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Luisa Parraguez Kobek

May 2018
Quo vadis?
Mexico’s National Cybersecurity Strategy
“Cyber security should contribute to keeping the internet a place where democracy can be
fully realized, socio-economic development can continue moving ahead, and human rights
are respected.” -Alison August-Treppel, CICTE 2017

In order to reach a destination, you have to know where you are going. Having a roadmap
traces a path towards reaching a goal and that is the purpose of a national Cybersecurity
strategy. Mexican society has become ever more reliant on information and
communications technology (ICTs) and on-line government services. The financial sector
and the national economy as a whole is increasingly dependent on digital platforms. Being
interconnected, however, brings risks and having a national security strategy is
fundamental to protecting the country’s well-being. Mexico’s National Cybersecurity
Strategy sets forth a guide towards 2030 and aims to prepare the country for future
activities in an increasingly complex digital world.
Cybersecurity affects everyone. No one is exempt from the effects of exponential growth,
volume, speed, and sophistication of cyber activity in our linked, hyper-complex, digital
world - the Fourth Industrial Revolution, better known as the digital revolution. This
disruptive paradigmatic upheaval fuses technologies and stretches the limits of our
imagination where augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence are
dramatically altering the way we work, play, experiment, think, and project.
About half of the entire world population, 3.5 billion people, use the Internet, and there
are over 23.5 billion intelligent devices already interconnected which, according to
Statista, will grow to 75 billion new devices by 2025. It is also an era of multidimensional
threats exposing State weaknesses, in particular in Critical Infrastructure and financial
platforms, pushing the need for a collaborated effort among all the stakeholders.
Crime follows money and Mexico’s rising economy has made it an attractive target for
cyber criminals. According to a 2017 Symantec report, cybercrime in Mexico rose from
USD$3 billion in 2014 to USD$7.7 billion in 2017 affecting over 10 million people. Mexico
announced its National Cybersecurity Strategy in November 2017. This came as the
result of extensive national and international consultations, events, and government
agency efforts to identify fragile areas and platform and software vulnerabilities to be able
to increase the ability to bounce back from an intrusion and combat cybercriminal activity.
The Strategy aims to place Mexico as a resilient nation in Cyberspace. It is broad reaching
and general to stand as a guide to new activity over time. There is a long stretch from
strategy to public policy, however, and much has yet to be spelled-out. Launching the

Strategy as the current Enrique Peña Nieto Administration is gearing up for a July 2018
national election is a challenge as the incoming government will have to decide what the
next steps will be to put the Strategy into effect. Finally, collaborating with other partners,
including the United States, can be mutually beneficial as Mexico can learn from best
practices and leapfrog towards a more secure future.

The International Cybersecurity Environment

Cyberpolitics in International Relations is a new concept coined by a group of researchers
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. Classic notions of
sovereignty, areas of interest, control, dominion, stability, and security are pinned against
a new international backdrop integrated into cyberspace. Shaped by human ingenuity
and used as a space of interaction, cyberspace is also an enabler of political leverage
and power. State and non-State actors, formal and informal groups play a pivotal role in
international cyberpolitics provoking more questions than answers where the issue of
attribution is always a concern.

Estonia is perhaps the first major case of cyberpower aggression of the 21st century. In
2007, it was hit by an orchestrated swarm of internet traffic sent by a network of digital
robots called ‘botnets’ to banks, media outlets, and government bodies creating
disturbance and instability by swamping servers in a ‘distributed denial-of-service’ (DDoS)
attack. This forced several of the country’s government, financial, and health services to
shut down in different intervals at a time. Hundreds of thousands of computers around
the world had been hijacked, turned into ‘zombies,’ and used to send up to 4 million
packets per second in a repeatedly network-clogging mission squeezing the entire
country’s bandwidth capacity. Although some argue it was State-sponsored by Russia for
political reasons, it has been difficult to attribute to the Kremlin as individual hackers,
hacktivists, and criminal digital gangs were involved. Estonia today, however, has one of
the world´s most decentralized and open digital environments with one of the fastest
broadband capacities in the globe.

