Proposal Pembangunan Masjid Darusalam 1-English

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The key takeaways from the proposal are that the existing Darussalam Mosque is experiencing constraints in space and function. A new two-storey mosque is being proposed to address this and improve the spiritual and intellectual development of the local Muslim community.

The proposal mentions that building a mosque is an important act of charity that will earn great rewards from God. It also serves to improve the spiritual, intellectual and even economic development of the surrounding Muslim community.

The proposal provides details on the planned construction activities, estimated budgets for each job, and a total budget recapitulation for building the new Darussalam Mosque.


Darussalam Mosque’s Construction


Contact Person :
(081366499866) (0822 46501460)


(085268135834) (081366076038)

Address : A. Tarmizi Kadir Street No. 01

Kelurahan Pakuan Baru
Kec. Jambi Selatan
Kota Jambi

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

We praise the presence of Allah Subhanahuwata'ala for all the grace of taufiq
and his guidance, and upon the completion of this proposal writing smoothly and
without any meaningful constraints, salutations and greetings we pour out to our
role messenger Rasullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam that we get intercession he
is in yaumil end of time, aamiin ya Rabb.

The mosque is a very important and strategic tool in the spiritual and
intellectual development of the Muslim community in general, and especially the
Muslims who are in the neighborhood of the mosque.

As we know that in the time of Rasulullah SAW, the mosque not only serves as a
place of worship only, but also as an educational center, even close to economic
resources. Therefore it is very important to improve the function and capacity
of the Darussalam Mosque which is now experiencing a narrowing of space and

Various efforts were made to obtain aid, to restore or build new two-storey
Mosque Darussalam Mosque Thehok Jambi, both sourced from Ta'mir Masjid
Darussalam, community donations, donators (private and institutional) as well as
from other sources of funding lawful and non-binding. Be assured that "Who
builds a mosque for Allah even if it is only a hole where the birds lay their eggs
or smaller, then Allah awakens for him (the house) as it is in heaven" (Ibn Majah
738. Al-Hafizh Abu Thahir).

With the compilation of this simple proposal, hopefully it can be used as a guide
in providing assistance as expected. To all those who have helped, we do not
forget to say many thanks, jazakumullah khairan katsiran. And may Allah
Azzawajalla reply multiply for the help that Mr / Mrs. / Mr / I have given.

Thank you, Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Jambi City, 14’th March 2018/27 Jumada II 1439 AH

Chairman of the Development Committee,

Ir. H. Syahrasaddin, M,Si

1 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.


Build a mosque, prosper and provide for the people of prayer including the main

charity. God will give him a great reward. It includes shadaqah jariyah whose

reward continues until someone has died.

God said:

“Only those who worship the mosques of Allah are those who believe in Allah

and the Last Day, and keep up prayer, pay the obligatory charity, and fear none

but Allah. Such are the people who are expected get directions.” (QS At-

Taubah: 18)

The Prophet sallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:

“Whoever builds a mosque, then God will build for him the like in heaven.” (HR.

Bukhari, 450 dan Muslim, 533 dari Hadits Utsman radhiallahu’anhu)

Narrated by Ibn Majah, 738 from Jabir bin Abdullah radhiallahu’anhuma Verily

the Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

“Whoever builds a mosque because God is as big as a bird's nest or smaller.

Then God will build for him a house in heaven. "(Al-Albany's altered)

2 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

Al-Qutho is a known bird species. 'Mafhasu al-qotho is a nest for laying in it. It

is devoted to the syringe (small form) with this (because) it does not lay in the

tree nor is it at the top of the mountain, but it makes in the plain, in contrast to

the other birds. Therefore be fascinated with the mosque, please see Ad-

Dumairy's bird life.

Scientists say, it is mentioned for mubalaghoh (smallest size), meaning though

the mosque to this small size. And whoever participates in the building of the

mosque, he will get the reward according to his participation, and he gets

another reward that is helping others in kindness and devotion.

Shaykh Ibn Uthaimin rahimahullah was asked: "Two or three or more people,

working together in building a mosque. Are each of them accounted for the

merit of building a mosque or less than (building a mosque)? He replied: "Have

you read the letter" idza zulzilat "What did Allak say at the end of the verse?

Questioner: "Faman ya'mal mitsqala dzarrotin khairan yarah" (And whoever does

(good) equal to dzarrah (atom), then he will see it). (QS. Az-Zalzalah: 7)

Shaykh: "Faman ya'mal .. Al-Ayat (Whoever does good weighing dzarrah though,

undoubtedly he will see (reply) him and whoever does evil equal to dzarrah

though, undoubtedly he will see (reply) it anyway."(QS. Az-Zalzalah: 7-8)

Each will get a reward what is done. In fact he gets a second reward from the

other side, that is working together on good. Because if they do not cooperate,

each can only do a little, then it will not stand the building. So we say, he got the

reward of his work and got the reward of helping and equipping. Examples of

such a thing, a person who given a hundred real shadaqah, he will get the reward.

If he invests a hundred real to build a mosque, then the infak provides benefits

from two sides; The first reward of deed, that is the reward of the money.

