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A Love of Travelling

For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what’s called a ‘gap year’. In common with many
other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before (1) …….. to study for his degree. After
doing various jobs to (2) …….. some money, he left home to gain some experience of life in
different cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more adventurous the young person, the (3) ……..
the challenge they are likely to (4) …….. themselves for the gap year, and for some, like Nigel, it
can (5) …….. in a thirst for adventure. 

Now that his university course has (6) …….. to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a three-year
trip that will take him (7) …….. around the world. What’s more, he plans to make the whole journey
using only means of transport which are (8) …….. by natural energy. In other words, he’ll be (9)
…….. mostly on bicycles and his own legs; and when there’s an ocean to cross, he won’t be taking
a (10) …….. cut by climbing aboard a plane, he’ll be joining the crew of a sailing ship (11) …….. . 

As well as doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel hopes to
(12) …….. on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole idea.
Show questions one by one


A.   ?    settling down

B.   ?    getting up

C.   ?    taking over

D.   ?    holding back


A.   ?    achieve

B.   ?    raise

C.   ?    advance

D.   ?    win


A.   ?    stronger

B.   ?    wider
C.   ?    greater

D.   ?    deeper


A.   ?    put

B.   ?    set

C.   ?    aim

D.   ?    place


A.   ?    result

B.   ?    lead

C.   ?    cause

D.   ?    create


A.   ?    come

B.   ?    turned

C.   ?    reached

D.   ?    brought


A.   ?    just

B.   ?    complete
C.   ?    whole

D.   ?    right


A.   ?    pulled

B.   ?    charged

C.   ?    forced

D.   ?    powered


A.   ?    relying

B.   ?    using

C.   ?    attempting

D.   ?    trying


A.   ?    quick

B.   ?    short

C.   ?    brief

D.   ?    swift



A.   ?    anyway
B.   ?    alike

C.   ?    instead

D.   ?    otherwise


A.   ?    leave

B.   ?    keep

C.   ?    pass

D.   ?    give

13. he Temple in the Lake

For questions 13 – 24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use
only one word in each gap, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to
get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask for

Lake Titicaca, often known as the ‘holy lake’, is situated in South America on the border

between Bolivia and Peru. The lives of the people (13)   tools and pottery have

(14)   found on its shores have long remained a mystery. However, scientists taking

(15)   in an exploration project at the lake have found what they believe to
(16)   a 1000-year-old temple under the water. Divers from the expedition have

discovered a 200-metre-long, 50-metre-wide building surrounded by a terrace for crops, a

road and a wall. It is thought that the remains (17)   those of a temple built by the

Tihuanacu people who lived beside Lake Titicaca before it became a part (18)   the

much later Incan empire.

‘The scientists have not yet had time to analyse the material sufficiently,’ says project

director, Soraya Aubi. ‘But some have (19)   forward the idea that the remains date

from this period (20)   to the fact that there are very similar ones elsewhere.’ The

expedition has so (21)   this year made more than 200 dives into water 30 metres
deep (22)   order to record the ancient remains on film. The film, (23)   will

later be studied in detail, (24)   well provide important information about the region.


For questions 25 – 34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in
the gap. Use only one word in each gap, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint"
button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask
for hints!
The Real Walkers Company offers a selection of small group walking holidays which explore some

delightful hidden corners of Europe, the Americas and Australasia. There is something for everyone

to enjoy on these holidays, (25)   REGARD of age or level of (26)  .FIT The

brochure includes various destinations and a range of itineraries. These range from sightseeing

tours of (27)   HISTORY cities to undemanding walking trips in unspoilt coastal and country

regions and, for the more (28)   ADVENTURE traveller, challenging mountain or hill-

walking expeditions. But it would be (29)   FAIR to give the impression that these holidays

are just about walking. According to the brochure, an (30)   ENJOY of walking is often the

thing that brings together a group of like-minded people, who share the (31)   PLEASE of

good companionship in (32)  ATTRACT surroundings. The company believes that its tour
leaders are the key to its success. These people are (33)   FULL trained and are particularly

keen to (34)   SUREthat each individual traveller makes the most of their trip.

5 The two boys were sitting by themselves in the classroom.


The two boys were sitting   in the classroom.

36 ‘I have an interview tomorrow, so I ought to leave soon,’ Yannis said.


‘I have an interview tomorrow, so I   soon,’ Yannis said.

