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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Department of Physics

Physics 8.942 Fall 1999

Cosmography in a Robertson-Walker


c Edmund Bertschinger. All rights reserved.

1 Introduction
Cosmography is the study of the large-scale structure of spacetime. The goal of cosmog­
raphy is to measure spacetime geometry or, in other words, to determine the spacetime
metric. For obvious practical reasons astronomers cannot use clocks and measuring rods
or even lasers to measure spacetime structure, making this a challenging endeavor that
has yet to fully succeed.
Observational tests of the Robertson-Walker family of cosmological models (or any
others) are made by comparing predictions with observations of astronomically measur­
able quantities such as the redshift, age, angular size, flux (of electromagnetic radiation)
and abundance of objects of various types (galaxies, quasars, etc.). Because of the non-
Minkowski geometry of spacetime the dependence of these quantities on distance � and
even the meaning of distance itself � are more complicated than in special relativity.
In these notes we derive the predictions relating observables in standard cosmological
models. Much of this material is also given in Peacock (1999, sections 3.4 and 5.1).
Another concise summary is given by Hogg (1999, astro-ph/9905116).
We assume throughout a Robertson-Walker spacetime metric. For most purposes this
metric is thought to be a satisfactory approximation even in a universe with perturbations
like our own.
There are five standard cosmological tests plus several variants:

1. The age of the universe in units of the Hubble time H0−1 ;

2. Number counts of sources as a function of redshift;

3. Angular size as a function of redshift;

4. Magnitude (logarithm of flux) as a function of redshift (Hubble diagram); and

5. Number counts of sources versus magnitude.
Some other tests, such as galaxy surface brightness as a function of redshift, are closely
related to one or more of our five tests. We will not consider here other tests such as
those involving gravitational lensing. An old but excellent review of cosmological tests
is given by Sandage (1988; Ann. Rev. Astr. Ap., 26, 561).
A historical perspective is useful. For six decades after Hubble’s discovery of cosmo­
logical expansion, these five classic tests were the main activity of observational cosmol­
ogy. Progress was frustrated by the difficulty of separating intrinsic evolution of source
properties (e.g. galaxies at high redshift are intrinsically more luminous than nearby
ones) from cosmological effects due to the non-Minkowski spacetime geometry. During
the 1990s, new tests have been developed based on gravitational lensing, quasar absorp­
tion line systems and, especially, the microwave background radiation. Very recently,
one of the classic tests (the Hubble diagram for distant supernovae) has been improved
sufficiently to yield good (but not conclusive) evidence for accelerated expansion.
The present notes summarize the theoretical elements of cosmology needed for the
five classic tests but do not present the detailed results of their application. Chapter 5
of Peacock (1999) presents a recent summary of the observations. The newer tests will
be discussed later in the course.

2 Proper Distance
Before proceeding to the tests, we begin by writing the Robertson-Walker line element
in the preferred form used in these notes (note that we restore the speed of light, c):
ds2 = a2 (τ ) −c2 dτ 2 + dχ2 + r2 (χ) dθ2 + sin2 θ dφ2 ,
� � ��
where ⎧
⎨ k −1/2 sin(k 1/2 χ) , k>0;
r(χ) = (−k)−1/2 sinh[(−k)1/2 χ] , k < 0 ; (2)
χ, k=0.

Beware that Peacock (1999) uses r for our χ; his notation is nonstandard and one must
be careful not to confuse his r with the angular radius appearing in the line element. He
and many other authors choose units so that k = ±1 or k = 0, in which case the factors
of k are absent above. Our r(χ) is Sk (r) in Peacock’s notation.
The Friedmann equation is
8πGρ kc2 kc2

2 1 da 2
H = = − 2 = ΩH − 2 . (3)
a2 dτ 3 a a
Note that τ , called conformal time (and denoted η by Peacock), is not the proper time
2 2 2
� by a comoving (fundamental) observer: ds = −a dτ so that the−2
measured proper time
is t = a(τ )dτ and therefore the Hubble parameter is H(t) = d ln a/dt = a da/dτ .

