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Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2023; 1(1): 321.

Original Research Article

Exploring cybercrime history through a typology of computer

mediated offences: Applying Islamic principles to promote good and
prevent harm
Syed Raza Shah Gilani1, Bahaudin Ghulam Mujtaba2,*, Shehla Zahoor3, Ali Mohammed AlMatrooshi4
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan 23200, Pakistan
Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796,
Assistant Professor of Law, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan
Dubai Police-General Department of Human Rights, Brunel University of London, UB8 3PN Uxbridge, UK
* Corresponding author: Bahaudin Ghulam Mujtaba, [email protected]

ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT: By the new century, the sheer complexity and number of
Received: 11 November 2023 reported cybercrime incidents had exposed major flaws in the
Accepted: 30 November 2023 cybersecurity infrastructure of industry giants, as well as governments. For
Available online: 26 December 2023
example, there have been numerous attempts to intercept Google’s source
doi: 10.59400/cai.v1i1.321 code for the purposes of extracting confidential commercial data. National
Copyright © 2023 Author(s). authorities were also slow to respond to the distribution of offensive
images or copyrighted materials over the internet. While previous threats
Computing and Artificial Intelligence is
published by Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd. were mostly localized to certain computer systems, in particular countries,
This article is licensed under the Creative the emergence of the modern financial system has transformed digital
Commons Attribution License (CC BY
4.0). crimes into a transnational phenomenon. In the intervening years, several
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4 companies, such as Lloyds in 2015, have been targets of financial hacking
operations. The loss associated with cybercrime has been escalating
annually, with figures indicating that costs borne by companies had
quadrupled between the years of 2013 and 2015. The challenge has
become worse in the recent years and artificial intelligence applications
can create even more complexity and anxiety for professionals in every
workplace. So, this trend of cybercrimes growing rapidly in the era of
artificial intelligence is likely to affect developing and transnational
economies, as more public and private sector banking institutions conduct
their services online. Muslim countries must jointly collaborate, discuss,
and link their spiritual principles to guard against, discourage, and prevent
cybercrimes. Implications for Islamic nations along with their public and
private sector leaders are explored in this manuscript.

KEYWORDS: cybercrime; criminal intend; online fraud; transnational

cybercrimes; Islamic principles; data espionage; crackers; hackers

1. Introduction
Every day, we see new innovative technologies being introduced and used to fulfill professional goals
and personal dreams. Some people use new technologies for efficiency and productivity, while others use
them for cybercrimes or to cheat and/or shortcut their assignments[1], since modern artificial intelligence
(AI) tools “can generate full documents, summarize historical events, create art—in simple terms, and
‘complete your homework for you’”. AI tools can mimic human cognitive capabilities and functions

Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2023; 1(1): 321.

often more quickly than teams of professionals, which means cybercrimes can often go undetected for
hours and days. Therefore, modern professionals must be aware of cybercrimes and take proactive
measures to prevent it through a multi-pronged approach which can include spiritual values. As such,
this article examines the history and definition of cybercrime in contemporary debates as the backdrop
against which the study will analyze how such crimes are being combated and prosecuted in various
countries, especially in Islamic nations such as Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Jordan, Egypt,
Nigeria, and others. While the article concludes by returning focus to legal and cultural perspectives on
cybercrime, the focus is on key issues, definitions, and challenges associated with emerging cybercrime
and identity theft phenomena which are impacting people all over the globe[2]. To this end, and in line
with the aim of addressing the effectiveness of a developing nation’s cybercrime legislation in tackling
the growing trend in identity theft related offences, the paper begins with a brief overview of the legal and
policy implications of the world’s increased dependency on information technology. We will explore
several Islamic principles that can be applied by public and private sector leaders to promote “good”
through the cyber environment and prevent harmful activities in the modern tech-savvy world, where
“the internet of things” are critically influential.
Of course, artificial intelligence technologies are allowing more tools and opportunities for scammers to take
advantage of people in all societies regardless of religion or economic prosperity. Westfall[3] explains that “AI voice-
cloning scams are on the rise”, and these scams are very disturbing because they work and can confuse people
who are tech-savvy. As such, individuals as well as public and private sector leaders must protect themselves
and their constituencies. In the United States of America.
The Federal Trade Commission warns that scammers are using artificial intelligence to clone
people’s voices, and the crimes are leading to distressing situations for people around the country.
Criminals are tricking victims into thinking they’re talking to a relative who may need money for reasons
like paying for damages from a car accident, or paying ransom for a kidnapping. Criminals just need a
20-second clip of someone talking, which is often pulled from social media, and they can make an eerily
similar clone of their voice. All the way to the point that a mother can’t tell the difference between her
own child, and a machine[3].

