ACARS White Paper

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Timeless tech for the

connected aircraft age
Since 1978, ACARS – the Aircraft Communications
Addressing and Reporting System – has been an
invaluable primary aircraft data messaging system
for airlines, supporting their safe, secure and efficient
operation, while meeting aviation regulations.

In this white paper we explore how ACARS is evolving Contributors:

in the connected aircraft age – and why it will remain Paul Gibson: SITAONAIR Portfolio
Director, AIRCOM®
the aviation industry’s trusted and reliable network in Euan Mitchell: SITAONAIR Datalink
the years to come. Product Manager
The evolution of ACARS
When ACARS technology first came into use in Paul Gibson, Portfolio Director, AIRCOM® at
1978, it relied exclusively on Very High Frequency SITAONAIR, explains: “Today, ACARS continues to
(VHF) radio channels. On its first day of operation, evolve from its VHF origins, with satellite services,
around 4,000 messages were sent across the higher speed VHF Digital Link (VDL) introduced
ACARS network, with adoption steadily increasing at various stages, to deal with the steady rise in air
until it became widespread from the 1980s. Today, traffic. As various forms of Internet Protocol (IP)
SITAONAIR operates over 1,700 radios around links become available to aircraft, we have been
the world, supporting more than 16,000 aircraft in taking strides to ensure ACARS evolves to further
their daily operations. enable message transmission over IP.”

The intervening years have seen a sharp increase in This increasing demand for air travel, and
the demand for air travel and the steady addition ongoing technological advances, mean that
of alternative means of transmitting aircraft data. ACARS has never been more valuable to the
These new technologies have enhanced the modern air transport industry, delivering the
geographical coverage of ACARS and developed safest, most reliable technology for pilot-to-ATC
its capability for automatic and manual messaging. communications.
What is ACARS?

ACARS (Aircraft Communication Reporting and Typically, ACARS messages conform to one
Addressing System) is a datalink system used for of three main types: Air Traffic Control (ATC),
the transmission of messages between the pilot Aeronautical Operational Control (AOC) or Airline
and ground stations. These messages can be Administrative Control (AAC).
sent using a variety of communication methods,
including VHF and HF (High Frequency) radio ATC messages include aircraft requests for
channels, or via satellite. departure or oceanic clearances, as well as any
other instructions from ATC to the aircraft. For
The term, ACARS, refers to the complete system AOC purposes, the majority of ACARS data is
that enables ground-to-air aircraft data message used for operational and administrative purposes
communications. This system includes the service and is integral to a wide range of airline process
provider as well as the equipment in the air and on and information exchanges. These include
the ground. communications on connecting gates, updated
arrival times, aircraft weight and balance, and
aircraft and engine health monitoring.
The value of ACARS to the industry
Since the late 1970s, ACARS technology has
become ingrained in global airline flight operations
– underlined by the fact that its capabilities are
linefit as standard across airline fleets around
the world. Today ACARS is part of the fabric of
most airlines, many of whom build their entire
operational processes around the system.

ACARS’ ubiquity across the industry stems from

the safety, cost and operational benefits that The only single global
the technology can bring. Through ACARS, data service for aviation ops
ranging from maintenance and aircraft health communications
information, through to the granting of departure
clearance and instructions on changing flight
levels, can be sent.

In the decades since its inception, SITA, now

With the IATA (International Air Transport
SITAONAIR, engineers have continued to fully
Association) projecting that a staggering 7.2
integrate technologies emerging onto the aircraft
billion passengers are set to take flight in 2035,
data messaging market within the central ACARS
SITAONAIR’s collaborative action to incorporate
emerging technology and innovation has been
These technologies have included the addition
of satellite networks and, more recently, the
According to a recent Inmarsat study,
exploration of culture-shifting communication
conducted by aviation consultant Helios, satellite
links such as Internet Protocol (IP), or ACARS over
communication alone saved the airline industry
IP, including the use of ground-based terrestrial
$3 billion between 2001 and 2016 . When
cellular networks for data exchanges while the
expanded to consider the operational efficiencies
aircraft is on the ground.
from the use of VHF and VDL during the aircraft
turnaround process and gate-to-gate, the
For airlines, the benefits are huge, as ACARS
operational savings would be considerably higher.
maintains its traditional reliability and efficiency,
while embracing continued technological
As IP networks start to converge around aircraft
advancement in the connected aviation
communications, it is important to identify that
some networks are unlikely to be suitable for ATC
communications, meaning that a highly integrated
approach is required to make datalink services
work seamlessly across an increasing number and
variety of networks.