37 The film will have started, so it’s not worth going to the cinema now.

The film will have started, so   in going to the cinema now.

38 Roberto arrived late this morning because his train was delayed.

If the train   Roberto would not have arrived late this morning.

39 I had never met Pia’s husband before.


It   I had ever met Pia’s husband.

40 Abdul’s mother didn’t let him play on the computer until he had done his homework.

Abdul’s mother   his homework before he played on the computer.

41 Although the police chased them, the thieves didn’t get caught.

The thieves managed to get   the police chased them.

42 Considering that Luke is so young, you must admit he’s making excellent progress as a

If you   young Luke is, you must admit he’s making excellent progress as a
A Wildlife Cameraman

I earn a living as a freelance wildlife cameraman working all over the world. It is my job to provide
the (1) ….. material from which a natural history programme is (2) ….. up. If the lifestyle agrees with
you, the travel and the filming can be great. There is fantastic variety: I often do not have the
slightest (3) ….. where I am going or what I will see. There is also a certain pleasure in (4) …..
some of the film you take on TV, though as I am often away working, I do not always (5) ….. the
programmes when they are shown.

It is unusual to get an ‘easy’ filming job. One of the most challenging things is (6) ….. your sense of
humour under sometimes difficult circumstances. I (7) ….. to work in the region of 300 days a year
and I often (8) ….. I had more time to play my guitar or see friends. Sometimes there is no (9) …..
even unpacking, when I get home.

But it is an amazing job, even though there are frustrations. What I hate most is flying – I really
cannot (10) ….. with that. All things (11) ….. , if it were not for the flying, this job would be (12) …..
about perfect.
Show questions one by one


A.   ?    pure

B.   ?    plain

C.   ?    raw

D.   ?    bare


A.   ?    made

B.   ?    set

C.   ?    taken

D.   ?    put

A.   ?    idea

B.   ?    thought

C.   ?    purpose

D.   ?    sense


A.   ?    noticing

B.   ?    viewing

C.   ?    looking

D.   ?    regarding


A.   ?    catch

B.   ?    glimpse

C.   ?    glance

D.   ?    remark


A.   ?    guarding

B.   ?    holding

C.   ?    keeping

D.   ?    saving

A.   ?    expect

B.   ?    suppose

C.   ?    imagine

D.   ?    rely


A.   ?    hope

B.   ?    desire

C.   ?    wish

D.   ?    want


A.   ?    reason

B.   ?    point

C.   ?    purpose

D.   ?    matter


A.   ?    suffer

B.   ?    stand

C.   ?    tolerate

D.   ?    cope

A.   ?    examined

B.   ?    weighed

C.   ?    consulted

D.   ?    considered


A.   ?    round

B.   ?    near

C.   ?    almost

D.   ?    just

13. FCE

For questions 13 – 24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint"
button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if
you ask for hints!
Throughout history people have worn clothing of one description or another. Apart

(13)   protection against the weather, clothes were also often used to show the

wearer’s status and wealth. Over the years, numerous fashions in clothing have come and
gone. (14)   some of these have been popular for relatively short periods, others

have lasted longer. 

Until the first half of the 20th century, the ability to follow fashion was limited to those

(15)   had the money to (16)   so. But following fashion did not only demand

money, it also required large amounts of leisure time. Wealthy people took fashion very

seriously and close attention had to (17)   paid to detail. Wearing the correct clothes

for different occasions was very important, despite the (18)   that this often meant

changing clothes five or six (19)   a day.

More recently, fashionable clothes have come within the reach of ordinary people. The

traditional craft of dressmaking, (20)   usually involved sewing (21)   hand,

was both costly and slow. But today, large-scale manufacturing has made it easier for
people to keep (22)   with changes in fashion (23)   having to spend a great

(24)   of money.

For questions 25 – 34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in
the gap. Use only one word in each gap, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint"
button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask
for hints!
Over the past few years, tourism in the East African country of Tanzania has been growing fast.

Tanzania has a really (25)   FASCINATE multi-cultural history and is home to many

different tribes. They live peacefully together and have a wide range of (26)   OCCUPY ,

such as farming and making traditional (27)   JEWEL. Visits to tribal villages, notably to

those of the Masaai in the north of the country, are often a highlight of travel itineraries. Last year,

Tanzania welcomed about 290,000 visitors, which made tourism the (28)   THREE most

important source of foreign exchanges; only coffee and cotton brought in more revenue.