All density contributions (including vacuum energy, i.e., a cosmological constant) are
included in the density parameter Ω. Using the Friedmann equation we may write the
curvature constant as � �2
a0 H0
k= (Ω0 − 1) . (4)
Present values will be written with a subscript 0.
Redshift is widely used as a measure of time through the relation 1 + z = a0 /a(τ )
where a0 = a(τ0 ) is the present value of the expansion scale factor. (Often one sets
a0 = 1 for convenience.) Likewise, the coordinate distance χ is implicitly a function of
redshift through the relation for a radial null geodesic,
� z� �−1
χ = c(τ0 − τ ) = c − dz . (5)
0 dτ
Redshift can therefore be used as a measure of distance and vice versa. These relations
are more complicated if one uses cosmic proper time t instead of conformal time.
Using the Friedmann equation to evaluate dz/dτ , we get the proper distance to
redshift z:
� z �−1/2
H0 dz �

c H0 ρ(z) 2
a0 χ(z) = d(z) , d(z) ≡ �
, = Ω0 + (1 − Ω0 )(1 + z) .
H0 0 H(z ) H(z) ρ0
If we normalize the expansion factor as usual, a0 = 1, then χ(z) is really the comoving
distance. The comoving distance happens to equal (up to a factor a0 ) the proper
distance at conformal time τ0 .
Let’s pause to ask what do we mean by proper distance in a nonstatic spacetime.
The meaning is the same as in special relativity. The proper distance is measured
between two spacetime events with the same τ . For equation (6), one of the events
is the observer today (τ = τ0 , χ = 0) and the other is elsewhere (radial coordinate
χ(z)), also today. It is the distance that one would measure if one could travel infinitely
fast and string a tape measure across the universe. Since we are not tachyons, such a
measurement is impossible. The proper distance is useful principally as an intermediate
step in theoretical calculations of the physically measurable distances to be discussed
The redshift-dependence of the density ρ(z) in equation (6) follows from the equation
of state p = p(ρ) and the equation of energy conservation,
3 �
ρ + pc−2 .

dρ/dz = (7)
Nonrelativistic matter (with p � ρc2 ) has ρm ∝ (1 + z)3 , radiation (with 3p = ρc2 ) has
ρr ∝ (1 + z)4 and vacuum energy (with p = −ρc2 ) has ρv ∝ (1 + z)0 . Other dependences
are possible for more exotic equations of state, e.g. quantum fields.

For small redshifts the Hubble expansion rate may be expanded in a power series,
yielding the standard result
d(z) = z − (1 + q0 )z 2 + O(z 3 ) . (8)
We have introduced the deceleration parameter
a (d2 a/dt2 )
� �
4πG � −2
� Ω 3p
q≡− = ρ + 3pc = 1+ 2 . (9)
(da/dt)2 3H 2 2 ρc
Note that if the universe is matter-dominated, q0 = Ω0 /2. However, there is no com­
pelling observational or theoretical reason to believe that |p| � ρc2 . Physical equations
of state can be constructed theoretically with −ρc2 ≤ p ≤ ρc2 .
At small redshifts (z � 1) the large-scale geometry of spacetime is fully specified
by three numbers, H0 , Ω0 and q0 . For this reason, observational cosmology through the
1960s was sometimes described as a search for three numbers. However, this is no longer
true as our cosmological models have become more complete and observations test them
to higher redshifts.
At large redshifts (as z → ∞) the proper distance approaches a constant provided
ρ(z) increases as least as rapidly as (1 + z)2 . This condition is equivalent to q > 0
(decelerated expansion). The limiting proper distance as z → ∞ is called the causal
(or particle) horizon distance. The actual universe may be far larger (either finite
or infinite) than the causal horizon distance but the latter in principle is the limiting
distance to which we can see today. If q ≥ 0, the causal horizon distance is approximately
c H0−1 multiplied by a numerical factor of order unity that scales inversely with q. For
k = 0 and q being a positive constant, the coefficient is exactly 1/q.
If q < 0 (accelerated expansion) at large z, the causal horizon distance is much larger
and may even be infinite. Inflationary universe models have this behavior.

