.6 - 6.5 21.0 - 23.0 2.5 - 3.5 No
12Cr No
Duplex 2205 No
Incoloy 800 30.0 - 35.0 19.0 - 23.0 (7) No
Incoloy 825 38.0 - 46.0 19.5 - 23.5 2.5 - 3.5 (11) No
Hastelloy B-2 65.0 min. 1.0 max. 26.0 - 30.0 (8) No
Hastelloy C-276 Bal. 14.5 - 16.5 15.0 - 17.0 (12) No
Inconel 600 72.0 min. 14.0 - 17.0 1.0% Max. (9) No
Inconel 625 58.0 min. 20.0 - 23.0 8.0 - 10.0 (13) No
Monel 400 63.0 min. 2.0% Max. Cu-28.0 to No
Max. (10)
Alloy 20 36.5 - 38.0 19.0- 21.0 2.0 - 3.0 Cu 3.0 - No
Mn 1.0 -

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1. Carbon content; <0.035% for “L” Grades
2. Carbon content: 0.08%.Maximun for “Standard” (not “L” or “H” Grades)
3. Carbon content: 0.04% - 0.10% for “H” Grades
4. Carbon content: 0.08% Maximum; Titanium content: 5 times Carbon Minimum to 0.07% Maximum
5. Carbon content: 0.04% - 0.10%; Columbium (Niobium) content: 8 times Carbon Minimum to 1.0%
6. The analysis of phosphorus and tin shall meet the following weight percent limits:
7. P 0.012%, and Sn  0.015%; (P+Sn) < 0.020. J-Factor = 150 max.(See note (14) below)
8. Ti; 0.15 - 0.60%
9. Co; 1.0% Maximum, Iron content: 2.0% maximum
10. Iron content: 6.0% - 10.0%
11. Iron content: 2.5% Maximum
12. Ti; 0.60 - 1.2%
13. Co; 2.5% Maximum, W; 3.0 - 4.5%
14. Iron content; 5.0% Maximum, Co; 1.0% Maximum, Ti; 0.40% Maximum
15. J-Factor = (Si+Mn)x(P+Sn)x10exp4 shall not exceed 100. (Si, Mn, P, Sn:wt%)

This specification does not allow for percentage non-conformance. If any piece from a sample
population is found to be unacceptable then the remainder of that lot shall be verified by performing a
100% examination.
All rejected materials shall be isolated in a "HOLD" area, tagged "REJECTED", and a Non-
conformance Report initiated by the Supplier.

4.5 PMI Identification

After PMI has been successfully completed, each piece shall be marked to identify the alloy
type (i.e., “PMIV 1¼ Cr” or “PMIV 316”) adjacent to the PMI test sight. The preferred marking
methods are low stress stamps or vibra-etch. Other marking methods require the Principal’s
agreement and authorisation. If colour coding is proposed all practices should be in
accordance with Pipe Fabrication Institute Standard ES-22. Cut lengths of pipe from PMI
examined material are to have the PMI markings transferred to all pieces. This marking is in
addition to those normally required by applicable codes or other job specifications.
Ink or paint shall be of a type whose chemistry will not be detrimental to the material being
identified, of an "indelible" type or other which is not easily removed and remain legible for a
minimum period of three years.
Items which cannot accommodate this identification shall be individually tagged with the
identification placed on tags.
PMI marking shall be placed as follows:
 Pipe shall have two marks, 180 degrees apart, 75 mm (3 in.) from each end of each
length for a total of four marks on the outer surface of the pipe.
 Where representative sampling is allowed, pieces may be PMI tested upon receipt
and those pieces tested shall be marked PMIV. Items from the same lot that are not
tested shall be marked “PMI.”
 Weld marks shall be placed adjacent to the welder’s mark, directly on the weld.
 Fittings and forgings shall be marked adjacent to the component manufacturer’s
 Plates shall be marked adjacent to the heat numbers.
 Fasteners shall be marked on one end.
 Nuts shall be marked on one flat

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 Other items shall have each piece identified a sufficient number of times and at
different locations to ensure visibility of identification during the fabrication or erection
When heat treatment is performed after material verification, the identification markings shall
be recognizable after the heat treatment.
The Supplier shall implement controls to prevent the inadvertent use of materials failing to
pass examinations or those incorrectly identified.

4.6 PMI Documentation

PMI records and other reports identified in and required by this specification shall be
maintained by the Supplier and copies made available to the Principal and Contractor upon
PMI records specified in the contract/purchase order shall be included in the Manufacturer’s
Data Record delivered with the supplies.