2. Historical view of cybercrime

The global cybercrime market is a low-risk, high-return criminal enterprise, with goods and services
in strong supply and demand. As a matter of fact, anyone aiming to make an illicit profit can purchase
infrastructure, delivery mechanisms, coding services, antivirus checking services, exploit kits,
communication services, and ‘cash out’ and money transfer services. The challenge lies in detecting the
constantly evolving illicit activity, and determining its motivation, impact, and mitigation strategies in
real time since criminals learn and adjust their techniques continuously[4].
The term “cybercrime” was not widely used until the late 1990s. However, the practice and method
of interfering with information technologies have been in existence for more than a century. The first
hacking incident was recorded in 1878 and involved the interception of phone lines through a device
known as phreaking. The first recorded example of computer hacking occurred in the 1950s with the use
of large mainframe computer servers. At that time, only 13 computer offences were reported worldwide.
Criminal prosecution of these crimes was for the most part focused on offences involving the physical
theft and destruction of computer hardware rather than “virtual” crimes affecting computer software and
information networks[5].

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By the mid 1960’s, authorities in the U.S. had begun trials on a new electronic database that would
allow for information to pass between governmental agencies. The relevant American authorities
recognised that although the creation of a centralised governmental database would allow agencies to
obtain and record information more efficiently, it would also generate significant privacy and accessibility
concerns[6]. As a result, a newly created data authority proposed that new legislative provisions address
the potential misuse of private information. These early policy debates in the 1970s rose to greater
prominence in subsequent decades as companies and governments begun to rely on information
By the 1980s, the speed and operability of computer processors had vastly improved. Now faster and
cheaper, computers were widely used in the private sector. Financial markets were also reliant on
predictive software and applications that aimed to eliminate human error. Banks were now a repository
of financial data belonging to thousands of customers. It is a small wonder that this period sparked a rise
in online fraud, software piracy, and network related crimes. Information networks would emerge as an
ideal environment for crime because of the anonymity they provide to would be criminals[4].
This period also brought a paradigm shift in legal discourses, marking a move away from traditional
property related conceptions to new conceptions and categories of virtual “crime”, including illegal use,
manipulation and interference with electronic data and information systems. The terminology of
“hacking” was popularised during these periods, as offenders exploited flaws in firewalls to gain
unauthorised access to computer networks without having to be physically present at a “crime scene”. A
single use of malicious software could be used to infect and disrupt globally integrated information and
payment systems. Faced with the financial costs and dispersive effects of network-disabling cybercrimes,
national legislators were forced to reconsider existing definitions and enforcement strategies. In the
United States, once a leader in the push-back against cybercrime, the Comprehensive Crime Control Act
(CCCA) was drawn up and passed. Subject to this Act, national security agencies were given new
jurisdictional powers over cases of computer and credit card fraud. In 1986, two other cybercrime-related
laws were passed in the United States—the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) and the
Communications Privacy Act (CPA), each outlawing unauthorised access to computer systems as a
criminal act[8].
Despite legislative developments in the United States and the United Kingdom, cybercrime
continued to make headlines. In 1988, a self-replicating computer virus known as the I-Love-You Virus,
infected over 6000 computers worldwide. These actions prompted crime agencies such as INTERPOL
to propose several measures aimed at fostering joint responses on threat and crime detection and
enforcement[9]. One of these recommendations called on national governments to establish a local
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERTs)—a body assigned with the task of anticipating and
notifying global counterparts of large-scale attacks on computer networks. The U.S. and the U.K., as well
as many other countries, set up national CERTs in response to these recommendations.
The 1990s culminated in an explosion of the global information highway. The territorial boundaries
that had long separated nation states no longer applied in cyberspace now that the publication or use of
information in one country could be treated as a criminal offence in another. Hacking incidents also
increased in frequency and significance during this period. In 1994, hackers accessed major government
servers such as NASA and the Korean Atomic Research Institute. In the same year, an employee of a
British Telecom illegally trespassed into a network containing information relating to secret military
installations. The year 1995 marked another turning point in joint-level law-enforcement responses to the
rise in online financial hacking incidents, culminating with the arrest of Vladimir Levin who was alleged
Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2023; 1(1): 321.

