Master Liquor List

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The document describes a wide variety of fictional alcoholic beverages and their in-world effects, ranging from healing teas to dangerously hallucinogenic drinks.

Drinks like Wyvern Wine and Zozo Juice have mild hallucinogenic properties, while Berserker Brew can induce a warrior trance and Wild Magic Brew can cause random magic effects. Beeble Brox Pangalactic Gargle Blaster #42 and Waters of Life also have powerful and unpredictable effects.

Athelas Leaf Tea can cure or slow poison, aid in fighting disease, and promote healing when taken daily. It doubles the rate of healing lost life levels.

Absinthe: Made from anise (wormwood) with hallucinogenic effects.


Adbar Brandy: Dwarven, VERY strong, highly flammable (high alcohol

content) [Drizzt Books]

Adri Brandy: A potent brandy, thick and bitter. Drinking it counteracts

The Flowers of Thratus Kaloid, likely a hallucinogenic narcotic.

Ahlissan Cream: This liquor is a delightful cream brandy with a rich

coffee flavor.

Aleeian Wine: The grapes for this astounding Wild Elven wine are picked
from wild vines located deep in the forest. It takes several months to
find enough grapes to create even one batch. Fortitude save DC 11 or
drunk with one glass. 10 Gold

Altarian Brandy: from another dimension. Blue in color. In a yellow

bottle with blue markings and a blue bent glass stopper. Generally
illegal. [Wing Commander]

Amphisbanae Double-Snake’s Head Whiskey: Has a double bite. It bites

your tongue and makes you drunk, then bites your ass with a hangover.

Angel Tea: A healthy amber with leaves of mint stirred throughout. A

pleasant herbal tea constructed from various plants and resources. Mint,
lavender, honey, chamomile, sugar -- plus other ingredients that make
your whole body feel silky and smooth. Both a refreshment and a welcome
sleep remedy. You feel your eyelids grow heavy and your body beckons you
to sleep. The consumer gains Restful Sleep, which allows him/her to gain
the benefits of a full night's rest in 4 hours. Once awakened, he/she
feels completely refreshed. 70 Copper. [Big Random List]

Angry Tom's Furious Ale: A dark amber/brown butter with a thick, creamy
taupe colored head. A traditionally brewed, thick, dark ale in which
black peppercorns are added to the mash and brewed to 4.2% ABV. It is
rich, peppery, and not at all infuriating. Other than the natural
inclination to enjoy the drink with a thick cut steak, standard drinking
rules apply. 3 Copper. [Big Random List]

Araxan Bile-Wine: From another dimension. It is made from the bile of

certain bovine like beasts on a far away star system.

Athelas Leaf Tea: An herbal healing draught, it cures or slows poison,

aides in the fight against disease, and promotes healing. It can even
aide in slowing or stopping magical disease such as mummy rot or
lycanthropy. Taken daily, it doubles the rate of healing lost life
levels. From Middle Earth. [LOTR Books]

Atlantian Wine: from the ancient sunken continent Atlantis. Unknown
Cost. [Fred Haskell]

Banana Milkshake: A slightly yellow frothing milk drink with chunks of

banana scattered throughout. It's thick. It's creamy and oh so bananary.
Add chunks of ice to make it a refreshing drink throughout the hot
summer months. Child-friendly. The consumer feels refreshened and cooled
down. Allows the user to gain back 1 lower level spell usage. 3 Copper.
[Big Random List]

Bard's Blessing: A soft palette of subtle reds, pinks and yellows. The
flavors of different fruits hit your tongue but you're unable to
describe which it is before it changes to the next. As you drink, you'll
feel it pooling around your voice box, stroking at it, almost as if it
is tempting you to sing. You suddenly feel like you could sing to the
world! You gain a +5 to any Performance (Sing) Rolls at the cost of
taking on the Dazed Condition for the duration of the performance, or as
long as it takes before you need to go to the bathroom. 20 Silver.
Berserker Brew: It is more a potion than a beverage. It is a secret
formulation of herbs and mushrooms, boiled and fermented to a degree
(like pulque cactus juice). It aids in bringing on a berserk and reduces
pain sensitivity. A warrior trance state results if not taking it before
battle. [Big Random List/Fred Haskell]

Beeble Brox Pangalactic Gargle Blaster #42: From an alternate universe,

it is similar to bourbon. It can cause amnesia. [Hitchhiker's Guide]

The Beveridge Brew: Dark brown. Made by the finest brewers in all the
land, the Beveridge Brew has the initial taste of joy and happiness, but
an aftertaste that reflects the texture and taste of dirt. Sends the
drinking into a dream (unknown to the player ) were something really
great happens to the character. After the effect wear off the character
notices that it was just a dream, and most likely throws up from the
taste of dirt. 15 Copper. [Big Random List]

Bilgewater: Bluish brown or jet black in color. Made by soaking the

inner organs of various sea creatures in a fermented brine; the
concoction is the run through a sieve to remove the bones and viscera.
The lingering taste of rotten, brackish seafood remains on the palette
for a few hours. 5 Copper or One Tall Tale. [Big Random List]

Birch Beer: an alcoholic beer made with birch bark. [Fred Haskell]

Black Milk Stout: heavy black stout with a thick white foam head and a
milky consistency.

Black Wine of Pomarj: Tough purple-black vines cover some of the sunny
hillsides of the Pomarj, whose grapes are turned into a highly alcoholic
wine highly prized in some quarters. It also contains very addictive
hallucinogens. Goblins and Orcs tend to brew those types of intoxicants.

Blerry: Ranging from clear lavender to deep red, depending on the
berries. Of halfling origin, this is a fermented juice of berries, honey
and spices. There are regional and seasonal variations, each with family
variations. Lightly alcoholic, Blerry is usually drunk to refresh rather
than to intoxicate (though in quantity, this the latter can be
accomplished). Some varieties are dry, but most versions are at least
slightly sweet, and almost all ideally have a light carbonation. A few
variations made for sale to humans are sweeter and heavier, and are used
as a kind of dessert wine, but most native drinkers turn up their nose
at these. The consumer is refreshed, energized and, usually, somewhat
cheered. It intoxicates like a standard lager, and takes at least a pint
to get the average halfling buzzed -- a good few pints for a typical
human, and a dwarf or half-orc would need more. The varieties made for
humans are stronger -- like a light wine. 1 Silver. [Big Random List]

Blind Beholder: Dark red with large white bubbles. A drink made from
material found only in the Underdark. Tastes somewhat musty, but has an
incredible kick; doesn't take much to make the world start spinning.
Anyone attempting to cast a spell while still tipsy or drunk from this
drink risks a 50% chance of the spell backfiring. Disadvantage on any
Perception checks relying on sight. 5 Silver. [Big Random List]

Bloody Medusa: Thick and red as blood but with greenish swirls. Served
with a green snake's head on the rim. Some think that the drink
originally started out using crushed up vegetables and fermented
alcohol. Some recipes still do use the original recipe, but have decided
to actually add in the blood of a Medusa. Not only does it taste great
for a morning pick me up, but it also grants the drinkers who partake
with a special surprise. Be wary not to go picking a fight in a bar
where this is served.... Drinking this concoction is as if casting
Stoneskin on oneself. Creature has resistance to non-magical
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for 1 hour. 10 Gold. [Big Random

Blue Rose Hip Tea: A refreshing tea like other rose hip teas, blue rose
hip tea is made from the rare (almost mythical) blue rose. It may have
other magical properties. [Fred Haskell]

Bluenose: This ethereal drink glows softly blue and emits a light mist.
Light, clear and almost flavorless the drink itself is merely a means to
delight in the wonderful vapors from the mist. Eliminates overpowering
smells from being distracting. The pleasant smells put you in a good
mood, Advantage on Charisma checks. 5 Silver. [Big Random List]

Brewmosa Gold: 2 freshly squeezed oranges from a local orchard mixed

with a pint of mead. Second Wind -- Restore Health: Roll 4d4 divide by
4. 4 Copper. [Big Random List]

Brimstone Brew: Swirl of orange and red, glowing. This odd liquid is a
constantly swirling mass of orange and red, and has a faint glow to it.
The brew carries a slight odor of sulphur, and is warm on the tongue.
After drinking the brew, the character must make a DC 8 Constitution
saving throw or hear an unintelligible whispering plague them. However,
Warlocks and other characters in the service of infernal masters gain a
slight boost in their spell powers, with all damaging spells dealing +2
bonus damage, and all saving throw difficulties to resist their spells
increasing by 2. Both effects last 1d4 hours. 3 Gold. [Big Random List]

Butterbeer: A buttery brown drink with a creamy foaming top. Foaming,

smooth to taste with enough kick to keep itself interesting. A popular
purchase among novice drinkers. The consumer feels a little more alert
and sociable. He/she gains a +1 to Charisma and Perception checks. This
effect only lasts an hour. 20 Copper. [Big Random List/Harry Potter Books]

Calimshan Wine: a dark palm wine from Calimshan. [Drizzt Books]

Caliphite Choker: A subtle mixture of liquors that goes down smooth, but
has a nasty aftertaste.

Celene Emerald Wine: An emerald colored elvish wine - whether from

Celene (the green wine of Celene) or Ulek.

