Matlab or Basic Simulation Lab Cse 222 PDF

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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits
CSE222 BASIC SIMULATION LABORATORY 16827::Sandeep Kaur 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0
Course Orientation 3 :SOFTWARE SKILL

Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name
Reference Books
Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name

Other Reading

Sr No Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference)

OR-1 ,
OR-2 ,


Sr No S/E/D (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features

SW-1 MATLAB MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment for
numerical computation, visualization, and programming.
Virtual Labs
Sr No VL (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
VL-1 Matlab videos

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Scheme for CA:
Component Frequency Out Of Each Marks Total Marks
Practical evaluation 3 4 10 30

Total :- 10 30

Details of Academic Task(s)

AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task Evaluation Mode Allottment /
(group/individuals/field submission Week
Practical To test the will be covering syllabus from Practical 1 to Practical 2. Individual On the basis of 2/3
evaluation1 understanding level answer attempted
of the students for by student
topics covered as
mentioned in the
Practical To test the will be covering syllabus from Practical 3 to Practical 5. Individual On the basis of 5/6
evaluation2 understanding level answer attempted
of the students for by student
topics covered as
mentioned in the
Practical To test the will be covering syllabus from Practical 6 to Practical 8. Individual On the basis of 8/9
evaluation3 understanding level answer attempted
of the students for by student
topics covered as
mentioned in the
Practical To test the will be covering syllabus from Practical 9 to Practical 11. Individual On the basis of 11 / 12
evaluation4 understanding level answer attempted
of the students for by student
topics covered as
mentioned in the

*Each experiment of the lab will be evaluated using following relative scheme:
Component % of Marks
J/E 50
Detailed Plan For Practicals
Practical No Broad topic (Subtopic) Practical Description Learning Outcomes Equipment Used
Practical 1 Handling of Arrays and Matrices Introduction about the Matlab and all the Student will familiar with the basic Matlab tool
(Creating a One-Dimensional Array components used in IDE. overview of Matlab.
(Row / Column Vector),Creating a
vector of even whole numbers, Creating
a Two-Dimensional Array (Matrix of
given size).)
Practical 2 Handling of Arrays and Matrices Create an MxN matrix with first row of Student will learn the implementation Matlab tool
(Performing Arithmetic Operations - even numbers and second row of odd of basic operations on matrix
Addition, Subtraction,Multiplication numbers of a specified range.
and Exponentiation.)
Handling of Arrays and Matrices Practical 2:Create a Student will learn the implementation Matlab tool
(Obtaining Modified Matrix - Inverse, new modified matrix by using inverse, of basic operations on matrix
Transpose,with Appended and Deleted transpose, with appended and deleted
Elements.) elements. Also perform all arithmetic
operations on these two matrices,Create an
MxN matrix and Sort each row /column and
store the resultant in another matrix. Now,
Perform Shifting, reshaping, resizing of
rows/column upwards or downwards by
specific index. After that Flipping the
matrix in left-right or updown direction to
get new matrix.
Practical 3:Conduct PRACTICAL
Handling of Arrays and Matrices Practical 2:Create a Student will learn the implementation Matlab tool
