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Sanjay Rath 27-06-2018

Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course

 Bone Facts

Pt. Sanjay Rath

Bone Facts Maṇḍala are the forms and Sun creates all forms

 Nakṣatra and Jātaka relate to the moment of our creation. There are 324
bones in the body of an infant [12 x 27 = 324]. Doctors say 300-350.
 Some of these fuse together as the infant grows. And the number of
bones drops to 206 bones (most adults).
 There are 27 bones in each hand making hand bones total = 54. Feet
have 26 bones each
 In the adult there are 28 skull bones (8 cranial, 14 facial, and 6 ear
bones) [28 Nakṣatra mandala is called Sarvatobhadra]
 Infants have 33 Vertebrae which are the seats of the 33 Vedic devatā
 The lower nine fuse into 2 and young adults have 26 (33-7) vertebrae
o 7 cervical or neck; 12 thoracic; 5 lumbar or loins; the sacrum (five fused
vertebrae) and coccyx (four fused vertebrae).
 As vertebrae merge, some devas leave the body. By 40 years, about 24
vertebrae (devas) remain. Leaving of devas reduces the power of the
body to retain the mind-soul (spirit).

PJC Year-2A 1
Pt. Sanjay Rath 27-06-2018

Various bhāva concepts; Lagna etc.

Varga Viveka Adhyāya

Varga-viveka adhyāya śloka-33
अथाऽ यद प व या म मै य े ृ ु सु त ्।

ल नतय ु ा त वयतां के सं ा वशेषतः॥ ३३॥
athā'nyadapi vakṣyāmi maitreya srṛṇu suvrat |
lagnaturyāstaviyatāṁ kendrasaṁjñā viśeṣataḥ

The four houses – Lagna, 4th, 7th and 10th bhāva have the
distinction of being kendra bhāva.
• Their superiority stems from the fact that each of them is a special ascendant in itself –
Udaya (1), Jala (4), Asta (7) and Ākāśa (10). They are kendra or center of all activity and
thought that revolves around the four principal directions of life – Dharma (1), Artha (10),
Kāma (7) and Mokṣa (4)
• Planets in Kendra bhāva have superior strength as they can compel a decision pertaining to
the direction ruled by the Kendra
• To that extent, they can alter the power of the viṁśopāka bala calculated previously

PJC Year-2A 2
Pt. Sanjay Rath 27-06-2018

Varga-viveka adhyāya śloka-34 ½

वपंचर लाभानां ेयं पणफरा भधम।्

dvipaṁcarandhralābhānāṁ jñeyaṁ paṇapharābhidham
The 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses are known as
• Paṇa means m. (1) gaming or playing for a
stake – 8H (2) a compact stipulation, treaty –
5H (3) a weight or measure like a coin -11H (4)
any commodity that can be sold for a price, Needless to say, one
must be ever watchful
wealth, property, business worth – 2H or on guard with the
paṇaphara. Evils can
• phara means a shield or protection and refers ruin life and wealth
to that which needs to be guarded – kavacha

Varga-viveka adhyāya śloka-34½

ष ठभा य र फानामापोि लम म त वज॥ ३४॥

triṣaṣṭhabhāgyariṣphānāmāpoklimamiti dvija
The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses are
आपोि लम (āpoklima)
• Āpo derived from apas meaning (1) action, especially sacred – 3H Nothing we do can
(upadeśa, parākrama) (2) N. of the hands 3H and fingers 6H (3) fully avert the tears
three goddesses of sacred speech – 9H mūla (4) running waters to that must flow for the
heart to soften and the
ocean – 12H soul to shed its
• klinna – moistening eye, moving heart; klinda – lament; tears going bondage.
to god like river going to ocean

PJC Year-2A 3
Pt. Sanjay Rath 27-06-2018

Kendra Due to High Tide Water

pushed by Lag  2H
High Tide
Result: 2H gains Water pulled in
Paṇaphara always gain Like High BP

Due to Low Tide

Water is pulled by
4H from 3H
Result: 3H depleted
Āpoklima always

Low Tide
Water Pushed out
Like Heart Pump

Varga-viveka adhyāya śloka-35 ½

ल नात ् पंचमभा य य कोणसं ा वधीयते।

lagnāt paṁcamabhāgyasya koṇasaṁjñā vidhīyate |
The 5th and 9th bhāva from any kendra
are to be known as its koṇa
• Koṇa means a corner like that of a triangle (as
visible with trine houses).
• However its implications are mostly negative as
causing change or instability. 5th bhāva = Paṇaphara –
needs protection from
• It is hurtful and threatening like the sharp edge breakage; 9th bhāva is
of a sword. āpoklima – shedding tears
• Generally used with planet Saturn (9th bhāva as The good fortune of Lakṣmī
slow, old) or planet Mars (5th bhāva) – alone can ensure our safety
boisterous blundering boys through this ordeal

