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Some key takeaways from the passage are that astrology should be used to help people and not harm them, and that Jupiter is always considered beneficial in astrology according to the tradition.

An important lesson for Jyotisha mentioned is that this knowledge should be used to help people and not harm them or gain temporary fame.

When analyzing a servant or subordinate, their lagna should be checked relative to the employer's 5th house, and other factors like the employee's placement in the employer's chart should also be considered.


Sl.NoHeading of the questions Page No
1 Important lesson for Jyotisha 3
2 Servant/ subordinate analysis 3
3 Krishna devotee 4
4 Phalita Jyotish 4
5 Calculating Rudra 4
6 Rudra Rule 4
7 Determining one's Guru 5
8 Planets in trines to each other 6
9 Saham 7
10 Change of job 7
11 8th House - an analysis 8
12 How to fix lagna for sibling? 9
13 Day light saving 10
14 Kendrathipathi Dhosha 10
15 Musical talents 11
16 Planets in 9th house in Shastyamsa 11
17 Strengths & Dristi 11
18 Avastha 12
19 Planetary colours 13
20 Seasons 14
21 Siblings 15
22 Jealousy 15
23 Sura & Asura 16
24 Odd and even signs 16
25 Badhakesh and Rogesh 17
26 Indication from direction of 8th lord placement 17
27 Profession - Private / Government 17
28 Malefic in 12th from Moon 18
29 Venus-Saturn, Rahu-Venus combination effect 18
30 About litigation 19
31 Malefics in 7th house 19
32 Deciding between Lagna and Moon 19
33 Moorthi determination for transit planets 20
34 Indications for Travelling 20
35 Vargottama 21
36 Ashtakavarga and Shodasavarga 22
37 Ashtakavarga 22
38 Dasa Rasi 23
39 Graha Yuddha 23
40 Parakrama 24
41 Gender determination for Nasta Jataka 25
42 Bija Mantras for Planets 26
43 Remedial measures 27
44 Jupiter 28

1. Important lesson for Jyotisha


Could you share with us any unforgettable experience you had (or heard!) which has
astrological significance?


When one is young and learning Jyotish, then some mistakes happen due to excessive
enthusiasm and not heeding the words of the Guru. I had just started learning the secrets of
timing death in 1989 when my good friend Simanta asked me to examine the chart of the sister
of his fiance and comment on her health. On examining the chart, I remarked that if she was
traveling in a hilly area, then there was danger to her health. On further inquiry, he was told that
if her mother went there immediately, then she would be safe as she was in her third Shoola
dasa (18-27 years) and Venus was in the 4th house for Pisces ascendant. The evil occurred and
I was informed about her accident and sudden death in the foothills of the Himalayas where she
had gone for a trek and the brakes of a truck failed as it rolled on her. I learnt a very harsh
lesson in Jyotish that this knowledge is meant to do good and where we cannot do so, then
making predictions for some temporary fame is useless and unethical.

2. Servant/ subordinate analysis


A couple of days back my sister (Ishmeet) asked me to verify whether her recent employee is
unlucky for her. It seems since she employed her a month back, she has not made a single
business deal.

Now for this should I check how the Lagna of employee is placed? vis-a-vis employer's A5?
Would this be restricted to harmony between the employee and the employer? If so what else
needs to be looked for?

Incidentally, in Ishmeet's chart A5 is placed 12th from AL. Wouldn't this mean that her
employees would result in loss to her?


The A5 is the Mantra Pada whereas the servants are seen from the sixth house and maids
(looking after babies) from the 4th house (replacing the mother for some time). The fifth is the
house of subordinates who are different from Maids or other staff.

In case you are looking at personal staff in the office, then the Peon/Daftly/Guard etc. are in the
6th house of PHYSICAL Service (to the Lagna) while the PA/PS are in the third house (sixth to
the tenth i.e. Physical service pertaining to the Office work) whereas the Juniors in the hierarchy
are in the 5th house. See this in the Dasamsa (D-10) and not Rasi Chart for the kind of details
you are looking for.

3. Krishna devotee



information, correct the Lagna degree and then only make predictions/ readings.
You will also find the Moon in the ninth in my Vimsamsa Chart.

4. Phalita Jyotish


What is Phalita Jyotisha?


There are two broad divisions in astrology: (1) analysis of "results" (phalita) when a person is
alive (2) analysis of when a person dies and longevity. The former is called Phalita Jyotisha.

5. Calculating Rudra


How correctly to calculate Rudra?


The stronger between the second and eighth lords is called Rudra. Sometimes the weaker
qualifies. Rudra is like an elephant holding the PRANA to the Physical body. Thus, for each of
the 12 houses, there is one-eighth lord called its Rudra. However, for the sign occupied by the
Atmakaraka, the eighth Lord is called Maheswara or Shiva as He is responsible for holding the
ATMA inside the body. Thus, we can say that there are eleven Rudra and one Maheswara in a

6. Rudra Rule


I would just like everyone to know that my teacher Sri Harish Johari left his body on Aug 20. He
was a great man, scholar, author, tantrik and artist. I will miss him very much. His chart is very
interesting and I think we can learn a lot from it. It was predicted by Narayana Rishi, a great
astrologer in India that he would have problems in his mid to late 60's and if he could fight it he
would live to 76( which is the age we all thought he would live to) If you look in his chart the
situation is just quite amazing.
May 12, 1934, 12:55 pm Barielly , India (UP)
time of death: Aug 20, 1999, 3:25pm, Haridwar, India.


Please accept my condolences at the passing away of your Guru maharaj Sri Johari-ji. The
horoscope you have provided tells confirms his stature as a learned man and a great tapaswi as
Jupiter is exalted in Navamsa Lagna with Venus & Saturn in the 5th house. He was also a
powerful tantrik as both Rahu and Saturn are in trines to the Navamsa lagna, but not in trines to
the Atmakaraka i.e the knowledge was acquired in this birth itself through the tapasya Yoga in
the fifth from Amsa-lagna.

Some time back I had mentioned an important RULE in Jyotish

which I call the "RUDRA RULE". The ordained Rudra alone can
kill and this comes ONCE IN ELEVEN YEARS. There was a
person who visited a Nadi astrologer and was told that the Ayus as
per his past karma is 70 Years, but the man died in 59 Years.
There was no bad karma, but the mere existence in todays hectic
ways of MODERN life is not good for longevity and that person
Thus death cycle comes every 11 years. This is the rule of Ekadas
Rudra (11 Rudra) as in the Rudramsa.

Now consider the prediction of 76 years given for Sri Harish

Johari. Unfortunately, the effect of the times has snatched away a
good soul in his 65th Year i.e. EXACTLY 11 YEARS BEFORE
THE ORDAINED DEATH. I consider him a great teacher who even in his passing away has
taught us.

If you consider the Shoola dasa, the Shoola Dasa of Leo was from the 63 to 72 years. This is
aspected both by the Rudra Yoga of Mars & Moon showing the danger of premature death.
However, this is also aspected by the Atmakaraka SUN (Shiva) showing that the AK could have
prevented the Rudra yoga from functioning. Hence, Sri Narayana Rishi had made his
predictions after careful thought and should be respected for his perfect opinion and advice.

7. Determining one's Guru


Can we infer about one's Guru by examining arudha of 9th in D-24? (Consider my D-24, Sani in
Pisc, Sukra in Gemini, Kuja in Cancer, Guru and Lagna in Virgo, Rahu, Kethu and Budha in
Sco, Chandra and Ravi in Aqua. Now A-9 (arudha of 9th) is Cancer along with Kuja. Ravi and
Chandra are in 8th from there (as well as they aspect it). So, can we say my guru must have
strong influences of Kuja and Chandra?