Tourists are attracted to Tanzania because of its (29)   GOLD beaches and its unusual

(30)   GEOGRAPHY features. It has lakes of amazing (31)   DEEP, and in Mount

Kilimanjaro boasts the highest mountain on the African continent. Tanzania also has more land

devoted to natural parks and game reserves than any other wildlife destination in the world.

Everything, including the coral reefs, is protected by government law.

Tanzania is (32)   IDEAL placed to increase its tourist trade by offering a (33)   
VARY of activity holidays. At the same time, it aims to avoid the ‘mass tourism’ that has been a

rather (34)   FORTUNATE development in other areas of similar beauty.

For questions 35 – 42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to
get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints!

35 I think Robert is too young to look after his brother.


I think Robert isn’t   of his brother.

36 Tomas put up a fence so that people didn’t walk on his garden.


Tomas put up a fence   on his garden.

37 The twins are eager to see their cousins again in the summer.


The twins   their cousins again in the summer.

38 The last time Enrico saw Gloria was the day they left school.


Enrico has   the day they left school.

39 Luckily, we had enough glasses at the party.

Luckily, we   glasses at the party.

40 Nicholas finally managed to get his new video recorder to work.


Nicholas finally   his new video recorder to work.

41 You did not take enough care over your homework last week.


You   more care over your homework last week.

42 Reuben is the only person to have won the championship three times running.


Apart   ever won the championship three times running.

Environmental Concerns
Earth is the only (0) ... we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1) ...

human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (2) ... on

consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so (3)

... to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the very resource we have by which all people

can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (4) ... built on or washed into the sea.

Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover

completely. We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the

consequences. As a (5) ... the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the

very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (6) ... increasingly heavy
demands on it. The Earth's natural resources are there for us to use. We need food, water,

air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (7) ... us fed, comfortable, healthy

and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources they will (8) ... indefinitely. But if

we use them wastefully and excessively they will soon run out and everyone will suffer.

Multiple Choice Cloze

Gap 1





Gap 2





Gap 3




Gap 4





Gap 5





Gap 6




Gap 7





Gap 8





Exam Tips

When the day comes give yourself plenty of time (0) ... do everything: have
breakfast but don't drink (1) ... much; go to the toilet; arrive on time, but not too
early or you will find yourself getting more and more nervous while you wait to

In the exam, calm (2) ... down by breathing deeply and thinking positively. Read
the exam questions carefully and underline all of the key instruction words (3) ...
indicate how the questions should be answered. If possible start with the ones
(4) ... can do easily to give you confidence. Remember what you've learnt from
practising questions and doing mock exams previously and plan your use of time.
Don't panic (5) ... everyone around you seems to start writing furiously straight
away and don't be tempted to follow their example.

Finally, after the exam, don't join in a discussion about (6) ... everyone else did,
(7) ... you want to frighten yourself, and drain your self-confidence for the next
exam. Above (8) ..., remember that exams are not designed to catch you out, but
to find out what you know, what you understand and what you can do.
Food Production
In the not-too-distant past farm animals were able to

live (0) NATURAL lives in what we would now term NATURE

'free-range' conditions. Such farming methods however,

were not able to supply the rapidly growing (1) ... POPULATE

of the world and the increasing demands on food

(2) ... In order to cope with this rising demand, factory CONSUME

farming methods were introduced along with the (3) ... DEVELOP

of genetically engineered (4) ... hormones, which GROW

resulted in a massive increase in food production. PRODUCE

However, these developments in the use of factory  

farming and drug (5) ... have led to a widespread TREAT

feeling that animals are being caused a lot of distress

and that the quality of the food itself suffers as a

consequence. Certainly, many people (6) ... with the idea AGREE

of keeping animals in one building for their entire (7) ... EXIST

and argue that more emphasis should be given to (8) ... ALTERNATE

farming methods.
Key' Word Transformation

1. "Have you been on holiday recently, Jane?" asked Tony.

Tony asked Jane ........................................ on holiday recently.

2. I was too tired to go to the party.

I was ........................................ I couldn't go to the party.

3. There's no point asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.

It's ........................................ asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.
4. I'm sure it was Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.
It ........................................ Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.

5. We demanded to see the hotel manager to make our complaint.

We ........................................ the hotel manager to make our complaint.