Secondly, (reward) helps to become a mosque. But if there is a donation for the

3 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

mosque of twenty thousand, and the other (devotes) two real pulses, then we

can not possibly say, they are the same (reward), and each equally gets the

perfect build reward. It is not possible.

Look at my brother! Reward according to practice. We say: "(This person) gets

the reward of deed in accordance with what infiltrated and get the reward of

helping each other to establish a mosque. (Liqa Al-bab Al-Maftuh, 21/230)

The scholars joined in Al-Lajnah Ad-Daimah Lil Ifta were asked: "If someone

donates some money for himself and his family to build a mosque with a group of

people, does that include shodaqah jariyah for each one?

They replied: "Shadaqah property or participate in building a mosque including

shadaqah jariyah for people who bershadaqah or for the person he intends, if

his intention is good and the source of his wealth from good income." (Fatawa

Al-Lajnah Ad-Daimah, 6/237 )

If your brother participates in donating land or building a mosque, they all get

reward and reward. This question is branched with any other question, which is

more important building a small mosque or participating in (building) a large


Sheikh Ibn Utsaimin rahimahullah has a fatwa around this, we include here for

the benefit.

He rahimahullah asked: "If some people desire to build a mosque with some

money. Which is more important, whether to participate with others in building

a large mosque, so there is no longer need to be renovated or expanded as the

population grows. Or build a small mosque without involving anyone?

He replied:

4 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

"The best is the first, because if the building is small, sometimes around the

inhabitants of which the origin is little, then increase, eventually the building

collapsed and built both times. But if the people around the small mosque are

more urgent in their need than the people around the big mosque, then they are

more likely to meet their needs. But if the conditions are the same, the

participation in building a large mosque is more important, because it is more


So, the problem needs to be specified, if the people around the small

mosque desperately need the mosque destroyed, then built again, then it is more

important than participating in building a large mosque. However, if they do not

really need or need equally urgent, then participation in building a big mosque is

more important. "(Al-Liqa As-Syahri, 24/18)

Some scholars argue that the hadith 'Mafhasu qutha' is understood zahir

(textual). So the intention means that if there is a group of people participating

in building a mosque, and each of them take part (as big as) syringe nest. So God

will awaken a home for him in heaven. And the virtue of Allah is vast.

In the context of that, we from the Committee and the Construction of

the Mosque Darussalam Pakuan Baru feel called to do the restoration again,

considering that for eleven years the Darussalam Mosque has never done

renovation, where the formerly solid, beautiful and comfortable deck now looks

less comfortable seen from the hole- holes that always issue a powder board

that always dirty the prayer rug, other than that low construction deck adds to

the atmosphere in the mosque becomes less comfortable especially with the

four pillars in the middle that adds to the appearance of the narrowness of the

mosque. On the other hand, because of the strategic location on the roadside,

the number of pilgrims praying rawatib five times is always crowded, in addition

to the activity of recitation of children and majelis taklim.

5 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

The strategic position of Masjid Darussalam Mosque in Pakuan Baru is

located on the edge of the main road, which is surrounded by residential and

educational institutions (kindergartens, elementary, junior and senior high

school, and STIKES Harapan Ibu) and some offices (IPKOH, KNPI Porovinsi

Jambi, KADIN Jambi, ASPEKINDO Jambi Province and District Education

Office) makes the existence of the Mosque Darussalam as a place of worship

becomes important and very useful.

Based on the above, presumably the Darussalam Mosque must improve

itself, must adapt to the current environmental demands. Therefore, we as the

administrators and leaders of the mosque construction feel called to

immediately do the restoration as needed:

1) Demolition of entire old building,

2) Expanding the mosque space,

3) Rebuilding with modern minimalist concept, two floors,

4) Building a parking lot, etc.


a. The purpose and objective is to invite Muslims both individuals and

institutions in the neighborhood of Darussalam Mosque and

surrounding areas, as well as local governments and all Muslims who

care for the progress of Islam, to participate in the renovation of

Darussalam Mosque, so as to create:

b. The mosque as a means of worship is beautiful and comfortable

c. Mosque as a means of religious activities, majlis taklim and Islamic


d. Creating Educational Koran for Children

e. d. Mosque as a means of learning the Qur'an

6 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

III. The name of this activity

The name of this activity is: Construction of Masjid Darussalam Pakuan Baru.

The place in this activity is located at Letkol A Tarmizi Kadir Street Number

01 Village of Pakuan Baru, Sub District Jambi Selatan, Jambi City, Jambi



The types of mosque building activities include:

1) Preliminary and preparatory work

2) Work on Demolition of old building

3) Concrete work

4) Couple and Plastering Work

5) Konzen Work and Door Leaves

6) Ceramic Work

7) Plapon's work

8) Electrical Installation Works

9) Hanger and Key Job

10) Painting Works

11) Final Work


The cost plan required for the construction of Two Floors of Masjid

Darussalam Pakuan Baru, which is a total of ± Rp. 1.199.610.000,- (One Billion

One Ninety Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ten Thousand Rupiahs), consisting