As Paul Gibson explains: “SITAONAIR’s position

is that, while feasible in principle, not all flavors of
communications channel are equal. Traditional
Supporting ATC ACARS and ACARS over IP both have an
communications, important role to play in today’s ground-to-air
connectivity landscape. Certain critical data is
navigation and
unlikely ever to be sent over some forms of IP. In
surveillance the rare case that it is, it will almost certainly be on
a multi-link basis, in that there is always the ability
to fall back to another link.”
A system that ‘just works’
In an environment where critical data is transmitted the industry’s operations. Given today’s crowded
across multiple communication channels, it is vital skies and runways, it is ACARS’ ability to integrate
that the system inspires industry-wide confidence. modern technology reliably and across all regions
There needs to be certainty that data is delivered that has maintained its central role.
in a consistent and seamless manner across all
platforms. As one of the major ACARS service providers,
SITAONAIR continues to play a leading role
As Euan Mitchell, Datalink Product Manager at in supporting airline value, safety and aviation
SITAONAIR, elaborates: “Given the absolute regulations. Far from resting on ACARS’ position
importance of this to both safety and efficient as the ubiquitous ground-to-air datalink system,
airline operations, most airlines would not be SITAONAIR is central in ACARS’ evolution in the
willing to accept a reality where they would rely on connected aircraft age. It is this ability to adapt and
a single link capability without automatic failover to evolve that means more than 220 airlines now rely
an alternative.” on SITAONAIR ACARS technology.

What’s more, from an airline perspective, Euan

continues, “any digital data system for the
transmission of messages between ground and
air simply has to work, as dispatching an aircraft
using manual processes is immensely challenging.
It is our role as a datalink service provider to ensure
this critical communications system functions
effectively, reducing airline workload.”

This fundamental requirement means that airlines

ultimately require faultless reliability from the
technology, which is precisely what makes ACARS
– and SITAONAIR – so successful and integral to

SITAONAIR’s role in the evolution of ACARS

SITAONAIR does more than simply implement provides industrialized levels of service, ensuring
ACARS protocol; it remains a core service provider high availability, resilience and redundancy.
for airlines around the world. SITAONAIR is also independent and agnostic,
separate from OEMs and specific satellite network
Central to SITAONAIR’s position is its ability to providers.
integrate multiple networks, both proprietary and
third party. In addition, SITAONAIR provides one These capabilities ensure that SITAONAIR’s value as
of the largest secure private ground networks a service provider is to support airlines in managing
anywhere in the world, with the capability to link the transition required to reap the benefits of new
ATC, airlines, airports and OEMs. technology, without causing any major disruption.