Celene Nectarwine: A rather rare Celenese nectawine, made from

moonberries picked only when both moons are blue (WG6 Isle of the Ape,
page 6), and it is a "heady, effervescent brew of violet color."-Roger

Celene Ruby Wine: a sparkling vintage. 2gp

Celenian Bocque: This drink is like more of a sherry than a beer. The
elves, who are more of a wine sipping bunch anyway, created this drink
from all of the Ulekian Stout that their dwarven compatriots in the war
sent to them as a gift for their aid. It tastes like a carmelized
sherry, instead of the fruity taste associated with most sherries. This
has something of a smoked, almost scorched taste. But it is very subtle,
and delicious. One can get rather intoxicated from this drink, so be
cautious... .

Chendyl's Choice: Rich brown lager.

Chispa's Spring Wheat Beer: An extremely light spring beer. A Pilsner.

Made with a rare yeast from Dyvers. The yeast is roasted by means of a
Burning Hands spell. And it uses a raw hop in order to bring in a
slightly bitter grassy taste, much like the Ulekian ale. After
fermenting, nutmeg and allspice are added. This drink has a sweet yet
grassy taste with a hint of spice.

Citrus Tea: A transparent orange whose bubbles sit on the bottom of the
glass. An orange slice decorates the side of the glass in which it is
served. Tastes of a mixture of orange, lemon and ginger with a vague
hint of spice. Travelers and nobles alike ingest this drink when they
have stomach upsets as it is known to aid in both indigestion as well as
constipation. Is also rather good for helping cure the common cold. Can
be consumed either warm or cold. The tea cures any minor sicknesses upon
consumption as well as aids in any digestive problems the drinker might
be experiencing. Also grants a +2 to Cold Resistance for up to 6 hours.
5 Copper. [Big Random List]

Clockwhistle's Surprise: Dark Purple, and glittery. A nice tasting

potion that became a widely served drink purely for the fun of it.
Invented by Dondaan Clockwhistle, this drink is said to cause strange
effects, most of the time anyways. DC 15 CON save. Roll on Wild Magic
table upon fail, rerolling for effects that directly harm someone. DM
can also decide what happens. Effect cannot be affected by features
granted to Wild Magic Sorcerers. 5 Silver per Mug. [Big Random List]

Coca Leaf Tea: Tea made from coca leaf, cocaine. It gives energy. [Fred

Cocoa, hot: It is made with cream. Delicious sweet hot chocolate.

However, it can be quite rare as cocoa beans do not exist in every
world. [Fred Haskell]

Cold Melted Glacial Heart Water: At the heart of some glaciers or even
icebergs, is often found extremely ancient and hard ice used for ice
weapons and other magical devices. Melted it can restore and cleanse
disease, poison, venom, or toxin of any stripe (except magical disease).
It also completely eliminates fatigue and restores 1 extra hp. per dose.
[Fred Haskell]

Cormyrean Brandy: Jarlaxle's favorite. Very Strong; very rare; very


The Cranky Clergyman: Deep opaque black with stark white head. Adapted
from a well aged potion of cure wounds, this bitter drink feels and
tastes like poison before entering stomach. A brief moment later, warm
feelings emanate from the drinker's gut as some small wounds seal up. A
tavern favorite for after-brawl drinks. DC 11 Con Save, 1d4 poison
damage upon fail. One round later (approx. five seconds) later, heals
2d4 hit points. 7 Copper. [Big Random List]

Crazy Al's Gnomish Knock-Out Lager: A transparent, greenish liquid that

constantly bubbles. An infamous Gnomish brew known for requiring a
waiver to be signed, absolving the tavern and brewer of any damage
and/or loss of life before it can be served. It comes in a black bottle,
with multiple warning signs written in Common, Gnomish, and Dwarvish.
Tastes absolutely foul. Upon consumption, the drinker must immediately
make a DC 15 Constitution save. If passed, the drinker immediately gains
a temporary +2 boost to Strength and Constitution scores (maximum of 20)
until the next long rest, has Advantage on Constitution saves until the
next long rest, and has Resistance to Cold damage until the next long
rest. The drinker is also immune to the drink's effects for 24 hours. If
the drinker fails the save, but does not roll a Natural 1, the imbiber
is knocked unconscious for 2d6 hours. Upon regaining consciousness, the
character has Disadvantage on all ability score checks, skill rolls, and
saves until two long rests have been spent. Should the drinker roll a
Natural 1, he or she immediately drops to 0 Hit Points, and begins
rolling Death Saves. 15 Gold per bottle. [Big Random List]

Critwall Ale: This ale is weak and somewhat bitter, kind of like the
disposed Shield Landers....

Crystal Myster: Spiced liquor containing Peppermint and Cinnamon amongst

others. Best when chilled. A cloudy drink, it is served in clear mugs
most often.

Cthulhubrew: A slimy green color and thick like syrup. No one knows
where this concoction comes from or what exactly it is made from.
Strange monks in hooded robes deliver the drink by nightfall and give it
at a highly discounted rate. Some say that drinking enough of it not
only gives the desired effects of alcohol but also enlightens the brain
chemistry to a high state. The taste of it is like Licorice or Absinthe.
Once consumed, the player gets Telekinesis for the next 24 hours. But in
exchange the player hears dissonant whispers from another being calling
him/her to join their cult. Deals 1d6 Psychic Damage. 90 Copper. [Big Random

Cuthberts Cudgeler: Distilled whiskey.

Deepminer: Shiny golden liquid with black foam. Taken from a keg with
floating lumps of coal, initial strong charcoal taste followed by
delicious warm honey golden taste. Upon your next Long Rest, your
character makes a bowel movement. You must roll 1d100 if you roll under
the number of drinks consumed your feces contains a small gold nugget
worth 1d10 gold, if not is a painful coal filled movement. 10 Silver per
Pint. [Big Random List]

Demon's Blood: Black with red spots inside it. A drink preferred by
fiends and devils. Made from Cinnamon bark and of course demons' blood.
If any creature other than a fiend, a Tiefling, or a devil drinks this,
they take 1d10 Necrotic Damage. They also must make a DC 10 Con save or
be poisoned taking 1d4 poison damage every hour. If poisoned, roll a 1d6
to determine how many hours the creature is affected by the poison. The
creature cannot heal while poisoned by the drink. If the creature falls
unconscious the poison stops until the creature is awake. The creature
can still be stabilized. 5 Silver. [Big Random List]

Dew from the leaves of Yggdrasil: Acts completely as Holy Water for
Neutral, CN, LN, Clerics and Druids. It slows poison etc. just as Holy
Water does. Very rare. 50 Gold Pieces. [Fred Haskell]

Diluted Waters of Lethe: Drinking from the River Lethe removes memory
from spirits on their way to the afterlife. This highly sought after
beverage is extremely dilute and merely resolves the cares and woes of
the day for the imbiber. 50 Gold Pieces. [Fred Haskell]

Djekul Gold Wine: (25% to intoxicate) from Frost Barbarians. It always

stays cold even when not being chilled.

Dorakkan Blackened Beer: This drink is notable for the sediment it

leaves in the bottom of the glass. It's taste is light and yeasty, but
rather hot. The drink has no clarity as it is fermented inside the
charred skulls of firegiants and the sediment is suspended within the
beverage. But there is something about the combination of grains and
spices which make this drink unique and delightful. Although light
tasting, it is so dark even the foam is dark brown. The beer looks
almost black with particles floating in it.

Dragon Poison Ale: Dark green with bubbles. A drink made with Poison
that is normally used to kill Dragons, however the amount used is so
very minimum that it won't be fatal to drinkers. Anyone who drinks this
needs to make a DC15 con saving throw. On a fail they will be knocked
out for 10mins, on a pass, they gain 10 temporary hit points for 10mins.
10 Gold. [Big Random List]

Dragonbite Bitter: The recipe for this exceptional dark beer is

centuries old, and only the Dragonbite Brewery has been able to
reproduce it. The Fortitude save to resist intoxication is DC 12.

Dragonfire Brandy: Deep candy apple red with swirling orange mist. Aged
brandy with a hint of Apple Cider and Red hots. Smooth DC 13 Con save.
Fail = Disadvantage on persuasion and seduction resistance tests, but
you're happy about whatever you did...until tomorrow. Maybe. I mean you
DID have fun. And the Tiefling twins were seriously alluring and sexy. 1
Gold per Snifter. [Big Random List]

Dragon's Breath: A smoky tasting brown whiskey that causes a feeling of

warmth from the stomach throughout the body. [Greyhawk Classics]

Dragon's Milk: A deep rusty brown, almost black with toffee colored
bubbles, almost opaque when held to the light. Brewed in a secretive
enclave known to mark their bottles with the rune of Othala. Born of a
mixing of an ancient dwarven recipe with skill and flavor from members
of all the civilized races and it is even said the aid of a few dragons.
This brew has a strong flavor of chocolatey grains, vanilla, bitter
hops, and a myriad of spices appealing differently to each imbiber. It
is most commonly found in dwarven enclaves and elven kingdoms but has
been making headway into the taverns of all the civilized races; though
with limited supply this is leading to an overall price increase over
time making it ever more popular among nobles as a status symbol. This
dank brew instantly warms the drinker and produces a profound euphoria.
This brew removes one level of exhaustion as well as making the drinker
immune to the ill effects of cold weather, the frightened condition, the
poisoned condition and damage for an hour after drinking. It also tends
to make its drinkers foolhardy as the euphoria and lack of fear
associated with drinking it leads some to disregard their own safety.
This has lead to bartenders being careful to whom they serve this
amazing brew. 25 Gold per pint, 310 PP per keg (taverns tend to buy at
roughly 250 PP per keg). [Big Random List]

Drow Spiderblood: A slight misnomer, this mushroom wine crafted by the

drow includes a substantial dose of venom from poisonous spiders. Its
taste is remarkable and unlike anything encountered on the surface
world. Anyone not used to drinking this wine (usually a nondrow), must
make a successful Fortitude save (DC 11) or be poisoned (primary and
secondary damage 1d2 Con), in addition to making the Fortitude save
against intoxication (DC 11). Those wishing to overcome this poisonous
effect must drink one glass over several hours, every day for three

Drunken Uncle: Thick, dark brown stout, approximately the thickness of

eggnog. Tasty, mouth-coating, drink that tends to remind the consumer of
a fond family gatherings. Player must make a constitution check of DC 13
on a failure, the PC must reveal one of his deepest, darkest secrets, or
must tell an extremely inappropriate/embarrassing story. If the PC
continues to drink the drink, increase DC by one for each pint consumed.
3 Silver. [Big Random List]

Dry Heave White: Sour at first, then burns with a vengeance. After taste
leaves a lingering effect. Intimidation +2 for 1d4 rounds. Fort Save DC
17 or suffer from dry heaves lasting 1d4 rounds. 3 Copper. [Big Random List]

Dwarfhead Stout: Found almost exclusively in dwarven communities, this

powerful brew is a "day-to-day" beer favored by warriors. (Fortitude
save DC 13.)