(Performing Matrix Manipulations - new modified matrix by using inverse, of basic operations on matrix
Concatenating, Indexing, Sorting, transpose, with appended and deleted
Shifting, Reshaping, Resizing and elements. Also perform all arithmetic
Flipping about a Vertical Axis / operations on these two matrices,Create an
Horizontal Axis.) MxN matrix and Sort each row /column and
store the resultant in another matrix. Now,
Perform Shifting, reshaping, resizing of
rows/column upwards or downwards by
specific index. After that Flipping the
matrix in left-right or updown direction to
get new matrix.
Practical 3:Conduct PRACTICAL
Practical 3 Handling of Arrays and Matrices Practical 2:Create a Student will learn the implementation Matlab tool
(Performing Matrix Manipulations - new modified matrix by using inverse, of basic operations on matrix
Concatenating, Indexing, Sorting, transpose, with appended and deleted
Shifting, Reshaping, Resizing and elements. Also perform all arithmetic
Flipping about a Vertical Axis / operations on these two matrices,Create an
Horizontal Axis.) MxN matrix and Sort each row /column and
store the resultant in another matrix. Now,
Perform Shifting, reshaping, resizing of
rows/column upwards or downwards by
specific index. After that Flipping the
matrix in left-right or updown direction to
get new matrix.
Practical 3:Conduct PRACTICAL
Handling of Arrays and Matrices Practical 2:Create a Student will learn the implementation Matlab tool
(Obtaining Modified Matrix - Inverse, new modified matrix by using inverse, of basic operations on matrix
Transpose,with Appended and Deleted transpose, with appended and deleted
Elements.) elements. Also perform all arithmetic
operations on these two matrices,Create an
MxN matrix and Sort each row /column and
store the resultant in another matrix. Now,
Perform Shifting, reshaping, resizing of
rows/column upwards or downwards by
specific index. After that Flipping the
matrix in left-right or updown direction to
get new matrix.
Practical 3:Conduct PRACTICAL
Practical 4 M-File Function & its type(Generating Create a 1-D matrix with given values Understanding of the commands based Matlab tool
a set of Commands on a given Vector and Add all rows/columns values of on vector add up values.
like Add up the values of the matrix.Now compute the Running Sum
elements,Compute the Running Sum where Running Sum for element j = the
(Check with sum), where Running Sum sum of the elements from 1 to j and plot
for element j = the sum of the elements the Sine of all values.
from 1 to j,Compute the Sine of the
given X-values.)
Practical 5 M-File Function & its type(Evaluate a Write a function that evaluate a given Understanding of various functions Matlab tool
given expression and rounding it to the expression and rounding it to the nearest implemented on integer values.
nearest integer value using Round, integer value using Round, Floor, Ceil
Floor, Ceil and Fix and Fix function,Trigonometric Functions
function,Trigonometric Functions - sin - sin(t), cos(t), tan(t), sec(t), cosec(t) and
(t), cos(t), tan(t), sec(t), cosec(t) and cot cot(t),Logarithmic and other Functions
(t),Logarithmic and other Functions log log(A), log10(A)
(A), log10(A) etc.)
Practical 6 Two Dimensional Plots(Create a vector Practical-6:Conduct PRACTICAL Student will learn the plotting of Matlab tool
X with elements for a given function EVALUATION 2, Practical-7:Create a various functions around axes
and adding up 100 elements of the vector X with elements for a
vector X , Plotting the functions over given function and adding up 100
the interval with Rectangular Plot,Semi elements of the vector X , Plotting the
log Plot, log-log Plot.) functions over the interval with
Rectangular Plot,Semi log Plot, log-log

