Pile Design Based On CPT According To The Requirements of EUROCODE 7 PDF

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The paper discusses pile foundation design based on CPT results according to Eurocode 7 requirements. It also evaluates the reliability of this design method based on load test results.

Some of the pile foundation design methods mentioned include methods based on static load tests on similar piles, dynamic load tests verified by static load results, and empirical or analytical calculation methods validated by static load tests.

Some of the pile installation methods discussed include continuous flight auger piles, bored piles with slurry or casing, driven precast concrete piles, driven cast-in-place piles, and screwed piles.

Geosciences and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 5 (2014), pp 59-69.



Róbert Szepesházi
Associate Professor
Head of Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering,
Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary


Pile foundations now make up a greater percentage of foundations for new construction. That is
why, an accurate calculation of pile resistance and the knowledge of its reliability has a great
economic importance. A more rigorous approach has become necessary since the introduction of
Eurocodes. The pile resistances are more often calculated based on CPT results. This paper suggests a
new method based on comparison of several approaches and recent design experience. The method
takes into account soil type and piling technology. It was verified by 63 pile load tests and its
reliability was evaluated as well. This paper contains the first part of the author’s PhD thesis which
was written at University of Miskolc under the supervision of Professor Imre Szabó.

Pile foundations have now become a very common alternative for new construction. In
the last 15 years, the continuous flight auger (CFA) method has been the dominant method
for pile installation. Alternatively, bored piles made with slurry or casing are used only for
diameters in the range of 120÷150 cm. Traditional precast concrete driven piles are
declining and the modern types of these piles (cylindrical, conical, prestressed and jointed)
have not been readily adapted by contractors. Driven cast-in-place piles are also rarely used
and the Franki-method; once very popular in Hungary, has almost disappeared. On the
other hand, a new displacement pile type, the screwed pile (Screwpile, Omega, Atlas, TSD,
CMC etc.) has gained acceptance and is expected to be more common than the CFA-pile
within 10 years. It can be installed as fast as the CFA-pile, it does not disturb the
environment, nor does it produce soil to transfer and sometimes to handle as a hazardous
material. Its specific bearing capacity can be higher due to the compactive effects of soil
Piling technology has an important influence on the pile resistance. So, the appearance
of new types and changes in the proportion of different types’ utilization cause new design
challenges for the geotechnical engineer. The increase in piling volume enhances the claim
for a more economical design. In this situation, engineers dealing with these questions on a
scientific level should find answers for these challenges. They should develop methods
which can allow for the design of different pile types in a unified, fast, reliable, and
economical way.
Beginning in 2011, structures and the piles that support them must be designed to meet
the requirements of Eurocode (Szepesházi, 2008). For pile design, the engineer should
verify that the GEO ultimate limit state will not occur (Eurocode, 2004). This means there
should be no strength failure in the soil. For the determination of the compressive resistance
failure of a single pile, EC 7 accepts three methods: 1. static load tests on similar piles; 2.
dynamic load tests verified by static load results 3. empirical or analytical calculation
methods validated by static load tests. The calculation method based on ground test results
60 Róbert Szepesházi

is not detailed in the EC 7. We may think that sounding tests (e.g. CPT) and laboratory
shear strength tests can provide a basis for the calculations, but it is not forbidden to assume
pile resistances based on simpler index tests such as soil classification. In Hungarian
practice, the calculation based on CPT results is becoming more common. For a 10÷20 m
long pile, soils can be explored and characterized often only by this method in compliance
with requirements and traditions of practice. CPT data for pile design is supported by some
software (M-Pile, UniPile 5.0, Geo5) used in Hungarian practice as well.
An important requirement of EC 7 is that calculation methods based on ground test
results may only be used when verified by static load tests on piles having similar soil
condition, technology and geometry. In the annex of the EC 7-2 the methods of German
and Dutch codes (De Cock at al. 2003) are suggested. These fulfil perhaps the mentioned
requirement, but this is not declared clearly in the EC 7-2. That is why it was necessary to
accept a pile calculation method calibrated on load test data in typical Hungarian soils at the
usual level of construction quality. Eurocode 7 requires that the reliability of the accepted
calculation method be established and considered when applying partial factors and other
safety elemets given in the national annex.
The author has dealt with the issue outlined above for more than 20 years. A team
guided by him at the Széchenyi István University executed about 160 pile load tests in the
last 20 years. The idea of pile resistance calculation based on CPT data came from study in
the Netherlands in 1995. Shortly thereafter it was first used in Hungary and later refined
through projects mainly for bridge construction. The author leads the implementation of the
European geotechnical standards as the Head of the Technical Committee for Special
Geotechnical Works at the Hungarian Standardization Institution. Through all of these
activities it was not difficult to recognize the needs outlined above and apply special
knowledge and performance data to solve the tasks formulated. From these prerequisites
pile design based on CPT according to Eurocode 7 was the focus of his research work in
2010 and the results were accepted as PhD thesis in University of Miskolc. Professor Imre
Szabó was his scientific supervisor.
This paper presents the first part of the research results, other details can be studied in
other papers (Szepesházi, 2011/a, /b and /c).