Dwarven Drought: Nut Brown. Served in a deep heavy tankard, the musty
oakish odor is inviting to few but those with the affinity to damp
basements. Meant to fill the void of the deep dark caverns, brewed with
only the finest dwarven barley, this is a strong beer for the strong
willed. Increased Intimidation and Persuasion +1 for every 2drinks.
Decreased Intelligence checks by 2 for every 3 drinks. 5 Copper. [Big Random

Dwarven Brandy:

The Dwarven Hammer: Black at the bottom, but gold at the top. A mixture
of strong, bitter ales, dark rum, and coffee. Most people put raw sugar
on top of the foam to get a "spark" effect. Male consumers will find
their beard grows an inch for each mug taken in, while female consumers

will feel their hair getting thicker and longer. Effect wears off after
an hour. 15 Copper. [Big Random List]

Dwarven Mushroom Beer: made in the Earth's Dreamlands from mushrooms.


Dwarven Whisky:

Eastfair Green Wine: (12% to intoxicate).

Ecafigia: A fermented milk made from human breast milk. Made from
captive humans by orcs. Orc, Dwarf, Elf, rare Drow, Hobbit, and even
Goblin varieties exist. But human ecafigia is the most popular with
humanoids. It is called ecafigia (ghost) due to the hallucinogenic
properties it induces more than the alcohol effects. [Fred Haskell 8_2017]

Efreeti Fire Wine: made by the Efreeti in the Elemental Plane of Fire.
[Fred Haskell]

Elixir of Innspa: liquor (7% to intoxicate).

Elven Battle Spirit: Clear. A sake Brewed by the Elves, this rice wine
is believed to contain the spirits of Ancient warriors, consumed to gain
those warrior's courage Con +2, -1 penalty to reflex saves, +2 moral
boost to saves against fear effects, for 24 hours. 500 Gold per Jug (15-
20 servings). Often given out as military rations before a battle. [Big
Random List]

Elven Honey Mead: made by the Elves of Middle Earth. [LOTR Books]

Ent Morning Draught: made by the Treemen of Middle Earth. [LOTR Books]

Ent Water: made or bottled by the Treemen of Middle Earth. [LOTR Books]

Eye of the Beholder: Milky white. An alcoholic drink made by nomadic

groups (Goliath's come to mind) in which a hardboiled egg is added to
fermented goats milk. No special effects. 3 Copper for normal livestock
egg, but price can increase depending on the source of the egg. [Big Random

Færie Ether Wine: brewed in the Plane of Faerie from the Etherstuff of
the Ethereal plane. [Fred Haskell]

Fairy Wine, vintage sixty-six: causes convulsions and can cause death.
The high is awesome but the hangover onset is in minutes. [Classic Books]

Fairy Wine, vintage sixty-three: drinkable without convulsions or death.

The high is awesome but the hangover is still something to behold. [Classic

Fairy Wine: extremely powerful with a hangover in under one hour. [Classic

Fermented Kelp: Made by Aquatic Elves, it is green and foamy with a
salty aftertaste.

Fire Ball: Fiery Red. Have you ever wondered what hell fire would taste
like? Then fireball is for you! "Man I chugged a quart of fireball
before the dance and the guards were all over my ass as soon as I walked
in." Best night ever! After drinking a fireball shot you feel the hot
embrace of hell in your lungs. You get resistance to cold damage for the
next 30 minutes. 9 Silver per shot. [Big Random List]

Firewine: Pinot Noir. This ruby rich delight is packed with mouth-
watering sumptuousness with hints of bramble, blackberry, boysenberry,
Don Cherry and Frankenberry flourishes. A treat to eat with beef
testicles or lamb spleen escabeche. Also an ideal companion for manic-
depression. Shows promise to last longer than your belief in an
afterlife. Disadvantage on Charisma checks for 1d6 hours. 50 Silver. [Big
Random List]

Flavored Water: Clear. It's a nice, tall glass of water, known for
hydrating thirsty travelers exceptionally well. A slice of lemon has
been added as a nice garnish. The glass is surprisingly clean as well.
You are no longer dehydrated, and you feel like this will help whatever
hangover you may have had the next day. A stranger sits down beside you
and orders the same thing. You strike up a conversation over your
strange, shared taste in this odd environment. After some enlightening
conversation the stranger gulps down the rest of his water, bids
goodnight and departs. You realize that you not only do not know his
name, but he left behind a small, glass coin beside his cup. You push
through the crowd to find him, but he seems to have vanished. The coin
is a Clearwater coin of Hydration: when dropped in a glass of any
liquid, it turns into clean, clear, refreshing water. The coin turns to
granite, and must be given a day to recharge. 1 Electrum. [Big Random List]

Frenzywater: An extremely potent clear alcohol. Rumors of bottles

spontaneously catching fire when exposed to sunlight have never been
proven. Anyone with the rage class ability must make a Will save (DC 15)
to resist flying into a rage after drinking a tankard of this liquor. If
you have already expended all your rages for the day, then frenzywater
has no additional effect other than making you irritable and surly.
(Fortitude save DC 15.)

Frobscottle: Made in giant country from Snozzcumbers. Snozzcumber

resembles a cucumber but is from nine to twelve feet long. It is striped
lengthwise black and white with wart-like growths all over its surface.
Fermented, it produces Frobscottle which is a light green transparent
champagne or sparkling beverage with bubbles that form at the top and
sink, not go up. It is causes flatulence in the imbiber rather than
belching. [BFG Movie Book]

Frostwine: This delicate white wine is created from an exotic blend of
grapes that grow only in extreme northerly climes. Frost worms in
particular are drawn to the scent of frostwine grapes in bloom, making
it dangerous to harvest. (Fortitude save DC 13.)

Frozen Gin Martini: A ordinary gin Martini, very dry, with an olive.
Chilling until there are ice particles in the Martini is easy. Getting
stuffed olives from Earth is the hard part. 20 Silver, 50 Gold Pieces
with a stuffed olive. [Fred Haskell]

Fury Apple Wine: "...a crisp apple fragranced wine...Furyondian


Furyondian Pale Emerald Wine: Pressed from the grapes that grow on the
endless gentle rolling hills in central Furyondy, this light-green-hued
wine is famed for its gentle fruity flavor. 4gp

Furyondian Spiced Ale: This drink is a fine well balanced ale with a
host of subtle spices including one reportedly from Aquaria which does
not have a taste but causes a tingling on your tongue. It makes this
drink both expensive and unique. 15 Gold Pieces.

Fuzzy Night: Opaque purple. A thick liquid that has a sweet taste, but
has a slightly bitter aftertaste. Many patrons enjoy it with a spoonful
of honey mixed in to cut the aftertaste. After drinking a single mug,
the events of the evening will be forgotten the next time the character
takes a long rest, unless they succeed at a DC 8 Constitution saving
throw. For each additional mug after the first, increase the DC by 2. 2
Gold. [Big Random List]

Garnet Wine, Dwarven: Made from grapes found high in the mountains, this
fine, if bold, wine includes at least 10 gp worth of ground of garnet
"for flavor." (Fortitude save DC 13.)