In December 2014, Sony suffered a major cybersecurity breach as it was about to release
a film that portrayed an unfavorable image of the North Korean leadership. Hackers
erased, stole, and released movies, private information, and sensitive documents that
seriously damaged the company. The alleged perpetrators are North Koreans working
either for the government or in support of its position. Once again, attribution is a difficult
matter be it to safeguard your own expertise and technical knowhow or to point a political
finger at one or multiple intruders.
In addition, in May 2017, the WannaCry ransomware hit the world’s computers running
on Microsoft Windows operating systems by encrypting information held for ransom and
that could only be decrypted by paying in electronic currency called ‘bitcoins.’ In total,
over 150 countries were affected with over 200,000 victims and 300,000 computers
infected in hospitals, schools, factories, banks, and government offices. Then in June

2017, NotPetya ransomware hit businesses around the world, destroying data and IT
assets, which Cybereason estimates cost organizations USD$1.2 billion in revenue. The
trend will continue as new forms of cyber aggression are developed, and State and non-
State actors need to be better able to deal with these new threats.
According to Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercriminal activity is one of the biggest
challenges that humanity will face in the next two decades. The cost of cybercrime
incidents in the world has gone from USD$3 trillion in early 2015 to a projected USD$6
trillion annually by 2021. “This represents the greatest transfer of economic wealth in
history, it risks the incentives for innovation and investment, and will be more profitable
than the global trade of all major illegal drugs combined,” according to the company. In
addition, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has published that digital
attacks increased 30 percent between 2011 and 2012, affecting 550 million people
around the globe at an economic cost of USD$110 billion. Even more alarming in its
figures of a global rise, the 2018 Norton Symantec reports that 978 million people in 20
countries were affected by cybercrime for a total loss of USD$172 billion.

The Internet of Things (IoT), through nanotechnology and innovation, uses sophisticated
sensors, chips, platforms, and applied analytics to share large quantities of data.
Likewise, augmented reality, mostly through intelligent mobile devices and visual aids, is
increasing people’s daily experiences at home, work, the supermarket, subways, and
social gatherings as people’s physical environment merges with a virtual environment.
Big-data analytics is processing zettabytes – that is 1021 volume – of digital information
in fractions of a second, and the use of e-clouds for massive storage is in growing
demand. Research in artificial intelligence (AI), although still a couple of decades away
from a world where machines may be able to make rational, independent, and ethical
decisions for us, is nonetheless starting to be developed.

Mexico’s International Participation

In light of the fact that the digital revolution is expanding at an exponential rate, with
unprecedented scope, velocity, and volume, cutting across every major field in today’s
world, the United Nations held a two-phase World Summit on the Information Society in
2003 and 2005. The aim was to bridge the global digital divide by making the Internet
accessible in all countries, particularly in developing nations. Mexico became part of the
United Nations Group of Governmental Experts (GEG) on Developments in the Field of
Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security. Although
there was initial progress in the talks, the group was unable to reach a consensus in 2017,
primarily on how international law applies to the use of information and communications
technologies by States. The multilateral talks have stopped.

In 2005, an international gathering in London, England initiated a process of global

governmental bodies to exchange ideas and initiate actions on Critical Information
Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) measures called the Meridian Process. In 2015, the
Meridian Process merged with the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), made up

of countries, international organizations, and private companies that exchange best
practices and expertise on cyber capacity building. In 2016, Mexico was the host and
Chair of the Meridian Process for the cooperation of global governmental bodies for
Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP). In addition, that same year Mexico
hosted the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) on public policy issues of
the Internet and best practices.

Mexico has also worked closely with the Organization of American States (OAS) to
organize national awareness and training events. In 2015, Mexico along with the Cyber
Security Program of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) of the
Organization implemented a Cybersecurity Maturity Model tool to determine the state of
affairs in cybersecurity presented to the Inter-American Development Bank in 2016. It
also joined the Working Group on Cooperative and Confidence Building Measures in
Cyberspace. It was present at the First Meeting of the Working Group on Cooperation
and Confidence-Building Measures in Cyberspace in February 2018 in Washington, DC
and continues to participate in the regional efforts to move forward in this area.

Mexico has now joined the group of Latin American countries that have presented
cybersecurity strategies: Panama (2013), Trinidad and Tobago (2013), Jamaica (2015),
Colombia (2011 & 2016), Paraguay, Chile, and Costa Rica (2017).