1) Preliminary and preparatory work of Rp. 5.200.000.-

2) Old building dismantling work of Rp. 14.800.000.-

7 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

3) Concrete work of Rp. 630.721.747,76.-

4) Couple and Plastering Work Rp. 164.334.583,96.-

5) Konzen and Daun Pintu Work Rp. 23.091.317,49.-

6) Ceramic Work for Rp.185.621.244,69.-

7) Plapon work of Rp.54.955.430,00.-

8) Electrical Installation Works of Rp. 15.010.325,00.-

9) Hanger and Key Works of Rp. 6.308.076,00, -

10) Painting Work of Rp. 40.952.501,18.-

11) Final Work of Rp. 1.500.000,00.-

12) Manager 5% of Rp. 57.124.761,15.-

*Cost Budget Details are attached


The source of funds expected to be obtained from:

a. Ta'mir Mosque Board of Darussalam

b. Donations of non-governmental organizations

c. Donors (individuals and institutions)

d. Other sources of funds are lawful and non-binding


Composition of mosque construction committee attached

8 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.


Only an infinite gratitude for the compilation of this proposal and the gratitude

of thousands of thank you for all humility from Mr. / Mrs. / Mr / I who has

provided infak, wakaf and assistance both morally and materially for the

realization of the Rebuilding of the New Pakuan Darussalam Mosque which is the

desire we are in particular and the ummah of Islam in general.

Finally by His permission, this Two-Story Building of Darussalam Mosque can be

achieved, we are only trying but Allah Azzawajalla is the one who determines

everything, God Almighty over Everything.

9 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.



10 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.





11 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.



12 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

1 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.
2 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.


Activity : Darussalam Masque’s Construction

Job Desc : Develop Darussalam Masque
Location : Darussalam Masque’s, Jambi City
Budget Year : 2018
No Job Detail Price (Rp)
1 2 3

I Preparation Rp. 5.200.000,00

II Demolition Rp. 14.800.000,00
III Concrete Wall Development Rp. 630.721.744,76
IV Plaster Rp. 164.334.583.96
V Konzen, Shutters & Leaf’s Door Rp. 23.091.317,76
VI Ceramic Floor Installation Rp. 630.721.744,76
VII Ceiling Installation Rp. 630.721.744,76
VIII Electricity Installation Rp. 630.721.744,76
IX Key and Lamp Rp. 630.721.744,76
X Painting Job Rp. 630.721.744,76
XI Finishing Rp. 630.721.744,76

1 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

2 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

3 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

Village of Pakuan Baru District of South Jambi

1. Advisor : 1. Drs. H. Zarkasih Syam, M.Pdi.

` 2. H. Ardian Faisal,SE,M.Si.

2. Person in charge : H.M. Yamin Usman, SE.

3. Project Leader : H. Nasir (Koordinator)

1. Drs. Hamdani, M.Pd.
2. Agus Sanusi.

4. Pengawas Keuangan/Bendahara : H. Muchtar Abdul Latif

5. Executor
a. chairman of the committee : Ir. H. Syahrasaddin, M,Si.
b. Vice Chairman : Nurdin. S.
c. Secretary : Suwarna
d. Treasurer I : M. Nurdin
e. Treasurer II : Yovi Pratama, S.Kom, MT

6. Division
a. Development
1) Sumarno Sugito (Coordinator)
2) Raden Edi, ST
3) H. Suparman
4) Ngadiman, S
5) Aman Abdurrahman
6) Sudiro/Sisuk
7) M. Zuhdi Ketua RT 3
8) Zainal Saibah Ketua RT 4
9) M. Nurdin Ketua RT 5
10) Tumpuk Ketua RT 6
11) Ny. Yani Rifin Ketua RT 7
12) H.M. Yamin Usman, SE. Ketua RT 8

4 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

13) Suryanto/Aman Ketua RT 9
14) Syamsul Bahri Ketua RT 10
15) Suherli/Babe Ketua RT 25 Tambak Sari

a. Funds
b.1. Sosial Funds
1. Syamsul Bahri (Koordinator)
2. M.Zuhdi
3. Kadang Mansyur/Ncun
4. Saril Tamzil (Yeng)
5. Syurif
6. Emon

b.2. Bussniess Funds

1. Bripka Willi Andri (Koordinator)
2. H.M. Soediono
3. Briptu Yosie Vernando
4. Muksin,SPd.
5. M. Ramadhani

c. Public Relationn & Doumentation

1. Iip Maskunik (Koordinator)
2. Robby Dwi Aditya Nugraha, S.Kom.
3. Kadang Mansyur/Ncun

d. Equipment
1. M. Zuhdi (Koordinator)
2. Zainuri
3. Edi Ros
4. Oong Syarifudin

e. Consumption
1) Kadang Mansur (Koordinator)
2) Nursasih
3) Lilik Sumaryanti
4) Gusilawati

5 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

Jambi, 14’th March 2018/ 27 Jumada II 1439 AH

chairman of the Secretary,



Known :

Chairman of Darussalam Masque

Pakuan Baru


6 | Proposal of Darussalam Mosque’s Construction. Pakuan Baru, Thehok, Jambi.

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