The Ghillain Special: A dark beer served with a skewer of bacon and
pickles. A tall glass broth served with a kebab of pickles and bacon
staked through it. The combination of beer served with the sides makes
it a flavor combination to behold, mixing sour, sweet and savory all
into one. All the different flavors allows the consumer to become
inspired, gaining a +5 to any Crafting rolls as well as a +1 to
Dexterity. Any person who consumes this drink with the Cooking skill
gains a +15 to the next meal he/she crafts, ultimately making it
delicious and filling. Watch your waistline with this drink. 80 Silver.
[Big Random List]

Giant Bee Royal Jelly (chilled): as it states. [Fred Haskell]

Giftmouth: Red wine with a dash of purple. It's short and sweet and
leaves you light on your feet. Makes you feel smart and attentive. You
begin to notice things that you hadn't been able to comprehend before. A

popular drink among aristocrats and nobles. Allows the consumer to
understand 1 random language for 1d4 in hours (one they previously don't
know or aren't fluent in). He also gain's a +5 to Perception or Notice
rolls. Once the effect wears off, he will return to normal and if he has
not learned the language previously before consuming, won't be able to
understand it. 10 Gold. [Big Random List]

Ginger Ale: an alcoholic ale made with ginger. It is low alcohol and a
non-alcohol ginger ale is made as well. [Fred Haskell]

Ginger Beer: an alcoholic beer made with ginger. It is low alcohol and a
non-alcohol ginger beer is made as well. [Fred Haskell]

Glass Milk: Clearish-white. An expensive drink popular among desert

dwellers. However, it is not for the faint of heart (or loot!). If you
drink this and pay up, you'll be fine and get a +4 to persuasion until
you succeed on a persuasion check. However, if you refuse to pay you
will be cursed with some form of madness for an hour or until you pass
out. This does not apply to anyone born in the desert, since they have
usually drank this at least once growing up and always receive the +4
persuasion bonus. 20 Gold. [Big Random List]

Glavgalask: A golden brown. The translation of this drink's name is an

old, orcish curse -- one you don't say in polite company. Known for
being one of the toughest drinks ever, few people can handle this and
not end up on their backside. It is rarely drunk purely for fun,
generally it is drunk in ceremonies and competitions. The drinker must
make a DC 15 constitution saving throw. On a success the drinker is
poisoned for one minute. On a failure the drinker falls unconscious for
1d4 hours. If this drink is mixed into food all diseases are removed
from it. Any food that has this drink mixed in does not force the
constitution save that drinking it straight would cause. 100 Gold for a
pint. You drink it in shot glasses. [Big Random List]

Glitter: Clear with flecks of gold and silver. A sweet, light craft beer
brewed from magically grown sugar. It's is often drunk at parties and
given as a gift between nobles. Must be bought from the distiller. Will
only be sold to those of upper class or renown. Roll a 1d20. On a 19-20,
the drinker is cured of all non-magical poisons and diseases. A bottle
contains 40 drinks. Generally sold for 100 Gold for a 2 pint bottle. [Big
Random List]

Glowglass: Green phosphorescent in color. A gnomish concoction made from

glowing mushrooms. Most non-gnomes refuse to drink this sweet liquor,
most gnomes laugh at this. Drinker sheds a soft glow like a candle for
1d4 hours. 2 Silver a shot. [Big Random List]

Goat's Milk: White Fresh goat's milk. What more could you want (except
an actual drink)? Somewhere along the line of your order, the bartender
confused your order with that of a travelling monk, a strict

teetotaller. Your bones feel enriched from the calcium in the drink.
Your mother is proud of you for making the right choice. The bartender
is embarrassed for giving you the wrong choice. He gives you your drink
for free and hastily finds another patron to serve. Free. [Big Random List]

Goat's Piss: Yellow. "What? Eww no of course I'm not going to drink
it...What do you mean, a coward?! Pass that here and watch me down this
whole thing!" You must roll a constitution save of DC 10 to not get sick
from the drink. If you fail you're nauseous the rest of the night, and
several people laugh at you (1/3 of bar patrons will not take you
seriously, and you have disadvantage on any Charisma checks against
them). If you pass you gain the admiration of all of the bar-goers,
gaining advantages on all Charisma checks at the bar the rest of the
night, as well as a free drink of your choice or a free round of
ale/beer for the bar. Free as a challenge. [Big Random List]

Goblin Grog: Putrid Green. The cheapest rot gut ale in the land. This is
the stuff that can be brewed with all types of ingredients sometimes
including goblin. Taste is terrible but gets the job done. Any
adventurer who drinks this will not regain HP on a Long Rest. They will
be too busy vomiting and feeling awful all night. Effect wears off after
1 day. 1 Silver. [Big Random List]

Goblin Liquor: brewed by the orcs of Middle Earth. Orange in color. [LOTR

Goblin Thudrud: Almost universally avoided by nongoblinoid races,

thudrud has been described as having the taste and smell of "a rotting
cow that caught fire." It is favored by some barbarians as the drink of
choice. Fortitude save DC 12 for drunkenness. 1 Iron.

Golden Light, Gnome: A fine, lightweight beer with flowery accents, this
is a favorite trade item with humans and halflings. (Fortitude save DC

Golden Dandelion Wine: From Toril. Made by Hobbits from dandelions. I it

is a beautiful golden yellow color. [Greyhawk Books – Mika]

Golden Orange of Health Juice: Rare magical golden oranges are simply
squeezed to make this beverage. It has powerful restorative qualities.
It cures hangovers and exhaustion with but a single 4 ounce glass. [Fred

Gorgondee Wine: Sinfully brewed by Gnomes. Made in Earth's Dreamlands.


Gradsul Gutburner: Rum brandy flavored with mint.

Green Fey: Lime Green. Made from the wormwood root but not sweetened
like liquors. This spirit requires a DC 16 con save to avoid vomiting,

and suffering a level of exhaustion for 1d12 hours the following day. 40
Gold. [Big Random List]

Gregory's Groovy Grog: Mostly clear with a light brown hue. Made with a
mix of Dwarven Whisky, even Brandy, and fresh lemons. Captain Gregory
created this tasty drink, to serve to his crew. This drink will keep for
months, making it perfect for a long voyage. For 24 hours, you get a +2
to resist the effects of heat, thirst, and +2 against contracting
diseases. You also gain a +2 to CON checks and fort saves for extraneous
effort. 300 Gold per Barrel (about 100 servings) Often part of a
sailor's rations. [Big Random List]

Greyhawk Red Wine: (12% to intoxicate) Made by Burrbarr Vineyards.

Griffin Nest: Medium Brown. A shot of Dwarven Brandy with a raw egg in
it. DC 10 CON save or vomiting ensues. 5 Copper. [Big Random List]

Gut Shaker: Yellow-brown, lots of body. Made from fermented goat's milk
and a proprietary blend of psychoactive deep mushrooms, this dwarven
brew preferred by Battleragers is not for the faint of heart or stomach.
It tastes like a mixture of hangover bile and someone punching you in
the face repeatedly with a spiked gauntlet. You become enraged, as the
barbarian ability, but you are unable to voluntarily end this for 1
minute; after the effect wears off, gain one level of exhaustion. 20
Silver. [Big Random List]

Gutbuster: Dark brown. A thick dwarven brew, very rarely shared with
non-dwarves. After drinking this brew, you resist poison effects for 1d4
hours. Adds +4 saves vs. all poisons, venoms, and toxins. Halves all
damage. So even an unsuccessful save results in half damage. Powerful
poisons that are lethal or have no save, do only one quarter damage on a
successful save. Used by and brewed by Gutbuster Berserker Dwarves. It
stinks and makes the user give off a yeasty body odor. 5 Gold. [Big Random
List/Drizzt Books]

The Hairy Wizard: Contains various shades of brown. Strong to the taste
but can leave an itchy sensation in the throat. Roll 1d6 for every cup
you drink. On a 5 or 6 your throat starts to become itchy. Sensation
wears off after a time. After <0.5*CON Score> cups, make a DC 15 Con
save. On a save you become drunk for 1d4 hours. On a fail, you vomit
hairballs like a cat. 3 Silver. [Big Random List]

Hangman's Noose: Yellowish brown. A depressing drink that makes the

consumer feel like nothing is working out, almost like a dark cloud
looming over his head. Tastes a little salty on the palette, almost like
tears. The consumer feels a depression overcome him. If they are already
depressed, this effect amplifies any anger, resentment, self-pity,
sadness or any other negative emotions that cloud their mind. They take
a 1d12 temporary penalty to Wisdom that lasts for 12 hours. 5 Copper. [Big
Random List]

Harpy's Scream: In a color similar to skin, with what looks like very
thin skin floating at the top. This concoction, despite its appearance,
isn't actually that bad. It tastes a little bit bitter at first, but
once you swallow the "skin" on top it becomes sweet...and then spicy.
Very spicy. Once the drink turns "spicy", the PC must roll an 11 or
higher on a STR throw in order to keep themselves from screaming. If
they succeed, they will gain a +2 in performance for an hour, but if
they fail they will scream for the next five minutes, and probably be
kicked out of...wherever they are. 10 Copper. [Big Random List]

Heart of the Halls: Clear Distilled from only the most select yellow
mold, this sharp-tongued spirit brings vigor and life to any looking for
a good fight. Temporary +2 Str and +1 Acrobatics. +5 against
intimidation checks. 1 Gold. [Big Random List]

Hearth Glow Wine: An illicit (often illegal) Dwarven wine that contains
rust mold (ergot) and wormwood. As a result it produces intoxicating
effects, hallucinogenic effects, and LSD-like effects in the imbiber.
Thus the wine is VERY expensive and often illegal to distribute. 1,000
gp per bottle. [Quag Keep Books]

Heavy Yellow Wine of the Hian Min Mountains: Made in Earth's Dreamlands.

Hellfire Whisky: Deep dark red. Brewed by Demons, Devils, and even
Dwarves. It is said that Hades himself came up with this drink as a way
to get himself drunk. Primarily tastes of strong whisky and lots of
cinnamon. Drinking this could cause death, partial intelligence loss, or
just a slight buzz. The GM should select what is right for their
campaign and situation. Before doing so, ask yourself "What would add
the most to the story currently?" 5 gold per shot. [Big Random List]

Hellfurnace Upriser: A flaming liquor brew, suspected to contain lye as

its active ingredient.

