Vocabulary: Complete The Phrase. Use The Best Word From The Box

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Use the following to answer questions 1-8:

Complete the phrase. Use the best word from the box.

arm beach mountain ocean

plane postcards shopping sunburn

1. get a _____________________

2. swim in the _____________________

3. miss your _____________________

4. climb a _____________________

5. break your _____________________

6. write _____________________

7. go _____________________

8. sit on the _____________________


Use the following to answer questions 9-14:

Complete the sentence with the simple past of the verb in parentheses.

9. Dena and I ____________________ (lose) our flight.

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10. She ____________________ (forget) her passport.

11. My son ____________________ (eat) all the cake last weekend.

12. I ____________________ (see) beautiful beaches on my vacation.

13. They ____________________ (fly) from Boston to New York.

14. Claudia ____________________ (write) a beautiful book.

Use the following to answer questions 15-20:

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.

15. Where ____ on your last vacation?

A) you went
B) did you
C) do you went
D) did you go

16. How long ____ there?

A) you stayed
B) did you stay
C) do you stayed
D) you did stay

17. ____ anyone interesting?

A) Did you meet
B) Do you met
C) You met
D) Did you met

18. I ____ a good time on my vacation.

A) didn't had
B) have
C) had

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D) don't had

19. We ____ to Acapulco in my friend's car.

A) drove
B) drived
C) driven
D) drive

20. How ___ to Paris?

A) you did got
B) you did get
C) did you got
D) did you get


Use the following to answer questions 21-26:

Read the text. Answer to the question with information from the text.

Dear Angelina,
I'm in France. It's a great place. But I had some
trouble on the first day. I fell at the airport in
Paris. I was OK, but I broke my camera! And I
got a sunburn on the beach in south France.
Right now, I'm in Paris. It's amazing! I climbed
the Eiffel Tower. I saw some beautiful paintings Angelina Spivey
at the Louvre. I visited a palace and the 102 North Street
Cathedral of Notre Dame.
Denver, CO 80206
I went to a very nice restaurant last night. I ate
some delicious French food. But I didn't know US
what it was! I met a good-looking Frenchman
there. His name is Pierre, and he's really nice.
We went to a nightclub and danced! See you next

21. What happened at the Paris airport?

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22. What happened in south France?


23. What did Yuka do in Paris?


24. Where did Yuka meet Pierre?


25. What did Yuka do last night?


26. Is Yuka having a good time?



Use the following to answer questions 27-30:

Choose one of the writing tasks below.

27. Write a diary entry about yesterday. Answer the following questions:
Did you go anywhere?
What did you do?
Did you see any friends?
Did you have fun?

28. Write about a vacation. Answer the following questions:

Where did you go?
Who did you go with?
How did you get there?
Where did you stay?
What did you do there?

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29. Write a paragraph about Rick's vacation. What did he do? Use the information in the

Monday Climb a mountain.

Tuesday Go to an amusement park.
Wednesday Take a boat tour.
Thursday Visit a museum and go to a musical.
Friday Fly home.

30. Imagine you are on vacation. Write a postcard to a friend or your family. Answer the
following questions:
Where did you go?
What did you do there?
What are the restaurants like?
Are you having a good time?


Use the following to answer questions 31-36:

[Track 28] Listen. Choose the best answer to the question.

31. [Track 28] Where was Julia last week?

A) in Bali
B) in Japan
C) in Australia
D) in the US

32. [Track 28] What did Julia do every day?

A) She visited museums.
B) She sat on the beach.
C) She climbed mountains.
D) She took tours.

33. [Track 28] What did Julia do at night?

A) She sat on the beach.
B) She swam in the ocean.
C) She went dancing.
D) She ate Japanese food.

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34. [Track 28] Did Julia meet anyone interesting?
A) Yes, she met some students.
B) Yes, she met a famous singer.
C) Yes, she met some people from Australia.
D) No, she didn't.

35. [Track 28] Did Julia like the local food?

A) Yes, she did.
B) No, because she was on a diet.
C) No, but she ate everything.
D) No, but her husband liked it.

36. [Track 28] Did Julia have a good time?

A) Yes, she had a great time.
B) Yes, but she got a sunburn.
C) No, but her husband did.
D) No, not really.


Use the following to answer questions 37-40:

Choose one of the speaking tasks below.

37. Talk about a family vacation. Answer the following questions:

Where did you and your family go?
When did you go there?
How did you get there?
Where did you stay?
What did you do?
Did you have a good time?

38. Talk about your vacations. Answer the following questions:

What do you always do on vacation?
What do you usually do on vacation?
What do you sometimes do on vacation?
What don't you do on vacation?

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39. Talk about a terrible vacation. Answer the following questions:
Where did you go?
When did you go there?
Why was it terrible? What happened?

40. Talk about Eva's weekend. What did she do? What didn't she do? Use the information in
the chart:

Play tennis yes

Study no
Visit grandparents yes
Go shopping no
See friends yes

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Answer Key

1. sunburn
2. ocean
3. plane
4. mountain
5. arm
6. postcards
7. shopping
8. beach
9. lost
10. forgot
11. ate
12. saw
13. flew
14. wrote
15. D
16. B
17. A
18. C
19. A
20. D
21. Yuka fell and broke her camera.
22. Yuka got a sunburn on the beach.
23. She climbed the Eiffel Tower, saw some beautiful paintings at the Louvre, visited a
palace and the Cathedral of Notre Dame.
24. She met him / Pierre at a restaurant.
25. She went to a very nice restaurant, she met a Frenchman / Pierre, she went to a
nightclub, and danced.
26. Yes, she is.
27. Answers will vary. Answers could include the following information and structures:
I didn't go anywhere yesterday. / I went to [places] yesterday. I [did activities]. I didn't
see any friends. / I saw a friend. / I saw some friends. I didn't have fun. / I had a lot of
28. Answers will vary. Answers could include the following information and structures:
I went to [place]. I went with [person]. / I went alone. We / I flew / drove / took the
train. I / We stayed at [place]. I / We [did activities].
29. Answers will vary. Answers could include the following information and structures:
On Monday, Rick climbed a mountain. On Tuesday, he went to an amusement park. On
Wednesday, he took a boat tour. On Thursday, he visited a museum and went to a
musical. On Friday, he flew home.
30. Answers will vary. Answers could include the following information and structures:
I'm here in [place]. I went to [places]. I [did activities]. The restaurants are great / awful.
I'm / I'm not having a great time.
31. A
32. B

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33. C
34. C
35. A
36. A
37. Answers will vary. Answers could include the following information and structures:
We went to [place(s)] in [month / year]. We flew / drove / took a bus / train there. We
stayed at [place]. We [did activities]. We had / didn't have a good time.
38. Answers will vary. Answers could include the following information and structures:
I always [do activities] on vacation. I usually [do activities]. Sometimes, I [do
activities]. I never [do activities] on vacation.
39. Answers will vary. Answers could include the following information and structures:
I went to [place] in [time]. It was terrible because I [did activities].
40. Answers will vary. Answers could include the following information and structures:
Eva played tennis, visited her grandparents, and saw friends. She didn't study or went

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