Mexico’s Cybersecurity Vision

The Government of Mexico announced its National Cybersecurity Strategy at the Third
Annual Cyber Security Week in Mexico City on November 13, 2017. Mexico’s Strategy
“recognizes the importance of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in the
country’s political, social and economic development.” It outlines that “the risks and
threats in Cyberspace can constitute a possible attack on human dignity, the integrity of
people, the credibility, reputation and patrimony of companies and public institutions, and
affect public security or even national security.”
1. The vision of the Strategy identifies the significance of Information and
Communications Technologies (ICTs) as a main factor of political, social, and
economic development where the population increasingly uses the Internet and
where both public and private organizations use Cyberspace for their activities.

As the economy grows, the Internet and ICTs drive innovation, and society
becomes increasingly reliant on a digital infrastructure. In the cyber domain, a risk
management analysis takes into account the dynamic nature of risk, thus
contemplating threats, vulnerabilities, usage, probable impact, and where there is
an acceptable level of risk. Security measures can act as a double-edged sword,
as they are necessary in protecting social and economic activity that relies on
Cyberspace, but they can also undermine these very activities. A careful

evaluation and selection of appropriate security measures must be in place to
protect and foster development in a digital environment.

2. The vision underlies the rising risks in the use of technologies and a growing
number of cybercrimes, thus establishing a need for a general culture of
cybersecurity in the country. It recognizes that criminal activities and malware
development are moving at a faster pace than public policy or regulation. The
Organization of American States published in 2014 that the inherent costs of digital
crimes in the world was USD$113 billion and that cybercrime cost Mexico between
USD$3-5 billion a year. The Inter-American Development Bank then provided a
2016 figure that shot up to USD$575 billion a year in the world, the equivalent of
0.5 percent of global GDP, and USD$90 billion for Latin America and the
Caribbean. A national cybersecurity strategy was necessary to guide the efforts of
all the stakeholders into future stages of digital penetration in Cyberspace.

3. The vision establishes a need for a general cybersecurity culture. According to the
Internet Association of Mexico (AIMX), Internet users have gone from 40 million in
2012 to 65.5 million in 2016. The strategy establishes a series of objectives to
protect individuals and businesses as usage rises, and with it the volume, speed,
and sophistication of cyberattacks.

Mexico’s Cybersecurity Strategy: Design and Development
As with all nations around the world, keeping up with cybersecurity has been a challenge
for Mexico. It has been active in addressing cybersecurity issues and has included them
in several documents prior to launching the Strategy. These are:
 The National Development Plan 2013-2018
 The Program for National Security 2014-2018, and
 The Public Security National Program 2014-2018.

In addition, there have been several government initiatives to increase and improve
cybersecurity. For example, the task of developing a National Strategy for Information
Security fell under a Specialized Information Security Committee. The country’s
Computer Incident Response Team (CERT-MX) is a member of the global Forum for
Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), and it follows a Collaboration Protocol
with other governmental agencies and is responsible for Critical National Infrastructure
(CNI) protection. Government agencies adhere to the Administrative Manual of General
Management of Information, Communications and Cyber Security Technologies
(MAAGTICSI) on standards such as ISO 27001, ITIL, and Cobit. The Scientific Division
of the Federal Police of Mexico investigates national cybercrimes and is the host
institution of CERT-MX.
Stakeholders coordinate infrastructure security management and share information on
CNI assets and vulnerabilities. The Mexican National Institute for Transparency Access
to Information and the Protection of Personal Data (INAI) promotes personal data
protection. It also assists in efforts for greater transparency and availability of information
to the public while publishing reports and leading campaigns to raise citizen’s awareness
of their rights as users of information and communication technology.
In 2013, the Guardian published information leaked by former National Security Agency
(NSA) contractor Edward Snowden that pointed to an alleged NSA breach on the
Government of Mexico’s email accounts. Sensitive and confidential information was
exposed digitally before it was announced officially, as the hacking of government e-mails
affected several government agencies, including the Presidency. Unclear whether this
had a direct impact on policy decisions or not, one year later the Government of Mexico
marked its Digital Agenda goals for cybersecurity and cyber defense within the Program
for National Security 2014-2018. The objective of the Agenda is to “push forward the
digitalization of Mexico through e-government, open sources, and the use of ICTs in the
provision of health, education and financial services.”