PJC Year-2A 4
Pt. Sanjay Rath 27-06-2018

Varga-viveka adhyāya śloka-35 ½
ष ठा ट ययभाबानां दःु सं ाि कसं काः॥ ३५॥
ṣaṣṭhāṣṭavyayabhābānāṁ duḥsaṁjñāstrikasaṁjñakāḥ
The 6th, 8th and 12th bhāva are duṣthāna (evil
houses) Even today the holy
• Chāyā bhāva – shadow houses are the 2nd,
and 6th, 8th name of the Lion
among gods [Hari]
12 houses. Saturn in these houses can case terrible
th can drive away the
shadow. shadows of winter.

• However, the 2nd bhāva is protected by Hari (lion, Viṣṇu)

• The remaining three – 6th, 8th and 12th are duṣthāna
bhāva of which Saturn is the kāraka. Originally these
houses were from the Sun. Later after creation (jātaka),
the shadow transfers to the Lagna [all objects have

Varga-viveka adhyāya śloka-36 ½

चतरु ं तुयर ं कथया ते वजो म।

caturasraṁ turyarandhraṁ kathayānte dvijottama |
The 4th and 8th bhāva are known as
• Chatur means 4th and refers to the flow of fluids in
the body, especially blood
• Asra or aśra refers to both tears and blood; asra-ja
refers to all that which is formed and maintained by
blood i.e. flesh and every tissue in the body
• Chaturaśra are the bhāva maintaining the body by
creating, circulating and destroying the parts using
fluids (blood) as the medium
• It includes the immune system

PJC Year-2A 5
Pt. Sanjay Rath 27-06-2018

Varga-viveka adhyāya śloka-36 ½

व थादपु चय ा ण षडाया बरा ण ह

svasthādupacayarkṣāṇi triṣaḍāyāmbarāṇi hi
The upachaya from lagna are the 3rd, 6th,
10th and eleventh houses.
• upa expresses nearness, contiguity with subordination like
going down (height) or younger (time)
☼ 5
• chaya means a heap, pile, collection, multitude,
accumulation 4
• Upachaya refers to the accumulation of anything which can
is a constant source for the growth of the principal objective. ☾
• These houses are lorded naturally by Mercury (3rd and 6th) 12

and Saturn (10th and 11th)

 Janma Lagna which is also the Udaya
 However, there are four ‘Kendra Lagna’
which have four kendra bīja and they
have the four ‘dhī’ of Nārāyaṇa.
1H Udaya Lagna – Janma – Buddhi
4H Jala Lagna – Sukha – Śuddhi
[Purity, Cleansing]
7H Asta Lagna – Dārā – Vṛddhi [Growth,
10H Ākāśa Lagna – Svarga – Siddhi
[Accomplishment, True wealth]

PJC Year-2A 6
Pt. Sanjay Rath 27-06-2018

Buddhi (Intelligence)
 Buddhi is the intelligence of the being (as
well as Kālapuruṣa)
1. Sattva Guṇa: Moon, Sun, Jupiter
oSattva Bhāva: 4H, 5H, 9H, 12H
oPrimary: Knowledge 5H, 9H; Mokṣa: 4H, 12H
2. Rajas Guṇa: Mercury, Venus
oRajas Bhāva: 2H, 3H, 6H, 7H
oPrimary: Śrīmanta 2H, 7H; Dhīmanta 3H, 6H
3. Tamas Guṇa: Mars, Saturn
oTamas Bhāva: 1H, 8H, 10H, 11H
oPrimary: Āyus 1H, 8H, 10H; Bādhaka 11H

Vṛddhi (Growth)
 Buddhi is the native intelligence which flows into
the other kendra and the very same houses are
remembered as belonging to the three guṇa.
 Examine Vṛddhi (growth) which is in asta lagna
(7H). Treating this house as Lagna, the sattva
guṇa houses are –
 4H from 7H = 10H
 5H from 7H = 11H
 9H from 7H = 3H
 12H from 7H = 6H
 These are the sattva guṇa bhāva for growth and
are hence called Upachaya bhāva.

PJC Year-2A 7

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