The pile resistance based on calculation can be determined with the following equation
Rc;cal = Rb;cal + Rs;cal = Ab·qb;cal + ∑ As;i·qs;cal;i (1)

in which
 Rc;cal ultimate total compressive resistance of the ground against a pile
calculated from ground test results in kN,
 Rb;cal ultimate pile base resistance calculated from ground test results
in kN,
 Rs;cal ultimate pile shaft resistance calculated from ground test results
in kN;
 Ab pile base area in m2,
 As;i pile shaft surface area in layer i in m2,
 qb;cal specific vaue of ultimate pile base resistance calculated from
ground test results in kPa,
 qs;cal;i specific vaue of ultimate pile shaft resistance in layer i in kPa,
Pile Design Based on CPT According to the Requirements of EUROCODE 7 61

A lot of suggestions for the determination of resistances are given in the literature and in
“old” national standards (Tumay, Fakhroo, 1982; ME 15005/2:1989; Briaud, 1991; Titi,
Abu Farsakh, 1999; De Cock et al., 2003). The resistances in national standards may be
considered as values which were proved and verified by numerous pile load tests, in
accordance with use of a calculation method based on ground test results according to the
EC 7. By the comparative analysis and synthesis of the methods found, I could adapt such
parameters, considering mainly the influence of the piling technology, into the new design
method. This analysis gives a support to create new equations, as well.
The specific value of the ultimate base resistances in fine-grained soils can be calculated
by the equation
qb;cal = Nc · cu;k (2)

 Nc bearing capacity factor,
 cu;k characteristic undrained shear strength.
Nc = 9.0 is generally accepted based on the suggestion by Skempton (1959), but some
researchers suggested smaller value (7.0‒ 8.0) for bored piles. There is a consensus among
the authors, that the average of the measured cu values of the zone from 1.5·D above to
3.0·D below the pile base should be used as characteristic value to calculate the ultimate
base resistance.
The ultimate shaft resistance for layer i is to calculate from the measured cu;i by the
qs;cal;i = αu · cu;i (3)
 αu adhesion factor,
 cu;i undrained shear strength in layer i.
The αu values depend on the piling technology and the soil strength and many
suggestions can be found in the literature. A comparison of values for bored piles is shown
in Figure 1. (A similar diagram was constructed for driven piles which is not presented here
to save space.)
adhesion 1,2 Gwizdala
1,0 Viggiani
au = qs;cal / cu;i Tomlinson
0,8 Lehane
Stas - Kulhavy
0,6 DIN 1054
0,4 Reese
ME 15005/2
0 50 100 150 200 250
undrained shear strength cu;i kPa

Figure 1. Comparison of the adhesion factors for bored piles in fine-grained soils
62 Róbert Szepesházi

Figure 1 shows clearly that equation (3) is strictly speaking not true, qs;cal;i is not
linearly proportional to cu;i. That is why, at the introduction of the ME 15005/2 in 1989 the
qs;cal;i ‒ cu;i relation was described by the equation

qb;cal;i  q so  c u;i (4)


 qs0 140 kPa for bored and 180 kPa for driven piles were suggested,
 c1 1000 kPa.
The αu values of ME 15005/2 and ME15005/2mod were calculated for Figure 1 from eq.
To calculate the specific value of the ultimate pile base resistance in coarse-grained soils
the CPT point resistance qc is generally used with the equation