3 Age-Hubble Parameter Relation

The simplest cosmological test relies on measurements made at low redshift � the age
of the universe (current proper time t0 measured by a fundamental observer) in units of
the Hubble time H0−1 . Using dτ = dt/a together with equations (5) and (6) we obtain
� z
H0 dz �
H0 [t0 − t(z)] = � �
. (10)
0 H(z ) 1 + z

For practically all equations of state in a Robertson-Walker universe, t0 is finite and

equation (10) converges as z → ∞. However, if the universe was dominated by vacuum
energy as z → ∞ (with q = −1), H(z) was a constant and the age diverges logarith­
mically. This behavior occurs in Linde’s eternal chaotic inflation model. However, this

result has no practical consequences for the astronomer, who cannot measure the total
age of the universe. Rather, astronomers at best can measure the ages of old stars and
galaxies, giving the proper time elapsed since the redshift of formation of these objects.
Therefore cosmological tests based on H0 t0 should be performed by truncating the inte­
< <
gral in equation (10) at some formation redshift, plausibly in the range 5 ∼ z∼ 100 for
the oldest objects.
For a Friedmann universe, i.e., a universe dominated by nonrelativistic matter so that
p � ρc2 , equation (10) may be evaluated analytically. For Ω0 = 1 (the Einstein-de Sitter
universe), H0 t0 = 2/3. For Ω0 < 1,
� �
1 Ω0 2 2 1/2
H0 t0 = − ln −1+ (1 − Ω0 ) for p = 0 and Ω0 < 1 .
(1 − Ω0 )1/2 2(1 − Ω0 )3/2 Ω0 Ω0
One may verify that for 0 ≤ Ω0 ≤ 1, 1 ≥ H0 t0 ≥ 2/3.
A formula similar to equation (11) holds for Ω0 > 1, with H0 t0 < 2/3. Thus, matter-
dominated universes have H0 t0 < 1. Adding the radiation that we know (the microwave
background radiation) decreases H0 t0 very slightly.
Historically, equation (11) has been a crucial test of cosmological theories and the
source of many newspaper articles declaring crisis in cosmology. Before the late 1940s,
the Hubble constant was estimated to be several times larger than it is now, and for a
time this was in clear conflict with the age of the Earth. This discrepancy gave impetus
to the steady-state theory, in which H0 t0 is unbounded. More recently, during the
1990s estimates of both H0 and t0 improved and there again seemed to be a significant
discrepancy with standard models.
This discrepancy has lessened, if not entirely disappeared, during the last two years.
To translate the test into more common units, we write
� �
h t0
H0 t0 = 1.023 (12)
10 Gyr

where H0 = 100 h km s−1 Mpc−1 and 1 Gyr=109 yr. The latest results of the Hubble
Space Telescope Cepheid Key Project indicate h = 0.71 ± 0.07 (Sakai et al. 1999, astro-
ph/9909269). The error bar is dominated by systematic errors, the largest of which
remains the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy containing
many Cepheid variables.
For a long time the ages of the oldest stars in our galaxy was thought to exceed 16
Gyr, which was a real embarrassment for matter-dominated models and especially the
simplest cold dark matter model (with Ωm = 1 which predicted H0 t0 = 2/3. However,
recently the distances to globular clusters in our galaxy were revised upwards based
indirectly on astrometric observations by the Hipparcos satellite. For a given measured
flux, this meant that the stars must be more luminous, hence younger. Chaboyer et al
(1998, ApJ 449, 96) now estimate the age of the oldest globular clusters as 11.5 ± 1.3