This standard is next scheduled for review: February 2017

Revision 1
This standard was previously TIMS document [1515-50-S-009-0].
Revision 1 reflects the migration of Santos engineering documentation from The Technical
Information Management Systems (TIMS) to myPlant OP during 2014. No technical update
changes have been made to this standard but where possible the update has addressed:
 Compliance with the new Santos naming conventions
 Links, including Redirect documents, to Santos Intranet, Extranet and external web
 Keyword replacements (eg. replace TIMS with myPlant)
 Inclusion of reference to the Santos Engineering Management Standards (EMS)
which were launched in 2014.

Prepared AF Rooney, ARQS Aug-2014

Reviewed DR Robinson, Santos Aug-2014
Approved Michael McCarthy, Chief Facilities Engineer August 2014

Revision 0
First Issue
Prepared D Gillott, Santos Feb 2014
Reviewed Colin Beasley, Principal Engineer - Integrity Feb 2014
Approved Michael McCarthy, Chief Facilities Engineer Feb 2014

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Appendix A Definitions

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Appendix A Definitions


Alloy Materials
Alloy materials are metal materials having a "P" number greater than 1, as defined in ASME
Section IX, QW-422. (These are also cross referenced in AS 3992:1998 Table 5.3 and AS
4037:1999 Table 2.1).

Bulks include flanges, fittings, valves, pipe, tubing fasteners and instrumentation components
which are generally delivered in large lots with or without individual identification.

The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a
facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.

Inspection Lot
An inspection lot is a group of components from the same heat number or heat treatment
batch from which a sample is drawn. For fasteners, a lot is a group of similar components in
terms of alloy type and size.

See Supplier.

National Standards
A National Standard is a standard that describes the methods for conducting a test that has
been issued by an independent national authority such as Australian Standards, ASTM, ISO,
ASME or similar.

PMI (marking)
“PMI” marking on an item indicates PMI Verification has been performed on at least one
other item from the representative sample (i.e., the item stamped “PMI” is one on which PMI
Verification has not been performed).

PMI Procedure
A PMI procedure shall consist of the following minimum information:
 The PMI equipment to be used;
 The equipment calibration requirements, including pre- and post-examination checks
for equipment accuracy against known samples traceable to a National Standard;
 The critical elements to be verified for each alloy type tested;
 The PMI acceptance and rejection criteria;
 The methods employed for PMI testing, marking, and controlling of materials
examined prior to use in fabrication;
 The PMI and PMIV marking requirements, including methods, timing, and locations;
 The documentation and traceability methods used for both accepted and rejected

Rev Date: Aug-2014 Issued by Facilities Engineering  Santos Ltd

Printed document may not be current issue. Check ‘SES site’ ABN 80 007 550 923
Santos Engineering Standard
Specification 1515-050-SPC-0009-0 Rev 1
Page 2 of 2
Appendix A Definitions

PMIV (marking)
“PMIV” marking on an item indicates Positive Material Identification Verification has been
done on that individual item.

The Principal is the party, generally being Santos Ltd, which initiates the Project and
ultimately pays for its design and construction. The Principal will generally specify the
technical requirement. The Principal may also include an agent “Third Party Inspection
Agency (TPIA)” or consultant to act for, and on behalf of, the Principal.

Representative Sampling
Representative Sampling is PMI testing of a sample, consisting of one or more pieces or
components selected at random from an inspection lot, which will be examined to determine
acceptability of the inspection lot.

Santos Risk Matrix

The Santos Risk Matrix is a maintained matrix that relates consequences and likelihoods of
uncertain events to risk levels Very Low, Low, Medium, High and Very High to guide Santos

The word 'Shall' indicates a requirement.

The word 'Should' indicates a recommendation.

The Supplier (refers to Manufacturer or Supplier) is the party which manufactures or supplies
equipment, materials and services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.

Traceable Mill Certificate

A Traceable Mill Certificate (and other test certificates as required by the Project
Specification) is a document that permits each component to be identified according to the
original heat or material from which it was produced.

A Weld Process Specification.
X-Ray fluorescence, including XRF analyser, being a device for measuring metal
composition using X-ray fluorescence analysis.

Rev Date: Aug-2014 Issued by Facilities Engineering  Santos Ltd

Printed document may not be current issue. Check ‘SES site’ ABN 80 007 550 923

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