While determining the Guru, who will come in BODY, consider Graha Dristi on the ninth as well.
Here, Mercury is the Lagnesh of D-24 and also strongly aspects the empty ninth house. Hence
Mercury is the planet bringing your Guru. Having accepted you as his sisya, it is only most

befitting for you to address him as your Guru. I can understand that this transition is a bit difficult
and at this juncture give my highest regards to your father and his DHARMA.

Long time back I had discussed a very basic principle in the Jyotish-list: SARVA DHARMA
PITRI PADE; SARVA SUKHA MATRI PADE. Dharma comes from the feet of your father and
happiness from the feet of your Mother. In a deeper sense, from Vishnu and Lakshmi


In another mail on your D-24, I missed that aspect of Jupiter also on the ninth house in D-24.
So, it does show me as well as Narasimha (Mercury aspects the ninth as well).

Mitha Bhaasi is a very relative term. B V Raman had Rahu in the second. The best way to get
over this possible malady (I don't think it exists) is to use the knowledge of the Kalachakra. Mars
naturally opposes Saturn. Hence, keep MAUNA VRATA (perfect silence for 3 hours) on
saturdays between 6 AM to 9 AM.


I could not understand what is hidden in "Mars naturally opposes Saturn".


This is the Kala-Chakra. Saturn is in the NW & Mars in SE. Understand the kala-Chakra
and the Astadala padma which is the foundation of Hinduism and Jyotish.

8.Planets in trines to each other


You often mention combinations when planets are in trines to each others. What is the
significance of this mutually trinal position?


Planets in trines have the same dharma (principles represented by the nature of the sign as
Agni/Vayu etc.). It is like saying you accept my viewpoint and I accept yours. Thus planets in
trines always harmonize their influences. Planets in mutual quadrants have mutually supportive
Karma and become Paraspara Yogakaraka. It is like saying you help me and I help you. If they
are malefic then the purpose can be bad like the recent sarpa yoga that led to war.

9. Saham


I'm interested to know what Sahamsa it and what is it used for and how?


SAHAM are mathematical points arrived at by adding various of Lagna, Moon etc depending on
the type of Saham. You will find a list of these in my book COVA and should also study
Varshaphala of Dr B V Raman for more details.

Punya Saham is the most important. Dr Raman has shown the use of Saham in Varshaphala
Charts (BOOK: VARSHAPHALA). He has also shown the use of two Saham called Paradesa
Saham (Foreign residence) and Jalapatha saham (Crossing Large body of water) for foreign
travel in NATAL CHART (BOOK: HOW TO JUDGE A HOROSCOPE VOL 2). I did not want to
repeat this and have added the use of Saham in Transits (BOOK: CRUX OF VEDIC
ASTROLOGY). You will appreciate that in the Tradition we are very careful not to antagonise
the elders and thereby incur the wrath of Sri MahaVishnu. Hence, I always steer clear from what
Dr Raman has already done and only add my part. However, I will have to work on BPHS as Dr
Raman has not translated this.

10. Change of job


Regarding change of job, which houses does one see, 12th, 9th and what else? How about 8th?.


Dasamsa (D-10) is the chart that shows one's deeds in society (i.e. "career" in contemporary
parlance). Karmapada (A10, arudha pada of the 10th house) in D-10 represents the
manifestation of one's karma in this "maayaa" (illusory) world. It shows one's workplace. I
noticed that changes of job are typically given by planets associated with 6th, 8th and 12th from
A10 in D-10. If the planets and signs associated with dusthanas from A10 are associated with
good houses from arudha lagna (AL, one's status), then a good change of job may be expected.
If those planets are associated with dusthanas from AL also, then a fall in career or loss of job
may be expected.


(1) A lady has Saturn in Ta, AL in Sg and A10 in Li in D-10. Soon after Saturn antardasa started
in Jupiter dasa (Vimsottari), she gave up her career. Note that Saturn is in 8th from A10 and 6th
from AL.

(2) My D-10 has AL in Cp and A10 in Ar. Mercury owns 3rd and 6th from A10 and aspects 8th.
So Mercury antardasa in Mercury dasa brought me a few job changes. I worked in 4 different
jobs in 3 different countries in the first 2 years of my career. Pratyantardasas of Mercury, Moon

and Rahu brought the job changes. Moon is debilitated in the 8th from A10, aspected by
Mercury and Rahu.

(3) A lady has AL in Li and A10 in Ge in D-10. Sun is in Cp (i.e. 8th from A10) and she had
several job changes in Sun dasa (Vimsottari). In Ketu's antardasa, her career came to a halt.
Ketu is in Ta in D-10 (i.e. 8th from AL and 12th from A10). Later, Jupiter antardasa in Moon
dasa restarted her career. Jupiter occupies A10, in the 9th from AL! Moon joins A10 lord in the
11th from AL. Moon is also favorable, but Jupiter is extremely favorable and it was predicted to
her that her career would restart in Jupiter antardasa. It came true.

(4) A gentleman has AL in Aq and A10 in Sc in D-10. Debilitated Saturn in the 6th from A10 is
likely to give several job changes in his dasa. Saturn dasa, Saturn antardasa, Venus
pratyantardasa gave him a very good job change. Venus is in Li in D-10. Being in the 12th from
A10 in D-10, Venus gave a job a change. Being a yogakaraka in 9th from AL, he increased
status with this job change.

Final word: I don't claim that I understand the significance of D-10, AL in D-10 and A10 in D-10
correctly. Some learned men may disagree with my interpretation of these concepts. The above
is merely what I found in my researches.

11. 8th House - an analysis


...While talking of Shirlie's chart, you mentioned that 8.house indicates status and fame(if well
influenced) or infamy if afflicted... That's the good point. I have found strong and favourable
8.house in charts of influential people. In spite of being 12.to 9. it is 11.(gain, success) to
10.which is according to many the most important house(karma)


Though 8th is 11th from 10th, it is still a bad house. There is a principle in Suka Nadi: If 2nd lord
is in 8th with Dhuma or Yamaghantaka (two upagrahas - satellites/sub-planets), without
Jupiter's aspect, then there will be defects in speech. The 8th house is a quadrant from 2nd and
2nd lord in 8th will aspect 2nd. STILL, situation in 8th is supposed to be bad for 2nd lord. This
should tell you that 8th is not a good house irrespective of its relative position from other houses
(like 2nd and 10th).

Though 8th is 11th from 10th, having 10th lord in 8th, for example, is supposed to be bad. It is
supposed to result in disappointments and instability in career. Those natives may try many
things but not succeed in any. However, if 10th lord is "strong" in 8th, then the native may be a
top person in a field for a limited time.

The 8th house denotes suddenness and unexpected things - sudden rise and sudden fall. It is
good for a windfall, when strong. It can also mean suddenly losing everything, when afflicted. It
denotes hidden things. On the positive side, it may make one a researcher and make one tread
radically new paths and be a pioneer. On the negative side, it may make one a crooked and
secretive person with shady and secret schemes. It can result in serial criminals.

It can also result in great progress in occult and metaphysical matters. The 8th house is is the
house is the house of occult knowledge.

The 8th house is the house of hard work. On the positive side, this can mean research,
dynamism and positive hard work. On the negative side, this can mean troubles and everything
always going south.

There are many shades of each house and thumb rules don't always work. Moreover,
remember that rasi chart is not everything. We have to look at divisional charts also.