to have stolen an estimated $3 to $10 million from Citibank. The disruptive power of “hacktivist”
organisations such as Wikileaks and the leak of thousands of diplomatic cables would, in years to come,
sharpen public awareness of data breaches involving sensitive information[10].
Today, most experts agree that cybercrime can include numerous activities, including phishing,
spear phishing, and whaling or using fake email messages to get another individual’s personal
information from internet users or from corporate data networks[11] by targeting specific individuals. It
can also include hacking into corporate databases and even shutting them down or misusing their
websites, computers, and employee or customer credit card numbers. As such, all individuals,
corporations, and governments must work to prevent these hackers from accessing their sensitive data
since cybercrimes are on the rise[12]. In a press release by the U.S. Attorney’s Office of Western District
of New York, it is mentioned a 24-year-old by the name of Maurice Sheftall from Brooklyn, NY, pleaded
guilty to fraud and related activities in connection with hacking of corporate computers and stealing
customer data. He was sentenced to three years of probation and paying restitution totalling to $41,441.
Apparently, Sheftall illegally obtained the customer credentials, such as logins and passwords, for more
than 50 customers that had opened accounts with the supermarket retailer known as Wegman. Sheftall
logged into Wegman’s customers’ accounts and changed their passwords and e-mails, thereby locking
customers out of their accounts. He used their credit card information to buy groceries for himself and
his employees. During a five-month period in early 2021, Sheftall defrauded Wegmans and many of their
customers by placing fraudulent orders, in the amount of approximately $9297. The supermarket’s actual
losses amounted to $41,441 as they reimbursed their customers, purchased credit monitoring for
customers who were victims of this hacker, and “the purchase of dark web monitoring to determine where
and how Sheftall obtained the customer account information he used to access the accounts”[13]. The
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigated this cybercrime which eventually led to the guilty plea
by Maurice Sheftall.
The historical review of literature shows that the misuse of information technology is by no means
a new or novel problem. Governments have been forced to develop laws and legal measures to address
the abuse of technologies since even before the internet was invented. However, these responses have not
always been effective at addressing new challenges, due to the evolving ways in which computer and
network related offences are committed. This is because the internet makes it possible for a person to
attack the integrity, confidentiality and privacy of computers and computer data from virtually any place
in the world. The identity of the offender is often difficult to establish, and even when law enforcement
agencies have enough evidence to indict a person, they may be unable to establish personal or in rem
jurisdiction (which is the authority of a court over property) to bring criminal proceedings against the
There is consequently a pressing need for legal concepts and frameworks that can both prevent online
risks as well as deter future offenders by the threat of criminal prosecution and punishment. The first
relies on effective cooperation between law enforcement, at the domestic and international levels, and
industry leaders in the field of cybersecurity. The latter depends on the existence and adaption of
outmoded criminal law definitions to reflect enforcement challenges. The next section will delve more
deeply into these issues as viewed through the prism of identity theft offences[14].