Hop, Skip, & Go Naked: Light green. A strong mead that has a very high
alcohol content. Brewed from the best barley, hops, and herbs in the
land. Is known to get the local townsfolk to do things they normally
might not do with just one goblet. Hence the name. Any character that
drinks from this must Roll on ANY Carousing Table. I suggest the
the_bigger_badder_longer_uncut_d100_carousing table. 1 Gold. [Big Random List]

Hot Asi (AKA Cassina or Black Drink): A coffee-like beverage served hot.
It is used for purification and is an emetic and purgative. Made from
Holly leaves and other secret herbs. Aids in removing digestive poisons.
[Fred Haskell]

Hyperborean Nectar: The rare nectar found in Hyperboria beyond the realm
of black ice is said to be the actual nectar of the gods. [Fred Haskell]

Ice Wine of Leng: made in Earth's Dreamlands where the Plateau of Leng
laps into the waking world. [Cthulhu]

Illuvor Elixir also Miruvor Liquor or The Cordial of Imladris: Made by

the Elves of Middle Earth from the juice of flowers from the Undying
Lands, Aman. It is a potion more than a draught. It restores health,
vitality, energy, and restores Life Levels. [LOTR Books]

Ivid's Madness: A bitter hard liquor, mixed a little different every

time, and containing a mild hallucinogen from the Mist Marsh, this
concoction leaves its drinker in a purple haze.

Jailhouse Wine: A violent orange color mixed with streaks of deep red.
Made famous by prisoners who smuggled in goods into their cells in order
to forget the monotony of their sentences. The drink is composed of
cheap and easy to get materials in order to get you blazing drunk. Has a
strong sugary and fruity flavor that borders on the sensation of
fermentation. Hits you hard and hits you fast. The consumer must roll a
1d6 save otherwise he will be effected with the strong sense of paranoia
for the remainder of the evening or for up to 6 hours. 1 Copper. [Big Random

Jelly Drink: A greenish drink that wobbles when moved. It's as it sounds
like. The drink is comprised of a green minty liquid filled with
gelatinous cubes that can either be chewed or swallowed whole. The drink
itself is a little sour but with the sweetness of the cubes in contrast,
it makes it a rather unique and flavorsome experience. Allows sour food
to taste sweet and visa versa. Effect lasts for only 30 mins per drink.
10 Copper. [Big Random List]

Juice of Fire Flowers: Made from the juice of fire flowers from the Sun.
More a potion than a drink. One dose heals all damage, cures all
disease, removes curses (even then cursed diseases like mummy rot and
lycanthropy), regrows limbs, heals blindness, heals deafness, and heals
insanity. It can even alter birth defects. It is not sold. It is from
another dimension and rare as hen's teeth. [Narnia Books]

Kava: Made from Kava leaves, it has an anti-anxiety effect. [Fred Haskell]

Kefir: Fermented cow's milk with grains. Much stronger (higher alcohol
content) than Kumis. [Fred Haskell]

Kenku's Claw: Black with a streak of grey. Served in a curved glass

shaped like that of a claw. The drink's warmth can be felt spreading
throughout the body, then what feels like a cut across the chest. DC 16
CON check or shout out *insert expletive*. But gives darkvision
comparable to that of a Kenku for 2d4 hours. Roll a 3d6 a 3 causes you
to cough up a feather. 2 Silver. [Big Random List]

Keoish Brandy (blue): 3gp per gill (1/4 pint), but it is never
exported!. [Gord the Rogue Books]

Keoish Brandy (brown): 1ep per gill (1/4 pint). [Gord the Rogue Books]

Keoish Brandy (green): 1gp per gill (1/4 pint). [Gord the Rogue Books]

Keolish Golden (amber) Wine: 15sp white wine. [Gord the Rogue Books]

Klingon Blood Wine: from another dimension. Very dark red wine said to
contain some of the maker's blood. [Star Trek]

Kossuths' Kiss: Red and Flamey Cinnamon Schnapps with a special

proprietary ingredient. The bartender lights it on fire before serving.
Feels nice and warm though. 5 Silver. [Big Random List]

Kragg, Orc: This spirit is popular among orcs and goblins. It is

extremely powerful and tastes dreadful to the nongoblinoid palate.
Drinking a tankard of this foul brew nauseates anyone who is not an orc,
halforc, goblin, or hobgoblin. (Fortitude save DC 14.)

Kumis: Fermented Horse mare milk.

Lemurian Brandy: made in the Lost Continent of Lemuria. [Fred Haskell]

Lingonberry spirits and Barkwater: A favored drink of the Urnsts.

Flavored with roots and bark.

Lizard Spit: Bubbly clear. Gathered from the three Dire Mangrove
Monitors behind T'hal's Tavern, this drink smells of rotting flesh and
metal. T'hal will give anyone who can keep this drink down 2gp and a
place on his tavern wall with his/her name on it. It smells of rotting
goblin flesh T'hal feeds his beasts. Drinking it requires a Con save
with a DC of 18, or risk vomiting and taking 2d6 necrotic damage. 4
Silver a pint. [Big Random List]

Lover's Kiss: Light pink with tiny shards of white throughout. A highly
addictive drink as it makes the consumer believe he/she is kissing
his/her lover with each sip. Can work on those who are single as well.
Be careful when consuming though as it encourages drinkers to forget
their surroundings and to indulge in intimate acts. Has resulted in many
being caught publicly masturbating and making a fool of themselves, only
to wind up in jail somewhere. The consumer makes a Constitution or
Wisdom DC 10 roll. If he/she fails, he/she partake in ludicrous acts of
self love, or if in the company of someone desired, proceed to try and
indulge that person in his/her fantasies. If he/she succeeds, he/she
feels the desire to do these urges but retain his/her control and will,
leaving it up to the player to decide whether to in to them. 25 Silver.
[Big Random List]

Margeaux Margeaux, 1947: from Earth. A Bordeaux. 10 gp a bottle,
available only in Weird Way.

Mead, Elven: Although not normally famed for brewing, elves find exotic
honey in their forest homes to create this delightful mead. Even dwarves
find its taste appealing-though they are loath to admit it. (Fortitude
save DC 12.)

Meaty Mead: Mustard yellow. Sweeter than the desert this mead is thick
enough to hold up the spoon that harvested the honey that made it. Good
luck to anyone who drinks many of these devilish treats. The power of
mead compels you: +2 for Str & Cha saving throws for 2 hours/drink.
Monster "next day" Hangover: Speed reduced by half; + (2 drinks: -3 Con,
3 Drinks: -6 Con, >3 drinks: - Xd4 Con where X is amount of drinks),
Short Rest = DC 25. Long Rest = DC 20. If PC fails a check, effect
lingers until after a second long rest then DC = 0. 2 Copper. [Big Random

Merchant's Lucky Day: A simmering brown with tiny golden flecks swirling
throughout its depths. The drink tastes almost like copper, like you'd
been licking coins or pipes all day long. The metallic aftertaste
however slowly begins to whittle down the more you drink of it, and
eventually becomes something enjoyable. You feel lucky, so lucky in fact
that any ability or action taken to gain money means you get a slightly
increased income. You also have a higher chance of finding loot and
items. 2 Gold. [Big Random List]

Milagra's Spiced Mead: This honeyed drink is quite popular with the magi
community in Chendl. It has a pungent nutty aroma and is more sweet than
bitter. The bark of bronzewood trees from the Vesve and a rare root from
the Barrier Peaks are its main spices, nutmeg, allspice and cinnamon
also have their role in the flavor. It has an amber color and is a
perfect clarity. While it has only a mild intoxicating effect, it keeps
very well and tastes delightful either piping hot, or chilled.

Milk of Human Kindness: A magical drink like the nectar of the gods. It
has a taste of pure bliss, and creates an immediate happy mood even in
some demons. [Fred Haskell]

Milligun's Deep Stout: Deep chocolate to black with a white frothy head.
A brew hailing from one of the most revered Dwarven breweries,
Milligun's is their signature brew. Even uncommon in Dwarven
communities, it is rare to find in human establishments. A complex,
deep, hearty flavor lingering of coffee and burnt grain with a bold body
and a hint of plum. Advantage on saving throws vs. Fear for the next
1hr. 1 Gold. [Big Random List]

The Mindflayer: Blueish purple. Brewed with the sole intent of

forgetting whatever trouble you may cause under its influence. The
Mindflayer, has had many of its imbibers waking up in jail, or naked in

a puddle of their own vomit and piss, or even one poor fellow in bed
with a deformed goblin named Bob.... Only 1 shot is needed for "I DID
WHAT?!" to take effect.... "I DID WHAT?!": Until your next long rest
your INT is lowered by 10, afterwards until your second long rest your
INT is lowered by 5. Note: Your INT can never decrease below 1. 1Gold
per shot. [Big Random List]

The Mind's Eye: A purplish blue liquid that sparkles and swirls like a
galaxy. Staring at it is almost hypnotizing. Its flavor is distinctly
something magical but you can't quite put your finger on what it might
possibly be. The flavor changes and dances across your tongue as your
mind begins to peel open, revealing what was once lost to you. One of
the few alcoholic drinks to actually make you feel and be smarter upon
consumption. The consumer gains +2 to Wisdom and Intelligence and also
gains +5 to all Knowledge rolls previously known by the consumer. Does
not allow you to gain knowledge on a topic you know nothing about. You
also wake up to an almost soul-crushing hangover as it feels like your
skull has been split in two the morning after. 20 Silver. [Big Random List]

Moondrop, Elven: Exquisite beyond compare, this beverage can be produced

only by someone with the Alchemy skill (DC 30). It is made through a
bizarre process involving fresh dew and moonlight. (Fortitude save DC

Moonshae Whiskey: very strong 110 proof, very rare smokey sour mash
whiskey but with a peatiness similar to scotch whiskey. [Drizzt Books]

Moonshine (Everclear): simply pure 100% (200 proof) ethanol alcohol.