6. The boss wouldn't object to you going early today.

The boss would not ........................................ you going early today.
Too Good to be True

Some say you can do it in seven days, others promise success in 24 hours, or you

may prefer to take (0) ... time and do it in 5 weeks. What are we talking about?

Believe it (1) ... not, these periods (2) ... time refer to language learning courses

that promise excellent results in less time (3) ... it takes to say 'Bonjour'!

However, the advertisements of these companies are not necessarily the best

guide and if you don't know what to look for in a good course you could be left with

little (4) ... than a large bill.

A complaint was recently made to a consumer rights group against WhizzLearn

Systems, a language school chain, and the company has been forced to remove its

claim that its technique is ten times better than any (5) ... method. The Managing

Director of WhizzLearn Systems said (6) "... we still believe our claim is true, we

are willing to change our advert. But the fact remains, if you spend 3 hours per day

for 5 weeks on our language course you will soon be speaking the language. What

we (7) ... have done was to make (8) ... clearer in the advert."

Dress Code
UK companies have received (0) CRITICISM from CRITIC

a business forum for what their report refers to as  

a rather narrow-minded attitude towards the dress  

code for office workers. This follows a case in  

which a male (1) ... working in the post room of a EMPLOY

large company in the United Kingdom received a  

(2) ... for wearing jeans to work. SUSPEND

Whilst the report accepts that there is a need for  

people dealing with (3) ... to look well dressed, CUSTOM

it questions whether employees who work behind  

the scenes necessarily need to dress formally.  

The authors of the report made a (4) ... between COMPARE

the UK and other European nations where

employers seem (5) ... about the need for their CONCERN

workers to wear smart clothes in the office.  

Their (6) ... is based on research that claims ARGUE

workers are far more (7) ... when they have the PRODUCT

(8) ... to dress in a way that they feel most FREE

comfortable in.  

Key' Word Transformation

1. Because it snowed heavily during the night the motorway is closed.

The motorway is closed ........................................ that there was heavy snow the
night before.

2. Did you manage to get in contact with the boss today?

Did you ........................................ in contact with the boss today?

3. I don’t care what you do.

As ........................................ you can do what you like.

4. The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice.

It ........................................ meal in the restaurant.

5. Do you and your brother have the same looks?

Does ........................................ you?
6. That’s the garage where I left my car last week.
That’s where I went ........................................ last week.

Camping Holidays

Although it has a reputation for being rather basic in terms of home comforts, the

modern material used in (0) ... manufacture of tents means camping is at least a

(1) ... less hard work. Nowadays tents are (2) ... lightweight that you hardly notice

you're carrying them. They're easy to put up yet still a cheaper alternative to hotel


Talk to an expert first before spending a lot of money (3) ... a tent. Different tents

suit different needs and there's no point (4) ... buying a mountaineering tent (5) ...

you're planning to camp in these conditions. Don't be tempted to splash out on all

the latest equipment either. Most of the fun of camping lies in the chance to get

back to nature. There's no need to take anything more (6) ... the basics.

Always try to plan your arrival at the site long before it gets dark. You will want to

see (7) ... you're doing when you try to erect your tent. Don't forget to ask for
permission if you're not camping on a registered site, and remember to take a

supply of food and drink with you in (8) ... the local shops are closed when you

arrive. You can then enjoy your first meal under the stars and begin to appreciate

the joys of camping.

Kitchen Hygiene
The next time you go to the supermarket don't

forget to buy the (0) BIGGEST bottle of kitchen BIG

cleaner you can to (1) ... your work surfaces. INFECT

Recent research in America has shown that  

the kitchen is often the most (2) ... of all the rooms HYGIENE

in the home.

The (3) ... of food, heat and dampness means the COMBINE

kitchen is (4) ... a breeding ground for bacteria that POTENTIAL

can cause stomach upsets and vomiting.

The study at the University of Arizona examined

15 homes over 30 weeks. Levels of (5) ... were CLEAN

certainly not below average yet cutting boards

and dishcloths were found to contain bacteria in

far greater number than elsewhere in the home.

(6) ... say ignorance is the cause of the problem RESEARCH

and point out that (7) ... cleaning can lead to ADEQUATE
serious food poisoning.

The (8) ... ? Make sure you clean all work surfaces SOLVE

daily and keep an eye on that dishcloth!

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