2.1. Definition of cybercrime

There is no singular or universal definition of cybercrime, and the term has attracted broad and
narrower definitions. Cybercrime describes any illicit activity performed using electronic operations that

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violate the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer systems, including the data stored on
digital devices[15]. As digital methods become ever-more sophisticated, the definition and ambit of legal
regulations have been expanded to include offences that are made possible only with the use of computers,
or what we might call computer-centric crimes. The broadest definitions of cybercrimes are drawn
expansively to include crimes against the person, property, and national governments. Crimes against
internet activities do attract global condemnation and punishment, such as the distribution of child
pornography and cyberstalking[16] and crimes against government cyber warfare and terrorism[17]. The
more well-established category of crimes is against property including intellectual property violations and
software piracy, as well as online account takeover. The traditional delineation of crimes breaks down
when it comes to certain computer-mediated offences. An offence such as financial identity theft could
foreseeably be classified as a crime against a person and as a crime against property, depending on how
one defines the property, or assesses the “true” victim of online financial fraud (is it the bank, or the
customer?). Moreover, data breaches, including hacking and data interception, described below, cannot
be easily accommodated by traditional theories on property theft. These breaches clearly infringe on the
privacy of the data owner. To classify such acts as “theft” of the property would, however, involve
“stretching” the common meaning and usage of these terms to their legal and linguistic limits[18].
In the age of information, there is a need to continuously assess whether national legislation is
suitably adapted to take account of these a-typical crimes, where traditional definitions no longer work.
The next section will consider these issues in the context of attempts to develop a new taxonomy of data
related offences.

2.2. Criminal intent in cybercrime

As alluded to above, the emergence of new and increasingly obscure forms of computer-based crimes
has challenged our traditional understandings of criminal activity and intent. Under the usual tests of
criminal law, a crime can only be sanctioned by law when the a) subjective element of criminal intent
(mens rea) can be demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt, in conjunction with b) the objective test of
having committed, or been complicit in, an act or conduct (actus reus) proscribed as a criminal offence
under the relevant laws of a given legal system. What then counts as criminal intent in the context of
“computer crime”?[19].
The evolving categories of the computer-mediated crime described above may be difficult to
reconcile with traditional conceptions of a crime done to a “thing” or person. While there is sufficient
case law on both sides of the Atlantic to support the notion that the theft of intangible information is
prohibited in the same way theft of physical property is, jurisdictions such as Saudi Arabia apply different
legal principles to these issues. Under Saudi Arabia’s Islamic law governed system, certain conditions
must be fulfilled before an offence can be classified as theft. One of these is that the property stolen must
be capable of physical ownership. It is quite plausible to argue that this is a proper application of the law
given that criminal law and penalties should be reserved for serious offences which produce substantial
harm, loss, or injury to an individual or the public[20].
The conceptual challenge of redefining criminal law to “fit” new types of computer crimes is not a
problem that is unique to Islamic legal systems. In the age of big data, where more and more of our
private information is stored online, there is a burgeoning debate around the illegality of data breaches,
raising questions around the dividing line between the mishandling of personal information and
deliberate acts of destruction, trespass, theft, and deception for financial gain. In this regard, the
motivation of cybercrime offenders varies greatly. Some offenders seek to gain notoriety by

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circumventing the cybersecurity systems of governmental agencies or tech giants such as Google. Other
organisations such as Wikileaks profess more noble aspirations that include improved transparency,
democracy, and accountability of governments to the general public. How far should these issues of
establishing intent and liability, therefore, be left to the discretion of national legislators and courts? On
the broader issue of adapting to criminal law definitions to the new digital landscape, it has been noted
Generally, legislators will only prohibit human acts if that is consistent with existing laws and the
penal philosophy responsible for them. Most of the computer crimes are consistent with existing legal
prohibitions and the penal philosophy responsible for them. Illegal access is the electronic version of
trespass. Illegal interception can be seen as an electronic invasion of privacy or burglary offence. And
data interference is an electronic property damage offence. System interference and the misuse of devices
are entirely new offences that have no analogue in traditional crime, however, system interference
protects an entirely new legal interest that has been brought about by the advent of computer systems:
the interest of operators and users of computer systems to be able to have them function properly[21].
The above quote raises a fundamental question: whose interests should cybercrime legislation serve:
business operators, governments, or individuals? After all, the legal interest of an individual whose credit
card details may have been “stolen” can conflict with the credit card company that has suffered a system
breach. Normatively speaking, one could also criticise the claim that the legal interest being served by
emerging computer crime legislation is to “have them function properly”. This seems to be an overly
narrow conceptualisation of the law’s potential role in regulating the uses and misuses of technology.
Moreover, why should certain offences be treated as analogues of traditional crimes, while others are
framed in more functional, neutral, and technical terms, as though system or data offences do not also
implicate highly contentious matters of national law and policy?
There are conflicts between how the law should balance among competing interests, for instance,
the website operator’s ability to maintain access to commercial and communications networks and the
customer’s legal rights to own and control data identifying them. How regulators draw these legal
distinctions reflect policy, rather “neutral, choices on matters of criminality, privacy, and security”. It is
also not entirely clear that these offences can be treated as discrete offences, and indeed there is a
significant overlap between computer-mediated offences. At the same time, the divide between traditional
and anomalous methods of online crime can be overstated, since modern forms of cybercrime involve
elements of both[22].