BTW, I have 4 planets in 8th in rasi chart! Debilitated Saturn, Mars in moolatrikona, Mercury in
vargottama and Venus occupy Aries, my 8th house. Jupiter aspects Mercury and Venus from
2nd house (Libra). My birthdata: April 4, 1970, 5:50 pm (TZ=5:30 east), 81E12, 16N15. If
someone wants to rectify, I can give events. But this must be reasonably accurate. These 4
planets are in the 8th, not only from lagna, but also from bhavalagna, varnadalagna and

Many traditional astrologers predict pretty bad things when they see so many planets in 8th (it's
a thumb rule!). Apart from my father, the only person who made positive predictions about me
was a reputed palmist in Madras. When I was a child, he predicted (not based on chart, but
using my hand) that I would be an engineer (true) and a reputed personality. Others predicted
that I would be a mediocre/average student, pass bachelors degree with average marks and
become a teacher at a school. On the contrary, I had a good academic record, with some record
scores in my state, some top ranks, three bachelors degrees (in Hindi and Sanskrit literature) at
the ages of 10-11 and a 9+ GPA (out of 10) at reputed IIT, Madras in India (very few get 9+
GPA in the B.Tech. program at IITs). Of course, if you look at the strength of these 4 planets in
8th (Jupiter in 2nd and Mercury and Venus in 8th is Kalanidhi yoga, for example) or if you notice
Saraswathi Yoga (gives intelligence and makes one learned - Saraswathi is the Goddess of
learning) and Hamsa yoga in my Siddhamsa (D-24, learning), you may understand why they
were wrong.

There are always exceptions and different shades, but, as a thumb rule, remember that "8th is
bad". If the lord of any house (except bad houses) goes into 8th, it is bad for that house.

12. How to fix lagna for sibling?


In Drekkana chart (D-3, chart of coborns), what will lagna denote? If a native has 2 elder and 2
younger siblings, who will lagna in D-3 denote??


I hold that lagna in all divisional charts denotes native (but from the point of view of the matters
denoted by that chart). So, I have a consistent approach. To me, 3rd, 5th etc and 11th, 9th etc
in D-3 denote younger and elder siblings.

13. Day light saving


Please enlighten me on Daylight Saving time and War time correction (for India)


I will give an example. The timezone of Boston is EST (5:00 west). In winter (e.g. now), sunrise
is at 7:15 am and sunset is at 4:30 pm. The day is short and night is long.

But when summer comes, day becomes very long and night becomes short. Sunrise is at 4:30
am and sunset at 7:15 pm. Because people usually don’t get up at 4:30 am, a lot of sunlight is
wasted even before people get up! In order to “save” daylight, they artificially turn the clocks
forward. From the first Sunday of April to the last Sunday of October, clock is set forward by 1
hour. When sun rises, it may really be 4:30 am (using EST, i.e. 5:00 west of GMT), but clock is
set to 5:30 instead. This time is called EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) and it is only 4:00 west of
GMT. So sunrise is at 5:30 and sunset is at 8:15. (All these times are just meant for illustrating

Now, instead of losing sunlight before we get up, we save one hour and have a lot sunlight left
for the evening. An additional hour of sunlight at 7 pm can be enjoyed (games etc), whereas an
additional hour of sunlight at 4:30 am is wasted (because of sleeping). So a day from 4:30 am to
7:15 pm is artificially changed to 5:30 am to 8:15 pm, so that people enjoy sunlight for more

Most of the western world and especially countries where day/night ratio changes a lot from
winter to summer (i.e. high latitudes) use this daylight saving time. Similarly, clocks are
artificially changed during wars also.

14. Kendrathipathi Dhosha


I have heard from others that kendradhipathi dosham can be removed by a quadrant placement
of the planet. Anybody who can shed more light into this?


Just take an example..say Jupiter, a natural benefic owns the 1st & 4th for sagittarius and hence
comes under kendradhipatya dosha. Now, if Jupiter is also placed in a quadrant, say Pisces,
then it is HAMSA MAHAPURUSH YOGA. Is this good or Bad?! Thus, the placement of Natural
benefics in quadrants removes the blemish of kendradhipatya dosha. Placement of Natural
benefics in dusthana is not good. Except that the Badhakesh in the 12th gives excellent results
and this is an exception.

15. Musical talents


You said " I think that the Sun in trines to navamsa lagna does give Musical abilities." Why do
you think so? is this a special yoga with the mentioned meaning? Sun has as far as I now not the
karakatwa of music.

We could use Sun in the sense of: self-expression which definitely is part of musical activity. As
far as aesthetics and enjoyment are concerned Sukra is the graha of choice, but more often than
not it combines in some way with Ketu which give another level of orderliness like rhythm and
timing. Also the composer profits from Ketu. Ke and Mangal may result in a drummer.
Dominating Sk gives more melodic trends like violin or vocal music.


The yoga is specifically mentioned under SWAMSA in BPHS as well as Jaimini Sutra. This is
well known as the Sun gives abilities in Musical instruments while the Moon gives a good voice
or a singer..etc when connected with the trines to the Lagnamsa or Karakamsa.

Venus gives the critical ability to produce excellent music, and the perseverance to perfect
difficult arts ..it is the perfect Tapaswi and rules Taurus the most determined sign of the Zodiac.
If Venus is in karakamsa aspected by Saturn and Ketu, the Tapasya or Persistent effort for
many years will be for spiritual attainments. Other planets conjoining Venus show the direction
in which this effort is made. It also rules harmony that comes with a lot of practice and an ear for
music or a particular art field.

The Sun gives the Rhythm and thus gives ability for Musical instruments. The connection with
the third house shows the use of the instrument by the HAND, while dancers will have a
connection with the 9th house (Controlling Legs). Vocalists need the Moon in trines to Swamsa
and a strong Mercury.

16. Planets in 9th house in Shastyamsa


Any planet in the ninth house in the Shastyamsa (d-60) chart is like Sri Vishnu himself. If Sani is
in 9th, there can be no doubt that Sani dasa was like the yoga with Vishnu.

17. Strengths & Dristi


Strenghts of the planets are decided on which factors and what is their order? Graha Shatbala,
Graha Dristhi (Where the planet is looking and who is looking at the planet?)

Is there is any hard and fast rule about their order?


Depending on for what purpose you are comparing the strengths, there are different kinds of
strength available. In rasi dasas, we always need to find the stronger of two rasis or two planets
for computing dasas and antardasas. There we use some special set of rules given by Parasara
and Jaimini. Typically a planet in conjunction with more planets is stronger there. A planet
aspected by Jupiter, Mercury and dispositor is also strong. If there are 2 or 3 planets in a sign
and you want to see which planet will give the results of that house, shadbala is the most
important. Drik bala is a part of it. Dik bala is another part of shadbala and it shows the strength
of a planet in giving its assigned purusharthas. If you want to see whether a planet will give
good or bad results, ashtakavarga bala is important. In addition, the strength of placement and
ownership w.r.t. various reference points also matters in deciding the results of a planet.
In India’s PM Vajpayee’s rasi chart, Saturn is a functional malefic and afflicts lagna. He has
average shadbala and only 2 ashtakavarga bindus (out of 8).

However, from ghati lagna (GL) in dasamsa (D-10), he is a yoga karaka (owns 4th and 5th) and
gives results akin to Sasa yoga (exalted in 1st). Just based on this strength of ownership and
placement w.r.t. GL, I predicted in a magazine article written in April that Saturn-Saturn
antardasa (which started recently) would bring a golden phase in Vajpayee’s career and that he
would continue as prime minister and that he would actually have more strength in the
parliament than before. It is happening now.

18. Avastha


Results arising from various planets are said to be dependent upon certain planetary states or
Avasthas. Planets belong to one of the 5 avasthas dependant upon the 1/5 Portion of the sign
they occupy. These 5 avasthas are :

1. Bala-Avastha(Childhood): 0-6 in odd signs and 24-30 in even sign.

2. Kumara Avastha(Boyhood): 6-12 in an odd sign and 18-24 in even sign
3. Yuva Avastha(Adulthood): 12-18 in both.
4. Vridha Avastha(Old age): 18-24 in odd and 6-12 in even.
5. Mritha Avastha(Death) : 24-30 in odd and 0-6 in even.