Gyr. Even if it took 1 Gyr before the globular clusters could form (and I suspect that is
an overestimate), H0 t0 ≈ 0.9 is now estimated to be less than unity. While this value is
still too high for the Einstein-de Sitter model, it is consistent with the currently favored
model, which has a cosmological constant.
Cosmological models with a cosmological constant plus nonrelativistic matter are
called Friedmann-Lemaitre models (for a review see Felten and Isaacman 1986; Rev. Mod.
Phys., 58, 689). A cosmological constant is equivalent to a vacuum energy density ρv =
Λ/(8πG). The general solution for H0 t0 in such a model requires numerical quadrature
of equation (10). However, in the special case of a flat (k = 0) universe, the solution
may be obtained in closed form:
� �
2 −1/2 1 + Ωv
H0 t0 = Ωv
ln 1/2
for Ωm + Ωv = 1 (k = 0) . (13)
3 Ωm

Here we have defined Ωm = 8πGρm /(3H 2 ) and Ωv = 8πGρv /(3H 2 ) = Λ/(3H 2 ). Present
values are implied although the subscript 0 is deleted for notational convenience. From
equation (13) we see that a model with a cosmological constant can have arbitrarily large
H0 t0 provided that Ωm � 1. This restriction can be relaxed in a universe with curvature.
For example, for Ωm = 0.2 (consistent with several determinations), H0 t0 → ∞ for
Ωv ≈ 1.5476.

4 Proper Motion Distance and Mattig Formula

Most cosmological tests rely, directly or indirectly, on the angular part of the Robertson-
Walker metric and not only on the radial part used above. Before introducing the other
standard cosmological tests, we introduce the proper motion distance to redshift z,
which makes use of the angular radius r(χ):
a0 r(z) = a0 r(χ(z)) = d(z) F (d(z)) ,
⎧ sin[d(Ω −1)1/2 ]
1/2 , Ω0 > 1 (k > 0) ;
r(χ) ⎨ d(Ω0 −1) 1/2

F (d) = = sinh[d(1−Ω 0 ) ]
, Ω0 < 1 (k < 0) ; (14)
χ ⎩
d(1−Ω0 )1/2

1, Ω0 = 1 (k = 0) .
The proper motion distance relates the transverse speed v⊥ (perpendicular to the radial
direction) and the angular speed dθ/dt0 (assuming dφ = 0) by v⊥ = a0 rdθ/dt0 . If the
angular and physical velocities of distant objects could be measured at z ∼ 1 (currently
there is no way to do this), then a powerful cosmological test could be performed by
observationally determining r(z).
In the general case the proper motion distance a0 r(z) is rather complicated and can
be evaluated only by using equation (14) with d(z) obtained by numerical quadrature of
equation (6). (For small z, eq. 6 gives the correct leading behavior for a0 H0 r/c.)

The proper motion distance simplifies for a Friedmann (matter-dominated) universe.
In this case one obtains a simple result known as the Mattig formula (Mattig 1958;
Astron. Nachr., 284, 109):
� �
a0 H0 2 � � �
r(z) = d(z)F (d(z)) = 2 (2 − Ω0 )(1 − 1 + Ω0 z ) + Ω0 z for p = 0 .
c Ω0 (1 + z)
Many of the discussions of distances in the cosmology literature implicitly assume a
Friedmann universe or a Friedmann-Lemaitre universe (one dominated by matter plus
a cosmological constant). (Unfortunately, analytical results for the proper motion dis­
tance exist only for the Friedmann models and not those with a cosmological constant.)
However, the modern view of physical cosmology is that almost arbitrary equations of
state may be possible, so that the cosmological proper motion distance-redshift relation
should not in general be restricted to equation (15).
Stated another way, measurement of r(z) is really a test of the equation of state
(implicit in ρ(z) in eq. 6) at least as much as it is a test of the geometry of spacetime.