3. Computer centric crimes

There have been several attempts to formulate a definition of cybercrime that goes beyond the usual
penal categories of national criminal law. To this end, Article 1.1 of the Stanford Draft International
Convention to Enhance Protection from Cyber Crime and Terrorism (the “Stanford Draft”) offers a
broad definition as any action that involves an illicit use or trespass on a “cyber system”. The Council of
Europe Convention on Cybercrime goes further to develop a typology of computer and network related
offences. Under this framework, four main categories of crimes are identified and differentiated as
punishable offences. These are offences against the integrity and accessibility of computer systems and
data, computer related offences, copyright related offences, and content related offences. As noted in a
report by the International Telecommunications Union, these categories overlap in several ways since
they are not “based on a sole criterion to differentiate between categories”. The next section will briefly

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describe the main variants of computer-mediated offences with a view of examining the relationship
between data offences and the broader definition of identity theft[23].

3.1. Illegal access

The unauthorised or illegal access to a computer is the oldest and perhaps most immediately
recognisable form of cybercrime. This category would include hacking and related offences involving
unlawful access to a computer system[24]. As indicated above, hacking is one of the most common and
destructive types of cybercrimes. Legally, hacking is defined as a mode of trespass or intrusion on
computer systems and network resources through the exploitation of network security vulnerabilities.
Hacking may be carried for the purposes of acquiring personal information to commit a crime, to deface
websites, to conduct an attack to an entity, and for other criminal purposes including financial fraud.
From the perspective of criminal law, it is necessary to bear in mind that hacking offences are rarely
an isolated event. Hacking offences are usually accompanied by preparatory acts such as the use of
malware. The use of corrupt hardware or software is intentionally implemented or transferred to the
targeted computer so that the hacker can gain access to, or override, security related applications such as
password prompts. Cracking has been identified as a new variant of hacking related offences. In essence,
cracking describes a technique whereby offenders use their skills to reverse engineer software programs,
thereby exposes the computer system to malicious elements such as viruses, which may be inserted into
the computer’s signature code. System crackers are those who have special expertise in targeting
operating systems to exploit network vulnerabilities. For example, system crackers carry out interactive
searches to find defects in the security of operating systems and network protocols.
An analysis of different jurisdictions highlights divergences in regulatory approaches. Some
jurisdictions confine criminal law sanctions for illegal access related offence to the most severe cases.
Relatively minor cases of hacking lacking the intent to bypass security protections, cause harm, or destroy
data do not meet the threshold of criminal liability under the applicable national law. Other legal systems
adopt a strict liability approach and criminalise any form of unauthorised access[25].

3.2. Illegal data acquisition and data espionage

Closely related to the offence of illegal access is the overlapping “crime” of illegal data acquisition.
Data espionage refers to any deliberate act of acquiring personal or sensitive data without the owner’s
consent. Trade secrets and other commercial data are a frequent target of data espionage offences.
Corporate espionage is also recognised as a sub-category cybercrime, whereby rival companies and
criminal networks illegally access and trespass on closed private networks to acquire trade secrets or
exploit copyrighted works.
Data espionage can be accomplished through viruses and spyware, collectively known as malware.
There are numerous types of spyware available on the market, for instance, keylogging applications. Once
installed on a computer, key logger applications can record important security information such as
passwords. Keylogging software can also be attached to computer hardware, namely the keyboard,
enabling sensitive data to be recorded and transmitted to third parties.
Overall, hardware-based spyware is more difficult to install since the offender must physically attach
it to the victim’s computer. On the other hand, remote forms of spyware are exceedingly hard to detect.
This points to the general obstacles faced by local law enforcers engaged in efforts to locate and
successfully prosecute anonymous offenders. In contrast with earlier prototypes, viruses can be circulated
to a wider reach of victims through the internet, most commonly through “infected” email attachments