Cyber defense, however, deals primarily with military capabilities and the digital revolution
has presented an enormous challenge to traditional means of protecting national security.
Cyberpower is dynamic, asymmetrical, multidimensional, disruptive, infinite, and 24/7.
Furthermore, it is difficult to attribute to one source as it travels over several points of
contact in Cyberspace. Due to the volume, velocity, scale, and variety, cyber conflict
should have an active multi-layered approach, assisted by augmented intelligence and

with a strong element of resiliency to learn from the intrusion, reconfigure, migrate, and
retaliate, when necessary. It is not only a challenge for Mexico but is a challenge for
international affairs and conflict in the 21st century overall.

Taking into consideration the role of stakeholders in securing Cyberspace in Mexico, the
National Cybersecurity document points to a 2017 report on cybersecurity in Mexico
presented by the National Chamber of the Electronics Industry, Telecommunications and
Information Technologies (CANIETI) and other private sector associations. The report
calls on establishing a National Cybersecurity Agency that would coordinate the strategy
and establish a critical route for Internet governance, while generating certainty and trust
in the new digital ecosystem. It underlines the importance of redefining a legal framework
for cybersecurity that would guarantee the protection of personal data. It also outlines the
protection of Critical Infrastructure emphasizing the importance of resilience understood
within a risk management perspective to set up the mechanisms and protocols for the re-
establishment or migration of the systems.

In October 2017, the Intergovernmental Agency for the Development of E-Government

(CIDGE) proposed establishing a Sub-Committee for Cybersecurity under the Ministry of
the Interior (Gobernación) through the Scientific Division of the Federal Police. Its task is
to approve, disseminate, and coordinate the implementation of the Strategy and improve
inter-agency cooperation and promote collaboration among all sectors of society. It will
also act as a formal vehicle to the National Security Council.

The Role of the Organization of American States

In April 2017, at the request of the Government of Mexico, the Secretariat of the Inter-
American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) of the Organization of American States
through its Cyber Security Program presented a document with recommendations for the
development of the National Cybersecurity Strategy. The information presented highlights
the importance of inter-agency and multi-stakeholder cooperation.
The general recommendations made in the document are the following:
 Cybersecurity is not an end in itself but rather serves distinct higher-level purposes.
 The strategic framework should clearly state high-level objectives and explain why
they are essential to the country (‘vision’).
 Anchor the strategy not just in national policy and law, but also in regional and
international commitments and obligations.
 The highest level of government must support the Strategy.
 The Strategy should establish a clear institutional framework to ensure that
responsibilities and modalities for implementation are clear and that institutions
have the authority and resources to act.
 Some areas, such as the protection of critical infrastructure including critical
information infrastructure protection (CIIP), may require a specific policy focus that

addresses the intersection between digital security and protection of critical
 Harmonization of cybercrime laws combined with initiatives to facilitate faster and
more effective coordination between law enforcement agencies and the private
sector is essential. These efforts should pursue goals in line with Mexico’s
constitution and its international and regional obligations, in an environment of
respect for fundamental rights and liberties of citizens.
 Mexico should find the appropriate legislative path that allows a common
understanding of the application of federal and state cybercrime legislation.

The State of Cybersecurity & Cyberfraud in Mexico

The Government of Mexico identifies the increase in use of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the daily activities of people, public and private
organizations and recognizes its importance in the political, social and economic
development of the country. It also highlights the inherent risks in using them. The trend
points towards more people using more ICTs that result in an increase in vulnerabilities,
risks, and threat.
It clearly lays out the cybercrime and cyberfraud scenario showing a large increase in
Internet users in Mexico from 40 million in 2012 to 65.5 million in 2016. The rise of cyber
incidents, according to the Scientific Division of the Federal Police in 2016, show a rise
of 300 percent, from 20,000 in 2013 to 60,000 in 2016. False websites used for fraud
have grown 11 percent tallying up 5,000 between 2015 and 2016. Transgressions by
computer viruses have gone up 57 percent with 40,000 between 2015 and 2016. There
has also been a substantial increase in cyberfraud, and figures from the National
Commission for the Protection of Financial Service Users (CONDUSEF) reveal that the
percentage and number of complaints in the first quarter of 2011 were 7 percent with
38,536 whereas by 2016 it was 42 percent with 639,857 grievances, averaging 193,000
a month. Most of the cyberfraud was committed through Internet transactions, primarily
through e-Commerce, mobile banking, and individuals.