1 q q 
qb;cal  ab    cI cII  qcIII  (5)
2  2 
 a b base resistance factor (1.0 for driven, 0.8 for CFA- and 0.6 for bored piles),
 t the critical depth between 0.7D and 4.0D under the pile base which gives
the minimum qb value,
 qcI average of the qc values in the zone between the pile base and the depth t
under the pile base,
 qcII average of the minimum qc values in the zone between the pile base and the
depth t under the pile base which minimum values are to be determined going
upwards from the depth t to the pile base taking account allways only the
smaller values,
 qcIII average of the minimum qc values in the zone between the pile base and
8,0D height above the pile base which minimum values are to be determined
going upwards from the pile base starting from the last value determined at
the calculation of qcIIm and taking account only the smaller values.
Equation (5) is given by EC 7-2 and it is from the Dutch Code (Van Tol, 1993) which is
a synthesis of several suggestions found in the literature. Its main feature is that weak layers
have a strong influence on reducing the base resistance which I have found as well.
Ultimate pile shaft resistance in a coarse-grained soil layer can be calculated based on
the CPT point resistance as well, using the equation

qs;cal;i  αs  qc;i (6)

 as shaft resistance factor,

 qc;i the CPT point resistance in layer i is.
Pile Design Based on CPT According to the Requirements of EUROCODE 7 63

Factors (as) from different codes and authors are shown in Figure 2.

shaft LCPC
resistance Belgian Standard
factor DIN
0,015 EAB
as = qs;cal;i / qc;i EC-7 und NEN
0,010 Equation (9)


0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000 35 000 40 000
CPT point resistance qc;i [kPa]

Figure 2. Comparison of shaft resistance factors for CFA-piles in coarse-grained soils

Some researchers believe that αs values do not depend on the piling technology but
rather on qc, as shown in Figure 2. The first idea is surely not true as it is stated in EC 7-2.
qs‒ qc relation shows that the equation (6) is not true with constant αs. Instead, it has a
square root form as compared to a linear one for fine-grained soils.



Using the observation of the comparison of the traditional methods and based on the
experience of calculating capacities for a number of pile load tests, new formulas were
For fine-grained soils, the undrained shear strength cab be calculated from CPT
according to Lunne et al., (1997)

cu;I = qc;i / Nk (7)

formula was introduced, where

 Nk cone factor and Nk=15.5 is an acceptable average value.
The ultimate pile base resistance in fine-grained soils can be calculated using equation
(7) and the Skempton formula with Nc = 9.0 but taking into account the piling technology,
data from pile load tests, and suggestions of national standards with the equation

qb;cal = 0.6 · µb · qc;k (8)

64 Róbert Szepesházi

 qc;k characteristic CPT point resistance which can be taken as the average of the
CPT point resistances of the zone from 1.5·D above the pile base to 3.0·D
under the base,
 µb base resistance factor depending on the technology given in Table 2.
For the ultimate pile shaft resistance in fine-grained soils equation (9) was developed
using the square root formula based on Figure 1 and introducing equation (7) and taking
into account the national standards allowing for different piling technologies:

qs;cal;i  1.2  μs  qc;i (9)

 µs shaft resistance factor depending on the technology given in Table 1.
The following limits are to be used:
 the extreme high qc;i values in sections smaller than 1.0 m should be filtered,
 cu,I > 500 kPa undrained shear strength may be taken into account only after
verifying through investigation tests,
 qb;cal > 2.5 MPa can be used only by verifying by pile load test,
 qb;max  4 MPa for hard clays and qb;max  8 MPa for highly overconsolidated clays
or claystones shall be considered.
The new calculation method for coarse-grained soils was developed based on former
methods and more recent pile load test evaluation.

Table 1
Pile resistance factors and limit values for fine-grained soils
Base Shaft Maximum
resistance resistance pile shaft
Pile type
factor factor resistance
µb µs qsmax [kPa]
Displacement driven precast concrete 1.00 1.05 85
piles steel tube driving with closed end 1.00 0.80 70
cast in place made by a steel tube driving
with closed end and reclaiming during 1.00 1.10 90
screwed cast in place 0.90 1.25 100
Replacement Continous Flight Auger pile 0.90 1.00 80
piles bored piles with drilling mud 0.80 1.00 80
bored piles with casing 0.80 1.00 80