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or “downloadable” files. These viruses are rapidly disseminated because offenders can gain remote access
to, and subsequently, control, destroy and delete program files[22].

3.3. Data interference

Data interference offences are singled out as another variant of computer-mediated crimes. By
modifying or altering computer files, interfaces and system programs, offenders can inflict significant
damage to business operations simply by disrupting company access to data in their possession.
Businesses will increasingly rely on information systems to rapidly access, retrieve and collect data to
effectively administer and manage accounts and track market trends. The volume and availability of data
on computer systems, however, risks the integrity of that information. This is because offenders have a
greater opportunity to intercept and monitor private communications between users, such as email
communications. They can do this by gaining unauthorised access to wireless or fixed-line
communication ports, or by finding unsecure routes through chat functions or other virtual
communications. Offenders call also intercept non-encrypted information from data transfers stored on
cloud computers or other external storage media available on the internet. The offender may use these
functions to blackmail individuals or businesses by locking them out of files until a “ransom fee” is paid.
For the above reasons, many legal systems have amended their penal codes to include data
acquisition offences. In addition, there have been attempts to enact robust data protection and privacy
laws which regulate the conditions under which internet service providers (ISP) or other media platforms
store and transfer information relating to individuals. The European Union, for instance, requires
companies to obtain the consent of the data subject (the person who the data relates to) before collecting,
using, or transferring that information to third parties[26].

3.4. System interference

Scholars have also drawn a nuanced distinction between data and system interference offences. The
former describes efforts to delete, alter or deny access to personal files and data. The latter describes
attacks against computer systems, including physical attacks on computer hardware. Damage of this kind
would fall under traditional definitions of destruction and damage to property. In recent years, system
interference offences typically refer to computer systems which are launched remotely, for instance,
computer worms and denial of service attacks. Worms inflict damage on computer networks by creating
self-replicating programs that disrupt communication channels, for instance, overloading the network
with traffic, causing websites to crash. Computer worms can, consequently, result in significant losses to
the business that are unable to operate or trade as normal. While worms can be targeted at entire
computer networks, “denial of service” attacks are targeted at a specific computer rendering them
inaccessible to the intended victim for several hours and days. System interference is most often
accomplished through the spread and proliferation of malicious viruses or spyware in the organization’s
operation[27]. Companies and individual users that have neglected to install up-to-data anti-malware
detection and prevention software are soft targets for this type of offence[28].
The key conceptual challenge presented by system and data related computer-mediated offences lies
in their ‘virtual’ and instantaneous nature. With the rise of automated software attacks, offenders no
longer need to have physical access to a computer to able to acquire private data. By the time illegal
access has been obtained and data extracted without consent, the offender may already have engaged in
further offences of fraud or theft. Since these offences occur remotely and often in jurisdictions that do
not benefit from robust cybercrime laws and enforcement regimes, the likelihood that offenders will be
successfully apprehended and brought to justice is, at times, exceedingly low. Nonetheless, many

Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2023; 1(1): 321.

employers have instituted policies that specify that employees should not expect privacy in public spaces
as all company properties and equipment are being monitored[29].