Mexico’s Strategy: The Three Principles and Five Objectives
The Strategy rests on three Governing Principles: a human rights perspective; a risk-
management focus; and multidisciplinary cooperation among multiple actors. Human
rights is an key topic for Mexico and focuses on maintaining a human rights perspective
which includes freedom of expression, access to information, respect for privacy, the
protection of personal data, health, education, and work. Risk management refers to the
ability to deal with uncertain scenarios, preventive and corrective, to reduce the impact of
ever evolving threats and risks in Cyberspace. Finally, the third principle deals with the
collaboration of multiple actors and sectors of society based on Internet governance. The
underlying theme here is a question of holistic and transversal development that opens
the field for multidisciplinary teamwork.

The Strategy has five Strategic Objectives: society and rights; economy and innovation;
public institutions; public safety; and national security. The first establishes the aim to
create the conditions for a responsible, free, and trustworthy use of Cyberspace to
promote a better quality of life that underpins, among other rights, freedom of expression,
respect for private life, and the protection of personal data. The second of these proposes
to strengthen cybersecurity mechanisms to protect the economy, support economic
development, technological innovation, and a national cybersecurity industry. Protecting
information and computer systems of public institutions is the third strategic objective and,
as such, it seeks to do so in order to maximize their ability to provide uninterrupted and
efficient services. In order to maintain public order and peace, the fourth objective sets
forth to raise capacity building for the prevention and investigation of criminal conduct in
Cyberspace. The fifth and last objective deals with National Security and aims at
developing capacity building to prevent risks and threats in Cyberspace that can alter the
independence, integrity, and national sovereignty.

The Core of the Strategy: Eight Cross-Cutting Areas
In order to reach the Strategic Objectives set out in the National Security Strategy, there
are eight Cross-Cutting Areas:

These are the values, principles, and actions taken to raise awareness, education,
and training that affect the way people interact in Cyberspace in a peaceful,
trustworthy manner that is consistent with sustainable development. This will be
achieved through public policy, strategies, programs, projects, actions, and
initiatives that:
 Contribute to the promotion, fulfillment, and protection of individual rights
and public and private organizations, with an emphasis on the protection of
children and teenagers in Cyberspace.
 Favor the responsible use of ICTs; promote peaceful coexistence and the
development of activities in Cyberspace.
 Motivate innovation, as well as the economy for a sustainable development.
 Strengthen the prevention of criminal risks and behavior that affect people
and public and private organizations.
 Raise the level of trust and continuity in the services and in the digital public
and private administration.
 Contribute towards risk prevention that can affect the information and
operations critical infrastructure.

These are actions directed at the generation and strengthening of organizational

capacities, human capital, technological resources in cybersecurity, that allow for
resources in risk management policy, threats in Cyberspace and national
resilience. This will be met through public policy, strategies, programs, projects,
actions, and initiatives that:
 Promote the development of human capital through cybersecurity
specialists and professionals, professional leaders in cybersecurity as
drivers of strategies and policies, research and development professionals
for the cybersecurity industry and commerce, and professionals in research
and prosecution of crimes committed through ICTs, as well as law

 Set up the organization that will prevail in the private and public realm to
position cybersecurity at a strategic level in public and private organizations,
and establish mechanisms for participation of citizens in cybersecurity.
 Generate the technological infrastructure required for national technological
development and gradual strengthening of cybersecurity in the country, and
increase the technical capacities to identify and manage national cyber

These are the coordinated efforts to consolidate a cybersecurity ecosystem and

gain the necessary resilience to establish the preventive, proactive, and reactive
mechanisms to bring trust and tranquility in the use of ICTs. This will be done by
implementing the following actions:
 Strengthen international cooperation and collaboration.
 Identify the mechanisms of coordination and collaboration among the
different national actors involved.
 Define and apply the cybersecurity governance model to share information
and best practices.
 Establish protocols and communications channels to strengthen trust,
reciprocity, and stimulate the social responsibility of all actors.