Combined with 24/7 support and dedicated airline Ultimately, SITAONAIR is managing the complexity
customer support representatives, SITAONAIR of ACARS, so airlines don’t have to.
ACARS in the connected aircraft age This is a prime example of the role ACARS still
plays, adapting to and complementing new
With the IATA expecting airlines to have operated
innovations in airline and aircraft communications.
38.4 million flights in 2017 (up 4.9% on 2016), and
with SITAONAIR estimating around 10 million
Inmarsat SwiftBroadband-Safety
ACARS messages exchanged daily, ACARS is still
the primary means of communication to ATC and Inmarsat SwiftBroadband-Safety (SB-S) is a
airline operations. next-generation flight deck communications
platform that enlists ACARS technology to offer
Indeed, ACARS remains the backbone of aviation a global, secure and high speed IP connectivity
communications, empowering airlines and ANSPs for the cockpit. It delivers faster communications,
to deliver safe, consistent and reliable pilot-to-ATC alongside a dedicated IP connection to the
communications. cockpit, paving the way for both airline operational
applications and future new generation safety
Paul explains: “ACARS has proven its ability to applications.SB-S is well positioned to be the
work alongside more modern methods of ground- primary operational cockpit link with the aircraft,
to-air communication, avoiding the traps that have with VHF networks becoming a required back-up.
snared alternatives by working seamlessly across
all aircraft types and all regions.” As a sign of the technology’s success, and ACARS’
crucial role within that, several airlines, including
There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it United Airlines, are to participate in a technology
comes to effective ground-to-air communication. evaluation of SB-S. The technology is being
Each airline needs to consider its own assessed on four Boeing 767 aircraft as part of the
requirements and adopt the most suitable ACARS airline’s commitment to operational, safety and
innovations and methods. For an airline operating service improvements.
in a particularly busy airspace or airport, or those
operating in regions where there is only very SB-S will deliver flexible communications with real-
limited VHF coverage, a mixture of approaches is time flight information that can serve to enhance
often the most appropriate. both airline security and safety. It supports this
through continual positional awareness flight
SITAONAIR and Teledyne cockpit tracking, and the dedicated IP connection to the
comms cellular service cockpit, which supports flight data streaming
and real-time EFB applications, including weather
SITAONAIR and Teledyne have announced a
partnership to deliver the aviation industry’s first
ever airline-integrated ACARS datalink terrestrial
SB-S, as a future standard for aircraft
cellular service, illustrating the role the technology
communication, illustrates the ongoing evolution
continues to play in the modern connectivity era.
of ACARS and the key role it continues to play
in innovative and market leading ground-to-air
The partnership marks an important evolution in
communications technology.
airline and aircraft communications. Building on
the datalink services chiefly provided by using
VHF/VDL radio frequencies, the agreement
enables SITAONAIR to integrate terrestrial cellular
services into its core datalink network. The result
is that airlines gain the flexibility of another
transmission channel for aircraft communications.

By enabling the datalink service over 3G/4G, the

airline community can benefit from increased
capacity for message transmission. At the same Backbone of
time, the partnership helps to relieve traditional efficient airline
datalink networks in congested airports, by
freeing up important capacity for essential
ATC communications while also supplementing
traditional VHF datalink ground coverage in
sparse areas.
‘New gen’ European ATC-airline
communications network
In a live demonstration of the continued evolution
of air-to-ground communication capabilities,
Europe’s primary ATC-airline communications
network has been upgraded by SITAONAIR,
delivering Europe’s first Multi-Frequency (MF)
Very High Frequency Digital Link mode 2 (VDLm2)

VDLm2 provides the capacity required to support

both ACARS and Aeronautical Telecommunication
Network (ATN) messaging. The MF-VDLm2
infrastructure has been delivered on behalf of
subscribing Air Navigation Service Providers
Prague’s VHF/VDL ATC
(ANSPs) and will serve 85% of all Europe-based
communications gateway
ATC-airline communications. It is supporting VHF, VDL and legacy networks will continue to
the use of CPDLC (Controller Pilot Data Link work in parallel with IP networks, with the two
Communications), as mandated by the European technologies complementing one another.
While IP certainly brings great opportunity, it
The MF-VDLm2 infrastructure has been deployed also needs to be grounded in clear and value-
to resolve the ATC-airline communications generating use cases, fully considering the impact
frequency capacity issues that have impacted the of safety and the levels of aircraft integration
single-frequency VDLm2 network since 2015. required. For many, the value and safety
assurances delivered by existing ACARS media
Prior to using CPDLC, airlines within European remains the best, most secure, and most flexible
airspace used voice messaging over VHF to option.
communicate with ATC. Under CPDLC, however,
communications rely on the automated messaging Indeed, airline operators, air navigation service
capabilities of digital link. This improves the providers (ANSPs) and airports continue to rely on
accuracy, efficiency and consistency of routine traditional ACARS networks and SITAONAIR as
ATC procedures. their trusted partner for ground-to-air messaging.