4. Virtual offences and law

Should virtual offences be brought under the scope of criminal law? The Council of Europe
Convention on Cybercrime has attracted the most signatories and consequently can be seen to represent
a broad-based political consensus among states around emerging norms and principles of cyber law.
Despite its emerging status as customary law, the Convention does not definitively settle debates on what
should or should not count as a crime. Instead, cybercrime is defined in circular terms as any unlawful
computer related activities which are conducted through global electronic networks. Of course, this only
begs the question of what types of activities should be prohibited and are, moreover, sufficiently harmful
to justify criminal proceedings and penalties. Moreover, by focusing exclusively on acts committed
through “electronic networks”, the Convention appears to exclude certain forms of physical theft or
destruction. This is problematic because online fraud can occur after a theft of a physical item such as a
credit card or documentation containing personal information. Moreover, this definition excludes the use
of physical devices used to “export” software that destroys data stored on a computer. This is problematic
because the act of storing this virus and transferring it to another person’s physical property clearly implies
malicious intent on the part of the offender[30].
Other legal instruments provide for a technical definition of cybercrime as covering any situation
where a computer or information network is used as the tool, or target, of criminal activity. The
cybersecurity company Symantec defines a cybercrime as any act of crime committed using a computer,
network device or hardware. This definition is clearly formulated with the crimes of data acquisition,
illegal access, and data interference in mind. Many of these offences overlap: a hacking offence often
precedes or facilitates some further act of data interference or espionage. For example, the use of malware
installed through hacking techniques may also be used to aid and abet a more serious act of theft or fraud.
In the broader scheme, there are inherent difficulties with any definition that brings within its scope
any activity involving the use of computer or technological tool, no matter how tangentially. The most
absurd application of an over-inclusive definition of cybercrime “would, for example, cover traditional
crimes such as murder, if perchance the offender used a keyboard to hit and kill the victim”. A more
sensible criticism, rather than an overly broad definition of cybercrime, is that it sheds no further light on
what kinds of uses of a computer are sufficiently serious in purpose and intent to give rise to criminal
liability and emotional distress[31]. Put differently, technical, or industry lead definitions place undue
emphasis on the methods used to commit “computer-related offences” rather than the object of legal
protection or the harm intended. A further difficulty with an imprecise definition of cybercrime is that
national authorities are left with a wide margin of discretion to determine what counts as illegal or illicit
activities[32–34]. The next section explores how Muslims can mitigate the risk of cybercrimes through their
spiritual values.

5. Islamic principles and cyber crime

In the context of contemporary problems like cybercrime in the modern workplace, Islamic teachings
do provide instruction on ethical conduct and morality as a source of inspiration. Even though traditional
Islamic law (fiqh) may not address cybercrime directly, certain basic concepts may be utilized to handle
a variety of problems related to cybercrime. The following are some Islamic precepts that may at different
times apply to online criminal activity.

Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2023; 1(1): 321.