These are the actions directed toward the mechanisms used to promote research,
development, and innovation in the use of cybersecurity technology in favor of the
development of human capital and technological innovation and to boost the
cybersecurity home markets to develop its capacities and maturity of the national
ecosystem. This will be done in order to:
 Establish the policies, programs, actions, and initiatives that detonate and
consolidate the cybersecurity ecosystem to spark innovation in
cybersecurity related ICTs.
 Promote scientific and technological innovation that propels the
development of cybersecurity capabilities.
 Boost the national markets in cybersecurity that favor national
technological autonomy and strengthen the national economy.

These are the actions that focus on the development, adoption, and strengthening
of the standards, technical criteria, and the standardization in cybersecurity that
allow for the approval and application of best practices and processes in the use
and adoption of ICTs. The following is thus required:
 Establish the criteria, norms, and methodologies for the production, use,
and adoption of hardware and software to strengthen the cybersecurity
ecosystems and reduce the inherent risks and vulnerabilities of technology.
 Define the frameworks to strengthen cybersecurity in private and public
organizations, academia, and society in general.
 Promote the participation of the academic, technical, and scientific
community in developing and strengthening the standards and
methodologies in cybersecurity.
 Identify and promote the use of international standards and best practices
in cybersecurity.

These actions are required to establish the necessary mechanisms to reduce the
probabilities of inherent risks and vulnerabilities in the use of ICTs for critical
infrastructure management and to strengthen resilience to maintain stability and
continuity of services should a cyber incident occur. This will be met through public
policy, strategies, programs, projects, actions, and initiatives that:
 Establish policies and actions within the framework of the National
Security Law and other national security instruments in collaboration with
national security agencies.

These are the actions and mechanisms to adapt the national legal framework to
cybersecurity and self-regulation and to bring legal certainty to Internet users and
society in general. To achieve this, it must go through public policy, strategies,
programs, projects, actions, and initiatives that will:
 Train people on the digital ecosystem, Internet governance, and

 Provide legal certainty to ensure that public and private institutions can
cooperate and applying means to investigate, prevent, persecute, and
sanction cybercriminals.
 Offer self-regulating mechanisms that promote trust within the law.
 Uphold the standardization of criminal codes and additional legislation in
cybercrime and legal instruments.

These are the policies and actions that promote and develop the approved
measuring mechanisms that allow for a follow-up to the results obtained by the
implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy and the impact of the social
and economic development to the country to identify areas of opportunity and
improvement. To achieve this, it must go through public policy, strategies,
programs, projects, actions, and initiatives that will:
 Promote the collaboration of actors to draw-up the methodology that will
allow for the construction of a national diagnosis on cybersecurity risks and
 Establish centralized statistics related to the implementation and impact of
cybersecurity and the Strategy in economic, political, and social spheres.
 Contribute to data gathering for improving and updating the National
Cybersecurity Strategy.