The base resistance calculation uses the method suggested in EC 7-2, with a new
reduction factor

1  q  qcI Im ean 
qb;cal  λb  αb    c Im  qcII Im  (10)
2  2 

where beside the symbols given at eq. (5)

Pile Design Based on CPT According to the Requirements of EUROCODE 7 65

 ab base resistance factor (see Table 2),

 λb reduction factor to take into account the suggestion of De Ruiter and
Beringen (in Van Tol, 1993 and Fellenius, 2006) which was overlooked in
EC 7-2 and/or other effects analysed later.
For shaft resistance in coarse-grained soils eq. (11) is used with the square root formula
for this soil type too. Based on analysis of Figure 2, considering piling technology
according to different national standards:

qs;cal;i  αsq  qc;i (11)

 αsq shaft resistance factor depending on the technology given in Table 2,
 qc and qs is in kPa.
 For this case the following limits are to be used:
 the extreme high qc values in sections thinner than 1.0 m should be filtered,
 qb > 5.0 MPa can be used only if verified by pile load test,
 qbmax  15 MPa for all cases,
 An extremely cautious approach is needed to estimate the base resistances of CFA-
piles made in sands having calcareous bonds or liquefaction potential, because the
soil condition can deteriorate suddenly throughout the formation.

Table 2
Pile resistance factors and limit values for coarse-grained soils
Base Shaft Maximum
resistance resistance shaft
Pile type factor factor resistance
ab αsq qsmax [kPa]
Displacement driven precast concrete 1.00 0.90 150
piles steel tube driving with closed end 1.00 0.75 120
cast in place made by driving a steel
tube with closed end and reclaiming 1.00 1.10 160
during concreting
screwed cast in place 0.80 0.75 160
Replacement Continous Flight Auger pile 0.70 0.55 120
piles bored piles with drilling mud 0.50 0.55 100
bored piles with casing 0.50 0.45 80


The new pile calculation method was checked on a database of 63 CFA-pile load test
results supervised by the author using an Excel spreadsheet for his calculations. The
reliability of the method was quantified by statistical estimates.
The measured total resistances were separated into shaft and base resistance
components to make possible the separate evaluation of the above new equations. Based on
the shape of the load vs. settlement curves, the most probable value of the shaft resistance
66 Róbert Szepesházi

was established by drawing a curve from the settlement value s = (0.02-0.03)·D to the load
axis (Figure 3, auxiliary line) bearing in mind the different mobilisation of the two
components. The resulting components are shown as base and shaft mobilization in Figure
Furthermore, the comparative analysis of time vs. settlement curves of the stages of a
pile load test allow for making more accurate the separation of resistance components by
noting changes in pile behaviour, namely,
 a strong increase of the time needed for the pile consolidation, accurately, for the
achievement a settlement rate of 0.025mm/5min;
 an obvious change in the shape of the time vs. settlement curves with both data
normalized by their final value;
 the load at which the final settlement is about 1.0 mm higher than the initial one.
The statistical parameters of the ratio of the pile resistances measured by pile load tests
and calculated by the new method are shown in Table 3. It should be emphasized that good
agreement, e.g. the κI ≈ 1.0 values were achieved by the introduction of the λb = 0.6
reduction factor for the base resistances in coarse-grained soils. As it was mentioned such a
reduction with a similar value is suggested by De Ruiter and Beringham, and it is cited in
other papers and books (e.g. Tomlison, 2001, Lunne et al., 1997) as well as inthe Dutch
Code, but it was not put in into EC 7-2.
load F kN
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000


settlement s mm

pile load-settlement curve
shaft resistance mobilization
40 base resistance mobilization
auxcilliary line
Rb = 750 kN Rs = 4600 kN
Rc = 5350 kN
Figure 3. Separation of the pile resistance components