Private (Sitr): Islam puts a significant emphasis on respecting one’s own as well as others’ honor and
dignity, as well as maintaining one’s own privacy. These principles can be violated in several ways,
including unauthorized access to personal information, hacking, and cyberstalking. The act of stealing or
fraudulently accessing another person’s digital assets, financial information, or personal data is forbidden
in Islam. This is known as the “prohibition of theft”, or “sariqah”. This is in addition to the fact that actual
theft is also forbidden in Islam. The act of spreading false information through social media, participating
in online defamation, or establishing phony accounts with the intention of misleading others goes against
the Islamic values of honesty and truthfulness, and thus it is forbidden (Tafsir).
Prohibition of backbiting (Ghiba): Contrary to the Islamic prohibition of backbiting and injuring others,
engaging in cyberbullying, online harassment, or utilizing technology to insult, slander, or damage people
is considered a violation of this ban. Honoring agreements and honoring the terms of service of online
platforms and services is consistent with the Islamic ideals of honesty and trustworthiness. This concept
is referred to as amanah.
Principle of non-injury (Istislah): Islam places a strong emphasis on non-injury (the principle of non-
injury), both to oneself and to others. This concept is violated when one commits acts of cybercrimes that
are harmful to people, organizations, or society.
Promote good and prevent harm (Amr Bil Maruf wa Nahi Anil Munkar): Islam urges people to encourage
good activities and discourage bad ones. This concept is known as “promotion of good and prevention
of evil”. In accordance with this idea, the reporting of cybercrimes and the prevention of harmful online
activity is required of all Muslims. Engaging in cyberbullying, sharing personal information without
authorization, or propagating nasty stories online may be regarded as a type of gossip, which is forbidden
in Islam. Another form of speech that is forbidden in Islam is known as gheebah.
Respect for authority and the law (Ta’a): Adhering to the laws of the nation, particularly those pertaining
to cybercrime, is consistent with Islamic teachings about the need to maintain justice and honor authority.
Plagiarism, the unlawful dissemination of copyrighted information, and software piracy are all acts that
go against the idea of protecting intellectual property rights, which is referred to as istihqaq. It is essential
to keep in mind that different Islamic scholars and communities may arrive at different interpretations
and implementations of Islamic teachings. It is possible that Muslim countries and experts need to
collaborate to update these principles for the modern times and provide recommendations that are
particular to cybercrimes. Additionally, measures to prevent and treat cybercrimes should be carried out
within the context of existing legal systems and international agreements, taking into consideration the
unique characteristics of the digital world.
In closing, it should be noted that addressing modern-day cybercrimes within Muslim nations or
diaspora requires a holistic approach that incorporates Islamic principles, legal frameworks,
technological advancements, education, and international cooperation. By embracing a comprehensive
strategy, Muslim nations can effectively combat cybercrimes while upholding the values and ethics of
Islam. Respecting individual privacy, preventing harm, promoting honesty, and upholding justice are key
principles that Islam emphasizes and that can guide efforts to combat cybercrimes. Developing and
updating legal frameworks to encompass a wide range of cyber offenses while considering Islamic values
will help create a strong foundation for law enforcement to tackle these issues effectively.
Public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives that align with Islamic teachings can
empower individuals to use digital platforms responsibly and ethically, thereby contributing to a safer
online environment. Collaboration with technology companies and international organizations will

Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2023; 1(1): 321.

enable sharing of expertise, resources, and information to combat transnational cyber threats. Ultimately,
the challenge of modern cybercrimes calls for a balanced approach that combines the ethical teachings of
Islam, the dynamism of technology, and the cooperation of diverse stakeholders. By embracing these
principles and working together, Muslim nations, through public and private sector leaders, can pave the
way for a digital landscape that aligns with Islamic values while ensuring the security and well-being of
their citizens in the digital age.

6. Summary
In terms of overall value and contributions, this article has offered an exploration of the current
definitions and debates on cybercrime, focusing on identity theft offences. In the age of the internet, the
integrity, confidentiality, and security of personal data is increasingly at risk. Internet users often exercise
little control over how that data is used. These difficulties exist regardless of whether the site of regulation
is national, international, or business level. Identity theft offenders have shrewdly deployed social
engineering techniques such as phishing to steal personal information. The personal information obtained
is then used to further deceive their victims. Perhaps more than other types of cybercrime, identity theft
can only be effectively regulated if data protection and security are jointly addressed.
Developing countries often lack the regulatory capacities to effectively address new cyber threats or
track down and prosecute criminal operations and networks. Islamic countries may need to revise their
cybercrime laws to address these deficiencies, particularly in the areas of data protection and privacy. A
priority must be to increase the strength of deterrence through effective policing and enforcement
strategies for addressing identity theft. However, the types of identity thefts that have generated most
attention in the financial arena are those that have targeted prominent governmental representatives and
culturally significant institutions. Moreover, all regulation, in Muslim nations, needs to be evaluated on
the backdrop of the Islamic law that governs aspects of criminal law.

Ethical approval
All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the
ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki
declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.

Informed consent
Informed consent was not applicable in the study.

Author contributions
Conceptualization, SRSG; methodology, SRSG; software, SRSG; validation, SRSG, BGM, SZ and
AMA; formal analysis, SRSG, BGM, SZ and AMA; investigation, SRSG; resources, SRSG; data
curation, SRSG; writing—original draft preparation, SRSG; writing—review and editing, SRSG, BGM,
SZ and AMA; visualization, SRSG, BGM, SZ and AMA; supervision, SRSG; project administration,
SRSG, BGM, SZ and AMA; funding acquisition, SRSG. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.

There was no external funding for this research. It was self-funded by the authors.

Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2023; 1(1): 321.

Conflict of interest
The study authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

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