A planet in BalaAvastha fulfils only 1/4 of its promise, one in KumaraAvastha fulfils 1/2 of
promised results, one in Yuva fulfills full results, one in Vriddha produces very little results and
in MrithaAvastha is incapable of any useful function or may produce adverse results.

Phaladeepika sattes that a planet in BalaAvastha indicates progressive benefits, in

KumaraAvastha comforts, in YuvaAvastha royalty and in VridhaAvastha death and the like. The
one on MrithaAvastha is dead and functionless.


That thing about avastas. How do we quantify it? For example you write that a planet in the
Bala-Avastha fulfills one quarter of its promise. What is its promise? Say marriage, then would it
mean that things will progress and then come to a standstill???

Thus we cannot really quantify. I think this is important when studied with the nature of the
planet. Planets can be categorised for each avastha as giving best results. For example we
know that Mars & Sun give good results in the first drekkana and hence we can extend this to
Balavastha and Kumaravastha. Jup & Venus give good results in second drekkana and we can
extend this to Yuvavastha while Saturn and Moon would give good results in Vriddhavastha.
None of them gives good results in Mritavastha and a planet in the 30th degree of a sign can
also cause death. Mercury would give its good results throughout. Here the term good is very
qualified and would depend on the overall placement and lordship of the planet as well.

19. Planetary colours


Do the colors that you assign to a car match the natural colors associated to the sign itself or
does it vary? Can you give a list of the basic colors and which sign it's connected with?

For example I'd automatically associate these colors to these planets:

SUN -Yellow, MOON-White, MARS- Red, VENUS- Blue, JUPITER-Purple, SATURN-Black,

Brown, dark colors MERCURY-Green

Do they vary that much in context of car colors if at all? And can you mix and match colors of
the planets like you can do with the natural ones? (i.e. Yellow and Red normally mixed together
make orange. So if someone had SUN conjunct MARS in Leo, would you be able to conclude that
the color was orange because of that conjunction?)


Here are the prescribed colors of planets: Sun and Mars - Red Moon and Venus - White
Mercury - Green Jupiter - Yellow/Very light brown Saturn - Black and blue Rahu - Blue, dark
brown and violet Ketu - Gray and some kind of purple In addition, saattwik planets Jupiter, Moon
and Venus indicate very light and whitish shades. Rajasik planets Sun, Mercury and Mars
indicate darker (but bright and shiny) shades. Saturn and nodes indicate dark (and dull) shades.
In addition, Parasara mentioned colors of different rasis in BPHS. Ar is blood-red, Ta is white,
Ge is grass-green, Cn is pale red, Le is white/beige, Vi is gray/variegated, Li is black, Sc is
reddish-brown, Sg is tawny, Cp is variegated, Aq is deep brown.

Based on the guna (nature) of signs, we can assign shades. Sattwa guna signs (e.g. Cancer,
Pisces, Sagittairus) indicate very light and whitish shades. Rajo guna signs (e.g. Aries, Libra
and Scorpio) indicate dark (but bright/shiny) colors. Tamo guna signs (e.g. Capricorn and
Aquarius) indicate dark (and dull) colors.

Based on sign and planet influences on A4, we can get the car color. In your black car example,
my calculations put A4 in Libra when you bought car, do you remember? It can indicate black
color as Libra is black in color as per BPHS, though Venus (white) owns it. It depends on
whether Libra dominates or lord Venus or occupant Mercury. Being a rajo guna sign occupied
by a rajo guna planet (Mercury), it has to be shiny (and attractive) despite being dark. Some
dark colors are dull (tamo guna) and some dark colors are shiny and attractive (rajo guna).

You can mix influences, but give prominence to stronger influences. Leo with Sun’s argala may
denote sunfire red. Gemini with Mars may denote a shiny dark green color. If Mars is stronger
than Gemini, it may even denote Maroon. Leo with Venus may denote white. Leo with Venus
may even denote red if Sun and Mars have argalas on it. Libra with Mercury may denote shiny
black. Libra with Saturn may denote a dark and dull (i.e. not shiny) black. Libra with Jupiter may
denote gray. Pisces with Ketu may show silver, Pisces with Jupiter may denote beige and
Pisces with Venus may denote clear white. Try these, but looking at D-16 (chart of vehicles)
and vahana pada is important. If we don’t look at the right variables, Parasara’s teachings will
not work.


Venus is Rajasik being full of Passion (Most of the world considers this wonderful).
Although the Sun has a lot of heat, this holy fire is Saatwik. Under the blessings of the
Sun & Jupiter, Temples are built and under the blessings of the Moon & Jupiter most of
the sacred literature including Jyotish is written & studied.

20. Seasons


The information of seasons might be wrong. The season Greeshma should start from the month
of Aries, which is multrikona sign of a hot planet Mars as well as the exaltation sign of Son the
source of heat energy. Similarly for other seasons.


As far as I know, Greeshma signifies summer season (or am I wrong?). Then how will summer
season start at Aries, being the spring equinox of Sun, and starting the season of Vasanta,
spring? If information is wrong, then why not should greeshma start with Simha, which is
Swarasi of Sun? Though we can reason that as Sun goes to Simha, greeshma season has
come to its full extent and as such, is followed by next season, varsha. But in BPHS, as quoted
by Gauranga Prabhu, Sun is in Vrshabha-Mithuna in greeshma season. I also wonder, I thought
vasanta should start with Mesha. But who can question the authority of BPHS? (unless there
was a typing mistake?)


This was not written by Parashara, but by Sharma in the notes. Maybe he knew wrong.
But does anyone on the list know a more authentic definition of the seasons? In other
books I found the same.


The definition of Ritu's was based on the starting of the Zodiac in Kali Yuga. Thus if you
draw the chart for Kali yuga Feb 3102 BC you will find that the Sun in Aries would initiate
the Summer. The Vedas give a different definition for Grishma Ritu as the transit of the
Sun in the star of Rudra (Ardra).

21. Siblings


If you have a lot of planets in the 3rd, and the 3rd is Scorpio, does this mean a lot of younger
brothers or younger siblings? Has this held true in anyone's experience. What if the 3rd is just
full? Do you have to look at divisional charts, too, not just Rasi?


A friend of mine is having Scorpio in 3.house with Jupiter, mars, sun and mercury and has no
siblings at all. It all depends on the planets and dreshkon chart.


See the 11th & 3rd from the Arudha lagna (Direct count for Odd sign and reverse for
even). If Venus conjoins the signs or if Rahu/Saturn conjoin, then there will not be any
co-borns. The final decision in this regard has to be seen from the D-3 Chart. I have
given umpteen examples of not only pinpointing co-borns, but also determining their
individual fortunes, relationship and deaths etc in the book Crux of Vedic Astrology.

22. Jealousy


Nakshatramsa (D-27) is the chart of inherent strengths and weaknesses. It is the right chart to
probe for jealousy. Lagna and lagna lord show general nature and character. Twelfth house and
its lord show humility. Sun stands for ego.

If lagna, lagna lord and Sun are afflicted by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, one will be prone to
jealousy. If 12th or 12th lord is weak and afflicted, it will add to this proneness. If lagna and
lagna lord are associated with Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter, one will be free from jealousy
and take things in his stride. If 12th and 12th lord are strong and unafflicted, it will add to one's
mature and humble nature.

23. Sura & Asura


What's an asura?


The planets are divided into two groups of Sura (From Sun) or the light/life principle and the
others that are opposed to this. The Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter are Sura while the others are


Sura literally means "divine/godly" and asura is the opposite of that.

24. Odd and even signs

Can anyone confirm which are odd and which are even signs? I have conflicting literature one
saying it alternates from Aries being odd to Pisces even, odd even odd even in between also have
come across Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sag as odd and the rest as even. Which is

Odd signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. The rest are even. The same
signs are malefic/male while the rest are benefic/female. While reckoning Rasi Dasas or
calculating their periods, they are reckoned zodiacally from the odd signs, while reverse for
even signs. But their fixed signs are exceptions: Taurus and Scorpio are even, yet the count is
zodiacal, while Leo and Aquarius are odd, and yet the count is reverse. Therefore the signs
having zodiacal count are called Vimsopada (odd footed) while the signs having reverse count
are called Samapada (even footed).