Often is 85-90% pure. Only true Everclear is pure ethanol. Also called
White Lightning, or Greased Lightning. It is from Earth.

Moontree Wine: made in Earth's Dreamlands from the berries of the single
Moontree grown from seeds that fell to the Earth's Dreamlands from its
moon. [Cthulhu]

Morg's Magnificent Mead: A thick gold. A magically imbued Mead, created

by the Mage's guild. (Morg being the guild master.) Often brewed for
Royalty and Nobility, who embrace magic. Choose one. a) increase
Intelligence by 4 for 10 minutes, (one drink) b) recall one spell used
today (one drink), c) affect people's attitudes as per the suggestion
spell. (one + one drink served to each person to be affected) 50 Gold
per bottle. (contains 4 drinks) Limited circulation. [Big Random List]

Mushroom Wine: Created by several different species that live below

ground, there are many types of this wine. Prices range widely.
(Fortitude save DC 11-12.)

Muvian Grog: From the sunken continent. It is so rare that it only

becomes available once or so a lifetime. It is a yellowish grog, and
said to be delicious. [Fred Haskell]
Norian Firewater: This drink is not originally from Nor. This drink is
approximately 55% alcohol. It is brewed from scorched wheat and
peppercorns (yes peppercorns). But for those of you out for something
different, this may be the drink for you.

Napoleon Brandy: From Earth. One of the rarest cognacs. If available,

500 Gold Pieces a shot. [Fred Haskell]

Nyrondean Wine: A sweet wine, crisp white wine from Nyrond. [Greyhawk Classics]

Nyssa's Nectar: Clear with pearl/opalesque swirls and faint random tiny
glowing pink lights. A delicious alchemical/alcoholic concoction. Made
with Tiefling Fire vodka and a dash of a pixie sugar dust, a teaspoon of
honey, and two spells, one of which is Faerie fire. The other spell is
not named but its process easily followed even by the most novice spell
caster. It's an ancient spell of warlock/fey origin. This drink designed
for the patrons in the tavern, usually female, who tire of the endless
rude adventuring lot, making advance after rude advance on them. The
ladies often buy this drink for the truly offending adventurer and enjoy
the effects caused on the unsuspecting offender. This drink tastes
amazing. It's almost EXACTLY what the drinker was wishing for. Nice
buzz. No hangover. DC 17 CON save to notice effects of the drink, as you
enjoy your time in the tavern. Treat as Dazed for the 1st minute. After
that minute is over, and your head is not so fuzzy, you enjoy the rest
of the night, in the form of the opposite gender. Right down to the
clothes you are wearing as well. Now that the shoe is on the other foot,
enjoy your fellow adventurer's attention. If you were only slightly
obnoxious, maybe the girls will have pity on you and you'll enjoy a
"girl's night." Effects wear off after 6 hours from the last swallow. 2
Gold for the bartender to cast it as a ritual from that dusty drink
recipe tome. [Big Random List]

Old Peculiar: Whiskey mentioned in Greyhawk "From the Ashes," page 16.
It is an ale made by Sanjaray.

Old Stinky: Brown with floating debris. A strong fungus ale, brewed by
Eblo Harglet after he developed a taste for fungus ales in the
Underdark. In the 24 hours following consumption, a patch of mushrooms
will grow from a random location on the player's body. Harmless. This
patch will continue to grow mushrooms for 1d4 days or can be cured by
magical healing. 1 Copper. [Big Random List]

One Beer to Rule Them All: A clear liquid but when held to heat, elven
writing appears as fiery wisps throughout the drink. The drink was
brewed by an Evil Dark lord of a land far far away from this tavern.
Some say that they don't even know how long ago it was brewed. It is
extremely rare and the contents of a barrel of it has been known to be
killed over. It is known to taste like the absolute best drink one has
ever had in his/her lifetime. Due to creatures having different tastes,
it mimics to their desired favorite flavor magically. On consumption,
any character must back a Wisdom Save of DC 20. On a failed save,
his/her alignment changes to Chaotic Evil for the next 24 hours. After
the 24 hours he/she must roll a Constitution Save of DC 16 or think of
nothing but trying to get more of this drink. If he/she fails this and
do not have the drink in the next 24 hours after, he/she no longer have
to make saving throws (he/she has been detoxed long enough) 1 Platinum
per pint or Free by doing the tavern owner a favor (GM's discretion). [Big
Random List]

Opium Tea: Tea made from white poppies. It has a sedative effect. [Fred

Ork's Blood Brew: Blood red with crimson froth. This salty bitter brew
is made from the fermented blood of an orc chief's rivals. After the
first few gulps the drink feels thick and coppery. Brewed by orcish
shamans. Con save 11 + 1 for every additional mug to become nauseous. If
you consume another tankard after becoming nauseous, you vomit. 8
Copper. [Big Random List]

Orlane Special: which goes for 1 g.p. a pint. It's a wine. Bone Hill
Wine and Ale "produced from the bushes that have the green
berries/flowers and produces a state of mild intoxication after imbibing
just one small cupful."

Otik's Finest Brandy: A fine warming brandy, homemade. [Dragonlance Books]

Ouzo: Clear to shimmering white. It tastes like a centaur put on a shoe

made out of black licorice and then kicked you in the mouth with it.
After 3 drinks, characters will either gain 2 points of Intelligence
(25%), 2 points of Wisdom (25%), or will merely believe themselves to
have maximum possible Intelligence and Wisdom for their species (50%).
Effects last 1 hour. 5 Silver. [Big Random List]

Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster: A teal blue with a foamy white froth at

the top. Served in a glass of an odd shape. Drink...but...very
carefully.... This drink was made by an interdimensional being of great
importance, well at least at one point he was a leader of great
importance. Noted to be the best drink in the known Universe. The effect
of drinking one is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of
lemon wrapped around a large gold brick. The Pan-Dimensional Gargle
Blaster gives you all of the pleasant effects of alcohol, while shunting
most of the nasty after effects to a parallel you in another dimension.
Just know that any time you drink one, there's a decent chance a
parallel you in another dimension is drinking one, too. The DM can make
you do a Con Save 20 during the remainder of the session at any time. On
a failed save, you begin vomiting profusely and lose your next Action.
Free but never served more than 2. [Big Random List]

Parroty Parroty Parroty Parrot: A clear liquid crossed with red, green
and yellow stripes. The drink tastes fluffy in your mouth, and nutty.
It's smooth yet, light and bubbly enough to have you wanting more.
Little do you realize however is that this fluffy feeling in your chest
will soon extend to your entire body. You believe you have wings now,
and oh? Is that a crest? You are now a parrot, or so you believe. The
consumer thinks he become a parrot. He does not actually turn into one,
he just thinks he is. He loses the ability to formulate proper eloquent
speech as well as the will to act like a sane individual. He acts like a
parrot for 3 minutes before his mind is restored. 30 Silver. [Big Random List]

Paynim Chaser: Fermented Mares milk and herbs, noted for its analgesic
effect. It is a type of Kumis.

The Pepperbox: Light smoke-gray. This drink is made in summer from

Aurochs milk mixed with 6 different kinds of peppers, which is then left
to ferment until winter. It has a strong, unsavory taste and his
explosively hot for the throat even if you drink it cold. More than just
making people piss drunk, it also helps to fight symptoms of cold and
flu. PCs who keep a flask of this can drink it to have Advantage on its
next saving throw against cold environmental effects. 1 Gold for a
bottle. [Big Random List]

Perrenland Pleaser: Liquor. Sweet and bubbly concoction that goes well
with cheese and bread. Will get a good laugh out of any Dwarf (Come on
over an' I'll showye a REAL drink, lad!).

Pixie Piss: A swirling myriad of rainbows. Rainbows! Rainbows

everywhere! This colorful drink is as much a pleasure to indulge as it
is to look at. Makes you feel funny. The consumer finds it very easy to
laugh. Great to use around people who can't tell good jokes. Also, if
you drink enough of it, you'll find yourself levitating slightly. It's
not enough to quell fall damage but it brings that feeling of walking on
air while hovering off the ground a few inches. 50 Silver. [Big Random List]

Planar Guide: Dark purple with small silver bubbles emerging constantly.
A hallucinogenic drink concocted of tentacles obtained between space and
time by some Warlock of the Great Old Ones. Upon drinking this Roll a
1d4. Your mind is instantly teleported to one of the following planes of
existence for 1 min.
1) The 9th Level of Hell -- suffer 1d8 psychic damage as you see the
most terrible things imaginable.
2) The Void -- you feel an emptiness within your being for the remainder
of your character's life, roleplay appropriately.
3) Valhalla -- You witness and take part in a great battle in a heavenly
place. You get a +2 to all Strength checks for the next 24 hours.
4) Gaia -- Your consciousness returns to the collective unconscious that
is the world you live on. Gain some epiphany on your current adventure
that you would only know with a 20+ Knowledge Check. 10 Gold. [Big Random

Pomarj Peacemaker: Grain alcohol mixed with celery juice for that lovely
green tint.

Poorman's Wine: Watered down milk lacking in consistency. A drink made

from potatoes, milk and some other kind of ingredients that you don't
really want to think about. Raw and lacking in finesse and taste, it
does the job it's supposed to -- getting you blazing drunk...and maybe
forgetting about your old ball and chain of a wife. Allows the consumer
to forget one painful recent memory (in the last two weeks) for 1d6 in
hours. 1 Copper. [Big Random List]

Port: from Earth. Available only in Weird Way.