Practical 7 Two Dimensional Plots(Create a vector Practical-6:Conduct PRACTICAL Student will learn the plotting of Matlab tool
X with elements for a given function EVALUATION 2, Practical-7:Create a various functions around axes
and adding up 100 elements of the vector X with elements for a
vector X , Plotting the functions over given function and adding up 100
the interval with Rectangular Plot,Semi elements of the vector X , Plotting the
log Plot, log-log Plot.) functions over the interval with
Rectangular Plot,Semi log Plot, log-log

Practical 8 Two Dimensional Plots(Generate a Practical- 8 would be based on Student will learn the Implementation Matlab tool
Sinusoidal Signal of a given Introduction about the Script file of signal in the form of graph with
frequency,Plotting with Graphical generation in Matlab, implementation of various graphical enhancements.
Enhancements - Titling, Labelling, structure and interpolation schemes.AND
Adding Text, Adding Legends, Adding would be based on the plotting
New Plots to Existing Plot, Printing of a Sinusoidal Signal with Graphical
Text in Greek Letters, Plotting as Enhancements -
Multiple and Sub- Plots,Making Non- Titling, Labelling, Adding Text, Adding
Choppy and Smooth Plot of the Legends, Adding New Plots to Existing
functions.) Plot, Printing Text in Greek Letters,
Plotting as Multiple and Sub-
Plots,Making Non-Choppy and Smooth
Plot of the functions.
Practical 9:Conduct PRACTICAL
Practical 9 Two Dimensional Plots(Generate a Practical- 8 would be based on Student will learn the Implementation Matlab tool
Sinusoidal Signal of a given Introduction about the Script file of signal in the form of graph with
frequency,Plotting with Graphical generation in Matlab, implementation of various graphical enhancements.
Enhancements - Titling, Labelling, structure and interpolation schemes.AND
Adding Text, Adding Legends, Adding would be based on the plotting
New Plots to Existing Plot, Printing of a Sinusoidal Signal with Graphical
Text in Greek Letters, Plotting as Enhancements -
Multiple and Sub- Plots,Making Non- Titling, Labelling, Adding Text, Adding
Choppy and Smooth Plot of the Legends, Adding New Plots to Existing
functions.) Plot, Printing Text in Greek Letters,
Plotting as Multiple and Sub-
Plots,Making Non-Choppy and Smooth
Plot of the functions.
Practical 9:Conduct PRACTICAL
Practical 10 Introduction to Structure(Creating A Create a structure,array of structures with Student will understand need and way of Matlab tool
Structure, An Array of Structures and any specified field and add two or more accessing structures
Writing Commands to Access Elements records, access the elements of the
of the created Structure and Array of created structure as well as for array of
Structures.) structure.
Introduction to Structure(Solve First Solve the First Order Ordinary Student will analyze how to solve the Matlab tool
Order Ordinary Differential Equation Differential Equation using Built-in First Order Ordinary
using Built-in Functions and Creating Functions. Modify the values of array by Differential Equation
an M x N Array of Random Numbers moving through element wise.
using rand and setting any value that is
< 0.2 to 0 and any value that is < 0.2 to
0 by moving through the Array,
Element by Element.)
Practical 11 M-File Scripts & GUI(Write a Script Write the script that asks for Student will learn how to create scripts. Matlab tool
(which keeps running until no number Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and
is provided to convert) that asks for Computes the Equivalent Temperature in
Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius,Create a graphical user
Computes the Equivalent Temperature interface that requests the inputs from user
in degrees Celsius.) and evaluate the given function using if-else
statement and test that script with some
values,Create a graphical user interface that
requests the inputs from user and evaluate
the given function using if-else statement
and test that script with some values.
M-File Scripts & GUI(Write a brief Write the script that asks for Student will learn how to create scripts. Matlab tool
Script, starting each Script with a Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and
request for input to evaluate the Computes the Equivalent Temperature in
function h(T) using if-else statement.) degrees Celsius,Create a graphical user
interface that requests the inputs from user
and evaluate the given function using if-else
statement and test that script with some
M-File Scripts & GUI(Create a Write the script that asks for Student will learn how to create scripts. Matlab tool
Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and
Curve Fitting using Straight line Computes the Equivalent Temperature in
Fit,Least Square.) degrees Celsius,Create a graphical user
interface that requests the inputs from user
and evaluate the given function using if-else
statement and test that script with some
values,Create a graphical user interface that
requests the inputs from user and evaluate
the given function using if-else statement
and test that script with some values.
M-File Scripts & GUI(Generate normal Write a script that will generate random Student will learn the plotting of Matlab tool
and integer random numbers (1-D & 2- numbers for 1-D and 2-D and plot the random number and scripts.
D) and plotting them.) graph.
Practical 12 Interpolation(Interpolation based on Practical 12: Conduct PRACTICAL Learning of various interpolation Matlab tool
following Schemes (A) Linear (B) EVALUATION 4. schemes
Cubic (C) Spline.) Practical 13:Generate a vector containing
points that
must be monotonic then generate
corresponding output values. Now
perform 1-D interpolation using (A)
Linear (B) Cubic (C) Spline schemes.
Practical 13 Interpolation(Interpolation based on Practical 12: Conduct PRACTICAL Learning of various interpolation Matlab tool
following Schemes (A) Linear (B) EVALUATION 4. schemes
Cubic (C) Spline.) Practical 13:Generate a vector containing
points that
must be monotonic then generate
corresponding output values. Now
perform 1-D interpolation using (A)
Linear (B) Cubic (C) Spline schemes.
Practical 14 Interpolation(Generating the Fibonacci Generate the Fibonacci series upto a Generation of Fibonacci series Matlab tool
numbers according to the given relation specified range and compute the ratio F
and also Compute the ratio.) (n)/F(n-1) for first 20 fibonacci numbers.
Interpolation(Generating Equivalent Obtain Covariance,Correlation Coefficient Generation of square wave Matlab tool
Square Wave from a Sine Wave of Matrices of a
given Amplitude and square wave generated from amplitude
Frequency.Obtaining the Covariance & and frequency of sine wave.
Correlation Coefficient Matrices for a
given Data Matrix.)
Practical 15 Spill Over

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