5 Number Counts
Now consider the volume corresponding to a given range of coordinates. The proper
volume element at conformal time τ is dVol = a3 r2 (χ)dχdΩ, giving the differential
proper volume element
� �3 � �2
H0 dVol −3 H0 a0 H0 r H0 2
= (1 + z) = (1 + z)−3 d (z) F 2 (d(z)) . (16)
c dz dΩ H(z) c H(z)

The comoving volume element is dVc ≡ (1 + z)3 dVol.

The proper and comoving volume elements are useful for computing number densities
from redshift distributions. Suppose that there exists a homogeneous distribution of
objects with comoving number density nc (z), corresponding to a proper number density
(1 + z)3 nc (z) (nc is constant if the objects are conserved). Then the differential number
of objects per unit redshift and solid angle is
dN H0 2
= nc (z) d (z) F 2 (d(z)) . (17)
dz dΩ H(z)
If a population of objects such as galaxies were known to have constant comoving
number density and to be visible at all redshifts, measurement of dN/dz would pro­
vide a test of the cosmological model (the number-redshift test) through the dependence
of dN/dz on H0 /H(z). This test is complicated by the fact that the number density
of galaxies shows significant inhomogeneity on scales of Δz ∼ .05. In addition, acquir­

ing much leverage on cosmological parameters requires observations extending to z ∼ 1.

Many different kinds of objects have been proposed for this test, including galaxies,
quasars, radio galaxies, gravitational lenses, X-ray clusters, and Lyman alpha clouds.
Several difficulties have rendered this test difficult and inconclusive.
The biggest difficulty is that all known astronomical objects evolve with redshift. The
comoving number density is not constant. Indeed, number counts are now used more
to constrain the evolution of the source population more than to test the geometry of
the universe. A second problem is the practical difficulty of measuring redshifts for a
complete and well-defined sample of objects at high redshift. This difficulty has been
ameliorated in recent years with the advent of large telescopes such as Keck and the
development of powerful spectrophotometric redshift estimation methods for galaxies, as
well as large observational surveys conducted with Hubble Space Telescope and ground-
based instruments. As a result, number counts have become a useful tool for studying
galaxy (and other source) evolution.
To complete the discussion of number count tests, we derive the total comoving
volume to redshift z:
� χ(z) � �3 � �
3 2 � � 4π c 3 3 [1 − F (2d)]
Vc (z) = 4πa0 r (χ )dχ = d (z) . (18)
0 3 H0 2 (Ω0 − 1)d2
For Ω0 = 1 the factor in parentheses in equation (18) is 1. We noted earlier that d(z)
increases with decreasing q. Therefore, the total comoving volume is larger in models
with small q, e.g., models with vacuum energy.

6 Angular-Diameter Test
Next we define the angular-diameter distance:
a0 r(z) c d(z)F (d(z))
dA (z) = a r(z) = = . (19)
1+z H0 1+z
The angular-diameter distance is defined so that an object of proper size l at redshift
z subtends an angle θ = l/dA (z) (for θ2 � 1; for large angles trigonometric functions
If a population of objects of known proper size (�standard meter-sticks�) existed
throughout the universe, cosmological models could be tested using measurements of
dA (z). This is known as the angular diameter-redshift test.
Unfortunately, good meter-sticks are hard to find in cosmology. Gurvits et al (1999,
A&A, 342, 378) have used �compact radio sources� (typically, relativistic jets of plasma
emitting synchrotron radiation, powered by massive black holes in quasars and radio
galaxies) but they have not demonstrated rigorously that the objects should have the
same physical size. A better test will come from measurements of hot gas in clusters
of galaxies by combining X-ray emission with the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect (shadowing

of the microwave background). Birkinshaw (1999, Phys. Rep., 310, 97) gives a detailed
review. Finally, other possibilities have been proposed based on the clustering of quasar
absorption lines (Hui et al 1999, ApJ, 511, L5) or high-redshift galaxies (Nair 1999, ApJ,
522, 569). These methods are statistical and are based on comparing clustering in the
radial and transverse directions, following a suggestion by Alcock & Paczynski (1979,
Nature, 281, 358).
The cosmic microwave background anisotropy spectrum offers the cleanest version of
the angular diameter test, based on the acoustic horizon size (the distance sound waves
travel since the big bang) at the time of photon decoupling. This test will be discussed
later in the course.

