Rezoning Application
Rezoning Application
Rezoning Application
Rezoning/Conditional Zoning
It is the purpose of conditional zoning to provide a flexible and
adaptable zoning method to cope with situations whereby a zoning
classification may be allowed subject to certain conditions voluntarily
proffered by the petitioner for the protection of the community that
are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned.
Applicants must schedule a pre-application conference with the staff
prior to submittal of the rezoning/conditional zoning application
package. Staff may reject any application without a pre-application
conference. Please schedule a conference with staff by calling (434)
946-9303. Staff will review submitted applications to ensure all
required materials and information is provided. If the application is
not complete, the required information must be provided prior to
formal staff review and acceptance of the application.
A conditional rezoning application consists of three parts:
Examples of Conditions Proffered (R-2 to B-2)
a) Granting to the Virginia Department of Transportation
(VDOT) sufficient right-of-way for the construction of a
deceleration lane in the eastbound lane of Route 29.
b) Convey to the VDOT a 12’ additional right-of-way along
Route 29 for street widening.
c) Construction and maintenance of pathways to and from the
apartment dwellings lying to the west or rear of the subject
d) Acquiring and conveying to the Amherst County Service
Authority an easement for water and sewer utilities to
service the subject property.
e) Those usages which will be prohibited from being
established on the property as follows: hotels and motels,
auditorium, banquet hall, vocational schools and colleges,
funeral or undertaking establishment, movie theaters,
gymnasiums, health salons, outdoor restaurants, fast food
restaurants, auto service stations, rentals, veterinary
hospitals, auto rentals, trailer rentals, or commercial
recreation areas.
Rezoning/Conditional zoning applications, and
accompanying fees, are filed with the:
Department of Planning
P.O. Box 390
Amherst, VA. 24521
Applicant Name
Applicant Address City/Town State Zip
Applicant phone number Applicant fax number
Applicant E-Mail
You are the ( ) property owner; ( ) agent for the property owner.
If you are the agent for the property owner, do you have consent of the
owner attached? Please circle one: Yes/No
Property Owner Name
Property Owner Mailing Address City/Town State
Zip Code
Property owner telephone number Property owner fax number
Property owner E-Mail
Location of Property
Street Address Tax parcel ID
Check all categories that apply for the parcels requesting to be rezoned:
Public water _______ Private wells ________
Public sewer _______ On-site septic systems ______ Mass drainfield(s)
Current Zoning:
(please circle one)
Proposed Zoning:
(please circle one)
Describe how the proposed change will further the purposes of the Zoning
Ordinance and general welfare of the community.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Property Owner Signature Date Property Owner
Signature Date
_____________________________ _____________________________
Agent Signature Date Agent Signature
___________________________________________ _________________
Signature of Owner or Applicant / Print Name Date
Case No._____________________________________
Actions Taken:
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
County Official Receiving Application Date
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
Public Hearing fee received by Date
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
Application returned for correction/additional information Date
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
Amended application received by Date
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
Public Hearing advertised in Date(s)
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
Adjacent property owner(s) notified by mail Date
_________________________________________________ ______________________________
Action by Planning Commission Date
_________________________________________________ ______________________________ 10
Action by Board of Supervisors Date