If you number the signs as Ar=1, Ta=2, Ge=3, Cn=4, Le=5, Vi=6, Li=7, Sc=8, Sg=9, Cp=10,
Aq=11, Pi=12.
The signs which get odd number are odd signs. Now for odd-footed (vishama-pada) signs: The
signs can be divided into cycles of 3 comprising of movable, fixed and dual signs as follows:
movable fixed dual
Ar=1 Ta=2 Ge=3
Cn=4 Le=5 Vi=6
Li=7 Sc=8 Sg=9
Cp=10 Aq=11 Pi=12
When reckoning Rasi dasas, as Gauranga Das explained, the progression is zodiacal (Ar-
>Ta...->Pi) for odd signs, except for fixed odd signs (Le, Aq), where the progression is anti-

zodiacal (Pi->Aq...->Ar). Similarly, the progression is anti-zodiacal for even signs, except for
fixed even signs (Ta, Sc), where the progression is zodiacal.

So, in Rasi dasas, the signs with zodiacal progression are: Ar,Ta,Ge,Li,Sc,Sg. These are called
odd-footed or Vishama-pada.

Similarly, the signs with anti-zodiacal progression in rasi dasa are: Cn,Le,Vi,Cp,Aq,Pi. These
are called even-footed or sama-pada signs.

Hope that is clear. Please correct me if the above explanation is not correct. I have based it on
my understanding of Gauranga Das's post.

25. Badhakesh and Rogesh


Could someone please tell me what Badhakesh and Rogesh mean?


Badhaka sthana is the house that obstructs the results of the house in question. As per Prashna
Marga for movable signs it's the 11th, for fixed signs the 9th, and for dual signs the 7th. The lord
of the Badhak Sthan is the Badhakesh. Rogesh is the lord of 8th from the house.

26. Indication from direction of 8th lord placement


The sign occupied by 8th lord is considered the worst in the horoscope and residence in the
direction by the sign can bring ill health, disaster. Is the rule match in D1 chart (or) D4 chart?


In the Rasi chart the direction indicated by the 8th lord placement gives ill health and death, in
the D4 loss of fortune, in the D-10 loss of face and reputation and a lot of hard work, in the D-24
wrong education and incorrect learning etc...

27. Profession - Private / Government

Is my profession in private sector (or) government sector?

Check the position of Venus & Jupiter. If Venus is strong in the Artha trikona, then it is the
Private sector while Jupiter can indicate Govt. Sector. Moon is the surest indicator for
Bureaucracy while the Sun indicates politics.

28. Malefic in 12th from Moon


If a malefic is placed in the 12th from the Moon, then the spouse shall be ill tempered and will
torment the native.!! Think why?

The Moon is the Mana and has to do with the way our mind works in this world. The Janma Rasi
is how we think for our self, the 12th from the moon controls the way we think of our "Anuchara"
or the family that is following us and the second about those who we follow in our work and
other pursuits. Transit Saturn in the 12th gives troubles in marriage/life/home hanges, in the
Lagna to self/health/friends/image and in the 2nd to profession/wealth/reputation besides all
kinds of things coming under Sade-sati.

29. Venus-Saturn, Rahu-Venus combination effect

Have you ever wondered, why the results ascribed to Mars-Venus conjunction and Saturn-Venus,
or Rahu-Venus conjunctions, so different in nature? Think over it.

Venus is the brilliant Morning star that is exalted in Pisces the house of the Maharishi's. In
determining Muhurat, Friday coinciding with Revati Nakshatra the star of exaltation of Venus is
considered very auspicious. It is evident that the conjunction of Jupiter either in the Rasi chart or
during Dasa (like Jup-Ven) is considered very auspicious and excellent results have been

The deity of Venus is Mahalakshmi and when the Asura had defeated the Deva's and were
running away with Mahalakshmi, the Deva's went to Dattatreya (Om form of Vishnu) and asked
Him to do something. With His divine sight Dattaguru saw that the Asura were carrying Lakshmi
on their head and started smiling. He asked the Deva not to worry and told that Lakshmi would
return very soon. This happened exactly as Dattatreya had predicted and the perplexed Deva
asked for the reasons.

Dattatreya explained that Lakshmi is symbolic of money and those people who have Lakshmi in
their heads are bound to lose Her grace and consequently lose Her. Instead those who have
Lakshmi in their thighs (ninth house-Dharma) will always find stability in wealth and Lakshmi will
be please to be with them.

Thus, Rahu & Saturn have Rajyoga due to Venus and Venus becomes a Yogakaraka for
Capricorn and Aquarius. These people are always yearning for Lakshmi and consequently they
may be fortunate to get Her sometimes, but invariably lose Her. That is why Rahu-Ven or Ven-
Rahu, Sat-Ven or Ven-Sat periods are terrible as Lakshmi is said to LEAVE THE HOUSE.
Financial pressures and misfortune results. The only exceptions are the Lagna of Jupiter
(Pisces & Sagitarius) as they have the sence to use Lakshmi properly and give Her a
respectable place next to Her Lord...see the real life & Jyotish implications.

30. About litigation


How to do examine one's over come from litigation? 2) What do sixth from AL , A6 and its lords
represent ?


Weakness in Mercury leads to litigations and this is normally due to some material necessity.
The best way to overcome this is to use the YELLOW of Jupiter as Jupiter alone has the
strength to bring about the NEECHA-BHANGA of Mercury. The Dasa-antar should be
examined. Association with Saturn or the houses of which Saturn is the significator gives
litigation whereas association with the houses of which mercury is a significator generally ends
A6 has to do with service as well. If A6 aspects the AL and A7 does not aspect the AL, then
service is indicated in the chart. The sixth from AL is an Upachaya and shows the attitude of the
native towards enemies in this material world. If strong benefics are present there, then the
native tends to forgive his opponents/ enemies as he is a good soul if malefics are present, then
he punishes his enemies.

31. Malefics in 7th house


If Saturn, Rahu and Sun, Rahu are in 7th from swamsa what happen?


Depends if it is Lagnamsa or Karakamsa. In any case it will cause some turmoil in married life.
The native should propitiate Durga for some help in Marriage.

32. Deciding between Lagna and Moon


In many places it is required to compare the strength of the Ascendant and the Moon. What is the
method for this? One has Bhava Bala and the other is Graha Bala. How do I compare them?


Compare the Bhava Bala of both where Udu dasa are being used, else compare the Strengths
of the two signs as per the sources ignoring the presence of the Moon in the sign.Here the first
source shall also be used when Atma related dasa's are being calculated.

33. Moorthi determination for transit planets


Could any one tell me whether we can easily establish 'Moorthy Nirnayam' (Suvarna, Rajata,
Tamra and Loha Moorthys) for quickly transiting planets (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus) by each
rasi ?


When a planet enters a sign in transit, see where transit Moon is. If transit Moon is in 1st, 6th or
11th from natal Moon, the transiting planet will be a swarna murthi (golden form) during his
transit in that sign. If transit Moon is in 2nd, 5th or 9th from natal Moon, it is a rajata murthi (silver
form) during his entire transit in the sign. Similarly, you get taamra murthi (copper form) for 3rd,
7th or 10th and loha murthi (iron form) for 4th, 8th and 12th.

The attributed results are: good, fair, poor and bad respectively.