Pulsch Brown Ale: A halfling creation, found among the few permanent
halfling settlements that have acquired the taste of ale. It has a
pleasant, nutty flavor. (Fortitude save DC 11.)

Pulque: Made from fermented maguey (Agave) plant, it is available only

on earth. It has the color of milk, somewhat viscous consistency and a
sour yeast-like taste. You get more "high" from its minor hallucinogens
than from its alcohol. It makes a person happy. [Fred Haskell]

Purple wine of the Province of Zeed: made in Earth's Dreamlands from

Zeed. [Cthulhu]

Rado's Death Punch: Blood red with a blue top layer. The best blend of
magic and rum in the world. Dark rum mixed with a cherry cordial in a
silver strainer imbued with magic, it tastes like a perfect wine and rum
mix. To add the blue topper, simply stir with a golden spoon and the
magic reacts to the gold, giving a random flavor each time it's poured.
DC 14 Con Save, 1d10 poison on a fail and become drunk for 1d4 hours. On
a success, half damage and must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom save to ask
for another which caused the consumer to have disadvantage on the next
Con save. 2 Silver per Shot. If already consumed one shot, price
doubles. [Big Random List]

Rain of Colorless Fire Frier: A near-lethal concoction made from potato

alcohol, this drink looks like water, but has been known to eat thru
metal tankards. Always served in a real glass container....

Rare Sarubian Wine: made in Earth's Dreamlands from far across the sea
and delivered by ships with lemon colored sails, but no more. [Cthulhu]

Rary's Numbing Encanter: Liquor. Popular in the Wizard Hat Inn Greyhawk
prior to the wars, this drink was renowned for interfering with higher
mental functions. It is now no longer served after Rary's shaming

Ratik Raider: A dark mulled ale that leaves you with a dull hammering
Rauxian Porter: A type of mead more than beer. Unique to Raux. This
porter is made from a very dark roasted barley. It is not burnt, but
actually has a very light feel for a porter of its caliber. Furthermore,
it is not too hoppy as that would distract from its taste. It is the
drink for one who likes the taste of a dark beer but does want the
heaviness associated with it.

Red Ribbon Runs Red: A light red that turns darker the deeper into the
glass it goes. A mixture of something between rosewater and wine. The
more you drink, the heavier the taste becomes. Turns the consumer's hair
and clothes different shades of red for up to 1d6 hours. They also gain
+2 Charisma for the same duration and are easier in attracting
attention. 10 Copper. [Big Random List]

Redhand's Triple Bock: This syrupy bock is from the Redhand area of the
Bandit Kingdoms. It is said that Prince Zeech was very fond of this
drink, and he was drunk on it when he OK'd the absorption treaty with
the Shield Lands.

The Redheaded Harlot: Deep amber red and thick like blood. A shot of
named after the taverns best lady of the evening. It is made from
fermented berries, Tree Ent Root, and Deer's blood. The rim of the
flagon or glass is also coated in honey and dipped in a red sweet powder
that is to be licked before pounding down the drink. All who drink this
get Advantage on Charisma skill checks/saves toward the opposite sex
while in the tavern. 5 Gold. [Big Random List]

Rentish Schnapps: Liquor. Comes in kegs.

Rhennee Rose: a sparkling rose wine

Riftcrag Special Ale: A pleasant pale ale with a nutty flavor.

Roaring Eagle Ale: Blood red with various fine chopped cloves. A strong
hearty Ale with a strong burning finish. No one knows why it is blood
red in color. Possibly because of a reaction of the water they use in
the brewing process, or because they barrels they use are made with
Blood Root trees. Which grow special in the region where The Roaring
Eagle is. Specialty at "The Roaring Eagle" Shipped around the world. DC
12 Con Save 1d6 fire damage upon fail. If succeeded you gain fire
resistance for 16 hours. (At least a mug must be drank to trigger either
effect.) 2 Silver. [Big Random List]

Romulan Ale: from another dimension. Greenish blue in color. More a

liquor than an ale. Not carbonated. [Star Trek]

Root Beer (AKA Sassafras Beer): an alcoholic beer made with sassafras.
It is low alcohol and a non-alcohol version is made as well. [Fred Haskell]

Ruby Bottle Wine: unnamed rich red wine in actual ruby bottles made in
Earth's Dreamlands in an unknown locale. [Cthulhu]

Sarsaparilla Beer: an alcoholic beer made with sarsaparilla extract. It

is low alcohol and a non-alcohol version is made as well. [Fred Haskell]

Saurian Brandy: from another dimension. Very dark green. Made by

Lizardmen and VERY strong. [Star Trek]

Scumble: Muddy brown. It's made from apples, mostly. Slightly fizzy,
don't let it contact metal. 1 shot = acts as a potion of Heroism. 3
shots = memory loss of the next 12 hours. CON save (-2 per shot) or
incapacitating hangover for the next day. 1 Silver per shot. [Big Random List]

Sea Shanty: Aqua blue, almost azure. The drink swirls constantly in the
glass, tugged downward like a whirlpool. This constant animation makes
it a little annoying to consume as it is prone to spill. The consumer
gets drunk, but is able to breathe underwater for approximately 1
minute. Swim drunkenly at your own risk. 2 Gold. [Big Random List]

The Shalm's Shanker: A deceptively mild berry wine that sneaks up on

you. You don't feel it until you stand up, then it's usually lights out.

Shirley Temple of Elemental Evil: Swirly chaotic mix incorporates the

various base elements together, all with an evil taint. Gives visions of
evil elemental creatures nearby for 1d20 minutes per drink. On a roll of
1 on a 1d6, one of the following occurs (roll 1d4): 1 - Drinker is
turned into a Water Weird for 1d8 hours, but retains his or her mind. 2
- Drinker grows 1d20 mushrooms on his/her body, giving -4 to Charisma
until cured with Cure Disease; broken mushrooms grow back within one
hour. 3 - Drinker catches fire for 1d4 rounds, doing 1d4 damage per
round -- flammable mundane items such as clothes or axe handles are
destroyed. 4 - Drinker finds it difficult to breathe for 1d4 hours,
causing dizziness and -2 Constitution for the duration. 1 Silver per
glass. [Big Random List]

Sildars Itch: Clear with white shimmer. Clear shot, strong apple and
clove taste (drink came from a distiller that had itchy back but nobody
to scratch it). Upon drinking hands get very warm and fingernails grow
1d4 cm. 2 Silver. [Big Random List]

Silver's Ale: Clear color. The pride and joy of the Silvermane Clan,
Silver's Ale is a powerful Dwarven concoction of 296% ABV. The drink can
also double as a splash weapon in a bar fight! DC 15 CON save for 2d4
poison damage for non-Dwarves. If used as improvised weapon, 2d4 Acid
damage to anyone except Dragonborn, DEX save for half. 3 Silver per
pint. [Big Random List]

Skullbungle: Jet black with red highlights. A drink made by distilling

strong dwarves spirits through a mash made of hallucinogenic mushrooms
and powerful chilies. Staggeringly strong and harsh yet incredibly
tasty. Imbibing the drink often produces soothing hallucinations, making
this a popular drink among the downtrodden as well. Bottles are
generally bought right from the distillery. A popular gift among nobles
with a penchant for booze such as Dwarves, Orcs and Stoutblood
halflings. The drinker must make a DC 15 constitution saving throw or be
poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this manner the character
cannot be frightened or charmed. 5 Silver per shot. [Big Random List]

Skullbuster XXX: Pink with brown lumps. A potent orcish ale where the
vintage is measured by how many lumps are in it, the more the better.
Normally only given as a rare gift by people who have done the orcish
people a great service. For non-orcs they must make a DC15 con save or
pass-out for 1D6 hours, halforcs make the save at DC7. It is only given
so has no market price. [Big Random List]

Slog Dark: Brown. This drink is taken from the waste barrel. All the
leftover, half drunk, or not made correctly alcohol is thrown into the
barrel to be reused very cheap. The taste changes daily based off the
most unused alcohol that night. DC 8 con save to keep the random
contents down. 3 Copper. [Big Random List]

Snake Venom: A tempered warm brown, served with a severed snake's head.
Isn't actually what it says it is, but when you look at the glass as the
bartender hands it over to you, you can't help but wonder if you're
being pranked. In the bottom of the warm brown liquid sits an inanimate
head of a dead snake. The drink itself tastes bitter with an earthy
tang. A potent drink, in more ways than one.... You gain a 1d10 to
resist poisons for the next 12 hours. It also makes any male consumers
of the drink feel intimately invigorated. They become aroused over the
course of the night and instilled with sexual stamina. Consume to
impress your lover with your newfound prowess. 1 Copper. [Big Random List]

Soma Juice: made from actual Soma from the Land of the Lotus Eaters. [Fred

Spruce Beer: an alcoholic beer made with spruce leaves. [Fred Haskell]

Squid Ink: Black in color. Goes down slowly and coats your mouth and
throat. Usually followed by a chaser. Advantage on hiding or escaping
during the rest of the session. 3 Gold. [Big Random List]

Sterich Yerklux: A licorice-tasting liquor with wallop (60%).

Stoink Extra Stout: A thick, dark, chocolate malt in which you could
stand-up a spoon.

Stonefist Freezer: Rumplemint liquor.