The MF-VDLm2 infrastructure under deployment As a case in point, the Czech Republic’s ANSP,
by SITAONAIR offers more capacity throughout ANS CR, has enlisted SITAONAIR to deliver a
Europe, and will support the performances “communication gateway” to Prague Airport
required by the CPDLC mandate. through its ACARS network, with the ambition to
roll it out to other Czech airports in the future.
The implementation, together with the ATN routing
protocols, allows a wider range of information to SITAONAIR’s communication gateway will enable
be transmitted and a much faster connection. the Air Navigation Service of the Czech Republic
The nature of these evolving air-to-ground (ANS CR) to support the sending of terminal
communication technologies again demonstrates information (D-ATIS) to arriving aircraft and
ACARS’ technological adaptability in managing departure clearances (DCL) to departing aircraft.
the growth of air and communications traffic. By replacing routine messages carried over
congested voice frequencies with standardized
digital messages, these ATC datalink applications
are minimizing the risk of misunderstandings and

Examples like Prague illustrate SITAONAIR’s

continued investment into VHF and VDL networks,
and strong belief that these, alongside other
networks, will continue to work in parallel with
newer generation technologies.
Expansion of VHF SITAONAIR and the future of ACARS
The longevity of VHF and VDL is underlined by ACARS remains heavily integrated into the
progress in developing parts of the world, where ground systems of nearly all airlines for a reason.
the development of VHF networks remains the SITAONAIR’s position as datalink service provider
primary focus as air traffic and data volumes ensures the seamless addition of new airline
increase. technology into the airline ecosystem – giving
airlines the confidence that when called upon, the
In 2015, SITAONAIR completed the deployment of technology simply works.
a comprehensive VHF and VDL datalink network
across more than 50 sites in Brazil. The expanded SITAONAIR champions the evolution of next-
network delivered full coverage of Brazilian generation connected aircraft and continues to
airspace and allowed airspace users to access pioneer and innovate. Its vital, aviation authority-
both the Departure Clearance (DCL) and Digital- compliant ACARS ecosystem ensures that it
Automatic Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS) remains an industry staple – empowering airlines
datalink services that were deployed at 23 control and ANSPs to deliver safe, consistent and
towers across Brazil. reliable ground-to-air communications that are
fundamental to their successful operations.
The project in Brazil posed particular challenges,
including the difficulty of transporting, installing Traditional ACARS technologies have been
and operating the hardware in environments providing reliable ground-to-air communication
as harsh as the Amazon jungle. Its completion for more than 30 years. While VHF will continue to
provided the country with advanced datalink have its place, both for reliable and efficient ATC
communications, while paving the way for future communication, and as a back-up, SITAONAIR’s
ATC datalink communication services over the implementation of advances such as ACARS over
ACARS network. IP secures its position as the fundamental means of
aircraft addressing and reporting.
While ACARS is undoubtedly still evolving beyond
its VHF origins in some respects, VHF channels Ultimately, ACARS remains the most reliable,
will remain essential for ATC communication, efficient and cost-effective ground-to-air
particularly in more remote corners of the world. messaging system there is. It has played a
fundamental role in the industry for decades,
meaning that there are now a countless number
of systems relying on it and huge volumes of
integrated data coming to and from aircraft via
ACARS messaging.

Its ubiquity across the industry, and ability to

evolve with the connected aircraft era, ensures that
ACARS will long retain its position as the foremost
tool for aircraft addressing and reporting, and
SITAONAIR as its core service provider.

SITAONAIR is the air travel industry’s trusted connected aircraft service expert. With its unrivalled industry-
backed heritage, SITAONAIR empowers 400+ airlines and 16,000+ aircraft to navigate the complexity of
connectivity and unlock connected aircraft value. We work in partnership with the air travel community, helping
support its digital transformation, to unlock the true value of data, grow ancillary revenues, and enhance the
passenger experience, operational efficiency and airline safety. Our co-created solutions for passengers,
cockpit and cabin crew, and aircraft data management, equip the industry to address the challenges and value-
generating opportunities it presents.

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