For example, your natal Moon is in Cp, mine in Aq and Robert Koch’s in Li. When Sun entered
Sg on Dec 16, 1999, transit Moon was in Pi (2nd from my natal Moon, 3rd from your natal Moon
and 6th from Robert’s natal Moon).
So during his transit of Sg, Sun is a silver form (rajata murthi) for me in 11th (from natal Moon)
and should give good results (11th is good and silver is fair.Total: good).
During his transit of Sg, Sun is a copper form (taamra murthi) for you in 12th (from natal Moon)
and might give poor/bad results (12th is bad and copper is poor. Total: poor/bad).
During his transit of Sg, Sun is a golden form (swarna murthi) for Robert in 3rd (from natal Moon)
and should give very good results (3rd is good and gold is good. Total: very good).
We can do the same analysis for all planets.

34. Indications for Travelling


Many times I'm asked whether the native will travel in the near future. What are the indications
in the birth chart for travels? How can I ascertain the duration and direction of travel? Is there
any difference between short or long distance and duration travels, and living abroad?


Usually it is said that the 3rd house shows short distance travel and the 7th house shows long
distance travel. The 9th and 12th houses show stay in a foreign land. Rahu and Ketu signify
foreign travel and foreign stay.

For tracing changes in the place of living, D-4 (chaturthamsa) is the best chart.

Take my chart for example. Leo is the 9th house and it contains Rahu. This is suggestive of
foreign stay. Leo's D-4 Narayana dasa runs during April 1991-April 2002. I first came to USA in
Aug 1991. Excepting a period of 16 months, I have been abroad since then. This is because of
the dasa of 9th house containing Rahu.

Take the chart of Sanjay who was in USA recently. As per D-4 Narayana dasa, he runs Libra's
antardasa during 7th Oct 1999 to 7th Mar 2000. Libra contains 9th lord Saturn and 12th lord
Venus. He stayed abroad for a month in this antardasa.

* * *

Let us take Sanjay's Tajaka annual chart for 1999-2000.

In 1999-2000 annual chart, lagna is Ge and Venus owns 12th (being away from homeland). In
D-4, Venus owns 9th and occupies 3rd. His dasa can give many small trips and also foreign

Sanjay started Venus Patyayini dasa on Oct 25. That's when he travelled abroad. The 9th
house in D-4 is very important for foreign journeys.

35. Vargottama


I was just thinking about planets occupying the same sign in different vargas. Can we understand
that it signifies a sort of purposeful or conscientious desires of a person. Otherwise why it
persists! So whatever significations are there cannot be bad for a person as he does this
deliberately or consciously - even if it incurs so called suffering?


Different Vargas are at different levels. The first twelve in the physical level (D1 to D12), the
next 12 in the mental conscious level (D13 to d24) and so on. However, the occupation of the
same sign in other varga has not been given as much importance as the dharma Varga or
Navamsa. Here the planet is Vargottama and the Guna of the rasi chart matches the nature of
the navamsa. What does suffering have to do with Vargottama position? If a person is suffering,
then it has to do with the house of harm and that may again have some connection with the Ista,
Palana or Guru Devata as seen from the Atma, Amatya or Bhratri Karak. If it does, it shows a
easy way out. When you wrote this point, perhaps you were not considering a general question,
but had some planet in Gandanta in your mind? Am I right in my assumption? If so, then the
vargottama position shows that it can be a curse or a blessing. If a curse, act fast and rush to
help of that person.

36. Ashtakavarga and Shodasavarga


I need a clarification. What is the difference between Ashtakavarga and Shodasavarga? Are
Shodasavarga and SodyaPindas same?


Ashtakavarga is a scheme of taking 8 references (lagna and 7 planets) in each chart and
judging the strength of each planetary placement w.r.t. all the 8 references.
Shadvarga is a group of 6 divisional charts. Dasavarga is a group of 10 divisional charts.
Shodasavarga is a group of 16 divisional charts.
Ashtakavarga is a method of interpreting each of those 6 or 10 or 16 or more divisional charts
by taking 8 references in each chart.
Sodhya pindas are different. They are numbers associated with each planet, which are useful in


Ashtakavarga is the strength of a planet related to 8 points (7 planets and lagna) and
Shodasavarga are the 16 divisional charts selected by Parasara for use. Astakavarga can be
applied for any of the divisional charts. Sodya Pindas are points arrived at by using different
methods of reduction in the Bhunnastakavarga chart of a planet. The two methods of reduction
are Trikona and Ekadhipat sodhana. The thus reducted points in the separate astakavarga chart
of the planet should be multiplied by the so called Rasimanas and Grahamanas in a certain
way. The end result will be the shodya pindas, which is used in different calculations and is
separate for all the seven Bhinnastakavarga charts.

37. Ashtakavarga


Many feel that only Astakavarga can be used to obtain definite (specific) predictions.


This is a misnomer. All the tools of Vedic Astrology are equally important and each can be used
for definite predictions.

38.Dasa Rasi


Can you please explain what is represented by the rising dasa rasi? While judging results of
Narayan and other rasi dasas one sees results w.r.t. Lagna as well as w.r.t. dasa rasi?
What is the difference of meaning between those two and what is seen w.r.t the former and the


“Dasa rasi” simply means the rasi whose dasa is running. If you are running Sg’s Narayana
dasa, you can take Sg as a reference point and look at your chart. Take Sg as lagna and see
where different planets are (w.r.t. Sg).

A similar thing is also done with planet dasas. For example, many pundits look at planetary
positions w.r.t. the sign containing the planet whose Vimsottari dasa is running, when
interpreting antardasas.

My Jupiter is in 7th from Saturn and I got married in Jupiter antardasa in Saturn dasa. Moon
owns the 10th and occupies the 5th from my Jupiter. Moon’s pratyantardasa in Saturn-Jupiter
antardasa started my career. (Note: Here we are taking the antardasa lord Jupiter as lagna
when interpreting pratyantardasa.)

39. Graha Yuddha


Dear Sanjay you mentioned,"...Let us take a hypothetical chart where all the planets are in ONE
sign and in very close proximity to each other. Then who is the VICTOR? It is the
ATMAKARAKA always..always the Atmakaraka. He is the King of the Chart..He represents the
Power of GOD..BPHS..."
If we are discussing the concept of Graha Yuddha, then I have to disagree. Yes, BPHS does say
that the atmakaraka is the King, BUT, it is possible for a King to be weak and to lose battles and
wars. History has shown us this time and time again. So I agree that the atmakaraka is a very
important pivot in a chart, but if engaged in Graha Yuddha, I believe it is possible for him to lose
the War. Of course, the obvious case here is the chart of Hitler, where Venus is the atmakaraka,
and is fighting with Mars. Now, I realise that you feel that Venus is the winner, but I'm certain
it's Mars. Looking throughout his life, everytime Venus tried to get up, Mars pushed him down
again (e.g. in Vienna). This was a case where the King lost.

Further you mentioned, "...Hart Defoww is correct. My regards and respects to one who has so
sincerely studied the shastra...."
Please clear up my confusion. You've said that Hart deFouw's teaching is correct, that the planet
with the HIGHER LATITUDE, wins the war, which is what Varahamihira says in Brihat Samhita
(the only classical text I know of which deals clearly with Graha Yuddha). However, you yourself
say that the planet with the HIGHER LONGITUDE wins. Which is correct, in your opinion?


When we make the chart of a nation, say USA and find that none of the planets are in Graha
Yuddha, can we say that in its entire existence, the US civilization will never go to war? Then
what is this Graha Yuddha and how to decipher it?

Second point is that in the lives of men, the chart is led by the Atmakaraka with the Ista Devata.
Many men fight battles and yet others spend an entire life without any. Fighting is one thing, an
attitude of Mars, whereas Yuddha or war is another thing altogether. How would you see this in
Manushya Jataka? Is the rule the same as the Mundane charts?

In the mundane charts, the "North" wins showing that the longitude is not being considered as
the nation is not a Jiva. The Atma is a very vital concept in Jyotish. Kindly reconsider your views
in the above light.