Strawberry Surprise: A light pink Surprise! There ain't no strawberries
in this drink. Strawberry Surprise, even though rosy in color, is
actually mead made with the liquid from very hot peppers. It is made by
brewers and sold to people who want to play tricks on their friends, or
teach someone a lesson. Must make a DC 10 Constitution save or drop the
drink and appear foolish in front of their friends. PCs who make the
save by more than 5 may order another, and if they pass the test again,
they gain advantage in one action resolution the next day due to their
boost of confidence due to the rise in popularity from their fellows. 5
Copper. [Big Random List]

Sundish Lilac Wine: made from lilacs with a beautiful fragrance. 5ep

Sunndi Slider: A little low ball; a mixture of fruit juices and hard
grain alcohol.

Tamaranian Tanqueray & Zorkaberry Tonic: Cherry red with purple swirls
and glowing green fruit. An extremely rare drink, obtained by a group of
Spelljamming adventurers. Fruity taste. DC 13 CON save. Success = The
ability to levitate for the next 3 hours, and + 2 STR. Failure = A
splitting headache and Disadvantage on WIS checks for the next 3 hours
and complain like a bloated Clorbag. 2 Gold (Unless it's Blorthog's Day,
then your friend is buying.) [Big Random List]

Tarbean Tea: Seasonal strong tea of Krnn. Imported, but not expensive.
Dark brown in color, served hot and has a stimulant effect. [Dragonlance Books]

Tequila: Gord of Greyhawk says that there is none on Oerth. It's only on
Earth. It is made from Agave or more properly Blue Agave fermented
cactus juice. [Gord Books]

Theocracy of the Pale White Wine: (9% to intoxicate) A nice bouquet, a 2

for sweetness and taste is 7/10. [Greyhawk]

Tiefling Fire Vodka: [Greyhawk]

Tranya: A purple red wine from another dimension. [Star Trek]

Travera's Tincture: Phases between a deep orange and bright yellow.

Clear but with silver dust visible when the liquid is disturbed. A drink
made by a dwarven wife who was dying of a terminal illness but wished to
take care of her husband even in death. Upon drinking any vessel filled
with this liquid the drinker will awake warm dry clean and hunger free
the following day at noon, with no recollection of any events(because
there were none) of the previous evening. The drink chooses the nearest
bed and makes the owner of the bed friendly until the following evening.
5 Gold. [Big Random List]

Treant Tea: Dark brown with green swirls. Served in a tall earthenware
mug, this dark tea still has some ground Treant leaves floating around
in it to steep. It is advised to drink slowly as not to swallow the
leaves, as they leave a bitter aftertaste. The tea itself is quite
sweet, but can be further sweetened to taste by putting a few twigs of
sweetwood into the mug. It leaves a nutty aftertaste and an uncanny
feeling of connectedness with everything made of wood in your general
vicinity. While slowly sipping the hot tea, you sprout small twigs and
leaves from your orifices. As you continue drinking the twigs spread and
your skin takes on a bark-like appearance. For an hour after finishing
the drink, your skin is solid wood, acting like the Barkskin spell, and
you have disadvantage on saving throws against fire. 25 Silver. [Big Random

Troll Ale: Green and syrupy with light green foam. This ale is made by
Trolls in the Underdark from unmentionable animal extracts, lichens, and
mushrooms. It is, surprisingly not harmful to drink. It smells sickly
sweet, like Trolls. It gives you Troll breath, and Elves, who have
normally a high alcohol resistance, are knocked on their collective
asses by one glass of this beverage (even Drow, or Aquatic Elves).
Although Trolls trade it to their surface kin, getting from Trolls is
another matter. Thus is costs 5 silver to 2 gold per pint. [Fred Haskell

Twisty: White yogurt on top, purplish liquid underneath. Topped in a

thick layer of savory yogurt, it is both a drink and meal in one. The
drink itself contains the flavors of blueberries mixed in with a helping
of spirits. You feel youthful, almost as if the drink has taken you a
few years back into your past. You gain +1 in Constitution and also heal
1d4 in hp per drink. 30 Copper. [Big Random List]

Ulek Elixir Liqueur: hard liquor, 1/2 gill is 5 gp. Watch your step with
this stuff! [Greyhawk]

Ulekian Ale: This ale has a red hue and is delightfully bitter. While
the grains dominate the flavor of the Ulekian Stout, this drink is has
two flavors, on is the hops, and the other is a subtle grassy aftertaste
which may be revolting to some, is the highlight of this drink. [Greyhawk]

Ulekian Stout - This is one of the finest beverages in the Flanness.

This dark drink is rather creamy and thick. It has been described as
drinking bread. It balances dark roasted grains with a subtle hoppyness.
It has a very thick head and when floated on top of Ulekian Ale, it
makes a delicious drink. [Greyhawk]

Urnst Brandy, Aged Special: Flavored with bark and roots. 3gp per gill
(1/4 pint). [Greyhawk]

Urnst White Wine: 1gp [Greyhawk]

Velunian Ale: This pale ale has to be quite possibly the worst potable
in the Flanness and if you are EVER in Veluna, do not drink DOMESTIC!
The cheapest ale all around. This ale is bitter to the point of sourness
with hops, and furthermore it tastes as if it were deliberately allowed
to go bad. It does, though, have a nice ruddy hue, and if served
extremely (read magically) cold, it can be put down if nothing else is
available. Cost is 3 Brass Pieces if they can get away with it. [Greyhawk]

Velunian Fire Amber Wine: A white wine, fortified with a reddish

distilled liquor which gives it its famous hue and fiery flavor. It has
an orange color. 1pp [Greyhawk]

Velunian Stone: [Greyhawk]

Violet Ulek Wine: Heady sparkling wine from the southern Ulek regions.

Warlock's Wasted Patron: Blue with dark swirls. Burns all the way down,
but has an amazing aftertaste. Those who drink this drink can use Mage
Hand (cantrip) at will for the next 24 hours. 1 Gold. [Big Random List]

Water: Translucent clear liquid. Just cool plain water. You feel a
little better and a little more hydrated. Free, but sometimes a charge
is applied depending on the venue. [Big Random List]

Waters of Life: From another dimension. Waters are converted a mouthful

at a time by a Bene Gesserit Mother. This deep blue converted water acts
as a powerful hallucinogen. It is harvested from the bile made from
drowned desert worms. Even then a save must be made at +5 or the imbiber
could suffer some permanent damage (partial memory loss, tardive
dyskinesia, partial paralysis in a limb, permanent numbness in an
extremity, etc.). The unconverted Waters are the same dark blue, only
more viscous. Unconverted Waters of Life are deadly to all (at a -10
save!) except for powerful psionics or sorcerers who must roll at -5 to
even survive. Only Bene Gesserit Mothers may safely convert the Waters.
[Dune Books]

White Snow Potato Brandy: White in color (not clear!) and 65% alcohol.

White Tea Of White Peony And Yinzhen Silver Needles: Rare. A gentle
white colored tea. Looks actually like clear water but is a tea. [Fred

Wild Magic Brew: Golden, fizzing, and sometimes sparkling. Very bubbly,
tastes a little sweet, and can often cause the drinker to see random
sparks around them. Sometimes the sparks are even real. After drinking,
any time you try to cast a spell in the next hour, roll 1d20. On a 1,
treat it as a Wild Magic Surge, as though you were a Sorcerer with the
Wild Magic Sorcerous Origin. If you are a Sorcerer, you get a Wild Magic
Surge on a roll of 1 or 2. 4 Silver. [Big Random List]

Wyvern Wine: Green with purple swirls. This drink, like absinth, has
mild hallucinogenic properties. It's sweet and tangy with a slight

burning aftertaste as the neurotoxin from the wyvern poison comes into
contact the soft tissue in the mouth. Make fort save DC 14 or suffer
from mild hallucinations; they are distracting and give the character a
-2 on all skill checks and attack rolls. The effect lasts 2 hours. 8
Gold. [Big Random List]

Year Of The Comet Champagne: A brut tangy yellow sparkling wine only
from earth. It was made the year a specific comet came close, 1811. Only
from Earth. [Fred Haskell]

Yridian Brandy: Also from another dimension. Yellow in color. Mild, not
too strong. [Fred Haskell]

Yugharian Purple: It is a deep purple wine not of Greyhawk. It is

available in Weird Way. It is a "saucy wine with a full body and a blush
of arrogance." It contains juice from quolberries and the subtle essence
of flowering hogs balls (musk). 4 sp per bottle. [Gord the Rogue Books]

Zozo Juice: Fiery red drink with thick orange bubbles that almost make
it appear molten in nature. A drink that's more like coagulated blood
than an ale considering how thick it is. Bubbles crawl slowly to the
surface through its sanguine blood-like depths. It is an extremely spicy
drink that makes it almost unbearable to consume. Only an idiot would
think it's a good idea to try drink this. Is also extremely flammable to
the point that water and suffocation won't be able to put it out. The
only way to disperse the fire is by dispelling it. Drink and use with
caution. Wow, you're a real idiot aren't you? To drink it successfully
requires a Constitution Save DC of 18. Failure to meet this immediately
puts the consumer into a state of complete agony where he temporarily
suffers moderate to large penalties to all attributes depending on how
cruel the GM feels like being (and probably how much he tried to drink)
and also take physical damage based on how badly he failed. He also
gains the Weakened or Petrified condition. If he succeeded in taking the
drink, he gains a +10 bonus to Constitution, Strength and Intelligence
and also a temporary immunity to fire and poisons whose duration is
based on how successful his roll is. (Duration capped at 48 hours.) Both
unsuccessful and successful drinkers also end up with a burned tongue
and won't be able to taste anything for 1d4 days. 5 Gold. [Big Random List]


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