Mexico and the United States in Cybersecurity
According to a 2018 study, “A Critical Juncture: Public Opinion in U.S.-Mexico Relations,”
the relationship between the two countries continues to be asymmetrical and is “at risk.”
NAFTA is also facing its most significant challenge for the first time since it went into effect
in 1994. There is, however, continuity on security matters, intelligence sharing, and law
enforcement cooperation, but since both sides decided to keep matters discreet with little
publicity to avoid a nationalist whiplash in Mexico, it has backfired, as people on both
sides are skeptical. Mexican opinion of the United States has hit a historic low with only
30 percent of Mexicans holding a favorable view of the United States and its president.
Yet “the U.S. and Mexican governments now work closely together not only on economic
issues but also public security, anti-money laundering, preventing terrorism, managing
migration…the relationship largely continues full-steam ahead even as the new Trump
administration in the United States has introduced challenging topics.”
As Mexicans tend to vote based on national issues and not foreign policy, corruption and
the economy weigh in more. It is difficult to say at this point if developing and
implementing policies will provide for better cybersecurity without inhibiting cross-border
supply chains. Another central issue is whether businesses feel confident in their
international operations and in the safeguard of their intellectual property, while expecting
the protection of standards and the prosecution of cybercrime.
Governments need to work together and with other stakeholders in a multidisciplinary and
international manner to deal with an increase in digital attacks. In an effort to fight
cybercrime in Latin America, Microsoft opened up an office in Colombia in 2016 when
digital crimes were on the rise in this country. Soon afterwards, Mexico turned heads in
2017 due to the number and complexity of cyberattacks, and Microsoft kicked-off its
Cybersecurity Engagement Center in Mexico City in February 2017.
Among other activities, the Center provides training to cybersecurity practitioners,
focusing on government officials and the public sector. The goal is to reach a digital
transformation that uses intelligence, data analysis, avant-garde digital forensics, and
legal strategies to secure Cyberspace and relies on the Microsoft Cybercrime Center in
Redmond, Washington and international support. In addition, the company signed a
Government Security Program agreement with the Mexican Federal Police to strengthen
IT security, share information and reinforce technological research. The Mexican Federal
Police joined efforts with Google in 2016 in cybersecurity education.

Looking Ahead
On July 1, 2018, Mexicans will go to the polls to elect a new President along with voting
in 128 federal senators, 500 federal deputies, nine state governors, mayors, and
representatives of Congress. There are three strong contenders to the presidency: José
Antonio Meade from the current ruling party, the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party),

Andrés Manuel López Obrador from the new political party MORENA (Movement for
National Regeneration), and Ricardo Anaya Cortes from the center-right PAN (National
Action Party).
Ensuring a clean, fair, and transparent voting process is vital to maintaining trust in the
electoral process that underpins national confidence in the country. Several scenarios
can unfold in Mexico as the PRI administration sets forth the National Cybersecurity
Strategy. International stories of electronic voter fraud and the use of the so-called “false
news” to influence voter trends through social media have flooded the media. Should the
Institutional Revolutionary Party win the 2018 elections with candidate José Antonio
Meade, there may be a certain amount of momentum and continuity in pushing forward
the Strategy.
Should the MORENA presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador move into
Los Pinos, the Strategy may lose momentum as his policy proposals on security and
education lean more towards a radical populist position. He has already called out voter
fraud in 2006, claiming to have had his presidential turn taken away and taking over the
core of downtown Mexico City to establish a rebel parallel government in protest. He ran
and lost again in 2012.
Whatever the electoral results may be, Mexico’s National Cybersecurity Strategy is a step
in the right direction toward guarding the country’s Critical Infrastructure, encouraging a
cybersecurity ecosystem, and protecting national security. There is no stopping the force
of the digital revolution, only moving in a bold, secure, and decisive manner to meet the
Which way is Mexico headed? Cyberspace is a multidimensional domain where
technological innovation and human creativity meet endless possibilities. People and
technology coming together to explore the boundaries of a digital transformation
unprecedented in human history. Artificial intelligence is already at work in cars, drones,
and home-assistants. Nanotechnology is pushing medical breakthroughs inside the
human body, microchips and sensors are transforming the physical boundaries, and
algorithms work out and sift through our daily activities using big data analytics. The way
to go will depend on the permutations and combinations of future circumstances that we
may not yet begin to conceive. One thing is certain, however, there is no standing still
when it comes to living in the digital era. There is a long way to go from strategy to policy
to protect infrastructure and e-services and to create an environment of economic
prosperity. Nonetheless, the National Cybersecurity Strategy marks a path towards a
stronger, more secure Mexico as a nation and as an active partner in the region and the


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Luisa Parraguez Kobek is a Fulbright Visiting Professor and Senior Researcher Scholar at the William J.
Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, National Defense University in Washington DC & a
Professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus.

Special thanks to Fernando Barrios (graphic design), Abil Razo (infographics), Diorella Islas, Francisco
Garcia Gonzalez, Mario Abrego, Adrian Trulin, Ursula Cuevas, Joav Pedraza, Roberto Dominguez, Marty
Trevino, Jr., and Boris Saavedra.


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