40. Parakrama


Parakrama means what - 'steps overriding the law' or just 'strenuous efforts'?


Parakrama means the strength of the arms. It is the inherrent strength of an individual. The
third house is the house of arms. The strength of the arms with which you bring out your
creative abilities is seen over here. It also means the physical strength or the strength from the
relevant place (person/relationship) that one would get. For example, if the Lagna lord goes to
the 3rd the person is said to be creative, courageous, etc., which he derives from his
parakrama. If it were to also conjoin the 3rd lord or Mars, it would mean that the younger
brothers would be the strength of the person. Similarly, if Saturn were to be in such a
conjunction, it could mean the elder brother or some older people who would be the strength of
the person. Inferences are to be drawn in this manner. And the Parkrama (Strength) is seen
from the 3rd house as said above, and this house is a Upachaya house (the house growth). It is
seen in the Upachaya house because the control of this house is in your hands and it is you
who can decide whether you want to use this Parakrama or not. For example, you may have an
enemy and he threatens or even beats you up. But it depends on your wish whether you want
to retaliate and use your Parakrama or choose not to.

41. Gender determination for Nasta Jataka


Let's say we have a chart of an unknown person. Exact birth data, time and place are there. How
can we determine the gender of the person on the basis of the chart?


The sex can be determined from the ruling planet of the Diva/Ratri vighatika. See Jaimini Sutra
translation. As such, this is also seen from the seventh house AND NOT LAGNA. Everybody
knows why.


The Shiv ling is synonymous of the Shiva-Shakti - the male-female symbolizm. Shiva rules the
7th house. Obviously, the gender of the person will be determined from the 7th house which is
also the house of sexual desires and acts - the downfall of man (humans out here) where his
animal instincts are seen. Look for the influence of male or female planets and odd/even rasis
on the 7th house.


THIS IS THE CONCEPT OF PASUPATI AND “PASA”. The first reading of Male/Female
is done from the Janma Ghatika (Jaimini Sutra). Thereafter, the seventh is to be
seen..My question IN WHICH DIVISIONS?


It should be 7th from the Navamsa Lagna.


The 7th house and navamsa sound logical. However, don't you think it is far-
fetched to say that one's sex can be seen from the 7th from lagna in navamsa?
Lagna in navamsa stays in the same sign for about 14 minutes on average.
That's a very long time. Based on common sense, any formula for finding the sex
of a native must have a much finer resolution.


True. The seventh from Navamsa and Lagna are the natural checks, but I believe
that the sex is determined by a more elaborate method on the basis of the
previous birth. That is how birth charts of people like Shikhandi could reveal that
they were females in their previous births and due to a terrible hatred had taken
birth. Thus, the D-60 has to be involved. Then, this will give the sex in the past

The entire process of pro-creation is based on the Saptamsa and the seven
Rasa as indicated in an earlier e-mail on Brahma Vidya. Thus, the saptamsa has

to indicate whether the person is like Brahma or Saraswati (Sa-Rasa-Wati).
Thus, the Saptamsa has to be involved.

We may arrive at such divisions like the D-63 (9x7=63) and D-84 (12x7=84)
using the Navamsa-Saptamsa and Dwadasamsa-Saptamsa principles. However,
this requires more study and is beyond our scope of discussions at present.


In a previous letter You were answering my question about finding out unknown lagna of
birth. You said that it would be the Navamsha Lagna of the birth chart. Or sometimes a
Kendra sign from it (if I remember correctly). So what is the correct rule for this?


The Navamsa Lagna, its TRINES/7th house or the sign occupied by the Lord of the
Navamsa Lagna.


I wonder, it does not seem to be working in my case. Lagna is Sag. Navamsa
Lagna is Taurus with Venus in it.

The answer was to PRASNA LAGNA for NASTA JATAKA. The Navamsa Lagna,
its TRINES/7th house or the sign occupied by the Lord of the Navamsa Lagna in
the Prasna Jataka will give the Birth lagna of the Querist. I hope this explains.
Janma Navamsa can be any of the nine.

42. Bija Mantras for Planets


I was contemplating on how the bija mantras would be related to the planets. I've come up with
the following order (please correct me if I'm wrong):
Sun - RAM (as Sri Rama is the Avatar)
Moon - KLIM (as Krishna is the Lord, plus she's a feminine planet, so Radha-Krishna's bija
mantra comes here)
Mars - KSRAUM (Lord Nrismhadeva)
Mercury - OM (for Lord Vsihnu)
Jupiter - AIM (Guru - bija mantra)
Venus - SRIM (for Lakshmi-devi)
Saturn - HRIM (as he's punishing like Durga, Lakshmi's shadow)
I didn't assign to the upagrahas, as they are not as substantial as the seven planets.
Is this correct or not? I'm interested in the other mantras as well. When are they coming?


The Graha Beejakshara are HA, SA, KA, BA,GA,DA,PA,BHA & TA for the nine planets from the
Sun to Ketu in the regular order. For these alshara to become a Mantra, you have to add AGNI
(RA) and offer it to either Brahma ,Shiva or Vishnu (O). Then the mantras can be HRAM,
SRAM, KRAM..etc or HRIM, SRIM, KRIM...etc. or HROUM, SHROUM, KROUM..etc.

You have made some conceptual errors in the delination of the Beejakshara Mantra. The
Vagbeeja is "Aim" which is the shakti of Mercury, which is also called "Chaitanya Beeja" while
the "Tara" Beeja is "OM" which is also the naisargika Guru mantra and is called the shakti of

The name KRISHNA is derived from the word AKARSHANA or the power to attract all and is
hence, the most desirable. This is also called the "Kama Beeja" KLIM and fulfills all desires
including Moksha. As regards Jagannatha Mahaprabhu, He is remembered with the "Jaya"
repeated twice in confirmity with the Moon (Two/Double) and then the Rama Beeja "Sri"
followed by Jagannatha making the mantra "JAYA JAYA SRI JAGANNATHA" The poison is
seen in the Nairtitti Kona (SW Direction ruled by Rahu). The poison destroying Beeja is "Ksha".
Thus the Narasimha Beejakshara is "KshrOum" as it removes all poisons and evils. Similarly,
the Garuda mantra is "Kshipa Aum Swaha" which destroys all snakes, enemies and evils and
starts with the syllable "Ksha".

43. Remedial measures


Do you suggest remedial measures? Some examples please?


Yes, I do suggest remedial measures after all, of what use is a doctor who can diagnose the
disease, but cannot give medicine. Besides, the medicine for alleviating the effects of bad
karma of the past should be
Satwik (i.e. good karma). I
give a typical case showing
the traumatic experiences of a
lady because of following the
path of ignorance (Tamas).
Example: Female born on 27
May 1967 at 5: 25 P.M IST at
New Delhi (28N40; 77E13)
Atmakaraka: Mercury; Arudha
Lagna (AL): Aquarius;
UPAPADA (UL): Capricorn; Mantrapada(A5): Aries; Bhagyapada(A9): Aries.

In the Chart, the Upapada (UL) represents the spouse and the Lagna of her husband is Taurus
(trines to her Upapada). The Arudha Lagna is in Aquarius and the Upapada is in the twelfth
house from the Arudha Lagna showing that the native will tend to ignore or reject the spouse.
The Mantrapada (A5) is in Aries conjoined Rahu and subject to a paapakartari yoga between
the Sun and Saturn. The Bhagyapada (A9) is also in Aries and the same situation obtains.