On the other hand, in most of the standards, e.g. in German Standard the suggested
characteristic values for pile base resistances in coarse-grained soils (qb) are quite small
related to the average qc values around the pile base, multipliers of about 0.2‒ 0.3 can be
observed. The multiplication (λb ·ab) in the equation (10) for CFA-piles with λb = 0.6 and
ab = 0.7 (from Table 3) is 0.42 and it uses a qc value which can be considered more
cautious than the average value around the pile. That means the use of λ b = 0.6 reduction
factor is by and large in accordance with the Geman and Dutch codes and with other
Pile Design Based on CPT According to the Requirements of EUROCODE 7 67

suggestions. It gives quite smaller pile base resistance than EC 7-2, but the reason for that is
the error in the citation of Dutch Code in EC 7-2.
From Table 3 one can establish that the new method gives reliable results:
 the mean values of measured/calculated resistance(κi) differ very little from 1.0
and the coefficients of variation (~0.15) are also favourable,
 the reliability of specific shaft resistance is slightly better than that of base
resistance; in particular, coarse-grained soils show very good agreement. This
indicates that it was appropriate to calculate them by the squareroot function,
 the base resistance in coarse-grained soils is the most uncertain result, which is
certainly caused by the strong effect of the CFA-technology.

Table 3
Parameters of the reliability of the new calculation method for CFA-piles
Ratio of the
Correlation parameters of the
measured and
measured and calculated pile

calculated pile
Pile Soil resistances
resistance type regression 5 % lower
mean coefficient regression
line limit
value of variation coefficient
gradient line gradient
N κi νi a1 R2 a2
Rc all 63 1.01 0.17 1.00 0.77 0.80
ultimate coarse-
10 1.01 0.11 0.98 0.91 0.85
compressive grained
total pile fine-
14 1.01 0.15 1.05 0.85 0.85
resistance grained
qs all 63 0.98 0.13 0.99 0.67 0.80
specific value of coarse-
12 0.97 0.08 0.96 0.85 0.85
pile shaft grained
resistance fine-
18 1.02 0.13 1.03 0.72 0.85
qb all 63 1.07 0.32 0.96 0.71 0.70
specific value of coarse-
40 1.09 0.34 0.95 0.71 0.70
pile base grained
resistance fine-
23 1.03 0.27 0.99 0.63 0.75

Figure 4 shows the measured and the calculated total pile failure resistances and the 90
% confidence intervals for prediction. Practically, no point is below the lower confidence
line which means that the total pile resistance was never overestimated to a critical extent.
For further use it may be better to draw lines in an intuitive manner, starting from the
origin, having an a2 gradient and ensuring that not more than 5% of the points fall below it.
Thus, the 1/a2 value may be considered a safety factor which assures that the expected
resistance may be smaller than the calculated one in only 5% of the cases. From the Table 3
1/a2 = 1.18‒ 1.43 safety factors can be determined as necessary on the resistance side. The
a2 values show again that base resistance in coarse-grained soils is quite uncertain.
The reliability of the pile design was also investigated using the reliability method
suggested by EN 1990 and Szalai (1998). The uncertainty of the the parameters influencing
the pile resistances were assessed and the necessary global factor of safety were calculated.
The results of these calculations were taken into account as well as data from Table 3 to
68 Róbert Szepesházi

determine the safety parameters presented in the Hungarian National Annex of EC 7 (see
Szepesházi, 2011/b and /c).

The EUROCODE 7 gives clear and forward directives for pile design. The acceptable
methods for determining the pile resistances and the frames of the safety are well
established. But, no method for the calculation of the pile compression resistance is
proposed, and there are only suggested values for the safety elements.

Figure 4. The correlation of the total pile resistances

However, the requirement is formulated that calculation method based on ground tests
results may be only applied if they are verified by static load tests. Furthermore, it is clear,
that the values of safety system should be defined related to the reliability of the calculation
method chosen.
In this paper a calculation method is presented which is based on CPT results, which is
surely the most obvious possibility in the practice. The method is a synthesis of the
methods found in various national codes and recent design experiences. The main special
feature of the method is the square root formula for the calculation of shaft resistances and
the introduction of a reduction factor for the base resistance in course-grained soils. The
method was verified by static load tests of 63 CFA-piles. The method was extended for
other pile types by using factors to take into account the technology and these were defined
by comparison of national code suggestions. The reliability of the new method was
assessed on comparison of the calculated and measured pile resistances and by using
reliability method analyzing all the uncertainties of the pile resistance elements. Based on
these findings a safety system for the pile design was elaborated and involved into the
Hungarian National Annex of EC 7. These system and the values applied fit the
Pile Design Based on CPT According to the Requirements of EUROCODE 7 69

requirements of the EC7, perhaps much more than the most of the national annexes, and so
it can be recommended for an international use.

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