7 Hubble Diagram
Astronomers measure fluxes (or magnitudes, i.e., logarithms of fluxes, if they are optical
astronomers) in addition to angular sizes. A radiation source of proper luminosity (i.e.,
power) L emitting isotropically at redshift z produces a flux at the observer

L (1 + z)−2 L
S= 2 2
≡ (20)
4πa0 r 4πd2L (z)

where we have defined the luminosity distance dL (z).

Flux is power per unit area. The proper area of the sphere surrounding the source
is 4πa20 r2 but the power is diminished by two powers of (1 + z): one for the redshifting
of energy and another for the diminished rate of arrival of the energy. Note that we are
implicitly assuming that the total flux is measured, i.e. the spectral flux integrated over
all energy (the bolometric flux). In practice this is usually not possible and a correction
must be applied for the redshifting of the spectral bandpass. (In optical astronomy this
is called the K-correction). From equation (20) we can express the luminosity distance
in terms of the angular-size and proper motion distances:
dL (z) = a0 r(z) (1 + z) = (1 + z)2 dA (z) = (1 + z) d(z) F (d(z)) . (21)
Sources of known proper luminosity (�standard candles�) would offer a test of cos­
mological models (the magnitude-redshift test) through measurement of dL (z). The
magnitude-redshift test was pioneered by Hubble; the plot of magnitude vs. redshift for
a sample of objects such as galaxies or quasars is known as the Hubble diagram.
The magnitude-redshift test has been a mainstay of observational cosmology for more
than four decades (e.g. Humason, Mayall, & Sandage 1956, AJ, 61, 97). It is basically
an extension to high redshift (‘high� means z > 0.5) of the methods used to estimate
the Hubble constant. The difficulty lies in finding standard candles. Most objects bright
enough to be visible at high redshift (e.g. galaxies, quasars, or, more recently, gamma ray

bursts) are not standard but evolve strongly in their properties as a function of cosmic
Recently, two groups have refined the use of Type Ia supernovae as standard candles
and have used them to measure the angular diameter-distance relation out to a redshift
about 1 (Garnavich et al 1998, ApJ, 509, 74; Perlmutter et al 1999, ApJ 517, 565). These
results are among the most exciting in cosmology during the last two years. They have
garnered widespread attention because of the implication for cosmic acceleration. We
will explore the evidence in detail in the lecture and in a problem set.

8 Number-Flux Test
As a last cosmological test, suppose that number counts of objects are measured as
a function of flux but not redshift. There are many cosmological objects for which
redshifts are difficulty to determine (e.g. very faint galaxies and gamma ray bursts). If an
object were a standard candle, then its flux would give the luminosity through equations
(20) and (21), modulo the uncertain cosmological model. If, however, the evolution of
comoving number density were known, then one could combine the angular-diameter and
number counts techniques to obtain the number-flux test, commonly known as N (S).
The number-flux test has been used for radio sources and gamma ray bursts, neither
of which are standard candles. An assumption must therefore be made about the lumi­
nosity distribution of the sources. Unfortunately, it is difficult to disentangle evolution of
the luminosity distribution from cosmological effects. Nonetheless, the test is sufficiently
clean for gamma-ray bursts so that N (S) gave strong evidence for a cosmological origin
(as did the isotropy on the sky) before the first redshifts were measured in 1997 (Metzger
et al 1997, Nature, 387, 878). At that point, the debate was over: classical gamma ray
bursts occur in high-redshift galaxies. However, their physics is still too poorly under­
stood to allow their use in precision cosmological tests. Hogg & Fruchter (1999, ApJ,
520, 54) have investigated the number-flux-redshift distribution of gamma-ray bursts.
They found that while the data do not significantly constrain the spacetime geometry,
they do constrain models for the evolution of the source population.


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