During Rahu dasa Saturn Antardasa the native visited an uncle who is well versed in the Red or
Black Kitab and was advised to visit a cremation ground during a particular night and bury some
Tantrik articles. She was also gives some magical formulae (black magic mantra) to recite. All
this was advised as she was passing through a difficult married life. The results were disastrous.
The spouse was transferred to a remote locality and she ended up in a strange love affair with
her boss. She contemplated divorce and even consulted lawyers. She had decided to forsake
her children and spouse for marrying her boss. The boss, in turn sent his family away and
decided to forsake his family, children and two other love affairs for her!
At this juncture she called on the author with a common friend to determine the outcome of the
love affair. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and will surely deliver her from sin. After she confirmed
the above-mentioned incidents, she was categorically told to refrain from the evil practices.
Since the prevalent Guna was largely Tamas, as per Vedic tradition it was necessary to rescue
her from the clutches of the evil mantra and destroy Tamas by worshipping Sri Shiva or Sri Kali.
Durga is a form of the divine Mother who destroys darkness and delivers one from sin. For this
purpose, the 17 syllable Kalpavriksha Mantra of Durga is most effective and she was asked to
chant the mantra till the end of Rahu dasa Saturn antardasa. The fight against the evil and the
emotional turmoil that she underwent is beyond description. With the advent of the antardasa of
the Atmakarak Mercury the going became easy as although the AK tends to punish, it will
always take the native on the divine path. She was asked to write the Beejakshara Mantra of Sri
Ganapati and within a month of doing so, her spouse was transferred back to hometown. She
developed the character and strength to ask her paramour to get out of her life and took up a
job to augment family income. All’s well that ends well. The tears and turmoil that the astrologer
has to share for about a year and a half seem to be well compensated in the end as it reinforces
faith in the Almighty.
There maybe cases where the people who have visited the Tantrik or Black magician for
consultation have got temporary relief, but there is no doubt that they have only deferred the
debt of bad karma and will have to pay for the same with interest. Normally during the period of
Rahu a native likes to learn about such occult practices and reads such books.

44. Jupiter


In the book of Mr.S.K.Mehta, "New Dimensions in Hindu Astrology," it is given in page 176, "
Jup produces bad results for a house if it is occ by Jup in Cap or its trines Tau or Vir. It also
loses its male effects. But if the Jup becomes the lord of 5th house (or whatever house is being
considered) and has got an exchange with a natural malefic situated in the 5th (or whatever)
house it will give rise to NON-LIVING matters of the 5th house i.e. education but not the LIVING
matters i.e. children. [in other words it will make the likelihood of having children less but of
having good education more]. But if the 5th house is occupied by Jupiter situated in Cap, Tau or
Vir and 5th lord has an exchange with Jupiter only, it will become favorable for LIVING things
and anti for NON-LIVING things. Otherwise Jup situated in such debilitated signs in 5th without
an exchange with 5th lord will be anti for children (LIVING) and favorable for NON-LIVING
The simple idea is that benefics in a house help the LIVING matters of the house and depress the
non-living matters, whereas natural malefics help the non-living and suppress or harm the


I know of a chart with Virgo Lagna and Jupiter in the fifth in debility. With the advent of Jupiter
dasa the native became mental and has since remained a patient of schizophrenia. As regards
children, he has two very handsome, brilliant and very competent sons. This runs contrary to
what you state. Thus the beneficence or maleficence of a planet is seen from its placement both
from lagna and other bhava, besides a host of other factors. Here there is no exchange with
Saturn and we cannot say that any yoga has worked.

"When Jupiter becomes malefic there shall be a fire hazard..." there was a fire hazard during
one of the plays in which he was acting and thereafter he did become mad.


Whenever trying to support or contest a principle working inductively from the details
there is always the chance to be blocked from proof positive by the multitude of
idiosyncrasies in any chart. This is true. The author's other point was that an aspect of
Saturn, and he is referring specifically to graha drishti, can make a debilitated planet act
like exalted. So in this case because of the excellent sons if there is even a graha drishti
of Saturn on this Jupiter in Capricorn it would be an example of that point. The mental
problem can be understood perhaps from Jupiter's aspect into another earth sign in
lagna and its weakness in the fifth and its earth aspect on the ninth. As the fourth lord
debilitated it also weakens the mental functioning and capacity for santokh. As seventh
lord debilitated it weakens the other place of satya. It has argala on the fiery fourth and
on the seventh and will not let them be in peace.


The point I am trying to make is that it is very difficult to generalise in this regard. The
aspect or Saturn on Jupiter in the fifth house will imply the following (A) " Saturn as the
fifth Lord aspects the fifth house thereby strengthening the Bhava or house" and (B) "the
aspect or association of the lord any bhava with the karaka of the same bhava is a very
powerful yoga for fruits and benevolence from that bhava"

Thus, this will apply to all Bhava's. We had recently discussed the effects of the
placement of Jupiter in Capricorn and Yasomatinandana Prabhu was quite surprised at
the excellent results given in Jataka Parijatha for this. Excellent results have also been
given for the placement of Jupiter in Taurus and Libra whereas they are not so good in
the signs of Mercury.

My Learning & Teaching is based on a host of books of the tradition and "DEVA GURU
is the greatest benefic, even if in Capricorn in debility. None can equal the great
benefactor in Daya (Mercy), Dana (Giving) and Satya (Truth). He alone is the real
representative of God in the chart" Guru is always the greatest and best and keep this
teaching above all others. Jupiter can be malefic in a dasa and could represent the curse
of a teacher as in the chart of Sri Rama, but then there is a greater purpose. That is why
Bhagavan Sri Rama was very dutiful towards His teacher & Guru's. His is the real life
example of Guru Bhakti.

Again I always endeavor to try to enunciate a principle. Here we are trying to find out the
reasons for the results the author attributes to the placement of Jupiter in earthy signs.
Mercury rules Prithvi Tatwa and Guru in the signs of Mercury does not give good results,
but its own signs are fortified.


Would you be so kind as to say a few words about Jupiter?s effect when he rules
malefic houses such as for Capricorn (12 and 3) or Taurus (8 and 11) or Libra (3
and 6)? I vaguely remember reading somewhere that natural benefics ruling bad
houses harm in a different manner than natural malefics, in the sense that the
harm is subjectively experienced as less painful. Is this correct?
For instance, I have a chart of a Capricorn born baby before me who has Lagna
Lord Saturn in house five with Jupiter Lord of 12 and 3. From there Jupiter not
only aspects Lagna by graha and rashi drishti but also Sun, Mars and Mercury in
house 7. Jupiter influences almost every planet in the chart, including Lagna and
Lagna Lord. Will Jupiters rulership of house 12 harm the baby?s health and
general well being? In the quote above you seem to imply that Jupiter is the
greatest benefic under all circumstances. Will Jupiter also have a benefic effect in
this chart? If yes, how will it manifest?

Jupiter is the representative of Bhagavan in the chart and hence its influence is
always beneficial. Let us examine the case under consideration. The Lagna is
Capricorn and Jupiter rules the houses 12 and 3. Both are considered dusthana
and the latter is an Upachaya (house of growth). Being the third lord in the fifth
with the Lagna lord, it gives dhimantah Yoga and the child is granted intelligence,
especially from Brihaspati. It indicates Govt service or working in big businesses
or very big institutions. At least one brother or sister of the native will be very
capable and will shine in life bringing a lot of glory to the family. These are the
blessings of the third lord in the fifth and that too Jupiter.
Now come to the 12th house lordship. Here Jupiter rules the expenses and
shows expenses in the most deserving causes. As 12th lord conjoins the Lagna
lord, the native shall be a spendthrift and shall give away all his money to his
Guru and such spiritual and religious deserving people/institutions. This shows a
noble soul. Secondly, Jupiter conjoining the Paka lagna gives protection from
many evils. Brahma Yoga obtains by the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter and
the native will be very learned in traditional subjects, spirituality and will have a
well formed personality with great knowledge.
Now, let us come to the Minus points. The AL is in Virgo and UL is in Libra. Thus
the native will always stick to his Dharma and will be completely ignored by
his/her spouse. This may lead to the break in marriage if Mars is ill placed. In this
manner I can go on.



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